1.51 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export interface LabelIcon {
2 name: string;
3 animation?: string;
5export declare namespace LabelIcon {
6 function is(val: unknown): val is LabelIcon;
8export declare type LabelPart = string | LabelIcon;
9export declare class LabelParser {
10 /**
11 * Returns an array with parts of the given text.
12 * These parts are of type LabelPart which can be either a string or a LabelIcon.
13 * For splitting up the giving text the parser follows this rule:
14 * The text gets parsed for the following pattern: $(iconName~iconAnimation).
15 * If the parser finds such pattern a new LabelIcon object
16 * { name: 'iconName', animation: 'iconAnimation'} is added to the returned array.
17 * iconName can be for instance the name of an icon of e.g. FontAwesome and the (optional) iconAnimation
18 * the name of an animation class which must be supported by the particular icon toolkit.
19 *
20 * Every string before, between or after such icon patterns gets also added to the array
21 * before, between or after the related LabelIcon.
22 *
23 * @param text - the label text to parse
24 */
25 parse(text: string): LabelPart[];
26 /**
27 * Strips icon specifiers from the given `text`, leaving only a
28 * space-separated concatenation of the non-icon segments.
29 *
30 * @param text text to be stripped of icon specifiers
31 * @returns the `text` with icon specifiers stripped out
32 */
33 stripIcons(text: string): string;
35//# sourceMappingURL=label-parser.d.ts.map
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