1 | // Type definitions for caniuse-lite 1.0
2 | // Project: https://github.com/ben-eb/caniuse-lite#readme
3 | // Definitions by: Michael Utech <https://github.com/mutech>
4 | // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
5 | // TypeScript Version: 2.2
6 |
7 | /**
8 | * Information about user agents (browsers, platforms) indexed by their ID.
9 | */
10 | export const agents: AgentsByID;
11 |
12 | /**
13 | * Features index by their ID. The feature ID is a human readable identifier. The
14 | * associated value is a packed version of information about the feature that
15 | * can be unpacked using the function `feature(packed)`
16 | */
17 | export const features: { [featureID: string]: PackedFeature };
18 |
19 | /**
20 | * @param packedFeature a packed feature obtained from `features[key]` for some valid key.
21 | * @return the unpacked information as `Feature`.
22 | */
23 | export function feature(packedFeature: PackedFeature): Feature;
24 |
25 | /**
26 | * @param packedRegion a packed version of regional usage data by agent OD.
27 | * @return the unpacked usage data indexed by agent ID and then version.
28 | */
29 | export function region(packedRegion: PackedRegion): { [agentID: string]: UsageByVersion };
30 |
31 | /**
32 | * Agents indexed by their ID. .
33 | */
34 | export type AgentsByID = Readonly<{ [id: string]: Readonly<Agent> | undefined }>;
35 |
36 | /**
37 | * Feature support status by version indexed by agent ID.
38 | */
39 | export type StatsByAgentID = Readonly<{ [agentID: string]: SupportStatusByVersion }>;
40 |
41 | /**
42 | * Feature support status indexed by an agent's versions.
43 | */
44 | export type SupportStatusByVersion = Readonly<{ [version: string]: SupportStatus }>;
45 |
46 | /**
47 | * Usage (percentage/market share) indexed by an agent's versions.
48 | */
49 | export type UsageByVersion = Readonly<{ [version: string]: number | undefined }>;
50 |
51 | /**
52 | * The standardization status of a feature:
53 | * * ls - WHATWG living standard
54 | * * rec - W3C recommendation
55 | * * pr - W3C proposed recommendation
56 | * * cr - W3C candidate recommendation
57 | * * wd - W3C working draft
58 | * * other - Non-W3C, but reputable
59 | * * unoff - Unofficial
60 | */
61 | export type FeatureStatus = "ls" | "rec" | "pr" | "cr" | "wd" | "other" | "unoff" | string;
62 |
63 | /**
64 | * Encoded support status:
65 | * * `n` - not supported
66 | * * `p` - not supported, polyfill available
67 | * * `u` - unknown
68 | * * `a x` - partially supported, vendor prefix
69 | * * `a` - partially supported
70 | * * `y x` - fully supported, vendor prefix
71 | * * `y` - fully supported
72 | *
73 | * The support status can additionally have one or more footnote references as `#<n>`, f.e.
74 | * `a x #1 #3`.
75 | */
76 | export type SupportStatus = "n" | "p" | "u" | "a x" | "a" | "y x" | "y" | string;
77 |
78 | /**
79 | * Provides information about the Agent.
80 | */
81 | export interface Agent {
82 | /**
83 | * Global agent usage by version
84 | */
85 | usage_global: UsageByVersion;
86 |
87 | /**
88 | * The agents vendor prefix
89 | */
90 | prefix: string;
91 |
92 | /**
93 | * Version matrix. See [caniuse](https://caniuse.com)
94 | */
95 | versions: [ // Tuple of 70 version slots:
96 | string | null,
97 | string | null,
98 | string | null,
99 | string | null,
100 | string | null,
101 | string | null,
102 | string | null,
103 | string | null,
104 | string | null,
105 | string | null,
106 | string | null,
107 | string | null,
108 | string | null,
109 | string | null,
110 | string | null,
111 | string | null,
112 | string | null,
113 | string | null,
114 | string | null,
115 | string | null,
116 | string | null,
117 | string | null,
118 | string | null,
119 | string | null,
120 | string | null,
121 | string | null,
122 | string | null,
123 | string | null,
124 | string | null,
125 | string | null,
126 | string | null,
127 | string | null,
128 | string | null,
129 | string | null,
130 | string | null,
131 | string | null,
132 | string | null,
133 | string | null,
134 | string | null,
135 | string | null,
136 | string | null,
137 | string | null,
138 | string | null,
139 | string | null,
140 | string | null,
141 | string | null,
142 | string | null,
143 | string | null,
144 | string | null,
145 | string | null,
146 | string | null,
147 | string | null,
148 | string | null,
149 | string | null,
150 | string | null,
151 | string | null,
152 | string | null,
153 | string | null,
154 | string | null,
155 | string | null,
156 | string | null,
157 | string | null,
158 | string | null,
159 | string | null,
160 | string | null,
161 | string | null,
162 | string | null,
163 | string | null,
164 | string | null,
165 | string | null,
166 | ];
167 |
168 | /**
169 | * The agent's name
170 | */
171 | browser: string;
172 |
173 | /**
174 | * Release dates as seconds since epoch by version.
175 | */
176 | release_date: { [version: string]: number | undefined };
177 |
178 | /**
179 | * Exceptions to vendor prefix use.
180 | */
181 | prefix_exceptions?: { [version: string]: string | undefined } | undefined;
182 | }
183 |
184 | /**
185 | * Specifies a feature and its support status in all known agent versions.
186 | */
187 | export interface Feature {
188 | /**
189 | * Specification status of the feature.
190 | */
191 | status: FeatureStatus;
192 |
193 | /**
194 | * Descriptive title of the feature.
195 | */
196 | title: string;
197 |
198 | /**
199 | * Agent support matrix for this feature.
200 | */
201 | stats: StatsByAgentID;
202 | }
203 |
204 | /**
205 | * A space optimized version of Feature that can be unpacked using `feature(PackedFeature)`.
206 | */
207 | export interface PackedFeature {
208 | [encodedKey: string]: any;
209 | }
210 |
211 | /**
212 | * A space optimized version of Region that can be unpacked using `region(PackedFeature)`.
213 | */
214 | export interface PackedRegion {
215 | [encodedKey: string]: any;
216 | }