9.93 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="mongoose/types/aggregate" />
2/// <reference types="mongoose/types/callback" />
3/// <reference types="mongoose/types/collection" />
4/// <reference types="mongoose/types/connection" />
5/// <reference types="mongoose/types/cursor" />
6/// <reference types="mongoose/types/document" />
7/// <reference types="mongoose/types/error" />
8/// <reference types="mongoose/types/expressions" />
9/// <reference types="mongoose/types/helpers" />
10/// <reference types="mongoose/types/middlewares" />
11/// <reference types="mongoose/types/indexes" />
12/// <reference types="mongoose/types/models" />
13/// <reference types="mongoose/types/mongooseoptions" />
14/// <reference types="mongoose/types/pipelinestage" />
15/// <reference types="mongoose/types/populate" />
16/// <reference types="mongoose/types/query" />
17/// <reference types="mongoose/types/schemaoptions" />
18/// <reference types="mongoose/types/schematypes" />
19/// <reference types="mongoose/types/session" />
20/// <reference types="mongoose/types/types" />
21/// <reference types="mongoose/types/utility" />
22/// <reference types="mongoose/types/validation" />
23/// <reference types="mongoose/types/virtuals" />
24/// <reference types="mongoose/types/inferschematype" />
25/// <reference types="mongoose/types/inferrawdoctype" />
26import mongoose from 'mongoose';
27import 'reflect-metadata';
28import { setGlobalOptions } from './globalOptions';
29import type { AnyParamConstructor, BeAnObject, DocumentType, IModelOptions, Ref, ReturnModelType, SubDocumentType, ArraySubDocumentType } from './types';
30export { mongoose, setGlobalOptions };
31export { setLogLevel, LogLevels } from './logSettings';
32export * from './prop';
33export * from './hooks';
34export * from './plugin';
35export * from './indexes';
36export * from './searchIndexes';
37export * from './modelOptions';
38export * from './queryMethod';
39export * from './typeguards';
40export * as defaultClasses from './defaultClasses';
41export * as errors from './internal/errors';
42export * as types from './types';
43export { DocumentType, Ref, ReturnModelType, SubDocumentType, ArraySubDocumentType };
44export { getClass, getName } from './internal/utils';
45export { Severity, PropType } from './internal/constants';
47 * Build a Model From a Class
48 * @param cl The Class to build a Model from
49 * @param options Overwrite Options, like for naming or general SchemaOptions the class gets compiled with
50 * @returns The finished Model
51 * @public
52 * @example
53 * ```ts
54 * class ClassName {}
55 *
56 * const NameModel = getModelForClass(ClassName);
57 * ```
58 */
59export declare function getModelForClass<U extends AnyParamConstructor<any>, QueryHelpers = BeAnObject>(cl: U, options?: IModelOptions): ReturnModelType<U, QueryHelpers>;
61 * Get Model from internal cache
62 * @param key Model's name key
63 * @example
64 * ```ts
65 * class ClassName {}
66 * getModelForClass(ClassName); // build the model
67 * const NameModel = getModelWithString<typeof ClassName>("ClassName");
68 * ```
69 */
70export declare function getModelWithString<U extends AnyParamConstructor<any>, QueryHelpers = BeAnObject>(key: string): undefined | ReturnModelType<U, QueryHelpers>;
72 * Generates a Mongoose schema out of class props, iterating through all parents
73 * @param cl The Class to build a Schema from
74 * @param options Overwrite Options, like for naming or general SchemaOptions the class gets compiled with
75 * @returns Returns the Build Schema
76 * @example
77 * ```ts
78 * class ClassName {}
79 * const NameSchema = buildSchema(ClassName);
80 * const NameModel = mongoose.model("Name", NameSchema);
81 * ```
82 */
83export declare function buildSchema<U extends AnyParamConstructor<any>>(cl: U, options?: IModelOptions): mongoose.Schema<DocumentType<InstanceType<U>>>;
85 * Add a Class-Model Pair to the Typegoose Cache
86 * This can be used to add custom Models to Typegoose, with the type information of "cl"
87 * Note: no guarrantee that the type information is fully correct when used manually
88 * @param model The Model to store
89 * @param cl The Class to store
90 * @param options Overwrite existingMongoose or existingConnection
91 * @example
92 * ```ts
93 * class ClassName {}
94 *
95 * const schema = buildSchema(ClassName);
96 * // modifications to the schema can be done
97 * const model = addModelToTypegoose(mongoose.model("Name", schema), ClassName);
98 * ```
99 */
100export declare function addModelToTypegoose<U extends AnyParamConstructor<any>, QueryHelpers = BeAnObject>(model: mongoose.Model<any>, cl: U, options?: {
101 existingMongoose?: mongoose.Mongoose;
102 existingConnection?: any;
103 disableCaching?: boolean;
104}): ReturnModelType<U, QueryHelpers>;
106 * Deletes a existing model so that it can be overwritten with another model
107 * (deletes from mongoose.connection and typegoose models cache and typegoose constructors cache)
108 * @param name The Model's mongoose name
109 * @example
110 * ```ts
111 * class ClassName {}
112 * const NameModel = getModelForClass(ClassName);
113 * deleteModel("ClassName");
114 * ```
115 */
116export declare function deleteModel(name: string): void;
118 * Delete a model, with the given class
119 * Same as "deleteModel", only that it can be done with the class instead of the name
120 * @param cl The Class to delete the model from
121 * @example
122 * ```ts
123 * class ClassName {}
124 * const NameModel = getModelForClass(ClassName);
125 * deleteModelWithClass(ClassName);
126 * ```
127 */
128export declare function deleteModelWithClass<U extends AnyParamConstructor<any>>(cl: U): void;
130 * Build a Model from the given Class and add it as a discriminator onto "from"
131 * @param from The Model to add the new discriminator model to
132 * @param cl The Class to make a discriminator model from
133 * @param options Overwrite ModelOptions (Merged with ModelOptions from class)
134 * @example
135 * ```ts
136 * class Main {
137 * @prop({ ref: () => BaseDiscriminator })
138 * public discriminators?: Ref<BaseDiscriminator>;
139 * }
140 *
141 * class BaseDiscriminator {
142 * @prop()
143 * public propertyOnAllDiscriminators?: string;
144 * }
145 *
146 * class AnotherDiscriminator {
147 * @prop()
148 * public someValue?: string;
149 * }
150 *
151 * const MainModel = getModelForClass(Main);
152 *
153 * const BaseDiscriminatorModel = getModelFroClass(BaseDiscriminator);
154 * const AnotherDiscriminatorModel = getDiscriminatorModelForClass(BaseDiscriminatorModel, AnotherDiscriminator);
155 * // add other discriminator models the same way as "AnotherDiscriminatorModel"
156 * ```
157 */
158export declare function getDiscriminatorModelForClass<U extends AnyParamConstructor<any>, QueryHelpers = BeAnObject>(from: mongoose.Model<any, any, any, any>, cl: U, options?: IModelOptions): ReturnModelType<U, QueryHelpers>;
160 * Build a Model from the given Class and add it as a discriminator onto "from"
161 * @param from The Model to add the new discriminator model to
162 * @param cl The Class to make a discriminator model from
163 * @param value The Identifier to use to differentiate documents (default: cl.name)
164 * @example
165 * ```ts
166 * class Main {
167 * @prop({ ref: () => BaseDiscriminator })
168 * public discriminators?: Ref<BaseDiscriminator>;
169 * }
170 *
171 * class BaseDiscriminator {
172 * @prop()
173 * public propertyOnAllDiscriminators?: string;
174 * }
175 *
176 * class AnotherDiscriminator {
177 * @prop()
178 * public someValue?: string;
179 * }
180 *
181 * const MainModel = getModelForClass(Main);
182 *
183 * const BaseDiscriminatorModel = getModelFroClass(BaseDiscriminator);
184 * const AnotherDiscriminatorModel = getDiscriminatorModelForClass(BaseDiscriminatorModel, AnotherDiscriminator);
185 * // add other discriminator models the same way as "AnotherDiscriminatorModel"
186 * ```
187 */
188export declare function getDiscriminatorModelForClass<U extends AnyParamConstructor<any>, QueryHelpers = BeAnObject>(from: mongoose.Model<any, any, any, any>, cl: U, value?: string): ReturnModelType<U, QueryHelpers>;
190 * Build a Model from the given Class and add it as a discriminator onto "from"
191 * @param from The Model to add the new discriminator model to
192 * @param cl The Class to make a discriminator model from
193 * @param value The Identifier to use to differentiate documents (default: cl.name)
194 * @param options Overwrite ModelOptions (Merged with ModelOptions from class)
195 * @example
196 * ```ts
197 * class Main {
198 * @prop({ ref: () => BaseDiscriminator })
199 * public discriminators?: Ref<BaseDiscriminator>;
200 * }
201 *
202 * class BaseDiscriminator {
203 * @prop()
204 * public propertyOnAllDiscriminators?: string;
205 * }
206 *
207 * class AnotherDiscriminator {
208 * @prop()
209 * public someValue?: string;
210 * }
211 *
212 * const MainModel = getModelForClass(Main);
213 *
214 * const BaseDiscriminatorModel = getModelFroClass(BaseDiscriminator);
215 * const AnotherDiscriminatorModel = getDiscriminatorModelForClass(BaseDiscriminatorModel, AnotherDiscriminator);
216 * // add other discriminator models the same way as "AnotherDiscriminatorModel"
217 * ```
218 */
219export declare function getDiscriminatorModelForClass<U extends AnyParamConstructor<any>, QueryHelpers = BeAnObject>(from: mongoose.Model<any, any, any, any>, cl: U, value?: string, options?: IModelOptions): ReturnModelType<U, QueryHelpers>;
221 * Use this class if raw mongoose for a path is wanted
222 * It is still recommended to use the typegoose classes directly
223 * @see Using `Passthrough`, the paths created will also result as an `Schema` (since mongoose 6.0), see {@link https://github.com/Automattic/mongoose/issues/7181 Mongoose#7181}
224 * @example
225 * ```ts
226 * class Dummy {
227 * @prop({ type: () => new Passthrough({ somePath: String }) })
228 * public somepath: { somePath: string };
229 * }
230 *
231 * class Dummy {
232 * @prop({ type: () => new Passthrough({ somePath: String }, true) })
233 * public somepath: { somePath: string };
234 * }
235 * ```
236 */
237export declare class Passthrough {
238 raw: any;
239 direct: boolean;
240 /**
241 * Use this like `new mongoose.Schema()`
242 * @param raw The Schema definition
243 * @param direct Directly insert "raw", instead of using "type" (this will not apply any other inner options)
244 */
245 constructor(raw: any, direct?: boolean);