14.1 kBJSONView Raw
2 "": {
3 "project-id-version": "@tripetto/runner-autoscroll 4.0.1",
4 "report-msgid-bugs-to": "support@tripetto.com",
5 "pot-creation-date": "2021-09-13 16:39+0200",
6 "po-revision-date": "2021-09-13 16:42+0200",
7 "last-translator": "",
8 "language-team": "",
9 "language": "id_ID",
10 "mime-version": "1.0",
11 "content-type": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
12 "content-transfer-encoding": "8bit",
13 "plural-forms": "nplurals=1; plural=0;",
14 "x-generator": "Poedit 3.0"
15 },
16 "runner#9|⚠ Errors|Input error\u0004%1 item requires your attention! Click to fix.": [
17 "%1 items require your attention! Click to fix.",
18 ["%1 item memerlukan perhatian anda! Klik untuk memperbaiki."]
19 ],
20 "runner#3|🩺 Status information\u0004%1 of %2 answered": [
21 null,
22 "%1 dari %2 terjawab"
23 ],
24 "runner#3|🩺 Status information\u0004Nothing to answer": [
25 null,
26 "Tidak ada jawaban"
27 ],
28 "runner#3|🩺 Status information\u0004Pausing...": [null, "Menjeda..."],
29 "runner#3|🩺 Status information\u0004Submitting...": [null, "Mengirim..."],
30 "runner#3|🩺 Status information\u0004⏳ One moment please...": [
31 null,
32 "Tunggu sejenak..."
33 ],
34 "runner:autoscroll\u0004100% height, width centered": [
35 null,
36 "100% tinggi, lebar di tengah"
37 ],
38 "runner:autoscroll\u0004100% width, height centered": [
39 null,
40 "100% tinggi, lebar di tengah"
41 ],
42 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Agree color (input buttons)": [
43 null,
44 "Setujui warna (tombol masukan)"
45 ],
46 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Always": [null, "Selalu"],
47 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Appearance": [null, "Tampilan"],
48 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Automatically gain focus": [
49 null,
50 "Dapatkan fokus secara otomatis"
51 ],
52 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Background": [null, "Latar belakang"],
53 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Background color": [null, "Warna latar belakang"],
54 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Border color": [null, "Warna pembatas"],
55 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Border size": [null, "Ukuran pembatas"],
56 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Bottom": [null, "Bawah"],
57 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Button color": [null, "Warna tombol"],
58 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Buttons": [null, "Tombol"],
59 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Center": [null, "Tengah"],
60 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Color": [null, "Warna"],
61 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Contain (full image stretched over screen)": [
62 null,
63 "Mengandung (gambar penuh membentang di atas layar)"
64 ],
65 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Cover (full screen)": [null, "Sampul"],
66 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Create one now!": [null, "Buat satu sekarang!"],
67 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Custom fonts": [null, "Huruf khusus"],
68 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Customize": [null, "Sesuaikan"],
69 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Decline color (input buttons)": [
70 null,
71 "Turunkan warna (tombol masukan)"
72 ],
73 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Default": [null, "Default"],
74 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Did you know you can customize this closing message?": [
75 null,
76 "Apakah kamu tau kamu bisa mengatur pesan penutup ini?"
77 ],
78 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Disable scrolling": [null, "Nonaktifkan pengguliran"],
79 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Disabled in preview mode": [
80 null,
81 "Dinonaktifkan dalam mode pratinjau"
82 ],
83 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Discard": [null, "Buang"],
84 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Display back button": [
85 null,
86 "Tampilkan tombol kembali"
87 ],
88 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Display numbering": [null, "Tampilkan angka"],
89 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Display progressbar": [
90 null,
91 "Tampilkan bilah kemajuan"
92 ],
93 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Display separate submit button": [
94 null,
95 "Tampilkan tombol kirim yang terpisah"
96 ],
97 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Fill": [null, "Isi"],
98 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Font": [null, "Huruf"],
99 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Font family": [null, "Kelompok huruf"],
100 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Font size": [null, "Ukuran huruf"],
101 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Font size for small screens": [
102 null,
103 "Ukuran font untuk layar kecil"
104 ],
105 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Google Fonts or URL": [null, "Font Google atau URL"],
106 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Hide all the Tripetto branding": [
107 null,
108 "Sembunyikan semua merek Tripetto"
109 ],
110 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Hide asterisk for required questions": [
111 null,
112 "Sembunyikan tanda bintang untuk pertanyaan yang diperlukan"
113 ],
114 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Hide past blocks": [
115 null,
116 "Sembunyikan blok sebelumnya"
117 ],
118 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Hide upcoming blocks": [
119 null,
120 "Sembunyikan blok selanjutnya"
121 ],
122 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Horizontal": [null, "Horizontal"],
123 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Image (URL)": [null, "Gambar (URL)"],
124 "runner:autoscroll\u0004In a live environment the form will redirect to:": [
125 null,
126 "Dalam kondisi live formulir akan dialihkan ke:"
127 ],
128 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Inputs": [null, "Masukan"],
129 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Middle": [null, "Tengah"],
130 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Navigation bar": [null, "Bilah navigasi"],
131 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Never": [null, "Tidak pernah"],
132 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Only applies when embedding the form.": [
133 null,
134 "Hanya berlaku saat menyematkan formulir."
135 ],
136 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Only when displayed in full page": [
137 null,
138 "Hanya saat ditampilkan dalam layar penuh"
139 ],
140 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Opacity": [null, "Opasitas"],
141 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Options": [null, "Pilihan"],
142 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Outline": [null, "Garis luar"],
143 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Please add a block first to get the magic going.": [
144 null,
145 "Harap tambahkan satu blok terlebih dahulu untuk memulai keajaiban."
146 ],
147 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Positioning": [null, "Posisi"],
148 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Powered by Tripetto": [
149 null,
150 "Dipersembahkan oleh Tripetto"
151 ],
152 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Preview mode (shows all without logic)": [
153 null,
154 "Mode pratinjau (seluruhnya ditampilkan tanpa logika)"
155 ],
156 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Progressbar color": [null, "Warna bilah progres"],
157 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Repeat": [null, "Ulangi"],
158 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Required/error color": [null, "Wajib/warna eror"],
159 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Roundness": [null, "Tingkat kebulatan"],
160 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Scroll direction": [null, "Arah guliran"],
161 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Selection color (input buttons)": [
162 null,
163 "Pilihan warna (tombol masukan)"
164 ],
165 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Show navigation bar": [
166 null,
167 "Tampilkan bilah navigasi"
168 ],
169 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Show scrollbar": [null, "Tampilkan bilah gulir"],
170 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Standard fonts": [null, "Huruf standar"],
171 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Style": [null, "Gaya"],
172 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Submit button color": [null, "Warna tombol kirim"],
173 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Test again": [null, "Uji ulang"],
174 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Text color": [null, "Warna huruf"],
175 "runner:autoscroll\u0004The supplied URL is invalid!": [
176 null,
177 "URL yang diberikan tidak valid!"
178 ],
179 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Top": [null, "Atas"],
180 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Tripetto is for making elegantly personal form and survey experiences with response boosting conversational powers.": [
181 null,
182 "Tripetto adalah untuk membuat formulir pribadi yang elegan dan pengalaman survei dengan respons yang meningkatkan kekuatan percakapan."
183 ],
184 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Use any font available on [Google Fonts](https://fonts.google.com/) or supply a custom font URL. Please note that the Google Fonts name is case sensitive.": [
185 null,
186 "Gunakan font apa pun yang tersedia di [Google Fonts] (https://fonts.google.com/) atau berikan URL font kustom. Harap perhatikan bahwa nama Google Fonts sensitif terhadap huruf besar-kecil."
187 ],
188 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Vertical": [null, "Vertikal"],
189 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Vertical alignment": [null, "Perataan vertikal"],
190 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Visibility": [null, "Visibilitas"],
191 "runner:autoscroll\u0004Want to make a form like this for free?": [
192 null,
193 "Ingin membut formulir seperti ini secara gratis?"
194 ],
195 "runner:autoscroll\u0004_Note_: This size applies to small screens (like mobile devices). Switch to the mobile device preview to see and test this small font size.": [
196 null,
197 "_Catatan_: Ukuran ini berlaku untuk layar kecil (seperti perangkat seluler). Beralih ke pratinjau perangkat seluler untuk melihat dan menguji ukuran font kecil ini."
198 ],
199 "runner:autoscroll\u0004🎉 Test completed": [null, "🎉 Tes selesai"],
200 "runner:autoscroll\u0004👋 Hi there!": [null, "👋 Hai!"],
201 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Allowed extensions: %1": [
202 null,
203 "Ekstensi yang diperbolehkan: %1"
204 ],
205 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Choose or drag a file here": [
206 null,
207 "Pilih atau seret berkas di sini"
208 ],
209 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Delete": [null, "Hapus"],
210 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Drop your file now": [
211 null,
212 "Taruh file anda sekarang"
213 ],
214 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Extension is not allowed.": [
215 null,
216 "Ekstensi tidak diperbolehkan."
217 ],
218 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004File size is too large.": [
219 null,
220 "Ukuran file terlalu besar."
221 ],
222 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Size limit: %1": [null, "Batas ukuran: %1"],
223 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Something went wrong while uploading%1.": [
224 null,
225 "Ada yang tidak beres saat mengunggah%1."
226 ],
227 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004This file can't be used.": [
228 null,
229 "Berkas ini tidak dapat digunakan."
230 ],
231 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Too many files selected.": [
232 null,
233 "Terlalu banyak berkas yang terpilih."
234 ],
235 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Try again": [null, "Coba lagi"],
236 "runner#6|📂 File upload\u0004Uploading (%1)": [null, "Mengunggah (%1)"],
237 "runner#1|🆗 Buttons\u0004Back": [null, "Kembali"],
238 "runner#1|🆗 Buttons\u0004Discard": [null, "Buang"],
239 "runner#1|🆗 Buttons\u0004Next": [null, "Selanjutnya"],
240 "runner#1|🆗 Buttons\u0004Reload": [null, "Muat ulang"],
241 "runner#1|🆗 Buttons\u0004Retry": [null, "Coba lagi"],
242 "runner#1|🆗 Buttons\u0004Start": [null, "Mulai"],
243 "runner#1|🆗 Buttons\u0004Start again": [null, "Mulai ulang"],
244 "runner#1|🆗 Buttons\u0004Submit": [null, "Kirim"],
245 "runner#8|⏸ Pause conversation\u0004Cancel pausing": [
246 null,
247 "Batalkan penundaan"
248 ],
249 "runner#8|⏸ Pause conversation\u0004Pause this conversation": [
250 null,
251 "Jeda peercakapan ini"
252 ],
253 "runner#8|⏸ Pause conversation\u0004Receive a link by email to resume later on any device, right where you left off.": [
254 null,
255 "Terima tautan melalui email untuk melanjutkan percakapan nanti di perangkat apa pun, tepat di tempat anda tinggalkan."
256 ],
257 "runner#8|⏸ Pause conversation\u0004Receive resume link": [
258 null,
259 "Terima tautan lanjutan"
260 ],
261 "runner#8|⏸ Pause conversation\u0004Your email address...": [
262 null,
263 "Email anda..."
264 ],
265 "runner#9|⚠ Errors|Outdated error\u0004It seems the form is changed by the owner while you were filling in the form. Your data cannot be processed, but you can try to reload the new version of the form while maintaining the data you've filled in. Click the reload button to try this. Please check your data after reloading and then submit again.": [
266 null,
267 "Tampaknya formulir diubah oleh pemiliknya saat anda mengisi formulir. Data Anda tidak dapat diproses, tetapi anda dapat mencoba memuat ulang versi baru formulir dengan mempertahankan data yang telah anda isi. Klik tombol muat ulang untuk mencoba hal ini. Silakan periksa data anda setelah memuat ulang dan kemudian kirimkan lagi."
268 ],
269 "runner#9|⚠ Errors|Outdated error\u0004It seems the form is changed by the owner while you were filling in the form. Your data cannot be processed. Try reloading the form.": [
270 null,
271 "Tampaknya formulir diubah oleh pemiliknya saat anda mengisi formulir. Data Anda tidak dapat diproses. Coba muat ulang formulir."
272 ],
273 "runner#6|🔷 Yes/No\u0004No": [null, "Tidak"],
274 "runner#6|🔷 Yes/No\u0004Yes": [null, "Ya"],
275 "runner#2|💬 Messages|Conversation closed\u0004Nothing to talk about. The conversation is closed 🤐": [
276 null,
277 "Tidak ada yang dibicarakan. Percakapan ditutup 🤐"
278 ],
279 "runner#2|💬 Messages|Conversation closed\u0004👋 Hi there!": [
280 null,
281 "👋 Hai!"
282 ],
283 "runner#9|⚠ Errors|Connection error\u0004Please check your connection and try again (for the techies: The error console of your browser might contain more technical information about what went wrong).": [
284 null,
285 "Silakan periksa koneksi Anda dan coba lagi (untuk teknisi: Konsol error browser Anda mungkin berisi lebih banyak informasi teknis tentang apa yang salah)."
286 ],
287 "runner#9|⚠ Errors|Pausing error\u0004Something went wrong while pausing your conversation.": [
288 null,
289 "Ada yang tidak beres saat menjeda percakapan Anda."
290 ],
291 "runner#9|⚠ Errors|Submit error\u0004Something went wrong while submitting your conversation.": [
292 null,
293 "Ada yang tidak beres saat mengirimkan percakapan anda."
294 ],
295 "runner#9|⚠ Errors|Submit error\u0004The form is outdated.": [
296 null,
297 "Formulir sudah usang."
298 ],
299 "runner#9|⚠ Errors|Submit error\u0004Your data is rejected.": [
300 null,
301 "Data anda ditolak."
302 ],
303 "runner#2|💬 Messages|Conversation paused\u0004The conversation is now paused.": [
304 null,
305 "Percakapan sekarang ditunda."
306 ],
307 "runner#2|💬 Messages|Conversation paused\u0004⏸ Paused": [
308 null,
309 "⏸ Ditunda"
310 ],
311 "runner#9|⚠ Errors|Rejected error\u0004Unfortunately, your data is marked as invalid and therefore rejected. If you believe this is a mistake, please contact the form owner. We're sorry for the inconvenience.": [
312 null,
313 "Sayangnya, data Anda ditandai sebagai tidak valid dan oleh karena itu ditolak. Jika Anda yakin ini adalah kesalahan, harap hubungi pemilik formulir. Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini."
314 ],
315 "runner#2|💬 Messages|Conversation ended\u0004🎉 It's a wrap!": [
316 null,
317 "🎉 Luar biasa!"
318 ]