1 | import { Disposable, DisposableGroup } from './disposable';
2 | import { MaybePromise } from './types';
3 |
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6 | export interface Event<T> {
7 | |
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14 | (listener: (e: T) => any, thisArgs?: any, disposables?: DisposableGroup): Disposable;
15 | }
16 | export declare namespace Event {
17 | function getMaxListeners(event: Event<unknown>): number;
18 | function setMaxListeners<N extends number>(event: Event<unknown>, maxListeners: N): N;
19 | function addMaxListeners(event: Event<unknown>, add: number): number;
20 | const None: Event<any>;
21 | |
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24 | function once<T>(event: Event<T>): Event<T>;
25 | function toPromise<T>(event: Event<T>): Promise<T>;
26 | function filter<T>(event: Event<T>, predicate: (e: T) => unknown): Event<T>;
27 | function filter<T, S extends T>(event: Event<T>, predicate: (e: T) => e is S): Event<S>;
28 | |
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32 | function map<I, O>(event: Event<I>, mapFunc: (i: I) => O): Event<O>;
33 | |
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36 | function any<T>(...events: Event<T>[]): Event<T>;
37 | function any(...events: Event<any>[]): Event<void>;
38 | }
39 | type Callback = (...args: any[]) => any;
40 | declare class CallbackList implements Iterable<Callback> {
41 | private _callbacks;
42 | private _contexts;
43 | get length(): number;
44 | add(callback: Function, context?: any, bucket?: Disposable[]): void;
45 | remove(callback: Function, context?: any): void;
46 | [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<(...args: any[]) => any>;
47 | invoke(...args: any[]): any[];
48 | isEmpty(): boolean;
49 | dispose(): void;
50 | }
51 | export interface EmitterOptions {
52 | onFirstListenerAdd?: Function;
53 | onLastListenerRemove?: Function;
54 | }
55 | export declare class Emitter<T = any> {
56 | private _options?;
57 | private static LEAK_WARNING_THRESHHOLD;
58 | private static _noop;
59 | private _event;
60 | protected _callbacks: CallbackList | undefined;
61 | private _disposed;
62 | private _leakingStacks;
63 | private _leakWarnCountdown;
64 | constructor(_options?: EmitterOptions | undefined);
65 | /**
66 | * For the public to allow to subscribe
67 | * to events from this Emitter
68 | */
69 | get event(): Event<T>;
70 | protected checkMaxListeners(maxListeners: number): (() => void) | undefined;
71 | protected pushLeakingStack(): () => void;
72 | protected popLeakingStack(stack: string): void;
73 | /**
74 | * To be kept private to fire an event to
75 | * subscribers
76 | */
77 | fire(event: T): any;
78 | /**
79 | * Process each listener one by one.
80 | * Return `false` to stop iterating over the listeners, `true` to continue.
81 | */
82 | sequence(processor: (listener: (e: T) => any) => MaybePromise<boolean>): Promise<void>;
83 | dispose(): void;
84 | }
85 | export type WaitUntilData<T> = Omit<T, 'waitUntil' | 'token'>;
86 | export interface WaitUntilEvent {
87 | |
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90 | token: CancellationToken;
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98 | waitUntil(thenable: Promise<any>): void;
99 | }
100 | export declare namespace WaitUntilEvent {
101 | |
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106 | function fire<T extends WaitUntilEvent>(emitter: Emitter<T>, event: WaitUntilData<T>, timeout?: number, token?: CancellationToken): Promise<void>;
107 | }
108 | import { CancellationToken } from './cancellation';
109 | export declare class AsyncEmitter<T extends WaitUntilEvent> extends Emitter<T> {
110 | protected deliveryQueue: Promise<void> | undefined;
111 | |
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114 | fire(event: WaitUntilData<T>, token?: CancellationToken, promiseJoin?: (p: Promise<any>, listener: Function) => Promise<any>): Promise<void>;
115 | protected deliver(listeners: Callback[], event: WaitUntilData<T>, token: CancellationToken, promiseJoin?: (p: Promise<any>, listener: Function) => Promise<any>): Promise<void>;
116 | }
117 | export declare class QueueableEmitter<T> extends Emitter<T[]> {
118 | currentQueue?: T[];
119 | queue(...arg: T[]): void;
120 | fire(): void;
121 | }
122 | export {};
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