14.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.updateColor = exports.updateColorValue = exports.getHslAnimationFromHsl = exports.getHslFromAnimation = exports.getLinkRandomColor = exports.getLinkColor = exports.colorMix = exports.getStyleFromHsl = exports.getStyleFromRgb = exports.getRandomRgbColor = exports.hslaToRgba = exports.hslToRgb = exports.stringToRgb = exports.stringToAlpha = exports.rgbToHsl = exports.rangeColorToHsl = exports.colorToHsl = exports.colorToRgb = exports.rangeColorToRgb = exports.addColorManager = void 0;
4const NumberUtils_js_1 = require("./NumberUtils.js");
5const TypeUtils_js_1 = require("./TypeUtils.js");
6const Constants_js_1 = require("../Core/Utils/Constants.js");
7const AnimationStatus_js_1 = require("../Enums/AnimationStatus.js");
8const Utils_js_1 = require("./Utils.js");
9var RgbIndexes;
10(function (RgbIndexes) {
11 RgbIndexes[RgbIndexes["r"] = 1] = "r";
12 RgbIndexes[RgbIndexes["g"] = 2] = "g";
13 RgbIndexes[RgbIndexes["b"] = 3] = "b";
14 RgbIndexes[RgbIndexes["a"] = 4] = "a";
15})(RgbIndexes || (RgbIndexes = {}));
16const randomColorValue = "random", midColorValue = "mid", colorManagers = new Map();
17function addColorManager(manager) {
18 colorManagers.set(manager.key, manager);
20exports.addColorManager = addColorManager;
21function stringToRgba(input) {
22 for (const [, manager] of colorManagers) {
23 if (input.startsWith(manager.stringPrefix)) {
24 return manager.parseString(input);
25 }
26 }
27 const shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])?$/i, hexFixed = input.replace(shorthandRegex, (_, r, g, b, a) => {
28 return r + r + g + g + b + b + (a !== undefined ? a + a : "");
29 }), regex = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})?$/i, result = regex.exec(hexFixed), radix = 16, defaultAlpha = 1, alphaFactor = 0xff;
30 return result
31 ? {
32 a: result[RgbIndexes.a] !== undefined
33 ? parseInt(result[RgbIndexes.a], radix) / alphaFactor
34 : defaultAlpha,
35 b: parseInt(result[RgbIndexes.b], radix),
36 g: parseInt(result[RgbIndexes.g], radix),
37 r: parseInt(result[RgbIndexes.r], radix),
38 }
39 : undefined;
41function rangeColorToRgb(input, index, useIndex = true) {
42 if (!input) {
43 return;
44 }
45 const color = (0, TypeUtils_js_1.isString)(input) ? { value: input } : input;
46 if ((0, TypeUtils_js_1.isString)(color.value)) {
47 return colorToRgb(color.value, index, useIndex);
48 }
49 if ((0, TypeUtils_js_1.isArray)(color.value)) {
50 return rangeColorToRgb({
51 value: (0, Utils_js_1.itemFromArray)(color.value, index, useIndex),
52 });
53 }
54 for (const [, manager] of colorManagers) {
55 const res = manager.handleRangeColor(color);
56 if (res) {
57 return res;
58 }
59 }
61exports.rangeColorToRgb = rangeColorToRgb;
62function colorToRgb(input, index, useIndex = true) {
63 if (!input) {
64 return;
65 }
66 const color = (0, TypeUtils_js_1.isString)(input) ? { value: input } : input;
67 if ((0, TypeUtils_js_1.isString)(color.value)) {
68 return color.value === randomColorValue ? getRandomRgbColor() : stringToRgb(color.value);
69 }
70 if ((0, TypeUtils_js_1.isArray)(color.value)) {
71 return colorToRgb({
72 value: (0, Utils_js_1.itemFromArray)(color.value, index, useIndex),
73 });
74 }
75 for (const [, manager] of colorManagers) {
76 const res = manager.handleColor(color);
77 if (res) {
78 return res;
79 }
80 }
82exports.colorToRgb = colorToRgb;
83function colorToHsl(color, index, useIndex = true) {
84 const rgb = colorToRgb(color, index, useIndex);
85 return rgb ? rgbToHsl(rgb) : undefined;
87exports.colorToHsl = colorToHsl;
88function rangeColorToHsl(color, index, useIndex = true) {
89 const rgb = rangeColorToRgb(color, index, useIndex);
90 return rgb ? rgbToHsl(rgb) : undefined;
92exports.rangeColorToHsl = rangeColorToHsl;
93function rgbToHsl(color) {
94 const rgbMax = 255, hMax = 360, sMax = 100, lMax = 100, hMin = 0, sMin = 0, hPhase = 60, half = 0.5, double = 2, r1 = color.r / rgbMax, g1 = color.g / rgbMax, b1 = color.b / rgbMax, max = Math.max(r1, g1, b1), min = Math.min(r1, g1, b1), res = {
95 h: hMin,
96 l: (max + min) * half,
97 s: sMin,
98 };
99 if (max !== min) {
100 res.s = res.l < half ? (max - min) / (max + min) : (max - min) / (double - max - min);
101 res.h =
102 r1 === max
103 ? (g1 - b1) / (max - min)
104 : (res.h = g1 === max ? double + (b1 - r1) / (max - min) : double * double + (r1 - g1) / (max - min));
105 }
106 res.l *= lMax;
107 res.s *= sMax;
108 res.h *= hPhase;
109 if (res.h < hMin) {
110 res.h += hMax;
111 }
112 if (res.h >= hMax) {
113 res.h -= hMax;
114 }
115 return res;
117exports.rgbToHsl = rgbToHsl;
118function stringToAlpha(input) {
119 return stringToRgba(input)?.a;
121exports.stringToAlpha = stringToAlpha;
122function stringToRgb(input) {
123 return stringToRgba(input);
125exports.stringToRgb = stringToRgb;
126function hslToRgb(hsl) {
127 const hMax = 360, sMax = 100, lMax = 100, sMin = 0, lMin = 0, h = ((hsl.h % hMax) + hMax) % hMax, s = Math.max(sMin, Math.min(sMax, hsl.s)), l = Math.max(lMin, Math.min(lMax, hsl.l)), hNormalized = h / hMax, sNormalized = s / sMax, lNormalized = l / lMax, rgbFactor = 255, triple = 3;
128 if (s === sMin) {
129 const grayscaleValue = Math.round(lNormalized * rgbFactor);
130 return { r: grayscaleValue, g: grayscaleValue, b: grayscaleValue };
131 }
132 const half = 0.5, double = 2, channel = (temp1, temp2, temp3) => {
133 const temp3Min = 0, temp3Max = 1, sextuple = 6;
134 if (temp3 < temp3Min) {
135 temp3++;
136 }
137 if (temp3 > temp3Max) {
138 temp3--;
139 }
140 if (temp3 * sextuple < temp3Max) {
141 return temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * sextuple * temp3;
142 }
143 if (temp3 * double < temp3Max) {
144 return temp2;
145 }
146 if (temp3 * triple < temp3Max * double) {
147 const temp3Offset = double / triple;
148 return temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * (temp3Offset - temp3) * sextuple;
149 }
150 return temp1;
151 }, sNormalizedOffset = 1, temp1 = lNormalized < half
152 ? lNormalized * (sNormalizedOffset + sNormalized)
153 : lNormalized + sNormalized - lNormalized * sNormalized, temp2 = double * lNormalized - temp1, phaseNumerator = 1, phaseThird = phaseNumerator / triple, red = Math.min(rgbFactor, rgbFactor * channel(temp2, temp1, hNormalized + phaseThird)), green = Math.min(rgbFactor, rgbFactor * channel(temp2, temp1, hNormalized)), blue = Math.min(rgbFactor, rgbFactor * channel(temp2, temp1, hNormalized - phaseThird));
154 return { r: Math.round(red), g: Math.round(green), b: Math.round(blue) };
156exports.hslToRgb = hslToRgb;
157function hslaToRgba(hsla) {
158 const rgbResult = hslToRgb(hsla);
159 return {
160 a: hsla.a,
161 b: rgbResult.b,
162 g: rgbResult.g,
163 r: rgbResult.r,
164 };
166exports.hslaToRgba = hslaToRgba;
167function getRandomRgbColor(min) {
168 const defaultMin = 0, fixedMin = min ?? defaultMin, rgbMax = 256;
169 return {
170 b: Math.floor((0, NumberUtils_js_1.randomInRange)((0, NumberUtils_js_1.setRangeValue)(fixedMin, rgbMax))),
171 g: Math.floor((0, NumberUtils_js_1.randomInRange)((0, NumberUtils_js_1.setRangeValue)(fixedMin, rgbMax))),
172 r: Math.floor((0, NumberUtils_js_1.randomInRange)((0, NumberUtils_js_1.setRangeValue)(fixedMin, rgbMax))),
173 };
175exports.getRandomRgbColor = getRandomRgbColor;
176function getStyleFromRgb(color, opacity) {
177 const defaultOpacity = 1;
178 return `rgba(${color.r}, ${color.g}, ${color.b}, ${opacity ?? defaultOpacity})`;
180exports.getStyleFromRgb = getStyleFromRgb;
181function getStyleFromHsl(color, opacity) {
182 const defaultOpacity = 1;
183 return `hsla(${color.h}, ${color.s}%, ${color.l}%, ${opacity ?? defaultOpacity})`;
185exports.getStyleFromHsl = getStyleFromHsl;
186function colorMix(color1, color2, size1, size2) {
187 let rgb1 = color1, rgb2 = color2;
188 if (rgb1.r === undefined) {
189 rgb1 = hslToRgb(color1);
190 }
191 if (rgb2.r === undefined) {
192 rgb2 = hslToRgb(color2);
193 }
194 return {
195 b: (0, NumberUtils_js_1.mix)(rgb1.b, rgb2.b, size1, size2),
196 g: (0, NumberUtils_js_1.mix)(rgb1.g, rgb2.g, size1, size2),
197 r: (0, NumberUtils_js_1.mix)(rgb1.r, rgb2.r, size1, size2),
198 };
200exports.colorMix = colorMix;
201function getLinkColor(p1, p2, linkColor) {
202 if (linkColor === randomColorValue) {
203 return getRandomRgbColor();
204 }
205 else if (linkColor === midColorValue) {
206 const sourceColor = p1.getFillColor() ?? p1.getStrokeColor(), destColor = p2?.getFillColor() ?? p2?.getStrokeColor();
207 if (sourceColor && destColor && p2) {
208 return colorMix(sourceColor, destColor, p1.getRadius(), p2.getRadius());
209 }
210 else {
211 const hslColor = sourceColor ?? destColor;
212 if (hslColor) {
213 return hslToRgb(hslColor);
214 }
215 }
216 }
217 else {
218 return linkColor;
219 }
221exports.getLinkColor = getLinkColor;
222function getLinkRandomColor(optColor, blink, consent) {
223 const color = (0, TypeUtils_js_1.isString)(optColor) ? optColor : optColor.value;
224 if (color === randomColorValue) {
225 if (consent) {
226 return rangeColorToRgb({
227 value: color,
228 });
229 }
230 if (blink) {
231 return randomColorValue;
232 }
233 return midColorValue;
234 }
235 else if (color === midColorValue) {
236 return midColorValue;
237 }
238 else {
239 return rangeColorToRgb({
240 value: color,
241 });
242 }
244exports.getLinkRandomColor = getLinkRandomColor;
245function getHslFromAnimation(animation) {
246 return animation !== undefined
247 ? {
248 h: animation.h.value,
249 s: animation.s.value,
250 l: animation.l.value,
251 }
252 : undefined;
254exports.getHslFromAnimation = getHslFromAnimation;
255function getHslAnimationFromHsl(hsl, animationOptions, reduceFactor) {
256 const resColor = {
257 h: {
258 enable: false,
259 value: hsl.h,
260 },
261 s: {
262 enable: false,
263 value: hsl.s,
264 },
265 l: {
266 enable: false,
267 value: hsl.l,
268 },
269 };
270 if (animationOptions) {
271 setColorAnimation(resColor.h, animationOptions.h, reduceFactor);
272 setColorAnimation(resColor.s, animationOptions.s, reduceFactor);
273 setColorAnimation(resColor.l, animationOptions.l, reduceFactor);
274 }
275 return resColor;
277exports.getHslAnimationFromHsl = getHslAnimationFromHsl;
278function setColorAnimation(colorValue, colorAnimation, reduceFactor) {
279 colorValue.enable = colorAnimation.enable;
280 const defaultVelocity = 0, decayOffset = 1, defaultLoops = 0, defaultTime = 0;
281 if (colorValue.enable) {
282 colorValue.velocity = ((0, NumberUtils_js_1.getRangeValue)(colorAnimation.speed) / Constants_js_1.percentDenominator) * reduceFactor;
283 colorValue.decay = decayOffset - (0, NumberUtils_js_1.getRangeValue)(colorAnimation.decay);
284 colorValue.status = AnimationStatus_js_1.AnimationStatus.increasing;
285 colorValue.loops = defaultLoops;
286 colorValue.maxLoops = (0, NumberUtils_js_1.getRangeValue)(colorAnimation.count);
287 colorValue.time = defaultTime;
288 colorValue.delayTime = (0, NumberUtils_js_1.getRangeValue)(colorAnimation.delay) * Constants_js_1.millisecondsToSeconds;
289 if (!colorAnimation.sync) {
290 colorValue.velocity *= (0, NumberUtils_js_1.getRandom)();
291 colorValue.value *= (0, NumberUtils_js_1.getRandom)();
292 }
293 colorValue.initialValue = colorValue.value;
294 colorValue.offset = (0, NumberUtils_js_1.setRangeValue)(colorAnimation.offset);
295 }
296 else {
297 colorValue.velocity = defaultVelocity;
298 }
300function updateColorValue(data, range, decrease, delta) {
301 const minLoops = 0, minDelay = 0, identity = 1, minVelocity = 0, minOffset = 0, velocityFactor = 3.6;
302 if (!data ||
303 !data.enable ||
304 ((data.maxLoops ?? minLoops) > minLoops && (data.loops ?? minLoops) > (data.maxLoops ?? minLoops))) {
305 return;
306 }
307 if (!data.time) {
308 data.time = 0;
309 }
310 if ((data.delayTime ?? minDelay) > minDelay && data.time < (data.delayTime ?? minDelay)) {
311 data.time += delta.value;
312 }
313 if ((data.delayTime ?? minDelay) > minDelay && data.time < (data.delayTime ?? minDelay)) {
314 return;
315 }
316 const offset = data.offset ? (0, NumberUtils_js_1.randomInRange)(data.offset) : minOffset, velocity = (data.velocity ?? minVelocity) * delta.factor + offset * velocityFactor, decay = data.decay ?? identity, max = (0, NumberUtils_js_1.getRangeMax)(range), min = (0, NumberUtils_js_1.getRangeMin)(range);
317 if (!decrease || data.status === AnimationStatus_js_1.AnimationStatus.increasing) {
318 data.value += velocity;
319 if (data.value > max) {
320 if (!data.loops) {
321 data.loops = 0;
322 }
323 data.loops++;
324 if (decrease) {
325 data.status = AnimationStatus_js_1.AnimationStatus.decreasing;
326 }
327 else {
328 data.value -= max;
329 }
330 }
331 }
332 else {
333 data.value -= velocity;
334 const minValue = 0;
335 if (data.value < minValue) {
336 if (!data.loops) {
337 data.loops = 0;
338 }
339 data.loops++;
340 data.status = AnimationStatus_js_1.AnimationStatus.increasing;
341 }
342 }
343 if (data.velocity && decay !== identity) {
344 data.velocity *= decay;
345 }
346 data.value = (0, NumberUtils_js_1.clamp)(data.value, min, max);
348exports.updateColorValue = updateColorValue;
349function updateColor(color, delta) {
350 if (!color) {
351 return;
352 }
353 const { h, s, l } = color;
354 const ranges = {
355 h: { min: 0, max: 360 },
356 s: { min: 0, max: 100 },
357 l: { min: 0, max: 100 },
358 };
359 if (h) {
360 updateColorValue(h, ranges.h, false, delta);
361 }
362 if (s) {
363 updateColorValue(s, ranges.s, true, delta);
364 }
365 if (l) {
366 updateColorValue(l, ranges.l, true, delta);
367 }
369exports.updateColor = updateColor;