1.34 kBJSONView Raw
2 "information_for_contributors": [
3 "This file has been converted from https://github.com/textmate/git.tmbundle/blob/master/Syntaxes/Git%20Rebase%20Message.tmLanguage",
4 "If you want to provide a fix or improvement, please create a pull request against the original repository.",
5 "Once accepted there, we are happy to receive an update request."
6 ],
7 "version": "https://github.com/textmate/git.tmbundle/commit/3f6ad2138200db14b57a090ecb2d2e733275ca3e",
8 "name": "Git Rebase Message",
9 "scopeName": "text.git-rebase",
10 "patterns": [
11 {
12 "captures": {
13 "1": {
14 "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.git-rebase"
15 }
16 },
17 "match": "^\\s*(#).*$\\n?",
18 "name": "comment.line.number-sign.git-rebase"
19 },
20 {
21 "captures": {
22 "1": {
23 "name": "support.function.git-rebase"
24 },
25 "2": {
26 "name": "constant.sha.git-rebase"
27 },
28 "3": {
29 "name": "meta.commit-message.git-rebase"
30 }
31 },
32 "match": "^\\s*(pick|p|reword|r|edit|e|squash|s|fixup|f|drop|d)\\s+([0-9a-f]+)\\s+(.*)$",
33 "name": "meta.commit-command.git-rebase"
34 },
35 {
36 "captures": {
37 "1": {
38 "name": "support.function.git-rebase"
39 },
40 "2": {
41 "patterns": [
42 {
43 "include": "source.shell"
44 }
45 ]
46 }
47 },
48 "match": "^\\s*(exec|x)\\s+(.*)$",
49 "name": "meta.commit-command.git-rebase"
50 }
51 ]
\No newline at end of file