3.98 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# Changelog
2All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
3## 2.1.1 - March 13, 2019
4#### Added
5- Ability to mask db statements in integrations
6- Send resource infromation in invocation data
7- Composite data model and batch reporting support
8#### Fixed
9- Elasticsearch fix getting host when multiple host is configured
10- Root span and invocation duration are compatible
12## 2.1.0 - March 6, 2019
13#### Added
14- Implement `ErrorInjectorSpanListener`, `FilteringSpanListener` and `LatencyInjectorSpanListener`
15- Implement ES and MySQL V1 integrations
16- Implement sampling only Timed out Invocations
17#### Fixed
18- Fixes #47
19- Use InvocationSupport to pass functionName to Integrations
20- Fix lambda timing out when used with https://www.npmjs.com/package/serverless-mysql
22## 2.0.9 - February 13, 2019
23- Trace HTTPS calls
24- Bug fix in in TraceConfig programmatic config
26## 2.0.8 - January 30, 2019
27- Bug fixes in AWS Integrations
28- Enable default sampling for Metric Plugin
30## 2.0.7 - December 20, 2018
31- Integrated Thundra Log Plugin with NodeJS console
32- Warmup plugin is disabled by default
33- Added trigger tags for AWS Event
34- Implemented trace propagation with opentracing
36## 2.0.6 - November 27, 2018
37#### Added
38- Aws XRay Integration
39- Tag support
40- Sampling support
41#### Fixed
42- Add missing tags data to integrations for better ui integration
44## 2.0.5 - November 6, 2018
45#### Added
46- Enable integrations by default
47#### Fixed
48- Propagated span from trace entry to exit through entry data
50## 2.0.4 - October 26, 2018
51#### Fixed
52- Cleanup LogManager after each invocation
53## 2.0.3 - October 24, 2018
54#### Fixed
55- AWS and HTTP integrations spans were not closed correctly fixed now. Removed HTTPS integration, it is not needed `https` module is using `http` underneath.
57## 2.0.2 - October 23, 2018
58#### Fixed
59- Enable log plugin to be used before initialising Thundra Agent
60## 2.0.1 - October 22, 2018
61#### Added
62- Migration to new data model
63- Async support
64- Region adaptable timeout margin
65- Enable `keepAlive` in http connections
66- Automatic instrumentation integrations with `pg`, `mysql`, `redis`, `aws`
67- Enable debug mode with environment variables
69#### Fixed
70- Fix errors when running with serverless offline plugin
72## 1.6.0 - August 16, 2018
73#### Added
74- Manual instrumentation support with OpenTracing API
75- Automatic instrumentation support
76- Mask trace of request and response of Lambda Invocation
77#### Fixed
78- Fix crash if env variable `process.env.AWS_LAMBDA_LOG_STREAM_NAME ` not set
80## 1.5.4 - July 23, 2018
81#### Added
82- `timeout` field is added to trace properites
84## 1.5.3 - July 13, 2018
85#### Added
86- `functionARN`,`logGroupName`,`logStreamName`,`requestId` fields are added to trace properites
87#### Fixed
88- Trace data should show response if error type is HTTP error
90## 1.5.2 - July 11, 2018
91#### Added
92- Timeout detection support
93- Parse Lambda Proxy Integration response for error detection for 5xx and 4xx responses
95## 1.5.0 - May 18, 2018
96#### Added
97- Disable request/response via environment variables
98- Invocation plugin and data type
99#### Fixed
100- Response is set wrong when there is an error
102## 1.4.1 - May 10, 2018
103#### Fixed
104- A bug related to wrong usage of Node's URL module
106## 1.4.0 - May 10, 2018
107#### Added
108- URL configuration via `thundra_lambda_publish_rest_baseUrl` environment variable
110## 1.3.1 - April 17, 2018
111#### Added
112- Timestamp support
114## 1.3.0 - April 13, 2018
115#### Added
116- Warmup support
118## 1.2.0 - April 3, 2018
119#### Added
120- Log plugin support
122## 1.1.2 - March 23, 2018
123#### Changed
124- `thundra_lambda_publish_cloudwatch_enable` environment variable check
126## 1.1.1 - March 23, 2018
127#### Fixed
128- `thundra_lambda_publish_cloudwatch_enable` environment variable check
130## 1.1.0 - March 23, 2018
131#### Added
132- Metric support
134## 1.0.1 - March 14, 2018
135#### Added
136- Support for passing API key as an environment variable
138## 1.0.0 - March 13, 2018
139#### Added
140- Initial agent with tracing support