1 |
2 | export class Point {
3 |
4 |
5 | row: number;
6 |
7 |
8 | column: number;
9 |
10 |
11 | |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | static fromObject(object: PointCompatible, copy?: boolean): Point;
16 |
17 |
18 | constructor(row?: number, column?: number);
19 |
20 | /** Returns a new Point with the same row and column. */
21 | copy(): Point;
22 |
23 | /** Returns a new Point with the row and column negated. */
24 | negate(): Point;
25 |
26 | // Comparison
27 | /** Returns the given Point that is earlier in the buffer. */
28 | static min(point1: PointCompatible, point2: PointCompatible): Point;
29 |
30 | /**
31 | * Compare another Point to this Point instance.
32 | * Returns -1 if this point precedes the argument.
33 | * Returns 0 if this point is equivalent to the argument.
34 | * Returns 1 if this point follows the argument.
35 | */
36 | compare(other: PointCompatible): number;
37 |
38 | /**
39 | * Returns a boolean indicating whether this point has the same row and
40 | * column as the given Point.
41 | */
42 | isEqual(other: PointCompatible): boolean;
43 |
44 | /** Returns a Boolean indicating whether this point precedes the given Point. */
45 | isLessThan(other: PointCompatible): boolean;
46 |
47 | /**
48 | * Returns a Boolean indicating whether this point precedes or is equal to
49 | * the given Point.
50 | */
51 | isLessThanOrEqual(other: PointCompatible): boolean;
52 |
53 | /** Returns a Boolean indicating whether this point follows the given Point. */
54 | isGreaterThan(other: PointCompatible): boolean;
55 |
56 | /**
57 | * Returns a Boolean indicating whether this point follows or is equal to
58 | * the given Point.
59 | */
60 | isGreaterThanOrEqual(other: PointCompatible): boolean;
61 |
62 | // Operations
63 | /** Makes this point immutable and returns itself. */
64 | freeze(): Readonly<Point>;
65 |
66 | /**
67 | * Build and return a new point by adding the rows and columns of the
68 | * given point.
69 | */
70 | translate(other: PointCompatible): Point;
71 |
72 | /**
73 | * Build and return a new Point by traversing the rows and columns
74 | * specified by the given point.
75 | */
76 | traverse(other: PointCompatible): Point;
77 |
78 | /** Returns an array of this point's row and column. */
79 | toArray(): [number, number];
80 |
81 | /** Returns an array of this point's row and column. */
82 | serialize(): [number, number];
83 |
84 | /** Returns a string representation of the point. */
85 | toString(): string;
86 | }
87 |
88 | /** The interface that should be implemented for all "point-compatible" objects. */
89 | export interface PointLike {
90 |
91 | row: number;
92 |
93 |
94 | column: number;
95 | }
96 |
97 |
98 | export type PointCompatible = PointLike | [number, number];