6.42 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# @tremorvideo/blink-cli
3## definition of manifest.json
5There should be only one MediaFile. However IAB VAST Standard does not prevent multiple MediaFile.
9 "mediaFiles": [
10 {
11 "id": "CU-12345",
12 "delivery": "progressive",
13 "type": "application/javascript",
14 "bitrate": 466,
15 "width": 640,
16 "height": 480,
17 "maintainAspectRatio": true,
18 "scalable": true,
19 "apiFramework": "VPAID",
20 "uri": "https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/SGAI12345/vpaid.js"
21 }
22 ],
23 "videos": {
24 "video-1": {
25 "url": "https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/1.mp4",
26 "type": "video/mp4",
27 "duration": "15000"
28 },
29 "video-2": {
30 "url": "https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/2.mp4",
31 "type": "video/mp4",
32 "duration": "15000"
33 }
34 },
35 "mainVideo": "video-1",
36 "tvCustomEvents": [
37 {
38 "name": "Click_Walgreens",
39 "uri": true,
40 "thirdPartyPixels": true
41 },
42 {
43 "name": "Click_Video_Close",
44 "uri": false,
45 "thirdPartyPixels": true
46 },
47 {
48 "name": "Slate_Opened",
49 "uri": false,
50 "thirdPartyPixels": true
51 }
52 ]
56## Output
59<VAST xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="vast2.xsd" version="2.0.0">
60 <Ad id="BC0">
61 <InLine>
62 <AdSystem>Tremor Video</AdSystem>
63 <AdTitle>Tremor Video</AdTitle>
64 <Impression>
65 <![CDATA[https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/?e=impression]]>
66 </Impression>
67 <Creatives>
68 <Creative>
69 <Linear>
70 <Duration>00:00:15</Duration>
71 <AdParameters>
72 <![CDATA[
73 {
74 "geoInfo": {
75 "dma": "501",
76 "city": "new york",
77 "areaCode": "212",
78 "latitude": "40.75891",
79 "longitude": "73.97902",
80 "continent": "north america",
81 "countryCode": "us",
82 "stateCode": "95",
83 "postalCode": "10020"
84 },
85 "tvCustomEvents: [
86 {
87 "name": "Click_Walgreens",
88 "uri": "https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/1x1.png?r=wg",
89 "thirdPartyPixels": [
90 "https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/1x1.png?e=click_wg1",
91 "https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/1x1.png?e=click_wg2"
92 ]
93 },
94 {
95 "name": "Slate_Opened",
96 "thirdPartyPixels": [
97 "https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/1x1.png?e=open1"
98 ]
99 }
100 ]
101 }
102 ]]>
103 </AdParameters>
104 <TrackingEvents>
105 <Tracking event="start">
106 <![CDATA[https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/1x1.png?e=start]]>
107 </Tracking>
108 <Tracking event="midpoint">
109 <![CDATA[https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/1x1.png?e=midpoint]]>
110 </Tracking>
111 <Tracking event="acceptInvitation">
112 <![CDATA[https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/1x1.png?e=acceptInvitation]]>
113 </Tracking>
114 </TrackingEvents>
115 <VideoClicks>
116 <ClickThrough>
117 <![CDATA[https://example.com]]>
118 </ClickThrough>
119 <ClickTracking>
120 <![CDATA[https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/1x1.png?e=clicked]]>
121 </ClickTracking>
122 </VideoClicks>
123 <MediaFiles>
124 <MediaFile id="CU-12345" delivery="progressive" bitrate="466" width="640" height="480" type="application/javascript" maintainAspectRatio="true" scalable="true" apiFramework="VPAID">
125 <![CDATA[https://s.tremorvideodsp.com/SGAI12345/vpaid.js]]>
126 </MediaFile>
127 <MediaFiles>
128 </Linear>
129 </Creative>
130 </Creatives>
131 </InLine>
132 </Ad>
136## commands
138* `blink init spr` downloads an spr and runs `blink prepare`
139* `blink prepare` reads the blink.toml file to get the AdParameters, Videos and Events, then updates animate_template.html accordingly. An essential step before importing the template into Animate CC and publishing.
140`--import` opens the Animate CC application and runs a JSFL script import.jsfl the template.html
141`--auto` opens the Animate CC application and runs a JSFL script to custom.jsfl
142Many versions of custom.jsfl have been created by Automation to add specific Blink Components to
143specific Movie Clips.
144* `blink build` Essential step after publishing Animate CC creative. This one command runs these 4 commands:
145 * `blink validate`
146 * `blink build-manifest`
147 * `blink build-vpaid`
148 * `blink copy`
149* `blink build-manifest` generates a `manifest.json` file
150* `blink build-vpaid` concatenates all files loaded by script tags into a single dist/ad.js,
151and runs Babel to transpile ES6. Also adds sentry and sentryConfig.
152* `blink copy` copies these src subdirectories to dist: __images, sounds, components, fonts, json__.
153All .png files are compressed, unless the option `--skip-compress-images` is used
154* `blink upload` or (`blink u`) constructs vast2.xml and vast3.xml files from manifest.json, then
155uploads all files to S3 bucket __trmr-animate-vpaid__, and prints out to console links to
156Vast Inspector URLs using the CDN mapped URL to the S3 bucket.
157`--uncompressed` changes printed out Vast Inspector links to use URL of uncompressed ad.js
158* `blink components` downloads latest version of Blink Components to user's Animate CC Application Support directory
159* `blink snippets` downloads latest version of Blink Snippets and merges into user's Animate CC Application Support directory
160* `blink info` prints to console versions of Blink Tool Chain components used in Animate CC creative found in cwd
161Prints warning if starter-kit is not the latest production version
162* `blink stats` gives you statistics of the file sizes of projects assets in current directory
163* `blink doctor` Runs system diagnostics pertaining to Blink Tool Chain and recommends how to fix problems
164Lists versions of installed products
165* `blink serve` runs http server in current directory. Static files are also served from this directory.
166Default port is 3000 unless specfified with `--port {number}`