8.78 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
3import { KeyObject } from "crypto";
5export class JsonWebTokenError extends Error {
6 inner: Error;
8 constructor(message: string, error?: Error);
11export class TokenExpiredError extends JsonWebTokenError {
12 expiredAt: Date;
14 constructor(message: string, expiredAt: Date);
18 * Thrown if current time is before the nbf claim.
19 */
20export class NotBeforeError extends JsonWebTokenError {
21 date: Date;
23 constructor(message: string, date: Date);
26export interface SignOptions {
27 /**
28 * Signature algorithm. Could be one of these values :
29 * - HS256: HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm (default)
30 * - HS384: HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm
31 * - HS512: HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm
32 * - RS256: RSASSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm
33 * - RS384: RSASSA using SHA-384 hash algorithm
34 * - RS512: RSASSA using SHA-512 hash algorithm
35 * - ES256: ECDSA using P-256 curve and SHA-256 hash algorithm
36 * - ES384: ECDSA using P-384 curve and SHA-384 hash algorithm
37 * - ES512: ECDSA using P-521 curve and SHA-512 hash algorithm
38 * - none: No digital signature or MAC value included
39 */
40 algorithm?: Algorithm | undefined;
41 keyid?: string | undefined;
42 /** expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span [zeit/ms](https://github.com/zeit/ms.js). Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d" */
43 expiresIn?: string | number;
44 /** expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span [zeit/ms](https://github.com/zeit/ms.js). Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d" */
45 notBefore?: string | number | undefined;
46 audience?: string | string[] | undefined;
47 subject?: string | undefined;
48 issuer?: string | undefined;
49 jwtid?: string | undefined;
50 mutatePayload?: boolean | undefined;
51 noTimestamp?: boolean | undefined;
52 header?: JwtHeader | undefined;
53 encoding?: string | undefined;
54 allowInsecureKeySizes?: boolean | undefined;
55 allowInvalidAsymmetricKeyTypes?: boolean | undefined;
58export interface VerifyOptions {
59 algorithms?: Algorithm[] | undefined;
60 audience?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp> | undefined;
61 clockTimestamp?: number | undefined;
62 clockTolerance?: number | undefined;
63 /** return an object with the decoded `{ payload, header, signature }` instead of only the usual content of the payload. */
64 complete?: boolean | undefined;
65 issuer?: string | string[] | undefined;
66 ignoreExpiration?: boolean | undefined;
67 ignoreNotBefore?: boolean | undefined;
68 jwtid?: string | undefined;
69 /**
70 * If you want to check `nonce` claim, provide a string value here.
71 * It is used on Open ID for the ID Tokens. ([Open ID implementation notes](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#NonceNotes))
72 */
73 nonce?: string | undefined;
74 subject?: string | undefined;
75 maxAge?: string | number | undefined;
76 allowInvalidAsymmetricKeyTypes?: boolean | undefined;
79export interface DecodeOptions {
80 complete?: boolean | undefined;
81 json?: boolean | undefined;
83export type VerifyErrors =
84 | JsonWebTokenError
85 | NotBeforeError
86 | TokenExpiredError;
87export type VerifyCallback<T = Jwt | JwtPayload | string> = (
88 error: VerifyErrors | null,
89 decoded: T | undefined,
90) => void;
92export type SignCallback = (
93 error: Error | null,
94 encoded: string | undefined,
95) => void;
97// standard names https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7515.html#section-4.1
98export interface JwtHeader {
99 alg: string | Algorithm;
100 typ?: string | undefined;
101 cty?: string | undefined;
102 crit?: Array<string | Exclude<keyof JwtHeader, "crit">> | undefined;
103 kid?: string | undefined;
104 jku?: string | undefined;
105 x5u?: string | string[] | undefined;
106 "x5t#S256"?: string | undefined;
107 x5t?: string | undefined;
108 x5c?: string | string[] | undefined;
111// standard claims https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7519#section-4.1
112export interface JwtPayload {
113 [key: string]: any;
114 iss?: string | undefined;
115 sub?: string | undefined;
116 aud?: string | string[] | undefined;
117 exp?: number | undefined;
118 nbf?: number | undefined;
119 iat?: number | undefined;
120 jti?: string | undefined;
123export interface Jwt {
124 header: JwtHeader;
125 payload: JwtPayload | string;
126 signature: string;
129// https://github.com/auth0/node-jsonwebtoken#algorithms-supported
130export type Algorithm =
131 | "HS256"
132 | "HS384"
133 | "HS512"
134 | "RS256"
135 | "RS384"
136 | "RS512"
137 | "ES256"
138 | "ES384"
139 | "ES512"
140 | "PS256"
141 | "PS384"
142 | "PS512"
143 | "none";
145export type SigningKeyCallback = (
146 error: Error | null,
147 signingKey?: Secret,
148) => void;
150export type GetPublicKeyOrSecret = (
151 header: JwtHeader,
152 callback: SigningKeyCallback,
153) => void;
155export type Secret =
156 | string
157 | Buffer
158 | KeyObject
159 | { key: string | Buffer; passphrase: string };
162 * Synchronously sign the given payload into a JSON Web Token string
163 * payload - Payload to sign, could be an literal, buffer or string
164 * secretOrPrivateKey - Either the secret for HMAC algorithms, or the PEM encoded private key for RSA and ECDSA.
165 * [options] - Options for the signature
166 * returns - The JSON Web Token string
167 */
168export function sign(
169 payload: string | Buffer | object,
170 secretOrPrivateKey: Secret,
171 options?: SignOptions,
172): string;
173export function sign(
174 payload: string | Buffer | object,
175 secretOrPrivateKey: null,
176 options?: SignOptions & { algorithm: "none" },
177): string;
180 * Sign the given payload into a JSON Web Token string
181 * payload - Payload to sign, could be an literal, buffer or string
182 * secretOrPrivateKey - Either the secret for HMAC algorithms, or the PEM encoded private key for RSA and ECDSA.
183 * [options] - Options for the signature
184 * callback - Callback to get the encoded token on
185 */
186export function sign(
187 payload: string | Buffer | object,
188 secretOrPrivateKey: Secret,
189 callback: SignCallback,
190): void;
191export function sign(
192 payload: string | Buffer | object,
193 secretOrPrivateKey: Secret,
194 options: SignOptions,
195 callback: SignCallback,
196): void;
197export function sign(
198 payload: string | Buffer | object,
199 secretOrPrivateKey: null,
200 options: SignOptions & { algorithm: "none" },
201 callback: SignCallback,
202): void;
205 * Synchronously verify given token using a secret or a public key to get a decoded token
206 * token - JWT string to verify
207 * secretOrPublicKey - Either the secret for HMAC algorithms, or the PEM encoded public key for RSA and ECDSA.
208 * [options] - Options for the verification
209 * returns - The decoded token.
210 */
211export function verify(token: string, secretOrPublicKey: Secret, options: VerifyOptions & { complete: true }): Jwt;
212export function verify(
213 token: string,
214 secretOrPublicKey: Secret,
215 options?: VerifyOptions & { complete?: false },
216): JwtPayload | string;
217export function verify(token: string, secretOrPublicKey: Secret, options?: VerifyOptions): Jwt | JwtPayload | string;
220 * Asynchronously verify given token using a secret or a public key to get a decoded token
221 * token - JWT string to verify
222 * secretOrPublicKey - A string or buffer containing either the secret for HMAC algorithms,
223 * or the PEM encoded public key for RSA and ECDSA. If jwt.verify is called asynchronous,
224 * secretOrPublicKey can be a function that should fetch the secret or public key
225 * [options] - Options for the verification
226 * callback - Callback to get the decoded token on
227 */
228export function verify(
229 token: string,
230 secretOrPublicKey: Secret | GetPublicKeyOrSecret,
231 callback?: VerifyCallback<JwtPayload | string>,
232): void;
233export function verify(
234 token: string,
235 secretOrPublicKey: Secret | GetPublicKeyOrSecret,
236 options: VerifyOptions & { complete: true },
237 callback?: VerifyCallback<Jwt>,
238): void;
239export function verify(
240 token: string,
241 secretOrPublicKey: Secret | GetPublicKeyOrSecret,
242 options?: VerifyOptions & { complete?: false },
243 callback?: VerifyCallback<JwtPayload | string>,
244): void;
245export function verify(
246 token: string,
247 secretOrPublicKey: Secret | GetPublicKeyOrSecret,
248 options?: VerifyOptions,
249 callback?: VerifyCallback,
250): void;
253 * Returns the decoded payload without verifying if the signature is valid.
254 * token - JWT string to decode
255 * [options] - Options for decoding
256 * returns - The decoded Token
257 */
258export function decode(token: string, options: DecodeOptions & { complete: true }): null | Jwt;
259export function decode(token: string, options: DecodeOptions & { json: true }): null | JwtPayload;
260export function decode(token: string, options?: DecodeOptions): null | JwtPayload | string;