1 | export as namespace L;
2 |
3 | import * as geojson from "geojson";
4 |
5 |
6 | export const version: string;
7 |
8 | export class Class {
9 | static extend(props: any): { new(...args: any[]): any } & typeof Class;
10 | static include(props: any): any & typeof Class;
11 | static mergeOptions(props: any): any & typeof Class;
12 |
13 | static addInitHook(initHookFn: () => void): any & typeof Class;
14 | static addInitHook(methodName: string, ...args: any[]): any & typeof Class;
15 |
16 | static callInitHooks(): void;
17 | }
18 |
19 | export class Transformation {
20 | constructor(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number);
21 | transform(point: Point, scale?: number): Point;
22 | untransform(point: Point, scale?: number): Point;
23 | }
24 |
25 | /** Instantiates a Transformation object with the given coefficients. */
26 | export function transformation(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number): Transformation;
27 |
28 | /** Expects an coefficients array of the form `[a: Number, b: Number, c: Number, d: Number]`. */
29 | export function transformation(coefficients: [number, number, number, number]): Transformation;
30 |
31 | /**
32 | * @see https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/blob/bc918d4bdc2ba189807bc207c77080fb41ecc196/src/geometry/LineUtil.js#L118
33 | */
34 | export namespace LineUtil {
35 | function simplify(points: Point[], tolerance: number): Point[];
36 | function pointToSegmentDistance(p: Point, p1: Point, p2: Point): number;
37 | function closestPointOnSegment(p: Point, p1: Point, p2: Point): Point;
38 | function isFlat(latlngs: LatLngExpression[]): boolean;
39 | function clipSegment(
40 | a: Point,
41 | b: Point,
42 | bounds: Bounds,
43 | useLastCode?: boolean,
44 | round?: boolean,
45 | ): [Point, Point] | false;
46 | function polylineCenter(latlngs: LatLngExpression[], crs: CRS): LatLng;
47 | }
48 |
49 | export namespace PolyUtil {
50 | function clipPolygon(points: Point[], bounds: BoundsExpression, round?: boolean): Point[];
51 | function polygonCenter(latlngs: LatLngExpression[], crs: CRS): LatLng;
52 | }
53 |
54 | export namespace DomUtil {
55 | |
56 |
57 |
58 | function get(element: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement | null;
59 | function getStyle(el: HTMLElement, styleAttrib: string): string | null;
60 | |
61 |
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 | function create<T extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(
67 | tagName: T,
68 | className?: string,
69 | container?: HTMLElement,
70 | ): HTMLElementTagNameMap[T];
71 | function create(tagName: string, className?: string, container?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement;
72 | function remove(el: HTMLElement): void;
73 | function empty(el: HTMLElement): void;
74 | function toFront(el: HTMLElement): void;
75 | function toBack(el: HTMLElement): void;
76 | function hasClass(el: HTMLElement, name: string): boolean;
77 | function addClass(el: HTMLElement, name: string): void;
78 | function removeClass(el: HTMLElement, name: string): void;
79 | function setClass(el: HTMLElement, name: string): void;
80 | function getClass(el: HTMLElement): string;
81 | function setOpacity(el: HTMLElement, opacity: number): void;
82 | function testProp(props: string[]): string | false;
83 | function setTransform(el: HTMLElement, offset: Point, scale?: number): void;
84 | function setPosition(el: HTMLElement, position: Point): void;
85 | function getPosition(el: HTMLElement): Point;
86 | function getScale(el: HTMLElement): { x: number; y: number; boundingClientRect: DOMRect };
87 | function getSizedParentNode(el: HTMLElement): HTMLElement;
88 | function disableTextSelection(): void;
89 | function enableTextSelection(): void;
90 | function disableImageDrag(): void;
91 | function enableImageDrag(): void;
92 | function preventOutline(el: HTMLElement): void;
93 | function restoreOutline(): void;
94 |
95 | let TRANSFORM: string;
96 | let TRANSITION: string;
97 | let TRANSITION_END: string;
98 | }
99 |
100 | export class PosAnimation extends Evented {
101 | run(el: HTMLElement, newPos: Point, duration?: number, easeLinearity?: number): void;
102 | stop(): void;
103 | }
104 |
105 | export interface CRS {
106 | latLngToPoint(latlng: LatLngExpression, zoom: number): Point;
107 | pointToLatLng(point: PointExpression, zoom: number): LatLng;
108 | project(latlng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): Point;
109 | unproject(point: PointExpression): LatLng;
110 | scale(zoom: number): number;
111 | zoom(scale: number): number;
112 | getProjectedBounds(zoom: number): Bounds;
113 | distance(latlng1: LatLngExpression, latlng2: LatLngExpression): number;
114 | wrapLatLng(latlng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): LatLng;
115 |
116 | code?: string | undefined;
117 | wrapLng?: [number, number] | undefined;
118 | wrapLat?: [number, number] | undefined;
119 | infinite: boolean;
120 | }
121 |
122 | export namespace CRS {
123 | const EPSG3395: CRS;
124 | const EPSG3857: CRS;
125 | const EPSG4326: CRS;
126 | const EPSG900913: CRS;
127 | const Earth: CRS;
128 | const Simple: CRS;
129 | }
130 |
131 | export interface Projection {
132 | project(latlng: LatLng | LatLngLiteral): Point;
133 | unproject(point: PointExpression): LatLng;
134 |
135 | bounds: Bounds;
136 | }
137 |
138 | export namespace Projection {
139 | const LonLat: Projection;
140 | const Mercator: Projection;
141 | const SphericalMercator: Projection;
142 | }
143 |
144 | export class LatLng {
145 | constructor(latitude: number, longitude: number, altitude?: number);
146 | equals(otherLatLng: LatLngExpression, maxMargin?: number): boolean;
147 | toString(): string;
148 | distanceTo(otherLatLng: LatLngExpression): number;
149 | wrap(): LatLng;
150 | toBounds(sizeInMeters: number): LatLngBounds;
151 | clone(): LatLng;
152 |
153 | lat: number;
154 | lng: number;
155 | alt?: number | undefined;
156 | }
157 |
158 | export interface LatLngLiteral {
159 | lat: number;
160 | lng: number;
161 | alt?: number;
162 | }
163 |
164 | export type LatLngTuple = [number, number, number?];
165 |
166 | export type LatLngExpression = LatLng | LatLngLiteral | LatLngTuple;
167 |
168 | export function latLng(latitude: number, longitude: number, altitude?: number): LatLng;
169 |
170 | export function latLng(
171 | coords: LatLngTuple | [number, number, number] | LatLngLiteral | {
172 | lat: number;
173 | lng: number;
174 | alt?: number | undefined;
175 | },
176 | ): LatLng;
177 |
178 | export class LatLngBounds {
179 | constructor(southWest: LatLngExpression, northEast: LatLngExpression);
180 | constructor(latlngs: LatLngExpression[]);
181 | extend(latlngOrBounds: LatLngExpression | LatLngBoundsExpression): this;
182 | pad(bufferRatio: number): LatLngBounds; // Returns a new LatLngBounds
183 | getCenter(): LatLng;
184 | getSouthWest(): LatLng;
185 | getNorthEast(): LatLng;
186 | getNorthWest(): LatLng;
187 | getSouthEast(): LatLng;
188 | getWest(): number;
189 | getSouth(): number;
190 | getEast(): number;
191 | getNorth(): number;
192 | contains(otherBoundsOrLatLng: LatLngBoundsExpression | LatLngExpression): boolean;
193 | intersects(otherBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression): boolean;
194 | overlaps(otherBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression): boolean;
195 | toBBoxString(): string;
196 | equals(otherBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, maxMargin?: number): boolean;
197 | isValid(): boolean;
198 | }
199 |
200 | export type LatLngBoundsLiteral = LatLngTuple[]; // Must be [LatLngTuple, LatLngTuple], cant't change because Map.setMaxBounds
201 |
202 | export type LatLngBoundsExpression = LatLngBounds | LatLngBoundsLiteral;
203 |
204 | export function latLngBounds(southWest: LatLngExpression, northEast: LatLngExpression): LatLngBounds;
205 |
206 | export function latLngBounds(latlngs: LatLngExpression[]): LatLngBounds;
207 |
208 | export type PointTuple = [number, number];
209 |
210 | export class Point {
211 | constructor(x: number, y: number, round?: boolean);
212 | clone(): Point;
213 | add(otherPoint: PointExpression): Point; // non-destructive, returns a new point
214 | subtract(otherPoint: PointExpression): Point;
215 | divideBy(num: number): Point;
216 | multiplyBy(num: number): Point;
217 | scaleBy(scale: PointExpression): Point;
218 | unscaleBy(scale: PointExpression): Point;
219 | round(): Point;
220 | floor(): Point;
221 | ceil(): Point;
222 | trunc(): Point;
223 | distanceTo(otherPoint: PointExpression): number;
224 | equals(otherPoint: PointExpression): boolean;
225 | contains(otherPoint: PointExpression): boolean;
226 | toString(): string;
227 | x: number;
228 | y: number;
229 | }
230 |
231 | export interface Coords extends Point {
232 | z: number;
233 | }
234 |
235 | export type PointExpression = Point | PointTuple;
236 |
237 | export function point(x: number, y: number, round?: boolean): Point;
238 |
239 | export function point(coords: PointTuple | { x: number; y: number }): Point;
240 |
241 | export type BoundsLiteral = [PointTuple, PointTuple];
242 |
243 | export class Bounds {
244 | constructor(topLeft: PointExpression, bottomRight: PointExpression);
245 | constructor(points?: Point[] | BoundsLiteral);
246 |
247 | // tslint:disable:unified-signatures
248 | extend(point: PointExpression): this;
249 | extend(otherBounds: BoundsExpression): this;
250 | // tslint:enable:unified-signatures
251 |
252 | getCenter(round?: boolean): Point;
253 | getBottomLeft(): Point;
254 | getBottomRight(): Point;
255 | getTopLeft(): Point;
256 | getTopRight(): Point;
257 | getSize(): Point;
258 | contains(pointOrBounds: BoundsExpression | PointExpression): boolean;
259 | intersects(otherBounds: BoundsExpression): boolean;
260 | overlaps(otherBounds: BoundsExpression): boolean;
261 | isValid(): boolean;
262 | pad(bufferRatio: number): Bounds; // Returns a new Bounds
263 | equals(otherBounds: BoundsExpression): boolean;
264 |
265 | min?: Point | undefined;
266 | max?: Point | undefined;
267 | }
268 |
269 | export type BoundsExpression = Bounds | BoundsLiteral;
270 |
271 | export function bounds(topLeft: PointExpression, bottomRight: PointExpression): Bounds;
272 |
273 | export function bounds(points: Point[] | BoundsLiteral): Bounds;
274 |
275 | // Event handler types
276 |
277 | export type LeafletEventHandlerFn = (event: LeafletEvent) => void;
278 |
279 | export type LayersControlEventHandlerFn = (event: LayersControlEvent) => void;
280 |
281 | export type LayerEventHandlerFn = (event: LayerEvent) => void;
282 |
283 | export type ResizeEventHandlerFn = (event: ResizeEvent) => void;
284 |
285 | export type PopupEventHandlerFn = (event: PopupEvent) => void;
286 |
287 | export type TooltipEventHandlerFn = (event: TooltipEvent) => void;
288 |
289 | export type ErrorEventHandlerFn = (event: ErrorEvent) => void;
290 |
291 | export type LocationEventHandlerFn = (event: LocationEvent) => void;
292 |
293 | export type LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn = (event: LeafletMouseEvent) => void;
294 |
295 | export type LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn = (event: LeafletKeyboardEvent) => void;
296 |
297 | export type ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn = (event: ZoomAnimEvent) => void;
298 |
299 | export type DragEndEventHandlerFn = (event: DragEndEvent) => void;
300 |
301 | export type TileEventHandlerFn = (event: TileEvent) => void;
302 |
303 | export type TileErrorEventHandlerFn = (event: TileErrorEvent) => void;
304 |
305 | export interface LeafletEventHandlerFnMap {
306 | baselayerchange?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn | undefined;
307 | overlayadd?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn | undefined;
308 | overlayremove?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn | undefined;
309 |
310 | layeradd?: LayerEventHandlerFn | undefined;
311 | layerremove?: LayerEventHandlerFn | undefined;
312 |
313 | zoomlevelschange?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
314 | unload?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
315 | viewreset?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
316 | load?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
317 | zoomstart?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
318 | movestart?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
319 | zoom?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
320 | move?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
321 | zoomend?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
322 | moveend?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
323 | autopanstart?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
324 | dragstart?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
325 | drag?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
326 | add?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
327 | remove?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
328 | loading?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
329 | error?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
330 | update?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
331 | down?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
332 | predrag?: LeafletEventHandlerFn | undefined;
333 |
334 | resize?: ResizeEventHandlerFn | undefined;
335 |
336 | popupopen?: PopupEventHandlerFn | undefined;
337 | popupclose?: PopupEventHandlerFn | undefined;
338 |
339 | tooltipopen?: TooltipEventHandlerFn | undefined;
340 | tooltipclose?: TooltipEventHandlerFn | undefined;
341 |
342 | locationerror?: ErrorEventHandlerFn | undefined;
343 |
344 | locationfound?: LocationEventHandlerFn | undefined;
345 |
346 | click?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn | undefined;
347 | dblclick?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn | undefined;
348 | mousedown?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn | undefined;
349 | mouseup?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn | undefined;
350 | mouseover?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn | undefined;
351 | mouseout?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn | undefined;
352 | mousemove?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn | undefined;
353 | contextmenu?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn | undefined;
354 | preclick?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn | undefined;
355 |
356 | keypress?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn | undefined;
357 | keydown?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn | undefined;
358 | keyup?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn | undefined;
359 |
360 | zoomanim?: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn | undefined;
361 |
362 | dragend?: DragEndEventHandlerFn | undefined;
363 |
364 | tileunload?: TileEventHandlerFn | undefined;
365 | tileloadstart?: TileEventHandlerFn | undefined;
366 | tileload?: TileEventHandlerFn | undefined;
367 | tileabort?: TileEventHandlerFn | undefined;
368 |
369 | tileerror?: TileErrorEventHandlerFn | undefined;
370 |
371 | // [name: string]: any;
372 | // You are able add additional properties, but it makes this interface uncheckable.
373 | }
374 |
375 | /**
376 | * A set of methods shared between event-powered classes (like Map and Marker).
377 | * Generally, events allow you to execute some function when something happens
378 | * with an object (e.g. the user clicks on the map, causing the map to fire
379 | * 'click' event).
380 | */
381 | // eslint-disable-next-line @definitelytyped/strict-export-declare-modifiers
382 | declare class Events {
383 | |
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
390 | on(type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove", fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
391 | on(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
392 | on(
393 | type:
394 | | "zoomlevelschange"
395 | | "unload"
396 | | "viewreset"
397 | | "load"
398 | | "zoomstart"
399 | | "movestart"
400 | | "zoom"
401 | | "move"
402 | | "zoomend"
403 | | "moveend"
404 | | "autopanstart"
405 | | "dragstart"
406 | | "drag"
407 | | "add"
408 | | "remove"
409 | | "loading"
410 | | "error"
411 | | "update"
412 | | "down"
413 | | "predrag",
414 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
415 | context?: any,
416 | ): this;
417 | on(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
418 | on(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
419 | on(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
420 | on(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
421 | on(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
422 | on(
423 | type:
424 | | "click"
425 | | "dblclick"
426 | | "mousedown"
427 | | "mouseup"
428 | | "mouseover"
429 | | "mouseout"
430 | | "mousemove"
431 | | "contextmenu"
432 | | "preclick",
433 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
434 | context?: any,
435 | ): this;
436 | on(type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup", fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
437 | on(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
438 | on(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
439 | on(type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort", fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
440 | on(type: "tileerror", fn: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
441 | on(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
442 |
443 | |
444 |
445 |
446 | on(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
447 |
448 |
449 | |
450 |
451 |
452 |
453 |
454 |
455 |
456 | off(
457 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
458 | fn?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
459 | context?: any,
460 | ): this;
461 | off(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn?: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
462 | off(
463 | type:
464 | | "zoomlevelschange"
465 | | "unload"
466 | | "viewreset"
467 | | "load"
468 | | "zoomstart"
469 | | "movestart"
470 | | "zoom"
471 | | "move"
472 | | "zoomend"
473 | | "moveend"
474 | | "autopanstart"
475 | | "dragstart"
476 | | "drag"
477 | | "add"
478 | | "remove"
479 | | "loading"
480 | | "error"
481 | | "update"
482 | | "down"
483 | | "predrag",
484 | fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
485 | context?: any,
486 | ): this;
487 | off(type: "resize", fn?: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
488 | off(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn?: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
489 | off(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn?: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
490 | off(type: "locationerror", fn?: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
491 | off(type: "locationfound", fn?: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
492 | off(
493 | type:
494 | | "click"
495 | | "dblclick"
496 | | "mousedown"
497 | | "mouseup"
498 | | "mouseover"
499 | | "mouseout"
500 | | "mousemove"
501 | | "contextmenu"
502 | | "preclick",
503 | fn?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
504 | context?: any,
505 | ): this;
506 | off(type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup", fn?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
507 | off(type: "zoomanim", fn?: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
508 | off(type: "dragend", fn?: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
509 | off(type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort", fn?: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
510 | off(type: "tileerror", fn?: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
511 | off(type: string, fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
512 |
513 | |
514 |
515 |
516 |
517 | off(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
518 |
519 | |
520 |
521 |
522 | off(): this;
523 |
524 |
525 | |
526 |
527 |
528 |
529 |
530 | fire(type: string, data?: any, propagate?: boolean): this;
531 |
532 | |
533 |
534 |
535 |
536 | listens(
537 | type:
538 | | "baselayerchange"
539 | | "overlayadd"
540 | | "overlayremove"
541 | | "layeradd"
542 | | "layerremove"
543 | | "zoomlevelschange"
544 | | "unload"
545 | | "viewreset"
546 | | "load"
547 | | "zoomstart"
548 | | "movestart"
549 | | "zoom"
550 | | "move"
551 | | "zoomend"
552 | | "moveend"
553 | | "autopanstart"
554 | | "dragstart"
555 | | "drag"
556 | | "add"
557 | | "remove"
558 | | "loading"
559 | | "error"
560 | | "update"
561 | | "down"
562 | | "predrag"
563 | | "resize"
564 | | "popupopen"
565 | | "tooltipopen"
566 | | "tooltipclose"
567 | | "locationerror"
568 | | "locationfound"
569 | | "click"
570 | | "dblclick"
571 | | "mousedown"
572 | | "mouseup"
573 | | "mouseover"
574 | | "mouseout"
575 | | "mousemove"
576 | | "contextmenu"
577 | | "preclick"
578 | | "keypress"
579 | | "keydown"
580 | | "keyup"
581 | | "zoomanim"
582 | | "dragend"
583 | | "tileunload"
584 | | "tileloadstart"
585 | | "tileload"
586 | | "tileabort"
587 | | "tileerror",
588 | propagate?: boolean,
589 | ): boolean;
590 |
591 | listens(
592 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
593 | fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
594 | context?: any,
595 | propagate?: boolean,
596 | ): boolean;
597 | listens(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
598 | listens(
599 | type:
600 | | "zoomlevelschange"
601 | | "unload"
602 | | "viewreset"
603 | | "load"
604 | | "zoomstart"
605 | | "movestart"
606 | | "zoom"
607 | | "move"
608 | | "zoomend"
609 | | "moveend"
610 | | "autopanstart"
611 | | "dragstart"
612 | | "drag"
613 | | "add"
614 | | "remove"
615 | | "loading"
616 | | "error"
617 | | "update"
618 | | "down"
619 | | "predrag",
620 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
621 | context?: any,
622 | propagate?: boolean,
623 | ): boolean;
624 | listens(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
625 | listens(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
626 | listens(
627 | type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose",
628 | fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn,
629 | context?: any,
630 | propagate?: boolean,
631 | ): boolean;
632 | listens(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
633 | listens(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
634 | listens(
635 | type:
636 | | "click"
637 | | "dblclick"
638 | | "mousedown"
639 | | "mouseup"
640 | | "mouseover"
641 | | "mouseout"
642 | | "mousemove"
643 | | "contextmenu"
644 | | "preclick",
645 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
646 | context?: any,
647 | propagate?: boolean,
648 | ): boolean;
649 | listens(
650 | type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup",
651 | fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn,
652 | context?: any,
653 | propagate?: boolean,
654 | ): boolean;
655 | listens(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
656 | listens(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
657 | listens(
658 | type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort",
659 | fn: TileEventHandlerFn,
660 | context?: any,
661 | propagate?: boolean,
662 | ): boolean;
663 | listens(type: "tileerror", fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
664 | listens(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
665 |
666 | |
667 |
668 |
669 |
670 | once(
671 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
672 | fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
673 | context?: any,
674 | ): this;
675 | once(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
676 | once(
677 | type:
678 | | "zoomlevelschange"
679 | | "unload"
680 | | "viewreset"
681 | | "load"
682 | | "zoomstart"
683 | | "movestart"
684 | | "zoom"
685 | | "move"
686 | | "zoomend"
687 | | "moveend"
688 | | "autopanstart"
689 | | "dragstart"
690 | | "drag"
691 | | "add"
692 | | "remove"
693 | | "loading"
694 | | "error"
695 | | "update"
696 | | "down"
697 | | "predrag",
698 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
699 | context?: any,
700 | ): this;
701 | once(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
702 | once(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
703 | once(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
704 | once(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
705 | once(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
706 | once(
707 | type:
708 | | "click"
709 | | "dblclick"
710 | | "mousedown"
711 | | "mouseup"
712 | | "mouseover"
713 | | "mouseout"
714 | | "mousemove"
715 | | "contextmenu"
716 | | "preclick",
717 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
718 | context?: any,
719 | ): this;
720 | once(type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup", fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
721 | once(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
722 | once(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
723 | once(type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort", fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
724 | once(type: "tileerror", fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
725 | once(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
726 |
727 | |
728 |
729 |
730 | once(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
731 |
732 |
733 | |
734 |
735 |
736 | addEventParent(obj: Evented): this;
737 |
738 | |
739 |
740 |
741 | removeEventParent(obj: Evented): this;
742 |
743 | |
744 |
745 |
746 |
747 |
748 |
749 |
750 |
751 |
752 | addEventListener(
753 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
754 | fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
755 | context?: any,
756 | ): this;
757 | addEventListener(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
758 | addEventListener(
759 | type:
760 | | "zoomlevelschange"
761 | | "unload"
762 | | "viewreset"
763 | | "load"
764 | | "zoomstart"
765 | | "movestart"
766 | | "zoom"
767 | | "move"
768 | | "zoomend"
769 | | "moveend"
770 | | "autopanstart"
771 | | "dragstart"
772 | | "drag"
773 | | "add"
774 | | "remove"
775 | | "loading"
776 | | "error"
777 | | "update"
778 | | "down"
779 | | "predrag",
780 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
781 | context?: any,
782 | ): this;
783 | addEventListener(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
784 | addEventListener(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
785 | addEventListener(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
786 | addEventListener(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
787 | addEventListener(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
788 | addEventListener(
789 | type:
790 | | "click"
791 | | "dblclick"
792 | | "mousedown"
793 | | "mouseup"
794 | | "mouseover"
795 | | "mouseout"
796 | | "mousemove"
797 | | "contextmenu"
798 | | "preclick",
799 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
800 | context?: any,
801 | ): this;
802 | addEventListener(type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup", fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
803 | addEventListener(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
804 | addEventListener(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
805 | addEventListener(
806 | type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort",
807 | fn: TileEventHandlerFn,
808 | context?: any,
809 | ): this;
810 | addEventListener(type: "tileerror", fn: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
811 | addEventListener(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
812 |
813 | |
814 |
815 |
816 |
817 |
818 | addEventListener(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
819 |
820 |
821 | |
822 |
823 |
824 |
825 |
826 |
827 |
828 |
829 |
830 | removeEventListener(
831 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
832 | fn?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
833 | context?: any,
834 | ): this;
835 | removeEventListener(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn?: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
836 | removeEventListener(
837 | type:
838 | | "zoomlevelschange"
839 | | "unload"
840 | | "viewreset"
841 | | "load"
842 | | "zoomstart"
843 | | "movestart"
844 | | "zoom"
845 | | "move"
846 | | "zoomend"
847 | | "moveend"
848 | | "autopanstart"
849 | | "dragstart"
850 | | "drag"
851 | | "add"
852 | | "remove"
853 | | "loading"
854 | | "error"
855 | | "update"
856 | | "down"
857 | | "predrag",
858 | fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
859 | context?: any,
860 | ): this;
861 | removeEventListener(type: "resize", fn?: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
862 | removeEventListener(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn?: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
863 | removeEventListener(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn?: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
864 | removeEventListener(type: "locationerror", fn?: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
865 | removeEventListener(type: "locationfound", fn?: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
866 | removeEventListener(
867 | type:
868 | | "click"
869 | | "dblclick"
870 | | "mousedown"
871 | | "mouseup"
872 | | "mouseover"
873 | | "mouseout"
874 | | "mousemove"
875 | | "contextmenu"
876 | | "preclick",
877 | fn?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
878 | context?: any,
879 | ): this;
880 | removeEventListener(
881 | type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup",
882 | fn?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn,
883 | context?: any,
884 | ): this;
885 | removeEventListener(type: "zoomanim", fn?: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
886 | removeEventListener(type: "dragend", fn?: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
887 | removeEventListener(
888 | type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort",
889 | fn?: TileEventHandlerFn,
890 | context?: any,
891 | ): this;
892 | removeEventListener(type: "tileerror", fn?: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
893 | removeEventListener(type: string, fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
894 |
895 | |
896 |
897 |
898 |
899 |
900 | removeEventListener(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
901 |
902 |
903 | |
904 |
905 |
906 |
907 |
908 | clearAllEventListeners(): this;
909 |
910 | |
911 |
912 |
913 |
914 |
915 |
916 | addOneTimeEventListener(
917 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
918 | fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
919 | context?: any,
920 | ): this;
921 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
922 | addOneTimeEventListener(
923 | type:
924 | | "zoomlevelschange"
925 | | "unload"
926 | | "viewreset"
927 | | "load"
928 | | "zoomstart"
929 | | "movestart"
930 | | "zoom"
931 | | "move"
932 | | "zoomend"
933 | | "moveend"
934 | | "autopanstart"
935 | | "dragstart"
936 | | "drag"
937 | | "add"
938 | | "remove"
939 | | "loading"
940 | | "error"
941 | | "update"
942 | | "down"
943 | | "predrag",
944 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
945 | context?: any,
946 | ): this;
947 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
948 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
949 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
950 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
951 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
952 | addOneTimeEventListener(
953 | type:
954 | | "click"
955 | | "dblclick"
956 | | "mousedown"
957 | | "mouseup"
958 | | "mouseover"
959 | | "mouseout"
960 | | "mousemove"
961 | | "contextmenu"
962 | | "preclick",
963 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
964 | context?: any,
965 | ): this;
966 | addOneTimeEventListener(
967 | type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup",
968 | fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn,
969 | context?: any,
970 | ): this;
971 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
972 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
973 | addOneTimeEventListener(
974 | type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort",
975 | fn: TileEventHandlerFn,
976 | context?: any,
977 | ): this;
978 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "tileerror", fn: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
979 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
980 |
981 | |
982 |
983 |
984 |
985 |
986 | addOneTimeEventListener(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
987 |
988 |
989 | |
990 |
991 |
992 |
993 |
994 |
995 |
996 | fireEvent(type: string, data?: any, propagate?: boolean): this;
997 |
998 | |
999 |
1000 |
1001 |
1002 |
1003 | hasEventListeners(type: string): boolean;
1004 | }
1005 |
1006 |
1007 | declare class MixinType {
1008 | Events: Events;
1009 | }
1010 |
1011 | export const Mixin: MixinType;
1012 |
1013 |
1014 |
1015 |
1016 | export abstract class Evented extends Class {
1017 | |
1018 |
1019 |
1020 |
1021 |
1022 |
1023 |
1024 | on(type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove", fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1025 | on(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1026 | on(
1027 | type:
1028 | | "zoomlevelschange"
1029 | | "unload"
1030 | | "viewreset"
1031 | | "load"
1032 | | "zoomstart"
1033 | | "movestart"
1034 | | "zoom"
1035 | | "move"
1036 | | "zoomend"
1037 | | "moveend"
1038 | | "autopanstart"
1039 | | "dragstart"
1040 | | "drag"
1041 | | "add"
1042 | | "remove"
1043 | | "loading"
1044 | | "error"
1045 | | "update"
1046 | | "down"
1047 | | "predrag",
1048 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
1049 | context?: any,
1050 | ): this;
1051 | on(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1052 | on(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1053 | on(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1054 | on(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1055 | on(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1056 | on(
1057 | type:
1058 | | "click"
1059 | | "dblclick"
1060 | | "mousedown"
1061 | | "mouseup"
1062 | | "mouseover"
1063 | | "mouseout"
1064 | | "mousemove"
1065 | | "contextmenu"
1066 | | "preclick",
1067 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
1068 | context?: any,
1069 | ): this;
1070 | on(type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup", fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1071 | on(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1072 | on(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1073 | on(type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort", fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1074 | on(type: "tileerror", fn: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1075 | on(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1076 |
1077 | |
1078 |
1079 |
1080 | on(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
1081 |
1082 |
1083 | |
1084 |
1085 |
1086 |
1087 |
1088 |
1089 |
1090 | off(
1091 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
1092 | fn?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
1093 | context?: any,
1094 | ): this;
1095 | off(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn?: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1096 | off(
1097 | type:
1098 | | "zoomlevelschange"
1099 | | "unload"
1100 | | "viewreset"
1101 | | "load"
1102 | | "zoomstart"
1103 | | "movestart"
1104 | | "zoom"
1105 | | "move"
1106 | | "zoomend"
1107 | | "moveend"
1108 | | "autopanstart"
1109 | | "dragstart"
1110 | | "drag"
1111 | | "add"
1112 | | "remove"
1113 | | "loading"
1114 | | "error"
1115 | | "update"
1116 | | "down"
1117 | | "predrag",
1118 | fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
1119 | context?: any,
1120 | ): this;
1121 | off(type: "resize", fn?: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1122 | off(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn?: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1123 | off(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn?: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1124 | off(type: "locationerror", fn?: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1125 | off(type: "locationfound", fn?: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1126 | off(
1127 | type:
1128 | | "click"
1129 | | "dblclick"
1130 | | "mousedown"
1131 | | "mouseup"
1132 | | "mouseover"
1133 | | "mouseout"
1134 | | "mousemove"
1135 | | "contextmenu"
1136 | | "preclick",
1137 | fn?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
1138 | context?: any,
1139 | ): this;
1140 | off(type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup", fn?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1141 | off(type: "zoomanim", fn?: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1142 | off(type: "dragend", fn?: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1143 | off(type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort", fn?: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1144 | off(type: "tileerror", fn?: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1145 | off(type: string, fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1146 |
1147 | |
1148 |
1149 |
1150 |
1151 | off(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
1152 |
1153 | |
1154 |
1155 |
1156 | off(): this;
1157 |
1158 |
1159 | |
1160 |
1161 |
1162 |
1163 |
1164 | fire(type: string, data?: any, propagate?: boolean): this;
1165 |
1166 | |
1167 |
1168 |
1169 |
1170 | listens(
1171 | type:
1172 | | "baselayerchange"
1173 | | "overlayadd"
1174 | | "overlayremove"
1175 | | "layeradd"
1176 | | "layerremove"
1177 | | "zoomlevelschange"
1178 | | "unload"
1179 | | "viewreset"
1180 | | "load"
1181 | | "zoomstart"
1182 | | "movestart"
1183 | | "zoom"
1184 | | "move"
1185 | | "zoomend"
1186 | | "moveend"
1187 | | "autopanstart"
1188 | | "dragstart"
1189 | | "drag"
1190 | | "add"
1191 | | "remove"
1192 | | "loading"
1193 | | "error"
1194 | | "update"
1195 | | "down"
1196 | | "predrag"
1197 | | "resize"
1198 | | "popupopen"
1199 | | "tooltipopen"
1200 | | "tooltipclose"
1201 | | "locationerror"
1202 | | "locationfound"
1203 | | "click"
1204 | | "dblclick"
1205 | | "mousedown"
1206 | | "mouseup"
1207 | | "mouseover"
1208 | | "mouseout"
1209 | | "mousemove"
1210 | | "contextmenu"
1211 | | "preclick"
1212 | | "keypress"
1213 | | "keydown"
1214 | | "keyup"
1215 | | "zoomanim"
1216 | | "dragend"
1217 | | "tileunload"
1218 | | "tileloadstart"
1219 | | "tileload"
1220 | | "tileabort"
1221 | | "tileerror",
1222 | propagate?: boolean,
1223 | ): boolean;
1224 |
1225 | listens(
1226 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
1227 | fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
1228 | context?: any,
1229 | propagate?: boolean,
1230 | ): boolean;
1231 | listens(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
1232 | listens(
1233 | type:
1234 | | "zoomlevelschange"
1235 | | "unload"
1236 | | "viewreset"
1237 | | "load"
1238 | | "zoomstart"
1239 | | "movestart"
1240 | | "zoom"
1241 | | "move"
1242 | | "zoomend"
1243 | | "moveend"
1244 | | "autopanstart"
1245 | | "dragstart"
1246 | | "drag"
1247 | | "add"
1248 | | "remove"
1249 | | "loading"
1250 | | "error"
1251 | | "update"
1252 | | "down"
1253 | | "predrag",
1254 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
1255 | context?: any,
1256 | propagate?: boolean,
1257 | ): boolean;
1258 | listens(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
1259 | listens(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
1260 | listens(
1261 | type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose",
1262 | fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn,
1263 | context?: any,
1264 | propagate?: boolean,
1265 | ): boolean;
1266 | listens(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
1267 | listens(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
1268 | listens(
1269 | type:
1270 | | "click"
1271 | | "dblclick"
1272 | | "mousedown"
1273 | | "mouseup"
1274 | | "mouseover"
1275 | | "mouseout"
1276 | | "mousemove"
1277 | | "contextmenu"
1278 | | "preclick",
1279 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
1280 | context?: any,
1281 | propagate?: boolean,
1282 | ): boolean;
1283 | listens(
1284 | type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup",
1285 | fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn,
1286 | context?: any,
1287 | propagate?: boolean,
1288 | ): boolean;
1289 | listens(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
1290 | listens(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
1291 | listens(
1292 | type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort",
1293 | fn: TileEventHandlerFn,
1294 | context?: any,
1295 | propagate?: boolean,
1296 | ): boolean;
1297 | listens(type: "tileerror", fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
1298 | listens(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any, propagate?: boolean): boolean;
1299 |
1300 | |
1301 |
1302 |
1303 |
1304 | once(
1305 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
1306 | fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
1307 | context?: any,
1308 | ): this;
1309 | once(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1310 | once(
1311 | type:
1312 | | "zoomlevelschange"
1313 | | "unload"
1314 | | "viewreset"
1315 | | "load"
1316 | | "zoomstart"
1317 | | "movestart"
1318 | | "zoom"
1319 | | "move"
1320 | | "zoomend"
1321 | | "moveend"
1322 | | "autopanstart"
1323 | | "dragstart"
1324 | | "drag"
1325 | | "add"
1326 | | "remove"
1327 | | "loading"
1328 | | "error"
1329 | | "update"
1330 | | "down"
1331 | | "predrag",
1332 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
1333 | context?: any,
1334 | ): this;
1335 | once(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1336 | once(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1337 | once(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1338 | once(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1339 | once(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1340 | once(
1341 | type:
1342 | | "click"
1343 | | "dblclick"
1344 | | "mousedown"
1345 | | "mouseup"
1346 | | "mouseover"
1347 | | "mouseout"
1348 | | "mousemove"
1349 | | "contextmenu"
1350 | | "preclick",
1351 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
1352 | context?: any,
1353 | ): this;
1354 | once(type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup", fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1355 | once(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1356 | once(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1357 | once(type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort", fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1358 | once(type: "tileerror", fn: TileEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1359 | once(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1360 |
1361 | |
1362 |
1363 |
1364 | once(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
1365 |
1366 |
1367 | |
1368 |
1369 |
1370 | addEventParent(obj: Evented): this;
1371 |
1372 | |
1373 |
1374 |
1375 | removeEventParent(obj: Evented): this;
1376 |
1377 | |
1378 |
1379 |
1380 |
1381 |
1382 |
1383 |
1384 |
1385 |
1386 | addEventListener(
1387 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
1388 | fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
1389 | context?: any,
1390 | ): this;
1391 | addEventListener(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1392 | addEventListener(
1393 | type:
1394 | | "zoomlevelschange"
1395 | | "unload"
1396 | | "viewreset"
1397 | | "load"
1398 | | "zoomstart"
1399 | | "movestart"
1400 | | "zoom"
1401 | | "move"
1402 | | "zoomend"
1403 | | "moveend"
1404 | | "autopanstart"
1405 | | "dragstart"
1406 | | "drag"
1407 | | "add"
1408 | | "remove"
1409 | | "loading"
1410 | | "error"
1411 | | "update"
1412 | | "down"
1413 | | "predrag",
1414 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
1415 | context?: any,
1416 | ): this;
1417 | addEventListener(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1418 | addEventListener(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1419 | addEventListener(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1420 | addEventListener(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1421 | addEventListener(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1422 | addEventListener(
1423 | type:
1424 | | "click"
1425 | | "dblclick"
1426 | | "mousedown"
1427 | | "mouseup"
1428 | | "mouseover"
1429 | | "mouseout"
1430 | | "mousemove"
1431 | | "contextmenu"
1432 | | "preclick",
1433 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
1434 | context?: any,
1435 | ): this;
1436 | addEventListener(type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup", fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1437 | addEventListener(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1438 | addEventListener(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1439 | addEventListener(
1440 | type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort",
1441 | fn: TileEventHandlerFn,
1442 | context?: any,
1443 | ): this;
1444 | addEventListener(type: "tileerror", fn: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1445 | addEventListener(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1446 |
1447 | |
1448 |
1449 |
1450 |
1451 |
1452 | addEventListener(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
1453 |
1454 |
1455 | |
1456 |
1457 |
1458 |
1459 |
1460 |
1461 |
1462 |
1463 |
1464 | removeEventListener(
1465 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
1466 | fn?: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
1467 | context?: any,
1468 | ): this;
1469 | removeEventListener(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn?: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1470 | removeEventListener(
1471 | type:
1472 | | "zoomlevelschange"
1473 | | "unload"
1474 | | "viewreset"
1475 | | "load"
1476 | | "zoomstart"
1477 | | "movestart"
1478 | | "zoom"
1479 | | "move"
1480 | | "zoomend"
1481 | | "moveend"
1482 | | "autopanstart"
1483 | | "dragstart"
1484 | | "drag"
1485 | | "add"
1486 | | "remove"
1487 | | "loading"
1488 | | "error"
1489 | | "update"
1490 | | "down"
1491 | | "predrag",
1492 | fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
1493 | context?: any,
1494 | ): this;
1495 | removeEventListener(type: "resize", fn?: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1496 | removeEventListener(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn?: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1497 | removeEventListener(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn?: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1498 | removeEventListener(type: "locationerror", fn?: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1499 | removeEventListener(type: "locationfound", fn?: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1500 | removeEventListener(
1501 | type:
1502 | | "click"
1503 | | "dblclick"
1504 | | "mousedown"
1505 | | "mouseup"
1506 | | "mouseover"
1507 | | "mouseout"
1508 | | "mousemove"
1509 | | "contextmenu"
1510 | | "preclick",
1511 | fn?: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
1512 | context?: any,
1513 | ): this;
1514 | removeEventListener(
1515 | type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup",
1516 | fn?: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn,
1517 | context?: any,
1518 | ): this;
1519 | removeEventListener(type: "zoomanim", fn?: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1520 | removeEventListener(type: "dragend", fn?: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1521 | removeEventListener(
1522 | type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort",
1523 | fn?: TileEventHandlerFn,
1524 | context?: any,
1525 | ): this;
1526 | removeEventListener(type: "tileerror", fn?: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1527 | removeEventListener(type: string, fn?: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1528 |
1529 | |
1530 |
1531 |
1532 |
1533 |
1534 | removeEventListener(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
1535 |
1536 |
1537 | |
1538 |
1539 |
1540 |
1541 |
1542 | clearAllEventListeners(): this;
1543 |
1544 | |
1545 |
1546 |
1547 |
1548 |
1549 |
1550 | addOneTimeEventListener(
1551 | type: "baselayerchange" | "overlayadd" | "overlayremove",
1552 | fn: LayersControlEventHandlerFn,
1553 | context?: any,
1554 | ): this;
1555 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "layeradd" | "layerremove", fn: LayerEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1556 | addOneTimeEventListener(
1557 | type:
1558 | | "zoomlevelschange"
1559 | | "unload"
1560 | | "viewreset"
1561 | | "load"
1562 | | "zoomstart"
1563 | | "movestart"
1564 | | "zoom"
1565 | | "move"
1566 | | "zoomend"
1567 | | "moveend"
1568 | | "autopanstart"
1569 | | "dragstart"
1570 | | "drag"
1571 | | "add"
1572 | | "remove"
1573 | | "loading"
1574 | | "error"
1575 | | "update"
1576 | | "down"
1577 | | "predrag",
1578 | fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn,
1579 | context?: any,
1580 | ): this;
1581 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "resize", fn: ResizeEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1582 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "popupopen" | "popupclose", fn: PopupEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1583 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "tooltipopen" | "tooltipclose", fn: TooltipEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1584 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "locationerror", fn: ErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1585 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "locationfound", fn: LocationEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1586 | addOneTimeEventListener(
1587 | type:
1588 | | "click"
1589 | | "dblclick"
1590 | | "mousedown"
1591 | | "mouseup"
1592 | | "mouseover"
1593 | | "mouseout"
1594 | | "mousemove"
1595 | | "contextmenu"
1596 | | "preclick",
1597 | fn: LeafletMouseEventHandlerFn,
1598 | context?: any,
1599 | ): this;
1600 | addOneTimeEventListener(
1601 | type: "keypress" | "keydown" | "keyup",
1602 | fn: LeafletKeyboardEventHandlerFn,
1603 | context?: any,
1604 | ): this;
1605 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "zoomanim", fn: ZoomAnimEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1606 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "dragend", fn: DragEndEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1607 | addOneTimeEventListener(
1608 | type: "tileunload" | "tileloadstart" | "tileload" | "tileabort",
1609 | fn: TileEventHandlerFn,
1610 | context?: any,
1611 | ): this;
1612 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: "tileerror", fn: TileErrorEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1613 | addOneTimeEventListener(type: string, fn: LeafletEventHandlerFn, context?: any): this;
1614 |
1615 | |
1616 |
1617 |
1618 |
1619 |
1620 | addOneTimeEventListener(eventMap: LeafletEventHandlerFnMap): this;
1621 |
1622 |
1623 | |
1624 |
1625 |
1626 |
1627 |
1628 |
1629 |
1630 | fireEvent(type: string, data?: any, propagate?: boolean): this;
1631 |
1632 | |
1633 |
1634 |
1635 |
1636 |
1637 | hasEventListeners(type: string): boolean;
1638 | }
1639 |
1640 | export interface DraggableOptions {
1641 | |
1642 |
1643 |
1644 |
1645 | clickTolerance: number;
1646 | }
1647 |
1648 |
1649 |
1650 |
1651 |
1652 |
1653 | export class Draggable extends Evented {
1654 | constructor(
1655 | element: HTMLElement,
1656 | dragStartTarget?: HTMLElement,
1657 | preventOutline?: boolean,
1658 | options?: DraggableOptions,
1659 | );
1660 |
1661 | enable(): void;
1662 |
1663 | disable(): void;
1664 |
1665 | finishDrag(): void;
1666 | }
1667 |
1668 | export interface LayerOptions {
1669 | pane?: string | undefined;
1670 | attribution?: string | undefined;
1671 | }
1672 |
1673 | export interface InteractiveLayerOptions extends LayerOptions {
1674 | interactive?: boolean | undefined;
1675 | bubblingMouseEvents?: boolean | undefined;
1676 | }
1677 |
1678 | export class Layer extends Evented {
1679 | constructor(options?: LayerOptions);
1680 | addTo(map: Map | LayerGroup): this;
1681 | remove(): this;
1682 | removeFrom(map: Map): this;
1683 | getPane(name?: string): HTMLElement | undefined;
1684 |
1685 | addInteractiveTarget(targetEl: HTMLElement): this;
1686 | removeInteractiveTarget(targetEl: HTMLElement): this;
1687 |
1688 | // Popup methods
1689 | bindPopup(content: ((layer: Layer) => Content) | Content | Popup, options?: PopupOptions): this;
1690 | unbindPopup(): this;
1691 | openPopup(latlng?: LatLngExpression): this;
1692 | closePopup(): this;
1693 | togglePopup(): this;
1694 | isPopupOpen(): boolean;
1695 | setPopupContent(content: Content | Popup): this;
1696 | getPopup(): Popup | undefined;
1697 |
1698 | // Tooltip methods
1699 | bindTooltip(content: ((layer: Layer) => Content) | Tooltip | Content, options?: TooltipOptions): this;
1700 | unbindTooltip(): this;
1701 | openTooltip(latlng?: LatLngExpression): this;
1702 | closeTooltip(): this;
1703 | toggleTooltip(): this;
1704 | isTooltipOpen(): boolean;
1705 | setTooltipContent(content: Content | Tooltip): this;
1706 | getTooltip(): Tooltip | undefined;
1707 |
1708 | // Extension methods
1709 | onAdd(map: Map): this;
1710 | onRemove(map: Map): this;
1711 | getEvents?(): { [name: string]: LeafletEventHandlerFn };
1712 | getAttribution?(): string | null;
1713 | beforeAdd?(map: Map): this;
1714 |
1715 | protected _map: Map;
1716 |
1717 | options: LayerOptions;
1718 | }
1719 |
1720 | export interface GridLayerOptions extends LayerOptions {
1721 | tileSize?: number | Point | undefined;
1722 | opacity?: number | undefined;
1723 | updateWhenIdle?: boolean | undefined;
1724 | updateWhenZooming?: boolean | undefined;
1725 | updateInterval?: number | undefined;
1726 | zIndex?: number | undefined;
1727 | bounds?: LatLngBoundsExpression | undefined;
1728 | minZoom?: number | undefined;
1729 | maxZoom?: number | undefined;
1730 | |
1731 |
1732 |
1733 |
1734 | maxNativeZoom?: number | undefined;
1735 | |
1736 |
1737 |
1738 |
1739 | minNativeZoom?: number | undefined;
1740 | noWrap?: boolean | undefined;
1741 | pane?: string | undefined;
1742 | className?: string | undefined;
1743 | keepBuffer?: number | undefined;
1744 | }
1745 |
1746 | export type DoneCallback = (error?: Error, tile?: HTMLElement) => void;
1747 |
1748 | export interface InternalTiles {
1749 | [key: string]: {
1750 | active?: boolean | undefined;
1751 | coords: Coords;
1752 | current: boolean;
1753 | el: HTMLElement;
1754 | loaded?: Date | undefined;
1755 | retain?: boolean | undefined;
1756 | };
1757 | }
1758 |
1759 | export class GridLayer extends Layer {
1760 | constructor(options?: GridLayerOptions);
1761 | bringToFront(): this;
1762 | bringToBack(): this;
1763 | getContainer(): HTMLElement | null;
1764 | setOpacity(opacity: number): this;
1765 | setZIndex(zIndex: number): this;
1766 | isLoading(): boolean;
1767 | redraw(): this;
1768 | getTileSize(): Point;
1769 |
1770 | protected createTile(coords: Coords, done: DoneCallback): HTMLElement;
1771 | protected _tileCoordsToKey(coords: Coords): string;
1772 | protected _wrapCoords(parameter: Coords): Coords;
1773 |
1774 | protected _tiles: InternalTiles;
1775 | protected _tileZoom?: number | undefined;
1776 | }
1777 |
1778 | export function gridLayer(options?: GridLayerOptions): GridLayer;
1779 |
1780 | export interface TileLayerOptions extends GridLayerOptions {
1781 | id?: string | undefined;
1782 | accessToken?: string | undefined;
1783 | minZoom?: number | undefined;
1784 | maxZoom?: number | undefined;
1785 | maxNativeZoom?: number | undefined;
1786 | minNativeZoom?: number | undefined;
1787 | subdomains?: string | string[] | undefined;
1788 | errorTileUrl?: string | undefined;
1789 | zoomOffset?: number | undefined;
1790 | tms?: boolean | undefined;
1791 | zoomReverse?: boolean | undefined;
1792 | detectRetina?: boolean | undefined;
1793 | crossOrigin?: CrossOrigin | boolean | undefined;
1794 | referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy | boolean | undefined;
1795 |
1796 |
1797 |
1798 |
1799 |
1800 | }
1801 |
1802 | export class TileLayer extends GridLayer {
1803 | constructor(urlTemplate: string, options?: TileLayerOptions);
1804 | setUrl(url: string, noRedraw?: boolean): this;
1805 | getTileUrl(coords: L.Coords): string;
1806 |
1807 | protected _tileOnLoad(done: L.DoneCallback, tile: HTMLElement): void;
1808 | protected _tileOnError(done: L.DoneCallback, tile: HTMLElement, e: Error): void;
1809 | protected _abortLoading(): void;
1810 | protected _getZoomForUrl(): number;
1811 |
1812 | options: TileLayerOptions;
1813 | }
1814 |
1815 | export function tileLayer(urlTemplate: string, options?: TileLayerOptions): TileLayer;
1816 |
1817 | export namespace TileLayer {
1818 | class WMS extends TileLayer {
1819 | constructor(baseUrl: string, options: WMSOptions);
1820 | setParams(params: WMSParams, noRedraw?: boolean): this;
1821 |
1822 | wmsParams: WMSParams;
1823 | options: WMSOptions;
1824 | }
1825 | }
1826 |
1827 | export interface WMSOptions extends TileLayerOptions {
1828 | layers?: string | undefined;
1829 | styles?: string | undefined;
1830 | format?: string | undefined;
1831 | transparent?: boolean | undefined;
1832 | version?: string | undefined;
1833 | crs?: CRS | undefined;
1834 | uppercase?: boolean | undefined;
1835 | }
1836 |
1837 | export interface WMSParams {
1838 | format?: string | undefined;
1839 | layers: string;
1840 | request?: string | undefined;
1841 | service?: string | undefined;
1842 | styles?: string | undefined;
1843 | version?: string | undefined;
1844 | transparent?: boolean | undefined;
1845 | width?: number | undefined;
1846 | height?: number | undefined;
1847 | }
1848 |
1849 | export namespace tileLayer {
1850 | function wms(baseUrl: string, options?: WMSOptions): TileLayer.WMS;
1851 | }
1852 |
1853 | export type CrossOrigin = "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "";
1854 | export type ReferrerPolicy =
1855 | | "no-referrer"
1856 | | "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
1857 | | "origin"
1858 | | "origin-when-cross-origin"
1859 | | "same-origin"
1860 | | "strict-origin"
1861 | | "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
1862 | | "unsafe-url";
1863 |
1864 | export interface ImageOverlayOptions extends InteractiveLayerOptions {
1865 | opacity?: number | undefined;
1866 | alt?: string | undefined;
1867 | interactive?: boolean | undefined;
1868 | crossOrigin?: CrossOrigin | boolean | undefined;
1869 | errorOverlayUrl?: string | undefined;
1870 | zIndex?: number | undefined;
1871 | className?: string | undefined;
1872 | }
1873 |
1874 | export interface ImageOverlayStyleOptions {
1875 | opacity?: number;
1876 | [name: string]: any;
1877 | }
1878 |
1879 | export class ImageOverlay extends Layer {
1880 | constructor(imageUrl: string, bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: ImageOverlayOptions);
1881 | bringToFront(): this;
1882 | bringToBack(): this;
1883 | setUrl(url: string): this;
1884 |
1885 | /** Update the bounds that this ImageOverlay covers */
1886 | setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): this;
1887 |
1888 | /** Changes the zIndex of the image overlay */
1889 | setZIndex(value: number): this;
1890 |
1891 | /** Changes the opacity of the image element */
1892 | setOpacity(opacity: number): this;
1893 |
1894 | /** Changes the style of the image element. As of 1.8, only the opacity is changed */
1895 | setStyle(styleOpts: ImageOverlayStyleOptions): this;
1896 |
1897 | /** Get the bounds that this ImageOverlay covers */
1898 | getBounds(): LatLngBounds;
1899 |
1900 | /** Get the center of the bounds this ImageOverlay covers */
1901 | getCenter(): Point;
1902 |
1903 | /** Get the img element that represents the ImageOverlay on the map */
1904 | getElement(): HTMLImageElement | undefined;
1905 |
1906 | options: ImageOverlayOptions;
1907 | }
1908 |
1909 | export function imageOverlay(
1910 | imageUrl: string,
1911 | bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression,
1912 | options?: ImageOverlayOptions,
1913 | ): ImageOverlay;
1914 |
1915 | export type SVGOverlayStyleOptions = ImageOverlayStyleOptions;
1916 |
1917 | export class SVGOverlay extends Layer {
1918 |
1919 |
1920 | constructor(svgImage: string | SVGElement, bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: ImageOverlayOptions);
1921 | bringToFront(): this;
1922 | bringToBack(): this;
1923 | setUrl(url: string): this;
1924 |
1925 | /** Update the bounds that this SVGOverlay covers */
1926 | setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): this;
1927 |
1928 | /** Changes the zIndex of the image overlay */
1929 | setZIndex(value: number): this;
1930 |
1931 | /** Changes the opacity of the image element */
1932 | setOpacity(opacity: number): this;
1933 |
1934 | /** Changes the style of the image element. As of 1.8, only the opacity is changed */
1935 | setStyle(styleOpts: SVGOverlayStyleOptions): this;
1936 |
1937 | /** Get the bounds that this SVGOverlay covers */
1938 | getBounds(): LatLngBounds;
1939 |
1940 | /** Get the center of the bounds this ImageOverlay covers */
1941 | getCenter(): Point;
1942 |
1943 | /** Get the img element that represents the SVGOverlay on the map */
1944 | getElement(): SVGElement | undefined;
1945 |
1946 | options: ImageOverlayOptions;
1947 | }
1948 |
1949 | export function svgOverlay(
1950 | svgImage: string | SVGElement,
1951 | bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression,
1952 | options?: ImageOverlayOptions,
1953 | ): SVGOverlay;
1954 |
1955 | export interface VideoOverlayOptions extends ImageOverlayOptions {
1956 |
1957 | autoplay?: boolean | undefined;
1958 |
1959 | loop?: boolean | undefined;
1960 | |
1961 |
1962 |
1963 |
1964 | keepAspectRatio?: boolean | undefined;
1965 |
1966 | muted?: boolean | undefined;
1967 | playsInline?: boolean | undefined;
1968 | }
1969 |
1970 | export class VideoOverlay extends Layer {
1971 |
1972 | constructor(
1973 | video: string | string[] | HTMLVideoElement,
1974 | bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression,
1975 | options?: VideoOverlayOptions,
1976 | );
1977 | bringToFront(): this;
1978 | bringToBack(): this;
1979 | setUrl(url: string): this;
1980 |
1981 | /** Update the bounds that this VideoOverlay covers */
1982 | setBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): this;
1983 |
1984 | /** Changes the zIndex of the image overlay */
1985 | setZIndex(value: number): this;
1986 |
1987 | /** Changes the opacity of the image element */
1988 | setOpacity(opacity: number): this;
1989 |
1990 | /** Changes the style of the image element. As of 1.8, only the opacity is changed */
1991 | setStyle(styleOpts: SVGOverlayStyleOptions): this;
1992 |
1993 | /** Get the bounds that this VideoOverlay covers */
1994 | getBounds(): LatLngBounds;
1995 |
1996 | /** Get the center of the bounds this ImageOverlay covers */
1997 | getCenter(): Point;
1998 |
1999 | /** Get the video element that represents the VideoOverlay on the map */
2000 | getElement(): HTMLVideoElement | undefined;
2001 |
2002 | options: VideoOverlayOptions;
2003 | }
2004 |
2005 | export function videoOverlay(
2006 | video: string | string[] | HTMLVideoElement,
2007 | bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression,
2008 | options?: VideoOverlayOptions,
2009 | ): VideoOverlay;
2010 |
2011 | export type LineCapShape = "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit";
2012 |
2013 | export type LineJoinShape = "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit";
2014 |
2015 | export type FillRule = "nonzero" | "evenodd" | "inherit";
2016 |
2017 | export interface PathOptions extends InteractiveLayerOptions {
2018 | stroke?: boolean | undefined;
2019 | color?: string | undefined;
2020 | weight?: number | undefined;
2021 | opacity?: number | undefined;
2022 | lineCap?: LineCapShape | undefined;
2023 | lineJoin?: LineJoinShape | undefined;
2024 | dashArray?: string | number[] | undefined;
2025 | dashOffset?: string | undefined;
2026 | fill?: boolean | undefined;
2027 | fillColor?: string | undefined;
2028 | fillOpacity?: number | undefined;
2029 | fillRule?: FillRule | undefined;
2030 | renderer?: Renderer | undefined;
2031 | className?: string | undefined;
2032 | }
2033 |
2034 | export abstract class Path extends Layer {
2035 | redraw(): this;
2036 | setStyle(style: PathOptions): this;
2037 | bringToFront(): this;
2038 | bringToBack(): this;
2039 | getElement(): Element | undefined;
2040 |
2041 | options: PathOptions;
2042 | }
2043 |
2044 | export interface PolylineOptions extends PathOptions {
2045 | smoothFactor?: number | undefined;
2046 | noClip?: boolean | undefined;
2047 | }
2048 |
2049 | export class Polyline<T extends geojson.GeometryObject = geojson.LineString | geojson.MultiLineString, P = any>
2050 | extends Path
2051 | {
2052 | constructor(latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][], options?: PolylineOptions);
2053 | toGeoJSON(precision?: number | false): geojson.Feature<T, P>;
2054 | getLatLngs(): LatLng[] | LatLng[][] | LatLng[][][];
2055 | setLatLngs(latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][] | LatLngExpression[][][]): this;
2056 | isEmpty(): boolean;
2057 | getCenter(): LatLng;
2058 | getBounds(): LatLngBounds;
2059 | addLatLng(latlng: LatLngExpression | LatLngExpression[], latlngs?: LatLng[]): this;
2060 | closestLayerPoint(p: Point): Point;
2061 |
2062 | feature?: geojson.Feature<T, P> | undefined;
2063 | options: PolylineOptions;
2064 | }
2065 |
2066 | export function polyline<T extends geojson.GeometryObject = geojson.LineString | geojson.MultiLineString, P = any>(
2067 | latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][],
2068 | options?: PolylineOptions,
2069 | ): Polyline<T, P>;
2070 |
2071 | export class Polygon<P = any> extends Polyline<geojson.Polygon | geojson.MultiPolygon, P> {
2072 | constructor(latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][] | LatLngExpression[][][], options?: PolylineOptions);
2073 | }
2074 |
2075 | export function polygon<P = any>(
2076 | latlngs: LatLngExpression[] | LatLngExpression[][] | LatLngExpression[][][],
2077 | options?: PolylineOptions,
2078 | ): Polygon<P>;
2079 |
2080 | export class Rectangle<P = any> extends Polygon<P> {
2081 | constructor(latLngBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: PolylineOptions);
2082 | setBounds(latLngBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression): this;
2083 | }
2084 |
2085 | export function rectangle<P = any>(latLngBounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: PolylineOptions): Rectangle<P>;
2086 |
2087 | export interface CircleMarkerOptions extends PathOptions {
2088 | radius: number;
2089 | }
2090 |
2091 | export class CircleMarker<P = any> extends Path {
2092 | constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, options: CircleMarkerOptions);
2093 | toGeoJSON(precision?: number | false): geojson.Feature<geojson.Point, P>;
2094 | setLatLng(latLng: LatLngExpression): this;
2095 | getLatLng(): LatLng;
2096 | setRadius(radius: number): this;
2097 | getRadius(): number;
2098 | setStyle(options: Partial<CircleMarkerOptions>): this;
2099 |
2100 | options: CircleMarkerOptions;
2101 | feature?: geojson.Feature<geojson.Point, P> | undefined;
2102 | }
2103 |
2104 | export function circleMarker<P = any>(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: CircleMarkerOptions): CircleMarker<P>;
2105 |
2106 | export type CircleOptions = CircleMarkerOptions;
2107 |
2108 | export class Circle<P = any> extends CircleMarker<P> {
2109 | constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, options: CircleOptions);
2110 | constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, radius: number, options?: CircleOptions); // deprecated!
2111 | toGeoJSON(precision?: number | false): any;
2112 | getBounds(): LatLngBounds;
2113 | setRadius(radius: number): this;
2114 | getRadius(): number;
2115 | setStyle(style: PathOptions): this;
2116 | }
2117 |
2118 | export function circle<P = any>(latlng: LatLngExpression, options: CircleMarkerOptions): Circle<P>;
2119 | /**
2120 | * @deprecated Passing the radius outside the options is deperecated. Use {@link circle:1} instead.
2121 | */
2122 | export function circle<P = any>(latlng: LatLngExpression, radius: number, options?: CircleMarkerOptions): Circle<P>;
2123 |
2124 | export interface RendererOptions extends LayerOptions {
2125 | padding?: number | undefined;
2126 | tolerance?: number | undefined;
2127 | }
2128 |
2129 | export class Renderer extends Layer {
2130 | constructor(options?: RendererOptions);
2131 |
2132 | options: RendererOptions;
2133 | }
2134 |
2135 | export class SVG extends Renderer {}
2136 |
2137 | export namespace SVG {
2138 | function create<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(name: K): SVGElementTagNameMap[K];
2139 | function create(name: string): SVGElement;
2140 |
2141 | function pointsToPath(rings: PointExpression[], closed: boolean): string;
2142 | }
2143 |
2144 | export function svg(options?: RendererOptions): SVG;
2145 |
2146 | export class Canvas extends Renderer {}
2147 |
2148 | export function canvas(options?: RendererOptions): Canvas;
2149 |
2150 |
2151 |
2152 |
2153 |
2154 |
2155 | export class LayerGroup<P = any> extends Layer {
2156 | constructor(layers?: Layer[], options?: LayerOptions);
2157 |
2158 | toMultiPoint(precision?: number): geojson.Feature<geojson.MultiPoint, P>;
2159 |
2160 | /**
2161 | * Returns a GeoJSON representation of the layer group (as a GeoJSON GeometryCollection, GeoJSONFeatureCollection or Multipoint).
2162 | */
2163 | toGeoJSON(
2164 | precision?: number | false,
2165 | ):
2166 | | geojson.FeatureCollection<geojson.GeometryObject, P>
2167 | | geojson.Feature<geojson.MultiPoint, P>
2168 | | geojson.GeometryCollection;
2169 |
2170 | /**
2171 | * Adds the given layer to the group.
2172 | */
2173 | addLayer(layer: Layer): this;
2174 |
2175 | /**
2176 | * Removes the layer with the given internal ID or the given layer from the group.
2177 | */
2178 | removeLayer(layer: number | Layer): this;
2179 |
2180 | /**
2181 | * Returns true if the given layer is currently added to the group.
2182 | */
2183 | hasLayer(layer: Layer): boolean;
2184 |
2185 | /**
2186 | * Removes all the layers from the group.
2187 | */
2188 | clearLayers(): this;
2189 |
2190 | /**
2191 | * Calls methodName on every layer contained in this group, passing any additional parameters.
2192 | * Has no effect if the layers contained do not implement methodName.
2193 | */
2194 | invoke(methodName: string, ...params: any[]): this;
2195 |
2196 | /**
2197 | * Iterates over the layers of the group,
2198 | * optionally specifying context of the iterator function.
2199 | */
2200 | eachLayer(fn: (layer: Layer) => void, context?: any): this;
2201 |
2202 | /**
2203 | * Returns the layer with the given internal ID.
2204 | */
2205 | getLayer(id: number): Layer | undefined;
2206 |
2207 | /**
2208 | * Returns an array of all the layers added to the group.
2209 | */
2210 | getLayers(): Layer[];
2211 |
2212 | /**
2213 | * Calls setZIndex on every layer contained in this group, passing the z-index.
2214 | */
2215 | setZIndex(zIndex: number): this;
2216 |
2217 | /**
2218 | * Returns the internal ID for a layer
2219 | */
2220 | getLayerId(layer: Layer): number;
2221 |
2222 | feature?:
2223 | | geojson.FeatureCollection<geojson.GeometryObject, P>
2224 | | geojson.Feature<geojson.MultiPoint, P>
2225 | | geojson.GeometryCollection
2226 | | undefined;
2227 | }
2228 |
2229 | /**
2230 | * Create a layer group, optionally given an initial set of layers and an `options` object.
2231 | */
2232 | export function layerGroup<P = any>(layers?: Layer[], options?: LayerOptions): LayerGroup<P>;
2233 |
2234 | /**
2235 | * Extended LayerGroup that also has mouse events (propagated from
2236 | * members of the group) and a shared bindPopup method.
2237 | */
2238 | export class FeatureGroup<P = any> extends LayerGroup<P> {
2239 | |
2240 |
2241 |
2242 | addLayer(layer: Layer): this;
2243 |
2244 | |
2245 |
2246 |
2247 | removeLayer(layer: number | Layer): this;
2248 |
2249 | |
2250 |
2251 |
2252 | setStyle(style: PathOptions): this;
2253 |
2254 | |
2255 |
2256 |
2257 | bringToFront(): this;
2258 |
2259 | |
2260 |
2261 |
2262 | bringToBack(): this;
2263 |
2264 | |
2265 |
2266 |
2267 |
2268 | getBounds(): LatLngBounds;
2269 | }
2270 |
2271 |
2272 |
2273 |
2274 | export function featureGroup<P = any>(layers?: Layer[], options?: LayerOptions): FeatureGroup<P>;
2275 |
2276 | export type StyleFunction<P = any> = (feature?: geojson.Feature<geojson.GeometryObject, P>) => PathOptions;
2277 |
2278 | export interface GeoJSONOptions<P = any, G extends geojson.GeometryObject = geojson.GeometryObject>
2279 | extends InteractiveLayerOptions
2280 | {
2281 | |
2282 |
2283 |
2284 |
2285 |
2286 |
2287 |
2288 |
2289 |
2290 |
2291 |
2292 |
2293 |
2294 | pointToLayer?(geoJsonPoint: geojson.Feature<geojson.Point, P>, latlng: LatLng): Layer;
2295 |
2296 | |
2297 |
2298 |
2299 |
2300 |
2301 |
2302 |
2303 |
2304 |
2305 |
2306 |
2307 |
2308 | style?: PathOptions | StyleFunction<P> | undefined;
2309 |
2310 | |
2311 |
2312 |
2313 |
2314 |
2315 |
2316 |
2317 |
2318 |
2319 |
2320 | onEachFeature?(feature: geojson.Feature<G, P>, layer: Layer): void;
2321 |
2322 | |
2323 |
2324 |
2325 |
2326 |
2327 |
2328 |
2329 |
2330 |
2331 |
2332 |
2333 | filter?(geoJsonFeature: geojson.Feature<G, P>): boolean;
2334 |
2335 | |
2336 |
2337 |
2338 |
2339 | coordsToLatLng?(coords: [number, number] | [number, number, number]): LatLng;
2340 |
2341 |
2342 | markersInheritOptions?: boolean | undefined;
2343 | }
2344 |
2345 |
2346 |
2347 |
2348 |
2349 | export class GeoJSON<P = any, G extends geojson.GeometryObject = geojson.GeometryObject> extends FeatureGroup<P> {
2350 | |
2351 |
2352 |
2353 | static getFeature<P = any, G extends geojson.GeometryObject = geojson.GeometryObject>(
2354 | layer: Layer,
2355 | newGeometry: geojson.Feature<G, P> | G,
2356 | ): geojson.Feature<G, P>;
2357 |
2358 | |
2359 |
2360 |
2361 |
2362 | static geometryToLayer<P = any, G extends geojson.GeometryObject = geojson.GeometryObject>(
2363 | featureData: geojson.Feature<G, P>,
2364 | options?: GeoJSONOptions<P, G>,
2365 | ): Layer;
2366 |
2367 | |
2368 |
2369 |
2370 |
2371 | static coordsToLatLng(coords: [number, number] | [number, number, number]): LatLng;
2372 |
2373 | |
2374 |
2375 |
2376 |
2377 |
2378 |
2379 | static coordsToLatLngs(
2380 | coords: any[],
2381 | levelsDeep?: number,
2382 | coordsToLatLng?: (coords: [number, number] | [number, number, number]) => LatLng,
2383 | ): any[];
2384 |
2385 | |
2386 |
2387 |
2388 | static latLngToCoords(latlng: LatLng): [number, number] | [number, number, number];
2389 |
2390 | |
2391 |
2392 |
2393 |
2394 |
2395 | static latLngsToCoords(latlngs: any[], levelsDeep?: number, closed?: boolean): any[];
2396 |
2397 | |
2398 |
2399 |
2400 | static asFeature<P = any, G extends geojson.GeometryObject = geojson.GeometryObject>(
2401 | geojson: geojson.Feature<G, P> | G,
2402 | ): geojson.Feature<G, P>;
2403 |
2404 | constructor(geojson?: geojson.GeoJsonObject | null, options?: GeoJSONOptions<P, G> | null);
2405 | /**
2406 | * Adds a GeoJSON object to the layer.
2407 | */
2408 | addData(data: geojson.GeoJsonObject): this;
2409 |
2410 | /**
2411 | * Resets the given vector layer's style to the original GeoJSON style,
2412 | * useful for resetting style after hover events.
2413 | */
2414 | resetStyle(layer?: Layer): this;
2415 |
2416 | /**
2417 | * Same as FeatureGroup's setStyle method, but style-functions are also
2418 | * allowed here to set the style according to the feature.
2419 | */
2420 | setStyle(style: PathOptions | StyleFunction<P>): this;
2421 |
2422 | options: GeoJSONOptions<P, G>;
2423 | }
2424 |
2425 | /**
2426 | * Creates a GeoJSON layer.
2427 | *
2428 | * Optionally accepts an object in GeoJSON format to display on the
2429 | * map (you can alternatively add it later with addData method) and
2430 | * an options object.
2431 | */
2432 | export function geoJSON<P = any, G extends geojson.GeometryObject = geojson.GeometryObject>(
2433 | geojson?: geojson.GeoJsonObject | geojson.GeoJsonObject[] | null,
2434 | options?: GeoJSONOptions<P, G> | null,
2435 | ): GeoJSON<P, G>;
2436 | export function geoJson<P = any, G extends geojson.GeometryObject = geojson.GeometryObject>(
2437 | geojson?: geojson.GeoJsonObject | geojson.GeoJsonObject[] | null,
2438 | options?: GeoJSONOptions<P, G> | null,
2439 | ): GeoJSON<P, G>;
2440 |
2441 | export type Zoom = boolean | "center";
2442 |
2443 | export interface MapOptions {
2444 | preferCanvas?: boolean | undefined;
2445 |
2446 |
2447 | attributionControl?: boolean | undefined;
2448 | zoomControl?: boolean | undefined;
2449 |
2450 |
2451 | closePopupOnClick?: boolean | undefined;
2452 | zoomSnap?: number | undefined;
2453 | zoomDelta?: number | undefined;
2454 | trackResize?: boolean | undefined;
2455 | boxZoom?: boolean | undefined;
2456 | doubleClickZoom?: Zoom | undefined;
2457 | dragging?: boolean | undefined;
2458 |
2459 |
2460 | crs?: CRS | undefined;
2461 | center?: LatLngExpression | undefined;
2462 | zoom?: number | undefined;
2463 | minZoom?: number | undefined;
2464 | maxZoom?: number | undefined;
2465 | layers?: Layer[] | undefined;
2466 | maxBounds?: LatLngBoundsExpression | undefined;
2467 | renderer?: Renderer | undefined;
2468 |
2469 |
2470 | fadeAnimation?: boolean | undefined;
2471 | markerZoomAnimation?: boolean | undefined;
2472 | transform3DLimit?: number | undefined;
2473 | zoomAnimation?: boolean | undefined;
2474 | zoomAnimationThreshold?: number | undefined;
2475 |
2476 |
2477 | inertia?: boolean | undefined;
2478 | inertiaDeceleration?: number | undefined;
2479 | inertiaMaxSpeed?: number | undefined;
2480 | easeLinearity?: number | undefined;
2481 | worldCopyJump?: boolean | undefined;
2482 | maxBoundsViscosity?: number | undefined;
2483 |
2484 |
2485 | keyboard?: boolean | undefined;
2486 | keyboardPanDelta?: number | undefined;
2487 |
2488 |
2489 | scrollWheelZoom?: Zoom | undefined;
2490 | wheelDebounceTime?: number | undefined;
2491 | wheelPxPerZoomLevel?: number | undefined;
2492 |
2493 |
2494 | tapHold?: boolean | undefined;
2495 | tapTolerance?: number | undefined;
2496 | touchZoom?: Zoom | undefined;
2497 | bounceAtZoomLimits?: boolean | undefined;
2498 | }
2499 |
2500 | export type ControlPosition = "topleft" | "topright" | "bottomleft" | "bottomright";
2501 |
2502 | export interface ControlOptions {
2503 | position?: ControlPosition | undefined;
2504 | }
2505 |
2506 | export class Control<Options extends ControlOptions = ControlOptions> extends Class {
2507 | static extend<T extends object, Options extends ControlOptions = ControlOptions>(
2508 | props: T,
2509 | ): { new(...args: any[]): T } & typeof Control<Options>;
2510 | constructor(options?: Options);
2511 | getPosition(): ControlPosition;
2512 | setPosition(position: ControlPosition): this;
2513 | getContainer(): HTMLElement | undefined;
2514 | addTo(map: Map): this;
2515 | remove(): this;
2516 |
2517 | // Extension methods
2518 | onAdd?(map: Map): HTMLElement;
2519 | onRemove?(map: Map): void;
2520 |
2521 | options: Options;
2522 | }
2523 |
2524 | export namespace Control {
2525 | interface ZoomOptions extends ControlOptions {
2526 | zoomInText?: string | undefined;
2527 | zoomInTitle?: string | undefined;
2528 | zoomOutText?: string | undefined;
2529 | zoomOutTitle?: string | undefined;
2530 | }
2531 |
2532 | class Zoom extends Control {
2533 | constructor(options?: ZoomOptions);
2534 | options: ZoomOptions;
2535 | }
2536 |
2537 | interface AttributionOptions extends ControlOptions {
2538 | prefix?: string | boolean | undefined;
2539 | }
2540 |
2541 | class Attribution extends Control {
2542 | constructor(options?: AttributionOptions);
2543 | setPrefix(prefix: string | false): this;
2544 | addAttribution(text: string): this;
2545 | removeAttribution(text: string): this;
2546 | options: AttributionOptions;
2547 | }
2548 |
2549 | interface LayersOptions extends ControlOptions {
2550 | collapsed?: boolean | undefined;
2551 | autoZIndex?: boolean | undefined;
2552 | hideSingleBase?: boolean | undefined;
2553 | |
2554 |
2555 |
2556 | sortLayers?: boolean | undefined;
2557 | |
2558 |
2559 |
2560 |
2561 |
2562 |
2563 | sortFunction?: ((layerA: Layer, layerB: Layer, nameA: string, nameB: string) => number) | undefined;
2564 | }
2565 |
2566 | interface LayersObject {
2567 | [name: string]: Layer;
2568 | }
2569 |
2570 | class Layers extends Control {
2571 | constructor(baseLayers?: LayersObject, overlays?: LayersObject, options?: LayersOptions);
2572 | addBaseLayer(layer: Layer, name: string): this;
2573 | addOverlay(layer: Layer, name: string): this;
2574 | removeLayer(layer: Layer): this;
2575 | expand(): this;
2576 | collapse(): this;
2577 | options: LayersOptions;
2578 | }
2579 |
2580 | interface ScaleOptions extends ControlOptions {
2581 | maxWidth?: number | undefined;
2582 | metric?: boolean | undefined;
2583 | imperial?: boolean | undefined;
2584 | updateWhenIdle?: boolean | undefined;
2585 | }
2586 |
2587 | class Scale extends Control {
2588 | constructor(options?: ScaleOptions);
2589 | options: ScaleOptions;
2590 | }
2591 | }
2592 |
2593 | export namespace control {
2594 | function zoom(options?: Control.ZoomOptions): Control.Zoom;
2595 |
2596 | function attribution(options?: Control.AttributionOptions): Control.Attribution;
2597 |
2598 | function layers(
2599 | baseLayers?: Control.LayersObject,
2600 | overlays?: Control.LayersObject,
2601 | options?: Control.LayersOptions,
2602 | ): Control.Layers;
2603 |
2604 | function scale(options?: Control.ScaleOptions): Control.Scale;
2605 | }
2606 |
2607 | export interface DivOverlayOptions {
2608 | offset?: PointExpression | undefined;
2609 | className?: string | undefined;
2610 | pane?: string | undefined;
2611 | interactive?: boolean | undefined;
2612 | content?: string | HTMLElement | ((layer: Layer) => string) | ((layer: Layer) => HTMLElement);
2613 | }
2614 |
2615 | export abstract class DivOverlay extends Layer {
2616 | constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: TooltipOptions);
2617 | constructor(options?: DivOverlayOptions, source?: Layer);
2618 | getLatLng(): LatLng | undefined;
2619 | setLatLng(latlng: LatLngExpression): this;
2620 | getContent(): Content | ((source: Layer) => Content) | undefined;
2621 | setContent(htmlContent: ((source: Layer) => Content) | Content): this;
2622 | getElement(): HTMLElement | undefined;
2623 | update(): void;
2624 | isOpen(): boolean;
2625 | bringToFront(): this;
2626 | bringToBack(): this;
2627 | openOn(map: Map): this;
2628 | toggle(layer?: Layer): this;
2629 | close(): this;
2630 |
2631 | options: DivOverlayOptions;
2632 | }
2633 |
2634 | export interface PopupOptions extends DivOverlayOptions {
2635 | maxWidth?: number | undefined;
2636 | minWidth?: number | undefined;
2637 | maxHeight?: number | undefined;
2638 | keepInView?: boolean | undefined;
2639 | closeButton?: boolean | undefined;
2640 | autoPan?: boolean | undefined;
2641 | autoPanPaddingTopLeft?: PointExpression | undefined;
2642 | autoPanPaddingBottomRight?: PointExpression | undefined;
2643 | autoPanPadding?: PointExpression | undefined;
2644 | autoClose?: boolean | undefined;
2645 | closeOnClick?: boolean | undefined;
2646 | closeOnEscapeKey?: boolean | undefined;
2647 | }
2648 |
2649 | export type Content = string | HTMLElement;
2650 |
2651 | export class Popup extends DivOverlay {
2652 | constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: TooltipOptions);
2653 | constructor(options?: PopupOptions, source?: Layer);
2654 | openOn(map: Map): this;
2655 |
2656 | options: PopupOptions;
2657 | }
2658 |
2659 | export function popup(options?: PopupOptions, source?: Layer): Popup;
2660 |
2661 | export type Direction = "right" | "left" | "top" | "bottom" | "center" | "auto";
2662 |
2663 | export interface TooltipOptions extends DivOverlayOptions {
2664 | pane?: string | undefined;
2665 | offset?: PointExpression | undefined;
2666 | direction?: Direction | undefined;
2667 | permanent?: boolean | undefined;
2668 | sticky?: boolean | undefined;
2669 | opacity?: number | undefined;
2670 | }
2671 |
2672 | export class Tooltip extends DivOverlay {
2673 | constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: TooltipOptions);
2674 | constructor(options?: TooltipOptions, source?: Layer);
2675 | setOpacity(val: number): void;
2676 |
2677 | options: TooltipOptions;
2678 | }
2679 |
2680 | export function tooltip(options?: TooltipOptions, source?: Layer): Tooltip;
2681 |
2682 | export interface ZoomOptions {
2683 | animate?: boolean | undefined;
2684 | }
2685 |
2686 | export interface PanOptions {
2687 | animate?: boolean | undefined;
2688 | duration?: number | undefined;
2689 | easeLinearity?: number | undefined;
2690 | noMoveStart?: boolean | undefined;
2691 | }
2692 |
2693 | // This is not empty, it extends two interfaces into one...
2694 | export interface ZoomPanOptions extends ZoomOptions, PanOptions {}
2695 |
2696 | export interface InvalidateSizeOptions extends ZoomPanOptions {
2697 | debounceMoveend?: boolean | undefined;
2698 | pan?: boolean | undefined;
2699 | }
2700 |
2701 | export interface FitBoundsOptions extends ZoomOptions, PanOptions {
2702 | paddingTopLeft?: PointExpression | undefined;
2703 | paddingBottomRight?: PointExpression | undefined;
2704 | padding?: PointExpression | undefined;
2705 | maxZoom?: number | undefined;
2706 | }
2707 |
2708 | export interface PanInsideOptions extends PanOptions {
2709 | paddingTopLeft?: PointExpression | undefined;
2710 | paddingBottomRight?: PointExpression | undefined;
2711 | padding?: PointExpression | undefined;
2712 | }
2713 |
2714 | export interface LocateOptions {
2715 | watch?: boolean | undefined;
2716 | setView?: boolean | undefined;
2717 | maxZoom?: number | undefined;
2718 | timeout?: number | undefined;
2719 | maximumAge?: number | undefined;
2720 | enableHighAccuracy?: boolean | undefined;
2721 | }
2722 |
2723 | export class Handler extends Class {
2724 | constructor(map: Map);
2725 | enable(): this;
2726 | disable(): this;
2727 | enabled(): boolean;
2728 |
2729 | // Extension methods
2730 | addHooks?(): void;
2731 | removeHooks?(): void;
2732 | }
2733 |
2734 | export interface LeafletEvent {
2735 | type: string;
2736 | popup: any;
2737 | target: any;
2738 | sourceTarget: any;
2739 | propagatedFrom: any;
2740 | /**
2741 | * @deprecated The same as {@link LeafletEvent.propagatedFrom propagatedFrom}.
2742 | */
2743 | layer: any;
2744 | }
2745 |
2746 | export interface LeafletMouseEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2747 | latlng: LatLng;
2748 | layerPoint: Point;
2749 | containerPoint: Point;
2750 | originalEvent: MouseEvent;
2751 | }
2752 |
2753 | export interface LeafletKeyboardEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2754 | originalEvent: KeyboardEvent;
2755 | }
2756 |
2757 | export interface LocationEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2758 | latlng: LatLng;
2759 | bounds: LatLngBounds;
2760 | accuracy: number;
2761 | altitude: number;
2762 | altitudeAccuracy: number;
2763 | heading: number;
2764 | speed: number;
2765 | timestamp: number;
2766 | }
2767 |
2768 | export interface ErrorEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2769 | message: string;
2770 | code: number;
2771 | }
2772 |
2773 | export interface LayerEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2774 | layer: Layer;
2775 | }
2776 |
2777 | export interface LayersControlEvent extends LayerEvent {
2778 | name: string;
2779 | }
2780 |
2781 | export interface TileEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2782 | tile: HTMLImageElement;
2783 | coords: Coords;
2784 | }
2785 |
2786 | export interface TileErrorEvent extends TileEvent {
2787 | error: Error;
2788 | }
2789 |
2790 | export interface ResizeEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2791 | oldSize: Point;
2792 | newSize: Point;
2793 | }
2794 |
2795 | export interface GeoJSONEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2796 | layer: Layer;
2797 | properties: any;
2798 | geometryType: string;
2799 | id: string;
2800 | }
2801 |
2802 | export interface PopupEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2803 | popup: Popup;
2804 | }
2805 |
2806 | export interface TooltipEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2807 | tooltip: Tooltip;
2808 | }
2809 |
2810 | export interface DragEndEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2811 | distance: number;
2812 | }
2813 |
2814 | export interface ZoomAnimEvent extends LeafletEvent {
2815 | center: LatLng;
2816 | zoom: number;
2817 | noUpdate: boolean;
2818 | }
2819 |
2820 | export namespace DomEvent {
2821 | type EventHandlerFn = (event: Event) => void;
2822 |
2823 | type PropagableEvent = LeafletMouseEvent | LeafletKeyboardEvent | LeafletEvent | Event;
2824 |
2825 | function on(el: HTMLElement, types: string, fn: EventHandlerFn, context?: any): typeof DomEvent;
2826 |
2827 | function on(el: HTMLElement, eventMap: { [eventName: string]: EventHandlerFn }, context?: any): typeof DomEvent;
2828 |
2829 |
2830 | function off(el: HTMLElement): typeof DomEvent;
2831 |
2832 | function off(el: HTMLElement, types: string, fn: EventHandlerFn, context?: any): typeof DomEvent;
2833 |
2834 | function off(el: HTMLElement, eventMap: { [eventName: string]: EventHandlerFn }, context?: any): typeof DomEvent;
2835 |
2836 |
2837 | function stopPropagation(ev: PropagableEvent): typeof DomEvent;
2838 |
2839 | function disableScrollPropagation(el: HTMLElement): typeof DomEvent;
2840 |
2841 | function disableClickPropagation(el: HTMLElement): typeof DomEvent;
2842 |
2843 | function preventDefault(ev: Event): typeof DomEvent;
2844 |
2845 | function stop(ev: PropagableEvent): typeof DomEvent;
2846 |
2847 | function getMousePosition(ev: MouseEvent, container?: HTMLElement): Point;
2848 |
2849 | function getWheelDelta(ev: Event): number;
2850 |
2851 | function addListener(el: HTMLElement, types: string, fn: EventHandlerFn, context?: any): typeof DomEvent;
2852 |
2853 | function addListener(
2854 | el: HTMLElement,
2855 | eventMap: { [eventName: string]: EventHandlerFn },
2856 | context?: any,
2857 | ): typeof DomEvent;
2858 |
2859 | function removeListener(el: HTMLElement, types: string, fn: EventHandlerFn, context?: any): typeof DomEvent;
2860 |
2861 | function removeListener(
2862 | el: HTMLElement,
2863 | eventMap: { [eventName: string]: EventHandlerFn },
2864 | context?: any,
2865 | ): typeof DomEvent;
2866 |
2867 | function getPropagationPath(ev: Event): HTMLElement[];
2868 | }
2869 |
2870 | export interface DefaultMapPanes {
2871 | mapPane: HTMLElement;
2872 | tilePane: HTMLElement;
2873 | overlayPane: HTMLElement;
2874 | shadowPane: HTMLElement;
2875 | markerPane: HTMLElement;
2876 | tooltipPane: HTMLElement;
2877 | popupPane: HTMLElement;
2878 | }
2879 |
2880 | export class Map extends Evented {
2881 | constructor(element: string | HTMLElement, options?: MapOptions);
2882 | getRenderer(layer: Path): Renderer;
2883 |
2884 | // Methods for layers and controls
2885 | addControl(control: Control): this;
2886 | removeControl(control: Control): this;
2887 | addLayer(layer: Layer): this;
2888 | removeLayer(layer: Layer): this;
2889 | hasLayer(layer: Layer): boolean;
2890 | eachLayer(fn: (layer: Layer) => void, context?: any): this;
2891 | openPopup(popup: Popup): this;
2892 | openPopup(content: Content, latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: PopupOptions): this;
2893 | closePopup(popup?: Popup): this;
2894 | openTooltip(tooltip: Tooltip): this;
2895 | openTooltip(content: Content, latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: TooltipOptions): this;
2896 | closeTooltip(tooltip?: Tooltip): this;
2897 |
2898 | // Methods for modifying map state
2899 | setView(center: LatLngExpression, zoom?: number, options?: ZoomPanOptions): this;
2900 | setZoom(zoom: number, options?: ZoomPanOptions): this;
2901 | zoomIn(delta?: number, options?: ZoomOptions): this;
2902 | zoomOut(delta?: number, options?: ZoomOptions): this;
2903 | setZoomAround(position: Point | LatLngExpression, zoom: number, options?: ZoomOptions): this;
2904 | fitBounds(bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: FitBoundsOptions): this;
2905 | fitWorld(options?: FitBoundsOptions): this;
2906 | panTo(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: PanOptions): this;
2907 | panBy(offset: PointExpression, options?: PanOptions): this;
2908 | setMaxBounds(bounds?: LatLngBoundsExpression): this;
2909 | setMinZoom(zoom: number): this;
2910 | setMaxZoom(zoom: number): this;
2911 | panInside(latLng: LatLngExpression, options?: PanInsideOptions): this;
2912 | panInsideBounds(bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: PanOptions): this;
2913 | /**
2914 | * Boolean for animate or advanced ZoomPanOptions
2915 | */
2916 | invalidateSize(options?: boolean | InvalidateSizeOptions): this;
2917 | stop(): this;
2918 | flyTo(latlng: LatLngExpression, zoom?: number, options?: ZoomPanOptions): this;
2919 | flyToBounds(bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, options?: FitBoundsOptions): this;
2920 |
2921 | // Other methods
2922 | addHandler(name: string, HandlerClass: typeof Handler): this; // Alternatively, HandlerClass: new(map: Map) => Handler
2923 | remove(): this;
2924 | createPane(name: string, container?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement;
2925 | /**
2926 | * Name of the pane or the pane as HTML-Element
2927 | */
2928 | getPane(pane: string | HTMLElement): HTMLElement | undefined;
2929 | getPanes(): { [name: string]: HTMLElement } & DefaultMapPanes;
2930 | getContainer(): HTMLElement;
2931 | whenReady(fn: () => void, context?: any): this;
2932 |
2933 |
2934 | getCenter(): LatLng;
2935 | getZoom(): number;
2936 | getBounds(): LatLngBounds;
2937 | getMinZoom(): number;
2938 | getMaxZoom(): number;
2939 | getBoundsZoom(bounds: LatLngBoundsExpression, inside?: boolean, padding?: Point): number;
2940 | getSize(): Point;
2941 | getPixelBounds(): Bounds;
2942 | getPixelOrigin(): Point;
2943 | getPixelWorldBounds(zoom?: number): Bounds;
2944 |
2945 |
2946 | getZoomScale(toZoom: number, fromZoom?: number): number;
2947 | getScaleZoom(scale: number, fromZoom?: number): number;
2948 | project(latlng: LatLngExpression, zoom?: number): Point;
2949 | unproject(point: PointExpression, zoom?: number): LatLng;
2950 | layerPointToLatLng(point: PointExpression): LatLng;
2951 | latLngToLayerPoint(latlng: LatLngExpression): Point;
2952 | wrapLatLng(latlng: LatLngExpression): LatLng;
2953 | wrapLatLngBounds(bounds: LatLngBounds): LatLngBounds;
2954 | distance(latlng1: LatLngExpression, latlng2: LatLngExpression): number;
2955 | containerPointToLayerPoint(point: PointExpression): Point;
2956 | containerPointToLatLng(point: PointExpression): LatLng;
2957 | layerPointToContainerPoint(point: PointExpression): Point;
2958 | latLngToContainerPoint(latlng: LatLngExpression): Point;
2959 | mouseEventToContainerPoint(ev: MouseEvent): Point;
2960 | mouseEventToLayerPoint(ev: MouseEvent): Point;
2961 | mouseEventToLatLng(ev: MouseEvent): LatLng;
2962 |
2963 |
2964 | locate(options?: LocateOptions): this;
2965 | stopLocate(): this;
2966 |
2967 |
2968 | attributionControl: L.Control.Attribution;
2969 | boxZoom: Handler;
2970 | doubleClickZoom: Handler;
2971 | dragging: Handler;
2972 | keyboard: Handler;
2973 | scrollWheelZoom: Handler;
2974 | tapHold?: Handler | undefined;
2975 | touchZoom: Handler;
2976 | zoomControl: Control.Zoom;
2977 |
2978 | options: MapOptions;
2979 | }
2980 |
2981 |
2982 |
2983 |
2984 | export function map(element: string | HTMLElement, options?: MapOptions): Map;
2985 |
2986 | export interface BaseIconOptions extends LayerOptions {
2987 | iconUrl?: string | undefined;
2988 | iconRetinaUrl?: string | undefined;
2989 | iconSize?: PointExpression | undefined;
2990 | iconAnchor?: PointExpression | undefined;
2991 | popupAnchor?: PointExpression | undefined;
2992 | tooltipAnchor?: PointExpression | undefined;
2993 | shadowUrl?: string | undefined;
2994 | shadowRetinaUrl?: string | undefined;
2995 | shadowSize?: PointExpression | undefined;
2996 | shadowAnchor?: PointExpression | undefined;
2997 | className?: string | undefined;
2998 | }
2999 |
3000 | export interface IconOptions extends BaseIconOptions {
3001 | iconUrl: string;
3002 | crossOrigin?: CrossOrigin | boolean | undefined;
3003 | }
3004 |
3005 | export class Icon<T extends BaseIconOptions = IconOptions> extends Layer {
3006 | constructor(options: T);
3007 | createIcon(oldIcon?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement;
3008 | createShadow(oldIcon?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement;
3009 |
3010 | options: T;
3011 | }
3012 |
3013 | export namespace Icon {
3014 | interface DefaultIconOptions extends BaseIconOptions {
3015 | imagePath?: string | undefined;
3016 | }
3017 |
3018 | class Default extends Icon<DefaultIconOptions> {
3019 | static imagePath?: string | undefined;
3020 | constructor(options?: DefaultIconOptions);
3021 | }
3022 | }
3023 |
3024 | export function icon(options: IconOptions): Icon;
3025 |
3026 | export interface DivIconOptions extends BaseIconOptions {
3027 | html?: string | HTMLElement | false | undefined;
3028 | bgPos?: PointExpression | undefined;
3029 | iconSize?: PointExpression | undefined;
3030 | iconAnchor?: PointExpression | undefined;
3031 | popupAnchor?: PointExpression | undefined;
3032 | className?: string | undefined;
3033 | }
3034 |
3035 | export class DivIcon extends Icon<DivIconOptions> {
3036 | constructor(options?: DivIconOptions);
3037 | }
3038 |
3039 | export function divIcon(options?: DivIconOptions): DivIcon;
3040 |
3041 | export interface MarkerOptions extends InteractiveLayerOptions {
3042 | icon?: Icon | DivIcon | undefined;
3043 |
3044 | draggable?: boolean | undefined;
3045 |
3046 | keyboard?: boolean | undefined;
3047 |
3048 | title?: string | undefined;
3049 |
3050 | alt?: string | undefined;
3051 |
3052 | zIndexOffset?: number | undefined;
3053 |
3054 | opacity?: number | undefined;
3055 |
3056 | riseOnHover?: boolean | undefined;
3057 |
3058 | riseOffset?: number | undefined;
3059 |
3060 | shadowPane?: string | undefined;
3061 |
3062 | autoPan?: boolean | undefined;
3063 |
3064 | autoPanPadding?: PointExpression | undefined;
3065 |
3066 | autoPanSpeed?: number | undefined;
3067 | autoPanOnFocus?: boolean | undefined;
3068 | }
3069 |
3070 | export class Marker<P = any> extends Layer {
3071 | constructor(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: MarkerOptions);
3072 | toGeoJSON(precision?: number | false): geojson.Feature<geojson.Point, P>;
3073 | getLatLng(): LatLng;
3074 | setLatLng(latlng: LatLngExpression): this;
3075 | setZIndexOffset(offset: number): this;
3076 | getIcon(): Icon | DivIcon;
3077 | setIcon(icon: Icon | DivIcon): this;
3078 | setOpacity(opacity: number): this;
3079 | getElement(): HTMLElement | undefined;
3080 |
3081 | // Properties
3082 | options: MarkerOptions;
3083 | dragging?: Handler | undefined;
3084 | feature?: geojson.Feature<geojson.Point, P> | undefined;
3085 |
3086 | protected _shadow: HTMLElement | undefined;
3087 | }
3088 |
3089 | export function marker<P = any>(latlng: LatLngExpression, options?: MarkerOptions): Marker<P>;
3090 |
3091 | export namespace Browser {
3092 |
3093 | const ie: boolean;
3094 | const ielt9: boolean;
3095 | const edge: boolean;
3096 | const webkit: boolean;
3097 | const android: boolean;
3098 | const android23: boolean;
3099 | const androidStock: boolean;
3100 | const opera: boolean;
3101 | const chrome: boolean;
3102 | const gecko: boolean;
3103 | const safari: boolean;
3104 | const opera12: boolean;
3105 | const win: boolean;
3106 | const ie3d: boolean;
3107 | const webkit3d: boolean;
3108 | const gecko3d: boolean;
3109 | const any3d: boolean;
3110 | const mobile: boolean;
3111 | const mobileWebkit: boolean;
3112 | const mobileWebkit3d: boolean;
3113 | const msPointer: boolean;
3114 | const pointer: boolean;
3115 | const touch: boolean;
3116 | const mobileOpera: boolean;
3117 | const mobileGecko: boolean;
3118 | const retina: boolean;
3119 | const canvas: boolean;
3120 | const svg: boolean;
3121 | const vml: boolean;
3122 | }
3123 |
3124 | export namespace Util {
3125 | function extend<D extends object, S1 extends object = {}>(dest: D, src?: S1): D & S1;
3126 | function extend<D extends object, S1 extends object, S2 extends object>(dest: D, src1: S1, src2: S2): D & S1 & S2;
3127 | function extend<D extends object, S1 extends object, S2 extends object, S3 extends object>(
3128 | dest: D,
3129 | src1: S1,
3130 | src2: S2,
3131 | src3: S3,
3132 | ): D & S1 & S2 & S3;
3133 | function extend(dest: any, ...src: any[]): any;
3134 |
3135 | function create(proto: object | null, properties?: PropertyDescriptorMap): any;
3136 | function bind(fn: (...args: any[]) => void, ...obj: any[]): () => void;
3137 | function stamp(obj: any): number;
3138 | function throttle(fn: () => void, time: number, context: any): () => void;
3139 | function wrapNum(num: number, range: number[], includeMax?: boolean): number;
3140 | function falseFn(): false;
3141 | function formatNum(num: number, digits?: number | false): number;
3142 | function trim(str: string): string;
3143 | function splitWords(str: string): string[];
3144 | function setOptions(obj: any, options: any): any;
3145 | function getParamString(obj: any, existingUrl?: string, uppercase?: boolean): string;
3146 | function template(str: string, data: any): string;
3147 | function isArray(obj: any): boolean;
3148 | function indexOf(array: any[], el: any): number;
3149 | function requestAnimFrame(fn: (timestamp: number) => void, context?: any, immediate?: boolean): number;
3150 | function cancelAnimFrame(id: number): void;
3151 |
3152 | let lastId: number;
3153 | let emptyImageUrl: string;
3154 | }
3155 |
3156 | export const extend: typeof Util["extend"];
3157 | export const bind: typeof Util["bind"];
3158 | export const stamp: typeof Util["stamp"];
3159 | export const setOptions: typeof Util["setOptions"];
3160 |
3161 | export function noConflict(): any;