1 | import { MenuBar, Menu as MenuWidget, Widget } from '@phosphor/widgets';
2 | import { CommandRegistry as PhosphorCommandRegistry } from '@phosphor/commands';
3 | import { CommandRegistry, DisposableCollection, Disposable, MenuModelRegistry, MenuPath, MenuNode, MenuCommandExecutor, CompoundMenuNode, CommandMenuNode } from '../../common';
4 | import { KeybindingRegistry } from '../keybinding';
5 | import { FrontendApplication } from '../frontend-application';
6 | import { FrontendApplicationContribution } from '../frontend-application-contribution';
7 | import { ContextKeyService, ContextMatcher } from '../context-key-service';
8 | import { ContextMenuContext } from './context-menu-context';
9 | import { ApplicationShell } from '../shell';
10 | import { CorePreferences } from '../core-preferences';
11 | import { PreferenceService } from '../preferences/preference-service';
12 | export declare abstract class MenuBarWidget extends MenuBar {
13 | abstract activateMenu(label: string, ...labels: string[]): Promise<MenuWidget>;
14 | abstract triggerMenuItem(label: string, ...labels: string[]): Promise<MenuWidget.IItem>;
15 | }
16 | export interface BrowserMenuOptions extends MenuWidget.IOptions {
17 | commands: MenuCommandRegistry;
18 | context?: HTMLElement;
19 | contextKeyService?: ContextMatcher;
20 | rootMenuPath: MenuPath;
21 | }
22 | export declare class BrowserMainMenuFactory implements MenuWidgetFactory {
23 | protected readonly contextKeyService: ContextKeyService;
24 | protected readonly context: ContextMenuContext;
25 | protected readonly commandRegistry: CommandRegistry;
26 | protected readonly menuCommandExecutor: MenuCommandExecutor;
27 | protected readonly corePreferences: CorePreferences;
28 | protected readonly keybindingRegistry: KeybindingRegistry;
29 | protected readonly menuProvider: MenuModelRegistry;
30 | createMenuBar(): MenuBarWidget;
31 | protected showMenuBar(menuBar: DynamicMenuBarWidget, preference: string | undefined): void;
32 | protected fillMenuBar(menuBar: MenuBarWidget): void;
33 | createContextMenu(path: MenuPath, args?: unknown[], context?: HTMLElement, contextKeyService?: ContextMatcher, skipSingleRootNode?: boolean): MenuWidget;
34 | createMenuWidget(menu: CompoundMenuNode, options: BrowserMenuOptions): DynamicMenuWidget;
35 | protected createMenuCommandRegistry(menu: CompoundMenuNode, args?: unknown[]): MenuCommandRegistry;
36 | protected registerMenu(menuCommandRegistry: MenuCommandRegistry, menu: MenuNode, args: unknown[]): void;
37 | protected get services(): MenuServices;
38 | }
39 | export declare class DynamicMenuBarWidget extends MenuBarWidget {
40 | |
41 |
42 |
43 | protected previousFocusedElement: HTMLElement | undefined;
44 | constructor();
45 | activateMenu(label: string, ...labels: string[]): Promise<MenuWidget>;
46 | triggerMenuItem(label: string, ...labels: string[]): Promise<MenuWidget.IItem>;
47 | }
48 | export declare class MenuServices {
49 | readonly commandRegistry: CommandRegistry;
50 | readonly keybindingRegistry: KeybindingRegistry;
51 | readonly contextKeyService: ContextKeyService;
52 | readonly context: ContextMenuContext;
53 | readonly menuWidgetFactory: MenuWidgetFactory;
54 | readonly commandExecutor: MenuCommandExecutor;
55 | }
56 | export interface MenuWidgetFactory {
57 | createMenuWidget(menu: MenuNode & Required<Pick<MenuNode, 'children'>>, options: BrowserMenuOptions): MenuWidget;
58 | }
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 | export declare class DynamicMenuWidget extends MenuWidget {
63 | protected menu: CompoundMenuNode;
64 | protected options: BrowserMenuOptions;
65 | protected services: MenuServices;
66 | |
67 |
68 |
69 | protected previousFocusedElement: HTMLElement | undefined;
70 | constructor(menu: CompoundMenuNode, options: BrowserMenuOptions, services: MenuServices);
71 | aboutToShow({ previousFocusedElement }: {
72 | previousFocusedElement: HTMLElement | undefined;
73 | }): void;
74 | open(x: number, y: number, options?: MenuWidget.IOpenOptions): void;
75 | protected updateSubMenus(parent: MenuWidget, menu: CompoundMenuNode, commands: MenuCommandRegistry): void;
76 | protected buildSubMenus(parentItems: MenuWidget.IItemOptions[], menu: MenuNode, commands: MenuCommandRegistry): MenuWidget.IItemOptions[];
77 | protected undefinedOrMatch(contextKeyService: ContextMatcher, expression?: string, context?: HTMLElement): boolean;
78 | protected preserveFocusedElement(previousFocusedElement?: Element | null): boolean;
79 | protected restoreFocusedElement(): boolean;
80 | protected runWithPreservedFocusContext(what: () => void): void;
81 | }
82 | export declare class BrowserMenuBarContribution implements FrontendApplicationContribution {
83 | protected readonly factory: BrowserMainMenuFactory;
84 | protected readonly shell: ApplicationShell;
85 | protected readonly preferenceService: PreferenceService;
86 | constructor(factory: BrowserMainMenuFactory);
87 | onStart(app: FrontendApplication): void;
88 | get menuBar(): MenuBarWidget | undefined;
89 | protected appendMenu(shell: ApplicationShell): void;
90 | protected createLogo(): Widget;
91 | }
92 | /**
93 | * Stores Theia-specific action menu nodes instead of PhosphorJS commands with their handlers.
94 | */
95 | export declare class MenuCommandRegistry extends PhosphorCommandRegistry {
96 | protected services: MenuServices;
97 | protected actions: Map<string, [import("../../common").MenuNodeMetadata & import("../../common").MenuNodeRenderingData & Partial<CompoundMenuNode> & Partial<CommandMenuNode> & Partial<import("../../common").AlternativeHandlerMenuNode> & CommandMenuNode, unknown[]]>;
98 | protected toDispose: DisposableCollection;
99 | constructor(services: MenuServices);
100 | registerActionMenu(menu: MenuNode & CommandMenuNode, args: unknown[]): void;
101 | snapshot(menuPath: MenuPath): this;
102 | protected registerCommand(menu: MenuNode & CommandMenuNode, args: unknown[], menuPath: MenuPath): Disposable;
103 | }
104 | //# sourceMappingURL=browser-menu-plugin.d.ts.map |
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