2.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const path = require('path')
2const fs = require('fs-extra')
3const https = require('https')
4const tar = require('tar')
5const zlib = require('zlib')
6const Gauge = require('gauge')
7const chalk = require('chalk')
9module.exports = async ({ starterKit, env, program, pkg }) => {
10 const graphicKits = ['storyboard', 'lg', 'panasonic', 'wedge', 'launcher']
11 const gauge = new Gauge()
12 const srcPath = path.join(program.cwd, './src')
13 let version = pkg.starterKitVersion
14 if (program.dev === true) {
15 version = `master/${version}`
16 } else if (program.dev) {
17 version = `master/${program.dev}`
18 }
19 const url = `https://s3.amazonaws.com/starter-kits/${version}/starter-kit-${starterKit}.tar.gz`
20 if (!!env.overwriteConfidently && !program.silent) {
21 console.log('🚨 ', chalk.red('You are overwriting blink files. This voids your warranty as blink is likely not to function as intended.'))
22 }
23 try {
24 await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
25 https.get(url, res => {
26 const { statusCode, headers } = res
27 if (statusCode === 200) {
28 const total = headers['content-length']
29 let count = 0
30 res
31 .on('data', data => {
32 count += data.length
33 if (!program.silent) {
34 gauge.show(`Downloading starter-kit-${starterKit} ${version}`, count / total)
35 }
36 })
37 .pipe(zlib.createGunzip())
38 .pipe(tar.x({
39 filter: (filename) => !(!!env.overwriteConfidently && ['.fla', '.toml', '.psd', '.psb'].includes(path.extname(filename))),
40 k: !env.overwriteConfidently,
41 C: program.cwd
42 }))
43 .on('close', () => {
44 gauge.hide()
45 resolve()
46 })
47 } else {
48 reject(new Error(`Fail to download starter-kit-${starterKit} ${version}`))
49 }
50 }).on('error', reject)
51 })
52 if (!graphicKits.includes(starterKit)) {
53 await Promise.all([
54 fs.ensureDir(path.join(srcPath, './fonts')),
55 fs.ensureDir(path.join(srcPath, './sounds')),
56 fs.ensureDir(path.join(srcPath, './images')),
57 fs.ensureDir(path.join(srcPath, './json'))
58 ])
59 } else {
60 await Promise.all([fs.ensureDir(path.join(srcPath, '../dist'))])
61 console.log(chalk.green('✅ Built dist folder '))
62 }
63 } catch (err) {
64 if (!program.silent) console.log(chalk.red('⚠️ Blink Init was NOT successful!'))
65 return Promise.reject(err)
66 }