614 BTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Get a value from an object based on the given path
3 *
4 * Usage example:
5 *
6 * var obj = {
7 * a : {
8 * b : 123
9 * }
10 * };
11 *
12 * var result = getByPath(obj, ['a', 'b']); // 123
13 *
14 * You may also specify the path using an object with a path field
15 *
16 * var result = getByPath(obj, {path: ['a', 'b']}); // 123
17 *
18 * If the path doesn't exist undefined will be returned
19 *
20 * var result = getByPath(obj, ['x', 'y', 'z']); // undefined
21 */
22declare function getByPath(root: any /*?Object | Error*/, path: string[], fallbackValue?: any): any;
24declare namespace getByPath {}
26export = getByPath;