961 BTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for karma-jasmine-html-reporter 1.7
2// Project: https://github.com/dfederm/karma-jasmine-html-reporter#readme
3// Definitions by: Piotr Błażejewicz <https://github.com/peterblazejewicz>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
6import 'karma';
8declare module 'karma' {
9 interface ConfigOptions {
10 /**
11 * In combination with multiple reporters you may want to disable failed messages
12 * because it's already handled by another reporter
13 * See {@link https://github.com/dfederm/karma-jasmine-html-reporter#with-options}
14 */
15 jasmineHtmlReporter?: JasmineHtmlReporterOptions | undefined;
16 }
17 interface JasmineHtmlReporterOptions {
18 /**
19 * Suppress all messages (overrides other suppress settings)
20 */
21 suppressAll?: boolean | undefined;
22 /** Suppress failed messages */
23 suppressFailed?: boolean | undefined;
24 }