1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 | var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
18 | var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
19 | if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
20 | else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
21 | return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
22 | };
23 | var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
24 | if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
25 | };
26 | var __param = (this && this.__param) || function (paramIndex, decorator) {
27 | return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }
28 | };
29 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
30 | exports.CustomTitleWidget = exports.ElectronMenuContribution = exports.CustomTitleWidgetFactory = exports.ElectronMenus = exports.ElectronCommands = void 0;
31 | const inversify_1 = require("inversify");
32 | const common_1 = require("../../common");
33 | const browser_1 = require("../../browser");
34 | const electron_main_menu_factory_1 = require("./electron-main-menu-factory");
35 | const frontend_application_state_1 = require("../../browser/frontend-application-state");
36 | const frontend_application_config_provider_1 = require("../../browser/frontend-application-config-provider");
37 | const electron_window_preferences_1 = require("../window/electron-window-preferences");
38 | const browser_menu_plugin_1 = require("../../browser/menu/browser-menu-plugin");
39 | const window_service_1 = require("../../browser/window/window-service");
40 | const window_title_service_1 = require("../../browser/window/window-title-service");
41 | require("../../../src/electron-browser/menu/electron-menu-style.css");
42 | const theming_1 = require("../../browser/theming");
43 | var ElectronCommands;
44 | (function (ElectronCommands) {
45 | ElectronCommands.TOGGLE_DEVELOPER_TOOLS = common_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
46 | id: 'theia.toggleDevTools',
47 | label: 'Toggle Developer Tools'
48 | });
49 | ElectronCommands.RELOAD = common_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
50 | id: 'view.reload',
51 | label: 'Reload Window'
52 | });
53 | ElectronCommands.ZOOM_IN = common_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
54 | id: 'view.zoomIn',
55 | label: 'Zoom In'
56 | });
57 | ElectronCommands.ZOOM_OUT = common_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
58 | id: 'view.zoomOut',
59 | label: 'Zoom Out'
60 | });
61 | ElectronCommands.RESET_ZOOM = common_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
62 | id: 'view.resetZoom',
63 | label: 'Reset Zoom'
64 | });
65 | ElectronCommands.CLOSE_WINDOW = common_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
66 | id: 'close.window',
67 | label: 'Close Window'
68 | });
69 | ElectronCommands.TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN = common_1.Command.toDefaultLocalizedCommand({
70 | id: 'workbench.action.toggleFullScreen',
71 | category: browser_1.CommonCommands.VIEW_CATEGORY,
72 | label: 'Toggle Full Screen'
73 | });
74 | })(ElectronCommands = exports.ElectronCommands || (exports.ElectronCommands = {}));
75 | var ElectronMenus;
76 | (function (ElectronMenus) {
77 | ElectronMenus.VIEW_WINDOW = [...browser_1.CommonMenus.VIEW, 'window'];
78 | ElectronMenus.VIEW_ZOOM = [...browser_1.CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU, '4_appearance_submenu_zoom'];
79 | })(ElectronMenus = exports.ElectronMenus || (exports.ElectronMenus = {}));
80 | (function (ElectronMenus) {
81 | ElectronMenus.HELP_TOGGLE = [...browser_1.CommonMenus.HELP, 'z_toggle'];
82 | })(ElectronMenus = exports.ElectronMenus || (exports.ElectronMenus = {}));
83 | (function (ElectronMenus) {
84 | ElectronMenus.FILE_CLOSE = [...browser_1.CommonMenus.FILE_CLOSE, 'window-close'];
85 | })(ElectronMenus = exports.ElectronMenus || (exports.ElectronMenus = {}));
86 | exports.CustomTitleWidgetFactory = Symbol('CustomTitleWidgetFactory');
87 | let ElectronMenuContribution = class ElectronMenuContribution extends browser_menu_plugin_1.BrowserMenuBarContribution {
88 | constructor(factory) {
89 | super(factory);
90 | this.factory = factory;
91 | this.titleBarStyleChangeFlag = false;
92 | }
93 | onStart(app) {
94 | this.handleTitleBarStyling(app);
95 | if (common_1.isOSX) {
96 | this.attachWindowFocusListener(app);
97 | }
98 |
99 |
100 | let onStateChange = undefined;
101 | const stateServiceListener = (state) => {
102 | if (state === 'closing_window') {
103 | if (!!onStateChange) {
104 | onStateChange.dispose();
105 | }
106 | }
107 | };
108 | onStateChange = this.stateService.onStateChanged(stateServiceListener);
109 | this.shell.mainPanel.onDidToggleMaximized(() => {
110 | this.handleToggleMaximized();
111 | });
112 | this.shell.bottomPanel.onDidToggleMaximized(() => {
113 | this.handleToggleMaximized();
114 | });
115 | this.attachMenuBarVisibilityListener();
116 | this.themeService.onDidColorThemeChange(e => {
117 | this.handleThemeChange(e);
118 | });
119 | }
120 | attachWindowFocusListener(app) {
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 | const disposeHandler = window.electronTheiaCore.onWindowEvent('focus', () => {
125 | this.setMenu(app);
126 | });
127 | window.addEventListener('unload', () => disposeHandler.dispose());
128 | }
129 | attachMenuBarVisibilityListener() {
130 | this.preferenceService.onPreferenceChanged(e => {
131 | if (e.preferenceName === 'window.menuBarVisibility') {
132 | this.handleFullScreen(e.newValue);
133 | }
134 | });
135 | }
136 | handleTitleBarStyling(app) {
137 | this.hideTopPanel(app);
138 | window.electronTheiaCore.getTitleBarStyleAtStartup().then(style => {
139 | this.titleBarStyle = style;
140 | this.setMenu(app);
141 | this.preferenceService.ready.then(() => {
142 | this.preferenceService.set('window.titleBarStyle', this.titleBarStyle, browser_1.PreferenceScope.User);
143 | });
144 | });
145 | this.preferenceService.ready.then(() => {
146 | window.electronTheiaCore.setMenuBarVisible(['classic', 'visible'].includes(this.preferenceService.get('window.menuBarVisibility', 'classic')));
147 | });
148 | this.preferenceService.onPreferenceChanged(change => {
149 | if (change.preferenceName === 'window.titleBarStyle') {
150 | if (this.titleBarStyleChangeFlag && this.titleBarStyle !== change.newValue) {
151 | window.electronTheiaCore.setTitleBarStyle(change.newValue);
152 | this.handleRequiredRestart();
153 | }
154 | this.titleBarStyleChangeFlag = true;
155 | }
156 | });
157 | }
158 | handleToggleMaximized() {
159 | const preference = this.preferenceService.get('window.menuBarVisibility');
160 | if (preference === 'classic') {
161 | this.factory.setMenuBar();
162 | }
163 | }
164 | |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 | hideTopPanel(app) {
171 | const itr = app.shell.children();
172 | let child = itr.next();
173 | while (child) {
174 |
175 | if (child.id === 'theia-top-panel') {
176 | child.setHidden(this.titleBarStyle !== 'custom');
177 | break;
178 | }
179 | else {
180 | child = itr.next();
181 | }
182 | }
183 | }
184 | setMenu(app, electronMenu = this.factory.createElectronMenuBar()) {
185 | if (!common_1.isOSX) {
186 | this.hideTopPanel(app);
187 | if (this.titleBarStyle === 'custom' && !this.menuBar) {
188 | this.createCustomTitleBar(app);
189 | return;
190 | }
191 | }
192 | window.electronTheiaCore.setMenu(electronMenu);
193 | }
194 | createCustomTitleBar(app) {
195 | const dragPanel = new browser_1.Widget();
196 | dragPanel.id = 'theia-drag-panel';
197 | app.shell.addWidget(dragPanel, { area: 'top' });
198 | this.appendMenu(app.shell);
199 | this.createCustomTitleWidget(app);
200 | const controls = document.createElement('div');
201 | controls.id = 'window-controls';
202 | controls.append(this.createControlButton('minimize', () => window.electronTheiaCore.minimize()), this.createControlButton('maximize', () => window.electronTheiaCore.maximize()), this.createControlButton('restore', () => window.electronTheiaCore.unMaximize()), this.createControlButton('close', () => window.electronTheiaCore.close()));
203 | app.shell.topPanel.node.append(controls);
204 | this.handleWindowControls();
205 | }
206 | createCustomTitleWidget(app) {
207 | const titleWidget = this.customTitleWidgetFactory();
208 | if (titleWidget) {
209 | app.shell.addWidget(titleWidget, { area: 'top' });
210 | }
211 | }
212 | handleWindowControls() {
213 | toggleControlButtons();
214 | window.electronTheiaCore.onWindowEvent('maximize', toggleControlButtons);
215 | window.electronTheiaCore.onWindowEvent('unmaximize', toggleControlButtons);
216 | function toggleControlButtons() {
217 | if (window.electronTheiaCore.isMaximized()) {
218 | document.body.classList.add('maximized');
219 | }
220 | else {
221 | document.body.classList.remove('maximized');
222 | }
223 | }
224 | }
225 | createControlButton(id, handler) {
226 | const button = document.createElement('div');
227 | button.id = `${id}-button`;
228 | button.className = `control-button ${(0, browser_1.codicon)(`chrome-${id}`)}`;
229 | button.addEventListener('click', handler);
230 | return button;
231 | }
232 | async handleRequiredRestart() {
233 | const msgNode = document.createElement('div');
234 | const message = document.createElement('p');
235 | message.textContent = common_1.nls.localizeByDefault('A setting has changed that requires a restart to take effect.');
236 | const detail = document.createElement('p');
237 | detail.textContent = common_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Press the restart button to restart {0} and enable the setting.', frontend_application_config_provider_1.FrontendApplicationConfigProvider.get().applicationName);
238 | msgNode.append(message, detail);
239 | const restart = common_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Restart');
240 | const dialog = new browser_1.ConfirmDialog({
241 | title: restart,
242 | msg: msgNode,
243 | ok: restart,
244 | cancel: browser_1.Dialog.CANCEL
245 | });
246 | if (await dialog.open()) {
247 | this.windowService.setSafeToShutDown();
248 | window.electronTheiaCore.restart();
249 | }
250 | }
251 | registerCommands(registry) {
252 | registry.registerCommand(ElectronCommands.TOGGLE_DEVELOPER_TOOLS, {
253 | execute: () => {
254 | window.electronTheiaCore.toggleDevTools();
255 | }
256 | });
257 | registry.registerCommand(ElectronCommands.RELOAD, {
258 | execute: () => this.windowService.reload()
259 | });
260 | registry.registerCommand(ElectronCommands.CLOSE_WINDOW, {
261 | execute: () => window.electronTheiaCore.close()
262 | });
263 | registry.registerCommand(ElectronCommands.ZOOM_IN, {
264 | execute: async () => {
265 | const currentLevel = await window.electronTheiaCore.getZoomLevel();
266 |
267 | let zoomLevel = (Math.floor(currentLevel / electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.VARIATION) * electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.VARIATION) + electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.VARIATION;
268 | if (zoomLevel > electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.MAX) {
269 | zoomLevel = electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.MAX;
270 | return;
271 | }
272 | ;
273 | this.preferenceService.set('window.zoomLevel', zoomLevel, browser_1.PreferenceScope.User);
274 | }
275 | });
276 | registry.registerCommand(ElectronCommands.ZOOM_OUT, {
277 | execute: async () => {
278 | const currentLevel = await window.electronTheiaCore.getZoomLevel();
279 |
280 | let zoomLevel = (Math.ceil(currentLevel / electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.VARIATION) * electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.VARIATION) - electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.VARIATION;
281 | if (zoomLevel < electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.MIN) {
282 | zoomLevel = electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.MIN;
283 | return;
284 | }
285 | ;
286 | this.preferenceService.set('window.zoomLevel', zoomLevel, browser_1.PreferenceScope.User);
287 | }
288 | });
289 | registry.registerCommand(ElectronCommands.RESET_ZOOM, {
290 | execute: () => this.preferenceService.set('window.zoomLevel', electron_window_preferences_1.ZoomLevel.DEFAULT, browser_1.PreferenceScope.User)
291 | });
292 | registry.registerCommand(ElectronCommands.TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN, {
293 | isEnabled: () => window.electronTheiaCore.isFullScreenable(),
294 | isVisible: () => window.electronTheiaCore.isFullScreenable(),
295 | execute: () => this.toggleFullScreen()
296 | });
297 | }
298 | registerKeybindings(registry) {
299 | registry.registerKeybindings({
300 | command: ElectronCommands.TOGGLE_DEVELOPER_TOOLS.id,
301 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+alt+i'
302 | }, {
303 | command: ElectronCommands.RELOAD.id,
304 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+r'
305 | }, {
306 | command: ElectronCommands.ZOOM_IN.id,
307 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+='
308 | }, {
309 | command: ElectronCommands.ZOOM_IN.id,
310 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+add'
311 | }, {
312 | command: ElectronCommands.ZOOM_OUT.id,
313 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+subtract'
314 | }, {
315 | command: ElectronCommands.ZOOM_OUT.id,
316 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+-'
317 | }, {
318 | command: ElectronCommands.RESET_ZOOM.id,
319 | keybinding: 'ctrlcmd+0'
320 | }, {
321 | command: ElectronCommands.CLOSE_WINDOW.id,
322 | keybinding: (common_1.isOSX ? 'cmd+shift+w' : (common_1.isWindows ? 'ctrl+w' : 'ctrl+q'))
323 | }, {
324 | command: ElectronCommands.TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN.id,
325 | keybinding: common_1.isOSX ? 'ctrl+ctrlcmd+f' : 'f11'
326 | });
327 | }
328 | registerMenus(registry) {
329 | registry.registerMenuAction(ElectronMenus.HELP_TOGGLE, {
330 | commandId: ElectronCommands.TOGGLE_DEVELOPER_TOOLS.id
331 | });
332 | registry.registerMenuAction(ElectronMenus.VIEW_WINDOW, {
333 | commandId: ElectronCommands.RELOAD.id,
334 | order: 'z0'
335 | });
336 | registry.registerMenuAction(ElectronMenus.VIEW_ZOOM, {
337 | commandId: ElectronCommands.ZOOM_IN.id,
338 | order: 'z1'
339 | });
340 | registry.registerMenuAction(ElectronMenus.VIEW_ZOOM, {
341 | commandId: ElectronCommands.ZOOM_OUT.id,
342 | order: 'z2'
343 | });
344 | registry.registerMenuAction(ElectronMenus.VIEW_ZOOM, {
345 | commandId: ElectronCommands.RESET_ZOOM.id,
346 | order: 'z3'
347 | });
348 | registry.registerMenuAction(ElectronMenus.FILE_CLOSE, {
349 | commandId: ElectronCommands.CLOSE_WINDOW.id,
350 | });
351 | registry.registerMenuAction(browser_1.CommonMenus.VIEW_APPEARANCE_SUBMENU_SCREEN, {
352 | commandId: ElectronCommands.TOGGLE_FULL_SCREEN.id,
353 | label: common_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Full Screen'),
354 | order: '0'
355 | });
356 | }
357 | toggleFullScreen() {
358 | window.electronTheiaCore.toggleFullScreen();
359 | const menuBarVisibility = this.preferenceService.get('window.menuBarVisibility', 'classic');
360 | this.handleFullScreen(menuBarVisibility);
361 | }
362 | handleFullScreen(menuBarVisibility) {
363 | const shouldShowTop = !window.electronTheiaCore.isFullScreen() || menuBarVisibility === 'visible';
364 | if (this.titleBarStyle === 'native') {
365 | window.electronTheiaCore.setMenuBarVisible(shouldShowTop);
366 | }
367 | else if (shouldShowTop) {
368 | this.shell.topPanel.show();
369 | }
370 | else {
371 | this.shell.topPanel.hide();
372 | }
373 | }
374 | handleThemeChange(e) {
375 | const backgroundColor = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor;
376 | window.electronTheiaCore.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor);
377 | }
378 | };
379 | __decorate([
380 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(frontend_application_state_1.FrontendApplicationStateService),
381 | __metadata("design:type", frontend_application_state_1.FrontendApplicationStateService)
382 | ], ElectronMenuContribution.prototype, "stateService", void 0);
383 | __decorate([
384 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(window_service_1.WindowService),
385 | __metadata("design:type", Object)
386 | ], ElectronMenuContribution.prototype, "windowService", void 0);
387 | __decorate([
388 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(theming_1.ThemeService),
389 | __metadata("design:type", theming_1.ThemeService)
390 | ], ElectronMenuContribution.prototype, "themeService", void 0);
391 | __decorate([
392 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(exports.CustomTitleWidgetFactory),
393 | __metadata("design:type", Function)
394 | ], ElectronMenuContribution.prototype, "customTitleWidgetFactory", void 0);
395 | ElectronMenuContribution = __decorate([
396 | (0, inversify_1.injectable)(),
397 | __param(0, (0, inversify_1.inject)(electron_main_menu_factory_1.ElectronMainMenuFactory)),
398 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [electron_main_menu_factory_1.ElectronMainMenuFactory])
399 | ], ElectronMenuContribution);
400 | exports.ElectronMenuContribution = ElectronMenuContribution;
401 | let CustomTitleWidget = class CustomTitleWidget extends browser_1.Widget {
402 | constructor() {
403 | super();
404 | this.id = 'theia-custom-title';
405 | }
406 | init() {
407 | this.updateTitle(this.windowTitleService.title);
408 | this.windowTitleService.onDidChangeTitle(title => {
409 | this.updateTitle(title);
410 | });
411 | }
412 | onResize(msg) {
413 | this.adjustTitleToCenter();
414 | super.onResize(msg);
415 | }
416 | onAfterShow(msg) {
417 | this.adjustTitleToCenter();
418 | super.onAfterShow(msg);
419 | }
420 | updateTitle(title) {
421 | this.node.textContent = title;
422 | this.adjustTitleToCenter();
423 | }
424 | adjustTitleToCenter() {
425 | const menubar = this.electronMenuContribution.menuBar;
426 | if (menubar) {
427 | const titleWidth = this.node.clientWidth;
428 | const margin = 16;
429 | const leftMarker = menubar.node.offsetLeft + menubar.node.clientWidth + margin;
430 | const panelWidth = this.applicationShell.topPanel.node.clientWidth;
431 | const controlsWidth = 48 * 3;
432 | const rightMarker = panelWidth - controlsWidth - margin;
433 | let hidden = false;
434 | let relative = false;
435 | this.node.style.left = '50%';
436 |
437 |
438 | if (rightMarker - leftMarker < titleWidth) {
439 | hidden = true;
440 | }
441 | else if ((panelWidth - titleWidth) / 2 < leftMarker || (panelWidth + titleWidth) / 2 > rightMarker) {
442 |
443 | relative = true;
444 | this.node.style.left = `${leftMarker + (rightMarker - leftMarker - titleWidth) / 2}px`;
445 | }
446 | this.node.classList.toggle('hidden', hidden);
447 | this.node.classList.toggle('relative', relative);
448 | }
449 | }
450 | };
451 | __decorate([
452 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(ElectronMenuContribution),
453 | __metadata("design:type", ElectronMenuContribution)
454 | ], CustomTitleWidget.prototype, "electronMenuContribution", void 0);
455 | __decorate([
456 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(window_title_service_1.WindowTitleService),
457 | __metadata("design:type", window_title_service_1.WindowTitleService)
458 | ], CustomTitleWidget.prototype, "windowTitleService", void 0);
459 | __decorate([
460 | (0, inversify_1.inject)(browser_1.ApplicationShell),
461 | __metadata("design:type", browser_1.ApplicationShell)
462 | ], CustomTitleWidget.prototype, "applicationShell", void 0);
463 | __decorate([
464 | (0, inversify_1.postConstruct)(),
465 | __metadata("design:type", Function),
466 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", []),
467 | __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
468 | ], CustomTitleWidget.prototype, "init", null);
469 | CustomTitleWidget = __decorate([
470 | (0, inversify_1.injectable)(),
471 | __metadata("design:paramtypes", [])
472 | ], CustomTitleWidget);
473 | exports.CustomTitleWidget = CustomTitleWidget;
474 |
\ | No newline at end of file |