17.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2// *****************************************************************************
3// Copyright (C) 2022 TypeFox and others.
5// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
6// terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
7// http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
9// This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
10// Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
11// Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
12// with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at
13// https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
15// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
16// *****************************************************************************
17var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
18 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
19 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
20 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
21 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
23Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
24exports.ButtonStylingParticipant = exports.TabbarStylingParticipant = exports.BadgeStylingParticipant = exports.MenuStylingParticipant = exports.StatusBarStylingParticipant = exports.BreadcrumbStylingParticipant = exports.TreeStylingParticipant = exports.ActionLabelStylingParticipant = exports.bindCommonStylingParticipants = void 0;
25const inversify_1 = require("inversify");
26const styling_service_1 = require("./styling-service");
27const theme_1 = require("../common/theme");
28function bindCommonStylingParticipants(bind) {
29 for (const participant of [
30 ActionLabelStylingParticipant,
31 BadgeStylingParticipant,
32 BreadcrumbStylingParticipant,
33 ButtonStylingParticipant,
34 MenuStylingParticipant,
35 TabbarStylingParticipant,
36 TreeStylingParticipant,
37 StatusBarStylingParticipant
38 ]) {
39 bind(participant).toSelf().inSingletonScope();
40 bind(styling_service_1.StylingParticipant).toService(participant);
41 }
43exports.bindCommonStylingParticipants = bindCommonStylingParticipants;
44let ActionLabelStylingParticipant = class ActionLabelStylingParticipant {
45 registerThemeStyle(theme, collector) {
46 const focusBorder = theme.getColor('focusBorder');
47 if ((0, theme_1.isHighContrast)(theme.type) && focusBorder) {
48 if (focusBorder) {
49 collector.addRule(`
50 .action-label:hover {
51 outline: 1px dashed ${focusBorder};
52 }
53 `);
54 }
55 }
56 }
58ActionLabelStylingParticipant = __decorate([
59 (0, inversify_1.injectable)()
60], ActionLabelStylingParticipant);
61exports.ActionLabelStylingParticipant = ActionLabelStylingParticipant;
62let TreeStylingParticipant = class TreeStylingParticipant {
63 registerThemeStyle(theme, collector) {
64 const focusBorder = theme.getColor('focusBorder');
65 if ((0, theme_1.isHighContrast)(theme.type) && focusBorder) {
66 collector.addRule(`
67 .theia-TreeNode {
68 outline-offset: -1px;
69 }
70 .theia-TreeNode:hover {
71 outline: 1px dashed ${focusBorder};
72 }
73 .theia-Tree .theia-TreeNode.theia-mod-selected {
74 outline: 1px dotted ${focusBorder};
75 }
76 .theia-Tree:focus .theia-TreeNode.theia-mod-selected,
77 .theia-Tree .ReactVirtualized__List:focus .theia-TreeNode.theia-mod-selected {
78 outline: 1px solid ${focusBorder};
79 }
80 `);
81 }
82 }
84TreeStylingParticipant = __decorate([
85 (0, inversify_1.injectable)()
86], TreeStylingParticipant);
87exports.TreeStylingParticipant = TreeStylingParticipant;
88let BreadcrumbStylingParticipant = class BreadcrumbStylingParticipant {
89 registerThemeStyle(theme, collector) {
90 const contrastBorder = theme.getColor('contrastBorder');
91 if ((0, theme_1.isHighContrast)(theme.type) && contrastBorder) {
92 collector.addRule(`
93 .theia-tabBar-breadcrumb-row {
94 outline: 1px solid ${contrastBorder};
95 }
96 `);
97 }
98 }
100BreadcrumbStylingParticipant = __decorate([
101 (0, inversify_1.injectable)()
102], BreadcrumbStylingParticipant);
103exports.BreadcrumbStylingParticipant = BreadcrumbStylingParticipant;
104let StatusBarStylingParticipant = class StatusBarStylingParticipant {
105 registerThemeStyle(theme, collector) {
106 const focusBorder = theme.getColor('focusBorder');
107 if ((0, theme_1.isHighContrast)(theme.type) && focusBorder) {
108 collector.addRule(`
109 #theia-statusBar .area .element.hasCommand:hover {
110 outline: 1px dashed ${focusBorder};
111 }
112 #theia-statusBar .area .element.hasCommand:active {
113 outline: 1px solid ${focusBorder};
114 }
115 .theia-mod-offline #theia-statusBar .area .element.hasCommand:hover {
116 outline: none;
117 }
118 .theia-mod-offline #theia-statusBar .area .element.hasCommand:active {
119 outline: none;
120 }
121 `);
122 }
123 else {
124 collector.addRule(`
125 #theia-statusBar .area .element.hasCommand:hover {
126 background-color: var(--theia-statusBarItem-hoverBackground);
127 }
128 #theia-statusBar .area .element.hasCommand:active {
129 background-color: var(--theia-statusBarItem-activeBackground);
130 }
131 .theia-mod-offline #theia-statusBar .area .element.hasCommand:hover {
132 background-color: var(--theia-statusBarItem-offlineHoverBackground) !important;
133 }
134 .theia-mod-offline #theia-statusBar .area .element.hasCommand:active {
135 background-color: var(--theia-statusBarItem-offlineActiveBackground) !important;
136 }
137 `);
138 }
139 }
141StatusBarStylingParticipant = __decorate([
142 (0, inversify_1.injectable)()
143], StatusBarStylingParticipant);
144exports.StatusBarStylingParticipant = StatusBarStylingParticipant;
145let MenuStylingParticipant = class MenuStylingParticipant {
146 registerThemeStyle(theme, collector) {
147 const focusBorder = theme.getColor('focusBorder');
148 if ((0, theme_1.isHighContrast)(theme.type) && focusBorder) {
149 // Menu items
150 collector.addRule(`
151 .p-Menu .p-Menu-item.p-mod-active {
152 outline: 1px solid ${focusBorder};
153 outline-offset: -1px;
154 }
155 .p-MenuBar .p-MenuBar-item.p-mod-active {
156 outline: 1px dashed ${focusBorder};
157 }
158 .p-MenuBar.p-mod-active .p-MenuBar-item.p-mod-active {
159 outline: 1px solid ${focusBorder};
160 }
161 `);
162 // Sidebar items
163 collector.addRule(`
164 .theia-sidebar-menu > :hover {
165 outline: 1px dashed ${focusBorder};
166 outline-offset: -7px;
167 }
168 `);
169 }
170 }
172MenuStylingParticipant = __decorate([
173 (0, inversify_1.injectable)()
174], MenuStylingParticipant);
175exports.MenuStylingParticipant = MenuStylingParticipant;
176let BadgeStylingParticipant = class BadgeStylingParticipant {
177 registerThemeStyle(theme, collector) {
178 const contrastBorder = theme.getColor('contrastBorder');
179 if ((0, theme_1.isHighContrast)(theme.type) && contrastBorder) {
180 collector.addRule(`.p-TabBar .theia-badge-decorator-sidebar {
181 outline: 1px solid ${contrastBorder};
182 }`);
183 }
184 }
186BadgeStylingParticipant = __decorate([
187 (0, inversify_1.injectable)()
188], BadgeStylingParticipant);
189exports.BadgeStylingParticipant = BadgeStylingParticipant;
190let TabbarStylingParticipant = class TabbarStylingParticipant {
191 registerThemeStyle(theme, collector) {
192 const focusBorder = theme.getColor('focusBorder');
193 const contrastBorder = theme.getColor('contrastBorder');
194 const highContrast = (0, theme_1.isHighContrast)(theme.type);
195 if (highContrast && focusBorder) {
196 collector.addRule(`
197 #theia-bottom-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab,
198 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab {
199 outline-offset: -4px;
200 }
201 #theia-bottom-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab.p-mod-current,
202 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab.p-mod-current {
203 outline: 1px solid ${focusBorder};
204 }
205 #theia-bottom-content-panel .p-TabBar:not(.theia-tabBar-active) .p-TabBar-tab.p-mod-current,
206 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar:not(.theia-tabBar-active) .p-TabBar-tab.p-mod-current {
207 outline: 1px dotted ${focusBorder};
208 }
209 #theia-bottom-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab:not(.p-mod-current):hover,
210 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab:not(.p-mod-current):hover {
211 outline: 1px dashed ${focusBorder};
212 }
213 `);
214 }
215 const tabActiveBackground = theme.getColor('tab.activeBackground');
216 const tabActiveBorderTop = theme.getColor('tab.activeBorderTop');
217 const tabUnfocusedActiveBorderTop = theme.getColor('tab.unfocusedActiveBorderTop');
218 const tabActiveBorder = theme.getColor('tab.activeBorder') || (highContrast && contrastBorder) || 'transparent';
219 const tabUnfocusedActiveBorder = theme.getColor('tab.unfocusedActiveBorder') || (highContrast && contrastBorder) || 'transparent';
220 collector.addRule(`
221 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab.p-mod-current {
222 color: var(--theia-tab-activeForeground);
223 ${tabActiveBackground ? `background: ${tabActiveBackground};` : ''}
224 ${tabActiveBorderTop ? `border-top: 1px solid ${tabActiveBorderTop};` : ''}
225 border-bottom: 1px solid ${tabActiveBorder};
226 }
227 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar:not(.theia-tabBar-active) .p-TabBar-tab.p-mod-current {
228 background: var(--theia-tab-unfocusedActiveBackground);
229 color: var(--theia-tab-unfocusedActiveForeground);
230 ${tabUnfocusedActiveBorderTop ? `border-top: 1px solid ${tabUnfocusedActiveBorderTop};` : ''}
231 border-bottom: 1px solid ${tabUnfocusedActiveBorder};
232 }
233 `);
234 // Highlight Modified Tabs
235 const tabActiveModifiedBorder = theme.getColor('tab.activeModifiedBorder');
236 const tabUnfocusedInactiveModifiedBorder = theme.getColor('tab.unfocusedInactiveModifiedBorder');
237 const tabInactiveModifiedBorder = theme.getColor('tab.inactiveModifiedBorder');
238 if (tabActiveModifiedBorder || tabInactiveModifiedBorder) {
239 collector.addRule(`
240 body.theia-editor-highlightModifiedTabs
241 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab.theia-mod-dirty {
242 border-top: 2px solid ${tabInactiveModifiedBorder};
243 padding-bottom: 1px;
244 }
246 body.theia-editor-highlightModifiedTabs
247 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar.theia-tabBar-active .p-TabBar-tab.theia-mod-dirty.p-mod-current {
248 border-top: 2px solid ${tabActiveModifiedBorder};
249 }
251 body.theia-editor-highlightModifiedTabs
252 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar:not(.theia-tabBar-active) .p-TabBar-tab.theia-mod-dirty:not(.p-mod-current) {
253 border-top: 2px solid ${tabUnfocusedInactiveModifiedBorder};
254 }
255 `);
256 }
257 // Activity Bar Active Border
258 const activityBarActiveBorder = theme.getColor('activityBar.activeBorder') || 'var(--theia-activityBar-foreground)';
259 collector.addRule(`
260 .p-TabBar.theia-app-left .p-TabBar-tab.p-mod-current {
261 border-top-color: transparent;
262 box-shadow: 2px 0 0 ${activityBarActiveBorder} inset;
263 }
265 .p-TabBar.theia-app-right .p-TabBar-tab.p-mod-current {
266 border-top-color: transparent;
267 box-shadow: -2px 0 0 ${activityBarActiveBorder} inset;
268 }
269 `);
270 // Hover Background
271 const tabHoverBackground = theme.getColor('tab.hoverBackground');
272 if (tabHoverBackground) {
273 collector.addRule(`
274 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab:hover {
275 background-color: ${tabHoverBackground};
276 }
277 `);
278 }
279 const tabUnfocusedHoverBackground = theme.getColor('tab.unfocusedHoverBackground');
280 if (tabUnfocusedHoverBackground) {
281 collector.addRule(`
282 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar:not(.theia-tabBar-active) .p-TabBar-tab:hover {
283 background-color: ${tabUnfocusedHoverBackground};
284 }
285 `);
286 }
287 // Hover Foreground
288 const tabHoverForeground = theme.getColor('tab.hoverForeground');
289 if (tabHoverForeground) {
290 collector.addRule(`
291 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab:hover {
292 color: ${tabHoverForeground};
293 }
294 `);
295 }
296 const tabUnfocusedHoverForeground = theme.getColor('tab.unfocusedHoverForeground');
297 if (tabUnfocusedHoverForeground) {
298 collector.addRule(`
299 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar:not(.theia-tabBar-active) .p-TabBar-tab:hover {
300 color: ${tabUnfocusedHoverForeground};
301 }
302 `);
303 }
304 // Hover Border
305 const tabHoverBorder = theme.getColor('tab.hoverBorder');
306 if (tabHoverBorder) {
307 collector.addRule(`
308 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar .p-TabBar-tab:hover {
309 box-shadow: 0 1px 0 ${tabHoverBorder} inset;
310 }
311 `);
312 }
313 const tabUnfocusedHoverBorder = theme.getColor('tab.unfocusedHoverBorder');
314 if (tabUnfocusedHoverBorder) {
315 collector.addRule(`
316 #theia-main-content-panel .p-TabBar:not(.theia-tabBar-active) .p-TabBar-tab:hover {
317 box-shadow: 0 1px 0 ${tabUnfocusedHoverBorder} inset;
318 }
319 `);
320 }
321 }
323TabbarStylingParticipant = __decorate([
324 (0, inversify_1.injectable)()
325], TabbarStylingParticipant);
326exports.TabbarStylingParticipant = TabbarStylingParticipant;
327let ButtonStylingParticipant = class ButtonStylingParticipant {
328 registerThemeStyle(theme, collector) {
329 const contrastBorder = theme.getColor('contrastBorder');
330 if ((0, theme_1.isHighContrast)(theme.type) && contrastBorder) {
331 collector.addRule(`
332 .theia-button {
333 border: 1px solid ${contrastBorder};
334 }
335 `);
336 }
337 const buttonBackground = theme.getColor('button.background');
338 collector.addRule(`
339 .theia-button {
340 background: ${buttonBackground || 'none'};
341 }
342 `);
343 const buttonHoverBackground = theme.getColor('button.hoverBackground');
344 if (buttonHoverBackground) {
345 collector.addRule(`
346 .theia-button:hover {
347 background-color: ${buttonHoverBackground};
348 }
349 `);
350 }
351 const secondaryButtonBackground = theme.getColor('secondaryButton.background');
352 collector.addRule(`
353 .theia-button.secondary {
354 background: ${secondaryButtonBackground || 'none'};
355 }
356 `);
357 const secondaryButtonHoverBackground = theme.getColor('secondaryButton.hoverBackground');
358 if (secondaryButtonHoverBackground) {
359 collector.addRule(`
360 .theia-button.secondary:hover {
361 background-color: ${secondaryButtonHoverBackground};
362 }
363 `);
364 }
365 }
367ButtonStylingParticipant = __decorate([
368 (0, inversify_1.injectable)()
369], ButtonStylingParticipant);
370exports.ButtonStylingParticipant = ButtonStylingParticipant;
371//# sourceMappingURL=common-styling-participants.js.map
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