14.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
3export interface CacheObject {
4 /** Subresource Integrity hash for the content this entry refers to. */
5 integrity: string;
6 /** Key the entry was looked up under. Matches the key argument. */
7 key: string;
8 /** User-assigned metadata associated with the entry/content. */
9 metadata?: any;
10 /** Filesystem path where content is stored, joined with cache argument. */
11 path: string;
12 /** Timestamp the entry was first added on. */
13 time: number;
16export interface GetCacheObject {
17 metadata?: any;
18 integrity: string;
19 data: Buffer;
20 size: number;
23export namespace get {
24 interface HasContentObject {
25 size: number;
26 sri: {
27 algorithm: string;
28 digest: string;
29 options: any[];
30 source: string;
31 };
32 }
34 interface Options {
35 /**
36 * If present, the pre-calculated digest for the inserted content. If
37 * this option is provided and does not match the post-insertion digest,
38 * insertion will fail with an `EINTEGRITY` error.
39 *
40 * `algorithms` has no effect if this option is present.
41 */
42 integrity?: string | undefined;
44 /**
45 * Default: `null`
46 *
47 * If provided, cacache will memoize the given cache insertion in
48 * memory, bypassing any filesystem checks for that key or digest in
49 * future cache fetches. Nothing will be written to the in-memory cache
50 * unless this option is explicitly truthy.
51 *
52 * If `opts.memoize` is an object or a `Map`-like (that is, an object
53 * with `get` and `set` methods), it will be written to instead of the
54 * global memoization cache.
55 *
56 * Reading from disk data can be forced by explicitly passing
57 * `memoize: false` to the reader functions, but their default will be
58 * to read from memory.
59 */
60 memoize?: null | boolean | undefined;
62 /**
63 * If provided, the data stream will be verified to check that enough
64 * data was passed through. If there's more or less data than expected,
65 * insertion will fail with an `EBADSIZE` error.
66 */
67 size?: number | undefined;
68 }
70 namespace copy {
71 function byDigest(cachePath: string, hash: string, dest: string, opts?: Options): Promise<string>;
72 }
74 namespace stream {
75 function byDigest(cachePath: string, hash: string, opts?: Options): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
76 }
78 function byDigest(cachePath: string, hash: string, opts?: Options): Promise<string>;
79 function copy(cachePath: string, key: string, dest: string, opts?: Options): Promise<CacheObject>;
81 /**
82 * Looks up a Subresource Integrity hash in the cache. If content exists
83 * for this `integrity`, it will return an object, with the specific single
84 * integrity hash that was found in sri key, and the size of the found
85 * content as size. If no content exists for this integrity, it will return
86 * `false`.
87 */
88 function hasContent(cachePath: string, hash: string): Promise<HasContentObject | false>;
89 function hasContentnc(cachePath: string, hash: string): HasContentObject | false;
91 /**
92 * Looks up `key` in the cache index, returning information about the entry
93 * if one exists.
94 */
95 function info(cachePath: string, key: string): Promise<CacheObject>;
97 /**
98 * Returns a Readable Stream of the cached data identified by `key`.
99 *
100 * If there is no content identified by `key`, or if the locally-stored data
101 * does not pass the validity checksum, an error will be emitted.
102 *
103 * `metadata` and `integrity` events will be emitted before the stream
104 * closes, if you need to collect that extra data about the cached entry.
105 *
106 * A sub-function, `get.stream.byDigest` may be used for identical behavior,
107 * except lookup will happen by integrity hash, bypassing the index
108 * entirely. This version does not emit the `metadata` and `integrity`
109 * events at all.
110 */
111 function stream(cachePath: string, key: string, opts?: Options): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
114export namespace ls {
115 type Cache = Record<string, CacheObject & { size: number }>;
117 /**
118 * Lists info for all entries currently in the cache as a single large
119 * object.
120 *
121 * This works just like `ls`, except `get.info` entries are returned as
122 * `'data'` events on the returned stream.
123 */
124 function stream(cachePath: string): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
127export namespace put {
128 interface Options {
129 /**
130 * Default: `['sha512']`
131 *
132 * Hashing algorithms to use when calculating the subresource integrity
133 * digest for inserted data. Can use any algorithm listed in
134 * `crypto.getHashes()` or `'omakase'`/`'お任せします'` to pick a random
135 * hash algorithm on each insertion. You may also use any anagram of
136 * `'modnar'` to use this feature.
137 *
138 * Currently only supports one algorithm at a time (i.e., an array
139 * length of exactly `1`). Has no effect if `opts.integrity` is present.
140 */
141 algorithms?: string[] | undefined;
143 /**
144 * If present, the pre-calculated digest for the inserted content. If
145 * this option is provided and does not match the post-insertion digest,
146 * insertion will fail with an `EINTEGRITY` error.
147 *
148 * `algorithms` has no effect if this option is present.
149 */
150 integrity?: string | undefined;
152 /** Arbitrary metadata to be attached to the inserted key. */
153 metadata?: any;
155 /**
156 * Default: `null`
157 *
158 * If provided, cacache will memoize the given cache insertion in
159 * memory, bypassing any filesystem checks for that key or digest in
160 * future cache fetches. Nothing will be written to the in-memory cache
161 * unless this option is explicitly truthy.
162 *
163 * If `opts.memoize` is an object or a `Map`-like (that is, an object
164 * with `get` and `set` methods), it will be written to instead of the
165 * global memoization cache.
166 *
167 * Reading from disk data can be forced by explicitly passing
168 * `memoize: false` to the reader functions, but their default will be
169 * to read from memory.
170 */
171 memoize?: null | boolean | undefined;
173 /**
174 * If provided, the data stream will be verified to check that enough
175 * data was passed through. If there's more or less data than expected,
176 * insertion will fail with an `EBADSIZE` error.
177 */
178 size?: number | undefined;
180 /**
181 * Default: `null`
182 *
183 * Prefix to append on the temporary directory name inside the cache's tmp dir.
184 */
185 tmpPrefix?: null | string | undefined;
186 }
188 /**
189 * Returns a Writable Stream that inserts data written to it into the cache.
190 * Emits an `integrity` event with the digest of written contents when it
191 * succeeds.
192 */
193 function stream(cachePath: string, key: string, opts?: Options): NodeJS.WritableStream;
196export namespace rm {
197 /**
198 * Clears the entire cache. Mainly by blowing away the cache directory
199 * itself.
200 */
201 function all(cachePath: string): Promise<void>;
203 /**
204 * Removes the index entry for `key`. Content will still be accessible if
205 * requested directly by content address (`get.stream.byDigest`).
206 *
207 * To remove the content itself (which might still be used by other
208 * entries), use `rm.content`. Or, to safely vacuum any unused content,
209 * use `verify`.
210 */
211 function entry(cachePath: string, key: string): Promise<CacheObject>;
213 /**
214 * Removes the content identified by `integrity`. Any index entries
215 * referring to it will not be usable again until the content is re-added
216 * to the cache with an identical digest.
217 */
218 function content(cachePath: string, hash: string): Promise<boolean>;
221export namespace tmp {
222 type Callback = (dir: string) => void;
224 interface Options {
225 /**
226 * Default: 20
227 *
228 * Number of concurrently read files in the filesystem while doing clean up.
229 */
230 concurrency?: number | undefined;
232 /**
233 * Receives a formatted entry. Return `false` to remove it.
234 *
235 * Note: might be called more than once on the same entry.
236 */
237 filter?: string | false | undefined;
239 /**
240 * Custom logger function:
241 * ```
242 * log: { silly () {} }
243 * log.silly('verify', 'verifying cache at', cache)
244 * ```
245 */
246 log?: Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any> | undefined;
248 /**
249 * Default: `null`
250 *
251 * Prefix to append on the temporary directory name inside the cache's tmp dir.
252 */
253 tmpPrefix?: null | string | undefined;
254 }
256 /**
257 * Sets the `uid` and `gid` properties on all files and folders within the
258 * tmp folder to match the rest of the cache.
259 *
260 * Use this after manually writing files into `tmp.mkdir` or `tmp.withTmp`.
261 */
262 function fix(cachePath: string): Promise<void>;
264 /**
265 * Returns a unique temporary directory inside the cache's `tmp` dir. This
266 * directory will use the same safe user assignment that all the other stuff
267 * use.
268 *
269 * Once the directory is made, it's the user's responsibility that all files
270 * within are given the appropriate `gid`/`uid` ownership settings to match
271 * the rest of the cache. If not, you can ask cacache to do it for you by
272 * calling `tmp.fix()`, which will fix all tmp directory permissions.
273 *
274 * If you want automatic cleanup of this directory, use `tmp.withTmp()`
275 */
276 function mkdir(cachePath: string, opts?: Options): Promise<string>;
278 /**
279 * Creates a temporary directory with `tmp.mkdir()` and calls `cb` with it.
280 * The created temporary directory will be removed when the return value of
281 * `cb()` resolves, the tmp directory will be automatically deleted once that
282 * promise completes.
283 *
284 * The same caveats apply when it comes to managing permissions for the tmp dir's contents.
285 */
286 function withTmp(cachePath: string, opts: Options, cb: Callback): void;
287 function withTmp(cachePath: string, cb: Callback): void;
290export namespace verify {
291 interface Options {
292 /**
293 * Default: 20
294 *
295 * Number of concurrently read files in the filesystem while doing clean up.
296 */
297 concurrency?: number | undefined;
299 /**
300 * Receives a formatted entry. Return `false` to remove it.
301 *
302 * Note: might be called more than once on the same entry.
303 */
304 filter?: string | false | undefined;
306 /**
307 * Custom logger function:
308 * ```
309 * log: { silly () {} }
310 * log.silly('verify', 'verifying cache at', cache)
311 * ```
312 */
313 log?: Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any> | undefined;
314 }
316 /**
317 * Returns a Date representing the last time `cacache.verify` was run on
318 * `cache`.
319 */
320 function lastRun(cachePath: string): Promise<Date>;
323export function clearMemoized(): Record<string, CacheObject>;
326 * Returns an object with the cached data, digest, and metadata identified by
327 * `key`. The `data` property of this object will be a Buffer instance that
328 * presumably holds some data that means something to you. I'm sure you know
329 * what to do with it! cacache just won't care.
330 *
331 * `integrity` is a Subresource Integrity string. That is, a string that can be
332 * used to verify `data`, which looks like
333 * `<hash-algorithm>-<base64-integrity-hash>`.
334 *
335 * If there is no content identified by key, or if the locally-stored data does
336 * not pass the validity checksum, the promise will be rejected.
337 *
338 * A sub-function, `get.byDigest` may be used for identical behavior, except
339 * lookup will happen by integrity hash, bypassing the index entirely. This
340 * version of the function only returns data itself, without any wrapper.
341 *
342 * **Note**
343 *
344 * This function loads the entire cache entry into memory before returning it.
345 * If you're dealing with Very Large data, consider using `get.stream` instead.
346 */
347export function get(cachePath: string, key: string, options?: get.Options): Promise<GetCacheObject>;
350 * Lists info for all entries currently in the cache as a single large object.
351 * Each entry in the object will be keyed by the unique index key, with
352 * corresponding `get.info` objects as the values.
353 */
354export function ls(cachePath: string): Promise<ls.Cache>;
357 * Inserts data passed to it into the cache. The returned Promise resolves with
358 * a digest (generated according to `opts.algorithms`) after the cache entry has
359 * been successfully written.
360 */
361export function put(cachePath: string, key: string, data: any, opts?: put.Options): Promise<string>;
364 * Removes the index entry for `key`. Content will still be accessible if
365 * requested directly by content address (`get.stream.byDigest`).
366 *
367 * To remove the content itself (which might still be used by other
368 * entries), use `rm.content`. Or, to safely vacuum any unused content,
369 * use `verify`.
370 */
371export function rm(cachePath: string, key: string): Promise<any>;
374 * Checks out and fixes up your cache:
375 *
376 * - Cleans up corrupted or invalid index entries
377 * - Custom entry filtering options
378 * - Garbage collects any content entries not referenced by the index
379 * - Checks integrity for all content entries and removes invalid content
380 * - Fixes cache ownership
381 * - Removes the `tmp` directory in the cache and all its contents.
382 *
383 * When it's done, it'll return an object with various stats about the
384 * verification process, including amount of storage reclaimed, number of valid
385 * entries, number of entries removed, etc.
386 */
387export function verify(cachePath: string, opts?: verify.Options): Promise<any>;