1 |
2 |
3 | # 
4 |
5 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@thi.ng/api)
6 | 
7 | [](https://twitter.com/thing_umbrella)
8 |
9 | This project is part of the
10 | [@thi.ng/umbrella](https://github.com/thi-ng/umbrella/) monorepo.
11 |
12 | - [About](#about)
13 | - [Status](#status)
14 | - [Installation](#installation)
15 | - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
16 | - [API](#api)
17 | - [Authors](#authors)
18 | - [Maintainer](#maintainer)
19 | - [Contributors](#contributors)
20 | - [License](#license)
21 |
22 | ## About
23 |
24 | Common, generic types, interfaces & mixins.
25 |
26 | This package is implicitly used by most other projects in this repository. It
27 | defines:
28 |
29 | - Dozens of generic, common interfaces & types
30 | - Class & method decorators
31 | - Mixins
32 | - Typedarray utilities
33 |
34 | ## Status
35 |
36 | **STABLE** - used in production
37 |
38 | [Search or submit any issues for this package](https://github.com/thi-ng/umbrella/issues?q=%5Bapi%5D+in%3Atitle)
39 |
40 | ## Installation
41 |
42 | ```bash
43 | yarn add @thi.ng/api
44 | ```
45 |
46 | ES module import:
47 |
48 | ```html
49 | <script type="module" src="https://cdn.skypack.dev/@thi.ng/api"></script>
50 | ```
51 |
52 | [Skypack documentation](https://docs.skypack.dev/)
53 |
54 | For Node.js REPL:
55 |
56 | ```text
57 | # with flag only for < v16
58 | node --experimental-repl-await
59 |
60 | > const api = await import("@thi.ng/api");
61 | ```
62 |
63 | Package sizes (brotli'd, pre-treeshake): ESM: 2.15 KB
64 |
65 | ## Dependencies
66 |
67 | None
68 |
69 | ## API
70 |
71 | [Generated API docs](https://docs.thi.ng/umbrella/api/)
72 |
73 | ## Authors
74 |
75 | ### Maintainer
76 |
77 | - Karsten Schmidt ([@postspectacular](https://github.com/postspectacular))
78 |
79 | ### Contributors
80 |
81 | - Matei Adriel ([@Mateiadrielrafael](https://github.com/Mateiadrielrafael))
82 |
83 | If this project contributes to an academic publication, please cite it as:
84 |
85 | ```bibtex
86 | @misc{thing-api,
87 | title = "@thi.ng/api",
88 | author = "Karsten Schmidt and others",
89 | note = "https://thi.ng/api",
90 | year = 2016
91 | }
92 | ```
93 |
94 | ## License
95 |
96 | © 2016 - 2022 Karsten Schmidt // Apache Software License 2.0