1 | "use strict";
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17 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
18 | exports.bindWindowPreferences = exports.createElectronWindowPreferences = exports.ElectronWindowPreferences = exports.ElectronWindowPreferenceContribution = exports.ElectronWindowConfiguration = exports.electronWindowPreferencesSchema = exports.ZoomLevel = void 0;
19 | const nls_1 = require("../../common/nls");
20 | const preferences_1 = require("../../browser/preferences");
21 | const common_1 = require("../../common");
22 | var ZoomLevel;
23 | (function (ZoomLevel) {
24 | ZoomLevel.DEFAULT = 0;
25 |
26 | ZoomLevel.MIN = -8;
27 | ZoomLevel.MAX = 9;
28 |
29 | ZoomLevel.VARIATION = 0.5;
30 | })(ZoomLevel = exports.ZoomLevel || (exports.ZoomLevel = {}));
31 | exports.electronWindowPreferencesSchema = {
32 | type: 'object',
33 | properties: {
34 | 'window.zoomLevel': {
35 | 'type': 'number',
36 | 'default': ZoomLevel.DEFAULT,
37 | 'minimum': ZoomLevel.MIN,
38 | 'maximum': ZoomLevel.MAX,
39 | 'scope': 'application',
40 |
41 | 'description': nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Adjust the zoom level of the window. The original size is 0 and each increment above (e.g. 1) or below (e.g. -1) represents zooming 20% larger or smaller. You can also enter decimals to adjust the zoom level with a finer granularity.')
42 | },
43 | 'window.titleBarStyle': {
44 | type: 'string',
45 | enum: ['native', 'custom'],
46 | default: common_1.isWindows ? 'custom' : 'native',
47 | scope: 'application',
48 |
49 | description: nls_1.nls.localizeByDefault('Adjust the appearance of the window title bar. On Linux and Windows, this setting also affects the application and context menu appearances. Changes require a full restart to apply.'),
50 | included: !common_1.isOSX
51 | },
52 | }
53 | };
54 | class ElectronWindowConfiguration {
55 | }
56 | exports.ElectronWindowConfiguration = ElectronWindowConfiguration;
57 | exports.ElectronWindowPreferenceContribution = Symbol('ElectronWindowPreferenceContribution');
58 | exports.ElectronWindowPreferences = Symbol('ElectronWindowPreferences');
59 | function createElectronWindowPreferences(preferences, schema = exports.electronWindowPreferencesSchema) {
60 | return (0, preferences_1.createPreferenceProxy)(preferences, schema);
61 | }
62 | exports.createElectronWindowPreferences = createElectronWindowPreferences;
63 | function bindWindowPreferences(bind) {
64 | bind(exports.ElectronWindowPreferences).toDynamicValue(ctx => {
65 | const preferences = ctx.container.get(preferences_1.PreferenceService);
66 | const contribution = ctx.container.get(exports.ElectronWindowPreferenceContribution);
67 | return createElectronWindowPreferences(preferences, contribution.schema);
68 | }).inSingletonScope();
69 | bind(exports.ElectronWindowPreferenceContribution).toConstantValue({ schema: exports.electronWindowPreferencesSchema });
70 | bind(preferences_1.PreferenceContribution).toService(exports.ElectronWindowPreferenceContribution);
71 | }
72 | exports.bindWindowPreferences = bindWindowPreferences;
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