1 | # Installation
2 | > `npm install --save @types/istanbul-reports`
3 |
4 | # Summary
5 | This package contains type definitions for istanbul-reports (https://github.com/istanbuljs/istanbuljs).
6 |
7 | # Details
8 | Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/istanbul-reports.
9 | ## [index.d.ts](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/istanbul-reports/index.d.ts)
10 | ````ts
11 | import { Node, ReportBase } from "istanbul-lib-report";
12 |
13 | export function create<T extends keyof ReportOptions>(name: T, options?: Partial<ReportOptions[T]>): ReportBase;
14 |
15 | export interface FileOptions {
16 | file: string;
17 | }
18 |
19 | export interface ProjectOptions {
20 | projectRoot: string;
21 | }
22 |
23 | export interface ReportOptions {
24 | clover: CloverOptions;
25 | cobertura: CoberturaOptions;
26 | "html-spa": HtmlSpaOptions;
27 | html: HtmlOptions;
28 | json: JsonOptions;
29 | "json-summary": JsonSummaryOptions;
30 | lcov: LcovOptions;
31 | lcovonly: LcovOnlyOptions;
32 | none: never;
33 | teamcity: TeamcityOptions;
34 | text: TextOptions;
35 | "text-lcov": TextLcovOptions;
36 | "text-summary": TextSummaryOptions;
37 | }
38 |
39 | export type ReportType = keyof ReportOptions;
40 |
41 | export interface CloverOptions extends FileOptions, ProjectOptions {}
42 |
43 | export interface CoberturaOptions extends FileOptions, ProjectOptions {}
44 |
45 | export interface HtmlSpaOptions extends HtmlOptions {
46 | metricsToShow: Array<"lines" | "branches" | "functions" | "statements">;
47 | }
48 | export interface HtmlOptions {
49 | verbose: boolean;
50 | skipEmpty: boolean;
51 | subdir: string;
52 | linkMapper: LinkMapper;
53 | }
54 |
55 | export type JsonOptions = FileOptions;
56 | export type JsonSummaryOptions = FileOptions;
57 |
58 | export interface LcovOptions extends FileOptions, ProjectOptions {}
59 | export interface LcovOnlyOptions extends FileOptions, ProjectOptions {}
60 |
61 | export interface TeamcityOptions extends FileOptions {
62 | blockName: string;
63 | }
64 |
65 | export interface TextOptions extends FileOptions {
66 | maxCols: number;
67 | skipEmpty: boolean;
68 | skipFull: boolean;
69 | }
70 | export type TextLcovOptions = ProjectOptions;
71 | export type TextSummaryOptions = FileOptions;
72 |
73 | export interface LinkMapper {
74 | getPath(node: string | Node): string;
75 | relativePath(source: string | Node, target: string | Node): string;
76 | assetPath(node: Node, name: string): string;
77 | }
78 |
79 | ````
80 |
81 | ### Additional Details
82 | * Last updated: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 03:09:37 GMT
83 | * Dependencies: [@types/istanbul-lib-report](https://npmjs.com/package/@types/istanbul-lib-report)
84 |
85 | # Credits
86 | These definitions were written by [Jason Cheatham](https://github.com/jason0x43), and [Elena Shcherbakova](https://github.com/not-a-doctor).
87 |
\ | No newline at end of file |