1 | /**
2 | * CSS parser / stringifier for Node.js
3 | */
4 |
5 | /**
6 | * css.parse options
7 | */
8 | export interface ParserOptions {
9 | /** Silently fail on parse errors */
10 | silent?: boolean | undefined;
11 | /** The path to the file containing css. Makes errors and source maps more helpful, by letting them know where code comes from. */
12 | source?: string | undefined;
13 | }
14 |
15 | /**
16 | * css.stringify options
17 | */
18 | export interface StringifyOptions {
19 | /** The string used to indent the output. Defaults to two spaces. */
20 | indent?: string | undefined;
21 | /** Omit comments and extraneous whitespace. */
22 | compress?: boolean | undefined;
23 | /** Return a sourcemap along with the CSS output.
24 | * Using the source option of css.parse is strongly recommended
25 | * when creating a source map. Specify sourcemap: 'generator'
26 | * to return the SourceMapGenerator object instead of serializing the source map.
27 | */
28 | sourcemap?: string | undefined;
29 | /** (enabled by default, specify false to disable)
30 | * Reads any source maps referenced by the input files
31 | * when generating the output source map. When enabled,
32 | * file system access may be required for reading the referenced source maps.
33 | */
34 | inputSourcemaps?: boolean | undefined;
35 | }
36 |
37 | /**
38 | * Error thrown during parsing.
39 | */
40 | export interface ParserError {
41 | /** The full error message with the source position. */
42 | message?: string | undefined;
43 | /** The error message without position. */
44 | reason?: string | undefined;
45 | /** The value of options.source if passed to css.parse. Otherwise undefined. */
46 | filename?: string | undefined;
47 | line?: number | undefined;
48 | column?: number | undefined;
49 | /** The portion of code that couldn't be parsed. */
50 | source?: string | undefined;
51 | }
52 |
53 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 | // AST Tree
55 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 |
57 | /**
58 | * Information about a position in the code.
59 | * The line and column numbers are 1-based: The first line is 1 and the first column of a line is 1 (not 0).
60 | */
61 | export interface Position {
62 | line?: number | undefined;
63 | column?: number | undefined;
64 | }
65 |
66 | /**
67 | * Base AST Tree Node.
68 | */
69 | export interface BaseNode {
70 | /** A reference to the parent node, or null if the node has no parent. */
71 | parent?: Node | undefined;
72 | /** Information about the position in the source string that corresponds to the node. */
73 | position?: {
74 | start?: Position | undefined;
75 | end?: Position | undefined;
76 | /** The value of options.source if passed to css.parse. Otherwise undefined. */
77 | source?: string | undefined;
78 | /** The full source string passed to css.parse. */
79 | content?: string | undefined;
80 | } | undefined;
81 | }
82 |
83 | export interface Rule extends BaseNode {
84 | type: "rule";
85 | /** The list of selectors of the rule, split on commas. Each selector is trimmed from whitespace and comments. */
86 | selectors?: string[] | undefined;
87 | /** Array of nodes with the types declaration and comment. */
88 | declarations?: Array<Declaration | Comment> | undefined;
89 | }
90 |
91 | export interface Declaration extends BaseNode {
92 | type: "declaration";
93 | /** The property name, trimmed from whitespace and comments. May not be empty. */
94 | property?: string | undefined;
95 | /** The value of the property, trimmed from whitespace and comments. Empty values are allowed. */
96 | value?: string | undefined;
97 | }
98 |
99 | /**
100 | * A rule-level or declaration-level comment. Comments inside selectors, properties and values etc. are lost.
101 | */
102 | export interface Comment extends BaseNode {
103 | type: "comment";
104 | comment?: string | undefined;
105 | }
106 |
107 | /**
108 | * The @charset at-rule.
109 | */
110 | export interface Charset extends BaseNode {
111 | type: "charset";
112 | /** The part following @charset. */
113 | charset?: string | undefined;
114 | }
115 |
116 | /**
117 | * The @custom-media at-rule
118 | */
119 | export interface CustomMedia extends BaseNode {
120 | type: "custom-media";
121 | /** The ---prefixed name. */
122 | name?: string | undefined;
123 | /** The part following the name. */
124 | media?: string | undefined;
125 | }
126 |
127 | /**
128 | * The @document at-rule.
129 | */
130 | export interface Document extends BaseNode {
131 | type: "document";
132 | /** The part following @document. */
133 | document?: string | undefined;
134 | /** The vendor prefix in @document, or undefined if there is none. */
135 | vendor?: string | undefined;
136 | /** Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types. */
137 | rules?: Array<Rule | Comment | AtRule> | undefined;
138 | }
139 |
140 | /**
141 | * The @font-face at-rule.
142 | */
143 | export interface FontFace extends BaseNode {
144 | type: "font-face";
145 | /** Array of nodes with the types declaration and comment. */
146 | declarations?: Array<Declaration | Comment> | undefined;
147 | }
148 |
149 | /**
150 | * The @host at-rule.
151 | */
152 | export interface Host extends BaseNode {
153 | type: "host";
154 | /** Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types. */
155 | rules?: Array<Rule | Comment | AtRule> | undefined;
156 | }
157 |
158 | /**
159 | * The @import at-rule.
160 | */
161 | export interface Import extends BaseNode {
162 | type: "import";
163 | /** The part following @import. */
164 | import?: string | undefined;
165 | }
166 |
167 | /**
168 | * The @keyframes at-rule.
169 | */
170 | export interface KeyFrames extends BaseNode {
171 | type: "keyframes";
172 | /** The name of the keyframes rule. */
173 | name?: string | undefined;
174 | /** The vendor prefix in @keyframes, or undefined if there is none. */
175 | vendor?: string | undefined;
176 | /** Array of nodes with the types keyframe and comment. */
177 | keyframes?: Array<KeyFrame | Comment> | undefined;
178 | }
179 |
180 | export interface KeyFrame extends BaseNode {
181 | type: "keyframe";
182 | /** The list of "selectors" of the keyframe rule, split on commas. Each “selector” is trimmed from whitespace. */
183 | values?: string[] | undefined;
184 | /** Array of nodes with the types declaration and comment. */
185 | declarations?: Array<Declaration | Comment> | undefined;
186 | }
187 |
188 | /**
189 | * The @media at-rule.
190 | */
191 | export interface Media extends BaseNode {
192 | type: "media";
193 | /** The part following @media. */
194 | media?: string | undefined;
195 | /** Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types. */
196 | rules?: Array<Rule | Comment | AtRule> | undefined;
197 | }
198 |
199 | /**
200 | * The @namespace at-rule.
201 | */
202 | export interface Namespace extends BaseNode {
203 | type: "namespace";
204 | /** The part following @namespace. */
205 | namespace?: string | undefined;
206 | }
207 |
208 | /**
209 | * The @page at-rule.
210 | */
211 | export interface Page extends BaseNode {
212 | type: "page";
213 | /** The list of selectors of the rule, split on commas. Each selector is trimmed from whitespace and comments. */
214 | selectors?: string[] | undefined;
215 | /** Array of nodes with the types declaration and comment. */
216 | declarations?: Array<Declaration | Comment> | undefined;
217 | }
218 |
219 | /**
220 | * The @supports at-rule.
221 | */
222 | export interface Supports extends BaseNode {
223 | type: "supports";
224 | /** The part following @supports. */
225 | supports?: string | undefined;
226 | /** Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types. */
227 | rules?: Array<Rule | Comment | AtRule> | undefined;
228 | }
229 |
230 | /** All at-rules. */
231 | export type AtRule =
232 | | Charset
233 | | CustomMedia
234 | | Document
235 | | FontFace
236 | | Host
237 | | Import
238 | | KeyFrames
239 | | Media
240 | | Namespace
241 | | Page
242 | | Supports;
243 |
244 | /**
245 | * A collection of rules
246 | */
247 | export interface StyleRules {
248 | /** Array of nodes with the types rule, comment and any of the at-rule types. */
249 | rules: Array<Rule | Comment | AtRule>;
250 | /** Array of Errors. Errors collected during parsing when option silent is true. */
251 | parsingErrors?: ParserError[] | undefined;
252 | }
253 |
254 | /**
255 | * The root node returned by css.parse.
256 | */
257 | export interface Stylesheet extends BaseNode {
258 | type: "stylesheet";
259 | stylesheet?: StyleRules | undefined;
260 | }
261 |
262 | /**
263 | * All possible AST nodes.
264 | */
265 | export type Node = Rule | Declaration | Comment | AtRule | Stylesheet;
266 |
267 | // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 |
269 | /**
270 | * Accepts a CSS string and returns an AST object.
271 | *
272 | * @param {string} code - CSS code.
273 | * @param {ParserOptions} options - CSS parser options.
274 | * @return {Stylesheet} AST object built using provides CSS code.
275 | */
276 | export function parse(code: string, options?: ParserOptions): Stylesheet;
277 |
278 | /**
279 | * Accepts an AST object (as css.parse produces) and returns a CSS string.
280 | *
281 | * @param {Stylesheet} stylesheet - AST tree.
282 | * @param {StringifyOptions} options - AST tree to string serializaiton options.
283 | * @return {string} CSS code.
284 | */
285 | export function stringify(stylesheet: Stylesheet, options?: StringifyOptions): string;