15 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Last module patch version validated against: 1.0.6
3import { DSVParsedArray, DSVRowString } from "d3-dsv";
5export interface Request {
6 /**
7 * Aborts this request, if it is currently in-flight, and returns this request instance.
8 * See XMLHttpRequest’s abort.
9 */
10 abort(): this;
12 /**
13 * Equivalent to `request.send` with the GET method: `request.send("GET")`.
14 */
15 get(): this;
16 /**
17 * Equivalent to `request.send` with the GET method: `request.send("GET", data)`.
18 */
19 get<RequestData>(data: RequestData): this;
20 /**
21 * Equivalent to `request.send` with the GET method: `request.send("GET", callback)`.
22 */
23 get<ResponseData>(callback: (error: any, d: ResponseData) => void): this;
24 /**
25 * Equivalent to `request.send` with the GET method: `request.send("GET", data, callback)`.
26 */
27 get<RequestData, ResponseData>(data: RequestData, callback: (error: any, d: ResponseData) => void): this;
29 /**
30 * Returns the current value of the request header with the specified name.
31 * Header names are case-insensitive.
32 */
33 header(name: string): string;
34 /**
35 * Sets the request header with the specified name to the specified value and returns this request instance.
36 * If value is null, removes the request header with the specified name instead.
37 * Header names are case-insensitive.
38 *
39 * Request headers can only be modified before the request is sent.
40 * Therefore, you cannot pass a callback to the request constructor if you wish to specify a header;
41 * use `request.get` or similar instead.
42 */
43 header(name: string, value: string | null): this;
45 /**
46 * Returns the current mime type, which defaults to null.
47 */
48 mimeType(): string | null;
49 /**
50 * Sets the request mime type to the specified value and returns this request instance.
51 * If type is null, clears the current mime type (if any) instead.
52 *
53 * The mime type is used to both set the "Accept" request header and for `overrideMimeType`, where supported.
54 *
55 * The request mime type can only be modified before the request is sent.
56 * Therefore, you cannot pass a callback to the request constructor if you wish to override the mime type;
57 * use `request.get` or similar instead.
58 */
59 mimeType(value: string | null): this;
61 /**
62 * Returns the currently-assigned listener for the "beforesend" type, if any.
63 */
64 on(type: "beforesend"): ((this: this, xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => void) | undefined;
65 /**
66 * Returns the currently-assigned listener for the "progress" type, if any.
67 */
68 on(type: "progress"): ((this: this, progressEvent: ProgressEvent) => void) | undefined;
69 /**
70 * Returns the currently-assigned listener for the "error" type, if any.
71 */
72 on(type: "error"): ((this: this, error: any) => void) | undefined;
73 /**
74 * Returns the currently-assigned listener for the "load" type, if any.
75 */
76 on<ResponseData>(type: "load"): ((this: this, data: ResponseData) => void) | undefined;
77 /**
78 * Returns the currently-assigned listener for the specified type, if any.
79 */
80 on(type: string): ((this: this, data: any) => void) | undefined;
82 /**
83 * Removes the current event listener for the specified type, if any.
84 */
85 on(type: string, listener: null): this;
87 /**
88 * Sets the event listener for the "beforesend" type,
89 * to allow custom headers and the like to be set before the request is sent,
90 * and returns this request instance.
91 *
92 * If an event listener was already registered for the same type, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added.
93 * To register multiple listeners for the same type, the type may be followed by an optional name, such as `beforesend.foo`. See d3-dispatch for details.
94 */
95 on(type: "beforesend", listener: (this: this, xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => void): this;
96 /**
97 * Sets the event listener for the "progress" type,
98 * to monitor the progress of the request,
99 * and returns this request instance.
100 *
101 * If an event listener was already registered for the same type, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added.
102 * To register multiple listeners for the same type, the type may be followed by an optional name, such as `progress.foo`. See d3-dispatch for details.
103 */
104 on(type: "progress", listener: (this: this, progressEvent: ProgressEvent) => void): this;
105 /**
106 * Sets the event listener for the "error" type,
107 * when the request completes unsuccessfully; this includes 4xx and 5xx response codes,
108 * and returns this request instance.
109 *
110 * If an event listener was already registered for the same type, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added.
111 * To register multiple listeners for the same type, the type may be followed by an optional name, such as `error.foo`. See d3-dispatch for details.
112 */
113 on(type: "error", listener: (this: this, error: any) => void): this;
114 /**
115 * Sets the event listener for the "load" type,
116 * when the request completes successfully,
117 * and returns this request instance.
118 *
119 * If an event listener was already registered for the same type, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added.
120 * To register multiple listeners for the same type, the type may be followed by an optional name, such as `load.foo`. See d3-dispatch for details.
121 */
122 on<ResponseData>(type: "load", listener: (this: this, data: ResponseData) => void): this;
123 /**
124 * Sets the event listener for the specified type,
125 * and returns this request instance.
126 *
127 * The type must be one of the following: "beforesend", "progress", "load", "error".
128 *
129 * If an event listener was already registered for the same type, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added.
130 * To register multiple listeners for the same type, the type may be followed by an optional name, such as `load.foo`. See d3-dispatch for details.
131 */
132 on(type: string, listener: (this: this, data: any) => void): this;
134 /**
135 * Returns the current password, which defaults to null.
136 */
137 password(): string | null;
138 /**
139 * Sets the password for authentication to the specified string and returns this request instance.
140 */
141 password(value: string | null): this;
143 /**
144 * Equivalent to `request.send` with the POST method: `request.send("POST")`.
145 */
146 post(): this;
147 /**
148 * Equivalent to `request.send` with the POST method: `request.send("POST", data)`.
149 */
150 post<RequestData>(data: RequestData): this;
151 /**
152 * Equivalent to `request.send` with the POST method: `request.send("POST", callback)`.
153 */
154 post<ResponseData>(callback: (this: this, error: any, d: ResponseData) => void): this;
155 /**
156 * Equivalent to `request.send` with the POST method: `request.send("POST", data, callback)`.
157 */
158 post<RequestData, ResponseData>(
159 data: RequestData,
160 callback: (this: this, error: any, d: ResponseData) => void,
161 ): this;
163 /**
164 * Sets the response value function to the specified function and returns this request instance.
165 * The response value function is used to map the response XMLHttpRequest object to a useful data value.
166 * See the convenience methods `json` and `text` for examples.
167 */
168 response<ResponseData>(callback: (this: this, response: XMLHttpRequest) => ResponseData): this;
170 /**
171 * Returns the current response type, which defaults to `` (the empty string).
172 */
173 responseType(): XMLHttpRequestResponseType | undefined;
174 /**
175 * Sets the response type attribute of the request and returns this request instance. Typical values are: `` (the empty string), `arraybuffer`, `blob`, `document`, and `text`.
176 */
177 responseType(value: XMLHttpRequestResponseType): this;
179 /**
180 * Issues this request using the specified method (such as GET or POST).
181 *
182 * The listeners "load" and "error" should be registered via `request.on`.
183 */
184 send(method: string): this;
185 /**
186 * Issues this request using the specified method (such as GET or POST), posting the specified data in the request body, and returns this request instance.
187 *
188 * The listeners "load" and "error" should be registered via `request.on`.
189 */
190 send<RequestData>(method: string, data: RequestData): this;
191 /**
192 * Issues this request using the specified method (such as GET or POST) and returns this request instance.
193 * The callback will be invoked asynchronously when the request succeeds or fails.
194 * The callback is invoked with two arguments: the error, if any, and the response value.
195 * The response value is undefined if an error occurs.
196 */
197 send<ResponseData>(method: string, callback: (this: this, error: any | null, d: ResponseData | null) => void): this;
198 /**
199 * Issues this request using the specified method (such as GET or POST), posting the specified data in the request body, and returns this request instance.
200 * The callback will be invoked asynchronously when the request succeeds or fails.
201 * The callback is invoked with two arguments: the error, if any, and the response value.
202 * The response value is undefined if an error occurs.
203 */
204 send<RequestData, ResponseData>(
205 method: string,
206 data: RequestData,
207 callback: (this: this, error: any | null, d: ResponseData | null) => void,
208 ): this;
210 /**
211 * Returns the current response timeout, which defaults to 0.
212 */
213 timeout(): number;
214 /**
215 * Sets the timeout attribute of the request to the specified number of milliseconds and returns this request instance.
216 */
217 timeout(value: number): this;
219 /**
220 * Returns the current user name, which defaults to null.
221 */
222 user(): string | null;
223 /**
224 * Sets the user name for authentication to the specified string and returns this request instance.
225 */
226 user(value: string | null): this;
229export interface DsvRequest extends Request {
230 row<ParsedRow extends object>(
231 value: (rawRow: DSVRowString, index: number, columns: string[]) => ParsedRow,
232 ): DsvRequest;
236 * Returns a new request for the CSV file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/csv`.
237 */
238export function csv(url: string): DsvRequest;
240 * Returns a new request for the CSV file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/csv`.
241 * And send a GET request.
242 */
243export function csv(
244 url: string,
245 callback: (this: DsvRequest, error: any, d: DSVParsedArray<DSVRowString>) => void,
246): DsvRequest;
248 * Returns a new request for the CSV file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/csv`.
249 * And send a GET request.
250 * Use a row conversion function to map and filter row objects to a more-specific representation; see `dsv.parse` for details.
251 */
252export function csv<ParsedRow extends object>(
253 url: string,
254 row: (rawRow: DSVRowString, index: number, columns: string[]) => ParsedRow,
255 callback: (this: DsvRequest, error: any, d: DSVParsedArray<ParsedRow>) => void,
256): DsvRequest;
259 * Returns a new request for the HTML file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/html`. The HTML file is returned as a document fragment.
260 */
261export function html(url: string): Request;
263 * Returns a new request for the HTML file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/html`. The HTML file is returned as a document fragment.
264 * And send a GET request.
265 */
266export function html(url: string, callback: (this: Request, error: any, d: DocumentFragment) => void): Request;
269 * Returns a new request to get the JSON file at the specified url with the default mime type `application/json`.
270 */
271export function json(url: string): Request;
273 * Returns a new request to get the JSON file at the specified url with the default mime type `application/json`.
274 * And send a GET request.
275 */
276export function json<ParsedObject extends { [key: string]: any }>(
277 url: string,
278 callback: (this: Request, error: any, d: ParsedObject) => void,
279): Request;
282 * Returns a new request for specified url. The returned request is not yet sent and can be further configured.
283 *
284 * See `d3.json`, `d3.csv`, `d3.tsv`, `d3.text`, `d3.html` and `d3.xml` for content-specific convenience constructors.
285 */
286export function request(url: string): Request;
288 * Returns a new request for specified url. It is equivalent to calling `request.get` immediately after construction: `d3.request(url).get(callback)`.
289 * And send a GET request.
290 *
291 * If you wish to specify a request header or a mime type, you must not specify a callback to the constructor.
292 * Use `request.header` or `request.mimeType` followed by `request.get` instead.
293 *
294 * See `d3.json`, `d3.csv`, `d3.tsv`, `d3.text`, `d3.html` and `d3.xml` for content-specific convenience constructors.
295 */
296export function request(url: string, callback: (this: Request, error: any, d: XMLHttpRequest) => void): Request;
299 * Returns a new request to get the text file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/plain`.
300 */
301export function text(url: string): Request;
303 * Returns a new request to get the text file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/plain`.
304 * And send a GET request.
305 */
306export function text(url: string, callback: (this: Request, error: any, d: string) => void): Request;
309 * Returns a new request for a TSV file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/tab-separated-values`.
310 */
311export function tsv(url: string): DsvRequest;
313 * Returns a new request for a TSV file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/tab-separated-values`.
314 * And send a GET request.
315 */
316export function tsv(
317 url: string,
318 callback: (this: DsvRequest, error: any, d: DSVParsedArray<DSVRowString>) => void,
319): DsvRequest;
321 * Returns a new request for a TSV file at the specified url with the default mime type `text/tab-separated-values`.
322 * And send a GET request.
323 * Use a row conversion function to map and filter row objects to a more-specific representation; see `dsv.parse` for details.
324 */
325export function tsv<ParsedRow extends object>(
326 url: string,
327 row: (rawRow: DSVRowString, index: number, columns: string[]) => ParsedRow,
328 callback: (this: DsvRequest, error: any, d: DSVParsedArray<ParsedRow>) => void,
329): DsvRequest;
332 * Returns a new request to get the XML file at the specified url with the default mime type `application/xml`.
333 */
334export function xml(url: string): Request;
336 * Returns a new request to get the XML file at the specified url with the default mime type `application/xml`.
337 * And send a GET request.
338 */
339export function xml(url: string, callback: (this: Request, error: any, d: any) => void): Request;
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