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1// Type definitions for @koa/router 8.x
2// Project: https://github.com/koajs/koa-router#readme
3// Definitions by: Jerry Chin <https://github.com/hellopao>
4// Pavel Ivanov <https://github.com/schfkt>
5// JounQin <https://github.com/JounQin>
6// Romain Faust <https://github.com/romain-faust>
7// Guillaume Mayer <https://github.com/Guillaume-Mayer>
8// Andrea Gueugnaut <https://github.com/falinor>
9// Jeremy Forsythe <https://github.com/jdforsythe>
10// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
11// TypeScript Version: 2.3
13/* =================== USAGE ===================
15 import * as Router from "@koa/router";
16 var router = new Router();
18 =============================================== */
20 import * as Koa from "koa";
22 declare namespace Router {
23 interface RouterOptions {
24 /**
25 * Prefix for all routes.
26 */
27 prefix?: string | undefined;
28 /**
29 * Methods which should be supported by the router.
30 */
31 methods?: string[] | undefined;
32 routerPath?: string | undefined;
33 /**
34 * Whether or not routing should be case-sensitive.
35 */
36 sensitive?: boolean | undefined;
37 /**
38 * Whether or not routes should matched strictly.
39 *
40 * If strict matching is enabled, the trailing slash is taken into
41 * account when matching routes.
42 */
43 strict?: boolean | undefined;
44 }
46 interface RouterParamContext<StateT = Koa.DefaultState, ContextT = Koa.DefaultContext> {
47 /**
48 * url params
49 */
50 params: Record<string, string>;
51 /**
52 * the router instance
53 */
54 router: Router<StateT, ContextT>;
55 /**
56 * Matched route
57 */
58 _matchedRoute: string | RegExp | undefined;
59 _matchedRouteName: string | undefined;
60 }
62 type RouterContext<StateT = Koa.DefaultState, ContextT = Koa.DefaultContext> = Koa.ParameterizedContext<StateT, ContextT & RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>>;
64 type Middleware<StateT = Koa.DefaultState, ContextT = Koa.DefaultContext> = Koa.Middleware<StateT, ContextT & RouterParamContext<StateT, ContextT>>;
66 interface ParamMiddleware {
67 (param: string, ctx: RouterContext, next: Koa.Next): any;
68 }
70 interface RouterAllowedMethodsOptions {
71 /**
72 * throw error instead of setting status and header
73 */
74 throw?: boolean | undefined;
75 /**
76 * throw the returned value in place of the default NotImplemented error
77 */
78 notImplemented?: (() => any) | undefined;
79 /**
80 * throw the returned value in place of the default MethodNotAllowed error
81 */
82 methodNotAllowed?: (() => any) | undefined;
83 }
85 interface LayerOptions {
86 name: string | null;
87 sensitive?: boolean | undefined;
88 strict?: boolean | undefined;
89 end?: boolean | undefined;
90 prefix?: string | undefined;
91 ignoreCaptures?: boolean | undefined;
92 }
94 interface UrlOptionsQuery {
95 query: object | string;
96 }
98 interface RoutesMatch {
99 path: Layer[];
100 pathAndMethod: Layer[];
101 route: boolean;
102 }
104 class ParamName {
105 asterisk: boolean;
106 delimiter: string;
107 name: string;
108 optional: boolean;
109 partial: boolean;
110 pattern: string;
111 prefix: string;
112 repeat: string;
113 }
115 class Layer {
116 opts: LayerOptions;
117 name: string | null;
118 methods: string[];
119 paramNames: ParamName[];
120 stack: Middleware[];
121 regexp: RegExp;
122 path: string;
124 constructor(path: string | RegExp, methods: string[], middleware: Middleware | Middleware[], opts?: LayerOptions);
126 /**
127 * Returns whether request `path` matches route.
128 */
129 match(path: string): boolean;
131 /**
132 * Returns map of URL parameters for given `path` and `paramNames`.
133 */
134 params(path: string | RegExp, captures: string[], existingParams?: object): object;
136 /**
137 * Returns array of regexp url path captures.
138 */
139 captures(path: string): string[];
141 /**
142 * Generate URL for route using given `params`.
143 */
144 url(params: object): string;
146 /**
147 * Run validations on route named parameters.
148 */
149 param(param: string, fn: Middleware): Layer;
151 /**
152 * Prefix route path.
153 */
154 setPrefix(prefix: string): Layer;
155 }
158declare class Router<StateT = Koa.DefaultState, ContextT = Koa.DefaultContext> {
159 opts: Router.RouterOptions;
160 methods: string[];
161 params: object;
162 stack: Router.Layer[];
164 /**
165 * Create a new router.
166 */
167 constructor(opt?: Router.RouterOptions);
169 /**
170 * Use given middleware.
171 *
172 * Middleware run in the order they are defined by `.use()`. They are invoked
173 * sequentially, requests start at the first middleware and work their way
174 * "down" the middleware stack.
175 */
176 use(...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT>>): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
177 use(
178 path: string | string[] | RegExp,
179 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT>>
180 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
182 /**
183 * HTTP get method
184 */
185 get<T = {}, U = {}>(
186 name: string,
187 path: string | RegExp,
188 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
189 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
190 get<T = {}, U = {}>(
191 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
192 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
193 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
195 /**
196 * HTTP post method
197 */
198 post<T = {}, U = {}>(
199 name: string,
200 path: string | RegExp,
201 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
202 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
203 post<T = {}, U = {}>(
204 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
205 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
206 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
208 /**
209 * HTTP put method
210 */
211 put<T = {}, U = {}>(
212 name: string,
213 path: string | RegExp,
214 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
215 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
216 put<T = {}, U = {}>(
217 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
218 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
219 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
221 /**
222 * HTTP link method
223 */
224 link<T = {}, U = {}>(
225 name: string,
226 path: string | RegExp,
227 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
228 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
229 link<T = {}, U = {}>(
230 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
231 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
232 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
234 /**
235 * HTTP unlink method
236 */
237 unlink<T = {}, U = {}>(
238 name: string,
239 path: string | RegExp,
240 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
241 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
242 unlink<T = {}, U = {}>(
243 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
244 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
245 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
247 /**
248 * HTTP delete method
249 */
250 delete<T = {}, U = {}>(
251 name: string,
252 path: string | RegExp,
253 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
254 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
255 delete<T = {}, U = {}>(
256 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
257 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
258 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
260 /**
261 * Alias for `router.delete()` because delete is a reserved word
262 */
263 del<T = {}, U = {}>(
264 name: string,
265 path: string | RegExp,
266 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
267 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
268 del<T = {}, U = {}>(
269 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
270 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
271 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
273 /**
274 * HTTP head method
275 */
276 head<T = {}, U = {}>(
277 name: string,
278 path: string | RegExp,
279 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
280 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
281 head<T = {}, U = {}>(
282 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
283 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
284 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
286 /**
287 * HTTP options method
288 */
289 options<T = {}, U = {}>(
290 name: string,
291 path: string | RegExp,
292 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
293 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
294 options<T = {}, U = {}>(
295 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
296 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
297 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
299 /**
300 * HTTP patch method
301 */
302 patch<T = {}, U = {}>(
303 name: string,
304 path: string | RegExp,
305 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
306 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
307 patch<T = {}, U = {}>(
308 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
309 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
310 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
312 /**
313 * Register route with all methods.
314 */
315 all<T = {}, U = {}>(
316 name: string,
317 path: string | RegExp,
318 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
319 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
320 all<T = {}, U = {}>(
321 path: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>,
322 ...middleware: Array<Router.Middleware<StateT & T, ContextT & U>>
323 ): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
325 /**
326 * Set the path prefix for a Router instance that was already initialized.
327 */
328 prefix(prefix: string): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
330 /**
331 * Returns router middleware which dispatches a route matching the request.
332 */
333 routes(): Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT>;
335 /**
336 * Returns router middleware which dispatches a route matching the request.
337 */
338 middleware(): Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT>;
340 /**
341 * Returns separate middleware for responding to `OPTIONS` requests with
342 * an `Allow` header containing the allowed methods, as well as responding
343 * with `405 Method Not Allowed` and `501 Not Implemented` as appropriate.
344 */
345 allowedMethods(
346 options?: Router.RouterAllowedMethodsOptions
347 ): Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT>;
349 /**
350 * Redirect `source` to `destination` URL with optional 30x status `code`.
351 *
352 * Both `source` and `destination` can be route names.
353 */
354 redirect(source: string, destination: string, code?: number): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
356 /**
357 * Create and register a route.
358 */
359 register(
360 path: string | RegExp,
361 methods: string[],
362 middleware: Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT> | Array<Router.Middleware<StateT, ContextT>>,
363 opts?: Router.LayerOptions,
364 ): Router.Layer;
366 /**
367 * Lookup route with given `name`.
368 */
369 route(name: string): Router.Layer | boolean;
371 /**
372 * Generate URL for route. Takes either map of named `params` or series of
373 * arguments (for regular expression routes)
374 *
375 * router = new Router();
376 * router.get('user', "/users/:id", ...
377 *
378 * router.url('user', { id: 3 });
379 * // => "/users/3"
380 *
381 * Query can be generated from third argument:
382 *
383 * router.url('user', { id: 3 }, { query: { limit: 1 } });
384 * // => "/users/3?limit=1"
385 *
386 * router.url('user', { id: 3 }, { query: "limit=1" });
387 * // => "/users/3?limit=1"
388 *
389 */
390 url(name: string, params?: any, options?: Router.UrlOptionsQuery): Error | string;
392 /**
393 * Match given `path` and return corresponding routes.
394 */
395 match(path: string, method: string): Router.RoutesMatch;
397 /**
398 * Run middleware for named route parameters. Useful for auto-loading or validation.
399 */
400 param(param: string, middleware: Router.ParamMiddleware): Router<StateT, ContextT>;
402 /**
403 * Generate URL from url pattern and given `params`.
404 */
405 static url(path: string | RegExp, params: object): string;
406 }
408 export = Router;
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