6.35 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Observable } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/observablemixin';
2import ContextPlugin from './contextplugin';
3import Editor from './editor/editor';
4import { EditorWithUI } from './editor/editorwithui';
6// tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
7export default interface Plugin extends Observable {}
10 * The base class for CKEditor plugin classes.
11 */
12export default class Plugin implements Observable {
13 constructor(editor: Editor);
14 /**
15 * The editor instance.
16 *
17 * Note that most editors implement the {@link module:core/editor/editorwithui~EditorWithUI} interface in addition
18 * to the base {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor} interface. However, editors with an external UI
19 * (i.e. Bootstrap-based) or a headless editor may not implement the {@link module:core/editor/editorwithui~EditorWithUI}
20 * interface.
21 *
22 * Because of above, to make plugins more universal, it is recommended to split features into:
23 * - The "editing" part that only uses the {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor} interface.
24 * - The "UI" part that uses both the {@link module:core/editor/editor~Editor} interface and
25 * the {@link module:core/editor/editorwithui~EditorWithUI} interface.
26 */
27 readonly editor: Editor | EditorWithUI;
28 /**
29 * Flag indicating whether a plugin is enabled or disabled.
30 * A disabled plugin will not transform text.
31 *
32 * Plugin can be simply disabled like that:
33 *
34 * // Disable the plugin so that no toolbars are visible.
35 * editor.plugins.get( 'TextTransformation' ).isEnabled = false;
36 *
37 * You can also use {@link #forceDisabled} method.
38 */
39 isEnabled: boolean;
40 /**
41 * Disables the plugin.
42 *
43 * Plugin may be disabled by multiple features or algorithms (at once). When disabling a plugin, unique id should be passed
44 * (e.g. feature name). The same identifier should be used when {@link #clearForceDisabled enabling back} the plugin.
45 * The plugin becomes enabled only after all features {@link #clearForceDisabled enabled it back}.
46 *
47 * Disabling and enabling a plugin:
48 *
49 * plugin.isEnabled; // -> true
50 * plugin.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
51 * plugin.isEnabled; // -> false
52 * plugin.clearForceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
53 * plugin.isEnabled; // -> true
54 *
55 * Plugin disabled by multiple features:
56 *
57 * plugin.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
58 * plugin.forceDisabled( 'OtherFeature' );
59 * plugin.clearForceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
60 * plugin.isEnabled; // -> false
61 * plugin.clearForceDisabled( 'OtherFeature' );
62 * plugin.isEnabled; // -> true
63 *
64 * Multiple disabling with the same identifier is redundant:
65 *
66 * plugin.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
67 * plugin.forceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
68 * plugin.clearForceDisabled( 'MyFeature' );
69 * plugin.isEnabled; // -> true
70 *
71 * **Note:** some plugins or algorithms may have more complex logic when it comes to enabling or disabling certain plugins,
72 * so the plugin might be still disabled after {@link #clearForceDisabled} was used.
73 */
74 forceDisabled(id: string): void;
75 /**
76 * Clears forced disable previously set through {@link #forceDisabled}. See {@link #forceDisabled}.
77 */
78 clearForceDisabled(id: string): void;
79 /**
80 * Destroys the plugin.
81 *
82 * **Note:** This method is optional. A plugin instance does not need to have it defined.
83 */
84 destroy(): void;
85 /**
86 * A flag which defines if a plugin is allowed or not allowed to be used directly by a {@link module:core/context~Context}.
87 */
88 static readonly isContextPlugin: false;
89 /**
90 * An array of plugins required by this plugin.
91 *
92 * To keep the plugin class definition tight it is recommended to define this property as a static getter:
93 *
94 * import Image from './image.js';
95 *
96 * export default class ImageCaption {
97 * static get requires() {
98 * return [ Image ];
99 * }
100 * }
101 */
102 static readonly requires?: Array<typeof Plugin | typeof ContextPlugin | string> | undefined;
103 /**
104 * An optional name of the plugin. If set, the plugin will be available in
105 * {@link module:core/plugincollection~PluginCollection#get} by its
106 * name and its constructor. If not, then only by its constructor.
107 *
108 * The name should reflect the constructor name.
109 *
110 * To keep the plugin class definition tight, it is recommended to define this property as a static getter:
111 *
112 * export default class ImageCaption {
113 * static get pluginName() {
114 * return 'ImageCaption';
115 * }
116 * }
117 *
118 * Note: The native `Function.name` property could not be used to keep the plugin name because
119 * it will be mangled during code minification.
120 *
121 * Naming a plugin is necessary to enable removing it through the
122 * {@link module:core/editor/editorconfig~EditorConfig#removePlugins `config.removePlugins`} option.
123 */
124 static readonly pluginName?: string | undefined;
125 /**
126 * The second stage (after plugin {@link #constructor}) of the plugin initialization.
127 * Unlike the plugin constructor this method can be asynchronous.
128 *
129 * A plugin's `init()` method is called after its {@link module:core/plugin~PluginInterface.requires dependencies} are initialized,
130 * so in the same order as the constructors of these plugins.
131 *
132 * **Note:** This method is optional. A plugin instance does not need to have it defined.
133 */
134 init?(): void | Promise<void>;
135 /**
136 * The third (and last) stage of the plugin initialization. See also {@link #constructor} and {@link #init}.
137 *
138 * **Note:** This method is optional. A plugin instance does not need to have it defined.
139 */
140 afterInit?(): Promise<void> | void;
143// Beware that this defines a class constructor, not the class instance.
144export interface PluginInterface<T = Plugin> {
145 new (editor: Editor): T;
146 init?(): Promise<void> | void;
147 afterInit?(): Promise<void> | void;
148 destroy?(): Promise<void> | void;
151export type LoadedPlugins = Array<typeof Plugin | typeof ContextPlugin>;