1 | # Usage
2 |
3 | The Treelab Typescript API provides an easy way to integrate Treelab with any external system. The API closely follows REST semantics, uses JSON to encode objects, and relies on standard HTTP codes to signal operation outcomes.
4 |
5 | ## Installation
6 |
7 | Using npm:
8 |
9 | ```typescript
10 | npm install @treelab/treelab
11 | ```
12 |
13 | Using yarn:
14 |
15 | ```typescript
16 | yarn add @treelab/treelab
17 | ```
18 |
19 | # Object
20 |
21 | ## Workspace
22 |
23 | A workspace contains a collection of cores.
24 |
25 | ## Core
26 |
27 | A core contains a collection of tables. A table can belong to multiple Cores.
28 |
29 | ## Table
30 |
31 | A table is a collection of fields and rows. Each table is also made up of a series of different views.
32 |
33 | ## Views
34 |
35 | A view is essentially a materialized view of a table's data. The same table data can be visualized in a variety of different ways. The current view types supported are:
36 |
37 | - `Grid View`
38 | - `Timeline View`
39 | - `List View`
40 | - `Form View (*After alpha release)`
41 | - `Kanban View (*After alpha release)`
42 |
43 | Views can not only be used to create interactive visualizations, but it can also be used to pass data from one user/process to another. By applying different filter conditions, the admin user can essentially configure data flow by inviting different users to different views.
44 |
45 | ## Field Types
46 |
47 | Treelab has a lot of rich field types but the main field types are:
48 |
49 | - `Text`
50 | - `Number`
51 | - `Record Reference`
52 | - `Table Reference`
53 | - `Core Reference`
54 | - `Select`
55 | - `Multi-Select`
56 | - `Multi-Attachment`
57 |
58 | # Events
59 |
60 | Treelab is an event-driven system that encodes all state and data changes within the system into a series of `events`. These `events` are then written into a series of different `topics`, which can then be consumed by different parties for processing. Treelab's Typescript SDK abstracts these events into different objects that can then be used to read and write data from Treelab.
61 |
62 | ```typescript
63 | // Example
64 | EventPayload {
65 | eventname: 'creb5528ed9c50539b8.CoreCreated',
66 | workspaceid: 'wspb5506fe4160c6310',
67 | coreid: 'creb5528ed9c50539b8',
68 | tableid: '',
69 | columnid: '',
70 | rowid: '',
71 | corename: 'core name',
72 | color: 'dark',
73 | icon: 'check',
74 | tablename: '',
75 | columnconfig: undefined,
76 | view: undefined,
77 | value: undefined,
78 | metadata: { source: 'USER' }
79 | }
80 |
81 | ```
82 |
83 | # Examples
84 |
85 | Initialize it with your apiKey:
86 |
87 | ```typescript
88 | // Reference
89 | import { Treelab } from 'treelab';
90 |
91 | // Create instance
92 | const treelab = new Treelab({
93 | token: 'your_token_here',
94 | });
95 | ```
96 |
97 | Now you can do some querys or mutations with the instance.
98 |
99 | ```typescript
100 | // Create workspace
101 | const workspace = await treelab.createWorkspace({ name: 'workspace name' });
102 | ```
103 |
104 | There are some properties under every instance
105 |
106 | ```typescript
107 | console.log(workspace.id); // workspace id
108 | console.log(workspace.name); // workspace name
109 | ```
110 |
111 | ```typescript
112 | // Get one core
113 | const core = await workspace.core('coreId');
114 |
115 | // Get one table
116 | const table = await core.table('tableId');
117 | ```
118 |
119 | The table instance contains a map of rows and views as propertity
120 |
121 | ```typescript
122 | // Map {
123 | // 'viwb5506fe4f384edda' => View {
124 | // workspaceId: 'wspb5506fe4160c6310',
125 | // coreId: 'creb5506fe46a88de54',
126 | // tableId: 'tblb5506fe4ca8408d8',
127 | // id: 'viwb5506fe4f384edda',
128 | // name: 'testView',
129 | // type: 'GRID',
130 | // columns:
131 | // Map {
132 | // 'colb5506fe502834416' => [Column],
133 | // 'colb5506fe5028c62d9' => [Column],
134 | // 'colb5506fe502004bdd' => [Column]
135 | // }
136 | // }
137 | // }
138 | console.log(table.views);
139 |
140 | // Map {
141 | // 'rowb5506fe58205e2f6' => Row {
142 | // workspaceId: 'wspb5506fe4160c6310',
143 | // coreId: 'creb5506fe46a88de54',
144 | // tableId: 'tblb5506fe4ca8408d8',
145 | // id: 'rowb5506fe58205e2f6',
146 | // rowData:
147 | // Map {
148 | // 'colb5506fe502834416' => [Cell],
149 | // 'colb5506fe502004bdd' => [Cell],
150 | // 'colb5506fe5028c62d9' => [Cell]
151 | // }
152 | // }
153 | // }
154 | console.log(table.rows);
155 | ```
156 |
157 | Listen to a instance
158 |
159 | ```typescript
160 | const subscription = core.onUpdated(e => {
161 | // do something here
162 | });
163 | subscription.unsubscribe();
164 | core.on(e => {
165 | // listen all events under the core
166 | });
167 | ```
168 |
169 | # Treelab object array class
170 |
171 | All `Treelab object array` classes have an attribute, and all classes will have a select and sort method to filter or sort, and have the same listener method as a single object to batch listen for objectss.
172 |
173 | ```typescript
174 | // Get core object array class
175 | const coreArrayClass = await workspace.cores();
176 |
177 | // Get table object array class from creating
178 | const tableArrayClass = await core.createTables(...);
179 |
180 | // Get an array of all tables: [Table, Table...]
181 | console.log(tableArrayClass.tables);
182 |
183 | // Get three tables
184 | const selectedTableArrayClass = await tableArrayClass.select(3);
185 |
186 | // Get filtered tables
187 | const filteredTableArrayClass = await tableArrayClass.select((i) => i.name === 'table name'));
188 |
189 | // Get sorted tables by asc(Sort like `arrayObject.sort(sortby)`)
190 | const filteredTableArrayClass = await tableArrayClass.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
191 |
192 | // Listen for all abjects
193 | const subscriptions = tableArrayClass.onCellUpdated(e => {
194 | // do something here
195 | })
196 | ```
197 |
198 | # API
199 |
200 | ## Treelab
201 |
202 | ### createWorkspace
203 |
204 | ```typescript
205 | treelab.createWorkspace(createWorkspaceInput:{ name: string }): Promise<Workspace>;
206 |
207 | // Example
208 | const workspace = await treelab.createWorkspace({ name: 'workspace name' });
209 | ```
210 |
211 | ### createWorkspaces
212 |
213 | ```typescript
214 | treelab.createWorkspaces(): Promise<WorkspaceArray>;
215 |
216 | // Example
217 | const workspaceArrayClass = await treelab.createWorkspaces([
218 | { name: 'workspace 1' },
219 | { name: 'workspace 2' },
220 | ]);
221 | ```
222 |
223 | ### workspace
224 |
225 | ```typescript
226 | treelab.workspace(id: string ): Promise<Workspace>;
227 |
228 | // Example
229 | const workspace = await treelab.workspace('wspb5506fe4160c6310');
230 | ```
231 |
232 | ### getWorkspaces
233 |
234 | ```typescript
235 | treelab.getWorkspaces(): Promise<WorkspaceArray>;
236 |
237 | // Example
238 | const workspaceArrayClass = await treelab.getWorkspaces();
239 | ```
240 |
241 | ## Workspace
242 |
243 | ### createCore
244 |
245 | ```typescript
246 | treelab.createCore(createCoreInput:{ name: string, color: Color, icon: Icon }): Promise<Core>;
247 |
248 | // Example
249 | const workspace = await treelab.createCore({
250 | name: 'core name',
251 | color: Color.blue,
252 | icon: Icon.untitle
253 | });
254 | ```
255 |
256 | ### createCores
257 |
258 | ```typescript
259 | treelab.createCores(createCoreInput:{ name: string, color: Color, icon: Icon }): Promise<CoreArray>;
260 |
261 | // Example
262 | const workspace = await treelab.createCores([
263 | { name: 'core1', color: Color.blue, icon: Icon.untitle },
264 | { name: 'core2', color: Color.black, icon: Icon.check }
265 | ]);
266 | ```
267 |
268 | ### core
269 |
270 | ```typescript
271 | workspace.core(id: string ): Promise<Core>;
272 |
273 | // Example
274 | const core = await workspace.core('creb5506fe46a88de54');
275 | ```
276 |
277 | ### getCores
278 |
279 | ```typescript
280 | workspace.getCores(): Promise<CoreArray>;
281 |
282 | // Example
283 | const coreArrayClass = await workspace.getCores();
284 | ```
285 |
286 | ### select
287 |
288 | ```typescript
289 | workspaceArrayClass.select(maxSize: number, filter: FilterFn): WorkspaceArray;
290 |
291 | // Example, select 3 workspaces whose names are 'test'
292 | const workspaceArrayClass = await workspaceArrayClass.select(3, (i) => {
293 | i.name === 'test'
294 | });
295 | ```
296 |
297 | ### sort
298 |
299 | ```typescript
300 | workspaceArrayClass.sort(sortFn: SortFn): WorkspaceArray;
301 |
302 | // Example, sort workspaces in ascending order
303 | // Sort like `arrayObject.sort(sortby)
304 | const workspaceArrayClass = await workspaceArrayClass.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
305 | ```
306 |
307 | ### onCoreCreated
308 |
309 | ```typescript
310 | workspace.onCoreCreated(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
311 |
312 | // Example
313 | workspace.onCoreCreated(e => {
314 | console.log('workspace.onCoreCreated:', e);
315 | })
316 | ```
317 |
318 | ### onCoreAdded
319 |
320 | ```typescript
321 | workspace.onCoreAdded(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
322 |
323 | // Example
324 | workspace.onCoreAdded(e => {
325 | console.log('workspace.onCoreAdded:', e);
326 | })
327 | ```
328 |
329 | ### on
330 |
331 | Listen every events under the workspace
332 |
333 | ```typescript
334 | workspace.on(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
335 |
336 | // Example
337 | workspace.on(e => {
338 | console.log('workspace.on:', e);
339 | })
340 | ```
341 |
342 | ## Core
343 |
344 | ### createTable
345 |
346 | ```typescript
347 | const table = core.createTable(createTableInput:{
348 | name: string,
349 | view?: ViewInput, // defaultView: GRID
350 | columns?: ColumnConfig[],
351 | data?: any[][]
352 | }): Promise<Table>;
353 |
354 | // Example
355 | const table = await core.createTable({
356 | name: 'table',
357 | view: { name: 'view', type: ViewType.GRID },
358 | columns: [
359 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: 'f1' },
360 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: 'f2' },
361 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: 'f3' },
362 | ],
363 | data: [['1', '2', '3'], ['21', '22', '23'], ['31', '32', '33']],
364 | });
365 | ```
366 |
367 | ### createTables
368 |
369 | ```typescript
370 | const tableArray = core.createTables(createTableInput[]:{
371 | name: string,
372 | view?: ViewInput, // defaultView: GRID
373 | columns?: ColumnConfig[],
374 | data?: any[][]
375 | }[]): Promise<TableArray>;
376 |
377 | // Example, create a 2 * 3 table
378 | const tableArrayClass = await core.createTables([
379 | {
380 | name: 'table1',
381 | view: { name: 'view1', type: ViewType.GRID },
382 | columns: [
383 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: 'f1' },
384 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: 'f2' },
385 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: 'f3' },
386 | ],
387 | data: [['1', '2', '3'], ['21', '22', '23']],
388 | },
389 | {
390 | name: 'table2',
391 | view: { name: 'view2', type: ViewType.GRID },
392 | columns: [
393 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: 'f1' },
394 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: 'f2' },
395 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: 'f3' },
396 | ],
397 | data: [['1', '2', '3'], ['21', '22', '23']],
398 | }
399 | ]);
400 | ```
401 |
402 | ### table
403 |
404 | ```typescript
405 | core.table(id: string ): Promise<Table>;
406 |
407 | // Example
408 | const table = await core.table('tblb5528eda11885051');
409 | ```
410 |
411 | ### getTables
412 |
413 | ```typescript
414 | core.getTables(): Promise<TableArray>;
415 |
416 | // Example
417 | const tableArrayClass = await core.getTables();
418 | ```
419 |
420 | ### select
421 |
422 | ```typescript
423 | coreArrayClass.select(maxSize: number, filter: FilterFn): CoreArray;
424 |
425 | // Example, select 3 cores whose names are 'test'
426 | const coreArrayClass = await coreArrayClass.select(3, (i) => {
427 | i.name === 'test'
428 | });
429 | ```
430 |
431 | ### sort
432 |
433 | ```typescript
434 | coreArrayClass.sort(sortFn: SortFn): CoreArray;
435 |
436 | // Example, sort cores in ascending order
437 | // Sort like `arrayObject.sort(sortby)
438 | const coreArrayClass = await coreArrayClass.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
439 | ```
440 |
441 | ### onTableCreated
442 |
443 | ```typescript
444 | core.onTableCreated(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
445 |
446 | // Example
447 | core.onTableCreated(e => {
448 | console.log('core.onTableCreated:', e);
449 | })
450 | ```
451 |
452 | ### onTableAdded
453 |
454 | ```typescript
455 | core.onTableAdded(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
456 |
457 | // Example
458 | core.onTableAdded(e => {
459 | console.log('core.onTableAdded:', e);
460 | })
461 | ```
462 |
463 | ### on
464 |
465 | Listen every events under the core
466 |
467 | ```typescript
468 | core.on(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
469 |
470 | // Example
471 | core.on(e => {
472 | console.log('core.on:', e);
473 | })
474 | ```
475 |
476 | ## Table
477 |
478 | ### addView
479 |
480 | ```typescript
481 | table.addView(addViewInput: {
482 | name: string;
483 | type: ViewType;
484 | }): Promise<View>;
485 |
486 | // Example
487 | const view = await table.addView({ name: 'grid view', type: ViewType.GRID });
488 | ```
489 |
490 | ### addRow
491 |
492 | ```typescript
493 | table.addRow(): Promise<Row>;
494 |
495 | // Example
496 | const row = await table.addRow();
497 | ```
498 |
499 | ### table
500 |
501 | ```typescript
502 | table.addColumn(conlumnConfig: {
503 | type: ColumnType;
504 | name: string;
505 | order?: number;
506 | visibility?: boolean;
507 | foreignTableId?: string;
508 | defaultNumber?: number;
509 | precision?: number;
510 | choices?: Choice[];
511 | }): Promise<Column>;
512 |
513 | // Example
514 | const column = await table.addColumn({
515 | type: ColumnType.TEXT,
516 | name: "column",
517 | });
518 | ```
519 |
520 | ### view
521 |
522 | ```typescript
523 | table.view(id: string): View;
524 |
525 | // Example
526 | const view = await table.view('viwb5506fe6370f0e4b');
527 | ```
528 |
529 | ### updateCell
530 |
531 | ```typescript
532 | table.updateCell(updateCellInput: { rowId: string, columnId: string, value: Value}): Promise<Cell>;
533 |
534 | // Example
535 | const row = await table.updateCell({
536 | rowId: "rowb545d20fe08226ed",
537 | columnId: "colb545910eed85035e",
538 | value: {
539 | type: ColumnType.TEXT,
540 | text: "newCell"
541 | }
542 | });
543 | ```
544 |
545 | ### addRows
546 |
547 | ```typescript
548 | table.addRows(number: number): Promise<RowArray>;
549 |
550 | // Example, add 5 rows
551 | const rowArray = await table.addRows(5);
552 | ```
553 |
554 | ### addColumns
555 |
556 | ```typescript
557 | table.addColumns(columnConfigs: ColumnConfig[]): Promise<Column>;
558 |
559 | // Example
560 | const columnArray = await table.addColumns([
561 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: "column1" },
562 | { type: ColumnType.TEXT, name: "column2" },
563 | ]);
564 | ```
565 |
566 | ### updateCells
567 |
568 | ```typescript
569 | table.updateCells(updateCellInput[]: {
570 | rowId: string;
571 | columnId: string;
572 | value: Value;
573 | }[]): Promise<CellArray>;
574 |
575 | // Example
576 | const cellArray = await table.updateCells([
577 | {
578 | rowId: "rowb545d20fe08226ed",
579 | columnId: "colb545910eed85035e",
580 | value: {
581 | type: ColumnType.TEXT,
582 | text: "newCell1"
583 | },
584 | {
585 | rowId: "rowb545d20fe08226ec",
586 | columnId: "colb545910eed85035c",
587 | value: {
588 | type: ColumnType.TEXT,
589 | text: "newCell2"
590 | }
591 | }
592 | ]);
593 | ```
594 |
595 | ### select
596 |
597 | ```typescript
598 | tableArrayClass.select(maxSize: number, filter: FilterFn): TableArray;
599 |
600 | // Example, select 3 tables whose names are 'test'
601 | const tableArrayClass = await tableArrayClass.select(3, (i) => {
602 | i.name === 'test'
603 | });
604 | ```
605 |
606 | ### sort
607 |
608 | ```typescript
609 | tableArrayClass.sort(sortFn: SortFn): TableArray;
610 |
611 | // Example, sort tables in ascending order
612 | // Sort like `arrayObject.sort(sortby)
613 | const tableArrayClass = await tableArrayClass.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name));
614 | ```
615 |
616 | ### onViewAdded
617 |
618 | ```typescript
619 | table.onViewAdded(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
620 |
621 | // Example
622 | table.onViewAdded(e => {
623 | console.log('table.onViewAdded:', e);
624 | })
625 | ```
626 |
627 | ### onColumnAdded
628 |
629 | ```typescript
630 | table.onColumnAdded(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
631 |
632 | // Example
633 | table.onColumnAdded(e => {
634 | console.log('table.onColumnAdded:', e);
635 | })
636 | ```
637 |
638 | ### onRowAdded
639 |
640 | ```typescript
641 | table.onRowAdded(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
642 |
643 | // Example
644 | table.onRowAdded(e => {
645 | console.log('table.onRowAdded:', e);
646 | })
647 | ```
648 |
649 | ### onCellUpdated
650 |
651 | ```typescript
652 | table.onCellUpdated(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
653 |
654 | // Example
655 | table.onCellUpdated(e => {
656 | console.log('table.onCellUpdated:', e);
657 | })
658 | ```
659 |
660 | ### on
661 |
662 | Listen every events under the table
663 |
664 | ```typescript
665 | table.on(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
666 |
667 | // Example
668 | table.on(e => {
669 | console.log('table.on:', e);
670 | })
671 | ```
672 |
673 | ## View
674 |
675 | ### column
676 |
677 | ```typescript
678 | view.column(id: string): View
679 |
680 | // Example
681 | const view = await view.column('colb5506fe5028c62d9')
682 | ```
683 |
684 | ### getColumns
685 |
686 | ```typescript
687 | view.getColumns(): ColumnArray
688 |
689 | // Example
690 | const viewArray = await view.getColumns()
691 | ```
692 |
693 | ### row
694 |
695 | ```typescript
696 | view.row(id: string): Row;
697 |
698 | // Example
699 | const row = await view.row('rowb5506fe5eb875868');
700 | ```
701 |
702 | ### getRows
703 |
704 | ```typescript
705 | view.getRows(): ColumnArray
706 |
707 | // Example
708 | const viewArray = await view.getRows()
709 | ```
710 |
711 | ## Row
712 |
713 | ### cell
714 |
715 | ```typescript
716 | row.cell(columnId: string): Cell
717 |
718 | // Example
719 | const cell = await row.cell('colb5506fe5028c62d9')
720 | ```
721 |
722 | ### onCellUpdated
723 |
724 | ```typescript
725 | row.onCellUpdated(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
726 |
727 | // Example
728 | row.onCellUpdated(e => {
729 | console.log('row.onCellUpdated:', e);
730 | })
731 | ```
732 |
733 | ### on
734 |
735 | ```typescript
736 | row.on(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
737 |
738 | // Example
739 | row.on(e => {
740 | console.log('row.on:', e);
741 | })
742 | ```
743 |
744 | ## Column
745 |
746 | ### cell
747 |
748 | ```typescript
749 | column.cell(rowId: string): Cell
750 |
751 | // Example
752 | const cell = await column.cell('rowb5506fe5eb875868')
753 | ```
754 |
755 | ### onCellUpdated
756 |
757 | ```typescript
758 | column.onCellUpdated(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
759 |
760 | // Example
761 | column.onCellUpdated(e => {
762 | console.log('column.onCellUpdated:', e);
763 | })
764 | ```
765 |
766 | ### on
767 |
768 | ```typescript
769 | column.on(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
770 |
771 | // Example
772 | column.on(e => {
773 | console.log('column.on:', e);
774 | })
775 | ```
776 |
777 | ## Cell
778 |
779 | ### onCellUpdated
780 |
781 | ```typescript
782 | cell.onCellUpdated(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
783 |
784 | // Example
785 | cell.onCellUpdated(e => {
786 | console.log('cell.onCellUpdated:', e);
787 | })
788 | ```
789 |
790 | ### on
791 |
792 | ```typescript
793 | cell.on(cb: EventCallback): Subscription
794 |
795 | // Example
796 | cell.on(e => {
797 | console.log('cell.on:', e);
798 | })
799 | ```