33.8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for Angular JS (ngMock, ngMockE2E module) 1.7
2// Project: http://angularjs.org
3// Definitions by: Diego Vilar <https://github.com/diegovilar>
4// Tony Curtis <https://github.com/daltin>
5// Georgii Dolzhykov <https://github.com/thorn0>
6// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
7// TypeScript Version: 2.4
9/// <reference path="mocks.d.ts" />
11import * as angular from 'angular';
14// ngMock module (angular-mocks.js)
16declare module 'angular' {
17 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 // AngularStatic
19 // We reopen it to add the MockStatic definition
20 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 interface IAngularStatic {
22 mock: IMockStatic;
23 }
25 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/function/angular.mock.inject
26 // Depending on context, it might return a function, however having `void | (() => void)`
27 // as a return type seems to be not useful. E.g. it requires type assertions in `beforeEach(inject(...))`.
28 interface IInjectStatic {
29 (...fns: Array<Injectable<(...args: any[]) => void>>): any; // void | (() => void);
30 strictDi(val?: boolean): any; // void | (() => void);
31 }
33 interface IMockStatic {
34 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/function/angular.mock.dump
35 dump(obj: any): string;
37 inject: IInjectStatic;
39 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/function/angular.mock.module
40 module: {
41 (...modules: any[]): any;
42 sharedInjector(): void;
43 };
45 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/type/angular.mock.TzDate
46 TzDate(offset: number, timestamp: number | string): Date;
47 }
49 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
50 // ExceptionHandlerService
51 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$exceptionHandler
52 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/provider/$exceptionHandlerProvider
53 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
54 interface IExceptionHandlerProvider extends IServiceProvider {
55 mode(mode: string): void;
56 }
58 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 // TimeoutService
60 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$timeout
61 // Augments the original service
62 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
63 interface ITimeoutService {
64 /**
65 * **Deprecated** since version 1.7.3. (Use `$flushPendingTasks` instead.)
66 *
67 * ---
68 * Flushes the queue of pending tasks.
69 *
70 * _This method is essentially an alias of `$flushPendingTasks`._
71 *
72 * > For historical reasons, this method will also flush non-`$timeout` pending tasks, such as
73 * > `$q` promises and tasks scheduled via `$applyAsync` and `$evalAsync`.
74 *
75 * @param delay - The maximum timeout amount to flush up until.
76 */
77 flush(delay?: number): void;
79 /**
80 * **Deprecated** since version 1.7.3. (Use `$verifyNoPendingTasks` instead.)
81 *
82 * ---
83 * Verifies that there are no pending tasks that need to be flushed. It throws an error if there
84 * are still pending tasks.
85 *
86 * _This method is essentially an alias of `$verifyNoPendingTasks` (called with no arguments)._
87 *
88 * > For historical reasons, this method will also verify non-`$timeout` pending tasks, such as
89 * > pending `$http` requests, in-progress `$route` transitions, unresolved `$q` promises and
90 * > tasks scheduled via `$applyAsync` and `$evalAsync`.
91 * >
92 * > It is recommended to use `$verifyNoPendingTasks` instead, which additionally supports
93 * > verifying a specific type of tasks. For example, you can verify there are no pending
94 * > timeouts with `$verifyNoPendingTasks('$timeout')`.
95 */
96 verifyNoPendingTasks(): void;
97 }
99 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100 // IntervalService
101 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$interval
102 // Augments the original service
103 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
104 interface IIntervalService {
105 /**
106 * Runs interval tasks scheduled to be run in the next `millis` milliseconds.
107 *
108 * @param millis - The maximum timeout amount to flush up until.
109 * @return The amount of time moved forward.
110 */
111 flush(millis: number): number;
112 }
114 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
115 // LogService
116 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$log
117 // Augments the original service
118 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
119 interface ILogService {
120 assertEmpty(): void;
121 reset(): void;
122 }
124 interface ILogCall {
125 logs: string[];
126 }
128 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 // ControllerService mock
130 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$controller
131 // This interface extends http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$controller
132 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
133 interface IControllerService {
134 // Although the documentation doesn't state this, locals are optional
135 <T>(
136 controllerConstructor: (new (...args: any[]) => T) | ((...args: any[]) => T) | string,
137 locals?: any,
138 bindings?: any
139 ): T;
140 }
142 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
143 // ComponentControllerService
144 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$componentController
145 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
146 interface IComponentControllerService {
147 // TBinding is an interface exposed by a component as per John Papa's style guide
148 // https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide/blob/master/a1/README.md#accessible-members-up-top
149 <T, TBinding>(
150 componentName: string,
151 locals: { $scope?: IScope | undefined; [key: string]: any },
152 bindings?: TBinding,
153 ident?: string
154 ): T;
155 }
157 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
158 // HttpBackendService
159 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$httpBackend
160 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
161 interface IHttpBackendService {
162 /**
163 * Flushes pending requests using the trained responses. Requests are flushed in the order they
164 * were made, but it is also possible to skip one or more requests (for example to have them
165 * flushed later). This is useful for simulating scenarios where responses arrive from the server
166 * in any order.
167 *
168 * If there are no pending requests to flush when the method is called, an exception is thrown (as
169 * this is typically a sign of programming error).
170 *
171 * @param count Number of responses to flush. If undefined/null, all pending requests (starting
172 * after `skip`) will be flushed.
173 * @param skip Number of pending requests to skip. For example, a value of 5 would skip the first 5 pending requests and start flushing from the 6th onwards. _(default: 0)_
174 */
175 flush(count?: number, skip?: number): void;
177 /**
178 * Resets all request expectations, but preserves all backend definitions.
179 */
180 resetExpectations(): void;
182 /**
183 * Verifies that all of the requests defined via the `expect` api were made. If any of the
184 * requests were not made, verifyNoOutstandingExpectation throws an exception.
185 * @param digest Do digest before checking expectation. Pass anything except false to trigger digest.
186 * NOTE: this flag is purposely undocumented by Angular, which means it's not to be used in normal client code.
187 */
188 verifyNoOutstandingExpectation(digest?: boolean): void;
190 /**
191 * Verifies that there are no outstanding requests that need to be flushed.
192 */
193 verifyNoOutstandingRequest(): void;
195 /**
196 * Creates a new request expectation.
197 * Throws a preformatted error if expectation(s) don't match supplied string, regular expression, object, or if function returns false.
198 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
199 * @param method HTTP method.
200 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
201 * @param data HTTP request body string, json object, regular expression or function that receives the data and returns true if the data matches the current expectation.
202 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
203 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
204 */
205 expect(
206 method: string,
207 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
208 data?: string | RegExp | object | ((data: string) => boolean),
209 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
210 keys?: string[]
211 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
213 /**
214 * Creates a new request expectation for DELETE requests.
215 * Throws a preformatted error if expectation(s) don't match supplied string, regular expression, object, or if function returns false.
216 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
217 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url is as expected.
218 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
219 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
220 */
221 expectDELETE(
222 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
223 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
224 keys?: string[]
225 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
227 /**
228 * Creates a new request expectation for GET requests.
229 * Throws a preformatted error if expectation(s) don't match supplied string, regular expression, object, or if function returns false.
230 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
231 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
232 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
233 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
234 */
235 expectGET(
236 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
237 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
238 keys?: string[]
239 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
241 /**
242 * Creates a new request expectation for HEAD requests.
243 * Throws a preformatted error if expectation(s) don't match supplied string, regular expression, object, or if function returns false.
244 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
245 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
246 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
247 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
248 */
250 expectHEAD(
251 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
252 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
253 keys?: string[]
254 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
256 /**
257 * Creates a new request expectation for JSONP requests.
258 * Throws a preformatted error if expectation(s) don't match supplied string, regular expression, or if function returns false.
259 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
260 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
261 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
262 */
263 expectJSONP(
264 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
265 keys?: string[]
266 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
268 /**
269 * Creates a new request expectation for PATCH requests.
270 * Throws a preformatted error if expectation(s) don't match supplied string, regular expression, object, or if function returns false.
271 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
272 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
273 * @param data HTTP request body string, json object, regular expression or function that receives the data and returns true if the data matches the current expectation.
274 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
275 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
276 */
277 expectPATCH(
278 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
279 data?: string | RegExp | object | ((data: string) => boolean),
280 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
281 keys?: string[]
282 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
284 /**
285 * Creates a new request expectation for POST requests.
286 * Throws a preformatted error if expectation(s) don't match supplied string, regular expression, object, or if function returns false.
287 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
288 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
289 * @param data HTTP request body string, json object, regular expression or function that receives the data and returns true if the data matches the current expectation.
290 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
291 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
292 */
293 expectPOST(
294 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
295 data?: string | RegExp | object | ((data: string) => boolean),
296 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
297 keys?: string[]
298 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
300 /**
301 * Creates a new request expectation for PUT requests.
302 * Throws a preformatted error if expectation(s) don't match supplied string, regular expression, object, or if function returns false.
303 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
304 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
305 * @param data HTTP request body string, json object, regular expression or function that receives the data and returns true if the data matches the current expectation.
306 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
307 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
308 */
309 expectPUT(
310 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
311 data?: string | RegExp | object | ((data: string) => boolean),
312 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
313 keys?: string[]
314 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
316 /**
317 * Creates a new request expectation that compares only with the requested route.
318 * This method offers colon delimited matching of the url path, ignoring the query string.
319 * This allows declarations similar to how application routes are configured with `$routeProvider`.
320 * As this method converts the definition url to regex, declaration order is important.
321 * @param method HTTP method
322 * @param url HTTP url string that supports colon param matching
323 */
324 expectRoute(method: string, url: string): mock.IRequestHandler;
326 /**
327 * Creates a new backend definition.
328 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
329 * @param method HTTP method.
330 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
331 * @param data HTTP request body string, json object, regular expression or function that receives the data and returns true if the data matches the current expectation.
332 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
333 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
334 */
335 when(
336 method: string,
337 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
338 data?: string | RegExp | object | ((data: string) => boolean),
339 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
340 keys?: string[]
341 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
343 /**
344 * Creates a new backend definition for DELETE requests.
345 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
346 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
347 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
348 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
349 */
350 whenDELETE(
351 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
352 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
353 keys?: string[]
354 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
356 /**
357 * Creates a new backend definition for GET requests.
358 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
359 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
360 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
361 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in request url described above
362 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
363 */
364 whenGET(
365 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
366 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
367 keys?: string[]
368 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
370 /**
371 * Creates a new backend definition for HEAD requests.
372 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
373 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
374 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
375 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
376 */
377 whenHEAD(
378 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
379 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
380 keys?: string[]
381 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
383 /**
384 * Creates a new backend definition for JSONP requests.
385 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
386 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
387 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
388 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
389 */
390 whenJSONP(
391 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
392 keys?: string[]
393 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
395 /**
396 * Creates a new backend definition for PATCH requests.
397 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
398 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true if the url matches the current expctation.
399 * @param data HTTP request body string, json object, regular expression or function that receives the data and returns true if the data matches the current expectation.
400 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
401 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
402 */
403 whenPATCH(
404 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
405 data?: string | RegExp | object | ((data: string) => boolean),
406 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
407 keys?: string[]
408 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
410 /**
411 * Creates a new backend definition for POST requests.
412 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
413 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true
414 * if the url matches the current definition.
415 * @param data HTTP request body string, json object, regular expression or function that receives the data and returns true if the data matches the current expectation.
416 * @param headers HTTP headers object or function that receives the headers and returns true if the headers match the current expectation.
417 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
418 */
419 whenPOST(
420 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
421 data?: string | RegExp | object | ((data: string) => boolean),
422 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
423 keys?: string[]
424 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
426 /**
427 * Creates a new backend definition for PUT requests.
428 * Returns an object with respond method that controls how a matched request is handled.
429 * @param url HTTP url string, regular expression or function that receives a url and returns true
430 * if the url matches the current definition.
431 * @param data HTTP request body or function that receives data string and returns true if the data
432 * is as expected.
433 * @param headers HTTP headers or function that receives http header object and returns true if the
434 * headers match the current definition.
435 * @param keys Array of keys to assign to regex matches in the request url.
436 */
437 whenPUT(
438 url: string | RegExp | ((url: string) => boolean),
439 data?: string | RegExp | object | ((data: string) => boolean),
440 headers?: mock.IHttpHeaders | ((headers: mock.IHttpHeaders) => boolean),
441 keys?: string[]
442 ): mock.IRequestHandler;
444 /**
445 * Creates a new backend definition that compares only with the requested route.
446 * This method offers colon delimited matching of the url path, ignoring the query string.
447 * This allows declarations similar to how application routes are configured with `$routeProvider`.
448 * As this method converts the definition url to regex, declaration order is important.
449 * @param method HTTP method.
450 * @param url HTTP url string that supports colon param matching.
451 */
452 whenRoute(method: string, url: string): mock.IRequestHandler;
453 }
455 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
456 // FlushPendingTasksService
457 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$flushPendingTasks
458 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
459 interface IFlushPendingTasksService {
460 /**
461 * Flushes all currently pending tasks and executes the corresponding callbacks.
462 *
463 * Optionally, you can also pass a `delay` argument to only flush tasks that are scheduled to be
464 * executed within `delay` milliseconds. Currently, `delay` only applies to timeouts, since all
465 * other tasks have a delay of 0 (i.e. they are scheduled to be executed as soon as possible, but
466 * still asynchronously).
467 *
468 * If no delay is specified, it uses a delay such that all currently pending tasks are flushed.
469 *
470 * The types of tasks that are flushed include:
471 *
472 * - Pending timeouts (via `$timeout`).
473 * - Pending tasks scheduled via `$applyAsync`.
474 * - Pending tasks scheduled via `$evalAsync`.
475 * These include tasks scheduled via `$evalAsync()` indirectly (such as `$q` promises).
476 *
477 * > Periodic tasks scheduled via `$interval` use a different queue and are not flushed by
478 * > `$flushPendingTasks()`. Use `$interval.flush(millis)` instead.
479 *
480 * @param millis - The number of milliseconds to flush.
481 */
482 (delay?: number): void;
483 }
485 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
486 // VerifyNoPendingTasksService
487 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$verifyNoPendingTasks
488 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
489 interface IVerifyNoPendingTasksService {
490 /**
491 * Verifies that there are no pending tasks that need to be flushed. It throws an error if there
492 * are still pending tasks.
493 *
494 * You can check for a specific type of tasks only, by specifying a `taskType`.
495 *
496 * Available task types:
497 *
498 * - `$timeout`: Pending timeouts (via `$timeout`).
499 * - `$http`: Pending HTTP requests (via `$http`).
500 * - `$route`: In-progress route transitions (via `$route`).
501 * - `$applyAsync`: Pending tasks scheduled via `$applyAsync`.
502 * - `$evalAsync`: Pending tasks scheduled via `$evalAsync`.
503 * These include tasks scheduled via `$evalAsync()` indirectly (such as `$q` promises).
504 *
505 * > Periodic tasks scheduled via `$interval` use a different queue and are not taken into
506 * > account by `$verifyNoPendingTasks()`. There is currently no way to verify that there are no
507 * > pending `$interval` tasks.
508 *
509 * @param taskType - The type of tasks to check for.
510 */
511 (taskType?: string): void;
512 }
514 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
515 // AnimateService
516 // see https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngMock/service/$animate
517 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
518 namespace animate {
519 interface IAnimateService {
520 /**
521 * This method will close all pending animations (both Javascript and CSS) and it will also flush any remaining
522 * animation frames and/or callbacks.
523 */
524 closeAndFlush(): void;
526 /**
527 * This method is used to flush the pending callbacks and animation frames to either start
528 * an animation or conclude an animation. Note that this will not actually close an
529 * actively running animation (see `closeAndFlush()`} for that).
530 */
531 flush(): void;
532 }
533 }
535 namespace mock {
536 /** Object returned by the the mocked HttpBackendService expect/when methods */
537 interface IRequestHandler {
538 /**
539 * Controls the response for a matched request using a function to construct the response.
540 * Returns the RequestHandler object for possible overrides.
541 * @param func Function that receives the request HTTP method, url, data, headers, and an array of keys
542 * to regex matches in the request url and returns an array containing response status (number), data,
543 * headers, and status text.
544 */
545 respond(
546 func: ((
547 method: string,
548 url: string,
549 data: string | object,
550 headers: IHttpHeaders,
551 params: { [key: string]: string }
552 ) => [number, string | object, IHttpHeaders, string])
553 ): IRequestHandler;
555 /**
556 * Controls the response for a matched request using supplied static data to construct the response.
557 * Returns the RequestHandler object for possible overrides.
558 * @param status HTTP status code to add to the response.
559 * @param data Data to add to the response.
560 * @param headers Headers object to add to the response.
561 * @param responseText Response text to add to the response.
562 */
563 respond(
564 status: number,
565 data?: string | object,
566 headers?: IHttpHeaders,
567 responseText?: string
568 ): IRequestHandler;
570 /**
571 * Controls the response for a matched request using the HTTP status code 200 and supplied static data to construct the response.
572 * Returns the RequestHandler object for possible overrides.
573 * @param data Data to add to the response.
574 * @param headers Headers object to add to the response.
575 * @param responseText Response text to add to the response.
576 */
577 respond(
578 data: string | object,
579 headers?: IHttpHeaders,
580 responseText?: string
581 ): IRequestHandler;
583 /**
584 * Any request matching a backend definition or expectation with passThrough handler will be
585 * passed through to the real backend (an XHR request will be made to the server.)
586 * Available when ngMockE2E is loaded
587 */
588 passThrough(): IRequestHandler;
589 }
591 interface IHttpHeaders {
592 [headerName: string]: any;
593 }
595 /**
596 * Contains additional event data used by the `browserTrigger` function when creating an event.
597 */
598 interface IBrowserTriggerEventData {
599 /**
600 * [Event.bubbles](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Event/bubbles).
601 * Not applicable to all events.
602 */
603 bubbles?: boolean | undefined;
604 /**
605 * [Event.cancelable](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Event/cancelable).
606 * Not applicable to all events.
607 */
608 cancelable?: boolean | undefined;
609 /**
610 * [charCode](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/charcode)
611 * for keyboard events (keydown, keypress, and keyup).
612 */
613 charcode?: number | undefined;
614 /**
615 * [data](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CompositionEvent/data) for
616 * [CompositionEvents](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CompositionEvent).
617 */
618 data?: string | undefined;
619 /**
620 * The elapsedTime for
621 * [TransitionEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/TransitionEvent)
622 * and [AnimationEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/AnimationEvent).
623 */
624 elapsedTime?: number | undefined;
625 /**
626 * [keyCode](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keycode)
627 * for keyboard events (keydown, keypress, and keyup).
628 */
629 keycode?: number | undefined;
630 /**
631 * An array of possible modifier keys (ctrl, alt, shift, meta) for
632 * [MouseEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent) and
633 * keyboard events (keydown, keypress, and keyup).
634 */
635 keys?: Array<'ctrl' | 'alt' | 'shift' | 'meta'> | undefined;
636 /**
637 * The [relatedTarget](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent/relatedTarget)
638 * for [MouseEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent).
639 */
640 relatedTarget?: Node | undefined;
641 /**
642 * [which](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/which)
643 * for keyboard events (keydown, keypress, and keyup).
644 */
645 which?: number | undefined;
646 /**
647 * x-coordinates for [MouseEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent)
648 * and [TouchEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/TouchEvent).
649 */
650 x?: number | undefined;
651 /**
652 * y-coordinates for [MouseEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/MouseEvent)
653 * and [TouchEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/TouchEvent).
654 */
655 y?: number | undefined;
656 }
657 }
661// functions attached to global object (window)
663// Use `angular.mock.module` instead of `module`, as `module` conflicts with commonjs.
664// declare var module: (...modules: any[]) => any;
665declare global {
666 const inject: angular.IInjectStatic;
668 /**
669 * This is a global (window) function that is only available when the `ngMock` module is included.
670 * It can be used to trigger a native browser event on an element, which is useful for unit testing.
671 *
672 * @param element Either a wrapped jQuery/jqLite node or a DOM element.
673 * @param eventType Optional event type. If none is specified, the function tries to determine the
674 * right event type for the element, e.g. `change` for `input[text]`.
675 * @param eventData An optional object which contains additional event data used when creating the
676 * event.
677 */
678 function browserTrigger(
679 element: JQuery | Element,
680 eventType?: string,
681 eventData?: angular.mock.IBrowserTriggerEventData
682 ): void;
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