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1// Type definitions for ember-qunit 5.0
2// Project: https://github.com/emberjs/ember-qunit#readme
3// Definitions by: Dan Freeman <https://github.com/dfreeman>
4// Chris Krycho <https://github.com/chriskrycho>
5// James C. Davis <https://github.com/jamescdavis>
6// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
7// Minimum TypeScript Version: 4.4
9import EmberTestAdapter from '@ember/test/adapter';
10import EmberResolver from 'ember-resolver';
11import { TestContext } from '@ember/test-helpers';
14 * Sets a Resolver globally which will be used to look up objects from each test's container.
15 */
16export function setResolver(resolver: EmberResolver): void;
19 * Options for configuring the test runner. Normally, you will not need to
20 * customize this. It is exported primarily so that end user app code can name
21 * it when passing it back to the framework.
22 */
23export interface SetupTestOptions {
24 /**
25 * The resolver to use when instantiating container-managed entities in the test.
26 */
27 resolver?: EmberResolver | undefined;
31 * Sets up acceptance tests.
32 *
33 * The `setupApplicationTest` function is used for all acceptance tests. It
34 * is invoked in the callback scope of a QUnit module (aka "nested module").
35 *
36 * Once invoked, all subsequent hooks.beforeEach and test invocations will
37 * have access to the following:
38 * * `this.owner` - the owner object that been set on the test context.
39 * * `this.pauseTest` and `this.resumeTest` - allow easy pausing/resuming of tests.
40 * * `this.element` which returns the DOM element representing the application's root element.
41 */
42export function setupApplicationTest(hooks: NestedHooks, options?: SetupTestOptions): void;
45 * Sets up tests that need to render snippets of templates.
46 *
47 * The setupRenderingTest method is used for tests that need to render
48 * snippets of templates. It is also invoked in the callback scope of a
49 * QUnit module (aka "nested module").
50 *
51 * Once invoked, all subsequent hooks.beforeEach and test invocations will
52 * have access to the following:
53 * * All of the methods / properties listed for `setupTest`
54 * * this.render(...) - Renders the provided template snippet returning a
55 * promise that resolves once rendering has completed
56 * * An importable render function that de-sugars into this.render will be
57 * the default output of blueprints
58 * * this.element - Returns the native DOM element representing the element
59 * that was rendered via this.render
60 * * this.$(...) - When jQuery is present, executes a jQuery selector with
61 * the current this.element as its root
62 */
63export function setupRenderingTest(hooks: NestedHooks, options?: SetupTestOptions): void;
66 * Sets up tests that do not need to render snippets of templates.
67 *
68 * The `setupTest` method is used for all types of tests except for those
69 * that need to render snippets of templates. It is invoked in the callback
70 * scope of a QUnit module (aka "nested module").
71 *
72 * Once invoked, all subsequent hooks.beforeEach and test invocations will
73 * have access to the following:
74 * * this.owner - This exposes the standard "owner API" for the test environment.
75 * * this.set / this.setProperties - Allows setting values on the test context.
76 * * this.get / this.getProperties - Retrieves values from the test context.
77 */
78export function setupTest(hooks: NestedHooks, options?: SetupTestOptions): void;
80export class QUnitAdapter extends EmberTestAdapter {}
82export { module, test, skip, only, todo } from 'qunit';
84interface QUnitStartOptions {
85 /**
86 * If `false` tests will not be loaded automatically.
87 */
88 loadTests?: boolean | undefined;
90 /**
91 * If `false` the test container will not be setup based on `devmode`,
92 * `dockcontainer`, or `nocontainer` URL params.
93 */
94 setupTestContainer?: boolean | undefined;
96 /**
97 * If `false` tests will not be automatically started (you must run
98 * `QUnit.start()` to kick them off).
99 */
100 startTests?: boolean | undefined;
102 /**
103 * If `false` the default Ember.Test adapter will not be updated.
104 */
105 setupTestAdapter?: boolean | undefined;
107 /**
108 * `false` opts out of the default behavior of setting `Ember.testing`
109 * to `true` before all tests and back to `false` after each test will.
110 */
111 setupEmberTesting?: boolean | undefined;
113 /**
114 * If `false` validation of `Ember.onerror` will be disabled.
115 */
116 setupEmberOnerrorValidation?: boolean | undefined;
118 /**
119 * If `false` test isolation validation will be disabled.
120 */
121 setupTestIsolationValidation?: boolean | undefined;
124export function start(options?: QUnitStartOptions): void;
126declare global {
127 // NOTE: disables `no-unnecessary-generics` inline because, unfortunately,
128 // the design of Ember's test tooling (and indeed *QUnit's* test system)
129 // requires that we allow users to update the type of the context of the
130 // test. This is indeed strictly *wrong*! However, changing it will require
131 // changing how Ember handles testing. See [the PR][pr] for further details.
132 //
133 // [pr]: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/pull/56494
135 interface NestedHooks {
136 /**
137 * Runs after the last test. If additional tests are defined after the
138 * module's queue has emptied, it will not run this hook again.
139 */
140 // tslint:disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
141 after<TC extends TestContext>(fn: (this: TC, assert: Assert) => void | Promise<void>): void;
143 /**
144 * Runs after each test.
145 */
146 // tslint:disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
147 afterEach<TC extends TestContext>(fn: (this: TC, assert: Assert) => void | Promise<void>): void;
149 /**
150 * Runs before the first test.
151 */
152 // tslint:disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
153 before<TC extends TestContext>(fn: (this: TC, assert: Assert) => void | Promise<void>): void;
155 /**
156 * Runs before each test.
157 */
158 // tslint:disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
159 beforeEach<TC extends TestContext>(fn: (this: TC, assert: Assert) => void | Promise<void>): void;
160 }
162 interface QUnit {
163 /**
164 * Add a test to run.
165 *
166 * Add a test to run using `QUnit.test()`.
167 *
168 * The `assert` argument to the callback contains all of QUnit's assertion
169 * methods. Use this argument to call your test assertions.
170 *
171 * `QUnit.test()` can automatically handle the asynchronous resolution of a
172 * Promise on your behalf if you return a thenable Promise as the result of
173 * your callback function.
174 *
175 * @param name Title of unit being tested
176 * @param callback Function to close over assertions
177 */
178 // tslint:disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
179 test<TC extends TestContext>(name: string, callback: (this: TC, assert: Assert) => void | Promise<void>): void;
181 /**
182 * Adds a test to exclusively run, preventing all other tests from running.
183 *
184 * Use this method to focus your test suite on a specific test. QUnit.only
185 * will cause any other tests in your suite to be ignored.
186 *
187 * Note, that if more than one QUnit.only is present only the first instance
188 * will run.
189 *
190 * This is an alternative to filtering tests to run in the HTML reporter. It
191 * is especially useful when you use a console reporter or in a codebase
192 * with a large set of long running tests.
193 *
194 * @param name Title of unit being tested
195 * @param callback Function to close over assertions
196 */
197 // tslint:disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
198 only<TC extends TestContext>(name: string, callback: (this: TC, assert: Assert) => void | Promise<void>): void;
200 /**
201 * Use this method to test a unit of code which is still under development (in a “todo” state).
202 * The test will pass as long as one failing assertion is present.
203 *
204 * If all assertions pass, then the test will fail signaling that `QUnit.todo` should
205 * be replaced by `QUnit.test`.
206 *
207 * @param name Title of unit being tested
208 * @param callback Function to close over assertions
209 */
210 // tslint:disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
211 todo<TC extends TestContext>(name: string, callback: (this: TC, assert: Assert) => void | Promise<void>): void;
213 /**
214 * Adds a test like object to be skipped.
215 *
216 * Use this method to replace QUnit.test() instead of commenting out entire
217 * tests.
218 *
219 * This test's prototype will be listed on the suite as a skipped test,
220 * ignoring the callback argument and the respective global and module's
221 * hooks.
222 *
223 * @param name Title of unit being tested
224 * @param callback Function to close over assertions
225 */
226 // tslint:disable-next-line no-unnecessary-generics
227 skip<TC extends TestContext>(name: string, callback?: (this: TC, assert: Assert) => void | Promise<void>): void;
228 }
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