17 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for karma v0.13.9
2// Project: https://github.com/karma-runner/karma
3// Definitions by: Tanguy Krotoff <https://github.com/tkrotoff>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
5// TypeScript Version: 2.3
7/// <reference types="node" />
9// See Karma public API https://karma-runner.github.io/0.13/dev/public-api.html
10import Promise = require('bluebird');
11import https = require('https');
12import log4js = require('log4js');
14declare namespace karma {
15 interface Karma {
16 /**
17 * `start` method is deprecated since 0.13. It will be removed in 0.14.
18 * Please use
19 * <code>
20 * server = new Server(config, [done])
21 * server.start()
22 * </code>
23 * instead.
24 */
25 server: DeprecatedServer;
26 Server: Server;
27 runner: Runner;
28 stopper: Stopper;
29 launcher: Launcher;
30 VERSION: string;
31 constants: Constants;
32 }
34 interface Constants {
35 VERSION: string;
36 DEFAULT_PORT: number;
39 LOG_DISABLE: string;
40 LOG_ERROR: string;
41 LOG_WARN: string;
42 LOG_INFO: string;
43 LOG_DEBUG: string;
44 LOG_LOG: string;
45 LOG_PRIORITIES: string[];
46 COLOR_PATTERN: string;
47 NO_COLOR_PATTERN: string;
49 type: string;
50 layout: {
51 type: string;
52 pattern: string;
53 };
54 };
55 EXIT_CODE: string;
56 }
58 interface LauncherStatic {
59 generateId(): string;
60 //TODO: injector should be of type `di.Injector`
61 new (emitter: NodeJS.EventEmitter, injector: any): Launcher;
62 }
64 interface Launcher {
65 Launcher: LauncherStatic;
66 //TODO: Can this return value ever be typified?
67 launch(names: string[], protocol: string, hostname: string, port: number, urlRoot: string): any[];
68 kill(id: string, callback: Function): boolean;
69 restart(id: string): boolean;
70 killAll(callback: Function): void;
71 areAllCaptured(): boolean;
72 markCaptured(id: string): void;
73 }
75 interface DeprecatedServer {
76 start(options?: any, callback?: ServerCallback): void;
77 }
79 interface Runner {
80 run(options?: ConfigOptions | ConfigFile, callback?: ServerCallback): void;
81 }
84 interface Stopper {
85 /**
86 * This function will signal a running server to stop. The equivalent of karma stop.
87 */
88 stop(options?: ConfigOptions, callback?: ServerCallback): void;
89 }
92 interface TestResults {
93 disconnected: boolean;
94 error: boolean;
95 exitCode: number;
96 failed: number;
97 success: number;
98 }
100 interface Server extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {
101 new (options?: ConfigOptions | ConfigFile, callback?: ServerCallback): Server;
102 /**
103 * Start the server
104 */
105 start(): void;
106 /**
107 * Get properties from the injector
108 * @param token
109 */
110 get(token: string): any;
111 /**
112 * Force a refresh of the file list
113 */
114 refreshFiles(): Promise<any>;
116 on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
118 /**
119 * Listen to the 'run_complete' event.
120 */
121 on(event: 'run_complete', listener: (browsers: any, results: TestResults) => void): this;
123 ///**
124 // * Backward-compatibility with karma-intellij bundled with WebStorm.
125 // * Deprecated since version 0.13, to be removed in 0.14
126 // */
127 //static start(): void;
128 }
130 interface ServerCallback {
131 (exitCode: number): void;
132 }
134 interface Config {
135 set: (config: ConfigOptions) => void;
136 LOG_DISABLE: string;
137 LOG_ERROR: string;
138 LOG_WARN: string;
139 LOG_INFO: string;
140 LOG_DEBUG: string;
141 }
143 interface ConfigFile {
144 configFile: string;
145 }
147 interface ConfigOptions {
148 /**
149 * @description Enable or disable watching files and executing the tests whenever one of these files changes.
150 * @default true
151 */
152 autoWatch?: boolean;
153 /**
154 * @description When Karma is watching the files for changes, it tries to batch multiple changes into a single run
155 * so that the test runner doesn't try to start and restart running tests more than it should.
156 * The configuration setting tells Karma how long to wait (in milliseconds) after any changes have occurred
157 * before starting the test process again.
158 * @default 250
159 */
160 autoWatchBatchDelay?: number;
161 /**
162 * @default ''
163 * @description The root path location that will be used to resolve all relative paths defined in <code>files</code> and <code>exclude</code>.
164 * If the basePath configuration is a relative path then it will be resolved to
165 * the <code>__dirname</code> of the configuration file.
166 */
167 basePath?: string;
168 /**
169 * @default 2000
170 * @description How long does Karma wait for a browser to reconnect (in ms).
171 * <p>
172 * With a flaky connection it is pretty common that the browser disconnects,
173 * but the actual test execution is still running without any problems. Karma does not treat a disconnection
174 * as immediate failure and will wait <code>browserDisconnectTimeout</code> (ms).
175 * If the browser reconnects during that time, everything is fine.
176 * </p>
177 */
178 browserDisconnectTimeout?: number;
179 /**
180 * @default 0
181 * @description The number of disconnections tolerated.
182 * <p>
183 * The <code>disconnectTolerance</code> value represents the maximum number of tries a browser will attempt
184 * in the case of a disconnection. Usually any disconnection is considered a failure,
185 * but this option allows you to define a tolerance level when there is a flaky network link between
186 * the Karma server and the browsers.
187 * </p>
188 */
189 browserDisconnectTolerance?: number;
190 /**
191 * @default 10000
192 * @description How long will Karma wait for a message from a browser before disconnecting from it (in ms).
193 * <p>
194 * If, during test execution, Karma does not receive any message from a browser within
195 * <code>browserNoActivityTimeout</code> (ms), it will disconnect from the browser
196 * </p>
197 */
198 browserNoActivityTimeout?: number;
199 /**
200 * @default []
201 * Possible Values:
202 * <ul>
203 * <li>Chrome (launcher comes installed with Karma)</li>
204 * <li>ChromeCanary (launcher comes installed with Karma)</li>
205 * <li>PhantomJS (launcher comes installed with Karma)</li>
206 * <li>Firefox (launcher requires karma-firefox-launcher plugin)</li>
207 * <li>Opera (launcher requires karma-opera-launcher plugin)</li>
208 * <li>Internet Explorer (launcher requires karma-ie-launcher plugin)</li>
209 * <li>Safari (launcher requires karma-safari-launcher plugin)</li>
210 * </ul>
211 * @description A list of browsers to launch and capture. When Karma starts up, it will also start up each browser
212 * which is placed within this setting. Once Karma is shut down, it will shut down these browsers as well.
213 * You can capture any browser manually by opening the browser and visiting the URL where
214 * the Karma web server is listening (by default it is <code>http://localhost:9876/</code>).
215 */
216 browsers?: string[];
217 /**
218 * @default 60000
219 * @description Timeout for capturing a browser (in ms).
220 * <p>
221 * The <code>captureTimeout</code> value represents the maximum boot-up time allowed for a
222 * browser to start and connect to Karma. If any browser does not get captured within the timeout, Karma
223 * will kill it and try to launch it again and, after three attempts to capture it, Karma will give up.
224 * </p>
225 */
226 captureTimeout?: number;
227 client?: ClientOptions;
228 /**
229 * @default true
230 * @description Enable or disable colors in the output (reporters and logs).
231 */
232 colors?: boolean;
233 /**
234 * @default 'Infinity'
235 * @description How many browsers Karma launches in parallel.
236 * Especially on services like SauceLabs and Browserstack, it makes sense only to launch a limited
237 * amount of browsers at once, and only start more when those have finished. Using this configuration,
238 * you can specify how many browsers should be running at once at any given point in time.
239 */
240 concurrency?: number;
241 /**
242 * @default []
243 * @description List of files/patterns to exclude from loaded files.
244 */
245 exclude?: string[];
246 /**
247 * @default []
248 * @description List of files/patterns to load in the browser.
249 */
250 files?: (FilePattern | string)[];
251 /**
252 * @default []
253 * @description List of test frameworks you want to use. Typically, you will set this to ['jasmine'], ['mocha'] or ['qunit']...
254 * Please note just about all frameworks in Karma require an additional plugin/framework library to be installed (via NPM).
255 */
256 frameworks?: string[];
257 /**
258 * @default 'localhost'
259 * @description Hostname to be used when capturing browsers.
260 */
261 hostname?: string;
262 /**
263 * @default {}
264 * @description Options object to be used by Node's https class.
265 * Object description can be found in the
266 * [NodeJS.org API docs](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createserver_options_secureconnectionlistener)
267 */
268 httpsServerOptions?: https.ServerOptions;
269 /**
270 * @default config.LOG_INFO
271 * Possible values:
272 * <ul>
273 * <li>config.LOG_DISABLE</li>
274 * <li>config.LOG_ERROR</li>
275 * <li>config.LOG_WARN</li>
276 * <li>config.LOG_INFO</li>
277 * <li>config.LOG_DEBUG</li>
278 * </ul>
279 * @description Level of logging.
280 */
281 logLevel?: string;
282 /**
283 * @default [{type: 'console'}]
284 * @description A list of log appenders to be used. See the documentation for [log4js] for more information.
285 */
286 loggers?: log4js.AppenderConfigBase[];
287 /**
288 * @default ['karma-*']
289 * @description List of plugins to load. A plugin can be a string (in which case it will be required
290 * by Karma) or an inlined plugin - Object.
291 * By default, Karma loads all sibling NPM modules which have a name starting with karma-*.
292 * Note: Just about all plugins in Karma require an additional library to be installed (via NPM).
293 */
294 plugins?: any[];
295 /**
296 * @default 9876
297 * @description The port where the web server will be listening.
298 */
299 port?: number;
300 /**
301 * @default {'**\/*.coffee': 'coffee'}
302 * @description A map of preprocessors to use.
303 *
304 * Preprocessors can be loaded through [plugins].
305 *
306 * Note: Just about all preprocessors in Karma (other than CoffeeScript and some other defaults)
307 * require an additional library to be installed (via NPM).
308 *
309 * Be aware that preprocessors may be transforming the files and file types that are available at run time. For instance,
310 * if you are using the "coverage" preprocessor on your source files, if you then attempt to interactively debug
311 * your tests, you'll discover that your expected source code is completely changed from what you expected. Because
312 * of that, you'll want to engineer this so that your automated builds use the coverage entry in the "reporters" list,
313 * but your interactive debugging does not.
314 *
315 */
316 preprocessors?: { [name: string]: string | string[] }
317 /**
318 * @default 'http:'
319 * Possible Values:
320 * <ul>
321 * <li>http:</li>
322 * <li>https:</li>
323 * </ul>
324 * @description Protocol used for running the Karma webserver.
325 * Determines the use of the Node http or https class.
326 * Note: Using <code>'https:'</code> requires you to specify <code>httpsServerOptions</code>.
327 */
328 protocol?: string;
329 /**
330 * @default {}
331 * @description A map of path-proxy pairs.
332 */
333 proxies?: { [path: string]: string }
334 /**
335 * @default true
336 * @description Whether or not Karma or any browsers should raise an error when an inavlid SSL certificate is found.
337 */
338 proxyValidateSSL?: boolean;
339 /**
340 * @default 0
341 * @description Karma will report all the tests that are slower than given time limit (in ms).
342 * This is disabled by default (since the default value is 0).
343 */
344 reportSlowerThan?: number;
345 /**
346 * @default ['progress']
347 * Possible Values:
348 * <ul>
349 * <li>dots</li>
350 * <li>progress</li>
351 * </ul>
352 * @description A list of reporters to use.
353 * Additional reporters, such as growl, junit, teamcity or coverage can be loaded through plugins.
354 * Note: Just about all additional reporters in Karma (other than progress) require an additional library to be installed (via NPM).
355 */
356 reporters?: string[];
357 /**
358 * @default false
359 * @description Continuous Integration mode.
360 * If true, Karma will start and capture all configured browsers, run tests and then exit with an exit code of 0 or 1 depending
361 * on whether all tests passed or any tests failed.
362 */
363 singleRun?: boolean;
364 /**
365 * @default ['polling', 'websocket']
366 * @description An array of allowed transport methods between the browser and testing server. This configuration setting
367 * is handed off to [socket.io](http://socket.io/) (which manages the communication
368 * between browsers and the testing server).
369 */
370 transports?: string[];
371 /**
372 * @default '/'
373 * @description The base url, where Karma runs.
374 * All of Karma's urls get prefixed with the urlRoot. This is helpful when using proxies, as
375 * sometimes you might want to proxy a url that is already taken by Karma.
376 */
377 urlRoot?: string;
378 }
380 interface ClientOptions {
381 /**
382 * @default undefined
383 * @description When karma run is passed additional arguments on the command-line, they
384 * are passed through to the test adapter as karma.config.args (an array of strings).
385 * The client.args option allows you to set this value for actions other than run.
386 * How this value is used is up to your test adapter - you should check your adapter's
387 * documentation to see how (and if) it uses this value.
388 */
389 args?: string[];
390 /**
391 * @default true
392 * @description Run the tests inside an iFrame or a new window
393 * If true, Karma runs the tests inside an iFrame. If false, Karma runs the tests in a new window. Some tests may not run in an
394 * iFrame and may need a new window to run.
395 */
396 useIframe?: boolean;
397 /**
398 * @default true
399 * @description Capture all console output and pipe it to the terminal.
400 */
401 captureConsole?: boolean;
402 }
404 interface FilePattern {
405 /**
406 * The pattern to use for matching. This property is mandatory.
407 */
408 pattern: string;
409 /**
410 * @default true
411 * @description If <code>autoWatch</code> is true all files that have set watched to true will be watched
412 * for changes.
413 */
414 watched?: boolean;
415 /**
416 * @default true
417 * @description Should the files be included in the browser using <script> tag? Use false if you want to
418 * load them manually, eg. using Require.js.
419 */
420 included?: boolean;
421 /**
422 * @default true
423 * @description Should the files be served by Karma's webserver?
424 */
425 served?: boolean;
426 /**
427 * @default false
428 * @description Should the files be served from disk on each request by Karma's webserver?
429 */
430 nocache?: boolean;
431 }
434declare var karma: karma.Karma;
436export = karma;