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1// Type definitions for d3-contour 3.0
2// Project: https://d3js.org/d3-contour/
3// Definitions by: Tom Wanzek <https://github.com/tomwanzek>
4// Hugues Stefanski <https://github.com/Ledragon>
5// Nathan Bierema <https://github.com/Methuselah96>
6// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
8// Last module patch version validated against: 3.0.1
10import { MultiPolygon } from 'geojson';
11import { ThresholdNumberArrayGenerator, ThresholdCountGenerator } from 'd3-array';
14 * An extended GeoJSON MultiPolygon representing a contour.
15 */
16export interface ContourMultiPolygon extends MultiPolygon {
17 /**
18 * Threshold value of the contour.
19 */
20 value: number;
24 * A contour generator which computes contour polygons by applying marching squares to a rectangular array of numeric values.
25 *
26 * For each threshold value, the contour generator constructs a GeoJSON MultiPolygon geometry object representing the area
27 * where the input values are greater than or equal to the threshold value.
28 * The geometry is in planar coordinates, where ⟨i + 0.5, j + 0.5⟩ corresponds to element i + jn in the input values array.
29 *
30 */
31export interface Contours {
32 /**
33 * Computes the contours for the given array of values, returning an array of GeoJSON MultiPolygon geometry objects.
34 * Each geometry object represents the area where the input values are greater than or equal to the corresponding threshold value;
35 * the threshold value for each geometry object is exposed as geometry.value.
36 *
37 * The returned geometry objects are typically passed to d3.geoPath to display,
38 * using null or d3.geoIdentity as the associated projection
39 *
40 * @param values Array of input values. The input values must be an array of length n×m where [n, m] is the contour generator’s size;
41 * furthermore, each values[i + jn] must represent the value at the position ⟨i, j⟩.
42 */
43 (values: number[]): ContourMultiPolygon[];
45 /**
46 * Computes a single contour, returning a GeoJSON MultiPolygon geometry object.
47 * This geometry object represents the area where the input values are greater than or equal to the given threshold value;
48 * the threshold value for the geometry object is exposed as geometry.value.
49 *
50 * @param values Array of input values. The input values must be an array of length n×m where [n, m] is the contour generator’s size;
51 * furthermore, each values[i + jn] must represent the value at the position ⟨i, j⟩.
52 * @param threshold Threshold value.
53 */
54 contour(values: number[], threshold: number): ContourMultiPolygon;
56 /**
57 * Return the expected size of the input values grid, which defaults to [1,1].
58 */
59 size(): [number, number];
60 /**
61 * Sets the expected size of the input values grid to the contour generator and returns the contour generator.
62 *
63 * @param size Size of the input values grid specified as an array [n, m]
64 * where n is the number of columns in the grid and m is the number of rows; n and m must be positive integers.
65 */
66 size(size: [number, number]): this;
68 /**
69 * Returns the current smoothing flag, which defaults to true.
70 */
71 smooth(): boolean;
72 /**
73 * Sets whether or not the generated contour polygons are smoothed using linear interpolation and returns the contour generator.
74 *
75 * @param smooth Flag to enable linear interpolation. The default is "true".
76 */
77 smooth(smooth: boolean): this;
79 /**
80 * Returns the current threshold generator, which by default implements Sturges’ formula.
81 */
82 thresholds(): ThresholdCountGenerator<number> | ThresholdNumberArrayGenerator<number>;
83 /**
84 * Sets the threshold generator to the specified function or array and returns this contour generator.
85 * Thresholds are defined as an array of values [x0, x1, …].
86 * The first generated contour corresponds to the area where the input values are greater than or equal to x0;
87 * the second contour corresponds to the area where the input values are greater than or equal to x1, and so on.
88 * Thus, there is exactly one generated MultiPolygon geometry object for each specified threshold value; the threshold value is exposed as geometry.value.
89 * If a count is specified instead of an array of thresholds, then the input values’ extent will be uniformly divided into approximately count bins; see d3.ticks.
90 */
91 thresholds(thresholds: number | number[] | ThresholdCountGenerator<number> | ThresholdNumberArrayGenerator<number>): this;
95 * Construct a new contour generator with the default settings.
96 */
97export function contours(): Contours;
100 * A contour generator for density estimates.
101 *
102 * The generic refers to the data type of an element in the data array
103 * used with the density contour generator. If omitted, the default setting assumes that,
104 * the elements of the data array used with the density contour generator are two-element arrays.
105 * The first element corresponds to the x-dimension, the second to the y-dimension.
106 */
107export interface ContourDensity<Datum = [number, number]> {
108 /**
109 * Estimates the density contours for the given array of data, returning an array of GeoJSON MultiPolygon geometry objects.
110 * Each geometry object represents the area where the estimated number of points per square pixel is greater than or equal to
111 * the corresponding threshold value; the threshold value for each geometry object is exposed as geometry.value.
112 * The returned geometry objects are typically passed to d3.geoPath to display, using null or d3.geoIdentity as the associated projection.
113 * See also d3.contours.
114 *
115 * The x- and y-coordinate for each data point are computed using density.x and density.y.
116 * The generated contours are only accurate within the estimator’s defined size.
117 *
118 * @param data Array of input data.
119 */
120 (data: Datum[]): ContourMultiPolygon[];
122 /**
123 * Returns the current x-coordinate accessor.
124 * The default x-coordinate accessor is a functions which accepts as input a two-element array of numbers
125 * and returns the element at index 0.
126 */
127 x(): (d: Datum) => number;
128 /**
129 * Sets the x-coordinate accessor and returns the density contour estimator.
130 *
131 * @param x An x-coordinate accessor function, which accepts as input an element of the input data array and returns the
132 * x-coordinate.
133 */
134 x(x: (d: Datum) => number): this;
136 /**
137 * Returns the current y-coordinate accessor.
138 * The default y-coordinate accessor is a functions which accepts as input a two-element array of numbers
139 * and returns the element at index 1.
140 */
141 y(): (d: Datum) => number;
142 /**
143 * Sets the y-coordinate accessor and returns the density contour estimator.
144 *
145 * @param y An y-coordinate accessor function, which accepts as input an element of the input data array and returns the
146 * y-coordinate.
147 */
148 y(y: (d: Datum) => number): this;
150 /**
151 * Returns the current point weight accessor.
152 */
153 weight(): (d: Datum) => number;
155 /**
156 * Sets the point weight accessor and returns the density contour estimator.
157 *
158 * @param weight A point weight accessor function.
159 */
160 weight(weight: (d: Datum) => number): this;
162 /**
163 * Returns the current size, which defaults to [960, 500].
164 */
165 size(): [number, number];
166 /**
167 * Sets the size of the density estimator to the specified bounds and returns the density contour estimator.
168 *
169 * @param size The size is specified as an array [width, height], where width is the maximum x-value and height is the maximum y-value.
170 */
171 size(size: [number, number]): this;
173 /**
174 * Returns the current cell size, which defaults to 4.
175 */
176 cellSize(): number;
177 /**
178 * Sets the size of individual cells in the underlying bin grid to the specified positive integer and returns the density contour estimator.
179 *
180 * The cell size is rounded down to the nearest power of two. Smaller cells produce more detailed contour polygons, but are more expensive to compute.
181 *
182 * @param cellSize Cell size, a positive integer.
183 */
184 cellSize(cellSize: number): this;
186 /**
187 * Returns the current threshold generator, which by default generates about twenty nicely-rounded density thresholds.
188 */
189 thresholds(): ThresholdCountGenerator<number> | ThresholdNumberArrayGenerator<number>;
190 /**
191 * Sets the threshold generator to the specified function or array and returns this contour generator.
192 * Thresholds are defined as an array of values [x0, x1, …].
193 * The first generated density contour corresponds to the area where the estimated density is greater than or equal to x0;
194 * the second contour corresponds to the area where the estimated density is greater than or equal to x1, and so on.
195 * Thus, there is exactly one generated MultiPolygon geometry object for each specified threshold value; the threshold value is exposed as geometry.value.
196 * The first value x0 should typically be greater than zero.
197 * If a count is specified instead of an array of thresholds, then approximately count uniformly-spaced nicely-rounded thresholds will be generated; see d3.ticks.
198 */
199 thresholds(thresholds: number | number[] | ThresholdCountGenerator<number> | ThresholdNumberArrayGenerator<number>): this;
201 /**
202 * Returns the current bandwidth, which defaults to 20.4939….
203 */
204 bandwidth(): number;
205 /**
206 * Sets the bandwidth (the standard deviation) of the Gaussian kernel and returns the density contour estimator.
207 *
208 * @param bandwidth Bandwidth (the standard deviation) of the Gaussian kernel.
209 * The specified bandwidth is currently rounded to the nearest supported value by this implementation, and must be nonnegative.
210 */
211 bandwidth(bandwidth: number): this;
215 * Construct a new contour generator for density estimates.
216 *
217 * The generic refers to the data type of an element in the data array
218 * used with the density contour generator. If omitted, the default setting assumes that,
219 * the elements of the data array used with the density contour generator are two-element arrays.
220 * The first element corresponds to the x-dimension, the second to the y-dimension.
221 *
222 * Important: ensure that the x- and y-accessor functions are configured to
223 * match the data type used for the generic Datum.
224 */
225// tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-generics
226export function contourDensity<Datum = [number, number]>(): ContourDensity<Datum>;