10.4 kBJSONView Raw
1{"statusbar":{"messages":["Rebasing","Checkout...","Synchronize Changes","Publish Changes","Synchronizing Changes..."],"keys":["rebasing","checkout","sync changes","publish changes","syncing changes"]},"repository":{"messages":["Open","Index Modified","Modified","Index Added","Index Deleted","Deleted","Index Renamed","Index Copied","Untracked","Ignored","Intent to Add","Both Deleted","Added By Us","Deleted By Them","Added By Them","Deleted By Us","Both Added","Both Modified","Message (press {0} to commit)","Commit","Merge Changes","Staged Changes","Changes","Successfully pushed.","It's not possible to change the commit message in the middle of a rebase. Please complete the rebase operation and use interactive rebase instead.","Current commit message only contains whitespace characters","{0} characters left in current line","{0} characters over {1} in current line","The git repository at '{0}' has too many active changes, only a subset of Git features will be enabled.","Don't Show Again","Would you like to add '{0}' to .gitignore?","Yes"],"keys":["open","index modified","modified","index added","index deleted","deleted","index renamed","index copied","untracked","ignored","intent to add","both deleted","added by us","deleted by them","added by them","deleted by us","both added","both modified","commitMessage","commit","merge changes","staged changes","changes","push success","commit in rebase","commitMessageWhitespacesOnlyWarning","commitMessageCountdown","commitMessageWarning","huge","neveragain","add known","yes"]},"model":{"messages":["Absolute paths not supported in 'git.scanRepositories' setting.","The '{0}' repository has {1} submodules which won't be opened automatically. You can still open each one individually by opening a file within.","There are no available repositories","Choose a repository"],"keys":["not supported","too many submodules","no repositories","pick repo"]},"main":{"messages":["Looking for git in: {0}","Using git {0} from {1}","Download Git","Don't Show Again","Git not found. Install it or configure it using the 'git.path' setting.","Update Git","Don't Show Again","You seem to have git {0} installed. Code works best with git >= 2"],"keys":["looking","using git","downloadgit","neverShowAgain","notfound","updateGit","neverShowAgain","git20"]},"commands":{"messages":["Tag at {0}","Remote branch at {0}","$(plus) Create new branch...","$(plus) Create new branch from...","Repository URL","Select Repository Location","Cloning git repository '{0}'...","Would you like to open the cloned repository?","Open Repository","Add to Workspace","Would you like to open the cloned repository, or add it to the current workspace?","Pick workspace folder to initialize git repo in","Choose Folder...","Initialize Repository","Initialize Repository","This will create a Git repository in '{0}'. Are you sure you want to continue?","Would you like to open the initialized repository?","Open Repository","Add to Workspace","Would you like to open the initialized repository, or add it to the current workspace?","Open Repository","HEAD version of '{0}' is not available.","Are you sure you want to stage {0} files with merge conflicts?","Are you sure you want to stage {0} with merge conflicts?","Yes","Are you sure you want to stage {0} files with merge conflicts?","Are you sure you want to stage {0} with merge conflicts?","Yes","Keep Our Version","Delete File","File '{0}' was deleted by them and modified by us.\n\nWhat would you like to do?","Keep Their Version","Delete File","File '{0}' was deleted by us and modified by them.\n\nWhat would you like to do?","Discard Changes","Are you sure you want to DELETE {0}?","Delete file","Restore file","Are you sure you want to restore {0}?","Are you sure you want to discard changes in {0}?","Restore files","Are you sure you want to restore {0} files?","Are you sure you want to discard changes in {0} files?","This will DELETE {0} untracked files!","Are you sure you want to discard changes in {0}?","Are you sure you want to discard ALL changes in {0} files?\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE!\nYour current working set will be FOREVER LOST.","Discard 1 File","Discard All {0} Files","Are you sure you want to DELETE {0}?","Delete file","Are you sure you want to DELETE {0} files?","Delete Files","The following untracked file will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded: {0}.","There are {0} untracked files which will be DELETED FROM DISK if discarded.","{0}\n\nThis is IRREVERSIBLE, your current working set will be FOREVER LOST.","Discard 1 Tracked File","Discard {0} Tracked Files","Discard All {0} Files","The following file is unsaved: {0}.\n\nWould you like to save it before committing?","There are {0} unsaved files.\n\nWould you like to save them before committing?","Save All & Commit","Commit Anyway","There are no staged changes to commit.\n\nWould you like to automatically stage all your changes and commit them directly?","Yes","Always","There are no changes to commit.","Commit message","Please provide a commit message","Are you sure you want to create an empty commit?","Yes","Yes, Don't Show Again","Can't undo because HEAD doesn't point to any commit.","Select a ref to checkout","Branch name","Please provide a branch name","Branch name needs to match regex: {0}","Select a ref to create the '{0}' branch from","Select a branch to delete","The branch '{0}' is not fully merged. Delete anyway?","Delete Branch","Please provide a branch name","Invalid branch name","A branch named '{0}' already exists","Select a branch to merge from","Tag name","Please provide a tag name","Message","Please provide a message to annotate the tag","This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.","This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.","This repository has no remotes configured to fetch from.","Your repository has no remotes configured to pull from.","Pick a remote to pull the branch from","Pick a branch to pull from","Your repository has no remotes configured to pull from.","Your repository has no remotes configured to pull from.","Your repository has no remotes configured to push to.","Force push is not allowed, please enable it with the 'git.allowForcePush' setting.","You are about to force push your changes, this can be destructive and could inadvertedly overwrite changes made by others.\n\nAre you sure to continue?","OK","OK, Don't Ask Again","Successfully pushed with tags.","Please check out a branch to push to a remote.","The branch '{0}' has no upstream branch. Would you like to publish this branch?","OK","Pick a remote to publish the branch '{0}' to:","Remote name","Please provide a remote name","Remote name format invalid","Remote '{0}' already exists.","Remote URL","Enter URL for remote \"{0}\"","Your repository has no remotes.","Pick a remote to remove","This action will push and pull commits to and from '{0}/{1}'.","OK","OK, Don't Show Again","Your repository has no remotes configured to publish to.","Pick a remote to publish the branch '{0}' to:","There are no changes to stash.","Optionally provide a stash message","Stash message","Pick a stash to pop","There are no stashes in the repository.","Pick a stash to apply","There are no stashes in the repository.","There are no stashes in the repository.","Open Git Log","Please clean your repository working tree before checkout.","Can't push refs to remote. Try running 'Pull' first to integrate your changes.","There are merge conflicts. Resolve them before committing.","There were merge conflicts while applying the stash.","Make sure you configure your 'user.name' and 'user.email' in git.","Learn More","Git: {0}","Git error"],"keys":["tag at","remote branch at","create branch","create branch from","repourl","selectFolder","cloning","proposeopen","openrepo","add","proposeopen2","init","choose","init repo","create repo","are you sure","proposeopen init","openrepo","add","proposeopen2 init","open repo","HEAD not available","confirm stage files with merge conflicts","confirm stage file with merge conflicts","yes","confirm stage files with merge conflicts","confirm stage file with merge conflicts","yes","keep ours","delete","deleted by them","keep theirs","delete","deleted by us","discard","confirm delete","delete file","restore file","confirm restore","confirm discard","restore files","confirm restore multiple","confirm discard multiple","warn untracked","confirm discard all single","confirm discard all","discardAll multiple","discardAll","confirm delete","delete file","confirm delete multiple","delete files","there are untracked files single","there are untracked files","confirm discard all 2","yes discard tracked","yes discard tracked multiple","discardAll","unsaved files single","unsaved files","save and commit","commit","no staged changes","yes","always","no changes","commit message","provide commit message","confirm emtpy commit","yes","yes never again","no more","select a ref to checkout","branch name","provide branch name","branch name format invalid","select a ref to create a new branch from","select branch to delete","confirm force delete branch","delete branch","provide branch name","invalid branch name","branch already exists","select a branch to merge from","tag name","provide tag name","tag message","provide tag message","no remotes to fetch","no remotes to fetch","no remotes to fetch","no remotes to pull","pick remote pull repo","pick branch pull","no remotes to pull","no remotes to pull","no remotes to push","force push not allowed","confirm force push","ok","never ask again","push with tags success","nobranch","confirm publish branch","ok","pick remote","remote name","provide remote name","remote name format invalid","remote already exists","remote url","provide remote URL","no remotes added","remove remote","sync is unpredictable","ok","never again","no remotes to publish","pick remote","no changes stash","provide stash message","stash message","pick stash to pop","no stashes","pick stash to apply","no stashes","no stashes","open git log","clean repo","cant push","merge conflicts","stash merge conflicts","missing user info","learn more","git error details","git error"]},"autofetch":{"messages":["Yes","No","Ask Me Later","Would you like Code to [periodically run 'git fetch']({0})?"],"keys":["yes","no","not now","suggest auto fetch"]},"askpass-main":{"messages":["Missing or invalid credentials."],"keys":["missOrInvalid"]}}
\No newline at end of file