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1// Type definitions for Chroma.js 2.4
2// Project: https://github.com/gka/chroma.js
3// Definitions by: Sebastian Brückner <https://github.com/invliD>, Marcin Pacholec <https://github.com/mpacholec>, Charlie Zhuo <https://github.com/CharlieZhuo>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
7 * Chroma.js is a tiny library for all kinds of color conversions and color scales.
8 */
9declare namespace chroma {
10 interface ColorSpaces {
11 rgb: [number, number, number];
12 rgba: [number, number, number, number];
13 hsl: [number, number, number];
14 hsv: [number, number, number];
15 hsi: [number, number, number];
16 lab: [number, number, number];
17 oklab: [number, number, number];
18 lch: [number, number, number];
19 oklch: [number, number, number];
20 hcl: [number, number, number];
21 cmyk: [number, number, number, number];
22 gl: [number, number, number, number];
23 }
25 type InterpolationMode = 'rgb' | 'hsl' | 'hsv' | 'hsi' | 'lab' | 'oklab' | 'lch' | 'oklch' | 'hcl' | 'lrgb';
27 interface ChromaStatic {
28 /**
29 * Creates a color from a string representation (as supported in CSS).
30 * Creates a color from a number representation [0; 16777215]
31 *
32 * @param color The string to convert to a color.
33 * @return the color object.
34 */
35 (color: string | number | Color): Color;
37 /**
38 * Create a color in the specified color space using a, b and c as values.
39 *
40 * @param colorSpace The color space to use. Defaults to "rgb".
41 * @return the color object.
42 */
43 (a: number, b: number, c: number, colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces): Color;
45 (a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces): Color;
47 /**
48 * Create a color in the specified color space using values.
49 *
50 * @param values An array of values (e.g. [r, g, b, a?]).
51 * @param colorSpace The color space to use. Defaults to "rgb".
52 * @return the color object.
53 */
54 (values: number[], colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces): Color;
56 /**
57 * Create a color from a hex or string representation (as supported in CSS).
58 *
59 * This is an alias of chroma.css().
60 *
61 * @param color The string to convert to a color.
62 * @return the color object.
63 */
64 hex(color: string): Color;
66 valid(color: any, mode?: string): boolean;
68 hsl(h: number, s: number, l: number, alpha?: number): Color;
70 hsv(h: number, s: number, v: number, alpha?: number): Color;
72 lab(lightness: number, a: number, b: number, alpha?: number): Color;
74 oklab(lightness: number, a: number, b: number, alpha?: number): Color;
76 lch(l: number, c: number, h: number, alpha?: number): Color;
78 oklch(l: number, c: number, h: number, alpha?: number): Color;
80 /**
81 * Same meaning as lch(), but in different order.
82 */
83 hcl(h: number, c: number, l: number, alpha?: number): Color;
85 rgb(r: number, g: number, b: number, alpha?: number): Color;
87 /**
88 * GL is a variant of RGB(A), with the only difference that the components are normalized to the range of 0..1.
89 */
90 gl(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha?: number): Color;
92 /**
93 * Returns a color from the color temperature scale.
94 * light 2000K, bright sunlight 6000K.
95 * Based on Neil Bartlett's implementation.
96 * https://github.com/neilbartlett/color-temperature
97 */
98 temperature(t: number): Color;
100 /**
101 * Mixes two colors. The mix ratio is a value between 0 and 1.
102 * The color mixing produces different results based the color space used for interpolation. Defaults to LRGB.
103 * @example chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.25) // => #bf0040
104 * @example chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.5, 'hsl') // => #ff00ff
105 */
106 mix(color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color, f?: number, colorSpace?: InterpolationMode): Color;
108 /**
109 * Alias for {@see mix}.
110 */
111 interpolate(color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color, f?: number, colorSpace?: InterpolationMode): Color;
113 /**
114 * Similar to {@link mix}, but accepts more than two colors. Simple averaging of R,G,B components and the alpha
115 * channel.
116 */
117 average(colors: Array<string | Color>, colorSpace?: InterpolationMode, weights?: number[]): Color;
119 /**
120 * Blends two colors using RGB channel-wise blend functions.
121 */
122 blend(
123 color1: string | Color,
124 color2: string | Color,
125 blendMode: 'multiply' | 'darken' | 'lighten' | 'screen' | 'overlay' | 'burn' | 'dodge',
126 ): Color;
128 /**
129 * Returns a random color.
130 */
131 random(): Color;
133 /**
134 * Computes the WCAG contrast ratio between two colors.
135 * A minimum contrast of 4.5:1 is recommended {@link https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G18.html}
136 * to ensure that text is still readable against a background color.
137 */
138 contrast(color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color): number;
140 /**
141 * Computes the eucledian distance between two colors in a given color space (default is 'lab').
142 * {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance#Three_dimensions}
143 */
144 distance(color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color, colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces): number;
146 /**
147 * Computes color difference {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference#CMC_l:c_.281984.29} as
148 * developed by the Colour Measurement Committee of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (CMC) in 1984.
149 * The implementation is adapted from Bruce Lindbloom.
150 * {@link https://web.archive.org/web/20160306044036/http://www.brucelindbloom.com/javascript/ColorDiff.js}
151 * The parameters L (default 1) and C (default 1) are weighting factors for lightness and chromacity.
152 */
153 deltaE(color1: string | Color, color2: string | Color, L?: number, C?: number): number;
155 /**
156 * chroma.brewer is an map of ColorBrewer scales that are included in chroma.js for convenience.
157 * chroma.scale uses the colors to construct.
158 */
159 brewer: {
160 OrRd: string[];
161 PuBu: string[];
162 BuPu: string[];
163 Oranges: string[];
164 BuGn: string[];
165 YlOrBr: string[];
166 YlGn: string[];
167 Reds: string[];
168 RdPu: string[];
169 Greens: string[];
170 YlGnBu: string[];
171 Purples: string[];
172 GnBu: string[];
173 Greys: string[];
174 YlOrRd: string[];
175 PuRd: string[];
176 Blues: string[];
177 PuBuGn: string[];
178 Spectral: string[];
179 RdYlGn: string[];
180 RdBu: string[];
181 PiYG: string[];
182 PRGn: string[];
183 RdYlBu: string[];
184 BrBG: string[];
185 RdGy: string[];
186 PuOr: string[];
187 Set2: string[];
188 Accent: string[];
189 Set1: string[];
190 Set3: string[];
191 Dark2: string[];
192 Paired: string[];
193 Pastel2: string[];
194 Pastel1: string[];
195 };
197 /**
198 * Helper function that computes class breaks based on data.
199 * Mode:
200 * <li>equidistant <code>'e'</code> breaks are computed by dividing the total range of the data into n groups
201 * of equal size.
202 * <li>quantile <code>'q'</code> input domain is divided by quantile ranges.
203 * <li>logarithmic <code>'l'</code> breaks are equidistant breaks but on a logarithmic scale.
204 * <li>k-means <code>'k'</code> breaks use the 1-dimensional
205 * [k-means clustering algorithm]{@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering} to find (roughly) n
206 * groups of "similar" values. Note that this k-means implementation does not guarantee to find exactly n groups.
207 */
208 limits(data: number[], mode: 'e' | 'q' | 'l' | 'k', c: number): number[];
210 /**
211 * Returns a function that
212 * [bezier-interpolates]{@link https://www.vis4.net/blog/posts/mastering-multi-hued-color-scales/} between
213 * colors in Lab space. The input range of the function is [0..1].
214 * You can convert it to a scale instance by calling <code>chroma.bezier(...).scale()</code>
215 */
216 bezier(colors: string[]): { (t: number): Color; scale(): Scale };
218 scale(name: string | Color): Scale;
220 scale(colors?: Array<string | Color>): Scale;
222 cubehelix(): Cubehelix;
224 cmyk(c: number, m: number, y: number, k: number): Color;
226 css(col: string): Color;
227 }
229 interface Color {
230 /**
231 * Get and set the color opacity.
232 */
233 alpha(a: number): Color;
234 alpha(): number;
236 darken(f?: number): Color;
238 mix(targetColor: string | Color, f?: number, colorSpace?: keyof ColorSpaces): Color;
240 brighten(f?: number): Color;
242 /**
243 * Changes the saturation of a color by manipulating the Lch chromacity.
244 */
245 saturate(s?: number): Color;
247 /**
248 * Similar to saturate, but the opposite direction.
249 */
250 desaturate(s?: number): Color;
252 /**
253 * Changes a single channel and returns the result a new chroma object.
254 * @example
255 * // half Lab lightness
256 * chroma('orangered').set('lab.l', '*0.5')
257 * @example
258 * // double Lch saturation
259 * chroma('darkseagreen').set('lch.c', '*2')
260 */
261 set(modechan: string, v: number | string): Color;
263 /**
264 * Returns a single channel value.
265 * Also @see set
266 */
267 get(modechan: string): number;
269 /**
270 * Relative brightness, according to the
271 * [WCAG]{@link http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#relativeluminancedef} definition. Normalized to
272 * 0 for darkest black and 1 for lightest white.
273 */
274 luminance(): number;
276 /**
277 * Set luminance of color. The source color will be interpolated with black or white until the correct luminance is found.
278 * The color space used defaults to RGB.
279 */
280 luminance(l: number, colorSpace?: InterpolationMode): Color;
282 /**
283 * Get color as hexadecimal string.
284 *
285 * @param mode `auto` - string will include alpha channel only if it's less than 1.
286 * `rgb` - string will not include alpha channel.
287 * `rgba` - string will include alpha channel.
288 *
289 * @example
290 * chroma('orange').hex() === '#ffa500'
291 * chroma('orange').alpha(0.5).hex() === '#ffa50080'
292 * chroma('orange').alpha(0.5).hex('rgb') === '#ffa500'
293 */
294 hex(mode?: 'auto' | 'rgb' | 'rgba'): string;
296 /**
297 * Returns the named color. Falls back to hexadecimal RGB string, if the color isn't present.
298 */
299 name(): string;
301 /**
302 * Returns a RGB() or HSL() string representation that can be used as CSS-color definition.
303 * mode defaults to <code>'rgb'</code>
304 */
305 css(mode?: 'hsl'): string;
307 /**
308 * Estimate the temperature in Kelvin of any given color, though this makes the only sense for colors from the
309 * [temperature gradient]{@link ChromaStatic.temperature} above.
310 */
311 temperature(): number;
313 /**
314 * Returns the numeric representation of the hexadecimal RGB color.
315 *
316 * @example
317 * chroma('#000000').num() === 0
318 * chroma('#0000ff').num() === 255
319 * chroma('#00ff00').num() === 65280
320 * chroma('#ff0000').num() === 16711680
321 */
322 num(): number;
324 /**
325 * Returns an array with the red, green, and blue component, each as
326 * number within the range 0..255. Chroma internally stores RGB
327 * channels as floats but rounds the numbers before returning them.
328 * You can pass false to prevent the rounding.
329 *
330 * @example
331 * chroma('orange').rgb() === [255,165,0]
332 * chroma('orange').darken().rgb() === [198,118,0]
333 * chroma('orange').darken().rgb(false) === [198.05,118.11,0]
334 */
335 rgb: (round?: boolean) => ColorSpaces['rgb'];
337 /**
338 * Just like color.rgb but adds the alpha channel to the returned array.
339 *
340 * @example
341 * chroma('orange').rgba() === [255,165,0,1]
342 * chroma('hsla(20, 100%, 40%, 0.5)').rgba() === [204,68,0,0.5]
343 */
344 rgba: (round?: boolean) => ColorSpaces['rgba'];
346 /**
347 * Returns an array with the `hue`, `saturation`, and `lightness`
348 * component. Hue is the color angle in degree (`0..360`), saturation
349 * and lightness are within `0..1`. Note that for hue-less colors
350 * (black, white, and grays), the hue component will be NaN.
351 *
352 * @example
353 * chroma('orange').hsl() === [38.82,1,0.5,1]
354 * chroma('white').hsl() === [NaN,0,1,1]
355 */
356 hsl: () => ColorSpaces['hsl'];
358 /**
359 * Returns an array with the `hue`, `saturation`, and `value`
360 * components. Hue is the color angle in degree (`0..360`),
361 * saturation and value are within `0..1`. Note that for hue-less
362 * colors (black, white, and grays), the hue component will be NaN.
363 *
364 * @example
365 * chroma('orange').hsv() === [38.82,1,1]
366 * chroma('white').hsv() === [NaN,0,1]
367 */
368 hsv: () => ColorSpaces['hsv'];
370 /**
371 * Returns an array with the `hue`, `saturation`, and `intensity`
372 * components, each as number between 0 and 255. Note that for hue-less
373 * colors (black, white, and grays), the hue component will be NaN.
374 *
375 * @example
376 * chroma('orange').hsi() === [39.64,1,0.55]
377 * chroma('white').hsi() === [NaN,0,1]
378 */
379 hsi: () => ColorSpaces['hsi'];
381 /**
382 * Returns an array with the **L**, **a**, and **b** components.
383 *
384 * @example
385 * chroma('orange').lab() === [74.94,23.93,78.95]
386 */
387 lab: () => ColorSpaces['lab'];
389 /**
390 * Returns an array with the **L**, **a**, and **b** components.
391 *
392 * @example
393 * chroma('orange').oklab() === [0.7927,0.0566,0.1614]
394 */
395 oklab: () => ColorSpaces['oklab'];
397 /**
398 * Returns an array with the **Lightness**, **chroma**, and **hue**
399 * components.
400 *
401 * @example
402 * chroma('skyblue').lch() === [79.21,25.94,235.11]
403 */
404 lch: () => ColorSpaces['lch'];
406 /**
407 * Returns an array with the **Lightness**, **chroma**, and **hue**
408 * components.
409 *
410 * @example
411 * chroma('skyblue').oklch() === [0.8148,0.0819,225.8]
412 */
413 oklch: () => ColorSpaces['oklch'];
415 /**
416 * Alias of [lch](#color-lch), but with the components in reverse
417 * order.
418 *
419 * @example
420 * chroma('skyblue').hcl() === [235.11,25.94,79.21]
421 */
422 hcl: () => ColorSpaces['hcl'];
424 /**
425 * Just like color.rgb but adds the alpha channel to the returned
426 * array.
427 *
428 * @example
429 * chroma('orange').rgba() === [255,165,0,1]
430 * chroma('hsla(20, 100%, 40%, 0.5)').rgba() === [204,68,0,0.5]
431 */
432 cmyk: () => ColorSpaces['cmyk'];
434 /**
435 * Returns an array with the cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black)
436 * components, each as a normalized value between 0 and 1.
437 *
438 * @example
439 * chroma('33cc00').gl() === [0.2,0.8,0,1]
440 */
441 gl: () => ColorSpaces['gl'];
443 /**
444 * Test if a color has been clipped or not.
445 * Colors generated from CIELab color space may have their RGB
446 * channels clipped to the range of [0..255].
447 * Colors outside that range may exist in nature but are not
448 * displayable on RGB monitors (such as ultraviolet).
449 *
450 * @example
451 * chroma.hcl(50, 40, 20).clipped() === true
452 */
453 clipped: () => boolean;
455 /**
456 * The unclipped RGB components.
457 *
458 * @example
459 * chroma.hcl(50, 40, 100)._rgb._unclipped === [322.65,235.24,196.7,1]
460 */
461 _rgb: { _unclipped: ColorSpaces['rgba'] };
462 }
464 interface Scale<OutType = Color> {
465 (c: string[]): Scale;
467 (value: number | null | undefined): OutType;
469 domain(d?: number[], n?: number, mode?: string): this;
471 mode(mode: InterpolationMode): this;
473 gamma(g: number): this;
475 cache(use: boolean): boolean;
477 correctLightness(enable?: boolean): this;
479 padding(p: number | number[]): this;
481 /**
482 * You can call scale.colors(n) to quickly grab `c` equi-distant colors from a color scale. If called with no
483 * arguments, scale.colors returns the original array of colors used to create the scale.
484 */
485 colors(
486 c: number | undefined,
487 format: undefined | null | 'alpha' | 'darken' | 'brighten' | 'saturate' | 'desaturate',
488 ): Color[];
489 colors(c: number | undefined, format: 'luminance' | 'temperature'): number[];
490 colors<K extends keyof ColorSpaces>(c: number | undefined, format: K): Array<ColorSpaces[K]>;
491 colors(c: number | undefined, format?: 'hex' | 'name'): string[];
493 /**
494 * If you want the scale function to return a distinct set of colors instead of a continuous gradient, you can
495 * use scale.classes. If you pass a number the scale will broken into equi-distant classes.
496 * You can also define custom class breaks by passing them as array
497 */
498 classes(c: number | number[]): this;
500 /**
501 * Set out format for scale() call. Passing null will result in a scale which outputs colors.
502 */
503 out(format: null): Scale;
504 out<K extends keyof ColorSpaces>(format: K): Scale<ColorSpaces[K]>;
505 out(format: 'hex'): Scale<string>;
506 }
508 interface Cubehelix {
509 /**
510 * Set start color for hue rotation, default=300
511 */
512 start(s: number): Cubehelix;
514 /**
515 * number (and direction) of hue rotations (e.g. 1=360°, 1.5=`540°``), default=-1.5
516 */
517 rotations(r: number): Cubehelix;
519 /**
520 * gamma factor can be used to emphasise low or high intensity values, default=1
521 */
522 gamma(g: number): Cubehelix;
524 /**
525 * lightness range: default: [0,1] (black -> white)
526 */
527 lightness(l: number[]): Cubehelix;
529 /**
530 * You can call cubehelix.scale() to use the cube-helix through the chroma.scale interface.
531 */
532 scale(): Scale;
533 }
536declare var chroma: chroma.ChromaStatic;
538export = chroma;
539export as namespace chroma;