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1// Type definitions for D3JS d3-selection module 3.0
2// Project: https://github.com/d3/d3-selection/, https://d3js.org/d3-selection
3// Definitions by: Tom Wanzek <https://github.com/tomwanzek>
4// Alex Ford <https://github.com/gustavderdrache>
5// Boris Yankov <https://github.com/borisyankov>
6// denisname <https://github.com/denisname>
7// Nathan Bierema <https://github.com/Methuselah96>
8// Ambar Mutha <https://github.com/ambar-arkin>
9// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
11// Last module patch version validated against: 3.0.0
13// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
14// Shared Type Definitions and Interfaces
15// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 * BaseType serves as an alias for the 'minimal' data type which can be selected
19 * without 'd3-selection' trying to use properties internally which would otherwise not
20 * be supported.
21 */
22export type BaseType = Element | EnterElement | Document | Window | null;
25 * KeyType serves as alias for valid types that d3 supports as key for data binding
26 */
27export type KeyType = string | number;
30 * A helper interface which covers arguments like NodeListOf<T> or HTMLCollectionOf<T>
31 * argument types
32 */
33export interface ArrayLike<T> {
34 length: number;
35 item(index: number): T | null;
36 [index: number]: T;
40 * An interface describing the element type of the Enter Selection group elements
41 * created when invoking selection.enter().
42 */
43export interface EnterElement {
44 ownerDocument: Document;
45 namespaceURI: string;
46 appendChild(newChild: Node): Node;
47 insertBefore(newChild: Node, refChild: Node): Node;
48 querySelector(selectors: string): Element;
49 querySelectorAll(selectors: string): NodeListOf<Element>;
53 * Container element type usable for mouse/touch functions
54 */
55export type ContainerElement = HTMLElement | SVGSVGElement | SVGGElement;
58 * A User interface event (e.g. mouse event, touch or MSGestureEvent) with captured clientX and clientY properties.
59 */
60export interface ClientPointEvent {
61 clientX: number;
62 clientY: number;
66 * Interface for optional parameters map, when dispatching custom events
67 * on a selection
68 */
69export interface CustomEventParameters {
70 /**
71 * If true, the event is dispatched to ancestors in reverse tree order
72 */
73 bubbles: boolean;
74 /**
75 * If true, event.preventDefault is allowed
76 */
77 cancelable: boolean;
78 /**
79 * Any custom data associated with the event
80 */
81 detail: any;
85 * Callback type for selections and transitions
86 */
87export type ValueFn<T extends BaseType, Datum, Result> = (this: T, datum: Datum, index: number, groups: T[] | ArrayLike<T>) => Result;
90 * TransitionLike is a helper interface to represent a quasi-Transition, without specifying the full Transition interface in this file.
91 * For example, wherever d3-zoom allows a Transition to be passed in as an argument, it internally immediately invokes its `selection()`
92 * method to retrieve the underlying Selection object before proceeding.
93 * d3-brush uses a subset of Transition methods internally.
94 * The use of this interface instead of the full imported Transition interface is [referred] to achieve
95 * two things:
96 * (1) the d3-transition module may not be required by a projects use case,
97 * (2) it avoids possible complications from 'module augmentation' from d3-transition to Selection.
98 */
99export interface TransitionLike<GElement extends BaseType, Datum> {
100 selection(): Selection<GElement, Datum, any, any>;
101 on(type: string, listener: null): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>;
102 on(type: string, listener: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, void>): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>;
103 tween(name: string, tweenFn: null): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>;
104 tween(name: string, tweenFn: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, ((t: number) => void)>): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>;
107// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
108// All Selection related interfaces and function
109// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 * Select the first element that matches the specified selector string. If no elements match the selector, returns an empty selection.
113 * If multiple elements match the selector, only the first matching element (in document order) will be selected.
114 *
115 * The first generic "GElement" refers to the type of element to be selected. The second generic "OldDatum" refers to the type of the
116 * datum, on the selected element. This is useful when re-selecting an element with a previously set, know datum type.
117 *
118 * @param selector CSS selector string
119 */
120// eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
121export function select<GElement extends BaseType, OldDatum>(selector: string): Selection<GElement, OldDatum, HTMLElement, any>;
123 * Select the specified node element.
124 *
125 * The first generic "GElement" refers to the type of element to be selected. The second generic "OldDatum" refers to the type of the
126 * datum, on the selected element. This is useful when re-selecting an element with a previously set, know datum type.
127 *
128 * @param node An element to be selected
129 */
130// eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
131export function select<GElement extends BaseType, OldDatum>(node: GElement): Selection<GElement, OldDatum, null, undefined>;
134 * Create an empty selection.
135 */
136export function selectAll(selector?: null): Selection<null, undefined, null, undefined>;
138 * Select all elements that match the specified selector string. The elements will be selected in document order (top-to-bottom).
139 * If no elements in the document match the selector, returns an empty selection.
140 *
141 * The first generic "GElement" refers to the type of element to be selected. The second generic "OldDatum" refers to the type of the
142 * datum, of a selected element. This is useful when re-selecting elements with a previously set, know datum type.
143 *
144 * @param selector CSS selector string
145 */
146// eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
147export function selectAll<GElement extends BaseType, OldDatum>(selector: string): Selection<GElement, OldDatum, HTMLElement, any>;
149 * Select the specified array, array-like, or iterable of nodes.
150 * This is useful if you already have a reference to nodes, such as `this.childNodes` within an event listener or a global such as `document.links`.
151 * The nodes may instead be an iterable, or a pseudo-array such as a NodeList.
152 *
153 * The first generic "GElement" refers to the type of element to be selected.
154 * The second generic "OldDatum" refers to the type of the datum, of a selected element.
155 *
156 * @param nodes An array, array-like, or iterable of nodes
157 */
158// eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
159export function selectAll<GElement extends BaseType, OldDatum>(nodes: GElement[] | ArrayLike<GElement> | Iterable<GElement>): Selection<GElement, OldDatum, null, undefined>;
162 * A D3 Selection of elements.
163 *
164 * The first generic "GElement" refers to the type of the selected element(s).
165 * The second generic "Datum" refers to the type of the datum of a selected element(s).
166 * The third generic "PElement" refers to the type of the parent element(s) in the D3 selection.
167 * The fourth generic "PDatum" refers to the type of the datum of the parent element(s).
168 */
169export interface Selection<GElement extends BaseType, Datum, PElement extends BaseType, PDatum> {
170 // Sub-selection -------------------------
172 /**
173 * For each selected element, select the first descendant element that matches the specified selector string.
174 * If no element matches the specified selector for the current element, the element at the current index will
175 * be null in the returned selection. If multiple elements match the selector, only the first matching element
176 * in document order is selected. Selection.select does not affect grouping: it preserves the existing group
177 * structure and indexes, and propagates data (if any) to selected children.
178 *
179 * If the current element has associated data, this data is propagated to the
180 * corresponding selected element.
181 *
182 * The generic represents the type of the descendant element to be selected.
183 *
184 * @param selector CSS selector string
185 */
186 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
187 select<DescElement extends BaseType>(selector: string): Selection<DescElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
188 /**
189 * Create an empty sub-selection. Selection.select does not affect grouping: it preserves the existing group
190 * structure and indexes.
191 */
192 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
193 select<DescElement extends BaseType>(selector: null): Selection<null, undefined, PElement, PDatum>;
194 /**
195 * For each selected element, select the descendant element returned by the selector function.
196 * If no element is returned by the selector function for the current element, the element at the
197 * current index will be null in the returned selection. Selection.select does not affect grouping:
198 * it preserves the existing group structure and indexes, and propagates data (if any) to selected children.
199 *
200 * If the current element has associated data, this data is propagated to the
201 * corresponding selected element.
202 *
203 * The generic represents the type of the descendant element to be selected.
204 *
205 * @param selector A selector function, which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
206 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]).
207 * It must return an element, or null if there is no matching element.
208 */
209 select<DescElement extends BaseType>(selector: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, DescElement>): Selection<DescElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
211 /**
212 * Create an empty sub-selection. Selection.selectAll does affect grouping: The elements in the returned
213 * selection are grouped by their corresponding parent node in this selection, the group at the current index will be empty.
214 */
215 selectAll(selector?: null): Selection<null, undefined, GElement, Datum>;
216 /**
217 * For each selected element, selects the descendant elements that match the specified selector string. The elements in the returned
218 * selection are grouped by their corresponding parent node in this selection. If no element matches the specified selector
219 * for the current element, the group at the current index will be empty. Selection.selectAll does affect grouping: each selected descendant
220 * is grouped by the parent element in the originating selection.
221 *
222 * The selected elements do not inherit data from this selection; use selection.data to propagate data to children.
223 *
224 * The first generic "DescElement" refers to the type of descendant element to be selected. The second generic "OldDatum" refers to the type of the
225 * datum, of a selected element. This is useful when re-selecting elements with a previously set, know datum type.
226 *
227 * @param selector CSS selector string
228 */
229 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
230 selectAll<DescElement extends BaseType, OldDatum>(selector: string): Selection<DescElement, OldDatum, GElement, Datum>;
231 /**
232 * For each selected element, selects the descendant elements returned by the selector function. The elements in the returned
233 * selection are grouped by their corresponding parent node in this selection. If no element matches the specified selector
234 * for the current element, the group at the current index will be empty. Selection.selectAll does affect grouping: each selected descendant
235 * is grouped by the parent element in the originating selection.
236 *
237 * The selected elements do not inherit data from this selection; use selection.data to propagate data to children.
238 *
239 * The first generic "DescElement" refers to the type of descendant element to be selected. The second generic "OldDatum" refers to the type of the
240 * datum, of a selected element. This is useful when re-selecting elements with a previously set, know datum type.
241 *
242 * @param selector A selector function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
243 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). It must return an array of elements
244 * (or an iterable, or a pseudo-array, such as a NodeList), or the empty array if there are no matching elements.
245 */
246 selectAll<DescElement extends BaseType, OldDatum>(
247 selector: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, DescElement[] | ArrayLike<DescElement> | Iterable<DescElement>>
248 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
249 ): Selection<DescElement, OldDatum, GElement, Datum>;
251 /**
252 * Filters the selection, returning a new selection that contains only the elements for
253 * which the specified filter is true.
254 *
255 * The returned filtered selection preserves the parents of this selection, but like array.filter,
256 * it does not preserve indexes as some elements may be removed; use selection.select to preserve the index, if needed.
257 *
258 * @param selector A CSS selector string to match when filtering.
259 */
260 filter(selector: string): Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
261 /**
262 * Filters the selection, returning a new selection that contains only the elements for
263 * which the specified filter is true.
264 *
265 * The returned filtered selection preserves the parents of this selection, but like array.filter,
266 * it does not preserve indexes as some elements may be removed; use selection.select to preserve the index, if needed.
267 *
268 * The generic refers to the type of element which will be selected after applying the filter, i.e. if the element types
269 * contained in a pre-filter selection are narrowed to a subset as part of the filtering.
270 *
271 * @param selector A CSS selector string to match when filtering.
272 */
273 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
274 filter<FilteredElement extends BaseType>(selector: string): Selection<FilteredElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
275 /**
276 * Filter the selection, returning a new selection that contains only the elements for
277 * which the specified filter is true.
278 *
279 * The returned filtered selection preserves the parents of this selection, but like array.filter,
280 * it does not preserve indexes as some elements may be removed; use selection.select to preserve the index, if needed.
281 *
282 * @param selector A value function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
283 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). This function should return true
284 * for an element to be included, and false otherwise.
285 */
286 filter(selector: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, boolean>): Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
287 /**
288 * Filter the selection, returning a new selection that contains only the elements for
289 * which the specified filter is true.
290 *
291 * The returned filtered selection preserves the parents of this selection, but like array.filter,
292 * it does not preserve indexes as some elements may be removed; use selection.select to preserve the index, if needed.
293 *
294 * @param selector A value function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
295 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). This function should return true
296 * for an element to be included, and false otherwise.
297 */
298 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
299 filter<FilteredElement extends BaseType>(selector: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, boolean>): Selection<FilteredElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
301 /**
302 * Returns a new selection merging this selection with the specified other selection or transition.
303 * The returned selection has the same number of groups and the same parents as this selection.
304 * Any missing (null) elements in this selection are filled with the corresponding element,
305 * if present (not null), from the specified selection. (If the other selection has additional groups or parents,
306 * they are ignored.)
307 *
308 * This method is commonly used to merge the enter and update selections after a data-join.
309 * After modifying the entering and updating elements separately, you can merge the two selections and
310 * perform operations on both without duplicate code.
311 *
312 * This method is not intended for concatenating arbitrary selections, however: if both this selection
313 * and the specified other selection have (non-null) elements at the same index, this selections element
314 * is returned in the merge and the other selections element is ignored.
315 *
316 * @param other Selection to be merged.
317 */
318 merge(other: Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum> | TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>): Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
320 /**
321 * Returns a new selection with the (first) child of each element of the current selection matching the selector.
322 * Selects the first child that matches (if any).
323 *
324 * The generic represents the type of the descendant element to be selected.
325 *
326 * @param selector CSS selector string
327 */
328 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
329 selectChild<DescElement extends BaseType>(selector?: string): Selection<DescElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
330 /**
331 * Returns a new selection with the (first) child of each element of the current selection matching the selector.
332 *
333 * The first generic represents the type of the descendant element to be selected.
334 * The second generic represents the type of any of the child elements.
335 *
336 * @param selector A selector function, which is evaluated for each of the children nodes, in order, being passed the child (child), the childs index (i), and the list of children (children);
337 * the method selects the first child for which the selector return truthy, if any.
338 */
339 selectChild<ResultElement extends BaseType, ChildElement extends BaseType>(
340 selector: (child: ChildElement, i: number, children: ChildElement[]) => boolean
341 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
342 ): Selection<ResultElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
344 /**
345 * Returns a new selection with the children of each element of the current selection matching the selector.
346 * Selects the children that match (if any)
347 *
348 * The first generic represents the type of the descendant element to be selected.
349 * The second generic refers to the type of the datum of the element to be selected.
350 *
351 * @param selector CSS selector string
352 */
353 selectChildren<DescElement extends BaseType, OldDatum>(
354 selector?: string
355 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
356 ): Selection<DescElement, OldDatum, GElement, Datum>;
357 /**
358 * Returns a new selection with the children of each element of the current selection matching the selector.
359 *
360 * The first generic represents the type of the descendant element to be selected.
361 * The second generic refers to the type of the datum of the element to be selected.
362 * The third generic represents the type of any of the child elements.
363 *
364 * @param selector A selector function, which is evaluated for each of the children nodes, in order, being passed the child (child), the childs index (i), and the list of children (children);
365 * the method selects the first child for which the selector return truthy, if any.
366 */
367 selectChildren<ResultElement extends BaseType, ResultDatum, ChildElement extends BaseType>(
368 selector: (child: ChildElement, i: number, children: ChildElement[]) => boolean
369 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
370 ): Selection<ResultElement, ResultDatum, GElement, Datum>;
372 /**
373 * Returns the selection (for symmetry with transition.selection).
374 */
375 selection(): this;
377 // Modifying -------------------------------
379 /**
380 * Return the current value of the specified attribute for the first (non-null) element in the selection.
381 * This is generally useful only if you know that the selection contains exactly one element.
382 *
383 * @param name Name of the attribute
384 */
385 attr(name: string): string;
386 /**
387 * Sets the attribute with the specified name to the specified value on the selected elements and returns this selection.
388 * If the value is a constant, all elements are given the same attribute value;
389 * otherwise, if the value is a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
390 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]).
391 * The functions return value is then used to set each elements attribute.
392 * A null value will remove the specified attribute.
393 */
394 attr(name: string, value: null | string | number | boolean | ReadonlyArray<string | number> | ValueFn<GElement, Datum, null | string | number | boolean | ReadonlyArray<string | number>>): this;
396 /**
397 * Returns true if and only if the first (non-null) selected element has the specified classes.
398 * This is generally useful only if you know the selection contains exactly one element.
399 *
400 * @param names A string of space-separated class names.
401 */
402 classed(names: string): boolean;
403 /**
404 * Assigns or unassigns the specified CSS class names on the selected elements by setting
405 * the class attribute or modifying the classList property and returns this selection.
406 * If the constant value is truthy, then all elements are assigned the specified classes; otherwise, the classes are unassigned.
407 *
408 * @param names A string of space-separated class names.
409 * @param value A boolean flag (true = assign / false = unassign)
410 */
411 classed(names: string, value: boolean): this;
412 /**
413 * Assigns or unassigns the specified CSS class names on the selected elements by setting
414 * the class attribute or modifying the classList property and returns this selection.
415 * The assign/unassign status for the individual selected elements is determined by the boolean return
416 * value of the value function.
417 *
418 * @param names A string of space-separated class names.
419 * @param value A value function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order,
420 * being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]).
421 * The functions return value is then used to assign or unassign classes on each element.
422 */
423 classed(names: string, value: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, boolean>): this;
425 /**
426 * Returns the current value of the specified style property for the first (non-null) element in the selection.
427 * The current value is defined as the elements inline value, if present, and otherwise its computed value.
428 * Accessing the current style value is generally useful only if you know the selection contains exactly one element.
429 *
430 * @param name Name of the style
431 */
432 style(name: string): string;
433 /**
434 * Clear the style with the specified name for the selected elements and returns this selection.
435 *
436 * @param name Name of the style
437 * @param value null,to clear the style
438 */
439 style(name: string, value: null): this;
440 /**
441 * Sets the value of the style with the specified name for the selected elements and returns this selection.
442 * All elements are given the same style value.
443 *
444 * @param name Name of the style
445 * @param value Constant value for the style
446 * @param priority An optional priority flag, either null or the string important (without the exclamation point)
447 */
448 style(name: string, value: string | number | boolean, priority?: null | 'important'): this;
449 /**
450 * Sets the value of the style with the specified name for the selected elements and returns this selection.
451 * The value for the individual selected elements is determined by the value function.
452 *
453 * @param name Name of the style
454 * @param value A value function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
455 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). A null value will clear the style.
456 * @param priority An optional priority flag, either null or the string important (without the exclamation point)
457 */
458 style(name: string, value: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, string | number | boolean | null>, priority?: null | 'important'): this;
460 /**
461 * Return the current value of the specified property for the first (non-null) element in the selection.
462 * This is generally useful only if you know that the selection contains exactly one element.
463 *
464 * @param name Name of the property
465 */
466 property(name: string): any;
467 /**
468 * Look up a local variable on the first node of this selection. Note that this is not equivalent to `local.get(selection.node())` in that it will not look up locals set on the parent node(s).
469 *
470 * @param name The `d3.local` variable to look up.
471 */
472 property<T>(name: Local<T>): T | undefined;
473 /**
474 * Sets the property with the specified name to the specified value on selected elements.
475 * If the value is a constant, then all elements are given the same property value;
476 * otherwise, if the value is a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
477 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]).
478 * The functions return value is then used to set each elements property. A null value will delete the specified property.
479 */
480 property(name: string, value: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, any> | null): this;
481 /**
482 * Sets the value of the property with the specified name for the selected elements and returns this selection.
483 * All elements are given the same property value.
484 *
485 * @param name Name of the property
486 * @param value Constant value for the property
487 */
488 property(name: string, value: any): this;
489 /**
490 * Store a value in a `d3.local` variable.
491 * This is equivalent to `selection.each(function (d, i, g) { name.set(this, value.call(this, d, i, g)); })` but more concise.
492 *
493 * @param name A `d3.local` variable
494 * @param value A callback that returns the value to store
495 */
496 property<T>(name: Local<T>, value: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, T>): this;
497 /**
498 * Store a value in a `d3.local` variable for each node in the selection.
499 * This is equivalent to `selection.each(function () { name.set(this, value); })` but more concise.
500 *
501 * @param name A `d3.local` variable
502 * @param value A callback that returns the value to store
503 */
504 property<T>(name: Local<T>, value: T): this;
506 /**
507 * Returns the text content for the first (non-null) element in the selection.
508 * This is generally useful only if you know the selection contains exactly one element.
509 */
510 text(): string;
511 /**
512 * Sets the text content to the specified value on all selected elements, replacing any existing child elements.
513 * If the value is a constant, then all elements are given the same text content;
514 * otherwise, if the value is a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
515 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]).
516 * The functions return value is then used to set each elements text content.
517 * A null value will clear the content.
518 */
519 text(value: null | string | number | boolean | ValueFn<GElement, Datum, string | number | boolean | null>): this;
521 /**
522 * Returns a string representation of the inner HTML for the first (non-null) element in the selection.
523 * This is generally useful only if you know the selection contains exactly one element.
524 */
525 html(): string;
526 /**
527 * Sets the inner HTML to the specified value on all selected elements, replacing any existing child elements.
528 * If the value is a constant, then all elements are given the same inner HTML;
529 * otherwise, if the value is a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
530 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]).
531 * The functions return value is then used to set each elements inner HTML.
532 * A null value will clear the content.
533 */
534 html(value: null | string | ValueFn<GElement, Datum, string | null>): this;
536 /**
537 * Appends a new element of this type (tag name) as the last child of each selected element,
538 * or before the next following sibling in the update selection if this is an enter selection.
539 * The latter behavior for enter selections allows you to insert elements into the DOM in an order consistent with the new bound data;
540 * however, note that selection.order may still be required if updating elements change order
541 * (i.e., if the order of new data is inconsistent with old data).
542 *
543 * This method returns a new selection containing the appended elements.
544 * Each new element inherits the data of the current elements, if any.
545 *
546 * @param type A string representing the tag name.
547 */
548 append<K extends keyof ElementTagNameMap>(type: K): Selection<ElementTagNameMap[K], Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
549 /**
550 * Appends a new element of this type (tag name) as the last child of each selected element,
551 * or before the next following sibling in the update selection if this is an enter selection.
552 * The latter behavior for enter selections allows you to insert elements into the DOM in an order consistent with the new bound data;
553 * however, note that selection.order may still be required if updating elements change order
554 * (i.e., if the order of new data is inconsistent with old data).
555 *
556 * This method returns a new selection containing the appended elements.
557 * Each new element inherits the data of the current elements, if any.
558 *
559 * The generic refers to the type of the child element to be appended.
560 *
561 * @param type A string representing the tag name. The specified name may have a namespace prefix, such as svg:text
562 * to specify a text attribute in the SVG namespace. If no namespace is specified, the namespace will be inherited
563 * from the parent element; or, if the name is one of the known prefixes, the corresponding namespace will be used
564 * (for example, svg implies svg:svg)
565 */
566 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
567 append<ChildElement extends BaseType>(type: string): Selection<ChildElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
568 /**
569 * Appends a new element of the type provided by the element creator function as the last child of each selected element,
570 * or before the next following sibling in the update selection if this is an enter selection.
571 * The latter behavior for enter selections allows you to insert elements into the DOM in an order consistent with the new bound data;
572 * however, note that selection.order may still be required if updating elements change order
573 * (i.e., if the order of new data is inconsistent with old data).
574 *
575 * This method returns a new selection containing the appended elements.
576 * Each new element inherits the data of the current elements, if any.
577 *
578 * The generic refers to the type of the child element to be appended.
579 *
580 * @param type A creator function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
581 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). This function should return
582 * an element to be appended. (The function typically creates a new element, but it may instead return an existing element.)
583 */
584 append<ChildElement extends BaseType>(type: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, ChildElement>): Selection<ChildElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
586 /**
587 * Inserts a new element of the specified type (tag name) before the first element matching the specified
588 * before selector for each selected element. For example, a before selector :first-child will prepend nodes before the first child.
589 * If before is not specified, it defaults to null. (To append elements in an order consistent with bound data, use selection.append.)
590 *
591 * This method returns a new selection containing the appended elements.
592 * Each new element inherits the data of the current elements, if any.
593 *
594 * The generic refers to the type of the child element to be appended.
595 *
596 * @param type A string representing the tag name for the element type to be inserted.
597 * @param before One of:
598 * * A CSS selector string for the element before which the insertion should occur.
599 * * A child selector function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
600 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). This function should return the child element
601 * before which the element should be inserted.
602 */
603 insert<K extends keyof ElementTagNameMap>(
604 type: K,
605 before?: string | ValueFn<GElement, Datum, BaseType>
606 ): Selection<ElementTagNameMap[K], Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
607 /**
608 * Inserts a new element of the specified type (tag name) before the first element matching the specified
609 * before selector for each selected element. For example, a before selector :first-child will prepend nodes before the first child.
610 * If before is not specified, it defaults to null. (To append elements in an order consistent with bound data, use selection.append.)
611 *
612 * This method returns a new selection containing the appended elements.
613 * Each new element inherits the data of the current elements, if any.
614 *
615 * The generic refers to the type of the child element to be appended.
616 *
617 * @param type One of:
618 * * A string representing the tag name for the element type to be inserted. The specified name may have a namespace prefix,
619 * such as svg:text to specify a text attribute in the SVG namespace. If no namespace is specified, the namespace will be inherited
620 * from the parent element; or, if the name is one of the known prefixes, the corresponding namespace will be used
621 * (for example, svg implies svg:svg)
622 * * A creator function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
623 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). This function should return
624 * an element to be inserted. (The function typically creates a new element, but it may instead return an existing element.)
625 * @param before One of:
626 * * A CSS selector string for the element before which the insertion should occur.
627 * * A child selector function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d),
628 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). This function should return the child element
629 * before which the element should be inserted.
630 */
631 insert<ChildElement extends BaseType>(
632 type: string | ValueFn<GElement, Datum, ChildElement>,
633 before?: string | ValueFn<GElement, Datum, BaseType>
634 ): Selection<ChildElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
636 /**
637 * Removes the selected elements from the document.
638 * Returns this selection (the removed elements) which are now detached from the DOM.
639 */
640 remove(): this;
642 /**
643 * Inserts clones of the selected elements immediately following the selected elements and returns a selection of the newly
644 * added clones. If deep is true, the descendant nodes of the selected elements will be cloned as well. Otherwise, only the elements
645 * themselves will be cloned.
646 *
647 * @param deep Perform deep cloning if this flag is set to true.
648 */
649 clone(deep?: boolean): Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
651 /**
652 * Return a new selection that contains a copy of each group in this selection sorted according
653 * to the compare function. After sorting, re-inserts elements to match the resulting order (per selection.order).
654 *
655 * Note that sorting is not guaranteed to be stable; however, it is guaranteed to have the same
656 * behavior as your browsers built-in sort method on arrays.
657 *
658 * @param comparator An optional comparator function, which defaults to "ascending". The function is passed
659 * two elementsdata a and b to compare. It should return either a negative, positive, or zero value.
660 * If negative, then a should be before b; if positive, then a should be after b; otherwise, a and b are
661 * considered equal and the order is arbitrary.
662 */
663 sort(comparator?: (a: Datum, b: Datum) => number): this;
665 /**
666 * Re-insert elements into the document such that the document order of each group matches the selection order.
667 * This is equivalent to calling selection.sort if the data is already sorted, but much faster.
668 */
669 order(): this;
671 /**
672 * Re-insert each selected element, in order, as the last child of its parent.
673 */
674 raise(): this;
676 /**
677 * Re-insert each selected element, in order, as the first child of its parent.
678 */
679 lower(): this;
681 // Data Join ---------------------------------
683 /**
684 * Returns the array of data for the selected elements.
685 */
686 data(): Datum[];
687 /**
688 * Joins the specified array of data with the selected elements, returning a new selection that represents
689 * the update selection: the elements successfully bound to data. Also defines the enter and exit selections on
690 * the returned selection, which can be used to add or remove elements to correspond to the new data.
691 *
692 * The data is specified for each group in the selection. If the selection has multiple groups
693 * (such as d3.selectAll followed by selection.selectAll), then data should typically be specified as a function.
694 *
695 * If a key function is not specified, then the first datum in data is assigned to the first selected element,
696 * the second datum to the second selected element, and so on.
697 * A key function may be specified to control which datum is assigned to which element, replacing the default join-by-index,
698 * by computing a string identifier for each datum and element.
699 *
700 * The update and enter selections are returned in data order, while the exit selection preserves the selection
701 * order prior to the join. If a key function is specified, the order of elements in the selection may not match
702 * their order in the document; use selection.order or selection.sort as needed.
703 *
704 * This method cannot be used to clear bound data; use selection.datum instead.
705 *
706 * For details see: {@link https://github.com/d3/d3-selection#joining-data }
707 *
708 * The generic refers to the type of the new datum to be used for the selected elements.
709 *
710 * @param data The specified data is an array or iterable of arbitrary values (e.g., numbers or objects)
711 * or a value function which will be evaluated for each group in order, being passed the groups parent datum
712 * (d, which may be undefined), the group index (i), and the selections parent nodes (nodes),
713 * with this as the groups parent element. The function returns an array or iterable of values for each group.
714 * @param key An optional key function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the
715 * current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]); the returned string is the elements key.
716 * The key function is then also evaluated for each new datum in data, being passed the current datum (d),
717 * the current index (i), and the groups new data, with this as the groups parent DOM element (nodes[i]); the returned string is the datums key.
718 * The datum for a given key is assigned to the element with the matching key. If multiple elements have the same key,
719 * the duplicate elements are put into the exit selection; if multiple data have the same key, the duplicate data are put into the enter selection.
720 */
721 data<NewDatum>(
722 data: NewDatum[] | Iterable<NewDatum> | ValueFn<PElement, PDatum, NewDatum[] | Iterable<NewDatum>>,
723 key?: ValueFn<GElement | PElement, Datum | NewDatum, KeyType>
724 ): Selection<GElement, NewDatum, PElement, PDatum>;
726 /**
727 * Appends, removes and reorders elements as necessary to match the data that was previously bound by `selection.data`, returning the merged enter and update selection.
728 * This method is a convenient alternative to the more explicit `selection.enter`, `selection.exit`, `selection.append` and `selection.remove`.
729 *
730 * The "matching" logic is determined by the key function passed to `selection.data`.
731 */
732 join<K extends keyof ElementTagNameMap, OldDatum = Datum>(
733 enter: K,
734 update?: (elem: Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>) => Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum> | TransitionLike<GElement, Datum> | undefined,
735 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
736 exit?: (elem: Selection<GElement, OldDatum, PElement, PDatum>) => void
737 ): Selection<GElement | ElementTagNameMap[K], Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
738 /**
739 * Appends, removes and reorders elements as necessary to match the data that was previously bound by `selection.data`, returning the merged enter and update selection.
740 * This method is a convenient alternative to the more explicit `selection.enter`, `selection.exit`, `selection.append` and `selection.remove`.
741 *
742 * The "matching" logic is determined by the key function passed to `selection.data`.
743 */
744 join<ChildElement extends BaseType, OldDatum = Datum>(
745 enter: string | ((elem: Selection<EnterElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>) => Selection<ChildElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum> | TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>),
746 update?: (elem: Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>) => Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum> | TransitionLike<GElement, Datum> | undefined,
747 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
748 exit?: (elem: Selection<GElement, OldDatum, PElement, PDatum>) => void
749 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
750 ): Selection<ChildElement | GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
752 /**
753 * Return the enter selection: placeholder nodes for each datum that had no corresponding DOM element
754 * in the selection. (The enter selection is empty for selections not returned by selection.data.)
755 */
756 enter(): Selection<EnterElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>;
758 /**
759 * Returns the exit selection: existing DOM elements in the selection for which no new datum was found.
760 * (The exit selection is empty for selections not returned by selection.data.)
761 *
762 * IMPORTANT: The generic refers to the type of the old datum associated with the exit selection elements.
763 * Ensure you set the generic to the correct type, if you need to access the data on the exit selection in
764 * follow-up steps, e.g. to set styles as part of an exit transition before removing them.
765 */
766 // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
767 exit<OldDatum>(): Selection<GElement, OldDatum, PElement, PDatum>;
769 /**
770 * Returns the bound datum for the first (non-null) element in the selection.
771 * This is generally useful only if you know the selection contains exactly one element.
772 */
773 datum(): Datum;
774 /**
775 * Delete the bound data for each element in the selection.
776 */
777 datum(value: null): Selection<GElement, undefined, PElement, PDatum>;
778 /**
779 * Sets the elements bound data using the specified value function on all selected elements.
780 * Unlike selection.data, this method does not compute a join and does not affect
781 * indexes or the enter and exit selections.
782 *
783 * The generic refers to the type of the new datum to be used for the selected elements.
784 *
785 * @param value A value function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order,
786 * being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes),
787 * with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). The function is then used to set each elements new data.
788 * A null value will delete the bound data.
789 */
790 datum<NewDatum>(value: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, NewDatum>): Selection<GElement, NewDatum, PElement, PDatum>;
791 /**
792 * Sets the elements bound data to the specified value on all selected elements.
793 * Unlike selection.data, this method does not compute a join and does not affect
794 * indexes or the enter and exit selections.
795 *
796 * The generic refers to the type of the new datum to be used for the selected elements.
797 *
798 * @param value A value object to be used as the datum for each element.
799 */
800 datum<NewDatum>(value: NewDatum): Selection<GElement, NewDatum, PElement, PDatum>;
802 // Event Handling -------------------
804 /**
805 * Return the currently-assigned listener for the specified event typename on the first (non-null) selected element,
806 * if any, If multiple typenames are specified, the first matching listener is returned.
807 *
808 * @param typenames The typenames is a string event type, such as click, mouseover, or submit; any DOM event type supported by your browser may be used.
809 * The type may be optionally followed by a period (.) and a name; the optional name allows multiple callbacks to be registered
810 * to receive events of the same type, such as click.foo and click.bar. To specify multiple typenames, separate typenames with spaces,
811 * such as "input change"" or "click.foo click.bar".
812 */
813 on(typenames: string): ((this: GElement, event: any, d: Datum) => void) | undefined;
814 /**
815 * Remove a listener for the specified event type names. To remove all listeners for a given name,
816 * pass null as the listener and ".foo" as the typename, where foo is the name; to remove all listeners with no name, specify "." as the typename.
817 *
818 * @param typenames The typenames is a string event type, such as click, mouseover, or submit; any DOM event type supported by your browser may be used.
819 * The type may be optionally followed by a period (.) and a name; the optional name allows multiple callbacks to be registered
820 * to receive events of the same type, such as click.foo and click.bar. To specify multiple typenames, separate typenames with spaces,
821 * such as "input change"" or "click.foo click.bar".
822 * @param listener null to indicate removal of listener
823 */
824 on(typenames: string, listener: null): this;
825 /**
826 * Add an event listener for the specified event type names. If an event listener was previously registered for the same typename
827 * on a selected element, the old listener is removed before the new listener is added.
828 *
829 * When a specified event is dispatched on a selected node, the specified listener will be evaluated for each selected element.
830 *
831 * @param typenames The typenames is a string event type, such as click, mouseover, or submit; any DOM event type supported by your browser may be used.
832 * The type may be optionally followed by a period (.) and a name; the optional name allows multiple callbacks to be registered
833 * to receive events of the same type, such as click.foo and click.bar. To specify multiple typenames, separate typenames with spaces,
834 * such as "input change"" or "click.foo click.bar".
835 * @param listener A listener function which will be evaluated for each selected element,
836 * being passed the current event (event) and the current datum (d), with this as the current DOM element (event.currentTarget).
837 * Listeners always see the latest datum for their element.
838 * Note: while you can use event.pageX and event.pageY directly,
839 * it is often convenient to transform the event position to the local coordinate system of that element that received the event using d3.pointer.
840 * @param options An optional options object may specify characteristics about the event listener, such as wehether it is captures or passive; see element.addEventListener.
841 */
842 on(typenames: string, listener: (this: GElement, event: any, d: Datum) => void, options?: any): this;
844 /**
845 * Dispatches a custom event of the specified type to each selected element, in order.
846 * An optional parameters map may be specified to set additional properties of the event.
847 *
848 * @param type Name of event to dispatch
849 * @param parameters An optional value map with custom event parameters
850 */
851 dispatch(type: string, parameters?: CustomEventParameters): this;
852 /**
853 * Dispatches a custom event of the specified type to each selected element, in order.
854 * An optional value function returning a parameters map for each element in the selection may be specified to set additional properties of the event.
855 *
856 * @param type Name of event to dispatch
857 * @param parameters A value function which is evaluated for each selected element, in order,
858 * being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes),
859 * with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). It must return the parameters map for the current element.
860 */
861 dispatch(type: string, parameters?: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, CustomEventParameters>): this;
863 // Control Flow ----------------------
865 /**
866 * Invoke the specified function for each selected element, passing in the current datum (d),
867 * the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this of the current DOM element (nodes[i]).
868 * This method can be used to invoke arbitrary code for each selected element, and is useful for creating a context to access parent and child data simultaneously.
869 *
870 * @param func A function which is invoked for each selected element,
871 * being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this of the current DOM element (nodes[i]).
872 */
873 each(func: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, void>): this;
875 /**
876 * Invoke the specified function exactly once, passing in this selection along with any optional arguments.
877 * Returns this selection.
878 *
879 * @param func A function which is passed this selection as the first argument along with any optional arguments.
880 * @param args List of optional arguments to be passed to the callback function.
881 */
882 call<Args extends any[]>(func: (selection: Selection<GElement, Datum, PElement, PDatum>, ...args: Args) => void, ...args: Args): this;
884 /**
885 * Return true if this selection contains no (non-null) elements.
886 */
887 empty(): boolean;
889 /**
890 * Return an array of all (non-null) elements in this selection.
891 */
892 nodes(): GElement[];
894 /**
895 * Return the first (non-null) element in this selection. If the selection is empty, returns null.
896 */
897 node(): GElement | null;
899 /**
900 * Returns the total number of elements in this selection.
901 */
902 size(): number;
904 /**
905 * Returns an iterator over the selected (non-null) elements.
906 */
907 [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<GElement>;
911 * Selects the root element, document.documentElement. This function can also be used to test for selections
912 * (instanceof d3.selection) or to extend the selection prototype.
913 */
914export type SelectionFn = () => Selection<HTMLElement, any, null, undefined>;
917 * Selects the root element, document.documentElement. This function can also be used to test for selections
918 * (instanceof d3.selection) or to extend the selection prototype.
919 */
920export const selection: SelectionFn;
922// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
923// pointer.js and pointers.js related
924// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
927 * Returns a two-element array of numbers [x, y] representing the coordinates of the specified event relative to the specified target.
928 * event can be a MouseEvent, a PointerEvent, a Touch, or a custom event holding a UIEvent as event.sourceEvent.
929 *
930 * If target is not specified, it defaults to the source event’s currentTarget property, if available.
931 * If the target is an SVG element, the event’s coordinates are transformed using the inverse of the screen coordinate transformation matrix.
932 * If the target is an HTML element, the event’s coordinates are translated relative to the top-left corner of the target’s bounding client rectangle.
933 * (As such, the coordinate system can only be translated relative to the client coordinates. See also GeometryUtils.)
934 * Otherwise, [event.pageX, event.pageY] is returned.
935 *
936 * @param event The specified event.
937 * @param target The target which the coordinates are relative to.
938 */
939export function pointer(event: any, target?: any): [number, number];
942 * Returns an array [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]…] of coordinates of the specified event’s pointer locations relative to the specified target.
943 * For touch events, the returned array of positions corresponds to the event.touches array; for other events, returns a single-element array.
944 *
945 * If target is not specified, it defaults to the source event’s currentTarget property, if any.
946 *
947 * @param event The specified event.
948 * @param target The target which the coordinates are relative to.
949 */
950export function pointers(event: any, target?: any): Array<[number, number]>;
952// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
953// style
954// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
957 * Returns the value of the style property with the specified name for the specified node.
958 * If the node has an inline style with the specified name, its value is returned; otherwise, the computed property value is returned.
959 * See also selection.style.
960 *
961 * @param node A DOM node (e.g. HTMLElement, SVGElement) for which to retrieve the style property.
962 * @param name Style property name.
963 */
964export function style(node: Element, name: string): string;
966// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
967// local.js related
968// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
970export interface Local<T> {
971 /**
972 * Retrieves a local variable stored on the node (or one of its parents).
973 *
974 * @param node A node element.
975 */
976 get(node: Element): T | undefined;
977 /**
978 * Deletes the value associated with the given node. Values stored on ancestors are not affected, meaning that child nodes will still see inherited values.
979 *
980 * This function returns true if there was a value stored directly on the node, and false otherwise.
981 *
982 * @param node A node element.
983 */
984 remove(node: Element): boolean;
985 /**
986 * Store a value for this local variable. Calling `.get()` on children of this node will also retrieve the variable's value.
987 *
988 * @param node A node element.
989 * @param value Value to store locally
990 */
991 set(node: Element, value: T): T;
992 /**
993 * Obtain a string with the internally assigned property name for the local
994 * which is used to store the value on a node
995 */
996 toString(): string;
1000 * Obtain a new local variable
1001 *
1002 * The generic refers to the type of the variable to store locally.
1003 */
1004// eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
1005export function local<T>(): Local<T>;
1007// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1008// namespace.js related
1009// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1012 * Interface for object literal containing local name with related fully qualified namespace
1013 */
1014export interface NamespaceLocalObject {
1015 /**
1016 * Fully qualified namespace
1017 */
1018 space: string;
1019 /**
1020 * Name of the local to be namespaced.
1021 */
1022 local: string;
1026 * Obtain an object with properties of fully qualified namespace string and
1027 * name of local by parsing a shorthand string "prefix:local". If the prefix
1028 * does not exist in the "namespaces" object provided by d3-selection, then
1029 * the local name is returned as a simple string.
1030 *
1031 * @param prefixedLocal A string composed of the namespace prefix and local
1032 * name separated by colon, e.g. "svg:text".
1033 */
1034export function namespace(prefixedLocal: string): NamespaceLocalObject | string;
1036// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1037// namespaces.js related
1038// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1041 * Interface for maps of namespace prefixes to corresponding fully qualified namespace strings
1042 */
1043export interface NamespaceMap { [prefix: string]: string; }
1046 * Map of namespace prefixes to corresponding fully qualified namespace strings
1047 */
1048export const namespaces: NamespaceMap;
1050// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1051// window.js related
1052// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1055 * Returns the owner window for the specified node. If node is a node, returns the owner document’s default view;
1056 * if node is a document, returns its default view; otherwise returns the node.
1057 *
1058 * @param DOMNode A DOM element
1059 */
1060export function window(DOMNode: Window | Document | Element): Window;
1062// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1063// creator.js and matcher.js Complex helper closure generating functions
1064// for explicit bound-context dependent use
1065// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1068 * Given the specified element name, returns a single-element selection containing
1069 * a detached element of the given name in the current document.
1070 *
1071 * @param name tag name of the element to be added.
1072 */
1073export function create<K extends keyof ElementTagNameMap>(name: K): Selection<ElementTagNameMap[K], undefined, null, undefined>;
1075 * Given the specified element name, returns a single-element selection containing
1076 * a detached element of the given name in the current document.
1077 *
1078 * @param name Tag name of the element to be added. See "namespace" for details on supported namespace prefixes,
1079 * such as for SVG elements.
1080 */
1081// eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
1082export function create<NewGElement extends Element>(name: string): Selection<NewGElement, undefined, null, undefined>;
1085 * Given the specified element name, returns a function which creates an element of the given name,
1086 * assuming that "this" is the parent element.
1087 *
1088 * @param name Tag name of the element to be added.
1089 */
1090export function creator<K extends keyof ElementTagNameMap>(name: K): (this: BaseType) => ElementTagNameMap[K];
1092 * Given the specified element name, returns a function which creates an element of the given name,
1093 * assuming that "this" is the parent element.
1094 *
1095 * The generic refers to the type of the new element to be returned by the creator function.
1096 *
1097 * @param name Tag name of the element to be added. See "namespace" for details on supported namespace prefixes,
1098 * such as for SVG elements.
1099 */
1100// eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
1101export function creator<NewGElement extends Element>(name: string): (this: BaseType) => NewGElement;
1104 * Given the specified selector, returns a function which returns true if "this" element matches the specified selector.
1105 *
1106 * @param selector A CSS selector string.
1107 */
1108export function matcher(selector: string): (this: BaseType) => boolean;
1110// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1111// selector.js and selectorAll.js related functions
1112// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1115 * Given the specified selector, returns a function which returns the first descendant of "this" element
1116 * that matches the specified selector.
1117 *
1118 * The generic refers to the type of the returned descendant element.
1119 *
1120 * @param selector A CSS selector string.
1121 */
1122// eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
1123export function selector<DescElement extends Element>(selector: string): (this: BaseType) => DescElement;
1126 * Given the specified selector, returns a function which returns all descendants of "this" element that match the specified selector.
1127 *
1128 * The generic refers to the type of the returned descendant element.
1129 *
1130 * @param selector A CSS selector string.
1131 */
1132// eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/no-unnecessary-generics
1133export function selectorAll<DescElement extends Element>(selector: string): (this: BaseType) => NodeListOf<DescElement>;