4.82 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for gulp-help
2// Project: https://github.com/chmontgomery/gulp-help
3// Definitions by: Qubo <https://github.com/tkQubo>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
5// TypeScript Version: 2.3
7/// <reference types="node" />
8/// <reference types="gulp" />
9/// <reference types="orchestrator" />
11import Orchestrator = require('orchestrator');
12import gulp = require('gulp');
13type HelpOption = string|boolean;
15declare namespace gulpHelp {
16 interface TaskMethod {
17 /**
18 * Define a task.
19 *
20 * @param name the name of the task. Tasks that you want to run from the command line should not have spaces in them.
21 * @param help Custom help message as a string. If you want to hide the task from the help menu, supply false
22 * @param deps an array of tasks to be executed and completed before your task will run.
23 * @param fn the function that performs the task's operations. Generally this takes the form of gulp.src().pipe(someplugin()).
24 * @param option task options
25 */
26 (name: string, help: HelpOption, deps: string[], fn?: gulp.TaskCallback, option?: TaskOptions): any;
27 /**
28 * Define a task.
29 *
30 * @param name the name of the task. Tasks that you want to run from the command line should not have spaces in them.
31 * @param help Custom help message as a string. If you want to hide the task from the help menu, supply false
32 * @param deps an array of tasks to be executed and completed before your task will run.
33 */
34 (name: string, help: HelpOption, deps: string[]): any;
35 /**
36 * Define a task.
37 *
38 * @param name the name of the task. Tasks that you want to run from the command line should not have spaces in them.
39 * @param help Custom help message as a string. If you want to hide the task from the help menu, supply false
40 * @param fn the function that performs the task's operations. Generally this takes the form of gulp.src().pipe(someplugin()).
41 * @param option task options
42 */
43 (name: string, help: HelpOption, fn?: gulp.TaskCallback, option?: TaskOptions): any;
44 /**
45 * Define a task.
46 *
47 * @param name the name of the task. Tasks that you want to run from the command line should not have spaces in them.
48 * @param help Custom help message as a string. If you want to hide the task from the help menu, supply false
49 */
50 (name: string, help: HelpOption): any;
51 /**
52 * Define a task.
53 *
54 * @param name the name of the task. Tasks that you want to run from the command line should not have spaces in them.
55 * @param deps an array of tasks to be executed and completed before your task will run.
56 * @param fn the function that performs the task's operations. Generally this takes the form of gulp.src().pipe(someplugin()).
57 * @param option task options
58 */
59 (name: string, deps: string[], fn?: gulp.TaskCallback, option?: TaskOptions): any;
60 /**
61 * Define a task.
62 *
63 * @param name the name of the task. Tasks that you want to run from the command line should not have spaces in them.
64 * @param fn the function that performs the task's operations. Generally this takes the form of gulp.src().pipe(someplugin()).
65 * @param option task options
66 */
67 (name: string, fn?: gulp.TaskCallback, option?: TaskOptions): any;
68 }
70 interface GulpHelp extends Orchestrator {
71 task: TaskMethod;
72 src: gulp.SrcMethod;
73 dest: gulp.DestMethod;
74 watch: gulp.WatchMethod;
75 }
77 interface TaskOptions {
78 /**
79 * List of aliases for this task
80 */
81 aliases?: string[] | undefined;
82 /**
83 * Object documenting options which can be passed to your task
84 */
85 options?: { [key: string]: string } | undefined;
86 }
88 interface GulpHelpOptions {
89 /**
90 * Modifies the default help message
91 */
92 description?: string | undefined;
93 /**
94 * Adds aliases to the default help task
95 */
96 aliases?: string[] | undefined;
97 /**
98 * Hide all tasks with no help message defined. Useful when including 3rd party tasks
99 */
100 hideEmpty?: boolean | undefined;
101 /**
102 * Hide all task dependencies
103 */
104 hideDepsMessage?: boolean | undefined;
105 /**
106 * A function to run after the default help task runs
107 */
108 afterPrintCallback?: Function | undefined;
109 }
113declare function gulpHelp(gulp: gulp.Gulp, options?: gulpHelp.GulpHelpOptions): gulpHelp.GulpHelp;
115export = gulpHelp;