1 | /**
2 | * Chroma.js is a tiny library for all kinds of color conversions and color scales.
3 | */
4 | declare namespace chroma {
5 | type W3CX11ColorName =
6 | | "aliceblue"
7 | | "antiquewhite"
8 | | "aqua"
9 | | "aquamarine"
10 | | "azure"
11 | | "beige"
12 | | "bisque"
13 | | "black"
14 | | "blanchedalmond"
15 | | "blue"
16 | | "blueviolet"
17 | | "brown"
18 | | "burlywood"
19 | | "cadetblue"
20 | | "chartreuse"
21 | | "chocolate"
22 | | "coral"
23 | | "cornflowerblue"
24 | | "cornsilk"
25 | | "crimson"
26 | | "cyan"
27 | | "darkblue"
28 | | "darkcyan"
29 | | "darkgoldenrod"
30 | | "darkgray"
31 | | "darkgreen"
32 | | "darkgrey"
33 | | "darkkhaki"
34 | | "darkmagenta"
35 | | "darkolivegreen"
36 | | "darkorange"
37 | | "darkorchid"
38 | | "darkred"
39 | | "darksalmon"
40 | | "darkseagreen"
41 | | "darkslateblue"
42 | | "darkslategray"
43 | | "darkslategrey"
44 | | "darkturquoise"
45 | | "darkviolet"
46 | | "deeppink"
47 | | "deepskyblue"
48 | | "dimgray"
49 | | "dimgrey"
50 | | "dodgerblue"
51 | | "firebrick"
52 | | "floralwhite"
53 | | "forestgreen"
54 | | "fuchsia"
55 | | "gainsboro"
56 | | "ghostwhite"
57 | | "gold"
58 | | "goldenrod"
59 | | "gray"
60 | | "green"
61 | | "greenyellow"
62 | | "grey"
63 | | "honeydew"
64 | | "hotpink"
65 | | "indianred"
66 | | "indigo"
67 | | "ivory"
68 | | "khaki"
69 | | "laserlemon"
70 | | "lavender"
71 | | "lavenderblush"
72 | | "lawngreen"
73 | | "lemonchiffon"
74 | | "lightblue"
75 | | "lightcoral"
76 | | "lightcyan"
77 | | "lightgoldenrod"
78 | | "lightgoldenrodyellow"
79 | | "lightgray"
80 | | "lightgreen"
81 | | "lightgrey"
82 | | "lightpink"
83 | | "lightsalmon"
84 | | "lightseagreen"
85 | | "lightskyblue"
86 | | "lightslategray"
87 | | "lightslategrey"
88 | | "lightsteelblue"
89 | | "lightyellow"
90 | | "lime"
91 | | "limegreen"
92 | | "linen"
93 | | "magenta"
94 | | "maroon"
95 | | "maroon2"
96 | | "maroon3"
97 | | "mediumaquamarine"
98 | | "mediumblue"
99 | | "mediumorchid"
100 | | "mediumpurple"
101 | | "mediumseagreen"
102 | | "mediumslateblue"
103 | | "mediumspringgreen"
104 | | "mediumturquoise"
105 | | "mediumvioletred"
106 | | "midnightblue"
107 | | "mintcream"
108 | | "mistyrose"
109 | | "moccasin"
110 | | "navajowhite"
111 | | "navy"
112 | | "oldlace"
113 | | "olive"
114 | | "olivedrab"
115 | | "orange"
116 | | "orangered"
117 | | "orchid"
118 | | "palegoldenrod"
119 | | "palegreen"
120 | | "paleturquoise"
121 | | "palevioletred"
122 | | "papayawhip"
123 | | "peachpuff"
124 | | "peru"
125 | | "pink"
126 | | "plum"
127 | | "powderblue"
128 | | "purple"
129 | | "purple2"
130 | | "purple3"
131 | | "rebeccapurple"
132 | | "red"
133 | | "rosybrown"
134 | | "royalblue"
135 | | "saddlebrown"
136 | | "salmon"
137 | | "sandybrown"
138 | | "seagreen"
139 | | "seashell"
140 | | "sienna"
141 | | "silver"
142 | | "skyblue"
143 | | "slateblue"
144 | | "slategray"
145 | | "slategrey"
146 | | "snow"
147 | | "springgreen"
148 | | "steelblue"
149 | | "tan"
150 | | "teal"
151 | | "thistle"
152 | | "tomato"
153 | | "turquoise"
154 | | "violet"
155 | | "wheat"
156 | | "white"
157 | | "whitesmoke"
158 | | "yellow"
159 | | "yellowgreen";
160 |
161 | type BrewerPaletteName =
162 | | "OrRd"
163 | | "PuBu"
164 | | "BuPu"
165 | | "Oranges"
166 | | "BuGn"
167 | | "YlOrBr"
168 | | "YlGn"
169 | | "Reds"
170 | | "RdPu"
171 | | "Greens"
172 | | "YlGnBu"
173 | | "Purples"
174 | | "GnBu"
175 | | "Greys"
176 | | "YlOrRd"
177 | | "PuRd"
178 | | "Blues"
179 | | "PuBuGn"
180 | | "Viridis"
181 | | "Spectral"
182 | | "RdYlGn"
183 | | "RdBu"
184 | | "PiYG"
185 | | "PRGn"
186 | | "RdYlBu"
187 | | "BrBG"
188 | | "RdGy"
189 | | "PuOr"
190 | | "Set2"
191 | | "Accent"
192 | | "Set1"
193 | | "Set3"
194 | | "Dark2"
195 | | "Paired"
196 | | "Pastel2"
197 | | "Pastel1";
198 |
199 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
200 | interface Nothing {} // used to auto-complete W3CX11ColorNames
201 | type AnyOther<T> = T & Nothing;
202 |
203 | type ChromaInput = W3CX11ColorName | AnyOther<string> | number | { [key: string]: number } | Color;
204 |
205 | interface ColorFormats {
206 | cmyk: [number, number, number, number];
207 | gl: [number, number, number, number];
208 | hcg: [number, number, number];
209 | hcl: [number, number, number];
210 | hsi: [number, number, number];
211 | hsl: [number, number, number];
212 | hsv: [number, number, number];
213 | lab: [number, number, number];
214 | lch: [number, number, number];
215 | oklab: [number, number, number];
216 | oklch: [number, number, number];
217 | rgb: [number, number, number];
218 | }
219 |
220 | type ColorFormat = keyof ColorFormats;
221 |
222 | type InterpolationMode = "hcl" | "hsi" | "hsl" | "hsv" | "lab" | "lch" | "lrgb" | "oklab" | "oklch" | "rgb";
223 |
224 | type WhitePoint = "D50" | "D55" | "D65" | "A" | "B" | "C" | "F2" | "F7" | "F11" | "E";
225 |
226 | interface ChromaStatic {
227 | /**
228 | * Attempts to guess the format of the input color for you.
229 | * For instance, it will recognize any named color from the W3CX11 specification.
230 | * If there's no matching named color, chroma.js checks for a hexadecimal string.
231 | * It ignores case, the # sign is optional, and it can recognize the shorter three
232 | * letter format as well. So, any of these are valid hexadecimal representations:
233 | *
234 | * #ff3399, FF3399, #f39, etc.
235 | *
236 | * In addition to hex strings, hexadecimal numbers (in fact, just any number between 0 and 16777215)
237 | * will be recognized, too.
238 | */
239 | (color: ChromaInput): Color;
240 |
241 | /**
242 | * Create a color in the specified color format using a, b and c as values.
243 | * The color format defaults to "rgb".
244 | */
245 | (a: number, b: number, c: number, format?: ColorFormat): Color;
246 |
247 | /**
248 | * Create a color in the specified color format using a, b, c, and d as values.
249 | * The color format defaults to "rgb".
250 | */
251 | (a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, format?: ColorFormat): Color;
252 |
253 | /**
254 | * Create a color from an array of RGB values. Each parameter must be within 0..255.
255 | */
256 | (rgbArray: [number, number, number]): Color;
257 |
258 | /**
259 | * Create a color from an object with attributes corresponding to a color format.
260 | */
261 | (colorObject: { [key: string]: number }): Color;
262 |
263 | /**
264 | * Test if a color argument can be correctly parsed as color by chroma.js
265 | *
266 | * @example
267 | * ```typescript
268 | * chroma.valid('red') // true
269 | * chroma.valid('bread') // false
270 | * chroma.valid('#F0000D') // true
271 | * chroma.valid('#FOOOOD') // false
272 | * ```
273 | */
274 | valid(color: any): boolean;
275 |
276 | hsl(hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number, alpha?: number): Color;
277 |
278 | hsv(hue: number, saturation: number, value: number, alpha?: number): Color;
279 |
280 | /**
281 | * CIE Lab color space. To calculate the lightness value of a color, the CIE Lab color space uses
282 | * a reference white point. This reference white point defines what is considered to be "white" in
283 | * the color space. By default chroma.js is using the D65 reference point.
284 | */
285 | lab(lightness: number, a: number, b: number, alpha?: number): Color;
286 |
287 | /**
288 | * Sets the current CIE Lab white reference point.
289 | * Possible values:
290 | * - D50: Represents the color temperature of daylight at 5000K.
291 | * - D55: Represents mid-morning or mid-afternoon daylight at 5500K.
292 | * - D65: Represents average daylight at 6500K.
293 | * - A: Represents the color temperature of a typical incandescent light bulb at approximately 2856K.
294 | * - B: Represents noon daylight with a color temperature of approximately 4874K.
295 | * - C: Represents average or north sky daylight; it's a theoretical construct, not often used in practical applications.
296 | * - F2: Represents cool white fluorescent light.
297 | * - F7: This is a broad-band fluorescent light source with a color temperature of approximately 6500K.
298 | * - F11: This is a narrow tri-band fluorescent light source with a color temperature of approximately 4000K.
299 | * - E: Represents an equal energy white point, where all wavelengths in the visible spectrum are equally represented.
300 | *
301 | * @example
302 | * ```typescript
303 | * chroma('hotpink').lab() // [65.49,64.24,-10.65]
304 | * chroma.setLabWhitePoint('F2')
305 | * chroma('hotpink').lab() // [66.28,61.45,-8.62]
306 | * ```
307 | */
308 | setLabWhitePoint: (whitePoint: WhitePoint) => void;
309 |
310 | /**
311 | * Returns the name of the currently set CIE Lab white reference point.
312 | *
313 | * @example
314 | * ```typescript
315 | * chroma.getLabWhitePoint() // "D65"
316 | * ```
317 | */
318 | getLabWhitePoint: () => WhitePoint;
319 |
320 | /**
321 | * The range for lightness and chroma depend on the hue, but go roughly from 0..100-150.
322 | * The range for hue is 0..360.
323 | */
324 | lch(lightness: number, chroma: number, hue: number, alpha?: number): Color;
325 |
326 | /**
327 | * You can use hcl instead of lch. Lightness and hue channels are switched to be more consistent with HSL.
328 | */
329 | hcl(hue: number, chroma: number, lightness: number, alpha?: number): Color;
330 |
331 | /**
332 | * {@link https://bottosson.github.io/posts/oklab|Oklab color space}
333 | */
334 | oklab(lightness: number, a: number, b: number, alpha?: number): Color;
335 |
336 | oklch(lightness: number, chromaticity: number, hue: number, alpha?: number): Color;
337 |
338 | /**
339 | * Each between 0 and 1.
340 | */
341 | cmyk(cyan: number, magenta: number, yellow: number, black: number): Color;
342 |
343 | rgb(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha?: number): Color;
344 |
345 | /**
346 | * GL is a variant of RGB(A), with the only difference that the components are normalized to the range of 0..1.
347 | */
348 | gl(red: number, green: number, blue: number, alpha?: number): Color;
349 |
350 | /**
351 | * Returns a color from the {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_temperature#Categorizing_different_lighting|color temperature} scale.
352 | * light 2000K, bright sunlight 6000K. Based on
353 | * {@link https://github.com/neilbartlett/color-temperature|Neil Bartlett's implementation}.
354 | * The effective temperature range goes from 0 to about 30000 Kelvin
355 | *
356 | * @example
357 | * ```typescript
358 | * chroma.temperature(2000) // #ff8b14 candle light
359 | * chroma.temperature(3500) // #ffc38a sunset
360 | * chroma.temperature(6500) // #fffafe daylight
361 | * ```
362 | */
363 | temperature(K: number): Color;
364 |
365 | /**
366 | * Mixes two colors. The mix ratio is a value between 0 and 1.
367 | * The color mixing produces different results based the mode used for interpolation. Defaults to lrgb.
368 | * @example
369 | * ```typescript
370 | * chroma.mix([0,0,0], 'blue') // #0000b4
371 | * chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.25) // #dd0080
372 | * chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.75) // #8000dd
373 | * chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.5, 'rgb') // #800080
374 | * chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.5, 'hsl') // #ff00ff
375 | * chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.5, 'lab') // #ca0088
376 | * chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.5, 'lch') // #fa0080
377 | * chroma.mix('red', 'blue', 0.5, 'lrgb') // #b400b4
378 | * ```
379 | */
380 | mix(color1: ChromaInput, color2: ChromaInput, ratio?: number, mode?: InterpolationMode): Color;
381 |
382 | /**
383 | * Similar to {@link mix}, but accepts more than two colors. Simple averaging of R,G,B components and the alpha
384 | * channel. mode defaults to 'lrgb'. You can also provide an array of weights to compute a weighted average of colors.
385 | *
386 | * @example
387 | * ```typescript
388 | * colors = ['#ddd', 'yellow', 'red', 'teal']
389 | * chroma.average(colors) // #d3b480
390 | * chroma.average(colors, 'rgb') // #b79757
391 | * chroma.average(colors, 'lab') // #d3a96a
392 | * chroma.average(colors, 'lch') // #ef9e4e
393 | * chroma.average(colors, 'lch', [1,1,2,1]) // #f98841
394 | * chroma.average(colors, 'lch', [1.5,0.5,1,2.3]) // #ae9e52
395 | * ```
396 | */
397 | average(colors: ChromaInput[], mode?: InterpolationMode, weights?: number[]): Color;
398 |
399 | /**
400 | * Blends two colors using RGB channel-wise blend functions.
401 | *
402 | * @example
403 | * ```typescript
404 | * chroma.blend('4CBBFC', 'EEEE22', 'multiply') // #47af22
405 | * chroma.blend('4CBBFC', 'EEEE22', 'darken') // #4cbb22
406 | * chroma.blend('4CBBFC', 'EEEE22', 'lighten') // #eeeefc
407 | * ```
408 | */
409 | blend(
410 | color1: ChromaInput,
411 | color2: ChromaInput,
412 | blendMode: "multiply" | "darken" | "lighten" | "screen" | "overlay" | "burn" | "dodge",
413 | ): Color;
414 |
415 | /**
416 | * Creates a random color by generating a random hexadecimal string.
417 | */
418 | random(): Color;
419 |
420 | /**
421 | * Computes the WCAG contrast ratio between two colors.
422 | * A minimum contrast of 4.5:1 is recommended {@link https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/G18.html}
423 | * to ensure that text is still readable against a background color.
424 | *
425 | * @example
426 | * ```typescript
427 | * chroma.contrast('pink', 'hotpink') // 1.721
428 | * chroma.contrast('pink', 'purple') // 6.124
429 | * ````
430 | */
431 | contrast(color1: ChromaInput, color2: ChromaInput): number;
432 |
433 | /**
434 | * Computes the {@link https://www.myndex.com/APCA|APCA contrast ratio} of a text color against its background color.
435 | * The basic idea is that you check the contrast between the text and background color
436 | * and then use {@link https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Myndex/apca-w3/master/images/APCAlookupByContrast.jpeg|this lookup table} to find the minimum font size you're allowed to use
437 | * (given the font weight and purpose of the text).
438 | *
439 | * Read more about how to interpret and use this metric at {@link https://readtech.org/ARC|APCA Readability Criterion}.
440 | * Please note that the APCA algorithm is still in beta and may change be subject to changes in the future.
441 | *
442 | * @example
443 | * ```typescript
444 | * chroma.contrastAPCA('hotpink', 'pink') // 23.746
445 | * chroma.contrastAPCA('purple', 'pink') // 62.534
446 | * ```
447 | */
448 | contrastAPCA(text: ChromaInput, background: ChromaInput): number;
449 |
450 | /**
451 | * Computes the eucledian distance between two colors in a given color format (default is 'lab').
452 | * {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance#Three_dimensions}
453 | *
454 | * @example
455 | * ```typescript
456 | * chroma.distance('#fff', '#ff0', 'rgb') // 255
457 | * chroma.distance('#fff', '#f0f', 'rgb') // 255
458 | * chroma.distance('#fff', '#ff0') // 96.948
459 | * chroma.distance('#fff', '#f0f') // 122.163
460 | * ```
461 | */
462 | distance(color1: ChromaInput, color2: ChromaInput, format?: ColorFormat): number;
463 |
464 | /**
465 | * Computes {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference#CIEDE2000|color difference} as developed by the
466 | * International Commission on Illumination (CIE) in 2000. The implementation is based on the formula from
467 | * {@link http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_DeltaE_CIE2000.html|Bruce Lindbloom}.
468 | * Resulting values range from 0 (no difference) to 100 (maximum difference), and are a metric for how the
469 | * human eye percieves color difference. The optional parameters Kl, Kc, and Kh may be used to adjust weightings of
470 | * lightness, chroma, and hue.
471 | *
472 | * @example
473 | * ```typescript
474 | * chroma.deltaE('#ededee', '#ededee') // 0
475 | * chroma.deltaE('#ededee', '#edeeed') // 1.321
476 | * chroma.deltaE('#ececee', '#eceeec') // 2.602
477 | * chroma.deltaE('#e9e9ee', '#e9eee9') // 6.221
478 | * chroma.deltaE('#e4e4ee', '#e4eee4') // 11.598
479 | * chroma.deltaE('#e0e0ee', '#e0eee0') // 15.391
480 | * chroma.deltaE('#000000', '#ffffff') // 100
481 | * ```
482 | */
483 | deltaE(color1: ChromaInput, color2: ChromaInput, Kl?: number, Kc?: number, Kh?: number): number;
484 |
485 | /**
486 | * chroma.brewer is an map of {@link http://colorbrewer2.org/|ColorBrewer palettes} that are included
487 | * in chroma.js for convenience. Chroma.scale uses the colors to construct. Note that chroma.js only
488 | * includes the 9-step versions of the palettes (11 steps for the diverging palettes). So, for instance,
489 | * if you use chroma.js to construct a 5-color palette, they will be different from the "official"
490 | * 5-color palettes in ColorBrewer (which have lower contrast).
491 | */
492 | brewer: Record<BrewerPaletteName, string[]>;
493 |
494 | /**
495 | * A helper function that computes class breaks for you, based on data.
496 | * It supports the modes:
497 | * - e: equidistant
498 | * - breaks are computed by dividing the total range of the data into _n_ groups of equal size.
499 | * - q: quantile
500 | * - the input domain is divided by quantile ranges.
501 | * - l: logarithmic
502 | * - breaks are equidistant breaks but on a logarithmic scale.
503 | * - k: k-means
504 | * - break is using the 1-dimensional {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering|k-means clustering algorithm} to find (roughly) _n_ groups of "similar" values.
505 | * Note that this k-means implementation does not guarantee to find exactly _n_ groups.
506 | *
507 | * @example
508 | * ```typescript
509 | * const data = [2.0,3.5,3.6,3.8,3.8,4.1,4.3,4.4,4.6,4.9,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.7,5.8,5.9, 6.2,6.5,6.8,7.2,8]
510 | * chroma.limits(data, 'e', 4) // [2,3.5,5,6.5,8]
511 | * chroma.limits(data, 'q', 4) // [2,4.1,5.2,5.9,8]
512 | * chroma.limits(data, 'l', 4) // [2,2.83,4,5.66,8]
513 | * chroma.limits(data, 'k', 4) // [2,8]
514 | * ```
515 | */
516 | limits(data: number[], mode: "e" | "q" | "l" | "k", n: number): number[];
517 |
518 | /**
519 | * A color scale, created with chroma.scale, is a function that maps numeric values to a color palette.
520 | * The default scale has the domain 0..1 and goes from white to black.
521 | * You can pass an array of colors to chroma.scale. Any color that can be read by chroma()
522 | * will work here, too. If you pass more than two colors, they will be evenly distributed along the gradient.
523 | */
524 | scale(colors?: BrewerPaletteName | ChromaInput[]): Scale;
525 |
526 | /**
527 | * Returns a function that [bezier-interpolates]{@link https://www.vis4.net/blog/posts/mastering-multi-hued-color-scales/}
528 | * between colors in Lab space. The input range of the function is [0..1].
529 | * You can convert a bezier interpolator into a chroma.scale instance.
530 | */
531 | bezier(colors: string[]): { (t: number): Color; scale(): Scale };
532 |
533 | cubehelix(): Cubehelix;
534 | }
535 |
536 | interface Color {
537 | /**
538 | * Get and set the color opacity.
539 | *
540 | * @example
541 | * ```typescript
542 | * chroma('red').alpha(0.5) // #ff000080
543 | * chroma('rgba(255,0,0,0.35)').alpha() // 0.35
544 | * ```
545 | */
546 | alpha(): number;
547 | alpha(a: number): Color;
548 |
549 | /**
550 | * Decreases the lightness of the color. value defaults to 1.
551 | *
552 | * @example
553 | * ```typescript
554 | * chroma('hotpink').darken() // #c93384
555 | * chroma('hotpink').darken(2) // #930058
556 | * chroma('hotpink').darken(2.6) // #74003f
557 | * ```
558 | */
559 | darken(value?: number): Color;
560 |
561 | /**
562 | * Increases the lightness of the color. value defaults to 1.
563 | *
564 | * @example
565 | * ```typescript
566 | * chroma('hotpink').brighten() // #ff9ce6
567 | * chroma('hotpink').brighten(2) // #ffd1ff
568 | * chroma('hotpink').brighten(3) // #ffffff
569 | * ```
570 | */
571 | brighten(value?: number): Color;
572 |
573 | /**
574 | * Changes the saturation of a color by manipulating the Lch chromacity.
575 | *
576 | * @example
577 | * ```typescript
578 | * chroma('slategray').saturate() // #4b83ae
579 | * chroma('slategray').saturate(2) // #0087cd
580 | * chroma('slategray').saturate(3) // #008bec
581 | * ```
582 | */
583 | saturate(value?: number): Color;
584 |
585 | /**
586 | * Similar to saturate, but the opposite direction.
587 | *
588 | * @example
589 | * ```typescript
590 | * chroma('hotpink').desaturate() // #e77dae
591 | * chroma('hotpink').desaturate(2) // #cd8ca8
592 | * chroma('hotpink').desaturate(3) // #b199a3
593 | * ```
594 | */
595 | desaturate(value?: number): Color;
596 |
597 | /**
598 | * Mix this color with a target color. The mix ratio is a value between 0 and 1.
599 | * This is the same as chroma.mix but with the first parameter already set.
600 | * As such, the color format used can be adjusted.
601 | *
602 | * @example
603 | * ```typescript
604 | * chroma('hotpink').mix('blue') // #b44add
605 | * chroma('hotpink').mix('blue', 0.25) // #dd5bc9
606 | * chroma('hotpink').mix('blue', 0.75, 'lab') // #811ced
607 | * ```
608 | */
609 | mix(targetColor: ChromaInput, ratio?: number, format?: ColorFormat): Color;
610 |
611 | /**
612 | * Produce a shade of the color. This is syntactic sugar for color.mix with a target color of black.
613 | *
614 | * @example
615 | * ```typescript
616 | * chroma('hotpink').shade(0.25) // #dd5b9c
617 | * chroma('hotpink').shade(0.5) // #b44a7f
618 | * chroma('hotpink').shade(0.75) // #80355a
619 | * ```
620 | */
621 | shade: (ratio?: number, mode?: InterpolationMode) => Color;
622 |
623 | /**
624 | * Produce a tint of the color. This is syntactic sugar for color.mix with a target color of white.
625 | *
626 | * @example
627 | * ```typescript
628 | * chroma('hotpink').tint(0.25) // #ff9dc9
629 | * chroma('hotpink').tint(0.5) // #ffc3dd
630 | * chroma('hotpink').tint(0.75) // #ffe3ee
631 | * ```
632 | */
633 | tint: (ratio?: number, mode?: InterpolationMode) => Color;
634 |
635 | /**
636 | * Changes a single channel and returns the result a new chroma object.
637 | * Also works with relative changes
638 | *
639 | * @example
640 | * ```typescript
641 | * chroma('skyblue').set('hsl.h', 0) // #eb8787
642 | * chroma('hotpink').set('lch.c', 30) // #ce8ca9
643 | * chroma('orangered').set('lab.l', '*0.5') // #a10000
644 | * chroma('darkseagreen').set('lch.c', '*2') // #63c56c
645 | */
646 | set(channel: string, value: number | string): Color;
647 |
648 | /**
649 | * Returns a single channel value.
650 | *
651 | * @example
652 | * ```typescript
653 | * chroma('orangered').get('lab.l') // 57.582
654 | * chroma('orangered').get('hsl.l') // 0.5
655 | * chroma('orangered').get('rgb.g') // 69
656 | * ```
657 | */
658 | get(channel: string): number;
659 |
660 | /**
661 | * Relative brightness, according to the
662 | * [WCAG]{@link http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#relativeluminancedef} definition.
663 | * Normalized to 0 for darkest black and 1 for lightest white.
664 | */
665 | luminance(): number;
666 |
667 | /**
668 | * Set luminance of color. The source color will be interpolated with black or white until
669 | * the correct luminance is found. The color space used defaults to RGB.
670 | */
671 | luminance(value: number, mode?: InterpolationMode): Color;
672 |
673 | /**
674 | * Get color as hexadecimal string. the default mode is "auto" which means that the hex string
675 | * will include the alpha channel if it's less than 1. If you don't want the alpha channel to be
676 | * included you must explicitly set the mode to "rgb"
677 | *
678 | * @example
679 | * ```typescript
680 | * chroma('orange').hex() // #ffa500
681 | * chroma('orange').alpha(0.5).hex() // #ffa50080
682 | * chroma('orange').alpha(0.5).hex('rgb') // #ffa500
683 | * chroma('orange').alpha(0.5).hex('argb') // #80ffa500
684 | * ```
685 | */
686 | hex(mode?: "auto" | "rgb" | "rgba" | "argb"): string;
687 |
688 | /**
689 | * Returns the named color. Falls back to hexadecimal RGB string, if the color isn't present.
690 | *
691 | * @example
692 | * ```typescript
693 | * chroma('#ffa500').name() // orange
694 | * chroma('#ffa505').name() // #ffa505
695 | * ```
696 | */
697 | name(): string;
698 |
699 | /**
700 | * Returns a CSS string representation that can be used as CSS-color definition.
701 | * mode defaults to rgb
702 | *
703 | * @example
704 | * ```typescript
705 | * chroma('teal').css() // rgb(0 128 128)
706 | * chroma('teal').alpha(0.5).css() // rgb(0 128 128 / 0.5)
707 | * chroma('teal').css('hsl') // hsl(180deg 100% 25.1%)
708 | * chroma('teal').css('lab') // lab(47.99% -30.39 -8.98)
709 | * chroma('teal').css('oklch') // oklch(54.31% 0.09 194.76deg)
710 | * ```
711 | */
712 | css(mode?: "rgb" | "hsl" | "lab" | "lch" | "oklab" | "oklch"): string;
713 |
714 | /**
715 | * Returns an array with the red, green, and blue component, each as
716 | * number within the range 0..255. Chroma internally stores RGB
717 | * channels as floats but rounds the numbers before returning them.
718 | * You can pass false to prevent the rounding.
719 | *
720 | * @example
721 | * ```typescript
722 | * chroma('orange').rgb() // [255,165,0]
723 | * chroma('orange').darken().rgb() // [198,118,0]
724 | * chroma('orange').darken().rgb(false) // [198.05,118.11,0]
725 | * ```
726 | */
727 | rgb: (round?: boolean) => ColorFormats["rgb"];
728 |
729 | /**
730 | * Just like color.rgb but adds the alpha channel to the returned array.
731 | *
732 | * @example
733 | * ```typescript
734 | * chroma('orange').rgba() // [255,165,0,1]
735 | * chroma('hsla(20, 100%, 40%, 0.5)').rgba() // [204,68,0,0.5]
736 | * ```
737 | */
738 | rgba: (round?: boolean) => [number, number, number, number];
739 |
740 | /**
741 | * Returns an array with the `hue`, `saturation`, and `lightness`
742 | * component. Hue is the color angle in degree (`0..360`), saturation
743 | * and lightness are within `0..1`. Note that for hue-less colors
744 | * (black, white, and grays), the hue component will be NaN.
745 | *
746 | * @example
747 | * ```typescript
748 | * chroma('orange').hsl() // [38.82,1,0.5,1]
749 | * chroma('white').hsl() // [NaN,0,1,1]
750 | * ```
751 | */
752 | hsl: () => ColorFormats["hsl"];
753 |
754 | /**
755 | * Returns an array with the `hue`, `saturation`, and `value`
756 | * components. Hue is the color angle in degree (`0..360`),
757 | * saturation and value are within `0..1`. Note that for hue-less
758 | * colors (black, white, and grays), the hue component will be NaN.
759 | *
760 | * @example
761 | * ```typescript
762 | * chroma('orange').hsv() // [38.82,1,1]
763 | * chroma('white').hsv() // [NaN,0,1]
764 | * ```
765 | */
766 | hsv: () => ColorFormats["hsv"];
767 |
768 | /**
769 | * Returns an array with the `hue`, `saturation`, and `intensity`
770 | * components, each as number between 0 and 255. Note that for hue-less
771 | * colors (black, white, and grays), the hue component will be NaN.
772 | *
773 | * @example
774 | * ```typescript
775 | * chroma('orange').hsi() // [39.64,1,0.55]
776 | * chroma('white').hsi() // [NaN,0,1]
777 | * ```
778 | */
779 | hsi: () => ColorFormats["hsi"];
780 |
781 | /**
782 | * Returns an array with the **L**, **a**, and **b** components.
783 | *
784 | * @example
785 | * ```typescript
786 | * chroma('orange').lab() // [74.94,23.93,78.95]
787 | * ```
788 | */
789 | lab: () => ColorFormats["lab"];
790 |
791 | /**
792 | * Returns an array with the **Lightness**, **chroma**, and **hue**
793 | * components.
794 | *
795 | * @example
796 | * ```typescript
797 | * chroma('skyblue').lch() // [79.21,25.94,235.11]
798 | * ```
799 | */
800 | lch: () => ColorFormats["lch"];
801 |
802 | /**
803 | * Alias of lch, but with the components in reverse order.
804 | *
805 | * @example
806 | * ```typescript
807 | * chroma('skyblue').hcl() // [235.11,25.94,79.21]
808 | * ```
809 | */
810 | hcl: () => ColorFormats["hcl"];
811 |
812 | /**
813 | * Returns an array with the **L**, **a**, and **b** components.
814 | * in the {@link https://bottosson.github.io/posts/oklab|OKLab} color space.
815 | *
816 | * @example
817 | * ```typescript
818 | * chroma('orange').oklab() // [0.79,0.06,0.16]
819 | * ```
820 | */
821 | oklab: () => ColorFormats["oklab"];
822 |
823 | /**
824 | * Returns an array with the **Lightness**, **chroma**, and **hue** components
825 | * in the {@link https://bottosson.github.io/posts/oklab|OKLch}
826 | *
827 | * @example
828 | * ```typescript
829 | * chroma('skyblue').oklch() // [0.81,0.08,225.74]
830 | * ```
831 | */
832 | oklch: () => ColorFormats["oklch"];
833 |
834 | /**
835 | * Returns an array with the cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black)
836 | * components, each as a normalized value between 0 and 1.
837 | *
838 | * @example
839 | * ```typescript
840 | * chroma('orange').rgba() // [255,165,0,1]
841 | * chroma('hsla(20, 100%, 40%, 0.5)').rgba() // [204,68,0,0.5]
842 | * ```typescript
843 | */
844 | cmyk: () => ColorFormats["cmyk"];
845 |
846 | /**
847 | * Returns the numeric representation of the hexadecimal RGB color.
848 | *
849 | * @example
850 | * ```typescript
851 | * chroma('#000000').num() // 0
852 | * chroma('#0000ff').num() // 255
853 | * chroma('#00ff00').num() // 65280
854 | * chroma('#ff0000').num() // 16711680
855 | * ```
856 | */
857 | num(): number;
858 |
859 | /**
860 | * Estimate the temperature in Kelvin of any given color, though this makes
861 | * only sense for colors from the {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_temperature#Categorizing_different_lighting|temperature gradient}.
862 | *
863 | * @example
864 | * ```typescript
865 | * chroma('#ff3300').temperature() // 1000
866 | * chroma('#ff8a13').temperature() // 2000
867 | * chroma('#ffe3cd').temperature() // 4999
868 | * chroma('#cbdbff').temperature() // 10115
869 | * chroma('#b3ccff').temperature() // 15169
870 | * ```
871 | */
872 | temperature(): number;
873 |
874 | /**
875 | * Like RGB, but in the channel range of `[0..1]` instead of `[0..255]`
876 | *
877 | * @example
878 | * ```typescript
879 | * chroma('#33cc00').gl() // [0.2,0.8,0,1]
880 | * ```
881 | */
882 | gl: () => ColorFormats["gl"];
883 |
884 | /**
885 | * Test if a color has been clipped or not.
886 | * Colors generated from CIELab color space may have their RGB
887 | * channels clipped to the range of [0..255].
888 | * Colors outside that range may exist in nature but are not
889 | * displayable on RGB monitors (such as ultraviolet).
890 | *
891 | * @example
892 | * ```typescript
893 | * chroma.hcl(50, 40, 20).clipped() // true
894 | * ```
895 | */
896 | clipped: () => boolean;
897 |
898 | /**
899 | * The unclipped RGB components.
900 | *
901 | * @example
902 | * ```typescript
903 | * chroma.hcl(50, 40, 100).rgb() // [255,235,197]
904 | * chroma.hcl(50, 40, 100).clipped() // true
905 | * chroma.hcl(50, 40, 100)._rgb._unclipped // [322.65,235.24,196.7,1]
906 | * ```
907 | */
908 | _rgb: { _unclipped: [number, number, number, number] };
909 | }
910 |
911 | interface Scale<OutType = Color> {
912 | (c: string[]): Scale;
913 |
914 | (value: number | null | undefined): OutType;
915 | domain(): number[];
916 | domain(d?: number[], n?: number, mode?: string): this;
917 |
918 | mode(mode: InterpolationMode): this;
919 |
920 | gamma(g: number): this;
921 |
922 | cache(use: boolean): boolean;
923 |
924 | correctLightness(enable?: boolean): this;
925 |
926 | padding(p: number | number[]): this;
927 |
928 | /**
929 | * You can call scale.colors(n) to quickly grab `c` equi-distant colors from a color scale. If called with no
930 | * arguments, scale.colors returns the original array of colors used to create the scale.
931 | */
932 | colors(
933 | c: number | undefined,
934 | format: undefined | null | "alpha" | "darken" | "brighten" | "saturate" | "desaturate",
935 | ): Color[];
936 | colors(c: number | undefined, format: "luminance" | "temperature"): number[];
937 | colors<K extends ColorFormat>(c: number | undefined, format: K): Array<ColorFormats[K]>;
938 | colors(c: number | undefined, format?: "hex" | "name"): string[];
939 |
940 | /**
941 | * If you want the scale function to return a distinct set of colors instead of a continuous gradient, you can
942 | * use scale.classes. If you pass a number the scale will broken into equi-distant classes.
943 | * You can also define custom class breaks by passing them as array
944 | */
945 | classes(c: number | number[]): this;
946 |
947 | /**
948 | * Set out format for scale() call. Passing null will result in a scale which outputs colors.
949 | */
950 | out(format: null): Scale;
951 | out<K extends ColorFormat>(format: K): Scale<ColorFormats[K]>;
952 | out(format: "hex"): Scale<string>;
953 | }
954 |
955 | interface Cubehelix {
956 | /**
957 | * Set start color for hue rotation, default=300
958 | */
959 | start(s: number): Cubehelix;
960 |
961 | /**
962 | * number (and direction) of hue rotations (e.g. 1=360°, 1.5=`540°``), default=-1.5
963 | */
964 | rotations(r: number): Cubehelix;
965 |
966 | /**
967 | * gamma factor can be used to emphasise low or high intensity values, default=1
968 | */
969 | gamma(g: number): Cubehelix;
970 |
971 | /**
972 | * lightness range: default: [0,1] (black -> white)
973 | */
974 | lightness(l: number[]): Cubehelix;
975 |
976 | /**
977 | * You can call cubehelix.scale() to use the cube-helix through the chroma.scale interface.
978 | */
979 | scale(): Scale;
980 | }
981 | }
982 |
983 | declare var chroma: chroma.ChromaStatic;
984 |
985 | export type Color = chroma.Color;
986 | export type Scale = chroma.Scale;
987 | export type Cubehelix = chroma.Cubehelix;
988 | export default chroma;
989 | export as namespace chroma;