75.5 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for jQueryUI 1.12
2// Project: http://jqueryui.com/
3// Definitions by: Boris Yankov <https://github.com/borisyankov>, John Reilly <https://github.com/johnnyreilly>, Dieter Oberkofler <https://github.com/doberkofler>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
5// TypeScript Version: 2.3
7/// <reference types="jquery" />
9declare namespace JQueryUI {
10 // Accordion //////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 interface AccordionOptions extends AccordionEvents {
13 active?: any; // boolean or number
14 animate?: any; // boolean, number, string or object
15 collapsible?: boolean;
16 disabled?: boolean;
17 event?: string;
18 header?: string;
19 heightStyle?: string;
20 icons?: any;
21 }
23 interface AccordionUIParams {
24 newHeader: JQuery;
25 oldHeader: JQuery;
26 newPanel: JQuery;
27 oldPanel: JQuery;
28 }
30 interface AccordionEvent {
31 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: AccordionUIParams): void;
32 }
34 interface AccordionEvents {
35 activate?: AccordionEvent;
36 beforeActivate?: AccordionEvent;
37 create?: AccordionEvent;
38 }
40 interface Accordion extends Widget, AccordionOptions {
41 }
44 // Autocomplete //////////////////////////////////////////////////
46 interface AutocompleteOptions extends AutocompleteEvents {
47 appendTo?: any; //Selector;
48 autoFocus?: boolean;
49 delay?: number;
50 disabled?: boolean;
51 minLength?: number;
52 position?: any; // object
53 source?: any; // [], string or ()
54 classes?: AutocompleteClasses;
55 }
57 interface AutocompleteClasses {
58 "ui-autocomplete"?: string;
59 "ui-autocomplete-input"?: string;
60 }
62 interface AutocompleteUIParams {
63 /**
64 * The item selected from the menu, if any. Otherwise the property is null
65 */
66 item?: any;
67 content?: any;
68 }
70 interface AutocompleteEvent {
71 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: AutocompleteUIParams): void;
72 }
74 interface AutocompleteEvents {
75 change?: AutocompleteEvent;
76 close?: AutocompleteEvent;
77 create?: AutocompleteEvent;
78 focus?: AutocompleteEvent;
79 open?: AutocompleteEvent;
80 response?: AutocompleteEvent;
81 search?: AutocompleteEvent;
82 select?: AutocompleteEvent;
83 }
85 interface Autocomplete extends Widget, AutocompleteOptions {
86 escapeRegex: (value: string) => string;
87 filter: (array: any, term: string) => any;
88 }
91 // Button //////////////////////////////////////////////////
93 interface ButtonOptions {
94 disabled?: boolean;
95 icons?: any;
96 label?: string;
97 text?: string|boolean;
98 click?: (event?: Event) => void;
99 }
101 interface Button extends Widget, ButtonOptions {
102 }
105 // Datepicker //////////////////////////////////////////////////
107 interface DatepickerOptions {
108 /**
109 * An input element that is to be updated with the selected date from the datepicker. Use the altFormat option to change the format of the date within this field. Leave as blank for no alternate field.
110 */
111 altField?: any; // Selector, jQuery or Element
112 /**
113 * The dateFormat to be used for the altField option. This allows one date format to be shown to the user for selection purposes, while a different format is actually sent behind the scenes. For a full list of the possible formats see the formatDate function
114 */
115 altFormat?: string;
116 /**
117 * The text to display after each date field, e.g., to show the required format.
118 */
119 appendText?: string;
120 /**
121 * Set to true to automatically resize the input field to accommodate dates in the current dateFormat.
122 */
123 autoSize?: boolean;
124 /**
125 * A function that takes an input field and current datepicker instance and returns an options object to update the datepicker with. It is called just before the datepicker is displayed.
126 */
127 beforeShow?: (input: Element, inst: any) => JQueryUI.DatepickerOptions;
128 /**
129 * A function that takes a date as a parameter and must return an array with:
130 * [0]: true/false indicating whether or not this date is selectable
131 * [1]: a CSS class name to add to the date's cell or "" for the default presentation
132 * [2]: an optional popup tooltip for this date
133 * The function is called for each day in the datepicker before it is displayed.
134 */
135 beforeShowDay?: (date: Date) => any[];
136 /**
137 * A URL of an image to use to display the datepicker when the showOn option is set to "button" or "both". If set, the buttonText option becomes the alt value and is not directly displayed.
138 */
139 buttonImage?: string;
140 /**
141 * Whether the button image should be rendered by itself instead of inside a button element. This option is only relevant if the buttonImage option has also been set.
142 */
143 buttonImageOnly?: boolean;
144 /**
145 * The text to display on the trigger button. Use in conjunction with the showOn option set to "button" or "both".
146 */
147 buttonText?: string;
148 /**
149 * A function to calculate the week of the year for a given date. The default implementation uses the ISO 8601 definition: weeks start on a Monday; the first week of the year contains the first Thursday of the year.
150 */
151 calculateWeek?: (date: Date) => string;
152 /**
153 * Whether the month should be rendered as a dropdown instead of text.
154 */
155 changeMonth?: boolean;
156 /**
157 * Whether the year should be rendered as a dropdown instead of text. Use the yearRange option to control which years are made available for selection.
158 */
159 changeYear?: boolean;
160 /**
161 * The text to display for the close link. Use the showButtonPanel option to display this button.
162 */
163 closeText?: string;
164 /**
165 * When true, entry in the input field is constrained to those characters allowed by the current dateFormat option.
166 */
167 constrainInput?: boolean;
168 /**
169 * The text to display for the current day link. Use the showButtonPanel option to display this button.
170 */
171 currentText?: string;
172 /**
173 * The format for parsed and displayed dates. For a full list of the possible formats see the formatDate function.
174 */
175 dateFormat?: string;
176 /**
177 * The list of long day names, starting from Sunday, for use as requested via the dateFormat option.
178 */
179 dayNames?: string[];
180 /**
181 * The list of minimised day names, starting from Sunday, for use as column headers within the datepicker.
182 */
183 dayNamesMin?: string[];
184 /**
185 * The list of abbreviated day names, starting from Sunday, for use as requested via the dateFormat option.
186 */
187 dayNamesShort?: string[];
188 /**
189 * Set the date to highlight on first opening if the field is blank. Specify either an actual date via a Date object or as a string in the current dateFormat, or a number of days from today (e.g. +7) or a string of values and periods ('y' for years, 'm' for months, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, e.g. '+1m +7d'), or null for today.
190 * Multiple types supported:
191 * Date: A date object containing the default date.
192 * Number: A number of days from today. For example 2 represents two days from today and -1 represents yesterday.
193 * String: A string in the format defined by the dateFormat option, or a relative date. Relative dates must contain value and period pairs; valid periods are "y" for years, "m" for months, "w" for weeks, and "d" for days. For example, "+1m +7d" represents one month and seven days from today.
194 */
195 defaultDate?: any; // Date, number or string
196 /**
197 * Control the speed at which the datepicker appears, it may be a time in milliseconds or a string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", "fast").
198 */
199 duration?: string;
200 /**
201 * Set the first day of the week: Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, etc.
202 */
203 firstDay?: number;
204 /**
205 * When true, the current day link moves to the currently selected date instead of today.
206 */
207 gotoCurrent?: boolean;
208 /**
209 * Normally the previous and next links are disabled when not applicable (see the minDate and maxDate options). You can hide them altogether by setting this attribute to true.
210 */
211 hideIfNoPrevNext?: boolean;
212 /**
213 * Whether the current language is drawn from right to left.
214 */
215 isRTL?: boolean;
216 /**
217 * The maximum selectable date. When set to null, there is no maximum.
218 * Multiple types supported:
219 * Date: A date object containing the maximum date.
220 * Number: A number of days from today. For example 2 represents two days from today and -1 represents yesterday.
221 * String: A string in the format defined by the dateFormat option, or a relative date. Relative dates must contain value and period pairs; valid periods are "y" for years, "m" for months, "w" for weeks, and "d" for days. For example, "+1m +7d" represents one month and seven days from today.
222 */
223 maxDate?: any; // Date, number or string
224 /**
225 * The minimum selectable date. When set to null, there is no minimum.
226 * Multiple types supported:
227 * Date: A date object containing the minimum date.
228 * Number: A number of days from today. For example 2 represents two days from today and -1 represents yesterday.
229 * String: A string in the format defined by the dateFormat option, or a relative date. Relative dates must contain value and period pairs; valid periods are "y" for years, "m" for months, "w" for weeks, and "d" for days. For example, "+1m +7d" represents one month and seven days from today.
230 */
231 minDate?: any; // Date, number or string
232 /**
233 * The list of full month names, for use as requested via the dateFormat option.
234 */
235 monthNames?: string[];
236 /**
237 * The list of abbreviated month names, as used in the month header on each datepicker and as requested via the dateFormat option.
238 */
239 monthNamesShort?: string[];
240 /**
241 * Whether the prevText and nextText options should be parsed as dates by the formatDate function, allowing them to display the target month names for example.
242 */
243 navigationAsDateFormat?: boolean;
244 /**
245 * The text to display for the next month link. With the standard ThemeRoller styling, this value is replaced by an icon.
246 */
247 nextText?: string;
248 /**
249 * The number of months to show at once.
250 * Multiple types supported:
251 * Number: The number of months to display in a single row.
252 * Array: An array defining the number of rows and columns to display.
253 */
254 numberOfMonths?: any; // number or number[]
255 /**
256 * Called when the datepicker moves to a new month and/or year. The function receives the selected year, month (1-12), and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field.
257 */
258 onChangeMonthYear?: (year: number, month: number, inst: any) => void;
259 /**
260 * Called when the datepicker is closed, whether or not a date is selected. The function receives the selected date as text ("" if none) and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field.
261 */
262 onClose?: (dateText: string, inst: any) => void;
263 /**
264 * Called when the datepicker is selected. The function receives the selected date as text and the datepicker instance as parameters. this refers to the associated input field.
265 */
266 onSelect?: (dateText: string, inst: any) => void;
267 /**
268 * The text to display for the previous month link. With the standard ThemeRoller styling, this value is replaced by an icon.
269 */
270 prevText?: string;
271 /**
272 * Whether days in other months shown before or after the current month are selectable. This only applies if the showOtherMonths option is set to true.
273 */
274 selectOtherMonths?: boolean;
275 /**
276 * The cutoff year for determining the century for a date (used in conjunction with dateFormat 'y'). Any dates entered with a year value less than or equal to the cutoff year are considered to be in the current century, while those greater than it are deemed to be in the previous century.
277 * Multiple types supported:
278 * Number: A value between 0 and 99 indicating the cutoff year.
279 * String: A relative number of years from the current year, e.g., "+3" or "-5".
280 */
281 shortYearCutoff?: any; // number or string
282 /**
283 * The name of the animation used to show and hide the datepicker. Use "show" (the default), "slideDown", "fadeIn", any of the jQuery UI effects. Set to an empty string to disable animation.
284 */
285 showAnim?: string;
286 /**
287 * Whether to display a button pane underneath the calendar. The button pane contains two buttons, a Today button that links to the current day, and a Done button that closes the datepicker. The buttons' text can be customized using the currentText and closeText options respectively.
288 */
289 showButtonPanel?: boolean;
290 /**
291 * When displaying multiple months via the numberOfMonths option, the showCurrentAtPos option defines which position to display the current month in.
292 */
293 showCurrentAtPos?: number;
294 /**
295 * Whether to show the month after the year in the header.
296 */
297 showMonthAfterYear?: boolean;
298 /**
299 * When the datepicker should appear. The datepicker can appear when the field receives focus ("focus"), when a button is clicked ("button"), or when either event occurs ("both").
300 */
301 showOn?: string;
302 /**
303 * If using one of the jQuery UI effects for the showAnim option, you can provide additional settings for that animation via this option.
304 */
305 showOptions?: any; // TODO
306 /**
307 * Whether to display dates in other months (non-selectable) at the start or end of the current month. To make these days selectable use the selectOtherMonths option.
308 */
309 showOtherMonths?: boolean;
310 /**
311 * When true, a column is added to show the week of the year. The calculateWeek option determines how the week of the year is calculated. You may also want to change the firstDay option.
312 */
313 showWeek?: boolean;
314 /**
315 * Set how many months to move when clicking the previous/next links.
316 */
317 stepMonths?: number;
318 /**
319 * The text to display for the week of the year column heading. Use the showWeek option to display this column.
320 */
321 weekHeader?: string;
322 /**
323 * The range of years displayed in the year drop-down: either relative to today's year ("-nn:+nn"), relative to the currently selected year ("c-nn:c+nn"), absolute ("nnnn:nnnn"), or combinations of these formats ("nnnn:-nn"). Note that this option only affects what appears in the drop-down, to restrict which dates may be selected use the minDate and/or maxDate options.
324 */
325 yearRange?: string;
326 /**
327 * Additional text to display after the year in the month headers.
328 */
329 yearSuffix?: string;
330 /**
331 * Set to true to automatically hide the datepicker.
332 */
333 autohide?: boolean;
334 /**
335 * Set to date to automatically enddate the datepicker.
336 */
337 endDate?: Date;
338 }
340 interface DatepickerFormatDateOptions {
341 dayNamesShort?: string[];
342 dayNames?: string[];
343 monthNamesShort?: string[];
344 monthNames?: string[];
345 }
347 interface Datepicker extends Widget, DatepickerOptions {
348 regional: { [languageCod3: string]: any; };
349 setDefaults(defaults: DatepickerOptions): void;
350 formatDate(format: string, date: Date, settings?: DatepickerFormatDateOptions): string;
351 parseDate(format: string, date: string, settings?: DatepickerFormatDateOptions): Date;
352 iso8601Week(date: Date): number;
353 noWeekends(date: Date): any[];
354 }
357 // Dialog //////////////////////////////////////////////////
359 interface DialogOptions extends DialogEvents {
360 autoOpen?: boolean;
361 buttons?: { [buttonText: string]: (event?: Event) => void } | DialogButtonOptions[];
362 closeOnEscape?: boolean;
363 classes?: DialogClasses;
364 closeText?: string;
365 appendTo?: string;
366 dialogClass?: string;
367 disabled?: boolean;
368 draggable?: boolean;
369 height?: number | string;
370 hide?: boolean | number | string | DialogShowHideOptions;
371 maxHeight?: number;
372 maxWidth?: number;
373 minHeight?: number;
374 minWidth?: number;
375 modal?: boolean;
376 position?: any; // object, string or []
377 resizable?: boolean;
378 show?: boolean | number | string | DialogShowHideOptions;
379 stack?: boolean;
380 title?: string;
381 width?: any; // number or string
382 zIndex?: number;
384 open?: DialogEvent;
385 close?: DialogEvent;
386 }
388 interface DialogClasses {
389 "ui-dialog"?: string;
390 "ui-dialog-content"?: string;
391 "ui-dialog-dragging"?: string;
392 "ui-dialog-resizing"?: string;
393 "ui-dialog-buttons"?: string;
394 "ui-dialog-titlebar"?: string;
395 "ui-dialog-title"?: string;
396 "ui-dialog-titlebar-close"?: string;
397 "ui-dialog-buttonpane"?: string;
398 "ui-dialog-buttonset"?: string;
399 "ui-widget-overlay"?: string;
400 }
402 interface DialogButtonOptions {
403 icons?: any;
404 showText?: string | boolean;
405 text?: string;
406 click?: (eventObject: JQueryEventObject) => any;
407 [attr: string]: any; // attributes for the <button> element
408 }
410 interface DialogShowHideOptions {
411 effect: string;
412 delay?: number;
413 duration?: number;
414 easing?: string;
415 }
417 interface DialogUIParams {
418 }
420 interface DialogEvent {
421 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: DialogUIParams): void;
422 }
424 interface DialogEvents {
425 beforeClose?: DialogEvent;
426 close?: DialogEvent;
427 create?: DialogEvent;
428 drag?: DialogEvent;
429 dragStart?: DialogEvent;
430 dragStop?: DialogEvent;
431 focus?: DialogEvent;
432 open?: DialogEvent;
433 resize?: DialogEvent;
434 resizeStart?: DialogEvent;
435 resizeStop?: DialogEvent;
436 }
438 interface Dialog extends Widget, DialogOptions {
439 }
442 // Draggable //////////////////////////////////////////////////
444 interface DraggableEventUIParams {
445 helper: JQuery;
446 position: { top: number; left: number; };
447 originalPosition: { top: number; left: number; };
448 offset: { top: number; left: number; };
449 }
451 interface DraggableEvent {
452 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: DraggableEventUIParams): void;
453 }
455 interface DraggableOptions extends DraggableEvents {
456 disabled?: boolean;
457 addClasses?: boolean;
458 appendTo?: any;
459 axis?: string;
460 cancel?: string;
461 classes?: DraggableClasses;
462 connectToSortable?: Element | Element[] | JQuery | string;
463 containment?: any;
464 cursor?: string;
465 cursorAt?: any;
466 delay?: number;
467 distance?: number;
468 grid?: number[];
469 handle?: any;
470 helper?: any;
471 iframeFix?: any;
472 opacity?: number;
473 refreshPositions?: boolean;
474 revert?: any;
475 revertDuration?: number;
476 scope?: string;
477 scroll?: boolean;
478 scrollSensitivity?: number;
479 scrollSpeed?: number;
480 snap?: any;
481 snapMode?: string;
482 snapTolerance?: number;
483 stack?: string;
484 zIndex?: number;
485 }
487 interface DraggableClasses {
488 "ui-draggable"?: string;
489 "ui-draggable-disabled"?: string;
490 "ui-draggable-dragging"?: string;
491 "ui-draggable-handle"?: string;
492 }
494 interface DraggableEvents {
495 create?: DraggableEvent;
496 start?: DraggableEvent;
497 drag?: DraggableEvent;
498 stop?: DraggableEvent;
499 }
501 interface Draggable extends Widget, DraggableOptions, DraggableEvent {
502 }
505 // Droppable //////////////////////////////////////////////////
507 interface DroppableEventUIParam {
508 draggable: JQuery;
509 helper: JQuery;
510 position: { top: number; left: number; };
511 offset: { top: number; left: number; };
512 }
514 interface DroppableEvent {
515 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: DroppableEventUIParam): void;
516 }
518 interface DroppableOptions extends DroppableEvents {
519 accept?: any;
520 activeClass?: string;
521 addClasses?: boolean;
522 disabled?: boolean;
523 greedy?: boolean;
524 hoverClass?: string;
525 scope?: string;
526 tolerance?: string;
527 }
529 interface DroppableEvents {
530 create?: DroppableEvent;
531 activate?: DroppableEvent;
532 deactivate?: DroppableEvent;
533 over?: DroppableEvent;
534 out?: DroppableEvent;
535 drop?: DroppableEvent;
536 }
538 interface Droppable extends Widget, DroppableOptions {
539 }
541 // Menu //////////////////////////////////////////////////
543 interface MenuOptions extends MenuEvents {
544 disabled?: boolean;
545 icons?: any;
546 menus?: string;
547 position?: any; // TODO
548 role?: string;
549 }
551 interface MenuUIParams {
552 item?: JQuery;
553 }
555 interface MenuEvent {
556 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: MenuUIParams): void;
557 }
559 interface MenuEvents {
560 blur?: MenuEvent;
561 create?: MenuEvent;
562 focus?: MenuEvent;
563 select?: MenuEvent;
564 }
566 interface Menu extends Widget, MenuOptions {
567 }
570 // Progressbar //////////////////////////////////////////////////
572 interface ProgressbarOptions extends ProgressbarEvents {
573 disabled?: boolean;
574 value?: number | boolean;
575 max?: number;
576 }
578 interface ProgressbarUIParams {
579 }
581 interface ProgressbarEvent {
582 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: ProgressbarUIParams): void;
583 }
585 interface ProgressbarEvents {
586 change?: ProgressbarEvent;
587 complete?: ProgressbarEvent;
588 create?: ProgressbarEvent;
589 }
591 interface Progressbar extends Widget, ProgressbarOptions {
592 }
595 // Resizable //////////////////////////////////////////////////
597 interface ResizableOptions extends ResizableEvents {
598 alsoResize?: any; // Selector, JQuery or Element
599 animate?: boolean;
600 animateDuration?: any; // number or string
601 animateEasing?: string;
602 aspectRatio?: any; // boolean or number
603 autoHide?: boolean;
604 cancel?: string;
605 containment?: any; // Selector, Element or string
606 delay?: number;
607 disabled?: boolean;
608 distance?: number;
609 ghost?: boolean;
610 grid?: any;
611 handles?: any; // string or object
612 helper?: string;
613 maxHeight?: number;
614 maxWidth?: number;
615 minHeight?: number;
616 minWidth?: number;
617 }
619 interface ResizableUIParams {
620 element: JQuery;
621 helper: JQuery;
622 originalElement: JQuery;
623 originalPosition: any;
624 originalSize: any;
625 position: any;
626 size: any;
627 }
629 interface ResizableEvent {
630 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: ResizableUIParams): void;
631 }
633 interface ResizableEvents {
634 resize?: ResizableEvent;
635 start?: ResizableEvent;
636 stop?: ResizableEvent;
637 create?: ResizableEvent;
638 }
640 interface Resizable extends Widget, ResizableOptions {
641 }
644 // Selectable //////////////////////////////////////////////////
646 interface SelectableOptions extends SelectableEvents {
647 autoRefresh?: boolean;
648 cancel?: string;
649 delay?: number;
650 disabled?: boolean;
651 distance?: number;
652 filter?: string;
653 tolerance?: string;
654 }
656 interface SelectableEvents {
657 selected? (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: { selected?: Element; }): void;
658 selecting? (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: { selecting?: Element; }): void;
659 start? (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: any): void;
660 stop? (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: any): void;
661 unselected? (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: { unselected: Element; }): void;
662 unselecting? (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: { unselecting: Element; }): void;
663 }
665 interface Selectable extends Widget, SelectableOptions {
666 }
668 // SelectMenu //////////////////////////////////////////////////
670 interface SelectMenuOptions extends SelectMenuEvents {
671 appendTo?: string;
672 classes?: SelectMenuClasses;
673 disabled?: boolean;
674 icons?: any;
675 position?: JQueryPositionOptions;
676 width?: number;
677 }
679 interface SelectMenuClasses {
680 "ui-selectmenu-button"?: string;
681 "ui-selectmenu-button-closed"?: string;
682 "ui-selectmenu-button-open"?: string;
683 "ui-selectmenu-text"?: string;
684 "ui-selectmenu-icon"?: string;
685 "ui-selectmenu-menu"?: string;
686 "ui-selectmenu-open"?: string;
687 "ui-selectmenu-optgroup"?: string;
688 }
690 interface SelectMenuUIParams {
691 item?: JQuery;
692 }
694 interface SelectMenuEvent {
695 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: SelectMenuUIParams): void;
696 }
698 interface SelectMenuEvents {
699 change?: SelectMenuEvent;
700 close?: SelectMenuEvent;
701 create?: SelectMenuEvent;
702 focus?: SelectMenuEvent;
703 open?: SelectMenuEvent;
704 select?: SelectMenuEvent;
705 }
707 interface SelectMenu extends Widget, SelectMenuOptions {
708 }
710 // Slider //////////////////////////////////////////////////
712 interface SliderOptions extends SliderEvents {
713 animate?: any; // boolean, string or number
714 disabled?: boolean;
715 max?: number;
716 min?: number;
717 orientation?: string;
718 range?: any; // boolean or string
719 step?: number;
720 value?: number;
721 values?: number[];
722 highlight?: boolean;
723 classes? : SliderClasses;
724 }
726 interface SliderClasses {
727 "ui-slider"?: string;
728 "ui-slider-horizontal"?: string;
729 "ui-slider-vertical"?: string;
730 "ui-slider-handle"?: string;
731 "ui-slider-range"?: string;
732 "ui-slider-range-min"?: string;
733 "ui-slider-range-max"?: string;
734 }
736 interface SliderUIParams {
737 handle?: JQuery;
738 value?: number;
739 values?: number[];
740 }
742 interface SliderEvent {
743 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: SliderUIParams): void;
744 }
746 interface SliderEvents {
747 change?: SliderEvent;
748 create?: SliderEvent;
749 slide?: SliderEvent;
750 start?: SliderEvent;
751 stop?: SliderEvent;
752 }
754 interface Slider extends Widget, SliderOptions {
755 }
758 // Sortable //////////////////////////////////////////////////
760 interface SortableOptions extends SortableEvents {
761 appendTo?: any; // jQuery, Element, Selector or string
762 attribute?: string;
763 axis?: string;
764 cancel?: any; // Selector
765 connectWith?: any; // Selector
766 containment?: any; // Element, Selector or string
767 cursor?: string;
768 cursorAt?: any;
769 delay?: number;
770 disabled?: boolean;
771 distance?: number;
772 dropOnEmpty?: boolean;
773 forceHelperSize?: boolean;
774 forcePlaceholderSize?: boolean;
775 grid?: number[];
776 helper?: string | ((event: JQueryEventObject, element: Sortable) => Element);
777 handle?: any; // Selector or Element
778 items?: any; // Selector
779 opacity?: number;
780 placeholder?: string;
781 revert?: any; // boolean or number
782 scroll?: boolean;
783 scrollSensitivity?: number;
784 scrollSpeed?: number;
785 tolerance?: string;
786 zIndex?: number;
787 }
789 interface SortableUIParams {
790 helper: JQuery;
791 item: JQuery;
792 offset: any;
793 position: any;
794 originalPosition: any;
795 sender: JQuery;
796 placeholder: JQuery;
797 }
799 interface SortableEvent {
800 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: SortableUIParams): void;
801 }
803 interface SortableEvents {
804 activate?: SortableEvent;
805 beforeStop?: SortableEvent;
806 change?: SortableEvent;
807 deactivate?: SortableEvent;
808 out?: SortableEvent;
809 over?: SortableEvent;
810 receive?: SortableEvent;
811 remove?: SortableEvent;
812 sort?: SortableEvent;
813 start?: SortableEvent;
814 stop?: SortableEvent;
815 update?: SortableEvent;
816 }
818 interface Sortable extends Widget, SortableOptions, SortableEvents {
819 }
822 // Spinner //////////////////////////////////////////////////
824 interface SpinnerOptions extends SpinnerEvents {
825 culture?: string;
826 disabled?: boolean;
827 icons?: any;
828 incremental?: any; // boolean or ()
829 max?: any; // number or string
830 min?: any; // number or string
831 numberFormat?: string;
832 page?: number;
833 step?: any; // number or string
834 }
836 interface SpinnerUIParam {
837 value: number;
838 }
840 interface SpinnerEvent<T> {
841 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: T): void;
842 }
844 interface SpinnerEvents {
845 change?: SpinnerEvent<{}>;
846 create?: SpinnerEvent<{}>;
847 spin?: SpinnerEvent<SpinnerUIParam>;
848 start?: SpinnerEvent<{}>;
849 stop?: SpinnerEvent<{}>;
850 }
852 interface Spinner extends Widget, SpinnerOptions {
853 }
856 // Tabs //////////////////////////////////////////////////
858 interface TabsOptions extends TabsEvents {
859 active?: any; // boolean or number
860 classes?: TabClasses;
861 collapsible?: boolean;
862 disabled?: any; // boolean or []
863 event?: string;
864 heightStyle?: string;
865 hide?: any; // boolean, number, string or object
866 show?: any; // boolean, number, string or object
867 }
869 interface TabClasses {
870 "ui-tabs"?: string;
871 "ui-tabs-collapsible"?: string;
872 "ui-tabs-nav"?: string;
873 "ui-tabs-tab"?: string;
874 "ui-tabs-active"?: string;
875 "ui-tabs-loading"?: string;
876 "ui-tabs-anchor"?: string;
877 "ui-tabs-panel"?: string;
878 }
880 interface TabsActivationUIParams {
881 newTab: JQuery;
882 oldTab: JQuery;
883 newPanel: JQuery;
884 oldPanel: JQuery;
885 }
887 interface TabsBeforeLoadUIParams {
888 tab: JQuery;
889 panel: JQuery;
890 jqXHR: JQueryXHR;
891 ajaxSettings: any;
892 }
894 interface TabsCreateOrLoadUIParams {
895 tab: JQuery;
896 panel: JQuery;
897 }
899 interface TabsEvent<UI> {
900 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: UI): void;
901 }
903 interface TabsEvents {
904 activate?: TabsEvent<TabsActivationUIParams>;
905 beforeActivate?: TabsEvent<TabsActivationUIParams>;
906 beforeLoad?: TabsEvent<TabsBeforeLoadUIParams>;
907 load?: TabsEvent<TabsCreateOrLoadUIParams>;
908 create?: TabsEvent<TabsCreateOrLoadUIParams>;
909 }
911 interface Tabs extends Widget, TabsOptions {
912 }
915 // Tooltip //////////////////////////////////////////////////
917 interface TooltipOptions extends TooltipEvents {
918 content?: any; // () or string
919 disabled?: boolean;
920 hide?: any; // boolean, number, string or object
921 items?: string|JQuery;
922 position?: any; // TODO
923 show?: any; // boolean, number, string or object
924 tooltipClass?: string; // deprecated in jQuery UI 1.12
925 track?: boolean;
926 classes?: {[key: string]: string};
927 }
929 interface TooltipUIParams {
930 }
932 interface TooltipEvent {
933 (event: JQueryEventObject, ui: TooltipUIParams): void;
934 }
936 interface TooltipEvents {
937 close?: TooltipEvent;
938 open?: TooltipEvent;
939 }
941 interface Tooltip extends Widget, TooltipOptions {
942 }
945 // Effects //////////////////////////////////////////////////
947 interface EffectOptions {
948 effect: string;
949 easing?: string;
950 duration?: number;
951 complete: Function;
952 }
954 interface BlindEffect {
955 direction?: string;
956 }
958 interface BounceEffect {
959 distance?: number;
960 times?: number;
961 }
963 interface ClipEffect {
964 direction?: number;
965 }
967 interface DropEffect {
968 direction?: number;
969 }
971 interface ExplodeEffect {
972 pieces?: number;
973 }
975 interface FadeEffect { }
977 interface FoldEffect {
978 size?: any;
979 horizFirst?: boolean;
980 }
982 interface HighlightEffect {
983 color?: string;
984 }
986 interface PuffEffect {
987 percent?: number;
988 }
990 interface PulsateEffect {
991 times?: number;
992 }
994 interface ScaleEffect {
995 direction?: string;
996 origin?: string[];
997 percent?: number;
998 scale?: string;
999 }
1001 interface ShakeEffect {
1002 direction?: string;
1003 distance?: number;
1004 times?: number;
1005 }
1007 interface SizeEffect {
1008 to?: any;
1009 origin?: string[];
1010 scale?: string;
1011 }
1013 interface SlideEffect {
1014 direction?: string;
1015 distance?: number;
1016 }
1018 interface TransferEffect {
1019 className?: string;
1020 to?: string;
1021 }
1023 interface JQueryPositionOptions {
1024 my?: string;
1025 at?: string;
1026 of?: any;
1027 collision?: string;
1028 using?: Function;
1029 within?: any;
1030 }
1033 // UI //////////////////////////////////////////////////
1035 interface MouseOptions {
1036 cancel?: string;
1037 delay?: number;
1038 distance?: number;
1039 }
1041 interface KeyCode {
1042 BACKSPACE: number;
1043 COMMA: number;
1044 DELETE: number;
1045 DOWN: number;
1046 END: number;
1047 ENTER: number;
1048 ESCAPE: number;
1049 HOME: number;
1050 LEFT: number;
1051 NUMPAD_ADD: number;
1052 NUMPAD_DECIMAL: number;
1053 NUMPAD_DIVIDE: number;
1054 NUMPAD_ENTER: number;
1055 NUMPAD_MULTIPLY: number;
1056 NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: number;
1057 PAGE_DOWN: number;
1058 PAGE_UP: number;
1059 PERIOD: number;
1060 RIGHT: number;
1061 SPACE: number;
1062 TAB: number;
1063 UP: number;
1064 }
1066 interface UI {
1067 mouse(method: string): JQuery;
1068 mouse(options: MouseOptions): JQuery;
1069 mouse(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1070 mouse(optionLiteral: string, optionValue: any): any;
1072 accordion: Accordion;
1073 autocomplete: Autocomplete;
1074 button: Button;
1075 buttonset: Button;
1076 datepicker: Datepicker;
1077 dialog: Dialog;
1078 keyCode: KeyCode;
1079 menu: Menu;
1080 progressbar: Progressbar;
1081 selectmenu: SelectMenu;
1082 slider: Slider;
1083 spinner: Spinner;
1084 tabs: Tabs;
1085 tooltip: Tooltip;
1086 version: string;
1087 }
1090 // Widget //////////////////////////////////////////////////
1092 interface WidgetOptions {
1093 disabled?: boolean;
1094 hide?: any;
1095 show?: any;
1096 }
1098 interface WidgetCommonProperties {
1099 element: JQuery;
1100 defaultElement : string;
1101 document: Document;
1102 namespace: string;
1103 uuid: string;
1104 widgetEventPrefix: string;
1105 widgetFullName: string;
1106 window: Window;
1107 }
1109 interface Widget {
1110 (methodName: string): JQuery;
1111 (options: WidgetOptions): JQuery;
1112 (options: AccordionOptions): JQuery;
1113 (optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1114 (optionLiteral: string, options: WidgetOptions): any;
1115 (optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1117 <T>(name: string, prototype: T & ThisType<T & WidgetCommonProperties>): JQuery;
1118 <T>(name: string, base: Function, prototype: T & ThisType<T & WidgetCommonProperties> ): JQuery;
1119 }
1121 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1125interface JQuery {
1127 accordion(): JQuery;
1128 accordion(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1129 accordion(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1130 accordion(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1131 accordion(methodName: 'refresh'): void;
1132 accordion(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1133 accordion(methodName: string): JQuery;
1134 accordion(options: JQueryUI.AccordionOptions): JQuery;
1135 accordion(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1136 accordion(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.AccordionOptions): any;
1137 accordion(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1139 autocomplete(): JQuery;
1140 autocomplete(methodName: 'close'): void;
1141 autocomplete(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1142 autocomplete(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1143 autocomplete(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1144 autocomplete(methodName: 'search', value?: string): void;
1145 autocomplete(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1146 autocomplete(methodName: string): JQuery;
1147 autocomplete(options: JQueryUI.AutocompleteOptions): JQuery;
1148 autocomplete(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1149 autocomplete(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.AutocompleteOptions): any;
1150 autocomplete(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1152 button(): JQuery;
1153 button(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1154 button(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1155 button(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1156 button(methodName: 'refresh'): void;
1157 button(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1158 button(methodName: string): JQuery;
1159 button(options: JQueryUI.ButtonOptions): JQuery;
1160 button(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1161 button(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.ButtonOptions): any;
1162 button(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1164 buttonset(): JQuery;
1165 buttonset(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1166 buttonset(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1167 buttonset(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1168 buttonset(methodName: 'refresh'): void;
1169 buttonset(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1170 buttonset(methodName: string): JQuery;
1171 buttonset(options: JQueryUI.ButtonOptions): JQuery;
1172 buttonset(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1173 buttonset(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.ButtonOptions): any;
1174 buttonset(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1176 /**
1177 * Initialize a datepicker
1178 */
1179 datepicker(): JQuery;
1180 /**
1181 * Removes the datepicker functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state.
1182 *
1183 * @param methodName 'destroy'
1184 */
1185 datepicker(methodName: 'destroy'): JQuery;
1186 /**
1187 * Opens the datepicker in a dialog box.
1188 *
1189 * @param methodName 'dialog'
1190 * @param date The initial date.
1191 * @param onSelect A callback function when a date is selected. The function receives the date text and date picker instance as parameters.
1192 * @param settings The new settings for the date picker.
1193 * @param pos The position of the top/left of the dialog as [x, y] or a MouseEvent that contains the coordinates. If not specified the dialog is centered on the screen.
1194 */
1195 datepicker(methodName: 'dialog', date: Date, onSelect?: () => void, settings?: JQueryUI.DatepickerOptions, pos?: number[]): JQuery;
1196 /**
1197 * Opens the datepicker in a dialog box.
1198 *
1199 * @param methodName 'dialog'
1200 * @param date The initial date.
1201 * @param onSelect A callback function when a date is selected. The function receives the date text and date picker instance as parameters.
1202 * @param settings The new settings for the date picker.
1203 * @param pos The position of the top/left of the dialog as [x, y] or a MouseEvent that contains the coordinates. If not specified the dialog is centered on the screen.
1204 */
1205 datepicker(methodName: 'dialog', date: Date, onSelect?: () => void, settings?: JQueryUI.DatepickerOptions, pos?: MouseEvent): JQuery;
1206 /**
1207 * Opens the datepicker in a dialog box.
1208 *
1209 * @param methodName 'dialog'
1210 * @param date The initial date.
1211 * @param onSelect A callback function when a date is selected. The function receives the date text and date picker instance as parameters.
1212 * @param settings The new settings for the date picker.
1213 * @param pos The position of the top/left of the dialog as [x, y] or a MouseEvent that contains the coordinates. If not specified the dialog is centered on the screen.
1214 */
1215 datepicker(methodName: 'dialog', date: string, onSelect?: () => void, settings?: JQueryUI.DatepickerOptions, pos?: number[]): JQuery;
1216 /**
1217 * Opens the datepicker in a dialog box.
1218 *
1219 * @param methodName 'dialog'
1220 * @param date The initial date.
1221 * @param onSelect A callback function when a date is selected. The function receives the date text and date picker instance as parameters.
1222 * @param settings The new settings for the date picker.
1223 * @param pos The position of the top/left of the dialog as [x, y] or a MouseEvent that contains the coordinates. If not specified the dialog is centered on the screen.
1224 */
1225 datepicker(methodName: 'dialog', date: string, onSelect?: () => void, settings?: JQueryUI.DatepickerOptions, pos?: MouseEvent): JQuery;
1226 /**
1227 * Returns the current date for the datepicker or null if no date has been selected.
1228 *
1229 * @param methodName 'getDate'
1230 */
1231 datepicker(methodName: 'getDate'): Date;
1232 /**
1233 * Close a previously opened date picker.
1234 *
1235 * @param methodName 'hide'
1236 */
1237 datepicker(methodName: 'hide'): JQuery;
1238 /**
1239 * Determine whether a date picker has been disabled.
1240 *
1241 * @param methodName 'isDisabled'
1242 */
1243 datepicker(methodName: 'isDisabled'): boolean;
1244 /**
1245 * Redraw the date picker, after having made some external modifications.
1246 *
1247 * @param methodName 'refresh'
1248 */
1249 datepicker(methodName: 'refresh'): JQuery;
1250 /**
1251 * Sets the date for the datepicker. The new date may be a Date object or a string in the current date format (e.g., "01/26/2009"), a number of days from today (e.g., +7) or a string of values and periods ("y" for years, "m" for months, "w" for weeks, "d" for days, e.g., "+1m +7d"), or null to clear the selected date.
1252 *
1253 * @param methodName 'setDate'
1254 * @param date The new date.
1255 */
1256 datepicker(methodName: 'setDate', date: Date): JQuery;
1257 /**
1258 * Sets the date for the datepicker. The new date may be a Date object or a string in the current date format (e.g., "01/26/2009"), a number of days from today (e.g., +7) or a string of values and periods ("y" for years, "m" for months, "w" for weeks, "d" for days, e.g., "+1m +7d"), or null to clear the selected date.
1259 *
1260 * @param methodName 'setDate'
1261 * @param date The new date.
1262 */
1263 datepicker(methodName: 'setDate', date: string): JQuery;
1264 /**
1265 * Open the date picker. If the datepicker is attached to an input, the input must be visible for the datepicker to be shown.
1266 *
1267 * @param methodName 'show'
1268 */
1269 datepicker(methodName: 'show'): JQuery;
1270 /**
1271 * Returns a jQuery object containing the datepicker.
1272 *
1273 * @param methodName 'widget'
1274 */
1275 datepicker(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1277 /**
1278 * Get the altField option, after initialization
1279 *
1280 * @param methodName 'option'
1281 * @param optionName 'altField'
1282 */
1283 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'altField'): any;
1284 /**
1285 * Set the altField option, after initialization
1286 *
1287 * @param methodName 'option'
1288 * @param optionName 'altField'
1289 * @param altFieldValue An input element that is to be updated with the selected date from the datepicker. Use the altFormat option to change the format of the date within this field. Leave as blank for no alternate field.
1290 */
1291 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'altField', altFieldValue: string): JQuery;
1292 /**
1293 * Set the altField option, after initialization
1294 *
1295 * @param methodName 'option'
1296 * @param optionName 'altField'
1297 * @param altFieldValue An input element that is to be updated with the selected date from the datepicker. Use the altFormat option to change the format of the date within this field. Leave as blank for no alternate field.
1298 */
1299 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'altField', altFieldValue: JQuery): JQuery;
1300 /**
1301 * Set the altField option, after initialization
1302 *
1303 * @param methodName 'option'
1304 * @param optionName 'altField'
1305 * @param altFieldValue An input element that is to be updated with the selected date from the datepicker. Use the altFormat option to change the format of the date within this field. Leave as blank for no alternate field.
1306 */
1307 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'altField', altFieldValue: Element): JQuery;
1309 /**
1310 * Get the altFormat option, after initialization
1311 *
1312 * @param methodName 'option'
1313 * @param optionName 'altFormat'
1314 */
1315 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'altFormat'): string;
1316 /**
1317 * Set the altFormat option, after initialization
1318 *
1319 * @param methodName 'option'
1320 * @param optionName 'altFormat'
1321 * @param altFormatValue The dateFormat to be used for the altField option. This allows one date format to be shown to the user for selection purposes, while a different format is actually sent behind the scenes. For a full list of the possible formats see the formatDate function
1322 */
1323 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'altFormat', altFormatValue: string): JQuery;
1325 /**
1326 * Get the appendText option, after initialization
1327 *
1328 * @param methodName 'option'
1329 * @param optionName 'appendText'
1330 */
1331 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'appendText'): string;
1332 /**
1333 * Set the appendText option, after initialization
1334 *
1335 * @param methodName 'option'
1336 * @param optionName 'appendText'
1337 * @param appendTextValue The text to display after each date field, e.g., to show the required format.
1338 */
1339 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'appendText', appendTextValue: string): JQuery;
1341 /**
1342 * Get the autoSize option, after initialization
1343 *
1344 * @param methodName 'option'
1345 * @param optionName 'autoSize'
1346 */
1347 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'autoSize'): boolean;
1348 /**
1349 * Set the autoSize option, after initialization
1350 *
1351 * @param methodName 'option'
1352 * @param optionName 'autoSize'
1353 * @param autoSizeValue Set to true to automatically resize the input field to accommodate dates in the current dateFormat.
1354 */
1355 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'autoSize', autoSizeValue: boolean): JQuery;
1357 /**
1358 * Get the beforeShow option, after initialization
1359 *
1360 * @param methodName 'option'
1361 * @param optionName 'beforeShow'
1362 */
1363 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'beforeShow'): (input: Element, inst: any) => JQueryUI.DatepickerOptions;
1364 /**
1365 * Set the beforeShow option, after initialization
1366 *
1367 * @param methodName 'option'
1368 * @param optionName 'beforeShow'
1369 * @param beforeShowValue A function that takes an input field and current datepicker instance and returns an options object to update the datepicker with. It is called just before the datepicker is displayed.
1370 */
1371 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'beforeShow', beforeShowValue: (input: Element, inst: any) => JQueryUI.DatepickerOptions): JQuery;
1373 /**
1374 * Get the beforeShow option, after initialization
1375 *
1376 * @param methodName 'option'
1377 * @param optionName 'beforeShowDay'
1378 */
1379 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'beforeShowDay'): (date: Date) => any[];
1380 /**
1381 * Set the beforeShow option, after initialization
1382 *
1383 * @param methodName 'option'
1384 * @param optionName 'beforeShowDay'
1385 * @param beforeShowDayValue A function that takes a date as a parameter and must return an array with:
1386 * [0]: true/false indicating whether or not this date is selectable
1387 * [1]: a CSS class name to add to the date's cell or "" for the default presentation
1388 * [2]: an optional popup tooltip for this date
1389 * The function is called for each day in the datepicker before it is displayed.
1390 */
1391 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'beforeShowDay', beforeShowDayValue: (date: Date) => any[]): JQuery;
1393 /**
1394 * Get the buttonImage option, after initialization
1395 *
1396 * @param methodName 'option'
1397 * @param optionName 'buttonImage'
1398 */
1399 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'buttonImage'): string;
1400 /**
1401 * Set the buttonImage option, after initialization
1402 *
1403 * @param methodName 'option'
1404 * @param optionName 'buttonImage'
1405 * @param buttonImageValue A URL of an image to use to display the datepicker when the showOn option is set to "button" or "both". If set, the buttonText option becomes the alt value and is not directly displayed.
1406 */
1407 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'buttonImage', buttonImageValue: string): JQuery;
1409 /**
1410 * Get the buttonImageOnly option, after initialization
1411 *
1412 * @param methodName 'option'
1413 * @param optionName 'buttonImageOnly'
1414 */
1415 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'buttonImageOnly'): boolean;
1416 /**
1417 * Set the buttonImageOnly option, after initialization
1418 *
1419 * @param methodName 'option'
1420 * @param optionName 'buttonImageOnly'
1421 * @param buttonImageOnlyValue Whether the button image should be rendered by itself instead of inside a button element. This option is only relevant if the buttonImage option has also been set.
1422 */
1423 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'buttonImageOnly', buttonImageOnlyValue: boolean): JQuery;
1425 /**
1426 * Get the buttonText option, after initialization
1427 *
1428 * @param methodName 'option'
1429 * @param optionName 'buttonText'
1430 */
1431 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'buttonText'): string;
1433 /**
1434 * Get the autohide option, after initialization
1435 *
1436 * @param methodName 'option'
1437 * @param optionName 'autohide'
1438 */
1439 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'autohide'): boolean;
1442 /**
1443 * Get the endDate after initialization
1444 *
1445 * @param methodName 'option'
1446 * @param optionName 'endDate'
1447 */
1448 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'endDate'): Date;
1449 /**
1450 * Set the buttonText option, after initialization
1451 *
1452 * @param methodName 'option'
1453 * @param optionName 'buttonText'
1454 * @param buttonTextValue The text to display on the trigger button. Use in conjunction with the showOn option set to "button" or "both".
1455 */
1456 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'buttonText', buttonTextValue: string): JQuery;
1458 /**
1459 * Get the calculateWeek option, after initialization
1460 *
1461 * @param methodName 'option'
1462 * @param optionName 'calculateWeek'
1463 */
1464 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'calculateWeek'): (date: Date) => string;
1465 /**
1466 * Set the calculateWeek option, after initialization
1467 *
1468 * @param methodName 'option'
1469 * @param optionName 'calculateWeek'
1470 * @param calculateWeekValue A function to calculate the week of the year for a given date. The default implementation uses the ISO 8601 definition: weeks start on a Monday; the first week of the year contains the first Thursday of the year.
1471 */
1472 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'calculateWeek', calculateWeekValue: (date: Date) => string): JQuery;
1474 /**
1475 * Get the changeMonth option, after initialization
1476 *
1477 * @param methodName 'option'
1478 * @param optionName 'changeMonth'
1479 */
1480 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'changeMonth'): boolean;
1481 /**
1482 * Set the changeMonth option, after initialization
1483 *
1484 * @param methodName 'option'
1485 * @param optionName 'changeMonth'
1486 * @param changeMonthValue Whether the month should be rendered as a dropdown instead of text.
1487 */
1488 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'changeMonth', changeMonthValue: boolean): JQuery;
1490 /**
1491 * Get the changeYear option, after initialization
1492 *
1493 * @param methodName 'option'
1494 * @param optionName 'changeYear'
1495 */
1496 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'changeYear'): boolean;
1497 /**
1498 * Set the changeYear option, after initialization
1499 *
1500 * @param methodName 'option'
1501 * @param optionName 'changeYear'
1502 * @param changeYearValue Whether the year should be rendered as a dropdown instead of text. Use the yearRange option to control which years are made available for selection.
1503 */
1504 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'changeYear', changeYearValue: boolean): JQuery;
1506 /**
1507 * Get the closeText option, after initialization
1508 *
1509 * @param methodName 'option'
1510 * @param optionName 'closeText'
1511 */
1512 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'closeText'): string;
1513 /**
1514 * Set the closeText option, after initialization
1515 *
1516 * @param methodName 'option'
1517 * @param optionName 'closeText'
1518 * @param closeTextValue The text to display for the close link. Use the showButtonPanel option to display this button.
1519 */
1520 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'closeText', closeTextValue: string): JQuery;
1522 /**
1523 * Get the constrainInput option, after initialization
1524 *
1525 * @param methodName 'option'
1526 * @param optionName 'constrainInput'
1527 */
1528 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'constrainInput'): boolean;
1529 /**
1530 * Set the constrainInput option, after initialization
1531 *
1532 * @param methodName 'option'
1533 * @param optionName 'constrainInput'
1534 * @param constrainInputValue When true, entry in the input field is constrained to those characters allowed by the current dateFormat option.
1535 */
1536 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'constrainInput', constrainInputValue: boolean): JQuery;
1538 /**
1539 * Get the currentText option, after initialization
1540 *
1541 * @param methodName 'option'
1542 * @param optionName 'currentText'
1543 */
1544 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'currentText'): string;
1545 /**
1546 * Set the currentText option, after initialization
1547 *
1548 * @param methodName 'option'
1549 * @param optionName 'currentText'
1550 * @param currentTextValue The text to display for the current day link. Use the showButtonPanel option to display this button.
1551 */
1552 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'currentText', currentTextValue: string): JQuery;
1554 /**
1555 * Get the dateFormat option, after initialization
1556 *
1557 * @param methodName 'option'
1558 * @param optionName 'dateFormat'
1559 */
1560 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'dateFormat'): string;
1561 /**
1562 * Set the dateFormat option, after initialization
1563 *
1564 * @param methodName 'option'
1565 * @param optionName 'dateFormat'
1566 * @param dateFormatValue The format for parsed and displayed dates. For a full list of the possible formats see the formatDate function.
1567 */
1568 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'dateFormat', dateFormatValue: string): JQuery;
1570 /**
1571 * Get the dayNames option, after initialization
1572 *
1573 * @param methodName 'option'
1574 * @param optionName 'dayNames'
1575 */
1576 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'dayNames'): string[];
1577 /**
1578 * Set the dayNames option, after initialization
1579 *
1580 * @param methodName 'option'
1581 * @param optionName 'dayNames'
1582 * @param dayNamesValue The list of long day names, starting from Sunday, for use as requested via the dateFormat option.
1583 */
1584 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'dayNames', dayNamesValue: string[]): JQuery;
1586 /**
1587 * Get the dayNamesMin option, after initialization
1588 *
1589 * @param methodName 'option'
1590 * @param optionName 'dayNamesMin'
1591 */
1592 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'dayNamesMin'): string[];
1593 /**
1594 * Set the dayNamesMin option, after initialization
1595 *
1596 * @param methodName 'option'
1597 * @param optionName 'dayNamesMin'
1598 * @param dayNamesMinValue The list of minimised day names, starting from Sunday, for use as column headers within the datepicker.
1599 */
1600 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'dayNamesMin', dayNamesMinValue: string[]): JQuery;
1602 /**
1603 * Get the dayNamesShort option, after initialization
1604 *
1605 * @param methodName 'option'
1606 * @param optionName 'dayNamesShort'
1607 */
1608 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'dayNamesShort'): string[];
1609 /**
1610 * Set the dayNamesShort option, after initialization
1611 *
1612 * @param methodName 'option'
1613 * @param optionName 'dayNamesShort'
1614 * @param dayNamesShortValue The list of abbreviated day names, starting from Sunday, for use as requested via the dateFormat option.
1615 */
1616 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'dayNamesShort', dayNamesShortValue: string[]): JQuery;
1618 /**
1619 * Get the defaultDate option, after initialization
1620 *
1621 * @param methodName 'option'
1622 * @param optionName 'defaultDate'
1623 */
1624 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'defaultDate'): any;
1625 /**
1626 * Set the defaultDate option, after initialization
1627 *
1628 * @param methodName 'option'
1629 * @param optionName 'defaultDate'
1630 * @param defaultDateValue A date object containing the default date.
1631 */
1632 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'defaultDate', defaultDateValue: Date): JQuery;
1633 /**
1634 * Set the defaultDate option, after initialization
1635 *
1636 * @param methodName 'option'
1637 * @param optionName 'defaultDate'
1638 * @param defaultDateValue A number of days from today. For example 2 represents two days from today and -1 represents yesterday.
1639 */
1640 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'defaultDate', defaultDateValue: number): JQuery;
1641 /**
1642 * Set the defaultDate option, after initialization
1643 *
1644 * @param methodName 'option'
1645 * @param optionName 'defaultDate'
1646 * @param defaultDateValue A string in the format defined by the dateFormat option, or a relative date. Relative dates must contain value and period pairs; valid periods are "y" for years, "m" for months, "w" for weeks, and "d" for days. For example, "+1m +7d" represents one month and seven days from today.
1647 */
1648 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'defaultDate', defaultDateValue: string): JQuery;
1650 /**
1651 * Get the duration option, after initialization
1652 *
1653 * @param methodName 'option'
1654 * @param optionName 'duration'
1655 */
1656 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'duration'): string;
1657 /**
1658 * Set the duration option, after initialization
1659 *
1660 * @param methodName 'option'
1661 * @param optionName 'duration'
1662 * @param durationValue Control the speed at which the datepicker appears, it may be a time in milliseconds or a string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", "fast").
1663 */
1664 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'duration', durationValue: string): JQuery;
1666 /**
1667 * Get the firstDay option, after initialization
1668 *
1669 * @param methodName 'option'
1670 * @param optionName 'firstDay'
1671 */
1672 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'firstDay'): number;
1673 /**
1674 * Set the firstDay option, after initialization
1675 *
1676 * @param methodName 'option'
1677 * @param optionName 'firstDay'
1678 * @param firstDayValue Set the first day of the week: Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, etc.
1679 */
1680 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'firstDay', firstDayValue: number): JQuery;
1682 /**
1683 * Get the gotoCurrent option, after initialization
1684 *
1685 * @param methodName 'option'
1686 * @param optionName 'gotoCurrent'
1687 */
1688 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'gotoCurrent'): boolean;
1689 /**
1690 * Set the gotoCurrent option, after initialization
1691 *
1692 * @param methodName 'option'
1693 * @param optionName 'gotoCurrent'
1694 * @param gotoCurrentValue When true, the current day link moves to the currently selected date instead of today.
1695 */
1696 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: 'gotoCurrent', gotoCurrentValue: boolean): JQuery;
1698 /**
1699 * Gets the value currently associated with the specified optionName.
1700 *
1701 * @param methodName 'option'
1702 * @param optionName The name of the option to get.
1703 */
1704 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: string): any;
1706 datepicker(methodName: 'option', optionName: string, ...otherParams: any[]): any; // Used for getting and setting options
1708 datepicker(methodName: string, ...otherParams: any[]): any;
1710 /**
1711 * Initialize a datepicker with the given options
1712 */
1713 datepicker(options: JQueryUI.DatepickerOptions): JQuery;
1715 dialog(): JQuery;
1716 dialog(methodName: 'close'): JQuery;
1717 dialog(methodName: 'destroy'): JQuery;
1718 dialog(methodName: 'isOpen'): boolean;
1719 dialog(methodName: 'moveToTop'): JQuery;
1720 dialog(methodName: 'open'): JQuery;
1721 dialog(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1722 dialog(methodName: string): JQuery;
1723 dialog(options: JQueryUI.DialogOptions): JQuery;
1724 dialog(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1725 dialog(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.DialogOptions): any;
1726 dialog(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1728 draggable(): JQuery;
1729 draggable(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1730 draggable(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1731 draggable(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1732 draggable(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1733 draggable(methodName: string): JQuery;
1734 draggable(options: JQueryUI.DraggableOptions): JQuery;
1735 draggable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1736 draggable(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.DraggableOptions): any;
1737 draggable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1739 droppable(): JQuery;
1740 droppable(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1741 droppable(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1742 droppable(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1743 droppable(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1744 droppable(methodName: string): JQuery;
1745 droppable(options: JQueryUI.DroppableOptions): JQuery;
1746 droppable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1747 droppable(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.DraggableOptions): any;
1748 droppable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1750 menu: {
1751 (): JQuery;
1752 (methodName: 'blur'): void;
1753 (methodName: 'collapse', event?: JQueryEventObject): void;
1754 (methodName: 'collapseAll', event?: JQueryEventObject, all?: boolean): void;
1755 (methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1756 (methodName: 'disable'): void;
1757 (methodName: 'enable'): void;
1758 (methodName: string, event: JQueryEventObject, item: JQuery): void;
1759 (methodName: 'focus', event: JQueryEventObject, item: JQuery): void;
1760 (methodName: 'isFirstItem'): boolean;
1761 (methodName: 'isLastItem'): boolean;
1762 (methodName: 'next', event?: JQueryEventObject): void;
1763 (methodName: 'nextPage', event?: JQueryEventObject): void;
1764 (methodName: 'previous', event?: JQueryEventObject): void;
1765 (methodName: 'previousPage', event?: JQueryEventObject): void;
1766 (methodName: 'refresh'): void;
1767 (methodName: 'select', event?: JQueryEventObject): void;
1768 (methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1769 (methodName: string): JQuery;
1770 (options: JQueryUI.MenuOptions): JQuery;
1771 (optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1772 (optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.MenuOptions): any;
1773 (optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1774 active: boolean;
1775 }
1777 progressbar(): JQuery;
1778 progressbar(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1779 progressbar(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1780 progressbar(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1781 progressbar(methodName: 'refresh'): void;
1782 progressbar(methodName: 'value'): any; // number or boolean
1783 progressbar(methodName: 'value', value: number): void;
1784 progressbar(methodName: 'value', value: boolean): void;
1785 progressbar(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1786 progressbar(methodName: string): JQuery;
1787 progressbar(options: JQueryUI.ProgressbarOptions): JQuery;
1788 progressbar(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1789 progressbar(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.ProgressbarOptions): any;
1790 progressbar(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1792 resizable(): JQuery;
1793 resizable(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1794 resizable(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1795 resizable(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1796 resizable(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1797 resizable(methodName: string): JQuery;
1798 resizable(options: JQueryUI.ResizableOptions): JQuery;
1799 resizable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1800 resizable(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.ResizableOptions): any;
1801 resizable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1803 selectable(): JQuery;
1804 selectable(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1805 selectable(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1806 selectable(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1807 selectable(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1808 selectable(methodName: string): JQuery;
1809 selectable(options: JQueryUI.SelectableOptions): JQuery;
1810 selectable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1811 selectable(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.SelectableOptions): any;
1812 selectable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1814 selectmenu(): JQuery;
1815 selectmenu(methodName: 'close'): JQuery;
1816 selectmenu(methodName: 'destroy'): JQuery;
1817 selectmenu(methodName: 'disable'): JQuery;
1818 selectmenu(methodName: 'enable'): JQuery;
1819 selectmenu(methodName: 'instance'): any;
1820 selectmenu(methodName: 'menuWidget'): JQuery;
1821 selectmenu(methodName: 'open'): JQuery;
1822 selectmenu(methodName: 'refresh'): JQuery;
1823 selectmenu(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1824 selectmenu(methodName: string): JQuery;
1825 selectmenu(options: JQueryUI.SelectMenuOptions): JQuery;
1826 selectmenu(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1827 selectmenu(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.SelectMenuOptions): any;
1828 selectmenu(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1830 slider(): JQuery;
1831 slider(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1832 slider(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1833 slider(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1834 slider(methodName: 'refresh'): void;
1835 slider(methodName: 'value'): number;
1836 slider(methodName: 'value', value: number): void;
1837 slider(methodName: 'values'): Array<number>;
1838 slider(methodName: 'values', index: number): number;
1839 slider(methodName: string, index: number, value: number): void;
1840 slider(methodName: 'values', index: number, value: number): void;
1841 slider(methodName: string, values: Array<number>): void;
1842 slider(methodName: 'values', values: Array<number>): void;
1843 slider(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1844 slider(methodName: string): JQuery;
1845 slider(options: JQueryUI.SliderOptions): JQuery;
1846 slider(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1847 slider(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.SliderOptions): any;
1848 slider(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1850 sortable(): JQuery;
1851 sortable(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1852 sortable(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1853 sortable(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1854 sortable(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1855 sortable(methodName: 'toArray', options?: { attribute?: string; }): string[];
1856 sortable(methodName: string): JQuery;
1857 sortable(options: JQueryUI.SortableOptions): JQuery;
1858 sortable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1859 sortable(methodName: 'serialize', options?: { key?: string; attribute?: string; expression?: RegExp }): string;
1860 sortable(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.SortableOptions): any;
1861 sortable(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1863 spinner(): JQuery;
1864 spinner(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1865 spinner(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1866 spinner(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1867 spinner(methodName: 'pageDown', pages?: number): void;
1868 spinner(methodName: 'pageUp', pages?: number): void;
1869 spinner(methodName: 'stepDown', steps?: number): void;
1870 spinner(methodName: 'stepUp', steps?: number): void;
1871 spinner(methodName: 'value'): number;
1872 spinner(methodName: 'value', value: number): void;
1873 spinner(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1874 spinner(methodName: string): JQuery;
1875 spinner(options: JQueryUI.SpinnerOptions): JQuery;
1876 spinner(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1877 spinner(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.SpinnerOptions): any;
1878 spinner(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1880 tabs(): JQuery;
1881 tabs(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1882 tabs(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1883 tabs(methodName: 'disable', index: number): void;
1884 tabs(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1885 tabs(methodName: 'enable', index: number): void;
1886 tabs(methodName: 'load', index: number): void;
1887 tabs(methodName: 'refresh'): void;
1888 tabs(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1889 tabs(methodName: 'select', index: number): JQuery;
1890 tabs(methodName: string): JQuery;
1891 tabs(options: JQueryUI.TabsOptions): JQuery;
1892 tabs(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1893 tabs(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.TabsOptions): any;
1894 tabs(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1896 tooltip(): JQuery;
1897 tooltip(methodName: 'destroy'): void;
1898 tooltip(methodName: 'disable'): void;
1899 tooltip(methodName: 'enable'): void;
1900 tooltip(methodName: 'open'): void;
1901 tooltip(methodName: 'close'): void;
1902 tooltip(methodName: 'widget'): JQuery;
1903 tooltip(methodName: string): JQuery;
1904 tooltip(options: JQueryUI.TooltipOptions): JQuery;
1905 tooltip(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string): any;
1906 tooltip(optionLiteral: string, options: JQueryUI.TooltipOptions): any;
1907 tooltip(optionLiteral: string, optionName: string, optionValue: any): JQuery;
1910 addClass(classNames: string, speed?: number, callback?: Function): this;
1911 addClass(classNames: string, speed?: string, callback?: Function): this;
1912 addClass(classNames: string, speed?: number, easing?: string, callback?: Function): this;
1913 addClass(classNames: string, speed?: string, easing?: string, callback?: Function): this;
1915 removeClass(classNames: string, speed?: number, callback?: Function): this;
1916 removeClass(classNames: string, speed?: string, callback?: Function): this;
1917 removeClass(classNames: string, speed?: number, easing?: string, callback?: Function): this;
1918 removeClass(classNames: string, speed?: string, easing?: string, callback?: Function): this;
1920 switchClass(removeClassName: string, addClassName: string, duration?: number, easing?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1921 switchClass(removeClassName: string, addClassName: string, duration?: string, easing?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1923 toggleClass(className: string, duration?: number, easing?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1924 toggleClass(className: string, duration?: string, easing?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1925 toggleClass(className: string, aswitch?: boolean, duration?: number, easing?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1926 toggleClass(className: string, aswitch?: boolean, duration?: string, easing?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1928 effect(options: any): this;
1929 effect(effect: string, options?: any, duration?: number, complete?: Function): this;
1930 effect(effect: string, options?: any, duration?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1932 hide(options: any): this;
1933 hide(effect: string, options?: any, duration?: number, complete?: Function): this;
1934 hide(effect: string, options?: any, duration?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1936 show(options: any): this;
1937 show(effect: string, options?: any, duration?: number, complete?: Function): this;
1938 show(effect: string, options?: any, duration?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1940 toggle(options: any): this;
1941 toggle(effect: string, options?: any, duration?: number, complete?: Function): this;
1942 toggle(effect: string, options?: any, duration?: string, complete?: Function): this;
1944 position(options: JQueryUI.JQueryPositionOptions): JQuery;
1946 enableSelection(): JQuery;
1947 disableSelection(): JQuery;
1948 focus(delay: number, callback?: Function): JQuery;
1949 uniqueId(): JQuery;
1950 removeUniqueId(): JQuery;
1951 scrollParent(): JQuery;
1952 zIndex(): number;
1953 zIndex(zIndex: number): JQuery;
1955 widget: JQueryUI.Widget;
1957 jQuery: JQueryStatic;
1960interface JQueryStatic {
1961 ui: JQueryUI.UI;
1962 datepicker: JQueryUI.Datepicker;
1963 widget: JQueryUI.Widget;
1964 Widget: JQueryUI.Widget;
1967interface JQueryEasingFunctions {
1968 easeInQuad: JQueryEasingFunction;
1969 easeOutQuad: JQueryEasingFunction;
1970 easeInOutQuad: JQueryEasingFunction;
1971 easeInCubic: JQueryEasingFunction;
1972 easeOutCubic: JQueryEasingFunction;
1973 easeInOutCubic: JQueryEasingFunction;
1974 easeInQuart: JQueryEasingFunction;
1975 easeOutQuart: JQueryEasingFunction;
1976 easeInOutQuart: JQueryEasingFunction;
1977 easeInQuint: JQueryEasingFunction;
1978 easeOutQuint: JQueryEasingFunction;
1979 easeInOutQuint: JQueryEasingFunction;
1980 easeInExpo: JQueryEasingFunction;
1981 easeOutExpo: JQueryEasingFunction;
1982 easeInOutExpo: JQueryEasingFunction;
1983 easeInSine: JQueryEasingFunction;
1984 easeOutSine: JQueryEasingFunction;
1985 easeInOutSine: JQueryEasingFunction;
1986 easeInCirc: JQueryEasingFunction;
1987 easeOutCirc: JQueryEasingFunction;
1988 easeInOutCirc: JQueryEasingFunction;
1989 easeInElastic: JQueryEasingFunction;
1990 easeOutElastic: JQueryEasingFunction;
1991 easeInOutElastic: JQueryEasingFunction;
1992 easeInBack: JQueryEasingFunction;
1993 easeOutBack: JQueryEasingFunction;
1994 easeInOutBack: JQueryEasingFunction;
1995 easeInBounce: JQueryEasingFunction;
1996 easeOutBounce: JQueryEasingFunction;
1997 easeInOutBounce: JQueryEasingFunction;