11.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1declare namespace google.maps {
2 interface InfoWindowHandlerMap {
3 /**
4 * This event is fired when the close button was clicked.
5 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.closeclick Maps JavaScript API}
6 * @see {@link InfoWindow#close}
7 */
8 closeclick: [];
10 /**
11 * This event is fired when the content property changes.
12 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.content_changed Maps JavaScript API}
13 * @see {@link InfoWindowOptions#content}
14 * @see {@link InfoWindow#getContent}
15 * @see {@link InfoWindow#setContent}
16 */
17 content_changed: [];
19 /**
20 * This event is fired when the `<div>` containing the {@link InfoWindow}'s content is attached to the DOM. You
21 * may wish to monitor this event if you are building out your info window content dynamically.
22 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.domready Maps JavaScript API}
23 */
24 domready: [];
26 /**
27 * This event is fired when the position property changes.
28 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.position_changed Maps JavaScript API}
29 * @see {@link InfoWindowOptions#position}
30 * @see {@link InfoWindow#getPosition}
31 * @see {@link InfoWindow#setPosition}
32 */
33 position_changed: [];
35 /**
36 * This event is fired when the InfoWindow's zIndex changes.
37 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.zindex_changed Maps JavaScript API}
38 * @see {@link InfoWindowOptions#zIndex}
39 * @see {@link InfoWindow#getZIndex}
40 * @see {@link InfoWindow#setZIndex}
41 */
42 zindex_changed: [];
43 }
45 /**
46 * An overlay that looks like a bubble and is often connected to a marker.
47 * This class extends MVCObject.
48 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow Maps JavaScript API}
49 */
50 class InfoWindow extends MVCObject {
51 /**
52 * Creates an info window with the given options. An {@link InfoWindow} can be placed on a map at a particular
53 * position or above a marker, depending on what is specified in the options. Unless auto-pan is disabled, an
54 * {@link InfoWindow} will pan the map to make itself visible when it is opened. After constructing an
55 * {@link InfoWindow}, you must call open to display it on the map. The user can click the close button on the
56 * {@link InfoWindow} to remove it from the map, or the developer can call {@link close}() for the same effect.
57 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.constructor Maps JavaScript API}
58 */
59 constructor(opts?: InfoWindowOptions);
61 /**
62 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#closeclick closeclick} event
63 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#content_changed content_changed} event
64 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#domready domready} event
65 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#position_changed position_changed} event
66 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#zindex_changed zindex_changed} event
67 */
68 addListener<N extends keyof InfoWindowHandlerMap>(
69 eventName: N,
70 handler: MVCEventHandler<this, InfoWindowHandlerMap[N]>,
71 ): MapsEventListener;
73 addListener(eventName: string, handler: MVCEventHandler<this, unknown[]>): MapsEventListener;
75 /**
76 * Closes this {@link InfoWindow} by removing it from the DOM structure.
77 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.close Maps JavaScript API}
78 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#closeclick closeclick} event
79 * @see {@link open}
80 */
81 close(): void;
83 /**
84 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.getContent Maps JavaScript API}
85 * @see {@link InfoWindowOptions#content}
86 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#content_changed content_changed} event
87 * @see {@link setContent}
88 */
89 getContent(): string | Node;
91 /**
92 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.getPosition Maps JavaScript API}
93 * @see {@link InfoWindowOptions#position}
94 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#position_changed position_changed} event
95 * @see {@link setPosition}
96 */
97 getPosition(): LatLng;
99 /**
100 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.getZIndex Maps JavaScript API}
101 * @see {@link InfoWindowOptions#zIndex}
102 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#zindex_changed zindex_changed} event
103 * @see {@link setZIndex}
104 */
105 getZIndex(): number;
107 // TODO: Strict `position` & `anchorPoint` in `anchor` argument
108 /**
109 * Opens this {@link InfoWindow} on the given map. Optionally, an {@link InfoWindow} can be associated with an
110 * anchor. In the core API, the only anchor is the {@link Marker} class. However, an anchor can be any
111 * {@link MVCObject} that exposes a {@link LatLng} position property and optionally a {@link Point} anchorPoint
112 * property for calculating the {@link InfoWindowOptions#pixelOffset pixelOffset}. The anchorPoint is the offset
113 * from the anchor's position to the tip of the {@link InfoWindow}.
114 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.open Maps JavaScript API}
115 * @see {@link close}
116 */
117 open(map?: Map | StreetViewPanorama, anchor?: MVCObject): void;
119 /**
120 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.setContent Maps JavaScript API}
121 * @see {@link InfoWindowOptions#content}
122 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#content_changed content_changed} event
123 * @see {@link getContent}
124 */
125 setContent(content: string | Node): void;
127 /**
128 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.setOptions Maps JavaScript API}
129 */
130 setOptions(options: InfoWindowOptions): void;
132 /**
133 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.setPosition Maps JavaScript API}
134 * @see {@link InfoWindowOptions#position}
135 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#position_changed position_changed} event
136 * @see {@link getPosition}
137 */
138 setPosition(position: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): void;
140 /**
141 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindow.setZIndex Maps JavaScript API}
142 * @see {@link InfoWindowOptions#zIndex}
143 * @see {@link InfoWindowHandlerMap#zindex_changed zindex_changed} event
144 * @see {@link getZIndex}
145 */
146 setZIndex(zIndex: number): void;
147 }
149 /**
150 * {@link InfoWindowOptions} object used to define the properties that can be set on a {@link InfoWindow}.
151 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindowOptions Maps JavaScript API}
152 * @see {@link InfoWindow#setOptions}
153 */
154 interface InfoWindowOptions {
155 /**
156 * Content to display in the {@link InfoWindow}. This can be an HTML element, a plain-text string, or a string
157 * containing HTML. The InfoWindow will be sized according to the content. To set an explicit size for the
158 * content, set content to be a HTML element with that size.
159 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindowOptions.content Maps JavaScript API}
160 * @see {@link InfoWindow#getContent}
161 * @see {@link InfoWindow#setContent}
162 */
163 content?: string | Node;
165 /**
166 * Disable auto-pan on open. By default, the {@link InfoWindow} will pan the map so that it is fully visible
167 * when it opens.
168 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documetntation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindowOptions.disableAutoPan Maps JavaScript API}
169 */
170 disableAutoPan?: boolean;
172 /**
173 * Maximum width of the {@link InfoWindow}, regardless of content's width. This value is only considered if it
174 * is set before a call to open. To change the maximum width when changing content, call close,
175 * {@link InfoWindow#setOptions setOptions}, and then open.
176 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindowOptions.maxWidth Maps JavaScript API}
177 */
178 maxWidth?: number;
180 /**
181 * The offset, in pixels, of the tip of the info window from the point on the map at whose geographical
182 * coordinates the info window is anchored. If an {@link InfoWindow} is opened with an anchor, the
183 * {@link pixelOffset} will be calculated from the anchor's {@link MarkerOptions#anchorPoint anchorPoint}
184 * property.
185 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindowOptions.pixelOffset Maps JavaScript API}
186 */
187 pixelOffset?: Size;
189 /**
190 * The {@link LatLng} at which to display this {@link InfoWindow}. If the {@link InfoWindow} is opened with an
191 * anchor, the anchor's position will be used instead.
192 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindowOptions.position Maps JavaScript API}
193 * @see {@link InfoWindow#getPosition}
194 * @see {@link InfoWindow#setPosition}
195 */
196 position?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral;
198 /**
199 * All {@link InfoWindow} are displayed on the map in order of their {@link zIndex}, with higher values
200 * displaying in front of {@link InfoWindow} with lower values. By default, {@link InfoWindow} are displayed
201 * according to their latitude, with {@link InfoWindow} of lower latitudes appearing in front of
202 * {@link InfoWindow} at higher latitudes. {@link InfoWindow} are always displayed in front of markers.
203 * @see {@link https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/info-window#InfoWindowOptions.zIndex Maps JavaScript API}
204 * @see {@link InfoWindow#getZIndex}
205 * @see {@link InfoWindow#setZIndex}
206 */
207 zIndex?: number;
208 }