3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1declare namespace google.maps {
2 class StreetViewPanorama extends MVCObject {
3 constructor(container: Element, opts?: StreetViewPanoramaOptions);
4 controls: Array<MVCArray<Node>>;
5 getLinks(): StreetViewLink[];
6 getLocation(): StreetViewLocation;
7 getMotionTracking(): boolean;
8 getPano(): string;
9 getPhotographerPov(): StreetViewPov;
10 getPosition(): LatLng;
11 getPov(): StreetViewPov;
12 getStatus(): StreetViewStatus;
13 getVisible(): boolean;
14 getZoom(): number;
15 registerPanoProvider(provider: (input: string) => StreetViewPanoramaData, opts?: PanoProviderOptions): void;
16 setLinks(links: StreetViewLink[]): void;
17 setMotionTracking(motionTracking: boolean): void;
18 setOptions(options: StreetViewPanoramaOptions): void;
19 setPano(pano: string): void;
20 setPosition(latLng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): void;
21 setPov(pov: StreetViewPov): void;
22 setVisible(flag: boolean): void;
23 setZoom(zoom: number): void;
24 }
26 interface StreetViewPanoramaOptions {
27 addressControl?: boolean;
28 addressControlOptions?: StreetViewAddressControlOptions;
29 clickToGo?: boolean;
30 disableDefaultUI?: boolean;
31 disableDoubleClickZoom?: boolean;
32 enableCloseButton?: boolean;
33 fullscreenControl?: boolean;
34 fullscreenControlOptions?: FullscreenControlOptions;
35 imageDateControl?: boolean;
36 linksControl?: boolean;
37 motionTracking?: boolean;
38 motionTrackingControl?: boolean;
39 motionTrackingControlOptions?: MotionTrackingControlOptions;
40 mode?: 'html4' | 'html5' | 'webgl';
41 panControl?: boolean;
42 panControlOptions?: PanControlOptions;
43 pano?: string;
44 panoProvider?: (input: string) => StreetViewPanoramaData;
45 position?: LatLng | LatLngLiteral;
46 pov?: StreetViewPov;
47 scrollwheel?: boolean;
48 visible?: boolean;
49 zoom?: number;
50 zoomControl?: boolean;
51 zoomControlOptions?: ZoomControlOptions;
52 }
54 interface StreetViewAddressControlOptions {
55 position?: ControlPosition;
56 }
58 interface PanoProviderOptions {
59 /**
60 * If set, the renderer will use technologies (like webgl) that only work when cors headers are appropiately set on the provided images.
61 * It is the developer's task to serve the images correctly in combination with this flag, which might otherwise lead to SecurityErrors.
62 */
63 cors?: boolean;
64 }
66 interface StreetViewTileData {
67 getTileUrl(pano: string, tileZoom: number, tileX: number, tileY: number): string;
68 centerHeading?: number;
69 tileSize?: Size;
70 worldSize?: Size;
71 }
73 interface StreetViewPov {
74 heading?: number;
75 pitch?: number;
76 }
78 class StreetViewCoverageLayer extends MVCObject {
79 getMap(): Map;
80 setMap(map: Map | null): void;
81 }