1 | import { interfaces } from 'inversify';
2 | import { IIterator } from '@phosphor/algorithm';
3 | import { Widget, Message, SplitPanel, BaseWidget, SplitLayout, LayoutItem, PanelLayout, DockPanel } from './widgets';
4 | import { Event as CommonEvent, Emitter } from '../common/event';
5 | import { Disposable, DisposableCollection } from '../common/disposable';
6 | import { CommandRegistry } from '../common/command';
7 | import { MenuModelRegistry, MenuPath } from '../common/menu';
8 | import { ApplicationShell, StatefulWidget, SplitPositionHandler } from './shell';
9 | import { FrontendApplicationStateService } from './frontend-application-state';
10 | import { ContextMenuRenderer, Anchor } from './context-menu-renderer';
11 | import { TabBarToolbarRegistry, TabBarToolbarFactory, TabBarToolbar, TabBarDelegator, TabBarToolbarItem } from './shell/tab-bar-toolbar';
12 | import { WidgetManager } from './widget-manager';
13 | import { ProgressBarFactory } from './progress-bar-factory';
14 | import { IDragEvent } from '@phosphor/dragdrop';
15 | import { TabBarDecoratorService } from './shell/tab-bar-decorator';
16 | export interface ViewContainerTitleOptions {
17 | label: string;
18 | caption?: string;
19 | iconClass?: string;
20 | closeable?: boolean;
21 | }
22 | export declare class ViewContainerIdentifier {
23 | id: string;
24 | progressLocationId?: string;
25 | }
26 | export interface DescriptionWidget {
27 | description: string;
28 | onDidChangeDescription: CommonEvent<void>;
29 | }
30 | export interface BadgeWidget {
31 | badge?: number;
32 | onDidChangeBadge: CommonEvent<void>;
33 | }
34 | export declare namespace DescriptionWidget {
35 | function is(arg: unknown): arg is DescriptionWidget;
36 | }
37 | export declare namespace BadgeWidget {
38 | function is(arg: unknown): arg is BadgeWidget;
39 | }
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 | export declare class ViewContainer extends BaseWidget implements StatefulWidget, ApplicationShell.TrackableWidgetProvider, TabBarDelegator {
46 | protected panel: SplitPanel;
47 | protected currentPart: ViewContainerPart | undefined;
48 | |
49 |
50 |
51 | disableDNDBetweenContainers: boolean;
52 | protected readonly applicationStateService: FrontendApplicationStateService;
53 | protected readonly contextMenuRenderer: ContextMenuRenderer;
54 | protected readonly commandRegistry: CommandRegistry;
55 | protected readonly menuRegistry: MenuModelRegistry;
56 | protected readonly widgetManager: WidgetManager;
57 | protected readonly splitPositionHandler: SplitPositionHandler;
58 | readonly options: ViewContainerIdentifier;
59 | protected readonly toolbarRegistry: TabBarToolbarRegistry;
60 | protected readonly toolbarFactory: TabBarToolbarFactory;
61 | protected readonly onDidChangeTrackableWidgetsEmitter: Emitter<Widget[]>;
62 | readonly onDidChangeTrackableWidgets: CommonEvent<Widget[]>;
63 | protected readonly progressBarFactory: ProgressBarFactory;
64 | protected readonly shell: ApplicationShell;
65 | protected readonly decoratorService: TabBarDecoratorService;
66 | protected init(): void;
67 | protected configureLayout(layout: PanelLayout): void;
68 | protected readonly toDisposeOnCurrentPart: DisposableCollection;
69 | protected updateCurrentPart(part?: ViewContainerPart): void;
70 | protected updateSplitterVisibility(): void;
71 | protected titleOptions: ViewContainerTitleOptions | undefined;
72 | setTitleOptions(titleOptions: ViewContainerTitleOptions | undefined): void;
73 | protected readonly toDisposeOnUpdateTitle: DisposableCollection;
74 | protected _tabBarDelegate: Widget;
75 | updateTabBarDelegate(): void;
76 | getTabBarDelegate(): Widget | undefined;
77 | protected updateTitle(): void;
78 | protected updateToolbarItems(allParts: ViewContainerPart[]): void;
79 | protected getToggleVisibilityGroupLabel(): string;
80 | protected registerToolbarItem(commandId: string, options?: Partial<Omit<TabBarToolbarItem, 'id' | 'command'>>): void;
81 | protected findOriginalPart(): ViewContainerPart | undefined;
82 | protected isCurrentTitle(titleOptions: ViewContainerTitleOptions | undefined): boolean;
83 | protected findPartForAnchor(anchor: Anchor): ViewContainerPart | undefined;
84 | protected readonly toRemoveWidgets: Map<string, DisposableCollection>;
85 | protected createPartId(widget: Widget): string;
86 | addWidget(widget: Widget, options?: ViewContainer.Factory.WidgetOptions, originalContainerId?: string, originalContainerTitle?: ViewContainerTitleOptions): Disposable;
87 | protected attachNewPart(newPart: ViewContainerPart, insertIndex?: number): Disposable;
88 | protected createPart(widget: Widget, partId: string, originalContainerId: string, originalContainerTitle?: ViewContainerTitleOptions, options?: ViewContainer.Factory.WidgetOptions): ViewContainerPart;
89 | removeWidget(widget: Widget): boolean;
90 | getParts(): ViewContainerPart[];
91 | protected getPartIndex(partId: string | undefined): number;
92 | getPartFor(widget: Widget): ViewContainerPart | undefined;
93 | get containerLayout(): ViewContainerLayout;
94 | protected get orientation(): SplitLayout.Orientation;
95 | protected get enableAnimation(): boolean;
96 | protected lastVisibleState: ViewContainer.State | undefined;
97 | storeState(): ViewContainer.State;
98 | protected doStoreState(): ViewContainer.State;
99 | restoreState(state: ViewContainer.State): void;
100 | protected doRestoreState(state: ViewContainer.State): void;
101 | |
102 |
103 |
104 | protected registerPart(toRegister: ViewContainerPart): void;
105 | |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 | protected refreshMenu(part: ViewContainerPart): void;
110 | protected unregisterPart(part: ViewContainerPart): void;
111 | protected get contextMenuPath(): MenuPath;
112 | protected toggleVisibilityCommandId(part: ViewContainerPart): string;
113 | protected get globalHideCommandId(): string;
114 | protected moveBefore(toMovedId: string, moveBeforeThisId: string): void;
115 | getTrackableWidgets(): Widget[];
116 | protected fireDidChangeTrackableWidgets(): void;
117 | activateWidget(id: string): Widget | undefined;
118 | revealWidget(id: string): Widget | undefined;
119 | protected revealPart(id: string): ViewContainerPart | undefined;
120 | protected onActivateRequest(msg: Message): void;
121 | protected onAfterAttach(msg: Message): void;
122 | protected onBeforeHide(msg: Message): void;
123 | protected onAfterShow(msg: Message): void;
124 | protected onBeforeAttach(msg: Message): void;
125 | protected onAfterDetach(msg: Message): void;
126 | handleEvent(event: Event): void;
127 | handleDragEnter(event: IDragEvent): void;
128 | toDisposeOnDragEnd: DisposableCollection;
129 | handleDragOver(event: IDragEvent): void;
130 | handleDragLeave(event: IDragEvent): void;
131 | handleDrop(event: IDragEvent): void;
132 | protected registerDND(part: ViewContainerPart): Disposable;
133 | protected getDockPanel(): DockPanel | undefined;
134 | protected isSideDockPanel(widget: Widget): boolean;
135 | }
136 | export declare namespace ViewContainer {
137 | const Factory: unique symbol;
138 | interface Factory {
139 | (options: ViewContainerIdentifier): ViewContainer;
140 | }
141 | namespace Factory {
142 | interface WidgetOptions {
143 | readonly order?: number;
144 | readonly weight?: number;
145 | readonly initiallyCollapsed?: boolean;
146 | readonly canHide?: boolean;
147 | readonly initiallyHidden?: boolean;
148 | |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 | readonly disableDraggingToOtherContainers?: boolean;
154 | }
155 | interface WidgetDescriptor {
156 | readonly widget: Widget | interfaces.ServiceIdentifier<Widget>;
157 | readonly options?: WidgetOptions;
158 | }
159 | }
160 | interface State {
161 | title?: ViewContainerTitleOptions;
162 | parts: ViewContainerPart.State[];
163 | }
164 | function getOrientation(node: HTMLElement): 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
165 | }
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 | export declare class ViewContainerPart extends BaseWidget {
171 | readonly wrapped: Widget;
172 | readonly partId: string;
173 | protected currentContainerId: string;
174 | readonly originalContainerId: string;
175 | readonly originalContainerTitle: ViewContainerTitleOptions | undefined;
176 | protected readonly toolbarRegistry: TabBarToolbarRegistry;
177 | protected readonly toolbarFactory: TabBarToolbarFactory;
178 | readonly options: ViewContainer.Factory.WidgetOptions;
179 | protected readonly header: HTMLElement;
180 | protected readonly body: HTMLElement;
181 | protected readonly collapsedEmitter: Emitter<boolean>;
182 | protected readonly contextMenuEmitter: Emitter<MouseEvent>;
183 | protected readonly onTitleChangedEmitter: Emitter<void>;
184 | readonly onTitleChanged: CommonEvent<void>;
185 | protected readonly onDidFocusEmitter: Emitter<this>;
186 | readonly onDidFocus: CommonEvent<this>;
187 | protected readonly onPartMovedEmitter: Emitter<ViewContainer>;
188 | readonly onDidMove: CommonEvent<ViewContainer>;
189 | protected readonly onDidChangeDescriptionEmitter: Emitter<void>;
190 | readonly onDidChangeDescription: CommonEvent<void>;
191 | protected readonly onDidChangeBadgeEmitter: Emitter<void>;
192 | readonly onDidChangeBadge: CommonEvent<void>;
193 | protected readonly toolbar: TabBarToolbar;
194 | protected _collapsed: boolean;
195 | uncollapsedSize: number | undefined;
196 | animatedSize: number | undefined;
197 | protected readonly toNoDisposeWrapped: Disposable;
198 | constructor(wrapped: Widget, partId: string, currentContainerId: string, originalContainerId: string, originalContainerTitle: ViewContainerTitleOptions | undefined, toolbarRegistry: TabBarToolbarRegistry, toolbarFactory: TabBarToolbarFactory, options?: ViewContainer.Factory.WidgetOptions);
199 | get viewContainer(): ViewContainer | undefined;
200 | get currentViewContainerId(): string;
201 | get headerElement(): HTMLElement;
202 | get collapsed(): boolean;
203 | set collapsed(collapsed: boolean);
204 | onPartMoved(newContainer: ViewContainer): void;
205 | setHidden(hidden: boolean): void;
206 | get canHide(): boolean;
207 | get onCollapsed(): CommonEvent<boolean>;
208 | get onContextMenu(): CommonEvent<MouseEvent>;
209 | get minSize(): number;
210 | protected readonly toShowHeader: DisposableCollection;
211 | showTitle(): void;
212 | hideTitle(): void;
213 | get titleHidden(): boolean;
214 | protected getScrollContainer(): HTMLElement;
215 | protected registerContextMenu(): Disposable;
216 | protected createContent(): {
217 | header: HTMLElement;
218 | body: HTMLElement;
219 | disposable: Disposable;
220 | };
221 | protected createHeader(): {
222 | header: HTMLElement;
223 | disposable: Disposable;
224 | };
225 | protected onResize(msg: Widget.ResizeMessage): void;
226 | protected onUpdateRequest(msg: Message): void;
227 | protected onAfterAttach(msg: Message): void;
228 | protected onBeforeDetach(msg: Message): void;
229 | protected onBeforeShow(msg: Message): void;
230 | protected onAfterShow(msg: Message): void;
231 | protected onBeforeHide(msg: Message): void;
232 | protected onAfterHide(msg: Message): void;
233 | protected onChildRemoved(msg: Widget.ChildMessage): void;
234 | protected onActivateRequest(msg: Message): void;
235 | }
236 | export declare namespace ViewContainerPart {
237 | |
238 |
239 |
240 | const HEADER_HEIGHT = 22;
241 | interface State {
242 | widget?: Widget;
243 | partId: string;
244 | collapsed: boolean;
245 | hidden: boolean;
246 | relativeSize?: number;
247 | description?: string;
248 |
249 | originalContainerId: string;
250 | originalContainerTitle?: ViewContainerTitleOptions;
251 | }
252 | function closestPart(element: Element | EventTarget | null, selector?: string): Element | undefined;
253 | }
254 | export declare class ViewContainerLayout extends SplitLayout {
255 | protected options: ViewContainerLayout.Options;
256 | protected readonly splitPositionHandler: SplitPositionHandler;
257 | constructor(options: ViewContainerLayout.Options, splitPositionHandler: SplitPositionHandler);
258 | protected get items(): ReadonlyArray<LayoutItem & ViewContainerLayout.Item>;
259 | iter(): IIterator<ViewContainerPart>;
260 | get widgets(): ViewContainerPart[];
261 | attachWidget(index: number, widget: ViewContainerPart): void;
262 | getPartSize(part: ViewContainerPart): number | undefined;
263 | /**
264 | * Set the sizes of the view container parts according to the given weights
265 | * by moving the split handles. This is similar to `setRelativeSizes` defined
266 | * in `SplitLayout`, but here we properly consider the collapsed / expanded state.
267 | */
268 | setPartSizes(weights: (number | undefined)[]): void;
269 | /**
270 | * Determine the size of the split panel area that is available for widget content,
271 | * i.e. excluding part headers and split handles.
272 | */
273 | getAvailableSize(): number;
274 | /**
275 | * Update a view container part that has been collapsed or expanded. The transition
276 | * to the new state is animated.
277 | */
278 | updateCollapsed(part: ViewContainerPart, enableAnimation: boolean): void;
279 | updateSashes(): void;
280 | protected getFirstUncollapsedWidgetIndex(): number | undefined;
281 | protected getLastUncollapsedWidgetIndex(): number | undefined;
282 | protected onFitRequest(msg: Message): void;
283 | /**
284 | * Sinusoidal tween function for smooth animation.
285 | */
286 | protected tween(t: number): number;
287 | setHandlePosition(index: number, position: number): Promise<void>;
288 | }
289 | export declare namespace ViewContainerLayout {
290 | interface Options extends SplitLayout.IOptions {
291 | headerSize: number;
292 | animationDuration: number;
293 | }
294 | interface Item {
295 | readonly widget: ViewContainerPart;
296 | }
297 | }
298 |
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