1.55 MBJSONView Raw
2 "swagger": "2.0",
3 "info": {
4 "version": "V3",
5 "title": "Trov API 3.0",
6 "description": "The API for interacting with Trov. **This API version has been deprecated.** **This API version will no longer be supported as of Monday, October 1, 2018**",
7 "x-swagger-net-version": "",
8 "x-enumNames": [
9 {
10 "Name": "ValidationStatus",
11 "IsString": false,
12 "Items": {
13 "None": "0",
14 "Valid": "1",
15 "Invalid": "2",
16 "InvalidRequest": "4",
17 "InvalidResponse": "8"
18 }
19 },
20 {
21 "Name": "PolicyType",
22 "IsString": false,
23 "Items": {
24 "Unknown": "0",
25 "Contents": "1",
26 "Property": "2",
27 "Vehicle": "3"
28 }
29 },
30 {
31 "Name": "FeedMessageAction",
32 "IsString": true,
33 "Items": {
34 "Sell": "Sell",
35 "Insure": "Insure",
36 "Share": "Share"
37 }
38 },
39 {
40 "Name": "ClickActionType",
41 "IsString": false,
42 "Items": {
43 "Unknown": "0",
44 "AssetDetail": "1",
45 "Dashboard": "2"
46 }
47 },
48 {
49 "Name": "FeedMessageType",
50 "IsString": false,
51 "Items": {
52 "Unknown": "0",
53 "AssetNew": "1",
54 "AssetNewReceipt": "2",
55 "AssetNewEmail": "3",
56 "AssetUpdate": "4",
57 "AssetValue": "5",
58 "AssetDelete": "6",
59 "AssetTransfer": "7",
60 "AssetTransferCancelled": "8",
61 "TrovAddVehicle": "100",
62 "TrovAddProperty": "101",
63 "TrovAddEmailAccount": "102",
64 "TrovAddBroker": "103",
65 "TrovAddPhone": "104",
66 "Announcement": "200",
67 "ReValueExperiment": "901"
68 }
69 },
70 {
71 "Name": "NotificationType",
72 "IsString": true,
73 "Items": {
74 "Unknown": "Unknown",
75 "AssetDisplay": "AssetDisplay",
76 "AssetRevalued": "AssetRevalued",
77 "AssetGifted": "AssetGifted",
78 "AssetSold": "AssetSold",
79 "AssetAutoDetect": "AssetAutoDetect",
80 "AssetsImported": "AssetsImported",
81 "ClaimCompanyMessageSent": "ClaimCompanyMessageSent",
82 "ClaimDenied": "ClaimDenied",
83 "ClaimAccepted": "ClaimAccepted",
84 "ClaimCancelled": "ClaimCancelled",
85 "ClaimSettled": "ClaimSettled"
86 }
87 },
88 {
89 "Name": "NotificationStatus",
90 "IsString": false,
91 "Items": {
92 "Deferred": "1",
93 "Sending": "2",
94 "Retrying": "3",
95 "Sent": "4",
96 "Error": "5"
97 }
98 },
99 {
100 "Name": "UserState",
101 "IsString": false,
102 "Items": {
103 "Active": "0"
104 }
105 },
106 {
107 "Name": "OperationTypes",
108 "IsString": false,
109 "Items": {
110 "None": "0",
111 "Login": "1",
112 "Autodetect": "2"
113 }
114 },
115 {
116 "Name": "OfficialPremiumInterval",
117 "IsString": true,
118 "Items": {
119 "Unknown": "Unknown",
120 "Monthly": "Monthly",
121 "Daily": "Daily"
122 }
123 },
124 {
125 "Name": "PromotionEndReason",
126 "IsString": true,
127 "Items": {
128 "Unknown": "Unknown",
129 "Cancelled": "Cancelled",
130 "Consumed": "Consumed",
131 "Expired": "Expired"
132 }
133 },
134 {
135 "Name": "PromotionType",
136 "IsString": true,
137 "Items": {
138 "Unknown": "Unknown",
139 "Cash": "Cash",
140 "Duration": "Duration"
141 }
142 },
143 {
144 "Name": "TaxCalculation",
145 "IsString": true,
146 "Items": {
147 "Unknown": "Unknown",
148 "BeforeTax": "BeforeTax",
149 "AfterTax": "AfterTax"
150 }
151 },
152 {
153 "Name": "UnderwritingWarning",
154 "IsString": true,
155 "Items": {
156 "None": "None",
157 "InsuranceSoldOut": "InsuranceSoldOut",
158 "InsuranceCategorySoldOut": "InsuranceCategorySoldOut",
159 "CustomerLimitReached": "CustomerLimitReached",
160 "ItemLimitReached": "ItemLimitReached"
161 }
162 },
163 {
164 "Name": "PremiumCalculationStatus",
165 "IsString": true,
166 "Items": {
167 "Success": "Success",
168 "FailedToPrice": "FailedToPrice",
169 "Declined": "Declined",
170 "ItemCategoryNotSupported": "ItemCategoryNotSupported",
171 "CustomerAgeNotSupported": "CustomerAgeNotSupported",
172 "CustomerAddressNotSupported": "CustomerAddressNotSupported",
173 "PremiumNotAffordable": "PremiumNotAffordable",
174 "UnderwritingDenied": "UnderwritingDenied"
175 }
176 },
177 {
178 "Name": "PriceOfferType",
179 "IsString": true,
180 "Items": {
181 "Quote": "Quote",
182 "ProfileChange": "ProfileChange",
183 "PricingModelChange": "PricingModelChange",
184 "PdsUpdate": "PdsUpdate"
185 }
186 },
187 {
188 "Name": "StopInsureReason",
189 "IsString": true,
190 "Items": {
191 "User": "User",
192 "PaymentFail": "PaymentFail",
193 "StaffCancel": "StaffCancel",
194 "Claim": "Claim",
195 "ProfileCoverageChange": "ProfileCoverageChange",
196 "PricingModelCoverageChange": "PricingModelCoverageChange"
197 }
198 },
199 {
200 "Name": "PriceOfferRequestFailure",
201 "IsString": true,
202 "Items": {
203 "ItemValueTooLow": "ItemValueTooLow",
204 "ItemValueTooHigh": "ItemValueTooHigh",
205 "ItemCategoryNotSupported": "ItemCategoryNotSupported",
206 "BeValuedInvalidArticleId": "BeValuedInvalidArticleId",
207 "BeValuedNoValueEstimate": "BeValuedNoValueEstimate",
208 "BeValuedLookupFailure": "BeValuedLookupFailure",
209 "PricingFailed": "PricingFailed",
210 "UserProfileIncomplete": "UserProfileIncomplete",
211 "UserProfileNotSupported": "UserProfileNotSupported",
212 "PaymentPastDue": "PaymentPastDue"
213 }
214 },
215 {
216 "Name": "PaymentCardBrand",
217 "IsString": true,
218 "Items": {
219 "Unknown": "Unknown",
220 "Visa": "Visa",
221 "AmericanExpress": "AmericanExpress",
222 "MasterCard": "MasterCard",
223 "Discover": "Discover",
224 "JCB": "JCB",
225 "DinersClub": "DinersClub"
226 }
227 },
228 {
229 "Name": "PhotoType",
230 "IsString": true,
231 "Items": {
232 "Background": "Background",
233 "Profile": "Profile"
234 }
235 },
236 {
237 "Name": "ClaimPaymentRequestType",
238 "IsString": true,
239 "Items": {
240 "Unknown": "Unknown",
241 "CreditCard": "CreditCard"
242 }
243 },
244 {
245 "Name": "ClaimSettlementItemIssue",
246 "IsString": true,
247 "Items": {
248 "NotCovered": "NotCovered",
249 "CoverageStartedLessThanThirtyDaysAgo": "CoverageStartedLessThanThirtyDaysAgo",
250 "NoRefundDueToNotTotalLoss": "NoRefundDueToNotTotalLoss",
251 "NoRefundDueToWaivedPayment": "NoRefundDueToWaivedPayment",
252 "LostItemNotTotalLoss": "LostItemNotTotalLoss",
253 "StolenItemNotTotalLoss": "StolenItemNotTotalLoss",
254 "NoRefundDueToPromotionalPayment": "NoRefundDueToPromotionalPayment",
255 "NoRefundDueToDeferredPayment": "NoRefundDueToDeferredPayment"
256 }
257 },
258 {
259 "Name": "ClaimSettlementMethod",
260 "IsString": true,
261 "Items": {
262 "Payout": "Payout",
263 "Repair": "Repair",
264 "RepairByCustomer": "RepairByCustomer",
265 "Replace": "Replace"
266 }
267 },
268 {
269 "Name": "ClaimSettlementIssue",
270 "IsString": true,
271 "Items": {
272 "NoActiveCoveragePeriods": "NoActiveCoveragePeriods",
273 "NonPositivePayableAmount": "NonPositivePayableAmount",
274 "LostWithItemsNotTotalLoss": "LostWithItemsNotTotalLoss",
275 "StolenWithItemsNotTotalLoss": "StolenWithItemsNotTotalLoss",
276 "PayoutNotSupportedForSelectedSettlementMethod": "PayoutNotSupportedForSelectedSettlementMethod",
277 "BankAccountNotSetForPayout": "BankAccountNotSetForPayout",
278 "NetPaymentDueNotPaid": "NetPaymentDueNotPaid"
279 }
280 },
281 {
282 "Name": "ClaimAssetAction",
283 "IsString": true,
284 "Items": {
285 "Add": "Add",
286 "Remove": "Remove"
287 }
288 },
289 {
290 "Name": "ConversationState",
291 "IsString": true,
292 "Items": {
293 "LossType": "LossType",
294 "LossDate": "LossDate",
295 "LossLocation": "LossLocation",
296 "Description": "Description",
297 "Description2": "Description2",
298 "Photos": "Photos",
299 "Photos2": "Photos2",
300 "PhoneNumber": "PhoneNumber",
301 "ConfirmationCode": "ConfirmationCode",
302 "Banking": "Banking",
303 "Done": "Done"
304 }
305 },
306 {
307 "Name": "ClaimMessageResponseType",
308 "IsString": true,
309 "Items": {
310 "Any": "Any",
311 "LossType": "LossType",
312 "LossDate": "LossDate",
313 "LossLocation": "LossLocation",
314 "NoReply": "NoReply",
315 "BankAccount": "BankAccount",
316 "Text": "Text",
317 "Photo": "Photo",
318 "PhoneNumber": "PhoneNumber",
319 "ConfirmationCode": "ConfirmationCode",
320 "PaymentCard": "PaymentCard"
321 }
322 },
323 {
324 "Name": "ClaimEventType",
325 "IsString": true,
326 "Items": {
327 "StatusUpdate": "StatusUpdate",
328 "TypeOfLossUpdate": "TypeOfLossUpdate",
329 "LossDateUpdate": "LossDateUpdate",
330 "LossLocationUpdate": "LossLocationUpdate",
331 "PhoneNumberUpdate": "PhoneNumberUpdate",
332 "BankAccountUpdate": "BankAccountUpdate",
333 "AssignmentUpdate": "AssignmentUpdate",
334 "CompanyMessage": "CompanyMessage",
335 "CustomerMessage": "CustomerMessage",
336 "Note": "Note",
337 "Photo": "Photo",
338 "Payout": "Payout",
339 "AssetUpdate": "AssetUpdate",
340 "AssetAmountUpdate": "AssetAmountUpdate",
341 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate": "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
342 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate": "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
343 "ExcessPayment": "ExcessPayment",
344 "Payable": "Payable",
345 "SettlementMethodUpdate": "SettlementMethodUpdate"
346 }
347 },
348 {
349 "Name": "ClaimTypeOfLoss",
350 "IsString": true,
351 "Items": {
352 "Lost": "Lost",
353 "Stolen": "Stolen",
354 "Damaged": "Damaged"
355 }
356 },
357 {
358 "Name": "ClaimStatus",
359 "IsString": true,
360 "Items": {
361 "Unknown": "Unknown",
362 "Draft": "Draft",
363 "Submitted": "Submitted",
364 "Cancelled": "Cancelled",
365 "Accepted": "Accepted",
366 "Denied": "Denied",
367 "Settled": "Settled"
368 }
369 },
370 {
371 "Name": "PaymentType",
372 "IsString": true,
373 "Items": {
374 "Unknown": "Unknown",
375 "Charged": "Charged",
376 "Waived": "Waived",
377 "Refunded": "Refunded",
378 "RefundedExGratia": "RefundedExGratia",
379 "SettledIntoClaim": "SettledIntoClaim",
380 "AlreadyRefunded": "AlreadyRefunded",
381 "RetroactiveCancellation": "RetroactiveCancellation",
382 "WaivedRefund": "WaivedRefund",
383 "InsuranceNotStarted": "InsuranceNotStarted",
384 "Promotion": "Promotion",
385 "PromotionRefund": "PromotionRefund",
386 "Deferred": "Deferred",
387 "DeferredRefund": "DeferredRefund"
388 }
389 },
390 {
391 "Name": "PaymentHistoryFilter",
392 "IsString": false,
393 "Items": {
394 "All": "0",
395 "MostRecent": "1",
396 "AllSuccessful": "2"
397 }
398 },
399 {
400 "Name": "TransactionEventType",
401 "IsString": true,
402 "Items": {
403 "NotStarted": "NotStarted",
404 "Started": "Started",
405 "Succeeded": "Succeeded",
406 "Abandoned": "Abandoned",
407 "Failed": "Failed",
408 "Rejected": "Rejected"
409 }
410 },
411 {
412 "Name": "AuditAction",
413 "IsString": true,
414 "Items": {
415 "Create": "Create",
416 "Update": "Update",
417 "Delete": "Delete",
418 "Restore": "Restore"
419 }
420 },
421 {
422 "Name": "TwoFactorProviderType",
423 "IsString": false,
424 "Items": {
425 "Unknown": "0",
426 "Email": "1",
427 "Text": "3",
428 "Voice": "4"
429 }
430 },
431 {
432 "Name": "ClientApplicationType",
433 "IsString": false,
434 "Items": {
435 "Native": "0",
436 "Javascript": "1"
437 }
438 },
439 {
440 "Name": "PhoneNumberConfirmationType",
441 "IsString": false,
442 "Items": {
443 "Voice": "0",
444 "Sms": "1"
445 }
446 },
447 {
448 "Name": "SecurityAuditType",
449 "IsString": true,
450 "Items": {
451 "InvalidPassword": "InvalidPassword",
452 "InvalidUser": "InvalidUser",
453 "InvalidRoleAccess": "InvalidRoleAccess",
454 "PasswordResetRequest": "PasswordResetRequest",
455 "PasswordResetCompleteFailure": "PasswordResetCompleteFailure",
456 "PasswordResetCompleteSuccess": "PasswordResetCompleteSuccess",
457 "UserChangeEmail": "UserChangeEmail",
458 "UserCreate": "UserCreate",
459 "UserDelete": "UserDelete",
460 "UserDoesNotExist": "UserDoesNotExist",
461 "UserIsActiveStateUpdate": "UserIsActiveStateUpdate",
462 "UserLockedOut": "UserLockedOut",
463 "UserRoleChangeAdd": "UserRoleChangeAdd",
464 "UserRoleChangeRemove": "UserRoleChangeRemove",
465 "UserRoleChangeUpdate": "UserRoleChangeUpdate"
466 }
467 },
468 {
469 "Name": "SupportedImage",
470 "IsString": true,
471 "Items": {
472 "Bmp": "Bmp",
473 "Gif": "Gif",
474 "Jpeg": "Jpeg",
475 "Png": "Png",
476 "Tiff": "Tiff"
477 }
478 },
479 {
480 "Name": "MetadataKey",
481 "IsString": false,
482 "Items": {
483 "Unknown": "0",
484 "StartVersion": "1",
485 "EndVersion": "2",
486 "Width": "3",
487 "Height": "4",
488 "OriginalFilename": "5",
489 "S3Key": "6",
490 "GridFsKey": "7",
491 "FitMode": "8",
492 "MaxWidth": "9",
493 "MaxHeight": "10",
494 "PertainsTo": "11"
495 }
496 },
497 {
498 "Name": "BankAccountDetailType",
499 "IsString": true,
500 "Items": {
501 "Unknown": "Unknown",
502 "BeneficiaryId": "BeneficiaryId",
503 "SortCodeLast4Digits": "SortCodeLast4Digits"
504 }
505 },
506 {
507 "Name": "BankAccountProvider",
508 "IsString": true,
509 "Items": {
510 "Unknown": "Unknown",
511 "Pin": "Pin",
512 "CurrencyCloud": "CurrencyCloud"
513 }
514 },
515 {
516 "Name": "StorageBlobType",
517 "IsString": false,
518 "Items": {
519 "TrovData": "0",
520 "MigrationSource": "1",
521 "Insurance": "2",
522 "Claims": "3",
523 "GeneralLedger": "4",
524 "Bordereau": "5",
525 "RawProviderData": "6",
526 "BeValued": "7"
527 }
528 },
529 {
530 "Name": "CurrencyType",
531 "IsString": false,
532 "Items": {
533 "USD": "0",
534 "CAD": "1",
535 "GBP": "2",
536 "AUD": "3",
537 "EUR": "4",
538 "CHF": "5",
539 "NZD": "6",
540 "NOK": "7",
541 "SEK": "8"
542 }
543 },
544 {
545 "Name": "SchemaType",
546 "IsString": false,
547 "Items": {
548 "Asset": "0",
549 "Audio": "1",
550 "Building": "2",
551 "Collection": "3",
552 "Document": "4",
553 "File": "5",
554 "Floor": "6",
555 "Image": "7",
556 "Property": "8",
557 "Room": "9",
558 "Trov": "10",
559 "UserInvite": "11",
560 "User": "12",
561 "Video": "13",
562 "Sitemap": "14",
563 "TrovInvite": "15",
564 "Index": "16",
565 "FloorPlan": "17",
566 "BulkTrovInvite": "18"
567 }
568 },
569 {
570 "Name": "RevisionReason",
571 "IsString": false,
572 "Items": {
573 "Metadata": "0",
574 "Audio": "1",
575 "Image": "2",
576 "Document": "3",
577 "Video": "4",
578 "Eula": "5",
579 "System": "6",
580 "Creation": "7",
581 "Sitemap": "8",
582 "ClientServiceUpdate": "9",
583 "FloorPlan": "10",
584 "Deletion": "11",
585 "UserToken": "12",
586 "Archival": "13",
587 "Sold": "14",
588 "Given": "15",
589 "Lost": "16",
590 "Destroyed": "17",
591 "TrovSetting": "18",
592 "TrovToken": "19",
593 "TrovEmailAccount": "20",
594 "TrovMilestone": "21",
595 "TrovPolicy": "22",
596 "Categorization": "23",
597 "FairMarketValuation": "24",
598 "ReplacementValuation": "25",
599 "PurchaseAmount": "26",
600 "Trashed": "27",
601 "Ownership": "28",
602 "Damaged": "29",
603 "Stolen": "30"
604 }
605 },
606 {
607 "Name": "PublishableKeyProvider",
608 "IsString": true,
609 "Items": {
610 "Pin": "Pin",
611 "Stripe": "Stripe"
612 }
613 },
614 {
615 "Name": "TemplatedEmailMergeLanguage",
616 "IsString": false,
617 "Items": {
618 "Mailchimp": "0",
619 "Handlebars": "1"
620 }
621 },
622 {
623 "Name": "AssetStatus",
624 "IsString": true,
625 "Items": {
626 "Owned": "Owned",
627 "Loaned": "Loaned",
628 "RentedOut": "RentedOut",
629 "Borrowed": "Borrowed",
630 "Renting": "Renting",
631 "Sold": "Sold",
632 "Gifted": "Gifted",
633 "Donated": "Donated"
634 }
635 },
636 {
637 "Name": "AssetFlag",
638 "IsString": false,
639 "Items": {
640 "WoozAttention": "0"
641 }
642 },
643 {
644 "Name": "PreferredContactMethod",
645 "IsString": false,
646 "Items": {
647 "Unspecified": "0",
648 "Email": "1",
649 "Callback": "2",
650 "WillCall": "3"
651 }
652 },
653 {
654 "Name": "PreferredContactTime",
655 "IsString": false,
656 "Items": {
657 "Unspecified": "0",
658 "Morning": "1",
659 "Afternoon": "2",
660 "Evening": "3"
661 }
662 },
663 {
664 "Name": "VehicleCondition",
665 "IsString": true,
666 "Items": {
667 "Excellent": "Excellent",
668 "VeryGood": "VeryGood",
669 "Good": "Good",
670 "Fair": "Fair"
671 }
672 }
673 ]
674 },
675 "host": "api-us.macronlabs.com",
676 "basePath": "/Trov.Service",
677 "schemes": [
678 "https"
679 ],
680 "paths": {
681 "/api/v3.0/account/email": {
682 "put": {
683 "tags": [
684 "Account"
685 ],
686 "summary": "Changes the email address for the current user.",
687 "operationId": "PUT_api_account_email",
688 "consumes": [
689 "application/json",
690 "text/json",
691 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
692 ],
693 "produces": [],
694 "parameters": [
695 {
696 "name": "changeEmailRequest",
697 "in": "body",
698 "description": "The model that represents the change email request.",
699 "required": true,
700 "schema": {
701 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityChangeEmailRequest"
702 }
703 },
704 {
705 "name": "Trov-Market",
706 "in": "header",
707 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
708 "required": true,
709 "type": "string",
710 "default": "US"
711 },
712 {
713 "name": "Trov-Client",
714 "in": "header",
715 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
716 "required": true,
717 "type": "string",
718 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
719 },
720 {
721 "name": "Accept-Language",
722 "in": "header",
723 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
724 "required": true,
725 "type": "string",
726 "default": "en-US"
727 },
728 {
729 "name": "Authorization",
730 "in": "header",
731 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
732 "required": true,
733 "type": "string",
734 "default": ""
735 }
736 ],
737 "responses": {
738 "204": {
739 "description": "No Content"
740 },
741 "401 InvalidPasswordException": {
742 "description": "The password was incorrect.",
743 "schema": {
744 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPasswordException",
745 "default": {
746 "Message": "The password provided was invalid.",
747 "ExceptionMessage": "The password provided was invalid.",
748 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPasswordException",
749 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
750 }
751 }
752 },
753 "403 ValidationException": {
754 "description": "The new email address was null or empty.",
755 "schema": {
756 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
757 "default": {
758 "Message": "string",
759 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
760 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
761 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
762 }
763 }
764 },
765 "409 EmailAlreadyInUseException": {
766 "description": "The new email address is already in use by another user account.",
767 "schema": {
768 "$ref": "#/definitions/EmailAlreadyInUseException",
769 "default": {
770 "Message": "The email address is in use by an existing user.",
771 "ExceptionMessage": "The email address is in use by an existing user.",
772 "ExceptionType": "EmailAlreadyInUseException",
773 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
774 }
775 }
776 },
777 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
778 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
779 "schema": {
780 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
781 "default": {
782 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
783 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
784 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
785 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
786 }
787 }
788 }
789 },
790 "deprecated": true
791 }
792 },
793 "/api/v3.0/account/password": {
794 "put": {
795 "tags": [
796 "Account"
797 ],
798 "summary": "Changes the password for the current user.\r\n \r\nAny active long term access tokens (`refresh_token`) will be invalidated.",
799 "operationId": "PUT_api_account_password",
800 "consumes": [
801 "application/json",
802 "text/json",
803 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
804 ],
805 "produces": [],
806 "parameters": [
807 {
808 "name": "changePasswordRequestModel",
809 "in": "body",
810 "description": "The model that represents the change password request.",
811 "required": true,
812 "schema": {
813 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityChangePasswordRequest"
814 }
815 },
816 {
817 "name": "Trov-Market",
818 "in": "header",
819 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
820 "required": true,
821 "type": "string",
822 "default": "US"
823 },
824 {
825 "name": "Trov-Client",
826 "in": "header",
827 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
828 "required": true,
829 "type": "string",
830 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
831 },
832 {
833 "name": "Accept-Language",
834 "in": "header",
835 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
836 "required": true,
837 "type": "string",
838 "default": "en-US"
839 },
840 {
841 "name": "Authorization",
842 "in": "header",
843 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
844 "required": true,
845 "type": "string",
846 "default": ""
847 }
848 ],
849 "responses": {
850 "204": {
851 "description": "No Content"
852 },
853 "401 InvalidPasswordException": {
854 "description": "The old password was incorrect.",
855 "schema": {
856 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPasswordException",
857 "default": {
858 "Message": "The password provided was invalid.",
859 "ExceptionMessage": "The password provided was invalid.",
860 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPasswordException",
861 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
862 }
863 }
864 },
865 "403 ValidationException": {
866 "description": "The new password did not meet the complexity requirements.<br/>\r\n The `NewPassword` and `ConfirmNewPassword` properties did not match.",
867 "schema": {
868 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
869 "default": {
870 "Message": "string",
871 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
872 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
873 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
874 }
875 }
876 },
877 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
878 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
879 "schema": {
880 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
881 "default": {
882 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
883 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
884 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
885 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
886 }
887 }
888 }
889 },
890 "deprecated": true
891 },
892 "post": {
893 "tags": [
894 "Account"
895 ],
896 "summary": "Sets the password for the current user.\r\n \r\nCan only be used when the user does not have a current password.",
897 "operationId": "POST_api_account_password",
898 "consumes": [
899 "application/json",
900 "text/json",
901 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
902 ],
903 "produces": [],
904 "parameters": [
905 {
906 "name": "setPasswordRequest",
907 "in": "body",
908 "description": "The model that represents the set password request.",
909 "required": true,
910 "schema": {
911 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecuritySetPasswordRequest"
912 }
913 },
914 {
915 "name": "Trov-Market",
916 "in": "header",
917 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
918 "required": true,
919 "type": "string",
920 "default": "US"
921 },
922 {
923 "name": "Trov-Client",
924 "in": "header",
925 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
926 "required": true,
927 "type": "string",
928 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
929 },
930 {
931 "name": "Accept-Language",
932 "in": "header",
933 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
934 "required": true,
935 "type": "string",
936 "default": "en-US"
937 },
938 {
939 "name": "Authorization",
940 "in": "header",
941 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
942 "required": true,
943 "type": "string",
944 "default": ""
945 }
946 ],
947 "responses": {
948 "204": {
949 "description": "No Content"
950 },
951 "400 UserHasPasswordException": {
952 "description": "The user has a current password set.",
953 "schema": {
954 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserHasPasswordException",
955 "default": {
956 "Message": "Setting the password this way is prohibited on accounts with existing passwords, please use the dedicated endpoints update password endpoint.",
957 "ExceptionMessage": "Setting the password this way is prohibited on accounts with existing passwords, please use the dedicated endpoints update password endpoint.",
958 "ExceptionType": "UserHasPasswordException",
959 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
960 }
961 }
962 },
963 "403 ValidationException": {
964 "description": "The new password did not meet the complexity requirements.<br/>\r\n The `NewPassword` and `ConfirmNewPassword` properties did not match.",
965 "schema": {
966 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
967 "default": {
968 "Message": "string",
969 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
970 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
971 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
972 }
973 }
974 },
975 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
976 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
977 "schema": {
978 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
979 "default": {
980 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
981 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
982 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
983 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
984 }
985 }
986 }
987 },
988 "deprecated": true
989 }
990 },
991 "/api/v3.0/account/twoFactorAuthentication": {
992 "put": {
993 "tags": [
994 "Account"
995 ],
996 "summary": "Toggles two factor authentication for the current user.",
997 "operationId": "PUT_api_account_twoFactorAuthentication",
998 "consumes": [
999 "application/json",
1000 "text/json",
1001 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
1002 ],
1003 "produces": [],
1004 "parameters": [
1005 {
1006 "name": "toggleTwoFactorAuthenticationRequest",
1007 "in": "body",
1008 "description": "The model that represents the two factor authentication toggle request.",
1009 "required": true,
1010 "schema": {
1011 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityToggleTwoFactorAuthenticationRequest"
1012 }
1013 },
1014 {
1015 "name": "Trov-Market",
1016 "in": "header",
1017 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1018 "required": true,
1019 "type": "string",
1020 "default": "US"
1021 },
1022 {
1023 "name": "Trov-Client",
1024 "in": "header",
1025 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1026 "required": true,
1027 "type": "string",
1028 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1029 },
1030 {
1031 "name": "Accept-Language",
1032 "in": "header",
1033 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1034 "required": true,
1035 "type": "string",
1036 "default": "en-US"
1037 },
1038 {
1039 "name": "Authorization",
1040 "in": "header",
1041 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
1042 "required": true,
1043 "type": "string",
1044 "default": ""
1045 }
1046 ],
1047 "responses": {
1048 "204": {
1049 "description": "No Content"
1050 },
1051 "401 InvalidPasswordException": {
1052 "description": "The password was incorrect.",
1053 "schema": {
1054 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPasswordException",
1055 "default": {
1056 "Message": "The password provided was invalid.",
1057 "ExceptionMessage": "The password provided was invalid.",
1058 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPasswordException",
1059 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1060 }
1061 }
1062 },
1063 "401 UserRequiresConfirmationException": {
1064 "description": "Enabling two-factor authentication requires a confirmed phone number.",
1065 "schema": {
1066 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserRequiresConfirmationException",
1067 "default": {
1068 "Message": "The user account () requires phone contact information in a confirmed state.",
1069 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account () requires phone contact information in a confirmed state.",
1070 "ExceptionType": "UserRequiresConfirmationException",
1071 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1072 }
1073 }
1074 },
1075 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1076 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1077 "schema": {
1078 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1079 "default": {
1080 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1081 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1082 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1083 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1084 }
1085 }
1086 }
1087 },
1088 "deprecated": true
1089 }
1090 },
1091 "/api/v3.0/account/phoneNumber": {
1092 "put": {
1093 "tags": [
1094 "Account"
1095 ],
1096 "summary": "Changes the phone number for the current user and optionally requests a confirmation code to be sent to the phone number.",
1097 "operationId": "PUT_api_account_phoneNumber",
1098 "consumes": [
1099 "application/json",
1100 "text/json",
1101 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
1102 ],
1103 "produces": [],
1104 "parameters": [
1105 {
1106 "name": "changePhoneNumberRequest",
1107 "in": "body",
1108 "description": "The model that represents the change phone number request.",
1109 "required": true,
1110 "schema": {
1111 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityChangePhoneNumberRequest"
1112 }
1113 },
1114 {
1115 "name": "confirmationType",
1116 "in": "query",
1117 "description": "Optional phone number confirmation type to use. A confirmation code is not sent if this parameter is not supplied. (0 = Voice , 1 = Sms )",
1118 "required": false,
1119 "type": "integer",
1120 "format": "int32",
1121 "enum": [
1122 0,
1123 1
1124 ],
1125 "x-enumName": "PhoneNumberConfirmationType"
1126 },
1127 {
1128 "name": "Trov-Market",
1129 "in": "header",
1130 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1131 "required": true,
1132 "type": "string",
1133 "default": "US"
1134 },
1135 {
1136 "name": "Trov-Client",
1137 "in": "header",
1138 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1139 "required": true,
1140 "type": "string",
1141 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1142 },
1143 {
1144 "name": "Accept-Language",
1145 "in": "header",
1146 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1147 "required": true,
1148 "type": "string",
1149 "default": "en-US"
1150 },
1151 {
1152 "name": "Authorization",
1153 "in": "header",
1154 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
1155 "required": true,
1156 "type": "string",
1157 "default": ""
1158 }
1159 ],
1160 "responses": {
1161 "204": {
1162 "description": "No Content"
1163 },
1164 "400 InvalidPhoneNumberException": {
1165 "description": "The specified phone number cannot be used for confirmation (e.g. invalid format, missing country code, etc.).",
1166 "schema": {
1167 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPhoneNumberException",
1168 "default": {
1169 "Message": "The phone number provided is invalid.",
1170 "ExceptionMessage": "The phone number provided is invalid.",
1171 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPhoneNumberException",
1172 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1173 }
1174 }
1175 },
1176 "401 InvalidPasswordException": {
1177 "description": "The password was incorrect.",
1178 "schema": {
1179 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPasswordException",
1180 "default": {
1181 "Message": "The password provided was invalid.",
1182 "ExceptionMessage": "The password provided was invalid.",
1183 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPasswordException",
1184 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1185 }
1186 }
1187 },
1188 "403 UserDoesNotHavePasswordException": {
1189 "description": "The user account does not have a password set.",
1190 "schema": {
1191 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserDoesNotHavePasswordException",
1192 "default": {
1193 "Message": "The user account does not have a password set.",
1194 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not have a password set.",
1195 "ExceptionType": "UserDoesNotHavePasswordException",
1196 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1197 }
1198 }
1199 },
1200 "403 ValidationException": {
1201 "description": "The new phone number was null or empty.",
1202 "schema": {
1203 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
1204 "default": {
1205 "Message": "string",
1206 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
1207 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
1208 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1209 }
1210 }
1211 },
1212 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1213 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1214 "schema": {
1215 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1216 "default": {
1217 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1218 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1219 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1220 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1221 }
1222 }
1223 }
1224 },
1225 "deprecated": true
1226 }
1227 },
1228 "/api/v3.0/account/logoff": {
1229 "post": {
1230 "tags": [
1231 "Account"
1232 ],
1233 "summary": "Logs the current user out of the system.",
1234 "operationId": "POST_api_account_logoff",
1235 "consumes": [],
1236 "produces": [],
1237 "parameters": [
1238 {
1239 "name": "Trov-Market",
1240 "in": "header",
1241 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1242 "required": true,
1243 "type": "string",
1244 "default": "US"
1245 },
1246 {
1247 "name": "Trov-Client",
1248 "in": "header",
1249 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1250 "required": true,
1251 "type": "string",
1252 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1253 },
1254 {
1255 "name": "Accept-Language",
1256 "in": "header",
1257 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1258 "required": true,
1259 "type": "string",
1260 "default": "en-US"
1261 },
1262 {
1263 "name": "Authorization",
1264 "in": "header",
1265 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
1266 "required": true,
1267 "type": "string",
1268 "default": ""
1269 }
1270 ],
1271 "responses": {
1272 "204": {
1273 "description": "No Content"
1274 },
1275 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1276 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1277 "schema": {
1278 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1279 "default": {
1280 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1281 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1282 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1283 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1284 }
1285 }
1286 }
1287 },
1288 "deprecated": true
1289 }
1290 },
1291 "/api/v3.0/account/resetPassword": {
1292 "post": {
1293 "tags": [
1294 "Account"
1295 ],
1296 "summary": "Issues a request to start the reset password process for a specified email address.",
1297 "operationId": "POST_api_account_resetPassword",
1298 "consumes": [
1299 "application/json",
1300 "text/json",
1301 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
1302 ],
1303 "produces": [],
1304 "parameters": [
1305 {
1306 "name": "request",
1307 "in": "body",
1308 "description": "The model that represents the reset password request.",
1309 "required": true,
1310 "schema": {
1311 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityResetPasswordRequest"
1312 }
1313 },
1314 {
1315 "name": "Trov-Market",
1316 "in": "header",
1317 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1318 "required": true,
1319 "type": "string",
1320 "default": "US"
1321 },
1322 {
1323 "name": "Trov-Client",
1324 "in": "header",
1325 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1326 "required": true,
1327 "type": "string",
1328 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1329 },
1330 {
1331 "name": "Accept-Language",
1332 "in": "header",
1333 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1334 "required": true,
1335 "type": "string",
1336 "default": "en-US"
1337 }
1338 ],
1339 "responses": {
1340 "204": {
1341 "description": "No Content"
1342 },
1343 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1344 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1345 "schema": {
1346 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1347 "default": {
1348 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1349 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1350 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1351 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1352 }
1353 }
1354 }
1355 },
1356 "deprecated": true
1357 }
1358 },
1359 "/api/v3.0/account/phoneNumber/confirm": {
1360 "post": {
1361 "tags": [
1362 "Account"
1363 ],
1364 "summary": "Confirms the phone number for the current user.",
1365 "operationId": "POST_api_account_phoneNumber_confirm",
1366 "consumes": [
1367 "application/json",
1368 "text/json",
1369 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
1370 ],
1371 "produces": [],
1372 "parameters": [
1373 {
1374 "name": "confirmPhoneNumberRequest",
1375 "in": "body",
1376 "description": "The model that represents the phone number confirmation request.",
1377 "required": true,
1378 "schema": {
1379 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityConfirmPhoneNumberRequest"
1380 }
1381 },
1382 {
1383 "name": "Trov-Market",
1384 "in": "header",
1385 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1386 "required": true,
1387 "type": "string",
1388 "default": "US"
1389 },
1390 {
1391 "name": "Trov-Client",
1392 "in": "header",
1393 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1394 "required": true,
1395 "type": "string",
1396 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1397 },
1398 {
1399 "name": "Accept-Language",
1400 "in": "header",
1401 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1402 "required": true,
1403 "type": "string",
1404 "default": "en-US"
1405 },
1406 {
1407 "name": "Authorization",
1408 "in": "header",
1409 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
1410 "required": true,
1411 "type": "string",
1412 "default": ""
1413 }
1414 ],
1415 "responses": {
1416 "204": {
1417 "description": "No Content"
1418 },
1419 "400 InvalidPinException": {
1420 "description": "The PIN failed validation.",
1421 "schema": {
1422 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPinException",
1423 "default": {
1424 "Message": "The PIN provided was invalid.",
1425 "ExceptionMessage": "The PIN provided was invalid.",
1426 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPinException",
1427 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1428 }
1429 }
1430 },
1431 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1432 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1433 "schema": {
1434 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1435 "default": {
1436 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1437 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1438 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1439 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1440 }
1441 }
1442 }
1443 },
1444 "deprecated": true
1445 }
1446 },
1447 "/api/v3.0/account/email/requestConfirm": {
1448 "post": {
1449 "tags": [
1450 "Account"
1451 ],
1452 "summary": "Requests a confirmation email to be sent for the current user.",
1453 "operationId": "POST_api_account_email_requestConfirm",
1454 "consumes": [],
1455 "produces": [],
1456 "parameters": [
1457 {
1458 "name": "Trov-Market",
1459 "in": "header",
1460 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1461 "required": true,
1462 "type": "string",
1463 "default": "US"
1464 },
1465 {
1466 "name": "Trov-Client",
1467 "in": "header",
1468 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1469 "required": true,
1470 "type": "string",
1471 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1472 },
1473 {
1474 "name": "Accept-Language",
1475 "in": "header",
1476 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1477 "required": true,
1478 "type": "string",
1479 "default": "en-US"
1480 },
1481 {
1482 "name": "Authorization",
1483 "in": "header",
1484 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
1485 "required": true,
1486 "type": "string",
1487 "default": ""
1488 }
1489 ],
1490 "responses": {
1491 "204": {
1492 "description": "No Content"
1493 },
1494 "409 EmailAlreadyConfirmedException": {
1495 "description": "The email address associated with the current user has already been confirmed.",
1496 "schema": {
1497 "$ref": "#/definitions/EmailAlreadyConfirmedException",
1498 "default": {
1499 "Message": "The string has already been confirmed.",
1500 "ExceptionMessage": "The string has already been confirmed.",
1501 "ExceptionType": "EmailAlreadyConfirmedException",
1502 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1503 }
1504 }
1505 },
1506 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1507 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1508 "schema": {
1509 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1510 "default": {
1511 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1512 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1513 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1514 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1515 }
1516 }
1517 }
1518 },
1519 "deprecated": true
1520 }
1521 },
1522 "/api/v3.0/account/phoneNumber/requestConfirm": {
1523 "post": {
1524 "tags": [
1525 "Account"
1526 ],
1527 "summary": "Requests a confirmation code to be sent to the phone number for the current user.",
1528 "operationId": "POST_api_account_phoneNumber_requestConfirm",
1529 "consumes": [],
1530 "produces": [],
1531 "parameters": [
1532 {
1533 "name": "confirmationType",
1534 "in": "query",
1535 "description": "The type of confirmation to use. (0 = Voice , 1 = Sms )",
1536 "required": true,
1537 "type": "integer",
1538 "format": "int32",
1539 "enum": [
1540 0,
1541 1
1542 ],
1543 "x-enumName": "PhoneNumberConfirmationType"
1544 },
1545 {
1546 "name": "Trov-Market",
1547 "in": "header",
1548 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1549 "required": true,
1550 "type": "string",
1551 "default": "US"
1552 },
1553 {
1554 "name": "Trov-Client",
1555 "in": "header",
1556 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1557 "required": true,
1558 "type": "string",
1559 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1560 },
1561 {
1562 "name": "Accept-Language",
1563 "in": "header",
1564 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1565 "required": true,
1566 "type": "string",
1567 "default": "en-US"
1568 },
1569 {
1570 "name": "Authorization",
1571 "in": "header",
1572 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
1573 "required": true,
1574 "type": "string",
1575 "default": ""
1576 }
1577 ],
1578 "responses": {
1579 "204": {
1580 "description": "No Content"
1581 },
1582 "400 PhoneNumberNotSetException": {
1583 "description": "The user account does not have a phone number set.",
1584 "schema": {
1585 "$ref": "#/definitions/PhoneNumberNotSetException",
1586 "default": {
1587 "Message": "The user account does not contain a phone number.",
1588 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not contain a phone number.",
1589 "ExceptionType": "PhoneNumberNotSetException",
1590 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1591 }
1592 }
1593 },
1594 "409 PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException": {
1595 "description": "The phone number associated with the current user has already been confirmed.",
1596 "schema": {
1597 "$ref": "#/definitions/PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException",
1598 "default": {
1599 "Message": "The phone number 'string' has already been confirmed.",
1600 "ExceptionMessage": "The phone number 'string' has already been confirmed.",
1601 "ExceptionType": "PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException",
1602 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1603 }
1604 }
1605 },
1606 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1607 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1608 "schema": {
1609 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1610 "default": {
1611 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1612 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1613 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1614 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1615 }
1616 }
1617 }
1618 },
1619 "deprecated": true
1620 }
1621 },
1622 "/api/v3.0/analytics/generate": {
1623 "post": {
1624 "tags": [
1625 "Analytics"
1626 ],
1627 "summary": "Request the scheduling of analytics data generation.",
1628 "operationId": "POST_api_analytics_generate",
1629 "consumes": [
1630 "application/json",
1631 "text/json",
1632 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
1633 ],
1634 "produces": [
1635 "application/json",
1636 "text/json"
1637 ],
1638 "parameters": [
1639 {
1640 "name": "request",
1641 "in": "body",
1642 "description": "The parameters for the data generation.",
1643 "required": true,
1644 "schema": {
1645 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedAnalyticsGenerateAnalyticsDataRequest"
1646 }
1647 },
1648 {
1649 "name": "Trov-Market",
1650 "in": "header",
1651 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1652 "required": true,
1653 "type": "string",
1654 "default": "US"
1655 },
1656 {
1657 "name": "Trov-Client",
1658 "in": "header",
1659 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1660 "required": true,
1661 "type": "string",
1662 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1663 },
1664 {
1665 "name": "Accept-Language",
1666 "in": "header",
1667 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1668 "required": true,
1669 "type": "string",
1670 "default": "en-US"
1671 },
1672 {
1673 "name": "Authorization",
1674 "in": "header",
1675 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
1676 "required": true,
1677 "type": "string",
1678 "default": ""
1679 }
1680 ],
1681 "responses": {
1682 "200": {
1683 "description": "OK",
1684 "schema": {
1685 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedAnalyticsGenerateAnalyticsDataResponse"
1686 }
1687 },
1688 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1689 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1690 "schema": {
1691 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1692 "default": {
1693 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1694 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1695 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1696 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1697 }
1698 }
1699 }
1700 },
1701 "deprecated": true
1702 }
1703 },
1704 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}/assets/{assetId}": {
1705 "get": {
1706 "tags": [
1707 "Assets"
1708 ],
1709 "summary": "Gets an asset.\r\n \r\n- The `If-Modified-Since` request header is optionally supported.\r\n- The `Last-Modified` response header will be populated with the last modified date of the asset.\r\n- HTTP documentation for date/time formats available [here](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3)\r\n- HTTP documentation for `If-Modified-Since` request header available [here](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.25)\r\n- HTTP documentation for `Last-Modified` response header available [here](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.29)",
1710 "operationId": "GET_api_trovs_trovId_assets_assetId",
1711 "consumes": [],
1712 "produces": [
1713 "application/json",
1714 "text/json"
1715 ],
1716 "parameters": [
1717 {
1718 "name": "assetId",
1719 "in": "path",
1720 "description": "The asset id.",
1721 "required": true,
1722 "type": "string"
1723 },
1724 {
1725 "name": "trovId",
1726 "in": "path",
1727 "description": "The id of the trov the asset belongs to.",
1728 "required": true,
1729 "type": "string"
1730 },
1731 {
1732 "name": "includeRevision",
1733 "in": "query",
1734 "description": "Value indicating if the revisions should be included in the response.",
1735 "required": false,
1736 "type": "boolean"
1737 },
1738 {
1739 "name": "includeFileInfos",
1740 "in": "query",
1741 "description": "Value indicating if the file info list associated with the asset should be included in the response.",
1742 "required": false,
1743 "type": "boolean"
1744 },
1745 {
1746 "name": "Trov-Market",
1747 "in": "header",
1748 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1749 "required": true,
1750 "type": "string",
1751 "default": "US"
1752 },
1753 {
1754 "name": "Trov-Client",
1755 "in": "header",
1756 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1757 "required": true,
1758 "type": "string",
1759 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1760 },
1761 {
1762 "name": "Accept-Language",
1763 "in": "header",
1764 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1765 "required": true,
1766 "type": "string",
1767 "default": "en-US"
1768 },
1769 {
1770 "name": "Authorization",
1771 "in": "header",
1772 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
1773 "required": true,
1774 "type": "string",
1775 "default": ""
1776 }
1777 ],
1778 "responses": {
1779 "200": {
1780 "description": "OK",
1781 "schema": {
1782 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetResponse"
1783 }
1784 },
1785 "403 ValidationException": {
1786 "description": "The trov id does not match the asset's root id.",
1787 "schema": {
1788 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
1789 "default": {
1790 "Message": "string",
1791 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
1792 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
1793 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1794 }
1795 }
1796 },
1797 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
1798 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.",
1799 "schema": {
1800 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
1801 "default": {
1802 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
1803 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
1804 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
1805 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1806 }
1807 }
1808 },
1809 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1810 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1811 "schema": {
1812 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1813 "default": {
1814 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1815 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1816 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1817 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1818 }
1819 }
1820 }
1821 },
1822 "deprecated": true
1823 },
1824 "put": {
1825 "tags": [
1826 "Assets"
1827 ],
1828 "summary": "Updates an asset.",
1829 "operationId": "PUT_api_trovs_trovId_assets_assetId",
1830 "consumes": [
1831 "application/json",
1832 "text/json",
1833 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
1834 ],
1835 "produces": [
1836 "application/json",
1837 "text/json"
1838 ],
1839 "parameters": [
1840 {
1841 "name": "assetId",
1842 "in": "path",
1843 "description": "The asset id.",
1844 "required": true,
1845 "type": "string"
1846 },
1847 {
1848 "name": "trovId",
1849 "in": "path",
1850 "description": "The id of the trov the asset belongs to.",
1851 "required": true,
1852 "type": "string"
1853 },
1854 {
1855 "name": "assetUpdateRequest",
1856 "in": "body",
1857 "description": "The asset update request.",
1858 "required": true,
1859 "schema": {
1860 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetUpdateRequest"
1861 }
1862 },
1863 {
1864 "name": "Trov-Market",
1865 "in": "header",
1866 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1867 "required": true,
1868 "type": "string",
1869 "default": "US"
1870 },
1871 {
1872 "name": "Trov-Client",
1873 "in": "header",
1874 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
1875 "required": true,
1876 "type": "string",
1877 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
1878 },
1879 {
1880 "name": "Accept-Language",
1881 "in": "header",
1882 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
1883 "required": true,
1884 "type": "string",
1885 "default": "en-US"
1886 },
1887 {
1888 "name": "Authorization",
1889 "in": "header",
1890 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
1891 "required": true,
1892 "type": "string",
1893 "default": ""
1894 }
1895 ],
1896 "responses": {
1897 "200": {
1898 "description": "OK",
1899 "schema": {
1900 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetResponse"
1901 }
1902 },
1903 "400 AssetCurrentlyInsuredException": {
1904 "description": "The asset cannot be trashed because it has at least one active coverage period.",
1905 "schema": {
1906 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetCurrentlyInsuredException",
1907 "default": {
1908 "Message": "The asset string is currently insured.",
1909 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset string is currently insured.",
1910 "ExceptionType": "AssetCurrentlyInsuredException",
1911 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1912 }
1913 }
1914 },
1915 "403 ValidationException": {
1916 "description": "The trov id does not match the asset's root id.<br/>\r\n The specified containment hierarchy is not allowed.<br/>\r\n The asset thumbnail is invalid.",
1917 "schema": {
1918 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
1919 "default": {
1920 "Message": "string",
1921 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
1922 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
1923 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1924 }
1925 }
1926 },
1927 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
1928 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.<br/>\r\n The specific revision of the asset does not exist.",
1929 "schema": {
1930 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
1931 "default": {
1932 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
1933 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
1934 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
1935 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1936 }
1937 }
1938 },
1939 "500 AssetStaleRevisionException": {
1940 "description": "The asset cannot be updated because the supplied revision is not current.",
1941 "schema": {
1942 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetStaleRevisionException",
1943 "default": {
1944 "Message": "Cannot update asset string: stale revision=0: storage revision=0",
1945 "ExceptionMessage": "Cannot update asset string: stale revision=0: storage revision=0",
1946 "ExceptionType": "AssetStaleRevisionException",
1947 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1948 }
1949 }
1950 },
1951 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
1952 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1953 "schema": {
1954 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
1955 "default": {
1956 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1957 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
1958 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
1959 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
1960 }
1961 }
1962 }
1963 },
1964 "deprecated": true
1965 },
1966 "delete": {
1967 "tags": [
1968 "Assets"
1969 ],
1970 "summary": "Deletes an asset.",
1971 "operationId": "DELETE_api_trovs_trovId_assets_assetId",
1972 "consumes": [],
1973 "produces": [],
1974 "parameters": [
1975 {
1976 "name": "assetId",
1977 "in": "path",
1978 "description": "The asset id, can be a comma delimitered list of ids.",
1979 "required": true,
1980 "type": "string"
1981 },
1982 {
1983 "name": "trovId",
1984 "in": "path",
1985 "description": "The id of the trov that the asset is being deleted from.",
1986 "required": true,
1987 "type": "string"
1988 },
1989 {
1990 "name": "Trov-Market",
1991 "in": "header",
1992 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
1993 "required": true,
1994 "type": "string",
1995 "default": "US"
1996 },
1997 {
1998 "name": "Trov-Client",
1999 "in": "header",
2000 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2001 "required": true,
2002 "type": "string",
2003 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2004 },
2005 {
2006 "name": "Accept-Language",
2007 "in": "header",
2008 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2009 "required": true,
2010 "type": "string",
2011 "default": "en-US"
2012 },
2013 {
2014 "name": "Authorization",
2015 "in": "header",
2016 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
2017 "required": true,
2018 "type": "string",
2019 "default": ""
2020 }
2021 ],
2022 "responses": {
2023 "204": {
2024 "description": "No Content"
2025 },
2026 "400 AssetPreviouslyInsuredException": {
2027 "description": "The asset was insured in the past and cannot be permanently deleted.",
2028 "schema": {
2029 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetPreviouslyInsuredException",
2030 "default": {
2031 "Message": "The asset string was previously insured.",
2032 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset string was previously insured.",
2033 "ExceptionType": "AssetPreviouslyInsuredException",
2034 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2035 }
2036 }
2037 },
2038 "403 ValidationException": {
2039 "description": "The trov id does not match the asset's root id.",
2040 "schema": {
2041 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
2042 "default": {
2043 "Message": "string",
2044 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
2045 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
2046 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2047 }
2048 }
2049 },
2050 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
2051 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.",
2052 "schema": {
2053 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
2054 "default": {
2055 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2056 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2057 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
2058 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2059 }
2060 }
2061 },
2062 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
2063 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2064 "schema": {
2065 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
2066 "default": {
2067 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2068 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2069 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
2070 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2071 }
2072 }
2073 }
2074 },
2075 "deprecated": true
2076 }
2077 },
2078 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}/assets": {
2079 "get": {
2080 "tags": [
2081 "Assets"
2082 ],
2083 "summary": "Gets a trov's assets if modified since the date specified in the `If-Modified-Since` request header.\r\n \r\n- The `Last-Modified` response header will be populated with the last modified date of the most recently modified asset.\r\n- HTTP documentation for date/time formats available [here](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3)\r\n- HTTP documentation for `If-Modified-Since` request header available [here](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.25)\r\n- HTTP documentation for `Last-Modified` response header available [here](http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.29)",
2084 "operationId": "GET_api_trovs_trovId_assets",
2085 "consumes": [],
2086 "produces": [
2087 "application/json",
2088 "text/json"
2089 ],
2090 "parameters": [
2091 {
2092 "name": "trovId",
2093 "in": "path",
2094 "description": "The trov ID.",
2095 "required": true,
2096 "type": "string"
2097 },
2098 {
2099 "name": "includeRevision",
2100 "in": "query",
2101 "description": "Value indicating if the revisions should be included in the response.",
2102 "required": false,
2103 "type": "boolean"
2104 },
2105 {
2106 "name": "includeFileInfos",
2107 "in": "query",
2108 "description": "Value indicating if the file info list associated with the asset should be included in the response.",
2109 "required": false,
2110 "type": "boolean"
2111 },
2112 {
2113 "name": "isInitialSync",
2114 "in": "query",
2115 "description": "Value indicating if the request is the initial sync for all active assets.",
2116 "required": false,
2117 "type": "boolean"
2118 },
2119 {
2120 "name": "Trov-Market",
2121 "in": "header",
2122 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
2123 "required": true,
2124 "type": "string",
2125 "default": "US"
2126 },
2127 {
2128 "name": "Trov-Client",
2129 "in": "header",
2130 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2131 "required": true,
2132 "type": "string",
2133 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2134 },
2135 {
2136 "name": "Accept-Language",
2137 "in": "header",
2138 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2139 "required": true,
2140 "type": "string",
2141 "default": "en-US"
2142 },
2143 {
2144 "name": "Authorization",
2145 "in": "header",
2146 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
2147 "required": true,
2148 "type": "string",
2149 "default": ""
2150 }
2151 ],
2152 "responses": {
2153 "304": {
2154 "description": "OK",
2155 "schema": {
2156 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetsResponse"
2157 }
2158 },
2159 "400 MissingHeaderException": {
2160 "description": "The `If-Modified-Since` request header is missing.",
2161 "schema": {
2162 "$ref": "#/definitions/MissingHeaderException",
2163 "default": {
2164 "Message": "The following required header(s) were missing from the request: ",
2165 "ExceptionMessage": "The following required header(s) were missing from the request: ",
2166 "ExceptionType": "MissingHeaderException",
2167 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2168 }
2169 }
2170 },
2171 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
2172 "description": "The user does not have access to the trov.<br/>\r\n The trov does not exist.",
2173 "schema": {
2174 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
2175 "default": {
2176 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2177 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2178 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
2179 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2180 }
2181 }
2182 },
2183 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
2184 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2185 "schema": {
2186 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
2187 "default": {
2188 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2189 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2190 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
2191 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2192 }
2193 }
2194 }
2195 },
2196 "deprecated": true
2197 },
2198 "post": {
2199 "tags": [
2200 "Assets"
2201 ],
2202 "summary": "Adds an asset and associated files.\r\n \r\nThe endpoint requires a MimeMultipart request body:\r\n- Part 1:\r\n - Must contain the JSON representation of the asset to create;\r\n - The `Content-Type` header must be set to `application/json`;\r\n- Part 2...n (optional):\r\n - Each part must contain a single byte array (binary blob) of a files data.\r\n - Each part must have the `Content-Type` header set to the corresponding type of the blob (e.g. a jpg photo may have it set as `image/jpeg`);\r\n - Each part must have the `Trov-SchemaType` header set to the corresponding schema type the file is to be classed under;\r\n - Each part can indicate a filename using the `ContentDisposition FileName` header;\r\n - The order of parts matters;\r\n - The first part with the `Trov-SchemaType` header set to `SchemaType.Image` will automatically be set as the thumbnail of the asset;",
2203 "operationId": "POST_api_trovs_trovId_assets",
2204 "consumes": [],
2205 "produces": [
2206 "application/json",
2207 "text/json"
2208 ],
2209 "parameters": [
2210 {
2211 "name": "trovId",
2212 "in": "path",
2213 "description": "The id of the trov that the asset is being added to.",
2214 "required": true,
2215 "type": "string"
2216 },
2217 {
2218 "name": "pssId",
2219 "in": "query",
2220 "description": "The unique id associated with the search session request.",
2221 "required": false,
2222 "type": "string"
2223 },
2224 {
2225 "name": "sessionId",
2226 "in": "query",
2227 "description": "The id of the ThreatMetrix session on the client device.",
2228 "required": false,
2229 "type": "string"
2230 },
2231 {
2232 "name": "Trov-Market",
2233 "in": "header",
2234 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
2235 "required": true,
2236 "type": "string",
2237 "default": "US"
2238 },
2239 {
2240 "name": "Trov-Client",
2241 "in": "header",
2242 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2243 "required": true,
2244 "type": "string",
2245 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2246 },
2247 {
2248 "name": "Accept-Language",
2249 "in": "header",
2250 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2251 "required": true,
2252 "type": "string",
2253 "default": "en-US"
2254 },
2255 {
2256 "name": "Authorization",
2257 "in": "header",
2258 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
2259 "required": true,
2260 "type": "string",
2261 "default": ""
2262 }
2263 ],
2264 "responses": {
2265 "200": {
2266 "description": "OK",
2267 "schema": {
2268 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetResponse"
2269 }
2270 },
2271 "400 AssetMimeMultipartInvalidHeaderException": {
2272 "description": "One or more of the multipart content sections that were not `application/json` type did not contain a `Trov-SchemaType` header value.",
2273 "schema": {
2274 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetMimeMultipartInvalidHeaderException",
2275 "default": {
2276 "Message": "string",
2277 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
2278 "ExceptionType": "AssetMimeMultipartInvalidHeaderException",
2279 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2280 }
2281 }
2282 },
2283 "400 AssetMimeMultipartMissingHeaderException": {
2284 "description": "One or more of the multipart content sections did not contain a `Content-Type` header value.",
2285 "schema": {
2286 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetMimeMultipartMissingHeaderException",
2287 "default": {
2288 "Message": "One or more sections of the Mime Multipart request is missing the 'string' header.",
2289 "ExceptionMessage": "One or more sections of the Mime Multipart request is missing the 'string' header.",
2290 "ExceptionType": "AssetMimeMultipartMissingHeaderException",
2291 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2292 }
2293 }
2294 },
2295 "400 AssetMimeMultipartMissingPartException": {
2296 "description": "The multipart content sections did not contain exactly one part with the `Content-Type` header value set as `application/json`.",
2297 "schema": {
2298 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetMimeMultipartMissingPartException",
2299 "default": {
2300 "Message": "The Mime Multipart request does not contain a valid part.",
2301 "ExceptionMessage": "The Mime Multipart request does not contain a valid part.",
2302 "ExceptionType": "AssetMimeMultipartMissingPartException",
2303 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2304 }
2305 }
2306 },
2307 "400 AssetNotCreatedException": {
2308 "description": "The asset could not be created because a fingerprint could not be retrieved from ThreatMetrix.",
2309 "schema": {
2310 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetNotCreatedException",
2311 "default": {
2312 "Message": "string",
2313 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
2314 "ExceptionType": "AssetNotCreatedException",
2315 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2316 }
2317 }
2318 },
2319 "400 HttpResponseException": {
2320 "description": "The request was not a valid MultiPart-FormData request.",
2321 "schema": {
2322 "$ref": "#/definitions/HttpResponseException",
2323 "default": {
2324 "Message": "Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an exception. Please see the HTTP response returned by the 'Response' property of this exception for details.",
2325 "ExceptionMessage": "Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an exception. Please see the HTTP response returned by the 'Response' property of this exception for details.",
2326 "ExceptionType": "HttpResponseException",
2327 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2328 }
2329 }
2330 },
2331 "403 ValidationException": {
2332 "description": "The trov id does not match the asset's root id.<br/>\r\n The specified containment hierarchy is not allowed.<br/>\r\n The asset thumbnail is invalid.<br/>\r\n The asset is requesting asset flag 'WoozAttention' but the trov has AutoId disabled.",
2333 "schema": {
2334 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
2335 "default": {
2336 "Message": "string",
2337 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
2338 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
2339 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2340 }
2341 }
2342 },
2343 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
2344 "description": "The user does not have access to the trov.<br/>\r\n The trov does not exist.",
2345 "schema": {
2346 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
2347 "default": {
2348 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2349 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2350 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
2351 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2352 }
2353 }
2354 },
2355 "409 DocumentExistsException": {
2356 "description": "The asset already exists.",
2357 "schema": {
2358 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentExistsException",
2359 "default": {
2360 "Message": "The key used for the document, already exists.",
2361 "ExceptionMessage": "The key used for the document, already exists.",
2362 "ExceptionType": "DocumentExistsException",
2363 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2364 }
2365 }
2366 },
2367 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
2368 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2369 "schema": {
2370 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
2371 "default": {
2372 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2373 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2374 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
2375 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2376 }
2377 }
2378 }
2379 },
2380 "deprecated": true
2381 }
2382 },
2383 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}/assets/trash": {
2384 "get": {
2385 "tags": [
2386 "Assets"
2387 ],
2388 "summary": "Gets a trov's trashed assets.",
2389 "operationId": "GET_api_trovs_trovId_assets_trash",
2390 "consumes": [],
2391 "produces": [
2392 "application/json",
2393 "text/json"
2394 ],
2395 "parameters": [
2396 {
2397 "name": "trovId",
2398 "in": "path",
2399 "description": "The trov ID.",
2400 "required": true,
2401 "type": "string"
2402 },
2403 {
2404 "name": "offset",
2405 "in": "query",
2406 "required": false,
2407 "type": "integer",
2408 "format": "int32"
2409 },
2410 {
2411 "name": "count",
2412 "in": "query",
2413 "required": false,
2414 "type": "integer",
2415 "format": "int32"
2416 },
2417 {
2418 "name": "includeRevision",
2419 "in": "query",
2420 "description": "Value indicating if the revisions should be included in the response.",
2421 "required": false,
2422 "type": "boolean"
2423 },
2424 {
2425 "name": "includeFileInfos",
2426 "in": "query",
2427 "description": "Value indicating if the file info list associated with the asset should be included in the response.",
2428 "required": false,
2429 "type": "boolean"
2430 },
2431 {
2432 "name": "Trov-Market",
2433 "in": "header",
2434 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
2435 "required": true,
2436 "type": "string",
2437 "default": "US"
2438 },
2439 {
2440 "name": "Trov-Client",
2441 "in": "header",
2442 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2443 "required": true,
2444 "type": "string",
2445 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2446 },
2447 {
2448 "name": "Accept-Language",
2449 "in": "header",
2450 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2451 "required": true,
2452 "type": "string",
2453 "default": "en-US"
2454 },
2455 {
2456 "name": "Authorization",
2457 "in": "header",
2458 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
2459 "required": true,
2460 "type": "string",
2461 "default": ""
2462 }
2463 ],
2464 "responses": {
2465 "200": {
2466 "description": "OK",
2467 "schema": {
2468 "items": {
2469 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetResponse"
2470 },
2471 "xml": {
2472 "name": "AssetResponse",
2473 "wrapped": true
2474 },
2475 "type": "array"
2476 }
2477 },
2478 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
2479 "description": "The user does not have access to the trov.<br/>\r\n The trov does not exist.",
2480 "schema": {
2481 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
2482 "default": {
2483 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2484 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2485 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
2486 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2487 }
2488 }
2489 },
2490 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
2491 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2492 "schema": {
2493 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
2494 "default": {
2495 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2496 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2497 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
2498 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2499 }
2500 }
2501 }
2502 },
2503 "deprecated": true
2504 }
2505 },
2506 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}/assets/{assetId}/requestWoz": {
2507 "post": {
2508 "tags": [
2509 "Assets"
2510 ],
2511 "summary": "Marks an asset as pending Wooz updates.",
2512 "operationId": "POST_api_trovs_trovId_assets_assetId_requestWoz",
2513 "consumes": [],
2514 "produces": [],
2515 "parameters": [
2516 {
2517 "name": "trovId",
2518 "in": "path",
2519 "description": "The id of the trov the asset belongs to.",
2520 "required": true,
2521 "type": "string"
2522 },
2523 {
2524 "name": "assetId",
2525 "in": "path",
2526 "description": "The id of the asset.",
2527 "required": true,
2528 "type": "string"
2529 },
2530 {
2531 "name": "Trov-Market",
2532 "in": "header",
2533 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
2534 "required": true,
2535 "type": "string",
2536 "default": "US"
2537 },
2538 {
2539 "name": "Trov-Client",
2540 "in": "header",
2541 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2542 "required": true,
2543 "type": "string",
2544 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2545 },
2546 {
2547 "name": "Accept-Language",
2548 "in": "header",
2549 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2550 "required": true,
2551 "type": "string",
2552 "default": "en-US"
2553 },
2554 {
2555 "name": "Authorization",
2556 "in": "header",
2557 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
2558 "required": true,
2559 "type": "string",
2560 "default": ""
2561 }
2562 ],
2563 "responses": {
2564 "204": {
2565 "description": "No Content"
2566 },
2567 "500 BBEExperienceNotEnabledException": {
2568 "description": "Wooz access has not been enabled for the trov.",
2569 "schema": {
2570 "$ref": "#/definitions/BBEExperienceNotEnabledException",
2571 "default": {
2572 "Message": "The BBE Experience is not enabled for this trov.",
2573 "ExceptionMessage": "The BBE Experience is not enabled for this trov.",
2574 "ExceptionType": "BBEExperienceNotEnabledException",
2575 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2576 }
2577 }
2578 },
2579 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
2580 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2581 "schema": {
2582 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
2583 "default": {
2584 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2585 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2586 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
2587 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2588 }
2589 }
2590 }
2591 },
2592 "deprecated": true
2593 }
2594 },
2595 "/api/v3.0/autosuggest": {
2596 "get": {
2597 "tags": [
2598 "AutoSuggest"
2599 ],
2600 "summary": "Retrieves the autosuggest URL for the market.",
2601 "operationId": "GET_api_autosuggest",
2602 "consumes": [],
2603 "produces": [
2604 "application/json",
2605 "text/json"
2606 ],
2607 "parameters": [
2608 {
2609 "name": "Trov-Market",
2610 "in": "header",
2611 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
2612 "required": true,
2613 "type": "string",
2614 "default": "US"
2615 },
2616 {
2617 "name": "Trov-Client",
2618 "in": "header",
2619 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2620 "required": true,
2621 "type": "string",
2622 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2623 },
2624 {
2625 "name": "Accept-Language",
2626 "in": "header",
2627 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2628 "required": true,
2629 "type": "string",
2630 "default": "en-US"
2631 }
2632 ],
2633 "responses": {
2634 "200": {
2635 "description": "OK",
2636 "schema": {
2637 "type": "string"
2638 }
2639 },
2640 "400 CapabilityNotSupportedException": {
2641 "description": "The requested capability is not supported in the market.",
2642 "schema": {
2643 "$ref": "#/definitions/CapabilityNotSupportedException",
2644 "default": {
2645 "Message": "string",
2646 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
2647 "ExceptionType": "CapabilityNotSupportedException",
2648 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2649 }
2650 }
2651 },
2652 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
2653 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2654 "schema": {
2655 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
2656 "default": {
2657 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2658 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2659 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
2660 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2661 }
2662 }
2663 }
2664 },
2665 "deprecated": true
2666 }
2667 },
2668 "/api/v3.0/sic/bill/{billId}": {
2669 "get": {
2670 "tags": [
2671 "Bills"
2672 ],
2673 "summary": "Retrieve the bill response given the bill id.",
2674 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_bill_billId",
2675 "consumes": [],
2676 "produces": [
2677 "application/json",
2678 "text/json"
2679 ],
2680 "parameters": [
2681 {
2682 "name": "billId",
2683 "in": "path",
2684 "required": true,
2685 "type": "string"
2686 },
2687 {
2688 "name": "Trov-Market",
2689 "in": "header",
2690 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
2691 "required": true,
2692 "type": "string",
2693 "default": "US"
2694 },
2695 {
2696 "name": "Trov-Client",
2697 "in": "header",
2698 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2699 "required": true,
2700 "type": "string",
2701 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2702 },
2703 {
2704 "name": "Accept-Language",
2705 "in": "header",
2706 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2707 "required": true,
2708 "type": "string",
2709 "default": "en-US"
2710 },
2711 {
2712 "name": "Authorization",
2713 "in": "header",
2714 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
2715 "required": true,
2716 "type": "string",
2717 "default": ""
2718 }
2719 ],
2720 "responses": {
2721 "200": {
2722 "description": "OK",
2723 "schema": {
2724 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillBillResponse"
2725 }
2726 },
2727 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
2728 "description": "The user does not have access to the bill.<br/>\r\n The bill does not exist.",
2729 "schema": {
2730 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
2731 "default": {
2732 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2733 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
2734 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
2735 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2736 }
2737 }
2738 },
2739 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
2740 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2741 "schema": {
2742 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
2743 "default": {
2744 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2745 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2746 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
2747 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2748 }
2749 }
2750 }
2751 },
2752 "deprecated": true
2753 }
2754 },
2755 "/api/v3.0/sic/payments": {
2756 "get": {
2757 "tags": [
2758 "Bills"
2759 ],
2760 "summary": "Get the payment history response for the current customer with an optional filter.\r\nThe payment histories will be ordered in descending order according to their timestamps.",
2761 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_payments",
2762 "consumes": [],
2763 "produces": [
2764 "application/json",
2765 "text/json"
2766 ],
2767 "parameters": [
2768 {
2769 "name": "filter",
2770 "in": "query",
2771 "description": "How to filter the results. Default is to return All. (0 = All , 1 = MostRecent , 2 = AllSuccessful )",
2772 "required": false,
2773 "type": "integer",
2774 "format": "int32",
2775 "enum": [
2776 0,
2777 1,
2778 2
2779 ],
2780 "x-enumName": "PaymentHistoryFilter"
2781 },
2782 {
2783 "name": "Trov-Market",
2784 "in": "header",
2785 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
2786 "required": true,
2787 "type": "string",
2788 "default": "US"
2789 },
2790 {
2791 "name": "Trov-Client",
2792 "in": "header",
2793 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2794 "required": true,
2795 "type": "string",
2796 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2797 },
2798 {
2799 "name": "Accept-Language",
2800 "in": "header",
2801 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2802 "required": true,
2803 "type": "string",
2804 "default": "en-US"
2805 },
2806 {
2807 "name": "Authorization",
2808 "in": "header",
2809 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
2810 "required": true,
2811 "type": "string",
2812 "default": ""
2813 }
2814 ],
2815 "responses": {
2816 "200": {
2817 "description": "OK",
2818 "schema": {
2819 "items": {
2820 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillPaymentHistoryResponse"
2821 },
2822 "xml": {
2823 "name": "PaymentHistoryResponse",
2824 "wrapped": true
2825 },
2826 "type": "array"
2827 }
2828 },
2829 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
2830 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2831 "schema": {
2832 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
2833 "default": {
2834 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2835 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2836 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
2837 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2838 }
2839 }
2840 }
2841 },
2842 "deprecated": true
2843 }
2844 },
2845 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/bills": {
2846 "get": {
2847 "tags": [
2848 "BillsEmployee"
2849 ],
2850 "summary": "Gets the bill responses for the specified customer id.\r\nThe bill responses will be ordered in descending order according to their timestamps.",
2851 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_bills",
2852 "consumes": [],
2853 "produces": [
2854 "application/json",
2855 "text/json"
2856 ],
2857 "parameters": [
2858 {
2859 "name": "customerId",
2860 "in": "path",
2861 "description": "The customer id to retrieve for.",
2862 "required": true,
2863 "type": "string"
2864 },
2865 {
2866 "name": "Trov-Market",
2867 "in": "header",
2868 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
2869 "required": true,
2870 "type": "string",
2871 "default": "US"
2872 },
2873 {
2874 "name": "Trov-Client",
2875 "in": "header",
2876 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2877 "required": true,
2878 "type": "string",
2879 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2880 },
2881 {
2882 "name": "Accept-Language",
2883 "in": "header",
2884 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2885 "required": true,
2886 "type": "string",
2887 "default": "en-US"
2888 },
2889 {
2890 "name": "Authorization",
2891 "in": "header",
2892 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
2893 "required": true,
2894 "type": "string",
2895 "default": ""
2896 }
2897 ],
2898 "responses": {
2899 "200": {
2900 "description": "OK",
2901 "schema": {
2902 "items": {
2903 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillBillResponse"
2904 },
2905 "xml": {
2906 "name": "BillResponse",
2907 "wrapped": true
2908 },
2909 "type": "array"
2910 }
2911 },
2912 "401 AuthenticationException": {
2913 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
2914 "schema": {
2915 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
2916 "default": {
2917 "Message": "string",
2918 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
2919 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
2920 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2921 }
2922 }
2923 },
2924 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
2925 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
2926 "schema": {
2927 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
2928 "default": {
2929 "Message": "string",
2930 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
2931 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
2932 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2933 }
2934 }
2935 },
2936 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
2937 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2938 "schema": {
2939 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
2940 "default": {
2941 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2942 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
2943 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
2944 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
2945 }
2946 }
2947 }
2948 },
2949 "deprecated": true
2950 }
2951 },
2952 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/payments": {
2953 "get": {
2954 "tags": [
2955 "BillsEmployee"
2956 ],
2957 "summary": "Get the payment history responses for the specified customer id.\r\nThe payment history responses will be ordered in descending order according to their timestamps.",
2958 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_payments",
2959 "consumes": [],
2960 "produces": [
2961 "application/json",
2962 "text/json"
2963 ],
2964 "parameters": [
2965 {
2966 "name": "customerId",
2967 "in": "path",
2968 "required": true,
2969 "type": "string"
2970 },
2971 {
2972 "name": "Trov-Market",
2973 "in": "header",
2974 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
2975 "required": true,
2976 "type": "string",
2977 "default": "US"
2978 },
2979 {
2980 "name": "Trov-Client",
2981 "in": "header",
2982 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
2983 "required": true,
2984 "type": "string",
2985 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
2986 },
2987 {
2988 "name": "Accept-Language",
2989 "in": "header",
2990 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
2991 "required": true,
2992 "type": "string",
2993 "default": "en-US"
2994 },
2995 {
2996 "name": "Authorization",
2997 "in": "header",
2998 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
2999 "required": true,
3000 "type": "string",
3001 "default": ""
3002 }
3003 ],
3004 "responses": {
3005 "200": {
3006 "description": "OK",
3007 "schema": {
3008 "items": {
3009 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillPaymentHistoryResponse"
3010 },
3011 "xml": {
3012 "name": "PaymentHistoryResponse",
3013 "wrapped": true
3014 },
3015 "type": "array"
3016 }
3017 },
3018 "401 AuthenticationException": {
3019 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
3020 "schema": {
3021 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
3022 "default": {
3023 "Message": "string",
3024 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
3025 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
3026 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3027 }
3028 }
3029 },
3030 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
3031 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
3032 "schema": {
3033 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
3034 "default": {
3035 "Message": "string",
3036 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
3037 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
3038 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3039 }
3040 }
3041 },
3042 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
3043 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3044 "schema": {
3045 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
3046 "default": {
3047 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3048 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3049 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
3050 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3051 }
3052 }
3053 }
3054 },
3055 "deprecated": true
3056 }
3057 },
3058 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/bill/{billId}": {
3059 "get": {
3060 "tags": [
3061 "BillsEmployee"
3062 ],
3063 "summary": "Retrieve the bill response given the customer and bill id.",
3064 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_bill_billId",
3065 "consumes": [],
3066 "produces": [
3067 "application/json",
3068 "text/json"
3069 ],
3070 "parameters": [
3071 {
3072 "name": "customerId",
3073 "in": "path",
3074 "required": true,
3075 "type": "string"
3076 },
3077 {
3078 "name": "billId",
3079 "in": "path",
3080 "required": true,
3081 "type": "string"
3082 },
3083 {
3084 "name": "Trov-Market",
3085 "in": "header",
3086 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
3087 "required": true,
3088 "type": "string",
3089 "default": "US"
3090 },
3091 {
3092 "name": "Trov-Client",
3093 "in": "header",
3094 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
3095 "required": true,
3096 "type": "string",
3097 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
3098 },
3099 {
3100 "name": "Accept-Language",
3101 "in": "header",
3102 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
3103 "required": true,
3104 "type": "string",
3105 "default": "en-US"
3106 },
3107 {
3108 "name": "Authorization",
3109 "in": "header",
3110 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
3111 "required": true,
3112 "type": "string",
3113 "default": ""
3114 }
3115 ],
3116 "responses": {
3117 "200": {
3118 "description": "OK",
3119 "schema": {
3120 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillBillResponse"
3121 }
3122 },
3123 "401 AuthenticationException": {
3124 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
3125 "schema": {
3126 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
3127 "default": {
3128 "Message": "string",
3129 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
3130 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
3131 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3132 }
3133 }
3134 },
3135 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
3136 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
3137 "schema": {
3138 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
3139 "default": {
3140 "Message": "string",
3141 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
3142 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
3143 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3144 }
3145 }
3146 },
3147 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
3148 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3149 "schema": {
3150 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
3151 "default": {
3152 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3153 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3154 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
3155 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3156 }
3157 }
3158 }
3159 },
3160 "deprecated": true
3161 }
3162 },
3163 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/payments/{paymentId}/refund": {
3164 "post": {
3165 "tags": [
3166 "BillsEmployee"
3167 ],
3168 "summary": "Refund the payments for the specified customer and payment id.",
3169 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_payments_paymentId_refund",
3170 "consumes": [],
3171 "produces": [
3172 "application/json",
3173 "text/json"
3174 ],
3175 "parameters": [
3176 {
3177 "name": "customerId",
3178 "in": "path",
3179 "required": true,
3180 "type": "string"
3181 },
3182 {
3183 "name": "paymentId",
3184 "in": "path",
3185 "required": true,
3186 "type": "string"
3187 },
3188 {
3189 "name": "Trov-Market",
3190 "in": "header",
3191 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
3192 "required": true,
3193 "type": "string",
3194 "default": "US"
3195 },
3196 {
3197 "name": "Trov-Client",
3198 "in": "header",
3199 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
3200 "required": true,
3201 "type": "string",
3202 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
3203 },
3204 {
3205 "name": "Accept-Language",
3206 "in": "header",
3207 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
3208 "required": true,
3209 "type": "string",
3210 "default": "en-US"
3211 },
3212 {
3213 "name": "Authorization",
3214 "in": "header",
3215 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
3216 "required": true,
3217 "type": "string",
3218 "default": ""
3219 }
3220 ],
3221 "responses": {
3222 "200": {
3223 "description": "OK",
3224 "schema": {
3225 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillRefundResponse"
3226 }
3227 },
3228 "400 PaymentAlreadyRefundedOrWaivedException": {
3229 "description": "The specified payment has already been refunded or waived.",
3230 "schema": {
3231 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentAlreadyRefundedOrWaivedException",
3232 "default": {
3233 "Message": "The specified payment has already been refunded or waived.",
3234 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified payment has already been refunded or waived.",
3235 "ExceptionType": "PaymentAlreadyRefundedOrWaivedException",
3236 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3237 }
3238 }
3239 },
3240 "400 PaymentTypeCannotBeExGratiaRefundedException": {
3241 "description": "The specified payment type does not support Ex-Gratia refunds.",
3242 "schema": {
3243 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentTypeCannotBeExGratiaRefundedException",
3244 "default": {
3245 "Message": "The specified payment type, Unknown, does not support Ex-Gratia refunds.",
3246 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified payment type, Unknown, does not support Ex-Gratia refunds.",
3247 "ExceptionType": "PaymentTypeCannotBeExGratiaRefundedException",
3248 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3249 }
3250 }
3251 },
3252 "401 AuthenticationException": {
3253 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
3254 "schema": {
3255 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
3256 "default": {
3257 "Message": "string",
3258 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
3259 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
3260 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3261 }
3262 }
3263 },
3264 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
3265 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
3266 "schema": {
3267 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
3268 "default": {
3269 "Message": "string",
3270 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
3271 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
3272 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3273 }
3274 }
3275 },
3276 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
3277 "description": "The specified payment does not exist.",
3278 "schema": {
3279 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
3280 "default": {
3281 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
3282 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
3283 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
3284 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3285 }
3286 }
3287 },
3288 "500 PaymentProviderRefundException": {
3289 "description": "An unspecified error has occurred with the payment provider.",
3290 "schema": {
3291 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderRefundException",
3292 "default": {
3293 "Message": "Payment provider refund failed: string",
3294 "ExceptionMessage": "Payment provider refund failed: string",
3295 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderRefundException",
3296 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3297 }
3298 }
3299 },
3300 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
3301 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3302 "schema": {
3303 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
3304 "default": {
3305 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3306 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3307 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
3308 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3309 }
3310 }
3311 }
3312 },
3313 "deprecated": true
3314 }
3315 },
3316 "/chatbot/api/messages": {
3317 "post": {
3318 "tags": [
3319 "Chatbot"
3320 ],
3321 "summary": "This is the endpoint that the Microsoft Bot Connector uses to send messages from the client to the server to be processed\r\n(for new and on going chats). The API for this endpoint is mandated by Microsoft.",
3322 "operationId": "POST_chatbot_api_messages",
3323 "consumes": [
3324 "application/json",
3325 "text/json",
3326 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
3327 ],
3328 "produces": [],
3329 "parameters": [
3330 {
3331 "name": "activity",
3332 "in": "body",
3333 "required": true,
3334 "schema": {
3335 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorActivity"
3336 }
3337 },
3338 {
3339 "name": "cancellationToken",
3340 "in": "header",
3341 "required": true
3342 },
3343 {
3344 "name": "Trov-Market",
3345 "in": "header",
3346 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
3347 "required": true,
3348 "type": "string",
3349 "default": "US"
3350 },
3351 {
3352 "name": "Trov-Client",
3353 "in": "header",
3354 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
3355 "required": true,
3356 "type": "string",
3357 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
3358 },
3359 {
3360 "name": "Accept-Language",
3361 "in": "header",
3362 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
3363 "required": true,
3364 "type": "string",
3365 "default": "en-US"
3366 }
3367 ],
3368 "responses": {
3369 "204": {
3370 "description": "No Content"
3371 },
3372 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
3373 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3374 "schema": {
3375 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
3376 "default": {
3377 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3378 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3379 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
3380 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3381 }
3382 }
3383 }
3384 }
3385 }
3386 },
3387 "/api/v3.0/sic/payouts": {
3388 "get": {
3389 "tags": [
3390 "Claims"
3391 ],
3392 "summary": "Gets all of the claim payouts for a SIC customer.",
3393 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_payouts",
3394 "consumes": [],
3395 "produces": [
3396 "application/json",
3397 "text/json"
3398 ],
3399 "parameters": [
3400 {
3401 "name": "Trov-Market",
3402 "in": "header",
3403 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
3404 "required": true,
3405 "type": "string",
3406 "default": "US"
3407 },
3408 {
3409 "name": "Trov-Client",
3410 "in": "header",
3411 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
3412 "required": true,
3413 "type": "string",
3414 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
3415 },
3416 {
3417 "name": "Accept-Language",
3418 "in": "header",
3419 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
3420 "required": true,
3421 "type": "string",
3422 "default": "en-US"
3423 },
3424 {
3425 "name": "Authorization",
3426 "in": "header",
3427 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
3428 "required": true,
3429 "type": "string",
3430 "default": ""
3431 }
3432 ],
3433 "responses": {
3434 "200": {
3435 "description": "OK",
3436 "schema": {
3437 "items": {
3438 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimPayout"
3439 },
3440 "xml": {
3441 "name": "ClaimPayout",
3442 "wrapped": true
3443 },
3444 "type": "array"
3445 }
3446 },
3447 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
3448 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3449 "schema": {
3450 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
3451 "default": {
3452 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3453 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3454 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
3455 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3456 }
3457 }
3458 }
3459 },
3460 "deprecated": true
3461 }
3462 },
3463 "/api/v3.0/sic/claim/{claimId}": {
3464 "get": {
3465 "tags": [
3466 "Claims"
3467 ],
3468 "summary": "Gets a claim by claim id.",
3469 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_claim_claimId",
3470 "consumes": [],
3471 "produces": [
3472 "application/json",
3473 "text/json"
3474 ],
3475 "parameters": [
3476 {
3477 "name": "claimId",
3478 "in": "path",
3479 "description": "The id of the claim to get.",
3480 "required": true,
3481 "type": "string"
3482 },
3483 {
3484 "name": "Trov-Market",
3485 "in": "header",
3486 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
3487 "required": true,
3488 "type": "string",
3489 "default": "US"
3490 },
3491 {
3492 "name": "Trov-Client",
3493 "in": "header",
3494 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
3495 "required": true,
3496 "type": "string",
3497 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
3498 },
3499 {
3500 "name": "Accept-Language",
3501 "in": "header",
3502 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
3503 "required": true,
3504 "type": "string",
3505 "default": "en-US"
3506 },
3507 {
3508 "name": "Authorization",
3509 "in": "header",
3510 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
3511 "required": true,
3512 "type": "string",
3513 "default": ""
3514 }
3515 ],
3516 "responses": {
3517 "200": {
3518 "description": "OK",
3519 "schema": {
3520 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimPriceOffersResponse"
3521 }
3522 },
3523 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
3524 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
3525 "schema": {
3526 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
3527 "default": {
3528 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
3529 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
3530 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
3531 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3532 }
3533 }
3534 },
3535 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
3536 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3537 "schema": {
3538 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
3539 "default": {
3540 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3541 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3542 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
3543 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3544 }
3545 }
3546 }
3547 },
3548 "deprecated": true
3549 },
3550 "patch": {
3551 "tags": [
3552 "Claims"
3553 ],
3554 "summary": "Updates an existing claim",
3555 "operationId": "PATCH_api_sic_claim_claimId",
3556 "consumes": [
3557 "application/json",
3558 "text/json",
3559 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
3560 ],
3561 "produces": [
3562 "application/json",
3563 "text/json"
3564 ],
3565 "parameters": [
3566 {
3567 "name": "claimId",
3568 "in": "path",
3569 "description": "The id of the claim to update.",
3570 "required": true,
3571 "type": "string"
3572 },
3573 {
3574 "name": "claimUpdateRequest",
3575 "in": "body",
3576 "description": "The model containing the update request.",
3577 "required": true,
3578 "schema": {
3579 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimUpdateRequest"
3580 }
3581 },
3582 {
3583 "name": "Trov-Market",
3584 "in": "header",
3585 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
3586 "required": true,
3587 "type": "string",
3588 "default": "US"
3589 },
3590 {
3591 "name": "Trov-Client",
3592 "in": "header",
3593 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
3594 "required": true,
3595 "type": "string",
3596 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
3597 },
3598 {
3599 "name": "Accept-Language",
3600 "in": "header",
3601 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
3602 "required": true,
3603 "type": "string",
3604 "default": "en-US"
3605 },
3606 {
3607 "name": "Authorization",
3608 "in": "header",
3609 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
3610 "required": true,
3611 "type": "string",
3612 "default": ""
3613 }
3614 ],
3615 "responses": {
3616 "200": {
3617 "description": "OK",
3618 "schema": {
3619 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim"
3620 }
3621 },
3622 "400 AssetsNotClaimableException": {
3623 "description": "One or more assets are not claimable.",
3624 "schema": {
3625 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetsNotClaimableException",
3626 "default": {
3627 "Message": "The specified assets are not claimable. This could be because they have already been associated as a non-repair item of an accepted claim.",
3628 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified assets are not claimable. This could be because they have already been associated as a non-repair item of an accepted claim.",
3629 "ExceptionType": "AssetsNotClaimableException",
3630 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3631 }
3632 }
3633 },
3634 "400 AssetsNotCoveredException": {
3635 "description": "One or more assets are not covered at the loss date.",
3636 "schema": {
3637 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetsNotCoveredException",
3638 "default": {
3639 "Message": "The assets are not covered on the specified date.",
3640 "ExceptionMessage": "The assets are not covered on the specified date.",
3641 "ExceptionType": "AssetsNotCoveredException",
3642 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3643 }
3644 }
3645 },
3646 "400 ClaimLocationNotSetException": {
3647 "description": "The specified claim cannot be submitted or accepted because the location has not been set.",
3648 "schema": {
3649 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimLocationNotSetException",
3650 "default": {
3651 "Message": "The claim does not have a loss location set.",
3652 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim does not have a loss location set.",
3653 "ExceptionType": "ClaimLocationNotSetException",
3654 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3655 }
3656 }
3657 },
3658 "400 ClaimLossTypeInvalidException": {
3659 "description": "The specified claim cannot be accepted because the loss type is invalid.",
3660 "schema": {
3661 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimLossTypeInvalidException",
3662 "default": {
3663 "Message": "The claim does not have a valid loss type set.",
3664 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim does not have a valid loss type set.",
3665 "ExceptionType": "ClaimLossTypeInvalidException",
3666 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3667 }
3668 }
3669 },
3670 "400 ClaimLossTypeNotSetException": {
3671 "description": "The specified claim cannot be accepted because the loss type has not been set.",
3672 "schema": {
3673 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimLossTypeNotSetException",
3674 "default": {
3675 "Message": "The claim does not have a loss type set.",
3676 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim does not have a loss type set.",
3677 "ExceptionType": "ClaimLossTypeNotSetException",
3678 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3679 }
3680 }
3681 },
3682 "400 ClaimNotAcceptableException": {
3683 "description": "The specified claim cannot be accepted in its current state.",
3684 "schema": {
3685 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimNotAcceptableException",
3686 "default": {
3687 "Message": "The claim cannot be accepted based on its current state.",
3688 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be accepted based on its current state.",
3689 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNotAcceptableException",
3690 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3691 }
3692 }
3693 },
3694 "400 ClaimNotReadyForAcceptanceException": {
3695 "description": "The specified claim cannot be accepted due to settlement issues.",
3696 "schema": {
3697 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimNotReadyForAcceptanceException",
3698 "default": {
3699 "Message": "The claim is not currently able to be accepted due to settlement issues.",
3700 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim is not currently able to be accepted due to settlement issues.",
3701 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNotReadyForAcceptanceException",
3702 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3703 }
3704 }
3705 },
3706 "400 DateFormatException": {
3707 "description": "The `LossDate` was not specified in the ISO 8601 format.",
3708 "schema": {
3709 "$ref": "#/definitions/DateFormatException",
3710 "default": {
3711 "Message": "The date was not in the ISO 8601 format.",
3712 "ExceptionMessage": "The date was not in the ISO 8601 format.",
3713 "ExceptionType": "DateFormatException",
3714 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3715 }
3716 }
3717 },
3718 "400 DuplicateBankAccountDetailException": {
3719 "description": "More than one instance of the same bank account detail type was submitted.",
3720 "schema": {
3721 "$ref": "#/definitions/DuplicateBankAccountDetailException",
3722 "default": {
3723 "Message": "More than one instance of the Unknown detail type was submitted.",
3724 "ExceptionMessage": "More than one instance of the Unknown detail type was submitted.",
3725 "ExceptionType": "DuplicateBankAccountDetailException",
3726 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3727 }
3728 }
3729 },
3730 "400 InvalidPhoneNumberException": {
3731 "description": "The specified phone number cannot be used for confirmation (e.g. invalid format, missing country code, etc.).",
3732 "schema": {
3733 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPhoneNumberException",
3734 "default": {
3735 "Message": "The phone number provided is invalid.",
3736 "ExceptionMessage": "The phone number provided is invalid.",
3737 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPhoneNumberException",
3738 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3739 }
3740 }
3741 },
3742 "400 LossDateInTheFutureException": {
3743 "description": "The specified `LossDate` is invalid due to being greater than 26 hours in the future.",
3744 "schema": {
3745 "$ref": "#/definitions/LossDateInTheFutureException",
3746 "default": {
3747 "Message": "The loss date can not be more than 26 hours in the future.",
3748 "ExceptionMessage": "The loss date can not be more than 26 hours in the future.",
3749 "ExceptionType": "LossDateInTheFutureException",
3750 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3751 }
3752 }
3753 },
3754 "400 MissingBankAccountDetailException": {
3755 "description": "A required detail is missing from the bank account for the specified provider.",
3756 "schema": {
3757 "$ref": "#/definitions/MissingBankAccountDetailException",
3758 "default": {
3759 "Message": "The Unknown detail is missing from the bank account for the Unknown provider.",
3760 "ExceptionMessage": "The Unknown detail is missing from the bank account for the Unknown provider.",
3761 "ExceptionType": "MissingBankAccountDetailException",
3762 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3763 }
3764 }
3765 },
3766 "400 UnsupportedBankAccountProviderException": {
3767 "description": "The specified bank account provider is not supported.",
3768 "schema": {
3769 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedBankAccountProviderException",
3770 "default": {
3771 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported for the Unknown provider.",
3772 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported for the Unknown provider.",
3773 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedBankAccountProviderException",
3774 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3775 }
3776 }
3777 },
3778 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
3779 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
3780 "schema": {
3781 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
3782 "default": {
3783 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
3784 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
3785 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
3786 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3787 }
3788 }
3789 },
3790 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
3791 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3792 "schema": {
3793 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
3794 "default": {
3795 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3796 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3797 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
3798 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3799 }
3800 }
3801 }
3802 },
3803 "deprecated": true
3804 }
3805 },
3806 "/api/v3.0/sic/asset/{assetId}/claims": {
3807 "get": {
3808 "tags": [
3809 "Claims"
3810 ],
3811 "summary": "Gets a summary of the claims that have contained the specified asset id.",
3812 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_asset_assetId_claims",
3813 "consumes": [],
3814 "produces": [
3815 "application/json",
3816 "text/json"
3817 ],
3818 "parameters": [
3819 {
3820 "name": "assetId",
3821 "in": "path",
3822 "description": "The id of the asset to get the claims for.",
3823 "required": true,
3824 "type": "string"
3825 },
3826 {
3827 "name": "Trov-Market",
3828 "in": "header",
3829 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
3830 "required": true,
3831 "type": "string",
3832 "default": "US"
3833 },
3834 {
3835 "name": "Trov-Client",
3836 "in": "header",
3837 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
3838 "required": true,
3839 "type": "string",
3840 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
3841 },
3842 {
3843 "name": "Accept-Language",
3844 "in": "header",
3845 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
3846 "required": true,
3847 "type": "string",
3848 "default": "en-US"
3849 },
3850 {
3851 "name": "Authorization",
3852 "in": "header",
3853 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
3854 "required": true,
3855 "type": "string",
3856 "default": ""
3857 }
3858 ],
3859 "responses": {
3860 "200": {
3861 "description": "OK",
3862 "schema": {
3863 "items": {
3864 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimLegacyClaimSummary"
3865 },
3866 "xml": {
3867 "name": "LegacyClaimSummary",
3868 "wrapped": true
3869 },
3870 "type": "array",
3871 "default": [
3872 {
3873 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
3874 "ClaimStatus": "Accepted",
3875 "LossDate": {
3876 "year": 2018,
3877 "month": 6,
3878 "day": 14,
3879 "calendar": 0
3880 }
3881 },
3882 {
3883 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
3884 "ClaimStatus": "Submitted"
3885 }
3886 ]
3887 }
3888 },
3889 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
3890 "description": "There is no asset with the given `assetId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.",
3891 "schema": {
3892 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
3893 "default": {
3894 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
3895 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
3896 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
3897 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3898 }
3899 }
3900 },
3901 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
3902 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3903 "schema": {
3904 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
3905 "default": {
3906 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3907 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
3908 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
3909 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
3910 }
3911 }
3912 }
3913 },
3914 "deprecated": true
3915 }
3916 },
3917 "/api/v3.0/sic/claim/{claimId}/messages": {
3918 "get": {
3919 "tags": [
3920 "Claims"
3921 ],
3922 "summary": "Gets a collection of claim events by claim id for SIC customers.",
3923 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_claim_claimId_messages",
3924 "consumes": [],
3925 "produces": [
3926 "application/json",
3927 "text/json"
3928 ],
3929 "parameters": [
3930 {
3931 "name": "claimId",
3932 "in": "path",
3933 "description": "The id of the claim to get.",
3934 "required": true,
3935 "type": "string"
3936 },
3937 {
3938 "name": "include",
3939 "in": "query",
3940 "description": "The types of events to be returned.",
3941 "required": false,
3942 "items": {
3943 "type": "string",
3944 "enum": [
3945 "StatusUpdate",
3946 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
3947 "LossDateUpdate",
3948 "LossLocationUpdate",
3949 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
3950 "BankAccountUpdate",
3951 "AssignmentUpdate",
3952 "CompanyMessage",
3953 "CustomerMessage",
3954 "Note",
3955 "Photo",
3956 "Payout",
3957 "AssetUpdate",
3958 "AssetAmountUpdate",
3959 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
3960 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
3961 "ExcessPayment",
3962 "Payable",
3963 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
3964 ]
3965 },
3966 "collectionFormat": "multi",
3967 "type": "array",
3968 "uniqueItems": true,
3969 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
3970 },
3971 {
3972 "name": "Trov-Market",
3973 "in": "header",
3974 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
3975 "required": true,
3976 "type": "string",
3977 "default": "US"
3978 },
3979 {
3980 "name": "Trov-Client",
3981 "in": "header",
3982 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
3983 "required": true,
3984 "type": "string",
3985 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
3986 },
3987 {
3988 "name": "Accept-Language",
3989 "in": "header",
3990 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
3991 "required": true,
3992 "type": "string",
3993 "default": "en-US"
3994 },
3995 {
3996 "name": "Authorization",
3997 "in": "header",
3998 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
3999 "required": true,
4000 "type": "string",
4001 "default": ""
4002 }
4003 ],
4004 "responses": {
4005 "200": {
4006 "description": "OK",
4007 "schema": {
4008 "items": {
4009 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimEvent"
4010 },
4011 "xml": {
4012 "name": "ClaimEvent",
4013 "wrapped": true
4014 },
4015 "type": "array",
4016 "default": [
4017 {
4018 "Type": "AssetAmountUpdate",
4019 "Value": {
4020 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
4021 "ClaimedAmount": {
4022 "Type": 0,
4023 "Value": 150.00
4024 },
4025 "Kind": "AssetAmountUpdate",
4026 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4027 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4028 "Id": "claimAssetAmountUpdateId",
4029 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4030 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4031 }
4032 },
4033 {
4034 "Type": "AssetUpdate",
4035 "Value": {
4036 "Action": "Add",
4037 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
4038 "IsAssetSameAsDeviceUsedToClaim": false,
4039 "Kind": "AssetUpdate",
4040 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4041 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4042 "Id": "claimAssetUpdateId",
4043 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4044 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4045 }
4046 },
4047 {
4048 "Type": "AssignmentUpdate",
4049 "Value": {
4050 "AssignedTo": "123456",
4051 "Kind": "AssignmentUpdate",
4052 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4053 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4054 "Id": "claimAssignmentUpdateId",
4055 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4056 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4057 }
4058 },
4059 {
4060 "Type": "BankAccountUpdate",
4061 "Value": {
4062 "BankAccount": {
4063 "Provider": "Pin",
4064 "Token": "jf843yfgjh93yrog9rey3htid98dsbhmvcpd0389jh5rj",
4065 "AccountNumberLast4Digits": "2347",
4066 "BsbLast4Digits": "9901",
4067 "Details": [
4068 {
4069 "Type": "BeneficiaryId",
4070 "Value": "a6000ce9-46b8-49a7-9f5b-325ed3f047c2",
4071 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
4072 },
4073 {
4074 "Type": "SortCodeLast4Digits",
4075 "Value": "3456",
4076 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
4077 }
4078 ]
4079 },
4080 "Text": "Bank updated: Account# XXXXXX2347, BSB XX9901",
4081 "Kind": "BankAccountUpdate",
4082 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4083 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4084 "Id": "claimBankAccountUpdateId",
4085 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4086 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4087 }
4088 },
4089 {
4090 "Type": "CompanyMessage",
4091 "Value": {
4092 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4093 "Text": "Message",
4094 "SubText": "SubText",
4095 "AcceptedResponseTypes": [
4096 "LossType"
4097 ],
4098 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4099 "Kind": "CompanyMessage",
4100 "Id": "claimCompanyMessageId",
4101 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4102 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4103 }
4104 },
4105 {
4106 "Type": "CustomerMessage",
4107 "Value": {
4108 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4109 "Text": "Message",
4110 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4111 "Kind": "CustomerMessage",
4112 "Id": "claimCustomerMessageId",
4113 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4114 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4115 }
4116 },
4117 {
4118 "Type": "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
4119 "Value": {
4120 "ClaimCustomerMessageId": "customerMessageId",
4121 "Text": "Message",
4122 "Kind": "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
4123 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4124 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4125 "Id": "claimDismissCustomerMessageId",
4126 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4127 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4128 }
4129 },
4130 {
4131 "Type": "ExcessPayment",
4132 "Value": {
4133 "Amount": {
4134 "Type": 0,
4135 "Value": 150.00
4136 },
4137 "CardNumberLast4Digits": "4123",
4138 "EventType": "Succeeded",
4139 "Kind": "ExcessPayment",
4140 "ClaimId": "claimId",
4141 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4142 "Id": "claimExcessPaymentId",
4143 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4144 "CreatedBy": "123456",
4145 "CreatedByEmail": "someone@trov.com"
4146 }
4147 },
4148 {
4149 "Type": "LossLocationUpdate",
4150 "Value": {
4151 "Location": {
4152 "Point": {
4153 "Latitude": 123.0,
4154 "Longitude": 123.0
4155 },
4156 "Address": {
4157 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
4158 "Street2": "APT 84",
4159 "City": "Medina",
4160 "State": "WA",
4161 "Zip": "98039",
4162 "Country": "USA",
4163 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
4164 "IsEmpty": false,
4165 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
4166 },
4167 "OriginalAddress": "1835 73rd Ave NE, APT 84, Medina, WA, 98038, USA"
4168 },
4169 "Text": "Location: 1835 73rd Ave NE, APT 84, Medina, WA, 98038, USA",
4170 "Kind": "LossLocationUpdate",
4171 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4172 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4173 "Id": "claimLocationUpdateId",
4174 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4175 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4176 }
4177 },
4178 {
4179 "Type": "LossDateUpdate",
4180 "Value": {
4181 "LossDate": {
4182 "year": 2016,
4183 "month": 5,
4184 "day": 12,
4185 "calendar": 0
4186 },
4187 "Text": "Loss date: Thursday, May 12, 2016",
4188 "Kind": "LossDateUpdate",
4189 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4190 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4191 "Id": "claimLossDateUpdateId",
4192 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4193 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4194 }
4195 },
4196 {
4197 "Type": "Note",
4198 "Value": {
4199 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
4200 "Text": "Text",
4201 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4202 "Kind": "Note",
4203 "Id": "claimNoteId",
4204 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4205 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4206 }
4207 },
4208 {
4209 "Type": "Payable",
4210 "Value": {
4211 "TotalClaimedAmount": {
4212 "Type": 0,
4213 "Value": 150.00
4214 },
4215 "TotalExcess": {
4216 "Type": 0,
4217 "Value": 150.00
4218 },
4219 "TotalPastDue": {
4220 "Type": 0,
4221 "Value": 150.00
4222 },
4223 "TotalPremiumRefund": {
4224 "Type": 0,
4225 "Value": 150.00
4226 },
4227 "TotalRefund": {
4228 "Type": 0,
4229 "Value": 150.00
4230 },
4231 "NetPaymentDue": {
4232 "Type": 0,
4233 "Value": 150.00
4234 },
4235 "NetPayoutAmount": {
4236 "Type": 0,
4237 "Value": 150.00
4238 },
4239 "TotalPayments": {
4240 "Type": 0,
4241 "Value": 150.00
4242 },
4243 "HasPayout": true,
4244 "HasPaymentDue": true,
4245 "HasZeroExcessPremiumRefund": false,
4246 "Text": "text",
4247 "Taxes": [
4248 {
4249 "Type": "GST (8%)",
4250 "Amount": {
4251 "Type": 0,
4252 "Value": 5.45
4253 },
4254 "Rate": 0.08,
4255 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
4256 },
4257 {
4258 "Type": "PST (7%)",
4259 "Amount": {
4260 "Type": 0,
4261 "Value": 5.45
4262 },
4263 "Rate": 0.07,
4264 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
4265 }
4266 ],
4267 "Kind": "Payable",
4268 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4269 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4270 "Id": "claimPayableId",
4271 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4272 "CreatedBy": "123456",
4273 "CreatedByEmail": "someone@trov.com"
4274 }
4275 },
4276 {
4277 "Type": "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
4278 "Value": {
4279 "PaymentCardToken": {
4280 "Type": 64,
4281 "Value": "tok_18fDR0DOTv2BYOrd14g6hICd"
4282 },
4283 "Kind": "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
4284 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4285 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4286 "Id": "claimSettlementMethodUpdate",
4287 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4288 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4289 }
4290 },
4291 {
4292 "Type": "Payout",
4293 "Value": {
4294 "Amount": {
4295 "Type": 0,
4296 "Value": 150.00
4297 },
4298 "EventType": "Succeeded",
4299 "Last4": "5678",
4300 "ProviderId": "provider-id",
4301 "ProviderResponse": "provider-response...",
4302 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4303 "Text": "text",
4304 "Kind": "Payout",
4305 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4306 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4307 "Id": "claimPayoutId",
4308 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4309 "CreatedBy": "123456",
4310 "CreatedByEmail": "someone@trov.com"
4311 }
4312 },
4313 {
4314 "Type": "PhoneNumberUpdate",
4315 "Value": {
4316 "PhoneNumber": {
4317 "Number": "555-555-1212",
4318 "IsConfirmed": true
4319 },
4320 "Text": "Phone # updated: 555-555-1212",
4321 "Kind": "PhoneNumberUpdate",
4322 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4323 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4324 "Id": "claimPhoneNumberUpdateId",
4325 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4326 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4327 }
4328 },
4329 {
4330 "Type": "Photo",
4331 "Value": {
4332 "FileId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
4333 "Width": 1280,
4334 "Height": 720,
4335 "Kind": "Photo",
4336 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4337 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4338 "Id": "claimPhotoId",
4339 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4340 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4341 }
4342 },
4343 {
4344 "Type": "SettlementMethodUpdate",
4345 "Value": {
4346 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
4347 "Method": "Repair",
4348 "Kind": "SettlementMethodUpdate",
4349 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4350 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4351 "Id": "claimSettlementMethodUpdate",
4352 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4353 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4354 }
4355 },
4356 {
4357 "Type": "StatusUpdate",
4358 "Value": {
4359 "ClaimStatus": "Accepted",
4360 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
4361 "AcceptedResponseTypes": [
4362 "Any"
4363 ],
4364 "Kind": "StatusUpdate",
4365 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4366 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4367 "Id": "claimStatusUpdateId",
4368 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4369 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4370 }
4371 },
4372 {
4373 "Type": "TypeOfLossUpdate",
4374 "Value": {
4375 "TypeOfLoss": "Lost",
4376 "Text": "Loss type: Lost",
4377 "Kind": "TypeOfLossUpdate",
4378 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
4379 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4380 "Id": "claimTypeOfLossUpdateId",
4381 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4382 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4383 }
4384 }
4385 ]
4386 }
4387 },
4388 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
4389 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified extend property.",
4390 "schema": {
4391 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
4392 "default": {
4393 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
4394 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
4395 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
4396 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4397 }
4398 }
4399 },
4400 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
4401 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4402 "schema": {
4403 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
4404 "default": {
4405 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4406 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4407 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
4408 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4409 }
4410 }
4411 }
4412 },
4413 "deprecated": true
4414 },
4415 "post": {
4416 "tags": [
4417 "Claims"
4418 ],
4419 "summary": "Creates a new claim customer message.",
4420 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_claim_claimId_messages",
4421 "consumes": [
4422 "application/json",
4423 "text/json",
4424 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
4425 ],
4426 "produces": [
4427 "application/json",
4428 "text/json"
4429 ],
4430 "parameters": [
4431 {
4432 "name": "claimId",
4433 "in": "path",
4434 "description": "The id of the claim.",
4435 "required": true,
4436 "type": "string"
4437 },
4438 {
4439 "name": "request",
4440 "in": "body",
4441 "description": "The request body.",
4442 "required": true,
4443 "schema": {
4444 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimCreateClaimMessageRequest"
4445 }
4446 },
4447 {
4448 "name": "Trov-Market",
4449 "in": "header",
4450 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
4451 "required": true,
4452 "type": "string",
4453 "default": "US"
4454 },
4455 {
4456 "name": "Trov-Client",
4457 "in": "header",
4458 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
4459 "required": true,
4460 "type": "string",
4461 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
4462 },
4463 {
4464 "name": "Accept-Language",
4465 "in": "header",
4466 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
4467 "required": true,
4468 "type": "string",
4469 "default": "en-US"
4470 },
4471 {
4472 "name": "Authorization",
4473 "in": "header",
4474 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
4475 "required": true,
4476 "type": "string",
4477 "default": ""
4478 }
4479 ],
4480 "responses": {
4481 "200": {
4482 "description": "OK",
4483 "schema": {
4484 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimCustomerMessage"
4485 }
4486 },
4487 "400 ArgumentException": {
4488 "description": "The message is null or empty.",
4489 "schema": {
4490 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentException",
4491 "default": {
4492 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
4493 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
4494 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
4495 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4496 }
4497 }
4498 },
4499 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
4500 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
4501 "schema": {
4502 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
4503 "default": {
4504 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
4505 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
4506 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
4507 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4508 }
4509 }
4510 },
4511 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
4512 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4513 "schema": {
4514 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
4515 "default": {
4516 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4517 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4518 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
4519 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4520 }
4521 }
4522 }
4523 },
4524 "deprecated": true
4525 }
4526 },
4527 "/api/v3.0/sic/claim/{claimId}/photo/{claimFileId}": {
4528 "get": {
4529 "tags": [
4530 "Claims"
4531 ],
4532 "summary": "Retrieves a thumbnail image for a claim photo.",
4533 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_claim_claimId_photo_claimFileId",
4534 "consumes": [],
4535 "produces": [
4536 "application/json",
4537 "text/json"
4538 ],
4539 "parameters": [
4540 {
4541 "name": "claimId",
4542 "in": "path",
4543 "description": "The id of the claim.",
4544 "required": true,
4545 "type": "string"
4546 },
4547 {
4548 "name": "claimFileId",
4549 "in": "path",
4550 "description": "The id of the file in storage.",
4551 "required": true,
4552 "type": "string"
4553 },
4554 {
4555 "name": "width",
4556 "in": "query",
4557 "description": "The width of image.",
4558 "required": false,
4559 "type": "integer",
4560 "format": "int32"
4561 },
4562 {
4563 "name": "height",
4564 "in": "query",
4565 "description": "The height of image.",
4566 "required": false,
4567 "type": "integer",
4568 "format": "int32"
4569 },
4570 {
4571 "name": "maxWidth",
4572 "in": "query",
4573 "description": "The maximum width.",
4574 "required": false,
4575 "type": "integer",
4576 "format": "int32"
4577 },
4578 {
4579 "name": "maxHeight",
4580 "in": "query",
4581 "description": "The maximum height.",
4582 "required": false,
4583 "type": "integer",
4584 "format": "int32"
4585 },
4586 {
4587 "name": "fitMode",
4588 "in": "query",
4589 "description": "The mode used to resolve the aspect ratio differences between the requested and original image sizes. (0 = None , 1 = Max , 2 = Pad , 3 = Crop , 4 = Carve , 5 = Stretch )",
4590 "required": false,
4591 "type": "integer",
4592 "format": "int32",
4593 "default": 1,
4594 "enum": [
4595 0,
4596 1,
4597 2,
4598 3,
4599 4,
4600 5
4601 ],
4602 "x-enumName": "FitMode"
4603 },
4604 {
4605 "name": "Trov-Market",
4606 "in": "header",
4607 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
4608 "required": true,
4609 "type": "string",
4610 "default": "US"
4611 },
4612 {
4613 "name": "Trov-Client",
4614 "in": "header",
4615 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
4616 "required": true,
4617 "type": "string",
4618 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
4619 },
4620 {
4621 "name": "Accept-Language",
4622 "in": "header",
4623 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
4624 "required": true,
4625 "type": "string",
4626 "default": "en-US"
4627 },
4628 {
4629 "name": "Authorization",
4630 "in": "header",
4631 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
4632 "required": true,
4633 "type": "string",
4634 "default": ""
4635 }
4636 ],
4637 "responses": {
4638 "200": {
4639 "description": "OK",
4640 "schema": {
4641 "type": "string",
4642 "format": "byte"
4643 }
4644 },
4645 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
4646 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.<br/>\r\n The claim photo does not exist.",
4647 "schema": {
4648 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
4649 "default": {
4650 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
4651 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
4652 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
4653 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4654 }
4655 }
4656 },
4657 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
4658 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4659 "schema": {
4660 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
4661 "default": {
4662 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4663 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4664 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
4665 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4666 }
4667 }
4668 }
4669 },
4670 "deprecated": true
4671 }
4672 },
4673 "/api/v3.0/sic/claim/{claimId}/photo": {
4674 "post": {
4675 "tags": [
4676 "Claims"
4677 ],
4678 "summary": "Adds a photo to a claim.\r\n \r\nThe endpoint requires a MimeMultipart request body with a single part:\r\n- The part must contain a single byte array (binary blob) of image data.\r\n- The part must have the `Content-Type` header set to a supported image.",
4679 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_claim_claimId_photo",
4680 "consumes": [],
4681 "produces": [
4682 "application/json",
4683 "text/json"
4684 ],
4685 "parameters": [
4686 {
4687 "name": "claimId",
4688 "in": "path",
4689 "description": "The id of the claim to get.",
4690 "required": true,
4691 "type": "string"
4692 },
4693 {
4694 "name": "Trov-Market",
4695 "in": "header",
4696 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
4697 "required": true,
4698 "type": "string",
4699 "default": "US"
4700 },
4701 {
4702 "name": "Trov-Client",
4703 "in": "header",
4704 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
4705 "required": true,
4706 "type": "string",
4707 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
4708 },
4709 {
4710 "name": "Accept-Language",
4711 "in": "header",
4712 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
4713 "required": true,
4714 "type": "string",
4715 "default": "en-US"
4716 },
4717 {
4718 "name": "Authorization",
4719 "in": "header",
4720 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
4721 "required": true,
4722 "type": "string",
4723 "default": ""
4724 }
4725 ],
4726 "responses": {
4727 "200": {
4728 "description": "OK",
4729 "schema": {
4730 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim"
4731 }
4732 },
4733 "400 ClaimNotModifiableException": {
4734 "description": "The claim is in a state where it cannot be modified.",
4735 "schema": {
4736 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimNotModifiableException",
4737 "default": {
4738 "Message": "The claim cannot be modified based on its current state.",
4739 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be modified based on its current state.",
4740 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNotModifiableException",
4741 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4742 }
4743 }
4744 },
4745 "400 UnsupportedImageException": {
4746 "description": "The image data or content type are not supported.",
4747 "schema": {
4748 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedImageException",
4749 "default": {
4750 "Message": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
4751 "ExceptionMessage": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
4752 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedImageException",
4753 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4754 }
4755 }
4756 },
4757 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
4758 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
4759 "schema": {
4760 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
4761 "default": {
4762 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
4763 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
4764 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
4765 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4766 }
4767 }
4768 },
4769 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
4770 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4771 "schema": {
4772 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
4773 "default": {
4774 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4775 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4776 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
4777 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4778 }
4779 }
4780 }
4781 },
4782 "deprecated": true
4783 }
4784 },
4785 "/api/v3.0/sic/claims": {
4786 "get": {
4787 "tags": [
4788 "ClaimsEmployee"
4789 ],
4790 "summary": "Gets filtered claims.",
4791 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_claims",
4792 "consumes": [],
4793 "produces": [
4794 "application/json",
4795 "text/json"
4796 ],
4797 "parameters": [
4798 {
4799 "name": "count",
4800 "in": "query",
4801 "description": "The maximum number of claims to return.",
4802 "required": true,
4803 "type": "integer",
4804 "format": "int32"
4805 },
4806 {
4807 "name": "offset",
4808 "in": "query",
4809 "description": "The offset to return the claims from.",
4810 "required": true,
4811 "type": "integer",
4812 "format": "int32"
4813 },
4814 {
4815 "name": "isAssigned",
4816 "in": "query",
4817 "description": "Boolean indicating to filter the claims by their being assigned or not.",
4818 "required": false,
4819 "type": "boolean"
4820 },
4821 {
4822 "name": "customerId",
4823 "in": "query",
4824 "description": "The value indicating whether to filter by Claim.CustomerId.",
4825 "required": false,
4826 "type": "string"
4827 },
4828 {
4829 "name": "assignedTo",
4830 "in": "query",
4831 "description": "The id of the employee that the claims are assigned to.",
4832 "required": false,
4833 "type": "string"
4834 },
4835 {
4836 "name": "assignedToMe",
4837 "in": "query",
4838 "description": "Boolean indicating whether to filter by claims that are assigned to the calling employee.",
4839 "required": false,
4840 "type": "boolean"
4841 },
4842 {
4843 "name": "closed",
4844 "in": "query",
4845 "description": "Boolean indicating whether to include/exclude claims that are closed.",
4846 "required": false,
4847 "type": "boolean"
4848 },
4849 {
4850 "name": "includeClosedClaimsWithNewMessages",
4851 "in": "query",
4852 "description": "Boolean indicating whether to only include claims with new (not dismissed) messages. Only applies when {closed} is false.",
4853 "required": false,
4854 "type": "boolean"
4855 },
4856 {
4857 "name": "Trov-Market",
4858 "in": "header",
4859 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
4860 "required": true,
4861 "type": "string",
4862 "default": "US"
4863 },
4864 {
4865 "name": "Trov-Client",
4866 "in": "header",
4867 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
4868 "required": true,
4869 "type": "string",
4870 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
4871 },
4872 {
4873 "name": "Accept-Language",
4874 "in": "header",
4875 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
4876 "required": true,
4877 "type": "string",
4878 "default": "en-US"
4879 },
4880 {
4881 "name": "Authorization",
4882 "in": "header",
4883 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
4884 "required": true,
4885 "type": "string",
4886 "default": ""
4887 }
4888 ],
4889 "responses": {
4890 "200": {
4891 "description": "OK",
4892 "schema": {
4893 "items": {
4894 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim"
4895 },
4896 "xml": {
4897 "name": "Claim",
4898 "wrapped": true
4899 },
4900 "type": "array",
4901 "default": [
4902 {
4903 "CustomerId": "123456",
4904 "DisplayId": "JD012345",
4905 "IsDismissible": false,
4906 "Status": "Unknown",
4907 "AssetIds": [],
4908 "HasBankAccount": false,
4909 "Id": "claimId1",
4910 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4911 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4912 },
4913 {
4914 "CustomerId": "123456",
4915 "IsDismissible": false,
4916 "Status": "Unknown",
4917 "AssetIds": [],
4918 "HasBankAccount": false,
4919 "Id": "claimId2",
4920 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
4921 "CreatedBy": "123456"
4922 }
4923 ]
4924 }
4925 },
4926 "401 AuthenticationException": {
4927 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
4928 "schema": {
4929 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
4930 "default": {
4931 "Message": "string",
4932 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
4933 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
4934 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4935 }
4936 }
4937 },
4938 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
4939 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
4940 "schema": {
4941 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
4942 "default": {
4943 "Message": "string",
4944 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
4945 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
4946 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4947 }
4948 }
4949 },
4950 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
4951 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4952 "schema": {
4953 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
4954 "default": {
4955 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4956 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
4957 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
4958 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
4959 }
4960 }
4961 }
4962 },
4963 "deprecated": true
4964 },
4965 "post": {
4966 "tags": [
4967 "Claims"
4968 ],
4969 "summary": "Creates a new claim.\r\n \r\nAt least one asset id must be specified.",
4970 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_claims",
4971 "consumes": [
4972 "application/json",
4973 "text/json",
4974 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
4975 ],
4976 "produces": [
4977 "application/json",
4978 "text/json"
4979 ],
4980 "parameters": [
4981 {
4982 "name": "request",
4983 "in": "body",
4984 "description": "The model containing the create request.",
4985 "required": true,
4986 "schema": {
4987 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimCreateClaimRequest"
4988 }
4989 },
4990 {
4991 "name": "sessionId",
4992 "in": "query",
4993 "description": "The id of the ThreatMetrix session on the client device.",
4994 "required": false,
4995 "type": "string"
4996 },
4997 {
4998 "name": "Trov-Market",
4999 "in": "header",
5000 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
5001 "required": true,
5002 "type": "string",
5003 "default": "US"
5004 },
5005 {
5006 "name": "Trov-Client",
5007 "in": "header",
5008 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
5009 "required": true,
5010 "type": "string",
5011 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
5012 },
5013 {
5014 "name": "Accept-Language",
5015 "in": "header",
5016 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
5017 "required": true,
5018 "type": "string",
5019 "default": "en-US"
5020 },
5021 {
5022 "name": "Authorization",
5023 "in": "header",
5024 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
5025 "required": true,
5026 "type": "string",
5027 "default": ""
5028 }
5029 ],
5030 "responses": {
5031 "200": {
5032 "description": "OK",
5033 "schema": {
5034 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim"
5035 }
5036 },
5037 "400 AssetsNotClaimableException": {
5038 "description": "One or more assets are not claimable.",
5039 "schema": {
5040 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetsNotClaimableException",
5041 "default": {
5042 "Message": "The specified assets are not claimable. This could be because they have already been associated as a non-repair item of an accepted claim.",
5043 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified assets are not claimable. This could be because they have already been associated as a non-repair item of an accepted claim.",
5044 "ExceptionType": "AssetsNotClaimableException",
5045 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5046 }
5047 }
5048 },
5049 "400 AssetsNotCoveredException": {
5050 "description": "One or more assets are not covered at the loss date.",
5051 "schema": {
5052 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetsNotCoveredException",
5053 "default": {
5054 "Message": "The assets are not covered on the specified date.",
5055 "ExceptionMessage": "The assets are not covered on the specified date.",
5056 "ExceptionType": "AssetsNotCoveredException",
5057 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5058 }
5059 }
5060 },
5061 "400 AtLeastOneAssetRequiredException": {
5062 "description": "At least one asset id is required to create a claim.",
5063 "schema": {
5064 "$ref": "#/definitions/AtLeastOneAssetRequiredException",
5065 "default": {
5066 "Message": "At least one asset is required.",
5067 "ExceptionMessage": "At least one asset is required.",
5068 "ExceptionType": "AtLeastOneAssetRequiredException",
5069 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5070 }
5071 }
5072 },
5073 "400 LossDateInTheFutureException": {
5074 "description": "The specified `LossDate` is invalid due to being greater than 26 hours in the future.",
5075 "schema": {
5076 "$ref": "#/definitions/LossDateInTheFutureException",
5077 "default": {
5078 "Message": "The loss date can not be more than 26 hours in the future.",
5079 "ExceptionMessage": "The loss date can not be more than 26 hours in the future.",
5080 "ExceptionType": "LossDateInTheFutureException",
5081 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5082 }
5083 }
5084 },
5085 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
5086 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5087 "schema": {
5088 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
5089 "default": {
5090 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5091 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5092 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
5093 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5094 }
5095 }
5096 }
5097 },
5098 "deprecated": true
5099 }
5100 },
5101 "/api/v3.0/sic/claim/{claimId}/phoneNumber/confirm": {
5102 "post": {
5103 "tags": [
5104 "Claims"
5105 ],
5106 "summary": "Confirms the phone number associated with the specified claim id.",
5107 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_claim_claimId_phoneNumber_confirm",
5108 "consumes": [
5109 "application/json",
5110 "text/json",
5111 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
5112 ],
5113 "produces": [],
5114 "parameters": [
5115 {
5116 "name": "claimId",
5117 "in": "path",
5118 "description": "The id of the claim.",
5119 "required": true,
5120 "type": "string"
5121 },
5122 {
5123 "name": "confirmPhoneNumberRequest",
5124 "in": "body",
5125 "description": "The model that represents the phone number confirmation request.",
5126 "required": true,
5127 "schema": {
5128 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityConfirmPhoneNumberRequest"
5129 }
5130 },
5131 {
5132 "name": "Trov-Market",
5133 "in": "header",
5134 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
5135 "required": true,
5136 "type": "string",
5137 "default": "US"
5138 },
5139 {
5140 "name": "Trov-Client",
5141 "in": "header",
5142 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
5143 "required": true,
5144 "type": "string",
5145 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
5146 },
5147 {
5148 "name": "Accept-Language",
5149 "in": "header",
5150 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
5151 "required": true,
5152 "type": "string",
5153 "default": "en-US"
5154 },
5155 {
5156 "name": "Authorization",
5157 "in": "header",
5158 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
5159 "required": true,
5160 "type": "string",
5161 "default": ""
5162 }
5163 ],
5164 "responses": {
5165 "204": {
5166 "description": "No Content"
5167 },
5168 "400 InvalidPinException": {
5169 "description": "The PIN failed validation.",
5170 "schema": {
5171 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPinException",
5172 "default": {
5173 "Message": "The PIN provided was invalid.",
5174 "ExceptionMessage": "The PIN provided was invalid.",
5175 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPinException",
5176 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5177 }
5178 }
5179 },
5180 "400 PhoneNumberNotSetException": {
5181 "description": "The user account does not have a phone number set.",
5182 "schema": {
5183 "$ref": "#/definitions/PhoneNumberNotSetException",
5184 "default": {
5185 "Message": "The user account does not contain a phone number.",
5186 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not contain a phone number.",
5187 "ExceptionType": "PhoneNumberNotSetException",
5188 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5189 }
5190 }
5191 },
5192 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
5193 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
5194 "schema": {
5195 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
5196 "default": {
5197 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
5198 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
5199 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
5200 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5201 }
5202 }
5203 },
5204 "409 PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException": {
5205 "description": "The phone number associated with the current user has already been confirmed.",
5206 "schema": {
5207 "$ref": "#/definitions/PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException",
5208 "default": {
5209 "Message": "The phone number 'string' has already been confirmed.",
5210 "ExceptionMessage": "The phone number 'string' has already been confirmed.",
5211 "ExceptionType": "PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException",
5212 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5213 }
5214 }
5215 },
5216 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
5217 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5218 "schema": {
5219 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
5220 "default": {
5221 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5222 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5223 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
5224 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5225 }
5226 }
5227 }
5228 },
5229 "deprecated": true
5230 }
5231 },
5232 "/api/v3.0/sic/claim/{claimId}/phoneNumber/requestConfirm": {
5233 "post": {
5234 "tags": [
5235 "Claims"
5236 ],
5237 "summary": "Requests a confirmation pin for the current phone number associated with the specified claim id.",
5238 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_claim_claimId_phoneNumber_requestConfirm",
5239 "consumes": [],
5240 "produces": [],
5241 "parameters": [
5242 {
5243 "name": "claimId",
5244 "in": "path",
5245 "description": "The id of the claim.",
5246 "required": true,
5247 "type": "string"
5248 },
5249 {
5250 "name": "confirmationType",
5251 "in": "query",
5252 "description": "The type of confirmation to use (defaults to SMS). (0 = Voice , 1 = Sms )",
5253 "required": false,
5254 "type": "integer",
5255 "format": "int32",
5256 "enum": [
5257 0,
5258 1
5259 ],
5260 "x-enumName": "PhoneNumberConfirmationType"
5261 },
5262 {
5263 "name": "Trov-Market",
5264 "in": "header",
5265 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
5266 "required": true,
5267 "type": "string",
5268 "default": "US"
5269 },
5270 {
5271 "name": "Trov-Client",
5272 "in": "header",
5273 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
5274 "required": true,
5275 "type": "string",
5276 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
5277 },
5278 {
5279 "name": "Accept-Language",
5280 "in": "header",
5281 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
5282 "required": true,
5283 "type": "string",
5284 "default": "en-US"
5285 },
5286 {
5287 "name": "Authorization",
5288 "in": "header",
5289 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
5290 "required": true,
5291 "type": "string",
5292 "default": ""
5293 }
5294 ],
5295 "responses": {
5296 "204": {
5297 "description": "No Content"
5298 },
5299 "400 PhoneNumberNotSetException": {
5300 "description": "The user account does not have a phone number set.",
5301 "schema": {
5302 "$ref": "#/definitions/PhoneNumberNotSetException",
5303 "default": {
5304 "Message": "The user account does not contain a phone number.",
5305 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not contain a phone number.",
5306 "ExceptionType": "PhoneNumberNotSetException",
5307 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5308 }
5309 }
5310 },
5311 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
5312 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
5313 "schema": {
5314 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
5315 "default": {
5316 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
5317 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
5318 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
5319 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5320 }
5321 }
5322 },
5323 "409 PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException": {
5324 "description": "The phone number associated with the current user has already been confirmed.",
5325 "schema": {
5326 "$ref": "#/definitions/PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException",
5327 "default": {
5328 "Message": "The phone number 'string' has already been confirmed.",
5329 "ExceptionMessage": "The phone number 'string' has already been confirmed.",
5330 "ExceptionType": "PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException",
5331 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5332 }
5333 }
5334 },
5335 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
5336 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5337 "schema": {
5338 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
5339 "default": {
5340 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5341 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5342 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
5343 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5344 }
5345 }
5346 }
5347 },
5348 "deprecated": true
5349 }
5350 },
5351 "/api/v3.0/sic/claim/{claimId}/settlement": {
5352 "get": {
5353 "tags": [
5354 "ClaimsEmployee"
5355 ],
5356 "summary": "Gets the claim settlement summary by claim id.",
5357 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_claim_claimId_settlement",
5358 "consumes": [],
5359 "produces": [
5360 "application/json",
5361 "text/json"
5362 ],
5363 "parameters": [
5364 {
5365 "name": "claimId",
5366 "in": "path",
5367 "description": "The id of the claim to retrieve for.",
5368 "required": true,
5369 "type": "string"
5370 },
5371 {
5372 "name": "Trov-Market",
5373 "in": "header",
5374 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
5375 "required": true,
5376 "type": "string",
5377 "default": "US"
5378 },
5379 {
5380 "name": "Trov-Client",
5381 "in": "header",
5382 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
5383 "required": true,
5384 "type": "string",
5385 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
5386 },
5387 {
5388 "name": "Accept-Language",
5389 "in": "header",
5390 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
5391 "required": true,
5392 "type": "string",
5393 "default": "en-US"
5394 },
5395 {
5396 "name": "Authorization",
5397 "in": "header",
5398 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
5399 "required": true,
5400 "type": "string",
5401 "default": ""
5402 }
5403 ],
5404 "responses": {
5405 "200": {
5406 "description": "OK",
5407 "schema": {
5408 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimSettlementSummary"
5409 }
5410 },
5411 "401 AuthenticationException": {
5412 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
5413 "schema": {
5414 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
5415 "default": {
5416 "Message": "string",
5417 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
5418 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
5419 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5420 }
5421 }
5422 },
5423 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
5424 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
5425 "schema": {
5426 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
5427 "default": {
5428 "Message": "string",
5429 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
5430 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
5431 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5432 }
5433 }
5434 },
5435 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
5436 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
5437 "schema": {
5438 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
5439 "default": {
5440 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
5441 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
5442 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
5443 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5444 }
5445 }
5446 },
5447 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
5448 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5449 "schema": {
5450 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
5451 "default": {
5452 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5453 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5454 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
5455 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5456 }
5457 }
5458 }
5459 },
5460 "deprecated": true
5461 }
5462 },
5463 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/payouts": {
5464 "get": {
5465 "tags": [
5466 "ClaimsEmployee"
5467 ],
5468 "summary": "Gets all of the claim payouts for a specific SIC customer.",
5469 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_payouts",
5470 "consumes": [],
5471 "produces": [
5472 "application/json",
5473 "text/json"
5474 ],
5475 "parameters": [
5476 {
5477 "name": "customerId",
5478 "in": "path",
5479 "description": "The id of the customer to retrieve for.",
5480 "required": true,
5481 "type": "string"
5482 },
5483 {
5484 "name": "Trov-Market",
5485 "in": "header",
5486 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
5487 "required": true,
5488 "type": "string",
5489 "default": "US"
5490 },
5491 {
5492 "name": "Trov-Client",
5493 "in": "header",
5494 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
5495 "required": true,
5496 "type": "string",
5497 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
5498 },
5499 {
5500 "name": "Accept-Language",
5501 "in": "header",
5502 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
5503 "required": true,
5504 "type": "string",
5505 "default": "en-US"
5506 },
5507 {
5508 "name": "Authorization",
5509 "in": "header",
5510 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
5511 "required": true,
5512 "type": "string",
5513 "default": ""
5514 }
5515 ],
5516 "responses": {
5517 "200": {
5518 "description": "OK",
5519 "schema": {
5520 "items": {
5521 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimPayout"
5522 },
5523 "xml": {
5524 "name": "ClaimPayout",
5525 "wrapped": true
5526 },
5527 "type": "array"
5528 }
5529 },
5530 "401 AuthenticationException": {
5531 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
5532 "schema": {
5533 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
5534 "default": {
5535 "Message": "string",
5536 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
5537 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
5538 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5539 }
5540 }
5541 },
5542 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
5543 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
5544 "schema": {
5545 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
5546 "default": {
5547 "Message": "string",
5548 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
5549 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
5550 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5551 }
5552 }
5553 },
5554 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
5555 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5556 "schema": {
5557 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
5558 "default": {
5559 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5560 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5561 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
5562 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5563 }
5564 }
5565 }
5566 },
5567 "deprecated": true
5568 }
5569 },
5570 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}": {
5571 "get": {
5572 "tags": [
5573 "ClaimsEmployee"
5574 ],
5575 "summary": "Gets an claim by claim id.",
5576 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId",
5577 "consumes": [],
5578 "produces": [
5579 "application/json",
5580 "text/json"
5581 ],
5582 "parameters": [
5583 {
5584 "name": "customerId",
5585 "in": "path",
5586 "description": "The id of the customer to get a claim for.",
5587 "required": true,
5588 "type": "string"
5589 },
5590 {
5591 "name": "claimId",
5592 "in": "path",
5593 "description": "The id of the claim to get.",
5594 "required": true,
5595 "type": "string"
5596 },
5597 {
5598 "name": "Trov-Market",
5599 "in": "header",
5600 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
5601 "required": true,
5602 "type": "string",
5603 "default": "US"
5604 },
5605 {
5606 "name": "Trov-Client",
5607 "in": "header",
5608 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
5609 "required": true,
5610 "type": "string",
5611 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
5612 },
5613 {
5614 "name": "Accept-Language",
5615 "in": "header",
5616 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
5617 "required": true,
5618 "type": "string",
5619 "default": "en-US"
5620 },
5621 {
5622 "name": "Authorization",
5623 "in": "header",
5624 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
5625 "required": true,
5626 "type": "string",
5627 "default": ""
5628 }
5629 ],
5630 "responses": {
5631 "200": {
5632 "description": "OK",
5633 "schema": {
5634 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim"
5635 }
5636 },
5637 "401 AuthenticationException": {
5638 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
5639 "schema": {
5640 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
5641 "default": {
5642 "Message": "string",
5643 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
5644 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
5645 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5646 }
5647 }
5648 },
5649 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
5650 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
5651 "schema": {
5652 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
5653 "default": {
5654 "Message": "string",
5655 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
5656 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
5657 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5658 }
5659 }
5660 },
5661 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
5662 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
5663 "schema": {
5664 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
5665 "default": {
5666 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
5667 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
5668 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
5669 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5670 }
5671 }
5672 },
5673 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
5674 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5675 "schema": {
5676 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
5677 "default": {
5678 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5679 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
5680 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
5681 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5682 }
5683 }
5684 }
5685 },
5686 "deprecated": true
5687 },
5688 "patch": {
5689 "tags": [
5690 "ClaimsEmployee"
5691 ],
5692 "summary": "Updates an existing claim.",
5693 "operationId": "PATCH_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId",
5694 "consumes": [
5695 "application/json",
5696 "text/json",
5697 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
5698 ],
5699 "produces": [
5700 "application/json",
5701 "text/json"
5702 ],
5703 "parameters": [
5704 {
5705 "name": "customerId",
5706 "in": "path",
5707 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
5708 "required": true,
5709 "type": "string"
5710 },
5711 {
5712 "name": "claimId",
5713 "in": "path",
5714 "description": "The id of the claim to update.",
5715 "required": true,
5716 "type": "string"
5717 },
5718 {
5719 "name": "claimUpdateRequest",
5720 "in": "body",
5721 "description": "The model containing the update request.",
5722 "required": true,
5723 "schema": {
5724 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimUpdateRequest"
5725 }
5726 },
5727 {
5728 "name": "Trov-Market",
5729 "in": "header",
5730 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
5731 "required": true,
5732 "type": "string",
5733 "default": "US"
5734 },
5735 {
5736 "name": "Trov-Client",
5737 "in": "header",
5738 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
5739 "required": true,
5740 "type": "string",
5741 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
5742 },
5743 {
5744 "name": "Accept-Language",
5745 "in": "header",
5746 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
5747 "required": true,
5748 "type": "string",
5749 "default": "en-US"
5750 },
5751 {
5752 "name": "Authorization",
5753 "in": "header",
5754 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
5755 "required": true,
5756 "type": "string",
5757 "default": ""
5758 }
5759 ],
5760 "responses": {
5761 "200": {
5762 "description": "OK",
5763 "schema": {
5764 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim"
5765 }
5766 },
5767 "400 AssetsNotClaimableException": {
5768 "description": "The specified assets are not claimable. This could be because they have already been associated as a non-repair item of an accepted claim.",
5769 "schema": {
5770 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetsNotClaimableException",
5771 "default": {
5772 "Message": "The specified assets are not claimable. This could be because they have already been associated as a non-repair item of an accepted claim.",
5773 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified assets are not claimable. This could be because they have already been associated as a non-repair item of an accepted claim.",
5774 "ExceptionType": "AssetsNotClaimableException",
5775 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5776 }
5777 }
5778 },
5779 "400 AssetsNotCoveredException": {
5780 "description": "The specified `LossDate` is not within the associated asset coverage dates.",
5781 "schema": {
5782 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetsNotCoveredException",
5783 "default": {
5784 "Message": "The assets are not covered on the specified date.",
5785 "ExceptionMessage": "The assets are not covered on the specified date.",
5786 "ExceptionType": "AssetsNotCoveredException",
5787 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5788 }
5789 }
5790 },
5791 "400 ClaimBankAccountNotSetException": {
5792 "description": "The claim cannot be settled because bank account information is required for the payout.",
5793 "schema": {
5794 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimBankAccountNotSetException",
5795 "default": {
5796 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because bank account information is required for the payout.",
5797 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because bank account information is required for the payout.",
5798 "ExceptionType": "ClaimBankAccountNotSetException",
5799 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5800 }
5801 }
5802 },
5803 "400 ClaimDoesNotSupportMultipleSettlementMethodsException": {
5804 "description": "The claim has multiple settlement methods and this is not a supported feature in the current market.",
5805 "schema": {
5806 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimDoesNotSupportMultipleSettlementMethodsException",
5807 "default": {
5808 "Message": "The claim has multiple settlement methods and this is not a supported feature in the current market.",
5809 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim has multiple settlement methods and this is not a supported feature in the current market.",
5810 "ExceptionType": "ClaimDoesNotSupportMultipleSettlementMethodsException",
5811 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5812 }
5813 }
5814 },
5815 "400 ClaimLocationNotSetException": {
5816 "description": "The specified claim cannot be submitted or accepted because the location has not been set.",
5817 "schema": {
5818 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimLocationNotSetException",
5819 "default": {
5820 "Message": "The claim does not have a loss location set.",
5821 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim does not have a loss location set.",
5822 "ExceptionType": "ClaimLocationNotSetException",
5823 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5824 }
5825 }
5826 },
5827 "400 ClaimLossTypeInvalidException": {
5828 "description": "The specified claim cannot be accepted because the loss type is invalid.",
5829 "schema": {
5830 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimLossTypeInvalidException",
5831 "default": {
5832 "Message": "The claim does not have a valid loss type set.",
5833 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim does not have a valid loss type set.",
5834 "ExceptionType": "ClaimLossTypeInvalidException",
5835 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5836 }
5837 }
5838 },
5839 "400 ClaimLossTypeNotSetException": {
5840 "description": "The specified claim cannot be accepted because the loss type has not been set.",
5841 "schema": {
5842 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimLossTypeNotSetException",
5843 "default": {
5844 "Message": "The claim does not have a loss type set.",
5845 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim does not have a loss type set.",
5846 "ExceptionType": "ClaimLossTypeNotSetException",
5847 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5848 }
5849 }
5850 },
5851 "400 ClaimNetPaymentDueNotPaidException": {
5852 "description": "The claim cannot be settled because the NetPaymentDue has not been paid.",
5853 "schema": {
5854 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimNetPaymentDueNotPaidException",
5855 "default": {
5856 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because the NetPaymentDue has not been paid.",
5857 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because the NetPaymentDue has not been paid.",
5858 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNetPaymentDueNotPaidException",
5859 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5860 }
5861 }
5862 },
5863 "400 ClaimNotAcceptableException": {
5864 "description": "The specified claim cannot be accepted in its current state.",
5865 "schema": {
5866 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimNotAcceptableException",
5867 "default": {
5868 "Message": "The claim cannot be accepted based on its current state.",
5869 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be accepted based on its current state.",
5870 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNotAcceptableException",
5871 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5872 }
5873 }
5874 },
5875 "400 ClaimNotReadyForAcceptanceException": {
5876 "description": "The specified claim cannot be accepted due to settlement issues.",
5877 "schema": {
5878 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimNotReadyForAcceptanceException",
5879 "default": {
5880 "Message": "The claim is not currently able to be accepted due to settlement issues.",
5881 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim is not currently able to be accepted due to settlement issues.",
5882 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNotReadyForAcceptanceException",
5883 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5884 }
5885 }
5886 },
5887 "400 ClaimPayoutNotSupportedForSettlementMethodException": {
5888 "description": "The specified claim cannot be settled because it has a payout when the settlement method does not support payouts.",
5889 "schema": {
5890 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimPayoutNotSupportedForSettlementMethodException",
5891 "default": {
5892 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because it has a payout, but the Payout settlement method does not support payouts.",
5893 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because it has a payout, but the Payout settlement method does not support payouts.",
5894 "ExceptionType": "ClaimPayoutNotSupportedForSettlementMethodException",
5895 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5896 }
5897 }
5898 },
5899 "400 CustomerNotClaimOwnerException": {
5900 "description": "The customer is not the owner of the claim with the given `claimId`.",
5901 "schema": {
5902 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerNotClaimOwnerException",
5903 "default": {
5904 "Message": "The customer is not the owner of the claim.",
5905 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is not the owner of the claim.",
5906 "ExceptionType": "CustomerNotClaimOwnerException",
5907 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5908 }
5909 }
5910 },
5911 "400 DateFormatException": {
5912 "description": "The `LossDate` was not specified in the ISO 8601 format.",
5913 "schema": {
5914 "$ref": "#/definitions/DateFormatException",
5915 "default": {
5916 "Message": "The date was not in the ISO 8601 format.",
5917 "ExceptionMessage": "The date was not in the ISO 8601 format.",
5918 "ExceptionType": "DateFormatException",
5919 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5920 }
5921 }
5922 },
5923 "400 LossDateInTheFutureException": {
5924 "description": "The specified `LossDate` is invalid due to being in the future.",
5925 "schema": {
5926 "$ref": "#/definitions/LossDateInTheFutureException",
5927 "default": {
5928 "Message": "The loss date can not be more than 26 hours in the future.",
5929 "ExceptionMessage": "The loss date can not be more than 26 hours in the future.",
5930 "ExceptionType": "LossDateInTheFutureException",
5931 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5932 }
5933 }
5934 },
5935 "400 NoActiveCoveragePeriodsException": {
5936 "description": "The claim cannot be settled because it has no active coverage periods.",
5937 "schema": {
5938 "$ref": "#/definitions/NoActiveCoveragePeriodsException",
5939 "default": {
5940 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because it has no active coverage periods.",
5941 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because it has no active coverage periods.",
5942 "ExceptionType": "NoActiveCoveragePeriodsException",
5943 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5944 }
5945 }
5946 },
5947 "400 NonPositiveClaimSettlementException": {
5948 "description": "The claim cannot be settled because it would result in a non positive payable amount.",
5949 "schema": {
5950 "$ref": "#/definitions/NonPositiveClaimSettlementException",
5951 "default": {
5952 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because it would result in a non positive payable amount.",
5953 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because it would result in a non positive payable amount.",
5954 "ExceptionType": "NonPositiveClaimSettlementException",
5955 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5956 }
5957 }
5958 },
5959 "400 PayoutLostOrStolenItemIsNotTotalLossException": {
5960 "description": "The claim cannot be settled because it is a payout and has non total loss items that were lost or stolen.",
5961 "schema": {
5962 "$ref": "#/definitions/PayoutLostOrStolenItemIsNotTotalLossException",
5963 "default": {
5964 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because it is a payout and has non total loss items that were lost or stolen.",
5965 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because it is a payout and has non total loss items that were lost or stolen.",
5966 "ExceptionType": "PayoutLostOrStolenItemIsNotTotalLossException",
5967 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5968 }
5969 }
5970 },
5971 "401 AuthenticationException": {
5972 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
5973 "schema": {
5974 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
5975 "default": {
5976 "Message": "string",
5977 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
5978 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
5979 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5980 }
5981 }
5982 },
5983 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
5984 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
5985 "schema": {
5986 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
5987 "default": {
5988 "Message": "string",
5989 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
5990 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
5991 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
5992 }
5993 }
5994 },
5995 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
5996 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
5997 "schema": {
5998 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
5999 "default": {
6000 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
6001 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
6002 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
6003 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6004 }
6005 }
6006 },
6007 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
6008 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6009 "schema": {
6010 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
6011 "default": {
6012 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6013 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6014 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
6015 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6016 }
6017 }
6018 }
6019 },
6020 "deprecated": true
6021 }
6022 },
6023 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/messages": {
6024 "get": {
6025 "tags": [
6026 "ClaimsEmployee"
6027 ],
6028 "summary": "Gets a collection of claim events by claim id for SIC support or admin users.\r\n \r\nOptionally includes all status updates, all photos, all changes to TypeOfLoss, LossDate, and Location, and all notes sorted by date.\r\n \r\nIncluding notes requires the user to be a sic support admin or user.\r\n \r\n`Value` is one of the models listed below determined by the corresponding `Type`:\r\n \r\n| Value | Type |\r\n| -- | -- |\r\n| ClaimStatusUpdate | ClaimEventType.StatusUpdate |\r\n| ClaimTypeOfLossUpdate | ClaimEventType.TypeOfLossUpdate |\r\n| ClaimCompanyMessage | ClaimEventType.CompanyMessage |\r\n| ClaimLossDateUpdate | ClaimEventType.LossDateUpdate |\r\n| ClaimLocationUpdate | ClaimEventType.LossLocationUpdate |\r\n| ClaimCustomerMessage | ClaimEventType.CustomerMessage |\r\n| ClaimPhoneNumberUpdate | ClaimEventType.PhoneNumberUpdate |\r\n| ClaimBankAccountUpdate | ClaimEventType.BankAccountUpdate |\r\n| ClaimAssignmentUpdate | ClaimEventType.AssignmentUpdate |\r\n| ClaimAssetUpdate | ClaimEventType.AssetUpdate |\r\n| ClaimAssetAmountUpdate | ClaimEventType.AssetAmountUpdate |\r\n| ClaimNote | ClaimEventType.Note |\r\n| ClaimPhoto | ClaimEventType.Photo |\r\n| ClaimPayout | ClaimEventType.Payout |",
6029 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_messages",
6030 "consumes": [],
6031 "produces": [
6032 "application/json",
6033 "text/json"
6034 ],
6035 "parameters": [
6036 {
6037 "name": "customerId",
6038 "in": "path",
6039 "description": "The id of the customer to get a claim for.",
6040 "required": true,
6041 "type": "string"
6042 },
6043 {
6044 "name": "claimId",
6045 "in": "path",
6046 "description": "The id of the claim to get.",
6047 "required": true,
6048 "type": "string"
6049 },
6050 {
6051 "name": "include",
6052 "in": "query",
6053 "description": "The types of events to be returned.",
6054 "required": false,
6055 "items": {
6056 "type": "string",
6057 "enum": [
6058 "StatusUpdate",
6059 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
6060 "LossDateUpdate",
6061 "LossLocationUpdate",
6062 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
6063 "BankAccountUpdate",
6064 "AssignmentUpdate",
6065 "CompanyMessage",
6066 "CustomerMessage",
6067 "Note",
6068 "Photo",
6069 "Payout",
6070 "AssetUpdate",
6071 "AssetAmountUpdate",
6072 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
6073 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
6074 "ExcessPayment",
6075 "Payable",
6076 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
6077 ]
6078 },
6079 "collectionFormat": "multi",
6080 "type": "array",
6081 "uniqueItems": true,
6082 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
6083 },
6084 {
6085 "name": "Trov-Market",
6086 "in": "header",
6087 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
6088 "required": true,
6089 "type": "string",
6090 "default": "US"
6091 },
6092 {
6093 "name": "Trov-Client",
6094 "in": "header",
6095 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
6096 "required": true,
6097 "type": "string",
6098 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
6099 },
6100 {
6101 "name": "Accept-Language",
6102 "in": "header",
6103 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
6104 "required": true,
6105 "type": "string",
6106 "default": "en-US"
6107 },
6108 {
6109 "name": "Authorization",
6110 "in": "header",
6111 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
6112 "required": true,
6113 "type": "string",
6114 "default": ""
6115 }
6116 ],
6117 "responses": {
6118 "200": {
6119 "description": "OK",
6120 "schema": {
6121 "items": {
6122 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimEvent"
6123 },
6124 "xml": {
6125 "name": "ClaimEvent",
6126 "wrapped": true
6127 },
6128 "type": "array",
6129 "default": [
6130 {
6131 "Type": "AssetAmountUpdate",
6132 "Value": {
6133 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
6134 "ClaimedAmount": {
6135 "Type": 0,
6136 "Value": 150.00
6137 },
6138 "Kind": "AssetAmountUpdate",
6139 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6140 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6141 "Id": "claimAssetAmountUpdateId",
6142 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6143 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6144 }
6145 },
6146 {
6147 "Type": "AssetUpdate",
6148 "Value": {
6149 "Action": "Add",
6150 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
6151 "IsAssetSameAsDeviceUsedToClaim": false,
6152 "Kind": "AssetUpdate",
6153 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6154 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6155 "Id": "claimAssetUpdateId",
6156 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6157 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6158 }
6159 },
6160 {
6161 "Type": "AssignmentUpdate",
6162 "Value": {
6163 "AssignedTo": "123456",
6164 "Kind": "AssignmentUpdate",
6165 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6166 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6167 "Id": "claimAssignmentUpdateId",
6168 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6169 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6170 }
6171 },
6172 {
6173 "Type": "BankAccountUpdate",
6174 "Value": {
6175 "BankAccount": {
6176 "Provider": "Pin",
6177 "Token": "jf843yfgjh93yrog9rey3htid98dsbhmvcpd0389jh5rj",
6178 "AccountNumberLast4Digits": "2347",
6179 "BsbLast4Digits": "9901",
6180 "Details": [
6181 {
6182 "Type": "BeneficiaryId",
6183 "Value": "a6000ce9-46b8-49a7-9f5b-325ed3f047c2",
6184 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
6185 },
6186 {
6187 "Type": "SortCodeLast4Digits",
6188 "Value": "3456",
6189 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
6190 }
6191 ]
6192 },
6193 "Text": "Bank updated: Account# XXXXXX2347, BSB XX9901",
6194 "Kind": "BankAccountUpdate",
6195 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6196 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6197 "Id": "claimBankAccountUpdateId",
6198 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6199 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6200 }
6201 },
6202 {
6203 "Type": "CompanyMessage",
6204 "Value": {
6205 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6206 "Text": "Message",
6207 "SubText": "SubText",
6208 "AcceptedResponseTypes": [
6209 "LossType"
6210 ],
6211 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6212 "Kind": "CompanyMessage",
6213 "Id": "claimCompanyMessageId",
6214 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6215 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6216 }
6217 },
6218 {
6219 "Type": "CustomerMessage",
6220 "Value": {
6221 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6222 "Text": "Message",
6223 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6224 "Kind": "CustomerMessage",
6225 "Id": "claimCustomerMessageId",
6226 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6227 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6228 }
6229 },
6230 {
6231 "Type": "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
6232 "Value": {
6233 "ClaimCustomerMessageId": "customerMessageId",
6234 "Text": "Message",
6235 "Kind": "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
6236 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6237 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6238 "Id": "claimDismissCustomerMessageId",
6239 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6240 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6241 }
6242 },
6243 {
6244 "Type": "ExcessPayment",
6245 "Value": {
6246 "Amount": {
6247 "Type": 0,
6248 "Value": 150.00
6249 },
6250 "CardNumberLast4Digits": "4123",
6251 "EventType": "Succeeded",
6252 "Kind": "ExcessPayment",
6253 "ClaimId": "claimId",
6254 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6255 "Id": "claimExcessPaymentId",
6256 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6257 "CreatedBy": "123456",
6258 "CreatedByEmail": "someone@trov.com"
6259 }
6260 },
6261 {
6262 "Type": "LossLocationUpdate",
6263 "Value": {
6264 "Location": {
6265 "Point": {
6266 "Latitude": 123.0,
6267 "Longitude": 123.0
6268 },
6269 "Address": {
6270 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
6271 "Street2": "APT 84",
6272 "City": "Medina",
6273 "State": "WA",
6274 "Zip": "98039",
6275 "Country": "USA",
6276 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
6277 "IsEmpty": false,
6278 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
6279 },
6280 "OriginalAddress": "1835 73rd Ave NE, APT 84, Medina, WA, 98038, USA"
6281 },
6282 "Text": "Location: 1835 73rd Ave NE, APT 84, Medina, WA, 98038, USA",
6283 "Kind": "LossLocationUpdate",
6284 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6285 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6286 "Id": "claimLocationUpdateId",
6287 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6288 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6289 }
6290 },
6291 {
6292 "Type": "LossDateUpdate",
6293 "Value": {
6294 "LossDate": {
6295 "year": 2016,
6296 "month": 5,
6297 "day": 12,
6298 "calendar": 0
6299 },
6300 "Text": "Loss date: Thursday, May 12, 2016",
6301 "Kind": "LossDateUpdate",
6302 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6303 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6304 "Id": "claimLossDateUpdateId",
6305 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6306 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6307 }
6308 },
6309 {
6310 "Type": "Note",
6311 "Value": {
6312 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
6313 "Text": "Text",
6314 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6315 "Kind": "Note",
6316 "Id": "claimNoteId",
6317 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6318 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6319 }
6320 },
6321 {
6322 "Type": "Payable",
6323 "Value": {
6324 "TotalClaimedAmount": {
6325 "Type": 0,
6326 "Value": 150.00
6327 },
6328 "TotalExcess": {
6329 "Type": 0,
6330 "Value": 150.00
6331 },
6332 "TotalPastDue": {
6333 "Type": 0,
6334 "Value": 150.00
6335 },
6336 "TotalPremiumRefund": {
6337 "Type": 0,
6338 "Value": 150.00
6339 },
6340 "TotalRefund": {
6341 "Type": 0,
6342 "Value": 150.00
6343 },
6344 "NetPaymentDue": {
6345 "Type": 0,
6346 "Value": 150.00
6347 },
6348 "NetPayoutAmount": {
6349 "Type": 0,
6350 "Value": 150.00
6351 },
6352 "TotalPayments": {
6353 "Type": 0,
6354 "Value": 150.00
6355 },
6356 "HasPayout": true,
6357 "HasPaymentDue": true,
6358 "HasZeroExcessPremiumRefund": false,
6359 "Text": "text",
6360 "Taxes": [
6361 {
6362 "Type": "GST (8%)",
6363 "Amount": {
6364 "Type": 0,
6365 "Value": 5.45
6366 },
6367 "Rate": 0.08,
6368 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
6369 },
6370 {
6371 "Type": "PST (7%)",
6372 "Amount": {
6373 "Type": 0,
6374 "Value": 5.45
6375 },
6376 "Rate": 0.07,
6377 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
6378 }
6379 ],
6380 "Kind": "Payable",
6381 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6382 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6383 "Id": "claimPayableId",
6384 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6385 "CreatedBy": "123456",
6386 "CreatedByEmail": "someone@trov.com"
6387 }
6388 },
6389 {
6390 "Type": "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
6391 "Value": {
6392 "PaymentCardToken": {
6393 "Type": 64,
6394 "Value": "tok_18fDR0DOTv2BYOrd14g6hICd"
6395 },
6396 "Kind": "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
6397 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6398 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6399 "Id": "claimSettlementMethodUpdate",
6400 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6401 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6402 }
6403 },
6404 {
6405 "Type": "Payout",
6406 "Value": {
6407 "Amount": {
6408 "Type": 0,
6409 "Value": 150.00
6410 },
6411 "EventType": "Succeeded",
6412 "Last4": "5678",
6413 "ProviderId": "provider-id",
6414 "ProviderResponse": "provider-response...",
6415 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6416 "Text": "text",
6417 "Kind": "Payout",
6418 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6419 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6420 "Id": "claimPayoutId",
6421 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6422 "CreatedBy": "123456",
6423 "CreatedByEmail": "someone@trov.com"
6424 }
6425 },
6426 {
6427 "Type": "PhoneNumberUpdate",
6428 "Value": {
6429 "PhoneNumber": {
6430 "Number": "555-555-1212",
6431 "IsConfirmed": true
6432 },
6433 "Text": "Phone # updated: 555-555-1212",
6434 "Kind": "PhoneNumberUpdate",
6435 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6436 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6437 "Id": "claimPhoneNumberUpdateId",
6438 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6439 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6440 }
6441 },
6442 {
6443 "Type": "Photo",
6444 "Value": {
6445 "FileId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
6446 "Width": 1280,
6447 "Height": 720,
6448 "Kind": "Photo",
6449 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6450 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6451 "Id": "claimPhotoId",
6452 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6453 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6454 }
6455 },
6456 {
6457 "Type": "SettlementMethodUpdate",
6458 "Value": {
6459 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
6460 "Method": "Repair",
6461 "Kind": "SettlementMethodUpdate",
6462 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6463 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6464 "Id": "claimSettlementMethodUpdate",
6465 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6466 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6467 }
6468 },
6469 {
6470 "Type": "StatusUpdate",
6471 "Value": {
6472 "ClaimStatus": "Accepted",
6473 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
6474 "AcceptedResponseTypes": [
6475 "Any"
6476 ],
6477 "Kind": "StatusUpdate",
6478 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6479 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6480 "Id": "claimStatusUpdateId",
6481 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6482 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6483 }
6484 },
6485 {
6486 "Type": "TypeOfLossUpdate",
6487 "Value": {
6488 "TypeOfLoss": "Lost",
6489 "Text": "Loss type: Lost",
6490 "Kind": "TypeOfLossUpdate",
6491 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
6492 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6493 "Id": "claimTypeOfLossUpdateId",
6494 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
6495 "CreatedBy": "123456"
6496 }
6497 }
6498 ]
6499 }
6500 },
6501 "401 AuthenticationException": {
6502 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
6503 "schema": {
6504 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
6505 "default": {
6506 "Message": "string",
6507 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
6508 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
6509 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6510 }
6511 }
6512 },
6513 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
6514 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
6515 "schema": {
6516 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
6517 "default": {
6518 "Message": "string",
6519 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
6520 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
6521 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6522 }
6523 }
6524 },
6525 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
6526 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
6527 "schema": {
6528 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
6529 "default": {
6530 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
6531 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
6532 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
6533 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6534 }
6535 }
6536 },
6537 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
6538 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6539 "schema": {
6540 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
6541 "default": {
6542 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6543 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6544 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
6545 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6546 }
6547 }
6548 }
6549 },
6550 "deprecated": true
6551 },
6552 "post": {
6553 "tags": [
6554 "ClaimsEmployee"
6555 ],
6556 "summary": "Creates a new claim company message for SIC support or admin users.",
6557 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_messages",
6558 "consumes": [
6559 "application/json",
6560 "text/json",
6561 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
6562 ],
6563 "produces": [
6564 "application/json",
6565 "text/json"
6566 ],
6567 "parameters": [
6568 {
6569 "name": "customerId",
6570 "in": "path",
6571 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
6572 "required": true,
6573 "type": "string"
6574 },
6575 {
6576 "name": "claimId",
6577 "in": "path",
6578 "description": "The id of the claim to get.",
6579 "required": true,
6580 "type": "string"
6581 },
6582 {
6583 "name": "request",
6584 "in": "body",
6585 "description": "The request body.",
6586 "required": true,
6587 "schema": {
6588 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimCreateClaimMessageRequest"
6589 }
6590 },
6591 {
6592 "name": "Trov-Market",
6593 "in": "header",
6594 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
6595 "required": true,
6596 "type": "string",
6597 "default": "US"
6598 },
6599 {
6600 "name": "Trov-Client",
6601 "in": "header",
6602 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
6603 "required": true,
6604 "type": "string",
6605 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
6606 },
6607 {
6608 "name": "Accept-Language",
6609 "in": "header",
6610 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
6611 "required": true,
6612 "type": "string",
6613 "default": "en-US"
6614 },
6615 {
6616 "name": "Authorization",
6617 "in": "header",
6618 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
6619 "required": true,
6620 "type": "string",
6621 "default": ""
6622 }
6623 ],
6624 "responses": {
6625 "201": {
6626 "description": "OK",
6627 "schema": {
6628 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimCompanyMessage"
6629 }
6630 },
6631 "400 ArgumentException": {
6632 "description": "The message is null or empty.",
6633 "schema": {
6634 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentException",
6635 "default": {
6636 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
6637 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
6638 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
6639 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6640 }
6641 }
6642 },
6643 "400 CustomerNotClaimOwnerException": {
6644 "description": "The customer is not the owner of the claim with the given `claimId`.",
6645 "schema": {
6646 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerNotClaimOwnerException",
6647 "default": {
6648 "Message": "The customer is not the owner of the claim.",
6649 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is not the owner of the claim.",
6650 "ExceptionType": "CustomerNotClaimOwnerException",
6651 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6652 }
6653 }
6654 },
6655 "401 AuthenticationException": {
6656 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
6657 "schema": {
6658 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
6659 "default": {
6660 "Message": "string",
6661 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
6662 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
6663 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6664 }
6665 }
6666 },
6667 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
6668 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
6669 "schema": {
6670 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
6671 "default": {
6672 "Message": "string",
6673 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
6674 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
6675 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6676 }
6677 }
6678 },
6679 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
6680 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
6681 "schema": {
6682 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
6683 "default": {
6684 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
6685 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
6686 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
6687 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6688 }
6689 }
6690 },
6691 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
6692 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6693 "schema": {
6694 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
6695 "default": {
6696 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6697 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6698 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
6699 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6700 }
6701 }
6702 }
6703 },
6704 "deprecated": true
6705 }
6706 },
6707 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/photo/{claimFileId}": {
6708 "get": {
6709 "tags": [
6710 "ClaimsEmployee"
6711 ],
6712 "summary": "Retrieves a thumbnail image for a claim photo.",
6713 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_photo_claimFileId",
6714 "consumes": [],
6715 "produces": [
6716 "application/json",
6717 "text/json"
6718 ],
6719 "parameters": [
6720 {
6721 "name": "customerId",
6722 "in": "path",
6723 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
6724 "required": true,
6725 "type": "string"
6726 },
6727 {
6728 "name": "claimId",
6729 "in": "path",
6730 "description": "The id of the claim.",
6731 "required": true,
6732 "type": "string"
6733 },
6734 {
6735 "name": "claimFileId",
6736 "in": "path",
6737 "description": "The id of the file in storage.",
6738 "required": true,
6739 "type": "string"
6740 },
6741 {
6742 "name": "width",
6743 "in": "query",
6744 "description": "The width of image.",
6745 "required": false,
6746 "type": "integer",
6747 "format": "int32"
6748 },
6749 {
6750 "name": "height",
6751 "in": "query",
6752 "description": "The height of image.",
6753 "required": false,
6754 "type": "integer",
6755 "format": "int32"
6756 },
6757 {
6758 "name": "maxWidth",
6759 "in": "query",
6760 "description": "The maximum width.",
6761 "required": false,
6762 "type": "integer",
6763 "format": "int32"
6764 },
6765 {
6766 "name": "maxHeight",
6767 "in": "query",
6768 "description": "The maximum height.",
6769 "required": false,
6770 "type": "integer",
6771 "format": "int32"
6772 },
6773 {
6774 "name": "fitMode",
6775 "in": "query",
6776 "description": "The mode used to resolve the aspect ratio differences between the requested and original image sizes. (0 = None , 1 = Max , 2 = Pad , 3 = Crop , 4 = Carve , 5 = Stretch )",
6777 "required": false,
6778 "type": "integer",
6779 "format": "int32",
6780 "default": 1,
6781 "enum": [
6782 0,
6783 1,
6784 2,
6785 3,
6786 4,
6787 5
6788 ],
6789 "x-enumName": "FitMode"
6790 },
6791 {
6792 "name": "Trov-Market",
6793 "in": "header",
6794 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
6795 "required": true,
6796 "type": "string",
6797 "default": "US"
6798 },
6799 {
6800 "name": "Trov-Client",
6801 "in": "header",
6802 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
6803 "required": true,
6804 "type": "string",
6805 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
6806 },
6807 {
6808 "name": "Accept-Language",
6809 "in": "header",
6810 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
6811 "required": true,
6812 "type": "string",
6813 "default": "en-US"
6814 },
6815 {
6816 "name": "Authorization",
6817 "in": "header",
6818 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
6819 "required": true,
6820 "type": "string",
6821 "default": ""
6822 }
6823 ],
6824 "responses": {
6825 "200": {
6826 "description": "OK",
6827 "schema": {
6828 "type": "string",
6829 "format": "byte"
6830 }
6831 },
6832 "401 AuthenticationException": {
6833 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
6834 "schema": {
6835 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
6836 "default": {
6837 "Message": "string",
6838 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
6839 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
6840 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6841 }
6842 }
6843 },
6844 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
6845 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
6846 "schema": {
6847 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
6848 "default": {
6849 "Message": "string",
6850 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
6851 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
6852 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6853 }
6854 }
6855 },
6856 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
6857 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.<br/>\r\n The claim photo does not exist.",
6858 "schema": {
6859 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
6860 "default": {
6861 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
6862 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
6863 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
6864 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6865 }
6866 }
6867 },
6868 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
6869 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6870 "schema": {
6871 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
6872 "default": {
6873 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6874 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6875 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
6876 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6877 }
6878 }
6879 }
6880 },
6881 "deprecated": true
6882 }
6883 },
6884 "/api/v3.0/sic/claim/{claimId}/assign/{employeeId}": {
6885 "post": {
6886 "tags": [
6887 "ClaimsEmployee"
6888 ],
6889 "summary": "Assigns the specified claim object to the current employee.",
6890 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_claim_claimId_assign_employeeId",
6891 "consumes": [],
6892 "produces": [
6893 "application/json",
6894 "text/json"
6895 ],
6896 "parameters": [
6897 {
6898 "name": "claimId",
6899 "in": "path",
6900 "description": "The id of the claim to assign.",
6901 "required": true,
6902 "type": "string"
6903 },
6904 {
6905 "name": "employeeId",
6906 "in": "path",
6907 "description": "The id of the employee to assign to.",
6908 "required": true,
6909 "type": "string"
6910 },
6911 {
6912 "name": "Trov-Market",
6913 "in": "header",
6914 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
6915 "required": true,
6916 "type": "string",
6917 "default": "US"
6918 },
6919 {
6920 "name": "Trov-Client",
6921 "in": "header",
6922 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
6923 "required": true,
6924 "type": "string",
6925 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
6926 },
6927 {
6928 "name": "Accept-Language",
6929 "in": "header",
6930 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
6931 "required": true,
6932 "type": "string",
6933 "default": "en-US"
6934 },
6935 {
6936 "name": "Authorization",
6937 "in": "header",
6938 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
6939 "required": true,
6940 "type": "string",
6941 "default": ""
6942 }
6943 ],
6944 "responses": {
6945 "201": {
6946 "description": "OK",
6947 "schema": {
6948 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim"
6949 }
6950 },
6951 "401 AuthenticationException": {
6952 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
6953 "schema": {
6954 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
6955 "default": {
6956 "Message": "string",
6957 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
6958 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
6959 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6960 }
6961 }
6962 },
6963 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
6964 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
6965 "schema": {
6966 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
6967 "default": {
6968 "Message": "string",
6969 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
6970 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
6971 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6972 }
6973 }
6974 },
6975 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
6976 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6977 "schema": {
6978 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
6979 "default": {
6980 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6981 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
6982 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
6983 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
6984 }
6985 }
6986 }
6987 },
6988 "deprecated": true
6989 }
6990 },
6991 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/notes": {
6992 "post": {
6993 "tags": [
6994 "ClaimsEmployee"
6995 ],
6996 "summary": "Creates a new claim note for SIC support or admin users.",
6997 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_notes",
6998 "consumes": [
6999 "application/json",
7000 "text/json",
7001 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
7002 ],
7003 "produces": [
7004 "application/json",
7005 "text/json"
7006 ],
7007 "parameters": [
7008 {
7009 "name": "customerId",
7010 "in": "path",
7011 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
7012 "required": true,
7013 "type": "string"
7014 },
7015 {
7016 "name": "claimId",
7017 "in": "path",
7018 "description": "The id of the claim to get.",
7019 "required": true,
7020 "type": "string"
7021 },
7022 {
7023 "name": "request",
7024 "in": "body",
7025 "description": "The request body.",
7026 "required": true,
7027 "schema": {
7028 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimCreateClaimMessageRequest"
7029 }
7030 },
7031 {
7032 "name": "Trov-Market",
7033 "in": "header",
7034 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
7035 "required": true,
7036 "type": "string",
7037 "default": "US"
7038 },
7039 {
7040 "name": "Trov-Client",
7041 "in": "header",
7042 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
7043 "required": true,
7044 "type": "string",
7045 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
7046 },
7047 {
7048 "name": "Accept-Language",
7049 "in": "header",
7050 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
7051 "required": true,
7052 "type": "string",
7053 "default": "en-US"
7054 },
7055 {
7056 "name": "Authorization",
7057 "in": "header",
7058 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
7059 "required": true,
7060 "type": "string",
7061 "default": ""
7062 }
7063 ],
7064 "responses": {
7065 "201": {
7066 "description": "OK",
7067 "schema": {
7068 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimNote"
7069 }
7070 },
7071 "400 ArgumentException": {
7072 "description": "The message is null or empty.",
7073 "schema": {
7074 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentException",
7075 "default": {
7076 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
7077 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
7078 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
7079 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7080 }
7081 }
7082 },
7083 "401 AuthenticationException": {
7084 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
7085 "schema": {
7086 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
7087 "default": {
7088 "Message": "string",
7089 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7090 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
7091 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7092 }
7093 }
7094 },
7095 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
7096 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
7097 "schema": {
7098 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
7099 "default": {
7100 "Message": "string",
7101 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7102 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
7103 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7104 }
7105 }
7106 },
7107 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
7108 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
7109 "schema": {
7110 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
7111 "default": {
7112 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7113 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7114 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
7115 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7116 }
7117 }
7118 },
7119 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
7120 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7121 "schema": {
7122 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
7123 "default": {
7124 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7125 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7126 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
7127 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7128 }
7129 }
7130 }
7131 },
7132 "deprecated": true
7133 }
7134 },
7135 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/manual-refund": {
7136 "post": {
7137 "tags": [
7138 "ClaimsEmployee"
7139 ],
7140 "summary": "Performs a manual refund for a claim.",
7141 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_manual_refund",
7142 "consumes": [
7143 "application/json",
7144 "text/json",
7145 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
7146 ],
7147 "produces": [],
7148 "parameters": [
7149 {
7150 "name": "customerId",
7151 "in": "path",
7152 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
7153 "required": true,
7154 "type": "string"
7155 },
7156 {
7157 "name": "claimId",
7158 "in": "path",
7159 "description": "The id of the claim to perform a manual refund for.",
7160 "required": true,
7161 "type": "string"
7162 },
7163 {
7164 "name": "request",
7165 "in": "body",
7166 "description": "The model containing the manual claim refund request.",
7167 "required": true,
7168 "schema": {
7169 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedClaimManualClaimRefundRequest"
7170 }
7171 },
7172 {
7173 "name": "Trov-Market",
7174 "in": "header",
7175 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
7176 "required": true,
7177 "type": "string",
7178 "default": "US"
7179 },
7180 {
7181 "name": "Trov-Client",
7182 "in": "header",
7183 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
7184 "required": true,
7185 "type": "string",
7186 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
7187 },
7188 {
7189 "name": "Accept-Language",
7190 "in": "header",
7191 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
7192 "required": true,
7193 "type": "string",
7194 "default": "en-US"
7195 },
7196 {
7197 "name": "Authorization",
7198 "in": "header",
7199 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
7200 "required": true,
7201 "type": "string",
7202 "default": ""
7203 }
7204 ],
7205 "responses": {
7206 "204": {
7207 "description": "No Content"
7208 },
7209 "401 AuthenticationException": {
7210 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin.",
7211 "schema": {
7212 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
7213 "default": {
7214 "Message": "string",
7215 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7216 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
7217 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7218 }
7219 }
7220 },
7221 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
7222 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin in this region.",
7223 "schema": {
7224 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
7225 "default": {
7226 "Message": "string",
7227 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7228 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
7229 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7230 }
7231 }
7232 },
7233 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
7234 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
7235 "schema": {
7236 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
7237 "default": {
7238 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7239 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7240 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
7241 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7242 }
7243 }
7244 },
7245 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
7246 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7247 "schema": {
7248 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
7249 "default": {
7250 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7251 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7252 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
7253 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7254 }
7255 }
7256 }
7257 },
7258 "deprecated": true
7259 }
7260 },
7261 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/manual-status": {
7262 "post": {
7263 "tags": [
7264 "ClaimsEmployee"
7265 ],
7266 "summary": "Performs a manual claim status update.",
7267 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_manual_status",
7268 "consumes": [
7269 "application/json",
7270 "text/json",
7271 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
7272 ],
7273 "produces": [],
7274 "parameters": [
7275 {
7276 "name": "customerId",
7277 "in": "path",
7278 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
7279 "required": true,
7280 "type": "string"
7281 },
7282 {
7283 "name": "claimId",
7284 "in": "path",
7285 "description": "The id of the claim to perform a manual status update for.",
7286 "required": true,
7287 "type": "string"
7288 },
7289 {
7290 "name": "request",
7291 "in": "body",
7292 "description": "The model containing the manual claim status update request.",
7293 "required": true,
7294 "schema": {
7295 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedClaimManualClaimStatusUpdateRequest"
7296 }
7297 },
7298 {
7299 "name": "Trov-Market",
7300 "in": "header",
7301 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
7302 "required": true,
7303 "type": "string",
7304 "default": "US"
7305 },
7306 {
7307 "name": "Trov-Client",
7308 "in": "header",
7309 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
7310 "required": true,
7311 "type": "string",
7312 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
7313 },
7314 {
7315 "name": "Accept-Language",
7316 "in": "header",
7317 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
7318 "required": true,
7319 "type": "string",
7320 "default": "en-US"
7321 },
7322 {
7323 "name": "Authorization",
7324 "in": "header",
7325 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
7326 "required": true,
7327 "type": "string",
7328 "default": ""
7329 }
7330 ],
7331 "responses": {
7332 "204": {
7333 "description": "No Content"
7334 },
7335 "400 ClaimStatusNotSupportedException": {
7336 "description": "The requested claim status is not supported.",
7337 "schema": {
7338 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimStatusNotSupportedException",
7339 "default": {
7340 "Message": "The claim status string is not supported.",
7341 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim status string is not supported.",
7342 "ExceptionType": "ClaimStatusNotSupportedException",
7343 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7344 }
7345 }
7346 },
7347 "401 AuthenticationException": {
7348 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin.",
7349 "schema": {
7350 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
7351 "default": {
7352 "Message": "string",
7353 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7354 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
7355 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7356 }
7357 }
7358 },
7359 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
7360 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin in this region.",
7361 "schema": {
7362 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
7363 "default": {
7364 "Message": "string",
7365 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7366 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
7367 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7368 }
7369 }
7370 },
7371 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
7372 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
7373 "schema": {
7374 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
7375 "default": {
7376 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7377 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7378 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
7379 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7380 }
7381 }
7382 },
7383 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
7384 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7385 "schema": {
7386 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
7387 "default": {
7388 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7389 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7390 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
7391 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7392 }
7393 }
7394 }
7395 },
7396 "deprecated": true
7397 }
7398 },
7399 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/requestPayout": {
7400 "post": {
7401 "tags": [
7402 "ClaimsEmployee"
7403 ],
7404 "summary": "Triggers the claims bot to request a payout of the customer's claim in full.",
7405 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_requestPayout",
7406 "consumes": [],
7407 "produces": [],
7408 "parameters": [
7409 {
7410 "name": "customerId",
7411 "in": "path",
7412 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
7413 "required": true,
7414 "type": "string"
7415 },
7416 {
7417 "name": "claimId",
7418 "in": "path",
7419 "description": "The id of the claim to update.",
7420 "required": true,
7421 "type": "string"
7422 },
7423 {
7424 "name": "Trov-Market",
7425 "in": "header",
7426 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
7427 "required": true,
7428 "type": "string",
7429 "default": "US"
7430 },
7431 {
7432 "name": "Trov-Client",
7433 "in": "header",
7434 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
7435 "required": true,
7436 "type": "string",
7437 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
7438 },
7439 {
7440 "name": "Accept-Language",
7441 "in": "header",
7442 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
7443 "required": true,
7444 "type": "string",
7445 "default": "en-US"
7446 },
7447 {
7448 "name": "Authorization",
7449 "in": "header",
7450 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
7451 "required": true,
7452 "type": "string",
7453 "default": ""
7454 }
7455 ],
7456 "responses": {
7457 "204": {
7458 "description": "No Content"
7459 },
7460 "400 InvalidMarketException": {
7461 "description": "The endpoint is not enabled for the requested market.",
7462 "schema": {
7463 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidMarketException",
7464 "default": {
7465 "Message": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
7466 "ExceptionMessage": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
7467 "ExceptionType": "InvalidMarketException",
7468 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7469 }
7470 }
7471 },
7472 "401 AuthenticationException": {
7473 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
7474 "schema": {
7475 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
7476 "default": {
7477 "Message": "string",
7478 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7479 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
7480 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7481 }
7482 }
7483 },
7484 "401 ForbiddenException": {
7485 "description": "The current configuration requires the user to be a SIC support admin in order to do the request",
7486 "schema": {
7487 "$ref": "#/definitions/ForbiddenException",
7488 "default": {
7489 "Message": "string",
7490 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7491 "ExceptionType": "ForbiddenException",
7492 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7493 }
7494 }
7495 },
7496 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
7497 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
7498 "schema": {
7499 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
7500 "default": {
7501 "Message": "string",
7502 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7503 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
7504 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7505 }
7506 }
7507 },
7508 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
7509 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
7510 "schema": {
7511 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
7512 "default": {
7513 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7514 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7515 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
7516 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7517 }
7518 }
7519 },
7520 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
7521 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7522 "schema": {
7523 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
7524 "default": {
7525 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7526 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7527 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
7528 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7529 }
7530 }
7531 }
7532 },
7533 "deprecated": true
7534 }
7535 },
7536 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/requestPaymentInfo": {
7537 "post": {
7538 "tags": [
7539 "ClaimsEmployee"
7540 ],
7541 "summary": "Triggers the claims bot to request the customer's payment info of a specified type.\r\n \r\nThe payment info will be used to pay the total excess of the specified claim.",
7542 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_requestPaymentInfo",
7543 "consumes": [],
7544 "produces": [],
7545 "parameters": [
7546 {
7547 "name": "customerId",
7548 "in": "path",
7549 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
7550 "required": true,
7551 "type": "string"
7552 },
7553 {
7554 "name": "claimId",
7555 "in": "path",
7556 "description": "The id of the claim to update.",
7557 "required": true,
7558 "type": "string"
7559 },
7560 {
7561 "name": "Trov-Market",
7562 "in": "header",
7563 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
7564 "required": true,
7565 "type": "string",
7566 "default": "US"
7567 },
7568 {
7569 "name": "Trov-Client",
7570 "in": "header",
7571 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
7572 "required": true,
7573 "type": "string",
7574 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
7575 },
7576 {
7577 "name": "Accept-Language",
7578 "in": "header",
7579 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
7580 "required": true,
7581 "type": "string",
7582 "default": "en-US"
7583 },
7584 {
7585 "name": "Authorization",
7586 "in": "header",
7587 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
7588 "required": true,
7589 "type": "string",
7590 "default": ""
7591 }
7592 ],
7593 "responses": {
7594 "204": {
7595 "description": "No Content"
7596 },
7597 "400 InvalidMarketException": {
7598 "description": "The endpoint is not enabled for the requested market.",
7599 "schema": {
7600 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidMarketException",
7601 "default": {
7602 "Message": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
7603 "ExceptionMessage": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
7604 "ExceptionType": "InvalidMarketException",
7605 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7606 }
7607 }
7608 },
7609 "401 AuthenticationException": {
7610 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
7611 "schema": {
7612 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
7613 "default": {
7614 "Message": "string",
7615 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7616 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
7617 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7618 }
7619 }
7620 },
7621 "401 ForbiddenException": {
7622 "description": "The current configuration requires the user to be a SIC support admin in order to do the request",
7623 "schema": {
7624 "$ref": "#/definitions/ForbiddenException",
7625 "default": {
7626 "Message": "string",
7627 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7628 "ExceptionType": "ForbiddenException",
7629 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7630 }
7631 }
7632 },
7633 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
7634 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
7635 "schema": {
7636 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
7637 "default": {
7638 "Message": "string",
7639 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7640 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
7641 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7642 }
7643 }
7644 },
7645 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
7646 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
7647 "schema": {
7648 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
7649 "default": {
7650 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7651 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7652 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
7653 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7654 }
7655 }
7656 },
7657 "500 PaymentProviderMinimumChargeException": {
7658 "description": "The claim's total excess is less than the payment provider's minimum charge",
7659 "schema": {
7660 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderMinimumChargeException",
7661 "default": {
7662 "Message": "Unable to charge . The minimum charge amount is .",
7663 "ExceptionMessage": "Unable to charge . The minimum charge amount is .",
7664 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderMinimumChargeException",
7665 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7666 }
7667 }
7668 },
7669 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
7670 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7671 "schema": {
7672 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
7673 "default": {
7674 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7675 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7676 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
7677 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7678 }
7679 }
7680 }
7681 },
7682 "deprecated": true
7683 }
7684 },
7685 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/asset/{customerAssetId}": {
7686 "post": {
7687 "tags": [
7688 "ClaimsEmployee"
7689 ],
7690 "summary": "Updates an asset for an associated claim.",
7691 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_asset_customerAssetId",
7692 "consumes": [
7693 "application/json",
7694 "text/json",
7695 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
7696 ],
7697 "produces": [],
7698 "parameters": [
7699 {
7700 "name": "customerId",
7701 "in": "path",
7702 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
7703 "required": true,
7704 "type": "string"
7705 },
7706 {
7707 "name": "claimId",
7708 "in": "path",
7709 "description": "The id of the claim to update.",
7710 "required": true,
7711 "type": "string"
7712 },
7713 {
7714 "name": "customerAssetId",
7715 "in": "path",
7716 "description": "The id of the asset associated with the claim to update.",
7717 "required": true,
7718 "type": "string"
7719 },
7720 {
7721 "name": "claimAssetUpdateRequest",
7722 "in": "body",
7723 "description": "The model containing the claim asset update request.",
7724 "required": true,
7725 "schema": {
7726 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimAssetUpdateRequest"
7727 }
7728 },
7729 {
7730 "name": "Trov-Market",
7731 "in": "header",
7732 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
7733 "required": true,
7734 "type": "string",
7735 "default": "US"
7736 },
7737 {
7738 "name": "Trov-Client",
7739 "in": "header",
7740 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
7741 "required": true,
7742 "type": "string",
7743 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
7744 },
7745 {
7746 "name": "Accept-Language",
7747 "in": "header",
7748 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
7749 "required": true,
7750 "type": "string",
7751 "default": "en-US"
7752 },
7753 {
7754 "name": "Authorization",
7755 "in": "header",
7756 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
7757 "required": true,
7758 "type": "string",
7759 "default": ""
7760 }
7761 ],
7762 "responses": {
7763 "204": {
7764 "description": "No Content"
7765 },
7766 "400 AssetClaimedValueLessThanExcessException": {
7767 "description": "The claimed value must be greater than or equal to the excess value of the asset.",
7768 "schema": {
7769 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetClaimedValueLessThanExcessException",
7770 "default": {
7771 "Message": "The claimed value must be greater than or equal to the excess value of the asset.",
7772 "ExceptionMessage": "The claimed value must be greater than or equal to the excess value of the asset.",
7773 "ExceptionType": "AssetClaimedValueLessThanExcessException",
7774 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7775 }
7776 }
7777 },
7778 "400 AssetNotInClaimException": {
7779 "description": "The specified asset is not part of the specified claim.",
7780 "schema": {
7781 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetNotInClaimException",
7782 "default": {
7783 "Message": "The specified asset (string) does not belong to the claim (string).",
7784 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified asset (string) does not belong to the claim (string).",
7785 "ExceptionType": "AssetNotInClaimException",
7786 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7787 }
7788 }
7789 },
7790 "400 InvalidAssetClaimedValueException": {
7791 "description": "The claimed value must be less than or equal to the insured value of the asset.",
7792 "schema": {
7793 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAssetClaimedValueException",
7794 "default": {
7795 "Message": "The claimed value must be less than or equal to the insured value of the asset.",
7796 "ExceptionMessage": "The claimed value must be less than or equal to the insured value of the asset.",
7797 "ExceptionType": "InvalidAssetClaimedValueException",
7798 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7799 }
7800 }
7801 },
7802 "400 InvalidClaimStatusException": {
7803 "description": "The claim status is not submitted. A submitted status is required to change an asset claimed value.",
7804 "schema": {
7805 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidClaimStatusException",
7806 "default": {
7807 "Message": "The claim status is not in the expected state.",
7808 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim status is not in the expected state.",
7809 "ExceptionType": "InvalidClaimStatusException",
7810 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7811 }
7812 }
7813 },
7814 "401 AuthenticationException": {
7815 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
7816 "schema": {
7817 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
7818 "default": {
7819 "Message": "string",
7820 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7821 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
7822 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7823 }
7824 }
7825 },
7826 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
7827 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
7828 "schema": {
7829 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
7830 "default": {
7831 "Message": "string",
7832 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7833 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
7834 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7835 }
7836 }
7837 },
7838 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
7839 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
7840 "schema": {
7841 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
7842 "default": {
7843 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7844 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
7845 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
7846 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7847 }
7848 }
7849 },
7850 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
7851 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7852 "schema": {
7853 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
7854 "default": {
7855 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7856 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
7857 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
7858 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7859 }
7860 }
7861 }
7862 },
7863 "deprecated": true
7864 }
7865 },
7866 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/asset/{customerAssetId}/settlement": {
7867 "post": {
7868 "tags": [
7869 "ClaimsEmployee"
7870 ],
7871 "summary": "Updates the claim settlement method for an asset for an associated claim .",
7872 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_asset_customerAssetId_settlement",
7873 "consumes": [
7874 "application/json",
7875 "text/json",
7876 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
7877 ],
7878 "produces": [
7879 "application/json",
7880 "text/json"
7881 ],
7882 "parameters": [
7883 {
7884 "name": "customerId",
7885 "in": "path",
7886 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
7887 "required": true,
7888 "type": "string"
7889 },
7890 {
7891 "name": "claimId",
7892 "in": "path",
7893 "description": "The id of the claim to update.",
7894 "required": true,
7895 "type": "string"
7896 },
7897 {
7898 "name": "customerAssetId",
7899 "in": "path",
7900 "description": "The id of the asset associated with the claim to update.",
7901 "required": true,
7902 "type": "string"
7903 },
7904 {
7905 "name": "request",
7906 "in": "body",
7907 "description": "The model containing the claim settlement method update request.",
7908 "required": true,
7909 "schema": {
7910 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimSettlementMethodUpdateRequest"
7911 }
7912 },
7913 {
7914 "name": "Trov-Market",
7915 "in": "header",
7916 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
7917 "required": true,
7918 "type": "string",
7919 "default": "US"
7920 },
7921 {
7922 "name": "Trov-Client",
7923 "in": "header",
7924 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
7925 "required": true,
7926 "type": "string",
7927 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
7928 },
7929 {
7930 "name": "Accept-Language",
7931 "in": "header",
7932 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
7933 "required": true,
7934 "type": "string",
7935 "default": "en-US"
7936 },
7937 {
7938 "name": "Authorization",
7939 "in": "header",
7940 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
7941 "required": true,
7942 "type": "string",
7943 "default": ""
7944 }
7945 ],
7946 "responses": {
7947 "204": {
7948 "description": "OK",
7949 "schema": {
7950 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim"
7951 }
7952 },
7953 "400 AssetNotInClaimException": {
7954 "description": "The specified asset is not part of the specified claim.",
7955 "schema": {
7956 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetNotInClaimException",
7957 "default": {
7958 "Message": "The specified asset (string) does not belong to the claim (string).",
7959 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified asset (string) does not belong to the claim (string).",
7960 "ExceptionType": "AssetNotInClaimException",
7961 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7962 }
7963 }
7964 },
7965 "400 ClaimNotModifiableException": {
7966 "description": "The claim is in a state where it cannot be modified.",
7967 "schema": {
7968 "$ref": "#/definitions/ClaimNotModifiableException",
7969 "default": {
7970 "Message": "The claim cannot be modified based on its current state.",
7971 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be modified based on its current state.",
7972 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNotModifiableException",
7973 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7974 }
7975 }
7976 },
7977 "400 InvalidClaimStatusException": {
7978 "description": "The claim status is not submitted. A submitted status is required to change an asset claimed value.",
7979 "schema": {
7980 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidClaimStatusException",
7981 "default": {
7982 "Message": "The claim status is not in the expected state.",
7983 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim status is not in the expected state.",
7984 "ExceptionType": "InvalidClaimStatusException",
7985 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7986 }
7987 }
7988 },
7989 "400 InvalidSettlementMethodException": {
7990 "description": "The settlement method is not valid for the claim loss type.",
7991 "schema": {
7992 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidSettlementMethodException",
7993 "default": {
7994 "Message": "string",
7995 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
7996 "ExceptionType": "InvalidSettlementMethodException",
7997 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
7998 }
7999 }
8000 },
8001 "401 AuthenticationException": {
8002 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
8003 "schema": {
8004 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
8005 "default": {
8006 "Message": "string",
8007 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
8008 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
8009 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8010 }
8011 }
8012 },
8013 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
8014 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
8015 "schema": {
8016 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
8017 "default": {
8018 "Message": "string",
8019 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
8020 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
8021 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8022 }
8023 }
8024 },
8025 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
8026 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
8027 "schema": {
8028 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
8029 "default": {
8030 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
8031 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
8032 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
8033 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8034 }
8035 }
8036 },
8037 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8038 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8039 "schema": {
8040 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8041 "default": {
8042 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8043 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8044 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8045 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8046 }
8047 }
8048 }
8049 },
8050 "deprecated": true
8051 }
8052 },
8053 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/claim/{claimId}/messages/{claimCustomerMessageId}/dismiss": {
8054 "post": {
8055 "tags": [
8056 "ClaimsEmployee"
8057 ],
8058 "summary": "Dismisses a customer message for a claim.",
8059 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_claim_claimId_messages_claimCustomerMessageId_dismiss",
8060 "consumes": [],
8061 "produces": [],
8062 "parameters": [
8063 {
8064 "name": "customerId",
8065 "in": "path",
8066 "description": "The id of the customer who owns the claim.",
8067 "required": true,
8068 "type": "string"
8069 },
8070 {
8071 "name": "claimId",
8072 "in": "path",
8073 "description": "The id of the claim to update.",
8074 "required": true,
8075 "type": "string"
8076 },
8077 {
8078 "name": "claimCustomerMessageId",
8079 "in": "path",
8080 "description": "The id of the claim customer message to dismiss.",
8081 "required": true,
8082 "type": "string"
8083 },
8084 {
8085 "name": "Trov-Market",
8086 "in": "header",
8087 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8088 "required": true,
8089 "type": "string",
8090 "default": "US"
8091 },
8092 {
8093 "name": "Trov-Client",
8094 "in": "header",
8095 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8096 "required": true,
8097 "type": "string",
8098 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8099 },
8100 {
8101 "name": "Accept-Language",
8102 "in": "header",
8103 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8104 "required": true,
8105 "type": "string",
8106 "default": "en-US"
8107 },
8108 {
8109 "name": "Authorization",
8110 "in": "header",
8111 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
8112 "required": true,
8113 "type": "string",
8114 "default": ""
8115 }
8116 ],
8117 "responses": {
8118 "204": {
8119 "description": "No Content"
8120 },
8121 "401 AuthenticationException": {
8122 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
8123 "schema": {
8124 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
8125 "default": {
8126 "Message": "string",
8127 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
8128 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
8129 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8130 }
8131 }
8132 },
8133 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
8134 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
8135 "schema": {
8136 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
8137 "default": {
8138 "Message": "string",
8139 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
8140 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
8141 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8142 }
8143 }
8144 },
8145 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
8146 "description": "There is no claim with the given `claimId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified claim.",
8147 "schema": {
8148 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
8149 "default": {
8150 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
8151 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
8152 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
8153 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8154 }
8155 }
8156 },
8157 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8158 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8159 "schema": {
8160 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8161 "default": {
8162 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8163 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8164 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8165 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8166 }
8167 }
8168 }
8169 },
8170 "deprecated": true
8171 }
8172 },
8173 "/api/v3.0/admin/client": {
8174 "get": {
8175 "tags": [
8176 "ClientAdmin"
8177 ],
8178 "summary": "Gets all available clients.",
8179 "operationId": "GET_api_admin_client",
8180 "consumes": [],
8181 "produces": [
8182 "application/json",
8183 "text/json"
8184 ],
8185 "parameters": [
8186 {
8187 "name": "Trov-Market",
8188 "in": "header",
8189 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8190 "required": true,
8191 "type": "string",
8192 "default": "US"
8193 },
8194 {
8195 "name": "Trov-Client",
8196 "in": "header",
8197 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8198 "required": true,
8199 "type": "string",
8200 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8201 },
8202 {
8203 "name": "Accept-Language",
8204 "in": "header",
8205 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8206 "required": true,
8207 "type": "string",
8208 "default": "en-US"
8209 },
8210 {
8211 "name": "Authorization",
8212 "in": "header",
8213 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
8214 "required": true,
8215 "type": "string",
8216 "default": ""
8217 }
8218 ],
8219 "responses": {
8220 "200": {
8221 "description": "OK",
8222 "schema": {
8223 "items": {
8224 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedClientClientResponse"
8225 },
8226 "xml": {
8227 "name": "ClientResponse",
8228 "wrapped": true
8229 },
8230 "type": "array"
8231 }
8232 },
8233 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8234 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8235 "schema": {
8236 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8237 "default": {
8238 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8239 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8240 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8241 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8242 }
8243 }
8244 }
8245 },
8246 "deprecated": true
8247 },
8248 "post": {
8249 "tags": [
8250 "ClientAdmin"
8251 ],
8252 "summary": "Creates a new client.",
8253 "operationId": "POST_api_admin_client",
8254 "consumes": [
8255 "application/json",
8256 "text/json",
8257 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
8258 ],
8259 "produces": [
8260 "application/json",
8261 "text/json"
8262 ],
8263 "parameters": [
8264 {
8265 "name": "request",
8266 "in": "body",
8267 "required": true,
8268 "schema": {
8269 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedClientCreateClientRequest"
8270 }
8271 },
8272 {
8273 "name": "Trov-Market",
8274 "in": "header",
8275 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8276 "required": true,
8277 "type": "string",
8278 "default": "US"
8279 },
8280 {
8281 "name": "Trov-Client",
8282 "in": "header",
8283 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8284 "required": true,
8285 "type": "string",
8286 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8287 },
8288 {
8289 "name": "Accept-Language",
8290 "in": "header",
8291 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8292 "required": true,
8293 "type": "string",
8294 "default": "en-US"
8295 },
8296 {
8297 "name": "Authorization",
8298 "in": "header",
8299 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
8300 "required": true,
8301 "type": "string",
8302 "default": ""
8303 }
8304 ],
8305 "responses": {
8306 "200": {
8307 "description": "OK",
8308 "schema": {
8309 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedClientClientResponse"
8310 }
8311 },
8312 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8313 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8314 "schema": {
8315 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8316 "default": {
8317 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8318 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8319 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8320 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8321 }
8322 }
8323 }
8324 },
8325 "deprecated": true
8326 }
8327 },
8328 "/api/v3.0/admin/client/{clientId}/isActive/{isActive}": {
8329 "put": {
8330 "tags": [
8331 "ClientAdmin"
8332 ],
8333 "summary": "Updates the `IsActive` state for the client specified by the id.",
8334 "operationId": "PUT_api_admin_client_clientId_isActive_isActive",
8335 "consumes": [],
8336 "produces": [],
8337 "parameters": [
8338 {
8339 "name": "clientId",
8340 "in": "path",
8341 "description": "The id of the client to update.",
8342 "required": true,
8343 "type": "string"
8344 },
8345 {
8346 "name": "isActive",
8347 "in": "path",
8348 "description": "The value to update to.",
8349 "required": true,
8350 "type": "boolean"
8351 },
8352 {
8353 "name": "Trov-Market",
8354 "in": "header",
8355 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8356 "required": true,
8357 "type": "string",
8358 "default": "US"
8359 },
8360 {
8361 "name": "Trov-Client",
8362 "in": "header",
8363 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8364 "required": true,
8365 "type": "string",
8366 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8367 },
8368 {
8369 "name": "Accept-Language",
8370 "in": "header",
8371 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8372 "required": true,
8373 "type": "string",
8374 "default": "en-US"
8375 },
8376 {
8377 "name": "Authorization",
8378 "in": "header",
8379 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
8380 "required": true,
8381 "type": "string",
8382 "default": ""
8383 }
8384 ],
8385 "responses": {
8386 "204": {
8387 "description": "No Content"
8388 },
8389 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8390 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8391 "schema": {
8392 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8393 "default": {
8394 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8395 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8396 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8397 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8398 }
8399 }
8400 }
8401 },
8402 "deprecated": true
8403 }
8404 },
8405 "/api/v3.0/definitions": {
8406 "get": {
8407 "tags": [
8408 "Configuration"
8409 ],
8410 "summary": "Gets the definitions.",
8411 "operationId": "GET_api_definitions",
8412 "consumes": [],
8413 "produces": [
8414 "application/json",
8415 "text/json"
8416 ],
8417 "parameters": [
8418 {
8419 "name": "Trov-Market",
8420 "in": "header",
8421 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8422 "required": true,
8423 "type": "string",
8424 "default": "US"
8425 },
8426 {
8427 "name": "Trov-Client",
8428 "in": "header",
8429 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8430 "required": true,
8431 "type": "string",
8432 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8433 },
8434 {
8435 "name": "Accept-Language",
8436 "in": "header",
8437 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8438 "required": true,
8439 "type": "string",
8440 "default": "en-US"
8441 }
8442 ],
8443 "responses": {
8444 "200": {
8445 "description": "OK",
8446 "schema": {
8447 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreIDefinitions"
8448 }
8449 },
8450 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8451 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8452 "schema": {
8453 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8454 "default": {
8455 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8456 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8457 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8458 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8459 }
8460 }
8461 }
8462 },
8463 "deprecated": true
8464 }
8465 },
8466 "/api/v3.0/publishableKeys": {
8467 "get": {
8468 "tags": [
8469 "Configuration"
8470 ],
8471 "summary": "Gets the publishable keys (e.g. Stripe) for clients.",
8472 "operationId": "GET_api_publishableKeys",
8473 "consumes": [],
8474 "produces": [
8475 "application/json",
8476 "text/json"
8477 ],
8478 "parameters": [
8479 {
8480 "name": "Trov-Market",
8481 "in": "header",
8482 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8483 "required": true,
8484 "type": "string",
8485 "default": "US"
8486 },
8487 {
8488 "name": "Trov-Client",
8489 "in": "header",
8490 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8491 "required": true,
8492 "type": "string",
8493 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8494 },
8495 {
8496 "name": "Accept-Language",
8497 "in": "header",
8498 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8499 "required": true,
8500 "type": "string",
8501 "default": "en-US"
8502 },
8503 {
8504 "name": "Authorization",
8505 "in": "header",
8506 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
8507 "required": true,
8508 "type": "string",
8509 "default": ""
8510 }
8511 ],
8512 "responses": {
8513 "200": {
8514 "description": "OK",
8515 "schema": {
8516 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelConfigurationPublishableKeysResponse"
8517 }
8518 },
8519 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8520 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8521 "schema": {
8522 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8523 "default": {
8524 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8525 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8526 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8527 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8528 }
8529 }
8530 }
8531 },
8532 "deprecated": true
8533 }
8534 },
8535 "/api/v3.0/sic/coveragePeriods": {
8536 "get": {
8537 "tags": [
8538 "CoveragePeriods"
8539 ],
8540 "summary": "Gets the coverage periods for the current user.",
8541 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_coveragePeriods",
8542 "consumes": [],
8543 "produces": [
8544 "application/json",
8545 "text/json"
8546 ],
8547 "parameters": [
8548 {
8549 "name": "Trov-Market",
8550 "in": "header",
8551 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8552 "required": true,
8553 "type": "string",
8554 "default": "US"
8555 },
8556 {
8557 "name": "Trov-Client",
8558 "in": "header",
8559 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8560 "required": true,
8561 "type": "string",
8562 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8563 },
8564 {
8565 "name": "Accept-Language",
8566 "in": "header",
8567 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8568 "required": true,
8569 "type": "string",
8570 "default": "en-US"
8571 },
8572 {
8573 "name": "Authorization",
8574 "in": "header",
8575 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
8576 "required": true,
8577 "type": "string",
8578 "default": ""
8579 }
8580 ],
8581 "responses": {
8582 "200": {
8583 "description": "OK",
8584 "schema": {
8585 "items": {
8586 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCoveragePeriodICoveragePeriod"
8587 },
8588 "xml": {
8589 "name": "ICoveragePeriod",
8590 "wrapped": true
8591 },
8592 "type": "array",
8593 "default": [
8594 {
8595 "Id": "priceOfferId",
8596 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId",
8597 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
8598 "AssetName": "iPhone 6",
8599 "AssetRevision": 3,
8600 "CustomerId": "customerId",
8601 "DailyPremium": {
8602 "Type": 0,
8603 "Value": 5.45
8604 },
8605 "DailyTotal": {
8606 "Type": 0,
8607 "Value": 5.45
8608 },
8609 "Expiration": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
8610 "InsuredValue": {
8611 "Type": 0,
8612 "Value": 150.00
8613 },
8614 "ExcessPercentage": 0.0,
8615 "MonthlyTotal": {
8616 "Type": 0,
8617 "Value": 163.50
8618 },
8619 "OfferType": "Quote",
8620 "Status": 0,
8621 "DailyTaxes": [
8622 {
8623 "Type": "GST (8%)",
8624 "Amount": {
8625 "Type": 0,
8626 "Value": 5.45
8627 },
8628 "Rate": 0.08,
8629 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8630 },
8631 {
8632 "Type": "PST (7%)",
8633 "Amount": {
8634 "Type": 0,
8635 "Value": 5.45
8636 },
8637 "Rate": 0.07,
8638 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8639 }
8640 ],
8641 "PdsVersion": 0,
8642 "ProductDisclosureSummaryId": 0,
8643 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
8644 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
8645 "ClaimedValue": {
8646 "Type": 0,
8647 "Value": 150.00
8648 },
8649 "Started": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
8650 "Ended": "2016-01-31T10:11:12Z",
8651 "StopInsureReason": "User",
8652 "Taxes": [
8653 {
8654 "Type": "GST (8%)",
8655 "Amount": {
8656 "Type": 0,
8657 "Value": 5.45
8658 },
8659 "Rate": 0.08,
8660 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8661 },
8662 {
8663 "Type": "PST (7%)",
8664 "Amount": {
8665 "Type": 0,
8666 "Value": 5.45
8667 },
8668 "Rate": 0.07,
8669 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8670 }
8671 ],
8672 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8673 },
8674 {
8675 "Id": "priceOfferId2",
8676 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId2",
8677 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
8678 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
8679 "AssetRevision": 1,
8680 "CustomerId": "customerId",
8681 "DailyPremium": {
8682 "Type": 0,
8683 "Value": 5.45
8684 },
8685 "DailyTotal": {
8686 "Type": 0,
8687 "Value": 5.45
8688 },
8689 "Expiration": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
8690 "InsuredValue": {
8691 "Type": 0,
8692 "Value": 150.00
8693 },
8694 "ExcessPercentage": 0.0,
8695 "MonthlyTotal": {
8696 "Type": 0,
8697 "Value": 163.50
8698 },
8699 "OfferType": "Quote",
8700 "Status": 0,
8701 "DailyTaxes": [
8702 {
8703 "Type": "GST (8%)",
8704 "Amount": {
8705 "Type": 0,
8706 "Value": 5.45
8707 },
8708 "Rate": 0.08,
8709 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8710 },
8711 {
8712 "Type": "PST (7%)",
8713 "Amount": {
8714 "Type": 0,
8715 "Value": 5.45
8716 },
8717 "Rate": 0.07,
8718 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8719 }
8720 ],
8721 "PdsVersion": 0,
8722 "ProductDisclosureSummaryId": 0,
8723 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
8724 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
8725 "ClaimedValue": {
8726 "Type": 0,
8727 "Value": 150.00
8728 },
8729 "Started": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
8730 "Taxes": [
8731 {
8732 "Type": "GST (8%)",
8733 "Amount": {
8734 "Type": 0,
8735 "Value": 5.45
8736 },
8737 "Rate": 0.08,
8738 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8739 },
8740 {
8741 "Type": "PST (7%)",
8742 "Amount": {
8743 "Type": 0,
8744 "Value": 5.45
8745 },
8746 "Rate": 0.07,
8747 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8748 }
8749 ],
8750 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
8751 }
8752 ]
8753 }
8754 },
8755 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8756 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8757 "schema": {
8758 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8759 "default": {
8760 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8761 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8762 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8763 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8764 }
8765 }
8766 }
8767 },
8768 "deprecated": true
8769 }
8770 },
8771 "/api/v3.0/sic/asset/{coveredAssetId}/coveragePeriod": {
8772 "get": {
8773 "tags": [
8774 "CoveragePeriods"
8775 ],
8776 "summary": "Gets the active coverage period for an asset that is owned by the calling customer.",
8777 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_asset_coveredAssetId_coveragePeriod",
8778 "consumes": [],
8779 "produces": [
8780 "application/json",
8781 "text/json"
8782 ],
8783 "parameters": [
8784 {
8785 "name": "coveredAssetId",
8786 "in": "path",
8787 "description": "The id of the asset to fetch the coverage period for.",
8788 "required": true,
8789 "type": "string"
8790 },
8791 {
8792 "name": "Trov-Market",
8793 "in": "header",
8794 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8795 "required": true,
8796 "type": "string",
8797 "default": "US"
8798 },
8799 {
8800 "name": "Trov-Client",
8801 "in": "header",
8802 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8803 "required": true,
8804 "type": "string",
8805 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8806 },
8807 {
8808 "name": "Accept-Language",
8809 "in": "header",
8810 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8811 "required": true,
8812 "type": "string",
8813 "default": "en-US"
8814 },
8815 {
8816 "name": "Authorization",
8817 "in": "header",
8818 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
8819 "required": true,
8820 "type": "string",
8821 "default": ""
8822 }
8823 ],
8824 "responses": {
8825 "200": {
8826 "description": "OK",
8827 "schema": {
8828 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCoveragePeriodICoveragePeriod"
8829 }
8830 },
8831 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
8832 "description": "The user does not have access to the asset.<br/>\r\n The asset does not exist.",
8833 "schema": {
8834 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
8835 "default": {
8836 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
8837 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
8838 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
8839 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8840 }
8841 }
8842 },
8843 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8844 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8845 "schema": {
8846 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8847 "default": {
8848 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8849 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8850 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8851 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8852 }
8853 }
8854 }
8855 },
8856 "deprecated": true
8857 }
8858 },
8859 "/api/v3.0/sic/price-offer-photos/pending": {
8860 "get": {
8861 "tags": [
8862 "CoveragePeriodsEmployee"
8863 ],
8864 "summary": "Gets all the price offer photos that are in pending state.",
8865 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_price_offer_photos_pending",
8866 "consumes": [],
8867 "produces": [
8868 "application/json",
8869 "text/json"
8870 ],
8871 "parameters": [
8872 {
8873 "name": "Trov-Market",
8874 "in": "header",
8875 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8876 "required": true,
8877 "type": "string",
8878 "default": "US"
8879 },
8880 {
8881 "name": "Trov-Client",
8882 "in": "header",
8883 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8884 "required": true,
8885 "type": "string",
8886 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8887 },
8888 {
8889 "name": "Accept-Language",
8890 "in": "header",
8891 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8892 "required": true,
8893 "type": "string",
8894 "default": "en-US"
8895 },
8896 {
8897 "name": "Authorization",
8898 "in": "header",
8899 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
8900 "required": true,
8901 "type": "string",
8902 "default": ""
8903 }
8904 ],
8905 "responses": {
8906 "200": {
8907 "description": "OK",
8908 "schema": {
8909 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuotePriceOfferPhotosResponse"
8910 }
8911 },
8912 "401 AuthenticationException": {
8913 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
8914 "schema": {
8915 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
8916 "default": {
8917 "Message": "string",
8918 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
8919 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
8920 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8921 }
8922 }
8923 },
8924 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
8925 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
8926 "schema": {
8927 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
8928 "default": {
8929 "Message": "string",
8930 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
8931 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
8932 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8933 }
8934 }
8935 },
8936 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
8937 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8938 "schema": {
8939 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
8940 "default": {
8941 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8942 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
8943 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
8944 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
8945 }
8946 }
8947 }
8948 },
8949 "deprecated": true
8950 }
8951 },
8952 "/api/v3.0/sic/claim/{claimId}/coveragePeriods": {
8953 "get": {
8954 "tags": [
8955 "CoveragePeriodsEmployee"
8956 ],
8957 "summary": "Gets coverage periods assigned to the specified claim id.",
8958 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_claim_claimId_coveragePeriods",
8959 "consumes": [],
8960 "produces": [
8961 "application/json",
8962 "text/json"
8963 ],
8964 "parameters": [
8965 {
8966 "name": "claimId",
8967 "in": "path",
8968 "description": "The id of the claim.",
8969 "required": true,
8970 "type": "string"
8971 },
8972 {
8973 "name": "Trov-Market",
8974 "in": "header",
8975 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
8976 "required": true,
8977 "type": "string",
8978 "default": "US"
8979 },
8980 {
8981 "name": "Trov-Client",
8982 "in": "header",
8983 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
8984 "required": true,
8985 "type": "string",
8986 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
8987 },
8988 {
8989 "name": "Accept-Language",
8990 "in": "header",
8991 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
8992 "required": true,
8993 "type": "string",
8994 "default": "en-US"
8995 },
8996 {
8997 "name": "Authorization",
8998 "in": "header",
8999 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
9000 "required": true,
9001 "type": "string",
9002 "default": ""
9003 }
9004 ],
9005 "responses": {
9006 "200": {
9007 "description": "OK",
9008 "schema": {
9009 "items": {
9010 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCoveragePeriodICoveragePeriod"
9011 },
9012 "xml": {
9013 "name": "ICoveragePeriod",
9014 "wrapped": true
9015 },
9016 "type": "array",
9017 "default": [
9018 {
9019 "Id": "priceOfferId",
9020 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId",
9021 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
9022 "AssetName": "iPhone 6",
9023 "AssetRevision": 3,
9024 "CustomerId": "customerId",
9025 "DailyPremium": {
9026 "Type": 0,
9027 "Value": 5.45
9028 },
9029 "DailyTotal": {
9030 "Type": 0,
9031 "Value": 5.45
9032 },
9033 "Expiration": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
9034 "InsuredValue": {
9035 "Type": 0,
9036 "Value": 150.00
9037 },
9038 "ExcessPercentage": 0.0,
9039 "MonthlyTotal": {
9040 "Type": 0,
9041 "Value": 163.50
9042 },
9043 "OfferType": "Quote",
9044 "Status": 0,
9045 "DailyTaxes": [
9046 {
9047 "Type": "GST (8%)",
9048 "Amount": {
9049 "Type": 0,
9050 "Value": 5.45
9051 },
9052 "Rate": 0.08,
9053 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9054 },
9055 {
9056 "Type": "PST (7%)",
9057 "Amount": {
9058 "Type": 0,
9059 "Value": 5.45
9060 },
9061 "Rate": 0.07,
9062 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9063 }
9064 ],
9065 "PdsVersion": 0,
9066 "ProductDisclosureSummaryId": 0,
9067 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
9068 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
9069 "ClaimedValue": {
9070 "Type": 0,
9071 "Value": 150.00
9072 },
9073 "Started": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
9074 "Ended": "2016-01-31T10:11:12Z",
9075 "StopInsureReason": "User",
9076 "Taxes": [
9077 {
9078 "Type": "GST (8%)",
9079 "Amount": {
9080 "Type": 0,
9081 "Value": 5.45
9082 },
9083 "Rate": 0.08,
9084 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9085 },
9086 {
9087 "Type": "PST (7%)",
9088 "Amount": {
9089 "Type": 0,
9090 "Value": 5.45
9091 },
9092 "Rate": 0.07,
9093 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9094 }
9095 ],
9096 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9097 },
9098 {
9099 "Id": "priceOfferId2",
9100 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId2",
9101 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
9102 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
9103 "AssetRevision": 1,
9104 "CustomerId": "customerId",
9105 "DailyPremium": {
9106 "Type": 0,
9107 "Value": 5.45
9108 },
9109 "DailyTotal": {
9110 "Type": 0,
9111 "Value": 5.45
9112 },
9113 "Expiration": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
9114 "InsuredValue": {
9115 "Type": 0,
9116 "Value": 150.00
9117 },
9118 "ExcessPercentage": 0.0,
9119 "MonthlyTotal": {
9120 "Type": 0,
9121 "Value": 163.50
9122 },
9123 "OfferType": "Quote",
9124 "Status": 0,
9125 "DailyTaxes": [
9126 {
9127 "Type": "GST (8%)",
9128 "Amount": {
9129 "Type": 0,
9130 "Value": 5.45
9131 },
9132 "Rate": 0.08,
9133 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9134 },
9135 {
9136 "Type": "PST (7%)",
9137 "Amount": {
9138 "Type": 0,
9139 "Value": 5.45
9140 },
9141 "Rate": 0.07,
9142 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9143 }
9144 ],
9145 "PdsVersion": 0,
9146 "ProductDisclosureSummaryId": 0,
9147 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
9148 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
9149 "ClaimedValue": {
9150 "Type": 0,
9151 "Value": 150.00
9152 },
9153 "Started": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
9154 "Taxes": [
9155 {
9156 "Type": "GST (8%)",
9157 "Amount": {
9158 "Type": 0,
9159 "Value": 5.45
9160 },
9161 "Rate": 0.08,
9162 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9163 },
9164 {
9165 "Type": "PST (7%)",
9166 "Amount": {
9167 "Type": 0,
9168 "Value": 5.45
9169 },
9170 "Rate": 0.07,
9171 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9172 }
9173 ],
9174 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9175 }
9176 ]
9177 }
9178 },
9179 "401 AuthenticationException": {
9180 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
9181 "schema": {
9182 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
9183 "default": {
9184 "Message": "string",
9185 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9186 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
9187 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9188 }
9189 }
9190 },
9191 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
9192 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
9193 "schema": {
9194 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
9195 "default": {
9196 "Message": "string",
9197 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9198 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
9199 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9200 }
9201 }
9202 },
9203 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
9204 "description": "The user does not have access to the claim.<br/>\r\n The claim does not exist.",
9205 "schema": {
9206 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
9207 "default": {
9208 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
9209 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
9210 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
9211 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9212 }
9213 }
9214 },
9215 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
9216 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9217 "schema": {
9218 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
9219 "default": {
9220 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9221 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9222 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
9223 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9224 }
9225 }
9226 }
9227 },
9228 "deprecated": true
9229 }
9230 },
9231 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/asset/{customerAssetId}/coveragePeriods": {
9232 "get": {
9233 "tags": [
9234 "CoveragePeriodsEmployee"
9235 ],
9236 "summary": "Gets the coverage periods for a specified customer id, asset id and asset revision.",
9237 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_asset_customerAssetId_coveragePeriods",
9238 "consumes": [],
9239 "produces": [
9240 "application/json",
9241 "text/json"
9242 ],
9243 "parameters": [
9244 {
9245 "name": "customerId",
9246 "in": "path",
9247 "description": "The id of the customer.",
9248 "required": true,
9249 "type": "string"
9250 },
9251 {
9252 "name": "customerAssetId",
9253 "in": "path",
9254 "description": "The id of the asset to find the coverage period for.",
9255 "required": true,
9256 "type": "string"
9257 },
9258 {
9259 "name": "Trov-Market",
9260 "in": "header",
9261 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
9262 "required": true,
9263 "type": "string",
9264 "default": "US"
9265 },
9266 {
9267 "name": "Trov-Client",
9268 "in": "header",
9269 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
9270 "required": true,
9271 "type": "string",
9272 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
9273 },
9274 {
9275 "name": "Accept-Language",
9276 "in": "header",
9277 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
9278 "required": true,
9279 "type": "string",
9280 "default": "en-US"
9281 },
9282 {
9283 "name": "Authorization",
9284 "in": "header",
9285 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
9286 "required": true,
9287 "type": "string",
9288 "default": ""
9289 }
9290 ],
9291 "responses": {
9292 "200": {
9293 "description": "OK",
9294 "schema": {
9295 "items": {
9296 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCoveragePeriodICoveragePeriodResponse"
9297 },
9298 "xml": {
9299 "name": "ICoveragePeriodResponse",
9300 "wrapped": true
9301 },
9302 "type": "array"
9303 }
9304 },
9305 "401 AuthenticationException": {
9306 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
9307 "schema": {
9308 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
9309 "default": {
9310 "Message": "string",
9311 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9312 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
9313 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9314 }
9315 }
9316 },
9317 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
9318 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
9319 "schema": {
9320 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
9321 "default": {
9322 "Message": "string",
9323 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9324 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
9325 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9326 }
9327 }
9328 },
9329 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
9330 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9331 "schema": {
9332 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
9333 "default": {
9334 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9335 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9336 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
9337 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9338 }
9339 }
9340 }
9341 },
9342 "deprecated": true
9343 }
9344 },
9345 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/asset/{customerAssetId}/priceOfferPhotos": {
9346 "get": {
9347 "tags": [
9348 "CoveragePeriodsEmployee"
9349 ],
9350 "summary": "Gets the price offer photos for a specified asset id.",
9351 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_asset_customerAssetId_priceOfferPhotos",
9352 "consumes": [],
9353 "produces": [
9354 "application/json",
9355 "text/json"
9356 ],
9357 "parameters": [
9358 {
9359 "name": "customerId",
9360 "in": "path",
9361 "description": "The id of the customer.",
9362 "required": true,
9363 "type": "string"
9364 },
9365 {
9366 "name": "customerAssetId",
9367 "in": "path",
9368 "description": "The id of the asset to find the coverage period for.",
9369 "required": true,
9370 "type": "string"
9371 },
9372 {
9373 "name": "Trov-Market",
9374 "in": "header",
9375 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
9376 "required": true,
9377 "type": "string",
9378 "default": "US"
9379 },
9380 {
9381 "name": "Trov-Client",
9382 "in": "header",
9383 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
9384 "required": true,
9385 "type": "string",
9386 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
9387 },
9388 {
9389 "name": "Accept-Language",
9390 "in": "header",
9391 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
9392 "required": true,
9393 "type": "string",
9394 "default": "en-US"
9395 },
9396 {
9397 "name": "Authorization",
9398 "in": "header",
9399 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
9400 "required": true,
9401 "type": "string",
9402 "default": ""
9403 }
9404 ],
9405 "responses": {
9406 "200": {
9407 "description": "OK",
9408 "schema": {
9409 "items": {
9410 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferPhoto"
9411 },
9412 "xml": {
9413 "name": "PriceOfferPhoto",
9414 "wrapped": true
9415 },
9416 "type": "array"
9417 }
9418 },
9419 "401 AuthenticationException": {
9420 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
9421 "schema": {
9422 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
9423 "default": {
9424 "Message": "string",
9425 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9426 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
9427 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9428 }
9429 }
9430 },
9431 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
9432 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
9433 "schema": {
9434 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
9435 "default": {
9436 "Message": "string",
9437 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9438 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
9439 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9440 }
9441 }
9442 },
9443 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
9444 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9445 "schema": {
9446 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
9447 "default": {
9448 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9449 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9450 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
9451 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9452 }
9453 }
9454 }
9455 },
9456 "deprecated": true
9457 }
9458 },
9459 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/coveragePeriods": {
9460 "get": {
9461 "tags": [
9462 "CoveragePeriodsEmployee"
9463 ],
9464 "summary": "Gets the coverage periods for a specified customer id.",
9465 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_coveragePeriods",
9466 "consumes": [],
9467 "produces": [
9468 "application/json",
9469 "text/json"
9470 ],
9471 "parameters": [
9472 {
9473 "name": "customerId",
9474 "in": "path",
9475 "description": "The id of the customer.",
9476 "required": true,
9477 "type": "string"
9478 },
9479 {
9480 "name": "onlyMostRecent",
9481 "in": "query",
9482 "description": "Only return the most recent coverage period for each asset when `true`.",
9483 "required": false,
9484 "type": "boolean",
9485 "default": false
9486 },
9487 {
9488 "name": "Trov-Market",
9489 "in": "header",
9490 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
9491 "required": true,
9492 "type": "string",
9493 "default": "US"
9494 },
9495 {
9496 "name": "Trov-Client",
9497 "in": "header",
9498 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
9499 "required": true,
9500 "type": "string",
9501 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
9502 },
9503 {
9504 "name": "Accept-Language",
9505 "in": "header",
9506 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
9507 "required": true,
9508 "type": "string",
9509 "default": "en-US"
9510 },
9511 {
9512 "name": "Authorization",
9513 "in": "header",
9514 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
9515 "required": true,
9516 "type": "string",
9517 "default": ""
9518 }
9519 ],
9520 "responses": {
9521 "200": {
9522 "description": "OK",
9523 "schema": {
9524 "items": {
9525 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCoveragePeriodICoveragePeriod"
9526 },
9527 "xml": {
9528 "name": "ICoveragePeriod",
9529 "wrapped": true
9530 },
9531 "type": "array",
9532 "default": [
9533 {
9534 "Id": "priceOfferId",
9535 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId",
9536 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
9537 "AssetName": "iPhone 6",
9538 "AssetRevision": 3,
9539 "CustomerId": "customerId",
9540 "DailyPremium": {
9541 "Type": 0,
9542 "Value": 5.45
9543 },
9544 "DailyTotal": {
9545 "Type": 0,
9546 "Value": 5.45
9547 },
9548 "Expiration": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
9549 "InsuredValue": {
9550 "Type": 0,
9551 "Value": 150.00
9552 },
9553 "ExcessPercentage": 0.0,
9554 "MonthlyTotal": {
9555 "Type": 0,
9556 "Value": 163.50
9557 },
9558 "OfferType": "Quote",
9559 "Status": 0,
9560 "DailyTaxes": [
9561 {
9562 "Type": "GST (8%)",
9563 "Amount": {
9564 "Type": 0,
9565 "Value": 5.45
9566 },
9567 "Rate": 0.08,
9568 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9569 },
9570 {
9571 "Type": "PST (7%)",
9572 "Amount": {
9573 "Type": 0,
9574 "Value": 5.45
9575 },
9576 "Rate": 0.07,
9577 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9578 }
9579 ],
9580 "PdsVersion": 0,
9581 "ProductDisclosureSummaryId": 0,
9582 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
9583 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
9584 "ClaimedValue": {
9585 "Type": 0,
9586 "Value": 150.00
9587 },
9588 "Started": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
9589 "Ended": "2016-01-31T10:11:12Z",
9590 "StopInsureReason": "User",
9591 "Taxes": [
9592 {
9593 "Type": "GST (8%)",
9594 "Amount": {
9595 "Type": 0,
9596 "Value": 5.45
9597 },
9598 "Rate": 0.08,
9599 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9600 },
9601 {
9602 "Type": "PST (7%)",
9603 "Amount": {
9604 "Type": 0,
9605 "Value": 5.45
9606 },
9607 "Rate": 0.07,
9608 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9609 }
9610 ],
9611 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9612 },
9613 {
9614 "Id": "priceOfferId2",
9615 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId2",
9616 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
9617 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
9618 "AssetRevision": 1,
9619 "CustomerId": "customerId",
9620 "DailyPremium": {
9621 "Type": 0,
9622 "Value": 5.45
9623 },
9624 "DailyTotal": {
9625 "Type": 0,
9626 "Value": 5.45
9627 },
9628 "Expiration": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
9629 "InsuredValue": {
9630 "Type": 0,
9631 "Value": 150.00
9632 },
9633 "ExcessPercentage": 0.0,
9634 "MonthlyTotal": {
9635 "Type": 0,
9636 "Value": 163.50
9637 },
9638 "OfferType": "Quote",
9639 "Status": 0,
9640 "DailyTaxes": [
9641 {
9642 "Type": "GST (8%)",
9643 "Amount": {
9644 "Type": 0,
9645 "Value": 5.45
9646 },
9647 "Rate": 0.08,
9648 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9649 },
9650 {
9651 "Type": "PST (7%)",
9652 "Amount": {
9653 "Type": 0,
9654 "Value": 5.45
9655 },
9656 "Rate": 0.07,
9657 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9658 }
9659 ],
9660 "PdsVersion": 0,
9661 "ProductDisclosureSummaryId": 0,
9662 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
9663 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
9664 "ClaimedValue": {
9665 "Type": 0,
9666 "Value": 150.00
9667 },
9668 "Started": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
9669 "Taxes": [
9670 {
9671 "Type": "GST (8%)",
9672 "Amount": {
9673 "Type": 0,
9674 "Value": 5.45
9675 },
9676 "Rate": 0.08,
9677 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9678 },
9679 {
9680 "Type": "PST (7%)",
9681 "Amount": {
9682 "Type": 0,
9683 "Value": 5.45
9684 },
9685 "Rate": 0.07,
9686 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9687 }
9688 ],
9689 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
9690 }
9691 ]
9692 }
9693 },
9694 "401 AuthenticationException": {
9695 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
9696 "schema": {
9697 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
9698 "default": {
9699 "Message": "string",
9700 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9701 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
9702 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9703 }
9704 }
9705 },
9706 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
9707 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
9708 "schema": {
9709 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
9710 "default": {
9711 "Message": "string",
9712 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9713 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
9714 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9715 }
9716 }
9717 },
9718 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
9719 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9720 "schema": {
9721 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
9722 "default": {
9723 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9724 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9725 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
9726 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9727 }
9728 }
9729 }
9730 },
9731 "deprecated": true
9732 }
9733 },
9734 "/api/v3.0/sic/price-offer-photos/update": {
9735 "post": {
9736 "tags": [
9737 "CoveragePeriodsEmployee"
9738 ],
9739 "summary": "Gets all the price offer photos that are in pending state.",
9740 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_price_offer_photos_update",
9741 "consumes": [
9742 "application/json",
9743 "text/json",
9744 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
9745 ],
9746 "produces": [],
9747 "parameters": [
9748 {
9749 "name": "request",
9750 "in": "body",
9751 "required": true,
9752 "schema": {
9753 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuoteUpdatePhotoReviewStatusRequest"
9754 }
9755 },
9756 {
9757 "name": "Trov-Market",
9758 "in": "header",
9759 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
9760 "required": true,
9761 "type": "string",
9762 "default": "US"
9763 },
9764 {
9765 "name": "Trov-Client",
9766 "in": "header",
9767 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
9768 "required": true,
9769 "type": "string",
9770 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
9771 },
9772 {
9773 "name": "Accept-Language",
9774 "in": "header",
9775 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
9776 "required": true,
9777 "type": "string",
9778 "default": "en-US"
9779 },
9780 {
9781 "name": "Authorization",
9782 "in": "header",
9783 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
9784 "required": true,
9785 "type": "string",
9786 "default": ""
9787 }
9788 ],
9789 "responses": {
9790 "204": {
9791 "description": "No Content"
9792 },
9793 "401 AuthenticationException": {
9794 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
9795 "schema": {
9796 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
9797 "default": {
9798 "Message": "string",
9799 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9800 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
9801 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9802 }
9803 }
9804 },
9805 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
9806 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
9807 "schema": {
9808 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
9809 "default": {
9810 "Message": "string",
9811 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9812 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
9813 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9814 }
9815 }
9816 },
9817 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
9818 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9819 "schema": {
9820 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
9821 "default": {
9822 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9823 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9824 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
9825 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9826 }
9827 }
9828 }
9829 },
9830 "deprecated": true
9831 }
9832 },
9833 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/asset/{customerAssetId}": {
9834 "get": {
9835 "tags": [
9836 "CoveredAssetsEmployee"
9837 ],
9838 "summary": "Gets a specific history revision of an asset that has been covered by the customer.",
9839 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_asset_customerAssetId",
9840 "consumes": [],
9841 "produces": [
9842 "application/json",
9843 "text/json"
9844 ],
9845 "parameters": [
9846 {
9847 "name": "customerId",
9848 "in": "path",
9849 "description": "The customer id.",
9850 "required": true,
9851 "type": "string"
9852 },
9853 {
9854 "name": "customerAssetId",
9855 "in": "path",
9856 "description": "The asset id.",
9857 "required": true,
9858 "type": "string"
9859 },
9860 {
9861 "name": "revision",
9862 "in": "query",
9863 "description": "The asset revision.",
9864 "required": false,
9865 "type": "integer",
9866 "format": "int32",
9867 "default": 0
9868 },
9869 {
9870 "name": "Trov-Market",
9871 "in": "header",
9872 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
9873 "required": true,
9874 "type": "string",
9875 "default": "US"
9876 },
9877 {
9878 "name": "Trov-Client",
9879 "in": "header",
9880 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
9881 "required": true,
9882 "type": "string",
9883 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
9884 },
9885 {
9886 "name": "Accept-Language",
9887 "in": "header",
9888 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
9889 "required": true,
9890 "type": "string",
9891 "default": "en-US"
9892 },
9893 {
9894 "name": "Authorization",
9895 "in": "header",
9896 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
9897 "required": true,
9898 "type": "string",
9899 "default": ""
9900 }
9901 ],
9902 "responses": {
9903 "200": {
9904 "description": "OK",
9905 "schema": {
9906 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetResponse"
9907 }
9908 },
9909 "401 AuthenticationException": {
9910 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
9911 "schema": {
9912 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
9913 "default": {
9914 "Message": "string",
9915 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9916 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
9917 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9918 }
9919 }
9920 },
9921 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
9922 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
9923 "schema": {
9924 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
9925 "default": {
9926 "Message": "string",
9927 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9928 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
9929 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9930 }
9931 }
9932 },
9933 "403 ValidationException": {
9934 "description": "The revision of the asset has never been covered by the customer.",
9935 "schema": {
9936 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
9937 "default": {
9938 "Message": "string",
9939 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
9940 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
9941 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9942 }
9943 }
9944 },
9945 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
9946 "description": "The user does not have access to the asset.<br/>\r\n The asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The specific revision of the asset does not exist.",
9947 "schema": {
9948 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
9949 "default": {
9950 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
9951 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
9952 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
9953 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9954 }
9955 }
9956 },
9957 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
9958 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9959 "schema": {
9960 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
9961 "default": {
9962 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9963 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
9964 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
9965 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
9966 }
9967 }
9968 }
9969 },
9970 "deprecated": true
9971 }
9972 },
9973 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/asset/{customerAssetId}/files": {
9974 "get": {
9975 "tags": [
9976 "CoveredAssetsEmployee"
9977 ],
9978 "summary": "Gets a dictionary containing the file info associated with an asset that has been covered by the customer.\r\n \r\n- The key of the returned dictionary is the schema type.\r\n- The value of the returned dictionary is a list of associated file info for that schema type.",
9979 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_asset_customerAssetId_files",
9980 "consumes": [],
9981 "produces": [
9982 "application/json",
9983 "text/json"
9984 ],
9985 "parameters": [
9986 {
9987 "name": "customerId",
9988 "in": "path",
9989 "description": "The customer id.",
9990 "required": true,
9991 "type": "string"
9992 },
9993 {
9994 "name": "customerAssetId",
9995 "in": "path",
9996 "description": "The asset id.",
9997 "required": true,
9998 "type": "string"
9999 },
10000 {
10001 "name": "revision",
10002 "in": "query",
10003 "description": "The asset revision.",
10004 "required": false,
10005 "type": "integer",
10006 "format": "int32",
10007 "default": 0
10008 },
10009 {
10010 "name": "Trov-Market",
10011 "in": "header",
10012 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
10013 "required": true,
10014 "type": "string",
10015 "default": "US"
10016 },
10017 {
10018 "name": "Trov-Client",
10019 "in": "header",
10020 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
10021 "required": true,
10022 "type": "string",
10023 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
10024 },
10025 {
10026 "name": "Accept-Language",
10027 "in": "header",
10028 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
10029 "required": true,
10030 "type": "string",
10031 "default": "en-US"
10032 },
10033 {
10034 "name": "Authorization",
10035 "in": "header",
10036 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
10037 "required": true,
10038 "type": "string",
10039 "default": ""
10040 }
10041 ],
10042 "responses": {
10043 "200": {
10044 "description": "OK",
10045 "schema": {
10046 "properties": {
10047 "asset": {
10048 "items": {
10049 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10050 },
10051 "xml": {
10052 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10053 "wrapped": true
10054 },
10055 "type": "array"
10056 },
10057 "audio": {
10058 "items": {
10059 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10060 },
10061 "xml": {
10062 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10063 "wrapped": true
10064 },
10065 "type": "array"
10066 },
10067 "building": {
10068 "items": {
10069 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10070 },
10071 "xml": {
10072 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10073 "wrapped": true
10074 },
10075 "type": "array"
10076 },
10077 "collection": {
10078 "items": {
10079 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10080 },
10081 "xml": {
10082 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10083 "wrapped": true
10084 },
10085 "type": "array"
10086 },
10087 "document": {
10088 "items": {
10089 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10090 },
10091 "xml": {
10092 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10093 "wrapped": true
10094 },
10095 "type": "array"
10096 },
10097 "file": {
10098 "items": {
10099 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10100 },
10101 "xml": {
10102 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10103 "wrapped": true
10104 },
10105 "type": "array"
10106 },
10107 "floor": {
10108 "items": {
10109 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10110 },
10111 "xml": {
10112 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10113 "wrapped": true
10114 },
10115 "type": "array"
10116 },
10117 "image": {
10118 "items": {
10119 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10120 },
10121 "xml": {
10122 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10123 "wrapped": true
10124 },
10125 "type": "array"
10126 },
10127 "property": {
10128 "items": {
10129 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10130 },
10131 "xml": {
10132 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10133 "wrapped": true
10134 },
10135 "type": "array"
10136 },
10137 "room": {
10138 "items": {
10139 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10140 },
10141 "xml": {
10142 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10143 "wrapped": true
10144 },
10145 "type": "array"
10146 },
10147 "trov": {
10148 "items": {
10149 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10150 },
10151 "xml": {
10152 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10153 "wrapped": true
10154 },
10155 "type": "array"
10156 },
10157 "userInvite": {
10158 "items": {
10159 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10160 },
10161 "xml": {
10162 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10163 "wrapped": true
10164 },
10165 "type": "array"
10166 },
10167 "user": {
10168 "items": {
10169 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10170 },
10171 "xml": {
10172 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10173 "wrapped": true
10174 },
10175 "type": "array"
10176 },
10177 "video": {
10178 "items": {
10179 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10180 },
10181 "xml": {
10182 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10183 "wrapped": true
10184 },
10185 "type": "array"
10186 },
10187 "sitemap": {
10188 "items": {
10189 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10190 },
10191 "xml": {
10192 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10193 "wrapped": true
10194 },
10195 "type": "array"
10196 },
10197 "trovInvite": {
10198 "items": {
10199 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10200 },
10201 "xml": {
10202 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10203 "wrapped": true
10204 },
10205 "type": "array"
10206 },
10207 "index": {
10208 "items": {
10209 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10210 },
10211 "xml": {
10212 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10213 "wrapped": true
10214 },
10215 "type": "array"
10216 },
10217 "floorPlan": {
10218 "items": {
10219 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10220 },
10221 "xml": {
10222 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10223 "wrapped": true
10224 },
10225 "type": "array"
10226 },
10227 "bulkTrovInvite": {
10228 "items": {
10229 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse"
10230 },
10231 "xml": {
10232 "name": "FileInfoResponse",
10233 "wrapped": true
10234 },
10235 "type": "array"
10236 }
10237 },
10238 "type": "object"
10239 }
10240 },
10241 "401 AuthenticationException": {
10242 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
10243 "schema": {
10244 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
10245 "default": {
10246 "Message": "string",
10247 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10248 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
10249 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10250 }
10251 }
10252 },
10253 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
10254 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
10255 "schema": {
10256 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
10257 "default": {
10258 "Message": "string",
10259 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10260 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
10261 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10262 }
10263 }
10264 },
10265 "403 ValidationException": {
10266 "description": "The revision of the asset has never been covered by the customer.",
10267 "schema": {
10268 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
10269 "default": {
10270 "Message": "string",
10271 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10272 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
10273 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10274 }
10275 }
10276 },
10277 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
10278 "description": "The user does not have access to the asset.<br/>\r\n The asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The specific revision of the asset does not exist.",
10279 "schema": {
10280 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
10281 "default": {
10282 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
10283 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
10284 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
10285 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10286 }
10287 }
10288 },
10289 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
10290 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10291 "schema": {
10292 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
10293 "default": {
10294 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10295 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10296 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
10297 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10298 }
10299 }
10300 }
10301 },
10302 "deprecated": true
10303 }
10304 },
10305 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/notes": {
10306 "get": {
10307 "tags": [
10308 "CustomerNotesEmployee"
10309 ],
10310 "summary": "Gets the customer notes for the specified customer id.",
10311 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_notes",
10312 "consumes": [],
10313 "produces": [
10314 "application/json",
10315 "text/json"
10316 ],
10317 "parameters": [
10318 {
10319 "name": "customerId",
10320 "in": "path",
10321 "description": "The customer identifier.",
10322 "required": true,
10323 "type": "string"
10324 },
10325 {
10326 "name": "Trov-Market",
10327 "in": "header",
10328 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
10329 "required": true,
10330 "type": "string",
10331 "default": "US"
10332 },
10333 {
10334 "name": "Trov-Client",
10335 "in": "header",
10336 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
10337 "required": true,
10338 "type": "string",
10339 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
10340 },
10341 {
10342 "name": "Accept-Language",
10343 "in": "header",
10344 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
10345 "required": true,
10346 "type": "string",
10347 "default": "en-US"
10348 },
10349 {
10350 "name": "Authorization",
10351 "in": "header",
10352 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
10353 "required": true,
10354 "type": "string",
10355 "default": ""
10356 }
10357 ],
10358 "responses": {
10359 "200": {
10360 "description": "OK",
10361 "schema": {
10362 "items": {
10363 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerNote"
10364 },
10365 "xml": {
10366 "name": "CustomerNote",
10367 "wrapped": true
10368 },
10369 "type": "array",
10370 "default": [
10371 {
10372 "Text": "Bob's law blog: http://arresteddevelopment.wikia.com/wiki/Bob_Loblaw",
10373 "CustomerId": "customerId",
10374 "Id": "customerNoteId",
10375 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
10376 "CreatedBy": "1"
10377 }
10378 ]
10379 }
10380 },
10381 "401 AuthenticationException": {
10382 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
10383 "schema": {
10384 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
10385 "default": {
10386 "Message": "string",
10387 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10388 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
10389 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10390 }
10391 }
10392 },
10393 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
10394 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
10395 "schema": {
10396 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
10397 "default": {
10398 "Message": "string",
10399 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10400 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
10401 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10402 }
10403 }
10404 },
10405 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
10406 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10407 "schema": {
10408 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
10409 "default": {
10410 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10411 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10412 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
10413 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10414 }
10415 }
10416 }
10417 },
10418 "deprecated": true
10419 },
10420 "post": {
10421 "tags": [
10422 "CustomerNotesEmployee"
10423 ],
10424 "summary": "Creates a new customer note.",
10425 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_customerId_notes",
10426 "consumes": [
10427 "application/json",
10428 "text/json",
10429 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
10430 ],
10431 "produces": [
10432 "application/json",
10433 "text/json"
10434 ],
10435 "parameters": [
10436 {
10437 "name": "customerId",
10438 "in": "path",
10439 "description": "The customer identifier.",
10440 "required": true,
10441 "type": "string"
10442 },
10443 {
10444 "name": "note",
10445 "in": "body",
10446 "description": "The info about the customer note to create.",
10447 "required": true,
10448 "schema": {
10449 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCreateCustomerNoteRequest"
10450 }
10451 },
10452 {
10453 "name": "Trov-Market",
10454 "in": "header",
10455 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
10456 "required": true,
10457 "type": "string",
10458 "default": "US"
10459 },
10460 {
10461 "name": "Trov-Client",
10462 "in": "header",
10463 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
10464 "required": true,
10465 "type": "string",
10466 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
10467 },
10468 {
10469 "name": "Accept-Language",
10470 "in": "header",
10471 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
10472 "required": true,
10473 "type": "string",
10474 "default": "en-US"
10475 },
10476 {
10477 "name": "Authorization",
10478 "in": "header",
10479 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
10480 "required": true,
10481 "type": "string",
10482 "default": ""
10483 }
10484 ],
10485 "responses": {
10486 "201": {
10487 "description": "OK",
10488 "schema": {
10489 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerNote"
10490 }
10491 },
10492 "401 AuthenticationException": {
10493 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
10494 "schema": {
10495 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
10496 "default": {
10497 "Message": "string",
10498 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10499 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
10500 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10501 }
10502 }
10503 },
10504 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
10505 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
10506 "schema": {
10507 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
10508 "default": {
10509 "Message": "string",
10510 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10511 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
10512 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10513 }
10514 }
10515 },
10516 "403 ValidationException": {
10517 "description": "The provided customer note failed to validate.",
10518 "schema": {
10519 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
10520 "default": {
10521 "Message": "string",
10522 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10523 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
10524 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10525 }
10526 }
10527 },
10528 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
10529 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10530 "schema": {
10531 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
10532 "default": {
10533 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10534 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10535 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
10536 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10537 }
10538 }
10539 }
10540 },
10541 "deprecated": true
10542 }
10543 },
10544 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}": {
10545 "get": {
10546 "tags": [
10547 "CustomersEmployee"
10548 ],
10549 "summary": "Gets a customer if they have insured at least one asset.",
10550 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId",
10551 "consumes": [],
10552 "produces": [
10553 "application/json",
10554 "text/json"
10555 ],
10556 "parameters": [
10557 {
10558 "name": "customerId",
10559 "in": "path",
10560 "description": "The id of the customer.",
10561 "required": true,
10562 "type": "string"
10563 },
10564 {
10565 "name": "Trov-Market",
10566 "in": "header",
10567 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
10568 "required": true,
10569 "type": "string",
10570 "default": "US"
10571 },
10572 {
10573 "name": "Trov-Client",
10574 "in": "header",
10575 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
10576 "required": true,
10577 "type": "string",
10578 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
10579 },
10580 {
10581 "name": "Accept-Language",
10582 "in": "header",
10583 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
10584 "required": true,
10585 "type": "string",
10586 "default": "en-US"
10587 },
10588 {
10589 "name": "Authorization",
10590 "in": "header",
10591 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
10592 "required": true,
10593 "type": "string",
10594 "default": ""
10595 }
10596 ],
10597 "responses": {
10598 "200": {
10599 "description": "OK",
10600 "schema": {
10601 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerCustomerResponse"
10602 }
10603 },
10604 "401 AuthenticationException": {
10605 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
10606 "schema": {
10607 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
10608 "default": {
10609 "Message": "string",
10610 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10611 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
10612 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10613 }
10614 }
10615 },
10616 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
10617 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
10618 "schema": {
10619 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
10620 "default": {
10621 "Message": "string",
10622 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10623 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
10624 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10625 }
10626 }
10627 },
10628 "403 CustomerAccessException": {
10629 "description": "The customer does not exist.<br/>\r\n The customer has not insured at least one asset.",
10630 "schema": {
10631 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAccessException",
10632 "default": {
10633 "Message": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
10634 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
10635 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAccessException",
10636 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10637 }
10638 }
10639 },
10640 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
10641 "description": "The requesting user does not have access to view the customer.",
10642 "schema": {
10643 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
10644 "default": {
10645 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
10646 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
10647 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
10648 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10649 }
10650 }
10651 },
10652 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
10653 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10654 "schema": {
10655 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
10656 "default": {
10657 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10658 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10659 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
10660 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10661 }
10662 }
10663 }
10664 },
10665 "deprecated": true
10666 },
10667 "patch": {
10668 "tags": [
10669 "CustomersEmployee"
10670 ],
10671 "summary": "Updates an existing customer.",
10672 "operationId": "PATCH_api_sic_customer_customerId",
10673 "consumes": [
10674 "application/json",
10675 "text/json",
10676 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
10677 ],
10678 "produces": [
10679 "application/json",
10680 "text/json"
10681 ],
10682 "parameters": [
10683 {
10684 "name": "customerId",
10685 "in": "path",
10686 "description": "The id of the customer to update.",
10687 "required": true,
10688 "type": "string"
10689 },
10690 {
10691 "name": "customerUpdateRequest",
10692 "in": "body",
10693 "description": "The model that represents the update information.",
10694 "required": true,
10695 "schema": {
10696 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerUpdateRequest"
10697 }
10698 },
10699 {
10700 "name": "Trov-Market",
10701 "in": "header",
10702 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
10703 "required": true,
10704 "type": "string",
10705 "default": "US"
10706 },
10707 {
10708 "name": "Trov-Client",
10709 "in": "header",
10710 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
10711 "required": true,
10712 "type": "string",
10713 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
10714 },
10715 {
10716 "name": "Accept-Language",
10717 "in": "header",
10718 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
10719 "required": true,
10720 "type": "string",
10721 "default": "en-US"
10722 },
10723 {
10724 "name": "Authorization",
10725 "in": "header",
10726 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
10727 "required": true,
10728 "type": "string",
10729 "default": ""
10730 }
10731 ],
10732 "responses": {
10733 "200": {
10734 "description": "OK",
10735 "schema": {
10736 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerCustomerResponse"
10737 }
10738 },
10739 "401 AuthenticationException": {
10740 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
10741 "schema": {
10742 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
10743 "default": {
10744 "Message": "string",
10745 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10746 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
10747 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10748 }
10749 }
10750 },
10751 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
10752 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
10753 "schema": {
10754 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
10755 "default": {
10756 "Message": "string",
10757 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10758 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
10759 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10760 }
10761 }
10762 },
10763 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
10764 "description": "The customer does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to view the customer.",
10765 "schema": {
10766 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
10767 "default": {
10768 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
10769 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
10770 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
10771 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10772 }
10773 }
10774 },
10775 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
10776 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10777 "schema": {
10778 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
10779 "default": {
10780 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10781 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10782 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
10783 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10784 }
10785 }
10786 }
10787 },
10788 "deprecated": true
10789 }
10790 },
10791 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/audits": {
10792 "get": {
10793 "tags": [
10794 "CustomersEmployee"
10795 ],
10796 "summary": "Gets the audit entries for a specific customer that has insured at least one asset.",
10797 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_audits",
10798 "consumes": [],
10799 "produces": [
10800 "application/json",
10801 "text/json"
10802 ],
10803 "parameters": [
10804 {
10805 "name": "customerId",
10806 "in": "path",
10807 "description": "The customer id.",
10808 "required": true,
10809 "type": "string"
10810 },
10811 {
10812 "name": "Trov-Market",
10813 "in": "header",
10814 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
10815 "required": true,
10816 "type": "string",
10817 "default": "US"
10818 },
10819 {
10820 "name": "Trov-Client",
10821 "in": "header",
10822 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
10823 "required": true,
10824 "type": "string",
10825 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
10826 },
10827 {
10828 "name": "Accept-Language",
10829 "in": "header",
10830 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
10831 "required": true,
10832 "type": "string",
10833 "default": "en-US"
10834 },
10835 {
10836 "name": "Authorization",
10837 "in": "header",
10838 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
10839 "required": true,
10840 "type": "string",
10841 "default": ""
10842 }
10843 ],
10844 "responses": {
10845 "200": {
10846 "description": "OK",
10847 "schema": {
10848 "items": {
10849 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerCustomerAuditResponse"
10850 },
10851 "xml": {
10852 "name": "CustomerAuditResponse",
10853 "wrapped": true
10854 },
10855 "type": "array"
10856 }
10857 },
10858 "401 AuthenticationException": {
10859 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
10860 "schema": {
10861 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
10862 "default": {
10863 "Message": "string",
10864 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10865 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
10866 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10867 }
10868 }
10869 },
10870 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
10871 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
10872 "schema": {
10873 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
10874 "default": {
10875 "Message": "string",
10876 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10877 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
10878 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10879 }
10880 }
10881 },
10882 "403 CustomerAccessException": {
10883 "description": "The customer does not exist.<br/>\r\n The customer has not insured at least one asset.",
10884 "schema": {
10885 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAccessException",
10886 "default": {
10887 "Message": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
10888 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
10889 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAccessException",
10890 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10891 }
10892 }
10893 },
10894 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
10895 "description": "The requesting user does not have access to view the customer.",
10896 "schema": {
10897 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
10898 "default": {
10899 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
10900 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
10901 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
10902 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10903 }
10904 }
10905 },
10906 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
10907 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10908 "schema": {
10909 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
10910 "default": {
10911 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10912 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
10913 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
10914 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10915 }
10916 }
10917 }
10918 },
10919 "deprecated": true
10920 }
10921 },
10922 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/fraud/{claimId}": {
10923 "get": {
10924 "tags": [
10925 "CustomersEmployee"
10926 ],
10927 "summary": "Gets the fraud information for a customer.",
10928 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_fraud_claimId",
10929 "consumes": [],
10930 "produces": [
10931 "application/json",
10932 "text/json"
10933 ],
10934 "parameters": [
10935 {
10936 "name": "customerId",
10937 "in": "path",
10938 "description": "The customer id.",
10939 "required": true,
10940 "type": "string"
10941 },
10942 {
10943 "name": "claimId",
10944 "in": "path",
10945 "description": "The claim id.",
10946 "required": true,
10947 "type": "string"
10948 },
10949 {
10950 "name": "Trov-Market",
10951 "in": "header",
10952 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
10953 "required": true,
10954 "type": "string",
10955 "default": "US"
10956 },
10957 {
10958 "name": "Trov-Client",
10959 "in": "header",
10960 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
10961 "required": true,
10962 "type": "string",
10963 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
10964 },
10965 {
10966 "name": "Accept-Language",
10967 "in": "header",
10968 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
10969 "required": true,
10970 "type": "string",
10971 "default": "en-US"
10972 },
10973 {
10974 "name": "Authorization",
10975 "in": "header",
10976 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
10977 "required": true,
10978 "type": "string",
10979 "default": ""
10980 }
10981 ],
10982 "responses": {
10983 "200": {
10984 "description": "OK",
10985 "schema": {
10986 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerFraudSignals"
10987 }
10988 },
10989 "401 AuthenticationException": {
10990 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
10991 "schema": {
10992 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
10993 "default": {
10994 "Message": "string",
10995 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
10996 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
10997 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
10998 }
10999 }
11000 },
11001 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
11002 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
11003 "schema": {
11004 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
11005 "default": {
11006 "Message": "string",
11007 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11008 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
11009 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11010 }
11011 }
11012 },
11013 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
11014 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11015 "schema": {
11016 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
11017 "default": {
11018 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11019 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11020 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
11021 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11022 }
11023 }
11024 }
11025 },
11026 "deprecated": true
11027 }
11028 },
11029 "/api/v3.0/sic/customers": {
11030 "get": {
11031 "tags": [
11032 "CustomersEmployee"
11033 ],
11034 "summary": "Gets all customers with optional filters for role \"sicadmin\"\r\nGets all customers that have insured at least one asset with optional filters for other roles",
11035 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customers",
11036 "consumes": [],
11037 "produces": [
11038 "application/json",
11039 "text/json"
11040 ],
11041 "parameters": [
11042 {
11043 "name": "count",
11044 "in": "query",
11045 "description": "The number of customers to return.",
11046 "required": false,
11047 "type": "integer",
11048 "format": "int32"
11049 },
11050 {
11051 "name": "offset",
11052 "in": "query",
11053 "description": "The position to offset the customers.",
11054 "required": false,
11055 "type": "integer",
11056 "format": "int32"
11057 },
11058 {
11059 "name": "emailFilter",
11060 "in": "query",
11061 "description": "The email address or name filter.",
11062 "required": true,
11063 "type": "string"
11064 },
11065 {
11066 "name": "Trov-Market",
11067 "in": "header",
11068 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
11069 "required": true,
11070 "type": "string",
11071 "default": "US"
11072 },
11073 {
11074 "name": "Trov-Client",
11075 "in": "header",
11076 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
11077 "required": true,
11078 "type": "string",
11079 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
11080 },
11081 {
11082 "name": "Accept-Language",
11083 "in": "header",
11084 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
11085 "required": true,
11086 "type": "string",
11087 "default": "en-US"
11088 },
11089 {
11090 "name": "Authorization",
11091 "in": "header",
11092 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
11093 "required": true,
11094 "type": "string",
11095 "default": ""
11096 }
11097 ],
11098 "responses": {
11099 "200": {
11100 "description": "OK",
11101 "schema": {
11102 "items": {
11103 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerCustomerResponse"
11104 },
11105 "xml": {
11106 "name": "CustomerResponse",
11107 "wrapped": true
11108 },
11109 "type": "array"
11110 }
11111 },
11112 "401 AuthenticationException": {
11113 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
11114 "schema": {
11115 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
11116 "default": {
11117 "Message": "string",
11118 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11119 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
11120 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11121 }
11122 }
11123 },
11124 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
11125 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
11126 "schema": {
11127 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
11128 "default": {
11129 "Message": "string",
11130 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11131 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
11132 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11133 }
11134 }
11135 },
11136 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
11137 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11138 "schema": {
11139 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
11140 "default": {
11141 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11142 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11143 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
11144 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11145 }
11146 }
11147 }
11148 },
11149 "deprecated": true
11150 }
11151 },
11152 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/{customerId}/profileResults": {
11153 "get": {
11154 "tags": [
11155 "CustomersEmployee"
11156 ],
11157 "summary": "Gets the fraud profile results for a customer.",
11158 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_customer_customerId_profileResults",
11159 "consumes": [],
11160 "produces": [
11161 "application/json",
11162 "text/json"
11163 ],
11164 "parameters": [
11165 {
11166 "name": "customerId",
11167 "in": "path",
11168 "description": "The customer id.",
11169 "required": true,
11170 "type": "string"
11171 },
11172 {
11173 "name": "offset",
11174 "in": "query",
11175 "description": "The offset in the result.",
11176 "required": false,
11177 "type": "integer",
11178 "format": "int32",
11179 "default": 0
11180 },
11181 {
11182 "name": "count",
11183 "in": "query",
11184 "description": "The number of records to get.",
11185 "required": false,
11186 "type": "integer",
11187 "format": "int32",
11188 "default": 100
11189 },
11190 {
11191 "name": "fromEventTime",
11192 "in": "query",
11193 "description": "The start time to include in unix format.",
11194 "required": false,
11195 "type": "string"
11196 },
11197 {
11198 "name": "toEventTime",
11199 "in": "query",
11200 "description": "The end time to include in unix format.",
11201 "required": false,
11202 "type": "string"
11203 },
11204 {
11205 "name": "Trov-Market",
11206 "in": "header",
11207 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
11208 "required": true,
11209 "type": "string",
11210 "default": "US"
11211 },
11212 {
11213 "name": "Trov-Client",
11214 "in": "header",
11215 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
11216 "required": true,
11217 "type": "string",
11218 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
11219 },
11220 {
11221 "name": "Accept-Language",
11222 "in": "header",
11223 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
11224 "required": true,
11225 "type": "string",
11226 "default": "en-US"
11227 },
11228 {
11229 "name": "Authorization",
11230 "in": "header",
11231 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
11232 "required": true,
11233 "type": "string",
11234 "default": ""
11235 }
11236 ],
11237 "responses": {
11238 "200": {
11239 "description": "OK",
11240 "schema": {
11241 "items": {
11242 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerFraudProfilingResult"
11243 },
11244 "xml": {
11245 "name": "CustomerFraudProfilingResult",
11246 "wrapped": true
11247 },
11248 "type": "array"
11249 }
11250 },
11251 "401 AuthenticationException": {
11252 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
11253 "schema": {
11254 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
11255 "default": {
11256 "Message": "string",
11257 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11258 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
11259 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11260 }
11261 }
11262 },
11263 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
11264 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
11265 "schema": {
11266 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
11267 "default": {
11268 "Message": "string",
11269 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11270 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
11271 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11272 }
11273 }
11274 },
11275 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
11276 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11277 "schema": {
11278 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
11279 "default": {
11280 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11281 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11282 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
11283 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11284 }
11285 }
11286 }
11287 },
11288 "deprecated": true
11289 }
11290 },
11291 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/quotes/stop/{customerId}": {
11292 "post": {
11293 "tags": [
11294 "CustomersEmployee"
11295 ],
11296 "summary": "Stops all coverage for an existing customer effective immediately.",
11297 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_quotes_stop_customerId",
11298 "consumes": [],
11299 "produces": [],
11300 "parameters": [
11301 {
11302 "name": "customerId",
11303 "in": "path",
11304 "description": "The id of the customer to stop coverage for.",
11305 "required": true,
11306 "type": "string"
11307 },
11308 {
11309 "name": "Trov-Market",
11310 "in": "header",
11311 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
11312 "required": true,
11313 "type": "string",
11314 "default": "US"
11315 },
11316 {
11317 "name": "Trov-Client",
11318 "in": "header",
11319 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
11320 "required": true,
11321 "type": "string",
11322 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
11323 },
11324 {
11325 "name": "Accept-Language",
11326 "in": "header",
11327 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
11328 "required": true,
11329 "type": "string",
11330 "default": "en-US"
11331 },
11332 {
11333 "name": "Authorization",
11334 "in": "header",
11335 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
11336 "required": true,
11337 "type": "string",
11338 "default": ""
11339 }
11340 ],
11341 "responses": {
11342 "204": {
11343 "description": "No Content"
11344 },
11345 "400 UnsupportedMarketException": {
11346 "description": "The operation requested is not supported in the requested market.",
11347 "schema": {
11348 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedMarketException",
11349 "default": {
11350 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
11351 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
11352 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedMarketException",
11353 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11354 }
11355 }
11356 },
11357 "401 AuthenticationException": {
11358 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
11359 "schema": {
11360 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
11361 "default": {
11362 "Message": "string",
11363 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11364 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
11365 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11366 }
11367 }
11368 },
11369 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
11370 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
11371 "schema": {
11372 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
11373 "default": {
11374 "Message": "string",
11375 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11376 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
11377 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11378 }
11379 }
11380 },
11381 "403 CustomerAccessException": {
11382 "description": "The customer does not exist.<br/>\r\n The customer has not insured at least one asset.",
11383 "schema": {
11384 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAccessException",
11385 "default": {
11386 "Message": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
11387 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
11388 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAccessException",
11389 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11390 }
11391 }
11392 },
11393 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
11394 "description": "The requesting user does not have access to view the customer.",
11395 "schema": {
11396 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
11397 "default": {
11398 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
11399 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
11400 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
11401 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11402 }
11403 }
11404 },
11405 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
11406 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11407 "schema": {
11408 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
11409 "default": {
11410 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11411 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11412 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
11413 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11414 }
11415 }
11416 }
11417 },
11418 "deprecated": true
11419 }
11420 },
11421 "/api/v3.0/sic/customer/quotes/stop/{customerId}/endOfBillingCycle": {
11422 "post": {
11423 "tags": [
11424 "CustomersEmployee"
11425 ],
11426 "summary": "Stops all coverage for an existing customer effective the end of the customer's current billing cycle.",
11427 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_customer_quotes_stop_customerId_endOfBillingCycle",
11428 "consumes": [],
11429 "produces": [],
11430 "parameters": [
11431 {
11432 "name": "customerId",
11433 "in": "path",
11434 "description": "The id of the customer to stop coverage for.",
11435 "required": true,
11436 "type": "string"
11437 },
11438 {
11439 "name": "Trov-Market",
11440 "in": "header",
11441 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
11442 "required": true,
11443 "type": "string",
11444 "default": "US"
11445 },
11446 {
11447 "name": "Trov-Client",
11448 "in": "header",
11449 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
11450 "required": true,
11451 "type": "string",
11452 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
11453 },
11454 {
11455 "name": "Accept-Language",
11456 "in": "header",
11457 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
11458 "required": true,
11459 "type": "string",
11460 "default": "en-US"
11461 },
11462 {
11463 "name": "Authorization",
11464 "in": "header",
11465 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
11466 "required": true,
11467 "type": "string",
11468 "default": ""
11469 }
11470 ],
11471 "responses": {
11472 "204": {
11473 "description": "No Content"
11474 },
11475 "400 UnsupportedMarketException": {
11476 "description": "The operation requested is not supported in the requested market.",
11477 "schema": {
11478 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedMarketException",
11479 "default": {
11480 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
11481 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
11482 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedMarketException",
11483 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11484 }
11485 }
11486 },
11487 "401 AuthenticationException": {
11488 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
11489 "schema": {
11490 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
11491 "default": {
11492 "Message": "string",
11493 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11494 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
11495 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11496 }
11497 }
11498 },
11499 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
11500 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
11501 "schema": {
11502 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
11503 "default": {
11504 "Message": "string",
11505 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11506 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
11507 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11508 }
11509 }
11510 },
11511 "403 CustomerAccessException": {
11512 "description": "The customer does not exist.<br/>\r\n The customer has not insured at least one asset.",
11513 "schema": {
11514 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAccessException",
11515 "default": {
11516 "Message": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
11517 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
11518 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAccessException",
11519 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11520 }
11521 }
11522 },
11523 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
11524 "description": "The requesting user does not have access to view the customer.",
11525 "schema": {
11526 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
11527 "default": {
11528 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
11529 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
11530 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
11531 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11532 }
11533 }
11534 },
11535 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
11536 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11537 "schema": {
11538 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
11539 "default": {
11540 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11541 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11542 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
11543 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11544 }
11545 }
11546 }
11547 },
11548 "deprecated": true
11549 }
11550 },
11551 "/api/v3.0/sic/employee/audits": {
11552 "get": {
11553 "tags": [
11554 "EmployeesEmployee"
11555 ],
11556 "summary": "Gets the audit entries for all employees.",
11557 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_employee_audits",
11558 "consumes": [],
11559 "produces": [
11560 "application/json",
11561 "text/json"
11562 ],
11563 "parameters": [
11564 {
11565 "name": "Trov-Market",
11566 "in": "header",
11567 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
11568 "required": true,
11569 "type": "string",
11570 "default": "US"
11571 },
11572 {
11573 "name": "Trov-Client",
11574 "in": "header",
11575 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
11576 "required": true,
11577 "type": "string",
11578 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
11579 },
11580 {
11581 "name": "Accept-Language",
11582 "in": "header",
11583 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
11584 "required": true,
11585 "type": "string",
11586 "default": "en-US"
11587 },
11588 {
11589 "name": "Authorization",
11590 "in": "header",
11591 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
11592 "required": true,
11593 "type": "string",
11594 "default": ""
11595 }
11596 ],
11597 "responses": {
11598 "200": {
11599 "description": "OK",
11600 "schema": {
11601 "items": {
11602 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicAuditEmployeeAudit"
11603 },
11604 "xml": {
11605 "name": "EmployeeAudit",
11606 "wrapped": true
11607 },
11608 "type": "array",
11609 "default": [
11610 {
11611 "AuditId": 1,
11612 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
11613 "UserId": "123456",
11614 "UserEmail": "jon.jones@trov.com",
11615 "Action": "Create",
11616 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false,
11617 "EmailConfirmed": false,
11618 "IsDeleted": false,
11619 "Email": "admin@pallmallartadvisors.com",
11620 "Id": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
11621 "Modified": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
11622 "ModifiedBy": "1",
11623 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
11624 "CreatedBy": "1"
11625 },
11626 {
11627 "AuditId": 2,
11628 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
11629 "UserId": "123456",
11630 "UserEmail": "jon.jones@trov.com",
11631 "Action": "Update",
11632 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false,
11633 "EmailConfirmed": false,
11634 "IsDeleted": false,
11635 "Email": "admin2@pallmallartadvisors.com",
11636 "Id": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
11637 "Modified": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
11638 "ModifiedBy": "1",
11639 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
11640 "CreatedBy": "1"
11641 }
11642 ]
11643 }
11644 },
11645 "401 AuthenticationException": {
11646 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
11647 "schema": {
11648 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
11649 "default": {
11650 "Message": "string",
11651 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11652 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
11653 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11654 }
11655 }
11656 },
11657 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
11658 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
11659 "schema": {
11660 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
11661 "default": {
11662 "Message": "string",
11663 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11664 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
11665 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11666 }
11667 }
11668 },
11669 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
11670 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11671 "schema": {
11672 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
11673 "default": {
11674 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11675 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11676 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
11677 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11678 }
11679 }
11680 }
11681 },
11682 "deprecated": true
11683 }
11684 },
11685 "/api/v3.0/sic/employee/{employeeId}": {
11686 "get": {
11687 "tags": [
11688 "EmployeesEmployee"
11689 ],
11690 "summary": "Gets a employee.",
11691 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_employee_employeeId",
11692 "consumes": [],
11693 "produces": [
11694 "application/json",
11695 "text/json"
11696 ],
11697 "parameters": [
11698 {
11699 "name": "employeeId",
11700 "in": "path",
11701 "description": "The id of the employee.",
11702 "required": true,
11703 "type": "string"
11704 },
11705 {
11706 "name": "Trov-Market",
11707 "in": "header",
11708 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
11709 "required": true,
11710 "type": "string",
11711 "default": "US"
11712 },
11713 {
11714 "name": "Trov-Client",
11715 "in": "header",
11716 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
11717 "required": true,
11718 "type": "string",
11719 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
11720 },
11721 {
11722 "name": "Accept-Language",
11723 "in": "header",
11724 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
11725 "required": true,
11726 "type": "string",
11727 "default": "en-US"
11728 },
11729 {
11730 "name": "Authorization",
11731 "in": "header",
11732 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
11733 "required": true,
11734 "type": "string",
11735 "default": ""
11736 }
11737 ],
11738 "responses": {
11739 "200": {
11740 "description": "OK",
11741 "schema": {
11742 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicEmployeeIEmployee"
11743 }
11744 },
11745 "401 AuthenticationException": {
11746 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
11747 "schema": {
11748 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
11749 "default": {
11750 "Message": "string",
11751 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11752 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
11753 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11754 }
11755 }
11756 },
11757 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
11758 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
11759 "schema": {
11760 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
11761 "default": {
11762 "Message": "string",
11763 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11764 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
11765 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11766 }
11767 }
11768 },
11769 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
11770 "description": "The requested user does not exist, or the requesting user does not have access to view",
11771 "schema": {
11772 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
11773 "default": {
11774 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
11775 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
11776 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
11777 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11778 }
11779 }
11780 },
11781 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
11782 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11783 "schema": {
11784 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
11785 "default": {
11786 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11787 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11788 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
11789 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11790 }
11791 }
11792 }
11793 },
11794 "deprecated": true
11795 },
11796 "put": {
11797 "tags": [
11798 "EmployeesEmployee"
11799 ],
11800 "summary": "Updates an existing employee.",
11801 "operationId": "PUT_api_sic_employee_employeeId",
11802 "consumes": [
11803 "application/json",
11804 "text/json",
11805 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
11806 ],
11807 "produces": [
11808 "application/json",
11809 "text/json"
11810 ],
11811 "parameters": [
11812 {
11813 "name": "employeeId",
11814 "in": "path",
11815 "description": "The id of the employee to update.",
11816 "required": true,
11817 "type": "string"
11818 },
11819 {
11820 "name": "updateEmployeeRequest",
11821 "in": "body",
11822 "description": "The model containing the update request.",
11823 "required": true,
11824 "schema": {
11825 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicEmployeeUpdateEmployeeRequest"
11826 }
11827 },
11828 {
11829 "name": "Trov-Market",
11830 "in": "header",
11831 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
11832 "required": true,
11833 "type": "string",
11834 "default": "US"
11835 },
11836 {
11837 "name": "Trov-Client",
11838 "in": "header",
11839 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
11840 "required": true,
11841 "type": "string",
11842 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
11843 },
11844 {
11845 "name": "Accept-Language",
11846 "in": "header",
11847 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
11848 "required": true,
11849 "type": "string",
11850 "default": "en-US"
11851 },
11852 {
11853 "name": "Authorization",
11854 "in": "header",
11855 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
11856 "required": true,
11857 "type": "string",
11858 "default": ""
11859 }
11860 ],
11861 "responses": {
11862 "200": {
11863 "description": "OK",
11864 "schema": {
11865 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicEmployeeIEmployee"
11866 }
11867 },
11868 "400 TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException": {
11869 "description": "The requested user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
11870 "schema": {
11871 "$ref": "#/definitions/TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException",
11872 "default": {
11873 "Message": "The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
11874 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
11875 "ExceptionType": "TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException",
11876 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11877 }
11878 }
11879 },
11880 "401 AuthenticationException": {
11881 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
11882 "schema": {
11883 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
11884 "default": {
11885 "Message": "string",
11886 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11887 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
11888 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11889 }
11890 }
11891 },
11892 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
11893 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
11894 "schema": {
11895 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
11896 "default": {
11897 "Message": "string",
11898 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11899 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
11900 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11901 }
11902 }
11903 },
11904 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
11905 "description": "The requested user does not exist, or the requesting user does not have access to view.",
11906 "schema": {
11907 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
11908 "default": {
11909 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
11910 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
11911 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
11912 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11913 }
11914 }
11915 },
11916 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
11917 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11918 "schema": {
11919 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
11920 "default": {
11921 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11922 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
11923 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
11924 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
11925 }
11926 }
11927 }
11928 },
11929 "deprecated": true
11930 },
11931 "delete": {
11932 "tags": [
11933 "EmployeesEmployee"
11934 ],
11935 "summary": "Delete an existing employee and assigns their claims to a specified employee.",
11936 "operationId": "DELETE_api_sic_employee_employeeId",
11937 "consumes": [],
11938 "produces": [],
11939 "parameters": [
11940 {
11941 "name": "employeeId",
11942 "in": "path",
11943 "description": "The id of the employee to delete.",
11944 "required": true,
11945 "type": "string"
11946 },
11947 {
11948 "name": "transfereeId",
11949 "in": "query",
11950 "description": "The id of the employee that will take ownership of the former employee's claims.",
11951 "required": true,
11952 "type": "string"
11953 },
11954 {
11955 "name": "Trov-Market",
11956 "in": "header",
11957 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
11958 "required": true,
11959 "type": "string",
11960 "default": "US"
11961 },
11962 {
11963 "name": "Trov-Client",
11964 "in": "header",
11965 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
11966 "required": true,
11967 "type": "string",
11968 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
11969 },
11970 {
11971 "name": "Accept-Language",
11972 "in": "header",
11973 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
11974 "required": true,
11975 "type": "string",
11976 "default": "en-US"
11977 },
11978 {
11979 "name": "Authorization",
11980 "in": "header",
11981 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
11982 "required": true,
11983 "type": "string",
11984 "default": ""
11985 }
11986 ],
11987 "responses": {
11988 "204": {
11989 "description": "No Content"
11990 },
11991 "401 AuthenticationException": {
11992 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
11993 "schema": {
11994 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
11995 "default": {
11996 "Message": "string",
11997 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
11998 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
11999 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12000 }
12001 }
12002 },
12003 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
12004 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
12005 "schema": {
12006 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
12007 "default": {
12008 "Message": "string",
12009 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
12010 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
12011 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12012 }
12013 }
12014 },
12015 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
12016 "description": "The requested user does not exist, or the requesting user does not have access to view.<br/>\r\n The requested transfer employee does not exist, or the requesting user does not have access to view.",
12017 "schema": {
12018 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
12019 "default": {
12020 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12021 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12022 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
12023 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12024 }
12025 }
12026 },
12027 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
12028 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12029 "schema": {
12030 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
12031 "default": {
12032 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12033 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12034 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
12035 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12036 }
12037 }
12038 }
12039 },
12040 "deprecated": true
12041 }
12042 },
12043 "/api/v3.0/sic/employee/{employeeId}/audits": {
12044 "get": {
12045 "tags": [
12046 "EmployeesEmployee"
12047 ],
12048 "summary": "Gets the audit entries for a specific employee.",
12049 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_employee_employeeId_audits",
12050 "consumes": [],
12051 "produces": [
12052 "application/json",
12053 "text/json"
12054 ],
12055 "parameters": [
12056 {
12057 "name": "employeeId",
12058 "in": "path",
12059 "description": "The employee id.",
12060 "required": true,
12061 "type": "string"
12062 },
12063 {
12064 "name": "Trov-Market",
12065 "in": "header",
12066 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
12067 "required": true,
12068 "type": "string",
12069 "default": "US"
12070 },
12071 {
12072 "name": "Trov-Client",
12073 "in": "header",
12074 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
12075 "required": true,
12076 "type": "string",
12077 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
12078 },
12079 {
12080 "name": "Accept-Language",
12081 "in": "header",
12082 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
12083 "required": true,
12084 "type": "string",
12085 "default": "en-US"
12086 },
12087 {
12088 "name": "Authorization",
12089 "in": "header",
12090 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
12091 "required": true,
12092 "type": "string",
12093 "default": ""
12094 }
12095 ],
12096 "responses": {
12097 "200": {
12098 "description": "OK",
12099 "schema": {
12100 "items": {
12101 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicAuditEmployeeAudit"
12102 },
12103 "xml": {
12104 "name": "EmployeeAudit",
12105 "wrapped": true
12106 },
12107 "type": "array",
12108 "default": [
12109 {
12110 "AuditId": 1,
12111 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12112 "UserId": "123456",
12113 "UserEmail": "jon.jones@trov.com",
12114 "Action": "Create",
12115 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false,
12116 "EmailConfirmed": false,
12117 "IsDeleted": false,
12118 "Email": "admin@pallmallartadvisors.com",
12119 "Id": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
12120 "Modified": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12121 "ModifiedBy": "1",
12122 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12123 "CreatedBy": "1"
12124 },
12125 {
12126 "AuditId": 2,
12127 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12128 "UserId": "123456",
12129 "UserEmail": "jon.jones@trov.com",
12130 "Action": "Update",
12131 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false,
12132 "EmailConfirmed": false,
12133 "IsDeleted": false,
12134 "Email": "admin2@pallmallartadvisors.com",
12135 "Id": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
12136 "Modified": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12137 "ModifiedBy": "1",
12138 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12139 "CreatedBy": "1"
12140 }
12141 ]
12142 }
12143 },
12144 "401 AuthenticationException": {
12145 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
12146 "schema": {
12147 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
12148 "default": {
12149 "Message": "string",
12150 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
12151 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
12152 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12153 }
12154 }
12155 },
12156 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
12157 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
12158 "schema": {
12159 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
12160 "default": {
12161 "Message": "string",
12162 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
12163 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
12164 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12165 }
12166 }
12167 },
12168 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
12169 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12170 "schema": {
12171 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
12172 "default": {
12173 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12174 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12175 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
12176 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12177 }
12178 }
12179 }
12180 },
12181 "deprecated": true
12182 }
12183 },
12184 "/api/v3.0/sic/employees": {
12185 "get": {
12186 "tags": [
12187 "EmployeesEmployee"
12188 ],
12189 "summary": "Gets the employees.",
12190 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_employees",
12191 "consumes": [],
12192 "produces": [
12193 "application/json",
12194 "text/json"
12195 ],
12196 "parameters": [
12197 {
12198 "name": "count",
12199 "in": "query",
12200 "description": "The number of employees to return.",
12201 "required": false,
12202 "type": "integer",
12203 "format": "int32"
12204 },
12205 {
12206 "name": "offset",
12207 "in": "query",
12208 "description": "The offset position.",
12209 "required": false,
12210 "type": "integer",
12211 "format": "int32"
12212 },
12213 {
12214 "name": "Trov-Market",
12215 "in": "header",
12216 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
12217 "required": true,
12218 "type": "string",
12219 "default": "US"
12220 },
12221 {
12222 "name": "Trov-Client",
12223 "in": "header",
12224 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
12225 "required": true,
12226 "type": "string",
12227 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
12228 },
12229 {
12230 "name": "Accept-Language",
12231 "in": "header",
12232 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
12233 "required": true,
12234 "type": "string",
12235 "default": "en-US"
12236 },
12237 {
12238 "name": "Authorization",
12239 "in": "header",
12240 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
12241 "required": true,
12242 "type": "string",
12243 "default": ""
12244 }
12245 ],
12246 "responses": {
12247 "200": {
12248 "description": "OK",
12249 "schema": {
12250 "items": {
12251 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicEmployeeIEmployee"
12252 },
12253 "xml": {
12254 "name": "IEmployee",
12255 "wrapped": true
12256 },
12257 "type": "array",
12258 "default": [
12259 {
12260 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false,
12261 "EmailConfirmed": false,
12262 "IsDeleted": false,
12263 "Email": "admin@pallmallartadvisors.com",
12264 "Id": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
12265 "Modified": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12266 "ModifiedBy": "1",
12267 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12268 "CreatedBy": "1"
12269 },
12270 {
12271 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false,
12272 "EmailConfirmed": false,
12273 "IsDeleted": false,
12274 "Email": "sue@trov.com",
12275 "Id": "6ffaaf7a06754d11975705334203",
12276 "Modified": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12277 "ModifiedBy": "2",
12278 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
12279 "CreatedBy": "2"
12280 }
12281 ]
12282 }
12283 },
12284 "401 AuthenticationException": {
12285 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
12286 "schema": {
12287 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
12288 "default": {
12289 "Message": "string",
12290 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
12291 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
12292 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12293 }
12294 }
12295 },
12296 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
12297 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
12298 "schema": {
12299 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
12300 "default": {
12301 "Message": "string",
12302 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
12303 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
12304 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12305 }
12306 }
12307 },
12308 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
12309 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12310 "schema": {
12311 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
12312 "default": {
12313 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12314 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12315 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
12316 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12317 }
12318 }
12319 }
12320 },
12321 "deprecated": true
12322 },
12323 "post": {
12324 "tags": [
12325 "EmployeesEmployee"
12326 ],
12327 "summary": "Creates a new employee.",
12328 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_employees",
12329 "consumes": [
12330 "application/json",
12331 "text/json",
12332 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
12333 ],
12334 "produces": [
12335 "application/json",
12336 "text/json"
12337 ],
12338 "parameters": [
12339 {
12340 "name": "createEmployeeRequest",
12341 "in": "body",
12342 "description": "The info about the employee to create.",
12343 "required": true,
12344 "schema": {
12345 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicEmployeeCreateEmployeeRequest"
12346 }
12347 },
12348 {
12349 "name": "Trov-Market",
12350 "in": "header",
12351 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
12352 "required": true,
12353 "type": "string",
12354 "default": "US"
12355 },
12356 {
12357 "name": "Trov-Client",
12358 "in": "header",
12359 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
12360 "required": true,
12361 "type": "string",
12362 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
12363 },
12364 {
12365 "name": "Accept-Language",
12366 "in": "header",
12367 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
12368 "required": true,
12369 "type": "string",
12370 "default": "en-US"
12371 },
12372 {
12373 "name": "Authorization",
12374 "in": "header",
12375 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
12376 "required": true,
12377 "type": "string",
12378 "default": ""
12379 }
12380 ],
12381 "responses": {
12382 "201": {
12383 "description": "OK",
12384 "schema": {
12385 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicEmployeeIEmployee"
12386 }
12387 },
12388 "400 TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException": {
12389 "description": "The requested user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
12390 "schema": {
12391 "$ref": "#/definitions/TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException",
12392 "default": {
12393 "Message": "The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
12394 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
12395 "ExceptionType": "TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException",
12396 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12397 }
12398 }
12399 },
12400 "401 AuthenticationException": {
12401 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
12402 "schema": {
12403 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
12404 "default": {
12405 "Message": "string",
12406 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
12407 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
12408 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12409 }
12410 }
12411 },
12412 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
12413 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
12414 "schema": {
12415 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
12416 "default": {
12417 "Message": "string",
12418 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
12419 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
12420 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12421 }
12422 }
12423 },
12424 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
12425 "description": "The requested user does not exist, or the requesting user does not have access to view.",
12426 "schema": {
12427 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
12428 "default": {
12429 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12430 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12431 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
12432 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12433 }
12434 }
12435 },
12436 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
12437 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12438 "schema": {
12439 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
12440 "default": {
12441 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12442 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12443 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
12444 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12445 }
12446 }
12447 }
12448 },
12449 "deprecated": true
12450 }
12451 },
12452 "/api/v3.0/sic/token/currencyCloud": {
12453 "get": {
12454 "tags": [
12455 "ExternalToken"
12456 ],
12457 "summary": "Get a short term access token for requests to the Currency Cloud API.",
12458 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_token_currencyCloud",
12459 "consumes": [],
12460 "produces": [
12461 "application/json",
12462 "text/json"
12463 ],
12464 "parameters": [
12465 {
12466 "name": "Trov-Market",
12467 "in": "header",
12468 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
12469 "required": true,
12470 "type": "string",
12471 "default": "US"
12472 },
12473 {
12474 "name": "Trov-Client",
12475 "in": "header",
12476 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
12477 "required": true,
12478 "type": "string",
12479 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
12480 },
12481 {
12482 "name": "Accept-Language",
12483 "in": "header",
12484 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
12485 "required": true,
12486 "type": "string",
12487 "default": "en-US"
12488 },
12489 {
12490 "name": "Authorization",
12491 "in": "header",
12492 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
12493 "required": true,
12494 "type": "string",
12495 "default": ""
12496 }
12497 ],
12498 "responses": {
12499 "200": {
12500 "description": "OK",
12501 "schema": {
12502 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreAuthTokenResult"
12503 }
12504 },
12505 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
12506 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12507 "schema": {
12508 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
12509 "default": {
12510 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12511 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12512 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
12513 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12514 }
12515 }
12516 }
12517 },
12518 "deprecated": true
12519 }
12520 },
12521 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}/feed": {
12522 "get": {
12523 "tags": [
12524 "Feed"
12525 ],
12526 "summary": "Gets the list of feed messages for a specified trov.",
12527 "operationId": "GET_api_trovs_trovId_feed",
12528 "consumes": [],
12529 "produces": [
12530 "application/json",
12531 "text/json"
12532 ],
12533 "parameters": [
12534 {
12535 "name": "trovId",
12536 "in": "path",
12537 "description": "The id of the trov.",
12538 "required": true,
12539 "type": "string"
12540 },
12541 {
12542 "name": "since",
12543 "in": "query",
12544 "description": "The Filetime timestamp to query the messages from (inclusive - Minimum precision is seconds).",
12545 "required": false,
12546 "type": "integer",
12547 "format": "int64"
12548 },
12549 {
12550 "name": "offset",
12551 "in": "query",
12552 "description": "The offset position to get the result set from.",
12553 "required": false,
12554 "type": "integer",
12555 "format": "int32",
12556 "default": 0
12557 },
12558 {
12559 "name": "count",
12560 "in": "query",
12561 "description": "The number of feed messages to return.",
12562 "required": false,
12563 "type": "integer",
12564 "format": "int32",
12565 "default": 20
12566 },
12567 {
12568 "name": "Trov-Market",
12569 "in": "header",
12570 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
12571 "required": true,
12572 "type": "string",
12573 "default": "US"
12574 },
12575 {
12576 "name": "Trov-Client",
12577 "in": "header",
12578 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
12579 "required": true,
12580 "type": "string",
12581 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
12582 },
12583 {
12584 "name": "Accept-Language",
12585 "in": "header",
12586 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
12587 "required": true,
12588 "type": "string",
12589 "default": "en-US"
12590 },
12591 {
12592 "name": "Authorization",
12593 "in": "header",
12594 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
12595 "required": true,
12596 "type": "string",
12597 "default": ""
12598 }
12599 ],
12600 "responses": {
12601 "200": {
12602 "description": "OK",
12603 "schema": {
12604 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFeedFeedMessagesResponse"
12605 }
12606 },
12607 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
12608 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
12609 "schema": {
12610 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
12611 "default": {
12612 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12613 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12614 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
12615 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12616 }
12617 }
12618 },
12619 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
12620 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12621 "schema": {
12622 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
12623 "default": {
12624 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12625 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12626 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
12627 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12628 }
12629 }
12630 }
12631 },
12632 "deprecated": true
12633 }
12634 },
12635 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}/feed/{feedMessageType}": {
12636 "post": {
12637 "tags": [
12638 "Feed"
12639 ],
12640 "summary": "Creates a new feed message for a trov with the specified feed message type.",
12641 "operationId": "POST_api_trovs_trovId_feed_feedMessageType",
12642 "consumes": [],
12643 "produces": [],
12644 "parameters": [
12645 {
12646 "name": "trovId",
12647 "in": "path",
12648 "description": "The id of the trov.",
12649 "required": true,
12650 "type": "string"
12651 },
12652 {
12653 "name": "feedMessageType",
12654 "in": "path",
12655 "description": "The type of feed message to add to the trov. (0 = Unknown , 1 = AssetNew , 2 = AssetNewReceipt , 3 = AssetNewEmail , 4 = AssetUpdate , 5 = AssetValue , 6 = AssetDelete , 7 = AssetTransfer , 8 = AssetTransferCancelled , 100 = TrovAddVehicle , 101 = TrovAddProperty , 102 = TrovAddEmailAccount , 103 = TrovAddBroker , 104 = TrovAddPhone , 200 = Announcement , 901 = ReValueExperiment )",
12656 "required": true,
12657 "type": "integer",
12658 "format": "int32",
12659 "enum": [
12660 0,
12661 1,
12662 2,
12663 3,
12664 4,
12665 5,
12666 6,
12667 7,
12668 8,
12669 100,
12670 101,
12671 102,
12672 103,
12673 104,
12674 200,
12675 901
12676 ],
12677 "x-enumName": "FeedMessageType"
12678 },
12679 {
12680 "name": "Trov-Market",
12681 "in": "header",
12682 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
12683 "required": true,
12684 "type": "string",
12685 "default": "US"
12686 },
12687 {
12688 "name": "Trov-Client",
12689 "in": "header",
12690 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
12691 "required": true,
12692 "type": "string",
12693 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
12694 },
12695 {
12696 "name": "Accept-Language",
12697 "in": "header",
12698 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
12699 "required": true,
12700 "type": "string",
12701 "default": "en-US"
12702 },
12703 {
12704 "name": "Authorization",
12705 "in": "header",
12706 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
12707 "required": true,
12708 "type": "string",
12709 "default": ""
12710 }
12711 ],
12712 "responses": {
12713 "204": {
12714 "description": "No Content"
12715 },
12716 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
12717 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
12718 "schema": {
12719 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
12720 "default": {
12721 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12722 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12723 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
12724 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12725 }
12726 }
12727 },
12728 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
12729 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12730 "schema": {
12731 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
12732 "default": {
12733 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12734 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12735 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
12736 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12737 }
12738 }
12739 }
12740 },
12741 "deprecated": true
12742 }
12743 },
12744 "/api/v3.0/files/{fileId}/info": {
12745 "get": {
12746 "tags": [
12747 "Files"
12748 ],
12749 "summary": "Gets a file's info.",
12750 "operationId": "GET_api_files_fileId_info",
12751 "consumes": [],
12752 "produces": [
12753 "application/json",
12754 "text/json"
12755 ],
12756 "parameters": [
12757 {
12758 "name": "fileId",
12759 "in": "path",
12760 "description": "The file id.",
12761 "required": true,
12762 "type": "string"
12763 },
12764 {
12765 "name": "Trov-Market",
12766 "in": "header",
12767 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
12768 "required": true,
12769 "type": "string",
12770 "default": "US"
12771 },
12772 {
12773 "name": "Trov-Client",
12774 "in": "header",
12775 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
12776 "required": true,
12777 "type": "string",
12778 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
12779 },
12780 {
12781 "name": "Accept-Language",
12782 "in": "header",
12783 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
12784 "required": true,
12785 "type": "string",
12786 "default": "en-US"
12787 },
12788 {
12789 "name": "Authorization",
12790 "in": "header",
12791 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
12792 "required": true,
12793 "type": "string",
12794 "default": ""
12795 }
12796 ],
12797 "responses": {
12798 "200": {
12799 "description": "OK",
12800 "schema": {
12801 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
12802 }
12803 },
12804 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
12805 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not file.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified file.",
12806 "schema": {
12807 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
12808 "default": {
12809 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12810 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12811 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
12812 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12813 }
12814 }
12815 },
12816 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
12817 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12818 "schema": {
12819 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
12820 "default": {
12821 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12822 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12823 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
12824 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12825 }
12826 }
12827 }
12828 },
12829 "deprecated": true
12830 }
12831 },
12832 "/api/v3.0/files/{fileId}": {
12833 "get": {
12834 "tags": [
12835 "Files"
12836 ],
12837 "summary": "Gets a file as binary content.",
12838 "operationId": "GET_api_files_fileId",
12839 "consumes": [],
12840 "produces": [
12841 "application/json",
12842 "text/json"
12843 ],
12844 "parameters": [
12845 {
12846 "name": "fileId",
12847 "in": "path",
12848 "description": "The file id.",
12849 "required": true,
12850 "type": "string"
12851 },
12852 {
12853 "name": "download",
12854 "in": "query",
12855 "description": "<para>Web browser clients should request 'true' to force a download (Content-Type and ContentDisposition headers are modified).</para>\r\n<para>Other clients should request 'false' for unmodified response headers.</para>",
12856 "required": false,
12857 "type": "boolean",
12858 "default": false
12859 },
12860 {
12861 "name": "Trov-Market",
12862 "in": "header",
12863 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
12864 "required": true,
12865 "type": "string",
12866 "default": "US"
12867 },
12868 {
12869 "name": "Trov-Client",
12870 "in": "header",
12871 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
12872 "required": true,
12873 "type": "string",
12874 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
12875 },
12876 {
12877 "name": "Accept-Language",
12878 "in": "header",
12879 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
12880 "required": true,
12881 "type": "string",
12882 "default": "en-US"
12883 },
12884 {
12885 "name": "Authorization",
12886 "in": "header",
12887 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
12888 "required": true,
12889 "type": "string",
12890 "default": ""
12891 }
12892 ],
12893 "responses": {
12894 "200": {
12895 "description": "OK",
12896 "schema": {
12897 "type": "string",
12898 "format": "byte"
12899 }
12900 },
12901 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
12902 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not file.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified file.",
12903 "schema": {
12904 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
12905 "default": {
12906 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12907 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
12908 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
12909 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12910 }
12911 }
12912 },
12913 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
12914 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12915 "schema": {
12916 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
12917 "default": {
12918 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12919 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
12920 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
12921 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
12922 }
12923 }
12924 }
12925 },
12926 "deprecated": true
12927 }
12928 },
12929 "/api/v3.0/items/{itemId}/files": {
12930 "get": {
12931 "tags": [
12932 "Files"
12933 ],
12934 "summary": "Gets a dictionary containing the file ids associated with an item.\r\n \r\n- The key of the returned dictionary is the schema type.\r\n- The value of the returned dictionary is a list of associated file ids for that schema type.\r\n- If schema type is specified the dictionary contents will be limited to files of that type, otherwise data for all schema types will be returned.",
12935 "operationId": "GET_api_items_itemId_files",
12936 "consumes": [],
12937 "produces": [
12938 "application/json",
12939 "text/json"
12940 ],
12941 "parameters": [
12942 {
12943 "name": "itemId",
12944 "in": "path",
12945 "description": "The item id.",
12946 "required": true,
12947 "type": "string"
12948 },
12949 {
12950 "name": "schemaType",
12951 "in": "query",
12952 "description": "The type of file. (0 = Asset , 1 = Audio , 2 = Building , 3 = Collection , 4 = Document , 5 = File , 6 = Floor , 7 = Image , 8 = Property , 9 = Room , 10 = Trov , 11 = UserInvite , 12 = User , 13 = Video , 14 = Sitemap , 15 = TrovInvite , 16 = Index , 17 = FloorPlan , 18 = BulkTrovInvite )",
12953 "required": false,
12954 "type": "integer",
12955 "format": "int32",
12956 "enum": [
12957 0,
12958 1,
12959 2,
12960 3,
12961 4,
12962 5,
12963 6,
12964 7,
12965 8,
12966 9,
12967 10,
12968 11,
12969 12,
12970 13,
12971 14,
12972 15,
12973 16,
12974 17,
12975 18
12976 ],
12977 "x-enumName": "SchemaType"
12978 },
12979 {
12980 "name": "revision",
12981 "in": "query",
12982 "description": "The revision of the item id to fetch files for.",
12983 "required": false,
12984 "type": "integer",
12985 "format": "int32"
12986 },
12987 {
12988 "name": "Trov-Market",
12989 "in": "header",
12990 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
12991 "required": true,
12992 "type": "string",
12993 "default": "US"
12994 },
12995 {
12996 "name": "Trov-Client",
12997 "in": "header",
12998 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
12999 "required": true,
13000 "type": "string",
13001 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
13002 },
13003 {
13004 "name": "Accept-Language",
13005 "in": "header",
13006 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
13007 "required": true,
13008 "type": "string",
13009 "default": "en-US"
13010 },
13011 {
13012 "name": "Authorization",
13013 "in": "header",
13014 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
13015 "required": true,
13016 "type": "string",
13017 "default": ""
13018 }
13019 ],
13020 "responses": {
13021 "200": {
13022 "description": "OK",
13023 "schema": {
13024 "properties": {
13025 "asset": {
13026 "items": {
13027 "type": "string"
13028 },
13029 "type": "array"
13030 },
13031 "audio": {
13032 "items": {
13033 "type": "string"
13034 },
13035 "type": "array"
13036 },
13037 "building": {
13038 "items": {
13039 "type": "string"
13040 },
13041 "type": "array"
13042 },
13043 "collection": {
13044 "items": {
13045 "type": "string"
13046 },
13047 "type": "array"
13048 },
13049 "document": {
13050 "items": {
13051 "type": "string"
13052 },
13053 "type": "array"
13054 },
13055 "file": {
13056 "items": {
13057 "type": "string"
13058 },
13059 "type": "array"
13060 },
13061 "floor": {
13062 "items": {
13063 "type": "string"
13064 },
13065 "type": "array"
13066 },
13067 "image": {
13068 "items": {
13069 "type": "string"
13070 },
13071 "type": "array"
13072 },
13073 "property": {
13074 "items": {
13075 "type": "string"
13076 },
13077 "type": "array"
13078 },
13079 "room": {
13080 "items": {
13081 "type": "string"
13082 },
13083 "type": "array"
13084 },
13085 "trov": {
13086 "items": {
13087 "type": "string"
13088 },
13089 "type": "array"
13090 },
13091 "userInvite": {
13092 "items": {
13093 "type": "string"
13094 },
13095 "type": "array"
13096 },
13097 "user": {
13098 "items": {
13099 "type": "string"
13100 },
13101 "type": "array"
13102 },
13103 "video": {
13104 "items": {
13105 "type": "string"
13106 },
13107 "type": "array"
13108 },
13109 "sitemap": {
13110 "items": {
13111 "type": "string"
13112 },
13113 "type": "array"
13114 },
13115 "trovInvite": {
13116 "items": {
13117 "type": "string"
13118 },
13119 "type": "array"
13120 },
13121 "index": {
13122 "items": {
13123 "type": "string"
13124 },
13125 "type": "array"
13126 },
13127 "floorPlan": {
13128 "items": {
13129 "type": "string"
13130 },
13131 "type": "array"
13132 },
13133 "bulkTrovInvite": {
13134 "items": {
13135 "type": "string"
13136 },
13137 "type": "array"
13138 }
13139 },
13140 "type": "object",
13141 "default": {
13142 "Document": [
13143 "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
13144 "507f191e810c19729de860ea"
13145 ],
13146 "Image": [
13147 "507f1f77bcf86cd799439012",
13148 "507f191e810c19729de860eb"
13149 ],
13150 "Video": [
13151 "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013",
13152 "507f191e810c19729de860ec"
13153 ]
13154 }
13155 }
13156 },
13157 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
13158 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not file.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified file.",
13159 "schema": {
13160 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
13161 "default": {
13162 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
13163 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
13164 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
13165 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13166 }
13167 }
13168 },
13169 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
13170 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13171 "schema": {
13172 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
13173 "default": {
13174 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13175 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13176 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
13177 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13178 }
13179 }
13180 }
13181 },
13182 "deprecated": true
13183 },
13184 "post": {
13185 "tags": [
13186 "Files"
13187 ],
13188 "summary": "Adds a file to an item.\r\n \r\nThe endpoint requires a MimeMultipart request body, with a single part:\r\n- Must contain a single byte array (binary blob) of a files data.\r\n- The 'Content-Type' header set to the corresponding type of the blob (e.g. a jpg photo may have it set as 'image/jpeg').",
13189 "operationId": "POST_api_items_itemId_files",
13190 "consumes": [],
13191 "produces": [
13192 "application/json",
13193 "text/json"
13194 ],
13195 "parameters": [
13196 {
13197 "name": "itemId",
13198 "in": "path",
13199 "description": "The item id.",
13200 "required": true,
13201 "type": "string"
13202 },
13203 {
13204 "name": "schemaType",
13205 "in": "query",
13206 "description": "The type of the file. (0 = Asset , 1 = Audio , 2 = Building , 3 = Collection , 4 = Document , 5 = File , 6 = Floor , 7 = Image , 8 = Property , 9 = Room , 10 = Trov , 11 = UserInvite , 12 = User , 13 = Video , 14 = Sitemap , 15 = TrovInvite , 16 = Index , 17 = FloorPlan , 18 = BulkTrovInvite )",
13207 "required": true,
13208 "type": "integer",
13209 "format": "int32",
13210 "enum": [
13211 0,
13212 1,
13213 2,
13214 3,
13215 4,
13216 5,
13217 6,
13218 7,
13219 8,
13220 9,
13221 10,
13222 11,
13223 12,
13224 13,
13225 14,
13226 15,
13227 16,
13228 17,
13229 18
13230 ],
13231 "x-enumName": "SchemaType"
13232 },
13233 {
13234 "name": "name",
13235 "in": "query",
13236 "description": "The name.",
13237 "required": false,
13238 "type": "string"
13239 },
13240 {
13241 "name": "desc",
13242 "in": "query",
13243 "description": "The description.",
13244 "required": false,
13245 "type": "string"
13246 },
13247 {
13248 "name": "Trov-Market",
13249 "in": "header",
13250 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
13251 "required": true,
13252 "type": "string",
13253 "default": "US"
13254 },
13255 {
13256 "name": "Trov-Client",
13257 "in": "header",
13258 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
13259 "required": true,
13260 "type": "string",
13261 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
13262 },
13263 {
13264 "name": "Accept-Language",
13265 "in": "header",
13266 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
13267 "required": true,
13268 "type": "string",
13269 "default": "en-US"
13270 },
13271 {
13272 "name": "Authorization",
13273 "in": "header",
13274 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
13275 "required": true,
13276 "type": "string",
13277 "default": ""
13278 }
13279 ],
13280 "responses": {
13281 "200": {
13282 "description": "OK",
13283 "schema": {
13284 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfoResponse"
13285 }
13286 },
13287 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
13288 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.",
13289 "schema": {
13290 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
13291 "default": {
13292 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
13293 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
13294 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
13295 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13296 }
13297 }
13298 },
13299 "409 DocumentExistsException": {
13300 "description": "The specified file already exists.",
13301 "schema": {
13302 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentExistsException",
13303 "default": {
13304 "Message": "The key used for the document, already exists.",
13305 "ExceptionMessage": "The key used for the document, already exists.",
13306 "ExceptionType": "DocumentExistsException",
13307 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13308 }
13309 }
13310 },
13311 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
13312 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13313 "schema": {
13314 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
13315 "default": {
13316 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13317 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13318 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
13319 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13320 }
13321 }
13322 }
13323 },
13324 "deprecated": true
13325 }
13326 },
13327 "/api/v3.0/items/{itemId}/files/info": {
13328 "get": {
13329 "tags": [
13330 "Files"
13331 ],
13332 "summary": "Gets a dictionary containing the file info associated with an item.\r\n \r\n- The key of the returned dictionary is the schema type.\r\n- The value of the returned dictionary is a list of associated file info for that schema type.\r\n- If schema type is specified the dictionary contents will be limited to files of that type, otherwise data for all schema types will be returned.",
13333 "operationId": "GET_api_items_itemId_files_info",
13334 "consumes": [],
13335 "produces": [
13336 "application/json",
13337 "text/json"
13338 ],
13339 "parameters": [
13340 {
13341 "name": "itemId",
13342 "in": "path",
13343 "description": "The item id.",
13344 "required": true,
13345 "type": "string"
13346 },
13347 {
13348 "name": "schemaType",
13349 "in": "query",
13350 "description": "The type of file. (0 = Asset , 1 = Audio , 2 = Building , 3 = Collection , 4 = Document , 5 = File , 6 = Floor , 7 = Image , 8 = Property , 9 = Room , 10 = Trov , 11 = UserInvite , 12 = User , 13 = Video , 14 = Sitemap , 15 = TrovInvite , 16 = Index , 17 = FloorPlan , 18 = BulkTrovInvite )",
13351 "required": false,
13352 "type": "integer",
13353 "format": "int32",
13354 "enum": [
13355 0,
13356 1,
13357 2,
13358 3,
13359 4,
13360 5,
13361 6,
13362 7,
13363 8,
13364 9,
13365 10,
13366 11,
13367 12,
13368 13,
13369 14,
13370 15,
13371 16,
13372 17,
13373 18
13374 ],
13375 "x-enumName": "SchemaType"
13376 },
13377 {
13378 "name": "revision",
13379 "in": "query",
13380 "description": "The revision of the item id to fetch files for.",
13381 "required": false,
13382 "type": "integer",
13383 "format": "int32"
13384 },
13385 {
13386 "name": "Trov-Market",
13387 "in": "header",
13388 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
13389 "required": true,
13390 "type": "string",
13391 "default": "US"
13392 },
13393 {
13394 "name": "Trov-Client",
13395 "in": "header",
13396 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
13397 "required": true,
13398 "type": "string",
13399 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
13400 },
13401 {
13402 "name": "Accept-Language",
13403 "in": "header",
13404 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
13405 "required": true,
13406 "type": "string",
13407 "default": "en-US"
13408 },
13409 {
13410 "name": "Authorization",
13411 "in": "header",
13412 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
13413 "required": true,
13414 "type": "string",
13415 "default": ""
13416 }
13417 ],
13418 "responses": {
13419 "200": {
13420 "description": "OK",
13421 "schema": {
13422 "properties": {
13423 "asset": {
13424 "items": {
13425 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13426 },
13427 "xml": {
13428 "name": "IFileInfo",
13429 "wrapped": true
13430 },
13431 "type": "array"
13432 },
13433 "audio": {
13434 "items": {
13435 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13436 },
13437 "xml": {
13438 "name": "IFileInfo",
13439 "wrapped": true
13440 },
13441 "type": "array"
13442 },
13443 "building": {
13444 "items": {
13445 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13446 },
13447 "xml": {
13448 "name": "IFileInfo",
13449 "wrapped": true
13450 },
13451 "type": "array"
13452 },
13453 "collection": {
13454 "items": {
13455 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13456 },
13457 "xml": {
13458 "name": "IFileInfo",
13459 "wrapped": true
13460 },
13461 "type": "array"
13462 },
13463 "document": {
13464 "items": {
13465 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13466 },
13467 "xml": {
13468 "name": "IFileInfo",
13469 "wrapped": true
13470 },
13471 "type": "array"
13472 },
13473 "file": {
13474 "items": {
13475 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13476 },
13477 "xml": {
13478 "name": "IFileInfo",
13479 "wrapped": true
13480 },
13481 "type": "array"
13482 },
13483 "floor": {
13484 "items": {
13485 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13486 },
13487 "xml": {
13488 "name": "IFileInfo",
13489 "wrapped": true
13490 },
13491 "type": "array"
13492 },
13493 "image": {
13494 "items": {
13495 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13496 },
13497 "xml": {
13498 "name": "IFileInfo",
13499 "wrapped": true
13500 },
13501 "type": "array"
13502 },
13503 "property": {
13504 "items": {
13505 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13506 },
13507 "xml": {
13508 "name": "IFileInfo",
13509 "wrapped": true
13510 },
13511 "type": "array"
13512 },
13513 "room": {
13514 "items": {
13515 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13516 },
13517 "xml": {
13518 "name": "IFileInfo",
13519 "wrapped": true
13520 },
13521 "type": "array"
13522 },
13523 "trov": {
13524 "items": {
13525 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13526 },
13527 "xml": {
13528 "name": "IFileInfo",
13529 "wrapped": true
13530 },
13531 "type": "array"
13532 },
13533 "userInvite": {
13534 "items": {
13535 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13536 },
13537 "xml": {
13538 "name": "IFileInfo",
13539 "wrapped": true
13540 },
13541 "type": "array"
13542 },
13543 "user": {
13544 "items": {
13545 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13546 },
13547 "xml": {
13548 "name": "IFileInfo",
13549 "wrapped": true
13550 },
13551 "type": "array"
13552 },
13553 "video": {
13554 "items": {
13555 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13556 },
13557 "xml": {
13558 "name": "IFileInfo",
13559 "wrapped": true
13560 },
13561 "type": "array"
13562 },
13563 "sitemap": {
13564 "items": {
13565 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13566 },
13567 "xml": {
13568 "name": "IFileInfo",
13569 "wrapped": true
13570 },
13571 "type": "array"
13572 },
13573 "trovInvite": {
13574 "items": {
13575 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13576 },
13577 "xml": {
13578 "name": "IFileInfo",
13579 "wrapped": true
13580 },
13581 "type": "array"
13582 },
13583 "index": {
13584 "items": {
13585 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13586 },
13587 "xml": {
13588 "name": "IFileInfo",
13589 "wrapped": true
13590 },
13591 "type": "array"
13592 },
13593 "floorPlan": {
13594 "items": {
13595 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13596 },
13597 "xml": {
13598 "name": "IFileInfo",
13599 "wrapped": true
13600 },
13601 "type": "array"
13602 },
13603 "bulkTrovInvite": {
13604 "items": {
13605 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
13606 },
13607 "xml": {
13608 "name": "IFileInfo",
13609 "wrapped": true
13610 },
13611 "type": "array"
13612 }
13613 },
13614 "type": "object",
13615 "default": {
13616 "Document": [
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13620 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
13621 "Name": "hud1.docx",
13622 "Description": "HUD1 Statement",
13623 "ContentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
13624 "Length": 2359,
13625 "UploadDate": 130982766720000000,
13626 "SchemaType": 7
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13631 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
13632 "Name": "deed.pdf",
13633 "Description": "Property Deed",
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13637 "SchemaType": 7
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13644 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
13645 "Name": "aerialview.jpg",
13646 "Description": "An aerial view of the property.",
13647 "ContentType": "image/jpeg",
13648 "Length": 23599,
13649 "UploadDate": 130982766720000000,
13650 "SchemaType": 7
13651 },
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13653 "Id": "507f191e810c19729de860eb",
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13655 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
13656 "Name": "streetview.png",
13657 "Description": "A street view of the property.",
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13662 }
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13664 "Video": [
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13668 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
13669 "Name": "groundstour.mpeg",
13670 "Description": "A tour of the grounds.",
13671 "ContentType": "video/mpeg",
13672 "Length": 235990,
13673 "UploadDate": 130982766720000000,
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13676 {
13677 "Id": "507f191e810c19729de860ec",
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13679 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
13680 "Name": "housetour.wmv",
13681 "Description": "A tour of the house.",
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13685 "SchemaType": 7
13686 }
13687 ]
13688 }
13689 }
13690 },
13691 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
13692 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not file.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified file.",
13693 "schema": {
13694 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
13695 "default": {
13696 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
13697 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
13698 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
13699 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13700 }
13701 }
13702 },
13703 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
13704 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13705 "schema": {
13706 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
13707 "default": {
13708 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13709 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13710 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
13711 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13712 }
13713 }
13714 }
13715 },
13716 "deprecated": true
13717 }
13718 },
13719 "/api/v3.0/items/{itemId}/files/{fileIdList}": {
13720 "delete": {
13721 "tags": [
13722 "Files"
13723 ],
13724 "summary": "Deletes a file.",
13725 "operationId": "DELETE_api_items_itemId_files_fileIdList",
13726 "consumes": [],
13727 "produces": [],
13728 "parameters": [
13729 {
13730 "name": "itemId",
13731 "in": "path",
13732 "description": "The item id the file(s) are associated with.",
13733 "required": true,
13734 "type": "string"
13735 },
13736 {
13737 "name": "fileIdList",
13738 "in": "path",
13739 "description": "The file id list (comma separated).",
13740 "required": true,
13741 "type": "string"
13742 },
13743 {
13744 "name": "Trov-Market",
13745 "in": "header",
13746 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
13747 "required": true,
13748 "type": "string",
13749 "default": "US"
13750 },
13751 {
13752 "name": "Trov-Client",
13753 "in": "header",
13754 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
13755 "required": true,
13756 "type": "string",
13757 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
13758 },
13759 {
13760 "name": "Accept-Language",
13761 "in": "header",
13762 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
13763 "required": true,
13764 "type": "string",
13765 "default": "en-US"
13766 },
13767 {
13768 "name": "Authorization",
13769 "in": "header",
13770 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
13771 "required": true,
13772 "type": "string",
13773 "default": ""
13774 }
13775 ],
13776 "responses": {
13777 "204": {
13778 "description": "No Content"
13779 },
13780 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
13781 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not file.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified file.",
13782 "schema": {
13783 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
13784 "default": {
13785 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
13786 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
13787 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
13788 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13789 }
13790 }
13791 },
13792 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
13793 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13794 "schema": {
13795 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
13796 "default": {
13797 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13798 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13799 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
13800 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13801 }
13802 }
13803 }
13804 },
13805 "deprecated": true
13806 }
13807 },
13808 "/api/v3.0/fraud/{sessionId}": {
13809 "get": {
13810 "tags": [
13811 "Fraud"
13812 ],
13813 "summary": "Gets the success or failure of a device profiling.",
13814 "operationId": "GET_api_fraud_sessionId",
13815 "consumes": [],
13816 "produces": [
13817 "application/json",
13818 "text/json"
13819 ],
13820 "parameters": [
13821 {
13822 "name": "sessionId",
13823 "in": "path",
13824 "description": "The sessionId uniquely identifying the profilnig session.",
13825 "required": true,
13826 "type": "string"
13827 },
13828 {
13829 "name": "Trov-Market",
13830 "in": "header",
13831 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
13832 "required": true,
13833 "type": "string",
13834 "default": "US"
13835 },
13836 {
13837 "name": "Trov-Client",
13838 "in": "header",
13839 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
13840 "required": true,
13841 "type": "string",
13842 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
13843 },
13844 {
13845 "name": "Accept-Language",
13846 "in": "header",
13847 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
13848 "required": true,
13849 "type": "string",
13850 "default": "en-US"
13851 },
13852 {
13853 "name": "Authorization",
13854 "in": "header",
13855 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
13856 "required": true,
13857 "type": "string",
13858 "default": ""
13859 }
13860 ],
13861 "responses": {
13862 "200": {
13863 "description": "OK",
13864 "schema": {
13865 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedFraudFraudProfilingSuccessResponse"
13866 }
13867 },
13868 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
13869 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13870 "schema": {
13871 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
13872 "default": {
13873 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13874 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13875 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
13876 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13877 }
13878 }
13879 }
13880 },
13881 "deprecated": true
13882 }
13883 },
13884 "/api/v3.0/guests": {
13885 "post": {
13886 "tags": [
13887 "Guest"
13888 ],
13889 "summary": "Registers a new guest in the global Trov system.",
13890 "operationId": "POST_api_guests",
13891 "consumes": [
13892 "application/json",
13893 "text/json",
13894 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
13895 ],
13896 "produces": [
13897 "application/json",
13898 "text/json"
13899 ],
13900 "parameters": [
13901 {
13902 "name": "guestRequest",
13903 "in": "body",
13904 "description": "The user registration request.",
13905 "required": true,
13906 "schema": {
13907 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserRegistrationRequest"
13908 }
13909 },
13910 {
13911 "name": "Trov-Market",
13912 "in": "header",
13913 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
13914 "required": true,
13915 "type": "string",
13916 "default": "US"
13917 },
13918 {
13919 "name": "Trov-Client",
13920 "in": "header",
13921 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
13922 "required": true,
13923 "type": "string",
13924 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
13925 },
13926 {
13927 "name": "Accept-Language",
13928 "in": "header",
13929 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
13930 "required": true,
13931 "type": "string",
13932 "default": "en-US"
13933 }
13934 ],
13935 "responses": {
13936 "200": {
13937 "description": "OK",
13938 "schema": {
13939 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserRegisterResponse"
13940 }
13941 },
13942 "401 AuthenticationException": {
13943 "description": "User already exists, incorrect password.",
13944 "schema": {
13945 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
13946 "default": {
13947 "Message": "string",
13948 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
13949 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
13950 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13951 }
13952 }
13953 },
13954 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
13955 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13956 "schema": {
13957 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
13958 "default": {
13959 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13960 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
13961 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
13962 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
13963 }
13964 }
13965 }
13966 },
13967 "deprecated": true
13968 }
13969 },
13970 "/api/v3.0/guests/quote": {
13971 "post": {
13972 "tags": [
13973 "Guest"
13974 ],
13975 "summary": "Gets a quote response for guest quote request.\r\n \r\n---\r\nThe required properties to be populated for the Customer request property are different per market:\r\n \r\n| Market | Properties |\r\n| -- | -- |\r\n| AU | Customer.BirthDate,Customer.Address.Zip,Customer.Gender |\r\n| GB | Customer.BirthDate,Customer.Address.Zip |\r\n| US | Customer.BirthDate,Customer.Address.State |",
13976 "operationId": "POST_api_guests_quote",
13977 "consumes": [
13978 "application/json",
13979 "text/json",
13980 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
13981 ],
13982 "produces": [
13983 "application/json",
13984 "text/json"
13985 ],
13986 "parameters": [
13987 {
13988 "name": "request",
13989 "in": "body",
13990 "required": true,
13991 "schema": {
13992 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteRequest"
13993 }
13994 },
13995 {
13996 "name": "Trov-Market",
13997 "in": "header",
13998 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
13999 "required": true,
14000 "type": "string",
14001 "default": "US"
14002 },
14003 {
14004 "name": "Trov-Client",
14005 "in": "header",
14006 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
14007 "required": true,
14008 "type": "string",
14009 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
14010 },
14011 {
14012 "name": "Accept-Language",
14013 "in": "header",
14014 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
14015 "required": true,
14016 "type": "string",
14017 "default": "en-US"
14018 },
14019 {
14020 "name": "Authorization",
14021 "in": "header",
14022 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
14023 "required": true,
14024 "type": "string",
14025 "default": ""
14026 }
14027 ],
14028 "responses": {
14029 "200": {
14030 "description": "OK",
14031 "schema": {
14032 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteResponse"
14033 }
14034 },
14035 "401 UserNotFoundException": {
14036 "description": "The user does not exist, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
14037 "schema": {
14038 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserNotFoundException",
14039 "default": {
14040 "Message": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
14041 "ExceptionMessage": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
14042 "ExceptionType": "UserNotFoundException",
14043 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14044 }
14045 }
14046 },
14047 "403 ValidationException": {
14048 "description": "Invalid/missing request properties.",
14049 "schema": {
14050 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
14051 "default": {
14052 "Message": "string",
14053 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
14054 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
14055 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14056 }
14057 }
14058 },
14059 "500 MoreThanOneActivePdsVersionException": {
14060 "description": "There are multiple active product disclosure statements found for the user",
14061 "schema": {
14062 "$ref": "#/definitions/MoreThanOneActivePdsVersionException",
14063 "default": {
14064 "Message": "Multiple PDS Versions found for customer",
14065 "ExceptionMessage": "Multiple PDS Versions found for customer",
14066 "ExceptionType": "MoreThanOneActivePdsVersionException",
14067 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14068 }
14069 }
14070 },
14071 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
14072 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14073 "schema": {
14074 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
14075 "default": {
14076 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14077 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14078 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
14079 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14080 }
14081 }
14082 }
14083 },
14084 "deprecated": true
14085 }
14086 },
14087 "/api/v3.0/guests/displayQuote": {
14088 "post": {
14089 "tags": [
14090 "Guest"
14091 ],
14092 "summary": "Gets a display quote response for guest quote request.",
14093 "operationId": "POST_api_guests_displayQuote",
14094 "consumes": [
14095 "application/json",
14096 "text/json",
14097 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
14098 ],
14099 "produces": [
14100 "application/json",
14101 "text/json"
14102 ],
14103 "parameters": [
14104 {
14105 "name": "request",
14106 "in": "body",
14107 "required": true,
14108 "schema": {
14109 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestDisplayQuoteRequest"
14110 }
14111 },
14112 {
14113 "name": "Trov-Market",
14114 "in": "header",
14115 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
14116 "required": true,
14117 "type": "string",
14118 "default": "US"
14119 },
14120 {
14121 "name": "Trov-Client",
14122 "in": "header",
14123 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
14124 "required": true,
14125 "type": "string",
14126 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
14127 },
14128 {
14129 "name": "Accept-Language",
14130 "in": "header",
14131 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
14132 "required": true,
14133 "type": "string",
14134 "default": "en-US"
14135 },
14136 {
14137 "name": "Authorization",
14138 "in": "header",
14139 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
14140 "required": true,
14141 "type": "string",
14142 "default": ""
14143 }
14144 ],
14145 "responses": {
14146 "200": {
14147 "description": "OK",
14148 "schema": {
14149 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteResponse"
14150 }
14151 },
14152 "400 UnsupportedMarketException": {
14153 "description": "The specified market is not supported.",
14154 "schema": {
14155 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedMarketException",
14156 "default": {
14157 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
14158 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
14159 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedMarketException",
14160 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14161 }
14162 }
14163 },
14164 "403 ValidationException": {
14165 "description": "Invalid/missing request properties.",
14166 "schema": {
14167 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
14168 "default": {
14169 "Message": "string",
14170 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
14171 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
14172 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14173 }
14174 }
14175 },
14176 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
14177 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14178 "schema": {
14179 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
14180 "default": {
14181 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14182 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14183 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
14184 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14185 }
14186 }
14187 }
14188 },
14189 "deprecated": true
14190 }
14191 },
14192 "/api/v3.0/guests/textToDownload": {
14193 "post": {
14194 "tags": [
14195 "Guest"
14196 ],
14197 "summary": "Sends a text with links to download the apps from the app store.",
14198 "operationId": "POST_api_guests_textToDownload",
14199 "consumes": [],
14200 "produces": [
14201 "application/json",
14202 "text/json"
14203 ],
14204 "parameters": [
14205 {
14206 "name": "phoneNumber",
14207 "in": "query",
14208 "description": "The phone number to text to.",
14209 "required": true,
14210 "type": "string"
14211 },
14212 {
14213 "name": "Trov-Market",
14214 "in": "header",
14215 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
14216 "required": true,
14217 "type": "string",
14218 "default": "US"
14219 },
14220 {
14221 "name": "Trov-Client",
14222 "in": "header",
14223 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
14224 "required": true,
14225 "type": "string",
14226 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
14227 },
14228 {
14229 "name": "Accept-Language",
14230 "in": "header",
14231 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
14232 "required": true,
14233 "type": "string",
14234 "default": "en-US"
14235 },
14236 {
14237 "name": "Authorization",
14238 "in": "header",
14239 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
14240 "required": true,
14241 "type": "string",
14242 "default": ""
14243 }
14244 ],
14245 "responses": {
14246 "200": {
14247 "description": "OK",
14248 "schema": {
14249 "type": "boolean"
14250 }
14251 },
14252 "400 InvalidPhoneNumberException": {
14253 "description": "The phone number failed validation.",
14254 "schema": {
14255 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPhoneNumberException",
14256 "default": {
14257 "Message": "The phone number provided is invalid.",
14258 "ExceptionMessage": "The phone number provided is invalid.",
14259 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPhoneNumberException",
14260 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14261 }
14262 }
14263 },
14264 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
14265 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14266 "schema": {
14267 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
14268 "default": {
14269 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14270 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14271 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
14272 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14273 }
14274 }
14275 }
14276 },
14277 "deprecated": true
14278 }
14279 },
14280 "/api/v3.0/images/{fileId}": {
14281 "get": {
14282 "tags": [
14283 "Images"
14284 ],
14285 "summary": "Gets an image.",
14286 "operationId": "GET_api_images_fileId",
14287 "consumes": [],
14288 "produces": [
14289 "application/json",
14290 "text/json"
14291 ],
14292 "parameters": [
14293 {
14294 "name": "fileId",
14295 "in": "path",
14296 "description": "The file ID.",
14297 "required": true,
14298 "type": "string"
14299 },
14300 {
14301 "name": "width",
14302 "in": "query",
14303 "description": "The width of image.",
14304 "required": false,
14305 "type": "integer",
14306 "format": "int32"
14307 },
14308 {
14309 "name": "height",
14310 "in": "query",
14311 "description": "The height of image.",
14312 "required": false,
14313 "type": "integer",
14314 "format": "int32"
14315 },
14316 {
14317 "name": "maxWidth",
14318 "in": "query",
14319 "description": "The maximum width.",
14320 "required": false,
14321 "type": "integer",
14322 "format": "int32"
14323 },
14324 {
14325 "name": "maxHeight",
14326 "in": "query",
14327 "description": "The maximum height.",
14328 "required": false,
14329 "type": "integer",
14330 "format": "int32"
14331 },
14332 {
14333 "name": "fitMode",
14334 "in": "query",
14335 "description": "The mode used to resolve the aspect ratio differences between the requested and original image sizes. (0 = None , 1 = Max , 2 = Pad , 3 = Crop , 4 = Carve , 5 = Stretch )",
14336 "required": false,
14337 "type": "integer",
14338 "format": "int32",
14339 "enum": [
14340 0,
14341 1,
14342 2,
14343 3,
14344 4,
14345 5
14346 ],
14347 "x-enumName": "FitMode"
14348 },
14349 {
14350 "name": "Trov-Market",
14351 "in": "header",
14352 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
14353 "required": true,
14354 "type": "string",
14355 "default": "US"
14356 },
14357 {
14358 "name": "Trov-Client",
14359 "in": "header",
14360 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
14361 "required": true,
14362 "type": "string",
14363 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
14364 },
14365 {
14366 "name": "Accept-Language",
14367 "in": "header",
14368 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
14369 "required": true,
14370 "type": "string",
14371 "default": "en-US"
14372 },
14373 {
14374 "name": "Authorization",
14375 "in": "header",
14376 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
14377 "required": true,
14378 "type": "string",
14379 "default": ""
14380 }
14381 ],
14382 "responses": {
14383 "200": {
14384 "description": "OK",
14385 "schema": {
14386 "type": "string",
14387 "format": "byte"
14388 }
14389 },
14390 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
14391 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not file.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified file.",
14392 "schema": {
14393 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
14394 "default": {
14395 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
14396 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
14397 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
14398 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14399 }
14400 }
14401 },
14402 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
14403 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14404 "schema": {
14405 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
14406 "default": {
14407 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14408 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14409 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
14410 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14411 }
14412 }
14413 }
14414 },
14415 "deprecated": true
14416 }
14417 },
14418 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}/assets/{assetId}/thumbnail": {
14419 "get": {
14420 "tags": [
14421 "Images"
14422 ],
14423 "summary": "Gets the thumbnail for an asset.",
14424 "operationId": "GET_api_trovs_trovId_assets_assetId_thumbnail",
14425 "consumes": [],
14426 "produces": [
14427 "application/json",
14428 "text/json"
14429 ],
14430 "parameters": [
14431 {
14432 "name": "trovId",
14433 "in": "path",
14434 "description": "The id of the trov the asset belongs to.",
14435 "required": true,
14436 "type": "string"
14437 },
14438 {
14439 "name": "assetId",
14440 "in": "path",
14441 "description": "The id of the asset.",
14442 "required": true,
14443 "type": "string"
14444 },
14445 {
14446 "name": "width",
14447 "in": "query",
14448 "description": "The width of image.",
14449 "required": false,
14450 "type": "integer",
14451 "format": "int32"
14452 },
14453 {
14454 "name": "height",
14455 "in": "query",
14456 "description": "The height of image.",
14457 "required": false,
14458 "type": "integer",
14459 "format": "int32"
14460 },
14461 {
14462 "name": "maxWidth",
14463 "in": "query",
14464 "description": "The maximum width.",
14465 "required": false,
14466 "type": "integer",
14467 "format": "int32"
14468 },
14469 {
14470 "name": "maxHeight",
14471 "in": "query",
14472 "description": "The maximum height.",
14473 "required": false,
14474 "type": "integer",
14475 "format": "int32"
14476 },
14477 {
14478 "name": "fitMode",
14479 "in": "query",
14480 "description": "The mode used to resolve the aspect ratio differences between the requested and original image sizes. (0 = None , 1 = Max , 2 = Pad , 3 = Crop , 4 = Carve , 5 = Stretch )",
14481 "required": false,
14482 "type": "integer",
14483 "format": "int32",
14484 "enum": [
14485 0,
14486 1,
14487 2,
14488 3,
14489 4,
14490 5
14491 ],
14492 "x-enumName": "FitMode"
14493 },
14494 {
14495 "name": "Trov-Market",
14496 "in": "header",
14497 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
14498 "required": true,
14499 "type": "string",
14500 "default": "US"
14501 },
14502 {
14503 "name": "Trov-Client",
14504 "in": "header",
14505 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
14506 "required": true,
14507 "type": "string",
14508 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
14509 },
14510 {
14511 "name": "Accept-Language",
14512 "in": "header",
14513 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
14514 "required": true,
14515 "type": "string",
14516 "default": "en-US"
14517 },
14518 {
14519 "name": "Authorization",
14520 "in": "header",
14521 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
14522 "required": true,
14523 "type": "string",
14524 "default": ""
14525 }
14526 ],
14527 "responses": {
14528 "200": {
14529 "description": "OK",
14530 "schema": {
14531 "type": "string",
14532 "format": "byte"
14533 }
14534 },
14535 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
14536 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.",
14537 "schema": {
14538 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
14539 "default": {
14540 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
14541 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
14542 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
14543 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14544 }
14545 }
14546 },
14547 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
14548 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14549 "schema": {
14550 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
14551 "default": {
14552 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14553 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14554 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
14555 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14556 }
14557 }
14558 }
14559 },
14560 "deprecated": true
14561 }
14562 },
14563 "/api/v3.0/metadata/enrich/phone": {
14564 "post": {
14565 "tags": [
14566 "Metadata"
14567 ],
14568 "summary": "Enriches the provided phone information with additional data. Creates or saves the asset.",
14569 "operationId": "POST_api_metadata_enrich_phone",
14570 "consumes": [
14571 "application/json",
14572 "text/json",
14573 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
14574 ],
14575 "produces": [
14576 "application/json",
14577 "text/json"
14578 ],
14579 "parameters": [
14580 {
14581 "name": "phoneEnrichmentRequest",
14582 "in": "body",
14583 "description": "The asset to enrich.",
14584 "required": true,
14585 "schema": {
14586 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsPhoneEnrichmentRequest"
14587 }
14588 },
14589 {
14590 "name": "sessionId",
14591 "in": "query",
14592 "description": "Optional ThreatMetrix session id associated with the request.",
14593 "required": false,
14594 "type": "string"
14595 },
14596 {
14597 "name": "Trov-Market",
14598 "in": "header",
14599 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
14600 "required": true,
14601 "type": "string",
14602 "default": "US"
14603 },
14604 {
14605 "name": "Trov-Client",
14606 "in": "header",
14607 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
14608 "required": true,
14609 "type": "string",
14610 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
14611 },
14612 {
14613 "name": "Accept-Language",
14614 "in": "header",
14615 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
14616 "required": true,
14617 "type": "string",
14618 "default": "en-US"
14619 },
14620 {
14621 "name": "Authorization",
14622 "in": "header",
14623 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
14624 "required": true,
14625 "type": "string",
14626 "default": ""
14627 }
14628 ],
14629 "responses": {
14630 "200": {
14631 "description": "OK",
14632 "schema": {
14633 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetResponse"
14634 }
14635 },
14636 "201": {
14637 "description": "Request succeeded but the auto-detected asset did not match the one provided. The auto-detected asset was created and the provided asset deleted."
14638 },
14639 "204": {
14640 "description": "Request succeeded, but no additional data was found, so no result was returned."
14641 },
14642 "400 UnsupportedMarketException": {
14643 "description": "Phone enrichment is not supported in the requested market.",
14644 "schema": {
14645 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedMarketException",
14646 "default": {
14647 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
14648 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
14649 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedMarketException",
14650 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14651 }
14652 }
14653 },
14654 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
14655 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14656 "schema": {
14657 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
14658 "default": {
14659 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14660 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14661 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
14662 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14663 }
14664 }
14665 }
14666 },
14667 "deprecated": true
14668 }
14669 },
14670 "/api/v3.0/metadata/enrich/otherphone": {
14671 "post": {
14672 "tags": [
14673 "Metadata"
14674 ],
14675 "summary": "Enriches the provided phone information with additional data.",
14676 "operationId": "POST_api_metadata_enrich_otherphone",
14677 "consumes": [
14678 "application/json",
14679 "text/json",
14680 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
14681 ],
14682 "produces": [
14683 "application/json",
14684 "text/json"
14685 ],
14686 "parameters": [
14687 {
14688 "name": "phoneEnrichmentRequest",
14689 "in": "body",
14690 "description": "The asset to enrich.",
14691 "required": true,
14692 "schema": {
14693 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsPhoneEnrichmentRequest"
14694 }
14695 },
14696 {
14697 "name": "token",
14698 "in": "query",
14699 "description": "The one time token for the enrichment request.",
14700 "required": false,
14701 "type": "string"
14702 },
14703 {
14704 "name": "sessionId",
14705 "in": "query",
14706 "description": "Optional ThreatMetrix session id associated with the request.",
14707 "required": false,
14708 "type": "string"
14709 },
14710 {
14711 "name": "Trov-Market",
14712 "in": "header",
14713 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
14714 "required": true,
14715 "type": "string",
14716 "default": "US"
14717 },
14718 {
14719 "name": "Trov-Client",
14720 "in": "header",
14721 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
14722 "required": true,
14723 "type": "string",
14724 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
14725 },
14726 {
14727 "name": "Accept-Language",
14728 "in": "header",
14729 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
14730 "required": true,
14731 "type": "string",
14732 "default": "en-US"
14733 }
14734 ],
14735 "responses": {
14736 "200": {
14737 "description": "OK",
14738 "schema": {
14739 "type": "object"
14740 }
14741 },
14742 "400": {
14743 "description": "The token is invalid."
14744 },
14745 "400 UnsupportedMarketException": {
14746 "description": "Phone enrichment is not supported in the requested market.",
14747 "schema": {
14748 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedMarketException",
14749 "default": {
14750 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
14751 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
14752 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedMarketException",
14753 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14754 }
14755 }
14756 },
14757 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
14758 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14759 "schema": {
14760 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
14761 "default": {
14762 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14763 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
14764 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
14765 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
14766 }
14767 }
14768 }
14769 },
14770 "deprecated": true
14771 }
14772 },
14773 "/api/v3.0/guests/enrich/assets": {
14774 "post": {
14775 "tags": [
14776 "Metadata"
14777 ],
14778 "summary": "Enriches the provided asset with additional data.",
14779 "operationId": "POST_api_guests_enrich_assets",
14780 "consumes": [
14781 "application/json",
14782 "text/json",
14783 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
14784 ],
14785 "produces": [
14786 "application/json",
14787 "text/json"
14788 ],
14789 "parameters": [
14790 {
14791 "name": "asset",
14792 "in": "body",
14793 "description": "The asset to enrich.",
14794 "required": true,
14795 "schema": {
14796 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsIAsset"
14797 }
14798 },
14799 {
14800 "name": "maxResultCount",
14801 "in": "query",
14802 "description": "The maximum number of results to return when there are multiple options.",
14803 "required": false,
14804 "type": "integer",
14805 "format": "int32",
14806 "default": 40
14807 },
14808 {
14809 "name": "pssId",
14810 "in": "query",
14811 "description": "The unique id associated with the search session request.",
14812 "required": false,
14813 "type": "string"
14814 },
14815 {
14816 "name": "Trov-Market",
14817 "in": "header",
14818 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
14819 "required": true,
14820 "type": "string",
14821 "default": "US"
14822 },
14823 {
14824 "name": "Trov-Client",
14825 "in": "header",
14826 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
14827 "required": true,
14828 "type": "string",
14829 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
14830 },
14831 {
14832 "name": "Accept-Language",
14833 "in": "header",
14834 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
14835 "required": true,
14836 "type": "string",
14837 "default": "en-US"
14838 },
14839 {
14840 "name": "Authorization",
14841 "in": "header",
14842 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
14843 "required": true,
14844 "type": "string",
14845 "default": ""
14846 }
14847 ],
14848 "responses": {
14849 "200": {
14850 "description": "OK",
14851 "schema": {
14852 "items": {
14853 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsIAsset"
14854 },
14855 "xml": {
14856 "name": "IAsset",
14857 "wrapped": true
14858 },
14859 "type": "array",
14860 "default": [
14861 {
14862 "Thumbnail": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
14863 "IsRegion": true,
14864 "CategoryId": "15",
14865 "Quantity": 1,
14866 "CommonAttributes": {
14867 "Insurance": {
14868 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
14869 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
14870 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
14871 "Amount": {
14872 "Type": 0,
14873 "Value": 167944810.00
14874 }
14875 },
14876 "Purchase": {
14877 "Date": "1/26/2016",
14878 "Amount": {
14879 "Type": 0,
14880 "Value": 167944810.00
14881 },
14882 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
14883 },
14884 "ReplacementValue": {
14885 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
14886 "Value": {
14887 "Type": 0,
14888 "Value": 167944810.00
14889 },
14890 "HighValue": {
14891 "Type": 0,
14892 "Value": 177944810.00
14893 },
14894 "LowValue": {
14895 "Type": 0,
14896 "Value": 157944810.00
14897 },
14898 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
14899 },
14900 "FairMarketValue": {
14901 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
14902 "Value": {
14903 "Type": 0,
14904 "Value": 167944810.00
14905 },
14906 "HighValue": {
14907 "Type": 0,
14908 "Value": 177944810.00
14909 },
14910 "LowValue": {
14911 "Type": 0,
14912 "Value": 157944810.00
14913 },
14914 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
14915 },
14916 "AcquisitionInformation": {
14917 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
14918 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
14919 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
14920 "Reason": "Sold"
14921 }
14922 },
14923 "CategoryAttributes": {
14924 "Wine": {
14925 "Type": "Morning Fog",
14926 "Vintage": "2012",
14927 "Manufacturer": "Wente Vineyards",
14928 "Varietal": "Chardonnay",
14929 "Vineyard": "Estate Vineyards",
14930 "Region": "United States",
14931 "SubRegion": "California",
14932 "Appellation": "Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay",
14933 "BottleSize": "750 ML"
14934 },
14935 "Product": {
14936 "Make": "Dell",
14937 "Model": "XPS 8700",
14938 "Series": "XPS",
14939 "SerialNumber": "CN-0P7D0G-74261-33N-0KEL"
14940 },
14941 "Vehicle": {
14942 "Year": 2012,
14943 "Make": "Lamborghini",
14944 "Model": "Aventador",
14945 "Style": "LP700-4 Coupe",
14946 "Vin": "19UYA31581L000000",
14947 "Exterior": "Red",
14948 "Interior": "Leather",
14949 "Transmission": "7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive",
14950 "LicenceNumber": "4FASTER",
14951 "Mileage": 0
14952 },
14953 "Art": {
14954 "Artist": "Auguste Rodin",
14955 "Title": "The Thinker",
14956 "CreationDate": "1904",
14957 "Medium": "Bronze",
14958 "Edition": "1",
14959 "Signature": "Auguste Rodin",
14960 "Frame": "N/A"
14961 },
14962 "Property": {
14963 "Address": {
14964 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
14965 "City": "Medina",
14966 "State": "WA",
14967 "Zip": "98039",
14968 "Country": "USA",
14969 "IsEmpty": false,
14970 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
14971 },
14972 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
14973 "LivingAreaSize": {
14974 "Unit": "SqFt",
14975 "Value": 50050.0
14976 },
14977 "Stories": 4,
14978 "Bedrooms": 25,
14979 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
14980 "YearBuilt": 1994
14981 }
14982 },
14983 "ExternalIdentifiers": [
14984 {
14985 "Type": 4,
14986 "Id": "68890082"
14987 }
14988 ],
14989 "ExternalCategories": [
14990 {
14991 "Provider": "Zillow",
14992 "CategoryId": "ABC",
14993 "CategoryName": "Mansions",
14994 "Level": 2
14995 }
14996 ],
14997 "Flags": [],
14998 "Status": "Owned",
14999 "IsQuotable": false,
15000 "IsOwned": true,
15001 "IsPossessed": true,
15002 "IsTrashed": false,
15003 "IsCertified": false,
15004 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff",
15005 "ParentId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
15006 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
15007 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
15008 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
15009 },
15010 {
15011 "Thumbnail": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
15012 "IsRegion": true,
15013 "CategoryId": "15",
15014 "Quantity": 1,
15015 "CommonAttributes": {
15016 "Insurance": {
15017 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
15018 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
15019 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
15020 "Amount": {
15021 "Type": 0,
15022 "Value": 167944810.00
15023 }
15024 },
15025 "Purchase": {
15026 "Date": "1/26/2016",
15027 "Amount": {
15028 "Type": 0,
15029 "Value": 167944810.00
15030 },
15031 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
15032 },
15033 "ReplacementValue": {
15034 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
15035 "Value": {
15036 "Type": 0,
15037 "Value": 167944810.00
15038 },
15039 "HighValue": {
15040 "Type": 0,
15041 "Value": 177944810.00
15042 },
15043 "LowValue": {
15044 "Type": 0,
15045 "Value": 157944810.00
15046 },
15047 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
15048 },
15049 "FairMarketValue": {
15050 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
15051 "Value": {
15052 "Type": 0,
15053 "Value": 167944810.00
15054 },
15055 "HighValue": {
15056 "Type": 0,
15057 "Value": 177944810.00
15058 },
15059 "LowValue": {
15060 "Type": 0,
15061 "Value": 157944810.00
15062 },
15063 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
15064 },
15065 "AcquisitionInformation": {
15066 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
15067 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
15068 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
15069 "Reason": "Sold"
15070 }
15071 },
15072 "CategoryAttributes": {
15073 "Property": {
15074 "Address": {
15075 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
15076 "City": "Medina",
15077 "State": "WA",
15078 "Zip": "98039",
15079 "Country": "USA",
15080 "IsEmpty": false,
15081 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
15082 },
15083 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
15084 "LivingAreaSize": {
15085 "Unit": "SqFt",
15086 "Value": 50050.0
15087 },
15088 "Stories": 4,
15089 "Bedrooms": 25,
15090 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
15091 "YearBuilt": 1994
15092 }
15093 },
15094 "ExternalIdentifiers": [
15095 {
15096 "Type": 4,
15097 "Id": "68890082"
15098 }
15099 ],
15100 "ExternalCategories": [],
15101 "Flags": [],
15102 "Status": "Owned",
15103 "IsQuotable": false,
15104 "IsOwned": true,
15105 "IsPossessed": true,
15106 "IsTrashed": false,
15107 "IsCertified": false,
15108 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff",
15109 "ParentId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
15110 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
15111 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
15112 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
15113 }
15114 ]
15115 }
15116 },
15117 "204": {
15118 "description": "Request succeeded, but no additional data was found, so no result was returned."
15119 },
15120 "300": {
15121 "description": "Request succeeded, and multiple results were returned.<br/>\r\n Once one is selected, it may need to be re-enriched if some of the expected data is missing."
15122 },
15123 "400 ArgumentException": {
15124 "description": "The request body is missing at least one required field.",
15125 "schema": {
15126 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentException",
15127 "default": {
15128 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
15129 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
15130 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
15131 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15132 }
15133 }
15134 },
15135 "400 ArgumentNullException": {
15136 "description": "The request body did not contain an asset.",
15137 "schema": {
15138 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentNullException",
15139 "default": {
15140 "Message": "Value cannot be null.",
15141 "ExceptionMessage": "Value cannot be null.",
15142 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentNullException",
15143 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15144 }
15145 }
15146 },
15147 "400 InvalidAssetException": {
15148 "description": "The asset did not contain properties to indicate a type of enrichment.",
15149 "schema": {
15150 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAssetException",
15151 "default": {
15152 "Message": "string",
15153 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
15154 "ExceptionType": "InvalidAssetException",
15155 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15156 }
15157 }
15158 },
15159 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
15160 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15161 "schema": {
15162 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
15163 "default": {
15164 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15165 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15166 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
15167 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15168 }
15169 }
15170 }
15171 },
15172 "deprecated": true
15173 }
15174 },
15175 "/api/v3.0/metadata/enrich/assets": {
15176 "post": {
15177 "tags": [
15178 "Metadata"
15179 ],
15180 "summary": "Enriches the provided asset with additional data.",
15181 "operationId": "POST_api_metadata_enrich_assets",
15182 "consumes": [
15183 "application/json",
15184 "text/json",
15185 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
15186 ],
15187 "produces": [
15188 "application/json",
15189 "text/json"
15190 ],
15191 "parameters": [
15192 {
15193 "name": "asset",
15194 "in": "body",
15195 "description": "The asset to enrich.",
15196 "required": true,
15197 "schema": {
15198 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsIAsset"
15199 }
15200 },
15201 {
15202 "name": "maxResultCount",
15203 "in": "query",
15204 "description": "The maximum number of results to return when there are multiple options.",
15205 "required": false,
15206 "type": "integer",
15207 "format": "int32",
15208 "default": 40
15209 },
15210 {
15211 "name": "pssId",
15212 "in": "query",
15213 "description": "The unique id associated with the search session request.",
15214 "required": false,
15215 "type": "string"
15216 },
15217 {
15218 "name": "Trov-Market",
15219 "in": "header",
15220 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
15221 "required": true,
15222 "type": "string",
15223 "default": "US"
15224 },
15225 {
15226 "name": "Trov-Client",
15227 "in": "header",
15228 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
15229 "required": true,
15230 "type": "string",
15231 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
15232 },
15233 {
15234 "name": "Accept-Language",
15235 "in": "header",
15236 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
15237 "required": true,
15238 "type": "string",
15239 "default": "en-US"
15240 },
15241 {
15242 "name": "Authorization",
15243 "in": "header",
15244 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
15245 "required": true,
15246 "type": "string",
15247 "default": ""
15248 }
15249 ],
15250 "responses": {
15251 "200": {
15252 "description": "OK",
15253 "schema": {
15254 "items": {
15255 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsIAsset"
15256 },
15257 "xml": {
15258 "name": "IAsset",
15259 "wrapped": true
15260 },
15261 "type": "array",
15262 "default": [
15263 {
15264 "Thumbnail": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
15265 "IsRegion": true,
15266 "CategoryId": "15",
15267 "Quantity": 1,
15268 "CommonAttributes": {
15269 "Insurance": {
15270 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
15271 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
15272 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
15273 "Amount": {
15274 "Type": 0,
15275 "Value": 167944810.00
15276 }
15277 },
15278 "Purchase": {
15279 "Date": "1/26/2016",
15280 "Amount": {
15281 "Type": 0,
15282 "Value": 167944810.00
15283 },
15284 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
15285 },
15286 "ReplacementValue": {
15287 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
15288 "Value": {
15289 "Type": 0,
15290 "Value": 167944810.00
15291 },
15292 "HighValue": {
15293 "Type": 0,
15294 "Value": 177944810.00
15295 },
15296 "LowValue": {
15297 "Type": 0,
15298 "Value": 157944810.00
15299 },
15300 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
15301 },
15302 "FairMarketValue": {
15303 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
15304 "Value": {
15305 "Type": 0,
15306 "Value": 167944810.00
15307 },
15308 "HighValue": {
15309 "Type": 0,
15310 "Value": 177944810.00
15311 },
15312 "LowValue": {
15313 "Type": 0,
15314 "Value": 157944810.00
15315 },
15316 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
15317 },
15318 "AcquisitionInformation": {
15319 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
15320 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
15321 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
15322 "Reason": "Sold"
15323 }
15324 },
15325 "CategoryAttributes": {
15326 "Wine": {
15327 "Type": "Morning Fog",
15328 "Vintage": "2012",
15329 "Manufacturer": "Wente Vineyards",
15330 "Varietal": "Chardonnay",
15331 "Vineyard": "Estate Vineyards",
15332 "Region": "United States",
15333 "SubRegion": "California",
15334 "Appellation": "Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay",
15335 "BottleSize": "750 ML"
15336 },
15337 "Product": {
15338 "Make": "Dell",
15339 "Model": "XPS 8700",
15340 "Series": "XPS",
15341 "SerialNumber": "CN-0P7D0G-74261-33N-0KEL"
15342 },
15343 "Vehicle": {
15344 "Year": 2012,
15345 "Make": "Lamborghini",
15346 "Model": "Aventador",
15347 "Style": "LP700-4 Coupe",
15348 "Vin": "19UYA31581L000000",
15349 "Exterior": "Red",
15350 "Interior": "Leather",
15351 "Transmission": "7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive",
15352 "LicenceNumber": "4FASTER",
15353 "Mileage": 0
15354 },
15355 "Art": {
15356 "Artist": "Auguste Rodin",
15357 "Title": "The Thinker",
15358 "CreationDate": "1904",
15359 "Medium": "Bronze",
15360 "Edition": "1",
15361 "Signature": "Auguste Rodin",
15362 "Frame": "N/A"
15363 },
15364 "Property": {
15365 "Address": {
15366 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
15367 "City": "Medina",
15368 "State": "WA",
15369 "Zip": "98039",
15370 "Country": "USA",
15371 "IsEmpty": false,
15372 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
15373 },
15374 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
15375 "LivingAreaSize": {
15376 "Unit": "SqFt",
15377 "Value": 50050.0
15378 },
15379 "Stories": 4,
15380 "Bedrooms": 25,
15381 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
15382 "YearBuilt": 1994
15383 }
15384 },
15385 "ExternalIdentifiers": [
15386 {
15387 "Type": 4,
15388 "Id": "68890082"
15389 }
15390 ],
15391 "ExternalCategories": [
15392 {
15393 "Provider": "Zillow",
15394 "CategoryId": "ABC",
15395 "CategoryName": "Mansions",
15396 "Level": 2
15397 }
15398 ],
15399 "Flags": [],
15400 "Status": "Owned",
15401 "IsQuotable": false,
15402 "IsOwned": true,
15403 "IsPossessed": true,
15404 "IsTrashed": false,
15405 "IsCertified": false,
15406 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff",
15407 "ParentId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
15408 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
15409 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
15410 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
15411 },
15412 {
15413 "Thumbnail": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
15414 "IsRegion": true,
15415 "CategoryId": "15",
15416 "Quantity": 1,
15417 "CommonAttributes": {
15418 "Insurance": {
15419 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
15420 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
15421 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
15422 "Amount": {
15423 "Type": 0,
15424 "Value": 167944810.00
15425 }
15426 },
15427 "Purchase": {
15428 "Date": "1/26/2016",
15429 "Amount": {
15430 "Type": 0,
15431 "Value": 167944810.00
15432 },
15433 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
15434 },
15435 "ReplacementValue": {
15436 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
15437 "Value": {
15438 "Type": 0,
15439 "Value": 167944810.00
15440 },
15441 "HighValue": {
15442 "Type": 0,
15443 "Value": 177944810.00
15444 },
15445 "LowValue": {
15446 "Type": 0,
15447 "Value": 157944810.00
15448 },
15449 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
15450 },
15451 "FairMarketValue": {
15452 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
15453 "Value": {
15454 "Type": 0,
15455 "Value": 167944810.00
15456 },
15457 "HighValue": {
15458 "Type": 0,
15459 "Value": 177944810.00
15460 },
15461 "LowValue": {
15462 "Type": 0,
15463 "Value": 157944810.00
15464 },
15465 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
15466 },
15467 "AcquisitionInformation": {
15468 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
15469 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
15470 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
15471 "Reason": "Sold"
15472 }
15473 },
15474 "CategoryAttributes": {
15475 "Property": {
15476 "Address": {
15477 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
15478 "City": "Medina",
15479 "State": "WA",
15480 "Zip": "98039",
15481 "Country": "USA",
15482 "IsEmpty": false,
15483 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
15484 },
15485 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
15486 "LivingAreaSize": {
15487 "Unit": "SqFt",
15488 "Value": 50050.0
15489 },
15490 "Stories": 4,
15491 "Bedrooms": 25,
15492 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
15493 "YearBuilt": 1994
15494 }
15495 },
15496 "ExternalIdentifiers": [
15497 {
15498 "Type": 4,
15499 "Id": "68890082"
15500 }
15501 ],
15502 "ExternalCategories": [],
15503 "Flags": [],
15504 "Status": "Owned",
15505 "IsQuotable": false,
15506 "IsOwned": true,
15507 "IsPossessed": true,
15508 "IsTrashed": false,
15509 "IsCertified": false,
15510 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff",
15511 "ParentId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
15512 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
15513 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
15514 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
15515 }
15516 ]
15517 }
15518 },
15519 "204": {
15520 "description": "Request succeeded, but no additional data was found, so no result was returned."
15521 },
15522 "300": {
15523 "description": "Request succeeded, and multiple results were returned.<br/>\r\n Once one is selected, it may need to be re-enriched if some of the expected data is missing."
15524 },
15525 "400 ArgumentException": {
15526 "description": "The request body is missing at least one required field.",
15527 "schema": {
15528 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentException",
15529 "default": {
15530 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
15531 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
15532 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
15533 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15534 }
15535 }
15536 },
15537 "400 ArgumentNullException": {
15538 "description": "The request body did not contain an asset.",
15539 "schema": {
15540 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentNullException",
15541 "default": {
15542 "Message": "Value cannot be null.",
15543 "ExceptionMessage": "Value cannot be null.",
15544 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentNullException",
15545 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15546 }
15547 }
15548 },
15549 "400 InvalidAssetException": {
15550 "description": "The asset did not contain properties to indicate a type of enrichment.",
15551 "schema": {
15552 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAssetException",
15553 "default": {
15554 "Message": "string",
15555 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
15556 "ExceptionType": "InvalidAssetException",
15557 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15558 }
15559 }
15560 },
15561 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
15562 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15563 "schema": {
15564 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
15565 "default": {
15566 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15567 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15568 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
15569 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15570 }
15571 }
15572 }
15573 },
15574 "deprecated": true
15575 }
15576 },
15577 "/api/v3.0/sic/paymentCards": {
15578 "get": {
15579 "tags": [
15580 "PaymentCards"
15581 ],
15582 "summary": "Get the payment cards for the current customer.",
15583 "operationId": "GET_api_sic_paymentCards",
15584 "consumes": [],
15585 "produces": [
15586 "application/json",
15587 "text/json"
15588 ],
15589 "parameters": [
15590 {
15591 "name": "Trov-Market",
15592 "in": "header",
15593 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
15594 "required": true,
15595 "type": "string",
15596 "default": "US"
15597 },
15598 {
15599 "name": "Trov-Client",
15600 "in": "header",
15601 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
15602 "required": true,
15603 "type": "string",
15604 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
15605 },
15606 {
15607 "name": "Accept-Language",
15608 "in": "header",
15609 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
15610 "required": true,
15611 "type": "string",
15612 "default": "en-US"
15613 },
15614 {
15615 "name": "Authorization",
15616 "in": "header",
15617 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
15618 "required": true,
15619 "type": "string",
15620 "default": ""
15621 }
15622 ],
15623 "responses": {
15624 "200": {
15625 "description": "OK",
15626 "schema": {
15627 "items": {
15628 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPaymentCardPaymentCardResponse"
15629 },
15630 "xml": {
15631 "name": "PaymentCardResponse",
15632 "wrapped": true
15633 },
15634 "type": "array"
15635 }
15636 },
15637 "500 PaymentProviderException": {
15638 "description": "An unexpected problem occurred with the payment provider.",
15639 "schema": {
15640 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderException",
15641 "default": {
15642 "Message": "string",
15643 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
15644 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderException",
15645 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15646 }
15647 }
15648 },
15649 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
15650 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15651 "schema": {
15652 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
15653 "default": {
15654 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15655 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15656 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
15657 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15658 }
15659 }
15660 }
15661 },
15662 "deprecated": true
15663 },
15664 "post": {
15665 "tags": [
15666 "PaymentCards"
15667 ],
15668 "summary": "Create a payment card for the current customer.\r\nThe newly created card will be set as the default card.",
15669 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_paymentCards",
15670 "consumes": [
15671 "application/json",
15672 "text/json",
15673 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
15674 ],
15675 "produces": [
15676 "application/json",
15677 "text/json"
15678 ],
15679 "parameters": [
15680 {
15681 "name": "paymentCardRequest",
15682 "in": "body",
15683 "description": "The model containing the payment card request information.",
15684 "required": true,
15685 "schema": {
15686 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPaymentCardAddPaymentCardRequest"
15687 }
15688 },
15689 {
15690 "name": "Trov-Market",
15691 "in": "header",
15692 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
15693 "required": true,
15694 "type": "string",
15695 "default": "US"
15696 },
15697 {
15698 "name": "Trov-Client",
15699 "in": "header",
15700 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
15701 "required": true,
15702 "type": "string",
15703 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
15704 },
15705 {
15706 "name": "Accept-Language",
15707 "in": "header",
15708 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
15709 "required": true,
15710 "type": "string",
15711 "default": "en-US"
15712 },
15713 {
15714 "name": "Authorization",
15715 "in": "header",
15716 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
15717 "required": true,
15718 "type": "string",
15719 "default": ""
15720 }
15721 ],
15722 "responses": {
15723 "200": {
15724 "description": "OK",
15725 "schema": {
15726 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPaymentCardPaymentCardResponse"
15727 }
15728 },
15729 "500 PaymentProviderException": {
15730 "description": "An unexpected problem occurred with the payment provider.",
15731 "schema": {
15732 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderException",
15733 "default": {
15734 "Message": "string",
15735 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
15736 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderException",
15737 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15738 }
15739 }
15740 },
15741 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
15742 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15743 "schema": {
15744 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
15745 "default": {
15746 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15747 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15748 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
15749 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15750 }
15751 }
15752 }
15753 },
15754 "deprecated": true
15755 }
15756 },
15757 "/api/v3.0/sic/paymentCard": {
15758 "put": {
15759 "tags": [
15760 "PaymentCards"
15761 ],
15762 "summary": "Update the payment card for the current customer.",
15763 "operationId": "PUT_api_sic_paymentCard",
15764 "consumes": [
15765 "application/json",
15766 "text/json",
15767 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
15768 ],
15769 "produces": [],
15770 "parameters": [
15771 {
15772 "name": "request",
15773 "in": "body",
15774 "required": true,
15775 "schema": {
15776 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPaymentCardsPaymentCardUpdateRequest"
15777 }
15778 },
15779 {
15780 "name": "Trov-Market",
15781 "in": "header",
15782 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
15783 "required": true,
15784 "type": "string",
15785 "default": "US"
15786 },
15787 {
15788 "name": "Trov-Client",
15789 "in": "header",
15790 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
15791 "required": true,
15792 "type": "string",
15793 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
15794 },
15795 {
15796 "name": "Accept-Language",
15797 "in": "header",
15798 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
15799 "required": true,
15800 "type": "string",
15801 "default": "en-US"
15802 },
15803 {
15804 "name": "Authorization",
15805 "in": "header",
15806 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
15807 "required": true,
15808 "type": "string",
15809 "default": ""
15810 }
15811 ],
15812 "responses": {
15813 "204": {
15814 "description": "No Content"
15815 },
15816 "500 PaymentProviderException": {
15817 "description": "An unexpected problem occurred with the payment provider.",
15818 "schema": {
15819 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderException",
15820 "default": {
15821 "Message": "string",
15822 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
15823 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderException",
15824 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15825 }
15826 }
15827 },
15828 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
15829 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15830 "schema": {
15831 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
15832 "default": {
15833 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15834 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15835 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
15836 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15837 }
15838 }
15839 }
15840 },
15841 "deprecated": true
15842 }
15843 },
15844 "/api/v3.0/sic/paymentCard/{defaultCardId}": {
15845 "put": {
15846 "tags": [
15847 "PaymentCards"
15848 ],
15849 "summary": "Set the default payment card for the current customer.",
15850 "operationId": "PUT_api_sic_paymentCard_defaultCardId",
15851 "consumes": [],
15852 "produces": [],
15853 "parameters": [
15854 {
15855 "name": "defaultCardId",
15856 "in": "path",
15857 "description": "The Stripe id of a customer's payment card.",
15858 "required": true,
15859 "type": "string"
15860 },
15861 {
15862 "name": "Trov-Market",
15863 "in": "header",
15864 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
15865 "required": true,
15866 "type": "string",
15867 "default": "US"
15868 },
15869 {
15870 "name": "Trov-Client",
15871 "in": "header",
15872 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
15873 "required": true,
15874 "type": "string",
15875 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
15876 },
15877 {
15878 "name": "Accept-Language",
15879 "in": "header",
15880 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
15881 "required": true,
15882 "type": "string",
15883 "default": "en-US"
15884 },
15885 {
15886 "name": "Authorization",
15887 "in": "header",
15888 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
15889 "required": true,
15890 "type": "string",
15891 "default": ""
15892 }
15893 ],
15894 "responses": {
15895 "204": {
15896 "description": "No Content"
15897 },
15898 "500 PaymentProviderException": {
15899 "description": "An unexpected problem occurred with the payment provider.",
15900 "schema": {
15901 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderException",
15902 "default": {
15903 "Message": "string",
15904 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
15905 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderException",
15906 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15907 }
15908 }
15909 },
15910 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
15911 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15912 "schema": {
15913 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
15914 "default": {
15915 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15916 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15917 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
15918 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15919 }
15920 }
15921 }
15922 },
15923 "deprecated": true
15924 }
15925 },
15926 "/api/v3.0/sic/paymentCard/{cardId}": {
15927 "delete": {
15928 "tags": [
15929 "PaymentCards"
15930 ],
15931 "summary": "Delete a payment card from the current customer.",
15932 "operationId": "DELETE_api_sic_paymentCard_cardId",
15933 "consumes": [],
15934 "produces": [],
15935 "parameters": [
15936 {
15937 "name": "cardId",
15938 "in": "path",
15939 "description": "The card id to delete.",
15940 "required": true,
15941 "type": "string"
15942 },
15943 {
15944 "name": "Trov-Market",
15945 "in": "header",
15946 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
15947 "required": true,
15948 "type": "string",
15949 "default": "US"
15950 },
15951 {
15952 "name": "Trov-Client",
15953 "in": "header",
15954 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
15955 "required": true,
15956 "type": "string",
15957 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
15958 },
15959 {
15960 "name": "Accept-Language",
15961 "in": "header",
15962 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
15963 "required": true,
15964 "type": "string",
15965 "default": "en-US"
15966 },
15967 {
15968 "name": "Authorization",
15969 "in": "header",
15970 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
15971 "required": true,
15972 "type": "string",
15973 "default": ""
15974 }
15975 ],
15976 "responses": {
15977 "204": {
15978 "description": "No Content"
15979 },
15980 "500 PaymentProviderException": {
15981 "description": "An unexpected problem occurred with the payment provider.",
15982 "schema": {
15983 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderException",
15984 "default": {
15985 "Message": "string",
15986 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
15987 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderException",
15988 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
15989 }
15990 }
15991 },
15992 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
15993 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15994 "schema": {
15995 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
15996 "default": {
15997 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15998 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
15999 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16000 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16001 }
16002 }
16003 }
16004 },
16005 "deprecated": true
16006 }
16007 },
16008 "/api/v3.0/pds": {
16009 "get": {
16010 "tags": [
16011 "Pds"
16012 ],
16013 "summary": "Gets a response containing the effective Product Disclosure Summary URI and\r\nthe Amendatory Endorsement URI (if configured) for the user",
16014 "operationId": "GET_api_pds",
16015 "consumes": [],
16016 "produces": [
16017 "application/json",
16018 "text/json"
16019 ],
16020 "parameters": [
16021 {
16022 "name": "Trov-Market",
16023 "in": "header",
16024 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16025 "required": true,
16026 "type": "string",
16027 "default": "US"
16028 },
16029 {
16030 "name": "Trov-Client",
16031 "in": "header",
16032 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16033 "required": true,
16034 "type": "string",
16035 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16036 },
16037 {
16038 "name": "Accept-Language",
16039 "in": "header",
16040 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16041 "required": true,
16042 "type": "string",
16043 "default": "en-US"
16044 }
16045 ],
16046 "responses": {
16047 "200": {
16048 "description": "OK",
16049 "schema": {
16050 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsProductDisclosureResponse"
16051 }
16052 },
16053 "401 UserNotFoundException": {
16054 "description": "The user does not exist, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
16055 "schema": {
16056 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserNotFoundException",
16057 "default": {
16058 "Message": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
16059 "ExceptionMessage": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
16060 "ExceptionType": "UserNotFoundException",
16061 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16062 }
16063 }
16064 },
16065 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16066 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16067 "schema": {
16068 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16069 "default": {
16070 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16071 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16072 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16073 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16074 }
16075 }
16076 }
16077 },
16078 "deprecated": true
16079 },
16080 "post": {
16081 "tags": [
16082 "PdsEmployee"
16083 ],
16084 "summary": "Creates a new PDS.",
16085 "operationId": "POST_api_pds",
16086 "consumes": [
16087 "application/json",
16088 "text/json",
16089 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
16090 ],
16091 "produces": [
16092 "application/json",
16093 "text/json"
16094 ],
16095 "parameters": [
16096 {
16097 "name": "request",
16098 "in": "body",
16099 "description": "The request object containing the PDS version of the new PDS.",
16100 "required": true,
16101 "schema": {
16102 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsCreateProductDisclosureSummaryRequest"
16103 }
16104 },
16105 {
16106 "name": "Trov-Market",
16107 "in": "header",
16108 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16109 "required": true,
16110 "type": "string",
16111 "default": "US"
16112 },
16113 {
16114 "name": "Trov-Client",
16115 "in": "header",
16116 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16117 "required": true,
16118 "type": "string",
16119 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16120 },
16121 {
16122 "name": "Accept-Language",
16123 "in": "header",
16124 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16125 "required": true,
16126 "type": "string",
16127 "default": "en-US"
16128 },
16129 {
16130 "name": "Authorization",
16131 "in": "header",
16132 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16133 "required": true,
16134 "type": "string",
16135 "default": ""
16136 }
16137 ],
16138 "responses": {
16139 "200": {
16140 "description": "OK",
16141 "schema": {
16142 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsProductDisclosureSummaryResponse"
16143 }
16144 },
16145 "400 PdsSummaryVersionExistsException": {
16146 "description": "The PDS version cannot be created because one already exists.",
16147 "schema": {
16148 "$ref": "#/definitions/PdsSummaryVersionExistsException",
16149 "default": {
16150 "Message": "The PDS version cannot be created because one already exists.",
16151 "ExceptionMessage": "The PDS version cannot be created because one already exists.",
16152 "ExceptionType": "PdsSummaryVersionExistsException",
16153 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16154 }
16155 }
16156 },
16157 "400 PdsSummaryVersionNotProvidedException": {
16158 "description": "The PDS version is was not provided.",
16159 "schema": {
16160 "$ref": "#/definitions/PdsSummaryVersionNotProvidedException",
16161 "default": {
16162 "Message": "The PDS version is was not provided.",
16163 "ExceptionMessage": "The PDS version is was not provided.",
16164 "ExceptionType": "PdsSummaryVersionNotProvidedException",
16165 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16166 }
16167 }
16168 },
16169 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16170 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16171 "schema": {
16172 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16173 "default": {
16174 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16175 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16176 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16177 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16178 }
16179 }
16180 }
16181 },
16182 "deprecated": true
16183 }
16184 },
16185 "/api/v3.0/pds/history": {
16186 "get": {
16187 "tags": [
16188 "PdsEmployee"
16189 ],
16190 "summary": "Gets the history of all PDSes for the current market, ordered chronologically, descending.",
16191 "operationId": "GET_api_pds_history",
16192 "consumes": [],
16193 "produces": [
16194 "application/json",
16195 "text/json"
16196 ],
16197 "parameters": [
16198 {
16199 "name": "Trov-Market",
16200 "in": "header",
16201 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16202 "required": true,
16203 "type": "string",
16204 "default": "US"
16205 },
16206 {
16207 "name": "Trov-Client",
16208 "in": "header",
16209 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16210 "required": true,
16211 "type": "string",
16212 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16213 },
16214 {
16215 "name": "Accept-Language",
16216 "in": "header",
16217 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16218 "required": true,
16219 "type": "string",
16220 "default": "en-US"
16221 },
16222 {
16223 "name": "Authorization",
16224 "in": "header",
16225 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16226 "required": true,
16227 "type": "string",
16228 "default": ""
16229 }
16230 ],
16231 "responses": {
16232 "200": {
16233 "description": "OK",
16234 "schema": {
16235 "items": {
16236 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsProductDisclosureSummaryResponse"
16237 },
16238 "xml": {
16239 "name": "ProductDisclosureSummaryResponse",
16240 "wrapped": true
16241 },
16242 "type": "array"
16243 }
16244 },
16245 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16246 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16247 "schema": {
16248 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16249 "default": {
16250 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16251 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16252 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16253 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16254 }
16255 }
16256 }
16257 },
16258 "deprecated": true
16259 }
16260 },
16261 "/api/v3.0/pds/regional": {
16262 "get": {
16263 "tags": [
16264 "PdsEmployee"
16265 ],
16266 "summary": "Gets the effective regional PDS.",
16267 "operationId": "GET_api_pds_regional",
16268 "consumes": [],
16269 "produces": [
16270 "application/json",
16271 "text/json"
16272 ],
16273 "parameters": [
16274 {
16275 "name": "Trov-Market",
16276 "in": "header",
16277 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16278 "required": true,
16279 "type": "string",
16280 "default": "US"
16281 },
16282 {
16283 "name": "Trov-Client",
16284 "in": "header",
16285 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16286 "required": true,
16287 "type": "string",
16288 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16289 },
16290 {
16291 "name": "Accept-Language",
16292 "in": "header",
16293 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16294 "required": true,
16295 "type": "string",
16296 "default": "en-US"
16297 },
16298 {
16299 "name": "Authorization",
16300 "in": "header",
16301 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16302 "required": true,
16303 "type": "string",
16304 "default": ""
16305 }
16306 ],
16307 "responses": {
16308 "200": {
16309 "description": "OK",
16310 "schema": {
16311 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsProductDisclosureSummaryResponse"
16312 }
16313 },
16314 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16315 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16316 "schema": {
16317 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16318 "default": {
16319 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16320 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16321 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16322 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16323 }
16324 }
16325 }
16326 },
16327 "deprecated": true
16328 }
16329 },
16330 "/api/v3.0/pds/uri/{pdsVersion}": {
16331 "get": {
16332 "tags": [
16333 "PdsEmployee"
16334 ],
16335 "summary": "Gets the proposed URI for a PDS given the proposed version, used when the clients wants the URI for a version that has not yet been created.",
16336 "operationId": "GET_api_pds_uri_pdsVersion",
16337 "consumes": [],
16338 "produces": [
16339 "application/json",
16340 "text/json"
16341 ],
16342 "parameters": [
16343 {
16344 "name": "pdsVersion",
16345 "in": "path",
16346 "description": "The proposed version.",
16347 "required": true,
16348 "type": "string"
16349 },
16350 {
16351 "name": "Trov-Market",
16352 "in": "header",
16353 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16354 "required": true,
16355 "type": "string",
16356 "default": "US"
16357 },
16358 {
16359 "name": "Trov-Client",
16360 "in": "header",
16361 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16362 "required": true,
16363 "type": "string",
16364 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16365 },
16366 {
16367 "name": "Accept-Language",
16368 "in": "header",
16369 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16370 "required": true,
16371 "type": "string",
16372 "default": "en-US"
16373 },
16374 {
16375 "name": "Authorization",
16376 "in": "header",
16377 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16378 "required": true,
16379 "type": "string",
16380 "default": ""
16381 }
16382 ],
16383 "responses": {
16384 "200": {
16385 "description": "OK",
16386 "schema": {
16387 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsProductDisclosureSummaryResponse"
16388 }
16389 },
16390 "400 PdsSummaryVersionNotProvidedException": {
16391 "description": "The PDS version is was not provided.",
16392 "schema": {
16393 "$ref": "#/definitions/PdsSummaryVersionNotProvidedException",
16394 "default": {
16395 "Message": "The PDS version is was not provided.",
16396 "ExceptionMessage": "The PDS version is was not provided.",
16397 "ExceptionType": "PdsSummaryVersionNotProvidedException",
16398 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16399 }
16400 }
16401 },
16402 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16403 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16404 "schema": {
16405 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16406 "default": {
16407 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16408 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16409 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16410 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16411 }
16412 }
16413 }
16414 },
16415 "deprecated": true
16416 }
16417 },
16418 "/api/v3.0/amendatoryEndorsement/{stateOfResidence}/history": {
16419 "get": {
16420 "tags": [
16421 "PdsEmployee"
16422 ],
16423 "summary": "Gets the history of all PDSes for the current market, ordered chronologically, descending.",
16424 "operationId": "GET_api_amendatoryEndorsement_stateOfResidence_history",
16425 "consumes": [],
16426 "produces": [
16427 "application/json",
16428 "text/json"
16429 ],
16430 "parameters": [
16431 {
16432 "name": "stateOfResidence",
16433 "in": "path",
16434 "required": true,
16435 "type": "string"
16436 },
16437 {
16438 "name": "Trov-Market",
16439 "in": "header",
16440 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16441 "required": true,
16442 "type": "string",
16443 "default": "US"
16444 },
16445 {
16446 "name": "Trov-Client",
16447 "in": "header",
16448 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16449 "required": true,
16450 "type": "string",
16451 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16452 },
16453 {
16454 "name": "Accept-Language",
16455 "in": "header",
16456 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16457 "required": true,
16458 "type": "string",
16459 "default": "en-US"
16460 },
16461 {
16462 "name": "Authorization",
16463 "in": "header",
16464 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16465 "required": true,
16466 "type": "string",
16467 "default": ""
16468 }
16469 ],
16470 "responses": {
16471 "200": {
16472 "description": "OK",
16473 "schema": {
16474 "items": {
16475 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsAmendatoryEndorsementResponse"
16476 },
16477 "xml": {
16478 "name": "AmendatoryEndorsementResponse",
16479 "wrapped": true
16480 },
16481 "type": "array"
16482 }
16483 },
16484 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16485 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16486 "schema": {
16487 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16488 "default": {
16489 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16490 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16491 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16492 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16493 }
16494 }
16495 }
16496 },
16497 "deprecated": true
16498 }
16499 },
16500 "/api/v3.0/amendatoryEndorsement": {
16501 "post": {
16502 "tags": [
16503 "PdsEmployee"
16504 ],
16505 "summary": "Creates a new Amendatory Endorsement for a state.",
16506 "operationId": "POST_api_amendatoryEndorsement",
16507 "consumes": [
16508 "application/json",
16509 "text/json",
16510 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
16511 ],
16512 "produces": [
16513 "application/json",
16514 "text/json"
16515 ],
16516 "parameters": [
16517 {
16518 "name": "request",
16519 "in": "body",
16520 "description": "The request object containing the PDS version of the new PDS.",
16521 "required": true,
16522 "schema": {
16523 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsCreateAmendatoryEndorsementRequest"
16524 }
16525 },
16526 {
16527 "name": "Trov-Market",
16528 "in": "header",
16529 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16530 "required": true,
16531 "type": "string",
16532 "default": "US"
16533 },
16534 {
16535 "name": "Trov-Client",
16536 "in": "header",
16537 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16538 "required": true,
16539 "type": "string",
16540 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16541 },
16542 {
16543 "name": "Accept-Language",
16544 "in": "header",
16545 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16546 "required": true,
16547 "type": "string",
16548 "default": "en-US"
16549 },
16550 {
16551 "name": "Authorization",
16552 "in": "header",
16553 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16554 "required": true,
16555 "type": "string",
16556 "default": ""
16557 }
16558 ],
16559 "responses": {
16560 "200": {
16561 "description": "OK",
16562 "schema": {
16563 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsAmendatoryEndorsementResponse"
16564 }
16565 },
16566 "400 AmendatoryEndorsementVersionExistsException": {
16567 "description": "The Amendatory Endorsement version already exists.",
16568 "schema": {
16569 "$ref": "#/definitions/AmendatoryEndorsementVersionExistsException",
16570 "default": {
16571 "Message": "The Amendatory Endorsement version already exists.",
16572 "ExceptionMessage": "The Amendatory Endorsement version already exists.",
16573 "ExceptionType": "AmendatoryEndorsementVersionExistsException",
16574 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16575 }
16576 }
16577 },
16578 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16579 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16580 "schema": {
16581 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16582 "default": {
16583 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16584 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16585 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16586 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16587 }
16588 }
16589 }
16590 },
16591 "deprecated": true
16592 }
16593 },
16594 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}/policies": {
16595 "get": {
16596 "tags": [
16597 "Policies"
16598 ],
16599 "summary": "Gets all policies from a trov.",
16600 "operationId": "GET_api_trovs_trovId_policies",
16601 "consumes": [],
16602 "produces": [
16603 "application/json",
16604 "text/json"
16605 ],
16606 "parameters": [
16607 {
16608 "name": "trovId",
16609 "in": "path",
16610 "description": "The trov id.",
16611 "required": true,
16612 "type": "string"
16613 },
16614 {
16615 "name": "Trov-Market",
16616 "in": "header",
16617 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16618 "required": true,
16619 "type": "string",
16620 "default": "US"
16621 },
16622 {
16623 "name": "Trov-Client",
16624 "in": "header",
16625 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16626 "required": true,
16627 "type": "string",
16628 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16629 },
16630 {
16631 "name": "Accept-Language",
16632 "in": "header",
16633 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16634 "required": true,
16635 "type": "string",
16636 "default": "en-US"
16637 },
16638 {
16639 "name": "Authorization",
16640 "in": "header",
16641 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16642 "required": true,
16643 "type": "string",
16644 "default": ""
16645 }
16646 ],
16647 "responses": {
16648 "200": {
16649 "description": "OK",
16650 "schema": {
16651 "items": {
16652 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelTrovPolicy"
16653 },
16654 "xml": {
16655 "name": "Policy",
16656 "wrapped": true
16657 },
16658 "type": "array"
16659 }
16660 },
16661 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
16662 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
16663 "schema": {
16664 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
16665 "default": {
16666 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
16667 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
16668 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
16669 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16670 }
16671 }
16672 },
16673 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16674 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16675 "schema": {
16676 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16677 "default": {
16678 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16679 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16680 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16681 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16682 }
16683 }
16684 }
16685 },
16686 "deprecated": true
16687 }
16688 },
16689 "/api/v3.0/sic/premium/test": {
16690 "post": {
16691 "tags": [
16692 "PremiumCalculationEmployee"
16693 ],
16694 "summary": "Calculate a premium given a premium calculation request instance.\r\n \r\nThis endpoint is intended to be used by insurance providers to test their pricing models.",
16695 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_premium_test",
16696 "consumes": [
16697 "application/json",
16698 "text/json",
16699 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
16700 ],
16701 "produces": [
16702 "application/json",
16703 "text/json"
16704 ],
16705 "parameters": [
16706 {
16707 "name": "premiumCalculationRequest",
16708 "in": "body",
16709 "description": "The request to be used in the calculation.",
16710 "required": true,
16711 "schema": {
16712 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPremiumCalculationRequest"
16713 }
16714 },
16715 {
16716 "name": "Trov-Market",
16717 "in": "header",
16718 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16719 "required": true,
16720 "type": "string",
16721 "default": "US"
16722 },
16723 {
16724 "name": "Trov-Client",
16725 "in": "header",
16726 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16727 "required": true,
16728 "type": "string",
16729 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16730 },
16731 {
16732 "name": "Accept-Language",
16733 "in": "header",
16734 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16735 "required": true,
16736 "type": "string",
16737 "default": "en-US"
16738 },
16739 {
16740 "name": "Authorization",
16741 "in": "header",
16742 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16743 "required": true,
16744 "type": "string",
16745 "default": ""
16746 }
16747 ],
16748 "responses": {
16749 "200": {
16750 "description": "OK",
16751 "schema": {
16752 "items": {
16753 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferIPremiumCalculationResult"
16754 },
16755 "xml": {
16756 "name": "IPremiumCalculationResult",
16757 "wrapped": true
16758 },
16759 "type": "array",
16760 "default": [
16761 {
16762 "Status": "Success",
16763 "Excess": {
16764 "Type": 0,
16765 "Value": 5.45
16766 },
16767 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
16768 "DailyPremium": {
16769 "Type": 0,
16770 "Value": 5.45
16771 },
16772 "MonthlyTotal": {
16773 "Type": 0,
16774 "Value": 163.50
16775 },
16776 "DailyTaxes": [
16777 {
16778 "Type": "GST (8%)",
16779 "Amount": {
16780 "Type": 0,
16781 "Value": 5.45
16782 },
16783 "Rate": 0.08,
16784 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
16785 },
16786 {
16787 "Type": "PST (7%)",
16788 "Amount": {
16789 "Type": 0,
16790 "Value": 5.45
16791 },
16792 "Rate": 0.07,
16793 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
16794 }
16795 ],
16796 "DailyTotal": {
16797 "Type": 0,
16798 "Value": 5.45
16799 },
16800 "Audit": [],
16801 "PricingModelVersion": 0
16802 },
16803 {
16804 "Status": "FailedToPrice",
16805 "ExcessPercentage": 0.0,
16806 "DailyTaxes": [],
16807 "Audit": [],
16808 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
16809 "UnderwritingWarning": "InsuranceCategorySoldOut"
16810 }
16811 ]
16812 }
16813 },
16814 "401 AuthenticationException": {
16815 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
16816 "schema": {
16817 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
16818 "default": {
16819 "Message": "string",
16820 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
16821 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
16822 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16823 }
16824 }
16825 },
16826 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
16827 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
16828 "schema": {
16829 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
16830 "default": {
16831 "Message": "string",
16832 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
16833 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
16834 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16835 }
16836 }
16837 },
16838 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16839 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16840 "schema": {
16841 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16842 "default": {
16843 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16844 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16845 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16846 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16847 }
16848 }
16849 }
16850 },
16851 "deprecated": true
16852 }
16853 },
16854 "/api/v3.0/sic/premium/test/bulk": {
16855 "post": {
16856 "tags": [
16857 "PremiumCalculationEmployee"
16858 ],
16859 "summary": "Accepts a CSV file containing individual premium calculation test cases.\r\n \r\nThe endpoint requires a MimeMultipart request body, with a single part:\r\n- Must contain the CSV of test cases to execute;",
16860 "description": "This endpoint is intended to be used by insurance providers to test their pricing models.",
16861 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_premium_test_bulk",
16862 "consumes": [
16863 "multipart/form-data"
16864 ],
16865 "produces": [
16866 "application/json",
16867 "text/json"
16868 ],
16869 "parameters": [
16870 {
16871 "name": "file",
16872 "in": "formData",
16873 "description": "The file containing the test cases for premium calculation.",
16874 "required": true,
16875 "type": "file"
16876 },
16877 {
16878 "name": "Trov-Market",
16879 "in": "header",
16880 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16881 "required": true,
16882 "type": "string",
16883 "default": "US"
16884 },
16885 {
16886 "name": "Trov-Client",
16887 "in": "header",
16888 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16889 "required": true,
16890 "type": "string",
16891 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16892 },
16893 {
16894 "name": "Accept-Language",
16895 "in": "header",
16896 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16897 "required": true,
16898 "type": "string",
16899 "default": "en-US"
16900 },
16901 {
16902 "name": "Authorization",
16903 "in": "header",
16904 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16905 "required": true,
16906 "type": "string",
16907 "default": ""
16908 }
16909 ],
16910 "responses": {
16911 "200": {
16912 "description": "OK",
16913 "schema": {
16914 "type": "string",
16915 "format": "byte"
16916 }
16917 },
16918 "401 AuthenticationException": {
16919 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
16920 "schema": {
16921 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
16922 "default": {
16923 "Message": "string",
16924 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
16925 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
16926 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16927 }
16928 }
16929 },
16930 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
16931 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
16932 "schema": {
16933 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
16934 "default": {
16935 "Message": "string",
16936 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
16937 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
16938 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16939 }
16940 }
16941 },
16942 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
16943 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16944 "schema": {
16945 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
16946 "default": {
16947 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16948 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
16949 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
16950 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
16951 }
16952 }
16953 }
16954 },
16955 "deprecated": true
16956 }
16957 },
16958 "/api/v3.0/trov/quote/pricing": {
16959 "get": {
16960 "tags": [
16961 "PricingFileEmployee"
16962 ],
16963 "summary": "Gets the pricing collection of pricing model files that are used in quote generation.",
16964 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_quote_pricing",
16965 "consumes": [],
16966 "produces": [
16967 "application/json",
16968 "text/json"
16969 ],
16970 "parameters": [
16971 {
16972 "name": "Trov-Market",
16973 "in": "header",
16974 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
16975 "required": true,
16976 "type": "string",
16977 "default": "US"
16978 },
16979 {
16980 "name": "Trov-Client",
16981 "in": "header",
16982 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
16983 "required": true,
16984 "type": "string",
16985 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
16986 },
16987 {
16988 "name": "Accept-Language",
16989 "in": "header",
16990 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
16991 "required": true,
16992 "type": "string",
16993 "default": "en-US"
16994 },
16995 {
16996 "name": "Authorization",
16997 "in": "header",
16998 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
16999 "required": true,
17000 "type": "string",
17001 "default": ""
17002 }
17003 ],
17004 "responses": {
17005 "200": {
17006 "description": "OK",
17007 "schema": {
17008 "items": {
17009 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPricingPricingModelFileResponse"
17010 },
17011 "xml": {
17012 "name": "PricingModelFileResponse",
17013 "wrapped": true
17014 },
17015 "type": "array"
17016 }
17017 },
17018 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17019 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17020 "schema": {
17021 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17022 "default": {
17023 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17024 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17025 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17026 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17027 }
17028 }
17029 }
17030 },
17031 "deprecated": true
17032 },
17033 "post": {
17034 "tags": [
17035 "PricingFileEmployee"
17036 ],
17037 "summary": "Accepts a json file containing pricing information, saves it to S3 and then reloads the models from documents",
17038 "operationId": "POST_api_trov_quote_pricing",
17039 "consumes": [
17040 "multipart/form-data"
17041 ],
17042 "produces": [],
17043 "parameters": [
17044 {
17045 "name": "file",
17046 "in": "formData",
17047 "description": "The pricing file to upload.",
17048 "required": true,
17049 "type": "file"
17050 },
17051 {
17052 "name": "Trov-Market",
17053 "in": "header",
17054 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17055 "required": true,
17056 "type": "string",
17057 "default": "US"
17058 },
17059 {
17060 "name": "Trov-Client",
17061 "in": "header",
17062 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17063 "required": true,
17064 "type": "string",
17065 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17066 },
17067 {
17068 "name": "Accept-Language",
17069 "in": "header",
17070 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17071 "required": true,
17072 "type": "string",
17073 "default": "en-US"
17074 },
17075 {
17076 "name": "Authorization",
17077 "in": "header",
17078 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17079 "required": true,
17080 "type": "string",
17081 "default": ""
17082 }
17083 ],
17084 "responses": {
17085 "204": {
17086 "description": "No Content"
17087 },
17088 "400 InvalidEncodingException": {
17089 "description": "The file encoding is not UTF-8-BOM. Please change the encoding and try again.",
17090 "schema": {
17091 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidEncodingException",
17092 "default": {
17093 "Message": "'' was expected, but different encoding was specified.",
17094 "ExceptionMessage": "'' was expected, but different encoding was specified.",
17095 "ExceptionType": "InvalidEncodingException",
17096 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17097 }
17098 }
17099 },
17100 "400 InvalidMarketException": {
17101 "description": "The endpoint is not enabled for the requested market.",
17102 "schema": {
17103 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidMarketException",
17104 "default": {
17105 "Message": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
17106 "ExceptionMessage": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
17107 "ExceptionType": "InvalidMarketException",
17108 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17109 }
17110 }
17111 },
17112 "401 AuthenticationException": {
17113 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
17114 "schema": {
17115 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
17116 "default": {
17117 "Message": "string",
17118 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
17119 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
17120 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17121 }
17122 }
17123 },
17124 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
17125 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
17126 "schema": {
17127 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
17128 "default": {
17129 "Message": "string",
17130 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
17131 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
17132 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17133 }
17134 }
17135 },
17136 "500 TrovStorageException": {
17137 "description": "The specified filename already exists.<br/>\r\n The file does not have a valid file format.<br/>\r\n The version number of the file must be greater than the current version number.",
17138 "schema": {
17139 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovStorageException",
17140 "default": {
17141 "Message": "string",
17142 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
17143 "ExceptionType": "TrovStorageException",
17144 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17145 }
17146 }
17147 },
17148 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17149 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17150 "schema": {
17151 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17152 "default": {
17153 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17154 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17155 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17156 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17157 }
17158 }
17159 }
17160 },
17161 "deprecated": true
17162 }
17163 },
17164 "/api/v3.0/trov/quote/categories": {
17165 "get": {
17166 "tags": [
17167 "PricingFileEmployee"
17168 ],
17169 "summary": "Gets a list of supported quoting categories.",
17170 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_quote_categories",
17171 "consumes": [],
17172 "produces": [
17173 "application/json",
17174 "text/json"
17175 ],
17176 "parameters": [
17177 {
17178 "name": "Trov-Market",
17179 "in": "header",
17180 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17181 "required": true,
17182 "type": "string",
17183 "default": "US"
17184 },
17185 {
17186 "name": "Trov-Client",
17187 "in": "header",
17188 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17189 "required": true,
17190 "type": "string",
17191 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17192 },
17193 {
17194 "name": "Accept-Language",
17195 "in": "header",
17196 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17197 "required": true,
17198 "type": "string",
17199 "default": "en-US"
17200 },
17201 {
17202 "name": "Authorization",
17203 "in": "header",
17204 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17205 "required": true,
17206 "type": "string",
17207 "default": ""
17208 }
17209 ],
17210 "responses": {
17211 "200": {
17212 "description": "OK",
17213 "schema": {
17214 "items": {
17215 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuoteQuoteCategoryResponse"
17216 },
17217 "xml": {
17218 "name": "QuoteCategoryResponse",
17219 "wrapped": true
17220 },
17221 "type": "array"
17222 }
17223 },
17224 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17225 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17226 "schema": {
17227 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17228 "default": {
17229 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17230 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17231 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17232 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17233 }
17234 }
17235 }
17236 },
17237 "deprecated": true
17238 }
17239 },
17240 "/api/v3.0/trov/quote/underwriting": {
17241 "get": {
17242 "tags": [
17243 "PricingFileEmployee"
17244 ],
17245 "summary": "Gets the underwriting collection of underwriting model files that are used in quote generation.",
17246 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_quote_underwriting",
17247 "consumes": [],
17248 "produces": [
17249 "application/json",
17250 "text/json"
17251 ],
17252 "parameters": [
17253 {
17254 "name": "Trov-Market",
17255 "in": "header",
17256 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17257 "required": true,
17258 "type": "string",
17259 "default": "US"
17260 },
17261 {
17262 "name": "Trov-Client",
17263 "in": "header",
17264 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17265 "required": true,
17266 "type": "string",
17267 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17268 },
17269 {
17270 "name": "Accept-Language",
17271 "in": "header",
17272 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17273 "required": true,
17274 "type": "string",
17275 "default": "en-US"
17276 },
17277 {
17278 "name": "Authorization",
17279 "in": "header",
17280 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17281 "required": true,
17282 "type": "string",
17283 "default": ""
17284 }
17285 ],
17286 "responses": {
17287 "200": {
17288 "description": "OK",
17289 "schema": {
17290 "items": {
17291 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedPricingUnderwritingModelFileResponse"
17292 },
17293 "xml": {
17294 "name": "UnderwritingModelFileResponse",
17295 "wrapped": true
17296 },
17297 "type": "array"
17298 }
17299 },
17300 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17301 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17302 "schema": {
17303 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17304 "default": {
17305 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17306 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17307 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17308 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17309 }
17310 }
17311 }
17312 },
17313 "deprecated": true
17314 },
17315 "post": {
17316 "tags": [
17317 "PricingFileEmployee"
17318 ],
17319 "summary": "Accepts a json file containing underwriting information, saves it to S3 and then reloads the models from documents",
17320 "operationId": "POST_api_trov_quote_underwriting",
17321 "consumes": [
17322 "multipart/form-data"
17323 ],
17324 "produces": [],
17325 "parameters": [
17326 {
17327 "name": "file",
17328 "in": "formData",
17329 "description": "The underwriting file to upload.",
17330 "required": true,
17331 "type": "file"
17332 },
17333 {
17334 "name": "Trov-Market",
17335 "in": "header",
17336 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17337 "required": true,
17338 "type": "string",
17339 "default": "US"
17340 },
17341 {
17342 "name": "Trov-Client",
17343 "in": "header",
17344 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17345 "required": true,
17346 "type": "string",
17347 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17348 },
17349 {
17350 "name": "Accept-Language",
17351 "in": "header",
17352 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17353 "required": true,
17354 "type": "string",
17355 "default": "en-US"
17356 },
17357 {
17358 "name": "Authorization",
17359 "in": "header",
17360 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17361 "required": true,
17362 "type": "string",
17363 "default": ""
17364 }
17365 ],
17366 "responses": {
17367 "204": {
17368 "description": "No Content"
17369 },
17370 "400 InvalidEncodingException": {
17371 "description": "The file encoding is not UTF-8-BOM. Please change the encoding and try again.",
17372 "schema": {
17373 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidEncodingException",
17374 "default": {
17375 "Message": "'' was expected, but different encoding was specified.",
17376 "ExceptionMessage": "'' was expected, but different encoding was specified.",
17377 "ExceptionType": "InvalidEncodingException",
17378 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17379 }
17380 }
17381 },
17382 "400 InvalidMarketException": {
17383 "description": "The endpoint is not enabled for the requested market.",
17384 "schema": {
17385 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidMarketException",
17386 "default": {
17387 "Message": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
17388 "ExceptionMessage": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
17389 "ExceptionType": "InvalidMarketException",
17390 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17391 }
17392 }
17393 },
17394 "401 AuthenticationException": {
17395 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
17396 "schema": {
17397 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
17398 "default": {
17399 "Message": "string",
17400 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
17401 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
17402 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17403 }
17404 }
17405 },
17406 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
17407 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
17408 "schema": {
17409 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
17410 "default": {
17411 "Message": "string",
17412 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
17413 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
17414 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17415 }
17416 }
17417 },
17418 "500 TrovStorageException": {
17419 "description": "The specified filename already exists.<br/>\r\n The file does not have a valid file format.<br/>\r\n The version number of the file must be greater than the current version number.<br/>\r\n The filename does not match the expected format.",
17420 "schema": {
17421 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovStorageException",
17422 "default": {
17423 "Message": "string",
17424 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
17425 "ExceptionType": "TrovStorageException",
17426 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17427 }
17428 }
17429 },
17430 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17431 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17432 "schema": {
17433 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17434 "default": {
17435 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17436 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17437 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17438 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17439 }
17440 }
17441 }
17442 },
17443 "deprecated": true
17444 }
17445 },
17446 "/api/v3.0/trov/quote/pricing/{modelId}": {
17447 "get": {
17448 "tags": [
17449 "PricingFileEmployee"
17450 ],
17451 "summary": "Gets a price model mismatched categories, containing a list of unused BeValued categories and a list of invalid categories",
17452 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_quote_pricing_modelId",
17453 "consumes": [],
17454 "produces": [
17455 "application/json",
17456 "text/json"
17457 ],
17458 "parameters": [
17459 {
17460 "name": "modelId",
17461 "in": "path",
17462 "required": true,
17463 "type": "string"
17464 },
17465 {
17466 "name": "Trov-Market",
17467 "in": "header",
17468 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17469 "required": true,
17470 "type": "string",
17471 "default": "US"
17472 },
17473 {
17474 "name": "Trov-Client",
17475 "in": "header",
17476 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17477 "required": true,
17478 "type": "string",
17479 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17480 },
17481 {
17482 "name": "Accept-Language",
17483 "in": "header",
17484 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17485 "required": true,
17486 "type": "string",
17487 "default": "en-US"
17488 },
17489 {
17490 "name": "Authorization",
17491 "in": "header",
17492 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17493 "required": true,
17494 "type": "string",
17495 "default": ""
17496 }
17497 ],
17498 "responses": {
17499 "200": {
17500 "description": "OK",
17501 "schema": {
17502 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPricingModelMismatchedCategories"
17503 }
17504 },
17505 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
17506 "description": "There is no pricing model with the given `modelId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified underwriting model.",
17507 "schema": {
17508 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
17509 "default": {
17510 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
17511 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
17512 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
17513 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17514 }
17515 }
17516 },
17517 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17518 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17519 "schema": {
17520 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17521 "default": {
17522 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17523 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17524 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17525 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17526 }
17527 }
17528 }
17529 },
17530 "deprecated": true
17531 }
17532 },
17533 "/api/v3.0/trov/quote/underwriting/{modelId}": {
17534 "get": {
17535 "tags": [
17536 "PricingFileEmployee"
17537 ],
17538 "summary": "Gets the underwriting model of underwriting model file that are used in quote generation.",
17539 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_quote_underwriting_modelId",
17540 "consumes": [],
17541 "produces": [
17542 "application/json",
17543 "text/json"
17544 ],
17545 "parameters": [
17546 {
17547 "name": "modelId",
17548 "in": "path",
17549 "description": "The id of the underwriting model to retrieve.",
17550 "required": true,
17551 "type": "string"
17552 },
17553 {
17554 "name": "Trov-Market",
17555 "in": "header",
17556 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17557 "required": true,
17558 "type": "string",
17559 "default": "US"
17560 },
17561 {
17562 "name": "Trov-Client",
17563 "in": "header",
17564 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17565 "required": true,
17566 "type": "string",
17567 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17568 },
17569 {
17570 "name": "Accept-Language",
17571 "in": "header",
17572 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17573 "required": true,
17574 "type": "string",
17575 "default": "en-US"
17576 },
17577 {
17578 "name": "Authorization",
17579 "in": "header",
17580 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17581 "required": true,
17582 "type": "string",
17583 "default": ""
17584 }
17585 ],
17586 "responses": {
17587 "200": {
17588 "description": "OK",
17589 "schema": {
17590 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferUnderwritingModel"
17591 }
17592 },
17593 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
17594 "description": "There is no underwriting model with the given `modelId`.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified underwriting model.",
17595 "schema": {
17596 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
17597 "default": {
17598 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
17599 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
17600 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
17601 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17602 }
17603 }
17604 },
17605 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17606 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17607 "schema": {
17608 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17609 "default": {
17610 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17611 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17612 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17613 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17614 }
17615 }
17616 }
17617 },
17618 "deprecated": true
17619 }
17620 },
17621 "/api/v3.0/trov/quote/pricing/{modelId}/default": {
17622 "post": {
17623 "tags": [
17624 "PricingFileEmployee"
17625 ],
17626 "summary": "Sets a specified pricing model file as the default.",
17627 "operationId": "POST_api_trov_quote_pricing_modelId_default",
17628 "consumes": [],
17629 "produces": [],
17630 "parameters": [
17631 {
17632 "name": "modelId",
17633 "in": "path",
17634 "required": true,
17635 "type": "string"
17636 },
17637 {
17638 "name": "Trov-Market",
17639 "in": "header",
17640 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17641 "required": true,
17642 "type": "string",
17643 "default": "US"
17644 },
17645 {
17646 "name": "Trov-Client",
17647 "in": "header",
17648 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17649 "required": true,
17650 "type": "string",
17651 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17652 },
17653 {
17654 "name": "Accept-Language",
17655 "in": "header",
17656 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17657 "required": true,
17658 "type": "string",
17659 "default": "en-US"
17660 },
17661 {
17662 "name": "Authorization",
17663 "in": "header",
17664 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17665 "required": true,
17666 "type": "string",
17667 "default": ""
17668 }
17669 ],
17670 "responses": {
17671 "204": {
17672 "description": "No Content"
17673 },
17674 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
17675 "description": "The file does not exists.",
17676 "schema": {
17677 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
17678 "default": {
17679 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
17680 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
17681 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
17682 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17683 }
17684 }
17685 },
17686 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17687 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17688 "schema": {
17689 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17690 "default": {
17691 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17692 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17693 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17694 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17695 }
17696 }
17697 }
17698 },
17699 "deprecated": true
17700 }
17701 },
17702 "/api/v3.0/trov/quote/pricing/{modelId}/remove-default": {
17703 "post": {
17704 "tags": [
17705 "PricingFileEmployee"
17706 ],
17707 "summary": "Removes a specified pricing model file as the default.",
17708 "operationId": "POST_api_trov_quote_pricing_modelId_remove_default",
17709 "consumes": [],
17710 "produces": [],
17711 "parameters": [
17712 {
17713 "name": "modelId",
17714 "in": "path",
17715 "required": true,
17716 "type": "string"
17717 },
17718 {
17719 "name": "Trov-Market",
17720 "in": "header",
17721 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17722 "required": true,
17723 "type": "string",
17724 "default": "US"
17725 },
17726 {
17727 "name": "Trov-Client",
17728 "in": "header",
17729 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17730 "required": true,
17731 "type": "string",
17732 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17733 },
17734 {
17735 "name": "Accept-Language",
17736 "in": "header",
17737 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17738 "required": true,
17739 "type": "string",
17740 "default": "en-US"
17741 },
17742 {
17743 "name": "Authorization",
17744 "in": "header",
17745 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17746 "required": true,
17747 "type": "string",
17748 "default": ""
17749 }
17750 ],
17751 "responses": {
17752 "204": {
17753 "description": "No Content"
17754 },
17755 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
17756 "description": "The file does not exists.",
17757 "schema": {
17758 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
17759 "default": {
17760 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
17761 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
17762 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
17763 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17764 }
17765 }
17766 },
17767 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17768 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17769 "schema": {
17770 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17771 "default": {
17772 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17773 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17774 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17775 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17776 }
17777 }
17778 }
17779 },
17780 "deprecated": true
17781 }
17782 },
17783 "/api/v3.0/profile": {
17784 "get": {
17785 "tags": [
17786 "Profile"
17787 ],
17788 "summary": "Gets the profile for the current user.",
17789 "operationId": "GET_api_profile",
17790 "consumes": [],
17791 "produces": [
17792 "application/json",
17793 "text/json"
17794 ],
17795 "parameters": [
17796 {
17797 "name": "Trov-Market",
17798 "in": "header",
17799 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17800 "required": true,
17801 "type": "string",
17802 "default": "US"
17803 },
17804 {
17805 "name": "Trov-Client",
17806 "in": "header",
17807 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17808 "required": true,
17809 "type": "string",
17810 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17811 },
17812 {
17813 "name": "Accept-Language",
17814 "in": "header",
17815 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17816 "required": true,
17817 "type": "string",
17818 "default": "en-US"
17819 },
17820 {
17821 "name": "Authorization",
17822 "in": "header",
17823 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17824 "required": true,
17825 "type": "string",
17826 "default": ""
17827 }
17828 ],
17829 "responses": {
17830 "200": {
17831 "description": "OK",
17832 "schema": {
17833 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileProfile"
17834 }
17835 },
17836 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17837 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17838 "schema": {
17839 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17840 "default": {
17841 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17842 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17843 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17844 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17845 }
17846 }
17847 }
17848 },
17849 "deprecated": true
17850 }
17851 },
17852 "/api/v3.0/profile/customer": {
17853 "put": {
17854 "tags": [
17855 "Profile"
17856 ],
17857 "summary": "Updates the profile customer for the current user.",
17858 "operationId": "PUT_api_profile_customer",
17859 "consumes": [
17860 "application/json",
17861 "text/json",
17862 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
17863 ],
17864 "produces": [
17865 "application/json",
17866 "text/json"
17867 ],
17868 "parameters": [
17869 {
17870 "name": "customerProfile",
17871 "in": "body",
17872 "description": "The updated info about the profile customer to edit.",
17873 "required": true,
17874 "schema": {
17875 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileCustomerProfile"
17876 }
17877 },
17878 {
17879 "name": "Trov-Market",
17880 "in": "header",
17881 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17882 "required": true,
17883 "type": "string",
17884 "default": "US"
17885 },
17886 {
17887 "name": "Trov-Client",
17888 "in": "header",
17889 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
17890 "required": true,
17891 "type": "string",
17892 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
17893 },
17894 {
17895 "name": "Accept-Language",
17896 "in": "header",
17897 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
17898 "required": true,
17899 "type": "string",
17900 "default": "en-US"
17901 },
17902 {
17903 "name": "Authorization",
17904 "in": "header",
17905 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
17906 "required": true,
17907 "type": "string",
17908 "default": ""
17909 }
17910 ],
17911 "responses": {
17912 "200": {
17913 "description": "OK",
17914 "schema": {
17915 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileProfile"
17916 }
17917 },
17918 "400 CustomerAddressNotSupportedException": {
17919 "description": "The customer address is valid, but the address is not supported.",
17920 "schema": {
17921 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
17922 "default": {
17923 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
17924 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
17925 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
17926 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17927 }
17928 }
17929 },
17930 "400 CustomerAgeNotSupportedException": {
17931 "description": "The customer has an age that is not supported.",
17932 "schema": {
17933 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
17934 "default": {
17935 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
17936 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
17937 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
17938 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17939 }
17940 }
17941 },
17942 "400 CustomerProfileInformationMissingException": {
17943 "description": "The customer profile is missing information.",
17944 "schema": {
17945 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
17946 "default": {
17947 "Message": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
17948 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
17949 "ExceptionType": "CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
17950 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17951 }
17952 }
17953 },
17954 "500 StateOfResidenceNotSupportedException": {
17955 "description": "Customer does not reside in an active US state.",
17956 "schema": {
17957 "$ref": "#/definitions/StateOfResidenceNotSupportedException",
17958 "default": {
17959 "Message": "Customer does not reside in an active US state",
17960 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer does not reside in an active US state",
17961 "ExceptionType": "StateOfResidenceNotSupportedException",
17962 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17963 }
17964 }
17965 },
17966 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
17967 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17968 "schema": {
17969 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
17970 "default": {
17971 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17972 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
17973 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
17974 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
17975 }
17976 }
17977 }
17978 },
17979 "deprecated": true
17980 }
17981 },
17982 "/api/v3.0/profile/photos/profile": {
17983 "post": {
17984 "tags": [
17985 "Profile"
17986 ],
17987 "summary": "Updates the current user's profile photo.<br />\r\n \r\nThe endpoint requires a MimeMultipart request body, with a single part:\r\n- Must contain a single byte array (binary blob) of the images data.\r\n- The 'Content-Type' header set to the corresponding type of the blob (e.g. a jpg photo may have it set as 'image/jpeg');",
17988 "operationId": "POST_api_profile_photos_profile",
17989 "consumes": [],
17990 "produces": [
17991 "application/json",
17992 "text/json"
17993 ],
17994 "parameters": [
17995 {
17996 "name": "Trov-Market",
17997 "in": "header",
17998 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
17999 "required": true,
18000 "type": "string",
18001 "default": "US"
18002 },
18003 {
18004 "name": "Trov-Client",
18005 "in": "header",
18006 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
18007 "required": true,
18008 "type": "string",
18009 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
18010 },
18011 {
18012 "name": "Accept-Language",
18013 "in": "header",
18014 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
18015 "required": true,
18016 "type": "string",
18017 "default": "en-US"
18018 },
18019 {
18020 "name": "Authorization",
18021 "in": "header",
18022 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
18023 "required": true,
18024 "type": "string",
18025 "default": ""
18026 }
18027 ],
18028 "responses": {
18029 "200": {
18030 "description": "OK",
18031 "schema": {
18032 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileProfile"
18033 }
18034 },
18035 "400 ArgumentException": {
18036 "description": "The user id is an invalid format.",
18037 "schema": {
18038 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentException",
18039 "default": {
18040 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
18041 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
18042 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
18043 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18044 }
18045 }
18046 },
18047 "400 UnsupportedImageException": {
18048 "description": "The file was not a supported image.",
18049 "schema": {
18050 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedImageException",
18051 "default": {
18052 "Message": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
18053 "ExceptionMessage": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
18054 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedImageException",
18055 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18056 }
18057 }
18058 },
18059 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
18060 "description": "The user does not have access to update the profile photo.<br/>\r\n The customer does not exist.",
18061 "schema": {
18062 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
18063 "default": {
18064 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18065 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18066 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
18067 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18068 }
18069 }
18070 },
18071 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
18072 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18073 "schema": {
18074 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
18075 "default": {
18076 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18077 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18078 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
18079 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18080 }
18081 }
18082 }
18083 },
18084 "deprecated": true
18085 }
18086 },
18087 "/api/v3.0/profile/photos/background": {
18088 "post": {
18089 "tags": [
18090 "Profile"
18091 ],
18092 "summary": "Updates the current user's background photo.\r\n \r\nThe endpoint requires a MimeMultipart request body, with a single part:\r\n- Must contain a single byte array (binary blob) of the images data.\r\n- The 'Content-Type' header set to the corresponding type of the blob (e.g. a jpg photo may have it set as 'image/jpeg');",
18093 "operationId": "POST_api_profile_photos_background",
18094 "consumes": [],
18095 "produces": [
18096 "application/json",
18097 "text/json"
18098 ],
18099 "parameters": [
18100 {
18101 "name": "Trov-Market",
18102 "in": "header",
18103 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
18104 "required": true,
18105 "type": "string",
18106 "default": "US"
18107 },
18108 {
18109 "name": "Trov-Client",
18110 "in": "header",
18111 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
18112 "required": true,
18113 "type": "string",
18114 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
18115 },
18116 {
18117 "name": "Accept-Language",
18118 "in": "header",
18119 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
18120 "required": true,
18121 "type": "string",
18122 "default": "en-US"
18123 },
18124 {
18125 "name": "Authorization",
18126 "in": "header",
18127 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
18128 "required": true,
18129 "type": "string",
18130 "default": ""
18131 }
18132 ],
18133 "responses": {
18134 "200": {
18135 "description": "OK",
18136 "schema": {
18137 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileProfile"
18138 }
18139 },
18140 "400 ArgumentException": {
18141 "description": "The user id is an invalid format.",
18142 "schema": {
18143 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentException",
18144 "default": {
18145 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
18146 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
18147 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
18148 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18149 }
18150 }
18151 },
18152 "400 UnsupportedImageException": {
18153 "description": "The file was not a supported image.",
18154 "schema": {
18155 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedImageException",
18156 "default": {
18157 "Message": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
18158 "ExceptionMessage": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
18159 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedImageException",
18160 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18161 }
18162 }
18163 },
18164 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
18165 "description": "The user does not have access to update the background photo.<br/>\r\n The customer does not exist.",
18166 "schema": {
18167 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
18168 "default": {
18169 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18170 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18171 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
18172 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18173 }
18174 }
18175 },
18176 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
18177 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18178 "schema": {
18179 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
18180 "default": {
18181 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18182 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18183 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
18184 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18185 }
18186 }
18187 }
18188 },
18189 "deprecated": true
18190 }
18191 },
18192 "/api/v3.0/profile/{userId}": {
18193 "get": {
18194 "tags": [
18195 "ProfileEmployee"
18196 ],
18197 "summary": "Gets a profile for a specified user id.",
18198 "operationId": "GET_api_profile_userId",
18199 "consumes": [],
18200 "produces": [
18201 "application/json",
18202 "text/json"
18203 ],
18204 "parameters": [
18205 {
18206 "name": "userId",
18207 "in": "path",
18208 "description": "The user id of the profile to get.",
18209 "required": true,
18210 "type": "string"
18211 },
18212 {
18213 "name": "Trov-Market",
18214 "in": "header",
18215 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
18216 "required": true,
18217 "type": "string",
18218 "default": "US"
18219 },
18220 {
18221 "name": "Trov-Client",
18222 "in": "header",
18223 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
18224 "required": true,
18225 "type": "string",
18226 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
18227 },
18228 {
18229 "name": "Accept-Language",
18230 "in": "header",
18231 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
18232 "required": true,
18233 "type": "string",
18234 "default": "en-US"
18235 },
18236 {
18237 "name": "Authorization",
18238 "in": "header",
18239 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
18240 "required": true,
18241 "type": "string",
18242 "default": ""
18243 }
18244 ],
18245 "responses": {
18246 "200": {
18247 "description": "OK",
18248 "schema": {
18249 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileProfile"
18250 }
18251 },
18252 "400 ArgumentException": {
18253 "description": "The user id is an invalid format.",
18254 "schema": {
18255 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentException",
18256 "default": {
18257 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
18258 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
18259 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
18260 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18261 }
18262 }
18263 },
18264 "401 AuthenticationException": {
18265 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
18266 "schema": {
18267 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
18268 "default": {
18269 "Message": "string",
18270 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
18271 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
18272 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18273 }
18274 }
18275 },
18276 "401 MarketAuthenticationException": {
18277 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user in this region.",
18278 "schema": {
18279 "$ref": "#/definitions/MarketAuthenticationException",
18280 "default": {
18281 "Message": "string",
18282 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
18283 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
18284 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18285 }
18286 }
18287 },
18288 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
18289 "description": "The user does not exist.<br/>\r\n The user does not have access.<br/>\r\n The user has not set a profile.",
18290 "schema": {
18291 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
18292 "default": {
18293 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18294 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18295 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
18296 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18297 }
18298 }
18299 },
18300 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
18301 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18302 "schema": {
18303 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
18304 "default": {
18305 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18306 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18307 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
18308 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18309 }
18310 }
18311 }
18312 },
18313 "deprecated": true
18314 }
18315 },
18316 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/asset/{assetId}/promotion": {
18317 "get": {
18318 "tags": [
18319 "Promotions"
18320 ],
18321 "summary": "Gets any promotional information that is currently applied to specified asset id.\r\nReturns null if the specified asset is not currently insured or if there is no active promotion applied to the coverage.",
18322 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_trovId_asset_assetId_promotion",
18323 "consumes": [],
18324 "produces": [
18325 "application/json",
18326 "text/json"
18327 ],
18328 "parameters": [
18329 {
18330 "name": "trovId",
18331 "in": "path",
18332 "description": "The Id of the trov containing the asset to retrieve promotional information for.",
18333 "required": true,
18334 "type": "string"
18335 },
18336 {
18337 "name": "assetId",
18338 "in": "path",
18339 "description": "The Id of the assets to retrieve promotional information for.",
18340 "required": true,
18341 "type": "string"
18342 },
18343 {
18344 "name": "Trov-Market",
18345 "in": "header",
18346 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
18347 "required": true,
18348 "type": "string",
18349 "default": "US"
18350 },
18351 {
18352 "name": "Trov-Client",
18353 "in": "header",
18354 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
18355 "required": true,
18356 "type": "string",
18357 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
18358 },
18359 {
18360 "name": "Accept-Language",
18361 "in": "header",
18362 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
18363 "required": true,
18364 "type": "string",
18365 "default": "en-US"
18366 },
18367 {
18368 "name": "Authorization",
18369 "in": "header",
18370 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
18371 "required": true,
18372 "type": "string",
18373 "default": ""
18374 }
18375 ],
18376 "responses": {
18377 "200": {
18378 "description": "OK",
18379 "schema": {
18380 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPromotionAppliedResponse"
18381 }
18382 },
18383 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
18384 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
18385 "schema": {
18386 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
18387 "default": {
18388 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18389 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18390 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
18391 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18392 }
18393 }
18394 },
18395 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
18396 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18397 "schema": {
18398 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
18399 "default": {
18400 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18401 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18402 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
18403 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18404 }
18405 }
18406 }
18407 },
18408 "deprecated": true
18409 }
18410 },
18411 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/quote/{priceOfferId}/promocode/{promoCode}": {
18412 "get": {
18413 "tags": [
18414 "Promotions"
18415 ],
18416 "summary": "Generates the promotion summary for the given price offer id and promotion code.",
18417 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_trovId_quote_priceOfferId_promocode_promoCode",
18418 "consumes": [],
18419 "produces": [
18420 "application/json",
18421 "text/json"
18422 ],
18423 "parameters": [
18424 {
18425 "name": "trovId",
18426 "in": "path",
18427 "description": "The id of the trov for which data is being requested.",
18428 "required": true,
18429 "type": "string"
18430 },
18431 {
18432 "name": "priceOfferId",
18433 "in": "path",
18434 "description": "The price offer identifier.",
18435 "required": true,
18436 "type": "string"
18437 },
18438 {
18439 "name": "promoCode",
18440 "in": "path",
18441 "description": "The promotion code to create a promotion summary for.",
18442 "required": true,
18443 "type": "string"
18444 },
18445 {
18446 "name": "Trov-Market",
18447 "in": "header",
18448 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
18449 "required": true,
18450 "type": "string",
18451 "default": "US"
18452 },
18453 {
18454 "name": "Trov-Client",
18455 "in": "header",
18456 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
18457 "required": true,
18458 "type": "string",
18459 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
18460 },
18461 {
18462 "name": "Accept-Language",
18463 "in": "header",
18464 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
18465 "required": true,
18466 "type": "string",
18467 "default": "en-US"
18468 },
18469 {
18470 "name": "Authorization",
18471 "in": "header",
18472 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
18473 "required": true,
18474 "type": "string",
18475 "default": ""
18476 }
18477 ],
18478 "responses": {
18479 "200": {
18480 "description": "OK",
18481 "schema": {
18482 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotionSummary"
18483 }
18484 },
18485 "403 PromotionNotApplicableException": {
18486 "description": "The specified promotion cannot be applied.",
18487 "schema": {
18488 "$ref": "#/definitions/PromotionNotApplicableException",
18489 "default": {
18490 "Message": "The promotion string cannot be applied to this price offer and customer.",
18491 "ExceptionMessage": "The promotion string cannot be applied to this price offer and customer.",
18492 "ExceptionType": "PromotionNotApplicableException",
18493 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18494 }
18495 }
18496 },
18497 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
18498 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.< br />\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.< br />\r\n The specified price offer does not exist.< br />\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified price offer.",
18499 "schema": {
18500 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
18501 "default": {
18502 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18503 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
18504 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
18505 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18506 }
18507 }
18508 },
18509 "404 PromotionNotFoundException": {
18510 "description": "The specified promotion does not exist.",
18511 "schema": {
18512 "$ref": "#/definitions/PromotionNotFoundException",
18513 "default": {
18514 "Message": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
18515 "ExceptionMessage": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
18516 "ExceptionType": "PromotionNotFoundException",
18517 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18518 }
18519 }
18520 },
18521 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
18522 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18523 "schema": {
18524 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
18525 "default": {
18526 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18527 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18528 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
18529 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18530 }
18531 }
18532 }
18533 },
18534 "deprecated": true
18535 }
18536 },
18537 "/api/v3.0/promotions": {
18538 "get": {
18539 "tags": [
18540 "PromotionsEmployee"
18541 ],
18542 "summary": "Retrieves the list of promotion objects that exist (within the date range given, if one is passed in).",
18543 "operationId": "GET_api_promotions",
18544 "consumes": [],
18545 "produces": [
18546 "application/json",
18547 "text/json"
18548 ],
18549 "parameters": [
18550 {
18551 "name": "fromDate",
18552 "in": "query",
18553 "description": "Start of the date range for promotions to retrieve (optional).",
18554 "required": false,
18555 "type": "string",
18556 "format": "date-time"
18557 },
18558 {
18559 "name": "toDate",
18560 "in": "query",
18561 "description": "End of the date range for promotions to retrieve (optional).",
18562 "required": false,
18563 "type": "string",
18564 "format": "date-time"
18565 },
18566 {
18567 "name": "Trov-Market",
18568 "in": "header",
18569 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
18570 "required": true,
18571 "type": "string",
18572 "default": "US"
18573 },
18574 {
18575 "name": "Trov-Client",
18576 "in": "header",
18577 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
18578 "required": true,
18579 "type": "string",
18580 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
18581 },
18582 {
18583 "name": "Accept-Language",
18584 "in": "header",
18585 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
18586 "required": true,
18587 "type": "string",
18588 "default": "en-US"
18589 },
18590 {
18591 "name": "Authorization",
18592 "in": "header",
18593 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
18594 "required": true,
18595 "type": "string",
18596 "default": ""
18597 }
18598 ],
18599 "responses": {
18600 "200": {
18601 "description": "OK",
18602 "schema": {
18603 "items": {
18604 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotion"
18605 },
18606 "xml": {
18607 "name": "Promotion",
18608 "wrapped": true
18609 },
18610 "type": "array"
18611 }
18612 },
18613 "401 AuthenticationException": {
18614 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
18615 "schema": {
18616 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
18617 "default": {
18618 "Message": "string",
18619 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
18620 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
18621 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18622 }
18623 }
18624 },
18625 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
18626 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18627 "schema": {
18628 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
18629 "default": {
18630 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18631 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18632 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
18633 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18634 }
18635 }
18636 }
18637 },
18638 "deprecated": true
18639 }
18640 },
18641 "/api/v3.0/promotion/{promoCode}": {
18642 "get": {
18643 "tags": [
18644 "PromotionsEmployee"
18645 ],
18646 "summary": "Retrieves the promotion object for a particular promotion code.",
18647 "operationId": "GET_api_promotion_promoCode",
18648 "consumes": [],
18649 "produces": [
18650 "application/json",
18651 "text/json"
18652 ],
18653 "parameters": [
18654 {
18655 "name": "promoCode",
18656 "in": "path",
18657 "description": "The promotion code to retrieve.",
18658 "required": true,
18659 "type": "string"
18660 },
18661 {
18662 "name": "startedBeforeUtc",
18663 "in": "query",
18664 "description": "The promotion to be retrieved starts before this date (optional).",
18665 "required": false,
18666 "type": "string",
18667 "format": "date-time"
18668 },
18669 {
18670 "name": "Trov-Market",
18671 "in": "header",
18672 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
18673 "required": true,
18674 "type": "string",
18675 "default": "US"
18676 },
18677 {
18678 "name": "Trov-Client",
18679 "in": "header",
18680 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
18681 "required": true,
18682 "type": "string",
18683 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
18684 },
18685 {
18686 "name": "Accept-Language",
18687 "in": "header",
18688 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
18689 "required": true,
18690 "type": "string",
18691 "default": "en-US"
18692 },
18693 {
18694 "name": "Authorization",
18695 "in": "header",
18696 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
18697 "required": true,
18698 "type": "string",
18699 "default": ""
18700 }
18701 ],
18702 "responses": {
18703 "200": {
18704 "description": "OK",
18705 "schema": {
18706 "items": {
18707 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotion"
18708 },
18709 "xml": {
18710 "name": "Promotion",
18711 "wrapped": true
18712 },
18713 "type": "array"
18714 }
18715 },
18716 "401 AuthenticationException": {
18717 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
18718 "schema": {
18719 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
18720 "default": {
18721 "Message": "string",
18722 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
18723 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
18724 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18725 }
18726 }
18727 },
18728 "404 PromotionNotFoundException": {
18729 "description": "The specified promotion does not exist.",
18730 "schema": {
18731 "$ref": "#/definitions/PromotionNotFoundException",
18732 "default": {
18733 "Message": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
18734 "ExceptionMessage": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
18735 "ExceptionType": "PromotionNotFoundException",
18736 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18737 }
18738 }
18739 },
18740 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
18741 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18742 "schema": {
18743 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
18744 "default": {
18745 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18746 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18747 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
18748 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18749 }
18750 }
18751 }
18752 },
18753 "deprecated": true
18754 }
18755 },
18756 "/api/v3.0/promotion": {
18757 "post": {
18758 "tags": [
18759 "PromotionsEmployee"
18760 ],
18761 "summary": "Stores a new entry in the Promotion table (and associated `PromotionCategory` entries).",
18762 "operationId": "POST_api_promotion",
18763 "consumes": [
18764 "application/json",
18765 "text/json",
18766 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
18767 ],
18768 "produces": [],
18769 "parameters": [
18770 {
18771 "name": "promotion",
18772 "in": "body",
18773 "description": "The promotion to be created.",
18774 "required": true,
18775 "schema": {
18776 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotion"
18777 }
18778 },
18779 {
18780 "name": "Trov-Market",
18781 "in": "header",
18782 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
18783 "required": true,
18784 "type": "string",
18785 "default": "US"
18786 },
18787 {
18788 "name": "Trov-Client",
18789 "in": "header",
18790 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
18791 "required": true,
18792 "type": "string",
18793 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
18794 },
18795 {
18796 "name": "Accept-Language",
18797 "in": "header",
18798 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
18799 "required": true,
18800 "type": "string",
18801 "default": "en-US"
18802 },
18803 {
18804 "name": "Authorization",
18805 "in": "header",
18806 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
18807 "required": true,
18808 "type": "string",
18809 "default": ""
18810 }
18811 ],
18812 "responses": {
18813 "204": {
18814 "description": "No Content"
18815 },
18816 "400 InvalidDateException": {
18817 "description": "The end date for a promotion must follow the start date.",
18818 "schema": {
18819 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidDateException",
18820 "default": {
18821 "Message": "string",
18822 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
18823 "ExceptionType": "InvalidDateException",
18824 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18825 }
18826 }
18827 },
18828 "400 InvalidPromotionException": {
18829 "description": "A given property is not valid for the promotion.",
18830 "schema": {
18831 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPromotionException",
18832 "default": {
18833 "Message": "'' is an invalid string for this operation.",
18834 "ExceptionMessage": "'' is an invalid string for this operation.",
18835 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPromotionException",
18836 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18837 }
18838 }
18839 },
18840 "400 InvalidPromotionTypeException": {
18841 "description": "The given PromotionType is not valid.",
18842 "schema": {
18843 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidPromotionTypeException",
18844 "default": {
18845 "Message": "'Unknown' is not a valid PromotionType for this operation.",
18846 "ExceptionMessage": "'Unknown' is not a valid PromotionType for this operation.",
18847 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPromotionTypeException",
18848 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18849 }
18850 }
18851 },
18852 "401 AuthenticationException": {
18853 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin.",
18854 "schema": {
18855 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
18856 "default": {
18857 "Message": "string",
18858 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
18859 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
18860 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18861 }
18862 }
18863 },
18864 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
18865 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18866 "schema": {
18867 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
18868 "default": {
18869 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18870 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18871 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
18872 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18873 }
18874 }
18875 }
18876 },
18877 "deprecated": true
18878 },
18879 "patch": {
18880 "tags": [
18881 "PromotionsEmployee"
18882 ],
18883 "summary": "Updates details about the specified promotion.",
18884 "operationId": "PATCH_api_promotion",
18885 "consumes": [
18886 "application/json",
18887 "text/json",
18888 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
18889 ],
18890 "produces": [],
18891 "parameters": [
18892 {
18893 "name": "promotionUpdate",
18894 "in": "body",
18895 "description": "Promotion Request object that describes the promotion to be updated (Promotion ID) and the updatable settings to be changed.",
18896 "required": true,
18897 "schema": {
18898 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotionUpdateRequest"
18899 }
18900 },
18901 {
18902 "name": "Trov-Market",
18903 "in": "header",
18904 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
18905 "required": true,
18906 "type": "string",
18907 "default": "US"
18908 },
18909 {
18910 "name": "Trov-Client",
18911 "in": "header",
18912 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
18913 "required": true,
18914 "type": "string",
18915 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
18916 },
18917 {
18918 "name": "Accept-Language",
18919 "in": "header",
18920 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
18921 "required": true,
18922 "type": "string",
18923 "default": "en-US"
18924 },
18925 {
18926 "name": "Authorization",
18927 "in": "header",
18928 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
18929 "required": true,
18930 "type": "string",
18931 "default": ""
18932 }
18933 ],
18934 "responses": {
18935 "204": {
18936 "description": "No Content"
18937 },
18938 "401 AuthenticationException": {
18939 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin.",
18940 "schema": {
18941 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
18942 "default": {
18943 "Message": "string",
18944 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
18945 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
18946 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18947 }
18948 }
18949 },
18950 "404 PromotionNotFoundException": {
18951 "description": "The specified promotion does not exist.",
18952 "schema": {
18953 "$ref": "#/definitions/PromotionNotFoundException",
18954 "default": {
18955 "Message": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
18956 "ExceptionMessage": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
18957 "ExceptionType": "PromotionNotFoundException",
18958 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18959 }
18960 }
18961 },
18962 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
18963 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18964 "schema": {
18965 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
18966 "default": {
18967 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18968 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
18969 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
18970 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
18971 }
18972 }
18973 }
18974 },
18975 "deprecated": true
18976 }
18977 },
18978 "/api/v3.0/promotion/{promotionId}": {
18979 "delete": {
18980 "tags": [
18981 "PromotionsEmployee"
18982 ],
18983 "summary": "Deletes the specified promotion.",
18984 "operationId": "DELETE_api_promotion_promotionId",
18985 "consumes": [],
18986 "produces": [],
18987 "parameters": [
18988 {
18989 "name": "promotionId",
18990 "in": "path",
18991 "description": "ID of the promotion to be deleted.",
18992 "required": true,
18993 "type": "string"
18994 },
18995 {
18996 "name": "Trov-Market",
18997 "in": "header",
18998 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
18999 "required": true,
19000 "type": "string",
19001 "default": "US"
19002 },
19003 {
19004 "name": "Trov-Client",
19005 "in": "header",
19006 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
19007 "required": true,
19008 "type": "string",
19009 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
19010 },
19011 {
19012 "name": "Accept-Language",
19013 "in": "header",
19014 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
19015 "required": true,
19016 "type": "string",
19017 "default": "en-US"
19018 },
19019 {
19020 "name": "Authorization",
19021 "in": "header",
19022 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
19023 "required": true,
19024 "type": "string",
19025 "default": ""
19026 }
19027 ],
19028 "responses": {
19029 "204": {
19030 "description": "No Content"
19031 },
19032 "401 AuthenticationException": {
19033 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin.",
19034 "schema": {
19035 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
19036 "default": {
19037 "Message": "string",
19038 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
19039 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
19040 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19041 }
19042 }
19043 },
19044 "404 PromotionNotFoundException": {
19045 "description": "The specified promotion does not exist.",
19046 "schema": {
19047 "$ref": "#/definitions/PromotionNotFoundException",
19048 "default": {
19049 "Message": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
19050 "ExceptionMessage": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
19051 "ExceptionType": "PromotionNotFoundException",
19052 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19053 }
19054 }
19055 },
19056 "500 PromotionAlreadyRedeemedException": {
19057 "description": "The specified promotion has already been redeemed.",
19058 "schema": {
19059 "$ref": "#/definitions/PromotionAlreadyRedeemedException",
19060 "default": {
19061 "Message": "The promotion string cannot be deleted, as it has already been redeemed.",
19062 "ExceptionMessage": "The promotion string cannot be deleted, as it has already been redeemed.",
19063 "ExceptionType": "PromotionAlreadyRedeemedException",
19064 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19065 }
19066 }
19067 },
19068 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
19069 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19070 "schema": {
19071 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
19072 "default": {
19073 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19074 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19075 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
19076 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19077 }
19078 }
19079 }
19080 },
19081 "deprecated": true
19082 }
19083 },
19084 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/asset/{assetId}/insurance": {
19085 "get": {
19086 "tags": [
19087 "Quotes"
19088 ],
19089 "summary": "Gets the insurance status for a specified asset id. Returns null if the specified asset is not insurable and not claimable.",
19090 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_trovId_asset_assetId_insurance",
19091 "consumes": [],
19092 "produces": [
19093 "application/json",
19094 "text/json"
19095 ],
19096 "parameters": [
19097 {
19098 "name": "trovId",
19099 "in": "path",
19100 "description": "The id of the trov containing the asset to retrieve insurance status for.",
19101 "required": true,
19102 "type": "string"
19103 },
19104 {
19105 "name": "assetId",
19106 "in": "path",
19107 "description": "The id of the assets to retrieve insurance status for.",
19108 "required": true,
19109 "type": "string"
19110 },
19111 {
19112 "name": "Trov-Market",
19113 "in": "header",
19114 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
19115 "required": true,
19116 "type": "string",
19117 "default": "US"
19118 },
19119 {
19120 "name": "Trov-Client",
19121 "in": "header",
19122 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
19123 "required": true,
19124 "type": "string",
19125 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
19126 },
19127 {
19128 "name": "Accept-Language",
19129 "in": "header",
19130 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
19131 "required": true,
19132 "type": "string",
19133 "default": "en-US"
19134 },
19135 {
19136 "name": "Authorization",
19137 "in": "header",
19138 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
19139 "required": true,
19140 "type": "string",
19141 "default": ""
19142 }
19143 ],
19144 "responses": {
19145 "200": {
19146 "description": "OK",
19147 "schema": {
19148 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicQuoteInsuranceStatus"
19149 }
19150 },
19151 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
19152 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.",
19153 "schema": {
19154 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
19155 "default": {
19156 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
19157 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
19158 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
19159 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19160 }
19161 }
19162 },
19163 "500 ProductIsNotQuotableException": {
19164 "description": "Product is not quotable.",
19165 "schema": {
19166 "$ref": "#/definitions/ProductIsNotQuotableException",
19167 "default": {
19168 "Message": "Product is not quotable. string",
19169 "ExceptionMessage": "Product is not quotable. string",
19170 "ExceptionType": "ProductIsNotQuotableException",
19171 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19172 }
19173 }
19174 },
19175 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
19176 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19177 "schema": {
19178 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
19179 "default": {
19180 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19181 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19182 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
19183 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19184 }
19185 }
19186 }
19187 },
19188 "deprecated": true
19189 }
19190 },
19191 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/quote/{assetId}/nextMonth": {
19192 "get": {
19193 "tags": [
19194 "Quotes"
19195 ],
19196 "summary": "Gets a quote for a specified asset id for the following month.",
19197 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_trovId_quote_assetId_nextMonth",
19198 "consumes": [],
19199 "produces": [
19200 "application/json",
19201 "text/json"
19202 ],
19203 "parameters": [
19204 {
19205 "name": "trovId",
19206 "in": "path",
19207 "description": "The id of the trov containing the asset to retrieve quote for.",
19208 "required": true,
19209 "type": "string"
19210 },
19211 {
19212 "name": "assetId",
19213 "in": "path",
19214 "description": "The id of the assets to retrieve quote for.",
19215 "required": true,
19216 "type": "string"
19217 },
19218 {
19219 "name": "Trov-Market",
19220 "in": "header",
19221 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
19222 "required": true,
19223 "type": "string",
19224 "default": "US"
19225 },
19226 {
19227 "name": "Trov-Client",
19228 "in": "header",
19229 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
19230 "required": true,
19231 "type": "string",
19232 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
19233 },
19234 {
19235 "name": "Accept-Language",
19236 "in": "header",
19237 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
19238 "required": true,
19239 "type": "string",
19240 "default": "en-US"
19241 },
19242 {
19243 "name": "Authorization",
19244 "in": "header",
19245 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
19246 "required": true,
19247 "type": "string",
19248 "default": ""
19249 }
19250 ],
19251 "responses": {
19252 "200": {
19253 "description": "OK",
19254 "schema": {
19255 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferNextMonthBillItemResponse"
19256 }
19257 },
19258 "400 AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException": {
19259 "description": "The asset cannot be insured because it was previously replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
19260 "schema": {
19261 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
19262 "default": {
19263 "Message": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
19264 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
19265 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
19266 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19267 }
19268 }
19269 },
19270 "400 AssetIsTrashedException": {
19271 "description": "The asset is trashed and trashed assets cannot be insured.",
19272 "schema": {
19273 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetIsTrashedException",
19274 "default": {
19275 "Message": "The asset is trashed and is expected to not be trashed.",
19276 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset is trashed and is expected to not be trashed.",
19277 "ExceptionType": "AssetIsTrashedException",
19278 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19279 }
19280 }
19281 },
19282 "400 AssetNotCoveredException": {
19283 "description": "The asset has no active coverage periods.",
19284 "schema": {
19285 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetNotCoveredException",
19286 "default": {
19287 "Message": "There are no active coverage periods for this asset.",
19288 "ExceptionMessage": "There are no active coverage periods for this asset.",
19289 "ExceptionType": "AssetNotCoveredException",
19290 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19291 }
19292 }
19293 },
19294 "400 CustomerNullException": {
19295 "description": "The customer is missing.",
19296 "schema": {
19297 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerNullException",
19298 "default": {
19299 "Message": "The customer is null.",
19300 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is null.",
19301 "ExceptionType": "CustomerNullException",
19302 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19303 }
19304 }
19305 },
19306 "400 CustomerProfileInformationMissingException": {
19307 "description": "The customer is missing required profile information for insurance.",
19308 "schema": {
19309 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
19310 "default": {
19311 "Message": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
19312 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
19313 "ExceptionType": "CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
19314 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19315 }
19316 }
19317 },
19318 "400 InvalidAddressException": {
19319 "description": "The customer's address could not be resolved to a valid address.",
19320 "schema": {
19321 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAddressException",
19322 "default": {
19323 "Message": "The address was unable to be resolved to a valid address.",
19324 "ExceptionMessage": "The address was unable to be resolved to a valid address.",
19325 "ExceptionType": "InvalidAddressException",
19326 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19327 }
19328 }
19329 },
19330 "400 UnsupportedMarketException": {
19331 "description": "The specified market is not supported.",
19332 "schema": {
19333 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedMarketException",
19334 "default": {
19335 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
19336 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
19337 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedMarketException",
19338 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19339 }
19340 }
19341 },
19342 "403 CustomerBlockedException": {
19343 "description": "The customer is blocked from getting quotes.",
19344 "schema": {
19345 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerBlockedException",
19346 "default": {
19347 "Message": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
19348 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
19349 "ExceptionType": "CustomerBlockedException",
19350 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19351 }
19352 }
19353 },
19354 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
19355 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19356 "schema": {
19357 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
19358 "default": {
19359 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19360 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19361 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
19362 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19363 }
19364 }
19365 }
19366 },
19367 "deprecated": true
19368 }
19369 },
19370 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/quote/{assetId}": {
19371 "get": {
19372 "tags": [
19373 "Quotes"
19374 ],
19375 "summary": "Creates a quote response for insurance coverage on a customer's asset.\r\n \r\n---\r\nTo retrieve a quote, there are required properties necessary on the requesting customers profile.\r\n \r\n| Market | Properties |\r\n| -- | -- |\r\n| AU | Customer.BirthDate,Customer.Address.Zip,Customer.Gender |\r\n| GB | Customer.BirthDate,Customer.Address.Zip |",
19376 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_trovId_quote_assetId",
19377 "consumes": [],
19378 "produces": [
19379 "application/json",
19380 "text/json"
19381 ],
19382 "parameters": [
19383 {
19384 "name": "trovId",
19385 "in": "path",
19386 "description": "The id of the trov the asset belongs to.",
19387 "required": true,
19388 "type": "string"
19389 },
19390 {
19391 "name": "assetId",
19392 "in": "path",
19393 "description": "The id asset to get the quote for.",
19394 "required": true,
19395 "type": "string"
19396 },
19397 {
19398 "name": "sessionId",
19399 "in": "query",
19400 "description": "Optional ThreatMetrix session id associated with the quote request.",
19401 "required": false,
19402 "type": "string"
19403 },
19404 {
19405 "name": "Trov-Market",
19406 "in": "header",
19407 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
19408 "required": true,
19409 "type": "string",
19410 "default": "US"
19411 },
19412 {
19413 "name": "Trov-Client",
19414 "in": "header",
19415 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
19416 "required": true,
19417 "type": "string",
19418 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
19419 },
19420 {
19421 "name": "Accept-Language",
19422 "in": "header",
19423 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
19424 "required": true,
19425 "type": "string",
19426 "default": "en-US"
19427 },
19428 {
19429 "name": "Authorization",
19430 "in": "header",
19431 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
19432 "required": true,
19433 "type": "string",
19434 "default": ""
19435 }
19436 ],
19437 "responses": {
19438 "200": {
19439 "description": "OK",
19440 "schema": {
19441 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferQuoteResponse"
19442 }
19443 },
19444 "400 AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException": {
19445 "description": "The asset cannot be insured because it was previously replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
19446 "schema": {
19447 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
19448 "default": {
19449 "Message": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
19450 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
19451 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
19452 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19453 }
19454 }
19455 },
19456 "400 AssetIsTrashedException": {
19457 "description": "The asset is trashed and trashed assets cannot be insured.",
19458 "schema": {
19459 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetIsTrashedException",
19460 "default": {
19461 "Message": "The asset is trashed and is expected to not be trashed.",
19462 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset is trashed and is expected to not be trashed.",
19463 "ExceptionType": "AssetIsTrashedException",
19464 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19465 }
19466 }
19467 },
19468 "400 CategoryNotSupportedException": {
19469 "description": "The specified asset has a category that is not supported for quotes.",
19470 "schema": {
19471 "$ref": "#/definitions/CategoryNotSupportedException",
19472 "default": {
19473 "Message": "The given asset has a category that is not supported for quotes.",
19474 "ExceptionMessage": "The given asset has a category that is not supported for quotes.",
19475 "ExceptionType": "CategoryNotSupportedException",
19476 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19477 }
19478 }
19479 },
19480 "400 CustomerAddressNotSupportedException": {
19481 "description": "The customer address is valid, but the address is not supported.",
19482 "schema": {
19483 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
19484 "default": {
19485 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
19486 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
19487 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
19488 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19489 }
19490 }
19491 },
19492 "400 CustomerAgeNotSupportedException": {
19493 "description": "The customer has an age that is not supported.",
19494 "schema": {
19495 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
19496 "default": {
19497 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
19498 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
19499 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
19500 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19501 }
19502 }
19503 },
19504 "400 CustomerLimitReachedException": {
19505 "description": "The customer has exceeded their insurance coverage limit.",
19506 "schema": {
19507 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerLimitReachedException",
19508 "default": {
19509 "Message": "The customer has reached their insurance limit.",
19510 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer has reached their insurance limit.",
19511 "ExceptionType": "CustomerLimitReachedException",
19512 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19513 }
19514 }
19515 },
19516 "400 CustomerNullException": {
19517 "description": "The customer is missing.",
19518 "schema": {
19519 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerNullException",
19520 "default": {
19521 "Message": "The customer is null.",
19522 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is null.",
19523 "ExceptionType": "CustomerNullException",
19524 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19525 }
19526 }
19527 },
19528 "400 CustomerProfileInformationMissingException": {
19529 "description": "The customer is missing required profile information for insurance.",
19530 "schema": {
19531 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
19532 "default": {
19533 "Message": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
19534 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
19535 "ExceptionType": "CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
19536 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19537 }
19538 }
19539 },
19540 "400 CustomerRiskCheckFailedException": {
19541 "description": "The customer has failed risk checks.",
19542 "schema": {
19543 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerRiskCheckFailedException",
19544 "default": {
19545 "Message": "The customer did not pass the required risk checks",
19546 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer did not pass the required risk checks",
19547 "ExceptionType": "CustomerRiskCheckFailedException",
19548 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19549 }
19550 }
19551 },
19552 "400 DeviceNotAutoDetectedException": {
19553 "description": "The specified mobile device was not auto-detected and cannot be insured.",
19554 "schema": {
19555 "$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceNotAutoDetectedException",
19556 "default": {
19557 "Message": "The device cannot be insured",
19558 "ExceptionMessage": "The device cannot be insured",
19559 "ExceptionType": "DeviceNotAutoDetectedException",
19560 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19561 }
19562 }
19563 },
19564 "400 FraudValidationException": {
19565 "description": "The request violates one or more ThreatMetrix categories.",
19566 "schema": {
19567 "$ref": "#/definitions/FraudValidationException",
19568 "default": {
19569 "Message": "Fraud validation failed.",
19570 "ExceptionMessage": "Fraud validation failed.",
19571 "ExceptionType": "FraudValidationException",
19572 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19573 }
19574 }
19575 },
19576 "400 InsuranceCategorySoldOutException": {
19577 "description": "The total coverage limit for the asset's insurance category has been exceeded.",
19578 "schema": {
19579 "$ref": "#/definitions/InsuranceCategorySoldOutException",
19580 "default": {
19581 "Message": "The insurance for the item's category is sold out.",
19582 "ExceptionMessage": "The insurance for the item's category is sold out.",
19583 "ExceptionType": "InsuranceCategorySoldOutException",
19584 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19585 }
19586 }
19587 },
19588 "400 InsuranceSoldOutException": {
19589 "description": "The total coverage limit for insurance has been exceeded.",
19590 "schema": {
19591 "$ref": "#/definitions/InsuranceSoldOutException",
19592 "default": {
19593 "Message": "Insurance sold out.",
19594 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance sold out.",
19595 "ExceptionType": "InsuranceSoldOutException",
19596 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19597 }
19598 }
19599 },
19600 "400 InvalidAddressException": {
19601 "description": "The customer's address could not be resolved to a valid address.",
19602 "schema": {
19603 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidAddressException",
19604 "default": {
19605 "Message": "The address was unable to be resolved to a valid address.",
19606 "ExceptionMessage": "The address was unable to be resolved to a valid address.",
19607 "ExceptionType": "InvalidAddressException",
19608 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19609 }
19610 }
19611 },
19612 "400 InvalidArticleIdException": {
19613 "description": "The BeValued Article Id for the given asset is not available or is invalid.",
19614 "schema": {
19615 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidArticleIdException",
19616 "default": {
19617 "Message": "The BeValued Article Id () for the given asset is either not available or is invalid.",
19618 "ExceptionMessage": "The BeValued Article Id () for the given asset is either not available or is invalid.",
19619 "ExceptionType": "InvalidArticleIdException",
19620 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19621 }
19622 }
19623 },
19624 "400 ItemLimitReachedException": {
19625 "description": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
19626 "schema": {
19627 "$ref": "#/definitions/ItemLimitReachedException",
19628 "default": {
19629 "Message": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
19630 "ExceptionMessage": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
19631 "ExceptionType": "ItemLimitReachedException",
19632 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19633 }
19634 }
19635 },
19636 "400 ItemValueBelowMinException": {
19637 "description": "Item value is below the minimum.",
19638 "schema": {
19639 "$ref": "#/definitions/ItemValueBelowMinException",
19640 "default": {
19641 "Message": "Item value is below the minimum.",
19642 "ExceptionMessage": "Item value is below the minimum.",
19643 "ExceptionType": "ItemValueBelowMinException",
19644 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19645 }
19646 }
19647 },
19648 "400 NoValueEstimateException": {
19649 "description": "The BeValued response didn't supply a price for the asset.",
19650 "schema": {
19651 "$ref": "#/definitions/NoValueEstimateException",
19652 "default": {
19653 "Message": "Failed to generate price offer. (BeValuedNoValueEstimate)",
19654 "ExceptionMessage": "Failed to generate price offer. (BeValuedNoValueEstimate)",
19655 "ExceptionType": "NoValueEstimateException",
19656 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19657 }
19658 }
19659 },
19660 "400 OfacScreeningFailedException": {
19661 "description": "The customer failed OFAC screening.",
19662 "schema": {
19663 "$ref": "#/definitions/OfacScreeningFailedException",
19664 "default": {
19665 "Message": "OFAC screening failed.",
19666 "ExceptionMessage": "OFAC screening failed.",
19667 "ExceptionType": "OfacScreeningFailedException",
19668 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19669 }
19670 }
19671 },
19672 "400 PremiumNotAffordableException": {
19673 "description": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
19674 "schema": {
19675 "$ref": "#/definitions/PremiumNotAffordableException",
19676 "default": {
19677 "Message": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
19678 "ExceptionMessage": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
19679 "ExceptionType": "PremiumNotAffordableException",
19680 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19681 }
19682 }
19683 },
19684 "400 PremiumValueBelowMinException": {
19685 "description": "The premium value is below the minimum.",
19686 "schema": {
19687 "$ref": "#/definitions/PremiumValueBelowMinException",
19688 "default": {
19689 "Message": "The premium value is below the minimum.",
19690 "ExceptionMessage": "The premium value is below the minimum.",
19691 "ExceptionType": "PremiumValueBelowMinException",
19692 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19693 }
19694 }
19695 },
19696 "401 UserNotFoundException": {
19697 "description": "The user does not exist, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
19698 "schema": {
19699 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserNotFoundException",
19700 "default": {
19701 "Message": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
19702 "ExceptionMessage": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
19703 "ExceptionType": "UserNotFoundException",
19704 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19705 }
19706 }
19707 },
19708 "403 CustomerBlockedException": {
19709 "description": "The customer is blocked from getting quotes.",
19710 "schema": {
19711 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerBlockedException",
19712 "default": {
19713 "Message": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
19714 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
19715 "ExceptionType": "CustomerBlockedException",
19716 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19717 }
19718 }
19719 },
19720 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
19721 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.",
19722 "schema": {
19723 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
19724 "default": {
19725 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
19726 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
19727 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
19728 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19729 }
19730 }
19731 },
19732 "500 ExternalProviderPricingException": {
19733 "description": "BeValued failed to return a valid response.",
19734 "schema": {
19735 "$ref": "#/definitions/ExternalProviderPricingException",
19736 "default": {
19737 "Message": "Failed to generate price offer. (ItemValueTooLow)",
19738 "ExceptionMessage": "Failed to generate price offer. (ItemValueTooLow)",
19739 "ExceptionType": "ExternalProviderPricingException",
19740 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19741 }
19742 }
19743 },
19744 "500 MoreThanOneActivePdsVersionException": {
19745 "description": "There are multiple active product disclosure statements found for the user",
19746 "schema": {
19747 "$ref": "#/definitions/MoreThanOneActivePdsVersionException",
19748 "default": {
19749 "Message": "Multiple PDS Versions found for customer",
19750 "ExceptionMessage": "Multiple PDS Versions found for customer",
19751 "ExceptionType": "MoreThanOneActivePdsVersionException",
19752 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19753 }
19754 }
19755 },
19756 "500 PricingFailedException": {
19757 "description": "The premium calculator declined to provide a price.<br/>\r\n The premium calculator failed to calculate a price.",
19758 "schema": {
19759 "$ref": "#/definitions/PricingFailedException",
19760 "default": {
19761 "Message": "Failed to generate price offer. (PricingFailed)",
19762 "ExceptionMessage": "Failed to generate price offer. (PricingFailed)",
19763 "ExceptionType": "PricingFailedException",
19764 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19765 }
19766 }
19767 },
19768 "500 ProductIsNotQuotableException": {
19769 "description": "The product is not quotable.",
19770 "schema": {
19771 "$ref": "#/definitions/ProductIsNotQuotableException",
19772 "default": {
19773 "Message": "Product is not quotable. string",
19774 "ExceptionMessage": "Product is not quotable. string",
19775 "ExceptionType": "ProductIsNotQuotableException",
19776 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19777 }
19778 }
19779 },
19780 "500 StateOfResidenceNotSupportedException": {
19781 "description": "Customer does not reside in an active US state.",
19782 "schema": {
19783 "$ref": "#/definitions/StateOfResidenceNotSupportedException",
19784 "default": {
19785 "Message": "Customer does not reside in an active US state",
19786 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer does not reside in an active US state",
19787 "ExceptionType": "StateOfResidenceNotSupportedException",
19788 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19789 }
19790 }
19791 },
19792 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
19793 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19794 "schema": {
19795 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
19796 "default": {
19797 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19798 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19799 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
19800 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19801 }
19802 }
19803 }
19804 },
19805 "deprecated": true
19806 }
19807 },
19808 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/claimablePriceOffers": {
19809 "get": {
19810 "tags": [
19811 "Quotes"
19812 ],
19813 "summary": "Gets a collection of price offer response which are in a claimable state for a given lossDate.",
19814 "operationId": "GET_api_trov_trovId_claimablePriceOffers",
19815 "consumes": [],
19816 "produces": [
19817 "application/json",
19818 "text/json"
19819 ],
19820 "parameters": [
19821 {
19822 "name": "trovId",
19823 "in": "path",
19824 "description": "The id of the trov to retrieve the price offers for.",
19825 "required": true,
19826 "type": "string"
19827 },
19828 {
19829 "name": "lossDate",
19830 "in": "query",
19831 "description": "The returned collection of price offer responses are claimable as of this date.",
19832 "required": true,
19833 "type": "string",
19834 "default": "2016-09-22"
19835 },
19836 {
19837 "name": "timeZoneId",
19838 "in": "query",
19839 "description": "Optional time zone id to apply to the loss date.",
19840 "required": false,
19841 "type": "string"
19842 },
19843 {
19844 "name": "Trov-Market",
19845 "in": "header",
19846 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
19847 "required": true,
19848 "type": "string",
19849 "default": "US"
19850 },
19851 {
19852 "name": "Trov-Client",
19853 "in": "header",
19854 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
19855 "required": true,
19856 "type": "string",
19857 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
19858 },
19859 {
19860 "name": "Accept-Language",
19861 "in": "header",
19862 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
19863 "required": true,
19864 "type": "string",
19865 "default": "en-US"
19866 },
19867 {
19868 "name": "Authorization",
19869 "in": "header",
19870 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
19871 "required": true,
19872 "type": "string",
19873 "default": ""
19874 }
19875 ],
19876 "responses": {
19877 "200": {
19878 "description": "OK",
19879 "schema": {
19880 "items": {
19881 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferResponse"
19882 },
19883 "xml": {
19884 "name": "PriceOfferResponse",
19885 "wrapped": true
19886 },
19887 "type": "array",
19888 "default": [
19889 {
19890 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
19891 "AssetImage": "someRandomImageId",
19892 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
19893 "AssetRevision": 1,
19894 "CustomerId": "1",
19895 "DailyTotal": {
19896 "Type": 0,
19897 "Value": 5.45
19898 },
19899 "MonthlyTotal": {
19900 "Type": 0,
19901 "Value": 163.50
19902 },
19903 "Excess": {
19904 "Type": 0,
19905 "Value": 150.00
19906 },
19907 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
19908 "Id": "priceOfferId",
19909 "InsuredValue": {
19910 "Type": 0,
19911 "Value": 150.00
19912 },
19913 "OfferType": "Quote",
19914 "QuoteId": "QuoteIdForGroupingPurposes",
19915 "PdsSummary": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
19916 "AmendatoryEndorsementUri": "https://trov.com"
19917 }
19918 ]
19919 }
19920 },
19921 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
19922 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
19923 "schema": {
19924 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
19925 "default": {
19926 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
19927 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
19928 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
19929 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19930 }
19931 }
19932 },
19933 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
19934 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19935 "schema": {
19936 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
19937 "default": {
19938 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19939 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
19940 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
19941 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
19942 }
19943 }
19944 }
19945 },
19946 "deprecated": true
19947 }
19948 },
19949 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/quotes/stop": {
19950 "post": {
19951 "tags": [
19952 "Quotes"
19953 ],
19954 "summary": "Stops all coverage for the current user.",
19955 "operationId": "POST_api_trov_trovId_quotes_stop",
19956 "consumes": [],
19957 "produces": [],
19958 "parameters": [
19959 {
19960 "name": "trovId",
19961 "in": "path",
19962 "required": true,
19963 "type": "string"
19964 },
19965 {
19966 "name": "Trov-Market",
19967 "in": "header",
19968 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
19969 "required": true,
19970 "type": "string",
19971 "default": "US"
19972 },
19973 {
19974 "name": "Trov-Client",
19975 "in": "header",
19976 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
19977 "required": true,
19978 "type": "string",
19979 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
19980 },
19981 {
19982 "name": "Accept-Language",
19983 "in": "header",
19984 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
19985 "required": true,
19986 "type": "string",
19987 "default": "en-US"
19988 },
19989 {
19990 "name": "Authorization",
19991 "in": "header",
19992 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
19993 "required": true,
19994 "type": "string",
19995 "default": ""
19996 }
19997 ],
19998 "responses": {
19999 "204": {
20000 "description": "No Content"
20001 },
20002 "400 UnsupportedMarketException": {
20003 "description": "The operation requested is not supported in the requested market.",
20004 "schema": {
20005 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedMarketException",
20006 "default": {
20007 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
20008 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
20009 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedMarketException",
20010 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20011 }
20012 }
20013 },
20014 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
20015 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
20016 "schema": {
20017 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
20018 "default": {
20019 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
20020 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
20021 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
20022 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20023 }
20024 }
20025 },
20026 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
20027 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20028 "schema": {
20029 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
20030 "default": {
20031 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20032 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20033 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
20034 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20035 }
20036 }
20037 }
20038 },
20039 "deprecated": true
20040 }
20041 },
20042 "/api/v3.0/{trovId}/quote/{priceOfferId}/photo": {
20043 "post": {
20044 "tags": [
20045 "Quotes"
20046 ],
20047 "summary": "Adds a photo to a price offer.\r\n \r\nThe endpoint requires a MimeMultipart request body, with a single part:\r\n- The part must contain a single byte array (binary blob) of image data.\r\n- The part must have the `Content-Type` header set to a supported image.",
20048 "operationId": "POST_api_trovId_quote_priceOfferId_photo",
20049 "consumes": [],
20050 "produces": [
20051 "application/json",
20052 "text/json"
20053 ],
20054 "parameters": [
20055 {
20056 "name": "trovId",
20057 "in": "path",
20058 "description": "The trovId of the asset to add the picture to.",
20059 "required": true,
20060 "type": "string"
20061 },
20062 {
20063 "name": "priceOfferId",
20064 "in": "path",
20065 "description": "The id of the priceOffer to associate the picture with.",
20066 "required": true,
20067 "type": "string"
20068 },
20069 {
20070 "name": "Trov-Market",
20071 "in": "header",
20072 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
20073 "required": true,
20074 "type": "string",
20075 "default": "US"
20076 },
20077 {
20078 "name": "Trov-Client",
20079 "in": "header",
20080 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
20081 "required": true,
20082 "type": "string",
20083 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
20084 },
20085 {
20086 "name": "Accept-Language",
20087 "in": "header",
20088 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
20089 "required": true,
20090 "type": "string",
20091 "default": "en-US"
20092 },
20093 {
20094 "name": "Authorization",
20095 "in": "header",
20096 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
20097 "required": true,
20098 "type": "string",
20099 "default": ""
20100 }
20101 ],
20102 "responses": {
20103 "201": {
20104 "description": "OK",
20105 "schema": {
20106 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
20107 }
20108 },
20109 "400 AssetAlreadyInsuredException": {
20110 "description": "The asset is already insured.",
20111 "schema": {
20112 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
20113 "default": {
20114 "Message": "The asset is already insured.",
20115 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset is already insured.",
20116 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
20117 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20118 }
20119 }
20120 },
20121 "400 PriceOfferExpiredException": {
20122 "description": "The price offer is expired.",
20123 "schema": {
20124 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferExpiredException",
20125 "default": {
20126 "Message": "The price offer is expired.",
20127 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer is expired.",
20128 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferExpiredException",
20129 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20130 }
20131 }
20132 },
20133 "400 UnsupportedImageException": {
20134 "description": "The image data or content type are not supported.",
20135 "schema": {
20136 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedImageException",
20137 "default": {
20138 "Message": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
20139 "ExceptionMessage": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
20140 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedImageException",
20141 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20142 }
20143 }
20144 },
20145 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
20146 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
20147 "schema": {
20148 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
20149 "default": {
20150 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
20151 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
20152 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
20153 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20154 }
20155 }
20156 },
20157 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
20158 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20159 "schema": {
20160 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
20161 "default": {
20162 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20163 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20164 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
20165 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20166 }
20167 }
20168 }
20169 },
20170 "deprecated": true
20171 }
20172 },
20173 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/quote/{priceOfferId}/stop": {
20174 "post": {
20175 "tags": [
20176 "Quotes"
20177 ],
20178 "summary": "Stops coverage for an asset.",
20179 "operationId": "POST_api_trov_trovId_quote_priceOfferId_stop",
20180 "consumes": [],
20181 "produces": [
20182 "application/json",
20183 "text/json"
20184 ],
20185 "parameters": [
20186 {
20187 "name": "trovId",
20188 "in": "path",
20189 "description": "The id of the trov containing the asset that the price offer is covering.",
20190 "required": true,
20191 "type": "string"
20192 },
20193 {
20194 "name": "priceOfferId",
20195 "in": "path",
20196 "description": "The id of the price offer to stop.",
20197 "required": true,
20198 "type": "string"
20199 },
20200 {
20201 "name": "Trov-Market",
20202 "in": "header",
20203 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
20204 "required": true,
20205 "type": "string",
20206 "default": "US"
20207 },
20208 {
20209 "name": "Trov-Client",
20210 "in": "header",
20211 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
20212 "required": true,
20213 "type": "string",
20214 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
20215 },
20216 {
20217 "name": "Accept-Language",
20218 "in": "header",
20219 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
20220 "required": true,
20221 "type": "string",
20222 "default": "en-US"
20223 },
20224 {
20225 "name": "Authorization",
20226 "in": "header",
20227 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
20228 "required": true,
20229 "type": "string",
20230 "default": ""
20231 }
20232 ],
20233 "responses": {
20234 "201": {
20235 "description": "OK",
20236 "schema": {
20237 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCoveragePeriodICoveragePeriod"
20238 }
20239 },
20240 "400 CannotStopCoverageDueToPastDuePaymentException": {
20241 "description": "Cannot stop coverage until past due payment is paid.",
20242 "schema": {
20243 "$ref": "#/definitions/CannotStopCoverageDueToPastDuePaymentException",
20244 "default": {
20245 "Message": "The coverage cannot be stopped ",
20246 "ExceptionMessage": "The coverage cannot be stopped ",
20247 "ExceptionType": "CannotStopCoverageDueToPastDuePaymentException",
20248 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20249 }
20250 }
20251 },
20252 "400 PriceOfferNotActiveException": {
20253 "description": "The price offer is not active.",
20254 "schema": {
20255 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferNotActiveException",
20256 "default": {
20257 "Message": "The price offer is not active.",
20258 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer is not active.",
20259 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferNotActiveException",
20260 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20261 }
20262 }
20263 },
20264 "400 PriceOfferNotStartedException": {
20265 "description": "The price offer is not accepted.",
20266 "schema": {
20267 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferNotStartedException",
20268 "default": {
20269 "Message": "Price offer string does not have active insurance associated with it.",
20270 "ExceptionMessage": "Price offer string does not have active insurance associated with it.",
20271 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferNotStartedException",
20272 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20273 }
20274 }
20275 },
20276 "400 UnsupportedMarketException": {
20277 "description": "The specified market is not supported.",
20278 "schema": {
20279 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnsupportedMarketException",
20280 "default": {
20281 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
20282 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
20283 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedMarketException",
20284 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20285 }
20286 }
20287 },
20288 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
20289 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified price offer does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified price offer.",
20290 "schema": {
20291 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
20292 "default": {
20293 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
20294 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
20295 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
20296 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20297 }
20298 }
20299 },
20300 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
20301 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20302 "schema": {
20303 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
20304 "default": {
20305 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20306 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20307 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
20308 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20309 }
20310 }
20311 }
20312 },
20313 "deprecated": true
20314 }
20315 },
20316 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/quote/{priceOfferId}/start": {
20317 "post": {
20318 "tags": [
20319 "Quotes"
20320 ],
20321 "summary": "Accepts a price offer by processing the payment and marking the price offer as accepted.",
20322 "operationId": "POST_api_trov_trovId_quote_priceOfferId_start",
20323 "consumes": [],
20324 "produces": [
20325 "application/json",
20326 "text/json"
20327 ],
20328 "parameters": [
20329 {
20330 "name": "trovId",
20331 "in": "path",
20332 "description": "The id of the trov containing the asset that the price offer is covering.",
20333 "required": true,
20334 "type": "string"
20335 },
20336 {
20337 "name": "priceOfferId",
20338 "in": "path",
20339 "description": "The id of the price offer to accept.",
20340 "required": true,
20341 "type": "string"
20342 },
20343 {
20344 "name": "sessionId",
20345 "in": "query",
20346 "description": "The id of the ThreatMetrix session on the client device.",
20347 "required": false,
20348 "type": "string"
20349 },
20350 {
20351 "name": "Trov-Market",
20352 "in": "header",
20353 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
20354 "required": true,
20355 "type": "string",
20356 "default": "US"
20357 },
20358 {
20359 "name": "Trov-Client",
20360 "in": "header",
20361 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
20362 "required": true,
20363 "type": "string",
20364 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
20365 },
20366 {
20367 "name": "Accept-Language",
20368 "in": "header",
20369 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
20370 "required": true,
20371 "type": "string",
20372 "default": "en-US"
20373 },
20374 {
20375 "name": "Authorization",
20376 "in": "header",
20377 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
20378 "required": true,
20379 "type": "string",
20380 "default": ""
20381 }
20382 ],
20383 "responses": {
20384 "201": {
20385 "description": "OK",
20386 "schema": {
20387 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferAcceptedResponse"
20388 }
20389 },
20390 "400 AssetAlreadyInsuredException": {
20391 "description": "The asset is already insured.",
20392 "schema": {
20393 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
20394 "default": {
20395 "Message": "The asset is already insured.",
20396 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset is already insured.",
20397 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
20398 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20399 }
20400 }
20401 },
20402 "400 AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException": {
20403 "description": "The asset cannot be insured because it was previously replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
20404 "schema": {
20405 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
20406 "default": {
20407 "Message": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
20408 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
20409 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
20410 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20411 }
20412 }
20413 },
20414 "400 AssetAlreadySettledInAnotherCustomerClaimException": {
20415 "description": "The asset cannot be insured because an asset with the same device fingerprint has already been settled in a claim by another customer.",
20416 "schema": {
20417 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadySettledInAnotherCustomerClaimException",
20418 "default": {
20419 "Message": "An asset with the same device fingerprint has already been settled in a claim by another customer.",
20420 "ExceptionMessage": "An asset with the same device fingerprint has already been settled in a claim by another customer.",
20421 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadySettledInAnotherCustomerClaimException",
20422 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20423 }
20424 }
20425 },
20426 "400 CustomerAddressNotSupportedException": {
20427 "description": "The customer address is not supported for insurance.",
20428 "schema": {
20429 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
20430 "default": {
20431 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
20432 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
20433 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
20434 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20435 }
20436 }
20437 },
20438 "400 CustomerAgeNotSupportedException": {
20439 "description": "The customer age is not supported for insurance.",
20440 "schema": {
20441 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
20442 "default": {
20443 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
20444 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
20445 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
20446 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20447 }
20448 }
20449 },
20450 "400 CustomerLimitReachedException": {
20451 "description": "The customer has exceeded their insurance coverage limit.",
20452 "schema": {
20453 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerLimitReachedException",
20454 "default": {
20455 "Message": "The customer has reached their insurance limit.",
20456 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer has reached their insurance limit.",
20457 "ExceptionType": "CustomerLimitReachedException",
20458 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20459 }
20460 }
20461 },
20462 "400 CustomerNullException": {
20463 "description": "The customer is missing.",
20464 "schema": {
20465 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerNullException",
20466 "default": {
20467 "Message": "The customer is null.",
20468 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is null.",
20469 "ExceptionType": "CustomerNullException",
20470 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20471 }
20472 }
20473 },
20474 "400 CustomerProfileInformationMissingException": {
20475 "description": "The customer is missing required profile information for insurance.",
20476 "schema": {
20477 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
20478 "default": {
20479 "Message": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
20480 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
20481 "ExceptionType": "CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
20482 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20483 }
20484 }
20485 },
20486 "400 DeviceNotAutoDetectedException": {
20487 "description": "The specified mobile device was not auto-detected and cannot be insured.",
20488 "schema": {
20489 "$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceNotAutoDetectedException",
20490 "default": {
20491 "Message": "The device cannot be insured",
20492 "ExceptionMessage": "The device cannot be insured",
20493 "ExceptionType": "DeviceNotAutoDetectedException",
20494 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20495 }
20496 }
20497 },
20498 "400 InsuranceCategorySoldOutException": {
20499 "description": "The total coverage limit for the asset's insurance category has been exceeded.",
20500 "schema": {
20501 "$ref": "#/definitions/InsuranceCategorySoldOutException",
20502 "default": {
20503 "Message": "The insurance for the item's category is sold out.",
20504 "ExceptionMessage": "The insurance for the item's category is sold out.",
20505 "ExceptionType": "InsuranceCategorySoldOutException",
20506 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20507 }
20508 }
20509 },
20510 "400 InsuranceSoldOutException": {
20511 "description": "The total coverage limit for insurance has been exceeded.",
20512 "schema": {
20513 "$ref": "#/definitions/InsuranceSoldOutException",
20514 "default": {
20515 "Message": "Insurance sold out.",
20516 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance sold out.",
20517 "ExceptionType": "InsuranceSoldOutException",
20518 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20519 }
20520 }
20521 },
20522 "400 ItemAlreadyInsuredByAnotherCustomerException": {
20523 "description": "Item is already insured by another customer.",
20524 "schema": {
20525 "$ref": "#/definitions/ItemAlreadyInsuredByAnotherCustomerException",
20526 "default": {
20527 "Message": "The item has already been insured by another customer.",
20528 "ExceptionMessage": "The item has already been insured by another customer.",
20529 "ExceptionType": "ItemAlreadyInsuredByAnotherCustomerException",
20530 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20531 }
20532 }
20533 },
20534 "400 ItemLimitReachedException": {
20535 "description": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
20536 "schema": {
20537 "$ref": "#/definitions/ItemLimitReachedException",
20538 "default": {
20539 "Message": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
20540 "ExceptionMessage": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
20541 "ExceptionType": "ItemLimitReachedException",
20542 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20543 }
20544 }
20545 },
20546 "400 PaymentCardHasBeenUsedByTooManyCustomersException": {
20547 "description": "The payment card for the customer has been used by too many other customers.",
20548 "schema": {
20549 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentCardHasBeenUsedByTooManyCustomersException",
20550 "default": {
20551 "Message": "The payment card for the customer has been used by too many other customers.",
20552 "ExceptionMessage": "The payment card for the customer has been used by too many other customers.",
20553 "ExceptionType": "PaymentCardHasBeenUsedByTooManyCustomersException",
20554 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20555 }
20556 }
20557 },
20558 "400 PremiumNotAffordableException": {
20559 "description": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
20560 "schema": {
20561 "$ref": "#/definitions/PremiumNotAffordableException",
20562 "default": {
20563 "Message": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
20564 "ExceptionMessage": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
20565 "ExceptionType": "PremiumNotAffordableException",
20566 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20567 }
20568 }
20569 },
20570 "400 PriceOfferAlreadyAcceptedException": {
20571 "description": "The price offer has already been accepted.",
20572 "schema": {
20573 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferAlreadyAcceptedException",
20574 "default": {
20575 "Message": "The price offer has already been accepted.",
20576 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer has already been accepted.",
20577 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferAlreadyAcceptedException",
20578 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20579 }
20580 }
20581 },
20582 "400 PriceOfferExpiredException": {
20583 "description": "The price offer is expired.",
20584 "schema": {
20585 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferExpiredException",
20586 "default": {
20587 "Message": "The price offer is expired.",
20588 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer is expired.",
20589 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferExpiredException",
20590 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20591 }
20592 }
20593 },
20594 "400 PriceOfferProtectionRequiresAssetPhotosException": {
20595 "description": "The price offer requires item photo(s).",
20596 "schema": {
20597 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferProtectionRequiresAssetPhotosException",
20598 "default": {
20599 "Message": "The price offer requires 0 photo(s).",
20600 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer requires 0 photo(s).",
20601 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferProtectionRequiresAssetPhotosException",
20602 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20603 }
20604 }
20605 },
20606 "400 UserIPOutsideRegionException": {
20607 "description": "The user is outside of the selected region.",
20608 "schema": {
20609 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserIPOutsideRegionException",
20610 "default": {
20611 "Message": "The user is outside of the selected region.",
20612 "ExceptionMessage": "The user is outside of the selected region.",
20613 "ExceptionType": "UserIPOutsideRegionException",
20614 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20615 }
20616 }
20617 },
20618 "400 UserIPRegionUnknownException": {
20619 "description": "Unable to resolve region of IP address.",
20620 "schema": {
20621 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserIPRegionUnknownException",
20622 "default": {
20623 "Message": "Unable to resolve region of IP address.",
20624 "ExceptionMessage": "Unable to resolve region of IP address.",
20625 "ExceptionType": "UserIPRegionUnknownException",
20626 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20627 }
20628 }
20629 },
20630 "403 CustomerBlockedException": {
20631 "description": "The customer is blocked from accepting quotes.",
20632 "schema": {
20633 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerBlockedException",
20634 "default": {
20635 "Message": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
20636 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
20637 "ExceptionType": "CustomerBlockedException",
20638 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20639 }
20640 }
20641 },
20642 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
20643 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified price offer does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified price offer.",
20644 "schema": {
20645 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
20646 "default": {
20647 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
20648 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
20649 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
20650 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20651 }
20652 }
20653 },
20654 "500 DeviceTooManyAccountsException": {
20655 "description": "Too many accounts using the same device.",
20656 "schema": {
20657 "$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTooManyAccountsException",
20658 "default": {
20659 "Message": "Too many accounts using the same device.",
20660 "ExceptionMessage": "Too many accounts using the same device.",
20661 "ExceptionType": "DeviceTooManyAccountsException",
20662 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20663 }
20664 }
20665 },
20666 "500 PaymentProviderChargeException": {
20667 "description": "The charge failed.",
20668 "schema": {
20669 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderChargeException",
20670 "default": {
20671 "Message": "Payment provider charge failed: string",
20672 "ExceptionMessage": "Payment provider charge failed: string",
20673 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderChargeException",
20674 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20675 }
20676 }
20677 },
20678 "500 PaymentProviderNoPaymentCardConfiguredForCustomerException": {
20679 "description": "The customer has no payment card configured with the payment provider.",
20680 "schema": {
20681 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderNoPaymentCardConfiguredForCustomerException",
20682 "default": {
20683 "Message": "There is no payment card configured in the payment provider for the customer.",
20684 "ExceptionMessage": "There is no payment card configured in the payment provider for the customer.",
20685 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderNoPaymentCardConfiguredForCustomerException",
20686 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20687 }
20688 }
20689 },
20690 "500 PaymentProviderNotConfiguredForCustomerException": {
20691 "description": "The customer has is configured with the payment provider.",
20692 "schema": {
20693 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderNotConfiguredForCustomerException",
20694 "default": {
20695 "Message": "The customer has not been configured with the payment provider.",
20696 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer has not been configured with the payment provider.",
20697 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderNotConfiguredForCustomerException",
20698 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20699 }
20700 }
20701 },
20702 "500 PriceOfferPhoneProtectionMustBeFromSameDeviceException": {
20703 "description": "Starting protection for a mobile phone is only allowed from the same device.",
20704 "schema": {
20705 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferPhoneProtectionMustBeFromSameDeviceException",
20706 "default": {
20707 "Message": "Starting protection for a mobile phone is only allowed from the same device.",
20708 "ExceptionMessage": "Starting protection for a mobile phone is only allowed from the same device.",
20709 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferPhoneProtectionMustBeFromSameDeviceException",
20710 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20711 }
20712 }
20713 },
20714 "500 ProductIsNotQuotableException": {
20715 "description": "Product is not quotable.",
20716 "schema": {
20717 "$ref": "#/definitions/ProductIsNotQuotableException",
20718 "default": {
20719 "Message": "Product is not quotable. string",
20720 "ExceptionMessage": "Product is not quotable. string",
20721 "ExceptionType": "ProductIsNotQuotableException",
20722 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20723 }
20724 }
20725 },
20726 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
20727 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20728 "schema": {
20729 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
20730 "default": {
20731 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20732 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
20733 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
20734 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20735 }
20736 }
20737 }
20738 },
20739 "deprecated": true
20740 }
20741 },
20742 "/api/v3.0/trov/{trovId}/quote/{priceOfferId}/promocode/{promoCode}/start": {
20743 "post": {
20744 "tags": [
20745 "Quotes"
20746 ],
20747 "summary": "Accepts a price offer by applying a promotion to the bill and then processing the payment and marking the price offer as accepted.",
20748 "operationId": "POST_api_trov_trovId_quote_priceOfferId_promocode_promoCode_start",
20749 "consumes": [],
20750 "produces": [
20751 "application/json",
20752 "text/json"
20753 ],
20754 "parameters": [
20755 {
20756 "name": "trovId",
20757 "in": "path",
20758 "description": "The id of the trov containing the asset that the price offer is covering.",
20759 "required": true,
20760 "type": "string"
20761 },
20762 {
20763 "name": "priceOfferId",
20764 "in": "path",
20765 "description": "The id of the price offer to accept.",
20766 "required": true,
20767 "type": "string"
20768 },
20769 {
20770 "name": "promoCode",
20771 "in": "path",
20772 "description": "The promoCode of the promotion to apply to the bill.",
20773 "required": true,
20774 "type": "string"
20775 },
20776 {
20777 "name": "sessionId",
20778 "in": "query",
20779 "description": "The session ID.",
20780 "required": false,
20781 "type": "string"
20782 },
20783 {
20784 "name": "Trov-Market",
20785 "in": "header",
20786 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
20787 "required": true,
20788 "type": "string",
20789 "default": "US"
20790 },
20791 {
20792 "name": "Trov-Client",
20793 "in": "header",
20794 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
20795 "required": true,
20796 "type": "string",
20797 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
20798 },
20799 {
20800 "name": "Accept-Language",
20801 "in": "header",
20802 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
20803 "required": true,
20804 "type": "string",
20805 "default": "en-US"
20806 },
20807 {
20808 "name": "Authorization",
20809 "in": "header",
20810 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
20811 "required": true,
20812 "type": "string",
20813 "default": ""
20814 }
20815 ],
20816 "responses": {
20817 "201": {
20818 "description": "OK",
20819 "schema": {
20820 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPromotionalPriceOfferAcceptedResponse"
20821 }
20822 },
20823 "400 AssetAlreadyInsuredException": {
20824 "description": "The asset is already insured.",
20825 "schema": {
20826 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
20827 "default": {
20828 "Message": "The asset is already insured.",
20829 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset is already insured.",
20830 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
20831 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20832 }
20833 }
20834 },
20835 "400 AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException": {
20836 "description": "The asset cannot be insured because it was previously replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
20837 "schema": {
20838 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
20839 "default": {
20840 "Message": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
20841 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
20842 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
20843 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20844 }
20845 }
20846 },
20847 "400 AssetAlreadySettledInAnotherCustomerClaimException": {
20848 "description": "The asset cannot be insured because an asset with the same device fingerprint has already been settled in a claim by another customer.",
20849 "schema": {
20850 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadySettledInAnotherCustomerClaimException",
20851 "default": {
20852 "Message": "An asset with the same device fingerprint has already been settled in a claim by another customer.",
20853 "ExceptionMessage": "An asset with the same device fingerprint has already been settled in a claim by another customer.",
20854 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadySettledInAnotherCustomerClaimException",
20855 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20856 }
20857 }
20858 },
20859 "400 CustomerAddressNotSupportedException": {
20860 "description": "The customer address is not supported for insurance.",
20861 "schema": {
20862 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
20863 "default": {
20864 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
20865 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
20866 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
20867 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20868 }
20869 }
20870 },
20871 "400 CustomerAgeNotSupportedException": {
20872 "description": "The customer age is not supported for insurance.",
20873 "schema": {
20874 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
20875 "default": {
20876 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
20877 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
20878 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
20879 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20880 }
20881 }
20882 },
20883 "400 CustomerLimitReachedException": {
20884 "description": "The customer has exceeded their insurance coverage limit.",
20885 "schema": {
20886 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerLimitReachedException",
20887 "default": {
20888 "Message": "The customer has reached their insurance limit.",
20889 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer has reached their insurance limit.",
20890 "ExceptionType": "CustomerLimitReachedException",
20891 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20892 }
20893 }
20894 },
20895 "400 CustomerNullException": {
20896 "description": "The customer is missing.",
20897 "schema": {
20898 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerNullException",
20899 "default": {
20900 "Message": "The customer is null.",
20901 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is null.",
20902 "ExceptionType": "CustomerNullException",
20903 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20904 }
20905 }
20906 },
20907 "400 CustomerProfileInformationMissingException": {
20908 "description": "The customer is missing required profile information for insurance.",
20909 "schema": {
20910 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
20911 "default": {
20912 "Message": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
20913 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
20914 "ExceptionType": "CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
20915 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20916 }
20917 }
20918 },
20919 "400 InsuranceCategorySoldOutException": {
20920 "description": "The total coverage limit for the asset's insurance category has been exceeded.",
20921 "schema": {
20922 "$ref": "#/definitions/InsuranceCategorySoldOutException",
20923 "default": {
20924 "Message": "The insurance for the item's category is sold out.",
20925 "ExceptionMessage": "The insurance for the item's category is sold out.",
20926 "ExceptionType": "InsuranceCategorySoldOutException",
20927 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20928 }
20929 }
20930 },
20931 "400 InsuranceSoldOutException": {
20932 "description": "The total coverage limit for insurance has been exceeded.",
20933 "schema": {
20934 "$ref": "#/definitions/InsuranceSoldOutException",
20935 "default": {
20936 "Message": "Insurance sold out.",
20937 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance sold out.",
20938 "ExceptionType": "InsuranceSoldOutException",
20939 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20940 }
20941 }
20942 },
20943 "400 ItemAlreadyInsuredByAnotherCustomerException": {
20944 "description": "Item is already insured by another customer.",
20945 "schema": {
20946 "$ref": "#/definitions/ItemAlreadyInsuredByAnotherCustomerException",
20947 "default": {
20948 "Message": "The item has already been insured by another customer.",
20949 "ExceptionMessage": "The item has already been insured by another customer.",
20950 "ExceptionType": "ItemAlreadyInsuredByAnotherCustomerException",
20951 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20952 }
20953 }
20954 },
20955 "400 ItemLimitReachedException": {
20956 "description": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
20957 "schema": {
20958 "$ref": "#/definitions/ItemLimitReachedException",
20959 "default": {
20960 "Message": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
20961 "ExceptionMessage": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
20962 "ExceptionType": "ItemLimitReachedException",
20963 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20964 }
20965 }
20966 },
20967 "400 PaymentCardHasBeenUsedByTooManyCustomersException": {
20968 "description": "The payment card for the customer has been used by too many other customers.",
20969 "schema": {
20970 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentCardHasBeenUsedByTooManyCustomersException",
20971 "default": {
20972 "Message": "The payment card for the customer has been used by too many other customers.",
20973 "ExceptionMessage": "The payment card for the customer has been used by too many other customers.",
20974 "ExceptionType": "PaymentCardHasBeenUsedByTooManyCustomersException",
20975 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20976 }
20977 }
20978 },
20979 "400 PremiumNotAffordableException": {
20980 "description": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
20981 "schema": {
20982 "$ref": "#/definitions/PremiumNotAffordableException",
20983 "default": {
20984 "Message": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
20985 "ExceptionMessage": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
20986 "ExceptionType": "PremiumNotAffordableException",
20987 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
20988 }
20989 }
20990 },
20991 "400 PriceOfferAlreadyAcceptedException": {
20992 "description": "The price offer has already been accepted.",
20993 "schema": {
20994 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferAlreadyAcceptedException",
20995 "default": {
20996 "Message": "The price offer has already been accepted.",
20997 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer has already been accepted.",
20998 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferAlreadyAcceptedException",
20999 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21000 }
21001 }
21002 },
21003 "400 PriceOfferExpiredException": {
21004 "description": "The price offer is expired.",
21005 "schema": {
21006 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferExpiredException",
21007 "default": {
21008 "Message": "The price offer is expired.",
21009 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer is expired.",
21010 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferExpiredException",
21011 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21012 }
21013 }
21014 },
21015 "400 PriceOfferProtectionRequiresAssetPhotosException": {
21016 "description": "The price offer requires item photo(s).",
21017 "schema": {
21018 "$ref": "#/definitions/PriceOfferProtectionRequiresAssetPhotosException",
21019 "default": {
21020 "Message": "The price offer requires 0 photo(s).",
21021 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer requires 0 photo(s).",
21022 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferProtectionRequiresAssetPhotosException",
21023 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21024 }
21025 }
21026 },
21027 "400 UserIPOutsideRegionException": {
21028 "description": "The user is outside of the selected region.",
21029 "schema": {
21030 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserIPOutsideRegionException",
21031 "default": {
21032 "Message": "The user is outside of the selected region.",
21033 "ExceptionMessage": "The user is outside of the selected region.",
21034 "ExceptionType": "UserIPOutsideRegionException",
21035 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21036 }
21037 }
21038 },
21039 "400 UserIPRegionUnknownException": {
21040 "description": "Unable to resolve region of IP address.",
21041 "schema": {
21042 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserIPRegionUnknownException",
21043 "default": {
21044 "Message": "Unable to resolve region of IP address.",
21045 "ExceptionMessage": "Unable to resolve region of IP address.",
21046 "ExceptionType": "UserIPRegionUnknownException",
21047 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21048 }
21049 }
21050 },
21051 "403 CustomerBlockedException": {
21052 "description": "The customer is blocked from accepting quotes.",
21053 "schema": {
21054 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerBlockedException",
21055 "default": {
21056 "Message": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
21057 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
21058 "ExceptionType": "CustomerBlockedException",
21059 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21060 }
21061 }
21062 },
21063 "403 PromotionNotApplicableException": {
21064 "description": "The specified promotion cannot be applied.",
21065 "schema": {
21066 "$ref": "#/definitions/PromotionNotApplicableException",
21067 "default": {
21068 "Message": "The promotion string cannot be applied to this price offer and customer.",
21069 "ExceptionMessage": "The promotion string cannot be applied to this price offer and customer.",
21070 "ExceptionType": "PromotionNotApplicableException",
21071 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21072 }
21073 }
21074 },
21075 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
21076 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified price offer does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified price offer.",
21077 "schema": {
21078 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
21079 "default": {
21080 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
21081 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
21082 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
21083 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21084 }
21085 }
21086 },
21087 "404 PromotionNotFoundException": {
21088 "description": "The specified promotion does not exist.",
21089 "schema": {
21090 "$ref": "#/definitions/PromotionNotFoundException",
21091 "default": {
21092 "Message": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
21093 "ExceptionMessage": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
21094 "ExceptionType": "PromotionNotFoundException",
21095 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21096 }
21097 }
21098 },
21099 "500 DeviceTooManyAccountsException": {
21100 "description": "Too many accounts using the same device.",
21101 "schema": {
21102 "$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTooManyAccountsException",
21103 "default": {
21104 "Message": "Too many accounts using the same device.",
21105 "ExceptionMessage": "Too many accounts using the same device.",
21106 "ExceptionType": "DeviceTooManyAccountsException",
21107 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21108 }
21109 }
21110 },
21111 "500 PaymentProviderChargeException": {
21112 "description": "The charge failed.",
21113 "schema": {
21114 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderChargeException",
21115 "default": {
21116 "Message": "Payment provider charge failed: string",
21117 "ExceptionMessage": "Payment provider charge failed: string",
21118 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderChargeException",
21119 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21120 }
21121 }
21122 },
21123 "500 PaymentProviderNoPaymentCardConfiguredForCustomerException": {
21124 "description": "The customer has no payment card configured with the payment provider.",
21125 "schema": {
21126 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderNoPaymentCardConfiguredForCustomerException",
21127 "default": {
21128 "Message": "There is no payment card configured in the payment provider for the customer.",
21129 "ExceptionMessage": "There is no payment card configured in the payment provider for the customer.",
21130 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderNoPaymentCardConfiguredForCustomerException",
21131 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21132 }
21133 }
21134 },
21135 "500 PaymentProviderNotConfiguredForCustomerException": {
21136 "description": "The customer has is configured with the payment provider.",
21137 "schema": {
21138 "$ref": "#/definitions/PaymentProviderNotConfiguredForCustomerException",
21139 "default": {
21140 "Message": "The customer has not been configured with the payment provider.",
21141 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer has not been configured with the payment provider.",
21142 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderNotConfiguredForCustomerException",
21143 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21144 }
21145 }
21146 },
21147 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21148 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21149 "schema": {
21150 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21151 "default": {
21152 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21153 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21154 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21155 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21156 }
21157 }
21158 }
21159 },
21160 "deprecated": true
21161 }
21162 },
21163 "/api/refreshToken/{refreshToken}": {
21164 "delete": {
21165 "tags": [
21166 "RefreshToken"
21167 ],
21168 "summary": "Deletes the specified refresh token.",
21169 "operationId": "DELETE_api_refreshToken_refreshToken",
21170 "consumes": [],
21171 "produces": [],
21172 "parameters": [
21173 {
21174 "name": "refreshToken",
21175 "in": "path",
21176 "description": "The refresh token to delete.",
21177 "required": true,
21178 "type": "string"
21179 },
21180 {
21181 "name": "Trov-Market",
21182 "in": "header",
21183 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21184 "required": true,
21185 "type": "string",
21186 "default": "US"
21187 },
21188 {
21189 "name": "Trov-Client",
21190 "in": "header",
21191 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21192 "required": true,
21193 "type": "string",
21194 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21195 },
21196 {
21197 "name": "Accept-Language",
21198 "in": "header",
21199 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21200 "required": true,
21201 "type": "string",
21202 "default": "en-US"
21203 }
21204 ],
21205 "responses": {
21206 "204": {
21207 "description": "No Content"
21208 },
21209 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21210 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21211 "schema": {
21212 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21213 "default": {
21214 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21215 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21216 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21217 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21218 }
21219 }
21220 }
21221 }
21222 }
21223 },
21224 "/api/v3.0/sic/token/requestRemoteAutoDetect": {
21225 "post": {
21226 "tags": [
21227 "RemoteOperations"
21228 ],
21229 "summary": "Sends an email to the given user email account with a link to the app that allows auto-detection.",
21230 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_token_requestRemoteAutoDetect",
21231 "consumes": [
21232 "application/json",
21233 "text/json",
21234 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
21235 ],
21236 "produces": [],
21237 "parameters": [
21238 {
21239 "name": "remoteAutodetectRequest",
21240 "in": "body",
21241 "description": "The model containing the remote request.",
21242 "required": true,
21243 "schema": {
21244 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicRemoteOperationsRemoteAutodetectRequest"
21245 }
21246 },
21247 {
21248 "name": "Trov-Market",
21249 "in": "header",
21250 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21251 "required": true,
21252 "type": "string",
21253 "default": "US"
21254 },
21255 {
21256 "name": "Trov-Client",
21257 "in": "header",
21258 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21259 "required": true,
21260 "type": "string",
21261 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21262 },
21263 {
21264 "name": "Accept-Language",
21265 "in": "header",
21266 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21267 "required": true,
21268 "type": "string",
21269 "default": "en-US"
21270 },
21271 {
21272 "name": "Authorization",
21273 "in": "header",
21274 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
21275 "required": true,
21276 "type": "string",
21277 "default": ""
21278 }
21279 ],
21280 "responses": {
21281 "202": {
21282 "description": "No Content"
21283 },
21284 "400": {
21285 "description": "The email address is not valid.<br/>The password does not meet minimum requirements."
21286 },
21287 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21288 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21289 "schema": {
21290 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21291 "default": {
21292 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21293 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21294 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21295 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21296 }
21297 }
21298 }
21299 },
21300 "deprecated": true
21301 }
21302 },
21303 "/api/v3.0/sic/token/requestRemoteLoginAndAutodetect": {
21304 "post": {
21305 "tags": [
21306 "RemoteOperations"
21307 ],
21308 "summary": "Sends an email to the calling user email account with the app login.",
21309 "operationId": "POST_api_sic_token_requestRemoteLoginAndAutodetect",
21310 "consumes": [
21311 "application/json",
21312 "text/json",
21313 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
21314 ],
21315 "produces": [],
21316 "parameters": [
21317 {
21318 "name": "remoteOperationRequest",
21319 "in": "body",
21320 "description": "The model containing the remote request.",
21321 "required": true,
21322 "schema": {
21323 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicRemoteOperationsRemoteOperationRequest"
21324 }
21325 },
21326 {
21327 "name": "Trov-Market",
21328 "in": "header",
21329 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21330 "required": true,
21331 "type": "string",
21332 "default": "US"
21333 },
21334 {
21335 "name": "Trov-Client",
21336 "in": "header",
21337 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21338 "required": true,
21339 "type": "string",
21340 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21341 },
21342 {
21343 "name": "Accept-Language",
21344 "in": "header",
21345 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21346 "required": true,
21347 "type": "string",
21348 "default": "en-US"
21349 },
21350 {
21351 "name": "Authorization",
21352 "in": "header",
21353 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
21354 "required": true,
21355 "type": "string",
21356 "default": ""
21357 }
21358 ],
21359 "responses": {
21360 "202": {
21361 "description": "No Content"
21362 },
21363 "400": {
21364 "description": "Magic link can only be requested for mobile phones."
21365 },
21366 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21367 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21368 "schema": {
21369 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21370 "default": {
21371 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21372 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21373 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21374 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21375 }
21376 }
21377 }
21378 },
21379 "deprecated": true
21380 }
21381 },
21382 "/api/v3.0/risk/score/{customerId}": {
21383 "get": {
21384 "tags": [
21385 "RiskScoringEmployee"
21386 ],
21387 "summary": "Gets the risk score for the customer.",
21388 "operationId": "GET_api_risk_score_customerId",
21389 "consumes": [],
21390 "produces": [
21391 "application/json",
21392 "text/json"
21393 ],
21394 "parameters": [
21395 {
21396 "name": "customerId",
21397 "in": "path",
21398 "description": "The id of the customer to score",
21399 "required": true,
21400 "type": "string"
21401 },
21402 {
21403 "name": "Trov-Market",
21404 "in": "header",
21405 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21406 "required": true,
21407 "type": "string",
21408 "default": "US"
21409 },
21410 {
21411 "name": "Trov-Client",
21412 "in": "header",
21413 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21414 "required": true,
21415 "type": "string",
21416 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21417 },
21418 {
21419 "name": "Accept-Language",
21420 "in": "header",
21421 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21422 "required": true,
21423 "type": "string",
21424 "default": "en-US"
21425 },
21426 {
21427 "name": "Authorization",
21428 "in": "header",
21429 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
21430 "required": true,
21431 "type": "string",
21432 "default": ""
21433 }
21434 ],
21435 "responses": {
21436 "200": {
21437 "description": "OK",
21438 "schema": {
21439 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedRiskScoringRiskScoringResponse"
21440 }
21441 },
21442 "401 AuthenticationException": {
21443 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
21444 "schema": {
21445 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
21446 "default": {
21447 "Message": "string",
21448 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
21449 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
21450 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21451 }
21452 }
21453 },
21454 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
21455 "description": "The customer does not exist.",
21456 "schema": {
21457 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
21458 "default": {
21459 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
21460 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
21461 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
21462 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21463 }
21464 }
21465 },
21466 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21467 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21468 "schema": {
21469 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21470 "default": {
21471 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21472 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21473 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21474 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21475 }
21476 }
21477 }
21478 },
21479 "deprecated": true
21480 }
21481 },
21482 "/api/v3.0/risk/whitelist/{CustomerId}": {
21483 "post": {
21484 "tags": [
21485 "RiskScoringEmployee"
21486 ],
21487 "summary": "Adds the customer to the risk scoring validation whitelist.",
21488 "operationId": "POST_api_risk_whitelist_customerId",
21489 "consumes": [],
21490 "produces": [],
21491 "parameters": [
21492 {
21493 "name": "customerId",
21494 "in": "query",
21495 "required": true,
21496 "type": "string"
21497 },
21498 {
21499 "name": "customerId",
21500 "in": "query",
21501 "required": true,
21502 "type": "string"
21503 },
21504 {
21505 "name": "Trov-Market",
21506 "in": "header",
21507 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21508 "required": true,
21509 "type": "string",
21510 "default": "US"
21511 },
21512 {
21513 "name": "Trov-Client",
21514 "in": "header",
21515 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21516 "required": true,
21517 "type": "string",
21518 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21519 },
21520 {
21521 "name": "Accept-Language",
21522 "in": "header",
21523 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21524 "required": true,
21525 "type": "string",
21526 "default": "en-US"
21527 },
21528 {
21529 "name": "Authorization",
21530 "in": "header",
21531 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
21532 "required": true,
21533 "type": "string",
21534 "default": ""
21535 }
21536 ],
21537 "responses": {
21538 "204": {
21539 "description": "No Content"
21540 },
21541 "401 AuthenticationException": {
21542 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
21543 "schema": {
21544 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
21545 "default": {
21546 "Message": "string",
21547 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
21548 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
21549 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21550 }
21551 }
21552 },
21553 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
21554 "description": "The customer does not exist.",
21555 "schema": {
21556 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
21557 "default": {
21558 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
21559 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
21560 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
21561 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21562 }
21563 }
21564 },
21565 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21566 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21567 "schema": {
21568 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21569 "default": {
21570 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21571 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21572 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21573 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21574 }
21575 }
21576 }
21577 },
21578 "deprecated": true
21579 },
21580 "delete": {
21581 "tags": [
21582 "RiskScoringEmployee"
21583 ],
21584 "summary": "Removes the customer from the risk scoring validation whitelist.",
21585 "operationId": "DELETE_api_risk_whitelist_customerId",
21586 "consumes": [],
21587 "produces": [],
21588 "parameters": [
21589 {
21590 "name": "customerId",
21591 "in": "query",
21592 "required": true,
21593 "type": "string"
21594 },
21595 {
21596 "name": "customerId",
21597 "in": "query",
21598 "required": true,
21599 "type": "string"
21600 },
21601 {
21602 "name": "Trov-Market",
21603 "in": "header",
21604 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21605 "required": true,
21606 "type": "string",
21607 "default": "US"
21608 },
21609 {
21610 "name": "Trov-Client",
21611 "in": "header",
21612 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21613 "required": true,
21614 "type": "string",
21615 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21616 },
21617 {
21618 "name": "Accept-Language",
21619 "in": "header",
21620 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21621 "required": true,
21622 "type": "string",
21623 "default": "en-US"
21624 },
21625 {
21626 "name": "Authorization",
21627 "in": "header",
21628 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
21629 "required": true,
21630 "type": "string",
21631 "default": ""
21632 }
21633 ],
21634 "responses": {
21635 "204": {
21636 "description": "No Content"
21637 },
21638 "401 AuthenticationException": {
21639 "description": "The current user is not a SIC support admin or SIC support user.",
21640 "schema": {
21641 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
21642 "default": {
21643 "Message": "string",
21644 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
21645 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
21646 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21647 }
21648 }
21649 },
21650 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
21651 "description": "The customer does not exist.",
21652 "schema": {
21653 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
21654 "default": {
21655 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
21656 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
21657 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
21658 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21659 }
21660 }
21661 },
21662 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21663 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21664 "schema": {
21665 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21666 "default": {
21667 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21668 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21669 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21670 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21671 }
21672 }
21673 }
21674 },
21675 "deprecated": true
21676 }
21677 },
21678 "/api/v3.0/admin/role": {
21679 "get": {
21680 "tags": [
21681 "RoleAdmin"
21682 ],
21683 "summary": "Gets all available roles in the trov system.",
21684 "operationId": "GET_api_admin_role",
21685 "consumes": [],
21686 "produces": [
21687 "application/json",
21688 "text/json"
21689 ],
21690 "parameters": [
21691 {
21692 "name": "Trov-Market",
21693 "in": "header",
21694 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21695 "required": true,
21696 "type": "string",
21697 "default": "US"
21698 },
21699 {
21700 "name": "Trov-Client",
21701 "in": "header",
21702 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21703 "required": true,
21704 "type": "string",
21705 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21706 },
21707 {
21708 "name": "Accept-Language",
21709 "in": "header",
21710 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21711 "required": true,
21712 "type": "string",
21713 "default": "en-US"
21714 },
21715 {
21716 "name": "Authorization",
21717 "in": "header",
21718 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
21719 "required": true,
21720 "type": "string",
21721 "default": ""
21722 }
21723 ],
21724 "responses": {
21725 "200": {
21726 "description": "OK",
21727 "schema": {
21728 "items": {
21729 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityApplicationRoleResult"
21730 },
21731 "xml": {
21732 "name": "ApplicationRoleResult",
21733 "wrapped": true
21734 },
21735 "type": "array"
21736 }
21737 },
21738 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21739 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21740 "schema": {
21741 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21742 "default": {
21743 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21744 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21745 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21746 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21747 }
21748 }
21749 }
21750 },
21751 "deprecated": true
21752 },
21753 "post": {
21754 "tags": [
21755 "RoleAdmin"
21756 ],
21757 "summary": "Updates a specified users roles.",
21758 "operationId": "POST_api_admin_role",
21759 "consumes": [
21760 "application/json",
21761 "text/json",
21762 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
21763 ],
21764 "produces": [],
21765 "parameters": [
21766 {
21767 "name": "updateUserRolesRequest",
21768 "in": "body",
21769 "description": "The model that represents the update user roles request.",
21770 "required": true,
21771 "schema": {
21772 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityUpdateUserRolesRequest"
21773 }
21774 },
21775 {
21776 "name": "Trov-Market",
21777 "in": "header",
21778 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21779 "required": true,
21780 "type": "string",
21781 "default": "US"
21782 },
21783 {
21784 "name": "Trov-Client",
21785 "in": "header",
21786 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21787 "required": true,
21788 "type": "string",
21789 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21790 },
21791 {
21792 "name": "Accept-Language",
21793 "in": "header",
21794 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21795 "required": true,
21796 "type": "string",
21797 "default": "en-US"
21798 },
21799 {
21800 "name": "Authorization",
21801 "in": "header",
21802 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
21803 "required": true,
21804 "type": "string",
21805 "default": ""
21806 }
21807 ],
21808 "responses": {
21809 "204": {
21810 "description": "No Content"
21811 },
21812 "401 RoleRequiresTwoFactorAuthenticationException": {
21813 "description": "The requested user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled and has requested a role that required it.",
21814 "schema": {
21815 "$ref": "#/definitions/RoleRequiresTwoFactorAuthenticationException",
21816 "default": {
21817 "Message": "string",
21818 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
21819 "ExceptionType": "RoleRequiresTwoFactorAuthenticationException",
21820 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21821 }
21822 }
21823 },
21824 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21825 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21826 "schema": {
21827 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21828 "default": {
21829 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21830 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21831 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21832 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21833 }
21834 }
21835 }
21836 },
21837 "deprecated": true
21838 }
21839 },
21840 "/api/status": {
21841 "get": {
21842 "tags": [
21843 "Status"
21844 ],
21845 "summary": "Validates connectivity to internal dependencies of the system.",
21846 "operationId": "GET_api_status",
21847 "consumes": [],
21848 "produces": [
21849 "application/json",
21850 "text/json"
21851 ],
21852 "parameters": [
21853 {
21854 "name": "Trov-Market",
21855 "in": "header",
21856 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21857 "required": true,
21858 "type": "string",
21859 "default": "US"
21860 },
21861 {
21862 "name": "Trov-Client",
21863 "in": "header",
21864 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21865 "required": true,
21866 "type": "string",
21867 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21868 },
21869 {
21870 "name": "Accept-Language",
21871 "in": "header",
21872 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21873 "required": true,
21874 "type": "string",
21875 "default": "en-US"
21876 }
21877 ],
21878 "responses": {
21879 "200": {
21880 "description": "OK",
21881 "schema": {
21882 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedStatusStatusResponse"
21883 }
21884 },
21885 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21886 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21887 "schema": {
21888 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21889 "default": {
21890 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21891 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21892 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21893 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21894 }
21895 }
21896 }
21897 }
21898 }
21899 },
21900 "/api/status/internal": {
21901 "get": {
21902 "tags": [
21903 "Status"
21904 ],
21905 "summary": "Validates connectivity to internal dependencies of the system.",
21906 "operationId": "GET_api_status_internal",
21907 "consumes": [],
21908 "produces": [
21909 "application/json",
21910 "text/json"
21911 ],
21912 "parameters": [
21913 {
21914 "name": "Trov-Market",
21915 "in": "header",
21916 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21917 "required": true,
21918 "type": "string",
21919 "default": "US"
21920 },
21921 {
21922 "name": "Trov-Client",
21923 "in": "header",
21924 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21925 "required": true,
21926 "type": "string",
21927 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21928 },
21929 {
21930 "name": "Accept-Language",
21931 "in": "header",
21932 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21933 "required": true,
21934 "type": "string",
21935 "default": "en-US"
21936 }
21937 ],
21938 "responses": {
21939 "200": {
21940 "description": "OK",
21941 "schema": {
21942 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedStatusStatusResponse"
21943 }
21944 },
21945 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
21946 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21947 "schema": {
21948 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
21949 "default": {
21950 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21951 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
21952 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
21953 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
21954 }
21955 }
21956 }
21957 }
21958 }
21959 },
21960 "/api/v3.0/suggestionGroups": {
21961 "get": {
21962 "tags": [
21963 "Suggestions"
21964 ],
21965 "summary": "Retrieves the suggestion groups.",
21966 "operationId": "GET_api_suggestionGroups",
21967 "consumes": [],
21968 "produces": [
21969 "application/json",
21970 "text/json"
21971 ],
21972 "parameters": [
21973 {
21974 "name": "Trov-Market",
21975 "in": "header",
21976 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
21977 "required": true,
21978 "type": "string",
21979 "default": "US"
21980 },
21981 {
21982 "name": "Trov-Client",
21983 "in": "header",
21984 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
21985 "required": true,
21986 "type": "string",
21987 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
21988 },
21989 {
21990 "name": "Accept-Language",
21991 "in": "header",
21992 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
21993 "required": true,
21994 "type": "string",
21995 "default": "en-US"
21996 },
21997 {
21998 "name": "Authorization",
21999 "in": "header",
22000 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
22001 "required": true,
22002 "type": "string",
22003 "default": ""
22004 }
22005 ],
22006 "responses": {
22007 "200": {
22008 "description": "OK",
22009 "schema": {
22010 "items": {
22011 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedSuggestionsSuggestionGroup"
22012 },
22013 "xml": {
22014 "name": "SuggestionGroup",
22015 "wrapped": true
22016 },
22017 "type": "array"
22018 }
22019 },
22020 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
22021 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22022 "schema": {
22023 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
22024 "default": {
22025 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22026 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22027 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
22028 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22029 }
22030 }
22031 }
22032 },
22033 "deprecated": true
22034 },
22035 "put": {
22036 "tags": [
22037 "Suggestions"
22038 ],
22039 "summary": "Replaces the existing suggestion groups.",
22040 "operationId": "PUT_api_suggestionGroups",
22041 "consumes": [
22042 "application/json",
22043 "text/json",
22044 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
22045 ],
22046 "produces": [
22047 "application/json",
22048 "text/json"
22049 ],
22050 "parameters": [
22051 {
22052 "name": "request",
22053 "in": "body",
22054 "description": "The suggestion groups. Suggestion groups cannot be empty.",
22055 "required": true,
22056 "schema": {
22057 "items": {
22058 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedSuggestionsSuggestionGroup"
22059 },
22060 "xml": {
22061 "name": "SuggestionGroup",
22062 "wrapped": true
22063 },
22064 "type": "array"
22065 }
22066 },
22067 {
22068 "name": "Trov-Market",
22069 "in": "header",
22070 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
22071 "required": true,
22072 "type": "string",
22073 "default": "US"
22074 },
22075 {
22076 "name": "Trov-Client",
22077 "in": "header",
22078 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
22079 "required": true,
22080 "type": "string",
22081 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
22082 },
22083 {
22084 "name": "Accept-Language",
22085 "in": "header",
22086 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
22087 "required": true,
22088 "type": "string",
22089 "default": "en-US"
22090 },
22091 {
22092 "name": "Authorization",
22093 "in": "header",
22094 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
22095 "required": true,
22096 "type": "string",
22097 "default": ""
22098 }
22099 ],
22100 "responses": {
22101 "200": {
22102 "description": "OK",
22103 "schema": {
22104 "items": {
22105 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedSuggestionsSuggestionGroup"
22106 },
22107 "xml": {
22108 "name": "SuggestionGroup",
22109 "wrapped": true
22110 },
22111 "type": "array"
22112 }
22113 },
22114 "403 ValidationException": {
22115 "description": "Invalid/missing request properties.",
22116 "schema": {
22117 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
22118 "default": {
22119 "Message": "string",
22120 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
22121 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
22122 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22123 }
22124 }
22125 },
22126 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
22127 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22128 "schema": {
22129 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
22130 "default": {
22131 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22132 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22133 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
22134 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22135 }
22136 }
22137 }
22138 },
22139 "deprecated": true
22140 }
22141 },
22142 "/api/v3.0/suggestionGroups/{trovId}": {
22143 "get": {
22144 "tags": [
22145 "Suggestions"
22146 ],
22147 "summary": "Retrieves the suggestion groups for a specified trov.",
22148 "operationId": "GET_api_suggestionGroups_trovId",
22149 "consumes": [],
22150 "produces": [
22151 "application/json",
22152 "text/json"
22153 ],
22154 "parameters": [
22155 {
22156 "name": "trovId",
22157 "in": "path",
22158 "description": "The trov identifier.",
22159 "required": true,
22160 "type": "string"
22161 },
22162 {
22163 "name": "Trov-Market",
22164 "in": "header",
22165 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
22166 "required": true,
22167 "type": "string",
22168 "default": "US"
22169 },
22170 {
22171 "name": "Trov-Client",
22172 "in": "header",
22173 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
22174 "required": true,
22175 "type": "string",
22176 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
22177 },
22178 {
22179 "name": "Accept-Language",
22180 "in": "header",
22181 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
22182 "required": true,
22183 "type": "string",
22184 "default": "en-US"
22185 },
22186 {
22187 "name": "Authorization",
22188 "in": "header",
22189 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
22190 "required": true,
22191 "type": "string",
22192 "default": ""
22193 }
22194 ],
22195 "responses": {
22196 "200": {
22197 "description": "OK",
22198 "schema": {
22199 "items": {
22200 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedSuggestionsSuggestionGroup"
22201 },
22202 "xml": {
22203 "name": "SuggestionGroup",
22204 "wrapped": true
22205 },
22206 "type": "array"
22207 }
22208 },
22209 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
22210 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22211 "schema": {
22212 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
22213 "default": {
22214 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22215 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22216 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
22217 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22218 }
22219 }
22220 }
22221 },
22222 "deprecated": true
22223 }
22224 },
22225 "/api/v3.0/suggestions/{suggestionId}/addedAssets/{trovId}": {
22226 "get": {
22227 "tags": [
22228 "Suggestions"
22229 ],
22230 "summary": "Gets the assets that have the given suggestion id in the external identifiers for `ExternalIdentifierType.TrovSuggestionId`.",
22231 "operationId": "GET_api_suggestions_suggestionId_addedAssets_trovId",
22232 "consumes": [],
22233 "produces": [
22234 "application/json",
22235 "text/json"
22236 ],
22237 "parameters": [
22238 {
22239 "name": "suggestionId",
22240 "in": "path",
22241 "description": "The suggestion identifier.",
22242 "required": true,
22243 "type": "string"
22244 },
22245 {
22246 "name": "trovId",
22247 "in": "path",
22248 "description": "The trov identifier.",
22249 "required": true,
22250 "type": "string"
22251 },
22252 {
22253 "name": "Trov-Market",
22254 "in": "header",
22255 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
22256 "required": true,
22257 "type": "string",
22258 "default": "US"
22259 },
22260 {
22261 "name": "Trov-Client",
22262 "in": "header",
22263 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
22264 "required": true,
22265 "type": "string",
22266 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
22267 },
22268 {
22269 "name": "Accept-Language",
22270 "in": "header",
22271 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
22272 "required": true,
22273 "type": "string",
22274 "default": "en-US"
22275 },
22276 {
22277 "name": "Authorization",
22278 "in": "header",
22279 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
22280 "required": true,
22281 "type": "string",
22282 "default": ""
22283 }
22284 ],
22285 "responses": {
22286 "200": {
22287 "description": "OK",
22288 "schema": {
22289 "items": {
22290 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsIAsset"
22291 },
22292 "xml": {
22293 "name": "IAsset",
22294 "wrapped": true
22295 },
22296 "type": "array",
22297 "default": [
22298 {
22299 "Thumbnail": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
22300 "IsRegion": true,
22301 "CategoryId": "15",
22302 "Quantity": 1,
22303 "CommonAttributes": {
22304 "Insurance": {
22305 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
22306 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
22307 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
22308 "Amount": {
22309 "Type": 0,
22310 "Value": 167944810.00
22311 }
22312 },
22313 "Purchase": {
22314 "Date": "1/26/2016",
22315 "Amount": {
22316 "Type": 0,
22317 "Value": 167944810.00
22318 },
22319 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
22320 },
22321 "ReplacementValue": {
22322 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
22323 "Value": {
22324 "Type": 0,
22325 "Value": 167944810.00
22326 },
22327 "HighValue": {
22328 "Type": 0,
22329 "Value": 177944810.00
22330 },
22331 "LowValue": {
22332 "Type": 0,
22333 "Value": 157944810.00
22334 },
22335 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
22336 },
22337 "FairMarketValue": {
22338 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
22339 "Value": {
22340 "Type": 0,
22341 "Value": 167944810.00
22342 },
22343 "HighValue": {
22344 "Type": 0,
22345 "Value": 177944810.00
22346 },
22347 "LowValue": {
22348 "Type": 0,
22349 "Value": 157944810.00
22350 },
22351 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
22352 },
22353 "AcquisitionInformation": {
22354 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
22355 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
22356 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
22357 "Reason": "Sold"
22358 }
22359 },
22360 "CategoryAttributes": {
22361 "Wine": {
22362 "Type": "Morning Fog",
22363 "Vintage": "2012",
22364 "Manufacturer": "Wente Vineyards",
22365 "Varietal": "Chardonnay",
22366 "Vineyard": "Estate Vineyards",
22367 "Region": "United States",
22368 "SubRegion": "California",
22369 "Appellation": "Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay",
22370 "BottleSize": "750 ML"
22371 },
22372 "Product": {
22373 "Make": "Dell",
22374 "Model": "XPS 8700",
22375 "Series": "XPS",
22376 "SerialNumber": "CN-0P7D0G-74261-33N-0KEL"
22377 },
22378 "Vehicle": {
22379 "Year": 2012,
22380 "Make": "Lamborghini",
22381 "Model": "Aventador",
22382 "Style": "LP700-4 Coupe",
22383 "Vin": "19UYA31581L000000",
22384 "Exterior": "Red",
22385 "Interior": "Leather",
22386 "Transmission": "7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive",
22387 "LicenceNumber": "4FASTER",
22388 "Mileage": 0
22389 },
22390 "Art": {
22391 "Artist": "Auguste Rodin",
22392 "Title": "The Thinker",
22393 "CreationDate": "1904",
22394 "Medium": "Bronze",
22395 "Edition": "1",
22396 "Signature": "Auguste Rodin",
22397 "Frame": "N/A"
22398 },
22399 "Property": {
22400 "Address": {
22401 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
22402 "City": "Medina",
22403 "State": "WA",
22404 "Zip": "98039",
22405 "Country": "USA",
22406 "IsEmpty": false,
22407 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
22408 },
22409 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
22410 "LivingAreaSize": {
22411 "Unit": "SqFt",
22412 "Value": 50050.0
22413 },
22414 "Stories": 4,
22415 "Bedrooms": 25,
22416 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
22417 "YearBuilt": 1994
22418 }
22419 },
22420 "ExternalIdentifiers": [
22421 {
22422 "Type": 4,
22423 "Id": "68890082"
22424 }
22425 ],
22426 "ExternalCategories": [
22427 {
22428 "Provider": "Zillow",
22429 "CategoryId": "ABC",
22430 "CategoryName": "Mansions",
22431 "Level": 2
22432 }
22433 ],
22434 "Flags": [],
22435 "Status": "Owned",
22436 "IsQuotable": false,
22437 "IsOwned": true,
22438 "IsPossessed": true,
22439 "IsTrashed": false,
22440 "IsCertified": false,
22441 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff",
22442 "ParentId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
22443 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
22444 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
22445 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
22446 },
22447 {
22448 "Thumbnail": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
22449 "IsRegion": true,
22450 "CategoryId": "15",
22451 "Quantity": 1,
22452 "CommonAttributes": {
22453 "Insurance": {
22454 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
22455 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
22456 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
22457 "Amount": {
22458 "Type": 0,
22459 "Value": 167944810.00
22460 }
22461 },
22462 "Purchase": {
22463 "Date": "1/26/2016",
22464 "Amount": {
22465 "Type": 0,
22466 "Value": 167944810.00
22467 },
22468 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
22469 },
22470 "ReplacementValue": {
22471 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
22472 "Value": {
22473 "Type": 0,
22474 "Value": 167944810.00
22475 },
22476 "HighValue": {
22477 "Type": 0,
22478 "Value": 177944810.00
22479 },
22480 "LowValue": {
22481 "Type": 0,
22482 "Value": 157944810.00
22483 },
22484 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
22485 },
22486 "FairMarketValue": {
22487 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
22488 "Value": {
22489 "Type": 0,
22490 "Value": 167944810.00
22491 },
22492 "HighValue": {
22493 "Type": 0,
22494 "Value": 177944810.00
22495 },
22496 "LowValue": {
22497 "Type": 0,
22498 "Value": 157944810.00
22499 },
22500 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
22501 },
22502 "AcquisitionInformation": {
22503 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
22504 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
22505 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
22506 "Reason": "Sold"
22507 }
22508 },
22509 "CategoryAttributes": {
22510 "Property": {
22511 "Address": {
22512 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
22513 "City": "Medina",
22514 "State": "WA",
22515 "Zip": "98039",
22516 "Country": "USA",
22517 "IsEmpty": false,
22518 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
22519 },
22520 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
22521 "LivingAreaSize": {
22522 "Unit": "SqFt",
22523 "Value": 50050.0
22524 },
22525 "Stories": 4,
22526 "Bedrooms": 25,
22527 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
22528 "YearBuilt": 1994
22529 }
22530 },
22531 "ExternalIdentifiers": [
22532 {
22533 "Type": 4,
22534 "Id": "68890082"
22535 }
22536 ],
22537 "ExternalCategories": [],
22538 "Flags": [],
22539 "Status": "Owned",
22540 "IsQuotable": false,
22541 "IsOwned": true,
22542 "IsPossessed": true,
22543 "IsTrashed": false,
22544 "IsCertified": false,
22545 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff",
22546 "ParentId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
22547 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
22548 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
22549 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
22550 }
22551 ]
22552 }
22553 },
22554 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
22555 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
22556 "schema": {
22557 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
22558 "default": {
22559 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
22560 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
22561 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
22562 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22563 }
22564 }
22565 },
22566 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
22567 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22568 "schema": {
22569 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
22570 "default": {
22571 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22572 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22573 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
22574 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22575 }
22576 }
22577 }
22578 },
22579 "deprecated": true
22580 }
22581 },
22582 "/api/v3.0/test/sentEmails": {
22583 "post": {
22584 "tags": [
22585 "TestHook"
22586 ],
22587 "summary": "Retrieves the email templates that were sent to a the given recipient.",
22588 "operationId": "POST_api_test_sentEmails",
22589 "consumes": [
22590 "application/json",
22591 "text/json",
22592 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
22593 ],
22594 "produces": [
22595 "application/json",
22596 "text/json"
22597 ],
22598 "parameters": [
22599 {
22600 "name": "recipient",
22601 "in": "body",
22602 "description": "The recipient email address to filter the sent emails with.",
22603 "required": true,
22604 "schema": {
22605 "type": "string"
22606 }
22607 },
22608 {
22609 "name": "Trov-Market",
22610 "in": "header",
22611 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
22612 "required": true,
22613 "type": "string",
22614 "default": "US"
22615 },
22616 {
22617 "name": "Trov-Client",
22618 "in": "header",
22619 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
22620 "required": true,
22621 "type": "string",
22622 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
22623 },
22624 {
22625 "name": "Accept-Language",
22626 "in": "header",
22627 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
22628 "required": true,
22629 "type": "string",
22630 "default": "en-US"
22631 },
22632 {
22633 "name": "Authorization",
22634 "in": "header",
22635 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
22636 "required": true,
22637 "type": "string",
22638 "default": ""
22639 }
22640 ],
22641 "responses": {
22642 "201": {
22643 "description": "OK",
22644 "schema": {
22645 "type": "string"
22646 }
22647 },
22648 "400": {
22649 "description": "Unexpected server error."
22650 },
22651 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
22652 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22653 "schema": {
22654 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
22655 "default": {
22656 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22657 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22658 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
22659 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22660 }
22661 }
22662 }
22663 },
22664 "deprecated": true
22665 }
22666 },
22667 "/api/v3.0/test/executeScheduledJobs": {
22668 "post": {
22669 "tags": [
22670 "TestHook"
22671 ],
22672 "summary": "Executes all scheduled job that have been scheduled before the given time.\r\nThis can only be used when the SynchronousJobClient is configured.",
22673 "operationId": "POST_api_test_executeScheduledJobs",
22674 "consumes": [
22675 "application/json",
22676 "text/json",
22677 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
22678 ],
22679 "produces": [
22680 "application/json",
22681 "text/json"
22682 ],
22683 "parameters": [
22684 {
22685 "name": "time",
22686 "in": "body",
22687 "description": "The parameters to pass into the invoked method during job processing.",
22688 "required": true,
22689 "schema": {
22690 "type": "string",
22691 "format": "date-time"
22692 }
22693 },
22694 {
22695 "name": "Trov-Market",
22696 "in": "header",
22697 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
22698 "required": true,
22699 "type": "string",
22700 "default": "US"
22701 },
22702 {
22703 "name": "Trov-Client",
22704 "in": "header",
22705 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
22706 "required": true,
22707 "type": "string",
22708 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
22709 },
22710 {
22711 "name": "Accept-Language",
22712 "in": "header",
22713 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
22714 "required": true,
22715 "type": "string",
22716 "default": "en-US"
22717 },
22718 {
22719 "name": "Authorization",
22720 "in": "header",
22721 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
22722 "required": true,
22723 "type": "string",
22724 "default": ""
22725 }
22726 ],
22727 "responses": {
22728 "201": {
22729 "description": "OK",
22730 "schema": {
22731 "type": "string"
22732 }
22733 },
22734 "400": {
22735 "description": "Unexpected server error."
22736 },
22737 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
22738 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22739 "schema": {
22740 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
22741 "default": {
22742 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22743 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22744 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
22745 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22746 }
22747 }
22748 }
22749 },
22750 "deprecated": true
22751 }
22752 },
22753 "/api/v3.0/test/assets/{assetId}/resetAssetSicState": {
22754 "post": {
22755 "tags": [
22756 "TestHook"
22757 ],
22758 "summary": "Resets the underlying SIC state for an asset (e.g. removing claims, fingerprints, etc.).",
22759 "operationId": "POST_api_test_assets_assetId_resetAssetSicState",
22760 "consumes": [],
22761 "produces": [],
22762 "parameters": [
22763 {
22764 "name": "assetId",
22765 "in": "path",
22766 "description": "The id of the asset to reset.",
22767 "required": true,
22768 "type": "string"
22769 },
22770 {
22771 "name": "Trov-Market",
22772 "in": "header",
22773 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
22774 "required": true,
22775 "type": "string",
22776 "default": "US"
22777 },
22778 {
22779 "name": "Trov-Client",
22780 "in": "header",
22781 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
22782 "required": true,
22783 "type": "string",
22784 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
22785 },
22786 {
22787 "name": "Accept-Language",
22788 "in": "header",
22789 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
22790 "required": true,
22791 "type": "string",
22792 "default": "en-US"
22793 },
22794 {
22795 "name": "Authorization",
22796 "in": "header",
22797 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
22798 "required": true,
22799 "type": "string",
22800 "default": ""
22801 }
22802 ],
22803 "responses": {
22804 "400": {
22805 "description": "This endpoint is only available if the appsettings is using Reset_Asset_Sic_State."
22806 },
22807 "400 AssetAlreadyInsuredException": {
22808 "description": "The asset is currently insured, stop any current coverage first.",
22809 "schema": {
22810 "$ref": "#/definitions/AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
22811 "default": {
22812 "Message": "The asset is already insured.",
22813 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset is already insured.",
22814 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
22815 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22816 }
22817 }
22818 },
22819 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
22820 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22821 "schema": {
22822 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
22823 "default": {
22824 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22825 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22826 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
22827 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22828 }
22829 }
22830 }
22831 },
22832 "deprecated": true
22833 }
22834 },
22835 "/api/v3.0/test/publishToHangfire/{interfaceName}/{methodName}": {
22836 "post": {
22837 "tags": [
22838 "TestHook"
22839 ],
22840 "summary": "Publishes a background job based on the specified interface name, method name, and method parameters.",
22841 "operationId": "POST_api_test_publishToHangfire_interfaceName_methodName",
22842 "consumes": [
22843 "application/json",
22844 "text/json",
22845 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
22846 ],
22847 "produces": [
22848 "application/json",
22849 "text/json"
22850 ],
22851 "parameters": [
22852 {
22853 "name": "interfaceName",
22854 "in": "path",
22855 "description": "The full name of the interface that contains the method to invoke during job processing.",
22856 "required": true,
22857 "type": "string"
22858 },
22859 {
22860 "name": "methodName",
22861 "in": "path",
22862 "description": "The name of the method to invoke during job processing.",
22863 "required": true,
22864 "type": "string"
22865 },
22866 {
22867 "name": "parameters",
22868 "in": "body",
22869 "description": "The parameters to pass into the invoked method during job processing.",
22870 "required": true,
22871 "schema": {
22872 "type": "object"
22873 }
22874 },
22875 {
22876 "name": "queueName",
22877 "in": "query",
22878 "description": "The name of the queue that the job should be processsed from.",
22879 "required": false,
22880 "type": "string",
22881 "enum": [
22882 "default",
22883 "critical",
22884 "adhoc",
22885 "crawler"
22886 ],
22887 "x-enumName": "QueueName"
22888 },
22889 {
22890 "name": "Trov-Market",
22891 "in": "header",
22892 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
22893 "required": true,
22894 "type": "string",
22895 "default": "US"
22896 },
22897 {
22898 "name": "Trov-Client",
22899 "in": "header",
22900 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
22901 "required": true,
22902 "type": "string",
22903 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
22904 },
22905 {
22906 "name": "Accept-Language",
22907 "in": "header",
22908 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
22909 "required": true,
22910 "type": "string",
22911 "default": "en-US"
22912 },
22913 {
22914 "name": "Authorization",
22915 "in": "header",
22916 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
22917 "required": true,
22918 "type": "string",
22919 "default": ""
22920 }
22921 ],
22922 "responses": {
22923 "201": {
22924 "description": "OK",
22925 "schema": {
22926 "type": "string"
22927 }
22928 },
22929 "400": {
22930 "description": "Invalid interface namespace.<br/>\r\n Invalid interface type.<br/>\r\n Invalid method name.<br/>\r\n Invalid number of parameters for the interface and method specified."
22931 },
22932 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
22933 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22934 "schema": {
22935 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
22936 "default": {
22937 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22938 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
22939 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
22940 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
22941 }
22942 }
22943 }
22944 },
22945 "deprecated": true
22946 }
22947 },
22948 "/api/v3.0/test/notification/queue": {
22949 "post": {
22950 "tags": [
22951 "TestHook"
22952 ],
22953 "summary": "Queues a notification to be sent to the current user's devices.\r\n \r\nFor development and testing purposes only.",
22954 "operationId": "POST_api_test_notification_queue",
22955 "consumes": [
22956 "application/json",
22957 "text/json",
22958 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
22959 ],
22960 "produces": [
22961 "application/json",
22962 "text/json"
22963 ],
22964 "parameters": [
22965 {
22966 "name": "trovId",
22967 "in": "query",
22968 "description": "The trov id of the notification.",
22969 "required": true,
22970 "type": "string"
22971 },
22972 {
22973 "name": "notificationText",
22974 "in": "query",
22975 "description": "The notification text that will be displayed to the user.",
22976 "required": true,
22977 "type": "string"
22978 },
22979 {
22980 "name": "notificationType",
22981 "in": "query",
22982 "description": "The type of notification being sent.",
22983 "required": true,
22984 "type": "string",
22985 "enum": [
22986 "Unknown",
22987 "AssetDisplay",
22988 "AssetRevalued",
22989 "AssetGifted",
22990 "AssetSold",
22991 "AssetAutoDetect",
22992 "AssetsImported",
22993 "ClaimCompanyMessageSent",
22994 "ClaimDenied",
22995 "ClaimAccepted",
22996 "ClaimCancelled",
22997 "ClaimSettled"
22998 ],
22999 "x-enumName": "NotificationType"
23000 },
23001 {
23002 "name": "customItems",
23003 "in": "body",
23004 "description": "The custom items that will be included in the notification payload.",
23005 "required": true,
23006 "schema": {
23007 "additionalProperties": {
23008 "type": "object"
23009 },
23010 "type": "object"
23011 }
23012 },
23013 {
23014 "name": "Trov-Market",
23015 "in": "header",
23016 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23017 "required": true,
23018 "type": "string",
23019 "default": "US"
23020 },
23021 {
23022 "name": "Trov-Client",
23023 "in": "header",
23024 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23025 "required": true,
23026 "type": "string",
23027 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23028 },
23029 {
23030 "name": "Accept-Language",
23031 "in": "header",
23032 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23033 "required": true,
23034 "type": "string",
23035 "default": "en-US"
23036 },
23037 {
23038 "name": "Authorization",
23039 "in": "header",
23040 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23041 "required": true,
23042 "type": "string",
23043 "default": ""
23044 }
23045 ],
23046 "responses": {
23047 "200": {
23048 "description": "OK",
23049 "schema": {
23050 "type": "integer",
23051 "format": "int32"
23052 }
23053 },
23054 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23055 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23056 "schema": {
23057 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23058 "default": {
23059 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23060 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23061 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23062 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23063 }
23064 }
23065 }
23066 },
23067 "deprecated": true
23068 }
23069 },
23070 "/api/token/twoFactor": {
23071 "post": {
23072 "tags": [
23073 "Token"
23074 ],
23075 "summary": "Requests a two-factor code to be sent for the provided credentials.",
23076 "operationId": "POST_api_token_twoFactor",
23077 "consumes": [
23078 "application/json",
23079 "text/json",
23080 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
23081 ],
23082 "produces": [],
23083 "parameters": [
23084 {
23085 "name": "twoFactorSendRequest",
23086 "in": "body",
23087 "description": "The model that represents the request to send a two-factor code.",
23088 "required": true,
23089 "schema": {
23090 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSecurityTwoFactorSendRequest"
23091 }
23092 },
23093 {
23094 "name": "Trov-Market",
23095 "in": "header",
23096 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23097 "required": true,
23098 "type": "string",
23099 "default": "US"
23100 },
23101 {
23102 "name": "Trov-Client",
23103 "in": "header",
23104 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23105 "required": true,
23106 "type": "string",
23107 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23108 },
23109 {
23110 "name": "Accept-Language",
23111 "in": "header",
23112 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23113 "required": true,
23114 "type": "string",
23115 "default": "en-US"
23116 }
23117 ],
23118 "responses": {
23119 "204": {
23120 "description": "No Content"
23121 },
23122 "400 TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException": {
23123 "description": "The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.<br/>\r\n The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled for the requested TwoFactorProviderType.",
23124 "schema": {
23125 "$ref": "#/definitions/TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException",
23126 "default": {
23127 "Message": "The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
23128 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
23129 "ExceptionType": "TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException",
23130 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23131 }
23132 }
23133 },
23134 "401 UserNotFoundException": {
23135 "description": "The user does not exist, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
23136 "schema": {
23137 "$ref": "#/definitions/UserNotFoundException",
23138 "default": {
23139 "Message": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
23140 "ExceptionMessage": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
23141 "ExceptionType": "UserNotFoundException",
23142 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23143 }
23144 }
23145 },
23146 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23147 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23148 "schema": {
23149 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23150 "default": {
23151 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23152 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23153 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23154 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23155 }
23156 }
23157 }
23158 }
23159 }
23160 },
23161 "/api/v3.0/admin/trovs": {
23162 "get": {
23163 "tags": [
23164 "TrovAdmin"
23165 ],
23166 "summary": "Finds a trov by a specified email address.",
23167 "operationId": "GET_api_admin_trovs",
23168 "consumes": [],
23169 "produces": [
23170 "application/json",
23171 "text/json"
23172 ],
23173 "parameters": [
23174 {
23175 "name": "email",
23176 "in": "query",
23177 "description": "The email address to filter the trovs by owner.",
23178 "required": true,
23179 "type": "string"
23180 },
23181 {
23182 "name": "Trov-Market",
23183 "in": "header",
23184 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23185 "required": true,
23186 "type": "string",
23187 "default": "US"
23188 },
23189 {
23190 "name": "Trov-Client",
23191 "in": "header",
23192 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23193 "required": true,
23194 "type": "string",
23195 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23196 },
23197 {
23198 "name": "Accept-Language",
23199 "in": "header",
23200 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23201 "required": true,
23202 "type": "string",
23203 "default": "en-US"
23204 },
23205 {
23206 "name": "Authorization",
23207 "in": "header",
23208 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23209 "required": true,
23210 "type": "string",
23211 "default": ""
23212 }
23213 ],
23214 "responses": {
23215 "200": {
23216 "description": "OK",
23217 "schema": {
23218 "items": {
23219 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedTrovTrovResponse"
23220 },
23221 "xml": {
23222 "name": "TrovResponse",
23223 "wrapped": true
23224 },
23225 "type": "array"
23226 }
23227 },
23228 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23229 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23230 "schema": {
23231 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23232 "default": {
23233 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23234 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23235 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23236 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23237 }
23238 }
23239 }
23240 },
23241 "deprecated": true
23242 }
23243 },
23244 "/api/v3.0/trovs": {
23245 "get": {
23246 "tags": [
23247 "Trovs"
23248 ],
23249 "summary": "Gets all trovs to which a user has access.",
23250 "operationId": "GET_api_trovs",
23251 "consumes": [],
23252 "produces": [
23253 "application/json",
23254 "text/json"
23255 ],
23256 "parameters": [
23257 {
23258 "name": "Trov-Market",
23259 "in": "header",
23260 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23261 "required": true,
23262 "type": "string",
23263 "default": "US"
23264 },
23265 {
23266 "name": "Trov-Client",
23267 "in": "header",
23268 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23269 "required": true,
23270 "type": "string",
23271 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23272 },
23273 {
23274 "name": "Accept-Language",
23275 "in": "header",
23276 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23277 "required": true,
23278 "type": "string",
23279 "default": "en-US"
23280 },
23281 {
23282 "name": "Authorization",
23283 "in": "header",
23284 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23285 "required": true,
23286 "type": "string",
23287 "default": ""
23288 }
23289 ],
23290 "responses": {
23291 "200": {
23292 "description": "OK",
23293 "schema": {
23294 "items": {
23295 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedTrovTrovResponse"
23296 },
23297 "xml": {
23298 "name": "TrovResponse",
23299 "wrapped": true
23300 },
23301 "type": "array"
23302 }
23303 },
23304 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23305 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23306 "schema": {
23307 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23308 "default": {
23309 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23310 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23311 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23312 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23313 }
23314 }
23315 }
23316 },
23317 "deprecated": true
23318 },
23319 "post": {
23320 "tags": [
23321 "Trovs"
23322 ],
23323 "summary": "Creates a new trov for the current user.",
23324 "operationId": "POST_api_trovs",
23325 "consumes": [],
23326 "produces": [
23327 "application/json",
23328 "text/json"
23329 ],
23330 "parameters": [
23331 {
23332 "name": "Trov-Market",
23333 "in": "header",
23334 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23335 "required": true,
23336 "type": "string",
23337 "default": "US"
23338 },
23339 {
23340 "name": "Trov-Client",
23341 "in": "header",
23342 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23343 "required": true,
23344 "type": "string",
23345 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23346 },
23347 {
23348 "name": "Accept-Language",
23349 "in": "header",
23350 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23351 "required": true,
23352 "type": "string",
23353 "default": "en-US"
23354 },
23355 {
23356 "name": "Authorization",
23357 "in": "header",
23358 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23359 "required": true,
23360 "type": "string",
23361 "default": ""
23362 }
23363 ],
23364 "responses": {
23365 "200": {
23366 "description": "OK",
23367 "schema": {
23368 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedTrovTrovResponse"
23369 }
23370 },
23371 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23372 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23373 "schema": {
23374 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23375 "default": {
23376 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23377 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23378 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23379 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23380 }
23381 }
23382 }
23383 },
23384 "deprecated": true
23385 }
23386 },
23387 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}": {
23388 "get": {
23389 "tags": [
23390 "Trovs"
23391 ],
23392 "summary": "Gets a trov.",
23393 "operationId": "GET_api_trovs_trovId",
23394 "consumes": [],
23395 "produces": [
23396 "application/json",
23397 "text/json"
23398 ],
23399 "parameters": [
23400 {
23401 "name": "trovId",
23402 "in": "path",
23403 "description": "The trov id.",
23404 "required": true,
23405 "type": "string"
23406 },
23407 {
23408 "name": "Trov-Market",
23409 "in": "header",
23410 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23411 "required": true,
23412 "type": "string",
23413 "default": "US"
23414 },
23415 {
23416 "name": "Trov-Client",
23417 "in": "header",
23418 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23419 "required": true,
23420 "type": "string",
23421 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23422 },
23423 {
23424 "name": "Accept-Language",
23425 "in": "header",
23426 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23427 "required": true,
23428 "type": "string",
23429 "default": "en-US"
23430 },
23431 {
23432 "name": "Authorization",
23433 "in": "header",
23434 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23435 "required": true,
23436 "type": "string",
23437 "default": ""
23438 }
23439 ],
23440 "responses": {
23441 "200": {
23442 "description": "OK",
23443 "schema": {
23444 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedTrovTrovResponse"
23445 }
23446 },
23447 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
23448 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
23449 "schema": {
23450 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
23451 "default": {
23452 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
23453 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
23454 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
23455 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23456 }
23457 }
23458 },
23459 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23460 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23461 "schema": {
23462 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23463 "default": {
23464 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23465 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23466 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23467 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23468 }
23469 }
23470 }
23471 },
23472 "deprecated": true
23473 }
23474 },
23475 "/api/v3.0/trovs/{trovId}/settings": {
23476 "get": {
23477 "tags": [
23478 "Trovs"
23479 ],
23480 "summary": "Gets the settings associated with a trov.",
23481 "operationId": "GET_api_trovs_trovId_settings",
23482 "consumes": [],
23483 "produces": [
23484 "application/json",
23485 "text/json"
23486 ],
23487 "parameters": [
23488 {
23489 "name": "trovId",
23490 "in": "path",
23491 "description": "The id of the trov.",
23492 "required": true,
23493 "type": "string"
23494 },
23495 {
23496 "name": "Trov-Market",
23497 "in": "header",
23498 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23499 "required": true,
23500 "type": "string",
23501 "default": "US"
23502 },
23503 {
23504 "name": "Trov-Client",
23505 "in": "header",
23506 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23507 "required": true,
23508 "type": "string",
23509 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23510 },
23511 {
23512 "name": "Accept-Language",
23513 "in": "header",
23514 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23515 "required": true,
23516 "type": "string",
23517 "default": "en-US"
23518 },
23519 {
23520 "name": "Authorization",
23521 "in": "header",
23522 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23523 "required": true,
23524 "type": "string",
23525 "default": ""
23526 }
23527 ],
23528 "responses": {
23529 "200": {
23530 "description": "OK",
23531 "schema": {
23532 "properties": {
23533 "unknown": {
23534 "type": "object"
23535 },
23536 "ebayMinimumImportThreshold": {
23537 "type": "object"
23538 },
23539 "brokerEmail": {
23540 "type": "object"
23541 },
23542 "wealthManagerEmail": {
23543 "type": "object"
23544 },
23545 "adminAccess": {
23546 "type": "object"
23547 },
23548 "insuranceContact": {
23549 "type": "object"
23550 },
23551 "experimentParticipation": {
23552 "type": "object"
23553 },
23554 "defaultCulture": {
23555 "type": "object"
23556 },
23557 "defaultMarket": {
23558 "type": "object"
23559 },
23560 "emailMinimumImportThreshold": {
23561 "type": "object"
23562 },
23563 "emergencyLogout20150410": {
23564 "type": "object"
23565 }
23566 },
23567 "type": "object"
23568 }
23569 },
23570 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
23571 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
23572 "schema": {
23573 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
23574 "default": {
23575 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
23576 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
23577 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
23578 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23579 }
23580 }
23581 },
23582 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23583 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23584 "schema": {
23585 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23586 "default": {
23587 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23588 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23589 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23590 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23591 }
23592 }
23593 }
23594 },
23595 "deprecated": true
23596 },
23597 "post": {
23598 "tags": [
23599 "Trovs"
23600 ],
23601 "summary": "Adds or updates the settings associated with a trov.",
23602 "operationId": "POST_api_trovs_trovId_settings",
23603 "consumes": [
23604 "application/json",
23605 "text/json",
23606 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
23607 ],
23608 "produces": [],
23609 "parameters": [
23610 {
23611 "name": "trovId",
23612 "in": "path",
23613 "description": "The id of the trov.",
23614 "required": true,
23615 "type": "string"
23616 },
23617 {
23618 "name": "settings",
23619 "in": "body",
23620 "description": "Allows for extracting the TrovSettings dictionary from the body (NOTE: query parameters are preferred).",
23621 "required": true,
23622 "schema": {
23623 "properties": {
23624 "unknown": {
23625 "type": "object"
23626 },
23627 "ebayMinimumImportThreshold": {
23628 "type": "object"
23629 },
23630 "brokerEmail": {
23631 "type": "object"
23632 },
23633 "wealthManagerEmail": {
23634 "type": "object"
23635 },
23636 "adminAccess": {
23637 "type": "object"
23638 },
23639 "insuranceContact": {
23640 "type": "object"
23641 },
23642 "experimentParticipation": {
23643 "type": "object"
23644 },
23645 "defaultCulture": {
23646 "type": "object"
23647 },
23648 "defaultMarket": {
23649 "type": "object"
23650 },
23651 "emailMinimumImportThreshold": {
23652 "type": "object"
23653 },
23654 "emergencyLogout20150410": {
23655 "type": "object"
23656 }
23657 },
23658 "type": "object"
23659 }
23660 },
23661 {
23662 "name": "Trov-Market",
23663 "in": "header",
23664 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23665 "required": true,
23666 "type": "string",
23667 "default": "US"
23668 },
23669 {
23670 "name": "Trov-Client",
23671 "in": "header",
23672 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23673 "required": true,
23674 "type": "string",
23675 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23676 },
23677 {
23678 "name": "Accept-Language",
23679 "in": "header",
23680 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23681 "required": true,
23682 "type": "string",
23683 "default": "en-US"
23684 },
23685 {
23686 "name": "Authorization",
23687 "in": "header",
23688 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23689 "required": true,
23690 "type": "string",
23691 "default": ""
23692 }
23693 ],
23694 "responses": {
23695 "204": {
23696 "description": "No Content"
23697 },
23698 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
23699 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
23700 "schema": {
23701 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
23702 "default": {
23703 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
23704 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
23705 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
23706 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23707 }
23708 }
23709 },
23710 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23711 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23712 "schema": {
23713 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23714 "default": {
23715 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23716 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23717 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23718 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23719 }
23720 }
23721 }
23722 },
23723 "deprecated": true
23724 }
23725 },
23726 "/api/v3.0/admin/user/{userId}": {
23727 "get": {
23728 "tags": [
23729 "UserAdmin"
23730 ],
23731 "summary": "Gets the roles for a specified user id.",
23732 "operationId": "GET_api_admin_user_userId",
23733 "consumes": [],
23734 "produces": [
23735 "application/json",
23736 "text/json"
23737 ],
23738 "parameters": [
23739 {
23740 "name": "userId",
23741 "in": "path",
23742 "description": "The id of the user to retrieve.",
23743 "required": true,
23744 "type": "string"
23745 },
23746 {
23747 "name": "Trov-Market",
23748 "in": "header",
23749 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23750 "required": true,
23751 "type": "string",
23752 "default": "US"
23753 },
23754 {
23755 "name": "Trov-Client",
23756 "in": "header",
23757 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23758 "required": true,
23759 "type": "string",
23760 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23761 },
23762 {
23763 "name": "Accept-Language",
23764 "in": "header",
23765 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23766 "required": true,
23767 "type": "string",
23768 "default": "en-US"
23769 },
23770 {
23771 "name": "Authorization",
23772 "in": "header",
23773 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23774 "required": true,
23775 "type": "string",
23776 "default": ""
23777 }
23778 ],
23779 "responses": {
23780 "200": {
23781 "description": "OK",
23782 "schema": {
23783 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserResponse"
23784 }
23785 },
23786 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23787 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23788 "schema": {
23789 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23790 "default": {
23791 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23792 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23793 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23794 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23795 }
23796 }
23797 }
23798 },
23799 "deprecated": true
23800 }
23801 },
23802 "/api/v3.0/admin/user": {
23803 "get": {
23804 "tags": [
23805 "UserAdmin"
23806 ],
23807 "summary": "Searches users using specified filters.",
23808 "operationId": "GET_api_admin_user",
23809 "consumes": [],
23810 "produces": [
23811 "application/json",
23812 "text/json"
23813 ],
23814 "parameters": [
23815 {
23816 "name": "roleName",
23817 "in": "query",
23818 "description": "Optional role name to filter with.",
23819 "required": false,
23820 "type": "string"
23821 },
23822 {
23823 "name": "email",
23824 "in": "query",
23825 "description": "Optional email to filter with.",
23826 "required": false,
23827 "type": "string"
23828 },
23829 {
23830 "name": "page",
23831 "in": "query",
23832 "required": false,
23833 "type": "integer",
23834 "format": "int32"
23835 },
23836 {
23837 "name": "pageSize",
23838 "in": "query",
23839 "required": false,
23840 "type": "integer",
23841 "format": "int32"
23842 },
23843 {
23844 "name": "Trov-Market",
23845 "in": "header",
23846 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23847 "required": true,
23848 "type": "string",
23849 "default": "US"
23850 },
23851 {
23852 "name": "Trov-Client",
23853 "in": "header",
23854 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23855 "required": true,
23856 "type": "string",
23857 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23858 },
23859 {
23860 "name": "Accept-Language",
23861 "in": "header",
23862 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23863 "required": true,
23864 "type": "string",
23865 "default": "en-US"
23866 },
23867 {
23868 "name": "Authorization",
23869 "in": "header",
23870 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23871 "required": true,
23872 "type": "string",
23873 "default": ""
23874 }
23875 ],
23876 "responses": {
23877 "200": {
23878 "description": "OK",
23879 "schema": {
23880 "items": {
23881 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserResponse"
23882 },
23883 "xml": {
23884 "name": "UserResponse",
23885 "wrapped": true
23886 },
23887 "type": "array"
23888 }
23889 },
23890 "400 ValidationException": {
23891 "description": "Request must contain a 'RoleName' or 'Email' parameter.",
23892 "schema": {
23893 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
23894 "default": {
23895 "Message": "string",
23896 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
23897 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
23898 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23899 }
23900 }
23901 },
23902 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23903 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23904 "schema": {
23905 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23906 "default": {
23907 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23908 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23909 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23910 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23911 }
23912 }
23913 }
23914 },
23915 "deprecated": true
23916 }
23917 },
23918 "/api/v3.0/users/conversion": {
23919 "post": {
23920 "tags": [
23921 "Users"
23922 ],
23923 "summary": "Stores the guest user conversion data.",
23924 "operationId": "POST_api_users_conversion",
23925 "consumes": [
23926 "application/json",
23927 "text/json",
23928 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
23929 ],
23930 "produces": [],
23931 "parameters": [
23932 {
23933 "name": "request",
23934 "in": "body",
23935 "description": "The guest user data.",
23936 "required": true,
23937 "schema": {
23938 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestUserConversionRequest"
23939 }
23940 },
23941 {
23942 "name": "Trov-Market",
23943 "in": "header",
23944 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
23945 "required": true,
23946 "type": "string",
23947 "default": "US"
23948 },
23949 {
23950 "name": "Trov-Client",
23951 "in": "header",
23952 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
23953 "required": true,
23954 "type": "string",
23955 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
23956 },
23957 {
23958 "name": "Accept-Language",
23959 "in": "header",
23960 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
23961 "required": true,
23962 "type": "string",
23963 "default": "en-US"
23964 },
23965 {
23966 "name": "Authorization",
23967 "in": "header",
23968 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
23969 "required": true,
23970 "type": "string",
23971 "default": ""
23972 }
23973 ],
23974 "responses": {
23975 "204": {
23976 "description": "No Content"
23977 },
23978 "400 InvalidGuestUserIdException": {
23979 "description": "The supplied guest user Id is invalid.",
23980 "schema": {
23981 "$ref": "#/definitions/InvalidGuestUserIdException",
23982 "default": {
23983 "Message": "The Guest User Id string is not valid.",
23984 "ExceptionMessage": "The Guest User Id string is not valid.",
23985 "ExceptionType": "InvalidGuestUserIdException",
23986 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23987 }
23988 }
23989 },
23990 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
23991 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23992 "schema": {
23993 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
23994 "default": {
23995 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23996 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
23997 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
23998 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
23999 }
24000 }
24001 }
24002 },
24003 "deprecated": true
24004 }
24005 },
24006 "/api/v3.0/users/deactivate": {
24007 "post": {
24008 "tags": [
24009 "Users"
24010 ],
24011 "summary": "Deactivates the current user account.\r\n \r\n- Removes any associated user tokens (e.g. Apple Push token), and any linked email accounts.\r\n- NOTE: any future request to the API after this call, will reactivate the account.",
24012 "operationId": "POST_api_users_deactivate",
24013 "consumes": [],
24014 "produces": [
24015 "application/json",
24016 "text/json"
24017 ],
24018 "parameters": [
24019 {
24020 "name": "Trov-Market",
24021 "in": "header",
24022 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24023 "required": true,
24024 "type": "string",
24025 "default": "US"
24026 },
24027 {
24028 "name": "Trov-Client",
24029 "in": "header",
24030 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24031 "required": true,
24032 "type": "string",
24033 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24034 },
24035 {
24036 "name": "Accept-Language",
24037 "in": "header",
24038 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24039 "required": true,
24040 "type": "string",
24041 "default": "en-US"
24042 },
24043 {
24044 "name": "Authorization",
24045 "in": "header",
24046 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
24047 "required": true,
24048 "type": "string",
24049 "default": ""
24050 }
24051 ],
24052 "responses": {
24053 "200": {
24054 "description": "OK",
24055 "schema": {
24056 "type": "boolean"
24057 }
24058 },
24059 "400 CustomerHasActiveCoveragePeriodsException": {
24060 "description": "Customer cannot be deactivated because it has active coverage periods.",
24061 "schema": {
24062 "$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerHasActiveCoveragePeriodsException",
24063 "default": {
24064 "Message": "Customer cannot be deactivated because it has active coverage periods.",
24065 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer cannot be deactivated because it has active coverage periods.",
24066 "ExceptionType": "CustomerHasActiveCoveragePeriodsException",
24067 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24068 }
24069 }
24070 },
24071 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24072 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24073 "schema": {
24074 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24075 "default": {
24076 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24077 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24078 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24079 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24080 }
24081 }
24082 }
24083 },
24084 "deprecated": true
24085 }
24086 },
24087 "/api/v3.0/users": {
24088 "post": {
24089 "tags": [
24090 "Users"
24091 ],
24092 "summary": "Registers a new user in the global Trov system.",
24093 "operationId": "POST_api_users",
24094 "consumes": [
24095 "application/json",
24096 "text/json",
24097 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
24098 ],
24099 "produces": [
24100 "application/json",
24101 "text/json"
24102 ],
24103 "parameters": [
24104 {
24105 "name": "request",
24106 "in": "body",
24107 "description": "The user registration request.",
24108 "required": true,
24109 "schema": {
24110 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserRegistrationRequest"
24111 }
24112 },
24113 {
24114 "name": "sessionId",
24115 "in": "query",
24116 "description": "Optional ThreatMetrix session id associated with the user account creation.",
24117 "required": false,
24118 "type": "string"
24119 },
24120 {
24121 "name": "guestSessionId",
24122 "in": "query",
24123 "description": "Optional guest session id associated with the user account creation.",
24124 "required": false,
24125 "type": "string",
24126 "format": "uuid"
24127 },
24128 {
24129 "name": "Trov-Market",
24130 "in": "header",
24131 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24132 "required": true,
24133 "type": "string",
24134 "default": "US"
24135 },
24136 {
24137 "name": "Trov-Client",
24138 "in": "header",
24139 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24140 "required": true,
24141 "type": "string",
24142 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24143 },
24144 {
24145 "name": "Accept-Language",
24146 "in": "header",
24147 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24148 "required": true,
24149 "type": "string",
24150 "default": "en-US"
24151 }
24152 ],
24153 "responses": {
24154 "200": {
24155 "description": "OK",
24156 "schema": {
24157 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserRegisterResponse"
24158 }
24159 },
24160 "401 AuthenticationException": {
24161 "description": "The username and/or password does not match for an existing user.",
24162 "schema": {
24163 "$ref": "#/definitions/AuthenticationException",
24164 "default": {
24165 "Message": "string",
24166 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
24167 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
24168 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24169 }
24170 }
24171 },
24172 "403 ValidationException": {
24173 "description": "Invalid/missing request properties.",
24174 "schema": {
24175 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
24176 "default": {
24177 "Message": "string",
24178 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
24179 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
24180 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24181 }
24182 }
24183 },
24184 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24185 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24186 "schema": {
24187 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24188 "default": {
24189 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24190 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24191 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24192 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24193 }
24194 }
24195 }
24196 },
24197 "deprecated": true
24198 }
24199 },
24200 "/api/v3.0/users/tokens": {
24201 "put": {
24202 "tags": [
24203 "UserToken"
24204 ],
24205 "summary": "Adds a token to the current user.",
24206 "operationId": "PUT_api_users_tokens",
24207 "consumes": [
24208 "application/json",
24209 "text/json",
24210 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
24211 ],
24212 "produces": [],
24213 "parameters": [
24214 {
24215 "name": "request",
24216 "in": "body",
24217 "description": "The request containing the token to add.",
24218 "required": true,
24219 "schema": {
24220 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserTokenAddDeviceTokenRequest"
24221 }
24222 },
24223 {
24224 "name": "Trov-Market",
24225 "in": "header",
24226 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24227 "required": true,
24228 "type": "string",
24229 "default": "US"
24230 },
24231 {
24232 "name": "Trov-Client",
24233 "in": "header",
24234 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24235 "required": true,
24236 "type": "string",
24237 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24238 },
24239 {
24240 "name": "Accept-Language",
24241 "in": "header",
24242 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24243 "required": true,
24244 "type": "string",
24245 "default": "en-US"
24246 },
24247 {
24248 "name": "Authorization",
24249 "in": "header",
24250 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
24251 "required": true,
24252 "type": "string",
24253 "default": ""
24254 }
24255 ],
24256 "responses": {
24257 "204": {
24258 "description": "No Content"
24259 },
24260 "403 ValidationException": {
24261 "description": "The token is not supported.",
24262 "schema": {
24263 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
24264 "default": {
24265 "Message": "string",
24266 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
24267 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
24268 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24269 }
24270 }
24271 },
24272 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24273 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24274 "schema": {
24275 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24276 "default": {
24277 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24278 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24279 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24280 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24281 }
24282 }
24283 }
24284 },
24285 "deprecated": true
24286 }
24287 },
24288 "/api/v3.0/users/tokens/delete": {
24289 "post": {
24290 "tags": [
24291 "UserToken"
24292 ],
24293 "summary": "Removes a token from the current user.",
24294 "operationId": "POST_api_users_tokens_delete",
24295 "consumes": [
24296 "application/json",
24297 "text/json",
24298 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
24299 ],
24300 "produces": [],
24301 "parameters": [
24302 {
24303 "name": "request",
24304 "in": "body",
24305 "description": "The token to be deleted.",
24306 "required": true,
24307 "schema": {
24308 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserTokenRemoveDeviceTokenRequest"
24309 }
24310 },
24311 {
24312 "name": "Trov-Market",
24313 "in": "header",
24314 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24315 "required": true,
24316 "type": "string",
24317 "default": "US"
24318 },
24319 {
24320 "name": "Trov-Client",
24321 "in": "header",
24322 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24323 "required": true,
24324 "type": "string",
24325 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24326 },
24327 {
24328 "name": "Accept-Language",
24329 "in": "header",
24330 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24331 "required": true,
24332 "type": "string",
24333 "default": "en-US"
24334 },
24335 {
24336 "name": "Authorization",
24337 "in": "header",
24338 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
24339 "required": true,
24340 "type": "string",
24341 "default": ""
24342 }
24343 ],
24344 "responses": {
24345 "204": {
24346 "description": "No Content"
24347 },
24348 "403 ValidationException": {
24349 "description": "The token is not supported.",
24350 "schema": {
24351 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
24352 "default": {
24353 "Message": "string",
24354 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
24355 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
24356 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24357 }
24358 }
24359 },
24360 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24361 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24362 "schema": {
24363 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24364 "default": {
24365 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24366 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24367 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24368 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24369 }
24370 }
24371 }
24372 },
24373 "deprecated": true
24374 }
24375 },
24376 "/api/v3.0/users/tokens/{tokenType}/{tokenValue}": {
24377 "delete": {
24378 "tags": [
24379 "UserToken"
24380 ],
24381 "summary": "Removes a token from the current user.",
24382 "operationId": "DELETE_api_users_tokens_tokenType_tokenValue",
24383 "consumes": [],
24384 "produces": [],
24385 "parameters": [
24386 {
24387 "name": "tokenType",
24388 "in": "path",
24389 "description": "The type of the token to delete. (0 = Unknown , 1 = Apple , 2 = Android )",
24390 "required": true,
24391 "type": "integer",
24392 "format": "int32",
24393 "enum": [
24394 0,
24395 1,
24396 2
24397 ],
24398 "x-enumName": "DeviceTokenType"
24399 },
24400 {
24401 "name": "tokenValue",
24402 "in": "path",
24403 "description": "The value of the token to delete.",
24404 "required": true,
24405 "type": "string"
24406 },
24407 {
24408 "name": "Trov-Market",
24409 "in": "header",
24410 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24411 "required": true,
24412 "type": "string",
24413 "default": "US"
24414 },
24415 {
24416 "name": "Trov-Client",
24417 "in": "header",
24418 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24419 "required": true,
24420 "type": "string",
24421 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24422 },
24423 {
24424 "name": "Accept-Language",
24425 "in": "header",
24426 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24427 "required": true,
24428 "type": "string",
24429 "default": "en-US"
24430 },
24431 {
24432 "name": "Authorization",
24433 "in": "header",
24434 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
24435 "required": true,
24436 "type": "string",
24437 "default": ""
24438 }
24439 ],
24440 "responses": {
24441 "204": {
24442 "description": "No Content"
24443 },
24444 "403 ValidationException": {
24445 "description": "The token is not supported.",
24446 "schema": {
24447 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
24448 "default": {
24449 "Message": "string",
24450 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
24451 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
24452 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24453 }
24454 }
24455 },
24456 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24457 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24458 "schema": {
24459 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24460 "default": {
24461 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24462 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24463 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24464 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24465 }
24466 }
24467 }
24468 },
24469 "deprecated": true
24470 }
24471 },
24472 "/api/version/minimumApiVersion": {
24473 "get": {
24474 "tags": [
24475 "Version"
24476 ],
24477 "summary": "Gets the current minimum version of the API that is supported.",
24478 "operationId": "GET_api_version_minimumApiVersion",
24479 "consumes": [],
24480 "produces": [
24481 "application/json",
24482 "text/json"
24483 ],
24484 "parameters": [
24485 {
24486 "name": "Trov-Market",
24487 "in": "header",
24488 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24489 "required": true,
24490 "type": "string",
24491 "default": "US"
24492 },
24493 {
24494 "name": "Trov-Client",
24495 "in": "header",
24496 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24497 "required": true,
24498 "type": "string",
24499 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24500 },
24501 {
24502 "name": "Accept-Language",
24503 "in": "header",
24504 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24505 "required": true,
24506 "type": "string",
24507 "default": "en-US"
24508 }
24509 ],
24510 "responses": {
24511 "200": {
24512 "description": "OK",
24513 "schema": {
24514 "type": "number",
24515 "format": "double"
24516 }
24517 },
24518 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24519 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24520 "schema": {
24521 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24522 "default": {
24523 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24524 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24525 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24526 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24527 }
24528 }
24529 }
24530 }
24531 }
24532 },
24533 "/api/v3.0/woz": {
24534 "get": {
24535 "tags": [
24536 "Wooz"
24537 ],
24538 "summary": "Gets all current actionable wooz assets.",
24539 "operationId": "GET_api_woz",
24540 "consumes": [],
24541 "produces": [
24542 "application/json",
24543 "text/json"
24544 ],
24545 "parameters": [
24546 {
24547 "name": "Trov-Market",
24548 "in": "header",
24549 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24550 "required": true,
24551 "type": "string",
24552 "default": "US"
24553 },
24554 {
24555 "name": "Trov-Client",
24556 "in": "header",
24557 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24558 "required": true,
24559 "type": "string",
24560 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24561 },
24562 {
24563 "name": "Accept-Language",
24564 "in": "header",
24565 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24566 "required": true,
24567 "type": "string",
24568 "default": "en-US"
24569 },
24570 {
24571 "name": "Authorization",
24572 "in": "header",
24573 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
24574 "required": true,
24575 "type": "string",
24576 "default": ""
24577 }
24578 ],
24579 "responses": {
24580 "200": {
24581 "description": "OK",
24582 "schema": {
24583 "items": {
24584 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsWoozAssetResult"
24585 },
24586 "xml": {
24587 "name": "WoozAssetResult",
24588 "wrapped": true
24589 },
24590 "type": "array",
24591 "default": [
24592 {
24593 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7fb",
24594 "Created": 130982766720000000,
24595 "HasPendingAccessor": false
24596 }
24597 ]
24598 }
24599 },
24600 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24601 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24602 "schema": {
24603 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24604 "default": {
24605 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24606 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24607 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24608 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24609 }
24610 }
24611 }
24612 },
24613 "deprecated": true
24614 }
24615 },
24616 "/api/v3.0/admin/trovs/{woozTrovId}/assets/{assetId}": {
24617 "put": {
24618 "tags": [
24619 "Wooz"
24620 ],
24621 "summary": "Updates an asset for a wooz user.",
24622 "operationId": "PUT_api_admin_trovs_woozTrovId_assets_assetId",
24623 "consumes": [
24624 "application/json",
24625 "text/json",
24626 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
24627 ],
24628 "produces": [
24629 "application/json",
24630 "text/json"
24631 ],
24632 "parameters": [
24633 {
24634 "name": "woozTrovId",
24635 "in": "path",
24636 "description": "The id of the trov the asset belongs to.",
24637 "required": true,
24638 "type": "string"
24639 },
24640 {
24641 "name": "assetId",
24642 "in": "path",
24643 "description": "The id of the asset to update.",
24644 "required": true,
24645 "type": "string"
24646 },
24647 {
24648 "name": "assetUpdateRequest",
24649 "in": "body",
24650 "description": "The asset update request.",
24651 "required": true,
24652 "schema": {
24653 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetUpdateRequest"
24654 }
24655 },
24656 {
24657 "name": "Trov-Market",
24658 "in": "header",
24659 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24660 "required": true,
24661 "type": "string",
24662 "default": "US"
24663 },
24664 {
24665 "name": "Trov-Client",
24666 "in": "header",
24667 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24668 "required": true,
24669 "type": "string",
24670 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24671 },
24672 {
24673 "name": "Accept-Language",
24674 "in": "header",
24675 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24676 "required": true,
24677 "type": "string",
24678 "default": "en-US"
24679 },
24680 {
24681 "name": "Authorization",
24682 "in": "header",
24683 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
24684 "required": true,
24685 "type": "string",
24686 "default": ""
24687 }
24688 ],
24689 "responses": {
24690 "200": {
24691 "description": "OK",
24692 "schema": {
24693 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetResponse"
24694 }
24695 },
24696 "403 ValidationException": {
24697 "description": "The trov id does not match the asset's root id.<br/>\r\n The specified containment hierarchy is not allowed.<br/>\r\n The asset thumbnail is invalid.",
24698 "schema": {
24699 "$ref": "#/definitions/ValidationException",
24700 "default": {
24701 "Message": "string",
24702 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
24703 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
24704 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24705 }
24706 }
24707 },
24708 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
24709 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.",
24710 "schema": {
24711 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
24712 "default": {
24713 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
24714 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
24715 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
24716 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24717 }
24718 }
24719 },
24720 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24721 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24722 "schema": {
24723 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24724 "default": {
24725 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24726 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24727 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24728 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24729 }
24730 }
24731 }
24732 },
24733 "deprecated": true
24734 },
24735 "delete": {
24736 "tags": [
24737 "Wooz"
24738 ],
24739 "summary": "Deletes an asset on the trov.",
24740 "operationId": "DELETE_api_admin_trovs_woozTrovId_assets_assetId",
24741 "consumes": [],
24742 "produces": [],
24743 "parameters": [
24744 {
24745 "name": "woozTrovId",
24746 "in": "path",
24747 "description": "The id of the trov containing the asset to delete.",
24748 "required": true,
24749 "type": "string"
24750 },
24751 {
24752 "name": "assetId",
24753 "in": "path",
24754 "description": "The id of the asset to delete.",
24755 "required": true,
24756 "type": "string"
24757 },
24758 {
24759 "name": "Trov-Market",
24760 "in": "header",
24761 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24762 "required": true,
24763 "type": "string",
24764 "default": "US"
24765 },
24766 {
24767 "name": "Trov-Client",
24768 "in": "header",
24769 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24770 "required": true,
24771 "type": "string",
24772 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24773 },
24774 {
24775 "name": "Accept-Language",
24776 "in": "header",
24777 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24778 "required": true,
24779 "type": "string",
24780 "default": "en-US"
24781 },
24782 {
24783 "name": "Authorization",
24784 "in": "header",
24785 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
24786 "required": true,
24787 "type": "string",
24788 "default": ""
24789 }
24790 ],
24791 "responses": {
24792 "204": {
24793 "description": "No Content"
24794 },
24795 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
24796 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.",
24797 "schema": {
24798 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
24799 "default": {
24800 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
24801 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
24802 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
24803 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24804 }
24805 }
24806 },
24807 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24808 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24809 "schema": {
24810 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24811 "default": {
24812 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24813 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24814 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24815 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24816 }
24817 }
24818 }
24819 },
24820 "deprecated": true
24821 }
24822 },
24823 "/api/v3.0/admin/trovs/{woozTrovId}/assets": {
24824 "post": {
24825 "tags": [
24826 "Wooz"
24827 ],
24828 "summary": "Adds an asset to an existing trov for a wooz user.",
24829 "operationId": "POST_api_admin_trovs_woozTrovId_assets",
24830 "consumes": [],
24831 "produces": [
24832 "application/json",
24833 "text/json"
24834 ],
24835 "parameters": [
24836 {
24837 "name": "woozTrovId",
24838 "in": "path",
24839 "description": "The id of the trov to create the asset on.",
24840 "required": true,
24841 "type": "string"
24842 },
24843 {
24844 "name": "Trov-Market",
24845 "in": "header",
24846 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24847 "required": true,
24848 "type": "string",
24849 "default": "US"
24850 },
24851 {
24852 "name": "Trov-Client",
24853 "in": "header",
24854 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24855 "required": true,
24856 "type": "string",
24857 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24858 },
24859 {
24860 "name": "Accept-Language",
24861 "in": "header",
24862 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24863 "required": true,
24864 "type": "string",
24865 "default": "en-US"
24866 },
24867 {
24868 "name": "Authorization",
24869 "in": "header",
24870 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
24871 "required": true,
24872 "type": "string",
24873 "default": ""
24874 }
24875 ],
24876 "responses": {
24877 "200": {
24878 "description": "OK",
24879 "schema": {
24880 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreWoozAccessResult"
24881 }
24882 },
24883 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
24884 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.",
24885 "schema": {
24886 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
24887 "default": {
24888 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
24889 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
24890 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
24891 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24892 }
24893 }
24894 },
24895 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24896 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24897 "schema": {
24898 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24899 "default": {
24900 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24901 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24902 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24903 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24904 }
24905 }
24906 }
24907 },
24908 "deprecated": true
24909 }
24910 },
24911 "/api/v3.0/woz/claim": {
24912 "post": {
24913 "tags": [
24914 "Wooz"
24915 ],
24916 "summary": "Marks the wooz asset as claimed and returns an access result for a specified asset.",
24917 "operationId": "POST_api_woz_claim",
24918 "consumes": [],
24919 "produces": [
24920 "application/json",
24921 "text/json"
24922 ],
24923 "parameters": [
24924 {
24925 "name": "trovId",
24926 "in": "query",
24927 "description": "The id of the trov the asset is associated with.",
24928 "required": true,
24929 "type": "string"
24930 },
24931 {
24932 "name": "assetId",
24933 "in": "query",
24934 "description": "The id of the asset.",
24935 "required": true,
24936 "type": "string"
24937 },
24938 {
24939 "name": "Trov-Market",
24940 "in": "header",
24941 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
24942 "required": true,
24943 "type": "string",
24944 "default": "US"
24945 },
24946 {
24947 "name": "Trov-Client",
24948 "in": "header",
24949 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
24950 "required": true,
24951 "type": "string",
24952 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
24953 },
24954 {
24955 "name": "Accept-Language",
24956 "in": "header",
24957 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
24958 "required": true,
24959 "type": "string",
24960 "default": "en-US"
24961 },
24962 {
24963 "name": "Authorization",
24964 "in": "header",
24965 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
24966 "required": true,
24967 "type": "string",
24968 "default": ""
24969 }
24970 ],
24971 "responses": {
24972 "200": {
24973 "description": "OK",
24974 "schema": {
24975 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreWoozAccessResult"
24976 }
24977 },
24978 "403 WozAccessNotEnabledException": {
24979 "description": "The asset does not have admin access enabled.<br/>\r\n The asset does not have a pending WOZ update flag.",
24980 "schema": {
24981 "$ref": "#/definitions/WozAccessNotEnabledException",
24982 "default": {
24983 "Message": "Woz access is not enabled for this trov.",
24984 "ExceptionMessage": "Woz access is not enabled for this trov.",
24985 "ExceptionType": "WozAccessNotEnabledException",
24986 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24987 }
24988 }
24989 },
24990 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
24991 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24992 "schema": {
24993 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
24994 "default": {
24995 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24996 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
24997 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
24998 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
24999 }
25000 }
25001 }
25002 },
25003 "deprecated": true
25004 }
25005 },
25006 "/api/v3.0/woz/remove": {
25007 "post": {
25008 "tags": [
25009 "Wooz"
25010 ],
25011 "summary": "Removes wooz access from a specified asset.",
25012 "operationId": "POST_api_woz_remove",
25013 "consumes": [],
25014 "produces": [],
25015 "parameters": [
25016 {
25017 "name": "trovId",
25018 "in": "query",
25019 "description": "The id of the trov the asset is associated with.",
25020 "required": true,
25021 "type": "string"
25022 },
25023 {
25024 "name": "assetId",
25025 "in": "query",
25026 "description": "The id of the asset.",
25027 "required": true,
25028 "type": "string"
25029 },
25030 {
25031 "name": "Trov-Market",
25032 "in": "header",
25033 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
25034 "required": true,
25035 "type": "string",
25036 "default": "US"
25037 },
25038 {
25039 "name": "Trov-Client",
25040 "in": "header",
25041 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
25042 "required": true,
25043 "type": "string",
25044 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
25045 },
25046 {
25047 "name": "Accept-Language",
25048 "in": "header",
25049 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
25050 "required": true,
25051 "type": "string",
25052 "default": "en-US"
25053 },
25054 {
25055 "name": "Authorization",
25056 "in": "header",
25057 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
25058 "required": true,
25059 "type": "string",
25060 "default": ""
25061 }
25062 ],
25063 "responses": {
25064 "204": {
25065 "description": "No Content"
25066 },
25067 "403 WozAccessNotEnabledException": {
25068 "description": "The asset does not have admin access enabled.<br/>\r\n The asset does not have a pending WOZ update flag.",
25069 "schema": {
25070 "$ref": "#/definitions/WozAccessNotEnabledException",
25071 "default": {
25072 "Message": "Woz access is not enabled for this trov.",
25073 "ExceptionMessage": "Woz access is not enabled for this trov.",
25074 "ExceptionType": "WozAccessNotEnabledException",
25075 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25076 }
25077 }
25078 },
25079 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
25080 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25081 "schema": {
25082 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
25083 "default": {
25084 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25085 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25086 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
25087 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25088 }
25089 }
25090 }
25091 },
25092 "deprecated": true
25093 }
25094 },
25095 "/api/v3.0/woz/unclaim": {
25096 "post": {
25097 "tags": [
25098 "Wooz"
25099 ],
25100 "summary": "Removes the claimed status of a specified asset.",
25101 "operationId": "POST_api_woz_unclaim",
25102 "consumes": [],
25103 "produces": [],
25104 "parameters": [
25105 {
25106 "name": "trovId",
25107 "in": "query",
25108 "description": "The id of the trov the asset is associated with.",
25109 "required": true,
25110 "type": "string"
25111 },
25112 {
25113 "name": "assetId",
25114 "in": "query",
25115 "description": "The id of the asset.",
25116 "required": true,
25117 "type": "string"
25118 },
25119 {
25120 "name": "Trov-Market",
25121 "in": "header",
25122 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
25123 "required": true,
25124 "type": "string",
25125 "default": "US"
25126 },
25127 {
25128 "name": "Trov-Client",
25129 "in": "header",
25130 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
25131 "required": true,
25132 "type": "string",
25133 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
25134 },
25135 {
25136 "name": "Accept-Language",
25137 "in": "header",
25138 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
25139 "required": true,
25140 "type": "string",
25141 "default": "en-US"
25142 },
25143 {
25144 "name": "Authorization",
25145 "in": "header",
25146 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
25147 "required": true,
25148 "type": "string",
25149 "default": ""
25150 }
25151 ],
25152 "responses": {
25153 "204": {
25154 "description": "No Content"
25155 },
25156 "403 WozAccessNotEnabledException": {
25157 "description": "The asset does not have admin access enabled.<br/>\r\n The asset does not have a pending WOZ update flag.",
25158 "schema": {
25159 "$ref": "#/definitions/WozAccessNotEnabledException",
25160 "default": {
25161 "Message": "Woz access is not enabled for this trov.",
25162 "ExceptionMessage": "Woz access is not enabled for this trov.",
25163 "ExceptionType": "WozAccessNotEnabledException",
25164 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25165 }
25166 }
25167 },
25168 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
25169 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25170 "schema": {
25171 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
25172 "default": {
25173 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25174 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25175 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
25176 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25177 }
25178 }
25179 }
25180 },
25181 "deprecated": true
25182 }
25183 },
25184 "/api/v3.0/admin/trovs/{woozTrovId}/assets/{assetId}/duplicate": {
25185 "post": {
25186 "tags": [
25187 "Wooz"
25188 ],
25189 "summary": "Duplicates an existing asset on the trov.",
25190 "operationId": "POST_api_admin_trovs_woozTrovId_assets_assetId_duplicate",
25191 "consumes": [],
25192 "produces": [],
25193 "parameters": [
25194 {
25195 "name": "woozTrovId",
25196 "in": "path",
25197 "description": "The id of the trov containing the original asset and the destination for the duplicated asset(s).",
25198 "required": true,
25199 "type": "string"
25200 },
25201 {
25202 "name": "assetId",
25203 "in": "path",
25204 "description": "The id of the source asset to duplicate.",
25205 "required": true,
25206 "type": "string"
25207 },
25208 {
25209 "name": "numberOfDuplicates",
25210 "in": "query",
25211 "description": "The number duplicated source asset to create.",
25212 "required": true,
25213 "type": "integer",
25214 "format": "int32"
25215 },
25216 {
25217 "name": "Trov-Market",
25218 "in": "header",
25219 "description": "The market to use for the requests.",
25220 "required": true,
25221 "type": "string",
25222 "default": "US"
25223 },
25224 {
25225 "name": "Trov-Client",
25226 "in": "header",
25227 "description": "The identifier of the client making the request.",
25228 "required": true,
25229 "type": "string",
25230 "default": "kahunaTestApi"
25231 },
25232 {
25233 "name": "Accept-Language",
25234 "in": "header",
25235 "description": "The language to use for localization of responses (where applicable).",
25236 "required": true,
25237 "type": "string",
25238 "default": "en-US"
25239 },
25240 {
25241 "name": "Authorization",
25242 "in": "header",
25243 "description": "The bearer access token to authorize the request (e.g. `bearer TOKEN`)",
25244 "required": true,
25245 "type": "string",
25246 "default": ""
25247 }
25248 ],
25249 "responses": {
25250 "204": {
25251 "description": "No Content"
25252 },
25253 "400 ArgumentException": {
25254 "description": "The `numberOfDuplicates` parameter must be greater than 0.",
25255 "schema": {
25256 "$ref": "#/definitions/ArgumentException",
25257 "default": {
25258 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
25259 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
25260 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
25261 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25262 }
25263 }
25264 },
25265 "404 DocumentAccessException": {
25266 "description": "The specified trov does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified trov.<br/>\r\n The specified asset does not exist.<br/>\r\n The requesting user does not have access to the specified asset.<br/>\r\n The specific revision of the asset does not exist.",
25267 "schema": {
25268 "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentAccessException",
25269 "default": {
25270 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
25271 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
25272 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
25273 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25274 }
25275 }
25276 },
25277 "500 UnexpectedErrorException": {
25278 "description": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25279 "schema": {
25280 "$ref": "#/definitions/UnexpectedErrorException",
25281 "default": {
25282 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25283 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25284 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
25285 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25286 }
25287 }
25288 }
25289 },
25290 "deprecated": true
25291 }
25292 },
25293 "/api/token": {
25294 "post": {
25295 "tags": [
25296 "Token"
25297 ],
25298 "summary": "\r\nAllows for generating access tokens to use with the API.\r\n\r\nThe endpoint requires the request properties to be sent via `x-www-form-urlencoded` format.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThere are two types of tokens available:\r\n\r\n| Type | Description |\r\n| -- | -- |\r\n| short term access token (`access_token`) | Necessary for use with any other Authorized Trov API endpoint -- a long term access token cannot be used in its place. |\r\n| long term access token (`refresh_token`) | Used to request new short term access tokens. Automatically revoked when a user changes their password. |\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThere are four request types available, these types are controlled by the request `grant_type` property.\r\n\r\n# `grant_type: password`:\r\nAllows for initial access to the Trov system;\r\n\r\nAuthenticates the username and password and returns both a short term access token (`access_token`) and long term access token (`refresh_token`);\r\n\r\n| Request Property |\r\n| -- |\r\n| `username` |\r\n| `username` |\r\n| `password` |\r\n| `grant_type` |\r\n| `client_id` |\r\n| `client_secret` (optional if client type is `Javascript`) |\r\n| `client_instance` (unique identifier of the client instance to associate the `refresh_token` with) |\r\n\r\n# `grant_type: facebook_token`:\r\nAuthenticates the Facebook access token and returns both a Trov short term access token (`access_token`) and Trov long term access token (`refresh_token`);\r\n\r\nThe response may contain a `is_new_user` property, indicating if it was the first time a user logged into the Trov system;\r\n\r\n| Request Property |\r\n| -- |\r\n| `facebook_token` |\r\n| `grant_type` |\r\n| `client_id` |\r\n| `client_secret` (optional if client type is `Javascript`) |\r\n| `client_instance` (unique identifier of the client instance to associate the `refresh_token` with) |\r\n\r\n# `grant_type: one_time_use_token`:\r\nAuthenticates the one-time use token and returns both a Trov short term access token (`access_token`) and Trov long term access token (`refresh_token`);\r\n\r\n| Request Property |\r\n| -- |\r\n| `one_time_use_token` |\r\n| `grant_type` |\r\n| `client_id` |\r\n| `client_secret` (optional if client type is `Javascript`) |\r\n| `client_instance` (unique identifier of the client instance to associate the `refresh_token` with) |\r\n\r\n# `grant_type: refresh_token`:\r\nExchanges a long term access token (`refresh_token`) for a short term access token (`access_token`);\r\n\r\nInvalidates the request `refresh_token` and returns a new `refresh_token` with an extended expiry;\r\n\r\n| Request Property |\r\n| -- |\r\n| `refresh_token` |\r\n| `grant_type` |\r\n| `client_id` |\r\n| `client_secret` (optional if client type is `Javascript`) |\r\n| `client_instance` (unique identifier of the client instance to associate the extended `refresh_token` with) |\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n# Known Error Responses:\r\n\r\n| Response | Reason |\r\n| -- | -- |\r\n| `{\"error\": \"unsupported_grant_type\"}` | `grant_type` is missing or invalid |\r\n| `{\"error\": \"invalid_grant\"}` | `refresh_token` is invalid or expired |\r\n| `{\"error\": \"invalid_client\", \"error_description\": \"'client_id' can not be null or empty.\"}` | `client_id` is missing |\r\n| `{\"error\": \"invalid_client\", \"error_description\": \"'client_id' 'XXXX' is not registered in the system.\"}` | `client_id` is invalid |\r\n| `{\"error\": \"invalid_client\", \"error_description\": \"'client_secret' can not be null or empty.\" }` | `client_secret` is missing |\r\n| `{\"error\": \"invalid_client\", \"error_description\": \"'client_secret' 'XXXX' is invalid\" }` | `client_secret` is invalid |\r\n| `{\"error\": \"invalid_client\", \"error_description\": \"'client_instance' can not be null or empty.\" }` | `client_instance` is missing |\r\n| `{\"invalid_grant\": \"The username or password is incorrect.\"}` | the `username` or `password` fields are missing or invalid |\r\n| `{\"invalid_grant\": \"'facebook_token' can not be null or empty.\" }` | `facebook_token` is missing |\r\n| `{\"invalid_grant\": \"Invalid Facebook OAuth access token.\"}` | `facebook_token` is invalid or expired |\r\n| `{\"invalid_grant\": \"The Facebook account does not have an associated/verified email address.\"}` | `facebook_token` does not have an associated/verified email address |\r\n| `{\"invalid_grant\": \"'one_time_use_token' can not be null or empty.\" }` | `one_time_use_token` is missing |\r\n| `{\"invalid_grant\": \"Invalid one-time use token.\"}` | `one_time_use_token` is invalid or expired |",
25299 "operationId": "Token_Token",
25300 "consumes": [
25301 "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
25302 ],
25303 "parameters": [
25304 {
25305 "name": "grant_type",
25306 "in": "formData",
25307 "required": true,
25308 "schema": {
25309 "type": "string"
25310 },
25311 "type": "string",
25312 "default": "password"
25313 },
25314 {
25315 "name": "username",
25316 "in": "formData",
25317 "required": true,
25318 "schema": {
25319 "type": "string"
25320 },
25321 "type": "string",
25322 "default": "test"
25323 },
25324 {
25325 "name": "password",
25326 "in": "formData",
25327 "required": true,
25328 "schema": {
25329 "type": "string"
25330 },
25331 "type": "string",
25332 "default": "test"
25333 },
25334 {
25335 "name": "client_id",
25336 "in": "formData",
25337 "required": true,
25338 "schema": {
25339 "type": "string"
25340 },
25341 "type": "string",
25342 "default": "test-client"
25343 },
25344 {
25345 "name": "client_instance",
25346 "in": "formData",
25347 "required": true,
25348 "schema": {
25349 "type": "string"
25350 },
25351 "type": "string",
25352 "default": "my_instance"
25353 },
25354 {
25355 "name": "client_secret",
25356 "in": "formData",
25357 "required": false,
25358 "schema": {
25359 "type": "string"
25360 },
25361 "type": "string",
25362 "default": "my_secret"
25363 }
25364 ],
25365 "responses": {
25366 "200": {
25367 "schema": {
25368 "type": "string"
25369 }
25370 },
25371 "400": {
25372 "schema": {
25373 "type": "string"
25374 }
25375 }
25376 }
25377 }
25378 }
25379 },
25380 "definitions": {
25381 "TrovCommonModelSecurityChangeEmailRequest": {
25382 "description": "Represents a change email request.",
25383 "required": [
25384 "password",
25385 "newEmail"
25386 ],
25387 "properties": {
25388 "password": {
25389 "description": "Gets or sets the password of the user account.",
25390 "type": "string"
25391 },
25392 "newEmail": {
25393 "description": "Gets or sets the new email of the user account.",
25394 "type": "string"
25395 }
25396 },
25397 "xml": {
25398 "name": "ChangeEmailRequest"
25399 },
25400 "type": "object",
25401 "default": {
25402 "Password": "password",
25403 "NewEmail": "john.smith@trov.com"
25404 }
25405 },
25406 "UnexpectedErrorException": {
25407 "description": "UnexpectedErrorException",
25408 "required": [
25409 "Message",
25410 "ExceptionType",
25411 "CorrelationId"
25412 ],
25413 "properties": {
25414 "Message": {
25415 "type": "string"
25416 },
25417 "ExceptionMessage": {
25418 "type": "string"
25419 },
25420 "ExceptionType": {
25421 "type": "string"
25422 },
25423 "StackTrace": {
25424 "type": "string"
25425 },
25426 "CorrelationId": {
25427 "type": "string"
25428 }
25429 },
25430 "type": "object",
25431 "default": {
25432 "Message": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25433 "ExceptionMessage": "An unexpected error has occurred.",
25434 "ExceptionType": "UnexpectedErrorException",
25435 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25436 }
25437 },
25438 "InvalidPasswordException": {
25439 "description": "InvalidPasswordException",
25440 "required": [
25441 "Message",
25442 "ExceptionType",
25443 "CorrelationId"
25444 ],
25445 "properties": {
25446 "Message": {
25447 "type": "string"
25448 },
25449 "ExceptionMessage": {
25450 "type": "string"
25451 },
25452 "ExceptionType": {
25453 "type": "string"
25454 },
25455 "StackTrace": {
25456 "type": "string"
25457 },
25458 "CorrelationId": {
25459 "type": "string"
25460 }
25461 },
25462 "type": "object",
25463 "default": {
25464 "Message": "The password provided was invalid.",
25465 "ExceptionMessage": "The password provided was invalid.",
25466 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPasswordException",
25467 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25468 }
25469 },
25470 "EmailAlreadyInUseException": {
25471 "description": "EmailAlreadyInUseException",
25472 "required": [
25473 "Message",
25474 "ExceptionType",
25475 "CorrelationId"
25476 ],
25477 "properties": {
25478 "Message": {
25479 "type": "string"
25480 },
25481 "ExceptionMessage": {
25482 "type": "string"
25483 },
25484 "ExceptionType": {
25485 "type": "string"
25486 },
25487 "StackTrace": {
25488 "type": "string"
25489 },
25490 "CorrelationId": {
25491 "type": "string"
25492 }
25493 },
25494 "type": "object",
25495 "default": {
25496 "Message": "The email address is in use by an existing user.",
25497 "ExceptionMessage": "The email address is in use by an existing user.",
25498 "ExceptionType": "EmailAlreadyInUseException",
25499 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25500 }
25501 },
25502 "ValidationException": {
25503 "description": "ValidationException",
25504 "required": [
25505 "Message",
25506 "ExceptionType",
25507 "CorrelationId"
25508 ],
25509 "properties": {
25510 "Message": {
25511 "type": "string"
25512 },
25513 "ExceptionMessage": {
25514 "type": "string"
25515 },
25516 "ExceptionType": {
25517 "type": "string"
25518 },
25519 "StackTrace": {
25520 "type": "string"
25521 },
25522 "CorrelationId": {
25523 "type": "string"
25524 }
25525 },
25526 "type": "object",
25527 "default": {
25528 "Message": "string",
25529 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
25530 "ExceptionType": "ValidationException",
25531 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25532 }
25533 },
25534 "TrovCommonModelSecurityChangePasswordRequest": {
25535 "description": "Represents a change password request.",
25536 "required": [
25537 "oldPassword",
25538 "newPassword",
25539 "confirmPassword"
25540 ],
25541 "properties": {
25542 "oldPassword": {
25543 "description": "Gets or sets the old password of the user account.",
25544 "type": "string"
25545 },
25546 "newPassword": {
25547 "description": "Gets or sets the new password of the user account.",
25548 "type": "string",
25549 "maxLength": 100,
25550 "minLength": 8
25551 },
25552 "confirmPassword": {
25553 "description": "Gets or sets the confirmation of the new password of the user account.",
25554 "type": "string"
25555 }
25556 },
25557 "xml": {
25558 "name": "ChangePasswordRequest"
25559 },
25560 "type": "object",
25561 "default": {
25562 "OldPassword": "oldPassword1!",
25563 "NewPassword": "password",
25564 "ConfirmPassword": "password"
25565 }
25566 },
25567 "TrovCommonModelSecuritySetPasswordRequest": {
25568 "description": "Represents a password set request.",
25569 "required": [
25570 "newPassword",
25571 "confirmPassword"
25572 ],
25573 "properties": {
25574 "newPassword": {
25575 "description": "Gets or sets the new password for the request.",
25576 "type": "string",
25577 "maxLength": 100,
25578 "minLength": 6
25579 },
25580 "confirmPassword": {
25581 "description": "Gets or sets the confirmation of the new password for the request.",
25582 "type": "string"
25583 }
25584 },
25585 "xml": {
25586 "name": "SetPasswordRequest"
25587 },
25588 "type": "object",
25589 "default": {
25590 "NewPassword": "password",
25591 "ConfirmPassword": "password"
25592 }
25593 },
25594 "UserHasPasswordException": {
25595 "description": "UserHasPasswordException",
25596 "required": [
25597 "Message",
25598 "ExceptionType",
25599 "CorrelationId"
25600 ],
25601 "properties": {
25602 "Message": {
25603 "type": "string"
25604 },
25605 "ExceptionMessage": {
25606 "type": "string"
25607 },
25608 "ExceptionType": {
25609 "type": "string"
25610 },
25611 "StackTrace": {
25612 "type": "string"
25613 },
25614 "CorrelationId": {
25615 "type": "string"
25616 }
25617 },
25618 "type": "object",
25619 "default": {
25620 "Message": "Setting the password this way is prohibited on accounts with existing passwords, please use the dedicated endpoints update password endpoint.",
25621 "ExceptionMessage": "Setting the password this way is prohibited on accounts with existing passwords, please use the dedicated endpoints update password endpoint.",
25622 "ExceptionType": "UserHasPasswordException",
25623 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25624 }
25625 },
25626 "TrovCommonModelSecurityToggleTwoFactorAuthenticationRequest": {
25627 "description": "Represents a request to toggle two-factor authentication on a user's account.",
25628 "required": [
25629 "password",
25630 "enabled"
25631 ],
25632 "properties": {
25633 "password": {
25634 "description": "Gets or sets the password of the user account.",
25635 "type": "string"
25636 },
25637 "enabled": {
25638 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether two factor authentication should be enabled or disabled.",
25639 "type": "boolean"
25640 }
25641 },
25642 "xml": {
25643 "name": "ToggleTwoFactorAuthenticationRequest"
25644 },
25645 "type": "object",
25646 "default": {
25647 "Password": "password",
25648 "Enabled": true
25649 }
25650 },
25651 "UserRequiresConfirmationException": {
25652 "description": "UserRequiresConfirmationException",
25653 "required": [
25654 "Message",
25655 "ExceptionType",
25656 "CorrelationId"
25657 ],
25658 "properties": {
25659 "Message": {
25660 "type": "string"
25661 },
25662 "ExceptionMessage": {
25663 "type": "string"
25664 },
25665 "ExceptionType": {
25666 "type": "string"
25667 },
25668 "StackTrace": {
25669 "type": "string"
25670 },
25671 "CorrelationId": {
25672 "type": "string"
25673 }
25674 },
25675 "type": "object",
25676 "default": {
25677 "Message": "The user account () requires phone contact information in a confirmed state.",
25678 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account () requires phone contact information in a confirmed state.",
25679 "ExceptionType": "UserRequiresConfirmationException",
25680 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25681 }
25682 },
25683 "TrovCommonModelSecurityChangePhoneNumberRequest": {
25684 "description": "Represents a change phone number request.",
25685 "required": [
25686 "password",
25687 "newPhoneNumber"
25688 ],
25689 "properties": {
25690 "password": {
25691 "description": "Gets or sets the password of the user account.",
25692 "type": "string"
25693 },
25694 "newPhoneNumber": {
25695 "description": "Gets or sets the new phone number of the user account.\r\n<remarks>\r\nMust include the country code associated with the phone number.\r\n<example>\r\n+1 123 234 1234 (US)\r\n+61 123 123 123 (AU)\r\n</example></remarks>",
25696 "type": "string"
25697 }
25698 },
25699 "xml": {
25700 "name": "ChangePhoneNumberRequest"
25701 },
25702 "type": "object",
25703 "default": {
25704 "Password": "password",
25705 "NewPhoneNumber": "(123) 456 7890"
25706 }
25707 },
25708 "InvalidPhoneNumberException": {
25709 "description": "InvalidPhoneNumberException",
25710 "required": [
25711 "Message",
25712 "ExceptionType",
25713 "CorrelationId"
25714 ],
25715 "properties": {
25716 "Message": {
25717 "type": "string"
25718 },
25719 "ExceptionMessage": {
25720 "type": "string"
25721 },
25722 "ExceptionType": {
25723 "type": "string"
25724 },
25725 "StackTrace": {
25726 "type": "string"
25727 },
25728 "CorrelationId": {
25729 "type": "string"
25730 }
25731 },
25732 "type": "object",
25733 "default": {
25734 "Message": "The phone number provided is invalid.",
25735 "ExceptionMessage": "The phone number provided is invalid.",
25736 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPhoneNumberException",
25737 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25738 }
25739 },
25740 "UserDoesNotHavePasswordException": {
25741 "description": "UserDoesNotHavePasswordException",
25742 "required": [
25743 "Message",
25744 "ExceptionType",
25745 "CorrelationId"
25746 ],
25747 "properties": {
25748 "Message": {
25749 "type": "string"
25750 },
25751 "ExceptionMessage": {
25752 "type": "string"
25753 },
25754 "ExceptionType": {
25755 "type": "string"
25756 },
25757 "StackTrace": {
25758 "type": "string"
25759 },
25760 "CorrelationId": {
25761 "type": "string"
25762 }
25763 },
25764 "type": "object",
25765 "default": {
25766 "Message": "The user account does not have a password set.",
25767 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not have a password set.",
25768 "ExceptionType": "UserDoesNotHavePasswordException",
25769 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25770 }
25771 },
25772 "TrovCommonModelSecurityResetPasswordRequest": {
25773 "description": "Represents a reset password request.",
25774 "required": [
25775 "email"
25776 ],
25777 "properties": {
25778 "email": {
25779 "description": "Gets or sets the email of the user account to reset the password for.",
25780 "type": "string"
25781 }
25782 },
25783 "xml": {
25784 "name": "ResetPasswordRequest"
25785 },
25786 "type": "object",
25787 "default": {
25788 "Email": "john.smith@trov.com"
25789 }
25790 },
25791 "TrovCommonModelSecurityConfirmPhoneNumberRequest": {
25792 "description": "Represents a confirm phone number request.",
25793 "required": [
25794 "pin"
25795 ],
25796 "properties": {
25797 "pin": {
25798 "description": "Gets or sets the pin associated with the phone number confirmation.",
25799 "type": "string"
25800 },
25801 "retryPhoneNumberConfirmationType": {
25802 "description": "Gets or sets the type of confirmation to use when a retry is required.\r\n<remarks>\r\nDefaults to PhoneNumberConfirmationType.Sms\".\r\n</remarks>",
25803 "type": "integer",
25804 "format": "int32",
25805 "enum": [
25806 0,
25807 1
25808 ],
25809 "x-enumName": "PhoneNumberConfirmationType"
25810 }
25811 },
25812 "xml": {
25813 "name": "ConfirmPhoneNumberRequest"
25814 },
25815 "type": "object",
25816 "default": {
25817 "Pin": "1234",
25818 "RetryPhoneNumberConfirmationType": 1
25819 }
25820 },
25821 "InvalidPinException": {
25822 "description": "InvalidPinException",
25823 "required": [
25824 "Message",
25825 "ExceptionType",
25826 "CorrelationId"
25827 ],
25828 "properties": {
25829 "Message": {
25830 "type": "string"
25831 },
25832 "ExceptionMessage": {
25833 "type": "string"
25834 },
25835 "ExceptionType": {
25836 "type": "string"
25837 },
25838 "StackTrace": {
25839 "type": "string"
25840 },
25841 "CorrelationId": {
25842 "type": "string"
25843 }
25844 },
25845 "type": "object",
25846 "default": {
25847 "Message": "The PIN provided was invalid.",
25848 "ExceptionMessage": "The PIN provided was invalid.",
25849 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPinException",
25850 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25851 }
25852 },
25853 "EmailAlreadyConfirmedException": {
25854 "description": "EmailAlreadyConfirmedException",
25855 "required": [
25856 "Message",
25857 "ExceptionType",
25858 "CorrelationId"
25859 ],
25860 "properties": {
25861 "Message": {
25862 "type": "string"
25863 },
25864 "ExceptionMessage": {
25865 "type": "string"
25866 },
25867 "ExceptionType": {
25868 "type": "string"
25869 },
25870 "StackTrace": {
25871 "type": "string"
25872 },
25873 "CorrelationId": {
25874 "type": "string"
25875 }
25876 },
25877 "type": "object",
25878 "default": {
25879 "Message": "The string has already been confirmed.",
25880 "ExceptionMessage": "The string has already been confirmed.",
25881 "ExceptionType": "EmailAlreadyConfirmedException",
25882 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25883 }
25884 },
25885 "PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException": {
25886 "description": "PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException",
25887 "required": [
25888 "Message",
25889 "ExceptionType",
25890 "CorrelationId"
25891 ],
25892 "properties": {
25893 "Message": {
25894 "type": "string"
25895 },
25896 "ExceptionMessage": {
25897 "type": "string"
25898 },
25899 "ExceptionType": {
25900 "type": "string"
25901 },
25902 "StackTrace": {
25903 "type": "string"
25904 },
25905 "CorrelationId": {
25906 "type": "string"
25907 }
25908 },
25909 "type": "object",
25910 "default": {
25911 "Message": "The phone number 'string' has already been confirmed.",
25912 "ExceptionMessage": "The phone number 'string' has already been confirmed.",
25913 "ExceptionType": "PhoneNumberAlreadyConfirmedException",
25914 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25915 }
25916 },
25917 "PhoneNumberNotSetException": {
25918 "description": "PhoneNumberNotSetException",
25919 "required": [
25920 "Message",
25921 "ExceptionType",
25922 "CorrelationId"
25923 ],
25924 "properties": {
25925 "Message": {
25926 "type": "string"
25927 },
25928 "ExceptionMessage": {
25929 "type": "string"
25930 },
25931 "ExceptionType": {
25932 "type": "string"
25933 },
25934 "StackTrace": {
25935 "type": "string"
25936 },
25937 "CorrelationId": {
25938 "type": "string"
25939 }
25940 },
25941 "type": "object",
25942 "default": {
25943 "Message": "The user account does not contain a phone number.",
25944 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not contain a phone number.",
25945 "ExceptionType": "PhoneNumberNotSetException",
25946 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
25947 }
25948 },
25949 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedAnalyticsGenerateAnalyticsDataRequest": {
25950 "required": [
25951 "entities",
25952 "dateRange"
25953 ],
25954 "properties": {
25955 "entities": {
25956 "items": {
25957 "type": "string",
25958 "enum": [
25959 "Unknown",
25960 "Assets",
25961 "Users",
25962 "Trovs",
25963 "AssetDeletions",
25964 "CustomerRiskKnowledge",
25965 "CustomerRiskFactors",
25966 "SicPriceOffers",
25967 "Customers",
25968 "GuestUserConversions",
25969 "Categories",
25970 "ProductDisclosureSummaries",
25971 "PricingFileExperiments"
25972 ],
25973 "x-enumName": "AnalyticsEntityType"
25974 },
25975 "xml": {
25976 "name": "AnalyticsEntityType",
25977 "wrapped": true
25978 },
25979 "type": "array",
25980 "x-enumName": "AnalyticsEntityType"
25981 },
25982 "dateRange": {
25983 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedAnalyticsAnalyticsRequestInterval"
25984 }
25985 },
25986 "xml": {
25987 "name": "GenerateAnalyticsDataRequest"
25988 },
25989 "type": "object"
25990 },
25991 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedAnalyticsAnalyticsRequestInterval": {
25992 "required": [
25993 "start",
25994 "end"
25995 ],
25996 "properties": {
25997 "start": {
25998 "type": "string",
25999 "format": "date-time"
26000 },
26001 "end": {
26002 "type": "string",
26003 "format": "date-time"
26004 }
26005 },
26006 "xml": {
26007 "name": "AnalyticsRequestInterval"
26008 },
26009 "type": "object"
26010 },
26011 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedAnalyticsGenerateAnalyticsDataResponse": {
26012 "required": [
26013 "id"
26014 ],
26015 "properties": {
26016 "id": {
26017 "example": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
26018 "type": "string",
26019 "format": "uuid"
26020 }
26021 },
26022 "xml": {
26023 "name": "GenerateAnalyticsDataResponse"
26024 },
26025 "type": "object"
26026 },
26027 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedAssetGetAssetQueryRequest": {
26028 "properties": {
26029 "includeRevision": {
26030 "description": "Value indicating if the revisions should be included in the response.",
26031 "type": "boolean"
26032 },
26033 "includeFileInfos": {
26034 "description": "Value indicating if the file info list associated with the asset should be included in the response.",
26035 "type": "boolean"
26036 }
26037 },
26038 "xml": {
26039 "name": "GetAssetQueryRequest"
26040 },
26041 "type": "object"
26042 },
26043 "TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetResponse": {
26044 "description": "Defines a model that represents an asset response.",
26045 "required": [
26046 "asset",
26047 "lastModified"
26048 ],
26049 "properties": {
26050 "asset": {
26051 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsIAsset",
26052 "description": "Gets or sets the asset being returned."
26053 },
26054 "revisionInfo": {
26055 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsRevisionInfo",
26056 "description": "Gets or sets the asset revision information."
26057 },
26058 "fileIdListDictionary": {
26059 "description": "Gets or sets a dictionary of the asset's file ids, mapped to their respective schema types.",
26060 "properties": {
26061 "asset": {
26062 "items": {
26063 "type": "string"
26064 },
26065 "type": "array"
26066 },
26067 "audio": {
26068 "items": {
26069 "type": "string"
26070 },
26071 "type": "array"
26072 },
26073 "building": {
26074 "items": {
26075 "type": "string"
26076 },
26077 "type": "array"
26078 },
26079 "collection": {
26080 "items": {
26081 "type": "string"
26082 },
26083 "type": "array"
26084 },
26085 "document": {
26086 "items": {
26087 "type": "string"
26088 },
26089 "type": "array"
26090 },
26091 "file": {
26092 "items": {
26093 "type": "string"
26094 },
26095 "type": "array"
26096 },
26097 "floor": {
26098 "items": {
26099 "type": "string"
26100 },
26101 "type": "array"
26102 },
26103 "image": {
26104 "items": {
26105 "type": "string"
26106 },
26107 "type": "array"
26108 },
26109 "property": {
26110 "items": {
26111 "type": "string"
26112 },
26113 "type": "array"
26114 },
26115 "room": {
26116 "items": {
26117 "type": "string"
26118 },
26119 "type": "array"
26120 },
26121 "trov": {
26122 "items": {
26123 "type": "string"
26124 },
26125 "type": "array"
26126 },
26127 "userInvite": {
26128 "items": {
26129 "type": "string"
26130 },
26131 "type": "array"
26132 },
26133 "user": {
26134 "items": {
26135 "type": "string"
26136 },
26137 "type": "array"
26138 },
26139 "video": {
26140 "items": {
26141 "type": "string"
26142 },
26143 "type": "array"
26144 },
26145 "sitemap": {
26146 "items": {
26147 "type": "string"
26148 },
26149 "type": "array"
26150 },
26151 "trovInvite": {
26152 "items": {
26153 "type": "string"
26154 },
26155 "type": "array"
26156 },
26157 "index": {
26158 "items": {
26159 "type": "string"
26160 },
26161 "type": "array"
26162 },
26163 "floorPlan": {
26164 "items": {
26165 "type": "string"
26166 },
26167 "type": "array"
26168 },
26169 "bulkTrovInvite": {
26170 "items": {
26171 "type": "string"
26172 },
26173 "type": "array"
26174 }
26175 },
26176 "type": "object",
26177 "default": {
26178 "Document": [
26179 "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
26180 "507f191e810c19729de860ea"
26181 ],
26182 "Image": [
26183 "507f1f77bcf86cd799439012",
26184 "507f191e810c19729de860eb"
26185 ],
26186 "Video": [
26187 "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013",
26188 "507f191e810c19729de860ec"
26189 ]
26190 }
26191 },
26192 "fileInfos": {
26193 "description": "Gets or sets the list of files associated with the asset.",
26194 "items": {
26195 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfo"
26196 },
26197 "xml": {
26198 "name": "IFileInfo",
26199 "wrapped": true
26200 },
26201 "type": "array",
26202 "uniqueItems": true
26203 },
26204 "lastModified": {
26205 "description": "Gets or sets the date that the asset was last modified.",
26206 "type": "integer",
26207 "format": "int64"
26208 }
26209 },
26210 "xml": {
26211 "name": "AssetResponse"
26212 },
26213 "type": "object",
26214 "default": {
26215 "Asset": {
26216 "Thumbnail": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
26217 "IsRegion": true,
26218 "CategoryId": "15",
26219 "Quantity": 1,
26220 "CommonAttributes": {
26221 "Insurance": {
26222 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
26223 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
26224 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
26225 "Amount": {
26226 "Type": 0,
26227 "Value": 167944810.00
26228 }
26229 },
26230 "Purchase": {
26231 "Date": "1/26/2016",
26232 "Amount": {
26233 "Type": 0,
26234 "Value": 167944810.00
26235 },
26236 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
26237 },
26238 "ReplacementValue": {
26239 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
26240 "Value": {
26241 "Type": 0,
26242 "Value": 167944810.00
26243 },
26244 "HighValue": {
26245 "Type": 0,
26246 "Value": 177944810.00
26247 },
26248 "LowValue": {
26249 "Type": 0,
26250 "Value": 157944810.00
26251 },
26252 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
26253 },
26254 "FairMarketValue": {
26255 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
26256 "Value": {
26257 "Type": 0,
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26266 "Value": 157944810.00
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26269 },
26270 "AcquisitionInformation": {
26271 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
26272 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
26273 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
26274 "Reason": "Sold"
26275 }
26276 },
26277 "CategoryAttributes": {
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26279 "Type": "Morning Fog",
26280 "Vintage": "2012",
26281 "Manufacturer": "Wente Vineyards",
26282 "Varietal": "Chardonnay",
26283 "Vineyard": "Estate Vineyards",
26284 "Region": "United States",
26285 "SubRegion": "California",
26286 "Appellation": "Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay",
26287 "BottleSize": "750 ML"
26288 },
26289 "Product": {
26290 "Make": "Dell",
26291 "Model": "XPS 8700",
26292 "Series": "XPS",
26293 "SerialNumber": "CN-0P7D0G-74261-33N-0KEL"
26294 },
26295 "Vehicle": {
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26297 "Make": "Lamborghini",
26298 "Model": "Aventador",
26299 "Style": "LP700-4 Coupe",
26300 "Vin": "19UYA31581L000000",
26301 "Exterior": "Red",
26302 "Interior": "Leather",
26303 "Transmission": "7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive",
26304 "LicenceNumber": "4FASTER",
26305 "Mileage": 0
26306 },
26307 "Art": {
26308 "Artist": "Auguste Rodin",
26309 "Title": "The Thinker",
26310 "CreationDate": "1904",
26311 "Medium": "Bronze",
26312 "Edition": "1",
26313 "Signature": "Auguste Rodin",
26314 "Frame": "N/A"
26315 },
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26318 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
26319 "City": "Medina",
26320 "State": "WA",
26321 "Zip": "98039",
26322 "Country": "USA",
26323 "IsEmpty": false,
26324 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
26325 },
26326 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
26327 "LivingAreaSize": {
26328 "Unit": "SqFt",
26329 "Value": 50050.0
26330 },
26331 "Stories": 4,
26332 "Bedrooms": 25,
26333 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
26334 "YearBuilt": 1994
26335 }
26336 },
26337 "ExternalIdentifiers": [
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26339 "Type": 4,
26340 "Id": "68890082"
26341 }
26342 ],
26343 "ExternalCategories": [
26344 {
26345 "Provider": "Zillow",
26346 "CategoryId": "ABC",
26347 "CategoryName": "Mansions",
26348 "Level": 2
26349 }
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26352 "Status": "Owned",
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26354 "IsOwned": true,
26355 "IsPossessed": true,
26356 "IsTrashed": false,
26357 "IsCertified": false,
26358 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff",
26359 "ParentId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
26360 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
26361 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
26362 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
26363 },
26364 "RevisionInfo": {
26365 "PrimaryId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff",
26366 "Timestamp": 130982766720000000,
26367 "Reason": "Metadata",
26368 "Revision": 2,
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26370 "UsersName": "Pall Mall",
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26413 },
26414 "TrovCommonModelAssetsIAsset": {
26415 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents an asset.",
26416 "required": [
26417 "isRegion",
26418 "quantity",
26419 "status",
26420 "isQuotable",
26421 "isOwned",
26422 "isPossessed",
26423 "isTrashed",
26424 "isCertified"
26425 ],
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26427 "thumbnail": {
26428 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the asset thumbnail image.",
26429 "type": "string"
26430 },
26431 "type": {
26432 "description": "Gets or sets the asset type.",
26433 "type": "string"
26434 },
26435 "isRegion": {
26436 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the asset is a region.",
26437 "type": "boolean"
26438 },
26439 "notes": {
26440 "description": "Gets or sets additional notes about the asset.",
26441 "type": "string"
26442 },
26443 "categoryId": {
26444 "description": "Gets or sets the asset category id.",
26445 "type": "string"
26446 },
26447 "quantity": {
26448 "description": "Gets or sets the quantity.",
26449 "type": "integer",
26450 "format": "int32"
26451 },
26452 "commonAttributes": {
26453 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsCommonAttributes",
26454 "description": "Gets or sets the asset's common attributes, mostly related to value information."
26455 },
26456 "categoryAttributes": {
26457 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsCategoryAttributes",
26458 "description": "Gets or sets the asset's category attributes."
26459 },
26460 "externalIdentifiers": {
26461 "description": "Gets or sets the identifiers that map the asset to external systems.",
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26463 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractCommonExternalIdentifier"
26464 },
26465 "xml": {
26466 "name": "ExternalIdentifier",
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26471 },
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26473 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractCommonExternalIdentifier",
26474 "description": "The primary external identifier for the market the asset is associated with."
26475 },
26476 "externalCategories": {
26477 "description": "Gets or sets the categories the asset was assigned by external systems.",
26478 "items": {
26479 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsExternalCategory"
26480 },
26481 "xml": {
26482 "name": "ExternalCategory",
26483 "wrapped": true
26484 },
26485 "type": "array",
26486 "uniqueItems": true
26487 },
26488 "flags": {
26489 "description": "Gets or sets a set of user defined flags for the asset.",
26490 "items": {
26491 "type": "string"
26492 },
26493 "type": "array",
26494 "uniqueItems": true
26495 },
26496 "status": {
26497 "description": "Gets or sets the asset status (e.g. owned, loaned, donated, etc).",
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26501 "Loaned",
26502 "RentedOut",
26503 "Borrowed",
26504 "Renting",
26505 "Sold",
26506 "Gifted",
26507 "Donated"
26508 ],
26509 "x-enumName": "AssetStatus"
26510 },
26511 "isQuotable": {
26512 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the asset is quotable. A quotable asset is insurable assuming the underwriting and\r\npricing conditions are met for the customer.",
26513 "readOnly": true,
26514 "type": "boolean"
26515 },
26516 "isOwned": {
26517 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the asset is owned.",
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26520 },
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26522 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the asset is possessed.",
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26525 },
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26527 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the asset is trashed. Trashed is also referred to as archived.",
26528 "type": "boolean"
26529 },
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26531 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the asset is certified.",
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26533 "type": "boolean"
26534 },
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26536 "description": "Gets or sets the client id of the item.",
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26538 },
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26540 "description": "Gets or sets the parent id of the item.",
26541 "type": "string"
26542 },
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26546 },
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26548 "description": "Gets or sets the item name.",
26549 "type": "string"
26550 },
26551 "description": {
26552 "description": "Gets or sets the item description.",
26553 "type": "string"
26554 },
26555 "id": {
26556 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
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26558 }
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26562 },
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26572 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
26573 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
26574 "Amount": {
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26576 "Value": 167944810.00
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26578 },
26579 "Purchase": {
26580 "Date": "1/26/2016",
26581 "Amount": {
26582 "Type": 0,
26583 "Value": 167944810.00
26584 },
26585 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
26586 },
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26588 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
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26608 },
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26612 },
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26616 },
26617 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
26618 },
26619 "AcquisitionInformation": {
26620 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
26621 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
26622 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
26623 "Reason": "Sold"
26624 }
26625 },
26626 "CategoryAttributes": {
26627 "Wine": {
26628 "Type": "Morning Fog",
26629 "Vintage": "2012",
26630 "Manufacturer": "Wente Vineyards",
26631 "Varietal": "Chardonnay",
26632 "Vineyard": "Estate Vineyards",
26633 "Region": "United States",
26634 "SubRegion": "California",
26635 "Appellation": "Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay",
26636 "BottleSize": "750 ML"
26637 },
26638 "Product": {
26639 "Make": "Dell",
26640 "Model": "XPS 8700",
26641 "Series": "XPS",
26642 "SerialNumber": "CN-0P7D0G-74261-33N-0KEL"
26643 },
26644 "Vehicle": {
26645 "Year": 2012,
26646 "Make": "Lamborghini",
26647 "Model": "Aventador",
26648 "Style": "LP700-4 Coupe",
26649 "Vin": "19UYA31581L000000",
26650 "Exterior": "Red",
26651 "Interior": "Leather",
26652 "Transmission": "7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive",
26653 "LicenceNumber": "4FASTER",
26654 "Mileage": 0
26655 },
26656 "Art": {
26657 "Artist": "Auguste Rodin",
26658 "Title": "The Thinker",
26659 "CreationDate": "1904",
26660 "Medium": "Bronze",
26661 "Edition": "1",
26662 "Signature": "Auguste Rodin",
26663 "Frame": "N/A"
26664 },
26665 "Property": {
26666 "Address": {
26667 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
26668 "City": "Medina",
26669 "State": "WA",
26670 "Zip": "98039",
26671 "Country": "USA",
26672 "IsEmpty": false,
26673 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
26674 },
26675 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
26676 "LivingAreaSize": {
26677 "Unit": "SqFt",
26678 "Value": 50050.0
26679 },
26680 "Stories": 4,
26681 "Bedrooms": 25,
26682 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
26683 "YearBuilt": 1994
26684 }
26685 },
26686 "ExternalIdentifiers": [
26687 {
26688 "Type": 4,
26689 "Id": "68890082"
26690 }
26691 ],
26692 "ExternalCategories": [
26693 {
26694 "Provider": "Zillow",
26695 "CategoryId": "ABC",
26696 "CategoryName": "Mansions",
26697 "Level": 2
26698 }
26699 ],
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26701 "Status": "Owned",
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26703 "IsOwned": true,
26704 "IsPossessed": true,
26705 "IsTrashed": false,
26706 "IsCertified": false,
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26709 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
26710 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
26711 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
26712 }
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26714 "TrovCommonModelAssetsRevisionInfo": {
26715 "required": [
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26720 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the corresponding item.",
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26729 "description": "Gets or sets the revision reason.",
26730 "type": "string"
26731 },
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26738 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the user who made the revision.",
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26742 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the user who made the revision.",
26743 "type": "string"
26744 },
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26746 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the revision was made by a Woz user.",
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26753 },
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26758 "Reason": "Metadata",
26759 "Revision": 2,
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26761 "UsersName": "Pall Mall",
26762 "IsWozRevision": false
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26774 "type": "integer",
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26794 7,
26795 8,
26796 9,
26797 10,
26798 11,
26799 12,
26800 13,
26801 14,
26802 15,
26803 16,
26804 17,
26805 18
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26808 },
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26810 "description": "Gets or sets a {Trov.Common.Model.File.IFileInfo.Uri} associated with a file.",
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26812 },
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26814 "description": "Gets or sets the client id of the item.",
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26823 "type": "string"
26824 },
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26827 "type": "string"
26828 },
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26830 "description": "Gets or sets the item description.",
26831 "type": "string"
26832 },
26833 "id": {
26834 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
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26840 },
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26856 "properties": {
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26858 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsInsurance",
26859 "description": "Gets or sets the insurance attribute."
26860 },
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26862 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsPurchase",
26863 "description": "Gets or sets the purchase attribute."
26864 },
26865 "replacementValue": {
26866 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsValueInformation",
26867 "description": "Gets or sets the replacement value attribute."
26868 },
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26870 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsValueInformation",
26871 "description": "Gets or sets the fair market value attribute."
26872 },
26873 "acquisitionInformation": {
26874 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAcquisitionInformation",
26875 "description": "Gets or sets the information associated with the acquisition of an asset."
26876 },
26877 "transferInformation": {
26878 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsTransferInformation",
26879 "description": "Gets or sets the information associated with the transfer of an asset."
26880 }
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26884 },
26885 "type": "object",
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26888 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
26889 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
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26891 "Amount": {
26892 "Type": 0,
26893 "Value": 167944810.00
26894 }
26895 },
26896 "Purchase": {
26897 "Date": "1/26/2016",
26898 "Amount": {
26899 "Type": 0,
26900 "Value": 167944810.00
26901 },
26902 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
26903 },
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26905 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
26906 "Value": {
26907 "Type": 0,
26908 "Value": 167944810.00
26909 },
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26913 },
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26915 "Type": 0,
26916 "Value": 157944810.00
26917 },
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26921 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
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26923 "Type": 0,
26924 "Value": 167944810.00
26925 },
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26928 "Value": 177944810.00
26929 },
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26931 "Type": 0,
26932 "Value": 157944810.00
26933 },
26934 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
26935 },
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26937 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
26938 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
26939 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
26940 "Reason": "Sold"
26941 }
26942 }
26943 },
26944 "TrovCommonModelAssetsCategoryAttributes": {
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26947 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsWine",
26948 "description": "Gets or sets the wine attribute."
26949 },
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26951 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsProduct",
26952 "description": "Gets or sets the product attribute."
26953 },
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26955 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsVehicle",
26956 "description": "Gets or sets the vehicle attribute."
26957 },
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26959 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsArt",
26960 "description": "Gets or sets the art attribute."
26961 },
26962 "property": {
26963 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsProperty",
26964 "description": "Gets or sets the property attribute."
26965 }
26966 },
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26968 "name": "CategoryAttributes"
26969 },
26970 "type": "object",
26971 "default": {
26972 "Wine": {
26973 "Type": "Morning Fog",
26974 "Vintage": "2012",
26975 "Manufacturer": "Wente Vineyards",
26976 "Varietal": "Chardonnay",
26977 "Vineyard": "Estate Vineyards",
26978 "Region": "United States",
26979 "SubRegion": "California",
26980 "Appellation": "Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay",
26981 "BottleSize": "750 ML"
26982 },
26983 "Product": {
26984 "Make": "Dell",
26985 "Model": "XPS 8700",
26986 "Series": "XPS",
26987 "SerialNumber": "CN-0P7D0G-74261-33N-0KEL"
26988 },
26989 "Vehicle": {
26990 "Year": 2012,
26991 "Make": "Lamborghini",
26992 "Model": "Aventador",
26993 "Style": "LP700-4 Coupe",
26994 "Vin": "19UYA31581L000000",
26995 "Exterior": "Red",
26996 "Interior": "Leather",
26997 "Transmission": "7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive",
26998 "LicenceNumber": "4FASTER",
26999 "Mileage": 0
27000 },
27001 "Art": {
27002 "Artist": "Auguste Rodin",
27003 "Title": "The Thinker",
27004 "CreationDate": "1904",
27005 "Medium": "Bronze",
27006 "Edition": "1",
27007 "Signature": "Auguste Rodin",
27008 "Frame": "N/A"
27009 },
27010 "Property": {
27011 "Address": {
27012 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
27013 "City": "Medina",
27014 "State": "WA",
27015 "Zip": "98039",
27016 "Country": "USA",
27017 "IsEmpty": false,
27018 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
27019 },
27020 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
27021 "LivingAreaSize": {
27022 "Unit": "SqFt",
27023 "Value": 50050.0
27024 },
27025 "Stories": 4,
27026 "Bedrooms": 25,
27027 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
27028 "YearBuilt": 1994
27029 }
27030 }
27031 },
27032 "TrovContractCommonExternalIdentifier": {
27033 "required": [
27034 "type",
27035 "id"
27036 ],
27037 "properties": {
27038 "type": {
27039 "description": "Gets or sets the type of external identifier.",
27040 "type": "integer",
27041 "format": "int32",
27042 "enum": [
27043 0,
27044 1,
27045 2,
27046 3,
27047 4,
27048 5,
27049 6,
27050 7,
27051 8,
27052 9,
27053 10,
27054 11,
27055 12,
27056 13,
27057 14,
27058 15,
27059 16,
27060 17,
27061 18,
27062 19,
27063 20,
27064 21,
27065 22,
27066 23,
27067 24,
27068 25,
27069 26,
27070 27
27071 ],
27072 "x-enumName": "ExternalIdentifierType"
27073 },
27074 "id": {
27075 "description": "Gets or sets the identifier.",
27076 "type": "string"
27077 }
27078 },
27079 "xml": {
27080 "name": "ExternalIdentifier"
27081 },
27082 "type": "object",
27083 "default": {
27084 "Type": 4,
27085 "Id": "68890082"
27086 }
27087 },
27088 "TrovCommonModelAssetsExternalCategory": {
27089 "description": "Represents an external category.",
27090 "required": [
27091 "categoryId",
27092 "categoryName"
27093 ],
27094 "properties": {
27095 "provider": {
27096 "description": "Gets or sets the provider of the external category.",
27097 "type": "string"
27098 },
27099 "categoryId": {
27100 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the external category.",
27101 "type": "string"
27102 },
27103 "categoryName": {
27104 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the external category.",
27105 "type": "string"
27106 },
27107 "level": {
27108 "description": "Gets or sets the level of the external category within a hierarchy.",
27109 "type": "integer",
27110 "format": "int32"
27111 }
27112 },
27113 "xml": {
27114 "name": "ExternalCategory"
27115 },
27116 "type": "object",
27117 "default": {
27118 "Provider": "BeValued",
27119 "CategoryId": "12345",
27120 "CategoryName": "Widgets",
27121 "Level": 1
27122 }
27123 },
27124 "TrovCommonModelFileBlobAttributes": {
27125 "properties": {
27126 "blobType": {
27127 "description": "The type of data in the blob.",
27128 "type": "integer",
27129 "format": "int32",
27130 "enum": [
27131 0,
27132 1,
27133 2,
27134 3,
27135 4,
27136 5,
27137 6,
27138 7
27139 ],
27140 "x-enumName": "StorageBlobType"
27141 }
27142 },
27143 "xml": {
27144 "name": "BlobAttributes"
27145 },
27146 "type": "object"
27147 },
27148 "TrovCommonModelAssetsInsurance": {
27149 "description": "Defines a model that represents the insurance attributes of an asset.",
27150 "properties": {
27151 "policyId": {
27152 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the insurance policy under which the asset is covered.",
27153 "type": "string"
27154 },
27155 "policyNumber": {
27156 "description": "Gets or sets the insurance policy number.",
27157 "type": "string"
27158 },
27159 "contact": {
27160 "description": "Gets or sets the contact at the insurance provider.",
27161 "type": "string"
27162 },
27163 "amount": {
27164 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
27165 "description": "Gets or sets the insured amount."
27166 }
27167 },
27168 "xml": {
27169 "name": "Insurance"
27170 },
27171 "type": "object",
27172 "default": {
27173 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
27174 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
27175 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
27176 "Amount": {
27177 "Type": 0,
27178 "Value": 167944810.00
27179 }
27180 }
27181 },
27182 "TrovCommonModelAssetsPurchase": {
27183 "description": "Defines a model that represents the purchase attributes of an asset.",
27184 "properties": {
27185 "date": {
27186 "description": "Gets or sets the date of purchase.",
27187 "type": "string"
27188 },
27189 "amount": {
27190 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
27191 "description": "Gets or sets the purchase amount."
27192 },
27193 "vendor": {
27194 "description": "Gets or sets the vendor that facilitated the purchase.",
27195 "type": "string"
27196 }
27197 },
27198 "xml": {
27199 "name": "Purchase"
27200 },
27201 "type": "object",
27202 "default": {
27203 "Date": "1/26/2016",
27204 "Amount": {
27205 "Type": 0,
27206 "Value": 167944810.00
27207 },
27208 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
27209 }
27210 },
27211 "TrovCommonModelAssetsValueInformation": {
27212 "description": "Defines a model that represents value information associated with an asset.",
27213 "properties": {
27214 "date": {
27215 "description": "Gets or sets the date of the valuation.",
27216 "type": "string",
27217 "format": "date-time"
27218 },
27219 "value": {
27220 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
27221 "description": "Gets or sets the value of the asset."
27222 },
27223 "highValue": {
27224 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
27225 "description": "Gets or sets the high value of the asset when a range exists."
27226 },
27227 "lowValue": {
27228 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
27229 "description": "Gets or sets the low value of the asset when a range exists."
27230 },
27231 "valuedBy": {
27232 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the entity that performed the valuation.",
27233 "type": "string"
27234 }
27235 },
27236 "xml": {
27237 "name": "ValueInformation"
27238 },
27239 "type": "object",
27240 "default": {
27241 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
27242 "Value": {
27243 "Type": 0,
27244 "Value": 167944810.00
27245 },
27246 "HighValue": {
27247 "Type": 0,
27248 "Value": 177944810.00
27249 },
27250 "LowValue": {
27251 "Type": 0,
27252 "Value": 157944810.00
27253 },
27254 "ValuedBy": "Zestimate by Zillow"
27255 }
27256 },
27257 "TrovCommonModelAssetsAcquisitionInformation": {
27258 "description": "Defines a model that represents information associated with the acquisition of an asset.",
27259 "properties": {
27260 "acquiredFromName": {
27261 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the person that the asset was acquired from.",
27262 "type": "string"
27263 },
27264 "acquiredFromEmail": {
27265 "description": "Gets or sets the email address of the person the asset was acquired from.",
27266 "type": "string"
27267 },
27268 "timestamp": {
27269 "description": "Gets or sets the timestamp of acquisition.",
27270 "type": "string",
27271 "format": "date-time"
27272 },
27273 "reason": {
27274 "description": "Gets or sets the reason of the acquisition.",
27275 "type": "string"
27276 }
27277 },
27278 "xml": {
27279 "name": "AcquisitionInformation"
27280 },
27281 "type": "object",
27282 "default": {
27283 "AcquiredFromName": "John Smith",
27284 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
27285 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
27286 "Reason": "Sold"
27287 }
27288 },
27289 "TrovCommonModelAssetsTransferInformation": {
27290 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents information associated with the transfer of an asset.",
27291 "properties": {
27292 "recipientEmail": {
27293 "description": "Gets or sets the email address of the person the asset was transferred to.",
27294 "type": "string"
27295 },
27296 "startDate": {
27297 "description": "Gets or sets the date and time that the transfer was started.",
27298 "type": "string",
27299 "format": "date-time"
27300 },
27301 "completionDate": {
27302 "description": "Gets or sets the date and time that the transfer was completed.",
27303 "type": "string",
27304 "format": "date-time"
27305 }
27306 },
27307 "xml": {
27308 "name": "TransferInformation"
27309 },
27310 "type": "object",
27311 "default": {
27312 "RecipientEmail": "joe@blow.com",
27313 "StartDate": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
27314 "CompletionDate": "2016-01-28T10:11:12Z"
27315 }
27316 },
27317 "TrovCommonModelAssetsWine": {
27318 "description": "Defines a model that represents the wine attributes of an asset.",
27319 "properties": {
27320 "type": {
27321 "description": "Gets or sets the wine type.",
27322 "type": "string"
27323 },
27324 "vintage": {
27325 "description": "Gets or sets the wine vintage (i.e. the year the grapes were grown and harvested).",
27326 "type": "string"
27327 },
27328 "manufacturer": {
27329 "description": "Gets or sets the wine manufacturer.",
27330 "type": "string"
27331 },
27332 "varietal": {
27333 "description": "Gets or sets the wine varietal (e.g. Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot).",
27334 "type": "string"
27335 },
27336 "designation": {
27337 "description": "Gets or sets the wine designation.",
27338 "type": "string"
27339 },
27340 "vineyard": {
27341 "description": "Gets or sets the vineyard that produced the wine (e.g. Wente Vineyards).",
27342 "type": "string"
27343 },
27344 "region": {
27345 "description": "Gets or sets the region where the wine was produced.",
27346 "type": "string"
27347 },
27348 "subRegion": {
27349 "description": "Gets or sets the subregion where the wine was produced.",
27350 "type": "string"
27351 },
27352 "appellation": {
27353 "description": "Gets or sets the geographically delineated wine region.",
27354 "type": "string"
27355 },
27356 "bottleSize": {
27357 "description": "Gets or sets the wine bottle size.",
27358 "type": "string"
27359 }
27360 },
27361 "xml": {
27362 "name": "Wine"
27363 },
27364 "type": "object",
27365 "default": {
27366 "Type": "Morning Fog",
27367 "Vintage": "2012",
27368 "Manufacturer": "Wente Vineyards",
27369 "Varietal": "Chardonnay",
27370 "Vineyard": "Estate Vineyards",
27371 "Region": "United States",
27372 "SubRegion": "California",
27373 "Appellation": "Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay",
27374 "BottleSize": "750 ML"
27375 }
27376 },
27377 "TrovCommonModelAssetsProduct": {
27378 "description": "Defines a model that represents the product attributes of an asset.",
27379 "properties": {
27380 "make": {
27381 "description": "Gets or sets the product maker.",
27382 "type": "string"
27383 },
27384 "model": {
27385 "description": "Gets or sets the product model.",
27386 "type": "string"
27387 },
27388 "series": {
27389 "description": "Gets or sets the product series.",
27390 "type": "string"
27391 },
27392 "serialNumber": {
27393 "description": "Gets or sets the product serial number.",
27394 "type": "string"
27395 }
27396 },
27397 "xml": {
27398 "name": "Product"
27399 },
27400 "type": "object",
27401 "default": {
27402 "Make": "Dell",
27403 "Model": "XPS 8700",
27404 "Series": "XPS",
27405 "SerialNumber": "CN-0P7D0G-74261-33N-0KEL"
27406 }
27407 },
27408 "TrovCommonModelAssetsVehicle": {
27409 "description": "Defines a model that represents the vehicle attributes of an asset.",
27410 "properties": {
27411 "year": {
27412 "description": "Gets or sets the model year (not necessarily the year it was manufactured).",
27413 "type": "integer",
27414 "format": "int32"
27415 },
27416 "make": {
27417 "description": "Gets or sets the make (name of manufacturer) of the vehicle (e.g. Honda, Infiniti, BMW).",
27418 "type": "string"
27419 },
27420 "model": {
27421 "description": "Gets or sets the modelthe vehicle (e.g. Odyssey, G37, X5).",
27422 "type": "string"
27423 },
27424 "series": {
27425 "description": "Gets or sets the series of the vehicle (e.g. Limited, X, ES), if applicable.",
27426 "type": "string"
27427 },
27428 "style": {
27429 "description": "Gets or sets the style of the vehicle (e.g. 4D Wagon, 2D Coupe, 2D Convertible).",
27430 "type": "string"
27431 },
27432 "vin": {
27433 "description": "Gets or sets the VIN.",
27434 "type": "string"
27435 },
27436 "exterior": {
27437 "description": "Gets or sets a description of the exterior of the vehicle.",
27438 "type": "string"
27439 },
27440 "interior": {
27441 "description": "Gets or sets a description of the interior of the vehicle.",
27442 "type": "string"
27443 },
27444 "engine": {
27445 "description": "Gets or sets engine type of the vehicle (e.g. \"4-Cyl, 2.0 Liter\", \"4-Cyl, Turbo, 1.8 Liter\").",
27446 "type": "string"
27447 },
27448 "transmission": {
27449 "description": "Gets or sets transmission type of the vehicle (e.g. \"Automatic\", \"Automatic w/Tiptronic\", \"Manual, 5-Spd\").",
27450 "type": "string"
27451 },
27452 "driveTrain": {
27453 "description": "Gets or sets the drive train of the vehicle (e.g. FWD).",
27454 "type": "string"
27455 },
27456 "licenceNumber": {
27457 "description": "Gets or sets the licence number.",
27458 "type": "string"
27459 },
27460 "mileage": {
27461 "description": "Gets or sets the mileage.",
27462 "type": "integer",
27463 "format": "int32"
27464 },
27465 "condition": {
27466 "description": "Gets or sets the condition of the vehicle.",
27467 "type": "string",
27468 "enum": [
27469 "Excellent",
27470 "VeryGood",
27471 "Good",
27472 "Fair"
27473 ],
27474 "x-enumName": "VehicleCondition"
27475 }
27476 },
27477 "xml": {
27478 "name": "Vehicle"
27479 },
27480 "type": "object",
27481 "default": {
27482 "Year": 2012,
27483 "Make": "Lamborghini",
27484 "Model": "Aventador",
27485 "Style": "LP700-4 Coupe",
27486 "Vin": "19UYA31581L000000",
27487 "Exterior": "Red",
27488 "Interior": "Leather",
27489 "Transmission": "7-speed automatic transmission with overdrive",
27490 "LicenceNumber": "4FASTER",
27491 "Mileage": 0
27492 }
27493 },
27494 "TrovCommonModelAssetsArt": {
27495 "description": "Defines a model that represents the art attributes of an asset.",
27496 "properties": {
27497 "artist": {
27498 "description": "Gets or sets the artist of the art piece.",
27499 "type": "string"
27500 },
27501 "title": {
27502 "description": "Gets or sets the title of the art piece.",
27503 "type": "string"
27504 },
27505 "creationDate": {
27506 "description": "Gets or sets the creation date of the art piece.\r\nTODO: should this be a long value",
27507 "type": "string"
27508 },
27509 "medium": {
27510 "description": "Gets or sets the primary medium of the art piece.",
27511 "type": "string"
27512 },
27513 "edition": {
27514 "description": "Gets or sets the edition of the art piece.",
27515 "type": "string"
27516 },
27517 "signature": {
27518 "description": "Gets or sets the signature of the art piece.",
27519 "type": "string"
27520 },
27521 "frame": {
27522 "description": "Gets or sets the frame of the art piece.",
27523 "type": "string"
27524 }
27525 },
27526 "xml": {
27527 "name": "Art"
27528 },
27529 "type": "object",
27530 "default": {
27531 "Artist": "Auguste Rodin",
27532 "Title": "The Thinker",
27533 "CreationDate": "1904",
27534 "Medium": "Bronze",
27535 "Edition": "1",
27536 "Signature": "Auguste Rodin",
27537 "Frame": "N/A"
27538 }
27539 },
27540 "TrovCommonModelAssetsProperty": {
27541 "description": "Defines a model that represents the property attributes of a structural asset.",
27542 "properties": {
27543 "address": {
27544 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsLegacyAddress",
27545 "description": "Gets or sets the property address."
27546 },
27547 "lotSize": {
27548 "description": "Gets or sets the lot size.",
27549 "type": "string"
27550 },
27551 "livingAreaSize": {
27552 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreMeasurement",
27553 "description": "Gets or sets the living area size."
27554 },
27555 "stories": {
27556 "description": "Gets or sets the number of stories.",
27557 "type": "integer",
27558 "format": "int32"
27559 },
27560 "bedrooms": {
27561 "description": "Gets or sets the number of bedrooms.",
27562 "type": "integer",
27563 "format": "int32"
27564 },
27565 "bathrooms": {
27566 "description": "Gets or sets the number of bathrooms.",
27567 "type": "number",
27568 "format": "double"
27569 },
27570 "yearBuilt": {
27571 "description": "Gets or sets the year the property was built.",
27572 "type": "integer",
27573 "format": "int32"
27574 }
27575 },
27576 "xml": {
27577 "name": "Property"
27578 },
27579 "type": "object",
27580 "default": {
27581 "Address": {
27582 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
27583 "City": "Medina",
27584 "State": "WA",
27585 "Zip": "98039",
27586 "Country": "USA",
27587 "IsEmpty": false,
27588 "Hash": "16467FAFA748121C6ED97594AF6E5934"
27589 },
27590 "LotSize": "224334 SqFt",
27591 "LivingAreaSize": {
27592 "Unit": "SqFt",
27593 "Value": 50050.0
27594 },
27595 "Stories": 4,
27596 "Bedrooms": 25,
27597 "Bathrooms": 8.0,
27598 "YearBuilt": 1994
27599 }
27600 },
27601 "TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency": {
27602 "required": [
27603 "type",
27604 "value"
27605 ],
27606 "properties": {
27607 "type": {
27608 "description": "Gets or sets the currency type.",
27609 "type": "integer",
27610 "format": "int32",
27611 "enum": [
27612 0,
27613 1,
27614 2,
27615 3,
27616 4,
27617 5,
27618 6,
27619 7,
27620 8
27621 ],
27622 "x-enumName": "CurrencyType"
27623 },
27624 "value": {
27625 "description": "Gets or sets the currency value.",
27626 "type": "number",
27627 "format": "double"
27628 }
27629 },
27630 "xml": {
27631 "name": "Currency"
27632 },
27633 "type": "object"
27634 },
27635 "TrovCommonModelAssetsLegacyAddress": {
27636 "description": "Defines a model that represents an address.",
27637 "properties": {
27638 "fullAddress": {
27639 "description": "Gets or sets a single string representation of a complete address.",
27640 "type": "string"
27641 },
27642 "street": {
27643 "description": "Gets or sets the street of the address.",
27644 "type": "string"
27645 },
27646 "street2": {
27647 "description": "Gets or sets the secondary street of the address (e.g. \"Apt 56\").",
27648 "type": "string"
27649 },
27650 "city": {
27651 "description": "Gets or sets the city of the address.",
27652 "type": "string"
27653 },
27654 "state": {
27655 "description": "Gets or sets the state of the address.",
27656 "type": "string"
27657 },
27658 "zip": {
27659 "description": "Gets or sets the zip code of the address.",
27660 "type": "string"
27661 },
27662 "country": {
27663 "description": "Gets or sets the country of the address.",
27664 "type": "string"
27665 },
27666 "timezoneId": {
27667 "description": "Gets or sets the IANA timezone id associated with the address.\r\n<see href=\"https://www.iana.org/time-zones\" />.",
27668 "type": "string"
27669 },
27670 "isEmpty": {
27671 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether any properties have been changed from the defaults",
27672 "readOnly": true,
27673 "type": "boolean"
27674 }
27675 },
27676 "xml": {
27677 "name": "LegacyAddress"
27678 },
27679 "type": "object",
27680 "default": {
27681 "FullAddress": "2682 Bishop Drive, Suite 101, San Ramon, CA, 94583, USA",
27682 "Street": "2682 Bishop Drive",
27683 "Street2": "Suite 101",
27684 "City": "San Ramon",
27685 "State": "CA",
27686 "Zip": "94583",
27687 "Country": "USA",
27688 "IsEmpty": false,
27689 "Hash": "A03EE61E794D776A92F90F5A27008402"
27690 }
27691 },
27692 "TrovCommonModelCoreMeasurement": {
27693 "description": "Defines a model that represents a numeric measurement.",
27694 "required": [
27695 "unit",
27696 "value"
27697 ],
27698 "properties": {
27699 "unit": {
27700 "description": "Gets or sets the unit of measurement.",
27701 "type": "string"
27702 },
27703 "value": {
27704 "description": "Gets or sets the measured value.",
27705 "type": "number",
27706 "format": "double"
27707 }
27708 },
27709 "xml": {
27710 "name": "Measurement"
27711 },
27712 "type": "object"
27713 },
27714 "DocumentAccessException": {
27715 "description": "DocumentAccessException",
27716 "required": [
27717 "Message",
27718 "ExceptionType",
27719 "CorrelationId"
27720 ],
27721 "properties": {
27722 "Message": {
27723 "type": "string"
27724 },
27725 "ExceptionMessage": {
27726 "type": "string"
27727 },
27728 "ExceptionType": {
27729 "type": "string"
27730 },
27731 "StackTrace": {
27732 "type": "string"
27733 },
27734 "CorrelationId": {
27735 "type": "string"
27736 }
27737 },
27738 "type": "object",
27739 "default": {
27740 "Message": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
27741 "ExceptionMessage": "Document does not exist, or user does not have access to the document.",
27742 "ExceptionType": "DocumentAccessException",
27743 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
27744 }
27745 },
27746 "TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetUpdateRequest": {
27747 "description": "Defines a model that represents an asset update request.",
27748 "required": [
27749 "asset",
27750 "revision"
27751 ],
27752 "properties": {
27753 "asset": {
27754 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsIAsset",
27755 "description": "Gets or sets the asset being updated."
27756 },
27757 "fileIdListDictionary": {
27758 "description": "Gets or sets a dictionary of new asset file ids, mapped to their respective schema types.",
27759 "properties": {
27760 "asset": {
27761 "items": {
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27959 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
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27968 "Manufacturer": "Wente Vineyards",
27969 "Varietal": "Chardonnay",
27970 "Vineyard": "Estate Vineyards",
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27972 "SubRegion": "California",
27973 "Appellation": "Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay",
27974 "BottleSize": "750 ML"
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27993 },
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27996 "Title": "The Thinker",
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28008 "Zip": "98039",
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28048 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
28049 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
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28126 "Message": "Cannot update asset string: stale revision=0: storage revision=0",
28127 "ExceptionMessage": "Cannot update asset string: stale revision=0: storage revision=0",
28128 "ExceptionType": "AssetStaleRevisionException",
28129 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
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28158 "Message": "The asset string was previously insured.",
28159 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset string was previously insured.",
28160 "ExceptionType": "AssetPreviouslyInsuredException",
28161 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
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28172 "type": "boolean"
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28175 "description": "Value indicating if the request is the initial sync for all active assets.",
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28181 },
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28193 "description": "Gets or sets the active assets.",
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28195 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelAssetsAssetResponse"
28196 },
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28198 "name": "AssetResponse",
28199 "wrapped": true
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28203 "deleted": {
28204 "description": "Gets or sets the deleted assets.",
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28207 },
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28210 "wrapped": true
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28218 },
28219 "xml": {
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28221 "wrapped": true
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28243 "Amount": {
28244 "Type": 0,
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28246 }
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28249 "Date": "1/26/2016",
28250 "Amount": {
28251 "Type": 0,
28252 "Value": 167944810.00
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28254 "Vendor": "Sotheby's International Realty"
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28290 "AcquiredFromEmail": "john.smith@trov.com",
28291 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
28292 "Reason": "Sold"
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28299 "City": "Medina",
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28301 "Zip": "98039",
28302 "Country": "USA",
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28314 "YearBuilt": 1994
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28321 }
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28330 "IsCertified": false,
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28333 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
28334 "Name": "Xanadu 2.0",
28335 "Description": "A large mansion in the side of a hill which overlooks Lake Washington in Medina, Washington, United States of America. The 66,000-square-foot (6,100 m2) mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates. It is nicknamed Xanadu 2.0 after the title character's estate in Citizen Kane. It took 7 years to build and cost $63.2 million."
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28372 "PolicyId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7f9",
28373 "PolicyNumber": "56206-78-42",
28374 "Contact": "J.R. Smith",
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28376 "Type": 0,
28377 "Value": 12.00
28378 }
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28381 "Date": "1/26/2016",
28382 "Amount": {
28383 "Type": 0,
28384 "Value": 12.00
28385 },
28386 "Vendor": "BevMo!"
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28389 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
28390 "Value": {
28391 "Type": 0,
28392 "Value": 12.00
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28394 "ValuedBy": "Trov Estimate"
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28397 "Date": "2016-01-26T00:00:00Z",
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28408 "Vintage": "2012",
28409 "Manufacturer": "Wente Vineyards",
28410 "Varietal": "Chardonnay",
28411 "Vineyard": "Estate Vineyards",
28412 "Region": "United States",
28413 "SubRegion": "California",
28414 "Appellation": "Livermore Valley, San Francisco Bay",
28415 "BottleSize": "750 ML"
28416 }
28417 },
28418 "ExternalIdentifiers": [
28419 {
28420 "Type": 7,
28421 "Id": "7Rq5fHUcroEG6U0cGguGks"
28422 },
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28438 "RootId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
28439 "Name": "2012 Morning Fog Chardonnay",
28440 "Description": "Enjoy aromas and flavors of green apple and tropical fruits, balanced by subtle oak, cinnamon and vanilla from barrel aging. With a mouth-filling body and balanced acidity, this wine delivers a medium-long, refreshing finish."
28441 },
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28458 "507f191e810c19729de860eb"
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28462 "507f191e810c19729de860ec"
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28489 },
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28492 }
28493 },
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28495 "default": {
28496 "Message": "The following required header(s) were missing from the request: ",
28497 "ExceptionMessage": "The following required header(s) were missing from the request: ",
28498 "ExceptionType": "MissingHeaderException",
28499 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
28500 }
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28508 ],
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28518 },
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28521 },
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28524 }
28525 },
28526 "type": "object",
28527 "default": {
28528 "Message": "The Mime Multipart request does not contain a valid part.",
28529 "ExceptionMessage": "The Mime Multipart request does not contain a valid part.",
28530 "ExceptionType": "AssetMimeMultipartMissingPartException",
28531 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
28532 }
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28544 },
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28550 },
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28553 },
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28556 }
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28558 "type": "object",
28559 "default": {
28560 "Message": "One or more sections of the Mime Multipart request is missing the 'string' header.",
28561 "ExceptionMessage": "One or more sections of the Mime Multipart request is missing the 'string' header.",
28562 "ExceptionType": "AssetMimeMultipartMissingHeaderException",
28563 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
28564 }
28565 },
28566 "AssetMimeMultipartInvalidHeaderException": {
28567 "description": "AssetMimeMultipartInvalidHeaderException",
28568 "required": [
28569 "Message",
28570 "ExceptionType",
28571 "CorrelationId"
28572 ],
28573 "properties": {
28574 "Message": {
28575 "type": "string"
28576 },
28577 "ExceptionMessage": {
28578 "type": "string"
28579 },
28580 "ExceptionType": {
28581 "type": "string"
28582 },
28583 "StackTrace": {
28584 "type": "string"
28585 },
28586 "CorrelationId": {
28587 "type": "string"
28588 }
28589 },
28590 "type": "object",
28591 "default": {
28592 "Message": "string",
28593 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
28594 "ExceptionType": "AssetMimeMultipartInvalidHeaderException",
28595 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
28596 }
28597 },
28598 "AssetNotCreatedException": {
28599 "description": "AssetNotCreatedException",
28600 "required": [
28601 "Message",
28602 "ExceptionType",
28603 "CorrelationId"
28604 ],
28605 "properties": {
28606 "Message": {
28607 "type": "string"
28608 },
28609 "ExceptionMessage": {
28610 "type": "string"
28611 },
28612 "ExceptionType": {
28613 "type": "string"
28614 },
28615 "StackTrace": {
28616 "type": "string"
28617 },
28618 "CorrelationId": {
28619 "type": "string"
28620 }
28621 },
28622 "type": "object",
28623 "default": {
28624 "Message": "string",
28625 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
28626 "ExceptionType": "AssetNotCreatedException",
28627 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
28628 }
28629 },
28630 "DocumentExistsException": {
28631 "description": "DocumentExistsException",
28632 "required": [
28633 "Message",
28634 "ExceptionType",
28635 "CorrelationId"
28636 ],
28637 "properties": {
28638 "Message": {
28639 "type": "string"
28640 },
28641 "ExceptionMessage": {
28642 "type": "string"
28643 },
28644 "ExceptionType": {
28645 "type": "string"
28646 },
28647 "StackTrace": {
28648 "type": "string"
28649 },
28650 "CorrelationId": {
28651 "type": "string"
28652 }
28653 },
28654 "type": "object",
28655 "default": {
28656 "Message": "The key used for the document, already exists.",
28657 "ExceptionMessage": "The key used for the document, already exists.",
28658 "ExceptionType": "DocumentExistsException",
28659 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
28660 }
28661 },
28662 "HttpResponseException": {
28663 "description": "HttpResponseException",
28664 "required": [
28665 "Message",
28666 "ExceptionType",
28667 "CorrelationId"
28668 ],
28669 "properties": {
28670 "Message": {
28671 "type": "string"
28672 },
28673 "ExceptionMessage": {
28674 "type": "string"
28675 },
28676 "ExceptionType": {
28677 "type": "string"
28678 },
28679 "StackTrace": {
28680 "type": "string"
28681 },
28682 "CorrelationId": {
28683 "type": "string"
28684 }
28685 },
28686 "type": "object",
28687 "default": {
28688 "Message": "Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an exception. Please see the HTTP response returned by the 'Response' property of this exception for details.",
28689 "ExceptionMessage": "Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an exception. Please see the HTTP response returned by the 'Response' property of this exception for details.",
28690 "ExceptionType": "HttpResponseException",
28691 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
28692 }
28693 },
28694 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedAssetGetTrashedAssetsQueryRequest": {
28695 "properties": {
28696 "offset": {
28697 "type": "integer",
28698 "format": "int32"
28699 },
28700 "count": {
28701 "type": "integer",
28702 "format": "int32"
28703 },
28704 "includeRevision": {
28705 "description": "Value indicating if the revisions should be included in the response.",
28706 "type": "boolean"
28707 },
28708 "includeFileInfos": {
28709 "description": "Value indicating if the file info list associated with the asset should be included in the response.",
28710 "type": "boolean"
28711 }
28712 },
28713 "xml": {
28714 "name": "GetTrashedAssetsQueryRequest"
28715 },
28716 "type": "object"
28717 },
28718 "BBEExperienceNotEnabledException": {
28719 "description": "BBEExperienceNotEnabledException",
28720 "required": [
28721 "Message",
28722 "ExceptionType",
28723 "CorrelationId"
28724 ],
28725 "properties": {
28726 "Message": {
28727 "type": "string"
28728 },
28729 "ExceptionMessage": {
28730 "type": "string"
28731 },
28732 "ExceptionType": {
28733 "type": "string"
28734 },
28735 "StackTrace": {
28736 "type": "string"
28737 },
28738 "CorrelationId": {
28739 "type": "string"
28740 }
28741 },
28742 "type": "object",
28743 "default": {
28744 "Message": "The BBE Experience is not enabled for this trov.",
28745 "ExceptionMessage": "The BBE Experience is not enabled for this trov.",
28746 "ExceptionType": "BBEExperienceNotEnabledException",
28747 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
28748 }
28749 },
28750 "CapabilityNotSupportedException": {
28751 "description": "CapabilityNotSupportedException",
28752 "required": [
28753 "Message",
28754 "ExceptionType",
28755 "CorrelationId"
28756 ],
28757 "properties": {
28758 "Message": {
28759 "type": "string"
28760 },
28761 "ExceptionMessage": {
28762 "type": "string"
28763 },
28764 "ExceptionType": {
28765 "type": "string"
28766 },
28767 "StackTrace": {
28768 "type": "string"
28769 },
28770 "CorrelationId": {
28771 "type": "string"
28772 }
28773 },
28774 "type": "object",
28775 "default": {
28776 "Message": "string",
28777 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
28778 "ExceptionType": "CapabilityNotSupportedException",
28779 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
28780 }
28781 },
28782 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillBillResponse": {
28783 "required": [
28784 "taxes",
28785 "total",
28786 "dailyTotal",
28787 "payments",
28788 "billItems",
28789 "created",
28790 "start",
28791 "end",
28792 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation",
28793 "customerAddressAtCreation"
28794 ],
28795 "properties": {
28796 "billId": {
28797 "type": "string"
28798 },
28799 "customerId": {
28800 "type": "string"
28801 },
28802 "taxes": {
28803 "items": {
28804 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillTaxChargeResponse"
28805 },
28806 "xml": {
28807 "name": "TaxChargeResponse",
28808 "wrapped": true
28809 },
28810 "type": "array"
28811 },
28812 "total": {
28813 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
28814 },
28815 "dailyTotal": {
28816 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
28817 },
28818 "payments": {
28819 "items": {
28820 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillPaymentHistoryResponse"
28821 },
28822 "xml": {
28823 "name": "PaymentHistoryResponse",
28824 "wrapped": true
28825 },
28826 "type": "array"
28827 },
28828 "billItems": {
28829 "items": {
28830 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillBillItemResponse"
28831 },
28832 "xml": {
28833 "name": "BillItemResponse",
28834 "wrapped": true
28835 },
28836 "type": "array"
28837 },
28838 "created": {
28839 "description": "The time the bill was created, in UTC.",
28840 "type": "string",
28841 "format": "date-time"
28842 },
28843 "start": {
28844 "description": "The start time (inclusive) of the bill, in UTC.",
28845 "type": "string",
28846 "format": "date-time"
28847 },
28848 "end": {
28849 "description": "The end time (exclusive) of the bill, in UTC.",
28850 "type": "string",
28851 "format": "date-time"
28852 },
28853 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation": {
28854 "type": "string"
28855 },
28856 "customerAddressAtCreation": {
28857 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillLegacyBillingAddress"
28858 }
28859 },
28860 "xml": {
28861 "name": "BillResponse"
28862 },
28863 "type": "object"
28864 },
28865 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillTaxChargeResponse": {
28866 "required": [
28867 "id",
28868 "type",
28869 "amount"
28870 ],
28871 "properties": {
28872 "id": {
28873 "type": "string"
28874 },
28875 "type": {
28876 "type": "string"
28877 },
28878 "amount": {
28879 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
28880 },
28881 "rate": {
28882 "type": "number",
28883 "format": "double"
28884 }
28885 },
28886 "xml": {
28887 "name": "TaxChargeResponse"
28888 },
28889 "type": "object"
28890 },
28891 "TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse": {
28892 "required": [
28893 "type",
28894 "value"
28895 ],
28896 "properties": {
28897 "type": {
28898 "type": "integer",
28899 "format": "int32",
28900 "enum": [
28901 0,
28902 1,
28903 2,
28904 3,
28905 4,
28906 5,
28907 6,
28908 7,
28909 8
28910 ],
28911 "x-enumName": "LegacyCurrencyType"
28912 },
28913 "value": {
28914 "type": "number",
28915 "format": "double"
28916 }
28917 },
28918 "xml": {
28919 "name": "LegacyCurrencyResponse"
28920 },
28921 "type": "object"
28922 },
28923 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillPaymentHistoryResponse": {
28924 "required": [
28925 "paymentId",
28926 "timestamp",
28927 "amount",
28928 "eventType",
28929 "paymentType",
28930 "customerTimeZoneAtBillCreation"
28931 ],
28932 "properties": {
28933 "paymentId": {
28934 "type": "string"
28935 },
28936 "billId": {
28937 "type": "string"
28938 },
28939 "timestamp": {
28940 "type": "string",
28941 "format": "date-time"
28942 },
28943 "amount": {
28944 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
28945 },
28946 "cardType": {
28947 "description": "The type of card used for the payment.",
28948 "type": "string",
28949 "enum": [
28950 "Unknown",
28951 "Visa",
28952 "AmericanExpress",
28953 "MasterCard",
28954 "Discover",
28955 "JCB",
28956 "DinersClub"
28957 ],
28958 "x-enumName": "PaymentCardBrand"
28959 },
28960 "last4": {
28961 "description": "The last 4 digits of the card used for the payment.",
28962 "type": "string"
28963 },
28964 "eventType": {
28965 "description": "The type of event for the payment.",
28966 "type": "string",
28967 "enum": [
28968 "NotStarted",
28969 "Started",
28970 "Succeeded",
28971 "Abandoned",
28972 "Failed",
28973 "Rejected"
28974 ],
28975 "x-enumName": "TransactionEventType"
28976 },
28977 "paymentType": {
28978 "type": "string",
28979 "enum": [
28980 "Unknown",
28981 "Charged",
28982 "Waived",
28983 "Refunded",
28984 "RefundedExGratia",
28985 "SettledIntoClaim",
28986 "AlreadyRefunded",
28987 "RetroactiveCancellation",
28988 "WaivedRefund",
28989 "InsuranceNotStarted",
28990 "Promotion",
28991 "PromotionRefund",
28992 "Deferred",
28993 "DeferredRefund"
28994 ],
28995 "x-enumName": "PaymentType"
28996 },
28997 "refundableAmount": {
28998 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
28999 },
29000 "customerTimeZoneAtBillCreation": {
29001 "type": "string"
29002 }
29003 },
29004 "xml": {
29005 "name": "PaymentHistoryResponse"
29006 },
29007 "type": "object"
29008 },
29009 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillBillItemResponse": {
29010 "required": [
29011 "priceOfferDailyTotal",
29012 "start",
29013 "end",
29014 "taxes",
29015 "premium",
29016 "total",
29017 "insuredValue",
29018 "excess",
29019 "excessPercentage",
29020 "assetId",
29021 "assetName",
29022 "assetRevision",
29023 "assetImage",
29024 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation"
29025 ],
29026 "properties": {
29027 "id": {
29028 "type": "string"
29029 },
29030 "billId": {
29031 "type": "string"
29032 },
29033 "priceOfferId": {
29034 "type": "string"
29035 },
29036 "priceOfferDailyTotal": {
29037 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
29038 },
29039 "start": {
29040 "description": "The starting time, in UTC.",
29041 "type": "string",
29042 "format": "date-time"
29043 },
29044 "end": {
29045 "description": "The ending time, in UTC.",
29046 "type": "string",
29047 "format": "date-time"
29048 },
29049 "paymentPeriodStart": {
29050 "description": "The non-promotional payment period starting time, in UTC, if the BillItem was not entirely covered by a promotion.",
29051 "type": "string",
29052 "format": "date-time"
29053 },
29054 "paymentPeriodEnd": {
29055 "description": "The non-promotional payment period ending time, in UTC, if the BillItem was not entirely covered by a promotion.",
29056 "type": "string",
29057 "format": "date-time"
29058 },
29059 "taxes": {
29060 "items": {
29061 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillTaxChargeResponse"
29062 },
29063 "xml": {
29064 "name": "TaxChargeResponse",
29065 "wrapped": true
29066 },
29067 "type": "array"
29068 },
29069 "premium": {
29070 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
29071 },
29072 "total": {
29073 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
29074 },
29075 "insuredValue": {
29076 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
29077 },
29078 "excess": {
29079 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
29080 },
29081 "excessPercentage": {
29082 "type": "number",
29083 "format": "double"
29084 },
29085 "assetId": {
29086 "type": "string"
29087 },
29088 "assetName": {
29089 "type": "string"
29090 },
29091 "assetRevision": {
29092 "type": "integer",
29093 "format": "int32"
29094 },
29095 "assetImage": {
29096 "type": "string"
29097 },
29098 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation": {
29099 "type": "string"
29100 },
29101 "promotionDetails": {
29102 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillPromotionalBillItemResponse"
29103 }
29104 },
29105 "xml": {
29106 "name": "BillItemResponse"
29107 },
29108 "type": "object"
29109 },
29110 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillLegacyBillingAddress": {
29111 "properties": {
29112 "timezoneId": {
29113 "description": "The IANA timezone id associated with the address.\r\n<see href=\"https://www.iana.org/time-zones\" />.",
29114 "type": "string"
29115 },
29116 "street": {
29117 "type": "string"
29118 },
29119 "street2": {
29120 "description": "The secondary street of the address (e.g. \"Apt 56\").",
29121 "type": "string"
29122 },
29123 "city": {
29124 "type": "string"
29125 },
29126 "state": {
29127 "type": "string"
29128 },
29129 "zip": {
29130 "type": "string"
29131 },
29132 "country": {
29133 "type": "string"
29134 }
29135 },
29136 "xml": {
29137 "name": "LegacyBillingAddress"
29138 },
29139 "type": "object"
29140 },
29141 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillPromotionalBillItemResponse": {
29142 "required": [
29143 "promoCode",
29144 "creditAmount",
29145 "creditAmountLabel",
29146 "termsOfPromotionUrl",
29147 "promoPeriodStartedUtc",
29148 "promoPeriodEndedUtc",
29149 "redemptionStartedUtc",
29150 "promotionType"
29151 ],
29152 "properties": {
29153 "promoCode": {
29154 "type": "string"
29155 },
29156 "creditAmount": {
29157 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse",
29158 "description": "The cash value of the credit applied to the bill item total."
29159 },
29160 "creditAmountLabel": {
29161 "description": "A label for the CreditAmount that may include the equivalent number of credit duration in days applied for Duration type promotions.",
29162 "type": "string"
29163 },
29164 "termsOfPromotionUrl": {
29165 "type": "string"
29166 },
29167 "promoPeriodStartedUtc": {
29168 "type": "string",
29169 "format": "date-time"
29170 },
29171 "promoPeriodEndedUtc": {
29172 "type": "string",
29173 "format": "date-time"
29174 },
29175 "redemptionStartedUtc": {
29176 "type": "string",
29177 "format": "date-time"
29178 },
29179 "redemptionEndedUtc": {
29180 "type": "string",
29181 "format": "date-time"
29182 },
29183 "endReason": {
29184 "type": "string",
29185 "enum": [
29186 "Unknown",
29187 "Cancelled",
29188 "Consumed",
29189 "Expired"
29190 ],
29191 "x-enumName": "PromotionEndReason"
29192 },
29193 "promotionType": {
29194 "type": "string",
29195 "enum": [
29196 "Unknown",
29197 "Cash",
29198 "Duration"
29199 ],
29200 "x-enumName": "PromotionType"
29201 },
29202 "creditBalanceAmount": {
29203 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse",
29204 "description": "The outstanding cash credit balance that will be applied on the next bill.\r\nOnly included if the PromotionType is \"Cash\"."
29205 },
29206 "creditBalanceDurationText": {
29207 "description": "A text value indicating the outstanding credit duration balance that will be applied on the next bill.\r\nOnly included if the PromotionType is \"Duration\".",
29208 "type": "string"
29209 }
29210 },
29211 "xml": {
29212 "name": "PromotionalBillItemResponse"
29213 },
29214 "type": "object"
29215 },
29216 "AuthenticationException": {
29217 "description": "AuthenticationException",
29218 "required": [
29219 "Message",
29220 "ExceptionType",
29221 "CorrelationId"
29222 ],
29223 "properties": {
29224 "Message": {
29225 "type": "string"
29226 },
29227 "ExceptionMessage": {
29228 "type": "string"
29229 },
29230 "ExceptionType": {
29231 "type": "string"
29232 },
29233 "StackTrace": {
29234 "type": "string"
29235 },
29236 "CorrelationId": {
29237 "type": "string"
29238 }
29239 },
29240 "type": "object",
29241 "default": {
29242 "Message": "string",
29243 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
29244 "ExceptionType": "AuthenticationException",
29245 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
29246 }
29247 },
29248 "MarketAuthenticationException": {
29249 "description": "MarketAuthenticationException",
29250 "required": [
29251 "Message",
29252 "ExceptionType",
29253 "CorrelationId"
29254 ],
29255 "properties": {
29256 "Message": {
29257 "type": "string"
29258 },
29259 "ExceptionMessage": {
29260 "type": "string"
29261 },
29262 "ExceptionType": {
29263 "type": "string"
29264 },
29265 "StackTrace": {
29266 "type": "string"
29267 },
29268 "CorrelationId": {
29269 "type": "string"
29270 }
29271 },
29272 "type": "object",
29273 "default": {
29274 "Message": "string",
29275 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
29276 "ExceptionType": "MarketAuthenticationException",
29277 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
29278 }
29279 },
29280 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedBillRefundResponse": {
29281 "required": [
29282 "invoicePaymentId"
29283 ],
29284 "properties": {
29285 "invoicePaymentId": {
29286 "type": "string"
29287 }
29288 },
29289 "xml": {
29290 "name": "RefundResponse"
29291 },
29292 "type": "object"
29293 },
29294 "PaymentTypeCannotBeExGratiaRefundedException": {
29295 "description": "PaymentTypeCannotBeExGratiaRefundedException",
29296 "required": [
29297 "Message",
29298 "ExceptionType",
29299 "CorrelationId"
29300 ],
29301 "properties": {
29302 "Message": {
29303 "type": "string"
29304 },
29305 "ExceptionMessage": {
29306 "type": "string"
29307 },
29308 "ExceptionType": {
29309 "type": "string"
29310 },
29311 "StackTrace": {
29312 "type": "string"
29313 },
29314 "CorrelationId": {
29315 "type": "string"
29316 }
29317 },
29318 "type": "object",
29319 "default": {
29320 "Message": "The specified payment type, Unknown, does not support Ex-Gratia refunds.",
29321 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified payment type, Unknown, does not support Ex-Gratia refunds.",
29322 "ExceptionType": "PaymentTypeCannotBeExGratiaRefundedException",
29323 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
29324 }
29325 },
29326 "PaymentAlreadyRefundedOrWaivedException": {
29327 "description": "PaymentAlreadyRefundedOrWaivedException",
29328 "required": [
29329 "Message",
29330 "ExceptionType",
29331 "CorrelationId"
29332 ],
29333 "properties": {
29334 "Message": {
29335 "type": "string"
29336 },
29337 "ExceptionMessage": {
29338 "type": "string"
29339 },
29340 "ExceptionType": {
29341 "type": "string"
29342 },
29343 "StackTrace": {
29344 "type": "string"
29345 },
29346 "CorrelationId": {
29347 "type": "string"
29348 }
29349 },
29350 "type": "object",
29351 "default": {
29352 "Message": "The specified payment has already been refunded or waived.",
29353 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified payment has already been refunded or waived.",
29354 "ExceptionType": "PaymentAlreadyRefundedOrWaivedException",
29355 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
29356 }
29357 },
29358 "PaymentProviderRefundException": {
29359 "description": "PaymentProviderRefundException",
29360 "required": [
29361 "Message",
29362 "ExceptionType",
29363 "CorrelationId"
29364 ],
29365 "properties": {
29366 "Message": {
29367 "type": "string"
29368 },
29369 "ExceptionMessage": {
29370 "type": "string"
29371 },
29372 "ExceptionType": {
29373 "type": "string"
29374 },
29375 "StackTrace": {
29376 "type": "string"
29377 },
29378 "CorrelationId": {
29379 "type": "string"
29380 }
29381 },
29382 "type": "object",
29383 "default": {
29384 "Message": "Payment provider refund failed: string",
29385 "ExceptionMessage": "Payment provider refund failed: string",
29386 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderRefundException",
29387 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
29388 }
29389 },
29390 "MicrosoftBotConnectorActivity": {
29391 "properties": {
29392 "type": {
29393 "type": "string"
29394 },
29395 "id": {
29396 "type": "string"
29397 },
29398 "timestamp": {
29399 "type": "string",
29400 "format": "date-time"
29401 },
29402 "localTimestamp": {
29403 "type": "string",
29404 "format": "date-time"
29405 },
29406 "serviceUrl": {
29407 "type": "string"
29408 },
29409 "channelId": {
29410 "type": "string"
29411 },
29412 "from": {
29413 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorChannelAccount"
29414 },
29415 "conversation": {
29416 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorConversationAccount"
29417 },
29418 "recipient": {
29419 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorChannelAccount"
29420 },
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29429 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorChannelAccount"
29430 },
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29434 },
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29436 },
29437 "membersRemoved": {
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29439 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorChannelAccount"
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29449 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorMessageReaction"
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29459 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorMessageReaction"
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29475 },
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29484 },
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29487 },
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29489 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorSuggestedActions"
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29503 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorEntity"
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29519 },
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29521 "type": "object"
29522 },
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29525 },
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29527 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorConversationReference"
29528 },
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29538 "MicrosoftBotConnectorChannelAccount": {
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29552 "MicrosoftBotConnectorConversationAccount": {
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29585 },
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29587 },
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29590 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorCardAction"
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29597 }
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29627 "MicrosoftBotConnectorEntity": {
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29631 }
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29634 "name": "Entity"
29635 },
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29637 },
29638 "MicrosoftBotConnectorConversationReference": {
29639 "properties": {
29640 "activityId": {
29641 "type": "string"
29642 },
29643 "user": {
29644 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorChannelAccount"
29645 },
29646 "bot": {
29647 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorChannelAccount"
29648 },
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29650 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftBotConnectorConversationAccount"
29651 },
29652 "channelId": {
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29654 },
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29656 "type": "string"
29657 }
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29663 },
29664 "MicrosoftBotConnectorCardAction": {
29665 "properties": {
29666 "type": {
29667 "type": "string"
29668 },
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29670 "type": "string"
29671 },
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29673 "type": "string"
29674 },
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29677 },
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29679 "type": "string"
29680 },
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29682 "type": "object"
29683 }
29684 },
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29687 },
29688 "type": "object"
29689 },
29690 "SystemThreadingCancellationToken": {
29691 "properties": {
29692 "isCancellationRequested": {
29693 "readOnly": true,
29694 "type": "boolean"
29695 },
29696 "canBeCanceled": {
29697 "readOnly": true,
29698 "type": "boolean"
29699 },
29700 "waitHandle": {
29701 "$ref": "#/definitions/SystemThreadingWaitHandle",
29702 "readOnly": true
29703 }
29704 },
29705 "xml": {
29706 "name": "CancellationToken"
29707 },
29708 "type": "object"
29709 },
29710 "SystemThreadingWaitHandle": {
29711 "properties": {
29712 "handle": {
29713 "type": "object"
29714 },
29715 "safeWaitHandle": {
29716 "$ref": "#/definitions/MicrosoftWin32SafeHandlesSafeWaitHandle"
29717 }
29718 },
29719 "xml": {
29720 "name": "WaitHandle"
29721 },
29722 "type": "object"
29723 },
29724 "MicrosoftWin32SafeHandlesSafeWaitHandle": {
29725 "properties": {
29726 "isInvalid": {
29727 "readOnly": true,
29728 "type": "boolean"
29729 },
29730 "isClosed": {
29731 "readOnly": true,
29732 "type": "boolean"
29733 }
29734 },
29735 "xml": {
29736 "name": "SafeWaitHandle"
29737 },
29738 "type": "object"
29739 },
29740 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimPayout": {
29741 "description": "Represents a claim payout.",
29742 "required": [
29743 "amount",
29744 "eventType",
29745 "last4",
29746 "providerId",
29747 "providerResponse",
29748 "timestamp"
29749 ],
29750 "properties": {
29751 "amount": {
29752 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
29753 "description": "Gets or sets the amount of the payout."
29754 },
29755 "eventType": {
29756 "description": "Gets or sets the event type for the payout.",
29757 "type": "string",
29758 "enum": [
29759 "NotStarted",
29760 "Started",
29761 "Succeeded",
29762 "Abandoned",
29763 "Failed",
29764 "Rejected"
29765 ],
29766 "x-enumName": "TransactionEventType"
29767 },
29768 "last4": {
29769 "description": "Gets or sets the last 4 digits of the account for the payout.",
29770 "type": "string"
29771 },
29772 "providerId": {
29773 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the transaction given by the provider.",
29774 "type": "string"
29775 },
29776 "providerResponse": {
29777 "description": "Gets or sets the response from the provider.",
29778 "type": "string"
29779 },
29780 "timestamp": {
29781 "description": "Gets or sets the timestamp for the payout.",
29782 "type": "string",
29783 "format": "date-time"
29784 },
29785 "text": {
29786 "description": "Gets or sets the text.",
29787 "type": "string"
29788 },
29789 "kind": {
29790 "readOnly": true,
29791 "type": "string",
29792 "enum": [
29793 "StatusUpdate",
29794 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
29795 "LossDateUpdate",
29796 "LossLocationUpdate",
29797 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
29798 "BankAccountUpdate",
29799 "AssignmentUpdate",
29800 "CompanyMessage",
29801 "CustomerMessage",
29802 "Note",
29803 "Photo",
29804 "Payout",
29805 "AssetUpdate",
29806 "AssetAmountUpdate",
29807 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
29808 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
29809 "ExcessPayment",
29810 "Payable",
29811 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
29812 ],
29813 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
29814 },
29815 "claimId": {
29816 "type": "string"
29817 },
29818 "ordering": {
29819 "readOnly": true,
29820 "type": "string",
29821 "format": "date-time"
29822 },
29823 "id": {
29824 "type": "string"
29825 }
29826 },
29827 "xml": {
29828 "name": "ClaimPayout"
29829 },
29830 "type": "object",
29831 "default": {
29832 "Amount": {
29833 "Type": 0,
29834 "Value": 150.00
29835 },
29836 "EventType": "Succeeded",
29837 "Last4": "5678",
29838 "ProviderId": "provider-id",
29839 "ProviderResponse": "provider-response...",
29840 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
29841 "Text": "text",
29842 "Kind": "Payout",
29843 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
29844 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
29845 "Id": "claimPayoutId",
29846 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
29847 "CreatedBy": "123456",
29848 "CreatedByEmail": "someone@trov.com"
29849 }
29850 },
29851 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimPriceOffersResponse": {
29852 "description": "Represents a claim and the active price offers for that claim.",
29853 "required": [
29854 "claim",
29855 "activePriceOffers"
29856 ],
29857 "properties": {
29858 "claim": {
29859 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim",
29860 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.ClaimPriceOffersResponse.Claim} information."
29861 },
29862 "activePriceOffers": {
29863 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}s that are active relative to the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim.LossDate}.\r\n<remarks>\r\nIf the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim.LossDate} is not set, this collection will be empty.\r\n</remarks>",
29864 "items": {
29865 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferResponse"
29866 },
29867 "xml": {
29868 "name": "PriceOfferResponse",
29869 "wrapped": true
29870 },
29871 "type": "array"
29872 }
29873 },
29874 "xml": {
29875 "name": "ClaimPriceOffersResponse"
29876 },
29877 "type": "object",
29878 "default": {
29879 "Claim": {
29880 "CustomerId": "123456",
29881 "DisplayId": "JD012345",
29882 "IsDismissible": false,
29883 "Status": "Unknown",
29884 "AssetIds": [],
29885 "HasBankAccount": false,
29886 "Id": "claimId1",
29887 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
29888 "CreatedBy": "123456"
29889 },
29890 "ActivePriceOffers": [
29891 {
29892 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
29893 "AssetImage": "someRandomImageId",
29894 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
29895 "AssetRevision": 1,
29896 "CustomerId": "1",
29897 "DailyTotal": {
29898 "Type": 0,
29899 "Value": 5.45
29900 },
29901 "MonthlyTotal": {
29902 "Type": 0,
29903 "Value": 163.50
29904 },
29905 "Excess": {
29906 "Type": 0,
29907 "Value": 150.00
29908 },
29909 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
29910 "Id": "priceOfferId",
29911 "InsuredValue": {
29912 "Type": 0,
29913 "Value": 150.00
29914 },
29915 "OfferType": "Quote",
29916 "QuoteId": "QuoteIdForGroupingPurposes",
29917 "PdsSummary": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
29918 "AmendatoryEndorsementUri": "https://trov.com"
29919 }
29920 ]
29921 }
29922 },
29923 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaim": {
29924 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents an insurance claim.",
29925 "properties": {
29926 "customerId": {
29927 "type": "string"
29928 },
29929 "displayId": {
29930 "description": "Gets or sets the employee-friendly display id for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
29931 "type": "string"
29932 },
29933 "customerFraudProfilingResultId": {
29934 "description": "Gets or sets the profiling session id assiciated with this claim",
29935 "type": "string"
29936 },
29937 "isDismissible": {
29938 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the claim is dismissible by a SIC {N:Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Employee}.",
29939 "type": "boolean"
29940 },
29941 "lossDate": {
29942 "description": "Gets or sets the date of loss for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
29943 "example": "2016-09-22",
29944 "type": "string",
29945 "default": "2016-09-22"
29946 },
29947 "location": {
29948 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreGeoLocation",
29949 "description": "Gets or sets the location of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}."
29950 },
29951 "typeOfLoss": {
29952 "description": "Gets or sets the type of loss for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
29953 "type": "string",
29954 "enum": [
29955 "Lost",
29956 "Stolen",
29957 "Damaged"
29958 ],
29959 "x-enumName": "ClaimTypeOfLoss"
29960 },
29961 "status": {
29962 "description": "Gets or sets the status for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
29963 "type": "string",
29964 "enum": [
29965 "Unknown",
29966 "Draft",
29967 "Submitted",
29968 "Cancelled",
29969 "Accepted",
29970 "Denied",
29971 "Settled"
29972 ],
29973 "x-enumName": "ClaimStatus"
29974 },
29975 "statusDate": {
29976 "description": "Gets or sets the date when the current {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim} status became effective.",
29977 "type": "string",
29978 "format": "date-time"
29979 },
29980 "assignedTo": {
29981 "type": "string"
29982 },
29983 "assignedToEmail": {
29984 "type": "string"
29985 },
29986 "submittedDate": {
29987 "description": "Gets or sets the date the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim} was submitted if it has been.",
29988 "type": "string",
29989 "format": "date-time"
29990 },
29991 "acceptedDate": {
29992 "description": "Gets or sets the date the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim} was accepted if it has been.",
29993 "type": "string",
29994 "format": "date-time"
29995 },
29996 "deniedDate": {
29997 "description": "Gets or sets the date the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim} was denied if it has been.",
29998 "type": "string",
29999 "format": "date-time"
30000 },
30001 "settlementDate": {
30002 "description": "Gets or sets the date the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim} was settled if it has been.",
30003 "type": "string",
30004 "format": "date-time"
30005 },
30006 "assetIds": {
30007 "description": "Gets or sets the collection of asset ids the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim} is for.",
30008 "items": {
30009 "type": "string"
30010 },
30011 "type": "array",
30012 "uniqueItems": true
30013 },
30014 "photoFiles": {
30015 "description": "Gets or sets the collection of photo file ids associated with the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
30016 "items": {
30017 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFileImage"
30018 },
30019 "xml": {
30020 "name": "Image",
30021 "wrapped": true
30022 },
30023 "type": "array",
30024 "uniqueItems": true
30025 },
30026 "phoneNumber": {
30027 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileLegacyPhoneNumber",
30028 "description": "Gets or sets the phone number associated with the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}."
30029 },
30030 "bank": {
30031 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreBankAccount",
30032 "description": "Gets or sets the bank associated with the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}."
30033 },
30034 "hasBankAccount": {
30035 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim} has an associated bank account.",
30036 "readOnly": true,
30037 "type": "boolean"
30038 },
30039 "paymentCardToken": {
30040 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreToken",
30041 "description": "Gets or sets {Trov.Common.Model.Core.Token} that for the payment card that should be used for all claim payments."
30042 },
30043 "paymentCardId": {
30044 "description": "Gets or sets the payment card id that for the payment card that should be used for all claim payments.",
30045 "type": "string"
30046 },
30047 "id": {
30048 "type": "string"
30049 }
30050 },
30051 "xml": {
30052 "name": "Claim"
30053 },
30054 "type": "object",
30055 "default": {
30056 "CustomerId": "123456",
30057 "DisplayId": "JD012345",
30058 "IsDismissible": false,
30059 "Status": "Unknown",
30060 "AssetIds": [],
30061 "HasBankAccount": false,
30062 "Id": "claimId1",
30063 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
30064 "CreatedBy": "123456"
30065 }
30066 },
30067 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferResponse": {
30068 "description": "Price offer response.",
30069 "required": [
30070 "assetId",
30071 "assetImage",
30072 "assetName",
30073 "assetRevision",
30074 "customerId",
30075 "dailyTotal",
30076 "excess",
30077 "excessPercentage",
30078 "insuredValue",
30079 "offerType",
30080 "quoteId",
30081 "pdsSummary"
30082 ],
30083 "properties": {
30084 "assetId": {
30085 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the asset.",
30086 "type": "string"
30087 },
30088 "assetImage": {
30089 "description": "Gets or sets the asset image.",
30090 "type": "string"
30091 },
30092 "assetName": {
30093 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the asset.",
30094 "type": "string"
30095 },
30096 "assetRevision": {
30097 "description": "Gets or sets the asset revision.",
30098 "type": "integer",
30099 "format": "int32"
30100 },
30101 "customerId": {
30102 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the customer.",
30103 "type": "string"
30104 },
30105 "dailyTotal": {
30106 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
30107 "description": "Gets or sets the daily total."
30108 },
30109 "monthlyTotal": {
30110 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
30111 "description": "Gets or sets the monthly total."
30112 },
30113 "excess": {
30114 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
30115 "description": "Gets or sets the excess."
30116 },
30117 "excessPercentage": {
30118 "description": "Gets or sets the excess percentage.",
30119 "type": "number",
30120 "format": "double"
30121 },
30122 "id": {
30123 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
30124 "type": "string"
30125 },
30126 "insuredValue": {
30127 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
30128 "description": "Gets or sets the insured value."
30129 },
30130 "offerType": {
30131 "description": "Gets or sets the price offer type.",
30132 "type": "string",
30133 "enum": [
30134 "Quote",
30135 "ProfileChange",
30136 "PricingModelChange",
30137 "PdsUpdate"
30138 ],
30139 "x-enumName": "PriceOfferType"
30140 },
30141 "quoteId": {
30142 "description": "Gets or sets the quote id.",
30143 "type": "string"
30144 },
30145 "pdsSummary": {
30146 "description": "Gets or sets a {System.Uri} to the PDS summary in effect when the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} was created.",
30147 "type": "string"
30148 },
30149 "amendatoryEndorsementUri": {
30150 "description": "Gets or sets a {System.Uri} to the amendatory endorsement in effect when the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} was created.",
30151 "type": "string"
30152 }
30153 },
30154 "xml": {
30155 "name": "PriceOfferResponse"
30156 },
30157 "type": "object",
30158 "default": {
30159 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
30160 "AssetImage": "someRandomImageId",
30161 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
30162 "AssetRevision": 1,
30163 "CustomerId": "1",
30164 "DailyTotal": {
30165 "Type": 0,
30166 "Value": 5.45
30167 },
30168 "MonthlyTotal": {
30169 "Type": 0,
30170 "Value": 163.50
30171 },
30172 "Excess": {
30173 "Type": 0,
30174 "Value": 150.00
30175 },
30176 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
30177 "Id": "priceOfferId",
30178 "InsuredValue": {
30179 "Type": 0,
30180 "Value": 150.00
30181 },
30182 "OfferType": "Quote",
30183 "QuoteId": "QuoteIdForGroupingPurposes",
30184 "PdsSummary": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
30185 "AmendatoryEndorsementUri": "https://trov.com"
30186 }
30187 },
30188 "TrovCommonModelCoreGeoLocation": {
30189 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents a geographical-location.",
30190 "properties": {
30191 "point": {
30192 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreGeoPoint",
30193 "description": "Gets or sets the associated latitude and longitude of the location."
30194 },
30195 "address": {
30196 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreNormalizedAddress",
30197 "description": "Gets or sets the normalized address of the location."
30198 },
30199 "originalAddress": {
30200 "description": "Gets or sets the original address of the location.",
30201 "type": "string"
30202 }
30203 },
30204 "xml": {
30205 "name": "GeoLocation"
30206 },
30207 "type": "object"
30208 },
30209 "TrovCommonModelFileImage": {
30210 "description": "Defines a model that represents an image.",
30211 "required": [
30212 "fileId"
30213 ],
30214 "properties": {
30215 "fileId": {
30216 "description": "Gets the image file id.",
30217 "readOnly": true,
30218 "type": "string"
30219 },
30220 "name": {
30221 "description": "Gets the image name.",
30222 "readOnly": true,
30223 "type": "string"
30224 },
30225 "width": {
30226 "description": "Gets the image width in pixels.",
30227 "readOnly": true,
30228 "type": "integer",
30229 "format": "int32"
30230 },
30231 "height": {
30232 "description": "Gets the image height in pixels.",
30233 "readOnly": true,
30234 "type": "integer",
30235 "format": "int32"
30236 }
30237 },
30238 "xml": {
30239 "name": "Image"
30240 },
30241 "type": "object",
30242 "default": {
30243 "FileId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e6",
30244 "Name": "background.jpg",
30245 "Width": 1280,
30246 "Height": 720
30247 }
30248 },
30249 "TrovCommonModelProfileLegacyPhoneNumber": {
30250 "description": "Defines a model that represents a phone number.",
30251 "required": [
30252 "number"
30253 ],
30254 "properties": {
30255 "number": {
30256 "description": "Gets the phone number.",
30257 "readOnly": true,
30258 "type": "string"
30259 },
30260 "isConfirmed": {
30261 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the phone number has been confirmed as being owned by the associated user.",
30262 "readOnly": true,
30263 "type": "boolean"
30264 }
30265 },
30266 "xml": {
30267 "name": "LegacyPhoneNumber"
30268 },
30269 "type": "object"
30270 },
30271 "TrovCommonModelCoreBankAccount": {
30272 "description": "Defines a model that represents a bank account.",
30273 "required": [
30274 "provider",
30275 "accountNumberLast4Digits"
30276 ],
30277 "properties": {
30278 "provider": {
30279 "description": "Gets or sets the external provider that executes transactions against the bank account.",
30280 "type": "string",
30281 "enum": [
30282 "Unknown",
30283 "Pin",
30284 "CurrencyCloud"
30285 ],
30286 "x-enumName": "BankAccountProvider"
30287 },
30288 "token": {
30289 "description": "Gets or sets the token.\r\n<remarks>\r\nSpecific to {!:Market.AU} accounts managed by {Trov.Common.Model.Core.BankAccountProvider.Pin}.\r\n</remarks>",
30290 "type": "string"
30291 },
30292 "accountNumberLast4Digits": {
30293 "description": "Gets or sets the last 4 digits of the account number.",
30294 "type": "string"
30295 },
30296 "bsbLast4Digits": {
30297 "description": "Gets or sets the last 4 digits of the BSB.\r\n<remarks>\r\nSpecific to {!:Market.AU} accounts.\r\n</remarks>",
30298 "type": "string"
30299 },
30300 "details": {
30301 "description": "Gets or sets the bank account details.",
30302 "items": {
30303 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreBankAccountDetail"
30304 },
30305 "xml": {
30306 "name": "BankAccountDetail",
30307 "wrapped": true
30308 },
30309 "type": "array"
30310 }
30311 },
30312 "xml": {
30313 "name": "BankAccount"
30314 },
30315 "type": "object",
30316 "default": {
30317 "Provider": "Pin",
30318 "Token": "jf843yfgjh93yrog9rey3htid98dsbhmvcpd0389jh5rj",
30319 "AccountNumberLast4Digits": "2347",
30320 "BsbLast4Digits": "9901",
30321 "Details": [
30322 {
30323 "Type": "BeneficiaryId",
30324 "Value": "a6000ce9-46b8-49a7-9f5b-325ed3f047c2",
30325 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
30326 },
30327 {
30328 "Type": "SortCodeLast4Digits",
30329 "Value": "3456",
30330 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
30331 }
30332 ]
30333 }
30334 },
30335 "TrovCommonModelCoreToken": {
30336 "description": "Defines a model that represents a token.",
30337 "required": [
30338 "type",
30339 "value"
30340 ],
30341 "properties": {
30342 "type": {
30343 "description": "Gets or sets the token type.",
30344 "type": "integer",
30345 "format": "int32",
30346 "enum": [
30347 0,
30348 1,
30349 2,
30350 4,
30351 8,
30352 16,
30353 32,
30354 64
30355 ],
30356 "x-enumName": "TokenType"
30357 },
30358 "value": {
30359 "description": "Gets or sets the token value.",
30360 "type": "string"
30361 }
30362 },
30363 "xml": {
30364 "name": "Token"
30365 },
30366 "type": "object",
30367 "default": {
30368 "Type": 1,
30369 "Value": "FE66489F304DC75B8D6E8200DFF8A456E8DAEACEC428B427E9518741C92C6660"
30370 }
30371 },
30372 "TrovCommonModelCoreGeoPoint": {
30373 "description": "Defines a model that represents a geographical point.",
30374 "required": [
30375 "latitude",
30376 "longitude"
30377 ],
30378 "properties": {
30379 "latitude": {
30380 "description": "Gets the latitude of the geographical point.",
30381 "readOnly": true,
30382 "type": "number",
30383 "format": "double"
30384 },
30385 "longitude": {
30386 "description": "Gets the longitude of the geographical point.",
30387 "readOnly": true,
30388 "type": "number",
30389 "format": "double"
30390 }
30391 },
30392 "xml": {
30393 "name": "GeoPoint"
30394 },
30395 "type": "object"
30396 },
30397 "TrovCommonModelCoreNormalizedAddress": {
30398 "description": "Represents a normalized address.",
30399 "properties": {
30400 "street": {
30401 "description": "Gets or sets the street of the address.",
30402 "type": "string"
30403 },
30404 "street2": {
30405 "description": "Gets or sets the secondary street of the address (e.g. \"Apt 56\").",
30406 "type": "string"
30407 },
30408 "city": {
30409 "description": "Gets or sets the city of the address.",
30410 "type": "string"
30411 },
30412 "state": {
30413 "description": "Gets or sets the state of the address.",
30414 "type": "string"
30415 },
30416 "zip": {
30417 "description": "Gets or sets the zip code of the address.",
30418 "type": "string"
30419 },
30420 "country": {
30421 "description": "Gets or sets the country of the address.",
30422 "type": "string"
30423 },
30424 "timezoneId": {
30425 "description": "Gets or sets the IANA timezone id associated with the address.\r\n<see href=\"https://www.iana.org/time-zones\" />.",
30426 "type": "string"
30427 },
30428 "isEmpty": {
30429 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether any properties have been changed from the defaults",
30430 "readOnly": true,
30431 "type": "boolean"
30432 }
30433 },
30434 "xml": {
30435 "name": "NormalizedAddress"
30436 },
30437 "type": "object",
30438 "default": {
30439 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
30440 "Street2": "APT 84",
30441 "City": "Medina",
30442 "State": "WA",
30443 "Zip": "98039",
30444 "Country": "USA",
30445 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
30446 "IsEmpty": false,
30447 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
30448 }
30449 },
30450 "TrovCommonModelCoreBankAccountDetail": {
30451 "description": "Defines a model that represents a bank account detail.",
30452 "required": [
30453 "parentId",
30454 "parentType",
30455 "type",
30456 "value"
30457 ],
30458 "properties": {
30459 "type": {
30460 "description": "Gets or sets the type of the bank account detail.",
30461 "type": "string",
30462 "enum": [
30463 "Unknown",
30464 "BeneficiaryId",
30465 "SortCodeLast4Digits"
30466 ],
30467 "x-enumName": "BankAccountDetailType"
30468 },
30469 "value": {
30470 "description": "Gets or sets the value of the bank account detail.",
30471 "type": "string"
30472 },
30473 "id": {
30474 "type": "string"
30475 }
30476 },
30477 "xml": {
30478 "name": "BankAccountDetail"
30479 },
30480 "type": "object",
30481 "default": {
30482 "Type": "BeneficiaryId",
30483 "Value": "a6000ce9-46b8-49a7-9f5b-325ed3f047c2",
30484 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
30485 }
30486 },
30487 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimUpdateRequest": {
30488 "description": "Represents a request for a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim} update.",
30489 "properties": {
30490 "typeOfLoss": {
30491 "description": "Gets or sets the type of loss for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.ClaimUpdateRequest}.",
30492 "type": "string",
30493 "enum": [
30494 "Lost",
30495 "Stolen",
30496 "Damaged"
30497 ],
30498 "x-enumName": "ClaimTypeOfLoss"
30499 },
30500 "lossDate": {
30501 "description": "Gets or sets the date of loss for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.ClaimUpdateRequest}.",
30502 "example": "2016-09-22",
30503 "type": "string",
30504 "default": "2016-09-22"
30505 },
30506 "location": {
30507 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreGeoLocation",
30508 "description": "Gets or sets the location for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.ClaimUpdateRequest}."
30509 },
30510 "status": {
30511 "description": "Gets or sets the status for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.ClaimUpdateRequest}.",
30512 "type": "string",
30513 "enum": [
30514 "Unknown",
30515 "Draft",
30516 "Submitted",
30517 "Cancelled",
30518 "Accepted",
30519 "Denied",
30520 "Settled"
30521 ],
30522 "x-enumName": "ClaimStatus"
30523 },
30524 "phoneNumber": {
30525 "description": "Gets or sets the phone number for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.ClaimUpdateRequest}.\r\n<remarks>\r\nMust include the country code associated with the phone number.\r\n<example>\r\n+1 123 234 1234 (US)\r\n+61 123 123 123 (AU)\r\n</example></remarks>",
30526 "type": "string"
30527 },
30528 "phoneNumberConfirmationType": {
30529 "description": "Gets or sets the type of confirmation to use when updating the PhoneNumber.\r\n<remarks>\r\nDefaults to PhoneNumberConfirmationType.Sms\".\r\n</remarks>",
30530 "type": "integer",
30531 "format": "int32",
30532 "enum": [
30533 0,
30534 1
30535 ],
30536 "x-enumName": "PhoneNumberConfirmationType"
30537 },
30538 "bankAccount": {
30539 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreBankAccount",
30540 "description": "Gets or sets the bank account information for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.ClaimUpdateRequest}."
30541 },
30542 "assetIds": {
30543 "description": "Gets or sets the collection of asset ids for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.ClaimUpdateRequest}.",
30544 "items": {
30545 "type": "string"
30546 },
30547 "type": "array",
30548 "uniqueItems": true
30549 },
30550 "paymentCardToken": {
30551 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreToken",
30552 "description": "Gets or sets the payment card token to be used for any payments"
30553 }
30554 },
30555 "xml": {
30556 "name": "ClaimUpdateRequest"
30557 },
30558 "type": "object",
30559 "default": {
30560 "TypeOfLoss": "Damaged",
30561 "LossDate": {
30562 "year": 2018,
30563 "month": 6,
30564 "day": 13,
30565 "calendar": 0
30566 },
30567 "Location": {
30568 "Point": {
30569 "Latitude": 123.0,
30570 "Longitude": 123.0
30571 },
30572 "Address": {
30573 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
30574 "Street2": "APT 84",
30575 "City": "Medina",
30576 "State": "WA",
30577 "Zip": "98039",
30578 "Country": "USA",
30579 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
30580 "IsEmpty": false,
30581 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
30582 },
30583 "OriginalAddress": "1835 73rd Ave NE, APT 84, Medina, WA, 98038, USA"
30584 },
30585 "Status": "Accepted",
30586 "PhoneNumber": "555-555-1212",
30587 "PhoneNumberConfirmationType": 1,
30588 "BankAccount": {
30589 "Provider": "Pin",
30590 "Token": "jf843yfgjh93yrog9rey3htid98dsbhmvcpd0389jh5rj",
30591 "AccountNumberLast4Digits": "2347",
30592 "BsbLast4Digits": "9901",
30593 "Details": [
30594 {
30595 "Type": "BeneficiaryId",
30596 "Value": "a6000ce9-46b8-49a7-9f5b-325ed3f047c2",
30597 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
30598 },
30599 {
30600 "Type": "SortCodeLast4Digits",
30601 "Value": "3456",
30602 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
30603 }
30604 ]
30605 },
30606 "AssetIds": [
30607 "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
30608 "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9"
30609 ]
30610 }
30611 },
30612 "AssetsNotCoveredException": {
30613 "description": "AssetsNotCoveredException",
30614 "required": [
30615 "Message",
30616 "ExceptionType",
30617 "CorrelationId"
30618 ],
30619 "properties": {
30620 "Message": {
30621 "type": "string"
30622 },
30623 "ExceptionMessage": {
30624 "type": "string"
30625 },
30626 "ExceptionType": {
30627 "type": "string"
30628 },
30629 "StackTrace": {
30630 "type": "string"
30631 },
30632 "CorrelationId": {
30633 "type": "string"
30634 }
30635 },
30636 "type": "object",
30637 "default": {
30638 "Message": "The assets are not covered on the specified date.",
30639 "ExceptionMessage": "The assets are not covered on the specified date.",
30640 "ExceptionType": "AssetsNotCoveredException",
30641 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30642 }
30643 },
30644 "AssetsNotClaimableException": {
30645 "description": "AssetsNotClaimableException",
30646 "required": [
30647 "Message",
30648 "ExceptionType",
30649 "CorrelationId"
30650 ],
30651 "properties": {
30652 "Message": {
30653 "type": "string"
30654 },
30655 "ExceptionMessage": {
30656 "type": "string"
30657 },
30658 "ExceptionType": {
30659 "type": "string"
30660 },
30661 "StackTrace": {
30662 "type": "string"
30663 },
30664 "CorrelationId": {
30665 "type": "string"
30666 }
30667 },
30668 "type": "object",
30669 "default": {
30670 "Message": "The specified assets are not claimable. This could be because they have already been associated as a non-repair item of an accepted claim.",
30671 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified assets are not claimable. This could be because they have already been associated as a non-repair item of an accepted claim.",
30672 "ExceptionType": "AssetsNotClaimableException",
30673 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30674 }
30675 },
30676 "ClaimNotAcceptableException": {
30677 "description": "ClaimNotAcceptableException",
30678 "required": [
30679 "Message",
30680 "ExceptionType",
30681 "CorrelationId"
30682 ],
30683 "properties": {
30684 "Message": {
30685 "type": "string"
30686 },
30687 "ExceptionMessage": {
30688 "type": "string"
30689 },
30690 "ExceptionType": {
30691 "type": "string"
30692 },
30693 "StackTrace": {
30694 "type": "string"
30695 },
30696 "CorrelationId": {
30697 "type": "string"
30698 }
30699 },
30700 "type": "object",
30701 "default": {
30702 "Message": "The claim cannot be accepted based on its current state.",
30703 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be accepted based on its current state.",
30704 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNotAcceptableException",
30705 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30706 }
30707 },
30708 "ClaimNotReadyForAcceptanceException": {
30709 "description": "ClaimNotReadyForAcceptanceException",
30710 "required": [
30711 "Message",
30712 "ExceptionType",
30713 "CorrelationId"
30714 ],
30715 "properties": {
30716 "Message": {
30717 "type": "string"
30718 },
30719 "ExceptionMessage": {
30720 "type": "string"
30721 },
30722 "ExceptionType": {
30723 "type": "string"
30724 },
30725 "StackTrace": {
30726 "type": "string"
30727 },
30728 "CorrelationId": {
30729 "type": "string"
30730 }
30731 },
30732 "type": "object",
30733 "default": {
30734 "Message": "The claim is not currently able to be accepted due to settlement issues.",
30735 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim is not currently able to be accepted due to settlement issues.",
30736 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNotReadyForAcceptanceException",
30737 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30738 }
30739 },
30740 "ClaimLocationNotSetException": {
30741 "description": "ClaimLocationNotSetException",
30742 "required": [
30743 "Message",
30744 "ExceptionType",
30745 "CorrelationId"
30746 ],
30747 "properties": {
30748 "Message": {
30749 "type": "string"
30750 },
30751 "ExceptionMessage": {
30752 "type": "string"
30753 },
30754 "ExceptionType": {
30755 "type": "string"
30756 },
30757 "StackTrace": {
30758 "type": "string"
30759 },
30760 "CorrelationId": {
30761 "type": "string"
30762 }
30763 },
30764 "type": "object",
30765 "default": {
30766 "Message": "The claim does not have a loss location set.",
30767 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim does not have a loss location set.",
30768 "ExceptionType": "ClaimLocationNotSetException",
30769 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30770 }
30771 },
30772 "ClaimLossTypeInvalidException": {
30773 "description": "ClaimLossTypeInvalidException",
30774 "required": [
30775 "Message",
30776 "ExceptionType",
30777 "CorrelationId"
30778 ],
30779 "properties": {
30780 "Message": {
30781 "type": "string"
30782 },
30783 "ExceptionMessage": {
30784 "type": "string"
30785 },
30786 "ExceptionType": {
30787 "type": "string"
30788 },
30789 "StackTrace": {
30790 "type": "string"
30791 },
30792 "CorrelationId": {
30793 "type": "string"
30794 }
30795 },
30796 "type": "object",
30797 "default": {
30798 "Message": "The claim does not have a valid loss type set.",
30799 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim does not have a valid loss type set.",
30800 "ExceptionType": "ClaimLossTypeInvalidException",
30801 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30802 }
30803 },
30804 "ClaimLossTypeNotSetException": {
30805 "description": "ClaimLossTypeNotSetException",
30806 "required": [
30807 "Message",
30808 "ExceptionType",
30809 "CorrelationId"
30810 ],
30811 "properties": {
30812 "Message": {
30813 "type": "string"
30814 },
30815 "ExceptionMessage": {
30816 "type": "string"
30817 },
30818 "ExceptionType": {
30819 "type": "string"
30820 },
30821 "StackTrace": {
30822 "type": "string"
30823 },
30824 "CorrelationId": {
30825 "type": "string"
30826 }
30827 },
30828 "type": "object",
30829 "default": {
30830 "Message": "The claim does not have a loss type set.",
30831 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim does not have a loss type set.",
30832 "ExceptionType": "ClaimLossTypeNotSetException",
30833 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30834 }
30835 },
30836 "DateFormatException": {
30837 "description": "DateFormatException",
30838 "required": [
30839 "Message",
30840 "ExceptionType",
30841 "CorrelationId"
30842 ],
30843 "properties": {
30844 "Message": {
30845 "type": "string"
30846 },
30847 "ExceptionMessage": {
30848 "type": "string"
30849 },
30850 "ExceptionType": {
30851 "type": "string"
30852 },
30853 "StackTrace": {
30854 "type": "string"
30855 },
30856 "CorrelationId": {
30857 "type": "string"
30858 }
30859 },
30860 "type": "object",
30861 "default": {
30862 "Message": "The date was not in the ISO 8601 format.",
30863 "ExceptionMessage": "The date was not in the ISO 8601 format.",
30864 "ExceptionType": "DateFormatException",
30865 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30866 }
30867 },
30868 "DuplicateBankAccountDetailException": {
30869 "description": "DuplicateBankAccountDetailException",
30870 "required": [
30871 "Message",
30872 "ExceptionType",
30873 "CorrelationId"
30874 ],
30875 "properties": {
30876 "Message": {
30877 "type": "string"
30878 },
30879 "ExceptionMessage": {
30880 "type": "string"
30881 },
30882 "ExceptionType": {
30883 "type": "string"
30884 },
30885 "StackTrace": {
30886 "type": "string"
30887 },
30888 "CorrelationId": {
30889 "type": "string"
30890 }
30891 },
30892 "type": "object",
30893 "default": {
30894 "Message": "More than one instance of the Unknown detail type was submitted.",
30895 "ExceptionMessage": "More than one instance of the Unknown detail type was submitted.",
30896 "ExceptionType": "DuplicateBankAccountDetailException",
30897 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30898 }
30899 },
30900 "MissingBankAccountDetailException": {
30901 "description": "MissingBankAccountDetailException",
30902 "required": [
30903 "Message",
30904 "ExceptionType",
30905 "CorrelationId"
30906 ],
30907 "properties": {
30908 "Message": {
30909 "type": "string"
30910 },
30911 "ExceptionMessage": {
30912 "type": "string"
30913 },
30914 "ExceptionType": {
30915 "type": "string"
30916 },
30917 "StackTrace": {
30918 "type": "string"
30919 },
30920 "CorrelationId": {
30921 "type": "string"
30922 }
30923 },
30924 "type": "object",
30925 "default": {
30926 "Message": "The Unknown detail is missing from the bank account for the Unknown provider.",
30927 "ExceptionMessage": "The Unknown detail is missing from the bank account for the Unknown provider.",
30928 "ExceptionType": "MissingBankAccountDetailException",
30929 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30930 }
30931 },
30932 "LossDateInTheFutureException": {
30933 "description": "LossDateInTheFutureException",
30934 "required": [
30935 "Message",
30936 "ExceptionType",
30937 "CorrelationId"
30938 ],
30939 "properties": {
30940 "Message": {
30941 "type": "string"
30942 },
30943 "ExceptionMessage": {
30944 "type": "string"
30945 },
30946 "ExceptionType": {
30947 "type": "string"
30948 },
30949 "StackTrace": {
30950 "type": "string"
30951 },
30952 "CorrelationId": {
30953 "type": "string"
30954 }
30955 },
30956 "type": "object",
30957 "default": {
30958 "Message": "The loss date can not be more than 26 hours in the future.",
30959 "ExceptionMessage": "The loss date can not be more than 26 hours in the future.",
30960 "ExceptionType": "LossDateInTheFutureException",
30961 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30962 }
30963 },
30964 "UnsupportedBankAccountProviderException": {
30965 "description": "UnsupportedBankAccountProviderException",
30966 "required": [
30967 "Message",
30968 "ExceptionType",
30969 "CorrelationId"
30970 ],
30971 "properties": {
30972 "Message": {
30973 "type": "string"
30974 },
30975 "ExceptionMessage": {
30976 "type": "string"
30977 },
30978 "ExceptionType": {
30979 "type": "string"
30980 },
30981 "StackTrace": {
30982 "type": "string"
30983 },
30984 "CorrelationId": {
30985 "type": "string"
30986 }
30987 },
30988 "type": "object",
30989 "default": {
30990 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported for the Unknown provider.",
30991 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported for the Unknown provider.",
30992 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedBankAccountProviderException",
30993 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
30994 }
30995 },
30996 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimLegacyClaimSummary": {
30997 "description": "Represents a summary of a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
30998 "required": [
30999 "claimStatus"
31000 ],
31001 "properties": {
31002 "claimId": {
31003 "description": "Gets or sets the parent claim id.",
31004 "type": "string"
31005 },
31006 "claimStatus": {
31007 "description": "Gets or sets the status for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
31008 "type": "string",
31009 "enum": [
31010 "Unknown",
31011 "Draft",
31012 "Submitted",
31013 "Cancelled",
31014 "Accepted",
31015 "Denied",
31016 "Settled"
31017 ],
31018 "x-enumName": "ClaimStatus"
31019 },
31020 "lossDate": {
31021 "description": "Gets or sets the date of loss for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
31022 "example": "2016-09-22",
31023 "type": "string",
31024 "default": "2016-09-22"
31025 }
31026 },
31027 "xml": {
31028 "name": "LegacyClaimSummary"
31029 },
31030 "type": "object",
31031 "default": {
31032 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
31033 "ClaimStatus": "Accepted",
31034 "LossDate": {
31035 "year": 2018,
31036 "month": 6,
31037 "day": 14,
31038 "calendar": 0
31039 }
31040 }
31041 },
31042 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimEvent": {
31043 "description": "Represents a change or communication event for a claim.",
31044 "required": [
31045 "type",
31046 "value"
31047 ],
31048 "properties": {
31049 "type": {
31050 "description": "Gets or sets the type of the event.",
31051 "type": "string",
31052 "enum": [
31053 "StatusUpdate",
31054 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
31055 "LossDateUpdate",
31056 "LossLocationUpdate",
31057 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
31058 "BankAccountUpdate",
31059 "AssignmentUpdate",
31060 "CompanyMessage",
31061 "CustomerMessage",
31062 "Note",
31063 "Photo",
31064 "Payout",
31065 "AssetUpdate",
31066 "AssetAmountUpdate",
31067 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
31068 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
31069 "ExcessPayment",
31070 "Payable",
31071 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
31072 ],
31073 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
31074 },
31075 "value": {
31076 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimIClaimUpdate",
31077 "description": "Gets or sets the value of the event."
31078 }
31079 },
31080 "xml": {
31081 "name": "ClaimEvent"
31082 },
31083 "type": "object"
31084 },
31085 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimIClaimUpdate": {
31086 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents a claim update",
31087 "required": [
31088 "kind",
31089 "claimId"
31090 ],
31091 "properties": {
31092 "text": {
31093 "description": "Gets or sets the text that should be shown to the user describing the update.",
31094 "type": "string"
31095 },
31096 "ordering": {
31097 "description": "Gets the create timestamp of the claim update allowing ordering on client side",
31098 "readOnly": true,
31099 "type": "string",
31100 "format": "date-time"
31101 },
31102 "kind": {
31103 "description": "Gets a value which defines the kind of the claim update.\r\n<remarks>This is to get swagger working properly.</remarks>",
31104 "readOnly": true,
31105 "type": "string",
31106 "enum": [
31107 "StatusUpdate",
31108 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
31109 "LossDateUpdate",
31110 "LossLocationUpdate",
31111 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
31112 "BankAccountUpdate",
31113 "AssignmentUpdate",
31114 "CompanyMessage",
31115 "CustomerMessage",
31116 "Note",
31117 "Photo",
31118 "Payout",
31119 "AssetUpdate",
31120 "AssetAmountUpdate",
31121 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
31122 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
31123 "ExcessPayment",
31124 "Payable",
31125 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
31126 ],
31127 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
31128 },
31129 "id": {
31130 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
31131 "type": "string"
31132 },
31133 "claimId": {
31134 "description": "Gets or sets the parent claim id.",
31135 "type": "string"
31136 }
31137 },
31138 "xml": {
31139 "name": "IClaimUpdate"
31140 },
31141 "type": "object"
31142 },
31143 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimCreateClaimMessageRequest": {
31144 "required": [
31145 "text"
31146 ],
31147 "properties": {
31148 "text": {
31149 "description": "Gets or sets the text of the message.",
31150 "type": "string"
31151 }
31152 },
31153 "xml": {
31154 "name": "CreateClaimMessageRequest"
31155 },
31156 "type": "object",
31157 "default": {
31158 "Text": "Hey there!"
31159 }
31160 },
31161 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimCustomerMessage": {
31162 "description": "Represents a claim message sent by a customer.",
31163 "properties": {
31164 "claimId": {
31165 "description": "Gets or sets the claim identifier.",
31166 "type": "string"
31167 },
31168 "text": {
31169 "description": "Gets or sets the text.",
31170 "type": "string"
31171 },
31172 "ordering": {
31173 "description": "Gets the ordering.",
31174 "readOnly": true,
31175 "type": "string",
31176 "format": "date-time"
31177 },
31178 "kind": {
31179 "readOnly": true,
31180 "type": "string",
31181 "enum": [
31182 "StatusUpdate",
31183 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
31184 "LossDateUpdate",
31185 "LossLocationUpdate",
31186 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
31187 "BankAccountUpdate",
31188 "AssignmentUpdate",
31189 "CompanyMessage",
31190 "CustomerMessage",
31191 "Note",
31192 "Photo",
31193 "Payout",
31194 "AssetUpdate",
31195 "AssetAmountUpdate",
31196 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
31197 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
31198 "ExcessPayment",
31199 "Payable",
31200 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
31201 ],
31202 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
31203 },
31204 "id": {
31205 "type": "string"
31206 }
31207 },
31208 "xml": {
31209 "name": "ClaimCustomerMessage"
31210 },
31211 "type": "object",
31212 "default": {
31213 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
31214 "Text": "Message",
31215 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
31216 "Kind": "CustomerMessage",
31217 "Id": "claimCustomerMessageId",
31218 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
31219 "CreatedBy": "123456"
31220 }
31221 },
31222 "ArgumentException": {
31223 "description": "ArgumentException",
31224 "required": [
31225 "Message",
31226 "ExceptionType",
31227 "CorrelationId"
31228 ],
31229 "properties": {
31230 "Message": {
31231 "type": "string"
31232 },
31233 "ExceptionMessage": {
31234 "type": "string"
31235 },
31236 "ExceptionType": {
31237 "type": "string"
31238 },
31239 "StackTrace": {
31240 "type": "string"
31241 },
31242 "CorrelationId": {
31243 "type": "string"
31244 }
31245 },
31246 "type": "object",
31247 "default": {
31248 "Message": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
31249 "ExceptionMessage": "Value does not fall within the expected range.",
31250 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentException",
31251 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
31252 }
31253 },
31254 "ClaimNotModifiableException": {
31255 "description": "ClaimNotModifiableException",
31256 "required": [
31257 "Message",
31258 "ExceptionType",
31259 "CorrelationId"
31260 ],
31261 "properties": {
31262 "Message": {
31263 "type": "string"
31264 },
31265 "ExceptionMessage": {
31266 "type": "string"
31267 },
31268 "ExceptionType": {
31269 "type": "string"
31270 },
31271 "StackTrace": {
31272 "type": "string"
31273 },
31274 "CorrelationId": {
31275 "type": "string"
31276 }
31277 },
31278 "type": "object",
31279 "default": {
31280 "Message": "The claim cannot be modified based on its current state.",
31281 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be modified based on its current state.",
31282 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNotModifiableException",
31283 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
31284 }
31285 },
31286 "UnsupportedImageException": {
31287 "description": "UnsupportedImageException",
31288 "required": [
31289 "Message",
31290 "ExceptionType",
31291 "CorrelationId"
31292 ],
31293 "properties": {
31294 "Message": {
31295 "type": "string"
31296 },
31297 "ExceptionMessage": {
31298 "type": "string"
31299 },
31300 "ExceptionType": {
31301 "type": "string"
31302 },
31303 "StackTrace": {
31304 "type": "string"
31305 },
31306 "CorrelationId": {
31307 "type": "string"
31308 }
31309 },
31310 "type": "object",
31311 "default": {
31312 "Message": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
31313 "ExceptionMessage": "The file is not a valid image or not a supported type.",
31314 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedImageException",
31315 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
31316 }
31317 },
31318 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimCreateClaimRequest": {
31319 "description": "Represents a request to create a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
31320 "required": [
31321 "assetIds"
31322 ],
31323 "properties": {
31324 "assetIds": {
31325 "description": "Gets or sets the ids of the assets of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
31326 "items": {
31327 "type": "string"
31328 },
31329 "type": "array"
31330 }
31331 },
31332 "xml": {
31333 "name": "CreateClaimRequest"
31334 },
31335 "type": "object",
31336 "default": {
31337 "AssetIds": [
31338 "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff",
31339 "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7ff"
31340 ]
31341 }
31342 },
31343 "AtLeastOneAssetRequiredException": {
31344 "description": "AtLeastOneAssetRequiredException",
31345 "required": [
31346 "Message",
31347 "ExceptionType",
31348 "CorrelationId"
31349 ],
31350 "properties": {
31351 "Message": {
31352 "type": "string"
31353 },
31354 "ExceptionMessage": {
31355 "type": "string"
31356 },
31357 "ExceptionType": {
31358 "type": "string"
31359 },
31360 "StackTrace": {
31361 "type": "string"
31362 },
31363 "CorrelationId": {
31364 "type": "string"
31365 }
31366 },
31367 "type": "object",
31368 "default": {
31369 "Message": "At least one asset is required.",
31370 "ExceptionMessage": "At least one asset is required.",
31371 "ExceptionType": "AtLeastOneAssetRequiredException",
31372 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
31373 }
31374 },
31375 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimSettlementSummary": {
31376 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents a summary of a claim settlement.",
31377 "required": [
31378 "claimedItems",
31379 "readyForAcceptance",
31380 "readyForSettlement",
31381 "acceptanceIssues",
31382 "settlementIssues",
31383 "settlementMethods",
31384 "acceptableSettlementMethods"
31385 ],
31386 "properties": {
31387 "claimedItems": {
31388 "description": "Gets or sets the list of items included in the claim.",
31389 "items": {
31390 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimSettlementItemSummary"
31391 },
31392 "xml": {
31393 "name": "ClaimSettlementItemSummary",
31394 "wrapped": true
31395 },
31396 "type": "array"
31397 },
31398 "claimPayable": {
31399 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimPayable",
31400 "description": "Gets or sets the payable associated the claim."
31401 },
31402 "readyForAcceptance": {
31403 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the claim is ready for acceptance.",
31404 "type": "boolean"
31405 },
31406 "readyForSettlement": {
31407 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the claim is ready for settlement.",
31408 "type": "boolean"
31409 },
31410 "acceptanceIssues": {
31411 "description": "Gets or sets a list of Acceptance issues associated with the settlement of the claim.",
31412 "items": {
31413 "type": "string",
31414 "enum": [
31415 "NoActiveCoveragePeriods",
31416 "NonPositivePayableAmount",
31417 "LostWithItemsNotTotalLoss",
31418 "StolenWithItemsNotTotalLoss",
31419 "PayoutNotSupportedForSelectedSettlementMethod",
31420 "BankAccountNotSetForPayout",
31421 "NetPaymentDueNotPaid"
31422 ],
31423 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementIssue"
31424 },
31425 "xml": {
31426 "name": "ClaimSettlementIssue",
31427 "wrapped": true
31428 },
31429 "type": "array",
31430 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementIssue"
31431 },
31432 "settlementIssues": {
31433 "description": "Gets or sets a set of Settlement issues associated with the settlement of the claim.",
31434 "items": {
31435 "type": "string",
31436 "enum": [
31437 "NoActiveCoveragePeriods",
31438 "NonPositivePayableAmount",
31439 "LostWithItemsNotTotalLoss",
31440 "StolenWithItemsNotTotalLoss",
31441 "PayoutNotSupportedForSelectedSettlementMethod",
31442 "BankAccountNotSetForPayout",
31443 "NetPaymentDueNotPaid"
31444 ],
31445 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementIssue"
31446 },
31447 "xml": {
31448 "name": "ClaimSettlementIssue",
31449 "wrapped": true
31450 },
31451 "type": "array",
31452 "uniqueItems": true,
31453 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementIssue"
31454 },
31455 "settlementMethods": {
31456 "description": "Gets or sets the list of settlement methods for the items included in the claim.",
31457 "items": {
31458 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimSettlementMethodUpdate"
31459 },
31460 "xml": {
31461 "name": "ClaimSettlementMethodUpdate",
31462 "wrapped": true
31463 },
31464 "type": "array"
31465 },
31466 "acceptableSettlementMethods": {
31467 "description": "Gets or sets the list of acceptable settlement methods for the claim.",
31468 "items": {
31469 "type": "string",
31470 "enum": [
31471 "Payout",
31472 "Repair",
31473 "RepairByCustomer",
31474 "Replace"
31475 ],
31476 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementMethod"
31477 },
31478 "xml": {
31479 "name": "ClaimSettlementMethod",
31480 "wrapped": true
31481 },
31482 "type": "array",
31483 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementMethod"
31484 }
31485 },
31486 "xml": {
31487 "name": "ClaimSettlementSummary"
31488 },
31489 "type": "object",
31490 "default": {
31491 "ClaimedItems": [
31492 {
31493 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
31494 "AssetRevision": 3,
31495 "AssetName": "iPhone 6",
31496 "AssetWasAutoAdded": false,
31497 "AssetIsDeviceUsedToClaim": false,
31498 "ActiveClaimsContainingAsset": [],
31499 "InactiveClaimsContainingAsset": [],
31500 "InsuredValue": {
31501 "Type": 0,
31502 "Value": 42.00
31503 },
31504 "ClaimedValue": {
31505 "Type": 0,
31506 "Value": 42.00
31507 },
31508 "Excess": {
31509 "Type": 0,
31510 "Value": 4.20
31511 },
31512 "Issues": [
31513 "NotCovered"
31514 ],
31515 "IsTotalLoss": true,
31516 "PdsSummary": {
31517 "Id": 1,
31518 "Version": "123",
31519 "Uri": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
31520 "EffectiveDate": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z"
31521 }
31522 }
31523 ],
31524 "ClaimPayable": {
31525 "TotalClaimedAmount": {
31526 "Type": 0,
31527 "Value": 150.00
31528 },
31529 "TotalExcess": {
31530 "Type": 0,
31531 "Value": 150.00
31532 },
31533 "TotalPastDue": {
31534 "Type": 0,
31535 "Value": 150.00
31536 },
31537 "TotalPremiumRefund": {
31538 "Type": 0,
31539 "Value": 150.00
31540 },
31541 "TotalRefund": {
31542 "Type": 0,
31543 "Value": 150.00
31544 },
31545 "NetPaymentDue": {
31546 "Type": 0,
31547 "Value": 150.00
31548 },
31549 "NetPayoutAmount": {
31550 "Type": 0,
31551 "Value": 150.00
31552 },
31553 "TotalPayments": {
31554 "Type": 0,
31555 "Value": 150.00
31556 },
31557 "HasPayout": true,
31558 "HasPaymentDue": true,
31559 "HasZeroExcessPremiumRefund": false,
31560 "Text": "text",
31561 "Taxes": [
31562 {
31563 "Type": "GST (8%)",
31564 "Amount": {
31565 "Type": 0,
31566 "Value": 5.45
31567 },
31568 "Rate": 0.08,
31569 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
31570 },
31571 {
31572 "Type": "PST (7%)",
31573 "Amount": {
31574 "Type": 0,
31575 "Value": 5.45
31576 },
31577 "Rate": 0.07,
31578 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
31579 }
31580 ],
31581 "Kind": "Payable",
31582 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
31583 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
31584 "Id": "claimPayableId",
31585 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
31586 "CreatedBy": "123456",
31587 "CreatedByEmail": "someone@trov.com"
31588 },
31589 "ReadyForAcceptance": false,
31590 "ReadyForSettlement": false,
31591 "AcceptanceIssues": [
31592 "NoActiveCoveragePeriods"
31593 ],
31594 "SettlementIssues": [
31595 "NoActiveCoveragePeriods"
31596 ]
31597 }
31598 },
31599 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimSettlementItemSummary": {
31600 "description": "Represents a summary of an {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} included in a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.ClaimSettlementSummary}.",
31601 "required": [
31602 "assetId",
31603 "assetRevision",
31604 "assetWasAutoAdded",
31605 "assetIsDeviceUsedToClaim",
31606 "activeClaimsContainingAsset",
31607 "inactiveClaimsContainingAsset",
31608 "insuredValue",
31609 "claimedValue",
31610 "excess",
31611 "issues",
31612 "isTotalLoss",
31613 "pdsSummary"
31614 ],
31615 "properties": {
31616 "assetId": {
31617 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
31618 "type": "string"
31619 },
31620 "assetRevision": {
31621 "description": "Gets or sets the revision of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
31622 "type": "integer",
31623 "format": "int32"
31624 },
31625 "assetName": {
31626 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
31627 "type": "string"
31628 },
31629 "assetWasAutoAdded": {
31630 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the asset was automatically added to the users trov.\r\nI.e. the phone running the app just after registration.",
31631 "type": "boolean"
31632 },
31633 "assetIsDeviceUsedToClaim": {
31634 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the asset is the deviced used to claim.",
31635 "type": "boolean"
31636 },
31637 "activeClaimsContainingAsset": {
31638 "description": "Gets or sets a list of active claims that contain the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
31639 "items": {
31640 "type": "string"
31641 },
31642 "type": "array",
31643 "uniqueItems": true
31644 },
31645 "inactiveClaimsContainingAsset": {
31646 "description": "Gets or sets a list of inactive claims that contain the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
31647 "items": {
31648 "type": "string"
31649 },
31650 "type": "array",
31651 "uniqueItems": true
31652 },
31653 "insuredValue": {
31654 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31655 "description": "Gets or sets the insured value of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}."
31656 },
31657 "claimedValue": {
31658 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31659 "description": "Gets or sets the amount the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} is being claimed for."
31660 },
31661 "excess": {
31662 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31663 "description": "Gets or sets the excess amount of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}."
31664 },
31665 "refund": {
31666 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31667 "description": "Gets or sets the calculated refund amount of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}."
31668 },
31669 "issues": {
31670 "description": "Gets or sets a set of issues associated with the settlement of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
31671 "items": {
31672 "type": "string",
31673 "enum": [
31674 "NotCovered",
31675 "CoverageStartedLessThanThirtyDaysAgo",
31676 "NoRefundDueToNotTotalLoss",
31677 "NoRefundDueToWaivedPayment",
31678 "LostItemNotTotalLoss",
31679 "StolenItemNotTotalLoss",
31680 "NoRefundDueToPromotionalPayment",
31681 "NoRefundDueToDeferredPayment"
31682 ],
31683 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementItemIssue"
31684 },
31685 "xml": {
31686 "name": "ClaimSettlementItemIssue",
31687 "wrapped": true
31688 },
31689 "type": "array",
31690 "uniqueItems": true,
31691 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementItemIssue"
31692 },
31693 "isTotalLoss": {
31694 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the insured value is greater than the claimed value",
31695 "readOnly": true,
31696 "type": "boolean"
31697 },
31698 "pdsSummary": {
31699 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPdsPdsSummary",
31700 "description": "Gets or sets the Uri for the associated PDS."
31701 }
31702 },
31703 "xml": {
31704 "name": "ClaimSettlementItemSummary"
31705 },
31706 "type": "object",
31707 "default": {
31708 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
31709 "AssetRevision": 3,
31710 "AssetName": "iPhone 6",
31711 "AssetWasAutoAdded": false,
31712 "AssetIsDeviceUsedToClaim": false,
31713 "ActiveClaimsContainingAsset": [],
31714 "InactiveClaimsContainingAsset": [],
31715 "InsuredValue": {
31716 "Type": 0,
31717 "Value": 42.00
31718 },
31719 "ClaimedValue": {
31720 "Type": 0,
31721 "Value": 42.00
31722 },
31723 "Excess": {
31724 "Type": 0,
31725 "Value": 4.20
31726 },
31727 "Issues": [
31728 "NotCovered"
31729 ],
31730 "IsTotalLoss": true,
31731 "PdsSummary": {
31732 "Id": 1,
31733 "Version": "123",
31734 "Uri": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
31735 "EffectiveDate": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z"
31736 }
31737 }
31738 },
31739 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimPayable": {
31740 "description": "Represents an amount payable to a customer upon settlement of a claim.",
31741 "required": [
31742 "totalClaimedAmount",
31743 "totalExcess",
31744 "totalPastDue",
31745 "totalPremiumRefund",
31746 "totalRefund",
31747 "netPaymentDue",
31748 "netPayoutAmount",
31749 "totalPayments",
31750 "hasPayout",
31751 "hasPaymentDue"
31752 ],
31753 "properties": {
31754 "totalClaimedAmount": {
31755 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31756 "description": "Gets or sets the total amount claimed for all items on the claim."
31757 },
31758 "totalExcess": {
31759 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31760 "description": "Gets or sets the total excess for all items on the claim."
31761 },
31762 "totalPastDue": {
31763 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31764 "description": "Gets or sets the total amount of past due payments that are settled by this claim payable."
31765 },
31766 "totalPremiumRefund": {
31767 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31768 "description": "Gets or sets the total amount of prepaid insurance premiums that are refunded by this claim payable for write-off items."
31769 },
31770 "totalRefund": {
31771 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31772 "description": "Gets or sets the total amount refunded by this claim payable for write-off items."
31773 },
31774 "netPaymentDue": {
31775 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31776 "description": "Gets or sets the Net payment amount due that the customer must pay before a claim can be settled."
31777 },
31778 "netPayoutAmount": {
31779 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31780 "description": "Gets or sets the net amount of the payable."
31781 },
31782 "totalPayments": {
31783 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
31784 "description": "Gets or sets the total claims made on this claim.\r\n<remarks>This amount is to cover things like excess owing in the claim settlement process, not monthly premiums.</remarks>"
31785 },
31786 "hasPayout": {
31787 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the payable has a payout value.\r\n<remarks>NetPayoutAmount must be greater than 0.00.\r\n</remarks>",
31788 "readOnly": true,
31789 "type": "boolean"
31790 },
31791 "hasPaymentDue": {
31792 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the payable has a payment due value.\r\n<remarks>NetPaymentDue must be greater than 0.00.\r\n</remarks>",
31793 "readOnly": true,
31794 "type": "boolean"
31795 },
31796 "hasZeroExcessPremiumRefund": {
31797 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the payable has a zero excess and a negative NetPaymentDue.",
31798 "readOnly": true,
31799 "type": "boolean"
31800 },
31801 "text": {
31802 "description": "Gets or sets the text.",
31803 "type": "string"
31804 },
31805 "taxes": {
31806 "description": "Gets or sets the taxes.",
31807 "items": {
31808 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
31809 },
31810 "xml": {
31811 "name": "ITaxCharge",
31812 "wrapped": true
31813 },
31814 "type": "array"
31815 },
31816 "kind": {
31817 "readOnly": true,
31818 "type": "string",
31819 "enum": [
31820 "StatusUpdate",
31821 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
31822 "LossDateUpdate",
31823 "LossLocationUpdate",
31824 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
31825 "BankAccountUpdate",
31826 "AssignmentUpdate",
31827 "CompanyMessage",
31828 "CustomerMessage",
31829 "Note",
31830 "Photo",
31831 "Payout",
31832 "AssetUpdate",
31833 "AssetAmountUpdate",
31834 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
31835 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
31836 "ExcessPayment",
31837 "Payable",
31838 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
31839 ],
31840 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
31841 },
31842 "claimId": {
31843 "type": "string"
31844 },
31845 "ordering": {
31846 "readOnly": true,
31847 "type": "string",
31848 "format": "date-time"
31849 },
31850 "id": {
31851 "type": "string"
31852 }
31853 },
31854 "xml": {
31855 "name": "ClaimPayable"
31856 },
31857 "type": "object",
31858 "default": {
31859 "TotalClaimedAmount": {
31860 "Type": 0,
31861 "Value": 150.00
31862 },
31863 "TotalExcess": {
31864 "Type": 0,
31865 "Value": 150.00
31866 },
31867 "TotalPastDue": {
31868 "Type": 0,
31869 "Value": 150.00
31870 },
31871 "TotalPremiumRefund": {
31872 "Type": 0,
31873 "Value": 150.00
31874 },
31875 "TotalRefund": {
31876 "Type": 0,
31877 "Value": 150.00
31878 },
31879 "NetPaymentDue": {
31880 "Type": 0,
31881 "Value": 150.00
31882 },
31883 "NetPayoutAmount": {
31884 "Type": 0,
31885 "Value": 150.00
31886 },
31887 "TotalPayments": {
31888 "Type": 0,
31889 "Value": 150.00
31890 },
31891 "HasPayout": true,
31892 "HasPaymentDue": true,
31893 "HasZeroExcessPremiumRefund": false,
31894 "Text": "text",
31895 "Taxes": [
31896 {
31897 "Type": "GST (8%)",
31898 "Amount": {
31899 "Type": 0,
31900 "Value": 5.45
31901 },
31902 "Rate": 0.08,
31903 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
31904 },
31905 {
31906 "Type": "PST (7%)",
31907 "Amount": {
31908 "Type": 0,
31909 "Value": 5.45
31910 },
31911 "Rate": 0.07,
31912 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
31913 }
31914 ],
31915 "Kind": "Payable",
31916 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
31917 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
31918 "Id": "claimPayableId",
31919 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
31920 "CreatedBy": "123456",
31921 "CreatedByEmail": "someone@trov.com"
31922 }
31923 },
31924 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimSettlementMethodUpdate": {
31925 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents how an item in the claim should be settled.",
31926 "required": [
31927 "assetId",
31928 "method"
31929 ],
31930 "properties": {
31931 "assetId": {
31932 "description": "Gets or sets the asset which this claim update applies to.",
31933 "type": "string"
31934 },
31935 "method": {
31936 "description": "Gets or sets the settlement method.",
31937 "type": "string",
31938 "enum": [
31939 "Payout",
31940 "Repair",
31941 "RepairByCustomer",
31942 "Replace"
31943 ],
31944 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementMethod"
31945 },
31946 "text": {
31947 "type": "string"
31948 },
31949 "kind": {
31950 "readOnly": true,
31951 "type": "string",
31952 "enum": [
31953 "StatusUpdate",
31954 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
31955 "LossDateUpdate",
31956 "LossLocationUpdate",
31957 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
31958 "BankAccountUpdate",
31959 "AssignmentUpdate",
31960 "CompanyMessage",
31961 "CustomerMessage",
31962 "Note",
31963 "Photo",
31964 "Payout",
31965 "AssetUpdate",
31966 "AssetAmountUpdate",
31967 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
31968 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
31969 "ExcessPayment",
31970 "Payable",
31971 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
31972 ],
31973 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
31974 },
31975 "claimId": {
31976 "type": "string"
31977 },
31978 "ordering": {
31979 "readOnly": true,
31980 "type": "string",
31981 "format": "date-time"
31982 },
31983 "id": {
31984 "type": "string"
31985 }
31986 },
31987 "xml": {
31988 "name": "ClaimSettlementMethodUpdate"
31989 },
31990 "type": "object",
31991 "default": {
31992 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
31993 "Method": "Repair",
31994 "Kind": "SettlementMethodUpdate",
31995 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
31996 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
31997 "Id": "claimSettlementMethodUpdate",
31998 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
31999 "CreatedBy": "123456"
32000 }
32001 },
32002 "TrovCommonModelSicPdsPdsSummary": {
32003 "required": [
32004 "version",
32005 "uri",
32006 "effectiveDate"
32007 ],
32008 "properties": {
32009 "version": {
32010 "type": "string"
32011 },
32012 "uri": {
32013 "type": "string",
32014 "default": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true"
32015 },
32016 "effectiveDate": {
32017 "type": "string",
32018 "format": "date-time"
32019 }
32020 },
32021 "xml": {
32022 "name": "PdsSummary"
32023 },
32024 "type": "object",
32025 "default": {
32026 "Id": 1,
32027 "Version": "123",
32028 "Uri": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
32029 "EffectiveDate": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z"
32030 }
32031 },
32032 "TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge": {
32033 "description": "A tax charge.",
32034 "required": [
32035 "type",
32036 "amount"
32037 ],
32038 "properties": {
32039 "type": {
32040 "description": "Gets or sets the type of the tax.",
32041 "type": "string"
32042 },
32043 "amount": {
32044 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
32045 "description": "Gets or sets the amount of the tax."
32046 },
32047 "rate": {
32048 "description": "Gets or sets the rate of the tax.",
32049 "type": "number",
32050 "format": "double"
32051 },
32052 "id": {
32053 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
32054 "type": "string"
32055 }
32056 },
32057 "xml": {
32058 "name": "ITaxCharge"
32059 },
32060 "type": "object"
32061 },
32062 "ClaimBankAccountNotSetException": {
32063 "description": "ClaimBankAccountNotSetException",
32064 "required": [
32065 "Message",
32066 "ExceptionType",
32067 "CorrelationId"
32068 ],
32069 "properties": {
32070 "Message": {
32071 "type": "string"
32072 },
32073 "ExceptionMessage": {
32074 "type": "string"
32075 },
32076 "ExceptionType": {
32077 "type": "string"
32078 },
32079 "StackTrace": {
32080 "type": "string"
32081 },
32082 "CorrelationId": {
32083 "type": "string"
32084 }
32085 },
32086 "type": "object",
32087 "default": {
32088 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because bank account information is required for the payout.",
32089 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because bank account information is required for the payout.",
32090 "ExceptionType": "ClaimBankAccountNotSetException",
32091 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32092 }
32093 },
32094 "ClaimDoesNotSupportMultipleSettlementMethodsException": {
32095 "description": "ClaimDoesNotSupportMultipleSettlementMethodsException",
32096 "required": [
32097 "Message",
32098 "ExceptionType",
32099 "CorrelationId"
32100 ],
32101 "properties": {
32102 "Message": {
32103 "type": "string"
32104 },
32105 "ExceptionMessage": {
32106 "type": "string"
32107 },
32108 "ExceptionType": {
32109 "type": "string"
32110 },
32111 "StackTrace": {
32112 "type": "string"
32113 },
32114 "CorrelationId": {
32115 "type": "string"
32116 }
32117 },
32118 "type": "object",
32119 "default": {
32120 "Message": "The claim has multiple settlement methods and this is not a supported feature in the current market.",
32121 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim has multiple settlement methods and this is not a supported feature in the current market.",
32122 "ExceptionType": "ClaimDoesNotSupportMultipleSettlementMethodsException",
32123 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32124 }
32125 },
32126 "ClaimNetPaymentDueNotPaidException": {
32127 "description": "ClaimNetPaymentDueNotPaidException",
32128 "required": [
32129 "Message",
32130 "ExceptionType",
32131 "CorrelationId"
32132 ],
32133 "properties": {
32134 "Message": {
32135 "type": "string"
32136 },
32137 "ExceptionMessage": {
32138 "type": "string"
32139 },
32140 "ExceptionType": {
32141 "type": "string"
32142 },
32143 "StackTrace": {
32144 "type": "string"
32145 },
32146 "CorrelationId": {
32147 "type": "string"
32148 }
32149 },
32150 "type": "object",
32151 "default": {
32152 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because the NetPaymentDue has not been paid.",
32153 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because the NetPaymentDue has not been paid.",
32154 "ExceptionType": "ClaimNetPaymentDueNotPaidException",
32155 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32156 }
32157 },
32158 "ClaimPayoutNotSupportedForSettlementMethodException": {
32159 "description": "ClaimPayoutNotSupportedForSettlementMethodException",
32160 "required": [
32161 "Message",
32162 "ExceptionType",
32163 "CorrelationId"
32164 ],
32165 "properties": {
32166 "Message": {
32167 "type": "string"
32168 },
32169 "ExceptionMessage": {
32170 "type": "string"
32171 },
32172 "ExceptionType": {
32173 "type": "string"
32174 },
32175 "StackTrace": {
32176 "type": "string"
32177 },
32178 "CorrelationId": {
32179 "type": "string"
32180 }
32181 },
32182 "type": "object",
32183 "default": {
32184 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because it has a payout, but the Payout settlement method does not support payouts.",
32185 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because it has a payout, but the Payout settlement method does not support payouts.",
32186 "ExceptionType": "ClaimPayoutNotSupportedForSettlementMethodException",
32187 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32188 }
32189 },
32190 "CustomerNotClaimOwnerException": {
32191 "description": "CustomerNotClaimOwnerException",
32192 "required": [
32193 "Message",
32194 "ExceptionType",
32195 "CorrelationId"
32196 ],
32197 "properties": {
32198 "Message": {
32199 "type": "string"
32200 },
32201 "ExceptionMessage": {
32202 "type": "string"
32203 },
32204 "ExceptionType": {
32205 "type": "string"
32206 },
32207 "StackTrace": {
32208 "type": "string"
32209 },
32210 "CorrelationId": {
32211 "type": "string"
32212 }
32213 },
32214 "type": "object",
32215 "default": {
32216 "Message": "The customer is not the owner of the claim.",
32217 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is not the owner of the claim.",
32218 "ExceptionType": "CustomerNotClaimOwnerException",
32219 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32220 }
32221 },
32222 "NoActiveCoveragePeriodsException": {
32223 "description": "NoActiveCoveragePeriodsException",
32224 "required": [
32225 "Message",
32226 "ExceptionType",
32227 "CorrelationId"
32228 ],
32229 "properties": {
32230 "Message": {
32231 "type": "string"
32232 },
32233 "ExceptionMessage": {
32234 "type": "string"
32235 },
32236 "ExceptionType": {
32237 "type": "string"
32238 },
32239 "StackTrace": {
32240 "type": "string"
32241 },
32242 "CorrelationId": {
32243 "type": "string"
32244 }
32245 },
32246 "type": "object",
32247 "default": {
32248 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because it has no active coverage periods.",
32249 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because it has no active coverage periods.",
32250 "ExceptionType": "NoActiveCoveragePeriodsException",
32251 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32252 }
32253 },
32254 "NonPositiveClaimSettlementException": {
32255 "description": "NonPositiveClaimSettlementException",
32256 "required": [
32257 "Message",
32258 "ExceptionType",
32259 "CorrelationId"
32260 ],
32261 "properties": {
32262 "Message": {
32263 "type": "string"
32264 },
32265 "ExceptionMessage": {
32266 "type": "string"
32267 },
32268 "ExceptionType": {
32269 "type": "string"
32270 },
32271 "StackTrace": {
32272 "type": "string"
32273 },
32274 "CorrelationId": {
32275 "type": "string"
32276 }
32277 },
32278 "type": "object",
32279 "default": {
32280 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because it would result in a non positive payable amount.",
32281 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because it would result in a non positive payable amount.",
32282 "ExceptionType": "NonPositiveClaimSettlementException",
32283 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32284 }
32285 },
32286 "PayoutLostOrStolenItemIsNotTotalLossException": {
32287 "description": "PayoutLostOrStolenItemIsNotTotalLossException",
32288 "required": [
32289 "Message",
32290 "ExceptionType",
32291 "CorrelationId"
32292 ],
32293 "properties": {
32294 "Message": {
32295 "type": "string"
32296 },
32297 "ExceptionMessage": {
32298 "type": "string"
32299 },
32300 "ExceptionType": {
32301 "type": "string"
32302 },
32303 "StackTrace": {
32304 "type": "string"
32305 },
32306 "CorrelationId": {
32307 "type": "string"
32308 }
32309 },
32310 "type": "object",
32311 "default": {
32312 "Message": "The claim cannot be settled because it is a payout and has non total loss items that were lost or stolen.",
32313 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim cannot be settled because it is a payout and has non total loss items that were lost or stolen.",
32314 "ExceptionType": "PayoutLostOrStolenItemIsNotTotalLossException",
32315 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32316 }
32317 },
32318 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimCompanyMessage": {
32319 "description": "Represents a claim message sent from trov to customers.",
32320 "required": [
32321 "acceptedResponseTypes"
32322 ],
32323 "properties": {
32324 "claimId": {
32325 "description": "Gets or sets the parent claim id.",
32326 "type": "string"
32327 },
32328 "text": {
32329 "description": "Gets or sets the text that should be shown to the user describing the update.",
32330 "type": "string"
32331 },
32332 "subText": {
32333 "description": "Gets or sets the sub text of the message.",
32334 "type": "string"
32335 },
32336 "acceptedResponseTypes": {
32337 "description": "Gets or sets the types of responses accepted for the next step of the automated claim process.",
32338 "items": {
32339 "type": "string",
32340 "enum": [
32341 "Any",
32342 "LossType",
32343 "LossDate",
32344 "LossLocation",
32345 "NoReply",
32346 "BankAccount",
32347 "Text",
32348 "Photo",
32349 "PhoneNumber",
32350 "ConfirmationCode",
32351 "PaymentCard"
32352 ],
32353 "x-enumName": "ClaimMessageResponseType"
32354 },
32355 "xml": {
32356 "name": "ClaimMessageResponseType",
32357 "wrapped": true
32358 },
32359 "type": "array",
32360 "x-enumName": "ClaimMessageResponseType"
32361 },
32362 "ordering": {
32363 "description": "Gets the create timestamp of the claim update allowing ordering on client side",
32364 "readOnly": true,
32365 "type": "string",
32366 "format": "date-time"
32367 },
32368 "kind": {
32369 "readOnly": true,
32370 "type": "string",
32371 "enum": [
32372 "StatusUpdate",
32373 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
32374 "LossDateUpdate",
32375 "LossLocationUpdate",
32376 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
32377 "BankAccountUpdate",
32378 "AssignmentUpdate",
32379 "CompanyMessage",
32380 "CustomerMessage",
32381 "Note",
32382 "Photo",
32383 "Payout",
32384 "AssetUpdate",
32385 "AssetAmountUpdate",
32386 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
32387 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
32388 "ExcessPayment",
32389 "Payable",
32390 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
32391 ],
32392 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
32393 },
32394 "id": {
32395 "type": "string"
32396 }
32397 },
32398 "xml": {
32399 "name": "ClaimCompanyMessage"
32400 },
32401 "type": "object",
32402 "default": {
32403 "ClaimId": "claimId2",
32404 "Text": "Message",
32405 "SubText": "SubText",
32406 "AcceptedResponseTypes": [
32407 "LossType"
32408 ],
32409 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
32410 "Kind": "CompanyMessage",
32411 "Id": "claimCompanyMessageId",
32412 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
32413 "CreatedBy": "123456"
32414 }
32415 },
32416 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimNote": {
32417 "description": "Represents a claim note.",
32418 "properties": {
32419 "claimId": {
32420 "description": "Gets or sets the claim identifier.",
32421 "type": "string"
32422 },
32423 "text": {
32424 "description": "Gets or sets the text.",
32425 "type": "string"
32426 },
32427 "ordering": {
32428 "description": "Gets the ordering.",
32429 "readOnly": true,
32430 "type": "string",
32431 "format": "date-time"
32432 },
32433 "kind": {
32434 "readOnly": true,
32435 "type": "string",
32436 "enum": [
32437 "StatusUpdate",
32438 "TypeOfLossUpdate",
32439 "LossDateUpdate",
32440 "LossLocationUpdate",
32441 "PhoneNumberUpdate",
32442 "BankAccountUpdate",
32443 "AssignmentUpdate",
32444 "CompanyMessage",
32445 "CustomerMessage",
32446 "Note",
32447 "Photo",
32448 "Payout",
32449 "AssetUpdate",
32450 "AssetAmountUpdate",
32451 "CustomerMessageDismissalUpdate",
32452 "ClaimPaymentCardUpdate",
32453 "ExcessPayment",
32454 "Payable",
32455 "SettlementMethodUpdate"
32456 ],
32457 "x-enumName": "ClaimEventType"
32458 },
32459 "id": {
32460 "type": "string"
32461 }
32462 },
32463 "xml": {
32464 "name": "ClaimNote"
32465 },
32466 "type": "object",
32467 "default": {
32468 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
32469 "Text": "Text",
32470 "Ordering": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
32471 "Kind": "Note",
32472 "Id": "claimNoteId",
32473 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
32474 "CreatedBy": "123456"
32475 }
32476 },
32477 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedClaimManualClaimRefundRequest": {
32478 "required": [
32479 "priceOfferId",
32480 "billId",
32481 "adjustTaxAmount"
32482 ],
32483 "properties": {
32484 "priceOfferId": {
32485 "type": "string"
32486 },
32487 "billId": {
32488 "type": "string"
32489 },
32490 "adjustTaxAmount": {
32491 "type": "number",
32492 "format": "double"
32493 },
32494 "premiumRefundAmount": {
32495 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyRequest"
32496 },
32497 "refundAmount": {
32498 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyRequest"
32499 },
32500 "excessAmount": {
32501 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyRequest"
32502 },
32503 "pastDueAmount": {
32504 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyRequest"
32505 },
32506 "payoutAmount": {
32507 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyRequest"
32508 }
32509 },
32510 "xml": {
32511 "name": "ManualClaimRefundRequest"
32512 },
32513 "type": "object"
32514 },
32515 "TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyRequest": {
32516 "required": [
32517 "type",
32518 "value"
32519 ],
32520 "properties": {
32521 "type": {
32522 "type": "integer",
32523 "format": "int32",
32524 "enum": [
32525 0,
32526 1,
32527 2,
32528 3,
32529 4,
32530 5,
32531 6,
32532 7,
32533 8
32534 ],
32535 "x-enumName": "LegacyCurrencyType"
32536 },
32537 "value": {
32538 "type": "number",
32539 "format": "double"
32540 }
32541 },
32542 "xml": {
32543 "name": "LegacyCurrencyRequest"
32544 },
32545 "type": "object"
32546 },
32547 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedClaimManualClaimStatusUpdateRequest": {
32548 "required": [
32549 "status"
32550 ],
32551 "properties": {
32552 "status": {
32553 "type": "string",
32554 "enum": [
32555 "Unknown",
32556 "Draft",
32557 "Submitted",
32558 "Closed",
32559 "Accepted",
32560 "Denied",
32561 "Settled",
32562 "Deleted"
32563 ],
32564 "x-enumName": "ClaimStatus"
32565 }
32566 },
32567 "xml": {
32568 "name": "ManualClaimStatusUpdateRequest"
32569 },
32570 "type": "object"
32571 },
32572 "ClaimStatusNotSupportedException": {
32573 "description": "ClaimStatusNotSupportedException",
32574 "required": [
32575 "Message",
32576 "ExceptionType",
32577 "CorrelationId"
32578 ],
32579 "properties": {
32580 "Message": {
32581 "type": "string"
32582 },
32583 "ExceptionMessage": {
32584 "type": "string"
32585 },
32586 "ExceptionType": {
32587 "type": "string"
32588 },
32589 "StackTrace": {
32590 "type": "string"
32591 },
32592 "CorrelationId": {
32593 "type": "string"
32594 }
32595 },
32596 "type": "object",
32597 "default": {
32598 "Message": "The claim status string is not supported.",
32599 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim status string is not supported.",
32600 "ExceptionType": "ClaimStatusNotSupportedException",
32601 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32602 }
32603 },
32604 "ForbiddenException": {
32605 "description": "ForbiddenException",
32606 "required": [
32607 "Message",
32608 "ExceptionType",
32609 "CorrelationId"
32610 ],
32611 "properties": {
32612 "Message": {
32613 "type": "string"
32614 },
32615 "ExceptionMessage": {
32616 "type": "string"
32617 },
32618 "ExceptionType": {
32619 "type": "string"
32620 },
32621 "StackTrace": {
32622 "type": "string"
32623 },
32624 "CorrelationId": {
32625 "type": "string"
32626 }
32627 },
32628 "type": "object",
32629 "default": {
32630 "Message": "string",
32631 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
32632 "ExceptionType": "ForbiddenException",
32633 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32634 }
32635 },
32636 "InvalidMarketException": {
32637 "description": "InvalidMarketException",
32638 "required": [
32639 "Message",
32640 "ExceptionType",
32641 "CorrelationId"
32642 ],
32643 "properties": {
32644 "Message": {
32645 "type": "string"
32646 },
32647 "ExceptionMessage": {
32648 "type": "string"
32649 },
32650 "ExceptionType": {
32651 "type": "string"
32652 },
32653 "StackTrace": {
32654 "type": "string"
32655 },
32656 "CorrelationId": {
32657 "type": "string"
32658 }
32659 },
32660 "type": "object",
32661 "default": {
32662 "Message": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
32663 "ExceptionMessage": "'string' is not a valid Market.",
32664 "ExceptionType": "InvalidMarketException",
32665 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32666 }
32667 },
32668 "PaymentProviderMinimumChargeException": {
32669 "description": "PaymentProviderMinimumChargeException",
32670 "required": [
32671 "Message",
32672 "ExceptionType",
32673 "CorrelationId"
32674 ],
32675 "properties": {
32676 "Message": {
32677 "type": "string"
32678 },
32679 "ExceptionMessage": {
32680 "type": "string"
32681 },
32682 "ExceptionType": {
32683 "type": "string"
32684 },
32685 "StackTrace": {
32686 "type": "string"
32687 },
32688 "CorrelationId": {
32689 "type": "string"
32690 }
32691 },
32692 "type": "object",
32693 "default": {
32694 "Message": "Unable to charge . The minimum charge amount is .",
32695 "ExceptionMessage": "Unable to charge . The minimum charge amount is .",
32696 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderMinimumChargeException",
32697 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32698 }
32699 },
32700 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimAssetUpdateRequest": {
32701 "description": "Represents a request for a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim} asset update.",
32702 "required": [
32703 "claimedAmount"
32704 ],
32705 "properties": {
32706 "claimedAmount": {
32707 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
32708 "description": "Gets or sets the actual claimed value for the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}."
32709 }
32710 },
32711 "xml": {
32712 "name": "ClaimAssetUpdateRequest"
32713 },
32714 "type": "object",
32715 "default": {
32716 "ClaimedAmount": {
32717 "Type": 0,
32718 "Value": 150.00
32719 }
32720 }
32721 },
32722 "AssetClaimedValueLessThanExcessException": {
32723 "description": "AssetClaimedValueLessThanExcessException",
32724 "required": [
32725 "Message",
32726 "ExceptionType",
32727 "CorrelationId"
32728 ],
32729 "properties": {
32730 "Message": {
32731 "type": "string"
32732 },
32733 "ExceptionMessage": {
32734 "type": "string"
32735 },
32736 "ExceptionType": {
32737 "type": "string"
32738 },
32739 "StackTrace": {
32740 "type": "string"
32741 },
32742 "CorrelationId": {
32743 "type": "string"
32744 }
32745 },
32746 "type": "object",
32747 "default": {
32748 "Message": "The claimed value must be greater than or equal to the excess value of the asset.",
32749 "ExceptionMessage": "The claimed value must be greater than or equal to the excess value of the asset.",
32750 "ExceptionType": "AssetClaimedValueLessThanExcessException",
32751 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32752 }
32753 },
32754 "AssetNotInClaimException": {
32755 "description": "AssetNotInClaimException",
32756 "required": [
32757 "Message",
32758 "ExceptionType",
32759 "CorrelationId"
32760 ],
32761 "properties": {
32762 "Message": {
32763 "type": "string"
32764 },
32765 "ExceptionMessage": {
32766 "type": "string"
32767 },
32768 "ExceptionType": {
32769 "type": "string"
32770 },
32771 "StackTrace": {
32772 "type": "string"
32773 },
32774 "CorrelationId": {
32775 "type": "string"
32776 }
32777 },
32778 "type": "object",
32779 "default": {
32780 "Message": "The specified asset (string) does not belong to the claim (string).",
32781 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified asset (string) does not belong to the claim (string).",
32782 "ExceptionType": "AssetNotInClaimException",
32783 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32784 }
32785 },
32786 "InvalidAssetClaimedValueException": {
32787 "description": "InvalidAssetClaimedValueException",
32788 "required": [
32789 "Message",
32790 "ExceptionType",
32791 "CorrelationId"
32792 ],
32793 "properties": {
32794 "Message": {
32795 "type": "string"
32796 },
32797 "ExceptionMessage": {
32798 "type": "string"
32799 },
32800 "ExceptionType": {
32801 "type": "string"
32802 },
32803 "StackTrace": {
32804 "type": "string"
32805 },
32806 "CorrelationId": {
32807 "type": "string"
32808 }
32809 },
32810 "type": "object",
32811 "default": {
32812 "Message": "The claimed value must be less than or equal to the insured value of the asset.",
32813 "ExceptionMessage": "The claimed value must be less than or equal to the insured value of the asset.",
32814 "ExceptionType": "InvalidAssetClaimedValueException",
32815 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32816 }
32817 },
32818 "InvalidClaimStatusException": {
32819 "description": "InvalidClaimStatusException",
32820 "required": [
32821 "Message",
32822 "ExceptionType",
32823 "CorrelationId"
32824 ],
32825 "properties": {
32826 "Message": {
32827 "type": "string"
32828 },
32829 "ExceptionMessage": {
32830 "type": "string"
32831 },
32832 "ExceptionType": {
32833 "type": "string"
32834 },
32835 "StackTrace": {
32836 "type": "string"
32837 },
32838 "CorrelationId": {
32839 "type": "string"
32840 }
32841 },
32842 "type": "object",
32843 "default": {
32844 "Message": "The claim status is not in the expected state.",
32845 "ExceptionMessage": "The claim status is not in the expected state.",
32846 "ExceptionType": "InvalidClaimStatusException",
32847 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32848 }
32849 },
32850 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimClaimSettlementMethodUpdateRequest": {
32851 "description": "Represents a claim settlement method update request.",
32852 "required": [
32853 "method"
32854 ],
32855 "properties": {
32856 "method": {
32857 "description": "Gets or sets the method to settle the item in the claim.",
32858 "type": "string",
32859 "enum": [
32860 "Payout",
32861 "Repair",
32862 "RepairByCustomer",
32863 "Replace"
32864 ],
32865 "x-enumName": "ClaimSettlementMethod"
32866 }
32867 },
32868 "xml": {
32869 "name": "ClaimSettlementMethodUpdateRequest"
32870 },
32871 "type": "object",
32872 "default": {
32873 "Method": "Payout"
32874 }
32875 },
32876 "InvalidSettlementMethodException": {
32877 "description": "InvalidSettlementMethodException",
32878 "required": [
32879 "Message",
32880 "ExceptionType",
32881 "CorrelationId"
32882 ],
32883 "properties": {
32884 "Message": {
32885 "type": "string"
32886 },
32887 "ExceptionMessage": {
32888 "type": "string"
32889 },
32890 "ExceptionType": {
32891 "type": "string"
32892 },
32893 "StackTrace": {
32894 "type": "string"
32895 },
32896 "CorrelationId": {
32897 "type": "string"
32898 }
32899 },
32900 "type": "object",
32901 "default": {
32902 "Message": "string",
32903 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
32904 "ExceptionType": "InvalidSettlementMethodException",
32905 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
32906 }
32907 },
32908 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedClientClientResponse": {
32909 "required": [
32910 "id",
32911 "name",
32912 "type",
32913 "isActive",
32914 "refreshTokenLifeTimeInMinutes",
32915 "allowedOrigins",
32916 "enforceTwoFactorForOAuth"
32917 ],
32918 "properties": {
32919 "id": {
32920 "type": "string"
32921 },
32922 "name": {
32923 "type": "string"
32924 },
32925 "type": {
32926 "type": "integer",
32927 "format": "int32",
32928 "enum": [
32929 0,
32930 1
32931 ],
32932 "x-enumName": "ClientApplicationType"
32933 },
32934 "isActive": {
32935 "type": "boolean"
32936 },
32937 "refreshTokenLifeTimeInMinutes": {
32938 "type": "integer",
32939 "format": "int32"
32940 },
32941 "allowedOrigins": {
32942 "type": "string"
32943 },
32944 "enforceTwoFactorForOAuth": {
32945 "type": "boolean"
32946 }
32947 },
32948 "xml": {
32949 "name": "ClientResponse"
32950 },
32951 "type": "object"
32952 },
32953 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedClientCreateClientRequest": {
32954 "required": [
32955 "id",
32956 "name",
32957 "clientApplicationType",
32958 "refreshTokenLifeTimeInMinutes"
32959 ],
32960 "properties": {
32961 "id": {
32962 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the client.",
32963 "type": "string"
32964 },
32965 "secret": {
32966 "description": "Gets or sets the secret of the client.",
32967 "type": "string"
32968 },
32969 "name": {
32970 "description": "Gets or sets the friendly name of the client.",
32971 "type": "string"
32972 },
32973 "clientApplicationType": {
32974 "type": "integer",
32975 "format": "int32",
32976 "enum": [
32977 0,
32978 1
32979 ],
32980 "x-enumName": "ClientApplicationType"
32981 },
32982 "refreshTokenLifeTimeInMinutes": {
32983 "description": "Gets or sets the length the associated refresh tokens are given before expired.",
32984 "type": "integer",
32985 "format": "int32"
32986 },
32987 "allowedOrigins": {
32988 "description": "Gets or sets the origins allowed to utilize the client.",
32989 "type": "string"
32990 }
32991 },
32992 "xml": {
32993 "name": "CreateClientRequest"
32994 },
32995 "type": "object"
32996 },
32997 "TrovCommonModelCoreIDefinitions": {
32998 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents the definitions of allowable attributes/properties that can be used in conjunction with other models.",
32999 "required": [
33000 "baseApiUris",
33001 "categoryList",
33002 "supportedCurrencies",
33003 "parentChildStructureMapping",
33004 "capabilities",
33005 "claimPaymentTypes"
33006 ],
33007 "properties": {
33008 "baseApiUris": {
33009 "description": "Gets or sets the base {System.Uri}s to be used per market for the API.",
33010 "properties": {
33011 "Unknown": {
33012 "type": "string"
33013 },
33014 "US": {
33015 "type": "string"
33016 },
33017 "AU": {
33018 "type": "string"
33019 },
33020 "GB": {
33021 "type": "string"
33022 }
33023 },
33024 "type": "object"
33025 },
33026 "categoryList": {
33027 "description": "Gets or sets the supported categories.",
33028 "items": {
33029 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreLegacyCategory"
33030 },
33031 "xml": {
33032 "name": "LegacyCategory",
33033 "wrapped": true
33034 },
33035 "type": "array"
33036 },
33037 "supportedCurrencies": {
33038 "description": "Gets or sets the supported currencies.",
33039 "items": {
33040 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrencyTypeDetails"
33041 },
33042 "xml": {
33043 "name": "CurrencyTypeDetails",
33044 "wrapped": true
33045 },
33046 "type": "array"
33047 },
33048 "parentChildStructureMapping": {
33049 "description": "Gets or sets the supported structure definitions.",
33050 "items": {
33051 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreStructureDefinition"
33052 },
33053 "xml": {
33054 "name": "StructureDefinition",
33055 "wrapped": true
33056 },
33057 "type": "array"
33058 },
33059 "capabilities": {
33060 "description": "Gets or sets a set of supported {Trov.Utility.Configuration.CapabilityType}s per market.",
33061 "properties": {
33062 "Unknown": {
33063 "items": {
33064 "type": "integer",
33065 "format": "int32",
33066 "enum": [
33067 0,
33068 100,
33069 101,
33070 200,
33071 201,
33072 202,
33073 203,
33074 204,
33075 205,
33076 206,
33077 300,
33078 400,
33079 401,
33080 402,
33081 410,
33082 411,
33083 412,
33084 420,
33085 421,
33086 500,
33087 501,
33088 600,
33089 666,
33090 667,
33091 668,
33092 669,
33093 700,
33094 9999
33095 ],
33096 "x-enumName": ""
33097 },
33098 "xml": {
33099 "name": "CapabilityType",
33100 "wrapped": true
33101 },
33102 "type": "array",
33103 "x-enumName": ""
33104 },
33105 "US": {
33106 "items": {
33107 "type": "integer",
33108 "format": "int32",
33109 "enum": [
33110 0,
33111 100,
33112 101,
33113 200,
33114 201,
33115 202,
33116 203,
33117 204,
33118 205,
33119 206,
33120 300,
33121 400,
33122 401,
33123 402,
33124 410,
33125 411,
33126 412,
33127 420,
33128 421,
33129 500,
33130 501,
33131 600,
33132 666,
33133 667,
33134 668,
33135 669,
33136 700,
33137 9999
33138 ],
33139 "x-enumName": ""
33140 },
33141 "xml": {
33142 "name": "CapabilityType",
33143 "wrapped": true
33144 },
33145 "type": "array",
33146 "x-enumName": ""
33147 },
33148 "AU": {
33149 "items": {
33150 "type": "integer",
33151 "format": "int32",
33152 "enum": [
33153 0,
33154 100,
33155 101,
33156 200,
33157 201,
33158 202,
33159 203,
33160 204,
33161 205,
33162 206,
33163 300,
33164 400,
33165 401,
33166 402,
33167 410,
33168 411,
33169 412,
33170 420,
33171 421,
33172 500,
33173 501,
33174 600,
33175 666,
33176 667,
33177 668,
33178 669,
33179 700,
33180 9999
33181 ],
33182 "x-enumName": ""
33183 },
33184 "xml": {
33185 "name": "CapabilityType",
33186 "wrapped": true
33187 },
33188 "type": "array",
33189 "x-enumName": ""
33190 },
33191 "GB": {
33192 "items": {
33193 "type": "integer",
33194 "format": "int32",
33195 "enum": [
33196 0,
33197 100,
33198 101,
33199 200,
33200 201,
33201 202,
33202 203,
33203 204,
33204 205,
33205 206,
33206 300,
33207 400,
33208 401,
33209 402,
33210 410,
33211 411,
33212 412,
33213 420,
33214 421,
33215 500,
33216 501,
33217 600,
33218 666,
33219 667,
33220 668,
33221 669,
33222 700,
33223 9999
33224 ],
33225 "x-enumName": ""
33226 },
33227 "xml": {
33228 "name": "CapabilityType",
33229 "wrapped": true
33230 },
33231 "type": "array",
33232 "x-enumName": ""
33233 }
33234 },
33235 "type": "object"
33236 },
33237 "claimPaymentTypes": {
33238 "description": "Gets or sets the supported claim payment types.",
33239 "items": {
33240 "type": "string",
33241 "enum": [
33242 "Unknown",
33243 "CreditCard"
33244 ],
33245 "x-enumName": "ClaimPaymentRequestType"
33246 },
33247 "xml": {
33248 "name": "ClaimPaymentRequestType",
33249 "wrapped": true
33250 },
33251 "type": "array",
33252 "uniqueItems": true,
33253 "x-enumName": "ClaimPaymentRequestType"
33254 }
33255 },
33256 "xml": {
33257 "name": "IDefinitions"
33258 },
33259 "type": "object",
33260 "default": {
33261 "BaseApiUris": {
33262 "AU": "https://api-au.trov.com/Trov.Service/",
33263 "US": "https://api-us.trov.com/Trov.Service/"
33264 },
33265 "CategoryList": [
33266 {
33267 "Id": "1",
33268 "Name": "Animals",
33269 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [],
33270 "IsRegion": false
33271 },
33272 {
33273 "Id": "2",
33274 "Name": "Art",
33275 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33276 "Art"
33277 ],
33278 "IsRegion": false
33279 },
33280 {
33281 "Id": "3",
33282 "Name": "Fashion",
33283 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33284 "Product"
33285 ],
33286 "IsRegion": false
33287 },
33288 {
33289 "Id": "4",
33290 "Name": "Collectibles",
33291 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [],
33292 "IsRegion": false
33293 },
33294 {
33295 "Id": "5",
33296 "Name": "Decor",
33297 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [],
33298 "IsRegion": false
33299 },
33300 {
33301 "Id": "6",
33302 "Name": "Electronics",
33303 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33304 "Product"
33305 ],
33306 "IsRegion": false
33307 },
33308 {
33309 "Id": "7",
33310 "Name": "Entertainment",
33311 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33312 "Product"
33313 ],
33314 "IsRegion": false
33315 },
33316 {
33317 "Id": "8",
33318 "Name": "Furniture",
33319 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33320 "Product"
33321 ],
33322 "IsRegion": false
33323 },
33324 {
33325 "Id": "9",
33326 "Name": "Hardware & Equipment",
33327 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33328 "Product"
33329 ],
33330 "IsRegion": false
33331 },
33332 {
33333 "Id": "10",
33334 "Name": "Houseware & Appliances",
33335 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33336 "Product"
33337 ],
33338 "IsRegion": false
33339 },
33340 {
33341 "Id": "11",
33342 "Name": "Musical Instruments",
33343 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33344 "Product"
33345 ],
33346 "IsRegion": false
33347 },
33348 {
33349 "Id": "12",
33350 "Name": "Jewelry",
33351 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [],
33352 "IsRegion": false
33353 },
33354 {
33355 "Id": "15",
33356 "Name": "Real Estate",
33357 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33358 "Property"
33359 ],
33360 "IsRegion": true
33361 },
33362 {
33363 "Id": "17",
33364 "Name": "Lighting",
33365 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33366 "Product"
33367 ],
33368 "IsRegion": false
33369 },
33370 {
33371 "Id": "19",
33372 "Name": "Sporting Goods",
33373 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33374 "Product"
33375 ],
33376 "IsRegion": false
33377 },
33378 {
33379 "Id": "20",
33380 "Name": "Memorabilia",
33381 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [],
33382 "IsRegion": false
33383 },
33384 {
33385 "Id": "21",
33386 "Name": "Vehicles",
33387 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33388 "Vehicle"
33389 ],
33390 "IsRegion": false
33391 },
33392 {
33393 "Id": "22",
33394 "Name": "Wine & Spirits",
33395 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33396 "Wine"
33397 ],
33398 "IsRegion": false
33399 },
33400 {
33401 "Id": "23",
33402 "Name": "Building",
33403 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33404 "Building"
33405 ],
33406 "IsRegion": true
33407 },
33408 {
33409 "Id": "24",
33410 "Name": "Floor",
33411 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33412 "Floor"
33413 ],
33414 "IsRegion": true
33415 },
33416 {
33417 "Id": "25",
33418 "Name": "Room",
33419 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [],
33420 "IsRegion": true
33421 },
33422 {
33423 "Id": "26",
33424 "Name": "Area",
33425 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [
33426 "Area"
33427 ],
33428 "IsRegion": true
33429 },
33430 {
33431 "Id": "27",
33432 "Name": "Books",
33433 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [],
33434 "IsRegion": false
33435 },
33436 {
33437 "Id": "28",
33438 "Name": "Militaria",
33439 "CategorySpecificAttributes": [],
33440 "IsRegion": false
33441 }
33442 ],
33443 "SupportedCurrencies": [
33444 {
33445 "CurrencyType": 0,
33446 "CurrencySymbol": "$",
33447 "CurrencyAcronym": "USD",
33448 "CurrencyDescription": "U.S Dollars",
33449 "ExchangeRateUsd": 1.0,
33450 "InverseExchangeRateUsd": 1.0
33451 },
33452 {
33453 "CurrencyType": 1,
33454 "CurrencySymbol": "$",
33455 "CurrencyAcronym": "CAD",
33456 "CurrencyDescription": "Canadian Dollars",
33457 "ExchangeRateUsd": 0.827157738095,
33458 "InverseExchangeRateUsd": 1.2089592516
33459 },
33460 {
33461 "CurrencyType": 2,
33462 "CurrencySymbol": "£",
33463 "CurrencyAcronym": "GBP",
33464 "CurrencyDescription": "British Pounds",
33465 "ExchangeRateUsd": 1.5125170068,
33466 "InverseExchangeRateUsd": 0.661149590717
33467 },
33468 {
33469 "CurrencyType": 3,
33470 "CurrencySymbol": "$",
33471 "CurrencyAcronym": "AUD",
33472 "CurrencyDescription": "Australian Dollars",
33473 "ExchangeRateUsd": 0.78737870954,
33474 "InverseExchangeRateUsd": 1.27003688045
33475 },
33476 {
33477 "CurrencyType": 4,
33478 "CurrencySymbol": "€",
33479 "CurrencyAcronym": "EUR",
33480 "CurrencyDescription": "Euros",
33481 "ExchangeRateUsd": 1.1117,
33482 "InverseExchangeRateUsd": 0.899523252676
33483 },
33484 {
33485 "CurrencyType": 5,
33486 "CurrencySymbol": "",
33487 "CurrencyAcronym": "CHF",
33488 "CurrencyDescription": "Swiss Francs",
33489 "ExchangeRateUsd": 1.07141480339,
33490 "InverseExchangeRateUsd": 0.933345326977
33491 },
33492 {
33493 "CurrencyType": 6,
33494 "CurrencySymbol": "$",
33495 "CurrencyAcronym": "NZD",
33496 "CurrencyDescription": "New Zealand Dollars",
33497 "ExchangeRateUsd": 0.750033733639,
33498 "InverseExchangeRateUsd": 1.33327336512
33499 },
33500 {
33501 "CurrencyType": 7,
33502 "CurrencySymbol": "kr",
33503 "CurrencyAcronym": "NOK",
33504 "CurrencyDescription": "Norwegian Kroners",
33505 "ExchangeRateUsd": 0.131601065404,
33506 "InverseExchangeRateUsd": 7.59872267698
33507 },
33508 {
33509 "CurrencyType": 8,
33510 "CurrencySymbol": "kr",
33511 "CurrencyAcronym": "SEK",
33512 "CurrencyDescription": "Swedish Kronor",
33513 "ExchangeRateUsd": 0.119173706102,
33514 "InverseExchangeRateUsd": 8.39111271026
33515 }
33516 ],
33517 "ParentChildStructureMapping": [
33518 {
33519 "ParentId": "15",
33520 "ChildId": "23"
33521 },
33522 {
33523 "ParentId": "15",
33524 "ChildId": "26"
33525 },
33526 {
33527 "ParentId": "23",
33528 "ChildId": "24"
33529 },
33530 {
33531 "ParentId": "24",
33532 "ChildId": "25"
33533 }
33534 ],
33535 "Capabilities": {
33536 "AU": [
33537 500,
33538 100,
33539 101,
33540 201,
33541 204,
33542 667
33543 ]
33544 },
33545 "ClaimPaymentTypes": [
33546 "CreditCard"
33547 ]
33548 }
33549 },
33550 "TrovCommonModelCoreLegacyCategory": {
33551 "description": "Defines a model that represents a category.",
33552 "required": [
33553 "name"
33554 ],
33555 "properties": {
33556 "id": {
33557 "description": "Gets or sets the category id.",
33558 "type": "string"
33559 },
33560 "name": {
33561 "description": "Gets or sets the category name.",
33562 "type": "string"
33563 },
33564 "categorySpecificAttributes": {
33565 "description": "Gets or sets the category specific attributes.",
33566 "items": {
33567 "type": "string"
33568 },
33569 "type": "array",
33570 "uniqueItems": true
33571 },
33572 "isRegion": {
33573 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the category is a region.",
33574 "type": "boolean"
33575 }
33576 },
33577 "xml": {
33578 "name": "LegacyCategory"
33579 },
33580 "type": "object"
33581 },
33582 "TrovCommonModelCoreCurrencyTypeDetails": {
33583 "description": "Represents currency type details.",
33584 "required": [
33585 "currencyType",
33586 "currencySymbol",
33587 "currencyAcronym"
33588 ],
33589 "properties": {
33590 "currencyType": {
33591 "description": "Gets or sets the currency type.",
33592 "type": "integer",
33593 "format": "int32",
33594 "enum": [
33595 0,
33596 1,
33597 2,
33598 3,
33599 4,
33600 5,
33601 6,
33602 7,
33603 8
33604 ],
33605 "x-enumName": "CurrencyType"
33606 },
33607 "currencySymbol": {
33608 "description": "Gets or sets the currency symbol.",
33609 "type": "string"
33610 },
33611 "currencyAcronym": {
33612 "description": "Gets or sets the currency acronym.",
33613 "type": "string"
33614 },
33615 "currencyDescription": {
33616 "description": "Gets or sets the currency description.",
33617 "type": "string"
33618 },
33619 "exchangeRateUsd": {
33620 "description": "Gets or sets the exchange rate to USD.",
33621 "type": "number",
33622 "format": "double"
33623 },
33624 "inverseExchangeRateUsd": {
33625 "description": "Gets or sets the inverse exchange rate from USD.",
33626 "type": "number",
33627 "format": "double"
33628 }
33629 },
33630 "xml": {
33631 "name": "CurrencyTypeDetails"
33632 },
33633 "type": "object"
33634 },
33635 "TrovCommonModelCoreStructureDefinition": {
33636 "description": "Defines a model that represents a parent/child structure definition.",
33637 "properties": {
33638 "parentId": {
33639 "description": "Gets or sets the parent id of the structure definition.",
33640 "type": "string"
33641 },
33642 "childId": {
33643 "description": "Gets or sets the child id of the structure definition.",
33644 "type": "string"
33645 }
33646 },
33647 "xml": {
33648 "name": "StructureDefinition"
33649 },
33650 "type": "object"
33651 },
33652 "TrovCommonModelConfigurationPublishableKeysResponse": {
33653 "required": [
33654 "publishableKeys"
33655 ],
33656 "properties": {
33657 "publishableKeys": {
33658 "items": {
33659 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelConfigurationPublishableKey"
33660 },
33661 "xml": {
33662 "name": "PublishableKey",
33663 "wrapped": true
33664 },
33665 "type": "array",
33666 "uniqueItems": true
33667 }
33668 },
33669 "xml": {
33670 "name": "PublishableKeysResponse"
33671 },
33672 "type": "object",
33673 "default": {
33674 "PublishableKeys": [
33675 {
33676 "Provider": "Pin",
33677 "Key": "key"
33678 }
33679 ]
33680 }
33681 },
33682 "TrovCommonModelConfigurationPublishableKey": {
33683 "required": [
33684 "provider",
33685 "key"
33686 ],
33687 "properties": {
33688 "provider": {
33689 "type": "string",
33690 "enum": [
33691 "Pin",
33692 "Stripe"
33693 ],
33694 "x-enumName": "PublishableKeyProvider"
33695 },
33696 "key": {
33697 "type": "string"
33698 }
33699 },
33700 "xml": {
33701 "name": "PublishableKey"
33702 },
33703 "type": "object",
33704 "default": {
33705 "Provider": "Pin",
33706 "Key": "key"
33707 }
33708 },
33709 "TrovCommonModelSicCoveragePeriodICoveragePeriod": {
33710 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents coverage period information for an {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
33711 "required": [
33712 "assetId",
33713 "assetName",
33714 "assetRevision",
33715 "category",
33716 "subCategory",
33717 "expiration",
33718 "insuredValue",
33719 "offerType",
33720 "quoteId",
33721 "started",
33722 "effective",
33723 "status",
33724 "excess",
33725 "excessPercentage",
33726 "dailyTaxes",
33727 "dailyTotal",
33728 "audit",
33729 "pricingModelVersion",
33730 "customerId",
33731 "priceOfferId",
33732 "taxes",
33733 "productDisclosureSummaryId",
33734 "pdsVersion"
33735 ],
33736 "properties": {
33737 "assetId": {
33738 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
33739 "type": "string"
33740 },
33741 "assetName": {
33742 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
33743 "type": "string"
33744 },
33745 "assetRevision": {
33746 "description": "Gets or sets the revision of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
33747 "type": "integer",
33748 "format": "int32"
33749 },
33750 "category": {
33751 "description": "Gets or sets the asset's category.",
33752 "type": "string"
33753 },
33754 "subCategory": {
33755 "description": "Gets or sets the asset's subcategory.",
33756 "type": "string"
33757 },
33758 "expiration": {
33759 "description": "Gets or sets the expiration date of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
33760 "type": "string",
33761 "format": "date-time"
33762 },
33763 "insuredValue": {
33764 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
33765 "description": "Gets or sets the insured value of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}."
33766 },
33767 "offerType": {
33768 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOfferType}.",
33769 "type": "string",
33770 "enum": [
33771 "Quote",
33772 "ProfileChange",
33773 "PricingModelChange",
33774 "PdsUpdate"
33775 ],
33776 "x-enumName": "PriceOfferType"
33777 },
33778 "quoteId": {
33779 "description": "Gets or sets the quote id which is used to group {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} that were generated at the same time for the same asset at different excess levels.",
33780 "type": "string"
33781 },
33782 "claimedValue": {
33783 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
33784 "description": "Gets or sets the amount the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} is being claimed for."
33785 },
33786 "started": {
33787 "description": "Gets or sets the date the coverage started.",
33788 "type": "string",
33789 "format": "date-time"
33790 },
33791 "ended": {
33792 "description": "Gets or sets the date the coverage ends.",
33793 "type": "string",
33794 "format": "date-time"
33795 },
33796 "stopInsureReason": {
33797 "description": "Gets or sets the reason the coverage ends.",
33798 "type": "string",
33799 "enum": [
33800 "User",
33801 "PaymentFail",
33802 "StaffCancel",
33803 "Claim",
33804 "ProfileCoverageChange",
33805 "PricingModelCoverageChange"
33806 ],
33807 "x-enumName": "StopInsureReason"
33808 },
33809 "effective": {
33810 "description": "Gets or sets the effective date of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
33811 "type": "string",
33812 "format": "date-time"
33813 },
33814 "status": {
33815 "description": "Gets or sets the status of the calculation.",
33816 "type": "string",
33817 "enum": [
33818 "Success",
33819 "FailedToPrice",
33820 "Declined",
33821 "ItemCategoryNotSupported",
33822 "CustomerAgeNotSupported",
33823 "CustomerAddressNotSupported",
33824 "PremiumNotAffordable",
33825 "UnderwritingDenied"
33826 ],
33827 "x-enumName": "PremiumCalculationStatus"
33828 },
33829 "underwritingWarning": {
33830 "description": "Gets or sets the underwriting warning, if any.",
33831 "type": "string",
33832 "enum": [
33833 "None",
33834 "InsuranceSoldOut",
33835 "InsuranceCategorySoldOut",
33836 "CustomerLimitReached",
33837 "ItemLimitReached"
33838 ],
33839 "x-enumName": "UnderwritingWarning"
33840 },
33841 "excess": {
33842 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
33843 "description": "Gets or sets the excess amount."
33844 },
33845 "excessPercentage": {
33846 "description": "Gets or sets the excess percentage used to calculate the excess amount.",
33847 "type": "number",
33848 "format": "double"
33849 },
33850 "dailyPremium": {
33851 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
33852 "description": "Gets or sets the daily premium amount."
33853 },
33854 "monthlyTotal": {
33855 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
33856 "description": "Gets the monthly total amount. This is an estimate in the AU/GB markets, calculated from the official DailyTotal",
33857 "readOnly": true
33858 },
33859 "dailyTaxes": {
33860 "description": "Gets or sets a collection of tax amounts included in the premium.",
33861 "items": {
33862 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
33863 },
33864 "xml": {
33865 "name": "ITaxCharge",
33866 "wrapped": true
33867 },
33868 "type": "array"
33869 },
33870 "dailyTotal": {
33871 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
33872 "description": "Gets or sets the daily total."
33873 },
33874 "audit": {
33875 "description": "Gets or sets the audit record for the premium calculation.",
33876 "items": {
33877 "type": "string"
33878 },
33879 "type": "array"
33880 },
33881 "pricingModelVersion": {
33882 "description": "Gets or sets the version of the pricing model used to generate the premium.",
33883 "type": "integer",
33884 "format": "int64"
33885 },
33886 "customerId": {
33887 "description": "Gets or sets the parent customer id.",
33888 "type": "string"
33889 },
33890 "priceOfferId": {
33891 "description": "Gets or sets the identifier of the related {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
33892 "type": "string"
33893 },
33894 "taxes": {
33895 "description": "Gets or sets the taxes.",
33896 "items": {
33897 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
33898 },
33899 "xml": {
33900 "name": "ITaxCharge",
33901 "wrapped": true
33902 },
33903 "type": "array"
33904 },
33905 "id": {
33906 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
33907 "type": "string"
33908 },
33909 "productDisclosureSummaryId": {
33910 "description": "Gets or sets the PDS version associated with the entity.",
33911 "type": "integer",
33912 "format": "int32"
33913 },
33914 "amendatoryEndorsementId": {
33915 "description": "Gets or sets the amendatory endorsement associated with the entity.",
33916 "type": "integer",
33917 "format": "int32"
33918 },
33919 "pdsVersion": {
33920 "description": "This is for backwards compatibility only, PdsVersion is misleading and the new name is ProductDisclosureSummaryId.",
33921 "readOnly": true,
33922 "type": "integer",
33923 "format": "int32"
33924 }
33925 },
33926 "xml": {
33927 "name": "ICoveragePeriod"
33928 },
33929 "type": "object",
33930 "default": {
33931 "Id": "priceOfferId",
33932 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId",
33933 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
33934 "AssetName": "iPhone 6",
33935 "AssetRevision": 3,
33936 "CustomerId": "customerId",
33937 "DailyPremium": {
33938 "Type": 0,
33939 "Value": 5.45
33940 },
33941 "DailyTotal": {
33942 "Type": 0,
33943 "Value": 5.45
33944 },
33945 "Expiration": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
33946 "InsuredValue": {
33947 "Type": 0,
33948 "Value": 150.00
33949 },
33950 "ExcessPercentage": 0.0,
33951 "MonthlyTotal": {
33952 "Type": 0,
33953 "Value": 163.50
33954 },
33955 "OfferType": "Quote",
33956 "Status": 0,
33957 "DailyTaxes": [
33958 {
33959 "Type": "GST (8%)",
33960 "Amount": {
33961 "Type": 0,
33962 "Value": 5.45
33963 },
33964 "Rate": 0.08,
33965 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
33966 },
33967 {
33968 "Type": "PST (7%)",
33969 "Amount": {
33970 "Type": 0,
33971 "Value": 5.45
33972 },
33973 "Rate": 0.07,
33974 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
33975 }
33976 ],
33977 "PdsVersion": 0,
33978 "ProductDisclosureSummaryId": 0,
33979 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
33980 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
33981 "ClaimedValue": {
33982 "Type": 0,
33983 "Value": 150.00
33984 },
33985 "Started": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
33986 "Ended": "2016-01-31T10:11:12Z",
33987 "StopInsureReason": "User",
33988 "Taxes": [
33989 {
33990 "Type": "GST (8%)",
33991 "Amount": {
33992 "Type": 0,
33993 "Value": 5.45
33994 },
33995 "Rate": 0.08,
33996 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
33997 },
33998 {
33999 "Type": "PST (7%)",
34000 "Amount": {
34001 "Type": 0,
34002 "Value": 5.45
34003 },
34004 "Rate": 0.07,
34005 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
34006 }
34007 ],
34008 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
34009 }
34010 },
34011 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuotePriceOfferPhotosResponse": {
34012 "required": [
34013 "priceOfferPhotos"
34014 ],
34015 "properties": {
34016 "priceOfferPhotos": {
34017 "items": {
34018 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuotePriceOfferPhotoResponse"
34019 },
34020 "xml": {
34021 "name": "PriceOfferPhotoResponse",
34022 "wrapped": true
34023 },
34024 "type": "array"
34025 }
34026 },
34027 "xml": {
34028 "name": "PriceOfferPhotosResponse"
34029 },
34030 "type": "object"
34031 },
34032 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuotePriceOfferPhotoResponse": {
34033 "required": [
34034 "initialPriceOfferId",
34035 "assetId",
34036 "assetRevision",
34037 "fileId",
34038 "customerId",
34039 "assetName"
34040 ],
34041 "properties": {
34042 "initialPriceOfferId": {
34043 "type": "string"
34044 },
34045 "assetId": {
34046 "type": "string"
34047 },
34048 "assetRevision": {
34049 "type": "integer",
34050 "format": "int32"
34051 },
34052 "fileId": {
34053 "type": "string"
34054 },
34055 "width": {
34056 "type": "integer",
34057 "format": "int32"
34058 },
34059 "height": {
34060 "type": "integer",
34061 "format": "int32"
34062 },
34063 "customerId": {
34064 "type": "string"
34065 },
34066 "assetName": {
34067 "type": "string"
34068 }
34069 },
34070 "xml": {
34071 "name": "PriceOfferPhotoResponse"
34072 },
34073 "type": "object"
34074 },
34075 "TrovCommonModelSicCoveragePeriodICoveragePeriodResponse": {
34076 "required": [
34077 "pds",
34078 "assetId",
34079 "assetName",
34080 "assetRevision",
34081 "category",
34082 "subCategory",
34083 "expiration",
34084 "insuredValue",
34085 "offerType",
34086 "quoteId",
34087 "started",
34088 "effective",
34089 "status",
34090 "excess",
34091 "excessPercentage",
34092 "dailyTaxes",
34093 "dailyTotal",
34094 "audit",
34095 "pricingModelVersion",
34096 "customerId",
34097 "priceOfferId",
34098 "taxes",
34099 "productDisclosureSummaryId",
34100 "pdsVersion"
34101 ],
34102 "properties": {
34103 "pds": {
34104 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPdsPdsSummary"
34105 },
34106 "assetId": {
34107 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
34108 "type": "string"
34109 },
34110 "assetName": {
34111 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
34112 "type": "string"
34113 },
34114 "assetRevision": {
34115 "description": "Gets or sets the revision of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
34116 "type": "integer",
34117 "format": "int32"
34118 },
34119 "category": {
34120 "description": "Gets or sets the asset's category.",
34121 "type": "string"
34122 },
34123 "subCategory": {
34124 "description": "Gets or sets the asset's subcategory.",
34125 "type": "string"
34126 },
34127 "expiration": {
34128 "description": "Gets or sets the expiration date of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
34129 "type": "string",
34130 "format": "date-time"
34131 },
34132 "insuredValue": {
34133 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
34134 "description": "Gets or sets the insured value of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}."
34135 },
34136 "offerType": {
34137 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOfferType}.",
34138 "type": "string",
34139 "enum": [
34140 "Quote",
34141 "ProfileChange",
34142 "PricingModelChange",
34143 "PdsUpdate"
34144 ],
34145 "x-enumName": "PriceOfferType"
34146 },
34147 "quoteId": {
34148 "description": "Gets or sets the quote id which is used to group {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} that were generated at the same time for the same asset at different excess levels.",
34149 "type": "string"
34150 },
34151 "claimedValue": {
34152 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
34153 "description": "Gets or sets the amount the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} is being claimed for."
34154 },
34155 "started": {
34156 "description": "Gets or sets the date the coverage started.",
34157 "type": "string",
34158 "format": "date-time"
34159 },
34160 "ended": {
34161 "description": "Gets or sets the date the coverage ends.",
34162 "type": "string",
34163 "format": "date-time"
34164 },
34165 "stopInsureReason": {
34166 "description": "Gets or sets the reason the coverage ends.",
34167 "type": "string",
34168 "enum": [
34169 "User",
34170 "PaymentFail",
34171 "StaffCancel",
34172 "Claim",
34173 "ProfileCoverageChange",
34174 "PricingModelCoverageChange"
34175 ],
34176 "x-enumName": "StopInsureReason"
34177 },
34178 "effective": {
34179 "description": "Gets or sets the effective date of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
34180 "type": "string",
34181 "format": "date-time"
34182 },
34183 "status": {
34184 "description": "Gets or sets the status of the calculation.",
34185 "type": "string",
34186 "enum": [
34187 "Success",
34188 "FailedToPrice",
34189 "Declined",
34190 "ItemCategoryNotSupported",
34191 "CustomerAgeNotSupported",
34192 "CustomerAddressNotSupported",
34193 "PremiumNotAffordable",
34194 "UnderwritingDenied"
34195 ],
34196 "x-enumName": "PremiumCalculationStatus"
34197 },
34198 "underwritingWarning": {
34199 "description": "Gets or sets the underwriting warning, if any.",
34200 "type": "string",
34201 "enum": [
34202 "None",
34203 "InsuranceSoldOut",
34204 "InsuranceCategorySoldOut",
34205 "CustomerLimitReached",
34206 "ItemLimitReached"
34207 ],
34208 "x-enumName": "UnderwritingWarning"
34209 },
34210 "excess": {
34211 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
34212 "description": "Gets or sets the excess amount."
34213 },
34214 "excessPercentage": {
34215 "description": "Gets or sets the excess percentage used to calculate the excess amount.",
34216 "type": "number",
34217 "format": "double"
34218 },
34219 "dailyPremium": {
34220 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
34221 "description": "Gets or sets the daily premium amount."
34222 },
34223 "monthlyTotal": {
34224 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
34225 "description": "Gets the monthly total amount. This is an estimate in the AU/GB markets, calculated from the official DailyTotal",
34226 "readOnly": true
34227 },
34228 "dailyTaxes": {
34229 "description": "Gets or sets a collection of tax amounts included in the premium.",
34230 "items": {
34231 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
34232 },
34233 "xml": {
34234 "name": "ITaxCharge",
34235 "wrapped": true
34236 },
34237 "type": "array"
34238 },
34239 "dailyTotal": {
34240 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
34241 "description": "Gets or sets the daily total."
34242 },
34243 "audit": {
34244 "description": "Gets or sets the audit record for the premium calculation.",
34245 "items": {
34246 "type": "string"
34247 },
34248 "type": "array"
34249 },
34250 "pricingModelVersion": {
34251 "description": "Gets or sets the version of the pricing model used to generate the premium.",
34252 "type": "integer",
34253 "format": "int64"
34254 },
34255 "customerId": {
34256 "description": "Gets or sets the parent customer id.",
34257 "type": "string"
34258 },
34259 "priceOfferId": {
34260 "description": "Gets or sets the identifier of the related {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
34261 "type": "string"
34262 },
34263 "taxes": {
34264 "description": "Gets or sets the taxes.",
34265 "items": {
34266 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
34267 },
34268 "xml": {
34269 "name": "ITaxCharge",
34270 "wrapped": true
34271 },
34272 "type": "array"
34273 },
34274 "id": {
34275 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
34276 "type": "string"
34277 },
34278 "productDisclosureSummaryId": {
34279 "description": "Gets or sets the PDS version associated with the entity.",
34280 "type": "integer",
34281 "format": "int32"
34282 },
34283 "amendatoryEndorsementId": {
34284 "description": "Gets or sets the amendatory endorsement associated with the entity.",
34285 "type": "integer",
34286 "format": "int32"
34287 },
34288 "pdsVersion": {
34289 "description": "This is for backwards compatibility only, PdsVersion is misleading and the new name is ProductDisclosureSummaryId.",
34290 "readOnly": true,
34291 "type": "integer",
34292 "format": "int32"
34293 }
34294 },
34295 "xml": {
34296 "name": "ICoveragePeriodResponse"
34297 },
34298 "type": "object",
34299 "default": {
34300 "Pds": {
34301 "Id": 1,
34302 "Version": "123",
34303 "Uri": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
34304 "EffectiveDate": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z"
34305 },
34306 "Status": 0,
34307 "ExcessPercentage": 0.0,
34308 "DailyPremium": {
34309 "Type": 0,
34310 "Value": 5.45
34311 },
34312 "DailyTaxes": [
34313 {
34314 "Type": "GST (8%)",
34315 "Amount": {
34316 "Type": 0,
34317 "Value": 5.45
34318 },
34319 "Rate": 0.08,
34320 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
34321 },
34322 {
34323 "Type": "PST (7%)",
34324 "Amount": {
34325 "Type": 0,
34326 "Value": 5.45
34327 },
34328 "Rate": 0.07,
34329 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
34330 }
34331 ],
34332 "DailyTotal": {
34333 "Type": 0,
34334 "Value": 5.45
34335 },
34336 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
34337 "CustomerId": "customerId",
34338 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId",
34339 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
34340 "PdsVersion": 0,
34341 "ProductDisclosureSummaryId": 0,
34342 "AssetId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
34343 "AssetName": "iPhone 6",
34344 "AssetRevision": 3,
34345 "Expiration": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
34346 "InsuredValue": {
34347 "Type": 0,
34348 "Value": 150.00
34349 },
34350 "OfferType": "Quote",
34351 "ClaimedValue": {
34352 "Type": 0,
34353 "Value": 150.00
34354 },
34355 "Started": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
34356 "Ended": "2016-01-31T10:11:12Z",
34357 "StopInsureReason": "User",
34358 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
34359 }
34360 },
34361 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferPhoto": {
34362 "required": [
34363 "initialPriceOfferId",
34364 "assetId",
34365 "assetRevision",
34366 "fileId"
34367 ],
34368 "properties": {
34369 "initialPriceOfferId": {
34370 "description": "Gets or sets the storage file id of the price offer photo.",
34371 "type": "string"
34372 },
34373 "assetId": {
34374 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
34375 "type": "string"
34376 },
34377 "assetRevision": {
34378 "description": "Gets or sets the revision of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
34379 "type": "integer",
34380 "format": "int32"
34381 },
34382 "fileId": {
34383 "description": "Gets or sets the storage file id of the price offer photo.",
34384 "type": "string"
34385 },
34386 "width": {
34387 "description": "Gets or sets the width dimension of the price offer photo.",
34388 "type": "integer",
34389 "format": "int32"
34390 },
34391 "height": {
34392 "description": "Gets or sets the height dimension of the price offer photo.",
34393 "type": "integer",
34394 "format": "int32"
34395 },
34396 "id": {
34397 "type": "string"
34398 }
34399 },
34400 "xml": {
34401 "name": "PriceOfferPhoto"
34402 },
34403 "type": "object",
34404 "default": {
34405 "InitialPriceOfferId": "priceOfferId",
34406 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
34407 "AssetRevision": 1,
34408 "FileId": "5901293768e05439f8e33e0d",
34409 "Width": 1280,
34410 "Height": 720,
34411 "Id": "023f6dea6bf646ef88679ff533580259",
34412 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
34413 "CreatedBy": "123456"
34414 }
34415 },
34416 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuoteUpdatePhotoReviewStatusRequest": {
34417 "properties": {
34418 "fileId": {
34419 "type": "string"
34420 },
34421 "reviewStatus": {
34422 "type": "integer",
34423 "format": "int32",
34424 "enum": [
34425 0,
34426 1,
34427 2,
34428 3
34429 ],
34430 "x-enumName": "PhotoReviewStatus"
34431 }
34432 },
34433 "xml": {
34434 "name": "UpdatePhotoReviewStatusRequest"
34435 },
34436 "type": "object"
34437 },
34438 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedFileFileInfoResponse": {
34439 "properties": {
34440 "clientId": {
34441 "type": "string"
34442 },
34443 "parentId": {
34444 "type": "string"
34445 },
34446 "rootId": {
34447 "type": "string"
34448 },
34449 "name": {
34450 "type": "string"
34451 },
34452 "description": {
34453 "type": "string"
34454 },
34455 "contentType": {
34456 "type": "string"
34457 },
34458 "length": {
34459 "description": "The number of bytes in the file.",
34460 "type": "integer",
34461 "format": "int64"
34462 },
34463 "uploadDate": {
34464 "type": "integer",
34465 "format": "int64"
34466 },
34467 "schemaType": {
34468 "type": "integer",
34469 "format": "int32",
34470 "enum": [
34471 1,
34472 2
34473 ],
34474 "x-enumName": "SchemaType"
34475 },
34476 "uri": {
34477 "type": "string"
34478 },
34479 "pertainsTo": {
34480 "description": "Indicates what part of the user's workflow the file pertains to.\r\nPossible values include \"Asset\", \"Claim\", \"Photo-to-Protect\".",
34481 "type": "string"
34482 }
34483 },
34484 "xml": {
34485 "name": "FileInfoResponse"
34486 },
34487 "type": "object"
34488 },
34489 "TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerNote": {
34490 "description": "A customer note.",
34491 "properties": {
34492 "text": {
34493 "description": "Gets or sets the text.",
34494 "type": "string"
34495 },
34496 "customerId": {
34497 "description": "Gets or sets the customer identifier.",
34498 "type": "string"
34499 },
34500 "id": {
34501 "type": "string"
34502 }
34503 },
34504 "xml": {
34505 "name": "CustomerNote"
34506 },
34507 "type": "object",
34508 "default": {
34509 "Text": "Bob's law blog: http://arresteddevelopment.wikia.com/wiki/Bob_Loblaw",
34510 "CustomerId": "customerId",
34511 "Id": "customerNoteId",
34512 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
34513 "CreatedBy": "1"
34514 }
34515 },
34516 "TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCreateCustomerNoteRequest": {
34517 "description": "Represents a customer note creation request.",
34518 "required": [
34519 "text"
34520 ],
34521 "properties": {
34522 "text": {
34523 "description": "Gets or sets the text of the note.",
34524 "type": "string"
34525 }
34526 },
34527 "xml": {
34528 "name": "CreateCustomerNoteRequest"
34529 },
34530 "type": "object",
34531 "default": {
34532 "Text": "Woo!"
34533 }
34534 },
34535 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerCustomerResponse": {
34536 "properties": {
34537 "id": {
34538 "type": "string"
34539 },
34540 "address": {
34541 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedAddress",
34542 "description": "Gets or sets the address of the customer."
34543 },
34544 "backgroundPhotoS3Key": {
34545 "description": "Gets or sets the key of the background photo S3 object.",
34546 "type": "string"
34547 },
34548 "birthDate": {
34549 "description": "Gets or sets the birth date of the customer.",
34550 "example": "2016-09-22",
34551 "type": "string",
34552 "default": "2016-09-22"
34553 },
34554 "employmentStatus": {
34555 "description": "Gets or sets the customer's employment status.",
34556 "type": "string",
34557 "enum": [
34558 "UniversityStudent",
34559 "CollegeStudent",
34560 "Unemployed",
34561 "Employed",
34562 "SelfEmployed",
34563 "Houseperson",
34564 "Retired",
34565 "Other",
34566 "Unknown"
34567 ],
34568 "x-enumName": "EmploymentStatus"
34569 },
34570 "gender": {
34571 "description": "Gets or sets the customer's gender.",
34572 "type": "string",
34573 "enum": [
34574 "F",
34575 "M"
34576 ],
34577 "x-enumName": "Gender"
34578 },
34579 "name": {
34580 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerNameResponse",
34581 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the customer."
34582 },
34583 "nationality": {
34584 "description": "Gets or sets the nationality of the customer.",
34585 "type": "string"
34586 },
34587 "profilePhotoS3Key": {
34588 "description": "Gets or sets the key of the profile photo S3 object.",
34589 "type": "string"
34590 },
34591 "tokens": {
34592 "description": "Gets or sets the customer's tokens.",
34593 "items": {
34594 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerTokenResponse"
34595 },
34596 "xml": {
34597 "name": "TokenResponse",
34598 "wrapped": true
34599 },
34600 "type": "array",
34601 "uniqueItems": true
34602 },
34603 "sicCustomerSince": {
34604 "description": "Gets or sets the date the customer first purchased SIC insurance.",
34605 "type": "string",
34606 "format": "date-time"
34607 },
34608 "secondaryEmails": {
34609 "description": "Gets or sets the user's secondary email addresses.",
34610 "items": {
34611 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerEmailAddressResponse"
34612 },
34613 "xml": {
34614 "name": "EmailAddressResponse",
34615 "wrapped": true
34616 },
34617 "type": "array",
34618 "uniqueItems": true
34619 },
34620 "isBlocked": {
34621 "description": "Indicates whether the customer has been blocked from using insurance features\r\n(e.g. requesting quotes, starting insurance, etc.).",
34622 "type": "boolean"
34623 },
34624 "isSubscribed": {
34625 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the customer is subscribed to marketing communications.\r\n<remarks>\r\nDefaults to true.\r\n</remarks>",
34626 "type": "boolean"
34627 },
34628 "defaultPaymentCardFingerprint": {
34629 "description": "Gets or sets the fingerprint value for the customer's default payment card.",
34630 "type": "string"
34631 },
34632 "defaultPaymentCardLast4": {
34633 "description": "Gets or sets the last four digits of the customer's default payment card.",
34634 "type": "string"
34635 },
34636 "created": {
34637 "type": "string",
34638 "format": "date-time"
34639 },
34640 "createdBy": {
34641 "type": "string"
34642 },
34643 "createdByEmail": {
34644 "type": "string"
34645 },
34646 "modified": {
34647 "type": "string",
34648 "format": "date-time"
34649 },
34650 "modifiedBy": {
34651 "type": "string"
34652 },
34653 "modifiedByEmail": {
34654 "type": "string"
34655 },
34656 "deleted": {
34657 "type": "string",
34658 "format": "date-time"
34659 },
34660 "deletedBy": {
34661 "type": "string"
34662 },
34663 "deletedByEmail": {
34664 "type": "string"
34665 },
34666 "isDeleted": {
34667 "readOnly": true,
34668 "type": "boolean"
34669 },
34670 "email": {
34671 "type": "string"
34672 },
34673 "currentOfacStatus": {
34674 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerOfacScreeningResponse"
34675 }
34676 },
34677 "xml": {
34678 "name": "CustomerResponse"
34679 },
34680 "type": "object"
34681 },
34682 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedAddress": {
34683 "properties": {
34684 "street": {
34685 "type": "string"
34686 },
34687 "street2": {
34688 "description": "The secondary street of the address (e.g. \"Apt 56\").",
34689 "type": "string"
34690 },
34691 "city": {
34692 "type": "string"
34693 },
34694 "state": {
34695 "type": "string"
34696 },
34697 "zip": {
34698 "type": "string"
34699 },
34700 "country": {
34701 "type": "string"
34702 }
34703 },
34704 "xml": {
34705 "name": "Address"
34706 },
34707 "type": "object"
34708 },
34709 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerNameResponse": {
34710 "properties": {
34711 "first": {
34712 "description": "Gets or sets the first name of the person.",
34713 "type": "string"
34714 },
34715 "middle": {
34716 "description": "Gets or sets the middle name of the person.",
34717 "type": "string"
34718 },
34719 "last": {
34720 "description": "Gets or sets the last name of the person.",
34721 "type": "string"
34722 }
34723 },
34724 "xml": {
34725 "name": "NameResponse"
34726 },
34727 "type": "object"
34728 },
34729 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerTokenResponse": {
34730 "required": [
34731 "type",
34732 "value"
34733 ],
34734 "properties": {
34735 "type": {
34736 "type": "integer",
34737 "format": "int32",
34738 "enum": [
34739 0,
34740 1,
34741 2,
34742 4,
34743 8,
34744 16,
34745 32,
34746 64
34747 ],
34748 "x-enumName": "TokenType"
34749 },
34750 "value": {
34751 "type": "string"
34752 }
34753 },
34754 "xml": {
34755 "name": "TokenResponse"
34756 },
34757 "type": "object"
34758 },
34759 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerEmailAddressResponse": {
34760 "required": [
34761 "email"
34762 ],
34763 "properties": {
34764 "email": {
34765 "description": "Gets or sets the email address.",
34766 "type": "string"
34767 },
34768 "isConfirmed": {
34769 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the email address has been confirmed as being owned by the associated user.",
34770 "type": "boolean"
34771 }
34772 },
34773 "xml": {
34774 "name": "EmailAddressResponse"
34775 },
34776 "type": "object"
34777 },
34778 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerOfacScreeningResponse": {
34779 "properties": {
34780 "status": {
34781 "type": "string",
34782 "enum": [
34783 "Unknown",
34784 "Passed",
34785 "Failed"
34786 ],
34787 "x-enumName": "OfacScreenStatus"
34788 },
34789 "transactionId": {
34790 "type": "string"
34791 },
34792 "timeStamp": {
34793 "type": "string",
34794 "format": "date-time"
34795 },
34796 "code": {
34797 "type": "string"
34798 },
34799 "message": {
34800 "type": "string"
34801 },
34802 "matchedListName": {
34803 "type": "string"
34804 },
34805 "matchedListScore": {
34806 "type": "integer",
34807 "format": "int32"
34808 },
34809 "matchedListDateOfBirth": {
34810 "type": "string",
34811 "format": "date-time"
34812 }
34813 },
34814 "xml": {
34815 "name": "OfacScreeningResponse"
34816 },
34817 "type": "object"
34818 },
34819 "CustomerAccessException": {
34820 "description": "CustomerAccessException",
34821 "required": [
34822 "Message",
34823 "ExceptionType",
34824 "CorrelationId"
34825 ],
34826 "properties": {
34827 "Message": {
34828 "type": "string"
34829 },
34830 "ExceptionMessage": {
34831 "type": "string"
34832 },
34833 "ExceptionType": {
34834 "type": "string"
34835 },
34836 "StackTrace": {
34837 "type": "string"
34838 },
34839 "CorrelationId": {
34840 "type": "string"
34841 }
34842 },
34843 "type": "object",
34844 "default": {
34845 "Message": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
34846 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer cannot be accessed because they have never purchased protection or the id does not exist.",
34847 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAccessException",
34848 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
34849 }
34850 },
34851 "TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerUpdateRequest": {
34852 "description": "Represents a request for a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer} update.",
34853 "required": [
34854 "isBlocked"
34855 ],
34856 "properties": {
34857 "isBlocked": {
34858 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer} has been blocked from using insurance features\r\n(e.g. requesting quotes, starting insurance, etc.).",
34859 "type": "boolean"
34860 }
34861 },
34862 "xml": {
34863 "name": "CustomerUpdateRequest"
34864 },
34865 "type": "object",
34866 "default": {
34867 "IsBlocked": false
34868 }
34869 },
34870 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerCustomerAuditResponse": {
34871 "required": [
34872 "auditId",
34873 "timestamp",
34874 "userId",
34875 "userEmail",
34876 "action"
34877 ],
34878 "properties": {
34879 "auditId": {
34880 "type": "integer",
34881 "format": "int64"
34882 },
34883 "timestamp": {
34884 "description": "The timestamp of the event.",
34885 "type": "string",
34886 "format": "date-time"
34887 },
34888 "userId": {
34889 "description": "The user identifier for the event.",
34890 "type": "string"
34891 },
34892 "userEmail": {
34893 "description": "The user email for the event.",
34894 "type": "string"
34895 },
34896 "action": {
34897 "description": "The type of action being logged.",
34898 "type": "string"
34899 },
34900 "id": {
34901 "type": "string"
34902 },
34903 "address": {
34904 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedAddress",
34905 "description": "Gets or sets the address of the customer."
34906 },
34907 "backgroundPhotoS3Key": {
34908 "description": "Gets or sets the key of the background photo S3 object.",
34909 "type": "string"
34910 },
34911 "birthDate": {
34912 "description": "Gets or sets the birth date of the customer.",
34913 "example": "2016-09-22",
34914 "type": "string",
34915 "default": "2016-09-22"
34916 },
34917 "employmentStatus": {
34918 "description": "Gets or sets the customer's employment status.",
34919 "type": "string",
34920 "enum": [
34921 "UniversityStudent",
34922 "CollegeStudent",
34923 "Unemployed",
34924 "Employed",
34925 "SelfEmployed",
34926 "Houseperson",
34927 "Retired",
34928 "Other",
34929 "Unknown"
34930 ],
34931 "x-enumName": "EmploymentStatus"
34932 },
34933 "gender": {
34934 "description": "Gets or sets the customer's gender.",
34935 "type": "string",
34936 "enum": [
34937 "F",
34938 "M"
34939 ],
34940 "x-enumName": "Gender"
34941 },
34942 "name": {
34943 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerNameResponse",
34944 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the customer."
34945 },
34946 "nationality": {
34947 "description": "Gets or sets the nationality of the customer.",
34948 "type": "string"
34949 },
34950 "profilePhotoS3Key": {
34951 "description": "Gets or sets the key of the profile photo S3 object.",
34952 "type": "string"
34953 },
34954 "tokens": {
34955 "description": "Gets or sets the customer's tokens.",
34956 "items": {
34957 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerTokenResponse"
34958 },
34959 "xml": {
34960 "name": "TokenResponse",
34961 "wrapped": true
34962 },
34963 "type": "array",
34964 "uniqueItems": true
34965 },
34966 "sicCustomerSince": {
34967 "description": "Gets or sets the date the customer first purchased SIC insurance.",
34968 "type": "string",
34969 "format": "date-time"
34970 },
34971 "secondaryEmails": {
34972 "description": "Gets or sets the user's secondary email addresses.",
34973 "items": {
34974 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerEmailAddressResponse"
34975 },
34976 "xml": {
34977 "name": "EmailAddressResponse",
34978 "wrapped": true
34979 },
34980 "type": "array",
34981 "uniqueItems": true
34982 },
34983 "isBlocked": {
34984 "description": "Indicates whether the customer has been blocked from using insurance features\r\n(e.g. requesting quotes, starting insurance, etc.).",
34985 "type": "boolean"
34986 },
34987 "isSubscribed": {
34988 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the customer is subscribed to marketing communications.\r\n<remarks>\r\nDefaults to true.\r\n</remarks>",
34989 "type": "boolean"
34990 },
34991 "defaultPaymentCardFingerprint": {
34992 "description": "Gets or sets the fingerprint value for the customer's default payment card.",
34993 "type": "string"
34994 },
34995 "defaultPaymentCardLast4": {
34996 "description": "Gets or sets the last four digits of the customer's default payment card.",
34997 "type": "string"
34998 },
34999 "created": {
35000 "type": "string",
35001 "format": "date-time"
35002 },
35003 "createdBy": {
35004 "type": "string"
35005 },
35006 "createdByEmail": {
35007 "type": "string"
35008 },
35009 "modified": {
35010 "type": "string",
35011 "format": "date-time"
35012 },
35013 "modifiedBy": {
35014 "type": "string"
35015 },
35016 "modifiedByEmail": {
35017 "type": "string"
35018 },
35019 "deleted": {
35020 "type": "string",
35021 "format": "date-time"
35022 },
35023 "deletedBy": {
35024 "type": "string"
35025 },
35026 "deletedByEmail": {
35027 "type": "string"
35028 },
35029 "isDeleted": {
35030 "readOnly": true,
35031 "type": "boolean"
35032 },
35033 "email": {
35034 "type": "string"
35035 },
35036 "currentOfacStatus": {
35037 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerOfacScreeningResponse"
35038 }
35039 },
35040 "xml": {
35041 "name": "CustomerAuditResponse"
35042 },
35043 "type": "object"
35044 },
35045 "TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerFraudSignals": {
35046 "description": "Represents customer fraud information that an employee should be aware of",
35047 "required": [
35048 "totalOfPremiumsPaid",
35049 "numberOfClaimsPaid",
35050 "numberOfClaimsDenied",
35051 "numberOfFailedPayments",
35052 "numberOfPaymentCardChanges",
35053 "customerIsPastDue",
35054 "creditCardFraudInfo",
35055 "blockedCreditCards",
35056 "customersWithSameAddress",
35057 "customersWithSamePhone",
35058 "claimsWithSameLossLocation",
35059 "claimsWithSamePhoneNumber",
35060 "customersWithSameDeviceFingerprint",
35061 "deviceFingerprints",
35062 "numberOfUninsuredCustomersWithAMatchingDeviceFingerprint",
35063 "numberOfClaimsWithSameLossLocation",
35064 "numberOfClaimsWithSamePhoneNumber",
35065 "numberOfAccountsWithSameAddress",
35066 "numberOfAccountsWithSamePhoneNumber"
35067 ],
35068 "properties": {
35069 "totalOfPremiumsPaid": {
35070 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
35071 "description": "Gets or sets the total premiums paid to the customer"
35072 },
35073 "numberOfClaimsPaid": {
35074 "description": "Gets or sets the number of claims paid out to the customer",
35075 "type": "integer",
35076 "format": "int32"
35077 },
35078 "numberOfClaimsDenied": {
35079 "description": "Gets or sets the number of claims denied to the customer",
35080 "type": "integer",
35081 "format": "int32"
35082 },
35083 "numberOfFailedPayments": {
35084 "description": "Gets or sets the number of failed payments by the customer",
35085 "type": "integer",
35086 "format": "int32"
35087 },
35088 "numberOfPaymentCardChanges": {
35089 "description": "Gets or sets the number of payment card changes by the customer",
35090 "type": "integer",
35091 "format": "int32"
35092 },
35093 "customerIsPastDue": {
35094 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the customer is past due in payment",
35095 "type": "boolean"
35096 },
35097 "creditCardFraudInfo": {
35098 "description": "Gets or sets the list of credit card fraud information",
35099 "items": {
35100 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicBillCreditCardFraudInfo"
35101 },
35102 "xml": {
35103 "name": "CreditCardFraudInfo",
35104 "wrapped": true
35105 },
35106 "type": "array"
35107 },
35108 "blockedCreditCards": {
35109 "description": "Gets or sets the list of blocked credit cards",
35110 "items": {
35111 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicBillCreditCardFraudInfo"
35112 },
35113 "xml": {
35114 "name": "CreditCardFraudInfo",
35115 "wrapped": true
35116 },
35117 "type": "array"
35118 },
35119 "customersWithSameAddress": {
35120 "description": "Gets or sets the list of customers with the same address",
35121 "items": {
35122 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerSummary"
35123 },
35124 "xml": {
35125 "name": "CustomerSummary",
35126 "wrapped": true
35127 },
35128 "type": "array"
35129 },
35130 "customersWithSamePhone": {
35131 "description": "Gets or sets the list of customers with the same phone",
35132 "items": {
35133 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerSummary"
35134 },
35135 "xml": {
35136 "name": "CustomerSummary",
35137 "wrapped": true
35138 },
35139 "type": "array"
35140 },
35141 "claimsWithSameLossLocation": {
35142 "description": "Gets or sets the list of claims with the same loss location",
35143 "items": {
35144 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimLegacyClaimSummary"
35145 },
35146 "xml": {
35147 "name": "LegacyClaimSummary",
35148 "wrapped": true
35149 },
35150 "type": "array",
35151 "default": [
35152 {
35153 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
35154 "ClaimStatus": "Accepted",
35155 "LossDate": {
35156 "year": 2018,
35157 "month": 6,
35158 "day": 14,
35159 "calendar": 0
35160 }
35161 },
35162 {
35163 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
35164 "ClaimStatus": "Submitted"
35165 }
35166 ]
35167 },
35168 "claimsWithSamePhoneNumber": {
35169 "description": "Gets or sets the list of claims with the same phone",
35170 "items": {
35171 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimLegacyClaimSummary"
35172 },
35173 "xml": {
35174 "name": "LegacyClaimSummary",
35175 "wrapped": true
35176 },
35177 "type": "array",
35178 "default": [
35179 {
35180 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
35181 "ClaimStatus": "Accepted",
35182 "LossDate": {
35183 "year": 2018,
35184 "month": 6,
35185 "day": 14,
35186 "calendar": 0
35187 }
35188 },
35189 {
35190 "ClaimId": "claimId1",
35191 "ClaimStatus": "Submitted"
35192 }
35193 ]
35194 },
35195 "customersWithSameDeviceFingerprint": {
35196 "description": "Gets or sets the list of insured customers with a matching device fingerprint",
35197 "items": {
35198 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerDeviceFingerprint"
35199 },
35200 "xml": {
35201 "name": "CustomerDeviceFingerprint",
35202 "wrapped": true
35203 },
35204 "type": "array"
35205 },
35206 "deviceFingerprints": {
35207 "description": "Gets or sets the device fingerprints associated with the customer.",
35208 "items": {
35209 "type": "string"
35210 },
35211 "type": "array"
35212 },
35213 "numberOfUninsuredCustomersWithAMatchingDeviceFingerprint": {
35214 "description": "Gets or sets the number of other customers, who have never had insurance, that have a matching device fingerprint.",
35215 "type": "integer",
35216 "format": "int32"
35217 },
35218 "numberOfClaimsWithSameLossLocation": {
35219 "description": "Gets the number of claims with the same loss location",
35220 "readOnly": true,
35221 "type": "integer",
35222 "format": "int32"
35223 },
35224 "numberOfClaimsWithSamePhoneNumber": {
35225 "description": "Gets the number of claims with the same phone number",
35226 "readOnly": true,
35227 "type": "integer",
35228 "format": "int32"
35229 },
35230 "numberOfAccountsWithSameAddress": {
35231 "description": "Gets the number of accounts with the same address",
35232 "readOnly": true,
35233 "type": "integer",
35234 "format": "int32"
35235 },
35236 "numberOfAccountsWithSamePhoneNumber": {
35237 "description": "Gets the number of accounts with the same phone number",
35238 "readOnly": true,
35239 "type": "integer",
35240 "format": "int32"
35241 }
35242 },
35243 "xml": {
35244 "name": "CustomerFraudSignals"
35245 },
35246 "type": "object",
35247 "default": {
35248 "TotalOfPremiumsPaid": {
35249 "Type": 0,
35250 "Value": 5.45
35251 },
35252 "NumberOfClaimsPaid": 1,
35253 "NumberOfClaimsDenied": 0,
35254 "NumberOfFailedPayments": 3,
35255 "NumberOfPaymentCardChanges": 1,
35256 "CustomerIsPastDue": false,
35257 "CreditCardFraudInfo": [],
35258 "BlockedCreditCards": [],
35259 "CustomersWithSameAddress": [],
35260 "CustomersWithSamePhone": [],
35261 "ClaimsWithSameLossLocation": [],
35262 "ClaimsWithSamePhoneNumber": [],
35263 "NumberOfUninsuredCustomersWithAMatchingDeviceFingerprint": 0,
35264 "NumberOfClaimsWithSameLossLocation": 0,
35265 "NumberOfClaimsWithSamePhoneNumber": 0,
35266 "NumberOfAccountsWithSameAddress": 0,
35267 "NumberOfAccountsWithSamePhoneNumber": 0
35268 }
35269 },
35270 "TrovCommonModelSicBillCreditCardFraudInfo": {
35271 "description": "Designates the use of a payment card by a specified customer.",
35272 "required": [
35273 "paymentCardExpirationMonth",
35274 "paymentCardExpirationYear",
35275 "paymentCardLast4",
35276 "customerId",
35277 "email"
35278 ],
35279 "properties": {
35280 "paymentCardExpirationMonth": {
35281 "description": "Gets or sets the expiration month.",
35282 "type": "integer",
35283 "format": "int32"
35284 },
35285 "paymentCardExpirationYear": {
35286 "description": "Gets or sets the expiration year.",
35287 "type": "integer",
35288 "format": "int32"
35289 },
35290 "paymentCardLast4": {
35291 "description": "Gets or sets the last 4 digits of the credit card number.",
35292 "type": "string"
35293 },
35294 "customerId": {
35295 "description": "Gets or sets the customer id",
35296 "type": "string"
35297 },
35298 "email": {
35299 "description": "Gets or sets the customer email",
35300 "type": "string"
35301 },
35302 "phoneNumber": {
35303 "description": "Gets or sets the customer phone number",
35304 "type": "string"
35305 },
35306 "name": {
35307 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreIName",
35308 "description": "Gets or sets the customer name"
35309 },
35310 "address": {
35311 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreNormalizedAddress",
35312 "description": "Gets or sets the customer address"
35313 },
35314 "deviceFingerprint": {
35315 "description": "Gets or sets the customer device fingerprint",
35316 "type": "string"
35317 }
35318 },
35319 "xml": {
35320 "name": "CreditCardFraudInfo"
35321 },
35322 "type": "object"
35323 },
35324 "TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerSummary": {
35325 "description": "Represents a summary information of a customer",
35326 "required": [
35327 "customerId",
35328 "email"
35329 ],
35330 "properties": {
35331 "customerId": {
35332 "description": "Gets or sets the customer id",
35333 "type": "string"
35334 },
35335 "email": {
35336 "description": "Gets or sets the customer email",
35337 "type": "string"
35338 },
35339 "phoneNumber": {
35340 "description": "Gets or sets the customer phone number",
35341 "type": "string"
35342 },
35343 "name": {
35344 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreIName",
35345 "description": "Gets or sets the customer name"
35346 },
35347 "address": {
35348 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreNormalizedAddress",
35349 "description": "Gets or sets the customer address"
35350 },
35351 "deviceFingerprint": {
35352 "description": "Gets or sets the customer device fingerprint",
35353 "type": "string"
35354 }
35355 },
35356 "xml": {
35357 "name": "CustomerSummary"
35358 },
35359 "type": "object"
35360 },
35361 "TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerDeviceFingerprint": {
35362 "description": "Represents information on a customer and associated Device Fingerprint.",
35363 "required": [
35364 "customerId",
35365 "email",
35366 "deviceFingerprint"
35367 ],
35368 "properties": {
35369 "customerId": {
35370 "description": "Gets or sets the customer id.",
35371 "type": "string"
35372 },
35373 "email": {
35374 "description": "Gets or sets the customer email.",
35375 "type": "string"
35376 },
35377 "name": {
35378 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreIName",
35379 "description": "Gets or sets the customer name."
35380 },
35381 "deviceFingerprint": {
35382 "description": "Gets or sets the customer device fingerprint.",
35383 "type": "string"
35384 }
35385 },
35386 "xml": {
35387 "name": "CustomerDeviceFingerprint"
35388 },
35389 "type": "object",
35390 "default": {
35391 "CustomerId": "123456",
35392 "Email": "customer@trov.com",
35393 "Name": {
35394 "First": "John",
35395 "Middle": "K.",
35396 "Last": "Smith"
35397 },
35398 "DeviceFingerprint": "9b28fa6aa3e64608b125f3ed6c31f623"
35399 }
35400 },
35401 "TrovCommonModelCoreIName": {
35402 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents a person's name.",
35403 "properties": {
35404 "first": {
35405 "description": "Gets or sets the first name of the person.",
35406 "type": "string"
35407 },
35408 "middle": {
35409 "description": "Gets or sets the middle name of the person.",
35410 "type": "string"
35411 },
35412 "last": {
35413 "description": "Gets or sets the last name of the person.",
35414 "type": "string"
35415 }
35416 },
35417 "xml": {
35418 "name": "IName"
35419 },
35420 "type": "object"
35421 },
35422 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedCustomerSearchCustomerQueryRequest": {
35423 "required": [
35424 "emailFilter"
35425 ],
35426 "properties": {
35427 "count": {
35428 "description": "The number of customers to return.",
35429 "type": "integer",
35430 "format": "int32"
35431 },
35432 "offset": {
35433 "description": "The position to offset the customers.",
35434 "type": "integer",
35435 "format": "int32"
35436 },
35437 "emailFilter": {
35438 "description": "The email address or name filter.",
35439 "type": "string"
35440 }
35441 },
35442 "xml": {
35443 "name": "SearchCustomerQueryRequest"
35444 },
35445 "type": "object"
35446 },
35447 "TrovCommonModelSicCustomerCustomerFraudProfilingResult": {
35448 "properties": {
35449 "fingerprint": {
35450 "description": "Gets or sets the device fingerprint. It is the hash of combining DeviceId and DeviceModel",
35451 "type": "string"
35452 },
35453 "customerId": {
35454 "description": "Gets or sets the customer identifier.",
35455 "type": "string"
35456 },
35457 "assetId": {
35458 "description": "Gets or sets the asset id associated with the device",
35459 "type": "string"
35460 },
35461 "accountEmail": {
35462 "description": "Gets or sets the customer account email.",
35463 "type": "string"
35464 },
35465 "accountEmailDomain": {
35466 "description": "Gets or sets the customer email domain.",
35467 "type": "string"
35468 },
35469 "accountEmailFirstSeen": {
35470 "description": "Gets or sets the account email first seen",
35471 "type": "string"
35472 },
35473 "accountEmailLastEvent": {
35474 "description": "Gets or sets the account email last event.",
35475 "type": "string"
35476 },
35477 "accountEmailLastUpdate": {
35478 "description": "Gets or sets the account email last update.",
35479 "type": "string"
35480 },
35481 "accountEmailResult": {
35482 "description": "Gets or sets the account email result.",
35483 "type": "string"
35484 },
35485 "accountEmailScore": {
35486 "description": "Gets or sets the account email score.",
35487 "type": "string"
35488 },
35489 "accountEmailWorstScore": {
35490 "description": "Gets or sets the account email worst score.",
35491 "type": "string"
35492 },
35493 "agentType": {
35494 "description": "Gets or sets the agent type.",
35495 "type": "string"
35496 },
35497 "apiCallDatetime": {
35498 "description": "Gets or sets the api call date time.",
35499 "type": "string"
35500 },
35501 "apiVersion": {
35502 "description": "Gets or sets the api version.",
35503 "type": "string"
35504 },
35505 "browser": {
35506 "description": "Gets or sets the browser.",
35507 "type": "string"
35508 },
35509 "browserLanguage": {
35510 "description": "Gets or sets the browser language",
35511 "type": "string"
35512 },
35513 "browserString": {
35514 "description": "Gets or sets the browser string",
35515 "type": "string"
35516 },
35517 "browserStringHash": {
35518 "description": "Gets or sets the browser string hash",
35519 "type": "string"
35520 },
35521 "browserVersion": {
35522 "description": "Gets or sets the browser version",
35523 "type": "string"
35524 },
35525 "cssImageLoaded": {
35526 "description": "Gets or sets the css image loaded",
35527 "type": "string"
35528 },
35529 "detectedFl": {
35530 "description": "Gets or sets the detected fl",
35531 "type": "string"
35532 },
35533 "deviceFirstSeen": {
35534 "description": "Gets or sets the device first seen",
35535 "type": "string"
35536 },
35537 "deviceId": {
35538 "description": "Gets or sets the device id obtained from ThreatMetrix which is used to calculate the fingerprint.",
35539 "type": "string"
35540 },
35541 "deviceIdConfidence": {
35542 "description": "Gets or sets the device id confidence",
35543 "type": "string"
35544 },
35545 "deviceLastEvent": {
35546 "description": "Gets or sets the device last event",
35547 "type": "string"
35548 },
35549 "deviceLastUpdate": {
35550 "description": "Gets or sets the device last update",
35551 "type": "string"
35552 },
35553 "deviceMatchResult": {
35554 "description": "Gets or sets the device match result",
35555 "type": "string"
35556 },
35557 "deviceModel": {
35558 "description": "Gets or sets the device model obtained from ThreatMetrix which is used to calculate the fingerprint.",
35559 "type": "string"
35560 },
35561 "deviceResult": {
35562 "description": "Gets or sets the device result",
35563 "type": "string"
35564 },
35565 "deviceScore": {
35566 "description": "Gets or sets the device score",
35567 "type": "string"
35568 },
35569 "deviceWorstScore": {
35570 "description": "Gets or sets the device worst score",
35571 "type": "string"
35572 },
35573 "dnsIp": {
35574 "description": "Gets or sets the dns ip",
35575 "type": "string"
35576 },
35577 "dnsIpCity": {
35578 "description": "Gets or sets the dns ip city",
35579 "type": "string"
35580 },
35581 "dnsIpGeo": {
35582 "description": "Gets or sets the dns ip geo",
35583 "type": "string"
35584 },
35585 "dnsIpIsp": {
35586 "description": "Gets or sets the dns ip isp",
35587 "type": "string"
35588 },
35589 "dnsIpLatitude": {
35590 "description": "Gets or sets the dns ip latitude",
35591 "type": "string"
35592 },
35593 "dnsIpLongitude": {
35594 "description": "Gets or sets the dns ip longitude",
35595 "type": "string"
35596 },
35597 "dnsIpOrganization": {
35598 "description": "Gets or sets the dns ip organization",
35599 "type": "string"
35600 },
35601 "dnsIpRegion": {
35602 "description": "Gets or sets the dns ip region",
35603 "type": "string"
35604 },
35605 "dnsIpRegionIsoCode": {
35606 "description": "Gets or sets the dns ip region iso code",
35607 "type": "string"
35608 },
35609 "enabledCk": {
35610 "description": "Gets or sets the enabled ck",
35611 "type": "string"
35612 },
35613 "enabledFl": {
35614 "description": "Gets or sets the enabled fl",
35615 "type": "string"
35616 },
35617 "enabledIm": {
35618 "description": "Gets or sets the enabled im",
35619 "type": "string"
35620 },
35621 "enabledJs": {
35622 "description": "Gets or sets the enabled js",
35623 "type": "string"
35624 },
35625 "eventType": {
35626 "description": "Gets or sets the event type when this fingerprint was obtained.",
35627 "type": "string"
35628 },
35629 "eventTime": {
35630 "description": "Gets or sets the date time of the profiling.",
35631 "type": "string"
35632 },
35633 "flashAnomaly": {
35634 "description": "Gets or sets the flash anomaly.",
35635 "type": "string"
35636 },
35637 "fuzzyDeviceFirstSeen": {
35638 "description": "Gets or sets the fuzzy device first seen",
35639 "type": "string"
35640 },
35641 "fuzzyDeviceId": {
35642 "description": "Gets or sets the fuzzy device id",
35643 "type": "string"
35644 },
35645 "fuzzyDeviceIdConfidence": {
35646 "description": "Gets or sets the fuzzy device id confidence",
35647 "type": "string"
35648 },
35649 "fuzzyDeviceLastEvent": {
35650 "description": "Gets or sets the fuzzy device last event",
35651 "type": "string"
35652 },
35653 "fuzzyDeviceLastUpdate": {
35654 "description": "Gets or sets the fuzzy device last update",
35655 "type": "string"
35656 },
35657 "fuzzyDeviceMatchResult": {
35658 "description": "Gets or sets the fuzzy device match result",
35659 "type": "string"
35660 },
35661 "fuzzyDeviceResult": {
35662 "description": "Gets or sets the fuzzy device result",
35663 "type": "string"
35664 },
35665 "fuzzyDeviceScore": {
35666 "description": "Gets or sets the fuzzy device score",
35667 "type": "string"
35668 },
35669 "fuzzyDeviceWorstScore": {
35670 "description": "Gets or sets the fuzzy device worst score",
35671 "type": "string"
35672 },
35673 "headersNameValueHash": {
35674 "description": "Gets or sets the headers name value hash",
35675 "type": "string"
35676 },
35677 "headersOrderStringHash": {
35678 "description": "Gets or sets the headers order string hash",
35679 "type": "string"
35680 },
35681 "httpOsSignature": {
35682 "description": "Gets or sets the http os signature",
35683 "type": "string"
35684 },
35685 "httpReferer": {
35686 "description": "Gets or sets the http referer",
35687 "type": "string"
35688 },
35689 "httpRefererDomain": {
35690 "description": "Gets or sets the http referer domain",
35691 "type": "string"
35692 },
35693 "httpRefererUrl": {
35694 "description": "Gets or sets the http referer url",
35695 "type": "string"
35696 },
35697 "imageLoaded": {
35698 "description": "Gets or sets the image loaded",
35699 "type": "string"
35700 },
35701 "jsBrowser": {
35702 "description": "Gets or sets the js browser",
35703 "type": "string"
35704 },
35705 "jsBrowserString": {
35706 "description": "Gets or sets the js browser string",
35707 "type": "string"
35708 },
35709 "jsBrowserStringHash": {
35710 "description": "Gets or sets the js browser string hash",
35711 "type": "string"
35712 },
35713 "jsFontsHash": {
35714 "description": "Gets or sets the js fonts hash",
35715 "type": "string"
35716 },
35717 "jsFontsNumber": {
35718 "description": "Gets or sets the js fonts number",
35719 "type": "string"
35720 },
35721 "jsOs": {
35722 "description": "Gets or sets the js os",
35723 "type": "string"
35724 },
35725 "mimeTypeHash": {
35726 "description": "Gets or sets the mime type hash",
35727 "type": "string"
35728 },
35729 "mimeTypeNumber": {
35730 "description": "Gets or sets the mime type number",
35731 "type": "string"
35732 },
35733 "orgId": {
35734 "description": "Gets or sets the org id",
35735 "type": "string"
35736 },
35737 "os": {
35738 "description": "Gets or sets the os",
35739 "type": "string"
35740 },
35741 "osVersion": {
35742 "description": "Gets or sets the os version",
35743 "type": "string"
35744 },
35745 "pageTimeOn": {
35746 "description": "Gets or sets the page time on",
35747 "type": "string"
35748 },
35749 "pluginFlash": {
35750 "description": "Gets or sets the plugin flash",
35751 "type": "string"
35752 },
35753 "pluginHash": {
35754 "description": "Gets or sets the plugin hash",
35755 "type": "string"
35756 },
35757 "pluginNumber": {
35758 "description": "Gets or sets the plugin number",
35759 "type": "string"
35760 },
35761 "policy": {
35762 "description": "Gets or sets the policy used for the profiling",
35763 "type": "string"
35764 },
35765 "policyScore": {
35766 "description": "Gets or sets the Policy Score of the profiling.",
35767 "type": "string"
35768 },
35769 "profiledDomain": {
35770 "description": "Gets or sets the profile domain",
35771 "type": "string"
35772 },
35773 "profiledUrl": {
35774 "description": "Gets or sets the profile url",
35775 "type": "string"
35776 },
35777 "reasonCode": {
35778 "description": "Gets or sets any reasons for unable to profile.",
35779 "type": "string"
35780 },
35781 "requestDuration": {
35782 "description": "Gets or sets the request duration",
35783 "type": "string"
35784 },
35785 "requestId": {
35786 "description": "Gets or sets the request id",
35787 "type": "string"
35788 },
35789 "requestResult": {
35790 "description": "Gets or sets the request result",
35791 "type": "string"
35792 },
35793 "reviewStatus": {
35794 "description": "Gets or sets the review status",
35795 "type": "string"
35796 },
35797 "riskRating": {
35798 "description": "Gets or sets the risk rating as determined by ThreatMetrix.",
35799 "type": "string"
35800 },
35801 "screenColorDepth": {
35802 "description": "Gets or sets the screen color depth",
35803 "type": "string"
35804 },
35805 "serviceType": {
35806 "description": "Gets or sets the service type",
35807 "type": "string"
35808 },
35809 "sessionId": {
35810 "description": "Gets or sets the associated sessionId passed by the client",
35811 "type": "string"
35812 },
35813 "sessionIdQueryCount": {
35814 "description": "Gets or sets the session id query count",
35815 "type": "string"
35816 },
35817 "smartLearningVariables": {
35818 "description": "Gets or sets the smart learning variables",
35819 "type": "string"
35820 },
35821 "summaryRiskScore": {
35822 "description": "Gets or sets the summary risk score",
35823 "type": "string"
35824 },
35825 "timeZone": {
35826 "description": "Gets or sets the time zone",
35827 "type": "string"
35828 },
35829 "timeZoneDstOffset": {
35830 "description": "Gets or sets the time zone dst offset",
35831 "type": "string"
35832 },
35833 "tmxVariables": {
35834 "description": "Gets or sets the tmx variables",
35835 "type": "string"
35836 },
35837 "trueIp": {
35838 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip",
35839 "type": "string"
35840 },
35841 "trueIpAttributes": {
35842 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip attributes",
35843 "type": "string"
35844 },
35845 "trueIpCity": {
35846 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip city",
35847 "type": "string"
35848 },
35849 "trueIpFirstSeen": {
35850 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip first seen",
35851 "type": "string"
35852 },
35853 "trueIpGeo": {
35854 "description": "Gets or sets the geo location determined by the ip address.",
35855 "type": "string"
35856 },
35857 "trueIpIsp": {
35858 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip isp",
35859 "type": "string"
35860 },
35861 "trueIpLastEvent": {
35862 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip last event",
35863 "type": "string"
35864 },
35865 "trueIpLastUpdate": {
35866 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip last update",
35867 "type": "string"
35868 },
35869 "trueIpLatitude": {
35870 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip latitude",
35871 "type": "string"
35872 },
35873 "trueIpLongitude": {
35874 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip longitude",
35875 "type": "string"
35876 },
35877 "trueIpOrganization": {
35878 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip organization",
35879 "type": "string"
35880 },
35881 "trueIpRegion": {
35882 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip region",
35883 "type": "string"
35884 },
35885 "trueIpRegionIsoCode": {
35886 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip region iso code",
35887 "type": "string"
35888 },
35889 "trueIpResult": {
35890 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip result",
35891 "type": "string"
35892 },
35893 "trueIpScore": {
35894 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip score",
35895 "type": "string"
35896 },
35897 "trueIpWorstScore": {
35898 "description": "Gets or sets the true ip worst score",
35899 "type": "string"
35900 },
35901 "uaBrowser": {
35902 "description": "Gets or sets the ua browser",
35903 "type": "string"
35904 },
35905 "uaOs": {
35906 "description": "Gets or sets the ua os",
35907 "type": "string"
35908 },
35909 "uaPlatform": {
35910 "description": "Gets or sets the ua platform",
35911 "type": "string"
35912 },
35913 "id": {
35914 "type": "string"
35915 }
35916 },
35917 "xml": {
35918 "name": "CustomerFraudProfilingResult"
35919 },
35920 "type": "object"
35921 },
35922 "UnsupportedMarketException": {
35923 "description": "UnsupportedMarketException",
35924 "required": [
35925 "Message",
35926 "ExceptionType",
35927 "CorrelationId"
35928 ],
35929 "properties": {
35930 "Message": {
35931 "type": "string"
35932 },
35933 "ExceptionMessage": {
35934 "type": "string"
35935 },
35936 "ExceptionType": {
35937 "type": "string"
35938 },
35939 "StackTrace": {
35940 "type": "string"
35941 },
35942 "CorrelationId": {
35943 "type": "string"
35944 }
35945 },
35946 "type": "object",
35947 "default": {
35948 "Message": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
35949 "ExceptionMessage": "The operation requested is not supported in the current market.",
35950 "ExceptionType": "UnsupportedMarketException",
35951 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
35952 }
35953 },
35954 "TrovCommonModelSicAuditEmployeeAudit": {
35955 "description": "Represents an employee audit entry.",
35956 "required": [
35957 "modified",
35958 "modifiedBy",
35959 "modifiedByEmail"
35960 ],
35961 "properties": {
35962 "auditId": {
35963 "description": "Gets or sets id of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Audit.IAuditEntry}.",
35964 "type": "integer",
35965 "format": "int64"
35966 },
35967 "timestamp": {
35968 "description": "Gets or sets the timestamp of the event.",
35969 "type": "string",
35970 "format": "date-time"
35971 },
35972 "userId": {
35973 "description": "Gets or sets the user identifier for the event.",
35974 "type": "string"
35975 },
35976 "userEmail": {
35977 "description": "Gets or sets the user email for the event.",
35978 "type": "string"
35979 },
35980 "action": {
35981 "description": "Gets or sets the type of action being logged.",
35982 "type": "string",
35983 "enum": [
35984 "Create",
35985 "Update",
35986 "Delete",
35987 "Restore"
35988 ],
35989 "x-enumName": "AuditAction"
35990 },
35991 "roles": {
35992 "items": {
35993 "type": "string"
35994 },
35995 "type": "array",
35996 "uniqueItems": true
35997 },
35998 "twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": {
35999 "type": "boolean"
36000 },
36001 "emailConfirmed": {
36002 "type": "boolean"
36003 },
36004 "email": {
36005 "type": "string"
36006 },
36007 "id": {
36008 "type": "string"
36009 }
36010 },
36011 "xml": {
36012 "name": "EmployeeAudit"
36013 },
36014 "type": "object",
36015 "default": {
36016 "AuditId": 1,
36017 "Timestamp": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
36018 "UserId": "123456",
36019 "UserEmail": "jon.jones@trov.com",
36020 "Action": "Create",
36021 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false,
36022 "EmailConfirmed": false,
36023 "IsDeleted": false,
36024 "Email": "admin@pallmallartadvisors.com",
36025 "Id": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
36026 "Modified": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
36027 "ModifiedBy": "1",
36028 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
36029 "CreatedBy": "1"
36030 }
36031 },
36032 "TrovCommonModelSicEmployeeIEmployee": {
36033 "description": "Represents an employee.",
36034 "required": [
36035 "roles",
36036 "twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled",
36037 "emailConfirmed",
36038 "email"
36039 ],
36040 "properties": {
36041 "roles": {
36042 "description": "Gets or sets the roles the employee has access to.",
36043 "items": {
36044 "type": "string"
36045 },
36046 "type": "array",
36047 "uniqueItems": true
36048 },
36049 "twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": {
36050 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the employee has two factor authentication enabled.",
36051 "type": "boolean"
36052 },
36053 "emailConfirmed": {
36054 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the employee has a confirmed email.",
36055 "type": "boolean"
36056 },
36057 "id": {
36058 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
36059 "type": "string"
36060 },
36061 "email": {
36062 "description": "Gets or sets the email address.\r\n<remarks>\r\nGenerally not persisted to SQL, ensure the implementation is checked for verification.\r\n</remarks>",
36063 "type": "string"
36064 }
36065 },
36066 "xml": {
36067 "name": "IEmployee"
36068 },
36069 "type": "object",
36070 "default": {
36071 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false,
36072 "EmailConfirmed": false,
36073 "IsDeleted": false,
36074 "Email": "admin@pallmallartadvisors.com",
36075 "Id": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
36076 "Modified": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
36077 "ModifiedBy": "1",
36078 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
36079 "CreatedBy": "1"
36080 }
36081 },
36082 "TrovCommonModelSicEmployeeUpdateEmployeeRequest": {
36083 "description": "Represents an {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Employee.IEmployee} update request.",
36084 "properties": {
36085 "isAdmin": {
36086 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user should be a SIC admin.",
36087 "type": "boolean"
36088 }
36089 },
36090 "xml": {
36091 "name": "UpdateEmployeeRequest"
36092 },
36093 "type": "object",
36094 "default": {
36095 "IsAdmin": true
36096 }
36097 },
36098 "TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException": {
36099 "description": "TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException",
36100 "required": [
36101 "Message",
36102 "ExceptionType",
36103 "CorrelationId"
36104 ],
36105 "properties": {
36106 "Message": {
36107 "type": "string"
36108 },
36109 "ExceptionMessage": {
36110 "type": "string"
36111 },
36112 "ExceptionType": {
36113 "type": "string"
36114 },
36115 "StackTrace": {
36116 "type": "string"
36117 },
36118 "CorrelationId": {
36119 "type": "string"
36120 }
36121 },
36122 "type": "object",
36123 "default": {
36124 "Message": "The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
36125 "ExceptionMessage": "The user account does not have two-factor authentication enabled.",
36126 "ExceptionType": "TwoFactorAuthenticationNotEnabledException",
36127 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
36128 }
36129 },
36130 "TrovCommonModelSicEmployeeCreateEmployeeRequest": {
36131 "description": "Represents an {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Employee.IEmployee} creation request.",
36132 "required": [
36133 "email"
36134 ],
36135 "properties": {
36136 "email": {
36137 "description": "Gets or sets the email of the user to create the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Employee.IEmployee} from.",
36138 "type": "string"
36139 },
36140 "isAdmin": {
36141 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user should be a SIC admin.",
36142 "type": "boolean"
36143 }
36144 },
36145 "xml": {
36146 "name": "CreateEmployeeRequest"
36147 },
36148 "type": "object",
36149 "default": {
36150 "Email": "joe.blogs@trov.com",
36151 "IsAdmin": true
36152 }
36153 },
36154 "TrovCommonModelCoreAuthTokenResult": {
36155 "description": "Represents a security token.",
36156 "required": [
36157 "authToken"
36158 ],
36159 "properties": {
36160 "authToken": {
36161 "description": "Gets or sets a short term access token..",
36162 "type": "string"
36163 }
36164 },
36165 "xml": {
36166 "name": "AuthTokenResult"
36167 },
36168 "type": "object",
36169 "default": {
36170 "AuthToken": "qw1BajChKn6vkILYCmLzeh/H0GEaQJPuss1rpqby4rfd9fzanMNB2iGNVqNPI0CwGHaNSPz6bgNowkjPEbt/9Q=="
36171 }
36172 },
36173 "TrovCommonModelFeedFeedMessagesResponse": {
36174 "description": "Defines a model that represents a feed messages response.",
36175 "required": [
36176 "feedMessages"
36177 ],
36178 "properties": {
36179 "feedMessages": {
36180 "description": "Gets or sets the feed messages.",
36181 "items": {
36182 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelFeedIFeedMessage"
36183 },
36184 "xml": {
36185 "name": "IFeedMessage",
36186 "wrapped": true
36187 },
36188 "type": "array"
36189 }
36190 },
36191 "xml": {
36192 "name": "FeedMessagesResponse"
36193 },
36194 "type": "object",
36195 "default": {
36196 "FeedMessages": [
36197 {
36198 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
36199 "RootId": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
36200 "Message": "Add your car! We can get the *Kelley Blue Book* value and the specifications by just scanning the barcoded *VIN*",
36201 "MessageType": 100,
36202 "Images": [
36203 "507f191e810c19729de860ea"
36204 ],
36205 "Created": 130982766720000000,
36206 "Actions": [],
36207 "ClickAction": 0,
36208 "ClickActionArguments": {}
36209 },
36210 {
36211 "Id": "507f191e810c19729de860eb",
36212 "RootId": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
36213 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
36214 "Message": "We have updated the value of your *Diamond Engagement Ring* to *$12,932*.",
36215 "MessageType": 5,
36216 "Images": [
36217 "http://www.trov.com/wp-content/themes/trov/images/logo.png"
36218 ],
36219 "Created": 130982766720000000,
36220 "Actions": [],
36221 "ClickAction": 0,
36222 "ClickActionArguments": {}
36223 },
36224 {
36225 "Id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439013",
36226 "Message": "Whether you're a collector or just a dreamer, check out these 13 fascinating cars headed for the auction block: http://trov.to/1iFxA7s",
36227 "MessageType": 200,
36228 "Images": [
36229 "http://wpmedia.driving.ca/2014/03/mc14_r144_001.jpg?w=800&h=520&crop=1"
36230 ],
36231 "Created": 130982766720000000,
36232 "Actions": [],
36233 "ClickAction": 0,
36234 "ClickActionArguments": {}
36235 }
36236 ]
36237 }
36238 },
36239 "TrovCommonModelFeedIFeedMessage": {
36240 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents a feed message.",
36241 "properties": {
36242 "rootId": {
36243 "description": "Gets or sets the root id of the asset the feed message is related to.",
36244 "type": "string"
36245 },
36246 "assetId": {
36247 "description": "Gets or sets the asset id the feed message is related to.",
36248 "type": "string"
36249 },
36250 "message": {
36251 "description": "Gets or sets the raw message.",
36252 "type": "string"
36253 },
36254 "messageType": {
36255 "description": "Gets or sets the type of the feed message.",
36256 "type": "integer",
36257 "format": "int32",
36258 "enum": [
36259 0,
36260 1,
36261 2,
36262 3,
36263 4,
36264 5,
36265 6,
36266 7,
36267 8,
36268 100,
36269 101,
36270 102,
36271 103,
36272 104,
36273 200,
36274 901
36275 ],
36276 "x-enumName": "FeedMessageType"
36277 },
36278 "images": {
36279 "description": "Gets or sets the list of images associate with the feed message.",
36280 "items": {
36281 "type": "string"
36282 },
36283 "type": "array",
36284 "uniqueItems": true
36285 },
36286 "created": {
36287 "description": "Gets the time the feed message was created.",
36288 "readOnly": true,
36289 "type": "integer",
36290 "format": "int64"
36291 },
36292 "campaignId": {
36293 "description": "Gets or sets the campaign id associated with the feed message.",
36294 "type": "string"
36295 },
36296 "clickAction": {
36297 "description": "Gets or sets the click action for the feed message.",
36298 "type": "integer",
36299 "format": "int32",
36300 "enum": [
36301 0,
36302 1,
36303 2
36304 ],
36305 "x-enumName": "ClickActionType"
36306 },
36307 "clickActionArguments": {
36308 "description": "Gets or sets the click action arguments for the feed message.",
36309 "additionalProperties": {
36310 "type": "object"
36311 },
36312 "type": "object"
36313 },
36314 "metadata": {
36315 "description": "Gets or sets the metadata for this feed message.",
36316 "type": "object"
36317 },
36318 "actions": {
36319 "description": "Gets or sets the list of actions for the feed message.",
36320 "items": {
36321 "type": "string",
36322 "enum": [
36323 "Sell",
36324 "Insure",
36325 "Share"
36326 ],
36327 "x-enumName": "FeedMessageAction"
36328 },
36329 "xml": {
36330 "name": "FeedMessageAction",
36331 "wrapped": true
36332 },
36333 "type": "array",
36334 "uniqueItems": true,
36335 "x-enumName": "FeedMessageAction"
36336 },
36337 "contentType": {
36338 "description": "Gets or sets the content type of the feed message.",
36339 "type": "string"
36340 },
36341 "iconType": {
36342 "description": "Gets or sets the type of icon associated with the feed message.",
36343 "type": "string"
36344 },
36345 "id": {
36346 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
36347 "type": "string"
36348 }
36349 },
36350 "xml": {
36351 "name": "IFeedMessage"
36352 },
36353 "type": "object",
36354 "default": {
36355 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
36356 "RootId": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
36357 "Message": "Add your car! We can get the *Kelley Blue Book* value and the specifications by just scanning the barcoded *VIN*",
36358 "MessageType": 100,
36359 "Images": [
36360 "507f191e810c19729de860ea"
36361 ],
36362 "Created": 130982766720000000,
36363 "Actions": [],
36364 "ClickAction": 0,
36365 "ClickActionArguments": {}
36366 }
36367 },
36368 "TrovCommonModelFileIFileInfoResponse": {
36369 "description": "Defines an interface for a model that represents a file response.",
36370 "properties": {
36371 "parentRevision": {
36372 "description": "Gets or sets the parent revision number.",
36373 "type": "integer",
36374 "format": "int32"
36375 },
36376 "contentType": {
36377 "description": "Gets or sets the file content type.",
36378 "type": "string"
36379 },
36380 "length": {
36381 "description": "Gets or sets the file length (i.e. the number of bytes in the file).",
36382 "type": "integer",
36383 "format": "int64"
36384 },
36385 "uploadDate": {
36386 "description": "Gets or sets the date the file was uploaded.",
36387 "type": "integer",
36388 "format": "int64"
36389 },
36390 "schemaType": {
36391 "description": "Gets or sets the file schema type.",
36392 "type": "integer",
36393 "format": "int32",
36394 "enum": [
36395 0,
36396 1,
36397 2,
36398 3,
36399 4,
36400 5,
36401 6,
36402 7,
36403 8,
36404 9,
36405 10,
36406 11,
36407 12,
36408 13,
36409 14,
36410 15,
36411 16,
36412 17,
36413 18
36414 ],
36415 "x-enumName": "SchemaType"
36416 },
36417 "uri": {
36418 "description": "Gets or sets a {Trov.Common.Model.File.IFileInfo.Uri} associated with a file.",
36419 "type": "string"
36420 },
36421 "clientId": {
36422 "description": "Gets or sets the client id of the item.",
36423 "type": "string"
36424 },
36425 "parentId": {
36426 "description": "Gets or sets the parent id of the item.",
36427 "type": "string"
36428 },
36429 "rootId": {
36430 "description": "Gets or sets the root id of the item.",
36431 "type": "string"
36432 },
36433 "name": {
36434 "description": "Gets or sets the item name.",
36435 "type": "string"
36436 },
36437 "description": {
36438 "description": "Gets or sets the item description.",
36439 "type": "string"
36440 },
36441 "id": {
36442 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
36443 "type": "string"
36444 }
36445 },
36446 "xml": {
36447 "name": "IFileInfoResponse"
36448 },
36449 "type": "object"
36450 },
36451 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedFraudFraudProfilingSuccessResponse": {
36452 "required": [
36453 "profileSuccess"
36454 ],
36455 "properties": {
36456 "profileSuccess": {
36457 "type": "boolean"
36458 }
36459 },
36460 "xml": {
36461 "name": "FraudProfilingSuccessResponse"
36462 },
36463 "type": "object"
36464 },
36465 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserRegistrationRequest": {
36466 "required": [
36467 "email",
36468 "password"
36469 ],
36470 "properties": {
36471 "email": {
36472 "type": "string",
36473 "pattern": ".+@.+"
36474 },
36475 "password": {
36476 "type": "string",
36477 "maxLength": 50,
36478 "minLength": 8
36479 },
36480 "phoneNumber": {
36481 "type": "string"
36482 },
36483 "firstName": {
36484 "type": "string"
36485 },
36486 "lastName": {
36487 "type": "string"
36488 }
36489 },
36490 "xml": {
36491 "name": "UserRegistrationRequest"
36492 },
36493 "type": "object"
36494 },
36495 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserRegisterResponse": {
36496 "required": [
36497 "trovs",
36498 "user"
36499 ],
36500 "properties": {
36501 "trovs": {
36502 "description": "Gets or sets a list of trovs associated with the user.",
36503 "items": {
36504 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedTrovTrovResponse"
36505 },
36506 "xml": {
36507 "name": "TrovResponse",
36508 "wrapped": true
36509 },
36510 "type": "array"
36511 },
36512 "user": {
36513 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserAuthenticatedUserResponse",
36514 "description": "Gets or sets the authenticated user information."
36515 }
36516 },
36517 "xml": {
36518 "name": "UserRegisterResponse"
36519 },
36520 "type": "object"
36521 },
36522 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedTrovTrovResponse": {
36523 "required": [
36524 "id",
36525 "defaultMarket",
36526 "defaultCulture",
36527 "baseApiUri",
36528 "created"
36529 ],
36530 "properties": {
36531 "id": {
36532 "type": "string"
36533 },
36534 "name": {
36535 "type": "string"
36536 },
36537 "defaultMarket": {
36538 "type": "string",
36539 "enum": [
36540 "Unknown",
36541 "US",
36542 "AU",
36543 "GB"
36544 ],
36545 "x-enumName": "Market"
36546 },
36547 "defaultCulture": {
36548 "type": "string"
36549 },
36550 "baseApiUri": {
36551 "type": "string"
36552 },
36553 "created": {
36554 "type": "integer",
36555 "format": "int64"
36556 }
36557 },
36558 "xml": {
36559 "name": "TrovResponse"
36560 },
36561 "type": "object"
36562 },
36563 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserAuthenticatedUserResponse": {
36564 "required": [
36565 "email",
36566 "userId"
36567 ],
36568 "properties": {
36569 "username": {
36570 "description": "Gets or sets the username.",
36571 "type": "string"
36572 },
36573 "firstName": {
36574 "description": "Gets or sets the user's first name.",
36575 "type": "string"
36576 },
36577 "lastName": {
36578 "description": "Gets or sets the user's last name.",
36579 "type": "string"
36580 },
36581 "email": {
36582 "description": "Gets or sets the user's email address.",
36583 "type": "string"
36584 },
36585 "phoneNumber": {
36586 "description": "Gets or sets the user's phone number.",
36587 "type": "string"
36588 },
36589 "securityToken": {
36590 "description": "Gets or sets the security token issued by the authentication service.",
36591 "type": "string"
36592 },
36593 "userId": {
36594 "description": "Gets or sets the user's unique id.",
36595 "type": "integer",
36596 "format": "int32"
36597 },
36598 "serviceList": {
36599 "description": "Gets or sets the unique set of services the user has access to.",
36600 "items": {
36601 "type": "string"
36602 },
36603 "type": "array",
36604 "uniqueItems": true
36605 },
36606 "isNewUser": {
36607 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user was created in the request.",
36608 "type": "boolean"
36609 }
36610 },
36611 "xml": {
36612 "name": "AuthenticatedUserResponse"
36613 },
36614 "type": "object"
36615 },
36616 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteRequest": {
36617 "required": [
36618 "asset",
36619 "customer"
36620 ],
36621 "properties": {
36622 "asset": {
36623 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteAssetRequest",
36624 "description": "The asset to get a quote on."
36625 },
36626 "customer": {
36627 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteCustomerRequest",
36628 "description": "The customer data to use for the quote."
36629 }
36630 },
36631 "xml": {
36632 "name": "GuestQuoteRequest"
36633 },
36634 "type": "object"
36635 },
36636 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteAssetRequest": {
36637 "required": [
36638 "externalIdentifiers"
36639 ],
36640 "properties": {
36641 "externalIdentifiers": {
36642 "description": "The identifiers of the asset to request the quote for.",
36643 "items": {
36644 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIExternalIdentifierResponse"
36645 },
36646 "xml": {
36647 "name": "ExternalIdentifierResponse",
36648 "wrapped": true
36649 },
36650 "type": "array",
36651 "uniqueItems": true
36652 }
36653 },
36654 "xml": {
36655 "name": "GuestQuoteAssetRequest"
36656 },
36657 "type": "object"
36658 },
36659 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteCustomerRequest": {
36660 "required": [
36661 "address",
36662 "birthDate"
36663 ],
36664 "properties": {
36665 "address": {
36666 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteAddressRequest"
36667 },
36668 "birthDate": {
36669 "example": "2016-09-22",
36670 "type": "string",
36671 "default": "2016-09-22"
36672 },
36673 "gender": {
36674 "type": "string",
36675 "enum": [
36676 "F",
36677 "M"
36678 ],
36679 "x-enumName": "Gender"
36680 }
36681 },
36682 "xml": {
36683 "name": "GuestQuoteCustomerRequest"
36684 },
36685 "type": "object"
36686 },
36687 "TrovContractAPIExternalIdentifierResponse": {
36688 "required": [
36689 "type",
36690 "id"
36691 ],
36692 "properties": {
36693 "type": {
36694 "type": "integer",
36695 "format": "int32",
36696 "enum": [
36697 0,
36698 1,
36699 2,
36700 3,
36701 4,
36702 5,
36703 6,
36704 7,
36705 8,
36706 9,
36707 10,
36708 11,
36709 12,
36710 13,
36711 14,
36712 15,
36713 16,
36714 17,
36715 18,
36716 19,
36717 20,
36718 21,
36719 22,
36720 23,
36721 24,
36722 25,
36723 26,
36724 27
36725 ],
36726 "x-enumName": "ExternalIdentifierType"
36727 },
36728 "id": {
36729 "type": "string"
36730 }
36731 },
36732 "xml": {
36733 "name": "ExternalIdentifierResponse"
36734 },
36735 "type": "object"
36736 },
36737 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteAddressRequest": {
36738 "properties": {
36739 "street": {
36740 "type": "string"
36741 },
36742 "street2": {
36743 "type": "string"
36744 },
36745 "city": {
36746 "type": "string"
36747 },
36748 "state": {
36749 "type": "string"
36750 },
36751 "zip": {
36752 "type": "string"
36753 },
36754 "country": {
36755 "type": "string"
36756 }
36757 },
36758 "xml": {
36759 "name": "GuestQuoteAddressRequest"
36760 },
36761 "type": "object"
36762 },
36763 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuoteResponse": {
36764 "required": [
36765 "insuredValue",
36766 "priceOffers",
36767 "quoteId",
36768 "showPdsToUser",
36769 "protectionRequirements",
36770 "officialPremiumInterval"
36771 ],
36772 "properties": {
36773 "insuredValue": {
36774 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
36775 },
36776 "priceOffers": {
36777 "description": "A collection price offer responses applicable to this quote.",
36778 "items": {
36779 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuotePriceOfferResponse"
36780 },
36781 "xml": {
36782 "name": "GuestQuotePriceOfferResponse",
36783 "wrapped": true
36784 },
36785 "type": "array"
36786 },
36787 "billDurationText": {
36788 "description": "Formatted text that describes the Bill Duration. This may include simple markup.",
36789 "type": "string"
36790 },
36791 "quoteId": {
36792 "type": "string"
36793 },
36794 "warning": {
36795 "description": "An underwriting warning that at the time of generation would cause the quote to throw an exception if it were accepted.",
36796 "type": "string",
36797 "enum": [
36798 "None",
36799 "InsuranceSoldOut",
36800 "InsuranceCategorySoldOut",
36801 "CustomerLimitReached",
36802 "ItemLimitReached"
36803 ],
36804 "x-enumName": "UnderwritingWarning"
36805 },
36806 "showPdsToUser": {
36807 "description": "Value indicating whether the PDS must be shown to the user before accepting the quote.",
36808 "type": "boolean"
36809 },
36810 "protectionRequirements": {
36811 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuoteProtectionRequirements"
36812 },
36813 "officialPremiumInterval": {
36814 "description": "Indicates the official billing period of response (Daily or Monthly).",
36815 "type": "string",
36816 "enum": [
36817 "Unknown",
36818 "Daily",
36819 "Monthly",
36820 "Biannually",
36821 "Annually",
36822 "OneTimePayment"
36823 ],
36824 "x-enumName": "PremiumInterval"
36825 }
36826 },
36827 "xml": {
36828 "name": "GuestQuoteResponse"
36829 },
36830 "type": "object"
36831 },
36832 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestQuotePriceOfferResponse": {
36833 "required": [
36834 "id",
36835 "excess",
36836 "dailyTotal"
36837 ],
36838 "properties": {
36839 "id": {
36840 "type": "string"
36841 },
36842 "excess": {
36843 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
36844 },
36845 "excessPercentage": {
36846 "type": "number",
36847 "format": "double"
36848 },
36849 "dailyTotal": {
36850 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
36851 },
36852 "monthlyTotal": {
36853 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPILegacyCurrencyResponse"
36854 },
36855 "pdsSummary": {
36856 "type": "string"
36857 },
36858 "amendatoryEndorsement": {
36859 "type": "string"
36860 }
36861 },
36862 "xml": {
36863 "name": "GuestQuotePriceOfferResponse"
36864 },
36865 "type": "object"
36866 },
36867 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuoteProtectionRequirements": {
36868 "required": [
36869 "minimumPictureCount",
36870 "documentConsentRequired"
36871 ],
36872 "properties": {
36873 "minimumPictureCount": {
36874 "type": "integer",
36875 "format": "int32"
36876 },
36877 "documentConsentRequired": {
36878 "type": "boolean"
36879 }
36880 },
36881 "xml": {
36882 "name": "ProtectionRequirements"
36883 },
36884 "type": "object"
36885 },
36886 "MoreThanOneActivePdsVersionException": {
36887 "description": "MoreThanOneActivePdsVersionException",
36888 "required": [
36889 "Message",
36890 "ExceptionType",
36891 "CorrelationId"
36892 ],
36893 "properties": {
36894 "Message": {
36895 "type": "string"
36896 },
36897 "ExceptionMessage": {
36898 "type": "string"
36899 },
36900 "ExceptionType": {
36901 "type": "string"
36902 },
36903 "StackTrace": {
36904 "type": "string"
36905 },
36906 "CorrelationId": {
36907 "type": "string"
36908 }
36909 },
36910 "type": "object",
36911 "default": {
36912 "Message": "Multiple PDS Versions found for customer",
36913 "ExceptionMessage": "Multiple PDS Versions found for customer",
36914 "ExceptionType": "MoreThanOneActivePdsVersionException",
36915 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
36916 }
36917 },
36918 "UserNotFoundException": {
36919 "description": "UserNotFoundException",
36920 "required": [
36921 "Message",
36922 "ExceptionType",
36923 "CorrelationId"
36924 ],
36925 "properties": {
36926 "Message": {
36927 "type": "string"
36928 },
36929 "ExceptionMessage": {
36930 "type": "string"
36931 },
36932 "ExceptionType": {
36933 "type": "string"
36934 },
36935 "StackTrace": {
36936 "type": "string"
36937 },
36938 "CorrelationId": {
36939 "type": "string"
36940 }
36941 },
36942 "type": "object",
36943 "default": {
36944 "Message": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
36945 "ExceptionMessage": "The user with username string was not found, or the password associated with the login is incorrect.",
36946 "ExceptionType": "UserNotFoundException",
36947 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
36948 }
36949 },
36950 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestDisplayQuoteRequest": {
36951 "required": [
36952 "asset"
36953 ],
36954 "properties": {
36955 "asset": {
36956 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestDisplayQuoteAssetRequest",
36957 "description": "The asset to get a quote on."
36958 }
36959 },
36960 "xml": {
36961 "name": "GuestDisplayQuoteRequest"
36962 },
36963 "type": "object"
36964 },
36965 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestDisplayQuoteAssetRequest": {
36966 "required": [
36967 "externalIdentifiers"
36968 ],
36969 "properties": {
36970 "externalIdentifiers": {
36971 "description": "The identifiers of the asset to request the display quote for.",
36972 "items": {
36973 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIExternalIdentifierResponse"
36974 },
36975 "xml": {
36976 "name": "ExternalIdentifierResponse",
36977 "wrapped": true
36978 },
36979 "type": "array",
36980 "uniqueItems": true
36981 }
36982 },
36983 "xml": {
36984 "name": "GuestDisplayQuoteAssetRequest"
36985 },
36986 "type": "object"
36987 },
36988 "TrovCommonModelAssetsPhoneEnrichmentRequest": {
36989 "properties": {
36990 "modelId": {
36991 "description": "Gets or sets the model identifier for the phone.",
36992 "type": "string"
36993 },
36994 "storage": {
36995 "description": "Gets or sets the storage capacity of the phone.",
36996 "type": "string"
36997 },
36998 "carrier": {
36999 "description": "Gets or sets the carrier of the phone.",
37000 "type": "string"
37001 },
37002 "manufacturer": {
37003 "description": "Gets or sets the phone manufacturer.",
37004 "type": "string"
37005 },
37006 "assetId": {
37007 "description": "Gets or sets the asset ID. This only required if enriching a phone that was already created via search, e.g. from Trov Web.\r\nIf the enrich fails for this asset, a new asset will be created and this one deleted.",
37008 "type": "string"
37009 },
37010 "color": {
37011 "description": "Gets or sets the color of the device. Note that is only necessary in exceptional cases,\r\ne.g. the iPhone 7 Red, and must be ommitted otherwise.",
37012 "type": "string"
37013 }
37014 },
37015 "xml": {
37016 "name": "PhoneEnrichmentRequest"
37017 },
37018 "type": "object",
37019 "default": {
37020 "ModelId": "iPhone2,1",
37021 "Storage": "8",
37022 "Carrier": "AT&T",
37023 "Manufacturer": "Apple"
37024 }
37025 },
37026 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedMetadataPhoneEnrichmentQueryRequest": {
37027 "properties": {
37028 "sessionId": {
37029 "description": "Optional ThreatMetrix session id associated with the request.",
37030 "type": "string"
37031 }
37032 },
37033 "xml": {
37034 "name": "PhoneEnrichmentQueryRequest"
37035 },
37036 "type": "object"
37037 },
37038 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedMetadataOtherPhoneEnrichmentQueryRequest": {
37039 "properties": {
37040 "token": {
37041 "description": "The one time token for the enrichment request.",
37042 "type": "string"
37043 },
37044 "sessionId": {
37045 "description": "Optional ThreatMetrix session id associated with the request.",
37046 "type": "string"
37047 }
37048 },
37049 "xml": {
37050 "name": "OtherPhoneEnrichmentQueryRequest"
37051 },
37052 "type": "object"
37053 },
37054 "ArgumentNullException": {
37055 "description": "ArgumentNullException",
37056 "required": [
37057 "Message",
37058 "ExceptionType",
37059 "CorrelationId"
37060 ],
37061 "properties": {
37062 "Message": {
37063 "type": "string"
37064 },
37065 "ExceptionMessage": {
37066 "type": "string"
37067 },
37068 "ExceptionType": {
37069 "type": "string"
37070 },
37071 "StackTrace": {
37072 "type": "string"
37073 },
37074 "CorrelationId": {
37075 "type": "string"
37076 }
37077 },
37078 "type": "object",
37079 "default": {
37080 "Message": "Value cannot be null.",
37081 "ExceptionMessage": "Value cannot be null.",
37082 "ExceptionType": "ArgumentNullException",
37083 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
37084 }
37085 },
37086 "InvalidAssetException": {
37087 "description": "InvalidAssetException",
37088 "required": [
37089 "Message",
37090 "ExceptionType",
37091 "CorrelationId"
37092 ],
37093 "properties": {
37094 "Message": {
37095 "type": "string"
37096 },
37097 "ExceptionMessage": {
37098 "type": "string"
37099 },
37100 "ExceptionType": {
37101 "type": "string"
37102 },
37103 "StackTrace": {
37104 "type": "string"
37105 },
37106 "CorrelationId": {
37107 "type": "string"
37108 }
37109 },
37110 "type": "object",
37111 "default": {
37112 "Message": "string",
37113 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
37114 "ExceptionType": "InvalidAssetException",
37115 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
37116 }
37117 },
37118 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPaymentCardPaymentCardResponse": {
37119 "required": [
37120 "id",
37121 "last4",
37122 "expirationMonth",
37123 "expirationYear",
37124 "isDefault",
37125 "brand",
37126 "cvcCheckPass",
37127 "addressCheckPass",
37128 "fingerprint"
37129 ],
37130 "properties": {
37131 "id": {
37132 "type": "string"
37133 },
37134 "last4": {
37135 "description": "The last 4 digits of the card number.",
37136 "type": "string"
37137 },
37138 "expirationMonth": {
37139 "type": "integer",
37140 "format": "int32"
37141 },
37142 "expirationYear": {
37143 "type": "integer",
37144 "format": "int32"
37145 },
37146 "isDefault": {
37147 "description": "Value indicating whether this is the default card.",
37148 "type": "boolean"
37149 },
37150 "name": {
37151 "description": "The name on the card.",
37152 "type": "string"
37153 },
37154 "address": {
37155 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedAddress"
37156 },
37157 "brand": {
37158 "type": "string",
37159 "enum": [
37160 "Unknown",
37161 "Visa",
37162 "AmericanExpress",
37163 "MasterCard",
37164 "Discover",
37165 "JCB",
37166 "DinersClub"
37167 ],
37168 "x-enumName": "PaymentCardBrand"
37169 },
37170 "cvcCheckPass": {
37171 "type": "boolean"
37172 },
37173 "addressCheckPass": {
37174 "type": "boolean"
37175 },
37176 "fingerprint": {
37177 "type": "string"
37178 },
37179 "tokenizationMethod": {
37180 "type": "string"
37181 }
37182 },
37183 "xml": {
37184 "name": "PaymentCardResponse"
37185 },
37186 "type": "object"
37187 },
37188 "PaymentProviderException": {
37189 "description": "PaymentProviderException",
37190 "required": [
37191 "Message",
37192 "ExceptionType",
37193 "CorrelationId"
37194 ],
37195 "properties": {
37196 "Message": {
37197 "type": "string"
37198 },
37199 "ExceptionMessage": {
37200 "type": "string"
37201 },
37202 "ExceptionType": {
37203 "type": "string"
37204 },
37205 "StackTrace": {
37206 "type": "string"
37207 },
37208 "CorrelationId": {
37209 "type": "string"
37210 }
37211 },
37212 "type": "object",
37213 "default": {
37214 "Message": "string",
37215 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
37216 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderException",
37217 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
37218 }
37219 },
37220 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPaymentCardAddPaymentCardRequest": {
37221 "required": [
37222 "token"
37223 ],
37224 "properties": {
37225 "token": {
37226 "description": "The Stripe.js token of the card to add.",
37227 "type": "string"
37228 },
37229 "deleteExisting": {
37230 "description": "Value indicating whether existing cards should be deleted as part of request.",
37231 "type": "boolean"
37232 }
37233 },
37234 "xml": {
37235 "name": "AddPaymentCardRequest"
37236 },
37237 "type": "object"
37238 },
37239 "TrovCommonModelSicPaymentCardsPaymentCardUpdateRequest": {
37240 "description": "Represents an Update {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PaymentCards.PaymentCard} request.",
37241 "required": [
37242 "id",
37243 "expirationMonth",
37244 "expirationYear",
37245 "name",
37246 "street",
37247 "zip"
37248 ],
37249 "properties": {
37250 "id": {
37251 "description": "Gets or sets the internal id of the card.",
37252 "type": "string"
37253 },
37254 "expirationMonth": {
37255 "description": "Gets or sets the expiration month.",
37256 "type": "integer",
37257 "format": "int32"
37258 },
37259 "expirationYear": {
37260 "description": "Gets or sets the expiration year.",
37261 "type": "integer",
37262 "format": "int32"
37263 },
37264 "name": {
37265 "description": "Gets or sets the name on the card.",
37266 "type": "string"
37267 },
37268 "street": {
37269 "description": "Gets or sets the street of the card's address.",
37270 "type": "string"
37271 },
37272 "street2": {
37273 "description": "Gets or sets the secondary street of the card's address (e.g. \"Apt 56\").",
37274 "type": "string"
37275 },
37276 "city": {
37277 "description": "Gets or sets the city of the card's address.",
37278 "type": "string"
37279 },
37280 "state": {
37281 "description": "Gets or sets the state of the card's address.",
37282 "type": "string"
37283 },
37284 "zip": {
37285 "description": "Gets or sets the zip code of the card's address.",
37286 "type": "string"
37287 },
37288 "country": {
37289 "description": "Gets or sets the country of the card's address.",
37290 "type": "string"
37291 }
37292 },
37293 "xml": {
37294 "name": "PaymentCardUpdateRequest"
37295 },
37296 "type": "object",
37297 "default": {
37298 "Id": "card_id",
37299 "ExpirationMonth": 12,
37300 "ExpirationYear": 2010,
37301 "Name": "J.R. Smith",
37302 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
37303 "Street2": "APT 84",
37304 "City": "Medina",
37305 "State": "WA",
37306 "Zip": "98039",
37307 "Country": "USA"
37308 }
37309 },
37310 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsProductDisclosureResponse": {
37311 "required": [
37312 "uri"
37313 ],
37314 "properties": {
37315 "uri": {
37316 "type": "string"
37317 },
37318 "amendatoryEndorsementUri": {
37319 "type": "string"
37320 }
37321 },
37322 "xml": {
37323 "name": "ProductDisclosureResponse"
37324 },
37325 "type": "object"
37326 },
37327 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsCreateProductDisclosureSummaryRequest": {
37328 "description": "Represents a PDS summary request.",
37329 "required": [
37330 "version"
37331 ],
37332 "properties": {
37333 "version": {
37334 "description": "Gets or sets the version associated with the PDS summary.",
37335 "type": "string"
37336 }
37337 },
37338 "xml": {
37339 "name": "CreateProductDisclosureSummaryRequest"
37340 },
37341 "type": "object"
37342 },
37343 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsProductDisclosureSummaryResponse": {
37344 "properties": {
37345 "version": {
37346 "type": "string"
37347 },
37348 "uri": {
37349 "type": "string"
37350 },
37351 "effectiveDate": {
37352 "type": "string",
37353 "format": "date-time"
37354 }
37355 },
37356 "xml": {
37357 "name": "ProductDisclosureSummaryResponse"
37358 },
37359 "type": "object"
37360 },
37361 "PdsSummaryVersionNotProvidedException": {
37362 "description": "PdsSummaryVersionNotProvidedException",
37363 "required": [
37364 "Message",
37365 "ExceptionType",
37366 "CorrelationId"
37367 ],
37368 "properties": {
37369 "Message": {
37370 "type": "string"
37371 },
37372 "ExceptionMessage": {
37373 "type": "string"
37374 },
37375 "ExceptionType": {
37376 "type": "string"
37377 },
37378 "StackTrace": {
37379 "type": "string"
37380 },
37381 "CorrelationId": {
37382 "type": "string"
37383 }
37384 },
37385 "type": "object",
37386 "default": {
37387 "Message": "The PDS version is was not provided.",
37388 "ExceptionMessage": "The PDS version is was not provided.",
37389 "ExceptionType": "PdsSummaryVersionNotProvidedException",
37390 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
37391 }
37392 },
37393 "PdsSummaryVersionExistsException": {
37394 "description": "PdsSummaryVersionExistsException",
37395 "required": [
37396 "Message",
37397 "ExceptionType",
37398 "CorrelationId"
37399 ],
37400 "properties": {
37401 "Message": {
37402 "type": "string"
37403 },
37404 "ExceptionMessage": {
37405 "type": "string"
37406 },
37407 "ExceptionType": {
37408 "type": "string"
37409 },
37410 "StackTrace": {
37411 "type": "string"
37412 },
37413 "CorrelationId": {
37414 "type": "string"
37415 }
37416 },
37417 "type": "object",
37418 "default": {
37419 "Message": "The PDS version cannot be created because one already exists.",
37420 "ExceptionMessage": "The PDS version cannot be created because one already exists.",
37421 "ExceptionType": "PdsSummaryVersionExistsException",
37422 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
37423 }
37424 },
37425 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsAmendatoryEndorsementResponse": {
37426 "properties": {
37427 "version": {
37428 "type": "string"
37429 },
37430 "uri": {
37431 "type": "string"
37432 },
37433 "effectiveDate": {
37434 "type": "string",
37435 "format": "date-time"
37436 }
37437 },
37438 "xml": {
37439 "name": "AmendatoryEndorsementResponse"
37440 },
37441 "type": "object"
37442 },
37443 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPdsCreateAmendatoryEndorsementRequest": {
37444 "required": [
37445 "version",
37446 "stateOfResidence"
37447 ],
37448 "properties": {
37449 "version": {
37450 "type": "string"
37451 },
37452 "stateOfResidence": {
37453 "type": "string"
37454 }
37455 },
37456 "xml": {
37457 "name": "CreateAmendatoryEndorsementRequest"
37458 },
37459 "type": "object"
37460 },
37461 "AmendatoryEndorsementVersionExistsException": {
37462 "description": "AmendatoryEndorsementVersionExistsException",
37463 "required": [
37464 "Message",
37465 "ExceptionType",
37466 "CorrelationId"
37467 ],
37468 "properties": {
37469 "Message": {
37470 "type": "string"
37471 },
37472 "ExceptionMessage": {
37473 "type": "string"
37474 },
37475 "ExceptionType": {
37476 "type": "string"
37477 },
37478 "StackTrace": {
37479 "type": "string"
37480 },
37481 "CorrelationId": {
37482 "type": "string"
37483 }
37484 },
37485 "type": "object",
37486 "default": {
37487 "Message": "The Amendatory Endorsement version already exists.",
37488 "ExceptionMessage": "The Amendatory Endorsement version already exists.",
37489 "ExceptionType": "AmendatoryEndorsementVersionExistsException",
37490 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
37491 }
37492 },
37493 "TrovCommonModelTrovPolicy": {
37494 "required": [
37495 "policyNumber"
37496 ],
37497 "properties": {
37498 "id": {
37499 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the policy.",
37500 "type": "string"
37501 },
37502 "clientId": {
37503 "description": "Gets or sets an optional secondary id for the policy, specified by the client.\r\nIf specified, the id must be a guid.",
37504 "type": "string"
37505 },
37506 "policyNumber": {
37507 "description": "Gets or sets the policy number.",
37508 "type": "string"
37509 },
37510 "policyType": {
37511 "description": "Gets or sets the policy type.",
37512 "type": "string"
37513 },
37514 "insurerId": {
37515 "description": "Gets or sets the insurer id, if the policy is provided by an existing insurer.",
37516 "type": "string"
37517 },
37518 "insurerName": {
37519 "description": "Gets or sets the insurer name, if the policy is provided by a custom insurer.",
37520 "type": "string"
37521 },
37522 "insurerEmail": {
37523 "description": "Gets or sets the insurer email, if the policy is provided by a custom insurer.",
37524 "type": "string"
37525 },
37526 "nickname": {
37527 "description": "Gets or sets a nickname for the policy.",
37528 "type": "string"
37529 },
37530 "renewalDate": {
37531 "description": "Gets or sets the date that the policy will be up for renewal as a Windows file time.",
37532 "type": "integer",
37533 "format": "int64"
37534 },
37535 "lastModified": {
37536 "description": "Gets or sets the date that the policy was last modified as a Windows file time.",
37537 "type": "integer",
37538 "format": "int64"
37539 }
37540 },
37541 "xml": {
37542 "name": "Policy"
37543 },
37544 "type": "object"
37545 },
37546 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPremiumCalculationRequest": {
37547 "description": "Represents a request for calculating an insurance premium.",
37548 "required": [
37549 "insuredValue",
37550 "category",
37551 "subCategory",
37552 "age",
37553 "city",
37554 "state",
37555 "postalCode",
37556 "claimsInPastThreeYears",
37557 "tenureInMonths",
37558 "gender",
37559 "customerOccupation",
37560 "isOutdoor",
37561 "effectiveDate",
37562 "isGhostQuoteRequest"
37563 ],
37564 "properties": {
37565 "customerId": {
37566 "description": "Gets or sets the customer id.",
37567 "type": "string"
37568 },
37569 "insuredValue": {
37570 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
37571 "description": "Gets or sets the insured value of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}."
37572 },
37573 "excess": {
37574 "description": "Gets or sets the excess percentage for the insurance quote. If a value is not specified,\r\nthen a quote will be returned for each available excess value.\r\n<remark>\r\nThis property should be named ExcessPercentage but the\r\ninsurance .json file references it so we can't change it yet.\r\n</remark>",
37575 "type": "number",
37576 "format": "double"
37577 },
37578 "category": {
37579 "description": "Gets or sets the BeValued Category for the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
37580 "type": "string"
37581 },
37582 "subCategory": {
37583 "description": "Gets or sets the BeValued SubCategory for the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
37584 "type": "string"
37585 },
37586 "age": {
37587 "description": "Gets or sets the age of the customer (at the time of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} request).",
37588 "type": "integer",
37589 "format": "int32"
37590 },
37591 "city": {
37592 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer}'s city.",
37593 "type": "string"
37594 },
37595 "state": {
37596 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer}'s state.",
37597 "type": "string"
37598 },
37599 "postalCode": {
37600 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer}'s postal code.",
37601 "type": "string"
37602 },
37603 "claimsInPastThreeYears": {
37604 "description": "Gets or sets the number of {N:Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim}s that the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer} has made in the\r\npast three years at the time of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} request.",
37605 "type": "integer",
37606 "format": "int32"
37607 },
37608 "tenureInMonths": {
37609 "description": "Gets or sets the number of months since the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer} was created.",
37610 "type": "integer",
37611 "format": "int32"
37612 },
37613 "gender": {
37614 "description": "Gets or sets the {!:Access.Customer.Interface.Gender} of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer}.",
37615 "type": "string",
37616 "enum": [
37617 "F",
37618 "M"
37619 ],
37620 "x-enumName": "Gender"
37621 },
37622 "customerOccupation": {
37623 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer}'s occupation.",
37624 "type": "string"
37625 },
37626 "travelOverseas": {
37627 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer} will travel overseas (out of country)\r\nwith the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
37628 "type": "boolean"
37629 },
37630 "extendedWarranty": {
37631 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer} is declaring the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}\r\nis covered by an extended warranty.",
37632 "type": "boolean"
37633 },
37634 "isOutdoor": {
37635 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} is portable.",
37636 "type": "boolean"
37637 },
37638 "effectiveDate": {
37639 "description": "Gets or sets the date the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} should be effective for.",
37640 "type": "string",
37641 "format": "date-time"
37642 },
37643 "isGhostQuoteRequest": {
37644 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the request should use typical {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer} information\r\nto generate the request (e.g. ghost profile).",
37645 "type": "boolean"
37646 },
37647 "providerId": {
37648 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractCommonExternalIdentifier",
37649 "description": "Gets or sets the provider id."
37650 },
37651 "isReplacementCalculationRequest": {
37652 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether this request is for a replacement price offer calculation request.",
37653 "type": "boolean"
37654 },
37655 "customerRiskRatio": {
37656 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating the risk score of the customer",
37657 "type": "number",
37658 "format": "double"
37659 },
37660 "assetRiskRatio": {
37661 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating the risk score of the customer",
37662 "type": "number",
37663 "format": "double"
37664 },
37665 "sourceRiskRatio": {
37666 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating the risk score of the customer",
37667 "type": "number",
37668 "format": "double"
37669 }
37670 },
37671 "xml": {
37672 "name": "PremiumCalculationRequest"
37673 },
37674 "type": "object",
37675 "default": {
37676 "CustomerId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
37677 "InsuredValue": {
37678 "Type": 0,
37679 "Value": 150.00
37680 },
37681 "Category": "Audio",
37682 "SubCategory": "Headphones",
37683 "Age": 31,
37684 "City": "FIVE DOCK",
37685 "State": "NSW",
37686 "PostalCode": "2046",
37687 "ClaimsInPastThreeYears": 1,
37688 "TenureInMonths": 3,
37689 "Gender": "F",
37690 "CustomerOccupation": "Television Host",
37691 "TravelOverseas": false,
37692 "ExtendedWarranty": false,
37693 "IsOutdoor": true,
37694 "EffectiveDate": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
37695 "IsGhostQuoteRequest": false,
37696 "IsReplacementCalculationRequest": false,
37697 "CustomerRiskRatio": 0.0,
37698 "AssetRiskRatio": 0.0,
37699 "SourceRiskRatio": 0.0
37700 }
37701 },
37702 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferIPremiumCalculationResult": {
37703 "required": [
37704 "status",
37705 "excess",
37706 "excessPercentage",
37707 "dailyTaxes",
37708 "dailyTotal",
37709 "audit",
37710 "pricingModelVersion"
37711 ],
37712 "properties": {
37713 "status": {
37714 "description": "Gets or sets the status of the calculation.",
37715 "type": "string",
37716 "enum": [
37717 "Success",
37718 "FailedToPrice",
37719 "Declined",
37720 "ItemCategoryNotSupported",
37721 "CustomerAgeNotSupported",
37722 "CustomerAddressNotSupported",
37723 "PremiumNotAffordable",
37724 "UnderwritingDenied"
37725 ],
37726 "x-enumName": "PremiumCalculationStatus"
37727 },
37728 "underwritingWarning": {
37729 "description": "Gets or sets the underwriting warning, if any.",
37730 "type": "string",
37731 "enum": [
37732 "None",
37733 "InsuranceSoldOut",
37734 "InsuranceCategorySoldOut",
37735 "CustomerLimitReached",
37736 "ItemLimitReached"
37737 ],
37738 "x-enumName": "UnderwritingWarning"
37739 },
37740 "excess": {
37741 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
37742 "description": "Gets or sets the excess amount."
37743 },
37744 "excessPercentage": {
37745 "description": "Gets or sets the excess percentage used to calculate the excess amount.",
37746 "type": "number",
37747 "format": "double"
37748 },
37749 "dailyPremium": {
37750 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
37751 "description": "Gets or sets the daily premium amount."
37752 },
37753 "monthlyTotal": {
37754 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
37755 "description": "Gets the monthly total amount. This is an estimate in the AU/GB markets, calculated from the official DailyTotal",
37756 "readOnly": true
37757 },
37758 "dailyTaxes": {
37759 "description": "Gets or sets a collection of tax amounts included in the premium.",
37760 "items": {
37761 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
37762 },
37763 "xml": {
37764 "name": "ITaxCharge",
37765 "wrapped": true
37766 },
37767 "type": "array"
37768 },
37769 "dailyTotal": {
37770 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
37771 "description": "Gets or sets the daily total."
37772 },
37773 "audit": {
37774 "description": "Gets or sets the audit record for the premium calculation.",
37775 "items": {
37776 "type": "string"
37777 },
37778 "type": "array"
37779 },
37780 "pricingModelVersion": {
37781 "description": "Gets or sets the version of the pricing model used to generate the premium.",
37782 "type": "integer",
37783 "format": "int64"
37784 }
37785 },
37786 "xml": {
37787 "name": "IPremiumCalculationResult"
37788 },
37789 "type": "object",
37790 "default": {
37791 "Status": "Success",
37792 "Excess": {
37793 "Type": 0,
37794 "Value": 5.45
37795 },
37796 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
37797 "DailyPremium": {
37798 "Type": 0,
37799 "Value": 5.45
37800 },
37801 "MonthlyTotal": {
37802 "Type": 0,
37803 "Value": 163.50
37804 },
37805 "DailyTaxes": [
37806 {
37807 "Type": "GST (8%)",
37808 "Amount": {
37809 "Type": 0,
37810 "Value": 5.45
37811 },
37812 "Rate": 0.08,
37813 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
37814 },
37815 {
37816 "Type": "PST (7%)",
37817 "Amount": {
37818 "Type": 0,
37819 "Value": 5.45
37820 },
37821 "Rate": 0.07,
37822 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
37823 }
37824 ],
37825 "DailyTotal": {
37826 "Type": 0,
37827 "Value": 5.45
37828 },
37829 "Audit": [],
37830 "PricingModelVersion": 0
37831 }
37832 },
37833 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPricingPricingModelFileResponse": {
37834 "required": [
37835 "id",
37836 "version",
37837 "filename",
37838 "effective",
37839 "flags"
37840 ],
37841 "properties": {
37842 "id": {
37843 "type": "string"
37844 },
37845 "version": {
37846 "type": "integer",
37847 "format": "int32"
37848 },
37849 "filename": {
37850 "type": "string"
37851 },
37852 "effective": {
37853 "type": "string",
37854 "format": "date-time"
37855 },
37856 "flags": {
37857 "items": {
37858 "type": "string",
37859 "enum": [
37860 "DefaultOverrideFile",
37861 "DefaultEffectiveFile",
37862 "ActiveControlFile",
37863 "ActiveTestFile"
37864 ],
37865 "x-enumName": "PricingModelTypeFlag"
37866 },
37867 "xml": {
37868 "name": "PricingModelTypeFlag",
37869 "wrapped": true
37870 },
37871 "type": "array",
37872 "x-enumName": "PricingModelTypeFlag"
37873 }
37874 },
37875 "xml": {
37876 "name": "PricingModelFileResponse"
37877 },
37878 "type": "object"
37879 },
37880 "TrovStorageException": {
37881 "description": "TrovStorageException",
37882 "required": [
37883 "Message",
37884 "ExceptionType",
37885 "CorrelationId"
37886 ],
37887 "properties": {
37888 "Message": {
37889 "type": "string"
37890 },
37891 "ExceptionMessage": {
37892 "type": "string"
37893 },
37894 "ExceptionType": {
37895 "type": "string"
37896 },
37897 "StackTrace": {
37898 "type": "string"
37899 },
37900 "CorrelationId": {
37901 "type": "string"
37902 }
37903 },
37904 "type": "object",
37905 "default": {
37906 "Message": "string",
37907 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
37908 "ExceptionType": "TrovStorageException",
37909 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
37910 }
37911 },
37912 "InvalidEncodingException": {
37913 "description": "InvalidEncodingException",
37914 "required": [
37915 "Message",
37916 "ExceptionType",
37917 "CorrelationId"
37918 ],
37919 "properties": {
37920 "Message": {
37921 "type": "string"
37922 },
37923 "ExceptionMessage": {
37924 "type": "string"
37925 },
37926 "ExceptionType": {
37927 "type": "string"
37928 },
37929 "StackTrace": {
37930 "type": "string"
37931 },
37932 "CorrelationId": {
37933 "type": "string"
37934 }
37935 },
37936 "type": "object",
37937 "default": {
37938 "Message": "'' was expected, but different encoding was specified.",
37939 "ExceptionMessage": "'' was expected, but different encoding was specified.",
37940 "ExceptionType": "InvalidEncodingException",
37941 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
37942 }
37943 },
37944 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuoteQuoteCategoryResponse": {
37945 "required": [
37946 "id",
37947 "name"
37948 ],
37949 "properties": {
37950 "id": {
37951 "type": "string"
37952 },
37953 "name": {
37954 "type": "string"
37955 },
37956 "subCategories": {
37957 "items": {
37958 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuoteQuoteCategoryResponse"
37959 },
37960 "xml": {
37961 "name": "QuoteCategoryResponse",
37962 "wrapped": true
37963 },
37964 "type": "array"
37965 }
37966 },
37967 "xml": {
37968 "name": "QuoteCategoryResponse"
37969 },
37970 "type": "object"
37971 },
37972 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPricingUnderwritingModelFileResponse": {
37973 "required": [
37974 "id",
37975 "version",
37976 "filename",
37977 "effective"
37978 ],
37979 "properties": {
37980 "id": {
37981 "type": "string"
37982 },
37983 "version": {
37984 "type": "integer",
37985 "format": "int32"
37986 },
37987 "filename": {
37988 "type": "string"
37989 },
37990 "effective": {
37991 "type": "string",
37992 "format": "date-time"
37993 }
37994 },
37995 "xml": {
37996 "name": "UnderwritingModelFileResponse"
37997 },
37998 "type": "object"
37999 },
38000 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPricingModelMismatchedCategories": {
38001 "description": "The details of an underwriting model used for display to verify the underwriting file.",
38002 "required": [
38003 "version",
38004 "unusedCategories",
38005 "invalidCategories"
38006 ],
38007 "properties": {
38008 "version": {
38009 "description": "Gets or sets the version of the pricing model",
38010 "type": "integer",
38011 "format": "int64"
38012 },
38013 "unusedCategories": {
38014 "description": "Gets or sets the list of unused categories",
38015 "items": {
38016 "type": "string"
38017 },
38018 "type": "array"
38019 },
38020 "invalidCategories": {
38021 "description": "Gets or sets the list of invalid categories",
38022 "items": {
38023 "type": "string"
38024 },
38025 "type": "array"
38026 }
38027 },
38028 "xml": {
38029 "name": "PricingModelMismatchedCategories"
38030 },
38031 "type": "object",
38032 "default": {
38033 "Version": 237841,
38034 "UnusedCategories": [
38035 "four",
38036 "five"
38037 ],
38038 "InvalidCategories": [
38039 "one",
38040 "two",
38041 "three"
38042 ]
38043 }
38044 },
38045 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferUnderwritingModel": {
38046 "description": "Represents the details of an underwriting model used for display to verify the underwriting file.",
38047 "required": [
38048 "version",
38049 "effective",
38050 "maxTotalInsured",
38051 "perCustomerMax",
38052 "perItemMax",
38053 "categoryLimits"
38054 ],
38055 "properties": {
38056 "version": {
38057 "description": "Gets or sets the version of the underwriting file",
38058 "type": "integer",
38059 "format": "int32"
38060 },
38061 "effective": {
38062 "description": "Gets or sets the effective date of the underwriting file",
38063 "type": "string",
38064 "format": "date-time"
38065 },
38066 "maxTotalInsured": {
38067 "description": "Gets or sets the maximum total amount allowed to be insured",
38068 "type": "number",
38069 "format": "double"
38070 },
38071 "perCustomerMax": {
38072 "description": "Gets or sets the maximum total amount allowed to be insuerd per customer",
38073 "type": "number",
38074 "format": "double"
38075 },
38076 "perItemMax": {
38077 "description": "Gets or sets the maximum total amount allowed to be instured per item",
38078 "type": "number",
38079 "format": "double"
38080 },
38081 "categoryLimits": {
38082 "description": "Gets or sets the set of category limits",
38083 "items": {
38084 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferInsuranceModelCategoryLimit"
38085 },
38086 "xml": {
38087 "name": "InsuranceModelCategoryLimit",
38088 "wrapped": true
38089 },
38090 "type": "array",
38091 "uniqueItems": true
38092 }
38093 },
38094 "xml": {
38095 "name": "UnderwritingModel"
38096 },
38097 "type": "object",
38098 "default": {
38099 "Version": 1337,
38100 "Effective": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
38101 "MaxTotalInsured": 12345.0,
38102 "PerCustomerMax": 1234.0,
38103 "PerItemMax": 123.0,
38104 "CategoryLimits": [
38105 {
38106 "Category": "Mobile Phones",
38107 "SubCategory": "Mobile Phones",
38108 "Limit": 1234.0
38109 }
38110 ]
38111 }
38112 },
38113 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferInsuranceModelCategoryLimit": {
38114 "required": [
38115 "category",
38116 "limit"
38117 ],
38118 "properties": {
38119 "category": {
38120 "type": "string"
38121 },
38122 "subCategory": {
38123 "type": "string"
38124 },
38125 "limit": {
38126 "type": "number",
38127 "format": "double"
38128 }
38129 },
38130 "xml": {
38131 "name": "InsuranceModelCategoryLimit"
38132 },
38133 "type": "object",
38134 "default": {
38135 "Category": "Mobile Phones",
38136 "Limit": 2314789.0
38137 }
38138 },
38139 "TrovCommonModelProfileProfile": {
38140 "description": "Represents a user profile.",
38141 "properties": {
38142 "global": {
38143 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileGlobalProfile",
38144 "description": "Gets or sets the global information."
38145 },
38146 "customer": {
38147 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileCustomerProfile",
38148 "description": "Gets or sets the customer information."
38149 },
38150 "photos": {
38151 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileProfilePhotos",
38152 "description": "Gets or sets the customer photos."
38153 }
38154 },
38155 "xml": {
38156 "name": "Profile"
38157 },
38158 "type": "object",
38159 "default": {
38160 "Global": {
38161 "Email": {
38162 "Email": "john.smith@trov.com",
38163 "LinkedStatus": "NotLinked",
38164 "IsConfirmed": true
38165 },
38166 "PhoneNumber": {
38167 "Number": "555-237-7884",
38168 "IsConfirmed": false
38169 },
38170 "UserCreationDate": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
38171 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false
38172 },
38173 "Customer": {
38174 "Address": {
38175 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
38176 "Street2": "APT 84",
38177 "City": "Medina",
38178 "State": "WA",
38179 "Zip": "98039",
38180 "Country": "USA",
38181 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
38182 "IsEmpty": false,
38183 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
38184 },
38185 "BirthDate": {
38186 "year": 1984,
38187 "month": 10,
38188 "day": 1,
38189 "calendar": 0
38190 },
38191 "Name": {
38192 "First": "John",
38193 "Middle": "K.",
38194 "Last": "Smith"
38195 },
38196 "Nationality": "British",
38197 "Gender": "M",
38198 "EmploymentStatus": "Employed",
38199 "Emails": [
38200 {
38201 "Email": "foo@bar.com",
38202 "LinkedStatus": "NotLinked",
38203 "IsConfirmed": true
38204 },
38205 {
38206 "Email": "baz@qux.com",
38207 "LinkedStatus": "NotLinked",
38208 "IsConfirmed": true
38209 }
38210 ],
38211 "IsSubscribed": false
38212 },
38213 "Photos": {
38214 "Background": "http://www.trov.com/resources/images/logos/trov-logo-white.png",
38215 "Profile": "http://www.trov.com/resources/images/logos/trov-logo-white.png"
38216 }
38217 }
38218 },
38219 "TrovCommonModelProfileGlobalProfile": {
38220 "description": "Represents a user profile's global information.",
38221 "properties": {
38222 "email": {
38223 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileEmailAddress",
38224 "description": "Gets or sets the email address of the profile."
38225 },
38226 "phoneNumber": {
38227 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileLegacyPhoneNumber",
38228 "description": "Gets or sets the phone number of the profile."
38229 },
38230 "userCreationDate": {
38231 "description": "Gets or sets the date the user account was created.",
38232 "type": "string",
38233 "format": "date-time"
38234 },
38235 "twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": {
38236 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user account has two factor authentication enabled.",
38237 "type": "boolean"
38238 }
38239 },
38240 "xml": {
38241 "name": "GlobalProfile"
38242 },
38243 "type": "object",
38244 "default": {
38245 "Email": {
38246 "Email": "john.smith@trov.com",
38247 "LinkedStatus": "NotLinked",
38248 "IsConfirmed": true
38249 },
38250 "PhoneNumber": {
38251 "Number": "555-237-7884",
38252 "IsConfirmed": false
38253 },
38254 "UserCreationDate": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
38255 "TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled": false
38256 }
38257 },
38258 "TrovCommonModelProfileCustomerProfile": {
38259 "description": "Represent a user profile's customer information.",
38260 "properties": {
38261 "address": {
38262 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreNormalizedAddress",
38263 "description": "Gets or sets the address of the profile."
38264 },
38265 "birthDate": {
38266 "description": "Gets or sets the birth date of the profile.",
38267 "example": "2016-09-22",
38268 "type": "string",
38269 "default": "2016-09-22"
38270 },
38271 "name": {
38272 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreIName",
38273 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the profile."
38274 },
38275 "nationality": {
38276 "description": "Gets or sets the nationality of the profile.",
38277 "type": "string"
38278 },
38279 "gender": {
38280 "description": "Gets or sets the gender of the profile.",
38281 "type": "string",
38282 "enum": [
38283 "F",
38284 "M"
38285 ],
38286 "x-enumName": "Gender"
38287 },
38288 "employmentStatus": {
38289 "description": "Gets or sets the employment status of the profile.",
38290 "type": "string",
38291 "enum": [
38292 "UniversityStudent",
38293 "CollegeStudent",
38294 "Unemployed",
38295 "Employed",
38296 "SelfEmployed",
38297 "Houseperson",
38298 "Retired",
38299 "Other",
38300 "Unknown"
38301 ],
38302 "x-enumName": "EmploymentStatus"
38303 },
38304 "emails": {
38305 "description": "Gets or sets secondary email addresses associated with the profile.",
38306 "items": {
38307 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelProfileEmailAddress"
38308 },
38309 "xml": {
38310 "name": "EmailAddress",
38311 "wrapped": true
38312 },
38313 "type": "array",
38314 "uniqueItems": true
38315 },
38316 "isSubscribed": {
38317 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the profile is subscribed to marketing communications.\r\n<remarks>\r\nDefaults to false.\r\n</remarks>",
38318 "type": "boolean"
38319 }
38320 },
38321 "xml": {
38322 "name": "CustomerProfile"
38323 },
38324 "type": "object",
38325 "default": {
38326 "Address": {
38327 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
38328 "Street2": "APT 84",
38329 "City": "Medina",
38330 "State": "WA",
38331 "Zip": "98039",
38332 "Country": "USA",
38333 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
38334 "IsEmpty": false,
38335 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
38336 },
38337 "BirthDate": {
38338 "year": 1984,
38339 "month": 10,
38340 "day": 1,
38341 "calendar": 0
38342 },
38343 "Name": {
38344 "First": "John",
38345 "Middle": "K.",
38346 "Last": "Smith"
38347 },
38348 "Nationality": "British",
38349 "Gender": "M",
38350 "EmploymentStatus": "Employed",
38351 "Emails": [
38352 {
38353 "Email": "foo@bar.com",
38354 "LinkedStatus": "NotLinked",
38355 "IsConfirmed": true
38356 },
38357 {
38358 "Email": "baz@qux.com",
38359 "LinkedStatus": "NotLinked",
38360 "IsConfirmed": true
38361 }
38362 ],
38363 "IsSubscribed": false
38364 }
38365 },
38366 "TrovCommonModelProfileProfilePhotos": {
38367 "description": "Represents the available photos for a profile.",
38368 "properties": {
38369 "background": {
38370 "description": "Gets or sets the {System.Uri} of the {!:ICustomer}'s background photo.",
38371 "type": "string"
38372 },
38373 "profile": {
38374 "description": "Gets or sets the {System.Uri} of the {!:ICustomer}'s profile photo.",
38375 "type": "string"
38376 }
38377 },
38378 "xml": {
38379 "name": "ProfilePhotos"
38380 },
38381 "type": "object"
38382 },
38383 "TrovCommonModelProfileEmailAddress": {
38384 "description": "Represents an email address.",
38385 "required": [
38386 "email"
38387 ],
38388 "properties": {
38389 "email": {
38390 "description": "Gets or sets the email address.",
38391 "type": "string"
38392 },
38393 "linkedStatus": {
38394 "description": "Gets the linked status of the email address.",
38395 "readOnly": true,
38396 "type": "string"
38397 },
38398 "isConfirmed": {
38399 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the email address has been confirmed as being owned by the associated user.",
38400 "type": "boolean"
38401 }
38402 },
38403 "xml": {
38404 "name": "EmailAddress"
38405 },
38406 "type": "object"
38407 },
38408 "CustomerAddressNotSupportedException": {
38409 "description": "CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
38410 "required": [
38411 "Message",
38412 "ExceptionType",
38413 "CorrelationId"
38414 ],
38415 "properties": {
38416 "Message": {
38417 "type": "string"
38418 },
38419 "ExceptionMessage": {
38420 "type": "string"
38421 },
38422 "ExceptionType": {
38423 "type": "string"
38424 },
38425 "StackTrace": {
38426 "type": "string"
38427 },
38428 "CorrelationId": {
38429 "type": "string"
38430 }
38431 },
38432 "type": "object",
38433 "default": {
38434 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
38435 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's address.",
38436 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAddressNotSupportedException",
38437 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
38438 }
38439 },
38440 "CustomerAgeNotSupportedException": {
38441 "description": "CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
38442 "required": [
38443 "Message",
38444 "ExceptionType",
38445 "CorrelationId"
38446 ],
38447 "properties": {
38448 "Message": {
38449 "type": "string"
38450 },
38451 "ExceptionMessage": {
38452 "type": "string"
38453 },
38454 "ExceptionType": {
38455 "type": "string"
38456 },
38457 "StackTrace": {
38458 "type": "string"
38459 },
38460 "CorrelationId": {
38461 "type": "string"
38462 }
38463 },
38464 "type": "object",
38465 "default": {
38466 "Message": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
38467 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance is not available due to the customer's age.",
38468 "ExceptionType": "CustomerAgeNotSupportedException",
38469 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
38470 }
38471 },
38472 "CustomerProfileInformationMissingException": {
38473 "description": "CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
38474 "required": [
38475 "Message",
38476 "ExceptionType",
38477 "CorrelationId"
38478 ],
38479 "properties": {
38480 "Message": {
38481 "type": "string"
38482 },
38483 "ExceptionMessage": {
38484 "type": "string"
38485 },
38486 "ExceptionType": {
38487 "type": "string"
38488 },
38489 "StackTrace": {
38490 "type": "string"
38491 },
38492 "CorrelationId": {
38493 "type": "string"
38494 }
38495 },
38496 "type": "object",
38497 "default": {
38498 "Message": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
38499 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer profile is missing required fields ().",
38500 "ExceptionType": "CustomerProfileInformationMissingException",
38501 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
38502 }
38503 },
38504 "StateOfResidenceNotSupportedException": {
38505 "description": "StateOfResidenceNotSupportedException",
38506 "required": [
38507 "Message",
38508 "ExceptionType",
38509 "CorrelationId"
38510 ],
38511 "properties": {
38512 "Message": {
38513 "type": "string"
38514 },
38515 "ExceptionMessage": {
38516 "type": "string"
38517 },
38518 "ExceptionType": {
38519 "type": "string"
38520 },
38521 "StackTrace": {
38522 "type": "string"
38523 },
38524 "CorrelationId": {
38525 "type": "string"
38526 }
38527 },
38528 "type": "object",
38529 "default": {
38530 "Message": "Customer does not reside in an active US state",
38531 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer does not reside in an active US state",
38532 "ExceptionType": "StateOfResidenceNotSupportedException",
38533 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
38534 }
38535 },
38536 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPromotionAppliedResponse": {
38537 "description": "Represents the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} that was applied.",
38538 "required": [
38539 "promoCode",
38540 "promotionType",
38541 "termsOfPromotionUrl",
38542 "promotionAppliedText"
38543 ],
38544 "properties": {
38545 "promoCode": {
38546 "description": "Gets or sets the promo code.",
38547 "type": "string"
38548 },
38549 "promotionType": {
38550 "description": "Gets or sets the type of the promotion.",
38551 "type": "string",
38552 "enum": [
38553 "Unknown",
38554 "Cash",
38555 "Duration"
38556 ],
38557 "x-enumName": "PromotionType"
38558 },
38559 "termsOfPromotionUrl": {
38560 "description": "Gets or sets the URL for terms of the promotion.",
38561 "type": "string"
38562 },
38563 "promotionAppliedText": {
38564 "description": "Gets or sets the text describing the promotion that was applied.",
38565 "type": "string"
38566 }
38567 },
38568 "xml": {
38569 "name": "PromotionAppliedResponse"
38570 },
38571 "type": "object",
38572 "default": {
38573 "PromoCode": "TROVLUB",
38574 "PromotionType": "Cash",
38575 "TermsOfPromotionUrl": "http://trov.com/promotions/uk-20170303-photo-gear?nohf=true",
38576 "PromotionAppliedText": "You redeemed 15 days of credit towards protecting your item."
38577 }
38578 },
38579 "TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotionSummary": {
38580 "description": "Defines a summary of how a given promotion can be applied to a price offer.",
38581 "required": [
38582 "promoCode",
38583 "priceOfferId",
38584 "termsOfPromotionUrl",
38585 "promotionType",
38586 "initialBillAmount",
38587 "promotionAppliedText"
38588 ],
38589 "properties": {
38590 "promoCode": {
38591 "description": "Gets or sets the PromoCode being summarized.",
38592 "type": "string"
38593 },
38594 "priceOfferId": {
38595 "description": "Gets or sets the PriceOfferId being summarized.",
38596 "type": "string"
38597 },
38598 "termsOfPromotionUrl": {
38599 "description": "Gets or sets the URL to the Terms of Promotion page for the PromoCode.",
38600 "type": "string"
38601 },
38602 "promotionType": {
38603 "description": "Gets or sets the type of promotion to help clients with formatting text about the promotion.",
38604 "type": "string",
38605 "enum": [
38606 "Unknown",
38607 "Cash",
38608 "Duration"
38609 ],
38610 "x-enumName": "PromotionType"
38611 },
38612 "initialBillAmount": {
38613 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
38614 "description": "Gets or sets the initial bill amount for the selected price offer."
38615 },
38616 "promotionAppliedText": {
38617 "description": "Gets or sets the formatted text that describes the Applied Promotion.\r\nThis may include simple markup.",
38618 "type": "string"
38619 },
38620 "remainingCreditWithNextBillSummaryText": {
38621 "description": "Gets or sets the formatted text that describes how much credit is remaining and how this will affect the next bill.\r\nThis may include simple markup.\r\nReturns null if there is no remaining credit for the next bill.",
38622 "type": "string"
38623 }
38624 },
38625 "xml": {
38626 "name": "PromotionSummary"
38627 },
38628 "type": "object",
38629 "default": {
38630 "PromoCode": "PHOTOLOVE",
38631 "PriceOfferId": "61dff0be9b574535a27b792612e781ca",
38632 "TermsOfPromotionUrl": "http://trov.com/promotions/uk-20170303-photo-gear?nohf=true",
38633 "PromotionType": "Duration",
38634 "InitialBillAmount": {
38635 "Type": 3,
38636 "Value": 99.99
38637 },
38638 "PromotionAppliedText": "You received **30 DAYS** of credit towards protecting your item.",
38639 "RemainingCreditWithNextBillSummaryText": "You have **£99.99** of credit remaining. On **1 February** 2017, your credit card will be charged **$99.99** to cover until the end of the month."
38640 }
38641 },
38642 "PromotionNotApplicableException": {
38643 "description": "PromotionNotApplicableException",
38644 "required": [
38645 "Message",
38646 "ExceptionType",
38647 "CorrelationId"
38648 ],
38649 "properties": {
38650 "Message": {
38651 "type": "string"
38652 },
38653 "ExceptionMessage": {
38654 "type": "string"
38655 },
38656 "ExceptionType": {
38657 "type": "string"
38658 },
38659 "StackTrace": {
38660 "type": "string"
38661 },
38662 "CorrelationId": {
38663 "type": "string"
38664 }
38665 },
38666 "type": "object",
38667 "default": {
38668 "Message": "The promotion string cannot be applied to this price offer and customer.",
38669 "ExceptionMessage": "The promotion string cannot be applied to this price offer and customer.",
38670 "ExceptionType": "PromotionNotApplicableException",
38671 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
38672 }
38673 },
38674 "PromotionNotFoundException": {
38675 "description": "PromotionNotFoundException",
38676 "required": [
38677 "Message",
38678 "ExceptionType",
38679 "CorrelationId"
38680 ],
38681 "properties": {
38682 "Message": {
38683 "type": "string"
38684 },
38685 "ExceptionMessage": {
38686 "type": "string"
38687 },
38688 "ExceptionType": {
38689 "type": "string"
38690 },
38691 "StackTrace": {
38692 "type": "string"
38693 },
38694 "CorrelationId": {
38695 "type": "string"
38696 }
38697 },
38698 "type": "object",
38699 "default": {
38700 "Message": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
38701 "ExceptionMessage": "A promotion with PromoCode string was not found.",
38702 "ExceptionType": "PromotionNotFoundException",
38703 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
38704 }
38705 },
38706 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPromotionGetPromotionsQueryRequest": {
38707 "properties": {
38708 "fromDate": {
38709 "description": "Start of the date range for promotions to retrieve (optional).",
38710 "type": "string",
38711 "format": "date-time"
38712 },
38713 "toDate": {
38714 "description": "End of the date range for promotions to retrieve (optional).",
38715 "type": "string",
38716 "format": "date-time"
38717 }
38718 },
38719 "xml": {
38720 "name": "GetPromotionsQueryRequest"
38721 },
38722 "type": "object"
38723 },
38724 "TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotion": {
38725 "description": "Defines a model for specific type of Marketing Promotion.",
38726 "required": [
38727 "promoCode",
38728 "taxCalculation",
38729 "promotionType",
38730 "termsOfPromotionUrl",
38731 "promotionStartUtc",
38732 "promotionEndUtc",
38733 "redemptionsPerCustomer",
38734 "modified",
38735 "modifiedBy",
38736 "modifiedByEmail"
38737 ],
38738 "properties": {
38739 "promoCode": {
38740 "description": "Gets or sets the PromoCode that is used to non-uniquely identify to the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}.",
38741 "type": "string"
38742 },
38743 "taxCalculation": {
38744 "description": "Gets or sets an enum that defines how taxes are calculated when applying the credit to a bill.",
38745 "type": "string",
38746 "enum": [
38747 "Unknown",
38748 "BeforeTax",
38749 "AfterTax"
38750 ],
38751 "x-enumName": "TaxCalculation"
38752 },
38753 "promotionType": {
38754 "description": "Gets or sets an enum that defines the type of promotion, e.g. Cash or Duration.",
38755 "type": "string",
38756 "enum": [
38757 "Unknown",
38758 "Cash",
38759 "Duration"
38760 ],
38761 "x-enumName": "PromotionType"
38762 },
38763 "termsOfPromotionUrl": {
38764 "description": "Gets or sets a URL to a web page with the Terms of the Promotion for the customer to read.",
38765 "type": "string"
38766 },
38767 "creditAmount": {
38768 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
38769 "description": "Gets or sets the optional maximum credit amount that can be applied to an item for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}."
38770 },
38771 "creditDurationDays": {
38772 "description": "Gets or sets the optional maximum number of free days that can be applied to an item for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}.",
38773 "type": "number",
38774 "format": "double"
38775 },
38776 "creditExpiryDays": {
38777 "description": "Gets or sets the optional maximum number of days after the initial promotion redemption, in which any portion of the credit can be applied to an item on a bill.",
38778 "type": "number",
38779 "format": "double"
38780 },
38781 "promotionStartUtc": {
38782 "description": "Gets or sets the start date after which the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} can be redeemed by a customer.",
38783 "type": "string",
38784 "format": "date-time"
38785 },
38786 "promotionEndUtc": {
38787 "description": "Gets or sets the end date after which the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} cannot be redeemed by a customer.",
38788 "type": "string",
38789 "format": "date-time"
38790 },
38791 "maxRedemptions": {
38792 "description": "Gets or sets the optional maximum total number of redemptions of the given {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}.\r\nIf this limit exists, once it is reached the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} can no longer be redeemed.",
38793 "type": "integer",
38794 "format": "int32"
38795 },
38796 "redemptionsPerCustomer": {
38797 "description": "Gets or sets the maximum number of times a single customer can redeem the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}.\r\nOnce the limit is reached for a customer, that customer cannot apply the given {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} to any additional items;\r\nany existing redemptions would still be valid.",
38798 "type": "integer",
38799 "format": "int32"
38800 },
38801 "categories": {
38802 "description": "Gets or sets the optional list of item categories and sub categories that are applicable to the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}.",
38803 "items": {
38804 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotionCategory"
38805 },
38806 "xml": {
38807 "name": "PromotionCategory",
38808 "wrapped": true
38809 },
38810 "type": "array"
38811 },
38812 "id": {
38813 "type": "string"
38814 }
38815 },
38816 "xml": {
38817 "name": "Promotion"
38818 },
38819 "type": "object",
38820 "default": {
38821 "PromoCode": "TESTPROMO",
38822 "TaxCalculation": "BeforeTax",
38823 "PromotionType": "Duration",
38824 "TermsOfPromotionUrl": "http://trov.com/promotions/TEST",
38825 "CreditDurationDays": 30.0,
38826 "PromotionStartUtc": "2017-02-01T15:33:29Z",
38827 "PromotionEndUtc": "2017-04-01T15:33:29Z",
38828 "RedemptionsPerCustomer": 1,
38829 "Categories": [
38830 {
38831 "PromotionId": "1234",
38832 "Category": "Photography",
38833 "SubCategory": "Digital SLR/ System Cameras",
38834 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
38835 },
38836 {
38837 "PromotionId": "1234",
38838 "Category": "Photography",
38839 "SubCategory": "Photographic Lenses",
38840 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
38841 }
38842 ],
38843 "Id": "1234",
38844 "Modified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
38845 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
38846 }
38847 },
38848 "TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotionCategory": {
38849 "required": [
38850 "promotionId",
38851 "category",
38852 "subCategory"
38853 ],
38854 "properties": {
38855 "promotionId": {
38856 "description": "Gets or sets the Id of the associated {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}.",
38857 "type": "string"
38858 },
38859 "category": {
38860 "description": "Gets or sets the Category of item that the associated {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} can be applied to.",
38861 "type": "string"
38862 },
38863 "subCategory": {
38864 "description": "Gets or sets the optional Sub-Category of item that the associated {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} can be applied to.",
38865 "type": "string"
38866 },
38867 "id": {
38868 "type": "string"
38869 }
38870 },
38871 "xml": {
38872 "name": "PromotionCategory"
38873 },
38874 "type": "object",
38875 "default": {
38876 "PromotionId": "1234",
38877 "Category": "Photography",
38878 "SubCategory": "Digital SLR/ System Cameras",
38879 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
38880 }
38881 },
38882 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedPromotionGetPromotionQueryRequest": {
38883 "properties": {
38884 "startedBeforeUtc": {
38885 "description": "The promotion to be retrieved starts before this date (optional).",
38886 "type": "string",
38887 "format": "date-time"
38888 }
38889 },
38890 "xml": {
38891 "name": "GetPromotionQueryRequest"
38892 },
38893 "type": "object"
38894 },
38895 "InvalidDateException": {
38896 "description": "InvalidDateException",
38897 "required": [
38898 "Message",
38899 "ExceptionType",
38900 "CorrelationId"
38901 ],
38902 "properties": {
38903 "Message": {
38904 "type": "string"
38905 },
38906 "ExceptionMessage": {
38907 "type": "string"
38908 },
38909 "ExceptionType": {
38910 "type": "string"
38911 },
38912 "StackTrace": {
38913 "type": "string"
38914 },
38915 "CorrelationId": {
38916 "type": "string"
38917 }
38918 },
38919 "type": "object",
38920 "default": {
38921 "Message": "string",
38922 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
38923 "ExceptionType": "InvalidDateException",
38924 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
38925 }
38926 },
38927 "InvalidPromotionException": {
38928 "description": "InvalidPromotionException",
38929 "required": [
38930 "Message",
38931 "ExceptionType",
38932 "CorrelationId"
38933 ],
38934 "properties": {
38935 "Message": {
38936 "type": "string"
38937 },
38938 "ExceptionMessage": {
38939 "type": "string"
38940 },
38941 "ExceptionType": {
38942 "type": "string"
38943 },
38944 "StackTrace": {
38945 "type": "string"
38946 },
38947 "CorrelationId": {
38948 "type": "string"
38949 }
38950 },
38951 "type": "object",
38952 "default": {
38953 "Message": "'' is an invalid string for this operation.",
38954 "ExceptionMessage": "'' is an invalid string for this operation.",
38955 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPromotionException",
38956 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
38957 }
38958 },
38959 "InvalidPromotionTypeException": {
38960 "description": "InvalidPromotionTypeException",
38961 "required": [
38962 "Message",
38963 "ExceptionType",
38964 "CorrelationId"
38965 ],
38966 "properties": {
38967 "Message": {
38968 "type": "string"
38969 },
38970 "ExceptionMessage": {
38971 "type": "string"
38972 },
38973 "ExceptionType": {
38974 "type": "string"
38975 },
38976 "StackTrace": {
38977 "type": "string"
38978 },
38979 "CorrelationId": {
38980 "type": "string"
38981 }
38982 },
38983 "type": "object",
38984 "default": {
38985 "Message": "'Unknown' is not a valid PromotionType for this operation.",
38986 "ExceptionMessage": "'Unknown' is not a valid PromotionType for this operation.",
38987 "ExceptionType": "InvalidPromotionTypeException",
38988 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
38989 }
38990 },
38991 "TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsPromotionUpdateRequest": {
38992 "description": "Represents a request for a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} update.",
38993 "required": [
38994 "promotionId",
38995 "promotionEndUtc",
38996 "redemptionsPerCustomer"
38997 ],
38998 "properties": {
38999 "promotionId": {
39000 "description": "Gets or sets the Id that is used to uniquely identify a particular promotion {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}. This is the promotion that will be updated.",
39001 "type": "string"
39002 },
39003 "promotionEndUtc": {
39004 "description": "Gets or sets the end date after which the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} cannot be redeemed by a customer.",
39005 "type": "string",
39006 "format": "date-time"
39007 },
39008 "maxRedemptions": {
39009 "description": "Gets or sets the optional maximum total number of redemptions of the given {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}.\r\nIf this limit exists, once it is reached the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} can no longer be redeemed.",
39010 "type": "integer",
39011 "format": "int32"
39012 },
39013 "redemptionsPerCustomer": {
39014 "description": "Gets or sets the maximum number of times a single customer can redeem the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}.\r\nOnce the limit is reached for a customer, that customer cannot apply the given {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} to any additional items;\r\nany existing redemptions would still be valid.",
39015 "type": "integer",
39016 "format": "int32"
39017 }
39018 },
39019 "xml": {
39020 "name": "PromotionUpdateRequest"
39021 },
39022 "type": "object",
39023 "default": {
39024 "PromotionId": "PROMOID",
39025 "PromotionEndUtc": "2017-04-01T15:33:29Z",
39026 "MaxRedemptions": 999,
39027 "RedemptionsPerCustomer": 5
39028 }
39029 },
39030 "PromotionAlreadyRedeemedException": {
39031 "description": "PromotionAlreadyRedeemedException",
39032 "required": [
39033 "Message",
39034 "ExceptionType",
39035 "CorrelationId"
39036 ],
39037 "properties": {
39038 "Message": {
39039 "type": "string"
39040 },
39041 "ExceptionMessage": {
39042 "type": "string"
39043 },
39044 "ExceptionType": {
39045 "type": "string"
39046 },
39047 "StackTrace": {
39048 "type": "string"
39049 },
39050 "CorrelationId": {
39051 "type": "string"
39052 }
39053 },
39054 "type": "object",
39055 "default": {
39056 "Message": "The promotion string cannot be deleted, as it has already been redeemed.",
39057 "ExceptionMessage": "The promotion string cannot be deleted, as it has already been redeemed.",
39058 "ExceptionType": "PromotionAlreadyRedeemedException",
39059 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39060 }
39061 },
39062 "TrovCommonModelSicQuoteInsuranceStatus": {
39063 "description": "Represents the current insurance status of an {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}",
39064 "required": [
39065 "assetId",
39066 "assetRevision",
39067 "isClaimable",
39068 "totalClaimCount",
39069 "officialPremiumInterval"
39070 ],
39071 "properties": {
39072 "assetId": {
39073 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
39074 "type": "string"
39075 },
39076 "assetRevision": {
39077 "description": "Gets or sets the revision of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
39078 "type": "integer",
39079 "format": "int32"
39080 },
39081 "activePriceOffer": {
39082 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferResponse",
39083 "description": "Gets or sets the active {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOfferResponse} for the asset.\r\n<remarks>\r\nActivePriceOffer is null when the specified {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} is not currently insured.\r\n</remarks>"
39084 },
39085 "displayQuote": {
39086 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicQuoteDisplayQuote",
39087 "description": "Gets or sets the generated quote for the asset.\r\n<remarks>\r\nDisplayQuote is null when the specified {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} is currently insured.\r\n</remarks>"
39088 },
39089 "isClaimable": {
39090 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} is claimable.",
39091 "type": "boolean"
39092 },
39093 "claim": {
39094 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicClaimCurrentClaimStatus",
39095 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.CurrentClaimStatus} for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Quote.InsuranceStatus.Claim} for the asset if one exists, else it is null."
39096 },
39097 "totalClaimCount": {
39098 "description": "Gets or sets the total number of {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Quote.InsuranceStatus.Claim}s that have included this {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
39099 "type": "integer",
39100 "format": "int64"
39101 },
39102 "officialPremiumInterval": {
39103 "description": "Gets or sets the OfficialPremiumInterval, which indicates the official billing period of response (Daily or Monthly)",
39104 "type": "string",
39105 "enum": [
39106 "Unknown",
39107 "Monthly",
39108 "Daily"
39109 ],
39110 "x-enumName": "OfficialPremiumInterval"
39111 }
39112 },
39113 "xml": {
39114 "name": "InsuranceStatus"
39115 },
39116 "type": "object",
39117 "default": {
39118 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
39119 "AssetRevision": 7,
39120 "ActivePriceOffer": {
39121 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
39122 "AssetImage": "someRandomImageId",
39123 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
39124 "AssetRevision": 1,
39125 "CustomerId": "1",
39126 "DailyTotal": {
39127 "Type": 0,
39128 "Value": 5.45
39129 },
39130 "MonthlyTotal": {
39131 "Type": 0,
39132 "Value": 163.50
39133 },
39134 "Excess": {
39135 "Type": 0,
39136 "Value": 150.00
39137 },
39138 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
39139 "Id": "priceOfferId",
39140 "InsuredValue": {
39141 "Type": 0,
39142 "Value": 150.00
39143 },
39144 "OfferType": "Quote",
39145 "QuoteId": "QuoteIdForGroupingPurposes",
39146 "PdsSummary": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
39147 "AmendatoryEndorsementUri": "https://trov.com"
39148 },
39149 "IsClaimable": false,
39150 "TotalClaimCount": 0,
39151 "OfficialPremiumInterval": "Unknown"
39152 }
39153 },
39154 "TrovCommonModelSicQuoteDisplayQuote": {
39155 "description": "Represents quote that is to be used for display purposes.",
39156 "properties": {
39157 "minDailyTotal": {
39158 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39159 "description": "The minimum daily total for coverage."
39160 },
39161 "maxDailyTotal": {
39162 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39163 "description": "The maximum daily total for coverage."
39164 },
39165 "minMonthlyTotal": {
39166 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39167 "description": "The minimum monthly total for coverage."
39168 },
39169 "maxMonthlyTotal": {
39170 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39171 "description": "The maximum daily total for coverage."
39172 },
39173 "isGhostQuote": {
39174 "description": "A value indicating whether the quote is generated based on a typical customer.",
39175 "type": "boolean"
39176 }
39177 },
39178 "xml": {
39179 "name": "DisplayQuote"
39180 },
39181 "type": "object"
39182 },
39183 "TrovCommonModelSicClaimCurrentClaimStatus": {
39184 "description": "A model that holds the current {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.CurrentClaimStatus.ClaimStatus} of a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
39185 "required": [
39186 "claimStatus"
39187 ],
39188 "properties": {
39189 "claimId": {
39190 "description": "Gets or sets the parent claim id.",
39191 "type": "string"
39192 },
39193 "claimStatus": {
39194 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.CurrentClaimStatus.ClaimStatus} of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Claim.Claim}.",
39195 "type": "string",
39196 "enum": [
39197 "Unknown",
39198 "Draft",
39199 "Submitted",
39200 "Cancelled",
39201 "Accepted",
39202 "Denied",
39203 "Settled"
39204 ],
39205 "x-enumName": "ClaimStatus"
39206 }
39207 },
39208 "xml": {
39209 "name": "CurrentClaimStatus"
39210 },
39211 "type": "object"
39212 },
39213 "ProductIsNotQuotableException": {
39214 "description": "ProductIsNotQuotableException",
39215 "required": [
39216 "Message",
39217 "ExceptionType",
39218 "CorrelationId"
39219 ],
39220 "properties": {
39221 "Message": {
39222 "type": "string"
39223 },
39224 "ExceptionMessage": {
39225 "type": "string"
39226 },
39227 "ExceptionType": {
39228 "type": "string"
39229 },
39230 "StackTrace": {
39231 "type": "string"
39232 },
39233 "CorrelationId": {
39234 "type": "string"
39235 }
39236 },
39237 "type": "object",
39238 "default": {
39239 "Message": "Product is not quotable. string",
39240 "ExceptionMessage": "Product is not quotable. string",
39241 "ExceptionType": "ProductIsNotQuotableException",
39242 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39243 }
39244 },
39245 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferNextMonthBillItemResponse": {
39246 "description": "Represents the next month bill item for a {!:IAsset}.",
39247 "required": [
39248 "total",
39249 "taxes",
39250 "start",
39251 "startText",
39252 "endText",
39253 "end"
39254 ],
39255 "properties": {
39256 "total": {
39257 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39258 "description": "Gets or sets the total for the following month."
39259 },
39260 "taxes": {
39261 "description": "Gets or sets the taxes for the following month.",
39262 "items": {
39263 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
39264 },
39265 "xml": {
39266 "name": "ITaxCharge",
39267 "wrapped": true
39268 },
39269 "type": "array"
39270 },
39271 "start": {
39272 "description": "Gets the start date of the bill in the customer's local timezone.",
39273 "type": "string",
39274 "format": "date-time"
39275 },
39276 "startText": {
39277 "description": "Gets the start date of the bill in the customer's local timezone formatted as a string.",
39278 "type": "string"
39279 },
39280 "endText": {
39281 "description": "Gets the end date of the bill in the customer's local timezone formatted as a string.",
39282 "type": "string"
39283 },
39284 "end": {
39285 "description": "Gets the end date of the bill in the customer's local timezone.",
39286 "type": "string",
39287 "format": "date-time"
39288 }
39289 },
39290 "xml": {
39291 "name": "NextMonthBillItemResponse"
39292 },
39293 "type": "object",
39294 "default": {
39295 "Total": {
39296 "Type": 0,
39297 "Value": 150.00
39298 },
39299 "Taxes": [
39300 {
39301 "Type": "GST (8%)",
39302 "Amount": {
39303 "Type": 0,
39304 "Value": 5.45
39305 },
39306 "Rate": 0.08,
39307 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
39308 },
39309 {
39310 "Type": "PST (7%)",
39311 "Amount": {
39312 "Type": 0,
39313 "Value": 5.45
39314 },
39315 "Rate": 0.07,
39316 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
39317 }
39318 ],
39319 "Start": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
39320 "End": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
39321 }
39322 },
39323 "AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException": {
39324 "description": "AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
39325 "required": [
39326 "Message",
39327 "ExceptionType",
39328 "CorrelationId"
39329 ],
39330 "properties": {
39331 "Message": {
39332 "type": "string"
39333 },
39334 "ExceptionMessage": {
39335 "type": "string"
39336 },
39337 "ExceptionType": {
39338 "type": "string"
39339 },
39340 "StackTrace": {
39341 "type": "string"
39342 },
39343 "CorrelationId": {
39344 "type": "string"
39345 }
39346 },
39347 "type": "object",
39348 "default": {
39349 "Message": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
39350 "ExceptionMessage": "The specified asset is not insurable because it has already been replaced in another settled or accepted claim.",
39351 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyReplacedInAnotherClaimException",
39352 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39353 }
39354 },
39355 "AssetNotCoveredException": {
39356 "description": "AssetNotCoveredException",
39357 "required": [
39358 "Message",
39359 "ExceptionType",
39360 "CorrelationId"
39361 ],
39362 "properties": {
39363 "Message": {
39364 "type": "string"
39365 },
39366 "ExceptionMessage": {
39367 "type": "string"
39368 },
39369 "ExceptionType": {
39370 "type": "string"
39371 },
39372 "StackTrace": {
39373 "type": "string"
39374 },
39375 "CorrelationId": {
39376 "type": "string"
39377 }
39378 },
39379 "type": "object",
39380 "default": {
39381 "Message": "There are no active coverage periods for this asset.",
39382 "ExceptionMessage": "There are no active coverage periods for this asset.",
39383 "ExceptionType": "AssetNotCoveredException",
39384 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39385 }
39386 },
39387 "CustomerBlockedException": {
39388 "description": "CustomerBlockedException",
39389 "required": [
39390 "Message",
39391 "ExceptionType",
39392 "CorrelationId"
39393 ],
39394 "properties": {
39395 "Message": {
39396 "type": "string"
39397 },
39398 "ExceptionMessage": {
39399 "type": "string"
39400 },
39401 "ExceptionType": {
39402 "type": "string"
39403 },
39404 "StackTrace": {
39405 "type": "string"
39406 },
39407 "CorrelationId": {
39408 "type": "string"
39409 }
39410 },
39411 "type": "object",
39412 "default": {
39413 "Message": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
39414 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is blocked from performing this operation",
39415 "ExceptionType": "CustomerBlockedException",
39416 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39417 }
39418 },
39419 "CustomerNullException": {
39420 "description": "CustomerNullException",
39421 "required": [
39422 "Message",
39423 "ExceptionType",
39424 "CorrelationId"
39425 ],
39426 "properties": {
39427 "Message": {
39428 "type": "string"
39429 },
39430 "ExceptionMessage": {
39431 "type": "string"
39432 },
39433 "ExceptionType": {
39434 "type": "string"
39435 },
39436 "StackTrace": {
39437 "type": "string"
39438 },
39439 "CorrelationId": {
39440 "type": "string"
39441 }
39442 },
39443 "type": "object",
39444 "default": {
39445 "Message": "The customer is null.",
39446 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer is null.",
39447 "ExceptionType": "CustomerNullException",
39448 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39449 }
39450 },
39451 "InvalidAddressException": {
39452 "description": "InvalidAddressException",
39453 "required": [
39454 "Message",
39455 "ExceptionType",
39456 "CorrelationId"
39457 ],
39458 "properties": {
39459 "Message": {
39460 "type": "string"
39461 },
39462 "ExceptionMessage": {
39463 "type": "string"
39464 },
39465 "ExceptionType": {
39466 "type": "string"
39467 },
39468 "StackTrace": {
39469 "type": "string"
39470 },
39471 "CorrelationId": {
39472 "type": "string"
39473 }
39474 },
39475 "type": "object",
39476 "default": {
39477 "Message": "The address was unable to be resolved to a valid address.",
39478 "ExceptionMessage": "The address was unable to be resolved to a valid address.",
39479 "ExceptionType": "InvalidAddressException",
39480 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39481 }
39482 },
39483 "AssetIsTrashedException": {
39484 "description": "AssetIsTrashedException",
39485 "required": [
39486 "Message",
39487 "ExceptionType",
39488 "CorrelationId"
39489 ],
39490 "properties": {
39491 "Message": {
39492 "type": "string"
39493 },
39494 "ExceptionMessage": {
39495 "type": "string"
39496 },
39497 "ExceptionType": {
39498 "type": "string"
39499 },
39500 "StackTrace": {
39501 "type": "string"
39502 },
39503 "CorrelationId": {
39504 "type": "string"
39505 }
39506 },
39507 "type": "object",
39508 "default": {
39509 "Message": "The asset is trashed and is expected to not be trashed.",
39510 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset is trashed and is expected to not be trashed.",
39511 "ExceptionType": "AssetIsTrashedException",
39512 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39513 }
39514 },
39515 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedQuoteQuoteQueryRequest": {
39516 "properties": {
39517 "sessionId": {
39518 "description": "Optional ThreatMetrix session id associated with the quote request.",
39519 "type": "string"
39520 }
39521 },
39522 "xml": {
39523 "name": "QuoteQueryRequest"
39524 },
39525 "type": "object"
39526 },
39527 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferQuoteResponse": {
39528 "description": "Represents the response when requesting a new quote.",
39529 "required": [
39530 "assetId",
39531 "assetRevision",
39532 "insuredValue",
39533 "priceOffers",
39534 "billDurationText",
39535 "quoteId",
39536 "showPdsToUser",
39537 "protectionRequirements",
39538 "officialPremiumInterval"
39539 ],
39540 "properties": {
39541 "assetId": {
39542 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
39543 "type": "string"
39544 },
39545 "assetRevision": {
39546 "description": "Gets or sets the revision of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
39547 "type": "integer",
39548 "format": "int32"
39549 },
39550 "insuredValue": {
39551 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39552 "description": "Gets or sets the insured value of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}."
39553 },
39554 "priceOffers": {
39555 "description": "Gets or sets a collection price offers applicable to this quote.",
39556 "items": {
39557 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferQuoteResponsePriceOffer"
39558 },
39559 "xml": {
39560 "name": "QuoteResponsePriceOffer",
39561 "wrapped": true
39562 },
39563 "type": "array"
39564 },
39565 "billDurationText": {
39566 "description": "Gets or sets the formatted text that describes the Bill Duration.\r\nThis may include simple markup.",
39567 "type": "string"
39568 },
39569 "quoteId": {
39570 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the Quote.",
39571 "type": "string"
39572 },
39573 "warning": {
39574 "description": "Gets or sets an underwriting warning that at the time of generation would cause the quote to throw an exception if it were accepted.",
39575 "type": "string",
39576 "enum": [
39577 "None",
39578 "InsuranceSoldOut",
39579 "InsuranceCategorySoldOut",
39580 "CustomerLimitReached",
39581 "ItemLimitReached"
39582 ],
39583 "x-enumName": "UnderwritingWarning"
39584 },
39585 "showPdsToUser": {
39586 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the PDS must be shown to the user before accepting the quote.",
39587 "type": "boolean"
39588 },
39589 "protectionRequirements": {
39590 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferLegacyProtectionRequirements",
39591 "description": "Gets or sets the protection requirements."
39592 },
39593 "officialPremiumInterval": {
39594 "description": "Gets or sets the PremiumInterval, which indicates the official billing period of response (Daily or Monthly)",
39595 "type": "string",
39596 "enum": [
39597 "Unknown",
39598 "Monthly",
39599 "Daily"
39600 ],
39601 "x-enumName": "OfficialPremiumInterval"
39602 }
39603 },
39604 "xml": {
39605 "name": "QuoteResponse"
39606 },
39607 "type": "object",
39608 "default": {
39609 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
39610 "AssetRevision": 7,
39611 "InsuredValue": {
39612 "Type": 0,
39613 "Value": 150.00
39614 },
39615 "PriceOffers": [
39616 {
39617 "Id": "priceOfferId",
39618 "Excess": {
39619 "Type": 0,
39620 "Value": 150.00
39621 },
39622 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
39623 "DailyTotal": {
39624 "Type": 0,
39625 "Value": 5.45
39626 },
39627 "MonthlyTotal": {
39628 "Type": 0,
39629 "Value": 163.50
39630 },
39631 "InitialBillAmount": {
39632 "Type": 0,
39633 "Value": 12.00
39634 },
39635 "BillSummary": {
39636 "Initial": {
39637 "Total": {
39638 "Type": 0,
39639 "Value": 12.00
39640 },
39641 "Start": "2017-07-01T00:00:00",
39642 "StartText": "1 July, 2017",
39643 "EndText": "1 August, 2017",
39644 "End": "2017-08-01T00:00:00",
39645 "Days": 31,
39646 "TotalDays": 31.0
39647 },
39648 "Next": {
39649 "Total": {
39650 "Type": 0,
39651 "Value": 12.00
39652 },
39653 "Start": "2017-08-01T00:00:00",
39654 "StartText": "1 August, 2017",
39655 "EndText": "1 September, 2017",
39656 "End": "2017-09-01T00:00:00",
39657 "Days": 31,
39658 "TotalDays": 31.0
39659 }
39660 },
39661 "PdsSummary": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true"
39662 }
39663 ],
39664 "QuoteId": "26eafccd5b954ba3b3d481def86c",
39665 "Warning": "None",
39666 "ShowPdsToUser": true,
39667 "ProtectionRequirements": {
39668 "MinimumPictureCount": 2,
39669 "DocumentConsentRequired": false
39670 },
39671 "OfficialPremiumInterval": "Unknown"
39672 }
39673 },
39674 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferQuoteResponsePriceOffer": {
39675 "description": "Represents a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOffer} within the response when requesting a new quote.",
39676 "required": [
39677 "excess",
39678 "dailyTotal"
39679 ],
39680 "properties": {
39681 "id": {
39682 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
39683 "type": "string"
39684 },
39685 "excess": {
39686 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39687 "description": "Gets or sets the excess."
39688 },
39689 "excessPercentage": {
39690 "description": "Gets or sets the excess percentage.",
39691 "type": "number",
39692 "format": "double"
39693 },
39694 "dailyTotal": {
39695 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39696 "description": "Gets or sets the daily total amount, including taxes."
39697 },
39698 "monthlyTotal": {
39699 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39700 "description": "Gets or sets the monthly total, including taxes"
39701 },
39702 "initialBillAmount": {
39703 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39704 "description": "Gets or sets the amount that will be charged immediately for the remainder of the billing period upon acceptance of a quote {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOffer}, including taxes."
39705 },
39706 "billSummary": {
39707 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferBillSummaryResponse",
39708 "description": "Gets or sets the summary information for upcoming bills."
39709 },
39710 "pdsSummary": {
39711 "description": "Gets or sets a {System.Uri} to the PDS summary in effect when this {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOffer} was generated.",
39712 "type": "string"
39713 },
39714 "amendatoryEndorsement": {
39715 "description": "Gets or sets a {System.Uri} to the Amendatory Endorsement in effect when this {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOffer} was generated.",
39716 "type": "string"
39717 }
39718 },
39719 "xml": {
39720 "name": "QuoteResponsePriceOffer"
39721 },
39722 "type": "object",
39723 "default": {
39724 "Id": "priceOfferId",
39725 "Excess": {
39726 "Type": 0,
39727 "Value": 150.00
39728 },
39729 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
39730 "DailyTotal": {
39731 "Type": 0,
39732 "Value": 5.45
39733 },
39734 "MonthlyTotal": {
39735 "Type": 0,
39736 "Value": 163.50
39737 },
39738 "InitialBillAmount": {
39739 "Type": 0,
39740 "Value": 12.00
39741 },
39742 "BillSummary": {
39743 "Initial": {
39744 "Total": {
39745 "Type": 0,
39746 "Value": 12.00
39747 },
39748 "Start": "2017-07-01T00:00:00",
39749 "StartText": "1 July, 2017",
39750 "EndText": "1 August, 2017",
39751 "End": "2017-08-01T00:00:00",
39752 "Days": 31,
39753 "TotalDays": 31.0
39754 },
39755 "Next": {
39756 "Total": {
39757 "Type": 0,
39758 "Value": 12.00
39759 },
39760 "Start": "2017-08-01T00:00:00",
39761 "StartText": "1 August, 2017",
39762 "EndText": "1 September, 2017",
39763 "End": "2017-09-01T00:00:00",
39764 "Days": 31,
39765 "TotalDays": 31.0
39766 }
39767 },
39768 "PdsSummary": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true"
39769 }
39770 },
39771 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferLegacyProtectionRequirements": {
39772 "required": [
39773 "minimumPictureCount",
39774 "documentConsentRequired"
39775 ],
39776 "properties": {
39777 "minimumPictureCount": {
39778 "type": "integer",
39779 "format": "int32"
39780 },
39781 "documentConsentRequired": {
39782 "type": "boolean"
39783 }
39784 },
39785 "xml": {
39786 "name": "LegacyProtectionRequirements"
39787 },
39788 "type": "object"
39789 },
39790 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferBillSummaryResponse": {
39791 "description": "Information pertaining to upcoming bills.",
39792 "required": [
39793 "initial",
39794 "next"
39795 ],
39796 "properties": {
39797 "initial": {
39798 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferBillResponse",
39799 "description": "Gets the bill summary for the initial bill.",
39800 "readOnly": true
39801 },
39802 "next": {
39803 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferBillResponse",
39804 "description": "Gets the bill summary for the next bill.",
39805 "readOnly": true
39806 }
39807 },
39808 "xml": {
39809 "name": "PriceOfferBillSummaryResponse"
39810 },
39811 "type": "object"
39812 },
39813 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferBillResponse": {
39814 "description": "Information pertaining to a specific upcoming bill.",
39815 "required": [
39816 "total",
39817 "start",
39818 "startText",
39819 "endText",
39820 "end",
39821 "days",
39822 "totalDays"
39823 ],
39824 "properties": {
39825 "total": {
39826 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
39827 "description": "Gets the bill total.",
39828 "readOnly": true
39829 },
39830 "start": {
39831 "description": "Gets the start date of the bill in the customer's local timezone.",
39832 "readOnly": true,
39833 "type": "string",
39834 "format": "date-time"
39835 },
39836 "startText": {
39837 "description": "Gets the start date of the bill in the customer's local timezone formatted as a string.",
39838 "readOnly": true,
39839 "type": "string"
39840 },
39841 "endText": {
39842 "description": "Gets the end date of the bill in the customer's local timezone formatted as a string.",
39843 "readOnly": true,
39844 "type": "string"
39845 },
39846 "end": {
39847 "description": "Gets the end date of the bill in the customer's local timezone.",
39848 "readOnly": true,
39849 "type": "string",
39850 "format": "date-time"
39851 },
39852 "days": {
39853 "description": "Gets the day component of the timespan between start and end.",
39854 "readOnly": true,
39855 "type": "integer",
39856 "format": "int32"
39857 },
39858 "totalDays": {
39859 "description": "Gets the total fractional days of the bill.",
39860 "readOnly": true,
39861 "type": "number",
39862 "format": "double"
39863 }
39864 },
39865 "xml": {
39866 "name": "PriceOfferBillResponse"
39867 },
39868 "type": "object"
39869 },
39870 "CategoryNotSupportedException": {
39871 "description": "CategoryNotSupportedException",
39872 "required": [
39873 "Message",
39874 "ExceptionType",
39875 "CorrelationId"
39876 ],
39877 "properties": {
39878 "Message": {
39879 "type": "string"
39880 },
39881 "ExceptionMessage": {
39882 "type": "string"
39883 },
39884 "ExceptionType": {
39885 "type": "string"
39886 },
39887 "StackTrace": {
39888 "type": "string"
39889 },
39890 "CorrelationId": {
39891 "type": "string"
39892 }
39893 },
39894 "type": "object",
39895 "default": {
39896 "Message": "The given asset has a category that is not supported for quotes.",
39897 "ExceptionMessage": "The given asset has a category that is not supported for quotes.",
39898 "ExceptionType": "CategoryNotSupportedException",
39899 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39900 }
39901 },
39902 "CustomerLimitReachedException": {
39903 "description": "CustomerLimitReachedException",
39904 "required": [
39905 "Message",
39906 "ExceptionType",
39907 "CorrelationId"
39908 ],
39909 "properties": {
39910 "Message": {
39911 "type": "string"
39912 },
39913 "ExceptionMessage": {
39914 "type": "string"
39915 },
39916 "ExceptionType": {
39917 "type": "string"
39918 },
39919 "StackTrace": {
39920 "type": "string"
39921 },
39922 "CorrelationId": {
39923 "type": "string"
39924 }
39925 },
39926 "type": "object",
39927 "default": {
39928 "Message": "The customer has reached their insurance limit.",
39929 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer has reached their insurance limit.",
39930 "ExceptionType": "CustomerLimitReachedException",
39931 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39932 }
39933 },
39934 "DeviceNotAutoDetectedException": {
39935 "description": "DeviceNotAutoDetectedException",
39936 "required": [
39937 "Message",
39938 "ExceptionType",
39939 "CorrelationId"
39940 ],
39941 "properties": {
39942 "Message": {
39943 "type": "string"
39944 },
39945 "ExceptionMessage": {
39946 "type": "string"
39947 },
39948 "ExceptionType": {
39949 "type": "string"
39950 },
39951 "StackTrace": {
39952 "type": "string"
39953 },
39954 "CorrelationId": {
39955 "type": "string"
39956 }
39957 },
39958 "type": "object",
39959 "default": {
39960 "Message": "The device cannot be insured",
39961 "ExceptionMessage": "The device cannot be insured",
39962 "ExceptionType": "DeviceNotAutoDetectedException",
39963 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39964 }
39965 },
39966 "FraudValidationException": {
39967 "description": "FraudValidationException",
39968 "required": [
39969 "Message",
39970 "ExceptionType",
39971 "CorrelationId"
39972 ],
39973 "properties": {
39974 "Message": {
39975 "type": "string"
39976 },
39977 "ExceptionMessage": {
39978 "type": "string"
39979 },
39980 "ExceptionType": {
39981 "type": "string"
39982 },
39983 "StackTrace": {
39984 "type": "string"
39985 },
39986 "CorrelationId": {
39987 "type": "string"
39988 }
39989 },
39990 "type": "object",
39991 "default": {
39992 "Message": "Fraud validation failed.",
39993 "ExceptionMessage": "Fraud validation failed.",
39994 "ExceptionType": "FraudValidationException",
39995 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
39996 }
39997 },
39998 "ExternalProviderPricingException": {
39999 "description": "ExternalProviderPricingException",
40000 "required": [
40001 "Message",
40002 "ExceptionType",
40003 "CorrelationId"
40004 ],
40005 "properties": {
40006 "Message": {
40007 "type": "string"
40008 },
40009 "ExceptionMessage": {
40010 "type": "string"
40011 },
40012 "ExceptionType": {
40013 "type": "string"
40014 },
40015 "StackTrace": {
40016 "type": "string"
40017 },
40018 "CorrelationId": {
40019 "type": "string"
40020 }
40021 },
40022 "type": "object",
40023 "default": {
40024 "Message": "Failed to generate price offer. (ItemValueTooLow)",
40025 "ExceptionMessage": "Failed to generate price offer. (ItemValueTooLow)",
40026 "ExceptionType": "ExternalProviderPricingException",
40027 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40028 }
40029 },
40030 "InsuranceCategorySoldOutException": {
40031 "description": "InsuranceCategorySoldOutException",
40032 "required": [
40033 "Message",
40034 "ExceptionType",
40035 "CorrelationId"
40036 ],
40037 "properties": {
40038 "Message": {
40039 "type": "string"
40040 },
40041 "ExceptionMessage": {
40042 "type": "string"
40043 },
40044 "ExceptionType": {
40045 "type": "string"
40046 },
40047 "StackTrace": {
40048 "type": "string"
40049 },
40050 "CorrelationId": {
40051 "type": "string"
40052 }
40053 },
40054 "type": "object",
40055 "default": {
40056 "Message": "The insurance for the item's category is sold out.",
40057 "ExceptionMessage": "The insurance for the item's category is sold out.",
40058 "ExceptionType": "InsuranceCategorySoldOutException",
40059 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40060 }
40061 },
40062 "InsuranceSoldOutException": {
40063 "description": "InsuranceSoldOutException",
40064 "required": [
40065 "Message",
40066 "ExceptionType",
40067 "CorrelationId"
40068 ],
40069 "properties": {
40070 "Message": {
40071 "type": "string"
40072 },
40073 "ExceptionMessage": {
40074 "type": "string"
40075 },
40076 "ExceptionType": {
40077 "type": "string"
40078 },
40079 "StackTrace": {
40080 "type": "string"
40081 },
40082 "CorrelationId": {
40083 "type": "string"
40084 }
40085 },
40086 "type": "object",
40087 "default": {
40088 "Message": "Insurance sold out.",
40089 "ExceptionMessage": "Insurance sold out.",
40090 "ExceptionType": "InsuranceSoldOutException",
40091 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40092 }
40093 },
40094 "InvalidArticleIdException": {
40095 "description": "InvalidArticleIdException",
40096 "required": [
40097 "Message",
40098 "ExceptionType",
40099 "CorrelationId"
40100 ],
40101 "properties": {
40102 "Message": {
40103 "type": "string"
40104 },
40105 "ExceptionMessage": {
40106 "type": "string"
40107 },
40108 "ExceptionType": {
40109 "type": "string"
40110 },
40111 "StackTrace": {
40112 "type": "string"
40113 },
40114 "CorrelationId": {
40115 "type": "string"
40116 }
40117 },
40118 "type": "object",
40119 "default": {
40120 "Message": "The BeValued Article Id () for the given asset is either not available or is invalid.",
40121 "ExceptionMessage": "The BeValued Article Id () for the given asset is either not available or is invalid.",
40122 "ExceptionType": "InvalidArticleIdException",
40123 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40124 }
40125 },
40126 "ItemLimitReachedException": {
40127 "description": "ItemLimitReachedException",
40128 "required": [
40129 "Message",
40130 "ExceptionType",
40131 "CorrelationId"
40132 ],
40133 "properties": {
40134 "Message": {
40135 "type": "string"
40136 },
40137 "ExceptionMessage": {
40138 "type": "string"
40139 },
40140 "ExceptionType": {
40141 "type": "string"
40142 },
40143 "StackTrace": {
40144 "type": "string"
40145 },
40146 "CorrelationId": {
40147 "type": "string"
40148 }
40149 },
40150 "type": "object",
40151 "default": {
40152 "Message": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
40153 "ExceptionMessage": "The item exceeds the insurance limit.",
40154 "ExceptionType": "ItemLimitReachedException",
40155 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40156 }
40157 },
40158 "ItemValueBelowMinException": {
40159 "description": "ItemValueBelowMinException",
40160 "required": [
40161 "Message",
40162 "ExceptionType",
40163 "CorrelationId"
40164 ],
40165 "properties": {
40166 "Message": {
40167 "type": "string"
40168 },
40169 "ExceptionMessage": {
40170 "type": "string"
40171 },
40172 "ExceptionType": {
40173 "type": "string"
40174 },
40175 "StackTrace": {
40176 "type": "string"
40177 },
40178 "CorrelationId": {
40179 "type": "string"
40180 }
40181 },
40182 "type": "object",
40183 "default": {
40184 "Message": "Item value is below the minimum.",
40185 "ExceptionMessage": "Item value is below the minimum.",
40186 "ExceptionType": "ItemValueBelowMinException",
40187 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40188 }
40189 },
40190 "NoValueEstimateException": {
40191 "description": "NoValueEstimateException",
40192 "required": [
40193 "Message",
40194 "ExceptionType",
40195 "CorrelationId"
40196 ],
40197 "properties": {
40198 "Message": {
40199 "type": "string"
40200 },
40201 "ExceptionMessage": {
40202 "type": "string"
40203 },
40204 "ExceptionType": {
40205 "type": "string"
40206 },
40207 "StackTrace": {
40208 "type": "string"
40209 },
40210 "CorrelationId": {
40211 "type": "string"
40212 }
40213 },
40214 "type": "object",
40215 "default": {
40216 "Message": "Failed to generate price offer. (BeValuedNoValueEstimate)",
40217 "ExceptionMessage": "Failed to generate price offer. (BeValuedNoValueEstimate)",
40218 "ExceptionType": "NoValueEstimateException",
40219 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40220 }
40221 },
40222 "OfacScreeningFailedException": {
40223 "description": "OfacScreeningFailedException",
40224 "required": [
40225 "Message",
40226 "ExceptionType",
40227 "CorrelationId"
40228 ],
40229 "properties": {
40230 "Message": {
40231 "type": "string"
40232 },
40233 "ExceptionMessage": {
40234 "type": "string"
40235 },
40236 "ExceptionType": {
40237 "type": "string"
40238 },
40239 "StackTrace": {
40240 "type": "string"
40241 },
40242 "CorrelationId": {
40243 "type": "string"
40244 }
40245 },
40246 "type": "object",
40247 "default": {
40248 "Message": "OFAC screening failed.",
40249 "ExceptionMessage": "OFAC screening failed.",
40250 "ExceptionType": "OfacScreeningFailedException",
40251 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40252 }
40253 },
40254 "PremiumNotAffordableException": {
40255 "description": "PremiumNotAffordableException",
40256 "required": [
40257 "Message",
40258 "ExceptionType",
40259 "CorrelationId"
40260 ],
40261 "properties": {
40262 "Message": {
40263 "type": "string"
40264 },
40265 "ExceptionMessage": {
40266 "type": "string"
40267 },
40268 "ExceptionType": {
40269 "type": "string"
40270 },
40271 "StackTrace": {
40272 "type": "string"
40273 },
40274 "CorrelationId": {
40275 "type": "string"
40276 }
40277 },
40278 "type": "object",
40279 "default": {
40280 "Message": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
40281 "ExceptionMessage": "Insuring the specified asset would have an unaffordable premium.",
40282 "ExceptionType": "PremiumNotAffordableException",
40283 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40284 }
40285 },
40286 "PremiumValueBelowMinException": {
40287 "description": "PremiumValueBelowMinException",
40288 "required": [
40289 "Message",
40290 "ExceptionType",
40291 "CorrelationId"
40292 ],
40293 "properties": {
40294 "Message": {
40295 "type": "string"
40296 },
40297 "ExceptionMessage": {
40298 "type": "string"
40299 },
40300 "ExceptionType": {
40301 "type": "string"
40302 },
40303 "StackTrace": {
40304 "type": "string"
40305 },
40306 "CorrelationId": {
40307 "type": "string"
40308 }
40309 },
40310 "type": "object",
40311 "default": {
40312 "Message": "The premium value is below the minimum.",
40313 "ExceptionMessage": "The premium value is below the minimum.",
40314 "ExceptionType": "PremiumValueBelowMinException",
40315 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40316 }
40317 },
40318 "PricingFailedException": {
40319 "description": "PricingFailedException",
40320 "required": [
40321 "Message",
40322 "ExceptionType",
40323 "CorrelationId"
40324 ],
40325 "properties": {
40326 "Message": {
40327 "type": "string"
40328 },
40329 "ExceptionMessage": {
40330 "type": "string"
40331 },
40332 "ExceptionType": {
40333 "type": "string"
40334 },
40335 "StackTrace": {
40336 "type": "string"
40337 },
40338 "CorrelationId": {
40339 "type": "string"
40340 }
40341 },
40342 "type": "object",
40343 "default": {
40344 "Message": "Failed to generate price offer. (PricingFailed)",
40345 "ExceptionMessage": "Failed to generate price offer. (PricingFailed)",
40346 "ExceptionType": "PricingFailedException",
40347 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40348 }
40349 },
40350 "CustomerRiskCheckFailedException": {
40351 "description": "CustomerRiskCheckFailedException",
40352 "required": [
40353 "Message",
40354 "ExceptionType",
40355 "CorrelationId"
40356 ],
40357 "properties": {
40358 "Message": {
40359 "type": "string"
40360 },
40361 "ExceptionMessage": {
40362 "type": "string"
40363 },
40364 "ExceptionType": {
40365 "type": "string"
40366 },
40367 "StackTrace": {
40368 "type": "string"
40369 },
40370 "CorrelationId": {
40371 "type": "string"
40372 }
40373 },
40374 "type": "object",
40375 "default": {
40376 "Message": "The customer did not pass the required risk checks",
40377 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer did not pass the required risk checks",
40378 "ExceptionType": "CustomerRiskCheckFailedException",
40379 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40380 }
40381 },
40382 "PriceOfferExpiredException": {
40383 "description": "PriceOfferExpiredException",
40384 "required": [
40385 "Message",
40386 "ExceptionType",
40387 "CorrelationId"
40388 ],
40389 "properties": {
40390 "Message": {
40391 "type": "string"
40392 },
40393 "ExceptionMessage": {
40394 "type": "string"
40395 },
40396 "ExceptionType": {
40397 "type": "string"
40398 },
40399 "StackTrace": {
40400 "type": "string"
40401 },
40402 "CorrelationId": {
40403 "type": "string"
40404 }
40405 },
40406 "type": "object",
40407 "default": {
40408 "Message": "The price offer is expired.",
40409 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer is expired.",
40410 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferExpiredException",
40411 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40412 }
40413 },
40414 "AssetAlreadyInsuredException": {
40415 "description": "AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
40416 "required": [
40417 "Message",
40418 "ExceptionType",
40419 "CorrelationId"
40420 ],
40421 "properties": {
40422 "Message": {
40423 "type": "string"
40424 },
40425 "ExceptionMessage": {
40426 "type": "string"
40427 },
40428 "ExceptionType": {
40429 "type": "string"
40430 },
40431 "StackTrace": {
40432 "type": "string"
40433 },
40434 "CorrelationId": {
40435 "type": "string"
40436 }
40437 },
40438 "type": "object",
40439 "default": {
40440 "Message": "The asset is already insured.",
40441 "ExceptionMessage": "The asset is already insured.",
40442 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadyInsuredException",
40443 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40444 }
40445 },
40446 "PriceOfferNotActiveException": {
40447 "description": "PriceOfferNotActiveException",
40448 "required": [
40449 "Message",
40450 "ExceptionType",
40451 "CorrelationId"
40452 ],
40453 "properties": {
40454 "Message": {
40455 "type": "string"
40456 },
40457 "ExceptionMessage": {
40458 "type": "string"
40459 },
40460 "ExceptionType": {
40461 "type": "string"
40462 },
40463 "StackTrace": {
40464 "type": "string"
40465 },
40466 "CorrelationId": {
40467 "type": "string"
40468 }
40469 },
40470 "type": "object",
40471 "default": {
40472 "Message": "The price offer is not active.",
40473 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer is not active.",
40474 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferNotActiveException",
40475 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40476 }
40477 },
40478 "PriceOfferNotStartedException": {
40479 "description": "PriceOfferNotStartedException",
40480 "required": [
40481 "Message",
40482 "ExceptionType",
40483 "CorrelationId"
40484 ],
40485 "properties": {
40486 "Message": {
40487 "type": "string"
40488 },
40489 "ExceptionMessage": {
40490 "type": "string"
40491 },
40492 "ExceptionType": {
40493 "type": "string"
40494 },
40495 "StackTrace": {
40496 "type": "string"
40497 },
40498 "CorrelationId": {
40499 "type": "string"
40500 }
40501 },
40502 "type": "object",
40503 "default": {
40504 "Message": "Price offer string does not have active insurance associated with it.",
40505 "ExceptionMessage": "Price offer string does not have active insurance associated with it.",
40506 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferNotStartedException",
40507 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40508 }
40509 },
40510 "CannotStopCoverageDueToPastDuePaymentException": {
40511 "description": "CannotStopCoverageDueToPastDuePaymentException",
40512 "required": [
40513 "Message",
40514 "ExceptionType",
40515 "CorrelationId"
40516 ],
40517 "properties": {
40518 "Message": {
40519 "type": "string"
40520 },
40521 "ExceptionMessage": {
40522 "type": "string"
40523 },
40524 "ExceptionType": {
40525 "type": "string"
40526 },
40527 "StackTrace": {
40528 "type": "string"
40529 },
40530 "CorrelationId": {
40531 "type": "string"
40532 }
40533 },
40534 "type": "object",
40535 "default": {
40536 "Message": "The coverage cannot be stopped ",
40537 "ExceptionMessage": "The coverage cannot be stopped ",
40538 "ExceptionType": "CannotStopCoverageDueToPastDuePaymentException",
40539 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
40540 }
40541 },
40542 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferAcceptedResponse": {
40543 "description": "Represents an accepted {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
40544 "required": [
40545 "bill",
40546 "activePriceOffer",
40547 "officialPremiumInterval"
40548 ],
40549 "properties": {
40550 "bill": {
40551 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicBillLegacyBillResponse",
40552 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOfferAcceptedResponse.Bill} associated with the accepted {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}."
40553 },
40554 "activePriceOffer": {
40555 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferResponse",
40556 "description": "Gets or sets the accepted {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}."
40557 },
40558 "policyNumber": {
40559 "description": "Gets or sets the Policy Number associated with the accepted coverage.\r\nFor US market only.",
40560 "type": "string"
40561 },
40562 "officialPremiumInterval": {
40563 "description": "Gets or sets the OfficialPremiumInterval, which indicates the official billing period of response (Daily or Monthly)",
40564 "type": "string",
40565 "enum": [
40566 "Unknown",
40567 "Monthly",
40568 "Daily"
40569 ],
40570 "x-enumName": "OfficialPremiumInterval"
40571 }
40572 },
40573 "xml": {
40574 "name": "PriceOfferAcceptedResponse"
40575 },
40576 "type": "object",
40577 "default": {
40578 "Bill": {
40579 "BillId": "billId1",
40580 "CustomerId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
40581 "Taxes": [
40582 {
40583 "Type": "GST (8%)",
40584 "Amount": {
40585 "Type": 0,
40586 "Value": 5.45
40587 },
40588 "Rate": 0.08,
40589 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
40590 },
40591 {
40592 "Type": "PST (7%)",
40593 "Amount": {
40594 "Type": 0,
40595 "Value": 5.45
40596 },
40597 "Rate": 0.07,
40598 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
40599 }
40600 ],
40601 "Total": {
40602 "Type": 0,
40603 "Value": 5.45
40604 },
40605 "Payments": [
40606 {
40607 "PaymentId": "paymentId",
40608 "BillId": "billId",
40609 "Timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
40610 "Amount": {
40611 "Type": 0,
40612 "Value": 5.45
40613 },
40614 "CardType": "Visa",
40615 "Last4": "1234",
40616 "EventType": "Succeeded",
40617 "PaymentType": "Charged",
40618 "CustomerTimeZoneAtBillCreation": "US/Pacific"
40619 }
40620 ],
40621 "BillItems": [
40622 {
40623 "Id": "billItemResponseId1",
40624 "BillId": "billId1",
40625 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId1",
40626 "Start": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
40627 "End": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
40628 "Taxes": [
40629 {
40630 "Type": "GST (8%)",
40631 "Amount": {
40632 "Type": 0,
40633 "Value": 5.45
40634 },
40635 "Rate": 0.08,
40636 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
40637 },
40638 {
40639 "Type": "PST (7%)",
40640 "Amount": {
40641 "Type": 0,
40642 "Value": 5.45
40643 },
40644 "Rate": 0.07,
40645 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
40646 }
40647 ],
40648 "Premium": {
40649 "Type": 0,
40650 "Value": 5.45
40651 },
40652 "Total": {
40653 "Type": 0,
40654 "Value": 5.45
40655 },
40656 "InsuredValue": {
40657 "Type": 0,
40658 "Value": 150.00
40659 },
40660 "Excess": {
40661 "Type": 0,
40662 "Value": 5.45
40663 },
40664 "ExcessPercentage": 3.6333333333333333333333333300,
40665 "AssetId": "61dff0be9b574535a27b792612e781ca",
40666 "AssetName": "iPhone 6s",
40667 "AssetRevision": 5,
40668 "AssetImage": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
40669 "CustomerTimeZoneAtCreation": "Australia/NSW"
40670 }
40671 ],
40672 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
40673 "Start": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
40674 "End": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
40675 "CustomerTimeZoneAtCreation": "US/Pacific",
40676 "CustomerAddressAtCreation": {
40677 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
40678 "Street2": "APT 84",
40679 "City": "Medina",
40680 "State": "WA",
40681 "Zip": "98039",
40682 "Country": "USA",
40683 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
40684 "IsEmpty": false,
40685 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
40686 }
40687 },
40688 "ActivePriceOffer": {
40689 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
40690 "AssetImage": "someRandomImageId",
40691 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
40692 "AssetRevision": 1,
40693 "CustomerId": "1",
40694 "DailyTotal": {
40695 "Type": 0,
40696 "Value": 5.45
40697 },
40698 "MonthlyTotal": {
40699 "Type": 0,
40700 "Value": 163.50
40701 },
40702 "Excess": {
40703 "Type": 0,
40704 "Value": 150.00
40705 },
40706 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
40707 "Id": "priceOfferId",
40708 "InsuredValue": {
40709 "Type": 0,
40710 "Value": 150.00
40711 },
40712 "OfferType": "Quote",
40713 "QuoteId": "QuoteIdForGroupingPurposes",
40714 "PdsSummary": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
40715 "AmendatoryEndorsementUri": "https://trov.com"
40716 },
40717 "PolicyNumber": "TRV-12345678901",
40718 "OfficialPremiumInterval": "Unknown"
40719 }
40720 },
40721 "TrovCommonModelSicBillLegacyBillResponse": {
40722 "description": "Represents a bill response.",
40723 "required": [
40724 "taxes",
40725 "total",
40726 "dailyTotal",
40727 "payments",
40728 "billItems",
40729 "created",
40730 "start",
40731 "end",
40732 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation",
40733 "customerAddressAtCreation"
40734 ],
40735 "properties": {
40736 "billId": {
40737 "description": "Gets or sets the parent {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.Bill} id.",
40738 "type": "string"
40739 },
40740 "customerId": {
40741 "description": "Gets or sets the parent customer id.",
40742 "type": "string"
40743 },
40744 "taxes": {
40745 "description": "Gets or sets the taxes.",
40746 "items": {
40747 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
40748 },
40749 "xml": {
40750 "name": "ITaxCharge",
40751 "wrapped": true
40752 },
40753 "type": "array"
40754 },
40755 "total": {
40756 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
40757 "description": "Gets or sets the total amount."
40758 },
40759 "dailyTotal": {
40760 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
40761 "description": "Gets or sets the daily total amount."
40762 },
40763 "payments": {
40764 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.LegacyPaymentHistoryResponse} collection.",
40765 "items": {
40766 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicBillLegacyPaymentHistoryResponse"
40767 },
40768 "xml": {
40769 "name": "LegacyPaymentHistoryResponse",
40770 "wrapped": true
40771 },
40772 "type": "array"
40773 },
40774 "billItems": {
40775 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.LegacyBillItemResponse} collection.",
40776 "items": {
40777 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicBillLegacyBillItemResponse"
40778 },
40779 "xml": {
40780 "name": "LegacyBillItemResponse",
40781 "wrapped": true
40782 },
40783 "type": "array"
40784 },
40785 "created": {
40786 "description": "Gets or sets the created time.",
40787 "type": "string",
40788 "format": "date-time"
40789 },
40790 "start": {
40791 "description": "Gets or sets the start time(inclusive) of the bill in UTC.",
40792 "type": "string",
40793 "format": "date-time"
40794 },
40795 "end": {
40796 "description": "Gets or sets the end time(exclusive) of the bill in UTC.",
40797 "type": "string",
40798 "format": "date-time"
40799 },
40800 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation": {
40801 "description": "Gets the customer's time zone at the time of bill creation.",
40802 "readOnly": true,
40803 "type": "string"
40804 },
40805 "customerAddressAtCreation": {
40806 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreNormalizedAddress",
40807 "description": "Gets or sets the customer's address at the time of bill creation."
40808 }
40809 },
40810 "xml": {
40811 "name": "LegacyBillResponse"
40812 },
40813 "type": "object",
40814 "default": {
40815 "BillId": "billId1",
40816 "CustomerId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
40817 "Taxes": [
40818 {
40819 "Type": "GST (8%)",
40820 "Amount": {
40821 "Type": 0,
40822 "Value": 5.45
40823 },
40824 "Rate": 0.08,
40825 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
40826 },
40827 {
40828 "Type": "PST (7%)",
40829 "Amount": {
40830 "Type": 0,
40831 "Value": 5.45
40832 },
40833 "Rate": 0.07,
40834 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
40835 }
40836 ],
40837 "Total": {
40838 "Type": 0,
40839 "Value": 5.45
40840 },
40841 "Payments": [
40842 {
40843 "PaymentId": "paymentId",
40844 "BillId": "billId",
40845 "Timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
40846 "Amount": {
40847 "Type": 0,
40848 "Value": 5.45
40849 },
40850 "CardType": "Visa",
40851 "Last4": "1234",
40852 "EventType": "Succeeded",
40853 "PaymentType": "Charged",
40854 "CustomerTimeZoneAtBillCreation": "US/Pacific"
40855 }
40856 ],
40857 "BillItems": [
40858 {
40859 "Id": "billItemResponseId1",
40860 "BillId": "billId1",
40861 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId1",
40862 "Start": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
40863 "End": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
40864 "Taxes": [
40865 {
40866 "Type": "GST (8%)",
40867 "Amount": {
40868 "Type": 0,
40869 "Value": 5.45
40870 },
40871 "Rate": 0.08,
40872 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
40873 },
40874 {
40875 "Type": "PST (7%)",
40876 "Amount": {
40877 "Type": 0,
40878 "Value": 5.45
40879 },
40880 "Rate": 0.07,
40881 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
40882 }
40883 ],
40884 "Premium": {
40885 "Type": 0,
40886 "Value": 5.45
40887 },
40888 "Total": {
40889 "Type": 0,
40890 "Value": 5.45
40891 },
40892 "InsuredValue": {
40893 "Type": 0,
40894 "Value": 150.00
40895 },
40896 "Excess": {
40897 "Type": 0,
40898 "Value": 5.45
40899 },
40900 "ExcessPercentage": 3.6333333333333333333333333300,
40901 "AssetId": "61dff0be9b574535a27b792612e781ca",
40902 "AssetName": "iPhone 6s",
40903 "AssetRevision": 5,
40904 "AssetImage": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
40905 "CustomerTimeZoneAtCreation": "Australia/NSW"
40906 }
40907 ],
40908 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
40909 "Start": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
40910 "End": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
40911 "CustomerTimeZoneAtCreation": "US/Pacific",
40912 "CustomerAddressAtCreation": {
40913 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
40914 "Street2": "APT 84",
40915 "City": "Medina",
40916 "State": "WA",
40917 "Zip": "98039",
40918 "Country": "USA",
40919 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
40920 "IsEmpty": false,
40921 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
40922 }
40923 }
40924 },
40925 "TrovCommonModelSicBillLegacyPaymentHistoryResponse": {
40926 "description": "Represents a payment history response.",
40927 "required": [
40928 "paymentId",
40929 "timestamp",
40930 "amount",
40931 "eventType",
40932 "paymentType",
40933 "customerTimeZoneAtBillCreation"
40934 ],
40935 "properties": {
40936 "paymentId": {
40937 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the payment.",
40938 "type": "string"
40939 },
40940 "billId": {
40941 "description": "Gets or sets the parent {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.Bill} id.",
40942 "type": "string"
40943 },
40944 "timestamp": {
40945 "description": "Gets or sets the timestamp for the payment.",
40946 "type": "string",
40947 "format": "date-time"
40948 },
40949 "amount": {
40950 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
40951 "description": "Gets or sets the amount of the payment."
40952 },
40953 "cardType": {
40954 "description": "Gets or sets the card type used for the payment.",
40955 "type": "string",
40956 "enum": [
40957 "Unknown",
40958 "Visa",
40959 "AmericanExpress",
40960 "MasterCard",
40961 "Discover",
40962 "JCB",
40963 "DinersClub"
40964 ],
40965 "x-enumName": "PaymentCardBrand"
40966 },
40967 "last4": {
40968 "description": "Gets or sets the last 4 digits of the card used for the payment.",
40969 "type": "string"
40970 },
40971 "eventType": {
40972 "description": "Gets or sets the event type for the payment.",
40973 "type": "string",
40974 "enum": [
40975 "NotStarted",
40976 "Started",
40977 "Succeeded",
40978 "Abandoned",
40979 "Failed",
40980 "Rejected"
40981 ],
40982 "x-enumName": "TransactionEventType"
40983 },
40984 "paymentType": {
40985 "description": "Gets or sets the payment type.",
40986 "type": "string",
40987 "enum": [
40988 "Unknown",
40989 "Charged",
40990 "Waived",
40991 "Refunded",
40992 "RefundedExGratia",
40993 "SettledIntoClaim",
40994 "AlreadyRefunded",
40995 "RetroactiveCancellation",
40996 "WaivedRefund",
40997 "InsuranceNotStarted",
40998 "Promotion",
40999 "PromotionRefund",
41000 "Deferred",
41001 "DeferredRefund"
41002 ],
41003 "x-enumName": "PaymentType"
41004 },
41005 "paymentTokenizationMethod": {
41006 "description": "Gets the type of method used for payment (e.g. ApplePay).",
41007 "type": "string"
41008 },
41009 "paymentTokenizationMethodParsed": {
41010 "description": "A typed version of {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.LegacyPaymentHistoryResponse.PaymentTokenizationMethod} -- due to it being exposed publicly via an existing API contract.",
41011 "readOnly": true,
41012 "type": "integer",
41013 "format": "int32",
41014 "enum": [
41015 0,
41016 1
41017 ],
41018 "x-enumName": "PaymentTokenizationMethod"
41019 },
41020 "refundableAmount": {
41021 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41022 "description": "Gets or sets the refundable amount of the payment"
41023 },
41024 "customerTimeZoneAtBillCreation": {
41025 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer}'s time zone at the time of bill creation.",
41026 "type": "string"
41027 }
41028 },
41029 "xml": {
41030 "name": "LegacyPaymentHistoryResponse"
41031 },
41032 "type": "object"
41033 },
41034 "TrovCommonModelSicBillLegacyBillItemResponse": {
41035 "description": "Represents a bill item response.",
41036 "required": [
41037 "priceOfferDailyTotal",
41038 "start",
41039 "end",
41040 "taxes",
41041 "premium",
41042 "total",
41043 "insuredValue",
41044 "excess",
41045 "excessPercentage",
41046 "assetId",
41047 "assetName",
41048 "assetRevision",
41049 "assetImage",
41050 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation"
41051 ],
41052 "properties": {
41053 "id": {
41054 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
41055 "type": "string"
41056 },
41057 "billId": {
41058 "description": "Gets or sets the parent {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.LegacyBillItemResponse.Bill} id.",
41059 "type": "string"
41060 },
41061 "priceOfferId": {
41062 "description": "Gets or sets the identifier of the related {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
41063 "type": "string"
41064 },
41065 "priceOfferDailyTotal": {
41066 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41067 "description": "Gets or sets the daily total of the associated {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}."
41068 },
41069 "start": {
41070 "description": "Gets or sets the starting time.",
41071 "type": "string",
41072 "format": "date-time"
41073 },
41074 "end": {
41075 "description": "Gets or sets the ending time.",
41076 "type": "string",
41077 "format": "date-time"
41078 },
41079 "paymentPeriodStart": {
41080 "description": "Gets or sets the non-promotional payment period starting time in UTC, if the BillItem was not entirely covered by a promotion.",
41081 "type": "string",
41082 "format": "date-time"
41083 },
41084 "paymentPeriodEnd": {
41085 "description": "Gets or sets the non-promotional payment period ending time in UTC, if the BillItem was not entirely covered by a promotion.",
41086 "type": "string",
41087 "format": "date-time"
41088 },
41089 "taxes": {
41090 "description": "Gets or sets the taxes.",
41091 "items": {
41092 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
41093 },
41094 "xml": {
41095 "name": "ITaxCharge",
41096 "wrapped": true
41097 },
41098 "type": "array"
41099 },
41100 "premium": {
41101 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41102 "description": "Gets or sets the premium."
41103 },
41104 "total": {
41105 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41106 "description": "Gets or sets the total amount."
41107 },
41108 "insuredValue": {
41109 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41110 "description": "Gets or sets the insured value of the asset."
41111 },
41112 "excess": {
41113 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41114 "description": "Gets or sets the excess."
41115 },
41116 "excessPercentage": {
41117 "description": "Gets or sets the excess percentage.",
41118 "type": "number",
41119 "format": "double"
41120 },
41121 "assetId": {
41122 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} id.",
41123 "type": "string"
41124 },
41125 "assetName": {
41126 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} name.",
41127 "type": "string"
41128 },
41129 "assetRevision": {
41130 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} revision.",
41131 "type": "integer",
41132 "format": "int32"
41133 },
41134 "assetImage": {
41135 "description": "Gets or sets the id for an image for the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
41136 "type": "string"
41137 },
41138 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation": {
41139 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer}'s time zone at the time of bill creation.",
41140 "type": "string"
41141 },
41142 "promotionDetails": {
41143 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsLegacyPromotionalBillItemResponse",
41144 "description": "Gets or sets any applicable promotional information that has been applied to the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.LegacyBillItemResponse.BillItem}."
41145 }
41146 },
41147 "xml": {
41148 "name": "LegacyBillItemResponse"
41149 },
41150 "type": "object",
41151 "default": {
41152 "Id": "billItemResponseId1",
41153 "BillId": "billId1",
41154 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId1",
41155 "Start": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
41156 "End": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
41157 "Taxes": [
41158 {
41159 "Type": "GST (8%)",
41160 "Amount": {
41161 "Type": 0,
41162 "Value": 5.45
41163 },
41164 "Rate": 0.08,
41165 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41166 },
41167 {
41168 "Type": "PST (7%)",
41169 "Amount": {
41170 "Type": 0,
41171 "Value": 5.45
41172 },
41173 "Rate": 0.07,
41174 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41175 }
41176 ],
41177 "Premium": {
41178 "Type": 0,
41179 "Value": 5.45
41180 },
41181 "Total": {
41182 "Type": 0,
41183 "Value": 5.45
41184 },
41185 "InsuredValue": {
41186 "Type": 0,
41187 "Value": 150.00
41188 },
41189 "Excess": {
41190 "Type": 0,
41191 "Value": 5.45
41192 },
41193 "ExcessPercentage": 3.6333333333333333333333333300,
41194 "AssetId": "61dff0be9b574535a27b792612e781ca",
41195 "AssetName": "iPhone 6s",
41196 "AssetRevision": 5,
41197 "AssetImage": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
41198 "CustomerTimeZoneAtCreation": "Australia/NSW"
41199 }
41200 },
41201 "TrovCommonModelSicPromotionsLegacyPromotionalBillItemResponse": {
41202 "description": "Defines a model for promotional information associated with a {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.BillItem} for display on a client.",
41203 "required": [
41204 "promoCode",
41205 "creditAmount",
41206 "creditAmountLabel",
41207 "termsOfPromotionUrl",
41208 "promoPeriodStartedUtc",
41209 "promoPeriodEndedUtc",
41210 "redemptionStartedUtc",
41211 "promotionType"
41212 ],
41213 "properties": {
41214 "promoCode": {
41215 "description": "Gets or sets the Promo Code of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} applied.",
41216 "type": "string"
41217 },
41218 "creditAmount": {
41219 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41220 "description": "Gets or sets the cash value of the credit applied to the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.BillItem.Total}."
41221 },
41222 "creditAmountLabel": {
41223 "description": "Gets or sets a label for the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.LegacyPromotionalBillItemResponse.CreditAmount} that may include the equivalent number of credit duration in days applied for Duration type promotions.",
41224 "type": "string"
41225 },
41226 "termsOfPromotionUrl": {
41227 "description": "Gets or sets the URL of the Terms of Promotion associated with the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion}.",
41228 "type": "string"
41229 },
41230 "promoPeriodStartedUtc": {
41231 "description": "Gets or sets the start of the promotional period associated with the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.BillItem} in UTC.",
41232 "type": "string",
41233 "format": "date-time"
41234 },
41235 "promoPeriodEndedUtc": {
41236 "description": "Gets or sets the end of the promotional period associated with the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.BillItem} in UTC.",
41237 "type": "string",
41238 "format": "date-time"
41239 },
41240 "redemptionStartedUtc": {
41241 "description": "Gets or sets the date that the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} was initially redeemed for the asset.",
41242 "type": "string",
41243 "format": "date-time"
41244 },
41245 "redemptionEndedUtc": {
41246 "description": "Gets or sets the date that the redemption of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.Promotion} against the asset ended, if it exists.",
41247 "type": "string",
41248 "format": "date-time"
41249 },
41250 "endReason": {
41251 "description": "Gets or sets the reason why the promotion redemption ended, if it has ended.",
41252 "type": "string",
41253 "enum": [
41254 "Unknown",
41255 "Cancelled",
41256 "Consumed",
41257 "Expired"
41258 ],
41259 "x-enumName": "PromotionEndReason"
41260 },
41261 "promotionType": {
41262 "description": "Gets or sets the type of promotion applied.",
41263 "type": "string",
41264 "enum": [
41265 "Unknown",
41266 "Cash",
41267 "Duration"
41268 ],
41269 "x-enumName": "PromotionType"
41270 },
41271 "creditBalanceAmount": {
41272 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41273 "description": "Gets or sets the outstanding cash credit balance that will be applied on the next bill.\r\nOnly included if the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.LegacyPromotionalBillItemResponse.PromotionType} is \"Cash\"."
41274 },
41275 "creditBalanceDurationText": {
41276 "description": "Gets or sets a text value indicating the outstanding credit duration balance that will be applied on the next bill.\r\nOnly included if the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Promotions.LegacyPromotionalBillItemResponse.PromotionType} is \"Duration\".",
41277 "type": "string"
41278 }
41279 },
41280 "xml": {
41281 "name": "LegacyPromotionalBillItemResponse"
41282 },
41283 "type": "object",
41284 "default": {
41285 "PromoCode": "TROVLUB",
41286 "CreditAmount": {
41287 "Type": 2,
41288 "Value": 99.99
41289 },
41290 "CreditAmountLabel": "Credit (16 days)",
41291 "TermsOfPromotionUrl": "http://trov.com/promotions/uk-20170303-photo-gear?nohf=true",
41292 "PromoPeriodStartedUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
41293 "PromoPeriodEndedUtc": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
41294 "RedemptionStartedUtc": "2017-02-01T15:33:29Z",
41295 "RedemptionEndedUtc": "2017-04-01T15:33:29Z",
41296 "EndReason": "Expired",
41297 "PromotionType": "Duration",
41298 "CreditBalanceAmount": {
41299 "Type": 2,
41300 "Value": 0.0
41301 },
41302 "CreditBalanceDurationText": "0 Days"
41303 }
41304 },
41305 "TrovCommonModelSicBillBill": {
41306 "description": "Represents a customer's bill for a billing period.",
41307 "required": [
41308 "items",
41309 "payments",
41310 "premium",
41311 "total",
41312 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation",
41313 "customerAddressAtCreation"
41314 ],
41315 "properties": {
41316 "customerId": {
41317 "description": "Gets or sets the parent customer id.",
41318 "type": "string"
41319 },
41320 "isSettled": {
41321 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the bill has been settled.",
41322 "readOnly": true,
41323 "type": "boolean"
41324 },
41325 "items": {
41326 "description": "Gets or sets the items.",
41327 "items": {
41328 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicBillBillItem"
41329 },
41330 "xml": {
41331 "name": "BillItem",
41332 "wrapped": true
41333 },
41334 "type": "array",
41335 "default": [
41336 {
41337 "BillId": "billId",
41338 "Ended": "2016-02-26T10:11:12Z",
41339 "InsuredValue": {
41340 "Type": 0,
41341 "Value": 150.00
41342 },
41343 "Premium": {
41344 "Type": 0,
41345 "Value": 5.45
41346 },
41347 "Started": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
41348 "Taxes": [
41349 {
41350 "Type": "GST (8%)",
41351 "Amount": {
41352 "Type": 0,
41353 "Value": 5.45
41354 },
41355 "Rate": 0.08,
41356 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41357 },
41358 {
41359 "Type": "PST (7%)",
41360 "Amount": {
41361 "Type": 0,
41362 "Value": 5.45
41363 },
41364 "Rate": 0.07,
41365 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41366 }
41367 ],
41368 "Total": {
41369 "Type": 0,
41370 "Value": 12.00
41371 },
41372 "Id": "billItemId",
41373 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41374 },
41375 {
41376 "BillId": "billId2",
41377 "Ended": "2016-02-26T10:11:12Z",
41378 "InsuredValue": {
41379 "Type": 0,
41380 "Value": 150.00
41381 },
41382 "Premium": {
41383 "Type": 0,
41384 "Value": 5.45
41385 },
41386 "Started": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
41387 "Taxes": [
41388 {
41389 "Type": "GST (8%)",
41390 "Amount": {
41391 "Type": 0,
41392 "Value": 5.45
41393 },
41394 "Rate": 0.08,
41395 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41396 },
41397 {
41398 "Type": "PST (7%)",
41399 "Amount": {
41400 "Type": 0,
41401 "Value": 5.45
41402 },
41403 "Rate": 0.07,
41404 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41405 }
41406 ],
41407 "Total": {
41408 "Type": 0,
41409 "Value": 12.00
41410 },
41411 "Id": "billItemId",
41412 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41413 }
41414 ]
41415 },
41416 "payments": {
41417 "description": "Gets or sets the payments.",
41418 "items": {
41419 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicBillPayment"
41420 },
41421 "xml": {
41422 "name": "Payment",
41423 "wrapped": true
41424 },
41425 "type": "array",
41426 "default": [
41427 {
41428 "BillId": "billId",
41429 "Amount": {
41430 "Type": 0,
41431 "Value": 5.45
41432 },
41433 "EventType": "Succeeded",
41434 "PaymentCard": {
41435 "Id": "card_16qOsYJZu1hB7bstiaAFzJL5",
41436 "Last4": "1234",
41437 "ExpirationMonth": 1,
41438 "ExpirationYear": 2018,
41439 "IsDefault": false,
41440 "Name": "Bob Loblaw",
41441 "Address": {
41442 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
41443 "Street2": "APT 84",
41444 "City": "Medina",
41445 "State": "WA",
41446 "Zip": "98039",
41447 "Country": "USA",
41448 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
41449 "IsEmpty": false,
41450 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
41451 },
41452 "Brand": "Visa",
41453 "CvcCheckPass": true,
41454 "AddressCheckPass": true,
41455 "Fingerprint": "4x6FTnHE36kvg3RN"
41456 },
41457 "PaymentType": "Charged",
41458 "CountsAgainstBalance": true,
41459 "Id": "paymentId",
41460 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41461 },
41462 {
41463 "BillId": "billId2",
41464 "EventType": "NotStarted",
41465 "PaymentCard": {
41466 "Id": "card_16qOsYJZu1hB7bstiaAFzJL5",
41467 "Last4": "1234",
41468 "ExpirationMonth": 1,
41469 "ExpirationYear": 2018,
41470 "IsDefault": false,
41471 "Name": "Bob Loblaw",
41472 "Address": {
41473 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
41474 "Street2": "APT 84",
41475 "City": "Medina",
41476 "State": "WA",
41477 "Zip": "98039",
41478 "Country": "USA",
41479 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
41480 "IsEmpty": false,
41481 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
41482 },
41483 "Brand": "Visa",
41484 "CvcCheckPass": true,
41485 "AddressCheckPass": true,
41486 "Fingerprint": "4x6FTnHE36kvg3RN"
41487 },
41488 "PaymentType": "Unknown",
41489 "CountsAgainstBalance": false,
41490 "Id": "id2",
41491 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41492 }
41493 ]
41494 },
41495 "premium": {
41496 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41497 "description": "Gets or sets the total premium."
41498 },
41499 "taxes": {
41500 "description": "Gets or sets the taxes.",
41501 "items": {
41502 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
41503 },
41504 "xml": {
41505 "name": "ITaxCharge",
41506 "wrapped": true
41507 },
41508 "type": "array"
41509 },
41510 "total": {
41511 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41512 "description": "Gets or sets the total amount of the bill."
41513 },
41514 "customerTimeZoneAtCreation": {
41515 "description": "Gets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer}'s time zone at the time of bill creation.",
41516 "readOnly": true,
41517 "type": "string"
41518 },
41519 "customerAddressAtCreation": {
41520 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreNormalizedAddress",
41521 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Customer.ICustomer}'s address at the time of bill creation."
41522 },
41523 "refundedBillId": {
41524 "description": "Gets or sets the optional Id of the original {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.Bill} that this bill is refunding.\r\nValue is only populated if this bill is a for a refund.",
41525 "type": "string"
41526 },
41527 "id": {
41528 "type": "string"
41529 }
41530 },
41531 "xml": {
41532 "name": "Bill"
41533 },
41534 "type": "object",
41535 "default": {
41536 "CustomerId": "customerId",
41537 "IsSettled": true,
41538 "Items": [
41539 {
41540 "BillId": "billId",
41541 "Ended": "2016-02-26T10:11:12Z",
41542 "InsuredValue": {
41543 "Type": 0,
41544 "Value": 150.00
41545 },
41546 "Premium": {
41547 "Type": 0,
41548 "Value": 5.45
41549 },
41550 "Started": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
41551 "Taxes": [
41552 {
41553 "Type": "GST (8%)",
41554 "Amount": {
41555 "Type": 0,
41556 "Value": 5.45
41557 },
41558 "Rate": 0.08,
41559 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41560 },
41561 {
41562 "Type": "PST (7%)",
41563 "Amount": {
41564 "Type": 0,
41565 "Value": 5.45
41566 },
41567 "Rate": 0.07,
41568 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41569 }
41570 ],
41571 "Total": {
41572 "Type": 0,
41573 "Value": 12.00
41574 },
41575 "Id": "billItemId",
41576 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41577 }
41578 ],
41579 "Payments": [
41580 {
41581 "BillId": "billId",
41582 "Amount": {
41583 "Type": 0,
41584 "Value": 5.45
41585 },
41586 "EventType": "Succeeded",
41587 "PaymentCard": {
41588 "Id": "card_16qOsYJZu1hB7bstiaAFzJL5",
41589 "Last4": "1234",
41590 "ExpirationMonth": 1,
41591 "ExpirationYear": 2018,
41592 "IsDefault": false,
41593 "Name": "Bob Loblaw",
41594 "Address": {
41595 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
41596 "Street2": "APT 84",
41597 "City": "Medina",
41598 "State": "WA",
41599 "Zip": "98039",
41600 "Country": "USA",
41601 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
41602 "IsEmpty": false,
41603 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
41604 },
41605 "Brand": "Visa",
41606 "CvcCheckPass": true,
41607 "AddressCheckPass": true,
41608 "Fingerprint": "4x6FTnHE36kvg3RN"
41609 },
41610 "PaymentType": "Charged",
41611 "CountsAgainstBalance": true,
41612 "Id": "paymentId",
41613 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41614 }
41615 ],
41616 "Premium": {
41617 "Type": 0,
41618 "Value": 5.45
41619 },
41620 "Taxes": [
41621 {
41622 "Type": "GST (8%)",
41623 "Amount": {
41624 "Type": 0,
41625 "Value": 5.45
41626 },
41627 "Rate": 0.08,
41628 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41629 },
41630 {
41631 "Type": "PST (7%)",
41632 "Amount": {
41633 "Type": 0,
41634 "Value": 5.45
41635 },
41636 "Rate": 0.07,
41637 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41638 }
41639 ],
41640 "Total": {
41641 "Type": 0,
41642 "Value": 5.45
41643 },
41644 "CustomerTimeZoneAtCreation": "US/Pacific",
41645 "CustomerAddressAtCreation": {
41646 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
41647 "Street2": "APT 84",
41648 "City": "Medina",
41649 "State": "WA",
41650 "Zip": "98039",
41651 "Country": "USA",
41652 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
41653 "IsEmpty": false,
41654 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
41655 },
41656 "Id": "billId",
41657 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41658 }
41659 },
41660 "TrovCommonModelSicBillBillItem": {
41661 "description": "Represents an item on a bill.",
41662 "required": [
41663 "ended",
41664 "insuredValue",
41665 "premium",
41666 "started",
41667 "total"
41668 ],
41669 "properties": {
41670 "billId": {
41671 "description": "Gets or sets the parent {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.Bill} id.",
41672 "type": "string"
41673 },
41674 "deferredBillItemId": {
41675 "description": "Gets or sets the deferred {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.Bill.BillItem} id.",
41676 "type": "string"
41677 },
41678 "ended": {
41679 "description": "Gets or sets the date the billing ends.",
41680 "type": "string",
41681 "format": "date-time"
41682 },
41683 "insuredValue": {
41684 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41685 "description": "Gets or sets the insured value of the {!:IAsset}."
41686 },
41687 "premium": {
41688 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41689 "description": "Gets or sets the premium."
41690 },
41691 "priceOfferId": {
41692 "description": "Gets or sets the identifier of the related {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
41693 "type": "string"
41694 },
41695 "priceOfferDailyTotal": {
41696 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41697 "description": "Gets or sets the daily total of the associated {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}."
41698 },
41699 "started": {
41700 "description": "Gets or sets the date the billing started.",
41701 "type": "string",
41702 "format": "date-time"
41703 },
41704 "taxes": {
41705 "description": "Gets or sets the taxes.",
41706 "items": {
41707 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
41708 },
41709 "xml": {
41710 "name": "ITaxCharge",
41711 "wrapped": true
41712 },
41713 "type": "array"
41714 },
41715 "total": {
41716 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41717 "description": "Gets or sets the total amount ."
41718 },
41719 "id": {
41720 "type": "string"
41721 }
41722 },
41723 "xml": {
41724 "name": "BillItem"
41725 },
41726 "type": "object",
41727 "default": {
41728 "BillId": "billId",
41729 "Ended": "2016-02-26T10:11:12Z",
41730 "InsuredValue": {
41731 "Type": 0,
41732 "Value": 150.00
41733 },
41734 "Premium": {
41735 "Type": 0,
41736 "Value": 5.45
41737 },
41738 "Started": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
41739 "Taxes": [
41740 {
41741 "Type": "GST (8%)",
41742 "Amount": {
41743 "Type": 0,
41744 "Value": 5.45
41745 },
41746 "Rate": 0.08,
41747 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41748 },
41749 {
41750 "Type": "PST (7%)",
41751 "Amount": {
41752 "Type": 0,
41753 "Value": 5.45
41754 },
41755 "Rate": 0.07,
41756 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41757 }
41758 ],
41759 "Total": {
41760 "Type": 0,
41761 "Value": 12.00
41762 },
41763 "Id": "billItemId",
41764 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
41765 }
41766 },
41767 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferIPriceOffer": {
41768 "description": "Represents a price offer.",
41769 "required": [
41770 "assetId",
41771 "assetName",
41772 "assetRevision",
41773 "category",
41774 "subCategory",
41775 "expiration",
41776 "insuredValue",
41777 "offerType",
41778 "client",
41779 "quoteId",
41780 "providerId",
41781 "isOutdoor",
41782 "effective",
41783 "status",
41784 "excess",
41785 "excessPercentage",
41786 "dailyTaxes",
41787 "dailyTotal",
41788 "audit",
41789 "pricingModelVersion",
41790 "customerId",
41791 "taxes",
41792 "productDisclosureSummaryId",
41793 "pdsVersion"
41794 ],
41795 "properties": {
41796 "assetId": {
41797 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
41798 "type": "string"
41799 },
41800 "assetName": {
41801 "description": "Gets or sets the external name of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset} in the offer.\r\nThis should be the name used by the insurance provider and NOT the user-defined {!:IAsset.Name}",
41802 "type": "string"
41803 },
41804 "assetRevision": {
41805 "description": "Gets or sets the revision of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}.",
41806 "type": "integer",
41807 "format": "int32"
41808 },
41809 "category": {
41810 "description": "Gets or sets the asset's category.",
41811 "type": "string"
41812 },
41813 "subCategory": {
41814 "description": "Gets or sets the asset's subcategory.",
41815 "type": "string"
41816 },
41817 "expiration": {
41818 "description": "Gets or sets the expiration date of the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
41819 "type": "string",
41820 "format": "date-time"
41821 },
41822 "insuredValue": {
41823 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41824 "description": "Gets or sets the insured value of the {Trov.Common.Model.Assets.IAsset}."
41825 },
41826 "offerType": {
41827 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOfferType}.",
41828 "type": "string",
41829 "enum": [
41830 "Quote",
41831 "ProfileChange",
41832 "PricingModelChange",
41833 "PdsUpdate"
41834 ],
41835 "x-enumName": "PriceOfferType"
41836 },
41837 "client": {
41838 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Contract.Common.TrovClient}",
41839 "type": "string",
41840 "enum": [
41841 "Unknown",
41842 "Maui",
41843 "Molokini",
41844 "PallMall",
41845 "Sic",
41846 "Tofino",
41847 "Wooz",
41848 "Zeus"
41849 ],
41850 "x-enumName": "TrovClient"
41851 },
41852 "quoteId": {
41853 "description": "Gets or sets the quote id which is used to group {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} that were generated at the same time for the same asset at different excess levels.",
41854 "type": "string"
41855 },
41856 "initialBillAmount": {
41857 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41858 "description": "Gets the approximate amount that will be charged immediately for the remainder of the billing period upon acceptance of a quote {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}.",
41859 "readOnly": true
41860 },
41861 "providerId": {
41862 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractCommonExternalIdentifier",
41863 "description": "Gets or sets the provider id used to generate this instance."
41864 },
41865 "isOutdoor": {
41866 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the asset is classified as outdoor.",
41867 "type": "boolean"
41868 },
41869 "effective": {
41870 "description": "Gets or sets the effective date/time of this instance.",
41871 "type": "string",
41872 "format": "date-time"
41873 },
41874 "id": {
41875 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the type.",
41876 "type": "string"
41877 },
41878 "status": {
41879 "description": "Gets or sets the status of the calculation.",
41880 "type": "string",
41881 "enum": [
41882 "Success",
41883 "FailedToPrice",
41884 "Declined",
41885 "ItemCategoryNotSupported",
41886 "CustomerAgeNotSupported",
41887 "CustomerAddressNotSupported",
41888 "PremiumNotAffordable",
41889 "UnderwritingDenied"
41890 ],
41891 "x-enumName": "PremiumCalculationStatus"
41892 },
41893 "underwritingWarning": {
41894 "description": "Gets or sets the underwriting warning, if any.",
41895 "type": "string",
41896 "enum": [
41897 "None",
41898 "InsuranceSoldOut",
41899 "InsuranceCategorySoldOut",
41900 "CustomerLimitReached",
41901 "ItemLimitReached"
41902 ],
41903 "x-enumName": "UnderwritingWarning"
41904 },
41905 "excess": {
41906 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41907 "description": "Gets or sets the excess amount."
41908 },
41909 "excessPercentage": {
41910 "description": "Gets or sets the excess percentage used to calculate the excess amount.",
41911 "type": "number",
41912 "format": "double"
41913 },
41914 "dailyPremium": {
41915 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41916 "description": "Gets or sets the daily premium amount."
41917 },
41918 "monthlyTotal": {
41919 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41920 "description": "Gets the monthly total amount. This is an estimate in the AU/GB markets, calculated from the official DailyTotal",
41921 "readOnly": true
41922 },
41923 "dailyTaxes": {
41924 "description": "Gets or sets a collection of tax amounts included in the premium.",
41925 "items": {
41926 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
41927 },
41928 "xml": {
41929 "name": "ITaxCharge",
41930 "wrapped": true
41931 },
41932 "type": "array"
41933 },
41934 "dailyTotal": {
41935 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
41936 "description": "Gets or sets the daily total."
41937 },
41938 "audit": {
41939 "description": "Gets or sets the audit record for the premium calculation.",
41940 "items": {
41941 "type": "string"
41942 },
41943 "type": "array"
41944 },
41945 "pricingModelVersion": {
41946 "description": "Gets or sets the version of the pricing model used to generate the premium.",
41947 "type": "integer",
41948 "format": "int64"
41949 },
41950 "customerId": {
41951 "description": "Gets or sets the parent customer id.",
41952 "type": "string"
41953 },
41954 "taxes": {
41955 "description": "Gets or sets the taxes.",
41956 "items": {
41957 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicITaxCharge"
41958 },
41959 "xml": {
41960 "name": "ITaxCharge",
41961 "wrapped": true
41962 },
41963 "type": "array"
41964 },
41965 "productDisclosureSummaryId": {
41966 "description": "Gets or sets the PDS version associated with the entity.",
41967 "type": "integer",
41968 "format": "int32"
41969 },
41970 "amendatoryEndorsementId": {
41971 "description": "Gets or sets the amendatory endorsement associated with the entity.",
41972 "type": "integer",
41973 "format": "int32"
41974 },
41975 "pdsVersion": {
41976 "description": "This is for backwards compatibility only, PdsVersion is misleading and the new name is ProductDisclosureSummaryId.",
41977 "readOnly": true,
41978 "type": "integer",
41979 "format": "int32"
41980 }
41981 },
41982 "xml": {
41983 "name": "IPriceOffer"
41984 },
41985 "type": "object",
41986 "default": {
41987 "Audit": [],
41988 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
41989 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
41990 "AssetRevision": 1,
41991 "Category": "Audio",
41992 "SubCategory": "Headphones",
41993 "CustomerId": "1",
41994 "DailyPremium": {
41995 "Type": 0,
41996 "Value": 5.45
41997 },
41998 "MonthlyTotal": {
41999 "Type": 0,
42000 "Value": 163.50
42001 },
42002 "DailyTotal": {
42003 "Type": 0,
42004 "Value": 5.45
42005 },
42006 "Expiration": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
42007 "InsuredValue": {
42008 "Type": 0,
42009 "Value": 150.00
42010 },
42011 "Excess": {
42012 "Type": 0,
42013 "Value": 150.00
42014 },
42015 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
42016 "OfferType": "Quote",
42017 "Client": "Sic",
42018 "QuoteId": "QuoteIdForGroupingPurposes",
42019 "Status": "Success",
42020 "DailyTaxes": [
42021 {
42022 "Type": "GST (8%)",
42023 "Amount": {
42024 "Type": 0,
42025 "Value": 5.45
42026 },
42027 "Rate": 0.08,
42028 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42029 },
42030 {
42031 "Type": "PST (7%)",
42032 "Amount": {
42033 "Type": 0,
42034 "Value": 5.45
42035 },
42036 "Rate": 0.07,
42037 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42038 }
42039 ],
42040 "UnderwritingWarning": "InsuranceSoldOut",
42041 "InitialBillItem": {
42042 "BillId": "billId",
42043 "Ended": "2016-02-26T10:11:12Z",
42044 "InsuredValue": {
42045 "Type": 0,
42046 "Value": 150.00
42047 },
42048 "Premium": {
42049 "Type": 0,
42050 "Value": 5.45
42051 },
42052 "Started": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
42053 "Taxes": [
42054 {
42055 "Type": "GST (8%)",
42056 "Amount": {
42057 "Type": 0,
42058 "Value": 5.45
42059 },
42060 "Rate": 0.08,
42061 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42062 },
42063 {
42064 "Type": "PST (7%)",
42065 "Amount": {
42066 "Type": 0,
42067 "Value": 5.45
42068 },
42069 "Rate": 0.07,
42070 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42071 }
42072 ],
42073 "Total": {
42074 "Type": 0,
42075 "Value": 12.00
42076 },
42077 "Id": "billItemId",
42078 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42079 },
42080 "InitialBillAmount": {
42081 "Type": 0,
42082 "Value": 12.00
42083 },
42084 "PdsVersion": 0,
42085 "ProductDisclosureSummaryId": 0,
42086 "PricingModelVersion": 0,
42087 "ProviderId": {
42088 "Type": 21,
42089 "Id": "1234567"
42090 },
42091 "IsOutdoor": true,
42092 "Effective": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
42093 "Taxes": [
42094 {
42095 "Type": "GST (8%)",
42096 "Amount": {
42097 "Type": 0,
42098 "Value": 5.45
42099 },
42100 "Rate": 0.08,
42101 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42102 },
42103 {
42104 "Type": "PST (7%)",
42105 "Amount": {
42106 "Type": 0,
42107 "Value": 5.45
42108 },
42109 "Rate": 0.07,
42110 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42111 }
42112 ],
42113 "Id": "priceOfferId",
42114 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
42115 "CreatedBy": "123456"
42116 }
42117 },
42118 "TrovCommonModelSicBillPayment": {
42119 "description": "Designates a transaction as a payment for a particular bill.",
42120 "required": [
42121 "amount",
42122 "eventType",
42123 "providerFee",
42124 "providerId",
42125 "providerResponse"
42126 ],
42127 "properties": {
42128 "billId": {
42129 "description": "Gets or sets the bill identifier.",
42130 "type": "string"
42131 },
42132 "amount": {
42133 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
42134 "description": "Gets or sets the amount."
42135 },
42136 "eventType": {
42137 "description": "Gets or sets the type of event that occurred.",
42138 "type": "string",
42139 "enum": [
42140 "NotStarted",
42141 "Started",
42142 "Succeeded",
42143 "Abandoned",
42144 "Failed",
42145 "Rejected"
42146 ],
42147 "x-enumName": "TransactionEventType"
42148 },
42149 "providerFee": {
42150 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreCurrency",
42151 "description": "Gets or sets the fee taken by the payment provider."
42152 },
42153 "providerId": {
42154 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the transaction given by the provider.",
42155 "type": "string"
42156 },
42157 "providerResponse": {
42158 "description": "Gets or sets the response from the provider.",
42159 "type": "string"
42160 },
42161 "providerTransactionResponse": {
42162 "description": "Gets or sets the transaction response from the provider.",
42163 "type": "string"
42164 },
42165 "paymentCard": {
42166 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPaymentCardsPaymentCard",
42167 "description": "Gets or sets the payment card used to make this payment."
42168 },
42169 "paymentType": {
42170 "description": "Gets or sets the payment type of this payment.",
42171 "type": "string",
42172 "enum": [
42173 "Unknown",
42174 "Charged",
42175 "Waived",
42176 "Refunded",
42177 "RefundedExGratia",
42178 "SettledIntoClaim",
42179 "AlreadyRefunded",
42180 "RetroactiveCancellation",
42181 "WaivedRefund",
42182 "InsuranceNotStarted",
42183 "Promotion",
42184 "PromotionRefund",
42185 "Deferred",
42186 "DeferredRefund"
42187 ],
42188 "x-enumName": "PaymentType"
42189 },
42190 "settledIntoClaimId": {
42191 "description": "Gets or sets the claim id when EventType is TransactionEventType.SettledIntoClaim.",
42192 "type": "string"
42193 },
42194 "countsAgainstBalance": {
42195 "description": "Gets a value indicating whether the payment counts against the outstanding balance of the bill.",
42196 "readOnly": true,
42197 "type": "boolean"
42198 },
42199 "id": {
42200 "type": "string"
42201 }
42202 },
42203 "xml": {
42204 "name": "Payment"
42205 },
42206 "type": "object",
42207 "default": {
42208 "BillId": "billId",
42209 "Amount": {
42210 "Type": 0,
42211 "Value": 5.45
42212 },
42213 "EventType": "Succeeded",
42214 "PaymentCard": {
42215 "Id": "card_16qOsYJZu1hB7bstiaAFzJL5",
42216 "Last4": "1234",
42217 "ExpirationMonth": 1,
42218 "ExpirationYear": 2018,
42219 "IsDefault": false,
42220 "Name": "Bob Loblaw",
42221 "Address": {
42222 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
42223 "Street2": "APT 84",
42224 "City": "Medina",
42225 "State": "WA",
42226 "Zip": "98039",
42227 "Country": "USA",
42228 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
42229 "IsEmpty": false,
42230 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
42231 },
42232 "Brand": "Visa",
42233 "CvcCheckPass": true,
42234 "AddressCheckPass": true,
42235 "Fingerprint": "4x6FTnHE36kvg3RN"
42236 },
42237 "PaymentType": "Charged",
42238 "CountsAgainstBalance": true,
42239 "Id": "paymentId",
42240 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42241 }
42242 },
42243 "TrovCommonModelSicPaymentCardsPaymentCard": {
42244 "description": "Represents the public information about a payment card.",
42245 "required": [
42246 "id",
42247 "last4",
42248 "expirationMonth",
42249 "expirationYear",
42250 "isDefault",
42251 "brand",
42252 "cvcCheckPass",
42253 "addressCheckPass",
42254 "fingerprint"
42255 ],
42256 "properties": {
42257 "id": {
42258 "description": "Gets or sets the internal id of the card.",
42259 "type": "string"
42260 },
42261 "last4": {
42262 "description": "Gets or sets the last 4 digits of the card number.",
42263 "type": "string"
42264 },
42265 "expirationMonth": {
42266 "description": "Gets or sets the expiration month.",
42267 "type": "integer",
42268 "format": "int32"
42269 },
42270 "expirationYear": {
42271 "description": "Gets or sets the expiration year.",
42272 "type": "integer",
42273 "format": "int32"
42274 },
42275 "isDefault": {
42276 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is the default card.",
42277 "type": "boolean"
42278 },
42279 "name": {
42280 "description": "Gets or sets the name on the card.",
42281 "type": "string"
42282 },
42283 "address": {
42284 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelCoreNormalizedAddress",
42285 "description": "Gets or sets the address for the card."
42286 },
42287 "brand": {
42288 "description": "Gets or sets the brand of the card.",
42289 "type": "string",
42290 "enum": [
42291 "Unknown",
42292 "Visa",
42293 "AmericanExpress",
42294 "MasterCard",
42295 "Discover",
42296 "JCB",
42297 "DinersClub"
42298 ],
42299 "x-enumName": "PaymentCardBrand"
42300 },
42301 "cvcCheckPass": {
42302 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the CVC check passed.",
42303 "type": "boolean"
42304 },
42305 "addressCheckPass": {
42306 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the address check passed.",
42307 "type": "boolean"
42308 },
42309 "fingerprint": {
42310 "description": "Gets or sets the card fingerprint.",
42311 "type": "string"
42312 },
42313 "tokenizationMethod": {
42314 "description": "Gets or sets the card tokenization method",
42315 "type": "string"
42316 },
42317 "tokenizationMethodParsed": {
42318 "description": "A typed version of {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PaymentCards.PaymentCard.TokenizationMethod} -- due to it being exposed publicly via an existing API contract.",
42319 "readOnly": true,
42320 "type": "integer",
42321 "format": "int32",
42322 "enum": [
42323 0,
42324 1
42325 ],
42326 "x-enumName": "PaymentTokenizationMethod"
42327 }
42328 },
42329 "xml": {
42330 "name": "PaymentCard"
42331 },
42332 "type": "object",
42333 "default": {
42334 "Id": "card_16qOsYJZu1hB7bstiaAFzJL5",
42335 "Last4": "1234",
42336 "ExpirationMonth": 1,
42337 "ExpirationYear": 2018,
42338 "IsDefault": false,
42339 "Name": "Bob Loblaw",
42340 "Address": {
42341 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
42342 "Street2": "APT 84",
42343 "City": "Medina",
42344 "State": "WA",
42345 "Zip": "98039",
42346 "Country": "USA",
42347 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
42348 "IsEmpty": false,
42349 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
42350 },
42351 "Brand": "Visa",
42352 "CvcCheckPass": true,
42353 "AddressCheckPass": true,
42354 "Fingerprint": "4x6FTnHE36kvg3RN"
42355 }
42356 },
42357 "AssetAlreadySettledInAnotherCustomerClaimException": {
42358 "description": "AssetAlreadySettledInAnotherCustomerClaimException",
42359 "required": [
42360 "Message",
42361 "ExceptionType",
42362 "CorrelationId"
42363 ],
42364 "properties": {
42365 "Message": {
42366 "type": "string"
42367 },
42368 "ExceptionMessage": {
42369 "type": "string"
42370 },
42371 "ExceptionType": {
42372 "type": "string"
42373 },
42374 "StackTrace": {
42375 "type": "string"
42376 },
42377 "CorrelationId": {
42378 "type": "string"
42379 }
42380 },
42381 "type": "object",
42382 "default": {
42383 "Message": "An asset with the same device fingerprint has already been settled in a claim by another customer.",
42384 "ExceptionMessage": "An asset with the same device fingerprint has already been settled in a claim by another customer.",
42385 "ExceptionType": "AssetAlreadySettledInAnotherCustomerClaimException",
42386 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42387 }
42388 },
42389 "DeviceTooManyAccountsException": {
42390 "description": "DeviceTooManyAccountsException",
42391 "required": [
42392 "Message",
42393 "ExceptionType",
42394 "CorrelationId"
42395 ],
42396 "properties": {
42397 "Message": {
42398 "type": "string"
42399 },
42400 "ExceptionMessage": {
42401 "type": "string"
42402 },
42403 "ExceptionType": {
42404 "type": "string"
42405 },
42406 "StackTrace": {
42407 "type": "string"
42408 },
42409 "CorrelationId": {
42410 "type": "string"
42411 }
42412 },
42413 "type": "object",
42414 "default": {
42415 "Message": "Too many accounts using the same device.",
42416 "ExceptionMessage": "Too many accounts using the same device.",
42417 "ExceptionType": "DeviceTooManyAccountsException",
42418 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42419 }
42420 },
42421 "ItemAlreadyInsuredByAnotherCustomerException": {
42422 "description": "ItemAlreadyInsuredByAnotherCustomerException",
42423 "required": [
42424 "Message",
42425 "ExceptionType",
42426 "CorrelationId"
42427 ],
42428 "properties": {
42429 "Message": {
42430 "type": "string"
42431 },
42432 "ExceptionMessage": {
42433 "type": "string"
42434 },
42435 "ExceptionType": {
42436 "type": "string"
42437 },
42438 "StackTrace": {
42439 "type": "string"
42440 },
42441 "CorrelationId": {
42442 "type": "string"
42443 }
42444 },
42445 "type": "object",
42446 "default": {
42447 "Message": "The item has already been insured by another customer.",
42448 "ExceptionMessage": "The item has already been insured by another customer.",
42449 "ExceptionType": "ItemAlreadyInsuredByAnotherCustomerException",
42450 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42451 }
42452 },
42453 "PaymentCardHasBeenUsedByTooManyCustomersException": {
42454 "description": "PaymentCardHasBeenUsedByTooManyCustomersException",
42455 "required": [
42456 "Message",
42457 "ExceptionType",
42458 "CorrelationId"
42459 ],
42460 "properties": {
42461 "Message": {
42462 "type": "string"
42463 },
42464 "ExceptionMessage": {
42465 "type": "string"
42466 },
42467 "ExceptionType": {
42468 "type": "string"
42469 },
42470 "StackTrace": {
42471 "type": "string"
42472 },
42473 "CorrelationId": {
42474 "type": "string"
42475 }
42476 },
42477 "type": "object",
42478 "default": {
42479 "Message": "The payment card for the customer has been used by too many other customers.",
42480 "ExceptionMessage": "The payment card for the customer has been used by too many other customers.",
42481 "ExceptionType": "PaymentCardHasBeenUsedByTooManyCustomersException",
42482 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42483 }
42484 },
42485 "PaymentProviderChargeException": {
42486 "description": "PaymentProviderChargeException",
42487 "required": [
42488 "Message",
42489 "ExceptionType",
42490 "CorrelationId"
42491 ],
42492 "properties": {
42493 "Message": {
42494 "type": "string"
42495 },
42496 "ExceptionMessage": {
42497 "type": "string"
42498 },
42499 "ExceptionType": {
42500 "type": "string"
42501 },
42502 "StackTrace": {
42503 "type": "string"
42504 },
42505 "CorrelationId": {
42506 "type": "string"
42507 }
42508 },
42509 "type": "object",
42510 "default": {
42511 "Message": "Payment provider charge failed: string",
42512 "ExceptionMessage": "Payment provider charge failed: string",
42513 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderChargeException",
42514 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42515 }
42516 },
42517 "PaymentProviderNoPaymentCardConfiguredForCustomerException": {
42518 "description": "PaymentProviderNoPaymentCardConfiguredForCustomerException",
42519 "required": [
42520 "Message",
42521 "ExceptionType",
42522 "CorrelationId"
42523 ],
42524 "properties": {
42525 "Message": {
42526 "type": "string"
42527 },
42528 "ExceptionMessage": {
42529 "type": "string"
42530 },
42531 "ExceptionType": {
42532 "type": "string"
42533 },
42534 "StackTrace": {
42535 "type": "string"
42536 },
42537 "CorrelationId": {
42538 "type": "string"
42539 }
42540 },
42541 "type": "object",
42542 "default": {
42543 "Message": "There is no payment card configured in the payment provider for the customer.",
42544 "ExceptionMessage": "There is no payment card configured in the payment provider for the customer.",
42545 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderNoPaymentCardConfiguredForCustomerException",
42546 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42547 }
42548 },
42549 "PaymentProviderNotConfiguredForCustomerException": {
42550 "description": "PaymentProviderNotConfiguredForCustomerException",
42551 "required": [
42552 "Message",
42553 "ExceptionType",
42554 "CorrelationId"
42555 ],
42556 "properties": {
42557 "Message": {
42558 "type": "string"
42559 },
42560 "ExceptionMessage": {
42561 "type": "string"
42562 },
42563 "ExceptionType": {
42564 "type": "string"
42565 },
42566 "StackTrace": {
42567 "type": "string"
42568 },
42569 "CorrelationId": {
42570 "type": "string"
42571 }
42572 },
42573 "type": "object",
42574 "default": {
42575 "Message": "The customer has not been configured with the payment provider.",
42576 "ExceptionMessage": "The customer has not been configured with the payment provider.",
42577 "ExceptionType": "PaymentProviderNotConfiguredForCustomerException",
42578 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42579 }
42580 },
42581 "PriceOfferAlreadyAcceptedException": {
42582 "description": "PriceOfferAlreadyAcceptedException",
42583 "required": [
42584 "Message",
42585 "ExceptionType",
42586 "CorrelationId"
42587 ],
42588 "properties": {
42589 "Message": {
42590 "type": "string"
42591 },
42592 "ExceptionMessage": {
42593 "type": "string"
42594 },
42595 "ExceptionType": {
42596 "type": "string"
42597 },
42598 "StackTrace": {
42599 "type": "string"
42600 },
42601 "CorrelationId": {
42602 "type": "string"
42603 }
42604 },
42605 "type": "object",
42606 "default": {
42607 "Message": "The price offer has already been accepted.",
42608 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer has already been accepted.",
42609 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferAlreadyAcceptedException",
42610 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42611 }
42612 },
42613 "UserIPOutsideRegionException": {
42614 "description": "UserIPOutsideRegionException",
42615 "required": [
42616 "Message",
42617 "ExceptionType",
42618 "CorrelationId"
42619 ],
42620 "properties": {
42621 "Message": {
42622 "type": "string"
42623 },
42624 "ExceptionMessage": {
42625 "type": "string"
42626 },
42627 "ExceptionType": {
42628 "type": "string"
42629 },
42630 "StackTrace": {
42631 "type": "string"
42632 },
42633 "CorrelationId": {
42634 "type": "string"
42635 }
42636 },
42637 "type": "object",
42638 "default": {
42639 "Message": "The user is outside of the selected region.",
42640 "ExceptionMessage": "The user is outside of the selected region.",
42641 "ExceptionType": "UserIPOutsideRegionException",
42642 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42643 }
42644 },
42645 "UserIPRegionUnknownException": {
42646 "description": "UserIPRegionUnknownException",
42647 "required": [
42648 "Message",
42649 "ExceptionType",
42650 "CorrelationId"
42651 ],
42652 "properties": {
42653 "Message": {
42654 "type": "string"
42655 },
42656 "ExceptionMessage": {
42657 "type": "string"
42658 },
42659 "ExceptionType": {
42660 "type": "string"
42661 },
42662 "StackTrace": {
42663 "type": "string"
42664 },
42665 "CorrelationId": {
42666 "type": "string"
42667 }
42668 },
42669 "type": "object",
42670 "default": {
42671 "Message": "Unable to resolve region of IP address.",
42672 "ExceptionMessage": "Unable to resolve region of IP address.",
42673 "ExceptionType": "UserIPRegionUnknownException",
42674 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42675 }
42676 },
42677 "PriceOfferProtectionRequiresAssetPhotosException": {
42678 "description": "PriceOfferProtectionRequiresAssetPhotosException",
42679 "required": [
42680 "Message",
42681 "ExceptionType",
42682 "CorrelationId"
42683 ],
42684 "properties": {
42685 "Message": {
42686 "type": "string"
42687 },
42688 "ExceptionMessage": {
42689 "type": "string"
42690 },
42691 "ExceptionType": {
42692 "type": "string"
42693 },
42694 "StackTrace": {
42695 "type": "string"
42696 },
42697 "CorrelationId": {
42698 "type": "string"
42699 }
42700 },
42701 "type": "object",
42702 "default": {
42703 "Message": "The price offer requires 0 photo(s).",
42704 "ExceptionMessage": "The price offer requires 0 photo(s).",
42705 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferProtectionRequiresAssetPhotosException",
42706 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42707 }
42708 },
42709 "PriceOfferPhoneProtectionMustBeFromSameDeviceException": {
42710 "description": "PriceOfferPhoneProtectionMustBeFromSameDeviceException",
42711 "required": [
42712 "Message",
42713 "ExceptionType",
42714 "CorrelationId"
42715 ],
42716 "properties": {
42717 "Message": {
42718 "type": "string"
42719 },
42720 "ExceptionMessage": {
42721 "type": "string"
42722 },
42723 "ExceptionType": {
42724 "type": "string"
42725 },
42726 "StackTrace": {
42727 "type": "string"
42728 },
42729 "CorrelationId": {
42730 "type": "string"
42731 }
42732 },
42733 "type": "object",
42734 "default": {
42735 "Message": "Starting protection for a mobile phone is only allowed from the same device.",
42736 "ExceptionMessage": "Starting protection for a mobile phone is only allowed from the same device.",
42737 "ExceptionType": "PriceOfferPhoneProtectionMustBeFromSameDeviceException",
42738 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
42739 }
42740 },
42741 "TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPromotionalPriceOfferAcceptedResponse": {
42742 "description": "Represents an accepted {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} along with the promotion details.",
42743 "required": [
42744 "promotionDetails",
42745 "bill",
42746 "activePriceOffer",
42747 "officialPremiumInterval"
42748 ],
42749 "properties": {
42750 "promotionDetails": {
42751 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPromotionAppliedResponse",
42752 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PromotionAppliedResponse} associated with the accepted {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer} and Promotion."
42753 },
42754 "bill": {
42755 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicBillLegacyBillResponse",
42756 "description": "Gets or sets the {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.PriceOfferAcceptedResponse.Bill} associated with the accepted {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}."
42757 },
42758 "activePriceOffer": {
42759 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovCommonModelSicPriceOfferPriceOfferResponse",
42760 "description": "Gets or sets the accepted {Trov.Common.Model.Sic.PriceOffer.IPriceOffer}."
42761 },
42762 "policyNumber": {
42763 "description": "Gets or sets the Policy Number associated with the accepted coverage.\r\nFor US market only.",
42764 "type": "string"
42765 },
42766 "officialPremiumInterval": {
42767 "description": "Gets or sets the OfficialPremiumInterval, which indicates the official billing period of response (Daily or Monthly)",
42768 "type": "string",
42769 "enum": [
42770 "Unknown",
42771 "Monthly",
42772 "Daily"
42773 ],
42774 "x-enumName": "OfficialPremiumInterval"
42775 }
42776 },
42777 "xml": {
42778 "name": "PromotionalPriceOfferAcceptedResponse"
42779 },
42780 "type": "object",
42781 "default": {
42782 "PromotionDetails": {
42783 "PromoCode": "TROVLUB",
42784 "PromotionType": "Cash",
42785 "TermsOfPromotionUrl": "http://trov.com/promotions/uk-20170303-photo-gear?nohf=true",
42786 "PromotionAppliedText": "You redeemed 15 days of credit towards protecting your item."
42787 },
42788 "Bill": {
42789 "BillId": "billId1",
42790 "CustomerId": "4f96309f762dd76ece5a9591",
42791 "Taxes": [
42792 {
42793 "Type": "GST (8%)",
42794 "Amount": {
42795 "Type": 0,
42796 "Value": 5.45
42797 },
42798 "Rate": 0.08,
42799 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42800 },
42801 {
42802 "Type": "PST (7%)",
42803 "Amount": {
42804 "Type": 0,
42805 "Value": 5.45
42806 },
42807 "Rate": 0.07,
42808 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42809 }
42810 ],
42811 "Total": {
42812 "Type": 0,
42813 "Value": 5.45
42814 },
42815 "Payments": [
42816 {
42817 "PaymentId": "paymentId",
42818 "BillId": "billId",
42819 "Timestamp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
42820 "Amount": {
42821 "Type": 0,
42822 "Value": 5.45
42823 },
42824 "CardType": "Visa",
42825 "Last4": "1234",
42826 "EventType": "Succeeded",
42827 "PaymentType": "Charged",
42828 "CustomerTimeZoneAtBillCreation": "US/Pacific"
42829 }
42830 ],
42831 "BillItems": [
42832 {
42833 "Id": "billItemResponseId1",
42834 "BillId": "billId1",
42835 "PriceOfferId": "priceOfferId1",
42836 "Start": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
42837 "End": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
42838 "Taxes": [
42839 {
42840 "Type": "GST (8%)",
42841 "Amount": {
42842 "Type": 0,
42843 "Value": 5.45
42844 },
42845 "Rate": 0.08,
42846 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42847 },
42848 {
42849 "Type": "PST (7%)",
42850 "Amount": {
42851 "Type": 0,
42852 "Value": 5.45
42853 },
42854 "Rate": 0.07,
42855 "Created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
42856 }
42857 ],
42858 "Premium": {
42859 "Type": 0,
42860 "Value": 5.45
42861 },
42862 "Total": {
42863 "Type": 0,
42864 "Value": 5.45
42865 },
42866 "InsuredValue": {
42867 "Type": 0,
42868 "Value": 150.00
42869 },
42870 "Excess": {
42871 "Type": 0,
42872 "Value": 5.45
42873 },
42874 "ExcessPercentage": 3.6333333333333333333333333300,
42875 "AssetId": "61dff0be9b574535a27b792612e781ca",
42876 "AssetName": "iPhone 6s",
42877 "AssetRevision": 5,
42878 "AssetImage": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
42879 "CustomerTimeZoneAtCreation": "Australia/NSW"
42880 }
42881 ],
42882 "Created": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
42883 "Start": "2016-01-14T10:11:12Z",
42884 "End": "2016-01-26T10:11:12Z",
42885 "CustomerTimeZoneAtCreation": "US/Pacific",
42886 "CustomerAddressAtCreation": {
42887 "Street": "1835 73rd Ave NE",
42888 "Street2": "APT 84",
42889 "City": "Medina",
42890 "State": "WA",
42891 "Zip": "98039",
42892 "Country": "USA",
42893 "TimezoneId": "US/Pacific",
42894 "IsEmpty": false,
42895 "Hash": "B1AB2DF660EB22F8EC4C6654C7AEC9EF"
42896 }
42897 },
42898 "ActivePriceOffer": {
42899 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
42900 "AssetImage": "someRandomImageId",
42901 "AssetName": "Sony Bravia TV",
42902 "AssetRevision": 1,
42903 "CustomerId": "1",
42904 "DailyTotal": {
42905 "Type": 0,
42906 "Value": 5.45
42907 },
42908 "MonthlyTotal": {
42909 "Type": 0,
42910 "Value": 163.50
42911 },
42912 "Excess": {
42913 "Type": 0,
42914 "Value": 150.00
42915 },
42916 "ExcessPercentage": 10.0,
42917 "Id": "priceOfferId",
42918 "InsuredValue": {
42919 "Type": 0,
42920 "Value": 150.00
42921 },
42922 "OfferType": "Quote",
42923 "QuoteId": "QuoteIdForGroupingPurposes",
42924 "PdsSummary": "https://trov.com/AU/terms-of-protection/123/summary?nohf=true",
42925 "AmendatoryEndorsementUri": "https://trov.com"
42926 },
42927 "OfficialPremiumInterval": "Unknown"
42928 }
42929 },
42930 "TrovCommonModelSicRemoteOperationsRemoteAutodetectRequest": {
42931 "description": "Defines a model that represents the remote auto-detect request.",
42932 "required": [
42933 "email"
42934 ],
42935 "properties": {
42936 "email": {
42937 "description": "Gets or sets the email address where the device auto-detect invite link should be sent.",
42938 "type": "string",
42939 "pattern": ".+@.+"
42940 },
42941 "trovId": {
42942 "description": "Gets or sets the trov ID.",
42943 "type": "string"
42944 },
42945 "assetId": {
42946 "description": "Gets or sets the asset ID.",
42947 "type": "string"
42948 },
42949 "priceOfferIndex": {
42950 "description": "Gets or sets the price offer index.",
42951 "type": "integer",
42952 "format": "int32"
42953 },
42954 "priceOfferId": {
42955 "description": "Gets or sets the price offer ID. For analytics.",
42956 "type": "string"
42957 }
42958 },
42959 "xml": {
42960 "name": "RemoteAutodetectRequest"
42961 },
42962 "type": "object",
42963 "default": {
42964 "Email": "someone@email.com",
42965 "TrovId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e1",
42966 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
42967 "PriceOfferIndex": 3
42968 }
42969 },
42970 "TrovCommonModelSicRemoteOperationsRemoteOperationRequest": {
42971 "description": "Defines the model that represents the remote operation requests.",
42972 "properties": {
42973 "trovId": {
42974 "description": "Gets or sets the trov ID.",
42975 "type": "string"
42976 },
42977 "assetId": {
42978 "description": "Gets or sets the asset ID.",
42979 "type": "string"
42980 },
42981 "priceOfferIndex": {
42982 "description": "Gets or sets the price offer index.",
42983 "type": "integer",
42984 "format": "int32"
42985 },
42986 "priceOfferId": {
42987 "description": "Gets or sets the price offer ID. For analytics.",
42988 "type": "string"
42989 }
42990 },
42991 "xml": {
42992 "name": "RemoteOperationRequest"
42993 },
42994 "type": "object",
42995 "default": {
42996 "TrovId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e1",
42997 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e9",
42998 "PriceOfferIndex": 2,
42999 "PriceOfferId": "pid"
43000 }
43001 },
43002 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedRiskScoringRiskScoringResponse": {
43003 "required": [
43004 "hasPassedPrimaryRiskCheck",
43005 "hasPassedSecondaryRiskCheck",
43006 "riskScore",
43007 "isWhitelisted"
43008 ],
43009 "properties": {
43010 "hasPassedPrimaryRiskCheck": {
43011 "type": "boolean"
43012 },
43013 "hasPassedSecondaryRiskCheck": {
43014 "type": "boolean"
43015 },
43016 "riskScore": {
43017 "type": "integer",
43018 "format": "int32"
43019 },
43020 "isWhitelisted": {
43021 "type": "boolean"
43022 }
43023 },
43024 "xml": {
43025 "name": "RiskScoringResponse"
43026 },
43027 "type": "object"
43028 },
43029 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedRiskScoringRiskScoringWhitelistAddRequest": {
43030 "required": [
43031 "customerId"
43032 ],
43033 "properties": {
43034 "customerId": {
43035 "type": "string"
43036 }
43037 },
43038 "xml": {
43039 "name": "RiskScoringWhitelistAddRequest"
43040 },
43041 "type": "object"
43042 },
43043 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedRiskScoringRiskScoringWhitelistRemoveRequest": {
43044 "required": [
43045 "customerId"
43046 ],
43047 "properties": {
43048 "customerId": {
43049 "type": "string"
43050 }
43051 },
43052 "xml": {
43053 "name": "RiskScoringWhitelistRemoveRequest"
43054 },
43055 "type": "object"
43056 },
43057 "TrovCommonModelSecurityApplicationRoleResult": {
43058 "description": "Represents a {!:TrovRoleName}.",
43059 "properties": {
43060 "id": {
43061 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the role.",
43062 "type": "integer",
43063 "format": "int32"
43064 },
43065 "name": {
43066 "description": "Gets or sets the name of the role.",
43067 "type": "string"
43068 },
43069 "requiresTwoFactor": {
43070 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the role requires two factor authentication enabled.",
43071 "type": "boolean"
43072 },
43073 "currentUserCanModify": {
43074 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the current user can modify the disassociate/associate users with the role.",
43075 "type": "boolean"
43076 }
43077 },
43078 "xml": {
43079 "name": "ApplicationRoleResult"
43080 },
43081 "type": "object",
43082 "default": {
43083 "Id": 1,
43084 "Name": "Application Role Result",
43085 "RequiresTwoFactor": false,
43086 "CurrentUserCanModify": true
43087 }
43088 },
43089 "TrovCommonModelSecurityUpdateUserRolesRequest": {
43090 "description": "Represents an update user roles request.",
43091 "required": [
43092 "userId",
43093 "roles"
43094 ],
43095 "properties": {
43096 "userId": {
43097 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the user to update the roles for.",
43098 "type": "integer",
43099 "format": "int32"
43100 },
43101 "roles": {
43102 "description": "Gets or sets the roles to update to.",
43103 "items": {
43104 "type": "string"
43105 },
43106 "type": "array",
43107 "uniqueItems": true
43108 }
43109 },
43110 "xml": {
43111 "name": "UpdateUserRolesRequest"
43112 },
43113 "type": "object",
43114 "default": {
43115 "UserId": 1,
43116 "Roles": [
43117 "scorer"
43118 ]
43119 }
43120 },
43121 "RoleRequiresTwoFactorAuthenticationException": {
43122 "description": "RoleRequiresTwoFactorAuthenticationException",
43123 "required": [
43124 "Message",
43125 "ExceptionType",
43126 "CorrelationId"
43127 ],
43128 "properties": {
43129 "Message": {
43130 "type": "string"
43131 },
43132 "ExceptionMessage": {
43133 "type": "string"
43134 },
43135 "ExceptionType": {
43136 "type": "string"
43137 },
43138 "StackTrace": {
43139 "type": "string"
43140 },
43141 "CorrelationId": {
43142 "type": "string"
43143 }
43144 },
43145 "type": "object",
43146 "default": {
43147 "Message": "string",
43148 "ExceptionMessage": "string",
43149 "ExceptionType": "RoleRequiresTwoFactorAuthenticationException",
43150 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
43151 }
43152 },
43153 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedStatusStatusResponse": {
43154 "required": [
43155 "statuses",
43156 "overallStatus",
43157 "environmentVariables",
43158 "releaseVersion"
43159 ],
43160 "properties": {
43161 "statuses": {
43162 "description": "The list of statuses (e.g. MongoDB, MySQL, etc.).",
43163 "items": {
43164 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedStatusStatusResult"
43165 },
43166 "xml": {
43167 "name": "StatusResult",
43168 "wrapped": true
43169 },
43170 "type": "array"
43171 },
43172 "overallStatus": {
43173 "description": "A value indicating whether the status is in an overall 'good' state.",
43174 "readOnly": true,
43175 "type": "boolean"
43176 },
43177 "environmentVariables": {
43178 "description": "The environment variables for the hosting instance.",
43179 "additionalProperties": {
43180 "type": "object"
43181 },
43182 "type": "object"
43183 },
43184 "releaseVersion": {
43185 "description": "The current release version.",
43186 "type": "string"
43187 },
43188 "buildIdentifier": {
43189 "description": "The identifier of the build package.",
43190 "type": "string"
43191 }
43192 },
43193 "xml": {
43194 "name": "StatusResponse"
43195 },
43196 "type": "object"
43197 },
43198 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedStatusStatusResult": {
43199 "required": [
43200 "name",
43201 "overallStatus"
43202 ],
43203 "properties": {
43204 "name": {
43205 "description": "The name of the instance the status represents.",
43206 "type": "string"
43207 },
43208 "overallStatus": {
43209 "description": "Value indicating whether the status is in an overall 'good' state.",
43210 "type": "boolean"
43211 },
43212 "details": {
43213 "description": "Details about the status.",
43214 "additionalProperties": {
43215 "type": "object"
43216 },
43217 "type": "object"
43218 },
43219 "exception": {
43220 "description": "Optional exception thrown while verifying the status.",
43221 "type": "object"
43222 }
43223 },
43224 "xml": {
43225 "name": "StatusResult"
43226 },
43227 "type": "object"
43228 },
43229 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedSuggestionsSuggestionGroup": {
43230 "required": [
43231 "suggestions",
43232 "description",
43233 "id",
43234 "name",
43235 "type",
43236 "urlThumbnail"
43237 ],
43238 "properties": {
43239 "suggestions": {
43240 "items": {
43241 "$ref": "#/definitions/TrovContractAPIUnversionedSuggestionsSuggestion"
43242 },
43243 "xml": {
43244 "name": "Suggestion",
43245 "wrapped": true
43246 },
43247 "type": "array"
43248 },
43249 "description": {
43250 "type": "string"
43251 },
43252 "id": {
43253 "type": "string"
43254 },
43255 "name": {
43256 "type": "string"
43257 },
43258 "type": {
43259 "type": "string"
43260 },
43261 "urlThumbnail": {
43262 "type": "string"
43263 }
43264 },
43265 "xml": {
43266 "name": "SuggestionGroup"
43267 },
43268 "type": "object"
43269 },
43270 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedSuggestionsSuggestion": {
43271 "required": [
43272 "id",
43273 "name",
43274 "type",
43275 "urlThumbnail"
43276 ],
43277 "properties": {
43278 "id": {
43279 "type": "string"
43280 },
43281 "name": {
43282 "type": "string"
43283 },
43284 "type": {
43285 "type": "string"
43286 },
43287 "urlThumbnail": {
43288 "type": "string"
43289 }
43290 },
43291 "xml": {
43292 "name": "Suggestion"
43293 },
43294 "type": "object"
43295 },
43296 "TrovCommonModelSecurityTwoFactorSendRequest": {
43297 "description": "Represents a request to send a two-factor authentication code.",
43298 "required": [
43299 "email",
43300 "password"
43301 ],
43302 "properties": {
43303 "twoFactorProviderType": {
43304 "description": "Gets or sets the type of two-factor provider to send the request via.",
43305 "type": "integer",
43306 "format": "int32",
43307 "enum": [
43308 0,
43309 1,
43310 3,
43311 4
43312 ],
43313 "x-enumName": "TwoFactorProviderType"
43314 },
43315 "email": {
43316 "description": "Gets or sets the email of the user to request login for.",
43317 "type": "string"
43318 },
43319 "password": {
43320 "description": "Gets or sets the password of the user to request login for.",
43321 "type": "string"
43322 }
43323 },
43324 "xml": {
43325 "name": "TwoFactorSendRequest"
43326 },
43327 "type": "object"
43328 },
43329 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserResponse": {
43330 "required": [
43331 "id",
43332 "email",
43333 "emailConfirmed",
43334 "phoneNumberConfirmed",
43335 "twoFactorEnabled",
43336 "createdDateUtc"
43337 ],
43338 "properties": {
43339 "id": {
43340 "type": "integer",
43341 "format": "int32"
43342 },
43343 "email": {
43344 "type": "string"
43345 },
43346 "phoneNumber": {
43347 "type": "string"
43348 },
43349 "emailConfirmed": {
43350 "description": "A value indicating whether the user email is confirmed.",
43351 "type": "boolean"
43352 },
43353 "phoneNumberConfirmed": {
43354 "description": "A value indicating whether the user phone number is confirmed.",
43355 "type": "boolean"
43356 },
43357 "twoFactorEnabled": {
43358 "description": "A value indicating whether the user has two-factor authentication enabled.",
43359 "type": "boolean"
43360 },
43361 "roles": {
43362 "items": {
43363 "type": "string"
43364 },
43365 "type": "array",
43366 "uniqueItems": true
43367 },
43368 "createdDateUtc": {
43369 "description": "The date the user was created in UTC.",
43370 "type": "string",
43371 "format": "date-time"
43372 }
43373 },
43374 "xml": {
43375 "name": "UserResponse"
43376 },
43377 "type": "object"
43378 },
43379 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserSearchUserQueryRequest": {
43380 "properties": {
43381 "roleName": {
43382 "description": "Optional role name to filter with.",
43383 "type": "string"
43384 },
43385 "email": {
43386 "description": "Optional email to filter with.",
43387 "type": "string"
43388 },
43389 "page": {
43390 "type": "integer",
43391 "format": "int32"
43392 },
43393 "pageSize": {
43394 "type": "integer",
43395 "format": "int32"
43396 }
43397 },
43398 "xml": {
43399 "name": "SearchUserQueryRequest"
43400 },
43401 "type": "object"
43402 },
43403 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedGuestGuestUserConversionRequest": {
43404 "required": [
43405 "guestUserId",
43406 "action"
43407 ],
43408 "properties": {
43409 "guestUserId": {
43410 "type": "string"
43411 },
43412 "action": {
43413 "description": "The conversion action associated with the guest userId.",
43414 "type": "string",
43415 "enum": [
43416 "Register",
43417 "Login",
43418 "FacebookRegister",
43419 "FacebookLogin"
43420 ],
43421 "x-enumName": "GuestConversionAction"
43422 }
43423 },
43424 "xml": {
43425 "name": "GuestUserConversionRequest"
43426 },
43427 "type": "object"
43428 },
43429 "InvalidGuestUserIdException": {
43430 "description": "InvalidGuestUserIdException",
43431 "required": [
43432 "Message",
43433 "ExceptionType",
43434 "CorrelationId"
43435 ],
43436 "properties": {
43437 "Message": {
43438 "type": "string"
43439 },
43440 "ExceptionMessage": {
43441 "type": "string"
43442 },
43443 "ExceptionType": {
43444 "type": "string"
43445 },
43446 "StackTrace": {
43447 "type": "string"
43448 },
43449 "CorrelationId": {
43450 "type": "string"
43451 }
43452 },
43453 "type": "object",
43454 "default": {
43455 "Message": "The Guest User Id string is not valid.",
43456 "ExceptionMessage": "The Guest User Id string is not valid.",
43457 "ExceptionType": "InvalidGuestUserIdException",
43458 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
43459 }
43460 },
43461 "CustomerHasActiveCoveragePeriodsException": {
43462 "description": "CustomerHasActiveCoveragePeriodsException",
43463 "required": [
43464 "Message",
43465 "ExceptionType",
43466 "CorrelationId"
43467 ],
43468 "properties": {
43469 "Message": {
43470 "type": "string"
43471 },
43472 "ExceptionMessage": {
43473 "type": "string"
43474 },
43475 "ExceptionType": {
43476 "type": "string"
43477 },
43478 "StackTrace": {
43479 "type": "string"
43480 },
43481 "CorrelationId": {
43482 "type": "string"
43483 }
43484 },
43485 "type": "object",
43486 "default": {
43487 "Message": "Customer cannot be deactivated because it has active coverage periods.",
43488 "ExceptionMessage": "Customer cannot be deactivated because it has active coverage periods.",
43489 "ExceptionType": "CustomerHasActiveCoveragePeriodsException",
43490 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
43491 }
43492 },
43493 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserUserRegistrationQueryRequest": {
43494 "properties": {
43495 "sessionId": {
43496 "description": "Optional ThreatMetrix session id associated with the user account creation.",
43497 "type": "string"
43498 },
43499 "guestSessionId": {
43500 "description": "Optional guest session id associated with the user account creation.",
43501 "example": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
43502 "type": "string",
43503 "format": "uuid"
43504 }
43505 },
43506 "xml": {
43507 "name": "UserRegistrationQueryRequest"
43508 },
43509 "type": "object"
43510 },
43511 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserTokenAddDeviceTokenRequest": {
43512 "required": [
43513 "type",
43514 "value"
43515 ],
43516 "properties": {
43517 "type": {
43518 "type": "integer",
43519 "format": "int32",
43520 "enum": [
43521 0,
43522 1,
43523 2
43524 ],
43525 "x-enumName": "DeviceTokenType"
43526 },
43527 "value": {
43528 "type": "string"
43529 }
43530 },
43531 "xml": {
43532 "name": "AddDeviceTokenRequest"
43533 },
43534 "type": "object"
43535 },
43536 "TrovContractAPIUnversionedUserTokenRemoveDeviceTokenRequest": {
43537 "required": [
43538 "type",
43539 "value"
43540 ],
43541 "properties": {
43542 "type": {
43543 "type": "integer",
43544 "format": "int32",
43545 "enum": [
43546 0,
43547 1,
43548 2
43549 ],
43550 "x-enumName": "DeviceTokenType"
43551 },
43552 "value": {
43553 "type": "string"
43554 }
43555 },
43556 "xml": {
43557 "name": "RemoveDeviceTokenRequest"
43558 },
43559 "type": "object"
43560 },
43561 "TrovCommonModelAssetsWoozAssetResult": {
43562 "description": "Represents a wooz asset result.",
43563 "required": [
43564 "id",
43565 "rootId",
43566 "created",
43567 "hasPendingAccessor"
43568 ],
43569 "properties": {
43570 "id": {
43571 "description": "Gets or sets the unique id of the result.",
43572 "type": "string"
43573 },
43574 "rootId": {
43575 "description": "Gets or sets the root id of the asset.",
43576 "type": "string"
43577 },
43578 "created": {
43579 "description": "Gets or sets the date the asset was created.",
43580 "type": "integer",
43581 "format": "int64"
43582 },
43583 "hasPendingAccessor": {
43584 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether an access request has been issues for the result.",
43585 "type": "boolean"
43586 }
43587 },
43588 "xml": {
43589 "name": "WoozAssetResult"
43590 },
43591 "type": "object",
43592 "default": {
43593 "Id": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7fb",
43594 "Created": 130982766720000000,
43595 "HasPendingAccessor": false
43596 }
43597 },
43598 "TrovCommonModelCoreWoozAccessResult": {
43599 "description": "A model that represents a wooz access result.",
43600 "properties": {
43601 "hasPendingAccessor": {
43602 "description": "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the wooz object has a pending accessor.",
43603 "type": "boolean"
43604 },
43605 "trovId": {
43606 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the trov being accessed.",
43607 "type": "string"
43608 },
43609 "assetId": {
43610 "description": "Gets or sets the id of the asset being accessed.",
43611 "type": "string"
43612 },
43613 "signature": {
43614 "description": "Gets or sets the signature of the access request.",
43615 "type": "string"
43616 },
43617 "expire": {
43618 "description": "Gets or sets the expiry timestamp of the access request.",
43619 "type": "string"
43620 }
43621 },
43622 "xml": {
43623 "name": "WoozAccessResult"
43624 },
43625 "type": "object",
43626 "default": {
43627 "HasPendingAccessor": false,
43628 "TrovId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e1",
43629 "AssetId": "4d3ed089fb60ab534684b7e0",
43630 "Signature": "jf843yfgjh93yrog9rey3htid98dsbhmvcpd0389jh5rj",
43631 "Expire": "1/26/2016 10:11:12 AM"
43632 }
43633 },
43634 "WozAccessNotEnabledException": {
43635 "description": "WozAccessNotEnabledException",
43636 "required": [
43637 "Message",
43638 "ExceptionType",
43639 "CorrelationId"
43640 ],
43641 "properties": {
43642 "Message": {
43643 "type": "string"
43644 },
43645 "ExceptionMessage": {
43646 "type": "string"
43647 },
43648 "ExceptionType": {
43649 "type": "string"
43650 },
43651 "StackTrace": {
43652 "type": "string"
43653 },
43654 "CorrelationId": {
43655 "type": "string"
43656 }
43657 },
43658 "type": "object",
43659 "default": {
43660 "Message": "Woz access is not enabled for this trov.",
43661 "ExceptionMessage": "Woz access is not enabled for this trov.",
43662 "ExceptionType": "WozAccessNotEnabledException",
43663 "CorrelationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
43664 }
43665 }
43666 },
43667 "tags": [
43668 {
43669 "name": "Account",
43670 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with managing Trov accounts."
43671 },
43672 {
43673 "name": "Analytics",
43674 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with supplying analytics with data."
43675 },
43676 {
43677 "name": "Assets",
43678 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with asset requests."
43679 },
43680 {
43681 "name": "AutoSuggest",
43682 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with autosuggestions."
43683 },
43684 {
43685 "name": "Bills",
43686 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC bills."
43687 },
43688 {
43689 "name": "BillsEmployee",
43690 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC bills by a SicAdmin, SicSupportAdmin or SicSupportUser."
43691 },
43692 {
43693 "name": "Chatbot"
43694 },
43695 {
43696 "name": "Claims",
43697 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC claims."
43698 },
43699 {
43700 "name": "ClaimsEmployee",
43701 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC claims by a SicAdmin, SicSupportAdmin, SicSupportUser or OpsSupportAdmin."
43702 },
43703 {
43704 "name": "ClientAdmin",
43705 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with managing OAuth clients."
43706 },
43707 {
43708 "name": "Configuration",
43709 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with configuration requests."
43710 },
43711 {
43712 "name": "CoveragePeriods",
43713 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC coverage periods."
43714 },
43715 {
43716 "name": "CoveragePeriodsEmployee",
43717 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC coverage periods by a SicAdmin, SicSupportAdmin or SicSupportUser."
43718 },
43719 {
43720 "name": "CoveredAssetsEmployee",
43721 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with providing access to covered assets for employees."
43722 },
43723 {
43724 "name": "CustomerNotesEmployee",
43725 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC customer notes."
43726 },
43727 {
43728 "name": "CustomersEmployee",
43729 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC customers."
43730 },
43731 {
43732 "name": "EmployeesEmployee",
43733 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC employees."
43734 },
43735 {
43736 "name": "ExternalToken",
43737 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with authorization tokens for various services."
43738 },
43739 {
43740 "name": "Feed",
43741 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with feed requests."
43742 },
43743 {
43744 "name": "Files",
43745 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with file requests."
43746 },
43747 {
43748 "name": "Fraud",
43749 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with fraud"
43750 },
43751 {
43752 "name": "Guest",
43753 "description": "Defines the API endpoints for guests to register, search and quote\r\nAll endpoints will be throttled"
43754 },
43755 {
43756 "name": "Images",
43757 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with image requests."
43758 },
43759 {
43760 "name": "Metadata",
43761 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with asset metadata."
43762 },
43763 {
43764 "name": "PaymentCards",
43765 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with payment cards for SIC customers."
43766 },
43767 {
43768 "name": "Pds",
43769 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with product disclosure and amendatory endorsement documents."
43770 },
43771 {
43772 "name": "PdsEmployee",
43773 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with managing product disclosure and amendatory endorsement documents."
43774 },
43775 {
43776 "name": "Policies",
43777 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with policy requests."
43778 },
43779 {
43780 "name": "PremiumCalculationEmployee",
43781 "description": "Defines the administrative API endpoints associated with SIC premium calculations."
43782 },
43783 {
43784 "name": "PricingFileEmployee",
43785 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with employees for quoting information"
43786 },
43787 {
43788 "name": "Profile",
43789 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with profile requests."
43790 },
43791 {
43792 "name": "ProfileEmployee",
43793 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with user profiles by a SicAdmin, SicSupportAdmin or SicSupportUser."
43794 },
43795 {
43796 "name": "Promotions",
43797 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC Promotions."
43798 },
43799 {
43800 "name": "PromotionsEmployee",
43801 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with SIC Promotions by a SicAdmin or SicSupportAdmin."
43802 },
43803 {
43804 "name": "Quotes",
43805 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with quotes."
43806 },
43807 {
43808 "name": "RefreshToken",
43809 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with managing refresh tokens."
43810 },
43811 {
43812 "name": "RemoteOperations",
43813 "description": "Defines the API endpoints that are sending remote authorization tokens and operation combos for various services."
43814 },
43815 {
43816 "name": "RiskScoringEmployee",
43817 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with employees for risk scoring customers."
43818 },
43819 {
43820 "name": "RoleAdmin",
43821 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with administrating roles."
43822 },
43823 {
43824 "name": "Status",
43825 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with status requests."
43826 },
43827 {
43828 "name": "Suggestions",
43829 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with Suggestions."
43830 },
43831 {
43832 "name": "TestHook",
43833 "description": "Defines the API endpoints for testing server functions and configuring test data."
43834 },
43835 {
43836 "name": "Token",
43837 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with logging into Trov system via OAuth 2.0."
43838 },
43839 {
43840 "name": "TrovAdmin",
43841 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with trov admin requests."
43842 },
43843 {
43844 "name": "Trovs",
43845 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with trov requests."
43846 },
43847 {
43848 "name": "UserAdmin",
43849 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with administrating users."
43850 },
43851 {
43852 "name": "Users",
43853 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with user requests."
43854 },
43855 {
43856 "name": "UserToken",
43857 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with user token requests."
43858 },
43859 {
43860 "name": "Version",
43861 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with version requests."
43862 },
43863 {
43864 "name": "Wooz",
43865 "description": "Defines the API endpoints associated with wooz requests."
43866 }
43867 ]
\No newline at end of file