1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 | var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
18 | var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
19 | if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
20 | else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
21 | return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
22 | };
23 | var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
24 | if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
25 | };
26 | var __param = (this && this.__param) || function (paramIndex, decorator) {
27 | return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }
28 | };
29 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
30 | exports.CommonFrontendContribution = exports.RECENT_COMMANDS_STORAGE_KEY = exports.supportPaste = exports.supportCopy = exports.supportCut = exports.CommonCommands = exports.CommonMenus = void 0;
31 |
32 | const debounce = require("lodash.debounce");
33 | const inversify_1 = require("inversify");
34 | const menu_1 = require("../common/menu");
35 | const command_1 = require("../common/command");
36 | const uri_command_handler_1 = require("../common/uri-command-handler");
37 | const selection_service_1 = require("../common/selection-service");
38 | const message_service_1 = require("../common/message-service");
39 | const opener_service_1 = require("../browser/opener-service");
40 | const application_shell_1 = require("./shell/application-shell");
41 | const tab_bars_1 = require("./shell/tab-bars");
42 | const about_dialog_1 = require("./about-dialog");
43 | const browser = require("./browser");
44 | const uri_1 = require("../common/uri");
45 | const context_key_service_1 = require("./context-key-service");
46 | const os_1 = require("../common/os");
47 | const resource_context_key_1 = require("./resource-context-key");
48 | const selection_1 = require("../common/selection");
49 | const storage_service_1 = require("./storage-service");
50 | const navigatable_1 = require("./navigatable");
51 | const quick_view_service_1 = require("./quick-input/quick-view-service");
52 | const environment_1 = require("@theia/application-package/lib/environment");
53 | const icon_theme_service_1 = require("./icon-theme-service");
54 | const color_1 = require("../common/color");
55 | const core_preferences_1 = require("./core-preferences");
56 | const theming_1 = require("./theming");
57 | const preferences_1 = require("./preferences");
58 | const clipboard_service_1 = require("./clipboard-service");
59 | const encoding_registry_1 = require("./encoding-registry");
60 | const encodings_1 = require("../common/encodings");
61 | const env_variables_1 = require("../common/env-variables");
62 | const authentication_service_1 = require("./authentication-service");
63 | const saveable_1 = require("./saveable");
64 | const quick_input_1 = require("./quick-input");
65 | const localization_1 = require("../common/i18n/localization");
66 | const nls_1 = require("../common/nls");
67 | const current_widget_command_adapter_1 = require("./shell/current-widget-command-adapter");
68 | const dialogs_1 = require("./dialogs");
69 | const window_service_1 = require("./window/window-service");
70 | const frontend_application_config_provider_1 = require("./frontend-application-config-provider");
71 | const decoration_style_1 = require("./decoration-style");
72 | const widgets_1 = require("./widgets");
73 | const save_resource_service_1 = require("./save-resource-service");
74 | const user_working_directory_provider_1 = require("./user-working-directory-provider");
75 | const common_1 = require("../common");
76 | const language_quick_pick_service_1 = require("./i18n/language-quick-pick-service");
77 | var CommonMenus;
78 | (function (CommonMenus) {
79 | CommonMenus.FILE = [...menu_1.MAIN_MENU_BAR, '1_file'];
80 | CommonMenus.FILE_NEW_TEXT = [...CommonMenus.FILE, '1_new_text'];
81 | CommonMenus.FILE_NEW = [...CommonMenus.FILE, '1_new'];
82 | CommonMenus.FILE_OPEN = [...CommonMenus.FILE, '2_open'];
83 | CommonMenus.FILE_SAVE = [...CommonMenus.FILE, '3_save'];
84 | CommonMenus.FILE_AUTOSAVE = [...CommonMenus.FILE, '4_autosave'];
85 | CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS = [...CommonMenus.FILE, '5_settings'];
86 | CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU = [...CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS, '1_settings_submenu'];
87 | CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU_OPEN = [...CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU, '1_settings_submenu_open'];
88 | CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU_THEME = [...CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU, '2_settings_submenu_theme'];
89 | CommonMenus.FILE_CLOSE = [...CommonMenus.FILE, '6_close'];
90 | CommonMenus.FILE_NEW_CONTRIBUTIONS = 'file/newFile';
91 | CommonMenus.EDIT = [...menu_1.MAIN_MENU_BAR, '2_edit'];
92 | CommonMenus.EDIT_UNDO = [...CommonMenus.EDIT, '1_undo'];
93 | CommonMenus.EDIT_CLIPBOARD = [...CommonMenus.EDIT, '2_clipboard'];
94 | CommonMenus.EDIT_FIND = [...CommonMenus.EDIT, '3_find'];
95 | CommonMenus.VIEW = [...menu_1.MAIN_MENU_BAR, '4_view'];
96 | CommonMenus.VIEW_PRIMARY = [...CommonMenus.VIEW, '0_primary'];
97 | CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE = [...CommonMenus.VIEW, '1_appearance'];
98 | CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU = [...CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE, '1_appearance_submenu'];
99 | CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_SCREEN = [...CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU, '2_appearance_submenu_screen'];
100 | CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_BAR = [...CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU, '3_appearance_submenu_bar'];
101 | CommonMenus.VIEW_EDITOR_SUBMENU = [...CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE, '2_editor_submenu'];
102 | CommonMenus.VIEW_EDITOR_SUBMENU_SPLIT = [...CommonMenus.VIEW_EDITOR_SUBMENU, '1_editor_submenu_split'];
103 | CommonMenus.VIEW_EDITOR_SUBMENU_ORTHO = [...CommonMenus.VIEW_EDITOR_SUBMENU, '2_editor_submenu_ortho'];
104 | CommonMenus.VIEW_VIEWS = [...CommonMenus.VIEW, '2_views'];
105 | CommonMenus.VIEW_LAYOUT = [...CommonMenus.VIEW, '3_layout'];
106 | CommonMenus.VIEW_TOGGLE = [...CommonMenus.VIEW, '4_toggle'];
107 | CommonMenus.MANAGE_GENERAL = [...menu_1.MANAGE_MENU, '1_manage_general'];
108 | CommonMenus.MANAGE_SETTINGS = [...menu_1.MANAGE_MENU, '2_manage_settings'];
109 | CommonMenus.MANAGE_SETTINGS_THEMES = [...CommonMenus.MANAGE_SETTINGS, '1_manage_settings_themes'];
110 |
111 | CommonMenus.HELP = [...menu_1.MAIN_MENU_BAR, '9_help'];
112 | })(CommonMenus = exports.CommonMenus || (exports.CommonMenus = {}));
113 | var CommonCommands;
114 | (function (CommonCommands) {
115 | CommonCommands.FILE_CATEGORY = 'File';
116 | CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY = 'View';
117 | CommonCommands.CREATE_CATEGORY = 'Create';
118 | CommonCommands.PREFERENCES_CATEGORY = 'Preferences';
119 | CommonCommands.MANAGE_CATEGORY = 'Manage';
120 | CommonCommands.FILE_CATEGORY_KEY = nls_1.nls.getDefaultKey(CommonCommands.FILE_CATEGORY);
121 | CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY = nls_1.nls.getDefaultKey(CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY);
122 | CommonCommands.PREFERENCES_CATEGORY_KEY = nls_1.nls.getDefaultKey(CommonCommands.PREFERENCES_CATEGORY);
123 | CommonCommands.OPEN = {
124 | id: 'core.open',
125 | };
126 | CommonCommands.CUT = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
127 | id: 'core.cut',
128 | label: 'Cut'
129 | });
130 | CommonCommands.COPY = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
131 | id: 'core.copy',
132 | label: 'Copy'
133 | });
134 | CommonCommands.PASTE = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
135 | id: 'core.paste',
136 | label: 'Paste'
137 | });
138 | CommonCommands.COPY_PATH = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
139 | id: 'core.copy.path',
140 | label: 'Copy Path'
141 | });
142 | CommonCommands.UNDO = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
143 | id: 'core.undo',
144 | label: 'Undo'
145 | });
146 | CommonCommands.REDO = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
147 | id: 'core.redo',
148 | label: 'Redo'
149 | });
150 | CommonCommands.SELECT_ALL = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
151 | id: 'core.selectAll',
152 | label: 'Select All'
153 | });
154 | CommonCommands.FIND = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
155 | id: 'core.find',
156 | label: 'Find'
157 | });
158 | CommonCommands.REPLACE = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
159 | id: 'core.replace',
160 | label: 'Replace'
161 | });
162 | CommonCommands.NEXT_TAB = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
163 | id: 'core.nextTab',
164 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
165 | label: 'Show Next Tab'
166 | });
167 | CommonCommands.PREVIOUS_TAB = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
168 | id: 'core.previousTab',
169 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
170 | label: 'Show Previous Tab'
171 | });
172 | CommonCommands.NEXT_TAB_IN_GROUP = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
173 | id: 'core.nextTabInGroup',
174 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
175 | label: 'Switch to Next Tab in Group'
176 | }, 'theia/core/common/showNextTabInGroup', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
177 | CommonCommands.PREVIOUS_TAB_IN_GROUP = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
178 | id: 'core.previousTabInGroup',
179 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
180 | label: 'Switch to Previous Tab in Group'
181 | }, 'theia/core/common/showPreviousTabInGroup', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
182 | CommonCommands.NEXT_TAB_GROUP = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
183 | id: 'core.nextTabGroup',
184 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
185 | label: 'Switch to Next Tab Group'
186 | }, 'theia/core/common/showNextTabGroup', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
187 | CommonCommands.PREVIOUS_TAB_GROUP = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
188 | id: 'core.previousTabBar',
189 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
190 | label: 'Switch to Previous Tab Group'
191 | }, 'theia/core/common/showPreviousTabGroup', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
192 | CommonCommands.CLOSE_TAB = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
193 | id: 'core.close.tab',
194 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
195 | label: 'Close Tab'
196 | }, 'theia/core/common/closeTab', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
197 | CommonCommands.CLOSE_OTHER_TABS = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
198 | id: 'core.close.other.tabs',
199 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
200 | label: 'Close Other Tabs'
201 | }, 'theia/core/common/closeOthers', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
202 | CommonCommands.CLOSE_SAVED_TABS = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
203 | id: 'workbench.action.closeUnmodifiedEditors',
204 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
205 | label: 'Close Saved Editors in Group',
206 | });
207 | CommonCommands.CLOSE_RIGHT_TABS = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
208 | id: 'core.close.right.tabs',
209 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
210 | label: 'Close Tabs to the Right'
211 | }, 'theia/core/common/closeRight', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
212 | CommonCommands.CLOSE_ALL_TABS = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
213 | id: 'core.close.all.tabs',
214 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
215 | label: 'Close All Tabs'
216 | }, 'theia/core/common/closeAll', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
217 | CommonCommands.CLOSE_MAIN_TAB = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
218 | id: 'core.close.main.tab',
219 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
220 | label: 'Close Tab in Main Area'
221 | }, 'theia/core/common/closeTabMain', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
222 | CommonCommands.CLOSE_OTHER_MAIN_TABS = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
223 | id: 'core.close.other.main.tabs',
224 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
225 | label: 'Close Other Tabs in Main Area'
226 | }, 'theia/core/common/closeOtherTabMain', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
227 | CommonCommands.CLOSE_ALL_MAIN_TABS = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
228 | id: 'core.close.all.main.tabs',
229 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
230 | label: 'Close All Tabs in Main Area'
231 | }, 'theia/core/common/closeAllTabMain', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
232 | CommonCommands.COLLAPSE_PANEL = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
233 | id: 'core.collapse.tab',
234 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
235 | label: 'Collapse Side Panel'
236 | }, 'theia/core/common/collapseTab', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
237 | CommonCommands.COLLAPSE_ALL_PANELS = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
238 | id: 'core.collapse.all.tabs',
239 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
240 | label: 'Collapse All Side Panels'
241 | }, 'theia/core/common/collapseAllTabs', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
242 | CommonCommands.TOGGLE_BOTTOM_PANEL = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
243 | id: 'core.toggle.bottom.panel',
244 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
245 | label: 'Toggle Bottom Panel'
246 | }, 'theia/core/common/collapseBottomPanel', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
247 | CommonCommands.TOGGLE_STATUS_BAR = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
248 | id: 'workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility',
249 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
250 | label: 'Toggle Status Bar Visibility'
251 | });
252 | CommonCommands.PIN_TAB = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
253 | id: 'workbench.action.pinEditor',
254 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
255 | label: 'Pin Editor'
256 | });
257 | CommonCommands.UNPIN_TAB = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
258 | id: 'workbench.action.unpinEditor',
259 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
260 | label: 'Unpin Editor'
261 | });
262 | CommonCommands.TOGGLE_MAXIMIZED = command_1.Command.toLocalizedCommand({
263 | id: 'core.toggleMaximized',
264 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
265 | label: 'Toggle Maximized'
266 | }, 'theia/core/common/toggleMaximized', CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY);
267 | CommonCommands.OPEN_VIEW = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
268 | id: 'core.openView',
269 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
270 | label: 'Open View...'
271 | });
272 | CommonCommands.SHOW_MENU_BAR = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
273 | id: 'window.menuBarVisibility',
274 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
275 | label: 'Toggle Menu Bar'
276 | });
277 | CommonCommands.NEW_UNTITLED_TEXT_FILE = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
278 | id: 'workbench.action.files.newUntitledTextFile',
279 | category: CommonCommands.FILE_CATEGORY,
280 | label: 'New Untitled Text File'
281 | });
282 | CommonCommands.NEW_UNTITLED_FILE = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
283 | id: 'workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile',
284 | category: CommonCommands.CREATE_CATEGORY,
285 | label: 'New File...'
286 | });
287 | CommonCommands.SAVE = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
288 | id: 'core.save',
289 | category: CommonCommands.FILE_CATEGORY,
290 | label: 'Save',
291 | });
292 | CommonCommands.SAVE_AS = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
293 | id: 'file.saveAs',
294 | category: CommonCommands.FILE_CATEGORY,
295 | label: 'Save As...',
296 | });
297 | CommonCommands.SAVE_WITHOUT_FORMATTING = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
298 | id: 'core.saveWithoutFormatting',
299 | category: CommonCommands.FILE_CATEGORY,
300 | label: 'Save without Formatting',
301 | });
302 | CommonCommands.SAVE_ALL = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
303 | id: 'core.saveAll',
304 | category: CommonCommands.FILE_CATEGORY,
305 | label: 'Save All',
306 | });
307 | CommonCommands.AUTO_SAVE = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
308 | id: 'textEditor.commands.autosave',
309 | category: CommonCommands.FILE_CATEGORY,
310 | label: 'Auto Save',
311 | });
312 | CommonCommands.ABOUT_COMMAND = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
313 | id: 'core.about',
314 | label: 'About'
315 | });
316 | CommonCommands.OPEN_PREFERENCES = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
317 | id: 'preferences:open',
318 | category: CommonCommands.PREFERENCES_CATEGORY,
319 | label: 'Open Settings (UI)',
320 | });
321 | CommonCommands.SELECT_COLOR_THEME = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
322 | id: 'workbench.action.selectTheme',
323 | label: 'Color Theme',
324 | category: CommonCommands.PREFERENCES_CATEGORY
325 | });
326 | CommonCommands.SELECT_ICON_THEME = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
327 | id: 'workbench.action.selectIconTheme',
328 | label: 'File Icon Theme',
329 | category: CommonCommands.PREFERENCES_CATEGORY
330 | });
331 | CommonCommands.CONFIGURE_DISPLAY_LANGUAGE = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
332 | id: 'workbench.action.configureLanguage',
333 | label: 'Configure Display Language'
334 | });
335 | CommonCommands.TOGGLE_BREADCRUMBS = command_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
336 | id: 'breadcrumbs.toggle',
337 | label: 'Toggle Breadcrumbs',
338 | category: CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY
339 | });
340 | })(CommonCommands = exports.CommonCommands || (exports.CommonCommands = {}));
341 | exports.supportCut = browser.isNative || document.queryCommandSupported('cut');
342 | exports.supportCopy = browser.isNative || document.queryCommandSupported('copy');
343 |
344 |
345 |
346 | exports.supportPaste = browser.isNative || (!browser.isChrome && document.queryCommandSupported('paste'));
347 | exports.RECENT_COMMANDS_STORAGE_KEY = 'commands';
348 | let CommonFrontendContribution = class CommonFrontendContribution {
349 | constructor(shell, selectionService, messageService, openerService, aboutDialog, localizationProvider, saveResourceService) {
350 | this.shell = shell;
351 | this.selectionService = selectionService;
352 | this.messageService = messageService;
353 | this.openerService = openerService;
354 | this.aboutDialog = aboutDialog;
355 | this.localizationProvider = localizationProvider;
356 | this.saveResourceService = saveResourceService;
357 | this.commonDecorationsStyleSheet = decoration_style_1.DecorationStyle.createStyleSheet('coreCommonDecorationsStyle');
358 | this.shouldPreventClose = false;
359 | }
360 | async configure(app) {
361 |
362 | const configDirUri = await this.environments.getConfigDirUri();
363 |
364 | this.encodingRegistry.registerOverride({
365 | encoding: encodings_1.UTF8,
366 | parent: new uri_1.default(configDirUri)
367 | });
368 | this.contextKeyService.createKey('isLinux', os_1.OS.type() === os_1.OS.Type.Linux);
369 | this.contextKeyService.createKey('isMac', os_1.OS.type() === os_1.OS.Type.OSX);
370 | this.contextKeyService.createKey('isWindows', os_1.OS.type() === os_1.OS.Type.Windows);
371 | this.contextKeyService.createKey('isWeb', !this.isElectron());
372 | this.pinnedKey = this.contextKeyService.createKey('activeEditorIsPinned', false);
373 | this.updatePinnedKey();
374 | this.shell.onDidChangeActiveWidget(() => this.updatePinnedKey());
375 | this.initResourceContextKeys();
376 | this.registerCtrlWHandling();
377 | this.updateStyles();
378 | this.preferences.ready.then(() => this.setSashProperties());
379 | this.preferences.onPreferenceChanged(e => this.handlePreferenceChange(e, app));
380 | app.shell.leftPanelHandler.addBottomMenu({
381 | id: 'settings-menu',
382 | iconClass: 'codicon codicon-settings-gear',
383 | title: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault(CommonCommands.MANAGE_CATEGORY),
384 | menuPath: menu_1.MANAGE_MENU,
385 | order: 1,
386 | });
387 | const accountsMenu = {
388 | id: 'accounts-menu',
389 | iconClass: 'codicon codicon-person',
390 | title: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Accounts'),
391 | menuPath: menu_1.ACCOUNTS_MENU,
392 | order: 0,
393 | };
394 | this.authenticationService.onDidRegisterAuthenticationProvider(() => {
395 | app.shell.leftPanelHandler.addBottomMenu(accountsMenu);
396 | });
397 | this.authenticationService.onDidUnregisterAuthenticationProvider(() => {
398 | if (this.authenticationService.getProviderIds().length === 0) {
399 | app.shell.leftPanelHandler.removeBottomMenu(accountsMenu.id);
400 | }
401 | });
402 | }
403 | updateStyles() {
404 | document.body.classList.remove('theia-editor-highlightModifiedTabs');
405 | if (this.preferences['workbench.editor.highlightModifiedTabs']) {
406 | document.body.classList.add('theia-editor-highlightModifiedTabs');
407 | }
408 | }
409 | updatePinnedKey() {
410 | const activeTab = this.shell.findTabBar();
411 | const pinningTarget = activeTab && this.shell.findTitle(activeTab);
412 | const value = pinningTarget && (0, widgets_1.isPinned)(pinningTarget);
413 | this.pinnedKey.set(value);
414 | }
415 | handlePreferenceChange(e, app) {
416 | switch (e.preferenceName) {
417 | case 'workbench.editor.highlightModifiedTabs': {
418 | this.updateStyles();
419 | break;
420 | }
421 | case 'window.menuBarVisibility': {
422 | const { newValue } = e;
423 | const mainMenuId = 'main-menu';
424 | if (newValue === 'compact') {
425 | this.shell.leftPanelHandler.addTopMenu({
426 | id: mainMenuId,
427 | iconClass: 'codicon codicon-menu',
428 | title: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Application Menu'),
429 | menuPath: menu_1.MAIN_MENU_BAR,
430 | order: 0,
431 | });
432 | }
433 | else {
434 | app.shell.leftPanelHandler.removeTopMenu(mainMenuId);
435 | }
436 | break;
437 | }
438 | case 'workbench.sash.hoverDelay':
439 | case 'workbench.sash.size': {
440 | this.setSashProperties();
441 | break;
442 | }
443 | }
444 | }
445 | setSashProperties() {
446 | const sashRule = `:root {
447 | --theia-sash-hoverDelay: ${this.preferences['workbench.sash.hoverDelay']}ms;
448 | --theia-sash-width: ${this.preferences['workbench.sash.size']}px;
449 | }`;
450 | decoration_style_1.DecorationStyle.deleteStyleRule(':root', this.commonDecorationsStyleSheet);
451 | this.commonDecorationsStyleSheet.insertRule(sashRule);
452 | }
453 | onStart() {
454 | this.storageService.getData(exports.RECENT_COMMANDS_STORAGE_KEY, { recent: [] })
455 | .then(tasks => this.commandRegistry.recent = tasks.recent);
456 | }
457 | onStop() {
458 | const recent = this.commandRegistry.recent;
459 | this.storageService.setData(exports.RECENT_COMMANDS_STORAGE_KEY, { recent });
460 | window.localStorage.setItem(icon_theme_service_1.IconThemeService.STORAGE_KEY, this.iconThemes.current);
461 | window.localStorage.setItem(theming_1.ThemeService.STORAGE_KEY, this.themeService.getCurrentTheme().id);
462 | }
463 | initResourceContextKeys() {
464 | const updateContextKeys = () => {
465 | const selection = this.selectionService.selection;
466 | const resourceUri = navigatable_1.Navigatable.is(selection) && selection.getResourceUri() || selection_1.UriSelection.getUri(selection);
467 | this.resourceContextKey.set(resourceUri);
468 | };
469 | updateContextKeys();
470 | this.selectionService.onSelectionChanged(updateContextKeys);
471 | }
472 | registerMenus(registry) {
473 | registry.registerSubmenu(CommonMenus.FILE, nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('File'));
474 | registry.registerSubmenu(CommonMenus.EDIT, nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Edit'));
475 | registry.registerSubmenu(CommonMenus.VIEW, nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('View'));
476 | registry.registerSubmenu(CommonMenus.HELP, nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Help'));
477 |
478 | registry.registerIndependentSubmenu(CommonMenus.FILE_NEW_CONTRIBUTIONS, nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('New File...'));
479 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.FILE_SAVE, {
480 | commandId: CommonCommands.SAVE.id
481 | });
482 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.FILE_SAVE, {
483 | commandId: CommonCommands.SAVE_ALL.id
484 | });
485 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.FILE_AUTOSAVE, {
486 | commandId: CommonCommands.AUTO_SAVE.id
487 | });
488 | registry.registerSubmenu(CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU, nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault(CommonCommands.PREFERENCES_CATEGORY));
489 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.EDIT_UNDO, {
490 | commandId: CommonCommands.UNDO.id,
491 | order: '0'
492 | });
493 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.EDIT_UNDO, {
494 | commandId: CommonCommands.REDO.id,
495 | order: '1'
496 | });
497 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.EDIT_FIND, {
498 | commandId: CommonCommands.FIND.id,
499 | order: '0'
500 | });
501 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.EDIT_FIND, {
502 | commandId: CommonCommands.REPLACE.id,
503 | order: '1'
504 | });
505 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.EDIT_CLIPBOARD, {
506 | commandId: CommonCommands.CUT.id,
507 | order: '0'
508 | });
509 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.EDIT_CLIPBOARD, {
510 | commandId: CommonCommands.COPY.id,
511 | order: '1'
512 | });
513 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.EDIT_CLIPBOARD, {
514 | commandId: CommonCommands.PASTE.id,
515 | order: '2'
516 | });
517 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.EDIT_CLIPBOARD, {
518 | commandId: CommonCommands.COPY_PATH.id,
519 | order: '3'
520 | });
521 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_BAR, {
522 | commandId: CommonCommands.TOGGLE_BOTTOM_PANEL.id,
523 | order: '1'
524 | });
525 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_BAR, {
526 | commandId: CommonCommands.TOGGLE_STATUS_BAR.id,
527 | order: '2',
528 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Toggle Status Bar Visibility')
529 | });
530 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_BAR, {
531 | commandId: CommonCommands.COLLAPSE_ALL_PANELS.id,
532 | order: '3'
533 | });
534 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_CLOSE, {
535 | commandId: CommonCommands.CLOSE_TAB.id,
536 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Close'),
537 | order: '0'
538 | });
539 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_CLOSE, {
540 | commandId: CommonCommands.CLOSE_OTHER_TABS.id,
541 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Close Others'),
542 | order: '1'
543 | });
544 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_CLOSE, {
545 | commandId: CommonCommands.CLOSE_RIGHT_TABS.id,
546 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Close to the Right'),
547 | order: '2'
548 | });
549 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_CLOSE, {
550 | commandId: CommonCommands.CLOSE_SAVED_TABS.id,
551 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Close Saved'),
552 | order: '3',
553 | });
554 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_CLOSE, {
555 | commandId: CommonCommands.CLOSE_ALL_TABS.id,
556 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Close All'),
557 | order: '4'
558 | });
559 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_SPLIT, {
560 | commandId: CommonCommands.COLLAPSE_PANEL.id,
561 | label: CommonCommands.COLLAPSE_PANEL.label,
562 | order: '5'
563 | });
564 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_SPLIT, {
565 | commandId: CommonCommands.TOGGLE_MAXIMIZED.id,
566 | label: CommonCommands.TOGGLE_MAXIMIZED.label,
567 | order: '6'
568 | });
569 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_SCREEN, {
570 | commandId: CommonCommands.TOGGLE_MAXIMIZED.id,
571 | label: CommonCommands.TOGGLE_MAXIMIZED.label,
572 | order: '6'
573 | });
574 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_COPY, {
575 | commandId: CommonCommands.COPY_PATH.id,
576 | label: CommonCommands.COPY_PATH.label,
577 | order: '1',
578 | });
579 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_BAR, {
580 | commandId: CommonCommands.SHOW_MENU_BAR.id,
581 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Toggle Menu Bar'),
582 | order: '0'
583 | });
584 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_PIN, {
585 | commandId: CommonCommands.PIN_TAB.id,
586 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Pin'),
587 | order: '7'
588 | });
589 | registry.registerMenuAction(tab_bars_1.SHELL_TABBAR_CONTEXT_PIN, {
590 | commandId: CommonCommands.UNPIN_TAB.id,
591 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Unpin'),
592 | order: '8'
593 | });
594 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.HELP, {
595 | commandId: CommonCommands.ABOUT_COMMAND.id,
596 | label: CommonCommands.ABOUT_COMMAND.label,
597 | order: '9'
598 | });
599 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.VIEW_PRIMARY, {
600 | commandId: CommonCommands.OPEN_VIEW.id
601 | });
602 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU_THEME, {
603 | commandId: CommonCommands.SELECT_COLOR_THEME.id
604 | });
605 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.FILE_SETTINGS_SUBMENU_THEME, {
606 | commandId: CommonCommands.SELECT_ICON_THEME.id
607 | });
608 | registry.registerSubmenu(CommonMenus.MANAGE_SETTINGS_THEMES, nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Themes'), { order: 'a50' });
609 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.MANAGE_SETTINGS_THEMES, {
610 | commandId: CommonCommands.SELECT_COLOR_THEME.id,
611 | order: '0'
612 | });
613 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.MANAGE_SETTINGS_THEMES, {
614 | commandId: CommonCommands.SELECT_ICON_THEME.id,
615 | order: '1'
616 | });
617 | registry.registerSubmenu(CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU, nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Appearance'));
618 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.FILE_NEW_TEXT, {
619 | commandId: CommonCommands.NEW_UNTITLED_TEXT_FILE.id,
620 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('New Text File'),
621 | order: 'a'
622 | });
623 | registry.registerMenuAction(CommonMenus.FILE_NEW_TEXT, {
624 | commandId: CommonCommands.NEW_UNTITLED_FILE.id,
625 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('New File...'),
626 | order: 'a1'
627 | });
628 | }
629 | registerCommands(commandRegistry) {
630 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.OPEN, uri_command_handler_1.UriAwareCommandHandler.MultiSelect(this.selectionService, {
631 | execute: uris => uris.map(uri => (0, opener_service_1.open)(this.openerService, uri)),
632 | }));
633 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CUT, {
634 | execute: () => {
635 | if (exports.supportCut) {
636 | document.execCommand('cut');
637 | }
638 | else {
639 | this.messageService.warn(nls_1.nls.localize('theia/core/cutWarn', "Please use the browser's cut command or shortcut."));
640 | }
641 | }
642 | });
643 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.COPY, {
644 | execute: () => {
645 | if (exports.supportCopy) {
646 | document.execCommand('copy');
647 | }
648 | else {
649 | this.messageService.warn(nls_1.nls.localize('theia/core/copyWarn', "Please use the browser's copy command or shortcut."));
650 | }
651 | }
652 | });
653 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.PASTE, {
654 | execute: () => {
655 | if (exports.supportPaste) {
656 | document.execCommand('paste');
657 | }
658 | else {
659 | this.messageService.warn(nls_1.nls.localize('theia/core/pasteWarn', "Please use the browser's paste command or shortcut."));
660 | }
661 | }
662 | });
663 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.COPY_PATH, uri_command_handler_1.UriAwareCommandHandler.MultiSelect(this.selectionService, {
664 | isVisible: uris => Array.isArray(uris) && uris.some(uri => uri instanceof uri_1.default),
665 | isEnabled: uris => Array.isArray(uris) && uris.some(uri => uri instanceof uri_1.default),
666 | execute: async (uris) => {
667 | if (uris.length) {
668 | const lineDelimiter = os_1.EOL;
669 | const text = uris.map(resource => resource.path.fsPath()).join(lineDelimiter);
670 | await this.clipboardService.writeText(text);
671 | }
672 | else {
673 | await this.messageService.info(nls_1.nls.localize('theia/core/copyInfo', 'Open a file first to copy its path'));
674 | }
675 | }
676 | }));
677 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.UNDO, {
678 | execute: () => document.execCommand('undo')
679 | });
680 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.REDO, {
681 | execute: () => document.execCommand('redo')
682 | });
683 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.SELECT_ALL, {
684 | execute: () => document.execCommand('selectAll')
685 | });
686 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.FIND, {
687 | execute: () => { }
688 | });
689 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.REPLACE, {
690 | execute: () => { }
691 | });
692 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.NEXT_TAB, {
693 | isEnabled: () => this.shell.currentTabBar !== undefined,
694 | execute: () => this.shell.activateNextTab()
695 | });
696 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.PREVIOUS_TAB, {
697 | isEnabled: () => this.shell.currentTabBar !== undefined,
698 | execute: () => this.shell.activatePreviousTab()
699 | });
700 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.NEXT_TAB_IN_GROUP, {
701 | isEnabled: () => this.shell.nextTabIndexInTabBar() !== -1,
702 | execute: () => this.shell.activateNextTabInTabBar()
703 | });
704 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.PREVIOUS_TAB_IN_GROUP, {
705 | isEnabled: () => this.shell.previousTabIndexInTabBar() !== -1,
706 | execute: () => this.shell.activatePreviousTabInTabBar()
707 | });
708 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.NEXT_TAB_GROUP, {
709 | isEnabled: () => this.shell.nextTabBar() !== undefined,
710 | execute: () => this.shell.activateNextTabBar()
711 | });
712 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.PREVIOUS_TAB_GROUP, {
713 | isEnabled: () => this.shell.previousTabBar() !== undefined,
714 | execute: () => this.shell.activatePreviousTabBar()
715 | });
716 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CLOSE_TAB, new current_widget_command_adapter_1.CurrentWidgetCommandAdapter(this.shell, {
717 | isEnabled: title => Boolean(title === null || title === void 0 ? void 0 : title.closable),
718 | execute: (title, tabBar) => tabBar && this.shell.closeTabs(tabBar, candidate => candidate === title),
719 | }));
720 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CLOSE_OTHER_TABS, new current_widget_command_adapter_1.CurrentWidgetCommandAdapter(this.shell, {
721 | isEnabled: (title, tabbar) => Boolean(tabbar === null || tabbar === void 0 ? void 0 : tabbar.titles.some(candidate => candidate !== title && candidate.closable)),
722 | execute: (title, tabbar) => tabbar && this.shell.closeTabs(tabbar, candidate => candidate !== title && candidate.closable),
723 | }));
724 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CLOSE_SAVED_TABS, new current_widget_command_adapter_1.CurrentWidgetCommandAdapter(this.shell, {
725 | isEnabled: (_title, tabbar) => Boolean(tabbar === null || tabbar === void 0 ? void 0 : tabbar.titles.some(candidate => candidate.closable && !saveable_1.Saveable.isDirty(candidate.owner))),
726 | execute: (_title, tabbar) => tabbar && this.shell.closeTabs(tabbar, candidate => candidate.closable && !saveable_1.Saveable.isDirty(candidate.owner)),
727 | }));
728 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CLOSE_RIGHT_TABS, new current_widget_command_adapter_1.CurrentWidgetCommandAdapter(this.shell, {
729 | isEnabled: (title, tabbar) => {
730 | let targetSeen = false;
731 | return Boolean(tabbar === null || tabbar === void 0 ? void 0 : tabbar.titles.some(candidate => {
732 | if (targetSeen && candidate.closable) {
733 | return true;
734 | }
735 | ;
736 | if (candidate === title) {
737 | targetSeen = true;
738 | }
739 | ;
740 | }));
741 | },
742 | isVisible: (_title, tabbar) => {
743 | var _a;
744 | const area = (_a = (tabbar && this.shell.getAreaFor(tabbar))) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.shell.currentTabArea;
745 | return area !== undefined && area !== 'left' && area !== 'right';
746 | },
747 | execute: (title, tabbar) => {
748 | if (tabbar) {
749 | let targetSeen = false;
750 | this.shell.closeTabs(tabbar, candidate => {
751 | if (targetSeen && candidate.closable) {
752 | return true;
753 | }
754 | ;
755 | if (candidate === title) {
756 | targetSeen = true;
757 | }
758 | ;
759 | return false;
760 | });
761 | }
762 | }
763 | }));
764 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CLOSE_ALL_TABS, new current_widget_command_adapter_1.CurrentWidgetCommandAdapter(this.shell, {
765 | isEnabled: (_title, tabbar) => Boolean(tabbar === null || tabbar === void 0 ? void 0 : tabbar.titles.some(title => title.closable)),
766 | execute: (_title, tabbar) => tabbar && this.shell.closeTabs(tabbar, candidate => candidate.closable),
767 | }));
768 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CLOSE_MAIN_TAB, {
769 | isEnabled: () => {
770 | const currentWidget = this.shell.getCurrentWidget('main');
771 | return currentWidget !== undefined && currentWidget.title.closable;
772 | },
773 | execute: () => this.shell.getCurrentWidget('main').close()
774 | });
775 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CLOSE_OTHER_MAIN_TABS, {
776 | isEnabled: () => {
777 | const currentWidget = this.shell.getCurrentWidget('main');
778 | return currentWidget !== undefined &&
779 | this.shell.mainAreaTabBars.some(tb => tb.titles.some(title => title.owner !== currentWidget && title.closable));
780 | },
781 | execute: () => {
782 | const currentWidget = this.shell.getCurrentWidget('main');
783 | this.shell.closeTabs('main', title => title.owner !== currentWidget && title.closable);
784 | }
785 | });
786 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CLOSE_ALL_MAIN_TABS, {
787 | isEnabled: () => this.shell.mainAreaTabBars.some(tb => tb.titles.some(title => title.closable)),
788 | execute: () => this.shell.closeTabs('main', title => title.closable)
789 | });
790 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.COLLAPSE_PANEL, new current_widget_command_adapter_1.CurrentWidgetCommandAdapter(this.shell, {
791 | isEnabled: (_title, tabbar) => Boolean(tabbar && application_shell_1.ApplicationShell.isSideArea(this.shell.getAreaFor(tabbar))),
792 | isVisible: (_title, tabbar) => Boolean(tabbar && application_shell_1.ApplicationShell.isSideArea(this.shell.getAreaFor(tabbar))),
793 | execute: (_title, tabbar) => tabbar && this.shell.collapsePanel(this.shell.getAreaFor(tabbar))
794 | }));
795 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.COLLAPSE_ALL_PANELS, {
796 | execute: () => {
797 | this.shell.collapsePanel('left');
798 | this.shell.collapsePanel('right');
799 | this.shell.collapsePanel('bottom');
800 | }
801 | });
802 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.TOGGLE_BOTTOM_PANEL, {
803 | isEnabled: () => this.shell.getWidgets('bottom').length > 0,
804 | execute: () => {
805 | if (this.shell.isExpanded('bottom')) {
806 | this.shell.collapsePanel('bottom');
807 | }
808 | else {
809 | this.shell.expandPanel('bottom');
810 | }
811 | }
812 | });
813 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.TOGGLE_STATUS_BAR, {
814 | execute: () => this.preferenceService.updateValue('workbench.statusBar.visible', !this.preferences['workbench.statusBar.visible'])
815 | });
816 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.TOGGLE_MAXIMIZED, new current_widget_command_adapter_1.CurrentWidgetCommandAdapter(this.shell, {
817 | isEnabled: title => Boolean((title === null || title === void 0 ? void 0 : title.owner) && this.shell.canToggleMaximized(title === null || title === void 0 ? void 0 : title.owner)),
818 | isVisible: title => Boolean((title === null || title === void 0 ? void 0 : title.owner) && this.shell.canToggleMaximized(title === null || title === void 0 ? void 0 : title.owner)),
819 | execute: title => (title === null || title === void 0 ? void 0 : title.owner) && this.shell.toggleMaximized(title === null || title === void 0 ? void 0 : title.owner),
820 | }));
821 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.SHOW_MENU_BAR, {
822 | isEnabled: () => !os_1.isOSX,
823 | isVisible: () => !os_1.isOSX,
824 | execute: () => {
825 | const menuBarVisibility = 'window.menuBarVisibility';
826 | const visibility = this.preferences[menuBarVisibility];
827 | if (visibility !== 'compact') {
828 | this.preferenceService.updateValue(menuBarVisibility, 'compact');
829 | }
830 | else {
831 | this.preferenceService.updateValue(menuBarVisibility, 'classic');
832 | }
833 | }
834 | });
835 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.SAVE, {
836 | execute: () => this.save({ formatType: 1 })
837 | });
838 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.SAVE_AS, {
839 | isEnabled: () => this.saveResourceService.canSaveAs(this.shell.currentWidget),
840 | execute: () => {
841 | const { currentWidget } = this.shell;
842 |
843 |
844 | if (this.saveResourceService.canSaveAs(currentWidget)) {
845 | this.saveResourceService.saveAs(currentWidget);
846 | }
847 | else {
848 | this.messageService.error(nls_1.nls.localize('theia/workspace/failSaveAs', 'Cannot run "{0}" for the current widget.', CommonCommands.SAVE_AS.label));
849 | }
850 | },
851 | });
852 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.SAVE_WITHOUT_FORMATTING, {
853 | execute: () => this.save({ formatType: 2 })
854 | });
855 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.SAVE_ALL, {
856 | execute: () => this.shell.saveAll({ formatType: 3 })
857 | });
858 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.ABOUT_COMMAND, {
859 | execute: () => this.openAbout()
860 | });
861 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.OPEN_VIEW, {
862 | execute: () => { var _a; return (_a = this.quickInputService) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.open(quick_view_service_1.QuickViewService.PREFIX); }
863 | });
864 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.SELECT_COLOR_THEME, {
865 | execute: () => this.selectColorTheme()
866 | });
867 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.SELECT_ICON_THEME, {
868 | execute: () => this.selectIconTheme()
869 | });
870 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.PIN_TAB, new current_widget_command_adapter_1.CurrentWidgetCommandAdapter(this.shell, {
871 | isEnabled: title => Boolean(title && !(0, widgets_1.isPinned)(title)),
872 | execute: title => this.togglePinned(title),
873 | }));
874 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.UNPIN_TAB, new current_widget_command_adapter_1.CurrentWidgetCommandAdapter(this.shell, {
875 | isEnabled: title => Boolean(title && (0, widgets_1.isPinned)(title)),
876 | execute: title => this.togglePinned(title),
877 | }));
878 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.CONFIGURE_DISPLAY_LANGUAGE, {
879 | execute: () => this.configureDisplayLanguage()
880 | });
881 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.TOGGLE_BREADCRUMBS, {
882 | execute: () => this.toggleBreadcrumbs(),
883 | isToggled: () => this.isBreadcrumbsEnabled(),
884 | });
885 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.NEW_UNTITLED_TEXT_FILE, {
886 | execute: async () => {
887 | const untitledUri = this.untitledResourceResolver.createUntitledURI('', await this.workingDirProvider.getUserWorkingDir());
888 | this.untitledResourceResolver.resolve(untitledUri);
889 | return (0, opener_service_1.open)(this.openerService, untitledUri);
890 | }
891 | });
892 | commandRegistry.registerCommand(CommonCommands.NEW_UNTITLED_FILE, {
893 | execute: async () => this.showNewFilePicker()
894 | });
895 | for (const [index, ordinal] of this.getOrdinalNumbers().entries()) {
896 | commandRegistry.registerCommand({ id: `workbench.action.focus${ordinal}EditorGroup`, label: index === 0 ? nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Focus First Editor Group') : '', category: nls_1.nls.localize(CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY_KEY, CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY) }, {
897 | isEnabled: () => this.shell.mainAreaTabBars.length > index,
898 | execute: () => {
899 | var _a, _b;
900 | const widget = (_b = (_a = this.shell.mainAreaTabBars[index]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.currentTitle) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.owner;
901 | if (widget) {
902 | this.shell.activateWidget(widget.id);
903 | }
904 | }
905 | });
906 | }
907 | }
908 | getOrdinalNumbers() {
909 | return ['First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth', 'Fifth', 'Sixth', 'Seventh', 'Eighth', 'Ninth'];
910 | }
911 | isElectron() {
912 | return environment_1.environment.electron.is();
913 | }
914 | togglePinned(title) {
915 | if (title) {
916 | (0, widgets_1.togglePinned)(title);
917 | this.updatePinnedKey();
918 | }
919 | }
920 | registerKeybindings(registry) {
921 | if (exports.supportCut) {
922 | registry.registerKeybinding({
923 | command: CommonCommands.CUT.id,
924 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+x'
925 | });
926 | }
927 | if (exports.supportCopy) {
928 | registry.registerKeybinding({
929 | command: CommonCommands.COPY.id,
930 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+c'
931 | });
932 | }
933 | if (exports.supportPaste) {
934 | registry.registerKeybinding({
935 | command: CommonCommands.PASTE.id,
936 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+v'
937 | });
938 | }
939 | registry.registerKeybinding({
940 | command: CommonCommands.COPY_PATH.id,
941 | keybinding: os_1.isWindows ? 'shift+alt+c' : 'ctrlcmd+alt+c',
942 | when: '!editorFocus'
943 | });
944 | registry.registerKeybindings(
945 |
946 | {
947 | command: CommonCommands.UNDO.id,
948 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+z'
949 | }, {
950 | command: CommonCommands.REDO.id,
951 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+shift+z'
952 | }, {
953 | command: CommonCommands.SELECT_ALL.id,
954 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+a'
955 | }, {
956 | command: CommonCommands.FIND.id,
957 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+f'
958 | }, {
959 | command: CommonCommands.REPLACE.id,
960 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+alt+f'
961 | },
962 |
963 | {
964 | command: CommonCommands.NEXT_TAB.id,
965 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+tab'
966 | }, {
967 | command: CommonCommands.NEXT_TAB.id,
968 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+alt+d'
969 | }, {
970 | command: CommonCommands.PREVIOUS_TAB.id,
971 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+shift+tab'
972 | }, {
973 | command: CommonCommands.PREVIOUS_TAB.id,
974 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+alt+a'
975 | }, {
976 | command: CommonCommands.CLOSE_MAIN_TAB.id,
977 | keybinding: this.isElectron() ? (os_1.isWindows ? 'ctrl+f4' : 'ctrlcmd+w') : 'alt+w'
978 | }, {
979 | command: CommonCommands.CLOSE_OTHER_MAIN_TABS.id,
980 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+alt+t'
981 | }, {
982 | command: CommonCommands.CLOSE_ALL_MAIN_TABS.id,
983 | keybinding: this.isElectron() ? 'ctrlCmd+k ctrlCmd+w' : 'alt+shift+w'
984 | },
985 |
986 | {
987 | command: CommonCommands.COLLAPSE_PANEL.id,
988 | keybinding: 'alt+c'
989 | }, {
990 | command: CommonCommands.TOGGLE_BOTTOM_PANEL.id,
991 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+j',
992 | }, {
993 | command: CommonCommands.COLLAPSE_ALL_PANELS.id,
994 | keybinding: 'alt+shift+c',
995 | }, {
996 | command: CommonCommands.TOGGLE_MAXIMIZED.id,
997 | keybinding: 'alt+m',
998 | },
999 |
1000 | {
1001 | command: CommonCommands.SAVE.id,
1002 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+s'
1003 | }, {
1004 | command: CommonCommands.SAVE_WITHOUT_FORMATTING.id,
1005 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+k s'
1006 | }, {
1007 | command: CommonCommands.SAVE_ALL.id,
1008 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+alt+s'
1009 | },
1010 |
1011 | {
1012 | command: CommonCommands.SELECT_COLOR_THEME.id,
1013 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+k ctrlcmd+t'
1014 | }, {
1015 | command: CommonCommands.PIN_TAB.id,
1016 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+k shift+enter',
1017 | when: '!activeEditorIsPinned'
1018 | }, {
1019 | command: CommonCommands.UNPIN_TAB.id,
1020 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+k shift+enter',
1021 | when: 'activeEditorIsPinned'
1022 | }, {
1023 | command: CommonCommands.NEW_UNTITLED_TEXT_FILE.id,
1024 | keybinding: this.isElectron() ? 'ctrlcmd+n' : 'alt+n',
1025 | }, {
1026 | command: CommonCommands.NEW_UNTITLED_FILE.id,
1027 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+alt+n'
1028 | });
1029 | for (const [index, ordinal] of this.getOrdinalNumbers().entries()) {
1030 | registry.registerKeybinding({
1031 | command: `workbench.action.focus${ordinal}EditorGroup`,
1032 | keybinding: `ctrlcmd+${(index + 1) % 10}`,
1033 | });
1034 | }
1035 | }
1036 | async save(options) {
1037 | const widget = this.shell.currentWidget;
1038 | this.saveResourceService.save(widget, options);
1039 | }
1040 | async openAbout() {
1041 | this.aboutDialog.open();
1042 | }
1043 | |
1044 |
1045 |
1046 |
1047 |
1048 |
1049 |
1050 | registerCtrlWHandling() {
1051 | function isCtrlCmd(event) {
1052 | return (os_1.isOSX && event.metaKey) || (!os_1.isOSX && event.ctrlKey);
1053 | }
1054 | window.document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
1055 | this.shouldPreventClose = isCtrlCmd(event) && event.code === 'KeyW';
1056 | });
1057 | window.document.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
1058 | this.shouldPreventClose = false;
1059 | });
1060 | }
1061 | onWillStop() {
1062 | if (this.shouldPreventClose || this.shell.canSaveAll()) {
1063 | return {
1064 | reason: 'Dirty editors present',
1065 | action: async () => {
1066 | const captionsToSave = this.unsavedTabsCaptions();
1067 | const untitledCaptionsToSave = this.unsavedUntitledTabsCaptions();
1068 | const result = await (0, dialogs_1.confirmExitWithOrWithoutSaving)(captionsToSave, async () => {
1069 | await this.saveDirty(untitledCaptionsToSave);
1070 | await this.shell.saveAll();
1071 | });
1072 | if (this.shell.canSaveAll()) {
1073 | this.shouldPreventClose = true;
1074 | return false;
1075 | }
1076 | else {
1077 | this.shouldPreventClose = false;
1078 | return result;
1079 | }
1080 | }
1081 | };
1082 | }
1083 | }
1084 | unsavedTabsCaptions() {
1085 | return this.shell.widgets
1086 | .filter(widget => this.saveResourceService.canSave(widget))
1087 | .map(widget => widget.title.label);
1088 | }
1089 | unsavedUntitledTabsCaptions() {
1090 | return this.shell.widgets.filter(widget => { var _a; return ((_a = navigatable_1.NavigatableWidget.getUri(widget)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.scheme) === common_1.UNTITLED_SCHEME && this.saveResourceService.canSaveAs(widget); });
1091 | }
1092 | async configureDisplayLanguage() {
1093 | var _a, _b;
1094 | const languageInfo = await this.languageQuickPickService.pickDisplayLanguage();
1095 | if (languageInfo && !nls_1.nls.isSelectedLocale(languageInfo.languageId) && await this.confirmRestart((_b = (_a = languageInfo.localizedLanguageName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : languageInfo.languageName) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : languageInfo.languageId)) {
1096 | nls_1.nls.setLocale(languageInfo.languageId);
1097 | this.windowService.setSafeToShutDown();
1098 | this.windowService.reload();
1099 | }
1100 | }
1101 | async saveDirty(toSave) {
1102 | for (const widget of toSave) {
1103 | const saveable = saveable_1.Saveable.get(widget);
1104 | if (saveable === null || saveable === void 0 ? void 0 : saveable.dirty) {
1105 | await this.saveResourceService.save(widget);
1106 | }
1107 | }
1108 | }
1109 | toggleBreadcrumbs() {
1110 | const value = this.preferenceService.get('breadcrumbs.enabled');
1111 | this.preferenceService.set('breadcrumbs.enabled', !value, preferences_1.PreferenceScope.User);
1112 | }
1113 | isBreadcrumbsEnabled() {
1114 | return !!this.preferenceService.get('breadcrumbs.enabled');
1115 | }
1116 | async confirmRestart(languageName) {
1117 | const appName = frontend_application_config_provider_1.FrontendApplicationConfigProvider.get().applicationName;
1118 | const shouldRestart = await new dialogs_1.ConfirmDialog({
1119 | title: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Restart {0} to switch to {1}?', appName, languageName),
1120 | msg: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('To change the display language to {0}, {1} needs to restart.', languageName, appName),
1121 | ok: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Restart'),
1122 | cancel: dialogs_1.Dialog.CANCEL,
1123 | }).open();
1124 | return shouldRestart === true;
1125 | }
1126 | selectIconTheme() {
1127 | var _a;
1128 | let resetTo = this.iconThemes.getCurrent();
1129 | const setTheme = (id, persist) => {
1130 | const theme = this.iconThemes.getDefinition(id);
1131 | if (theme) {
1132 | this.iconThemes.setCurrent(theme, persist);
1133 | }
1134 | };
1135 | const previewTheme = debounce(setTheme, 200);
1136 | let items = [];
1137 | for (const iconTheme of this.iconThemes.definitions) {
1138 | items.push({
1139 | id: iconTheme.id,
1140 | label: iconTheme.label,
1141 | description: iconTheme.description,
1142 | });
1143 | }
1144 | items = items.sort((a, b) => {
1145 | if (a.id === 'none') {
1146 | return -1;
1147 | }
1148 | return a.label.localeCompare(b.label);
1149 | });
1150 | (_a = this.quickInputService) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.showQuickPick(items, {
1151 | placeholder: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Select File Icon Theme'),
1152 | activeItem: items.find(item => item.id === (resetTo === null || resetTo === void 0 ? void 0 : resetTo.id)),
1153 | onDidChangeSelection: (_, selectedItems) => {
1154 | resetTo = undefined;
1155 | setTheme(selectedItems[0].id, true);
1156 | },
1157 | onDidChangeActive: (_, activeItems) => {
1158 | previewTheme(activeItems[0].id, false);
1159 | },
1160 | onDidHide: () => {
1161 | if (resetTo) {
1162 | this.iconThemes.setCurrent(resetTo, false);
1163 | }
1164 | }
1165 | });
1166 | }
1167 | selectColorTheme() {
1168 | var _a;
1169 | let resetTo = this.themeService.getCurrentTheme().id;
1170 | const setTheme = (id, persist) => this.themeService.setCurrentTheme(id, persist);
1171 | const previewTheme = debounce(setTheme, 200);
1172 | const itemsByTheme = { light: [], dark: [], hc: [], hcLight: [] };
1173 | const lightThemesSeparator = nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('light themes');
1174 | const darkThemesSeparator = nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('dark themes');
1175 | const highContrastThemesSeparator = nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('high contrast themes');
1176 | for (const theme of this.themeService.getThemes().sort((a, b) => a.label.localeCompare(b.label))) {
1177 | const themeItems = itemsByTheme[theme.type];
1178 |
1179 |
1180 | if (themeItems.length === 0 && theme.type !== 'hcLight') {
1181 | let label = '';
1182 | if (theme.type === 'light') {
1183 | label = lightThemesSeparator;
1184 | }
1185 | else if (theme.type === 'dark') {
1186 | label = darkThemesSeparator;
1187 | }
1188 | else {
1189 | label = highContrastThemesSeparator;
1190 | }
1191 | themeItems.push({
1192 | type: 'separator',
1193 | label
1194 | });
1195 | }
1196 | themeItems.push({
1197 | id: theme.id,
1198 | label: theme.label,
1199 | description: theme.description,
1200 | });
1201 | }
1202 | const items = [...itemsByTheme.light, ...itemsByTheme.dark, ...itemsByTheme.hc, ...itemsByTheme.hcLight];
1203 | (_a = this.quickInputService) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.showQuickPick(items, {
1204 | placeholder: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Select Color Theme (Up/Down Keys to Preview)'),
1205 | activeItem: items.find(item => item.id === resetTo),
1206 | onDidChangeSelection: (_, selectedItems) => {
1207 | resetTo = undefined;
1208 | setTheme(selectedItems[0].id, true);
1209 | },
1210 | onDidChangeActive: (_, activeItems) => {
1211 | previewTheme(activeItems[0].id, false);
1212 | },
1213 | onDidHide: () => {
1214 | if (resetTo) {
1215 | setTheme(resetTo, false);
1216 | }
1217 | }
1218 | });
1219 | }
1220 | |
1221 |
1222 |
1223 | async showNewFilePicker() {
1224 | const newFileContributions = this.menuRegistry.getMenuNode(CommonMenus.FILE_NEW_CONTRIBUTIONS);
1225 | const items = [
1226 | {
1227 | label: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('New Text File'),
1228 | execute: async () => this.commandRegistry.executeCommand(CommonCommands.NEW_UNTITLED_TEXT_FILE.id)
1229 | },
1230 | ...newFileContributions.children
1231 | .flatMap(node => {
1232 | if (node.children && node.children.length > 0) {
1233 | return node.children;
1234 | }
1235 | return node;
1236 | })
1237 | .filter(node => node.role || node.command)
1238 | .map(node => {
1239 | if (node.role) {
1240 | return { type: 'separator' };
1241 | }
1242 | const command = this.commandRegistry.getCommand(node.command);
1243 | return {
1244 | label: command.label,
1245 | execute: async () => this.commandRegistry.executeCommand(command.id)
1246 | };
1247 | })
1248 | ];
1249 | this.quickInputService.showQuickPick(items, {
1250 | title: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('New File...'),
1251 | placeholder: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Select File Type or Enter File Name...'),
1252 | canSelectMany: false
1253 | });
1254 | }
1255 | registerColors(colors) {
1256 | colors.register(
1257 |
1258 |
1259 | { id: 'selection.background', defaults: { dark: '#217daf', light: '#c0dbf1' }, description: 'Overall border color for focused elements. This color is only used if not overridden by a component.' }, { id: 'icon.foreground', defaults: { dark: '#C5C5C5', light: '#424242', hcDark: '#FFFFFF', hcLight: '#292929' }, description: 'The default color for icons in the workbench.' }, { id: 'sash.hoverBorder', defaults: { dark: color_1.Color.transparent('focusBorder', 0.99), light: color_1.Color.transparent('focusBorder', 0.99), hcDark: 'focusBorder', hcLight: 'focusBorder' }, description: 'The hover border color for draggable sashes.' }, { id: 'sash.activeBorder', defaults: { dark: 'focusBorder', light: 'focusBorder', hcDark: 'focusBorder' }, description: 'The active border color for draggable sashes.' },
1260 |
1261 | {
1262 | id: 'window.activeBorder', defaults: {
1263 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder',
1264 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1265 | }, description: 'The color used for the border of the window when it is active.'
1266 | }, {
1267 | id: 'window.inactiveBorder', defaults: {
1268 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder',
1269 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1270 | },
1271 | description: 'The color used for the border of the window when it is inactive.'
1272 | },
1273 |
1274 |
1275 | { id: 'button.foreground', defaults: { dark: color_1.Color.white, light: color_1.Color.white, hcDark: color_1.Color.white, hcLight: color_1.Color.white }, description: 'Button foreground color.' }, { id: 'button.background', defaults: { dark: '#0E639C', light: '#007ACC', hcDark: undefined, hcLight: '#0F4A85' }, description: 'Button background color.' }, { id: 'button.hoverBackground', defaults: { dark: color_1.Color.lighten('button.background', 0.2), light: color_1.Color.darken('button.background', 0.2) }, description: 'Button background color when hovering.' },
1276 |
1277 | {
1278 | id: 'activityBar.background', defaults: {
1279 | dark: '#333333',
1280 | light: '#2C2C2C',
1281 | hcDark: '#000000',
1282 | hcLight: '#FFFFFF'
1283 | }, description: 'Activity bar background color. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.'
1284 | }, {
1285 | id: 'activityBar.foreground', defaults: {
1286 | dark: color_1.Color.white,
1287 | light: color_1.Color.white,
1288 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1289 | hcLight: 'editor.foreground'
1290 | }, description: 'Activity bar item foreground color when it is active. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.',
1291 | }, {
1292 | id: 'activityBar.inactiveForeground', defaults: {
1293 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('activityBar.foreground', 0.4),
1294 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('activityBar.foreground', 0.4),
1295 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1296 | hcLight: 'editor.foreground'
1297 | }, description: 'Activity bar item foreground color when it is inactive. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.'
1298 | }, {
1299 | id: 'activityBar.border', defaults: {
1300 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder',
1301 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1302 | }, description: 'Activity bar border color separating to the side bar. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.'
1303 | }, {
1304 | id: 'activityBar.activeBorder', defaults: {
1305 | dark: 'activityBar.foreground',
1306 | light: 'activityBar.foreground',
1307 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1308 | }, description: 'Activity bar border color for the active item. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.'
1309 | }, {
1310 | id: 'activityBar.activeFocusBorder', defaults: {
1311 | hcLight: '#B5200D'
1312 | }, description: 'Activity bar focus border color for the active item. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.'
1313 | }, { id: 'activityBar.activeBackground', description: 'Activity bar background color for the active item. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.' }, {
1314 | id: 'activityBar.dropBackground', defaults: {
1315 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('#ffffff', 0.12),
1316 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('#ffffff', 0.12),
1317 | hcDark: color_1.Color.transparent('#ffffff', 0.12),
1318 | }, description: 'Drag and drop feedback color for the activity bar items. The color should have transparency so that the activity bar entries can still shine through. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.'
1319 | }, {
1320 | id: 'activityBarBadge.background', defaults: {
1321 | dark: '#007ACC',
1322 | light: '#007ACC',
1323 | hcDark: '#000000',
1324 | hcLight: '#0F4A85'
1325 | }, description: 'Activity notification badge background color. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.'
1326 | }, {
1327 | id: 'activityBarBadge.foreground', defaults: {
1328 | dark: color_1.Color.white,
1329 | light: color_1.Color.white,
1330 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1331 | hcLight: color_1.Color.white
1332 | }, description: 'Activity notification badge foreground color. The activity bar is showing on the far left or right and allows to switch between views of the side bar.'
1333 | },
1334 |
1335 |
1336 | { id: 'sideBar.background', defaults: { dark: '#252526', light: '#F3F3F3', hcDark: '#000000', hcLight: '#FFFFFF' }, description: 'Side bar background color. The side bar is the container for views like explorer and search.' }, { id: 'sideBar.foreground', description: 'Side bar foreground color. The side bar is the container for views like explorer and search.' }, { id: 'sideBarSectionHeader.background', defaults: { dark: '#80808033', light: '#80808033' }, description: 'Side bar section header background color. The side bar is the container for views like explorer and search.' }, { id: 'sideBarSectionHeader.foreground', description: 'Side bar foreground color. The side bar is the container for views like explorer and search.' }, { id: 'sideBarSectionHeader.border', defaults: { dark: 'contrastBorder', light: 'contrastBorder', hcDark: 'contrastBorder', hcLight: 'contrastBorder' }, description: 'Side bar section header border color. The side bar is the container for views like explorer and search.' },
1337 |
1338 |
1339 |
1340 |
1341 |
1342 |
1343 | { id: 'list.activeSelectionBackground', defaults: { dark: '#094771', light: '#0074E8', hcLight: color_1.Color.transparent('#0F4A85', 0.1) }, description: 'List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.' }, { id: 'list.activeSelectionForeground', defaults: { dark: '#FFF', light: '#FFF' }, description: 'List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is active. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.' }, { id: 'list.inactiveSelectionBackground', defaults: { dark: '#37373D', light: '#E4E6F1', hcLight: color_1.Color.transparent('#0F4A85', 0.1) }, description: 'List/Tree background color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.' }, { id: 'list.inactiveSelectionForeground', description: 'List/Tree foreground color for the selected item when the list/tree is inactive. An active list/tree has keyboard focus, an inactive does not.' }, { id: 'list.hoverBackground', defaults: { dark: '#2A2D2E', light: '#F0F0F0', hcLight: color_1.Color.transparent('#0F4A85', 0.1) }, description: 'List/Tree background when hovering over items using the mouse.' }, { id: 'list.hoverForeground', description: 'List/Tree foreground when hovering over items using the mouse.' }, { id: 'list.errorForeground', defaults: { dark: '#F88070', light: '#B01011' }, description: 'Foreground color of list items containing errors.' }, { id: 'list.warningForeground', defaults: { dark: '#CCA700', light: '#855F00' }, description: 'Foreground color of list items containing warnings.' }, { id: 'list.filterMatchBackground', defaults: { dark: 'editor.findMatchHighlightBackground', light: 'editor.findMatchHighlightBackground' }, description: 'Background color of the filtered match.' }, { id: 'list.highlightForeground', defaults: { dark: '#18A3FF', light: '#0066BF', hcDark: 'focusBorder', hcLight: 'focusBorder' }, description: 'List/Tree foreground color of the match highlights when searching inside the list/tree.' }, { id: 'list.focusHighlightForeground', defaults: { dark: 'list.highlightForeground', light: 'list.activeSelectionForeground', hcDark: 'list.highlightForeground', hcLight: 'list.highlightForeground' }, description: 'List/Tree foreground color of the match highlights on actively focused items when searching inside the list/tree.' }, { id: 'tree.inactiveIndentGuidesStroke', defaults: { dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tree.indentGuidesStroke', 0.4), light: color_1.Color.transparent('tree.indentGuidesStroke', 0.4), hcDark: color_1.Color.transparent('tree.indentGuidesStroke', 0.4) }, description: 'Tree stroke color for the inactive indentation guides.' },
1344 |
1345 | {
1346 | id: 'editorGroup.border',
1347 | defaults: {
1348 | dark: '#444444',
1349 | light: '#E7E7E7',
1350 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder',
1351 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1352 | },
1353 | description: 'Color to separate multiple editor groups from each other. Editor groups are the containers of editors.'
1354 | }, {
1355 | id: 'editorGroup.dropBackground',
1356 | defaults: {
1357 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('#53595D', 0.5),
1358 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('#2677CB', 0.18),
1359 | hcLight: color_1.Color.transparent('#0F4A85', 0.50)
1360 | },
1361 | description: 'Background color when dragging editors around. The color should have transparency so that the editor contents can still shine through.'
1362 | }, {
1363 | id: 'editorGroupHeader.tabsBackground',
1364 | defaults: {
1365 | dark: '#252526',
1366 | light: '#F3F3F3',
1367 | },
1368 | description: 'Background color of the editor group title header when tabs are enabled. Editor groups are the containers of editors.'
1369 | }, {
1370 | id: 'editorGroupHeader.tabsBorder',
1371 | defaults: {
1372 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder'
1373 | },
1374 | description: 'Border color of the editor group title header when tabs are enabled. Editor groups are the containers of editors.'
1375 | }, {
1376 | id: 'tab.activeBackground',
1377 | defaults: {
1378 | dark: 'editor.background',
1379 | light: 'editor.background',
1380 | hcDark: 'editor.background',
1381 | hcLight: 'editor.background'
1382 | },
1383 | description: 'Active tab background color. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1384 | }, {
1385 | id: 'tab.unfocusedActiveBackground',
1386 | defaults: {
1387 | dark: 'tab.activeBackground',
1388 | light: 'tab.activeBackground',
1389 | hcDark: 'tab.activeBackground',
1390 | hcLight: 'tab.activeBackground'
1391 | },
1392 | description: 'Active tab background color in an unfocused group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1393 | }, {
1394 | id: 'tab.inactiveBackground',
1395 | defaults: {
1396 | dark: '#2D2D2D',
1397 | light: '#ECECEC'
1398 | },
1399 | description: 'Inactive tab background color. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1400 | }, {
1401 | id: 'tab.activeForeground',
1402 | defaults: {
1403 | dark: color_1.Color.white,
1404 | light: '#333333',
1405 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1406 | hcLight: '#292929'
1407 | }, description: 'Active tab foreground color in an active group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1408 | }, {
1409 | id: 'tab.inactiveForeground', defaults: {
1410 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeForeground', 0.5),
1411 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeForeground', 0.7),
1412 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1413 | hcLight: '#292929'
1414 | }, description: 'Inactive tab foreground color in an active group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1415 | }, {
1416 | id: 'tab.unfocusedActiveForeground', defaults: {
1417 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeForeground', 0.5),
1418 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeForeground', 0.7),
1419 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1420 | hcLight: '#292929'
1421 | }, description: 'Active tab foreground color in an unfocused group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1422 | }, {
1423 | id: 'tab.unfocusedInactiveForeground', defaults: {
1424 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.inactiveForeground', 0.5),
1425 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.inactiveForeground', 0.5),
1426 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1427 | hcLight: '#292929'
1428 | }, description: 'Inactive tab foreground color in an unfocused group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1429 | }, {
1430 | id: 'tab.border', defaults: {
1431 | dark: '#252526',
1432 | light: '#F3F3F3',
1433 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder',
1434 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1435 | }, description: 'Border to separate tabs from each other. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1436 | }, {
1437 | id: 'tab.activeBorder',
1438 | description: 'Border on the bottom of an active tab. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1439 | }, {
1440 | id: 'tab.unfocusedActiveBorder',
1441 | defaults: {
1442 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeBorder', 0.5),
1443 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeBorder', 0.7)
1444 | },
1445 | description: 'Border on the bottom of an active tab in an unfocused group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1446 | }, {
1447 | id: 'tab.activeBorderTop',
1448 | defaults: {
1449 | hcLight: '#B5200D'
1450 | },
1451 | description: 'Border to the top of an active tab. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1452 | }, {
1453 | id: 'tab.unfocusedActiveBorderTop', defaults: {
1454 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeBorderTop', 0.5),
1455 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeBorderTop', 0.7),
1456 | hcLight: '#B5200D'
1457 | }, description: 'Border to the top of an active tab in an unfocused group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1458 | }, {
1459 | id: 'tab.hoverBackground',
1460 | description: 'Tab background color when hovering. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1461 | }, {
1462 | id: 'tab.unfocusedHoverBackground', defaults: {
1463 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.hoverBackground', 0.5),
1464 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.hoverBackground', 0.7)
1465 | }, description: 'Tab background color in an unfocused group when hovering. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1466 | }, {
1467 | id: 'tab.hoverBorder',
1468 | description: 'Border to highlight tabs when hovering. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1469 | }, {
1470 | id: 'tab.unfocusedHoverBorder', defaults: {
1471 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.hoverBorder', 0.5),
1472 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.hoverBorder', 0.7),
1473 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1474 | }, description: 'Border to highlight tabs in an unfocused group when hovering. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1475 | }, {
1476 | id: 'tab.activeModifiedBorder', defaults: {
1477 | dark: '#3399CC',
1478 | light: '#33AAEE',
1479 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1480 | }, description: 'Border on the top of modified (dirty) active tabs in an active group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1481 | }, {
1482 | id: 'tab.inactiveModifiedBorder', defaults: {
1483 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeModifiedBorder', 0.5),
1484 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeModifiedBorder', 0.5),
1485 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1486 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1487 | }, description: 'Border on the top of modified (dirty) inactive tabs in an active group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1488 | }, {
1489 | id: 'tab.unfocusedActiveModifiedBorder', defaults: {
1490 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeModifiedBorder', 0.5),
1491 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.activeModifiedBorder', 0.7),
1492 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1493 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1494 | }, description: 'Border on the top of modified (dirty) active tabs in an unfocused group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1495 | }, {
1496 | id: 'tab.unfocusedInactiveModifiedBorder', defaults: {
1497 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.inactiveModifiedBorder', 0.5),
1498 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('tab.inactiveModifiedBorder', 0.5),
1499 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1500 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1501 | }, description: 'Border on the top of modified (dirty) inactive tabs in an unfocused group. Tabs are the containers for editors in the editor area. Multiple tabs can be opened in one editor group. There can be multiple editor groups.'
1502 | },
1503 |
1504 |
1505 |
1506 | {
1507 | id: 'statusBar.foreground', defaults: {
1508 | dark: '#FFFFFF',
1509 | light: '#FFFFFF',
1510 | hcDark: '#FFFFFF',
1511 | hcLight: 'editor.foreground'
1512 | }, description: 'Status bar foreground color when a workspace is opened. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1513 | }, {
1514 | id: 'statusBar.background', defaults: {
1515 | dark: '#007ACC',
1516 | light: '#007ACC'
1517 | }, description: 'Status bar background color when a workspace is opened. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1518 | }, {
1519 | id: 'statusBar.noFolderForeground', defaults: {
1520 | dark: 'statusBar.foreground',
1521 | light: 'statusBar.foreground',
1522 | hcDark: 'statusBar.foreground',
1523 | hcLight: 'statusBar.foreground'
1524 | }, description: 'Status bar foreground color when no folder is opened. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1525 | }, {
1526 | id: 'statusBar.noFolderBackground', defaults: {
1527 | dark: '#68217A',
1528 | light: '#68217A'
1529 | }, description: 'Status bar background color when no folder is opened. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1530 | }, {
1531 | id: 'statusBar.border', defaults: {
1532 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder',
1533 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1534 | }, description: 'Status bar border color separating to the sidebar and editor. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1535 | }, {
1536 | id: 'statusBar.noFolderBorder', defaults: {
1537 | dark: 'statusBar.border',
1538 | light: 'statusBar.border',
1539 | hcDark: 'statusBar.border',
1540 | hcLight: 'statusBar.border'
1541 | }, description: 'Status bar border color separating to the sidebar and editor when no folder is opened. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1542 | }, {
1543 | id: 'statusBarItem.activeBackground', defaults: {
1544 | dark: color_1.Color.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.18),
1545 | light: color_1.Color.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.18),
1546 | hcDark: color_1.Color.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.18),
1547 | hcLight: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18)
1548 | }, description: 'Status bar item background color when clicking. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1549 | }, {
1550 | id: 'statusBarItem.hoverBackground', defaults: {
1551 | dark: color_1.Color.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12),
1552 | light: color_1.Color.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12),
1553 | hcDark: color_1.Color.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12),
1554 | hcLight: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)
1555 | }, description: 'Status bar item background color when hovering. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1556 | }, {
1557 | id: 'statusBarItem.errorBackground', defaults: {
1558 | dark: color_1.Color.darken('errorBackground', 0.4),
1559 | light: color_1.Color.darken('errorBackground', 0.4),
1560 | hcDark: undefined,
1561 | hcLight: '#B5200D'
1562 | }, description: 'Status bar error items background color. Error items stand out from other status bar entries to indicate error conditions. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1563 | }, {
1564 | id: 'statusBarItem.errorForeground', defaults: {
1565 | dark: color_1.Color.white,
1566 | light: color_1.Color.white,
1567 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1568 | hcLight: color_1.Color.white
1569 | }, description: 'Status bar error items foreground color. Error items stand out from other status bar entries to indicate error conditions. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1570 | }, {
1571 | id: 'statusBarItem.warningBackground', defaults: {
1572 | dark: color_1.Color.darken('warningBackground', 0.4),
1573 | light: color_1.Color.darken('warningBackground', 0.4),
1574 | hcDark: undefined,
1575 | hcLight: '#895503'
1576 | }, description: 'Status bar warning items background color. Warning items stand out from other status bar entries to indicate warning conditions. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1577 | }, {
1578 | id: 'statusBarItem.warningForeground', defaults: {
1579 | dark: color_1.Color.white,
1580 | light: color_1.Color.white,
1581 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1582 | hcLight: color_1.Color.white
1583 | }, description: 'Status bar warning items foreground color. Warning items stand out from other status bar entries to indicate warning conditions. The status bar is shown in the bottom of the window.'
1584 | },
1585 |
1586 |
1587 | {
1588 | id: 'quickInput.background', defaults: {
1589 | dark: 'editorWidget.background',
1590 | light: 'editorWidget.background',
1591 | hcDark: 'editorWidget.background',
1592 | hcLight: 'editorWidget.background'
1593 | }, description: 'Quick Input background color. The Quick Input widget is the container for views like the color theme picker.'
1594 | }, {
1595 | id: 'quickInput.foreground', defaults: {
1596 | dark: 'editorWidget.foreground',
1597 | light: 'editorWidget.foreground',
1598 | hcDark: 'editorWidget.foreground',
1599 | hcLight: 'editorWidget.foreground'
1600 | }, description: 'Quick Input foreground color. The Quick Input widget is the container for views like the color theme picker.'
1601 | }, {
1602 | id: 'quickInput.list.focusBackground', defaults: {
1603 | dark: undefined,
1604 | light: undefined,
1605 | hcDark: undefined,
1606 | hcLight: undefined
1607 | }, description: 'quickInput.list.focusBackground deprecation. Please use quickInputList.focusBackground instead'
1608 | }, {
1609 | id: 'quickInputList.focusForeground', defaults: {
1610 | dark: 'list.activeSelectionForeground',
1611 | light: 'list.activeSelectionForeground',
1612 | hcDark: 'list.activeSelectionForeground',
1613 | hcLight: 'list.activeSelectionForeground'
1614 | }, description: 'Quick picker foreground color for the focused item'
1615 | }, {
1616 | id: 'quickInputList.focusBackground', defaults: {
1617 | dark: 'list.activeSelectionBackground',
1618 | light: 'list.activeSelectionBackground',
1619 | hcDark: undefined
1620 | }, description: 'Quick picker background color for the focused item.'
1621 | },
1622 |
1623 | {
1624 | id: 'panel.background', defaults: {
1625 | dark: 'editor.background', light: 'editor.background', hcDark: 'editor.background', hcLight: 'editor.background'
1626 | }, description: 'Panel background color. Panels are shown below the editor area and contain views like output and integrated terminal.'
1627 | }, {
1628 | id: 'panel.border', defaults: {
1629 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('#808080', 0.35), light: color_1.Color.transparent('#808080', 0.35), hcDark: 'contrastBorder', hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1630 | }, description: 'Panel border color to separate the panel from the editor. Panels are shown below the editor area and contain views like output and integrated terminal.'
1631 | }, {
1632 | id: 'panel.dropBackground', defaults: {
1633 | dark: color_1.Color.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12), light: color_1.Color.transparent('#2677CB', 0.18), hcDark: color_1.Color.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)
1634 | }, description: 'Drag and drop feedback color for the panel title items. The color should have transparency so that the panel entries can still shine through. Panels are shown below the editor area and contain views like output and integrated terminal.'
1635 | }, {
1636 | id: 'panelTitle.activeForeground', defaults: {
1637 | dark: '#E7E7E7', light: '#424242', hcDark: color_1.Color.white, hcLight: 'editor.foreground'
1638 | }, description: 'Title color for the active panel. Panels are shown below the editor area and contain views like output and integrated terminal.'
1639 | }, {
1640 | id: 'panelTitle.inactiveForeground', defaults: {
1641 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('panelTitle.activeForeground', 0.6), light: color_1.Color.transparent('panelTitle.activeForeground', 0.75), hcDark: color_1.Color.white, hcLight: 'editor.foreground'
1642 | }, description: 'Title color for the inactive panel. Panels are shown below the editor area and contain views like output and integrated terminal.'
1643 | }, {
1644 | id: 'panelTitle.activeBorder', defaults: {
1645 | dark: 'panelTitle.activeForeground', light: 'panelTitle.activeForeground', hcDark: 'contrastBorder', hcLight: '#B5200D'
1646 | }, description: 'Border color for the active panel title. Panels are shown below the editor area and contain views like output and integrated terminal.'
1647 | }, {
1648 | id: 'panelInput.border', defaults: { light: '#ddd' },
1649 | description: 'Input box border for inputs in the panel.'
1650 | }, {
1651 | id: 'imagePreview.border', defaults: {
1652 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('#808080', 0.35), light: color_1.Color.transparent('#808080', 0.35), hcDark: 'contrastBorder', hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1653 | }, description: 'Border color for image in image preview.'
1654 | },
1655 |
1656 | {
1657 | id: 'titleBar.activeForeground', defaults: {
1658 | dark: '#CCCCCC',
1659 | light: '#333333',
1660 | hcDark: '#FFFFFF',
1661 | hcLight: '#292929'
1662 | }, description: 'Title bar foreground when the window is active. Note that this color is currently only supported on macOS.'
1663 | }, {
1664 | id: 'titleBar.inactiveForeground', defaults: {
1665 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('titleBar.activeForeground', 0.6),
1666 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('titleBar.activeForeground', 0.6),
1667 | hcLight: '#292929'
1668 | }, description: 'Title bar foreground when the window is inactive. Note that this color is currently only supported on macOS.'
1669 | }, {
1670 | id: 'titleBar.activeBackground', defaults: {
1671 | dark: '#3C3C3C',
1672 | light: '#DDDDDD',
1673 | hcDark: '#000000',
1674 | hcLight: '#FFFFFF'
1675 | }, description: 'Title bar background when the window is active. Note that this color is currently only supported on macOS.'
1676 | }, {
1677 | id: 'titleBar.inactiveBackground', defaults: {
1678 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('titleBar.activeBackground', 0.6),
1679 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('titleBar.activeBackground', 0.6)
1680 | }, description: 'Title bar background when the window is inactive. Note that this color is currently only supported on macOS.'
1681 | }, {
1682 | id: 'titleBar.border', defaults: {
1683 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder',
1684 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1685 | }, description: 'Title bar border color. Note that this color is currently only supported on macOS.'
1686 | },
1687 |
1688 | {
1689 | id: 'menubar.selectionForeground', defaults: {
1690 | dark: 'titleBar.activeForeground',
1691 | light: 'titleBar.activeForeground',
1692 | hcDark: 'titleBar.activeForeground',
1693 | hcLight: 'titleBar.activeForeground'
1694 | }, description: 'Foreground color of the selected menu item in the menubar.'
1695 | }, {
1696 | id: 'menubar.selectionBackground', defaults: {
1697 | dark: 'toolbar.hoverBackground',
1698 | light: 'toolbar.hoverBackground'
1699 | }, description: 'Background color of the selected menu item in the menubar.'
1700 | }, {
1701 | id: 'menubar.selectionBorder', defaults: {
1702 | hcDark: 'activeContrastBorder', hcLight: 'activeContrastBorder'
1703 | }, description: 'Border color of the selected menu item in the menubar.'
1704 | }, {
1705 | id: 'menu.border', defaults: {
1706 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder', hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1707 | }, description: 'Border color of menus.'
1708 | }, {
1709 | id: 'menu.foreground', defaults: {
1710 | dark: 'dropdown.foreground', light: 'foreground', hcDark: 'dropdown.foreground', hcLight: 'dropdown.foreground'
1711 | },
1712 | description: 'Foreground color of menu items.'
1713 | }, {
1714 | id: 'menu.background', defaults: {
1715 | dark: 'dropdown.background', light: 'dropdown.background', hcDark: 'dropdown.background', hcLight: 'dropdown.background'
1716 | }, description: 'Background color of menu items.'
1717 | }, {
1718 | id: 'menu.selectionForeground', defaults: {
1719 | dark: 'list.activeSelectionForeground', light: 'list.activeSelectionForeground', hcDark: 'list.activeSelectionForeground', hcLight: 'list.activeSelectionForeground'
1720 | }, description: 'Foreground color of the selected menu item in menus.'
1721 | }, {
1722 | id: 'menu.selectionBackground', defaults: {
1723 | dark: 'list.activeSelectionBackground', light: 'list.activeSelectionBackground', hcDark: 'list.activeSelectionBackground', hcLight: 'list.activeSelectionBackground'
1724 | },
1725 | description: 'Background color of the selected menu item in menus.'
1726 | }, {
1727 | id: 'menu.selectionBorder', defaults: {
1728 | hcDark: 'activeContrastBorder', hcLight: 'activeContrastBorder'
1729 | }, description: 'Border color of the selected menu item in menus.'
1730 | }, {
1731 | id: 'menu.separatorBackground', defaults: {
1732 | dark: '#BBBBBB', light: '#888888', hcDark: 'contrastBorder', hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1733 | },
1734 | description: 'Color of a separator menu item in menus.'
1735 | },
1736 |
1737 | { id: 'welcomePage.background', description: 'Background color for the Welcome page.' }, { id: 'welcomePage.buttonBackground', defaults: { dark: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 0, 0, .2), light: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 0, 0, .04), hcDark: color_1.Color.black, hcLight: color_1.Color.white }, description: 'Background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.' }, { id: 'welcomePage.buttonHoverBackground', defaults: { dark: color_1.Color.rgba(200, 235, 255, .072), light: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 0, 0, .10) }, description: 'Hover background color for the buttons on the Welcome page.' }, { id: 'walkThrough.embeddedEditorBackground', defaults: { dark: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 0, 0, .4), light: '#f4f4f4' }, description: 'Background color for the embedded editors on the Interactive Playground.' },
1738 |
1739 | {
1740 | id: 'dropdown.background', defaults: {
1741 | light: color_1.Color.white,
1742 | dark: '#3C3C3C',
1743 | hcDark: color_1.Color.black,
1744 | hcLight: color_1.Color.white
1745 | }, description: 'Dropdown background.'
1746 | }, {
1747 | id: 'dropdown.listBackground', defaults: {
1748 | hcDark: color_1.Color.black,
1749 | hcLight: color_1.Color.white
1750 | }, description: 'Dropdown list background.'
1751 | }, {
1752 | id: 'dropdown.foreground', defaults: {
1753 | dark: '#F0F0F0',
1754 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
1755 | hcLight: 'foreground'
1756 | }, description: 'Dropdown foreground.'
1757 | }, {
1758 | id: 'dropdown.border', defaults: {
1759 | light: '#CECECE',
1760 | dark: 'dropdown.background',
1761 | hcDark: 'contrastBorder',
1762 | hcLight: 'contrastBorder'
1763 | }, description: 'Dropdown border.'
1764 | },
1765 |
1766 | {
1767 | id: 'settings.headerForeground', defaults: {
1768 | light: '#444444', dark: '#e7e7e7', hcDark: '#ffffff', hcLight: '#292929'
1769 | }, description: 'The foreground color for a section header or active title.'
1770 | }, {
1771 | id: 'settings.modifiedItemIndicator', defaults: {
1772 | light: color_1.Color.rgba(102, 175, 224),
1773 | dark: color_1.Color.rgba(12, 125, 157),
1774 | hcDark: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 73, 122),
1775 | hcLight: color_1.Color.rgba(102, 175, 224)
1776 | }, description: 'The color of the modified setting indicator.'
1777 | }, {
1778 | id: 'settings.dropdownBackground', defaults: {
1779 | dark: 'dropdown.background', light: 'dropdown.background', hcDark: 'dropdown.background', hcLight: 'dropdown.background'
1780 | },
1781 | description: 'Settings editor dropdown background.'
1782 | }, {
1783 | id: 'settings.dropdownForeground', defaults: {
1784 | dark: 'dropdown.foreground', light: 'dropdown.foreground', hcDark: 'dropdown.foreground', hcLight: 'dropdown.foreground'
1785 | }, description: 'Settings editor dropdown foreground.'
1786 | }, {
1787 | id: 'settings.dropdownBorder', defaults: {
1788 | dark: 'dropdown.border', light: 'dropdown.border', hcDark: 'dropdown.border', hcLight: 'dropdown.border'
1789 | }, description: 'Settings editor dropdown border.'
1790 | }, {
1791 | id: 'settings.dropdownListBorder', defaults: {
1792 | dark: 'editorWidget.border', light: 'editorWidget.border', hcDark: 'editorWidget.border', hcLight: 'editorWidget.border'
1793 | }, description: 'Settings editor dropdown list border. This surrounds the options and separates the options from the description.'
1794 | }, {
1795 | id: 'settings.checkboxBackground', defaults: {
1796 | dark: 'checkbox.background', light: 'checkbox.background', hcDark: 'checkbox.background', hcLight: 'checkbox.background'
1797 | }, description: 'Settings editor checkbox background.'
1798 | }, {
1799 | id: 'settings.checkboxForeground', defaults: {
1800 | dark: 'checkbox.foreground', light: 'checkbox.foreground', hcDark: 'checkbox.foreground', hcLight: 'checkbox.foreground'
1801 | }, description: 'Settings editor checkbox foreground.'
1802 | }, {
1803 | id: 'settings.checkboxBorder', defaults: {
1804 | dark: 'checkbox.border', light: 'checkbox.border', hcDark: 'checkbox.border', hcLight: 'checkbox.border'
1805 | }, description: 'Settings editor checkbox border.'
1806 | }, {
1807 | id: 'settings.textInputBackground', defaults: {
1808 | dark: 'input.background', light: 'input.background', hcDark: 'input.background', hcLight: 'input.background'
1809 | }, description: 'Settings editor text input box background.'
1810 | }, {
1811 | id: 'settings.textInputForeground', defaults: {
1812 | dark: 'input.foreground', light: 'input.foreground', hcDark: 'input.foreground', hcLight: 'input.foreground'
1813 | }, description: 'Settings editor text input box foreground.'
1814 | }, {
1815 | id: 'settings.textInputBorder', defaults: {
1816 | dark: 'input.border', light: 'input.border', hcDark: 'input.border', hcLight: 'input.background'
1817 | }, description: 'Settings editor text input box border.'
1818 | }, {
1819 | id: 'settings.numberInputBackground', defaults: {
1820 | dark: 'input.background', light: 'input.background', hcDark: 'input.background', hcLight: 'input.background'
1821 | }, description: 'Settings editor number input box background.'
1822 | }, {
1823 | id: 'settings.numberInputForeground', defaults: {
1824 | dark: 'input.foreground', light: 'input.foreground', hcDark: 'input.foreground', hcLight: 'input.foreground'
1825 | }, description: 'Settings editor number input box foreground.'
1826 | }, {
1827 | id: 'settings.numberInputBorder', defaults: {
1828 | dark: 'input.border', light: 'input.border', hcDark: 'input.border', hcLight: 'input.border'
1829 | }, description: 'Settings editor number input box border.'
1830 | }, {
1831 | id: 'settings.focusedRowBackground', defaults: {
1832 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('#808080', 0.14),
1833 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('#808080', 0.03),
1834 | hcDark: undefined,
1835 | hcLight: undefined
1836 | }, description: 'The background color of a settings row when focused.'
1837 | }, {
1838 | id: 'settings.rowHoverBackground', defaults: {
1839 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('#808080', 0.07),
1840 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('#808080', 0.05),
1841 | hcDark: undefined,
1842 | hcLight: undefined
1843 | }, description: 'The background color of a settings row when hovered.'
1844 | }, {
1845 | id: 'settings.focusedRowBorder', defaults: {
1846 | dark: color_1.Color.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12),
1847 | light: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12),
1848 | hcDark: 'focusBorder',
1849 | hcLight: 'focusBorder'
1850 | }, description: "The color of the row's top and bottom border when the row is focused."
1851 | },
1852 |
1853 | {
1854 | id: 'toolbar.hoverBackground', defaults: {
1855 | dark: '#5a5d5e50', light: '#b8b8b850', hcDark: undefined, hcLight: undefined
1856 | }, description: 'Toolbar background when hovering over actions using the mouse.'
1857 | },
1858 |
1859 | {
1860 | id: 'variable.name.color', defaults: {
1861 | dark: '#C586C0',
1862 | light: '#9B46B0',
1863 | hcDark: '#C586C0'
1864 | },
1865 | description: 'Color of a variable name.'
1866 | }, {
1867 | id: 'variable.value.color', defaults: {
1868 | dark: color_1.Color.rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.6),
1869 | light: color_1.Color.rgba(108, 108, 108, 0.8),
1870 | hcDark: color_1.Color.rgba(204, 204, 204, 0.6)
1871 | },
1872 | description: 'Color of a variable value.'
1873 | }, {
1874 | id: 'variable.number.variable.color', defaults: {
1875 | dark: '#B5CEA8',
1876 | light: '#09885A',
1877 | hcDark: '#B5CEA8'
1878 | },
1879 | description: 'Value color of a number variable'
1880 | }, {
1881 | id: 'variable.boolean.variable.color', defaults: {
1882 | dark: '#4E94CE',
1883 | light: '#0000FF',
1884 | hcDark: '#4E94CE'
1885 | },
1886 | description: 'Value color of a boolean variable'
1887 | }, {
1888 | id: 'variable.string.variable.color', defaults: {
1889 | dark: '#CE9178',
1890 | light: '#A31515',
1891 | hcDark: '#CE9178'
1892 | },
1893 | description: 'Value color of a string variable'
1894 | },
1895 |
1896 | {
1897 | id: 'ansi.black.color', defaults: {
1898 | dark: '#A0A0A0',
1899 | light: color_1.Color.rgba(128, 128, 128),
1900 | hcDark: '#A0A0A0'
1901 | },
1902 | description: 'ANSI black color'
1903 | }, {
1904 | id: 'ansi.red.color', defaults: {
1905 | dark: '#A74747',
1906 | light: '#BE1717',
1907 | hcDark: '#A74747'
1908 | },
1909 | description: 'ANSI red color'
1910 | }, {
1911 | id: 'ansi.green.color', defaults: {
1912 | dark: '#348F34',
1913 | light: '#338A2F',
1914 | hcDark: '#348F34'
1915 | },
1916 | description: 'ANSI green color'
1917 | }, {
1918 | id: 'ansi.yellow.color', defaults: {
1919 | dark: '#5F4C29',
1920 | light: '#BEB817',
1921 | hcDark: '#5F4C29'
1922 | },
1923 | description: 'ANSI yellow color'
1924 | }, {
1925 | id: 'ansi.blue.color', defaults: {
1926 | dark: '#6286BB',
1927 | light: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 0, 139),
1928 | hcDark: '#6286BB'
1929 | },
1930 | description: 'ANSI blue color'
1931 | }, {
1932 | id: 'ansi.magenta.color', defaults: {
1933 | dark: '#914191',
1934 | light: color_1.Color.rgba(139, 0, 139),
1935 | hcDark: '#914191'
1936 | },
1937 | description: 'ANSI magenta color'
1938 | }, {
1939 | id: 'ansi.cyan.color', defaults: {
1940 | dark: '#218D8D',
1941 | light: color_1.Color.rgba(0, 139, 139),
1942 | hcDark: '#218D8D'
1943 | },
1944 | description: 'ANSI cyan color'
1945 | }, {
1946 | id: 'ansi.white.color', defaults: {
1947 | dark: '#707070',
1948 | light: '#BDBDBD',
1949 | hcDark: '#707070'
1950 | },
1951 | description: 'ANSI white color'
1952 | },
1953 |
1954 |
1955 | {
1956 | id: 'errorBackground',
1957 | defaults: {
1958 | dark: 'inputValidation.errorBackground',
1959 | light: 'inputValidation.errorBackground',
1960 | hcDark: 'inputValidation.errorBackground'
1961 | }, description: 'Background color of error widgets (like alerts or notifications).'
1962 | }, {
1963 | id: 'successBackground',
1964 | defaults: {
1965 | dark: 'editorGutter.addedBackground',
1966 | light: 'editorGutter.addedBackground',
1967 | hcDark: 'editorGutter.addedBackground'
1968 | }, description: 'Background color of success widgets (like alerts or notifications).'
1969 | }, {
1970 | id: 'warningBackground',
1971 | defaults: {
1972 | dark: 'editorWarning.foreground',
1973 | light: 'editorWarning.foreground',
1974 | hcDark: 'editorWarning.border'
1975 | }, description: 'Background color of warning widgets (like alerts or notifications).'
1976 | }, {
1977 | id: 'warningForeground',
1978 | defaults: {
1979 | dark: 'inputValidation.warningBackground',
1980 | light: 'inputValidation.warningBackground',
1981 | hcDark: 'inputValidation.warningBackground'
1982 | }, description: 'Foreground color of warning widgets (like alerts or notifications).'
1983 | },
1984 |
1985 | {
1986 | id: 'statusBar.offlineBackground',
1987 | defaults: {
1988 | dark: 'editorWarning.foreground',
1989 | light: 'editorWarning.foreground',
1990 | hcDark: 'editorWarning.foreground',
1991 | hcLight: 'editorWarning.foreground'
1992 | }, description: 'Background of hovered statusbar item in case the theia server is offline.'
1993 | }, {
1994 | id: 'statusBar.offlineForeground',
1995 | defaults: {
1996 | dark: 'editor.background',
1997 | light: 'editor.background',
1998 | hcDark: 'editor.background',
1999 | hcLight: 'editor.background'
2000 | }, description: 'Background of hovered statusbar item in case the theia server is offline.'
2001 | }, {
2002 | id: 'statusBarItem.offlineHoverBackground',
2003 | defaults: {
2004 | dark: color_1.Color.lighten('statusBar.offlineBackground', 0.4),
2005 | light: color_1.Color.lighten('statusBar.offlineBackground', 0.4),
2006 | hcDark: color_1.Color.lighten('statusBar.offlineBackground', 0.4),
2007 | hcLight: color_1.Color.lighten('statusBar.offlineBackground', 0.4)
2008 | }, description: 'Background of hovered statusbar item in case the theia server is offline.'
2009 | }, {
2010 | id: 'statusBarItem.offlineActiveBackground',
2011 | defaults: {
2012 | dark: color_1.Color.lighten('statusBar.offlineBackground', 0.6),
2013 | light: color_1.Color.lighten('statusBar.offlineBackground', 0.6),
2014 | hcDark: color_1.Color.lighten('statusBar.offlineBackground', 0.6),
2015 | hcLight: color_1.Color.lighten('statusBar.offlineBackground', 0.6)
2016 | }, description: 'Background of active statusbar item in case the theia server is offline.'
2017 | }, {
2018 | id: 'statusBarItem.remoteBackground',
2019 | defaults: {
2020 | dark: 'activityBarBadge.background',
2021 | light: 'activityBarBadge.background',
2022 | hcDark: 'activityBarBadge.background',
2023 | hcLight: 'activityBarBadge.background'
2024 | }, description: 'Background color for the remote indicator on the status bar.'
2025 | }, {
2026 | id: 'statusBarItem.remoteForeground',
2027 | defaults: {
2028 | dark: 'activityBarBadge.foreground',
2029 | light: 'activityBarBadge.foreground',
2030 | hcDark: 'activityBarBadge.foreground',
2031 | hcLight: 'activityBarBadge.foreground'
2032 | }, description: 'Foreground color for the remote indicator on the status bar.'
2033 | },
2034 |
2035 | {
2036 | id: 'secondaryButton.foreground',
2037 | defaults: {
2038 | dark: 'dropdown.foreground',
2039 | light: 'dropdown.foreground',
2040 | hcDark: 'dropdown.foreground',
2041 | hcLight: 'dropdown.foreground'
2042 | }, description: 'Foreground color of secondary buttons.'
2043 | }, {
2044 | id: 'secondaryButton.disabledForeground',
2045 | defaults: {
2046 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('secondaryButton.foreground', 0.5),
2047 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('secondaryButton.foreground', 0.5),
2048 | hcDark: color_1.Color.transparent('secondaryButton.foreground', 0.5),
2049 | hcLight: color_1.Color.transparent('secondaryButton.foreground', 0.5),
2050 | }, description: 'Foreground color of secondary buttons.'
2051 | }, {
2052 | id: 'secondaryButton.background',
2053 | defaults: {
2054 | dark: color_1.Color.lighten('dropdown.background', 0.5),
2055 | light: color_1.Color.lighten('dropdown.background', 0.5)
2056 | }, description: 'Background color of secondary buttons.'
2057 | }, {
2058 | id: 'secondaryButton.hoverBackground',
2059 | defaults: {
2060 | dark: color_1.Color.lighten('secondaryButton.background', 0.2),
2061 | light: color_1.Color.lighten('secondaryButton.background', 0.2)
2062 | }, description: 'Background color when hovering secondary buttons.'
2063 | }, {
2064 | id: 'secondaryButton.disabledBackground',
2065 | defaults: {
2066 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('secondaryButton.background', 0.6),
2067 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('secondaryButton.background', 0.6)
2068 | }, description: 'Background color when hovering secondary buttons.'
2069 | }, {
2070 | id: 'button.disabledForeground',
2071 | defaults: {
2072 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('button.foreground', 0.5),
2073 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('button.foreground', 0.5),
2074 | hcDark: color_1.Color.transparent('button.foreground', 0.5)
2075 | }, description: 'Foreground color of secondary buttons.'
2076 | }, {
2077 | id: 'button.disabledBackground',
2078 | defaults: {
2079 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('button.background', 0.5),
2080 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('button.background', 0.5)
2081 | }, description: 'Background color of secondary buttons.'
2082 | }, {
2083 | id: 'editorGutter.commentRangeForeground',
2084 | defaults: {
2085 | dark: '#c5c5c5',
2086 | light: '#c5c5c5',
2087 | hcDark: color_1.Color.white,
2088 | hcLight: color_1.Color.white
2089 | }, description: 'Editor gutter decoration color for commenting ranges.'
2090 | }, {
2091 | id: 'breadcrumb.foreground',
2092 | defaults: {
2093 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('foreground', 0.8),
2094 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('foreground', 0.8),
2095 | hcDark: color_1.Color.transparent('foreground', 0.8),
2096 | hcLight: color_1.Color.transparent('foreground', 0.8)
2097 | },
2098 | description: 'Color of breadcrumb item text'
2099 | }, {
2100 | id: 'breadcrumb.background',
2101 | defaults: {
2102 | dark: 'editor.background',
2103 | light: 'editor.background',
2104 | hcDark: 'editor.background',
2105 | hcLight: 'editor.background'
2106 | },
2107 | description: 'Color of breadcrumb item background'
2108 | }, {
2109 | id: 'breadcrumb.focusForeground',
2110 | defaults: {
2111 | dark: color_1.Color.lighten('foreground', 0.1),
2112 | light: color_1.Color.darken('foreground', 0.2),
2113 | hcDark: color_1.Color.lighten('foreground', 0.1),
2114 | hcLight: color_1.Color.lighten('foreground', 0.1)
2115 | },
2116 | description: 'Color of breadcrumb item text when focused'
2117 | }, {
2118 | id: 'breadcrumb.activeSelectionForeground',
2119 | defaults: {
2120 | dark: color_1.Color.lighten('foreground', 0.1),
2121 | light: color_1.Color.darken('foreground', 0.2),
2122 | hcDark: color_1.Color.lighten('foreground', 0.1),
2123 | hcLight: color_1.Color.lighten('foreground', 0.1)
2124 | },
2125 | description: 'Color of selected breadcrumb item'
2126 | }, {
2127 | id: 'breadcrumbPicker.background',
2128 | defaults: {
2129 | dark: 'editorWidget.background',
2130 | light: 'editorWidget.background',
2131 | hcDark: 'editorWidget.background',
2132 | hcLight: 'editorWidget.background'
2133 | },
2134 | description: 'Background color of breadcrumb item picker'
2135 | }, {
2136 | id: 'mainToolbar.background',
2137 | defaults: {
2138 | dark: color_1.Color.lighten('activityBar.background', 0.1),
2139 | light: color_1.Color.darken('activityBar.background', 0.1),
2140 | hcDark: color_1.Color.lighten('activityBar.background', 0.1),
2141 | hcLight: color_1.Color.lighten('activityBar.background', 0.1)
2142 | },
2143 | description: 'Background color of shell\'s global toolbar'
2144 | }, {
2145 | id: 'mainToolbar.foreground', defaults: {
2146 | dark: color_1.Color.darken('activityBar.foreground', 0.1),
2147 | light: color_1.Color.lighten('activityBar.foreground', 0.1),
2148 | hcDark: color_1.Color.lighten('activityBar.foreground', 0.1),
2149 | hcLight: color_1.Color.lighten('activityBar.foreground', 0.1),
2150 | }, description: 'Foreground color of active toolbar item',
2151 | }, {
2152 | id: 'editorHoverWidgetInternalBorder',
2153 | defaults: {
2154 | dark: color_1.Color.transparent('editorHoverWidget.border', 0.5),
2155 | light: color_1.Color.transparent('editorHoverWidget.border', 0.5),
2156 | hcDark: color_1.Color.transparent('editorHoverWidget.border', 0.5),
2157 | hcLight: color_1.Color.transparent('editorHoverWidget.border', 0.5)
2158 | },
2159 | description: 'The border between subelements of a hover widget'
2160 | });
2161 | }
2162 | };
2163 | __decorate([
2164 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(context_key_service_1.ContextKeyService),
2165 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
2166 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "contextKeyService", void 0);
2167 | __decorate([
2168 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(resource_context_key_1.ResourceContextKey),
2169 | __metadata("design:type", resource_context_key_1.ResourceContextKey)
2170 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "resourceContextKey", void 0);
2171 | __decorate([
2172 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(command_1.CommandRegistry),
2173 | __metadata("design:type", command_1.CommandRegistry)
2174 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "commandRegistry", void 0);
2175 | __decorate([
2176 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(menu_1.MenuModelRegistry),
2177 | __metadata("design:type", menu_1.MenuModelRegistry)
2178 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "menuRegistry", void 0);
2179 | __decorate([
2180 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(storage_service_1.StorageService),
2181 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
2182 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "storageService", void 0);
2183 | __decorate([
2184 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(quick_input_1.QuickInputService),
2185 | (0, inversify_1.optional)(),
2186 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
2187 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "quickInputService", void 0);
2188 | __decorate([
2189 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(icon_theme_service_1.IconThemeService),
2190 | __metadata("design:type", icon_theme_service_1.IconThemeService)
2191 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "iconThemes", void 0);
2192 | __decorate([
2193 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(theming_1.ThemeService),
2194 | __metadata("design:type", theming_1.ThemeService)
2195 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "themeService", void 0);
2196 | __decorate([
2197 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(core_preferences_1.CorePreferences),
2198 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
2199 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "preferences", void 0);
2200 | __decorate([
2201 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(preferences_1.PreferenceService),
2202 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
2203 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "preferenceService", void 0);
2204 | __decorate([
2205 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(clipboard_service_1.ClipboardService),
2206 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
2207 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "clipboardService", void 0);
2208 | __decorate([
2209 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(encoding_registry_1.EncodingRegistry),
2210 | __metadata("design:type", encoding_registry_1.EncodingRegistry)
2211 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "encodingRegistry", void 0);
2212 | __decorate([
2213 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(env_variables_1.EnvVariablesServer),
2214 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
2215 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "environments", void 0);
2216 | __decorate([
2217 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(authentication_service_1.AuthenticationService),
2218 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
2219 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "authenticationService", void 0);
2220 | __decorate([
2221 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(window_service_1.WindowService),
2222 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
2223 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "windowService", void 0);
2224 | __decorate([
2225 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(user_working_directory_provider_1.UserWorkingDirectoryProvider),
2226 | __metadata("design:type", user_working_directory_provider_1.UserWorkingDirectoryProvider)
2227 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "workingDirProvider", void 0);
2228 | __decorate([
2229 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(language_quick_pick_service_1.LanguageQuickPickService),
2230 | __metadata("design:type", language_quick_pick_service_1.LanguageQuickPickService)
2231 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "languageQuickPickService", void 0);
2232 | __decorate([
2233 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(common_1.UntitledResourceResolver),
2234 | __metadata("design:type", common_1.UntitledResourceResolver)
2235 | ], CommonFrontendContribution.prototype, "untitledResourceResolver", void 0);
2236 | CommonFrontendContribution = __decorate([
2237 | (0, inversify_1.injectable)(),
2238 | __param(0, (0, inversify_1.inject)(application_shell_1.ApplicationShell)),
2239 | __param(1, (0, inversify_1.inject)(selection_service_1.SelectionService)),
2240 | __param(2, (0, inversify_1.inject)(message_service_1.MessageService)),
2241 | __param(3, (0, inversify_1.inject)(opener_service_1.OpenerService)),
2242 | __param(4, (0, inversify_1.inject)(about_dialog_1.AboutDialog)),
2243 | __param(5, (0, inversify_1.inject)(localization_1.AsyncLocalizationProvider)),
2244 | __param(6, (0, inversify_1.inject)(save_resource_service_1.SaveResourceService)),
2245 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [application_shell_1.ApplicationShell,
2246 | selection_service_1.SelectionService,
2247 | message_service_1.MessageService, Object, about_dialog_1.AboutDialog, Object, save_resource_service_1.SaveResourceService])
2248 | ], CommonFrontendContribution);
2249 | exports.CommonFrontendContribution = CommonFrontendContribution;
2250 |
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