3.26 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { FrontendApplication } from './frontend-application';
2import { MaybePromise } from '../common/types';
3import { StopReason } from '../common/frontend-application-state';
5 * Clients can implement to get a callback for contributing widgets to a shell on start.
6 */
7export declare const FrontendApplicationContribution: unique symbol;
8export interface FrontendApplicationContribution {
9 /**
10 * Called on application startup before configure is called.
11 */
12 initialize?(): void;
13 /**
14 * Called before commands, key bindings and menus are initialized.
15 * Should return a promise if it runs asynchronously.
16 */
17 configure?(app: FrontendApplication): MaybePromise<void>;
18 /**
19 * Called when the application is started. The application shell is not attached yet when this method runs.
20 * Should return a promise if it runs asynchronously.
21 */
22 onStart?(app: FrontendApplication): MaybePromise<void>;
23 /**
24 * Called on `beforeunload` event, right before the window closes.
25 * Return `true` or an OnWillStopAction in order to prevent exit.
26 * Note: No async code allowed, this function has to run on one tick.
27 */
28 onWillStop?(app: FrontendApplication): boolean | undefined | OnWillStopAction<unknown>;
29 /**
30 * Called when an application is stopped or unloaded.
31 *
32 * Note that this is implemented using `window.beforeunload` which doesn't allow any asynchronous code anymore.
33 * I.e. this is the last tick.
34 */
35 onStop?(app: FrontendApplication): void;
36 /**
37 * Called after the application shell has been attached in case there is no previous workbench layout state.
38 * Should return a promise if it runs asynchronously.
39 */
40 initializeLayout?(app: FrontendApplication): MaybePromise<void>;
41 /**
42 * An event is emitted when a layout is initialized, but before the shell is attached.
43 */
44 onDidInitializeLayout?(app: FrontendApplication): MaybePromise<void>;
46export interface OnWillStopAction<T = unknown> {
47 /**
48 * @resolves to a prepared value to be passed into the `action` function.
49 */
50 prepare?: (stopReason?: StopReason) => MaybePromise<T>;
51 /**
52 * @resolves to `true` if it is safe to close the application; `false` otherwise.
53 */
54 action: (prepared: T, stopReason?: StopReason) => MaybePromise<boolean>;
55 /**
56 * A descriptive string for the reason preventing close.
57 */
58 reason: string;
59 /**
60 * A number representing priority. Higher priority items are run later.
61 * High priority implies that some options of this check will have negative impacts if
62 * the user subsequently cancels the shutdown.
63 */
64 priority?: number;
66export declare namespace OnWillStopAction {
67 function is(candidate: unknown): candidate is OnWillStopAction;
70 * Default frontend contribution that can be extended by clients if they do not want to implement any of the
71 * methods from the interface but still want to contribute to the frontend application.
72 */
73export declare abstract class DefaultFrontendApplicationContribution implements FrontendApplicationContribution {
74 initialize(): void;
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