1.72 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { DecompressOptions } from "decompress";
3import { GotEmitter, GotOptions } from "got";
4import { Duplex } from "stream";
6declare namespace download {
7 interface DownloadOptions extends DecompressOptions, GotOptions<string | null> {
8 /**
9 * If set to `true`, try extracting the file using
10 * [`decompress`](https://github.com/kevva/decompress).
11 *
12 * @default false
13 */
14 extract?: boolean | undefined;
16 /**
17 * Name of the saved file.
18 */
19 filename?: string | undefined;
20 }
24 * Download and extract files.
25 *
26 * @param url URL to download.
27 * @param destination Path to where your file will be written.
28 * @param options Same options as [`got`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/got#options)
29 * and [`decompress`](https://github.com/kevva/decompress#options) in addition to the
30 * ones from this package.
31 *
32 * @example
33 * import fs from 'fs';
34 * import download = require('download');
35 *
36 * (async () => {
37 * await download('http://unicorn.com/foo.jpg', 'dist');
38 *
39 * fs.writeFileSync('dist/foo.jpg', await download('http://unicorn.com/foo.jpg'));
40 *
41 * download('unicorn.com/foo.jpg').pipe(fs.createWriteStream('dist/foo.jpg'));
42 *
43 * await Promise.all([
44 * 'unicorn.com/foo.jpg',
45 * 'cats.com/dancing.gif'
46 * ].map(url => download(url, 'dist')));
47 * })();
48 */
49declare function download(
50 url: string,
51 destination?: string,
52 options?: download.DownloadOptions,
53): Promise<Buffer> & GotEmitter & Duplex;
54declare function download(url: string, options?: download.DownloadOptions): Promise<Buffer> & GotEmitter & Duplex;
56export = download;