4.25 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const path = require('path')
2const fs = require('fs-extra')
3const chalk = require('chalk')
4const toml = require('toml')
5const resolveVideos = require('./resolve-videos')
6const atReplacer = require('./animate-template-replacer')
7const atbReplacer = require('./animate-template-banners-replacer')
8const atmReplacer = require('./animate-template-mraid-replacer')
9const { promisify } = require('util')
10const lookup = promisify(require('ps-node').lookup)
11const os = require('os')
12const fsOpts = { encoding: 'utf8' }
13const childProcess = require('child_process')
15module.exports = async ({ program, env }) => {
16 try {
17 const blinkPath = path.join(program.cwd, 'blink.toml')
18 const srcPath = path.join(program.cwd, 'src')
19 const pkgPath = path.join(program.cwd, 'package.json')
20 let pkgJson
21 try {
22 pkgJson = fs.readJsonSync(pkgPath)
23 } catch (e) {
24 console.log(chalk.red('⚠️ You may be in the wrong directory or haven\'t run \'blink init\''))
25 await Promise.reject(e)
26 }
28 if (pkgJson.kitType !== undefined && pkgJson.kitType === 'graphics') {
29 console.log(chalk.yellow('Nothing to prepare in a graphic kit'))
30 return
31 }
33 const animateProcess = await lookup({
34 command: 'Adobe',
35 arguments: 'Animate',
36 psargs: 'ux'
37 })
38 if (animateProcess.length && env.auto) {
39 console.log(chalk.red('⚠️ Close Animate CC before running \'blink prepare --auto\''))
40 return
41 }
42 const fileContents = await Promise.all([
43 fs.readFile(blinkPath, fsOpts)
44 .then((body) => toml.parse(body))
45 .then((blink) => resolveVideos(blink))
46 ])
47 let templateName
48 if (fileContents[0].general.adFormat === 'banner') {
49 const animateTemplateBannersPath = path.join(srcPath, 'animate-template-banners.html')
50 const animateTemplate = atbReplacer(fileContents[0], await fs.readFile(animateTemplateBannersPath, fsOpts), pkgJson)
51 await fs.writeFile(animateTemplateBannersPath, animateTemplate, fsOpts)
52 templateName = animateTemplateBannersPath
53 } else if (fileContents[0].general.adFormat === 'mraid') {
54 const animateTemplateMraidPath = path.join(srcPath, 'animate-template-mraid.html')
55 const animateTemplate = atmReplacer(fileContents[0], await fs.readFile(animateTemplateMraidPath, fsOpts), pkgJson)
56 await fs.writeFile(animateTemplateMraidPath, animateTemplate, fsOpts)
57 templateName = animateTemplateMraidPath
58 } else {
59 const animateTemplatePath = path.join(srcPath, 'animate-template.html')
60 const animateTemplate = atReplacer(fileContents[0], await fs.readFile(animateTemplatePath, fsOpts), pkgJson)
61 await fs.writeFile(animateTemplatePath, animateTemplate, fsOpts)
62 templateName = animateTemplatePath
63 }
65 let jsfl
66 if (env.auto || env.import) {
67 // check if custom or default.jsfl exists
68 if (env.import) {
69 if (fs.existsSync('src/import.jsfl')) {
70 jsfl = 'import.jsfl'
71 } else {
72 console.log(chalk.red('⚠️ src directory is missing import.jsfl'))
73 }
74 } else {
75 if (fs.existsSync('src/custom.jsfl')) {
76 jsfl = 'custom.jsfl'
77 } else if (fs.existsSync('src/default.jsfl')) {
78 jsfl = 'default.jsfl'
79 }
80 }
81 if (jsfl) {
82 const msg = `ℹ️ Opening Animate CC and running ${jsfl}`
83 console.log(msg)
84 jsfl = 'src/' + jsfl
85 let cmd
86 if (os.platform() === 'win32') {
87 cmd = `Animate.exe ${jsfl}`
88 } else {
89 cmd = `open ${jsfl}`
90 }
91 /*
92 * Use try/catch to prevent irrelevant messages when running on Windows
93 */
94 try {
95 const stdOut = childProcess.execSync(cmd)
96 if (stdOut.toString()) {
97 console.log(stdOut.toString())
98 }
99 } catch (ex) {}
100 }
101 }
102 if (!jsfl && !program.silent) {
103 console.log(`ℹ️ Updated ${templateName}`)
104 console.log(chalk.green('ℹ️ Reimport the HTML Publish Template using Publish Settings... ➡️ Advanced ➡️ Import New...'))
105 }
106 } catch (err) {
107 if (!program.silent) console.log(chalk.red('⚠️ Blink Prepare was NOT successful!'))
108 return Promise.reject(err)
109 }