9.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1declare namespace Chance {
2 type Seed = number | string;
4 interface Seeded {
5 seed: Seed;
6 }
8 interface ChanceStatic {
9 (): Chance;
10 (...seed: Seed[]): Chance;
11 (generator: () => any): Chance;
13 new(): Chance;
14 new(...seed: Seed[]): Chance;
15 new(generator: () => any): Chance;
16 }
18 type FalsyType = false | null | undefined | 0 | typeof NaN | "";
19 interface FalsyOptions {
20 pool: FalsyType[];
21 }
23 interface Chance extends Seeded {
24 // Basics
25 bool(opts?: { likelihood: number }): boolean;
26 character(opts?: Partial<CharacterOptions>): string;
27 /** https://chancejs.com/basics/falsy.html */
28 falsy(ops?: FalsyOptions): FalsyType;
29 floating(opts?: Options): number;
30 integer(opts?: Partial<IntegerOptions>): number;
31 letter(opts?: Options): string;
32 natural(opts?: Options): number;
33 string(opts?: Partial<StringOptions>): string;
34 template(template: string): string;
36 // Text
37 paragraph(opts?: Options): string;
38 sentence(opts?: Partial<SentenceOptions>): string;
39 syllable(opts?: Options): string;
40 word(opts?: Partial<WordOptions>): string;
42 // Person
43 age(opts?: Options): number;
44 gender(): string;
45 birthday(): Date;
46 birthday(opts?: Options): Date | string;
47 cf(opts?: Options): string;
48 cpf(opts?: { formatted: boolean }): string;
49 first(opts?: Partial<FirstNameOptions>): string;
50 last(opts?: LastNameOptions): string;
51 name(opts?: Partial<NameOptions>): string;
52 name_prefix(opts?: Partial<PrefixOptions>): string;
53 name_suffix(opts?: SuffixOptions): string;
54 prefix(opts?: Partial<PrefixOptions>): string;
55 ssn(opts?: Options): string;
56 suffix(opts?: SuffixOptions): string;
58 // Mobile
59 animal(opts?: Options): string;
61 // Mobile
62 android_id(): string;
63 apple_token(): string;
64 bb_pin(): string;
65 wp7_anid(): string;
66 wp8_anid2(): string;
68 // Web
69 avatar(opts?: Options): string;
70 color(opts?: Options): string;
71 company(): string;
72 domain(opts?: Options): string;
73 email(opts?: Partial<EmailOptions>): string;
74 fbid(): string;
75 google_analytics(): string;
76 hashtag(): string;
77 ip(): string;
78 ipv6(): string;
79 klout(): string;
80 profession(opts?: Options): string;
81 tld(): string;
82 twitter(): string;
83 url(opts?: Partial<UrlOptions>): string;
84 mac_address(opts?: Partial<MacOptions>): string;
86 // Location
87 address(opts?: Options): string;
88 altitude(opts?: Options): number;
89 areacode(): string;
90 city(): string;
91 coordinates(opts?: Options): string;
92 country(opts?: Options): string;
93 depth(opts?: Options): number;
94 geohash(opts?: Options): string;
95 latitude(opts?: Options): number;
96 locale(opts?: { region: true }): string;
97 locales(opts?: { region: true }): string[];
98 longitude(opts?: Options): number;
99 phone(opts?: Options): string;
100 postcode(): string;
101 postal(): string;
102 province(opts?: Options): string;
103 state(opts?: Options): string;
104 street(opts?: Options): string;
105 zip(opts?: Options): string;
107 // Time
108 ampm(): string;
109 date(): Date;
110 date(opts: DateOptions): Date | string;
111 hammertime(): number;
112 hour(opts?: Options): number;
113 millisecond(): number;
114 minute(): number;
115 month(): string;
116 month(opts: Options): Month;
117 second(): number;
118 timestamp(): number;
119 timezone(): Timezone;
120 weekday(opts: Options): "Monday" | "Tuesday" | "Wednesday" | "Thursday" | "Friday" | "Saturday" | "Sunday";
121 year(opts?: Options): string;
123 // Finance
124 cc(opts?: Options): string;
125 cc_type(): string;
126 cc_type(opts: Options): string | CreditCardType;
127 currency(): Currency;
128 currency_pair(): [Currency, Currency];
129 dollar(opts?: Options): string;
130 euro(opts?: Options): string;
131 exp(): string;
132 exp(opts: Options): string | CreditCardExpiration;
133 exp_month(opts?: Options): string;
134 exp_year(opts?: Options): string;
136 // Helpers
137 capitalize(str: string): string;
138 mixin(desc: MixinDescriptor): any;
139 pad(num: number, width: number, padChar?: string): string;
140 /**
141 * @deprecated Use pickone
142 */
143 pick<T>(arr: T[]): T;
144 pickone<T>(arr: T[]): T;
145 /**
146 * @deprecated Use pickset
147 */
148 pick<T>(arr: T[], count: number): T[];
149 pickset<T>(arr: T[], count?: number): T[];
150 set: Setter;
151 shuffle<T>(arr: T[]): T[];
153 // Miscellaneous
154 coin(): string;
155 d4(): number;
156 d6(): number;
157 d8(): number;
158 d10(): number;
159 d12(): number;
160 d20(): number;
161 d30(): number;
162 d100(): number;
163 guid(options?: { version: 4 | 5 }): string;
164 hash(opts?: Options): string;
165 n<T>(generator: () => T, count: number): T[];
166 n<T, O extends Options>(generator: (options: O) => T, count: number, options: O): T[];
167 normal(opts?: Options): number;
168 radio(opts?: Options): string;
169 rpg(dice: string): number[];
170 rpg(dice: string, opts?: Options): number[] | number;
171 tv(opts?: Options): string;
172 unique<T>(generator: () => T, count: number): T[];
173 unique<T, O extends UniqueOptions<T>>(generator: (options: O) => T, count: number, options: O): T[];
174 weighted<T>(values: T[], weights: number[]): T;
176 // "Hidden"
177 cc_types(): CreditCardType[];
178 mersenne_twister(seed?: Seed): any; // API return type not defined in docs
179 months(): Month[];
180 name_prefixes(): Name[];
181 provinces(): Name[];
182 states(): Name[];
183 street_suffix(): Name;
184 street_suffixes(): Name[];
185 }
187 // A more rigorous approach might be to produce
188 // the correct options interfaces for each method
189 interface Options {
190 [id: string]: any;
191 }
193 interface WordOptions {
194 length: number;
195 syllables: number;
196 capitalize: boolean;
197 }
199 interface CharacterOptions {
200 casing: "upper" | "lower";
201 pool: string;
202 alpha: boolean;
203 numeric: boolean;
204 symbols: boolean;
205 }
207 type StringOptions = CharacterOptions & { length: number };
209 interface UrlOptions {
210 protocol: string;
211 domain: string;
212 domain_prefix: string;
213 path: string;
214 extensions: string[];
215 }
217 interface MacOptions {
218 separator: string;
219 networkVersion: boolean;
220 }
222 interface IntegerOptions {
223 min: number;
224 max: number;
225 }
227 type FirstNameNationalities = "en" | "it";
228 type LastNameNationalities = FirstNameNationalities | "nl" | "uk" | "de" | "jp" | "es" | "fr" | "*";
230 interface FullNameOptions {
231 middle: boolean;
232 middle_initial: boolean;
233 prefix: boolean;
234 suffix: boolean;
235 }
237 interface FirstNameOptions {
238 gender: "male" | "female";
239 nationality: FirstNameNationalities;
240 }
242 interface LastNameOptions {
243 nationality: LastNameNationalities;
244 }
246 interface SuffixOptions {
247 full: boolean;
248 }
250 type PrefixOptions = { gender: "male" | "female" | "all" } & SuffixOptions;
252 type NameOptions = FullNameOptions & FirstNameOptions & LastNameOptions & PrefixOptions;
254 interface EmailOptions {
255 length: number;
256 domain: string;
257 }
259 interface SentenceOptions {
260 words: number;
261 punctuation: "." | "?" | ";" | "!" | ":" | boolean;
262 }
264 interface DateOptions {
265 string?: boolean | undefined;
266 american?: boolean | undefined;
267 year?: number | undefined;
268 month?: number | undefined;
269 day?: number | undefined;
270 min?: Date | undefined;
271 max?: Date | undefined;
272 }
274 type UniqueOptions<T> = { comparator?: ((array: T[], value: T) => boolean) | undefined } & Options;
276 interface Month {
277 name: string;
278 short_name: string;
279 numeric: string;
280 }
282 interface CreditCardType {
283 name: string;
284 short_name: string;
285 prefix: string;
286 length: number;
287 }
289 interface Currency {
290 code: string;
291 name: string;
292 }
294 interface CreditCardExpiration {
295 month: string;
296 year: string;
297 }
299 interface MixinDescriptor {
300 [id: string]: (...args: any[]) => any;
301 }
303 interface Setter {
304 (key: "firstNames", values: string[]): any;
305 (key: "lastNames", values: string[]): any;
306 (key: "provinces", values: string[]): any;
307 (key: "us_states_and_dc", values: string[]): any;
308 (key: "territories", values: string[]): any;
309 (key: "armed_forces", values: string[]): any;
310 (key: "street_suffixes", values: string[]): any;
311 (key: "months", values: string[]): any;
312 (key: "cc_types", values: string[]): any;
313 (key: "currency_types", values: string[]): any;
314 <T>(key: string, values: T[]): any;
315 }
317 interface Name {
318 name: string;
319 abbreviation: string;
320 }
322 interface Timezone {
323 name: string;
324 abbr: string;
325 offset: number;
326 isdst: boolean;
327 text: string;
328 utc: string[];
329 }
332declare module "chance" {
333 interface ExportedChance extends Chance.ChanceStatic {
334 Chance: ExportedChance;
335 }
336 var Chance: ExportedChance;
338 export = Chance;