1.41 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { SecondaryWindowService } from './secondary-window-service';
2import { WindowService } from './window-service';
3import { ExtractableWidget } from '../widgets';
4import { ApplicationShell } from '../shell';
5import { PreferenceService } from '../preferences';
6export declare class DefaultSecondaryWindowService implements SecondaryWindowService {
7 protected static SECONDARY_WINDOW_URL: string;
8 /**
9 * Randomized prefix to be included in opened windows' ids.
10 * This avoids conflicts when creating sub-windows from multiple theia instances (e.g. by opening Theia multiple times in the same browser)
11 */
12 protected readonly prefix: number;
13 /** Unique id. Increase after every access. */
14 private nextId;
15 protected secondaryWindows: Window[];
16 protected readonly windowService: WindowService;
17 protected readonly preferenceService: PreferenceService;
18 init(): void;
19 createSecondaryWindow(widget: ExtractableWidget, shell: ApplicationShell): Window | undefined;
20 protected windowCreated(newWindow: Window, widget: ExtractableWidget, shell: ApplicationShell): void;
21 protected findWindow<T>(windowName: string): Window | undefined;
22 protected findSecondaryWindowCoordinates(widget: ExtractableWidget): (number | undefined)[];
23 focus(win: Window): void;
24 protected nextWindowId(): string;
26//# sourceMappingURL=default-secondary-window-service.d.ts.map
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