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1// Type definitions for D3JS d3-hierarchy module 3.1
2// Project: https://github.com/d3/d3-hierarchy/, https://d3js.org/d3-hierarchy
3// Definitions by: Tom Wanzek <https://github.com/tomwanzek>
4// Alex Ford <https://github.com/gustavderdrache>
5// Boris Yankov <https://github.com/borisyankov>
6// denisname <https://github.com/denisname>
7// Nathan Bierema <https://github.com/Methuselah96>
8// Fil <https://github.com/Fil>
9// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
11// Last module patch version validated against: 3.1.2
13// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
14// Hierarchy
15// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
17export interface HierarchyLink<Datum> {
18 /**
19 * The source of the link.
20 */
21 source: HierarchyNode<Datum>;
23 /**
24 * The target of the link.
25 */
26 target: HierarchyNode<Datum>;
29export interface HierarchyNode<Datum> {
30 new(data: Datum): this;
32 /**
33 * The associated data, as specified to the constructor.
34 */
35 data: Datum;
37 /**
38 * Zero for the root node, and increasing by one for each descendant generation.
39 */
40 readonly depth: number;
42 /**
43 * Zero for leaf nodes, and the greatest distance from any descendant leaf for internal nodes.
44 */
45 readonly height: number;
47 /**
48 * The parent node, or null for the root node.
49 */
50 parent: this | null;
52 /**
53 * An array of child nodes, if any; undefined for leaf nodes.
54 */
55 children?: this[] | undefined;
57 /**
58 * Aggregated numeric value as calculated by `sum(value)` or `count()`, if previously invoked.
59 */
60 readonly value?: number | undefined;
62 /**
63 * Optional node id string set by `StratifyOperator`, if hierarchical data was created from tabular data using stratify().
64 */
65 readonly id?: string | undefined;
67 /**
68 * Returns the array of ancestors nodes, starting with this node, then followed by each parent up to the root.
69 */
70 ancestors(): this[];
72 /**
73 * Returns the array of descendant nodes, starting with this node, then followed by each child in topological order.
74 */
75 descendants(): this[];
77 /**
78 * Returns the array of leaf nodes in traversal order; leaves are nodes with no children.
79 */
80 leaves(): this[];
82 /**
83 * Returns the first node in the hierarchy from this node for which the specified filter returns a truthy value. undefined if no such node is found.
84 * @param filter Filter.
85 */
86 find(filter: (node: this) => boolean): this | undefined;
88 /**
89 * Returns the shortest path through the hierarchy from this node to the specified target node.
90 * The path starts at this node, ascends to the least common ancestor of this node and the target node, and then descends to the target node.
91 *
92 * @param target The target node.
93 */
94 path(target: this): this[];
96 /**
97 * Returns an array of links for this node, where each link is an object that defines source and target properties.
98 * The source of each link is the parent node, and the target is a child node.
99 */
100 links(): Array<HierarchyLink<Datum>>;
102 /**
103 * Evaluates the specified value function for this node and each descendant in post-order traversal, and returns this node.
104 * The `node.value` property of each node is set to the numeric value returned by the specified function plus the combined value of all descendants.
105 *
106 * @param value The value function is passed the node’s data, and must return a non-negative number.
107 */
108 sum(value: (d: Datum) => number): this;
110 /**
111 * Computes the number of leaves under this node and assigns it to `node.value`, and similarly for every descendant of node.
112 * If this node is a leaf, its count is one. Returns this node.
113 */
114 count(): this;
116 /**
117 * Sorts the children of this node, if any, and each of this node’s descendants’ children,
118 * in pre-order traversal using the specified compare function, and returns this node.
119 *
120 * @param compare The compare function is passed two nodes a and b to compare.
121 * If a should be before b, the function must return a value less than zero;
122 * if b should be before a, the function must return a value greater than zero;
123 * otherwise, the relative order of a and b are not specified. See `array.sort` for more.
124 */
125 sort(compare: (a: this, b: this) => number): this;
127 /**
128 * Returns an iterator over the node’s descendants in breadth-first order.
129 */
130 [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<this>;
132 /**
133 * Invokes the specified function for node and each descendant in breadth-first order,
134 * such that a given node is only visited if all nodes of lesser depth have already been visited,
135 * as well as all preceding nodes of the same depth.
136 *
137 * @param func The specified function is passed the current descendant, the zero-based traversal index, and this node.
138 * @param that If that is specified, it is the this context of the callback.
139 */
140 each<T = undefined>(func: (this: T, node: this, index: number, thisNode: this) => void, that?: T): this;
142 /**
143 * Invokes the specified function for node and each descendant in post-order traversal,
144 * such that a given node is only visited after all of its descendants have already been visited.
145 *
146 * @param func The specified function is passed the current descendant, the zero-based traversal index, and this node.
147 * @param that If that is specified, it is the this context of the callback.
148 *
149 */
150 eachAfter<T = undefined>(func: (this: T, node: this, index: number, thisNode: this) => void, that?: T): this;
152 /**
153 * Invokes the specified function for node and each descendant in pre-order traversal,
154 * such that a given node is only visited after all of its ancestors have already been visited.
155 *
156 * @param func The specified function is passed the current descendant, the zero-based traversal index, and this node.
157 * @param that If that is specified, it is the this context of the callback.
158 */
159 eachBefore<T = undefined>(func: (this: T, node: this, index: number, thisNode: this) => void, that?: T): this;
161 /**
162 * Return a deep copy of the subtree starting at this node. The returned deep copy shares the same data, however.
163 * The returned node is the root of a new tree; the returned nodes parent is always null and its depth is always zero.
164 */
165 copy(): this;
169 * Constructs a root node from the specified hierarchical data.
170 *
171 * @param data The root specified data.
172 * If *data* is a Map, it is implicitly converted to the entry [undefined, *data*],
173 * and the children accessor instead defaults to `(d) => Array.isArray(d) ? d[1] : null;`.
174 * @param children The specified children accessor function is invoked for each datum, starting with the root data,
175 * and must return an iterable of data representing the children, if any.
176 * If children is not specified, it defaults to: `(d) => d.children`.
177 */
178export function hierarchy<Datum>(data: Datum, children?: (d: Datum) => (Iterable<Datum> | null | undefined)): HierarchyNode<Datum>;
180// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
181// Stratify
182// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
184export interface StratifyOperator<Datum> {
185 /**
186 * Generates a new hierarchy from the specified tabular data. Each node in the returned object has a shallow copy of the properties
187 * from the corresponding data object, excluding the following reserved properties: id, parentId, children.
188 *
189 * @param data The root specified data.
190 * @throws Error on missing id, ambiguous id, cycle, multiple roots or no root.
191 */
192 (data: Datum[]): HierarchyNode<Datum>;
194 /**
195 * Returns the current id accessor, which defaults to: `(d) => d.id`.
196 */
197 id(): (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => (string | null | '' | undefined);
198 /**
199 * Sets the id accessor to the given function.
200 * The id accessor is invoked for each element in the input data passed to the stratify operator.
201 * The returned string is then used to identify the node's relationships in conjunction with the parent id.
202 * For leaf nodes, the id may be undefined, null or the empty string; otherwise, the id must be unique.
203 *
204 * @param id The id accessor.
205 */
206 id(id: (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => (string | null | '' | undefined)): this;
208 /**
209 * Returns the current parent id accessor, which defaults to: `(d) => d.parentId`.
210 */
211 parentId(): (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => (string | null | '' | undefined);
212 /**
213 * Sets the parent id accessor to the given function.
214 * The parent id accessor is invoked for each element in the input data passed to the stratify operator.
215 * The returned string is then used to identify the node's relationships in conjunction with the id.
216 * For the root node, the parent id should be undefined, null or the empty string.
217 * There must be exactly one root node in the input data, and no circular relationships.
218 *
219 * @param parentId The parent id accessor.
220 */
221 parentId(parentId: (d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => (string | null | '' | undefined)): this;
223 /**
224 * Returns the current path accessor, which defaults to undefined.
225 */
226 path(): ((d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => string) | null | undefined;
227 /**
228 * If path is specified, sets the path accessor to the given function and returns this stratify operator.
229 * Otherwise, returns the current path accessor, which defaults to undefined.
230 * If a path accessor is set, the id and parentId arguments are ignored,
231 * and a unix-like hierarchy is computed on the slash-delimited strings
232 * returned by the path accessor, imputing parent nodes and ids as necessary.
233 *
234 * @param path The path accessor.
235 */
236 path(path: ((d: Datum, i: number, data: Datum[]) => string) | null | undefined): this;
240 * Constructs a new stratify operator with the default settings.
241 */
242// eslint-disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
243export function stratify<Datum>(): StratifyOperator<Datum>;
245// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
246// Cluster
247// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
249export interface HierarchyPointLink<Datum> {
250 /**
251 * The source of the link.
252 */
253 source: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>;
255 /**
256 * The target of the link.
257 */
258 target: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>;
261export interface HierarchyPointNode<Datum> extends HierarchyNode<Datum> {
262 /**
263 * The x-coordinate of the node.
264 */
265 x: number;
267 /**
268 * The y-coordinate of the node.
269 */
270 y: number;
272 /**
273 * Returns an array of links for this node, where each link is an object that defines source and target properties.
274 * The source of each link is the parent node, and the target is a child node.
275 */
276 links(): Array<HierarchyPointLink<Datum>>;
279export interface ClusterLayout<Datum> {
280 /**
281 * Lays out the specified root hierarchy.
282 * You may want to call `root.sort` before passing the hierarchy to the cluster layout.
283 *
284 * @param root The specified root hierarchy.
285 */
286 (root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyPointNode<Datum>;
288 /**
289 * Returns the current layout size, which defaults to [1, 1]. A layout size of null indicates that a node size will be used instead.
290 */
291 size(): [number, number] | null;
292 /**
293 * Sets this cluster layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns the cluster layout.
294 * The size represent an arbitrary coordinate system; for example, to produce a radial layout,
295 * a size of [360, radius] corresponds to a breadth of 360° and a depth of radius.
296 *
297 * @param size The specified two-element size array.
298 */
299 size(size: [number, number]): this;
301 /**
302 * Returns the current node size, which defaults to null. A node size of null indicates that a layout size will be used instead.
303 */
304 nodeSize(): [number, number] | null;
305 /**
306 * Sets this cluster layout’s node size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this cluster layout.
307 * When a node size is specified, the root node is always positioned at <0, 0>.
308 *
309 * @param size The specified two-element size array.
310 */
311 nodeSize(size: [number, number]): this;
313 /**
314 * Returns the current separation accessor, which defaults to: `(a, b) => a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2`.
315 */
316 separation(): (a: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>, b: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>) => number;
317 /**
318 * Sets the separation accessor to the specified function and returns this cluster layout.
319 * The separation accessor is used to separate neighboring leaves.
320 *
321 * @param separation The separation function is passed two leaves a and b, and must return the desired separation.
322 * The nodes are typically siblings, though the nodes may be more distantly related if the layout decides to place such nodes adjacent.
323 */
324 separation(separation: (a: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>, b: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>) => number): this;
328 * Creates a new cluster layout with default settings.
329 */
330// eslint-disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
331export function cluster<Datum>(): ClusterLayout<Datum>;
333// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
334// Tree
335// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
337export interface TreeLayout<Datum> {
338 /**
339 * Lays out the specified root hierarchy.
340 * You may want to call `root.sort` before passing the hierarchy to the tree layout.
341 *
342 * @param root The specified root hierarchy.
343 */
344 (root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyPointNode<Datum>;
346 /**
347 * Returns the current layout size, which defaults to [1, 1]. A layout size of null indicates that a node size will be used instead.
348 */
349 size(): [number, number] | null;
350 /**
351 * Sets this tree layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns the tree layout.
352 * The size represent an arbitrary coordinate system; for example, to produce a radial layout,
353 * a size of [360, radius] corresponds to a breadth of 360° and a depth of radius.
354 *
355 * @param size The specified two-element size array.
356 */
357 size(size: [number, number]): this;
359 /**
360 * Returns the current node size, which defaults to null. A node size of null indicates that a layout size will be used instead.
361 */
362 nodeSize(): [number, number] | null;
363 /**
364 * Sets this tree layout’s node size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this tree layout.
365 * When a node size is specified, the root node is always positioned at <0, 0>.
366 *
367 * @param size The specified two-element size array.
368 */
369 nodeSize(size: [number, number]): this;
371 /**
372 * Returns the current separation accessor, which defaults to: `(a, b) => a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2`.
373 */
374 separation(): (a: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>, b: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>) => number;
375 /**
376 * Sets the separation accessor to the specified function and returns this tree layout.
377 * The separation accessor is used to separate neighboring nodes.
378 *
379 * @param separation The separation function is passed two nodes a and b, and must return the desired separation.
380 * The nodes are typically siblings, though the nodes may be more distantly related if the layout decides to place such nodes adjacent.
381 */
382 separation(separation: (a: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>, b: HierarchyPointNode<Datum>) => number): this;
386 * Creates a new tree layout with default settings.
387 */
388// eslint-disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
389export function tree<Datum>(): TreeLayout<Datum>;
391// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
392// Treemap
393// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
395export interface HierarchyRectangularLink<Datum> {
396 /**
397 * The source of the link.
398 */
399 source: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>;
401 /**
402 * The target of the link.
403 */
404 target: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>;
407export interface HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum> extends HierarchyNode<Datum> {
408 /**
409 * The left edge of the rectangle.
410 */
411 x0: number;
413 /**
414 * The top edge of the rectangle
415 */
416 y0: number;
418 /**
419 * The right edge of the rectangle.
420 */
421 x1: number;
423 /**
424 * The bottom edge of the rectangle.
425 */
426 y1: number;
428 /**
429 * Returns an array of links for this node, where each link is an object that defines source and target properties.
430 * The source of each link is the parent node, and the target is a child node.
431 */
432 links(): Array<HierarchyRectangularLink<Datum>>;
435export interface TreemapLayout<Datum> {
436 /**
437 * Lays out the specified root hierarchy.
438 * You must call `root.sum` before passing the hierarchy to the treemap layout.
439 * You probably also want to call `root.sort` to order the hierarchy before computing the layout.
440 *
441 * @param root The specified root hierarchy.
442 */
443 (root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>;
445 /**
446 * Returns the current tiling method, which defaults to `d3.treemapSquarify` with the golden ratio.
447 */
448 tile(): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) => void;
449 /**
450 * Sets the tiling method to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
451 *
452 * @param tile The specified tiling function.
453 */
454 tile(tile: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number) => void): this;
456 /**
457 * Returns the current size, which defaults to [1, 1].
458 */
459 size(): [number, number];
460 /**
461 * Sets this treemap layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this treemap layout.
462 *
463 * @param size The specified two-element size array.
464 */
465 size(size: [number, number]): this;
467 /**
468 * Returns the current rounding state, which defaults to false.
469 */
470 round(): boolean;
471 /**
472 * Enables or disables rounding according to the given boolean and returns this treemap layout.
473 *
474 * @param round The specified boolean flag.
475 */
476 round(round: boolean): this;
478 /**
479 * Returns the current inner padding function.
480 */
481 padding(): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number;
482 /**
483 * Sets the inner and outer padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout.
484 *
485 * @param padding The specified padding value.
486 */
487 padding(padding: number): this;
488 /**
489 * Sets the inner and outer padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
490 *
491 * @param padding The specified padding function.
492 */
493 padding(padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;
495 /**
496 * Returns the current inner padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
497 */
498 paddingInner(): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number;
499 /**
500 * Sets the inner padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout.
501 * The inner padding is used to separate a node’s adjacent children.
502 *
503 * @param padding The specified inner padding value.
504 */
505 paddingInner(padding: number): this;
506 /**
507 * Sets the inner padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
508 * The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node.
509 * The inner padding is used to separate a node’s adjacent children.
510 *
511 * @param padding The specified inner padding function.
512 */
513 paddingInner(padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;
515 /**
516 * Returns the current top padding function.
517 */
518 paddingOuter(): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number;
519 /**
520 * Sets the top, right, bottom and left padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
521 *
522 * @param padding The specified padding outer value.
523 */
524 paddingOuter(padding: number): this;
525 /**
526 * Sets the top, right, bottom and left padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
527 *
528 * @param padding The specified padding outer function.
529 */
530 paddingOuter(padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;
532 /**
533 * Returns the current top padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
534 */
535 paddingTop(): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number;
536 /**
537 * Sets the top padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout.
538 * The top padding is used to separate the top edge of a node from its children.
539 *
540 * @param padding The specified top padding value.
541 */
542 paddingTop(padding: number): this;
543 /**
544 * Sets the top padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
545 * The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node.
546 * The top padding is used to separate the top edge of a node from its children.
547 *
548 * @param padding The specified top padding function.
549 */
550 paddingTop(padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;
552 /**
553 * Returns the current right padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
554 */
555 paddingRight(): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number;
556 /**
557 * Sets the right padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout.
558 * The right padding is used to separate the right edge of a node from its children.
559 *
560 * @param padding The specified right padding value.
561 */
562 paddingRight(padding: number): this;
563 /**
564 * Sets the right padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
565 * The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node.
566 * The right padding is used to separate the right edge of a node from its children.
567 *
568 * @param padding The specified right padding function.
569 */
570 paddingRight(padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;
572 /**
573 * Returns the current bottom padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
574 */
575 paddingBottom(): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number;
576 /**
577 * Sets the bottom padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout.
578 * The bottom padding is used to separate the bottom edge of a node from its children.
579 *
580 * @param padding The specified bottom padding value.
581 */
582 paddingBottom(padding: number): this;
583 /**
584 * Sets the bottom padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
585 * The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node.
586 * The bottom padding is used to separate the bottom edge of a node from its children.
587 *
588 * @param padding The specified bottom padding function.
589 */
590 paddingBottom(padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;
592 /**
593 * Returns the current left padding function, which defaults to the constant zero.
594 */
595 paddingLeft(): (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number;
596 /**
597 * Sets the left padding to the specified number and returns this treemap layout.
598 * The left padding is used to separate the left edge of a node from its children.
599 *
600 * @param padding The specified left padding value.
601 */
602 paddingLeft(padding: number): this;
603 /**
604 * Sets the left padding to the specified function and returns this treemap layout.
605 * The function is invoked for each node with children, being passed the current node.
606 * The left padding is used to separate the left edge of a node from its children.
607 *
608 * @param padding The specified left padding function.
609 */
610 paddingLeft(padding: (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>) => number): this;
614 * Creates a new treemap layout with default settings.
615 */
616// eslint-disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
617export function treemap<Datum>(): TreemapLayout<Datum>;
619// Tiling functions ------------------------------------------------------
622 * Recursively partitions the specified nodes into an approximately-balanced binary tree,
623 * choosing horizontal partitioning for wide rectangles and vertical partitioning for tall rectangles.
624 */
625export function treemapBinary(node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): void;
628 * Divides the rectangular area specified by x0, y0, x1, y1 horizontally according the value of each of the specified node’s children.
629 * The children are positioned in order, starting with the left edge (x0) of the given rectangle.
630 * If the sum of the children’s values is less than the specified node’s value (i.e., if the specified node has a non-zero internal value),
631 * the remaining empty space will be positioned on the right edge (x1) of the given rectangle.
632 */
633export function treemapDice(node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): void;
636 * Divides the rectangular area specified by x0, y0, x1, y1 vertically according the value of each of the specified node’s children.
637 * The children are positioned in order, starting with the top edge (y0) of the given rectangle.
638 * If the sum of the children’s values is less than the specified node’s value (i.e., if the specified node has a non-zero internal value),
639 * the remaining empty space will be positioned on the bottom edge (y1) of the given rectangle.
640 */
641export function treemapSlice(node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): void;
644 * If the specified node has odd depth, delegates to treemapSlice; otherwise delegates to treemapDice.
645 */
646export function treemapSliceDice(node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): void;
648// TODO: Test Factory code
649export interface RatioSquarifyTilingFactory {
650 (node: HierarchyRectangularNode<any>, x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number): void;
652 /**
653 * Specifies the desired aspect ratio of the generated rectangles.
654 * Note that the orientation of the generated rectangles (tall or wide) is not implied by the ratio.
655 * Furthermore, the rectangles ratio are not guaranteed to have the exact specified aspect ratio.
656 * If not specified, the aspect ratio defaults to the golden ratio, φ = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, per Kong et al.
657 *
658 * @param ratio The specified ratio value greater than or equal to one.
659 */
660 ratio(ratio: number): RatioSquarifyTilingFactory;
664 * Implements the squarified treemap algorithm by Bruls et al., which seeks to produce rectangles of a given aspect ratio.
665 */
666export const treemapSquarify: RatioSquarifyTilingFactory;
669 * Like `d3.treemapSquarify`, except preserves the topology (node adjacencies) of the previous layout computed by `d3.treemapResquarify`,
670 * if there is one and it used the same target aspect ratio. This tiling method is good for animating changes to treemaps because
671 * it only changes node sizes and not their relative positions, thus avoiding distracting shuffling and occlusion.
672 * The downside of a stable update, however, is a suboptimal layout for subsequent updates: only the first layout uses the Bruls et al. squarified algorithm.
673 */
674export const treemapResquarify: RatioSquarifyTilingFactory;
676// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
677// Partition
678// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
680export interface PartitionLayout<Datum> {
681 /**
682 * Lays out the specified root hierarchy.
683 * You must call `root.sum` before passing the hierarchy to the partition layout.
684 * You probably also want to call `root.sort` to order the hierarchy before computing the layout.
685 *
686 * @param root The specified root hierarchy.
687 */
688 (root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyRectangularNode<Datum>;
690 /**
691 * Returns the current size, which defaults to [1, 1].
692 */
693 size(): [number, number];
694 /**
695 * Sets this partition layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this partition layout.
696 *
697 * @param size The specified two-element size array.
698 */
699 size(size: [number, number]): this;
701 /**
702 * Returns the current rounding state, which defaults to false.
703 */
704 round(): boolean;
705 /**
706 * Enables or disables rounding according to the given boolean and returns this partition layout.
707 *
708 * @param round The specified boolean flag.
709 */
710 round(round: boolean): this;
712 /**
713 * Returns the current padding, which defaults to zero.
714 */
715 padding(): number;
716 /**
717 * Sets the padding to the specified number and returns this partition layout.
718 * The padding is used to separate a node’s adjacent children.
719 *
720 * @param padding The specified padding value.
721 */
722 padding(padding: number): this;
726 * Creates a new partition layout with the default settings.
727 */
728// eslint-disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
729export function partition<Datum>(): PartitionLayout<Datum>;
731// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
732// Pack
733// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
735export interface HierarchyCircularLink<Datum> {
736 /**
737 * The source of the link.
738 */
739 source: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>;
741 /**
742 * The target of the link.
743 */
744 target: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>;
747export interface HierarchyCircularNode<Datum> extends HierarchyNode<Datum> {
748 /**
749 * The x-coordinate of the circle’s center.
750 */
751 x: number;
753 /**
754 * The y-coordinate of the circle’s center.
755 */
756 y: number;
758 /**
759 * The radius of the circle.
760 */
761 r: number;
763 /**
764 * Returns an array of links for this node, where each link is an object that defines source and target properties.
765 * The source of each link is the parent node, and the target is a child node.
766 */
767 links(): Array<HierarchyCircularLink<Datum>>;
770export interface PackLayout<Datum> {
771 /**
772 * Lays out the specified root hierarchy.
773 * You must call `root.sum` before passing the hierarchy to the pack layout.
774 * You probably also want to call `root.sort` to order the hierarchy before computing the layout.
775 *
776 * @param root The specified root hierarchy.
777 */
778 (root: HierarchyNode<Datum>): HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>;
780 /**
781 * Returns the current radius accessor, which defaults to null.
782 */
783 radius(): null | ((node: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>) => number);
784 /**
785 * Sets the pack layout’s radius accessor to the specified function and returns this pack layout.
786 * If the radius accessor is null, the radius of each leaf circle is derived from the leaf `node.value` (computed by `node.sum`);
787 * the radii are then scaled proportionally to fit the layout size.
788 * If the radius accessor is not null, the radius of each leaf circle is specified exactly by the function.
789 *
790 * @param radius The specified radius accessor.
791 */
792 radius(radius: null | ((node: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>) => number)): this;
794 /**
795 * Returns the current size, which defaults to [1, 1].
796 */
797 size(): [number, number];
798 /**
799 * Sets this pack layout’s size to the specified [width, height] array and returns this pack layout.
800 *
801 * @param size The specified two-element size array.
802 */
803 size(size: [number, number]): this;
805 /**
806 * Returns the current padding accessor, which defaults to the constant zero.
807 */
808 padding(): (node: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>) => number;
809 /**
810 * Sets this pack layout’s padding accessor to the specified number and returns this pack layout.
811 * Returns the current padding accessor, which defaults to the constant zero.
812 *
813 * When siblings are packed, tangent siblings will be separated by approximately the specified padding;
814 * the enclosing parent circle will also be separated from its children by approximately the specified padding.
815 * If an explicit radius is not specified, the padding is approximate because a two-pass algorithm
816 * is needed to fit within the layout size: the circles are first packed without padding;
817 * a scaling factor is computed and applied to the specified padding; and lastly the circles are re-packed with padding.
818 *
819 * @param padding The specified padding value.
820 */
821 padding(padding: number): this;
822 /**
823 * Sets this pack layout’s padding accessor to the specified function and returns this pack layout.
824 * Returns the current padding accessor, which defaults to the constant zero.
825 *
826 * When siblings are packed, tangent siblings will be separated by approximately the specified padding;
827 * the enclosing parent circle will also be separated from its children by approximately the specified padding.
828 * If an explicit radius is not specified, the padding is approximate because a two-pass algorithm
829 * is needed to fit within the layout size: the circles are first packed without padding;
830 * a scaling factor is computed and applied to the specified padding; and lastly the circles are re-packed with padding.
831 *
832 * @param padding The specified padding function.
833 */
834 padding(padding: (node: HierarchyCircularNode<Datum>) => number): this;
838 * Creates a new pack layout with the default settings.
839 */
840// eslint-disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
841export function pack<Datum>(): PackLayout<Datum>;
843// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
844// Pack Siblings and Enclosure
845// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
847export interface PackRadius {
848 /**
849 * The radius of the circle.
850 */
851 r: number;
853 /**
854 * The x-coordinate of the circle’s center.
855 */
856 x?: number | undefined;
858 /**
859 * The y-coordinate of the circle’s center.
860 */
861 y?: number | undefined;
864export interface PackCircle {
865 /**
866 * The radius of the circle.
867 */
868 r: number;
870 /**
871 * The x-coordinate of the circle’s center.
872 */
873 x: number;
875 /**
876 * The y-coordinate of the circle’s center.
877 */
878 y: number;
881// TODO: Since packSiblings manipulates the circles array in place, technically the x and y properties
882// are optional on invocation, but will be created after execution for each entry.
885 * Packs the specified array of circles, each of which must have a `circle.r` property specifying the circle’s radius.
886 * The circles are positioned according to the front-chain packing algorithm by Wang et al.
887 *
888 * @param circles The specified array of circles to pack.
889 */
890export function packSiblings<Datum extends PackRadius>(circles: Datum[]): Array<Datum & PackCircle>;
893 * Computes the smallest circle that encloses the specified array of circles, each of which must have
894 * a `circle.r` property specifying the circle’s radius, and `circle.x` and `circle.y` properties specifying the circle’s center.
895 * The enclosing circle is computed using the Matoušek-Sharir-Welzl algorithm. (See also Apollonius’ Problem.)
896 *
897 * @param circles The specified array of circles to pack.
898 */
899// eslint-disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
900export function packEnclose<Datum extends PackCircle>(circles: Datum[]): PackCircle;
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