3.48 kBJSONView Raw
2 "$id": "contract-object.spec.json",
3 "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema#",
4 "title": "Contract Object",
5 "description": "Describes a contract consumable by Truffle, possibly including deployed instances on networks",
6 "type": "object",
7 "properties": {
8 "contractName": {
9 "$ref": "#/definitions/ContractName",
10 "description": "Name used to identify the contract",
11 "default": "Contract"
12 },
13 "abi": {
14 "$ref": "abi.spec.json#",
15 "description": "Interface description returned by compiler for source"
16 },
17 "metadata": {
18 "$ref": "#/definitions/Metadata"
19 },
20 "bytecode": {
21 "$ref": "#/definitions/Bytecode",
22 "description": "Bytecode sent as contract-creation transaction data, with unresolved link references"
23 },
24 "deployedBytecode": {
25 "$ref": "#/definitions/Bytecode",
26 "description": "On-chain deployed contract bytecode, with unresolved link references"
27 },
28 "sourceMap": {
29 "$ref": "#/definitions/SourceMap",
30 "description": "Source mapping for contract-creation transaction data bytecode"
31 },
32 "deployedSourceMap": {
33 "$ref": "#/definitions/SourceMap",
34 "description": "Source mapping for contract bytecode"
35 },
36 "source": {
37 "$ref": "#/definitions/Source"
38 },
39 "sourcePath": {
40 "$ref": "#/definitions/SourcePath"
41 },
42 "ast": {
43 "$ref": "#/definitions/AST"
44 },
45 "legacyAST": {
46 "$ref": "#/definitions/LegacyAST"
47 },
48 "compiler": {
49 "type": "object",
50 "properties": {
51 "name": {
52 "type": "string"
53 },
54 "version": {
55 "type": "string"
56 }
57 }
58 },
59 "networks": {
60 "patternProperties": {
61 "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$": {
62 "$ref": "network-object.spec.json#"
63 }
64 },
65 "additionalProperties": false
66 },
67 "schemaVersion": {
68 "$ref": "#/definitions/SchemaVersion"
69 },
70 "updatedAt": {
71 "type": "string",
72 "format": "date-time"
73 },
74 "networkType": {
75 "$ref": "#/definitions/NetworkType",
76 "default": "ethereum"
77 },
78 "devdoc": {
79 "$ref": "#/definitions/NatSpec"
80 },
81 "userdoc": {
82 "$ref": "#/definitions/NatSpec"
83 }
84 },
85 "required": [
86 "abi"
87 ],
88 "patternProperties": {
89 "^x-": {
90 "anyOf": [
91 {
92 "type": "string"
93 },
94 {
95 "type": "boolean"
96 },
97 {
98 "type": "number"
99 },
100 {
101 "type": "object"
102 },
103 {
104 "type": "array"
105 }
106 ]
107 }
108 },
109 "additionalProperties": false,
110 "definitions": {
111 "ContractName": {
112 "type": "string",
113 "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$"
114 },
115 "NatSpec": {
116 "type": "object"
117 },
118 "Metadata": {
119 "type": "string"
120 },
121 "NetworkType": {
122 "type": "string"
123 },
124 "Bytecode": {
125 "type": "string",
126 "pattern": "^0x0$|^0x([a-fA-F0-9]{2}|__.{38})+$"
127 },
128 "Source": {
129 "type": "string"
130 },
131 "SourceMap": {
132 "type": "string",
133 "examples": [
134 "315:637:1:-;;;452:55;;;;;;;-1:-1:-1;;;;;485:9:1;476:19;:8;:19;;;;;;;;;;498:5;476:27;;452:55;315:637;;;;;;;"
135 ]
136 },
137 "SourcePath": {
138 "type": "string"
139 },
140 "AST": {
141 "type": "object"
142 },
143 "LegacyAST": {
144 "type": "object"
145 },
146 "SchemaVersion": {
147 "type": "string",
148 "pattern": "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+"
149 }
150 }