1 | import * as React from 'react';
2 | import { IEvents } from '../Events';
3 | import { ScriptItem } from '../ScriptLoader2';
4 | import { IEditorPropTypes } from './EditorPropTypes';
5 | import { Editor as TinyMCEEditor, TinyMCE } from 'tinymce';
6 | type OmitStringIndexSignature<T> = {
7 | [K in keyof T as string extends K ? never : K]: T[K];
8 | };
9 | interface DoNotUse<T extends string> {
10 | __brand: T;
11 | }
12 | type OmittedInitProps = 'selector' | 'target' | 'readonly' | 'license_key';
13 | type EditorOptions = Parameters<TinyMCE['init']>[0];
14 | export type InitOptions = Omit<OmitStringIndexSignature<EditorOptions>, OmittedInitProps> & {
15 | selector?: DoNotUse<'selector prop is handled internally by the component'>;
16 | target?: DoNotUse<'target prop is handled internally by the component'>;
17 | readonly?: DoNotUse<'readonly prop is overridden by the component, use the `disabled` prop instead'>;
18 | license_key?: DoNotUse<'license_key prop is overridden by the integration, use the `licenseKey` prop instead'>;
19 | } & {
20 | [key: string]: unknown;
21 | };
22 | export type Version = `${'4' | '5' | '6' | '7'}${'' | '-dev' | '-testing' | `.${number}` | `.${number}.${number}`}`;
23 | export interface IProps {
24 | apiKey: string;
25 | id: string;
26 | inline: boolean;
27 | initialValue: string;
28 | onEditorChange: (a: string, editor: TinyMCEEditor) => void;
29 | value: string;
30 | init: InitOptions;
31 | tagName: string;
32 | tabIndex: number;
33 | cloudChannel: Version;
34 | plugins: NonNullable<EditorOptions['plugins']>;
35 | toolbar: NonNullable<EditorOptions['toolbar']>;
36 | disabled: boolean;
37 | textareaName: string;
38 | tinymceScriptSrc: string | string[] | ScriptItem[];
39 | rollback: number | false;
40 | scriptLoading: {
41 | async?: boolean;
42 | defer?: boolean;
43 | delay?: number;
44 | };
45 | licenseKey: string;
46 | }
47 | export interface IAllProps extends Partial<IProps>, Partial<IEvents> {
48 | }
49 | /**
50 | * @see {@link https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/7/react-ref/} for the TinyMCE React Technical Reference
51 | */
52 | export declare class Editor extends React.Component<IAllProps> {
53 | static propTypes: IEditorPropTypes;
54 | static defaultProps: Partial<IAllProps>;
55 | editor?: TinyMCEEditor;
56 | private id;
57 | private elementRef;
58 | private inline;
59 | private currentContent?;
60 | private boundHandlers;
61 | private rollbackTimer;
62 | private valueCursor;
63 | constructor(props: Partial<IAllProps>);
64 | private get view();
65 | componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Partial<IAllProps>): void;
66 | componentDidMount(): void;
67 | componentWillUnmount(): void;
68 | render(): React.ReactElement<{
69 | ref: React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
70 | id: string;
71 | tabIndex: number | undefined;
72 | }, string | React.JSXElementConstructor<any>>;
73 | private changeEvents;
74 | private beforeInputEvent;
75 | private renderInline;
76 | private renderIframe;
77 | private getScriptSources;
78 | private getInitialValue;
79 | private bindHandlers;
80 | private rollbackChange;
81 | private handleBeforeInput;
82 | private handleBeforeInputSpecial;
83 | private handleEditorChange;
84 | private handleEditorChangeSpecial;
85 | private initialise;
86 | }
87 | export {};
88 |
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